ADVOCATE INDUSTRY AND ENTERPRiSE, AND THE OF OF MECHANICAL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. --------"-"_.. JOURNAL - AND - ---- -------- ---- - - -- ----- - ---- ----- ---- ----------------- --- - -- :.:;--=:.=-=-:;�= - .... ----. ---------- -<--.--.--..------ ---'--..;:-�====:::;- YOLUME I.1 THURSDAY, NEW-YORK, JULY 9, 1846. [NUMBER 42. ) �-���-��=��.�� '-1l'jl(;JJ .�<JllrmU�r1J'lliJ'll<Jll £Rll�rn.ll<Jll£�,1 MOJINING, I ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PATEN­ pUBLI.aEO EVEILY THUIISD.lY AT MACHINE FOR THE CLEANSING WHEAT TEES FOR 1845. BUNFu BUILDINGlton st., and .. Na!sau , Fig. (Concluded from ALSO,-Rntrance AT NO. 128COURT ST" 89 AND st.­ I. No. 41.) BOSTON, William Scnior,New York, 13 CAnE, PHILADELPHIA. 1'10.29 AR­ F Pierpont Seymour, Bloomfield, (The being at New East NY. Principal Office York.) Geo Shaw, Thompson. W COllO. Samuel Prairie, Ohio. PORTER,-Editor. Shearer, Bi� I Shecut, H New RUFUS I We H & H D'lY. Y rk. I �'r derkk E S ickels, New York, o thi. paper i_turnished w th two I Thomas Simpson, Norwich, Each number of i from D Conn. to five ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS,many of them elegant, and l,Vm Y S inglet'_lIl, Springfield, Ill. SCIIU'TIFIC PRINer- illustrative of p F �Ianc East Masi. NEW INVENTIONS, and .I Golding, Camhridge, PLES, and contaiD� as much Interest­ BenJ �Illger!and. PatersolJ; NJ. C';RlOSlTU;�; and Slocum, ing telligence as ordinary daily papers, consisting of Joseph Syracu�e, NY. In six Va: noti eli of ha i al he Jabez Smith, Petersburg, the Me n c and ot r Smith, Chelsea, c progress of c Scienti­ John Cutts Ma8s. Improvements,-American and Foreign I ventions Theophilu6 Sinith, Galway, NY, fic n Smith, Cataloguei of Patcnts,-Bcientilic Essays, BellJ 1\1 Mas8ilion, Ohio, American of jJ­ Falls, ustrat ve of the the of Ira SrDith, Chagrin o. i principles Science� MECHA­ SnolV, Sadler, Spencer Ma8F. CHEMISTRV, in Cheney, & TN ' IUCS, alld AacHITEcTURE ;-Instruction Simeon Snydcr, Dayton, Ohio. various r a · ur ous s a A ts and Tr de!!, C i Philo ophi l Expe­ Thomas SpeakmaIJ, and R ch rd A c S i a Stratton ments ;-:\{iseellaneous ntelligence, Poetry and, occa­ Philadelphia. I H O . siona lly, Music, n. Springateed, Wooster, hio .Tohn NY. The be furnieh�d J Springsteen, Oswego, n TER�IS,-" Scientific American"- is a iel S Stafford, Ill. to subs rihers at $2, per annu , one dollar in ad­ D Rochester, c m Henry Stnnley, Po ltney, Tance. N u Vt. copi�1 willbe sent to one address onths, for ehemiah P Stanton, Syracuse, NY. f<)urFive dollars in advance. six m Benj Starbuck, assignee of Anson Atwoud, delJign, Any person pro�uring four or more subscribers, will Troy. entitled to a co mission of twenty-five cents euh. be Thomas W Starr, Philadelphia. m TERM' Of' ADVEllTISING.-For 1 lines, or less, S lv nu Stilwell, Brooklyn. , y a s B cents for firat, cent! for0 every 5ubsequent50 EXPLANA'l'lON, ETc.-This machine, which has been recently invented, and now in successful oper ti n is calculated for cleansing wheat or the is a o Milton W Stilwell, Plainfield, insertion. Ilnd 121·2 oth r grains, from all extraneous a N Y. smut, earth, aud other tter that may adhere the kernels of grain. Fig. a perspective view of the Ston War�arsing, NY, ====-- . ==:.:=.:..::::=;= ..:..:.::--�-=.=---.= ===-=.:.====-======= e m to the D c, exterior the machin fig. is a sectional n 1 is C and "iew, Showing co struction and arrangement the interior. The body the ma- I deSIgn, Poul!n�y, of Rain. of e, 2 side the of of �heenrtery Sto.ne, :Vt. Signs chine consists of a cast iron cylinder, B) thirty i c e long (including the fan and one foot diameter. - shaft passes � ! S one, ,�co. Ravenna, O. l f ll i A n h s box) cast through � � a(�f S CO�yil, The o ow ng is laid to have been composed by : ill A iron lU O the centre of the cyl nder, having bearillgs cy i e e Lds, an' a 011 o:le t hereof, whereby ill motion. From . as excu�e ­ i its in the l nd r h I bdnd j� e k ienner, an for not accepting the invi shaft s r es wheel, C, en:1 it is put I s:����lll�w���s, � � y� this � of or D D, &c., projec different directioll�, <�ntl nenr the Dr. e i arms bWlers, � in "p,l'()'iit(' arms with Morri a f iend an with h m :1 E, . !'nd the band wheel, four fallS, E Benjamit� S\Ve�t, Mt. �Y. r to makc excuriion i also project from centre and w en m motlQn have effect tlJ drlvll off from �r" 111 \\ hatever �mll been detache :' tation or the shaft, h or has d Beriah Swil't, Washington, winds begin to blow, the the t dust NY. The hollow from the grain by the operation t e beaters. This c linder supported nt two Ill' three from ground, by pairs of iron � S u da 1. of h y is fed e!"va the y m, NJ. The clouds look black, the grass is low, le�s, each (',ylinder, tillll cast Christop er and Lalllbert8ville, 2. attached to end of the shown in and one end support s a hopper, which receives the grain and conducts to the Wm 1'81Otor �arlow Sorton, Porter Co., 3. The soot falls dow , the spaniels sleep, as fig. 1; H, it beaters, and the grain progresses gradually to the discharging vent, p Samuel Talbott, RIchmond, Ind. i rs n p F; the hop er end being a little eleva ed the purpose Va. sp de from their cobwebs eep_ of the machine t for of 4. And facilitating the progress the grain, and are �ame r e R Last night the sun went pale to bed, the ma e l!lightly oblique purpo[.c. Both the nduct on and edu c on the ,TaJl ' feS roo N 6. of beaters d for the i i ti of rr � kR d 6. moon hid her head; gra n. a ·e regulated by mal� rep�eseAteJ i� engraving; the I�"t ion the beat rs su h as to cleanse ?T � c t � I E � � � horizontal � S l 1 and I •• TheTh(l bodingin haloR a .. It.. sliding gates" not the and of e is the a kll�f\ �paltment I,S a sect on of (:ylu d.,l', cast �cpar: t{'ly, alld I:; sel�arated from the bea mg a � �:��;�� A �� D��is, ����rfdge:ifaB 7. For, see, a rainbowshepherd spaas heaves the SIgh, I gra,lD WIthout bra rhp,f�":w�eel � ! � t aPlI:rtment by H Taylor, {'Norton, 8. head IS a , . , Rochester, sky. cyltnder or parlltlOn vertical fluE', and IrUIII to , , W and A N Y. The walls are damp, the III which G, eight i.nches tly 10m, exte dlll the discharging ditcheq smell, shaft: so that tans are In mollon od uc a n g veilt, Ill' the Vl(:l[lIty of tJw Oliver, Dorche8tcr, MUH!;, 9. Clos'd is the pink.eyed pimpernell. r e upward Tcrry, Plymouth, when the they p strollg drau;\"ht of air thwllgh the fllle, whieh thoroughly scparates the dlli;t I Eli COllll, to. how the chairs and tables crack, from the and dust thrown ont by t e through a Yen, that pnrposb, 011 or real' i Hark! grain, thc is h cylinder, (not Geor�c �pr ngfi�ld, 11. Betty's o s are 011 the rack; wheel, large for the hdek side of the re,. r Old j in presented,) while the cleansed conducted fo the hox or prepared tv was \V Thayeon P , lade h Mas!!. it. This excellent Mr, ! �1�uIIJPs , hl lp Ja. 12. Loud quac!! tdu s, the pea o 's grain is ve8sel rcccin; ck c k 0 N 0 III ell( S 0 . machine in\'entc�1 y Ow- GouldA W lhorp, York. the c cry; en D orsey, f Miaryand, h'ti t procure a patent t ere or. e a mac me IS a $<)- New 13. The dist nt hills are looking nigh. h C Th c�,t 01 h" 1 oo '"" .=____ ._x _ _ -� )Out �o. 1'roclmlOrtoll, Br klyn, 15.\4. How restlaess are the snorting 22) I H, R swine, Charles Thurber, Norwich Conn. The bU8y flies disturb the k ine ; OLD B ACHELoR8,- We RUBBER BltIDGES,-The n oun have oflen thought a n cement' t f pretty a. Levi Thyng, Lowell, Mass. 16. the swallowwing�; of INDIA ANIMAL FLOWER.-R ad r i is no o l Low o'er the glass w chapt \l b chelor�, s etting f h that Government were o lt th we e e ,are t B 4 1 . riting er pon old a o h ab \ i wi l They animal flowers, Theodore R Timby, a o Corners, 7 The cricket, too, how sharp he sings; a the individuals contract ng ee '· dies that speak! C t NY. their inhumanity, their unnaturalneEs, countl�ss tain supply India Rubber Bridges and pretty tbey are to be sure. They beau· J Towne, Philadelphia. IS. Puss on the hear h w th ve v paws, s f fur of as poseys H et miseries they bring upon themselve poin �ng 'er the excited considerable curiosity to the endure NY. 19. n o'er ther whiskeredi l jaws. and army tilY earth, it pleasant to lite. Edward Townsend, Palmyra, Sits, wi i g t the mode constrncting so singular an article,- and make S out the only true method by which thcy can re· On Ihe Island St.
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