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the sufferer* tbe by atorm In Porto Biro, muscles enveloping tbe vertebral left her at the foot of column APPEAL TO tiOmOKS. pier PaulUo street, most, maintain at 4,10 II. LABORI STILL ALIVE. They however, today, FIRE AT PEAKS ISLAND. Brooklyn o'clock this afternoon. full reserve the I TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. About respecting Integrity of STRUCK drugs fflfiOJ. two-thirds o» the original cargo of the Inng and spinal orod." army eoppllea waa left behind to make The bulletin Is signed by four loom for the of doctors, qunntlilee rloe, beans, Bensnd, Belobla, Brlsaauds and Vldsl Rnrned grain, eto. Cottage To Gronntl This clothing, lumber, required and It Is timed at 8.89 o'clock this morn- for tbe Immediate necessity of the Funds Needed For Porto sufferer*. Latest Bulletin ing. Morning. Up to within a quarter of an hour of Reports Mr. A. R. Stubbs Broke Collision on Yarmouth sailing voluntary donations kept piling Tbe attempt made upon the life of M. Rican Sufferers. In. r Labor! was tha It_1* spotted that Han Juan will be Improvement. evidently result of a plot. His ft Wm In the Vicinity of the Innei reached not later than A letter waa sent to tbe of Leg Electrics. Friday night. oomralssary Holier police this morning, warning him that fllced Department Seemed SARGENT it waa Intended to make an attempt Able To Handle It All Right. ARRESTED. upon the life of General Meroler. Con- sequently the police and detectives sur- Devastation* treater Ilian Eirst Charged With Mnrder of Two Men at rounded the General and left tbe other One Man Arrested For Crime Rat principals In the drama unprotected. At 1 o'clock tbla morning there waa Sltlioa Pond. In (he Kiddle of the Woods Hear Driver Kislonk For That There were eereral reports this afternoon a Are at Peaka lalund. A cottage In tbe Cong of that the assailant of M. Labor 1 had Supposed. Released. been Stroud flolnlty of the Innea honae waa bnrnel — water Bangor, August 14 Shortly before oaptured, but they proved to be unfound- Portland Line. ed. Detaohmenta of to tbe gronnd. Tbe paaaengera on a late midnight Deputy Sheriff Ireland arrived troops and gen d’armes were beating tbq woods and boat from Long lalund aaw the Are when here by team, having In oustody Arthnr the oountry all sooo'lng day long. A they were half way up the harbor, but of Stetson, whom he arrested on great number of saw the murderer Sargent people were unable to locate It he was either exaotly. The charge of aggravated assault, oaualng the Ueelng but too far distant Navy Department Vol- Murder c, For from them oh else he succeeded In oowlng And men on the Are boat were notified of the death of William Colfcath and Harry Calamity Dragged Himself Motorman them by threats to use bis revolver. A Are and oalled np the oblof engineer by Porter Quite Qulmby, at Stetaun Pond, the men be- gardener named De near unteers Aid. Lahaye got telephone, who decided that aa the Ara ing found drowned. Dreyfus. enough to the man to clntcb him ly the Over Half a Mile shoulder but the shook himself seemed to be under control It waa not Seriously Injured. The coroner's inquest was concluded fugitive free and turning to hlv pursuer, ex- necaeaary for the Are boat to go to tbe lal- t this and wa* Immedi- evening Sargent claimed “Begone or I will kill yon. I and. ately arrested, the deputy sheriff having still hare flea sbota left In my revolver Whatever tbe building waa It burned shadowed him constantly. and they will be for yon." Ex-Sccrefary Alger Gives One Tho Paris De Lahsya being uaarmidre- very rapidly and half an hour after It waa The verdict rendsreu by tha coroner's Papers Express quite Mt'fora He Wav R gened by Pnrly Another Tei.ni Run Down Grenj ooiled anu allowed the man to eeoape discovered by tho paaaengera on tbe boat Later Hundred jury waa that tbe men came to their A proclamation M. Dollars. Indignation. signed by lajat, of Canoeists on (he River. It waa not to be aeen from tbe city There deaths to their the tbe mayor of Rennes and M. Oil Oxicrd Street. by Injuries persons, Leherlsse, no for la wnloh being other meana cf communication oause of wnloh was unknown to the deputy 111-Bt-Vlllelue, Rennes is situated, has been Issued. It between Peake Island and tbs city than a jury. claim* tonight that one 00 romances: Sargent row teat at thle time In the morning It of the tbiee tried to poll up the anohor "An abominable outrage, tbe author of waa Impoaalble to aacertaln any addition- Washington, 14.—Tbe Seor, tary and the boat. At the Rennes, 11.—Ualtra whloh can not claim to belong to any August slipped, upsetting August Laborl, Mr. Albert H. who llrea at 207 al to ths party, has Jest d'shunortd our djar town Htubba, particulars np time cf going to A roc dent occurred f f War this afternoon Issued an to counsel for tus was star-ling yesterday appeal Inquest the men testliled that there was Drey ambushed by two 01 eto ard oonolidu with la an enthusiastic Hennis,'' ap- Spring rtraet, botanist, aft. moon aloof 4 o'clock near governors » of states for aid lor the anohor. be unknown men while on hi* to tbs to Tukey’fl no Sargent will arraigned way pealing the population to reraa'n calm and bis Interrat on thla subject carat very Ijreti. ar d to resist bridge on street, when an sufferers In Porto Hloo. Us states that here on Be onoe threatened trial this morning and ahot In the baok. provocations from whatever Washington Wednesday. ntar coating Mm hit Ilfs yestarday. Hud MURDERED THREE PEOPLE It that the M. Laborl left bla party they may emanate. electrto car of the Portland & Yarmouth appears devastation wrought the life cf his wife at the Kxeter fair. He boose, accompanied his and bis It not bran for oonrage good electric the reoent hurrloana In that Island is by Col. and tbe latter's broth»r road ran Into one of Kingsley's by and Ins wife have not lived together for Picquart fortune to be heard whan he called for A Vermont Min Who Wanted to Kill even than was at M. Cast. U. NATIONAL Portland & Yarmouth express wagons. greater lirtt supposed, euuic iiiub. ln-law, Laborl was laugh- CALAMITY.} help last night, ho would have yet been Kveryone In Town. The it Is evident that a multitude of and with his wagon was completely demolished great ing chatting companions. In the woods near ■ Slnrdcv of Lsoborl a Sfrlaaa Thing; For lying Stroudwnter, and the Ur. "" people rendered utterly destitute this MET 500 INSURGENTS. Tbs paity was pissing the Qual RIohe driver, Sumner Leighton by with n broken and tbe ohanoes art IS.—Tbla Drrjrfui. leg Mlddlatury, Vt., August eve- was awful eilamlty, must bs fed, and oared and was about to oross tha Chntsaabland quite tally Injured, although not miiuoh iui»vtvuuu uumi a seriously. ten was out over for during a considerable until A. Force of American* Made Short bridge, when a man hidden behind a Leigh drlricg period LocdiOy August 15.—.The oerrespord* hi* life. team bars aod want to East can have the wooden Mlddlsbury they opportunity to produo* Work of Them. fenoj, at a corner or the ent of the Times at who rcm- Quol, Keener, Yistenlay afternoon Mr. Stubbs, who a short dlstanoe from bare, to tbe resi- food for themselves. stepped oat and tired at hi. Lafcotl. memo upon the drama "Prcdlglors helrg Is about 53 years old, started oil on a dence of his wife, wbo lived wltb her The magnitude of tbe work to be ac- The wounded man fell to the enaotcd here” ard the "loss to the Manila, August 16, 8.R5 a. in.—A force ground Drey- botanizing expedition In the neighbor- mother there and shot bis wife and her complished leads the department to and tried to rise. He hlsband to fus' caure the sap- of United States troops from pnt tbroogb d'sablement of hoed of Stroudwater. At 4 o'olcck be mother, both. He then nlement the anreal nlppnrlv nutria tn thn Quingua, killing rapidly the wound In his bach and It beonmo cov- Laborl," says: "There Is a four miles northeast of Malolo* and from terribly sug- wax In tbe centre of a clearing tn tbs drove back to this town, went to the resi- mayors of the principal! cities of the ered with blood. As he lay there his geetlee timeliness In the crime. If the Uallnag, near Bustos, about six miles woods txyor.d Stroudwater. about a mils dence of Frank Fenn, driver of a team country, by n more appeal, and clothes covered with the dust In which fates have been general northeast of Quingua,encountered a boly combining against Drey- end a 1 slf from tbs Stroudwater river. for Marshall & Co., and shot 1 Ton to ask tte he bad deliberately teg people of your state fall in, he said lu a faint voleo, fus, could not have armed a more of insurgents estimated at about 60(1, half they Mr. Stubbs It very near and h) him through the heirt. He next bred at to contribute "X sighted gen.rouely to the relief of way between liustoa nod In beg yon to give me my stick and ray efficient agent uf their designs than the Quingua. bis way over tbs the murdrred man’s wife bat Old not the of Porto the toat ensued the picking rougb ground people Rico. engagement illlpi- papers.” unknown mau who shot Laborl as tbe just he Into a kill her, ballet grazing her bead. He noa were aeeerely punished and scattered. “Go suddenly stepped deep hole end Acting Secretary of the Nary Alien to- and tell them,” he added, with a he waa about to riddle with shot and then want to the residence of K. L>. The Americans lost one man who was fell come distance to the bottom. In the day wrote Secretary Root that the final effort, the shatter with Brown, brother of his wife, and tried to navy killed. “tosnspend proceedings.” his lnvssttvs lronv end Stubbs broke The [all Mr. his right leg and bnd Mr. Brown,evidently wltb the inten- desired to cooperate In every way It could The Insurgent force Is believed to have shot bad been heard 201 yards soorn the last of the argument* public [orsome time he loll at the bottom ot the tion of him. Eastwood has not In rendering assistance to the storm been under tbe command of Usn. Flo away from ths Avenue de la Gare, when acouser, Mercler been heard from slnoa. hole hidden by the tangled shrubbery.;Hs stricken °eople of Porto Rico and tender- del Pilar and to have bad In view tearing a crowd had gathered as usnal, to wit- “it was a master stroke. The one In- dlsponsuble mau waa thrown hors du found that he could not get np for a ing a warship to be placed at the disposal up ths railway at Bccav and Btgaa, ness the arrival of tho principal person- COLUMBIA WINS AGAIN. combat juft at the moment when mo t time. He remained where he had fallen, of the war If it was desired miles northeast ages concocted with the court martial. department about three of Bnlacan. war cxneotrd of him. I dr nut Newport. K. I., August 14 —The new exaggerate Drying lcudly fur help, but he was so to oenvey supplies to the island. 'Ihe A battalion of tbe Hist Infantry will be These spectators ran In the direction tne general Impression when 1 affirm that enp defender Colnmbln added another offer doubtless will be as aenttotboaa points to strengthen the with Labor! absent the bottom [ar sway from all dwellings that his orles vlatory to her record to- aocepted every of the spot where the ehootlng had oc- seems to already splendid available meana Is being ndoptod to railroad gnard. hare dropptd cut nt, nervous .sloop an 1 eohonnir clivses nothing n.orjcoo wallet in which i.e tarried his organiza- luarse with shouting, Mr. Stubbs finally r-speotlvely, GOODS. tion overstrung by rue tension of this which were offered by Col. John Jacob TH E MoPHKRSON SAILS. of arms. pspera under bis head for a until ■ssayed tu crawl out ot the hole where be pillow is In a b. d condition fur oouihat- Astor. bis wife arrived when he half ra'swi him- trial, Our stork is comr lore iu Russet and Ten- New 14.—The All sorts of warlike rnmers are In cir- a flesh ihJ fallen. He found that York, August transport self ling shook. The worst news by exerolslng and his head in her lap. A nis Goods for summer wear. Our arc McPhera n, with a cargo of supplies for culation. It It understood that the field- dropped wou’d surprise no one. For reasons treat care and himself back- BUKULAKS STOLE 1TCKB1& styles number of laborers who were unloading pulling willed 1 Bln bourd not to the event the latest aud and our cornets have reoleved orders to supply a barge of stouts beside tbe river, beard glre, sard, he was able to makr some progress [SPECIAL -TO TBE ZBESS-l up-to-date, prices Is a natluanl calttulty," all unarmed with rltlrs the shouts of ■ud so started f. r tbe river reasonable for fashionable footwear. burghers gratu- “Murder," “Stop him," Sitting as Curtis raised by tbe onrsuera and ons of them LABOUI HSTTKK. Corner, Augus: 14.—Burglars itously and to substltue Msuser for Dearly' upright ns possible Mr. Stubbs placed himself In the way of (he murder- entered tbe M. C. U. It. station here Martinl-Uenrls wherever the lattsr are 11—11.10 Ditched er, who him wUb a Ked-ei, August p, m.—The himself along backward towards covering revolver, Saturday night between 6.3) anl 7 p. re. lr. use. following bulletin regarulng tho condi- still shouted; “list me pass 1 bare shot tie river. Uls broken leg pained him a tion of Malire Labor! was Hound at in and took tickets to tbe amount of $1.35. Dreyfus.” The man was so taken " KRU3EH ACCEPTS. aback o'clock: trout deal as he drags, d It along the thst he drew aside and allowtd tbe iempirsture 87.CS. Ao fever. the agent. John Merrill, bad gone to astus- Condition ineven ground, but with a oourage few sin to stationary." and London, August 16.—President Kruger, proceed. uen would have under otr supper left tbo waiting room door There ha* been, therefore, a Im- puss'tree,1 the according to u despatch from Johannes- After shooting the lawyer, tbe murder- slight -ums'ances provement uurlnrf the last few the man kept doggedly at it. open. The tbiavee went Into tbe wilting burg has sunt a the er ran across tire fields until he reached hours. reply aoieptlug pro- M. Lnbori'a mother here L'tie sun set at last and tbe evoulag room and dim ted over a partition which ot the slats for the rallrarrl He croseirl the arrived this posul secretary cf the embank- ihadovra settled down tho woods eeparuiee tbe v ailing room from tho ment and evening. She had believed him Oend upon colonies, to submit the francblie con- followed tbe truck until he ar- It so d irk that Mr. cilice and nod a roost affecting Interview ensued. Raking Stubbs ouuld made their retreat through n troversy to a joint oomorlttee of rived at ths level crossing. A train wus jot see a inquiry Inter M. Laborl received M. Uathleu yard from him livery once In window. on condition (list the Independence of the just arriving at fell speed and the mur- For Uses. brother of There while his sirength felt him and he was ’lho agent telegraphed the superintend- Sanative Tarnsvaal shall not be derer dnsbed scroes tbo line In front of Dreyfus, t'apt. Dreylus. ANDERSON, ADAMS & Impugned. Is some talk of AL breed to rest for awhile, but he un ent of the road at onoo aod without CO., Its remarkable, emollient, cleansing-, and the train ncrl tower is the Albert Llemrnctuu, kept woods in the bis calls for and continued to crawl doubt the thieves will bo a tho of the tno help caught if purifying properties, de- KKUGRK IS "NUTTY." direction of the village of younger brothers, coming they Fire lived from Cuticuha, the Chantorpte, us a substitute fer Laborl. ilowly backwards to the river, 'ihe try to use the tickets. Insurance Agency where bo was lost to view. 'ike ques- London, August 15.—The Johannes- loare dragged slowly away bnt no Gol. and bis tion, however, will be definitely deoided help 31 exchange Street. A use of CUTHH'iiA Soap, in burg correspondent of tbe Mi rjlng Post Plcqunrt brother-in-law, tomorrow. Came. Ihe leg was by this time so badly TWO WOMBV BUKNED. the form of baths for annoy- suys. M. Gust, pursued tho murderer for some nflamiil from the M. Die eneeau was one of Zol a’s conn- Jarring occasioned by First Hass American and Foreign Companies ing irritations, inflamma- "President distance hut as tbev were both heavy ■ha Bangor, August 14.—Miss Belle McFar- Kruger, owing to ndrano- ed at his trial and has the rough ground over which (be man Horace Akdkrson. Ciias. C. Adams. tions, and for too men were followed Drey- charings, years, has become they unabli to continue the that move took land, 10 years, of H. deris Titos. .1. I.ittle. ip eodtf froe or offensive iDg physically and fur case Terr closely. While Ire Incite the >as»ed, every his breath aged daughter J. perspir- of pursuit and so returned to the side of the ■ ation, and also In the form of mentally incapable dealing with the mugoetio Influenou of Lubori In way with pain. Uut he kept at It and McFarland, a Mains Central at the wounded man, leaving the chasa of the plead- tlremin, Internal washes and solu situation. Often meallnga of the he Is skilful it halt past eight o’clock ta t readied a murderer to a number of laborers anil ing, extieir.vly In cross- died tonight from the effect of burns tlons for ulcerative weaknet»ses, and for many executive he weeps, | but possibly lie Is examination. mint some distance from the river peasants. bank, sustained sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily shaming lco paclty." tnd fully half a mile from where the this forenoon. While at work to and Mme. Labor], wife of the wourtLd suggest.themselves women, especially AKRFfcTED AND EF.LFASED. icoldent had occurred. at a cook stove her dress caught bra from to mothers. The use of CUTTCUHA Ointment lawyer unu who Is an American, was JIMINHZ WINS VICTORY. About this time Mr. Stubbs he with Cliticura Soap will suggest itself in nctifiort of ths crime and rushed Paris, Auzurt 14 —A from thought a spark and she was terribly burned promptly desputch Deard tbe sound of voices far the severer to La 13!> miles southwest of this away down before aid ccuhl be tendered. cases._ Havana, August 14.—Gen. Juan Isrulor her husband'e slue. She found him Mane, city .he river. He a coi of redoubled his shouts for A Bold throughout the world. Fottkb D. ait© C. Cobr., with bis head on the slut-walk his says mlssury colics has arre ted French Canatils n woman wes per- Jlminez, the aspirant to the presidency and hut his voice was so Fiop*., Boetou. Cuticuba Soap Boob, tree to Women. :elp, hoarse thut he haps fatally burned nt Basin Mills, snvsn of the xepublio of Santo has re- bed? In tho roadway, She threw herself Domingo, Gallon. a marine mile* Ircm She ceived. It Is none of n decisive hy bfe aids and to:k hit he'd In hor engiruo-, who was Bangor today. was plnk- eald, ^vic- lap 0 orawl a little further towards the rlv- 1 and fanned a colored on bis way from Keanes to Havre. HI* tig up refuse from the Walker mill when tory cf the revolutionists near Monti him with paper fan r. hut ble was with strength fast leasing him. h er drres tiro from a lire which Is '1 he whloh Bbe had evidently matched as appearance comspoods the descrip- caught on the Christ], place novr;heseige<1. up Mr. Cliffoid Kaudall and a of of the she left the house. tion of the man who attempted tn assassi- party shore rlver.ilnstcad of wading into garrison there may offer some friends two or three resistanbe, M. nate M. l.aborl. Including young the writer she ran home a quarter of a as the governor last year shot six adher- Labori was perfectly still Not a urn and The some young ladles, were Conor mile Her was Best was dress Cathartic Gallon able to an away. groan came lrom bis at prove alibi and nearly turned is the which will not ents of Jlminez after the revolution that Ups his herd Irg on Ifce -Strotdwster. had ti- remedy gripe, bat which was liberated. They pi off and Her Injuries are so serious that will an failed. rested lu the lap of Ills wife. As she give easy movement and at the same lled n long distance up tbe winding death ensue. fanned him ar.d tried to oomfort he may time pave the way for nature to assert itseii him, PAMS dream and at about ha'f past eight without the aid of Such endeavored to siulla l QUIET. drugs. a remedy is ack ths tears which •'cloak were ul out to return to the lami- BOSTON AND MAINE TELEGRAPH- In his wife's Paris, August M.—Slight demonstra- CHAKUKD WITH ASSAULT. glistened eyes. ng place near the old mill at Stroudwat- It Is that the tions occurred here tills hut ERS. reported famous lawyer evening, rr when heard u voice Dr. Hsillock’s was they thought they Norway, August 14 —Fred A. Burt said, as be lay woun led, on the ground: ihere no disorder. With reference to VKGSTABLE 14 —The federated :al ling for help. Boston, August “1 may die from but Is the report that the attack unon M.Labor! w us arraigned In the Municipal oourt on ot this, Dreyfus caire tho but so the Federation of American Railway covered an to steal "Help—H-e-l-p-!" ory, saved.” attempt documents, or that It ooulri be the charge of assault upon Anna B. lias- Liver Pills. Employes who re here to discuss labor it away hardly heard. Two or three laborers going to work Is said that the last anonymous Utier sett, IB years cf age. In which chloroform question*, especially those Involving the 1 he merry pirty v.ore considerably saw the crime committed. The »pot was he received contained the following was used. The that employes of the Boston and Maine rail- hurtled nt tint, hut as soon : e they made girl alleges they IQc. AT DRUGGISTS well chosen, at tbe murderers oiuld not words: We are going to hum y„ur box were and he had become tired read held a secret session at the United \ nit the cry, hnrrta dly paddled up the enguged be teen M. Labori until tbe/ ruihed ind your dossier." of her. cleanse the of all States hotel by Ursyfus Ivor. As drew uearer the Burt pleaded not guilty. The They system impurities today. The board took up out their the they spot they cure blck Hea upon victim, entrance to trial wue until on iache. Constipation and Detance* documents submitted by the telegraphers PAMS I mid tbe cries more plainly and linally postponed Saturday meats of the Hea.t Belch- the lane being bidden by buthes. More- PAPERS INDIGN ANT. account cf the feeble Liver, Burn, Windy organization, tearing upon the cuse of orntrri them so they rauf their cances girl's condition. ings, etc. over they were-afforded an eaty means the of that on the Purls, Auguit 14.—The Paris dong tbe bank and Prepared by Nobway MicwcrME Co., Nonray, Ha. I>r. Hallock’s Vegetable Liver Pills are vastly grievances organization of escape by baok papers plunged through passing through the without dletautlon express he woods to QUICK WOHK. dlffereut from any oilier Liver or Bowel Pills. Boston add Maine system. lane whloh lod to indignation calling out the unknown tbe count -y. it the of They cure where others fall. Give them a outragi whica Maltre Laburl 'oicj that help was ooinlng. 30ne of the laborers, named Is Buffalo. N.Y .August 14 —It took Dick trial. Ten cents at As us Volant,who the vlotlm. The Temps the In the thick of the woous druggists. large witnessed the said: deplores they found O’Brien of Lewiston, Me., one round others that sell for 25 cents. DEWEY ILL WITH FEVER shooting, "stute of disorder into which the dr. Stubbs half 1 was Drey- unoonclous. It was very and to seconds of the second to take the “As passing along tbe road 1 fus alTalr has tfce dragged oouo try," and lark In the woods, but the men Leghorn, Italy, August 14.—Admiral saw a tall man In the young measure of A1 Welnlg of Buffalo, In FREE! walking quickly tays It is "high time for us to stand is soon as Dewey, being ill with fever, remained to- direction cf Kennee. up they hud found him promptly wbat was scheduled to be a 10-round con- He wae on the ind be ourselves darted If vour can't on board his the again." about to llod some means to druggist supply you we will day tlagship, United of the Villaine. He was get test before the Olympic club towing path The Journal des Delats "The re- aim out of the tonight R°ud a full sized package Free if you will give Statei cruiser which arrived says: plaoe. After Honors were even In Olympia, attired In a dark lounging suit and wore is seartfttlng the first round. In the name of your druggist. Cut this adv out. volver ehot bound to he the end, and, ihrough the woods one of them here yesterday from Naples. The captain a Lawler hat. It was found attempting to force matters in the sec- nud address Hallock 110 Court M. Labori. Just one line It will be in old Drug Co., St., of the vessel received the visit of morning followed by building and from It wrenched the Mass. officials as he reaohed tho bridge two men about ond Welnlg receive.t a straight left on Boston, the horrors of civil war, if violence, hate, ioor. With this they returned and others. The newspapers Gazzetta medium height an 1 dark suits to the the jaw. In bis full bis faoo collided wl'h wearing contempt for Jnstlc3 and law and all the iUfferlng man and to Llvorcesee and II 'lel^grafo of this place, and round, soft felt hats, from managed plaoe him one of the posts, completing a knock- emerged fanatical anarchic and homicidal tpon It. They then started to have published biographies cf the “Victor a rural the pas- carry him cut. path entering main road. One 1 of Cavite.** sion* continue to poison the air we lut of the woods. had to cf them carried a heuvy stick. They oarry They breath." heir half unconsolons burden for a mile CLEANSING approaohed M. Labori behind. PAKI3 SAILS AWAY. Jfrtu ihrough tbe woodsjbetora xeaohed done for Suddenly one drew a levolve: and fired they 14.—The promptly THE WEATHER. THE ICE TRUST. he houst of Andrew Johnson. Here Falmouth, England, August point blank at Lubori. He wav so near American line steamer ParD, ;hey awoke the Inmates and obtained a recently that it was quite Impossible lor him to New York, August 14.— At the New and their pulled off tbe.rocks near Coreraok, left A vagon ^placing charge on tbe miss. sharp teport was beard and M. \ork office of the American Ice con here uuder her own steam this morning, TOURISTS 14.—Forecast for Bos- p&ny tottom, started for the olty. Boston, Aug. Labori threw hlv arms and cried‘Ho was aided eaveial tuns. She Is bound fur up it learned today that the new oon- M;, Stulibs reached tbe Maine General by as well as for homo ton and sd weather be- la la,' whloh Is a common Frenoh excla- Its Milford where she will be dookod people. vicinity:—Tuo ay, oern, with oapital stock of $60.000, JO!) : iospU.pl at half past twelve u'olook this Haven, of Silk Waists mation, and fell fiat his faoe. 1 has secured for Dry cleausiug coming followod rain Tues- upon already oontrol of the Consol- aui} was at onoe attended repairs. cloudy, by and one or two otners who iuofuing by eay the deed, jrs. TsltoneU and A. 1), Smith. He day night and Wednesday; ran ap, but the murderers had THE CASE OF MAT 11E PENNELL. Northerly vanished me a fracture of tbe in down tbe lane.” very bgd right leg, A SPECIALTY. winds, increasing force. Crystal Lake ooinpanles of WasblugttlU doctors sav that think the Mattie E. who Tbe bulletin has been Issued: ml ifce they Pennell, attempted We have tailor's following tmb will prossmen. Washington, Aug. 14.—Forecast for Maitre Labori was shot from be'al] r1g£Un tfc«\uhaT tltoi suloido laundry night because she had behind, broken limbs to heal. and tbe tall penetrating tbe posterler branohes In eqTlrea fey Is at the Maine and Ear Infirm- Forest Tuesday Wednesday:—Maine, N. H. region Phlladslpble, Ur. Stubbs was at tits, Eye City Dye of the on the Washington, suffering great pain House 4k Steam and thorax, right vide, at the Baltimore, New York and Vt., Mass:—Increasing cloudiness of Boston. It he hospital this morning, but was ary and last night was reported to be Carpet Cleau- height tbe fifth or elxtb dorsal verte- was said also that the bra. The President of the banking his lucky stars that his cries very oomfortable. the doctors will slng uorki. Tuesday; probably rain in afternoon; heavy flow of blood prevente new company was a Today for Philadelphia man oi help had been heard and that he wts St.. tbe moment exploration of the depth and that K. A. fc'oott, decide whether or not to perform an oper- IS Preble Opp. Preble House. Wednesday rain, increasing Northerly of the manager of the tot fotced to remain all night Id tho wound. The undersigned doctors Knickerbocker of ation on her head tar Kid Uteres Cloaused every I wind. oampany this oily was roods. Mr. Stubbs Is a brother of Mr. to relieve her suffer- day. hope that the ball 1> 1 edged in the the secretary. frauds 6tubes. ing*. _ _ w^m J

'a .... Tt ___ Washington street en route for Yarmouth, PORTLAND. Le was gbton's wagon heavily ladfo, HOBLirS wm RUH. AH B BH TB PO A K Wtt MUSTEK Oil sm to»na of tho goods being packed onto the Spratt, as!; 5 i i i 5 « 6 of the wae tep wagon. Leighton driving Nohllt, ef„ 4114*00 along at a moderate rate when hi* atten- John Smith, rf., 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 0 1 3 1* 0 0 tion was attracted by the clanging of Cooroy.Jb., Jim Smith; 4 0 18 14 8 a on an electric car. lie M., gong supposed Enabled Portland To Sullivan, *!».. 4 0 0 0 * 1 1 All Believe To 1 hut the gong was being sounded from Pulalter, If., 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 Dreyfus one of the Portland Hal I road cars, so he Pnrloton. o., 3 11*040 Win From Taunton. 8 8 0 4 0 Be ttnrte I to cross the tracks onto tho other Drlnkwater. p.. 1_1 Guilty. fetal 83 4 7 14 ins si dde of the road. He was mistaken,how- a, ever, In the gong, a* it was sounded by TAUNTON. Omega Oil Mutorman Porter of a Yarmouth electric. AB H UH '111 PO A K Tee Yarmouth car was going at a fair Fine Exhibition of fall on Ornnt, ot, 8 0 0 0 8 0 1 rate if speed and the brakes were Imme- Playing Kellogg, j-jl, 4 0 1 1 8 7 1 Murder of Labor! Troves Damp- diately applied, but not In reason to avert Vongbt. as., 4 0 8 2 1 7 1 Local Grounds. drove If 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 a collision. Leighton's wagon was struck ener to Trial. Uurrlll, lb., 4 1 8 3 14 0 0 as it was 'EfeMatter just crossing the tra?k. Draily, rf., 4 10 0 10 0 Tho express team was struck with such Oreene, 8b., 4 0 112 3 0 Curtice, o 8 —4> 110 8 force that It was completely demolished 0 Mntthuweon, p, 400 0 020 and the freight was sent Uying In all di- Portland Leads In ilotaiS; 3 2 7 8 *28 2* 8 rect ons, so that It was dltUcult Ire tell Gen. Mercier Gets Off o/Price which was tho track and which the road. •Nobllt out Intiekl fly. Leighton was thrown with violence to Second Series. Portland, 0000 41 180 x—4 Easily. lha and the which were on ground goods Taunlon, 0*300000 0—8 the top of the wagon toppled over through Earned rune, Two-base the hood of the and on to Portland, 8; wagon plied up bite, Spratt, OonSoy, Jim Smith, Drink- hltn. ihe houses were shaken up quite water, DurrllL Dome run—Nobllt. badly and were cut about the feet and Fine Showing Slade Catcher Stolen baees, Kellogg, Vongbt. Klret base De Minis;* To Con- hy on called off Unprepared leu8,but they escaped otherwise uninjured balls, Drlnkwater, 8; off Matte who p. Struck out, by Drlnkwater, on duct and later were driven to Yarmouth. 1’minton. 8: by Mattbewaon. Double plays, Smith, Examination. Patter was picked up bleeding badly I Spratt, and Conroy, i'urlntan, Sullivan, about the hend. Spratt, (Irani and Kellogg. Time lb. 45m. Umpires, Kearins ar.d Miller. Rich's ambulance was summoned and he was taken to the Maine General hos- NEWPORT, »; MANCHESTER, 4. Iho Pcrtlacds put the same Rennea. August 14.—The of pital where a moio thorough examination up grand Manchester, N. H., August 14.—Man- shooting ball yesterday, which bus enabled thi m M. Labor!, leading counsel for Capt. Al- was made. The doctors found on care- chester dropped a game to Newport today tu keep the lead In this all the sea- fred Dreyfus, took all the life out of thle ful examination that ho bad sustained league by looee playing. The visitors exoelled son, lend the and which seems morning's session of tbs Dreyfus court several slight scalp wounds and that he yeunant, the looals at the bat, bunching MoDougal likely to win the offered by martial. The murderer apparently chose hud dislocated one of his shoulders. The trophy lor 14 hits. Murpby'e errors also contri- Mayor Clark cf Manchester for them in today for the attempt, because It was hospital dootors my that the Injured buted to the loss of the game. The snore: this little championship series In which known that M. Laborl would crush Usn. man will come out all right In a few Newport, 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 8—0 we are now Ueroler, tbs formsr minister of war, The that can be said in days. Leighton is about 86 years of age engaged. Manchester, I C 2 0 0 1 0 0 0—4 only thing favor of the average liniment is its The new bleacher over with his cross and fas been seats by first questioning. low price. you can go to some stores and a employed by Kinasiay’sex- jins, Aewporr, it; ni'iiiocesier, jo. er- Why, drug buy big bottleful base which were built lost spring to T he news caused an Immense sensation press company for a long time, and is one a<£ rors, Newport, 2; Manchester, 8. Batter- of turpentine and ammonia (called "liniment”) for as little as 15c. You commodate the In the oourt room, where the usual au- get of their beet teamsters. throngg we expected to ies, Foley and Mllleriok; AJoDougal and all but not where is lleuce bail quantity right, quality. Now, the sense or the economy crowd the grounds, were all that enabled Kelley. assembled, awaiting tbe en- in About 6 80 o'clock yesterday afternoon, paying even one cent a gallon for that does not cure ? At toe visitors to *ogre. NEW ENGLAND STANDING. trance of the judges. something you Mr. Walter T*ylor was driving slowly the stores you pay 50c. for a bottle of The bleacher seats got in their work in Col. Jonaust, president of the court, drug Omega Oil, the green-colored down Wilmot street and was about to Won. Lost. Average liniment a man the second Neither side tallied when the news reached that Boston got in Switzerland. It cures inning. Portland. 8 1 ,?i£* hlm.'Xhspsndtd your bodily cros* Oxford street when he heard the the and Your 50c. In the first, but in the second after Grove 2 2 .(00 sitting of tho oourt martini until pains. buys quality. It buys actual relief and cure. Price is sound of an electric car on Manchester, approaohlng boosted one N 1 2 .833 7.16 o'clock. the last on earth to think of in had into the air for obi it, Newport, thing buying a liniment. It is far better to pay tMe Portland 4k Yarmouth road coming Taunton, 1 2 .988 Whan tha Or mi r. martini atus rconmari Buster Burrill caught a low one for fair ,50c. for that cures than to 5c. for Oxford street. wheeled his something pay something that don't cure. along Taylor and drove it out into Nathan Pulsifsv’s Uen. Meroler wee confronted with M. The Omcg. Ch.micl Mua. horse quickly about, but not in season Co, Bootoo, quarter section. 'loin Brady followed PHILLIPS WAS RATTLED. Jaslmlr-Perler. the former president of (3(5^ to avert a collision. At the time he him and tappd one down over third France The latter declared Murder's turned his horse about, Taylor made a base. Sullivan’s knocked it down very Autl Enabled Boitou To Win From itory to’d on ths witness atsnd Saturday, uyiug it up iiu boyo uiuinca iiajiu uno uui* >f prettily, but when he oaiv.e to throw he Clnctunatl. the Imminence of war between Ger- lislon. The car struck the wagon hear elevated the bail far„over Giant Conroy's many and Franoe in 181)4, was grossly ex- the shafts The horse and escaped Injury ■ggerated, ar.d cf the uotlon the unit witness. Ho gild be had gome heed and that la pretty hl^h, and over it Boston, August 11.—Phillips got bad- oomplalned During M. Cavaignac’s arraignment, flam affair*, followed blm in the witness Mr. Taylor got Into the team to drive knowledge of the affair bvfore was went into tbe seats. Before could rattled In the seventh alter if the then minister of war (Meroler) Ureyfus Dreyfus nervous ami ngltatt'd. M. to:. If. Unoluui declared be note* Conroy ly today two the war hai oft that all was well. As the ■king portfolio. While feeling Cavulgnac next di sou sued the debates of to 11 supposing orawl between a were out and In moving tiO.VOO troops without consoli- ing add bis evidence given before tie get overhand couple cf gave two passes to llrst leeply on tbe be remained aloof and said horse started the shafts gave way. It Is sufj-ot Dreyfns his excuses of lapse of court of cassation. Thu loriner minister locate the hall and it both with ng him. rom tbe matter until he returned to the tiers, get oat, which, two singles and Duffy’s memory were inttdnal-sable. Dreyfus, of foreign affairs denied the allegation probable that the shafts were cracked by As It was M. Labor I’a task to take Gen. mblnet. In tbe of his min- he Burrill and Brady had taken an unkind lucky double to oentre, clinched the early days claimed, was uwartwof the change* in that he had told M Monod that he te- game Herder in an I M. ecau- tbe wltnos* the fcrce of the collision,but this was not hand, Deraangs, istry contlnued.il Sherlurer- the to the Hi cf the and eoored. (or Boston. A in date bridge oorps belonging artillery ved Drej f is was g illtjr. advantage mishap lightning triple play oouusel, was quite unprspored for Kertner, a former vice-president of tbe and also of the noticed until they had been subjected to details of concentration, M. Dena ge whether M. The other two men were easy outs and the llrst prevented Boston from the taik, the few questions the latter Senate), asked him whether be inquired sooring. ought Why then, the witness asked, bad he de- Uanutaux was aware tf the a strain as they were when the horse put were of little ard act to the j uncertainties the visitors got for tbe rest of the Wlih three men on bases Stelnfeldt practically effect, Investigate Ureyfus affair. I uied this along Gen. Meroler knowledge. connected with the translation of the tel- started to move along. seated obeaply. U.Soheunr-bisstorr, It was game with these two runs. Id the air and down the|Ueaeral pointed Impossible, according to M. eg rata dated November If, Itrlifc. jumped brought When Gen. Merdcr was reoalled In re- rut, bad made similar to j representations Cavulgnac to credit that was The former minister For awhile though these two tallies Collins’s liner, third and threw to to the ait of the he reit- M. Us ksterhazy foreign replied tagged ply pre-id court, Ifreyolnet and got tbe same reply a even tnat the bor- that CAMP BENSON. erated his belief that I traitor, admitting uncertainty was the rule in tuch looked Matth^wson, tbe Man- the side. Major Count Knter- From oth that neither of them were dereau was bv quite big. MoPhee, retiring Umpire very written him. K«fcerhazy, cases. He was aware of the one huzy In of the latter's own decla'a- lauvfraxnt with tbe only was on the lab for decisions spite affair. ne insisted, could have noted as the hattan college player, Gaffneys caused a gocd deal of llor. only drawn up In the foreign offioe which O. A. It. Men of Bacteria Maine are Hav- was not the author of the bordereau Uen. Hllot dwelt at lergtb upon the act- tbe visitors and John Smith Attendance 4000. Score: Intermediary accomplice. The inquiry alone was oommunioated to the war min- permitted kioking. which the witness olatmed was written ion taken by M. Hcbeurer-Kestuer to of the sourt ing a Good Time. of cassation proved that trea- ister. The represented es of the Urinkwater to make his Portland debut. on tracing paper ard was found In an wbtoh be recommended M govern- Boston, 00030050 z—8 prudence. son was really committed and ment excused -m he, Cuvnlg- having M Caslmlr-pHrler. men Lossy. Sobeurer-Kesiner rommunloated had Both pitched good bell and were Cincinnati, 00300300 0—8 imaily naa, not based his conviction of the General Msroiar and M. from The unnual encampment of the Maine lo Uen. Hi lot his oonvlotlon of tbe lnno- Uanutaux, making lots of trouble for the tig hitters culpability of Dreyfus solely on the hand- further attendance unless at at New- Hits, Boston, tl; Cincinnati, 0. Errois, The president askid M. Caalmlr to ex- »eos of hut the found re-summoned, Grand Army camp Benson, Ureyfus, general writing of the bordereau. In the secret the oourt adjourned until ou both sides. Urinkwater displayed Boston, 2; Cincinnati, 3. the circumstances of the the evldenoe unsufllclent and asked him Wednesday. Is now well under Batteries, plain confession dossier he pointed out, there were many port, way. Nichols ana and Pelts. Is to the matter nn especially tine assortment cf curves Bergen; Phillips Dreyfus alleged to have made to Cupt. Inve-tlgvte further. elements for conviction nnd he proposed One of the attractions Is the Newport The Uentral then Genera! idiot s and had command of them. He At New Lebrun-Renauit. M. Casimlr-Perler per- touched upon the role to difuuss all the made ; expressions of esteem splendid York—New York, 7; Cleve- if allegations by grammar school cadets, under command sisted In his statement of Saturday that Col. Plcquart whom he said, he held with the view for Col. Pioquurt and M. Scheurei -Kesfc a tins exhibition cf land, 0. foreigners of exculpating gave pitohlng. Young he had never rewind eon lid -noes In the highest esteem. ner came as a He raked his of Capt. Fred tifcu&rt. The boys are en- At Philadelphia—Chloago, 3; Philadel- sny Dreyfus. for instance, he said, there surprise. Mat the w sou always has hi 3 curves with >f the diameter from Lebrun- "He Is said Uen. voice only when be that Le the Ilf) and their 0. Capt. intelligent," Bllot, would be official denials which would explained joying camp drills, phia, Renault. "and gave me valuable Information sent the Colonel to him, but has been troubled with rather At Brooklyn—Louisville, 2; leave plentv of room for the truth to es- Tunis, owing to his dress parade, etc., are loudly ap Brooklyn, He added that thou stout the orgnnlza'lon of tbe in matters to his an indistinct idea where were 4. M.Dupuy, premier, neighboring cape. Besides, it Is quite possible that the meddling foreign duties, they going was nt when acd its but he insisted pi ended. At preps Capt Labrnn-Henaalt srniy artillery. This Informa- anoused was of trearon, without In giving Colonel Plequart to land. Washington—Wet grounds. guilty sailed at the Klyaee palace. tion showed the of a mission ol danger ana at the same time The camp ourainauder has announced At Baltimore— Pittsburg, V; Baltimore. necessity oontlnulng having had direct relations with the he them and “Mureover,” said M tbe reforms In our oommenoau entrusted him with a of Yesterday pieced well, 14. Called at end of seventh on Cuslmtr-Perler, artillery agents of a foreign government and a pest honor. the military piogr«rnire fir etch day as Inning “there Is a M. backed as be was Infield letter from M. Lupuy, which oy that grist Initiator, Uen. Mercler." certain Cavaignao gave his in an up by splendid aeoouut of darkness. First game post- ’1 ambassador had admitted that testimony follows: 6 a. in., reveille; 6 30. breakfast 1 ask may be read. After this Uen. til lot referred to CoL his oratorical with marked intona- work ou the of he on acoouot of rain. military attache had spied under the manner, pert 'iagntoa, gave poned Tee letter unit's tion and call; 6, guard mounting; 10, officers’ asserted that Capt. Lebrun- Pleq proposition to entrap Kster- immunity granted to diplomats. M. in tho way he might have d Hy us quite a run for our money. when d M. hr z,y whom he but Uen. ered n in the band ID Uenault, question! uy Uupuy, suspeoted, Bitot Cavaignae also found in the contradic- speech chnmLer of dep tl s, meeting call; 11, oonoert; in, NATIONAL thst Forbade The visitors were easy {mill tbe sixth, LEAGUE STANDING. replied Gen. Meroler had sent him this. He ndded that Col. Pie- tory statements of foreign diplomats that Ue maintained his belief in the t. uth gun and dinner mil; 4 p. m., dress to the President to rvoelve noted of the of when with one out and a dressing quart always without authoriza- Dreyfus was well known at various confessions Dreyfus and con- Kellogg Vought Woa. Lost ct. chan- parade, sunset guu; 10, tattoo; 10.80, Per down for his Indiscreet disclosures to tion. The former minister of war next cellories. tended that his (M. Cavaignao attitude hit in and Urinkwater s) safely succession, Brooklyn... 64 34 35 Figaro. referred to the eminent services Col. throughout was that of a statesman. taps. Boston.61 36 .629 filled the bases for a forceour. The scheme M. Casimlr-Perler resumed his testi- Plcqunrt rendered the urrny, to Dreyfus did not create a very favorable The 1 ne officers are X). W. PhiladclDlua. 61 39 .610 leading Sawtelle, mony, and said he did not dselre to re- bis being entrusted with a confidential impression when at the conclusion of M worked very nicely, for Buster Burrill Baltimore.. 58 39 .698 Colonel Jouaust asked: “What do you Dexter, colonel; G. E. Barker, Gorinna, ply to certain of M. Murder’s Insinu- mission to the Kast and afterwards to be was asked one Chicago. S3 44 .646 think of the in relation to Cavalgnac’s testimony if topped down to Jim Smith which ations. lunla. He Uenry forgery he .. 54 protested had to The lieutenant colons!; James Babb,Newport, Cincinnati 42 .662 energetically against the facts now occupying our attention f anything ray. prisoner enabled our oiack infield to get in 31. Louis. 64 44 .545 ‘‘I dh not wish to answer said the allegation that he had deolded to replied in a declamatory fashion with his major; J. F. Johnson, tit. Albans, quar- them,” “The Heury forgery,” replied M. Ca- line for a double Smith to to Pittsburg. 49 61 .496 the former President. The olreurastaooes rend Plcquart to a from whlob he hand on his heart that the court of casFa* play, Spratt place vaignao, “as alleged, was in order to se- termaster; J. W. Webster. Newport, Louisville. 42 65 .433 are too aed and too t for would never return. He that tion had of M. raglu me to explained cure a revision of the case the court of already disposed Cavalg- Ccnroy. New York. 40 54 .426 envenom this his devotion to the by nuo's chaplain; F. K. Sprague, Bangor, sur- discussion. 1 am master army aud country and arguments. The speeub of M. Ca- We in our Washluglon. 35 64 .354 cassation, was not even alluded to. begun Fcoring half. With ot myself and of my conscience. I and his the secrets of geon. The Held staff oonsiuts of A. T. Cleveland. 17 86 .Its would anxiety respecting This forgery, therefore, should remain valgnao, however, certainly appeared to two out John Smith singled and Conroy only state that Gen. Meroler has medv the national defense often entailed make an impression on his hearers. John excep- out side t^e scope of the sub- Stuart, Newport, sergeant major; BASEBALL NOTES. every s ffurt to mix me as tional measures, like and questions the got in one cf his old fashioned ones over deeply as pond. resignation go- mitted to this court martial. That is During adjournment of the court Bigelow, Gorinna, Inspector; XX. J. Pla la his affair. Rut, I have remained ing to distant points whence It would in constquenoe of the announcement of tbe which enabled John to score. showed better my opinion.” track, “Young Pnrlngton up aloof, I the be to return with a the on Moore. St. Albans, hospital Howard; C. nlHrui.during progress of this porelble superior rank Replying to another M. attempt the life of M. Labor!, the Vought fumbled Jim .Smith's hit, but than any man we have hod behind the Investigation." anu where heroism certainly ont question. audience in violent E. rer- wiped Cavulgnac said his statement that engaged altercations tipenoer, Dexter, commissary said The former President then everything trenzon. Drey- over the Incident. was forced out at second, Sullivan bat- plate yet,” Manager Smith last complalntd (Sensation.) fus went to Brii?8e)]s In the middle ot geant; George Barker, Corinna, chief of the inoorrect behavior of his After justifying his course towards Col. M. editor of the uu one to night. subordi- 18«4 rested on M. Meroler, Gauiols, ex- ting easy Vought. nate toward Uen. HI I hearsay. Cuvaignac musician; William Copeland, Corinna, the oh let of the state, “As Piquart, lot explained wh t he introduced pressed the opinion that all the newspa- The seventh we into the same kind Clark of Mancbuster wrote to during the course of his evi- got Mayor an Instance, said JU. hod done In cunneotlon with pers ought to theinsulve* as provost maishal; E. K. Carr, Pittsfield, Casimlr-Perler, fipterhnzy dence a memorandum written in Ger- regard re- cf trouble we did in the sixth. With one Manager Smith yesterday asking him U “Gen. Maroler undertook to shorten and then contluuoj nls protest sponsible for the J. F. the against many, asking for various information outrage, whereupon adjutant; Johnson, tit. Allans, term of service of men the attack the defenders of modi Mane. Hevrinu out, Green hit safely. He tried to steal the two games to be played with Man- (HJ.OCO without Urevfoe wanted the which loudly protested saying m by embassy appear* to chief of artillery; D. M. Dex- consulting the chief of the thus him during the trial of M Zola. M. *tl§ you who to be re ^Sawtelle, second and Pnrinton had him a chester and could be state, have been unearthed from archives of the “No, ought held by rod, Friday Saturday not in the then Invited ter, looking respect he owed to tfce Uemunge Ueu. Hlllot to ex- war sponsible for wnat has happened." commanding. but Jim Smith the ball. Cartioe transferred to that office. He said he believed it was dropped city, it was decided chief of the state plain the statements of &1M. and vwuiui officers of the And for Harthou written a liunu; unuauit' hu viUieilb The day guard — by military attache. singled and took second, Green not to do so. M. Casimlr-Perler next protested Poincare, former ministers, that the that geu ri'ariues were forced to the week of the will be from M. Detnange asked why M. Cavalgnac, separate encampment 'lh« flhltmnlnnahln imnnunh fne *Qfl against the assertions muds Mur- lienerul, woe once so donhtlul of the the combatants and take having gone to third. Mntthewson by Gen. who was bO anxious to incriminate away the sticks the different each one a der In to the role O "' —- .V««v un V"WV UO IIOU uutl niCUk of all posts, having regal<1 adopted by the hau not these present, tut calm was finally pushed one iu front cf Snllivan, who has been ordered and will be hoisted over lor several ro*i produced this document in on as ohlef of state In this night*. Gen. lllllot acknow- restored. day duty follows: affair, whereupon the. chamber of deputies. The witness threw to Pnrinton and caught Green af- the Forest uvenne grounds .Saturday with the general Interjected that he had ledged that the statements were true. Aug. 15.— L. E. Richardson post. Gar- spok- replied that he had other means of reach- ter a little chase. Uatthew6on got Into appropriate cerinohies. en of the attitude assumed fay M.Casimlr- Answering questions of tlie counsel tbs officer of the W. ing the end. M. the land; day* C. Skillings; Perler, because he had svror.i to tell the ienerul said Col. Ploquurt’B revelation Jaures, Socialist leader, who bis head that this was a good time for Mayor Clark of Manchester, who la a Counsel for the prisoner then In officer of the guard, A. P. Andrews. wnoie troth produoed doubt in his mind, but all tbe qestloned was court at the time, reiuerted that him to to M. in regard to his statement go second, but the fact that great lover of base ball, has offered a M. Demonge asked M. Cjtsiuur-Perler Mine bis oouvlotion of,tbe uf Cayulguao the arrests made in Paris had for their Aug. 16.—J. Knowles post, Corinna, guilt Diey- that General lie BoisdeQie was alnent sole Curtice was there made it handsome to be to the If ou the sixth an had fus remained unchanged. object to forestall a St. Bartholomew officer of the C. T. embarrassing pennant given understanding from Parle November day, Tewksbury; not been reached There was a «, when General massacre of the Dreyfusards and that UIU1 kU between France great UU((OI BUM ucxunj UO CUUIU winners of the four club series. and senautlonjwban M. Herder he or declares was there. The wit- the of A1 cmoer u» guara, u. Lawrence. Germany on the subject of Drerfus. Uemuuge mentioned the opinion ex- attempted murder Labor! at away Fnrinton had the Smith bad an ness persisted that General Da Bolsdeffre I get paeeed ball Manager offer to transfer M. Casiuilr-Perler replied that before Dres sen by M. Uurthou that Gen. Billot Rennes wan one of the scattered acts of Aug. 17.—Stephen Davie post, Pitts- was absent on that to and the tide was out. the entire Portland team to Ms Interview with the Had been In uortalnly date. Col- the projected massacre. Spratt Soheneotady. minister on the forewarned] regard to the onel field; officer of the day, Urrln Soule; of Jouaust then told Dreyfus to rise must The visitors didn’t to sixth the question of had never forgery Lieut. Col. The Dreyfus undoubtedly have been threaten score About every other team in the league Dreyfus Henry. gan- and asked him If be had any remarks to officer of the guard, John Weymouth. been raised between them and >ral acknowledged that the Henry forgery profoundly moved by the attack on his again and we prooteded to win oat In received suob an offer. Germany. make upon the evidence. The Aug. 18.—H. F, Safford Dexter was among the fact >rs arousing his prisoner, ohaiuplou, who, for ull he knew, might post, in a low voice, “I am our half In a very dramatic manner. Portland leads In the saooud series and ioubtB. replied: astounded be dead or dying, yet the prisoner main- officer of the day, Abner OILcer that the man who In the tri- Sheppard; Counsel next asked Gen. Mercler Gsn. Billot said be »at produced tained the same as hitherto Fulslfer and Purlnton were both thrown stems likely to win that also. why Immensely sur- bunal of the chamber the immobility of the guard, H. K, Speuoer. She explanations of the secret dossier prised and deeply affected the revolu- Henry forgery and did not give in court, the out, when Drink water enlivened the sit- by oan come here and hose his eonvlotlonB of slightest Uootiwlu new not inoiuded in the dossier relating tion of the forgery. indication of his eiu )t'o s. Aug. 1W—George poat, St. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FIELD on matters uation with a two-Luisa hit. Spratt wait- to the revision. The general replied that my culpability which the The detodtions of Uenerals Zurlinden Albans; officer of the day, John S. Par- DAY. court of cassation has ed as he does at be considered thess explanations for his already disposed and Chunoiue and of AI. Hauotuux wero well, always such a junc- M. Cavulgnao, former minister of war, of," ker; officer cf the guard, Hiram Martin. [jersonal use and that was ho de- (Great sensation.) listemd to but the ture, and was rewarded four bad At a meeting of Portland why was the next witness called. clisely session was by ones. Connell, stroyed the document. Heplylug utterly devoid of This If Columbus hell last to the president of the court, he euld be rxcltlng incidents, the CENiENNIAL CELKURAXED. gave George Kobllt a ohanoe to get Knlgts evening, At thi6 M. a sense mam of the Demange expressed was the lirst oablnet minister to u-sume General Zurllndeu, also a former min- testimony beina directed in some cf his line work and win the following oommittee was >f astonishment ami asked Gen. Mercler against and the lack of 14.—'l'he centennial the appointed to He bad close- ister of war, was the next wituess. Dreyfus trenchant Empire, August of if he did not have responsibility Dreyfus. He to game. took to arrange for a Held day: B. B. Me- reasons for suppress- followed tbe of deolared he etlll the cntloLm, owing the absence of the was oelebrated at tbe Georgius glorious advantage y inquiry the court of regarded bordereau rump meltings Em- ing the document. d'fente aright unn, left an cf tbe boosted tbe ball DonuugU, James H. O' Urleu, F. D. Har- sagsatlou and still desired to associate as being decisive proof of the guilt of naturelly Jin* pire drove oamp this opportunity, away The witness repudiated the suggestions. pres, ion unfavorable to the ground evening. M. Himself with tbe of those Dreyfus and said it would be impossible prisoner. out through the gate In vey, J. L. Doyle, J. Quinlan, Jps. at this rose from responsibility Central Aleroier was HOoJaiumd There was a good attendance. Prominent right centre.down Dreyfus point his who in the for those who were on leav- seat and lSu*. protected country sud prosecuting Dreyfus as far as the house and all three men Fredette, W. H. Stevens, CL H. Adams, asked leave to explain in regard me to ha ing the court and Ai. Caeirrair-Perler Methodist clergymen gave army against treason. acting from esprit de corps and it interesting to the assertion that he had traoed on a (Sensation.) whs greeted with oheers and counter- crossed the plate. That gave us a lead of F. F. Driscoll. Continuing, tbe witness said that would be as uujust to say descriptions of the first oamp meetings. 5ard the of* n oertalu they approve cheer for the itinerary journey imouut the the “odious aot committed," army. two and also the game. -f the the prluolpal points upon which just The general staff. Aiofb itinerary re based bis oonvlcliuns This Into geo d'urines dispersed the most Catcher wus the eon fee- Inquiry the honor of the army Purlnton of Bates college offici- No ind l.e asserted were purely noisy of the demonstrators and there was Right to.Ugliness. journey don to Capt. Lnbrun-Hsnault lu he continued, had to do with ated tiotitious. support nothing no serious disorder. behind the plate, Mate Fulslfer hav- The woman who Is lovely In form it which contention he n the alfair. face, M. Casimlr-Perier then said he desired quoted passage ing graduated from and temper will always here friends, bat rom an alleged letter of Dreyfus but Tbe reiteration by Generul Zurllnden that-posltioa. xi reiterate that he had never KICK A1AV kK b'A'IAlu /hat do the | one who would be attractive must keep promised whfob, lu reality wus part of Geo.Gonse’s of his Uriu belief that Dreyfus wrote the J If the young man oan do as well as he mytuing to Dreyfus, adding that it was her BfesUtb. If she is weak, sickly and all sport of the minister of war on Du bordereau created excitement. Winubam did adlh M. Waldeck-Husseau alone that he Paty lively Center, August 14.—On Sat- yesterday, every day (he is fast eoough run down, she will be nervous and le Clam’s report of tbe confession. M. hildren Irrli- in to alleged Demange suggested that If Col. urday \1. U. Rogers of Wludbum Center for this all able. If shs has iad, spoken regard the condemned SI. tbe Fahre bad not jj league, right. He handled constipation or kidney Cuvalguao admitted possibility thought of examining whs kicked in the face u horse that nan. Therefore, M, Casiuilr-Perler, re- >f by trouble, her impure blood will cause mistakes on testimony and eald the handwriting of the he was Drinkwater's very difficult delivery easily teratod his protest at the they probationers, the Lading by tie halter. it is feared rink? pimples, skin and a publication mght to be taken Into uccount when con- bordereau would then have that the took a hard blotobes, eruptions •he of letters bean eternally injuries will prove fatal. Tbo j! foul By and threw ref suing to a splen- wretched oowplcxlon. Electric Bitters is negotiations. temning fellow man. But,he asserted, burled in the arohives of the accident in 'on’t This caused M. to ministry happeued his door yard. give them tea or coffee. T didly. Only two men tried to go down the best medicine lu the Denmnge explain le was oouvlnoed cf tbe of of war, he world to regu- tow guilt Drev. “And,” remarked, “if this Is •e tried the new food Dreyfus came to say M. Cuslniir- us because nls the it must you drink f on him and both these he had a late stomach, liver emt und to accusers were so case, be plain that there was by rod. kidneys Porier had him a entirely ed GRAIN-0 ? It is delicions purity the blood. It jprora’sed publio trial, n agreement In their testimony. nothing in the bordereau which ludloated 11 One of our seven hits also came from gives strong nerves, fcfter M. Dcinunge had asked M. Wal- and takes the bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich The wltuess also said he found uddl- Dreyfus." nourishing place g him. The Infield work look-Kousseau to intervene with M. Casi- oflee. ! cf Spratt and complexion. It will make a lonal proofs of the prisoner’s in the General Zurllnden in a tumbled BEWARE I good-looking, uir-Perler President of guilt voice, Smith was, tbe star woman of a (then France), oohnloal character of the this fact. In fur- he more Grain-O the A however, feature cf charming rundown Invalid. :o bordereau and acknowledged reply to you give obtain publicity. M. Waldeok-Kou«*euu ther of Imitations ths as Duly 50 ornts at U. P. 8. Gould, 677 bought the bordereau alone established questions, General Zurlinden said of dren the more health distri- ? game, It has bean since we began •sported that the President you and H. G. Cum- appeared fa- me faot that treason had emanated from that In order to know the whole truth e their f to that Congress street; Starr. vorable to the through systems. play oombinatlou. berland Mills. suggestion and counsel ;he bureau of the staff In to the rrain- O is J therefore general and from regard bordereau, they must ] made of pure grains, and f If we bad it might communicate the fact in cflicer who was able have the four notes played before, Burnham to to secuie all the therein mentioned, i in properly prepared tastes like <1 Dreyfus. nformatlon desired. must be would have bad to quit long before he Bismark’s Iron Nerve. M. * They secured. choice coffee hut costs Demange added that it must he re- to M. At this giades'-of 11 did. Was the result of his splendid health. ueinhered According Cavulgnao, even in his point Dreyfus Interjected: "f j ut 4 as muuh. All grocers eell 11 Drefyus wrote the letter four < pt tempts to hide his crime, the accused associate myself with those Indomitable will and tremendous energy rears after the words, my LIEBI6 15c. and 25c. Kellogg a splendid exhibition and occurrence and his reool- i lad allowed words to him Colonel. I also desire the truth. X (Java are not where Stomach, Liver. ieotlon of the escape whisti I only again tbs toner) facts naturally lacked pre- ^disputable established bis ask for the truth." justified gpod opinions he has Kidneys snd Bowels are out of order. If Mtiotn M. guilt, won sinoo ne has been In Demange expressed regret at b-voiytblng, ncourdiug to this witness, These statements earned Company’s playing this want these and the suooess excitement1 Extract you Qualities me fact that the letter had been pnb- < loudeiuntd in court. league. they/bring use lfc. New Lite Pills. ished Dreyfus ryGrain*0! King's and apologized to M. Cosiruir- It was wltuess slst \ every of brain and established, asserted, Look for this ex- thstyour grocer W They develop power who gives youGRADf-O Perler, thanked the oountel for hie hut the prisoner hud of signature Accept no Imitation, Jk -arsawe'jB body. Only L6ots. at If. P, 8. Gould, copied plans the General Chanolne ssys ixpJunation of regret. 1 proposed concentration uf the next teetltled. He IiOtn Blue on ilia 677 Congress street;- and H. G. Starr. army. Wtt- ufllrmeil his belief lesses, he would briefly In the culpabil- wrapper: Cumberland lMila said, testify lu support ity of the ,aHaaf*as(aajPi.a£r^ Gen. Bilot, former minister of war was I c t big assertion, prisoner. M. Hnnotaux, former minister of for I

■:f **.’■ .. s-i';.* t'>l-. v'a.. -e- FUTURE EVENTS. Westbrook. SOUTH PORTLAND. M0RRILL8. KIKUXARXOm. _i aneiLLAKEOVI. HIlCBUiAlIKOVS. <•» ItinU 15 -Reunion of Thirteenth Maine Regi- ment at Lewiston. Mr.. Amalia H. Gower, wife of Jo.hu* llr. Frank M. Cobb and Alexander I August ir>-Keunlou at Monmonth Academy. Come High on Shore Ujl^ bar realdanoe on Haoo Apples Cape Archibald bare returned from their August 16—Reunion First Maine Heavy Artil- O. Boberte, died at August, lery at Harrington. .treat Sunday afternoon after an tllnem Week’s oair.plng out at Dock Pond. 1 l«- Knox District l odge ol Templars Sometimes. No substitute of |\| August *« a result of a Mtaa Montreal, Cana- | at Spruce Mead. of leverel month. compli- Agnes Dryadala, 11 \ September. ot S2 Maine at Uelan Steven* at £ Ana. Id-Reunion Regiment cation of dlsea*w. The deceased was da, It visiting Mlts her POND’S EXTRACT When the melon vine commence* to twine Peak’s (aland. on And fruits to colic in stomachs incline: at Wilton. about 66 of age and was tbs daugh- A This homo Hartley avenue, Ueerlng Canter. Aug. 10— Wilton Academy Reunion years Party Found Out Sunday and has ever Then all should recall, since “auld lsng syue,* August 10-17—Hta e cmveutiou ot Kpworth ter cf (be lete Cel. Jothua Gower. Mrs. *Mra. William L. Freeze, acoom,anted prospered— (Hr mothers have used Johnson’s Anodyne. a Learni* at Had a Very Kieltlng Adventure. NorthpH Mtaa Bertha are the know the difference. I Aug 17-liood iemplar Meeting at Peak* la* Uoberta was a member of the Universal, by her daughter, Freeze, people s I;# no, let church of this city, being ons of Iti tbe gusats of Mr. and Mra. F. 11. Freeze From all of the world I Aug. IT—Reunion ol I7ih U. 8. Infantry at quarters Charles Homan and his brother hitched at home on Pltnjaot atreet Dear- Preble house. sealcue worker.. Beeidee a husband, she their comes the chorus,"Pond's Ex- S Aur. 17—Reunion 20 Main© Regt nt Water- leave, three Mrs. Sarah np their large > arges on Sunday and Canter. Mrs. Freeze and daughter slater., Elder, ing tract Cures all Pain.” I Title. drove a good-sized i arhy of South Port- of Cen- August 17—Reunion of Sons and Daughters of wife of Rev. Kiwtn S. Elder of the Deer- were formerly reeldonta Ueerlng land to the "two bo Use It In the summer time Fiyebu g Academy. log district, kite Ruth Babband, Miss people lights'" spend ter. Dropped on sugar It Is pleasant to take for colic, 17-1 s— kcuni- n /4th Maine regiment at era August a quiet day on tl\o government reserva- for Bites, mi*, cholera mortal*, all summer complaints, Klclunn d. Battle N. Gower, also a brother, Mr. Mr. Adalbert Malna, employed by Mr. Chafing, Mosquito sain* In Ihe stomach, bowel* or kidneys. For bites, August 18-Iteunl*n of 17 Maine Regimen, Nason M. tion with the keeper and hla family. One F. K. Lamb at Center barber burn*, bruises, sun burr, sprains or strains. It Is Gower of Westbrook Dealing Heat and Sunburn. tho u*e assoc utio at Cap* Collate, Prickly sovereign cure. All who It are amazed at > of the party stroll d Into an adjoining borne on Pleasant it* ana are loud In its for ever after. a August I9*t*8'-Campm-eHaa at Northport. Postma ter C. B. Woodman end family •hop, la quite 111 at hla power praise oi nous ot St. and CO. Aug ly-Me.d Day New England have returned from their two weeks' out- crchnid, seeing two good looking stieet, threatened with typhoid faver. POND'S EXTRACT Denrgenl l^mg Island. ARSONS’ apples on the gronod under a well loaded the remains of 76 Fifth New York PILLS. 2&"A#K BTESS § Aug. 2ad. Too burial was Templars Mpriugvulc. of age, strayed away Into the woods end ^ Aug 20-31—Gray Fair. pocket to the tnne of flO, even If apples at CASTORIA lost. A search wag made Ktergreen cemetery Aua 20-Sept l—eastern Maine Fa!-. B mgor. was thorough , ■ For Infants and A To rot mentis did “come high." Thereupon the Irale for the late Mrs Jennie Children. P “P August 81—Juvenile Temple Day at OIJ uf tbe woods end boats were put out Prayers L>, j < ire dealer harried on lleaoh 8 that rood hard. apple to bowery widow of Marsbul Jordan, are to bn hi Id f 4-8—state FAir. Lewiston onto the lake, fearing that tba little one “““■H ■ Sept and Invoked tbe nld of a oonstable. The S must he cooked. Sept. 4-12—Maine Ministers’ Institute, Lewis- had possibly falleu Into the lake. Finally this afternoon et 3 03 o'olook from the ton. two then went ta tbe cf the vlolulty ■ evidence it Mr. James Kauwlev, 30# ■The Kind You Have 6-7-Chrtstion Endeavor State Convention. Sept. lights, and the constable attempts! to Portland. home. A gentleman living about three Ocean street. ;The funeral services are Sept. 12—Fail term begins at Westbrook Semi- make an arr.se The gollty part7 de- miles blatant bad foaud her In the woods, to eccur Wednesday at liarrlscn, Me., nary. cline! to blmrelf unless a 12—Fall term of Hebron give up proper where the Is to be taken for I urlaL I Sept. Academy begins, and on questioning ber found out tbat body Always* Boughtw Fair at Cor warrant was the fiept 12-14—Cumberland County shown. The efflteref The work of brick tidewalk on AVege tabic Preparctionfor As- litm. sbe was lost, also as to where sbe was laying gg law hesitated to go farther on a govern- Pleasant Is thefoodatulRcgula- H Sept 1S-I4-Reunion 15 Maine Regiment at Ban- stopping. The gentleman put the oh lid street, (Hearing C-tlter, wall slmilating gor. ment reservation, but concluded wnen be under the Stomachs andBawels of B In bis boat and rowed to where the anx- way. Messrs. Colrsworthy, Hooke, ling Kftfl.Tfl Glenwood Sept. 14—R- un on of the Fifth Ma ne Battery tll9 wtuk• v tun mou uu iuo irnci n. iuii lie end Coleman at Tojnts. ous mother was, the child after Kastman, Kimball, Clifford Convention of tho Maine returning ocaid Sept. 14.16-Annual legally grab him, uud snld that he are to I aee the walks In (root of their Worn in Association at an absCeoe of tbiee bonrs. Suffrage Watervilie. to Intended do to. huuees laid vitrified brick now Sept- 26 27—Fair hi West Cumberland. The large stone waterlog trough was with the ■LiKUJMjLv^i^MB 28-Annual of lie was as Sept, 26-27, Convention Maine good as Ms ward, for when much In use. It 1) a’so believe! that Signature Wonisn’s Christian Union at taken from the square at Cumberland Promotes S Temperance was his Digestion,Cheerful- Mr. Leeman returning with others on the street will use the same Portland. Mills, Siturday afternoon, and moved to neither Oct. ll-12-.“eml-anjiu.il session of Grand ho saw the wait nessandRest.Contalns I party, cfllcir lying In kind cf a wa'k. nf Lod*e of Good Temi lars at the oity lot. It was very heavy and re- nor wl Plttsfiel 1. fcr them, Oprum.Morphinc Mineral. ■ 14 horses to It to 1U destina- Mr. Granville F. Sparrow and daugh- Ranges quired dra« Mr. Leeman called out wor la to this Not Nahc otic. tion. ter, Ktbil B. Sparrow, hsvo returned Maks eOeot: “if you hare a warrant for any H Mr. Klmer CifSu of Cumberland Mills from n week's vlst to relatives In Bit- one Housekeeping TRY In thla party I will stop my teams ten were a niece ear cngrgtd hatcrady evening giving They rcomrpanled by /i«v» afoun-SAHun.rnrm:n and can yon make year nrrest. If you who Is now the of Mr. jj Knsy. OJNTE3. in truotlong to the new conductors of ths guest Spa-row Secd~ have no warrant Pumpkin B and stop me, you will and at their home on Pleasant 1 fl Windham & Naples eleo'.rio family Mx.Smnm ■ Westbrook, Into serious teams iV«AdUSdU- get trouble.” The street. l M m. fl rtal. Mr. Collin for two or three years % I went on, tbe ooostable and tha orchard COR CONGRESS & r as a conductor on the Portland Railroad V I PREBLE. own r stood by, looking st cne another »ugu-r.t a com- YARMOUTH. company’s oars and is therefore Item .Seed 1 ami tbon st the birgss. Hasp n if were fl tetint instructor. lost In the dlitanoe, and here ea itt'i tbe ) I II Q ¥ H. 0. V. DEATH UP MISS ALICE L. STURGIS Rev. Charles K. o! K >c’:- Q FAIRBANKS, S., Uret chapter In the apple orohaid episode McKinley MWU A for S $■ After an illness ct several years, Mi-s on the Cape shore on Sunday. vllle, Conn., occupied the pulpit of the perfect Remedy Constipa- 77S Congress St., m 4 Alice Loutta Sturgis, daughter of Mr. First Purlsli church Sunday morning and tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, _ _ ALDKHMAN HILTON'S GOOD LOCK. telephone 930 5. PORTLAMI, ME. Lewis U. and Ester Sturgis, died at their urenlng. Mr. McKinley preaohad a very Worms .Convulsions.feverish- 8 L ft V if Q V fl All order, left with F. W. HUNTINGTON, 3T Alderman In rcruon whlon was and Loss of ho ne Sunday evening about nine o'clock Tilton Is high fenlher fltensting listened ness Sixer I fl U I U I U I Union Or., Tel. JM 3, or at II AST V S stable, lireeu St., Tel. *111 te at Ibe age of 37 yean. During all ber 111- over a present which he has jast received to with the closest attention. Mr. Mo- C2U-2, promptly alt •lined i Tac Simile of B _ _ in-J))2,nt ; ncti she bus tailored almost unending in the form of • trio of exhibition Im- Kicley was for two years prior tn his ac- Signature ™s pal with a remarkable fortitude. Sbe ported silver dock wing games. They ceptance of the call lu Connecticut, the iHKS. II. A.SiVIAIaL’S liae always however been quite active were sent by a relative nf the alderman, regular pastor uf the church pulpit which Thirty Years on I tnd baa basted herself many an hour In who was lucky enough to get them Irom be occupied Sunday. making articles of fancy work. Last a friend direct from Knglsnd. Poultry The meiubers of the F rtaigbtly club, OINTMENT. January heart trouble affected her so fanciers are taking great delight In this a woman's literary olab. are to bold tbilr tbat sbe bus been gradually falling erer trio, for they are a verl able feast to the annual outing and flVe make that sort of suits. Woodturds, vicinity for few Co., of West and a of AUBURN, MAINE. >Ve hav 1 the ^west Fabrics >rook Mr. W'escott South remedy. days on a visit to friends. Mrs. Mont- Mrs. Wil of JU24 make them up in Latest style, Windham. Abby lams, Soutbboro, gomery leaves this week on a voyage to _tn.ttlA-mt and are to be they depended upon The employees of the road are wearing Mass., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sooth America where the captain Is to on occasion. every a dark blue uniform similar to those William Alim, 10 Grand street. sail for this reek. mathematical nrrn on the other lines. Mias Helen Meta Tilton Is spending her Mr. and Mrs. Barry G Thomas, For- For caps the regulation railroad oap vacation at Westport, Me. est nvenue and Mechanic street, Wood- The seat of Nervous Diseases is nt base of brain, W. L. rsiA# lUiPf When the nerve cel.sat his point waste, a ternblf CARD, with list visor Is worn. Ths distinction Mrs. Carrie Kytier, of New Sharon, entertained a small '*** fords, party of his ,[Z1 fi decline of the system occurs. Nervous Debility, Suggestions Tailor—Draper, between the motcrmen and conductors Is Me., and hrr son Philip arc visiting Mrs friends at a dinner parly Sunday after- iV/Xli br^ri Atrophy. Varicocele,Failing Memory, Pain in Back ^r/7i'Tfuii/iilirlA Insomnia. Etc., are symptoms of this 4B Free Street a- ggeonl noted In the name plats worn on the Gowen, on Preble street. noon at their pleasant lu honor cf Dyspepsia, home, J* condition. Neglected, it results in Paresis, PA, .. Hdd.. Social Club will be * ^ front of the oap. Those worn by the The entertained Mr. J. Kmery Coulter and wife of Need- Insanity, or Consumption. PalmoTablets nilua conductors are with tba name Niles Nelson and at cure these ills by the starved To your Estate WESTBROOK gilt plates Wednesday by family ham, Mass. c,unL.-linr renewing SEMINARY. cells, checking all drains ana replacing weakness of the while the inotormen wear their Uld Crobard position cottage. Mr. F. M. Thompson, Lincoln street, lirnunilQ nPRil ITY Wi b strength and ambition, 50c. a box; ia boxes nCIHUUO ULDILIIli (iron dad Rend foe Free nlosle name The cord around the Charles Wilson, driver for Cole Broth- was out ~ (wit funrnntee) 9g.no. DEERINC, MAINE. plates. Woodfords, who of the party ~=-~i u*'0.000f Old Book. hALSID DkUQ CO., CLEVELAND, O, front cf the conductors lists ars gilt while ers, was one of tbe party wha worked to Into the water os a result uf A Home School for Both precipitated C. IL GUPTY 4 CO., agents, pobtland, me. those of the mctormen ars silver. reeusoltate Mlsa Pennell at the People's the accident to tha ferry site at Bar Bar- Sexes. L/V_ « a I)a.«1anA Ua.d.. nl t, S bor Is still coniloed to thd hou e as a re- Prepares for the best co'.leges and scientiflo ATTEMPT AT HOUSEBREAKING. The railroad people are hard at work sult of hit unpleasant experiences. Mr. school*. JEWELRY REPAIRING. on the new diamond near the steamboat Advanced couises in Science, History. French Saturday evening Mra Frank Jones, Thompson oonlraotod quits cold from Merrill Bros. &Co„ and for and a double track in are familiar with all kinds of Jewelry German Hl«h School Graduates and on landing, this vicin- nutvu mm mj VVUIOIQM, UQ multiply residing West street, left her borne WE and have made a others not wishing lull cohere course. repairing It specialty will be the next to come. la lame across the for We are now order FI HE Elocution and Culture a resident about 6 30 o'clock to make a call at the ity still quits chest and years. ready to make to INS. AGENTS. by x substantial Physical by in teacher without exti a Music and The etorin of did not ex- anything rings or pins of any special design charge. Art. home of a neighbor. On her return heavy Sunday shoulders ae a result of the severe wrench- numeral os Beautiful amt healthful localiou with land you may wish at very short notice. McKKN- often ^nd no- tend much beyond the old town house, which his received In tae Jeweler. Monument Portland. and ifn breezes, experienced teachers, home- when ahe went to l ght the lamp she ing body hauling NE¥, Square, ** air an1 character. as from beach did Jaalfriii Represent n line of Divide like tloed that the chimney was ofi parties Higgins not hint from tbe water. He hopes, however, strong 66th year begins S?pr. 12. 1899. strike roads that night tin til out of doers In a few companies. You will be served the Protection For catalogue with full Information, send to but the light was burning low. rnnddy they to get days. near to South NOTICE. most If do among the acting President, Footsteps were heard up stairs and a got pretty Portland The fuusral services over the remains siilisfnclorlly jou jm your fasrs- Hev. U. S. WHITMAN, L. D.,I>eerlng. Me. business ultli ily as may seem neighbor named Elgee was summoned, Heights of the late James Mollooagle are to be Notice Is hereby given that I shall sell at pub- them. Jly27d5w lic auction, at the Imtldinr of the 7th Maine •wise but the would-be housebreaker made held this afternoon at two o’clook from PLEASA VIDA J.K. Building Association. 1 one Island. Portland CORNER OF good his escape. Entrance to the bouse the residence of bis eon, 31 Forest uvenu Harbor, on the twenty-second «*ay of August, and Mrs. William A. D. 1898. one liuudred seventy-four H74) may a man easily and was a cellar Capt. Thompson, Point. Services are to bo hi securely eeonred through window. Ueerlng Id sba es of the stock of the said 7tti Maine Middle Sc Union left Sts., provide the Summer street, Saturday for a tew at St. Dorulnlo's church nt 3.30 o'clock. Building Association, to pay the assessment for future welfare of DAILY EUROPEAN HINTS. days at the homes of tbelr daughters, Mrs. thereon ahd incidental charges. Under Falmouth Hotel. loved ones — fulfil an admitted TOMOHKOW NIGHT CHAS. H. WATERHOUSE. Treasurer. liyi'Jdit A. K. Sklllins of Hartford, and Mrs fcuyldlaw3wTn« duty— make a profitable invest- Atwood it bucklleld. tv the time tec for tbe beautiful Vene- ment. Oil and after May 1, 1899, Mr. Charles A. who has been tian We Flckett, Night Fete. could tell you all COM HUSSION EKS’ NOTICE. EYES TESTED FREE fHUSUNION MUTUAL POLICIES suffering from a severe attaok of rheu- about what It Is and how It will look bll bills of the Consolidated sm. acme insurance CUMBERLAND, We have made this a branch represent the of progress. matism, has returned to his duties In but tben It Is nothing like It special Electric Co- of Maine for seeing your- Gorham, Me., July 3lst, A. D. 1899. of our business and can give you glasses contain known Light the boston & Maine They every feature of yard. •elf. It Is one of those nttrsotlons that We the undersigned, having been duly ap- of any description. w All warranted or re- and value, and are toithout light and ill be madeont Mias Edith Nash baa returned to Bruns- seen pointed the Honoiable Henry C. Peabody, glasses mouey lesirability power must be to realise what It is. You by funded. Judge of Proba e within and for said County, restrictive conditions. No wick after seme weeks as the guest of cun how tbe scene requirement at the prices as quoted by the Imagine just lovely Commissioners to receive and decide upon the her uncle, Mr. J. P. Haley, Pearl street, must be with the many boats of all sorts claims of the creditors of ttcKENXEY the Jeweler, txcept the regular payment of premiums, Portland Electric Light Co. 8 rBPU EN l&to of Monument Square. Janl6dt end Miss Edna Lemont, Summer street and slzjs deocratcd In different ways 1UNKLKY, Gorham, and these of reasonable amount. Full in said In addition to this all lamp Mias Annie Hamilton, who has been la oolor and with Chlreee County, deceased, whose estate has cost sent bright lighted been represeute 1 insolvent, hereby give public particulars of and results any- renewals will be famished passing some weeks In Boston, bee re- lanterns with the people In tbe boats notice,>agreeably to the order of the suhl Judge where. ot I robate, that six months from nod after *' turned to her home, Elm street. end on different Instru- free. 4 singing playing June 12th, 1899, have been allowed to said Mr. and Mrs Charles Emery of Saco ments. All are happy as the day Is long creditors to present and rove their claims, EVERY... ELECTRIC and that we will at end to the us Union Tftutual Cite CONSOLIDATED passed Sunday at the home of Mr. and This Is a and lever cf duly assigned great ploture every at the office of John A. Waterman, in said Gor- llGHT CO. OF MAINE. Mrs. Matthew Woods, Sommer street. the beautiful should see It. Don't fa 1 ham. on October mb, Rovamber li, and Decem- ber llth, 1899, at 2.0»»*f the clock lu the after- ... MAN Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Miles und children to make to tbe Insurance Weston F. Milliken, Pres. your arrangement! spend lioou of each of said days. Company, have returned to their evening ut Peaks tomorrow. The parade home, Chapel JOHN A. WATERMAN,! Commts- = R. of boats will coon alter Portland, maine. Wn. Wood, Trcas. from a few at begin elgbc EDWARD W. GUPTILL. } slouers. TO HIS TRADE. 1 street, (lays Bcwery Beach. o’olock. __miv!2dtf Mrs. William Brandt of Buffalo, N. Y., AugldlawSwTu bn LIGHTERING. Is suffering from a severe attack of rbsn- UOLF NOTES. w. frsqnsstly suitoxsus I mutlitn at the home of her parents, Capt. A line Ur. U. 8. Army, regulars and cum. to XU with sod Freight carried by lighters to professional, Uarltn, from \xrANTED—For eopj ear and Mrs. Eben Hamilton, Elm street. tbe Essex Manchester volunteers; able bod’.ed unmarried men any part of the harbor coast. County club, lly of 18 and of “ Mrs. Charles between ages 85, good character attractlv Steam lighters l.evlalltan and W. Smith will entertain the Sea, arrived In tbe city Saturday and and temperate habits. For Information apply Pnt it In form the of to RECRUITING OFFICER. 2 ft 1-2 Midd'e JSAl Eureka and Sail lighter Itosa- members her Sunday school class will be tbe regular club professional at dawn. Call or uddress 184 street. Portland. Maine. Jly2225 27 29 Aug-1-3- malco th» pried msonaU*.* Wednesday afternoon at her home, Chapel the links of the Portland Uoif olub Al- 6 8-10-12-13-17-18-22-24-1:8-28-21 Commercial 8t., or P. © Box street. most every club hos'suoh n professional b flddk cmm tha work la 1390. Daily Excursion, Sundays Included, to ihr«|i _jlylSeodlmo who lesions and exercises a and Return over the gives general Staples aatisfactory and bring* a—a ileal MARRY ME, NELLIE. REUNION OF THE SMALL FAMILY. supervision of tbe linke. Soixgo River Route. Ask for tourist and matter. roaolta. And I will buy you such a nl The Small will have tbelr The Portland tiam ire guide descriptive pretty King family two scheduled to Train corn acting with Steamer at Lake WHAT’S THAT? A thousand solid on Bebago MURDER, McKenney's. gold Kluge play a match game Fatunluy ne>t leaves 8.45 a. m. Round Wnmon*-. Opal-Pearls, Emerald, and hundred and thirty-llrst anniversary Union Siatton trip e-Vs Rubles, with the Lexington, Maes teem 'in - dating people with a club get the town The Kneelan Imperial family Is singu- By the year, $! in advance, or 91.26 at the revenue as Justly as It was got by the tax end of the year. larly short-lived. Miebolaa 11. la tbe 60 lor three levy. Ha without doubt; GORMANS For six mombs, cents; months, exaggoratod, fonrtsenth czar, beginning with Peter IMPERIALS, 26 cents. but there was a grain of truth In Jt. tbe Great. Leaving out the two Cather- Expert Exponents of Up-to*Date Vaudeville. ines, who did not belong to the Imperial I We"VJnv„„br THE Subscribers whose papers are not delivered but retained after FADETTES, PERSONAL AND PECULIAR. bouae, merely power -RUITDEBINQ ~ Promptly are requested to notify the office of the deatba of their husbands, the present I)i am*I hi iota of Parlner»hi|>. (lie DAILY PRESS. No. 97 Exchange street, __3zZZ^?L*!*°__g0NCEIfTS DAILY-3 DKFKMSKLKSS. cur has had eleven predecessors of bis The partnership heretofore existing between _PWAWCIAL. Portland, Me. R. F. the firm own blood. All but f cur died under the limit fttx! F. II. Verrin. muter Mo enemy can vex ray soul, name ami style of Hunt A YenrlU. for the pur- of Peter the (Inal and Elisabeth Him can I chase from pole to pole, age 50, pose of carrying on a general grocery and pro- town one at M ratrons of the PRESS who are leaving tint sweet relief 1 do not know lived to the age of 53, N lotto las I. to that vision business with branch stores, the addresses of their and 96 Middle street, and one at u:»2 Ocmgre«s MCCULIUM’S have From who but never HOME BONDS temporarily may friends oome, go, CWE,XT#GE of 59, and Alexander II., tbe longest- Is this dts THEATRE, street, Portland. Me.. day hereby papers changed as often as they may desire by —Chicago Chronicle. .FOR THE HOME OF live of all the osar*, was 63 when hs was solved by mutual consent. PRODUCTIONS. notifying the office A western man has devised a tornado Mr. 8. V, Hunt will continue the business at Management BAUT1.EV Mel L’L' asMsalnnted. This low averaga Is to the all bills CM. guard, which be asserts Is full protection Middle street branch, and will pay some extant accounted for by the faot owing by and is hereby authorized to co'lect such nnweloome con- Investment. One Van Wyok’s Incipient boom for against visitors. It amt receipt for all accounts due to said ilrm for August Week; Commencing Monday Evening, Aug. 14th. Judge that four of tbe curs were murdered but, account of said branch. sists of a wooden framework, ooverd Middle street MATINEES D,Ut¥ v.he lJreshlenoy has bean ruthlessly blasted of all tbe male descendants of Peter Mr. F. H. Verrlll will continue the bnslnens COMflGtCINfi TVESDAT. with strips of oopjwr and lightning rods, 1IL, at w»U all Mci nllrnn and llli of Talrntril one breath Irom Croker. the Congress street branch, and pay Maosgrr Company Favnrltrs will Pre- by insulated wires are ran to a cannon who died la three the Hill the 1763,only passed age hills owing by and is hereby authorized to col- Portland Water Co.4's, due 1027 i. Successful F.,ur Act Comedy Drama placed In front of the guard and It Is of one of the Grand lect and for n'l accounts due to said > of Is oonclu- 60, whom, Dnke receipt SCunit'li Water Co.4’s.due 1028 Th assassination Laborl lira* for account of street branch. discharged by means of electric sparks Michael Nlooialewltoh, is now la said Congress want living 8. F. HUNT, (Ciumameed by Portland Win- alve proof that the men who Drey- oenveyed by lightning arresters. The Ids 67th The the year. average of life In r. H. VEltKILL. er discharge of the oannoa the whirl- «;o.) fus convicted believe that be is Innooeat. stops Russian imperial family Is, however, AugldlswfwTn The Stockbroker. motion and robe a Portland Kallrond ing straight wind of happily Improving. The three sexagen- Co. 4 1-2'*. Its destructive Stiir nj Silual ons. Drama ic Climates, rtlllan! 0 Coma Sinoo Mr. Croker s the force. arians mentioned above were sons of due 1013. aiogue. Sparkling If. flop prospect Tha entire production und«r the personal supervision of ilarUcy McCullum. 16 to Is Uen. Grant was not much of a suooess Nlnhulu I. All the children of Alexun- Portia nit & Elizabeth R of defeating Bryan and one WALTHAM Capo Round Trip Tlckrts from Portland, admission to Thea- ilia 56.50 WATCH, Including u>i cauo^iii tm* riuvep nuus, art' as a speeobmaker, unless brevity Is the R. 3’a, due 101.7. tre only 241c. Reserved scats 10 anil 20c extra, t ars leave Monument gloomier than ever. or rooveraen ■till living', the eldest of the Urand Rilverlne ease. Waltham Elgin Hqnare for McCnllnm’s Theatre 10 minute*. Reserved soul of wit. Shortly after noon on these, warranted. McKKNNEY (Interest guaranteed Port- every seats on May Duke Vladimir, Is now 52. This prlnoe A good timekeeper, by sale at Store, Monument The. Bon. W. who once sawyer’s Coufrcllouery Sq. Telephone »3&-St. Henry Blair, 10, 18(13, the 17th army oorps, part of la at present next heir to the throne after the Jeweler.Monument Square. land K R.) as of the “Blair ??as famous the author MoPhsraon’s oomtuand, had marohed the present osar's younger brother Mich- Portland Voting Men’s Christian mlnnnMnn Kill la nut vllh hia nnmlldsinT ael. fmm purlv mnrnlnry nn annnfw mitlnna ariH FINANCIAL, As.’n. I *, due 1018. The late esarowltz was a mere name at tor benator Chandler's seat in the United considered themselves very treated. Porllnnd Ac Hunt ford badly the court of St. Petersburg, for bo had Falls, R'y. When Grant was seen riding a due States Senate. along lived tor many yeais In the Caucasus 1’s, 1027. call for to eat went from GEM PEAKS Rome!bin* up ISLAND. His mother, of course, kept In cl use touch Lewiston Mas Co. 1st THEATRE, the the soldiers. “Hien,” he Liiht Mtge. The fuller the reporta from West replied, drawing with and for a time had telo- his "rations are on him, long 4’s. due 1024. loss o( np horse, their way Indian hurrioane the greater tbe fiom graphlo news dally of his condition. The WOODBURY Haines Bluff und will be here First !Vaitonul Bank by rzsrowltz llsrd In surrounded Stork. life and property appears to be. There night." Then he rode on but the boys seclusion, WEEK OF AUG. by a little court of and 14, Is abundant now for tbe In blue were more grateful to him than oongoninl friends, opportunity amused himself srlth getting conoerts, of If be had harangued them for an hoar. up American people to gain the good will theatrical excur- The story is told of the time that Grant performances, picnic MU. JAMES O. BAimOWS their eew fellow citizens to tbe south by sions, and so forth. He disliked all men- took command of the regiment of JUiouls & and his Excellent Stock the tion of affairs of and MOULTON, Company, presenting Society Comedy ministering tu tbelr needs will eh are soldiers, who greeted their new colonel political nny kind, always detested state funotlons and the Portland Trust Co, with ortes lor a The was: many and pressing. speech. reply to elaborate ceremonial of Russian court JJy»9dtf_ “Men, go your quarters." life. BanKors, The faot that this has snd The tendency of some prominent Demo- govsrnmnnt One orenlug, some Urns aro, the per- deni/found Itself confronted with thy son who Is responsible for the following cratic leaders to go lightly In the vicinity CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHANGE STS. “THE anecdote was outside a cafe In rcORMICK JILT.” of soldiers In a sitting PRICE, of the sliver question, Is admirably taken question sustaining tropic Algiers, when the czamwlt/. in strictest BV DION BOECTCACET. one Weetern ollmate has led to many discussions of off by a cartoon In of tbe lnoogrlto, came up from his yaoht (which the fcod for men In suoh condi- papers, which represents one silver proper was lying In the harbor) and sat down at Evening performances at 8. Matinees at 2.45. Casco Bsy 8team-r» leave a table and ordered a of fustom House Wharf at x.15 for MaMneas and 7.81 for to another: do tions Louis L. b'eaman’ United States cup coffee, an InuAefntnnt Cnnnritine 70 Evening Performances. Bound Trip fanatic as saying “Why BllOADWAY, SKW YOHK, rickets witu coupon admitting to J emits. Beserved volunteer has offered the sum Itinerant string baud, as ragged as It heatro.'S seats, 10 and 20 cents. Boxoi six be meditates treason to tbe engineers hairs In esch box. 30 cents escb chair. Admission without Casco you suEpsot of In or Us was at the time to Bsy Coupon U ceuts sals $100 gold, equivalent In a rugged, happened if Beserved seats at Casco Hay Steamnoat Office, custom House Wharf. free silver causef" To this tbe other to the person present the best bo plnying outside the cafe, and the medal, mg hi**xt \»>rk-“THK 11M.HTV OOLUIf’-s satire on Grand Duke bad a American polities. fanatic replies: “He's growing oonserva- thesis on "The Ideal Ration for an Army George only taken few Members In tba Tropics." The Is sips of his coffee whan his presence was t v3 —speaks of It at the 'misdemeanor of competition Letters of Credit. open 10 all commissioned raedloal men discovered by^tba tagged, rugued band- ’73.' and other officers ot the army .and navy, master, who Instantly etrpped the tune of volunteer or regular. be was playing and strnck up tha Russian The of tbe attempted assassina- VENETIAN purpose The esarowltz Immediately Drafts. NIGHT hymn. got A woman entered G. L. Doe’s photo- Foreign BRANCH 216 Middle of oue of the oouneel of up, hastily laid ou the table the tint coin OFFICE, St, FETE, tion Haborl, at janiMtr graphic studio, Caribou, one day re- that oame to bis hand was a valuable Umder Falmouth Dreyfus, hardly admits of doubt. It was (It Hotel, Portland, Me. cently, with a young child, and wanted one) and left without waiting for any la nil to deprive Dreyfus of Execute orders on above for 16th. probability to know change, much to the delight of the waller. exchanges Wednesday Evening, what Mr. Dos would oharge for “ Aug. his services and to lnjare Dreyfus's ^THE Banks, Corporations and Individual*, for in- a picture of the little ono. “Fifty cents," chances of The not shows the EVOLUTION OF THE DINNER vestment or marginal accounts. aoqulttnl. was Mr. Doe’s reply, "but I man take Buy aud sell local and exceeding desperation of the autl-Drey- them oheapor by the dozen," "Bernai s PARTY. securities, negotiate llnauclal transactions lu Portland and GRAND NIGHT PARADE all sorts I will the woman “for I now princi- fu-ltos. Forgery and perjury and wait," said, This season of 189U has hove ten children." Inaugurated LIME ROCK pal cent; es of the country, with which we are of intimidation bad already been resort- another aoolal revolution and —OF— It Is reported that Kdwurd B. Wheeler, alarming connected by private wire. ed to to compasa tbelr end, and bow these on wbioh attacks that of con- obief olork to Colonel Governor stronghold ^notations and information cheerfully fur- are Clemenis, Railroad crimes supplemented by attempted servatism, the British dinner nished on Inactive .securities of New of the Danfortb Branch of the Holdiem’ namely, Company York, murder. The of yesterday can Boston and ail other markets. tragedy Home, has been appointed quartermester party, Gen. Gordon used So declare that serve to the only strongthen oonvlctlon, and commissary of subsistence at that ten years of the Burtan was better than Correspondence solicited. now entertained the world over that Home, to date from 1. OF nil ef llie to the music Aug. one month of dining out In London. And ROCKLAND, ME., Telephone Mo. 750. Direct Wire to New occupants slng ng of stringed instruments. a Dreyfus was Eaorllloed to some Mr. Kd. Watson, who was formerly em- some was York. Descriptive of Night Festival in Venice Carnival that ohange needed In this once is during In REFUNDING ITS BONDED IVt-i'k. It is u sight. very prominent and powerlul men. and ployed newspaper work In Lewlaton. deadly ceremonial la evident from the mnginlict-tit DEBT, unit, oa full to Peaks Island th .1” the“new fear of which the Is now.In the Philippines, baring enlist- aptillalliin, TICKETS 25 CENTS and return and see exposure seat with which several-important chang- H. T. Ihc Venetian Night Fete. them ed as a In the ambulance l.ariiculnrs will he luiiiislic.l to WATERHOUSE, new trial creates has made doubly private corps. es have been taken up. The break-up ol the not In It develops that since Mr. Watson went to the holders of the jiysidtf desperate. Were government the long formal table of or uut.iaudins Manager. the far-off Islands he has fallen belr to twenty thirty Tte Boat 01 Caraiml Will Take Plata 19th. hands a revolutionary outbreak, bonds the Saturday Aflernoon, Aug. gronj the snug little sum of I35.UJU, but oannot guests Into parties of six or eight at by the ant might be headed ty -Drejfusltes, get away from Munlla to enjoy It. e 1 all round tables was tbe first step. The C. W. T. GODING. anticipated, tut tbe man who put Introduction of cbeery boys and pretty $150,000 General Manager Casco Bay Steamboat Co. down the oominuoe with so item a band THB SUMMER KINDERGARTEN. young glrle Into tho mass of domeet'o UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & couples was the next Then came the who Is now at ihe bead of the war depart- FINANCIAL. To the Editor of the Press: lurore for dlulng at restaurants, at cluhe, ment Is not a man to trille with. in In TRUST A visit to the summer kindergarten hotels. gardens—anywhere, in fact, COMPANY, HAVERHILL GAS RACES! RAGES! but In one’s own house. And tlually Klcbard last afternoon bare PORTLAND .... == TUB ; When the Hun. Croker depart- Wednesday *would there Is tbe Invention of this season, to MAINE. fc ed for Knrope he was an expansionist and found a "Mothers’ Meeting" In full pro- wit, the tssblon or Inviting at least twice _W*__dif SI 2,000 IN PURSES. opposed to the renomlnatton of Bryan. gress as many men as women to a party und of $10,000. Essex-IJnion Water A SECURITIES COIPANY pnttlsg two dazzlng wits and beauties He comes back to and At these meetings the roems are made opposed expansion among five or six of the more susceptible Light Company, first attractive with Casco and National Bank Id favor of the nomination of Bryan. llowere, lemonade eex. It Is a fashion, Indeed, which finds moitgage, gold, S’s, COLLATERAL TRUST ...OF...... Stake ore considerable for where Events Mr. Crokers obange of views and fanoy cakes served. Here for an favor, there Is due Rigby Perhaps 1924. competition man—like u com- To be contested for at on the formir is due to his hour and a half the mothers meet to have railway question pany—will do everything and anything to PORTLAND, MAINE. a sooinl good ticia. Sometimes the kln- obange ct attitude toward Mr. Bryan, win. This may be all very well for the $23,000. Pulaski Gas ( ight 5 Per Cent has a few words of advloe or bcantles and tbe but wbat Is and his change of attitude toward the drrgartner wits, going Company, of Little Incorporated 1824. Information which she to to become of the plain, but high-princi- RIGBY PARK latter is attributable no doubt, to tbe wishes give thy CAPITAL AND SURPLUS pled young persont These Anglo-Indian Itork. first mortgage, that the mass of the parents; at other times the affair Is pure- discovery great methods msy be all very well In a small gold, tt’s, due 1927. SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS. Democratic voters are with the Nebras- ly sooinl. Something la the way ot n and modish set, but are the homely Rug. 14,15,16,17, 18. inusioal entertainment la daughters und wives to be fleft unenter- Reduced kan. Ur. Croker Is neither a philosopher always pro- Secured by an Indenture of Trust cov- Rates on all railroads. Electric imtittu u«cuu£o oi a imnniui o( iovoreu $20,000. Hudson, IV. II., Water nor a statesman nor one of those “damned vided. ing the total capital btock and ONE MILLION and steam |cars at the btiUx. who know how to net the table in Works property stop gate. roiii|>aiiy, first of tho Haverhill literary fellers.” Polltlos with him ie On August Snd Miss Harriet Faase tt a roar?—Chicago News. (Mass.) Gas Light Com- Hun if most, dnllffhtfnHv und Hnrrmin mortgage, gold, 5’a, business and business purely, and be pany. Band Concerts Between due The net Heats. til Irns tala •umittnein A ear orH mean nml 1919. earnings for year Levine, the boy drummer, and bis stster, HEROINES OF ending Juno, PEAC& were more tlmii DOLLARS. their 1S99, double the measures not from any convictions as to gave great pleasure by playing. Mr. When we read .FOR SALE BY. interest on tho outstanding bonds. Admission 75 Cents. Cbas. H. Newhall of Boston a their merits, but simply to stand In with rendered stories of the terrible Prices on application. Interest Paid on Orand Stand Scats Free. tbe crowd. Groker has discovered, what thunder-storm on the piano aa much to Spanish Inquisition nearly everybody else baa discovered also, the delight of the assembled company, of the olden times, TIME DEPOSITS. For particulars and lists address F. that Bryan Is tbe favorite of the Demo- that he had to do It all over again. it seems as if the tor- H. M. PAY80N&G0., VV. HUNTINGTON, Sec’y. tures Drafts drawn on auglOdtlS lie. cratic masses and that the chauoe of de- Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs, Evelyn they depict EAWKEIlSi, National Provincial Portland, were almost Bank of England, Loudon. In large or at the Whits to the beyond feating him next national conven- Day sang great enjoyment SWAN&BARRETT, sanall u mounts, for tale at current rates. the invention of the U2 KXCX’KilONs, tion Is extremely small; and he of all, and Mr. Newhall again delighted EXCHANGE bTREET. 186 iUblille Mreet, Current Accounts received on favor- Jumps most and able terms. hts depraved lulyndt! JlySl dtl upon the bond wagon, leaving vVan by performance on the piano. fiendish uiind; and Correspondence solicited from Indi- The* social Banks and Wyok and all the other New York Demo- times where the mothers here in our own viduals, Corporations, yet othera desiring to open accounts us well to can meet one and for little crats whpm be gave encouragement another, > enlightened laud as Grom those wishing to transact Book- DAILY EXCURSION IKTVEJSTME5KTTS. business of that he would them in while get outside of their home cares, and in this Nine- ing any description through help tight Bryan, this Bunk. Over tl»e Ptetures«iue Shore Hue of ore of in teenth the lurob. The eSeot ot hts desertion to great value, that they m ike the Century $130,000 Syracuse ilaiiid Transit Co, First 50 5 of Kailway .Mori*. year per V Bryan must be very disastrous to the little breuk and change wblob all of us Civilization, eeut Bonds, Due March 1st, 10*6. Uit x • thousands of STEPHEN wH. SMALL AnMnL movement that has been on for need to give us courage for the toll of the Brice mi full particular* on application. The New Twin Screw Steel Steamer going women MARSHALL tender r, A ROBINS, Cashiar. same time to morrow. $100,000 lulei'uatioujil First 4 »cr teuTau V pait depose that;gentleman KINDERGAKTNKR. —our own sis- Taper Co. Hortgr. 15 your cent optionalr Duo PEJEPSCOT ftom his nonce as a Presidential bends, MJ13. prorni ters, mothers leaves Portland Pier at 10.00 a. m. daily and These binds cover the eutlre of the DliEtflNtl BOY AT — earnlujrs International Co. and In addition sails along the iuo»t beautiful shores of Casco candidate and substitute somebody elsa. MANILA, and wives are ii first Pspsr Mortg. on t'»o Anunouoosuo Lumber Property, situated in Coos Couuty, a. li. Bay, touching at the several landings between Without assistance of New from Brice ond on itbe York Miss Alice C. Goodwin of South street suffering particulars application. Portland and Freeport. Return to city j.ao that movement can have Uttla oh ance some unnatural weakness of the p. m. Fare for Round Trip 50c. ol Woudfordr, received a letter the past week $25,000 Dewistou, Brunswick ft Bath St. First 20 delicate of their are By., Mortg. year 5 vper ceu aug2 tf J. H. McDonald, Manager. suooess, and with Croker In opposition from her brother, Chase M. Goodwin, organism sex, daily Gold Bonds, Due 1018. undergoing an almost equally terrible, STATE OF MAINE New York's assistance can hardly be ob- who ts a member of Trice ami lull on Company I, 17th U. pliysltal anguish and martyrdom. particulars application. tained. S. Infantry, now stationed at Manila. It seemed as if there was an iron hand around $10,000 ’’.Hannos Bailway Co. of Mauaos, Brazil, First 15 year 0 per head and it was twisted and Mortg. DAILY The letter Is dated Juno 35th. Mr. Good- my being tighter cent Gold Buuds, Due 1013. EXCURSION, Professor Von Holst, the eminent au. tighter all the time,” a New York lady said in win is well known in and to describe her terrible sensation*. Manaos is the of the Stale of one INVESTMENTS. To South Portland, the trying1 Capital Amazonas, which Is of the richest slates In Uarpswell, thorlty on the ol I could not walk across room Brazil. The state pays a ot »2S 000 n to the constitntlonal'hlstury letter will some idea of the my without suf- subsidy year Kallwav which pays the Interest Round Ticket flrst give manner dreadful said another and provides lor the annual ol huuda Trip Including cl&at the United Is some amuse fering pains,” lady. Mrs. redoundlou I’rlce aud lull particulars on application.w States, having Shore Dinner at lu which our troops are now g ttlng May IJ. Jones, of 529 Madiera Ave., Ypsilanti, Optional Bonus. Attention Is called 1o the list ot the Merryconeag only ment with the Chicago board of assessors, Mich in a letter to Dr. it. V. Pierce, of following == along during the rainy season at Buffalo, eX OO SH-wr. Manila, N. Y. I was troubled with female weukuess. $10,000 of a Subscription to National Tube Co., Preferred and Not long ago Professor Von Holst re- Stock, Take Steamers of Cm which has just set in. Below Is the I had suffered for two years when I Maine Bonds paying from Harpswell Steamboat turned bis began taking $10,000 of a to Central Preferred stock. jrom Portland Pier. See time table In this personal property as $37,617. your medicine but now after taking three subscription Foundry Co., paper substanoe of the letter. bottfes For sale at teu Ask tor burner Tickets. Case. Hotel Co. of Dr. Pierce's Favorite 1 am free poluts premium. Particulars on application. 3121# 41*2 cent. Pie has now requested that be be allonei Prescription per jetUtbm ~ “We are stationed for the rainr season from I do all housework and Proprietors pain. my walk investment for profit aud Interest Is to recall this return and make a new one A either the RUBBER GOODS MANU- hers in San abont miles where I please—thanks to Dr. Pierce’s medicine. Me. 4 cent Fernando, forty ’* «**>TOOtS. The UNITED STATES CAST Washington County, per beoause on U is the only medicine that relieved ter- due tax- he has discovered that "there are from Manila, the only railroad line in my F,f£Jpfpucn0.!w“**r i* cloeed upc,iLHLK and 1 cun offer the stock of these at a Bonds, Kxewpt from rible headaches,” said Mrs. R. P. of i Coo. dasirable price. ation. the We hare Monfort, offloe ,or ties* bat very few In who have country. captured only Lebanon, Warren Co., Ohio. In truth it JVap£*s.S5?LP&ftM Pi desiring to come lu to the 8LOSS-SHEF- people Chicago very F1KLD 8TLKL A IRON and further Machlaa Water Co. 5’a due about one-balf of the road, whloh is from is the medicine ever Invented TRUST, Information given. Orders promptly executed 1016. more personal than the under only that delicate ,h® or New property here to and u and York Stock Exchanges. (Fuller, Tilton & mero- Oakland Water Co. due Manila, in the day time yo ailing women can positively upon to hersh2frJeNU1tev N. Stock Co., 5*s 1018. or rely Y, Exchange, Boston Correspondents.) & Traders’ Nat’l N. signed even approaching 11" Pro can hear the engine on the other en d, give them complete and permanent relief.” (Importers Bank. Y Newport Water Co. 4’a due 1020. Letters of Credit aud Foreieu Exchange on Brown, & Co., Lon- fevaor Von Holst that all which the Insurgents have now. They No other was ever devised that ^orrespoudents.) Shipley L’t’d, says ho'poegessei remedy °U tlme aepo^ta* DePoslI» object to cheek not received. Bangor and Aroostook Railroad First he has obtained from his hare about twenty-eight 'engines and we so thoroughly rejuvenates the entire nerv- CorreapSndenSe aouSltecf110^ Mortgage 5*« due 1043. savings on T have only four. They resemble the train ous system of women; healing and curing and Aroostook -’alary which until within a few Bangor Piscataquis yeari rnnDlng from Old Orohard to Camp Ellis. ail weakened and diseased conditions of Division First 5’s due 1043. has not Mortgage been over $1300 a year, and frore “The morning of the 16th we were the feminine organism and restoring wom- RALPH L. - Portland MEKBILL, BANKER, and Yarmouth Klectric some books that he has published. Hi awakened by the oall to arms, and the anly strength and completeoesa. It is the Railway First Mortgage 4’s due 1010. STEPHEN BERRY, bullets were the bamboo only ever devised for t irtber eays: flying through proprietary remedy Cor, Union St., Me. And other high class bonds. shacks, In which we live. We jumped for this one special by an educated _Middle. Portland, There is purpose Price and particulars furnished on Job aid Card certainly a grim humor li our gune and ammunition belts and fell and eminent physician, a specialist of Boot Printer, that a ] application. NO. 37 PLl'M STREET. college professor who has had ti WHEN IN TRY have stood the tot into the ranks, ran to the trenches and world wide reputation in this ...... DOUBT, of yon, maintain a particular They family on such a salary and etnrted tiring volleys into the field of practice. No woman neea or ought VlDnUP .'aZ *n“ llIT* cur*d dunmoih of who bad to start with niggers. ,a Aswl T W r ZC.se. of Ncrvoui Diseases. stieh La?life tats that There was tiring from every stile of the to allow her whole nature, physical and uinuilu■ »1WIIW KV nothing, and now inherited a cent oi rkj*rel V*1jL£A" DablUty, Dluleeia, Sleepleto town and they bad it -completely sur- mental, to be undermined by suen ailments ^ VaricocelcA gained om ICftlU I ^t'O'** JOCS,and trophy, Ac. MERCANTILE by speculation, should lx rounded. The lighting continued abont when by writing to Dr. fierce she may ob- THE taxed fur almost twlos the amount Ac Ain 2 CHECKLiY; of per three boors, but was pretty hot while ll tain professional advice free of charge. \^r the circulation, make sonal credited to digestion Front’s property tbe foremos > lasted. A t last they retreated after tear Neck, Jfle., merchant of a Hgo, to

ft * MUSIC AND DKAMA. gluts,’’ and ’’Pinnae Mr. Conductor,” »i IfEW ADVKWTISKMBJtTS. | HEW APVMHTWBMKim. an aaesptabla manner, and the Pattan : THE CITY (iOVUMESr. _BTKW ADVKHTIIKJIRXTI. cloud the show with a tlrst class coined r THE STOCKBROKER and mnsial cot, during which Johi 1 The friends of ManageiTMoUullum and Patten Intrcduoid a number of selec the patrons ot McCollum's theatre havi Hone and Imitations on a tuba horn th< RINE8 BROTHERS CO. THEY moat notable a rets treat In store for them this wae) being an Imitation of Lighting of Streets In the (induction of “Ihe Stockbroker’ triple-tongna cornet solo. There wa not an aot on the the Hrst performance of wbloh was giver entire programme Urn Chief Subject. DON’T would a last evening before a large aod apprecia not be credit to any llrat-clai theatre end tlve ardlence. Tbe play was splendidly the liberality of the manage ment of presented. The soenery war new an <1 lilvertoa Park In providing suol Have You Seen Our New Urat-claa* Line f Inborn ta, tbe seour.d act being one cl tbe entertainment entirely fiee U SOAK most original and appropriate etagi thefpatrons ot the oars deserves the re Old word of fitted the New settings of tbe season. The costumer large attendances at avery per Company Against -or- worn by the led ee were elegant and non formanoe. One. and were all prepared especially for tblr THE OEM. FAT . . production. “The Stockbroker” is jntl There will be plenty of race talk ai wbat It waa oalKd on the programme, Klgby this week and also jlorty of thii a oomedy drama with the oomedy ale- Doughnuts that we make. commodity on tbe stage of tho Hem this nient predominating. The plot Is absorb- Ire, v. hero the Harrows Stork oomponj New One Has Rather the ing and exciting. Robert Wayne ns tb< ::: They’re as light as a feather, appeared for the first time laat night >« BLACK CREPONS hero James Errol, was ealled upon tc " "The Jilt.” This Is a comedy by thf Best of the llakey, but not too much so, bear the burden and sustain Ihe Interesl Conflict* plenty late Ulan and It la said tbal ot he Uonotoaiilt. sweet and in the play and succeeded even bettei " enough just right "Sporting £lfe,” the White Heather” than In any previous role of tbe eeaeon. The Most of Fine Black Goods for Fall, every way. and “The Sporting Duchess,” which art Popular Thomas Reynolds was thoroughly al That’s because the be»t the same type, had their foundation In Kidneys, Liver only very ease as Harry Lawton and a gave highly this of Uouoloaults. Be that as it of everything is used in their creditable play Park Street School House to be performance. Ueorge Mont- Import order* placed in the season enable. n« may, it Is oertaln that “The Jilt Is en and very early to give The fat Is and serrat contributed a line character Bowels making. pure wljple- study excellent of Its kind and that It won Remodelled. you styles and qualities that you will Hud hard to equal. We have play some ae Matthew Lawton, the and and you know that has a lot to stockbroker, approval by the large audience present the un elegant line of Black Crepons. W'e have them at Robert Halliard gave a commendable 5ystem do with last night Is eqnsly positive. Mr. Bar- Cleanses (Jood Doughnuts. impersonation of Martin Kerries. Stephen rows owing to the fact that "The Sena And the making is surrounded bright was eqnal to tbe requirements of tor" gave him an unusually arduous role, that Andrew Burke, a It has been about thousand and with neatness and care scheming speculator, cast himself for a small part—James coating fifty $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 you’ l-asla where there woald * buy present. charming was Lotta Linthloara. That be ohanoe aod played by wlusorae lmpersonotlon of Jeksle for the new to bid tbe she Is a favorite In Porllaud was demon- oompany against and Beans, Lisle Leigh gave a old one. The mult In both boards was brilliantly strated again end again, when her eoenes (aui?pnia|TgSyrvp(§. a distinct rioter/ for the latter. were voolferouslr Her cos- We nre also showing nn elegant line of Plain Stockbroker" must applauded. io» uu mu cmiiin nu u> hiktill Weaves, be marked as one of The matter oanu up first in the board Heavy tumes too, were and were Twills and luinel’* Hair the magulflaent Suitings, at front KENT’S. enjoyable productions. It will at- of aldermen. In the first the much admired. Heeplte the faot that plaoe propo- traot large audiences tnls week because sition of Counollman ____it Mlilloent is title role It le Goudy for a special sure that the cost of remodeling the new of Its merit. the"} not the great ooramlttee to get estimates for should not principal of the female roles, that of Kit- lighting building exaeed (21,000 before was Then Al- he Toted for 50 cents to RIVERTON PARK. tle Wundetook, played by Ann Warrington Indefinitely postponed. It. $1.50 per yard. and derman Smith presented an crJor provid- Mr. Gerrlsb said that he did not think Tbe extra fine attractions seen Phyllis Welter played by Maude at Riv- that of ing the joint standing committee on It wise to tie op the committee In suoh •tton the past few weeks have had a ten- Winter, being more Importance. Both Miss llghte “be authorized and directed to ad- a war os this as It might be possible to dency to inspire oonQdenos In the new en- Warrington and Miss Winter sus- LESS 10 PER CENT FOR CASH. vertise In tained their roles the usual way for bids for get the woik done for E22.0C0 which tertainments end as a result the manage- with their usual accu- lighting the street*, etc., and would be a on a new ment and racy and grace and as usual were by gas big sating building. entbuslaEtlo patrons of this de- prodigal Ms. 'I'eno o.U ak.h k__s i In their of electricity." This order was defeated. lightful resort had the pleasure of seeing display costumes. JLorle Kd- Thereupon Mr. Johnson pressnted an remodeling the building If m to the lurgost audiences of dinger played Mies Pluoott, this (13,030 Black Sicilians and Mohair* for Monday present (being order be Alpacas, Outing and Bathing ber first providing for having bids presented saved thereby bat hv wanted to be euro the season. It was an appearance with tbe Gem com- at from appreciative orowd. 10. that the Suits, pany for several by August 118,00) was going to be saved by too, that frequently gave evldenoe of weeks. A new member Alderman Smith said that this seemed this soneme of the cast was Flora before be voted for It. the pleasure that thf^tine programme Stanlford, whom Mr. a very short time tu wbloh to prepare Mr. Uoudy advooated the of afforded In hearty applause. Tbe Vedettes Borrows engaged In New York ncil passage 33 cents to bids. had had time the order as $1.25 who for the They usually enough. It oam* from the aldermen, per yard. oomiuenoed the entertainment with one appeared first time as Mrs. Alderman Johnson said that the old arguing that the plan remodel was In of tbeir brilliant .concerts. J, W. UoY- Weltsr, mother of Pbyllle. Mylse O'Hara oompany had been the for accordance with tbe the gamester and all lighting city unanimous vote of man’s Imperials Is the name of the com- round referee wee LESS 10 PER CENT FOR CASH. ten or fifteen years, and ought to make the commissioner* who hsd considered pany that provides tbe vaudeville show portrayed by John Craig. out Its hid without much trouble. As the matter. and tbe merit of the various ucts Mr. Craig claims that this Is ths first justi- for tbe other was time he company, It had already put It hnally voted by the council to fies tbeir title. The performance com- baa ever used an Irish dialect a bid lu and could do bo non-concur and on tbe again. a committee of confer- We deliver Bundles twice dolly, 10.30 and 4 for cus- menced with the Introduction of the 1st stage, which le hard to believe ns o’clock, A Then Aldurman Damson moved ence was asked for. his of the v to This committee tomers living In the Deeriug Districts ol Greater Portland. Uolee, two elever performers on the sus- mattery IdloiuB and phrases and amend the order by changing tbe date agreed to strike ont the words "At an pended ladder, and for grace, skill and pronunciation seemed perfection of presenting the bids from August 10 to estimated cost,” In the order so that tbe during, their act has never been Iteelf. Lawrenoe Kddln^er was tbe CoL GOOD equalled September 10; but be withdrew this order should read as follows: at Riverton. One of the mem here Of this Tudor, a bluff hearty English gentleman amendment to enable Mr. to of the Manntx offer Ordered, that the com- team Is a flret-olass comedian. He makes old school and hie son Geoffrey Joint standing an ^amendment making the time at the mittee on publio buildings Is hereby em- up as a and Tudor was played by John Lancaster. WATCH clown, his|appareotly awk- di-oration of tbe powered and directed to make all neces- barren oommlttee on lights. ward attempts at dllQjult feats that were George in the heavy role—Sir sary contracts for the On this amendment the vote remodeling present Is a great convenience. A poor one Marcus stood: Yeas, Park street sohool bouse In always executed with a Wylie—gave a perform- accordance a annoyance. The precision that splendid Messrs with BINES groat Waltham and the ns BROTHERS Sprague, Mnnnlx, Damson, reoommendatlo contained In GO. was evoked ance os did Mr. Bankson as Sir Elgin Watches are the best. remarkable, spontaneous Budlelgh the report of the commission Smith, 4; nays, Johnson, Dow, HoaHin' appointed That’s the kind we laughter and Woodstock. Louis JS. Morrison was under sell. great applause. Udell and spec- and Tbe the order approved Jane 9, 18#«, Frye, 4. mayor then voted nay and In We have 500 of them. Pierce, two very clever oomedtans and ially engaged for the part of Bee. Mr. substantial conformity to the C. B. Dalton, wooden building, Glen- brought forward and Imposed, fined >5 and the amendment was defeated. submitted We sell the most watches because and received an plans by F. H, & K. F. Fas- wood near and vocalists, presented a humorous sketch Spooner oration on his avenue, Spring. costs. we sell Then an a endment offered by Mr. sett, architects, under the order approved lower. $5.00 to $100.00. called "l’he Serenade." appearance, from his frienda.ua the island. itose Owen, SO In Pleased It Is replete Dow July 18, 1899. The expense of said re- VIGXUALEK’S LICENSE. Intoxioatlon, days to show you. "The making the time September 1st was with good that creates Jilt" will be tbe bill for tbe re- modeling, when shall not ex- oonDty jail, things tbe most completed, P. as adopted, and as amended the order was ceed License of Mrs. Laron vlctualer general and mainder of tbe week with matinees 931,010; and such portion therecf as Arthur D. McDonald, £0 merriment, sufficiently good evsry was to tbe favorable re- Intoxioatlon, ugreed to. The full text of tho order as shall be inourred and become payable dur- granted subject •was the parody on “Just as tbe Sun day, days In oounty Jail. Also suspended sen- agreed tu la as follows: ing the onrreni municipal year shall be of tbe committee on licenses. Went port tence Down," to win au encore. Prof. NOTE. oharged to 'the appropriation made for brought forward and imposed, 80 McKenney Ordered, that the com- 1 red's of aorobatlo joint standing Park street sohool house, and the txoeas. MISCELLANEOUS. days in oounty jail. troupe bull terriers, It Is that with tbe mittee on be It Is reported opening ol lights nnd hereby di- If any, above said shall be THE Is one of the features the appropriation It was ordered that the committee on John Costello, aBsaolt on Mrs. JEWELER, and to tbe ladles coming theatrical season the Jeffer- rected to ask for sealed bids or proposals out of the White, paid unexpended balances of MOSU5IENT and chlldreu son theatre will be conducted as a for and 80 days In SQUAKB, especially, It was tbe most stock lighting by gas electricity the other appropriations at the end of the licenses be instructed to report on the county jail. thoatre and that tbe Sbubert Stock com- parks, streets, squares and public build- John pleasing act on the programme. There present municipal year. proposed ordinance relating to aldswalk Webber, intoxication, fined (1 pany has been engaged for an Indefinite ings of the city of Portland for the sever- are three of tbesu that are In this venders before tbe next and costs. dogs wonder- season of stock production. al terms of one year, three years, five form the order passed both meeting. trained Marcos CO fnlly to perform tricks entirely years. No bids to be considered unless boaids without a dissenting vote, The counoll requested the aldermen to O'Hara, Intoxioatlon, days tbe "CAMERAS. different from those MAINE for several periods of time above men- bnt the aider- in oounty jail. taught to most UNI VERBALISTS. LIGHTING OF PEAKS delay their adjournment tioned. Knob proposal to be specific and ISLAND. Marcus canines. Particularly good was the cake men nevertheless adjourned at 10.3U, leav- O'Hara, resisting officer, fined separate. All bids to be reoelved by tbe Mneh time was v of ctmsumed by the con- and one balf costs. alklug one of the dogs while tbe long Programme for Annual Grove Meeting oommtttee on lights at tbe aldermen’s ing the ooun ell still In session. (80 We offer special inducements to troversy over the making of the oontract distance jumping of and the at Lake. room. City building, Friday, tieptomber Llewellyn Heatly, intoxioatlon, fined 83 amatenr trade in another, ttebsgo for IN COMMON COUNCIL. the following: 1, at three o’clock p. ra., there and lighting Peaks Island by eleotrlolty and oosts. bay cnncMog of still another were but then, to be opened and read. The In summer. The PIIOTOOKAPIIIC SAPPI.IES. tl e publicly aldermen held to the Mr. E. F. Connolly mast lmpresel e of a toore ol a-.- The Unlver8allsti of Joseph presented Catherine A. Feeney, intoxication, 80 Maine, will bold committee to be authorized to reject any the opinion that contract should be made an oidlnanoa a civil service com- touaw.ng feats. Master George Patten their annual Grove or all bids, sold committee to report all creating days in oounty Jail. meeting at Sebago the 31-2x3 1-2 or bids by alderman on tbe Joint committee mission for the Are which Hawkeya Cameras, cany "Midst the Green Fields ot Vh- proposals presented to the: next department U. 8. DISTRICT COURT. lake, Tbureday, Friday, Saturday and on and adjourned special or regular of llgntlng, the oounoll claimed that was laid on the table. An Sunday. August 17 to £0 meeting attempt just $6.40 eacli tbe city council with such recommenda- the whale Petitions In have been oommittee, which consists of before sdjoumment to take this ordi- bankruptcy A grand oonnert will be on tions as deem to given Sat- they may proper pre- one alderman and three tiled by: Cordelia Ciliey, Farmington; sent. oounollmen, nance from the table failed. 4x5 urdiy evening, August U, consisting ol should tbe Dexter H. Walter “Ray” Folding Camera, piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiii make contract. Tbe dlfTer- The oouncll laid on the table the orders Spaulding, Oakland; mig detections by tie Port- The of this order la to K. Mezartiqaartette^of objeot evidently enoufl of tbt* two bnarila nn tl>ia anhw Shaw, Bangor. the committee on pobllo yitj.uu eaon land, and Mlu Mabel ouiupel the com ml tea on authorising = On Th<> == reading by Saw- lights, of.Wblob were committed to a committee of confer- to get plans for building a yer of the Penn Norma! aobool. The Alderman Smith Is chairman, to not buildings ALARM OF FIRE AT WESTBROOK. Wo also keep on hand ence, who recommended the Indefinite room at the Forest la the for the oontraot waiting City cemetery following programme the week. promptly,as present lighting of The alarm sounded on the Wostbrock PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM s Breakfast postponement tbe order providing that ar.d the order to All the Park street reser- expires tbe last ofOotobar; and the new fire alarm Thursday. the joint committee should make such system at about 6.80 oVcok for Eastman Kodaks and Blair Hawk- as It time to lnstal voir. Tables Of =§ 10.30— Sarm on' Rev. H. D. company, requirua Its contract. last evening wus rung In by Chief [Q. Snlnn, This report was a for Intrcduotd an order au- Engi- eyes, Rex 4x5 80c S3 =3 “What Is could not If the vletory Mr. Flokett Cards, Paper, gro. 1)., Religion!" “Can we get service, compete time of tbe neer Byrne as a test for the fire contention of the aldermen, and for the of to depar',- It?’’ Can we loose ltf” bids was Therefore thorising payment (1,000 George receiving delayed. inent, men and horses. The olty has re- .Alderman Smith, who has already gone X. Edwards for land damage caused by Friday. tbe aotlon of the aldermen was a distinct non id nniothnca/l onsna non knaaoa o»*■!•» In Mlwaee, proT.meat Society. ■>( Experience About Cause and jodgol bad decided to anapend Driver I C Perk, to rooms: 36 male. 13 rukey’s Bridge, electric cars go by same: ulnae. This wet Mr. Jordan'! first drive °<*«n Park. Augu.-t 14.-Tcdsy has *■ 10 w»c*s low for «nolee lots. of A. C. An Irish (Indent to mute • ^late. ruooit; 3i Artenal, 13 Inquire attempted ro .1BB Y fit CO., 42 Id Exeh mge the Opening Day. In n rare, and tboogh hi* friends were liaen Ooean Park Improreraent Day, the I USE*1!? 13 ■!!>«; Stir Congress, 9 at.15-1 professor's lecture ou Cause and Effect, .3 room,; Hearing street, 9 lavish with their oonld day devoted to the I ate rests of the Oomn »ndroom^esbU.e. l« rooms 8aLP—-Cottage located on lie to the sympathy, they each: Omlcbn. U rooms; Free. lot*, finely ot jjoted axlomatlo prlnoiple FORPeaks (stand, in full slew ef the sea and net a Park the bosl- 10rooms;Ceigrers, io rooms: Uanfoith dsny that tha Judges bad pursued Improvement eoolety. At »•„ •arbor and within a few ml utes walk of that cause la always lint and effect • M ,n"mt. For the do more neee thle fore- 1 niliT^Tb^i*? ?*"■ pctieuiar. andlng. For further particulars right course, and one that will meeting of the eoolety held ts *to on e, FHKHt.KRK 8. Inquire of A. omeequt noe. and he Illustrated hie theory VAtM. J. (J BBY & +* 1-2 Exchange Bt. i6-\ than anything else to make It worth noon the following officer were eleoted: txy by citing one at ble countrymen pushing a while for lovers of clean horse to Prreldrnt, Mev. O. R. Flanders of Bldoc- No- 1 Mnrrne C*OR SALE—Within 2 minutes walk of w wheel borrow. W baterer IIjw Maine Bred Trotter raolng F<’M,m.1Ne.T.u,!nu:'’ Place; 1 reasoning may Surprised “nd room. Western Promenade, an exceptionally patronise the meetings. Mr. Jor- ford, who fonnded the eoolety end has ILno m .T J",J.ro"“" 9 be necessary to establish the Irlshman'i Rigby K «• LEWIS, well loca ed hou-e of rooms, with bath, I?lr*si.f»w.< HaHnll l &/A. Co., ’.sVo.e"'*• 137 »te;im h set the dan was not entirely at fault; but war, been the moat aotlre promoter of Ita en Middle litre* i. 15 I at, tubs, etc., etabe containing 8 contention, cne tb ng Is certain, ranee Sports. ■tails; lot facing on two streets; price eon- a victim of elaa's India- J. C. LMtH KENT—New flat. In usu ns Urst In rather, somebody terprf.es; secretary. Her. Osgood r IlFgh street Idemblv fe s than 9000ft; easy terms. p*r- always goes kldnsy dicesre and on lice Spring str-et electric cretion. of N. U treasurer. Rev. K. bat mrs; ■>. icularf. B a! Estate Office, FKEDKBK K 8. the effect follows Bad backs Littleton, ; sunny exp inure, hrato I wlili nor outer V A from dlt- be ILL.lfi-1 la a list of horses that will A. Arery of S. H.; ejeoutlrv It.set tubs, oeme ted Crllar. ai d i.|| modern ordered kidneys are very oomraon. No Following Alton, start In tomorrow’s stakes: 2.21 the shore otlloera with Frank- '**■*»• L'OR SALK- I/Odvlng bouse, 12 rooms, can- condition or claat ot Is paoe, committee, y.1'rn.T»TEvg»..lt,tt,t>0“ ■ low humanity ex- lin (rally located, rent, well furui-bed, Jennie Rale, Marse Blanobe, Tom Metoalf of Prorldenoe, H. I., and fo ng a g«*>d business, must be sold. W. P. empt. gome eases ate o.'d and chronic She Gets a Lower Mark Chan, O LET—At P.lnoe’s furnished | Point, cot- Kxchance siret t, 14-1 Rosa Miss L. A. D -Merrltte of Ooean Park, 1 tage. five LKKBsCtt.kO city. and stub! urn to remove, gome are first Arnold, Alpine, Brown, Early containing largo rooms, stable and row ho it also Hlroh Marlon 8.15 In the afternoon a flag raising was held go wl h it. Pile* |7.u«e aud experience y Wi lard. near water Ve. T. H. of R. «t nrm front, local resident will Borland, Tilley Providence, 1, Forty words tasritrd under this head at present1*1$? ,ot\at • convince you. Driver Charles Jordan of Sonttt LET—L>eslrnb!ti tent. C frooms, ham, i.oanlers; price 22700, one hall Summary: •poke on "Present Necessities" end E. one week for 3fl cash In advance. be *fctra. Owen Woods of 185 Dan forth St, cents, I'O steam heat, hard wood floor•, newly fnrn\;..r«VfVre CaII » dealftKl J also 2.20 1). on and 8 rooms on *'boarding ihouse In W. Portland Class, Trotting; Stake 31000. Wade of Ocean Park spoke "The papered painted; Taylor ,SL. I.I1.1i-A CA HH,ITS ! cliy. toys: Suspended. FEW steam t r room ft, Oxford budding. 14-1 Future cf Ooean Paik." MORE SUMMER BOARDERS heat, alb, very de«ira*»le; rooms, hath, "gome time ago Mr. Wood had ocnsld- Lucrative,b in, by Dexter Prince, wanted after August ll at Highland Jer- $*5.00; 11 moms, hath. #1500:5 rooms Dai.forth, VOlt HA I.E-One of the fin -st residences at (Hyde,) 1 ) j In the the annual ooncert was sey Stock Farm. No place In Maine possesses near High street, $10.00. N. 8. GARDINER, * crat lo trouble from want of no- evening Wool ord\ 27 Pleasant proper b flnef n-'ouutaiu air and water or 53 Exchange street. 11-1 street, 12 large Mike Is, g, (Trout), 3 2 S tbe scenery, purer sunny rooms, bath, hot and cold of the A glren by society. more beautiful walks or drive*. Write at once. water, three tion kidneys. friend gave him Poror. ch s, 2 5 3 fire places net tubs In (Marston), W. W. & F. B. I’lK Me. LET-1 overrent of 3 ro^mn, rar No. 227 laundry, cellar with F, Cornish. 1*1 cemented floor s a lew Djan's Kidney Pills, telling him Konald, b g, (Uutcotnlj), 7 3 5 TO Danloith street, wl h s-bugo. $«.oo. Ap- and plastered ceiling, h mdsonie KIgby la entertaining tha horsemen br AT GROVE. F°r etc call on how much had done for him. Their Zellsr, a, (Marsh), 6 7 4 MARTHA’S *1 EAD Me. A few ply to EL> o ARD II AS I Y, 12 Green atreer. K,.M.*SdA fe1 terms, they Cottage, Brldg on, more 2id Middle again, this time with a meeting contain* Hose L oh m, (Pay ns), 4IIH boarders can be accommodated at WlLLI9M.CllENEUY.Trus.ee, benefit lal effects were noticeable. He tills __ll-l a*, rest, 14.1 br g, 0 4 7 hon-e, on Bildgt* n lng n mixture cf stake and olass raws Limerick, (Bass), Talks by Dr. Abbott a Pleasing Feature Highlands, ihiough Aug. TO l.KT-Two suites of then a box for htmeelf at U. 11. and good rooms, good service, excellent light, got Ha? 8.19 3 3.19 2.17 1-4. Sept, OFFICER with toilet room on same On that gives promise uf exceeding in Inter- Time, 4, 3-4, of and terms moder- pleasant offices, Peering street, a superior & ban’s drug itoro at the Programme. table, scenery unsurpassed: floor. to 8. II. 92 FORbuilding lot junction ol ate. Address THOMAS E. Apply COLESWURTHY, comaing tbout5.000 reet; best est anything witnessed cn Maine's e.os CI»W, ironing; curst' lit) t MEAD, Brldgtoo, location or. the street. to Mlddlr nnd Free bis. the time ha parlor Apply VV. li. WAL- Hy bad 11-1 DRON Si 18o Middle street. traok within a year. Km Maine._ CO., 12-1 taken all the contained in the mi D ,hy Black Nathan,(.Ior- [srECIAL TO THK fH*SS.] LET—The modern detached tenement, l?2 pills box, F. House, Isle of Springs, In The opening day was fall cf Interest, dan acd Uatcowb), 4 3 111 Mckranpan 1M> Park street, near Hpilug street, containing HALE OR TO RENT—A small farm the In his back were ended. Hi Martha’s TH Boothhay where ;ou can get lha POK pains Xli'i b Grove, Fryeburg, August 14. llarbor, 8 rooms, bathroom, laundry, and up-to-date about one mile from tbongh the programme did not seem to Brother, g, by Emperor best of board, ni:e pure water and guoi Freeport Tillage. For bus since then was a pure plumbin'-t and a low to small further recommended tbelr uio tc Wilke?, (Payne), 114 6 3 —Sunday rest day an the grounds. air, malls. The hutel is 100 heating, price particulars apply at ouce to Box 480. offer as there prices right, dally of adult*. to J.Y. 272 Me. •tie a end anything especially good, Mystlo Maid, h m. 3 6 3 3ft feet above sea a nice coal b:eeze family Apply BABB, Fieepoit, 12-1 always speaks of the greal (Bowen), Ur. Lyman Abbott preached In the Au- level; every Middle street, or the owner. uu.'Jtf were but two events on the and b come. I* va'ue of 1)Jan's card, Prairie, u. (Bare), 6 3 6 5 8 dify. Come, or terms and circulars Kidney Plllj at every op- aporlum In tbe efternoon. Not before address S. S. Isle of |*ro- Congress street, near Lincoln both o( them slow olasses. lint as the af- Nor.al Ked.b aid Mc- WALKED, Springs, fTO LET—Desirable tenements located In t'ORSALK—On1 a g,(Keamer Ma'ne. ark; detached house, 14 rooms ano bath, portunity." 3 4 3 this year has the building been so crowd, prletor, »a A Western of the 6 ternoon progressed the sport began to Donald.) 3 4 pArt city, rooms 81 >..10, hot and cold water, and in perfect repair; a s run ror 6 7 rooms <14 7 rooms and bath 813 00. flat rare oliancu to Kicncy sale tty al> deal Myopia, »p g, (Trout), 7 7 4 6 ed. Valley cottage. Glen. N. H., now on, secure a pleasant home at a deepen In eioltement. The features cf 7 rcoms 82.1.00, ten ro mi $45 0,1 per month; bargain. W. H. era; GO cents a box. Mailed on 'lhe Spaniard, b g, (•■oDoaalc!) 5 7 6 dr PLEASANTopen, house am new, a large WALDRON Si CO., 18j Middle price re Tbe Bible readings by Mlse Helen k*. furnishings located, 0 room* $*.' O. 7 and 8 rooms 91 re the were the of a farm from which and mUk are centrally 11_| of opening day suspension Time, 8.17 1-4, 8.16 8.15 8-4, 8.17 vegetaoies sup- *lfl aim ltd. EZRA JL__ oolpt price by Foster-MIlburn Co 3-4, 1-4, Cole are rery largely attended, and It has plied everything Is done for the comfort IlAWKESAt.O., 88 Ex- driver and tho of two 3.18 1-1 oaily, change street. 0-1 borsc. black stands >i. sole marking green ol the Write fur circular. A. F. F1* ,AS4,'E—BaX points, lluilnlo, V., agents for tbs become necessary to hare tbs olase meet guests. HALL, 16-1 n:gl», Wtfghs hot sound, klrnl I totters. (l eu, y. pounds, u. a In Norranl hall. 11,__T4_ BENT—For remainder of season; a fir4 iustableorour.no tricks, afraid of nothing, Weather conditions were LITTLE IUAM0N1L TO c.'ass summer o y^ars old; can road of the best Li 'iini/i.uoai mm hi via i.i'i' ■ (urnhhed for miles an Remember the ng,« cottage, house- eight hour, and name—Doan'e—and The botany olase Is a en- new trot quite safe for women or and tbs truck was what the horsemen remarkably SiM'inice accommodations; house situated at keeping, plastered, plumbing, running fast, children to take no substitute. one and edge cf lake near house; sandy water, good b*'ldug beautl-uI location. drive, disposition worth $01*0 for a family The EnlrrUIn tbuslastlo tbls enthusiasm Is ee- pine grove; beach, nil ti lined “just right.” The attendance Cottagers Hundreds at beach; boating »nd bathing; bass ami trout IT mis reasonable. Apply to JOSEPH B. hor^e. Price If sold at once 1200. Can be seeii lmtted by the pre enc3 of Mr. Hairey references given. Parties KEEP, and driven at CLARK'S phe8 :m r salst. two a -wintx. was fnlr for a lint day. Their Annual Clam llakr. fishing. City stay- City.___8-1 STABLE, Tyn2 ing two weeks or over will be free trans- street. iq-i Stale, botanist. given _ Mr. A. H. Merrill of Dangers, Mass., portation from Gray station, coming end going. fl’O LET—Nlcelv furnished room, large and inn ntierncon 1 SALK—At a Dearly every one ;waa to For furtt er particulars address MARSHAL airy, In good quiet location, near first clans POR bargain, wyx)0 feet of who has so efficiently served as starter The clirk of the wtnt'ier smiled h!i A vacant near be foDDd In tbe Me. 1-tf boardinghouse. 14 GKaY 81., between Park land, .Marginal way. Portland. auditorium lletenlng to MORSE, Dry Mills, an 1 In all the enit.rn olrcult events this sea- sweetest open the oottsgers at Little Dia- and 8ta;o. 0 1 bKw^n Loyd Mtyo streets. C. J. Dr.Abbnt’,while be gave ble second talk I ™1."■ 1 *-■ .. SCHW ARTZ. Peering, or F. M. RAY, 88 1-2 was In the and associated mond Island on son, stand, with yesterday the occailoo of DOR RENT—Two new flats In western part of Exchange street. 10 1 on tbe Blole. “Fiction In the Bible” BPRING HOUSE and Maine * him as were Mosers. their annual clam city; 8 room* m each, every modern con- judges Hugh Sxeney take, and under cloud- RAYMONDCentral Railroad will tell where to SALE-Two and w is the speolal subject. you go venience, sun ail also a number of other POR cne half story brick FOR BILIOUS AND NERVCl'S cf Portland and iest tkles and a and what to do for a class ee day; a DISORDERS Edward Cogswell of the with ternperatura just the first outing for th rents larg%and s»nall In other of the house, containing 14 100ms. arrati ed for Br. Abbott closed laotnre with or three If parts city. two such as wind nnd Prln In Boston today’s days, months; you enclose stamp W. P. CARR, Room 3. Oxlord 9-t families, house thoroughly built by lata the Ftomarh, Traveler. The duty of the judges kind that would have been ordered hern will be Building, Is OKtdtT.es*, Fullness nftcr meals, Headache romunoe of Esther—not tbe fnll etory as y«»u surprised* Address C. K. SMALL, owner. to be sold for purpose of closing tha Dizziness, was rendered doubly -hard by a condition had the Islanders been consulted, at least No Raymond. Me.amrf-if Sal Estate Men and Builders.—V7anteaiiuin^ or a roum or a house SALK—Three good quality late styla ireir.bling TH? FIRST fNE the drivers. and enjoyed a bake which was fully op F. D.. Box 167, So. Windham. Me. 31-4 tapering drop FOR WILL Give RELIEF IN TWENTY Informal "at home” In ber pretty little a postal and l wi l call and give estimates. Canopy Top Surrys. They are to be abso- U\NOTf£ l'he 3.H0 stake rase was oleand from to the standard HOUSE, North Winubam, Me. Now lutely sold at le*s than manufacturer's Every Buflorer will aciHiowlcdge them to be high set hy the hosts quite Work executed with despatch and satisfaction prices. oottage, “Tbe Longfellow," which near- LAKEOpen lor the season of 1900. Quiet loca- Call and look nt them the low figures will In- the card In short order. The Hartford a decade since. guarantied. Address F. E. DALY, Eagle This It high praise, for tion. Supplied with unexcelled mineral water. terest you, BRADLEY & 35 ly all residents of tbe grovs attended. Hotel, Portland. Me._ 8-4 SMALL, Prebla mare Lucrative, which won third money these olambakes bave a most enviable rep- Good bass and salmon fishing; d table board at No. 5 good reasons for selling. For further particu- O tigress head of Park lars inquire of A.'C. LIBBY & t O., 42 1-2 Kx- her. She folly the and Mrs. John C. Mr. and at Park, street, MRS. justified high luting Small, Mrs. Ulen Cove, early Monday morning, SK t cha ge street 9.1 LOST ANT> the sporting fraternity bed given her. Oliver Bay, John A. Emery, K. S. E. aged about seventy. Capt. Merrill bad FOUND. LUNGS._JlyJldlf f|M> LET—Store No. 88 Exchange St, now oc- SALE—1 1-2 story nouso containing 8 She won the race, eff the reel, trot- Mr. of the Thomson followed tbe eea since his lie A Portland o. FORrooms In fitted for one right MoLellan, tilokey yontb. Forty words Inserted under this head cupled by Phonograph Pos- good repair, family, WANTED lOlb. with stable, liiuated 011 the corner session OJAS. JR. of ting three even miles acd never onoe line, Councilman Sloman and Mrs. Slo was In the West lad lee [ July MCCARTHY, Forest R IFA-N-s -III not bene- mainly engagad one week far !i5 cents, cash In advance* Avenue and Ocean Sts., lot 90xi20. For further St..l'SW.W It I P« N 8, 10 for ll|*1 ft or S6-tf ct-iitM, 13 acketti for «s jcopaidlzlng her Klghy mark. The gold- man, ex-Connollman Fred trade. particulars or A. C. LIBBY & 431-3 of dniggtat* who aro N.'Mayberry, U LET—summer visitors lake nonce the inquire CO., • low willing »| hr. •“fll priced mtiiiciiiF at a moderate urout. ingUiktdo, from the Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Nr. and Mrs. ■ Balne House is centrally located 60 Exchange 9-2 They br.nlsn rain and life. Maplsburst farm, Blob, FREU B. GOULD. tween the corner of Elm and Ox- Spring probing street, cor. rooms and Price fl.oo One give* relief. Accept no ■nhutltnto. crowded the favorite C. W. X. Mist Alice LOST—Beford streets and Oakdale market, Forest OAK, board. Mote the Lanrader, Mass., Ucdlng, Gibbon?, HALE—A good parlor stove at a word R T P A*N*s or the racket Gardiner, August 14 —Representative Avenue, a package valuable to owner per bargain ® Rlpar.* Chemical ooee or twice In each lint Mist Gibbons of Perris only. day._la-tf FORCali at 409 Cumberland left hand Co.. Ho. 10 ftprnce beat, hadn't Koobester, Miss Finder leave at 120 Commercial street, E. B. LET—Store 12 St, bell, Ck, Mow York, for 10 Mum«L»* and i.uoq Fred B. Gould ef Pltwt-on died late Sun- f|iO Free street. Possession to tie with her at BUTLER*15 A b-1 speed enough the finish. of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. l given Immediately. Inquire of PORT- ___ Prlndle, il at hie home In The ly night PlttetoD, aged LAND SAVING S BANK. 83 Exchange SL excitement of the afternoon was and Mrs. Weymonth and sitter, Mr. and Picked up adrift about threo miles SALE—A desirable house lot, num- 40 years. The deceased was prominent IjiOUNL)—east of Half row boat. maygotf FOUber eu 840 centered in the 3.33 trot, a dues event. Mrs. Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. laxt Way Rock.la Owner Congress street, Cl*y. Inquire r, In town affairs and a well known Demo- can have same by culling on undersigned, RENT—June 1st upper flat, house No". of A, W. WHITE, Station Agent, Wooifords The favorite at the prov- For Women., beginning of the race Mr. and Mrs. Pinkhain, Capt. Vtlggin, ing property and paving charges. H. I. WEB- FOlt190 Soring street, eight rooms, besides Station. 9-1 c.-it of Kennebec county. I n 18V6 be wag we 1 halls and Dr. Toltnan't Monthly was XL's a three Mr. Mr. and Mrs. BER, WestHarps Me. 12-1 bath room, with steam heat and all nepuJatorhasbrought Brother, year-aid geld- Uhler, Kennard. Her. elected to tbe Maine t a modern S A LE OR TO LET-At West Pownal R. happiness to hundreds of anxious women. legislature y improvement'; large lot, lu first class ing whloh was sold here a Y OST—On Aug. 10th In the forenoon a FORK. six acres of There Is positively no other remedy known fortnight ago Samuel Worcester. Mlts Hanlet Staples bandeome majority, although the dletrlot Indy’s order. Inquire at 64 GRAY ST., morning noon stalio", good Dnd, story AJ 512. somewhere on and half and stable in to medical science, that will so and for 15.01 to Thomas Pratt ot of is strongly Mepuolloan. Be leaves a pocketbook containing or right.Juno 2-tf house, ell, good con- quickly Clinton, Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Hodman North street. K turu to 17 dition. several safely do the work. Have never had widow two WASHINGTON running spring water, fruit trees a singlo a and children. KENT—About 1st, house No. 63 and failure. The and Ct., well-known summer visitor at Old A. Batohelder, Mr and Mrs. Willis /, STREET and obtain reward.in May a fine rock maple grove. ALFRED WOOD- longest most obstinate cases FjitGray street. Nine rooms beside halls, are relieved in 3 without Orohatd. lielore MAN, 19 Peering street, Portland, Me. 31-4 days fail. No other teduy’s race his horse Cat38, Mrs. G. A. Webb of Crl 1 I8BON FALLS STRIKE Monday afternoon, July 31st, on bath and store rooms: hot and cold water, set will do this. No Denver, SETTLED. remedy pain, no dancer, no LOST—Ontrain (No. 53), between North Berwick aud tubs, furnace with room. All interference bad no mark, through be had finished a Miss Prlndle, Miss of New heat; good yard with work. The most difficult Chapman 14.—A to the Portland; a lady’s erry jacket, lined with silk. in first class lorder. Ei at 64 GRAY WATCHES ON INSTALLMENTS case* close Lewiston, August special quire successfully treated through corres- second la two fast miles on the Mrs. Gould and Mr. and Reward will N* 11 It Iv returned or STREET, noon or York, daughter, sun rays It Is understood that tbe strike paid notice morning, ntgnt. 3tf Waltham and Watches. A pondence.aud the most satisfaction sent to MU. B. FRANK Elgin large stock complete course at the last In the Worutubo Lisbon SLAVEY. Postmaster, of new model guaranteed In every instance. I relieve hun- Klgby meeting. Mrs. Cnmeron, Mrs. Gaylor and Mr. and mills, Fnils Prout’s Watches will be sold on easy pay- Neck, 7-2 ments at dreds of ladies whom I never see. But Id a has been Fettled, Agent Uutnmnn agree- Malue._ reasonable prices. All Styles. Au Write for picking probable winner “the Mrs. Chase of Brcoklyn, Mrs. Ardon Prices. further particulars. Ail letters truthfully ing to glva tbe wvsv-rs a Id par cent A sure cure for chafing In hot INSPECTION WATCHES. McKENNKY. the Jeweler, Monument talent" bad failed to take Into aooount Mr. C. A. Mr. IjtOUND—A Square. answered. Free confidential advice In all Coombs, Strout, Nichols, Increase In wages October IB ar.d to ad- weather. A Brazilian Chafing stone wil marl9dU matters of aprivateordelicate nature. Hear another green one—Emma I), a mare that Miss Nichols, Mr. aod Mrs. Crsm of just other grlvanoea. prevent and :ure. Send 25 cents to PARKER 17 Jewel adjusted PaL regulator nickel Elgin In mind this remedy is absolutely safe under PEASE & CO., Bar Mills, Maine. 28-4 Sllverlne case, gi5.no. B. W. Raymond 17 and SALE—Elegant new 0 room house on was raised at Buck field, a uf Mr. and Mrs. Tbaddens 21 POR every possible condition anil will imsiiivety daughter Dcerlng, Lewis, jewel adjusted Is the best E allroad Watch. leave no TEXAS AT BELFAST. hot water after 111 effects upon the health Hy dr. Hassell's old Black Nathan, onoe a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mr. and Mr?. These watches will pass the Inspection. Me- heat, piazzas, ba. windows, electric mall sealed. HELP the ilouume it light* and bell*, finely »itua\ed. Price low If seeurely *3.00. Dr. E.M.TOL- favorite Maine atallion. Belfast, August 14.—The _FEMALK KENNEY, Jeweler, Square. MAN CO.. 17;) Tromfint Sit llnatoo _ Emma D. la Harry Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kel- battleship WASTRP._ '•ken now. terms. DALTON & Texas of the Easy CO. North Atlantia for second _ eight years old acd was never bitched to urt w. n.. hire. J. r. squadron competent girl sty, cnantuer, arrived here at four this afternoon WANTED—Awork. References ______Jly25dtf from required. Apply SALE—>*ew house on Richardson a “bike" till two months ago, and nsver Wesoott, Mr. and Mri. Fred Farrington, Bar Harbor. evenings at 743 Congress street. 8-1 St, DR. F. AUSTIN TT IIII TV FORvery desirable, contains 8 rooms and bath, figured In a race before yesterday. Laet Miss Grace Farrington, Mr. John Small, TO LET. hot and cold water, wired for electric lights YVANTKI)—A voting lady stenographer and Inqulr of A. L. 12 St. week she showed her owner a work-ant Hitt Mildred Curtis. AVV(iaf?LOWEK * f RICHARDSON, Rest TENNEY typewriter to act as asslstaul bookkeeper. Peering Centre, Me.21-4 mile In 3 20 1-1 over the State Fair Iriok Thu clam bake Address In own handwriting, givlun m-'m over, the party ad- a experience, “It Is mi prising fact” says Prof. references and expected. PORTLAND ROW BOATS FOR SALE-Address H. at and that oonvlnosd Mr. to thu several wages Store No. 550 Lenlston, journed cottages for a social Houton, "that In my travels in all parts STOV K FOUNDRY CO. Congress street, NEWH.T OWNsEND, Bo. Freeport. Me. my27tl Bussell that be had a prize. The profes- chut, after vrhleh the nf ti.rs tunrM /raw ♦ last law __ » corner of Oak. many leftjfor city Enquire of SALK at a very low pilce. a 'umraer sional men at on the boat have met more Rigby yesterday hadn’t of tbu early evening. The people having used MISCELLANEOUS. CUAKEES FEKKY. FORCottage of four rooms with furniture, very OCULIST, tea:d of Emma ll.’s Lewiston perform- larger somber, however, remained for Green's August Hotter than any _ pleasantly situated near th^ break water, South tbe musical entertainment, and dance oilier for _a»g5tTU Portland, and within fifty feet of the * .It water; ance, which accounts for their overlook- remedy, dyspepsia, deranged Forty words Inserted under this head would make a fine chp'-house; musf. bo sohl at urhtoh bad been arranged to olose the liver and and for stomach, constipaiion. one week for *5 cash once. Two hundred dollars takes It. Address REMOVED ing her In tbelr blackboard prophecies. festivities. The "Micao" cents, in advanc*. dey’s was the 1 find for tourists and salesmen, or for TO LET. **Cmtige, 126 Franklin at, Portland, Me.” tf from what scene of the and To Commodious Office Rooms at Jidjing transpired during evening jollity, beiore tilling office w here the several musical positions, MONEY TO LOAN—On first and second VOR SALE— Elegant now 9 room house, cor- the afternoon, Mr. Russell had no Inten- danolng, numbers eadachcs and iT1 Sets'ms general bad feelings from mortgages oa Real Estate at as low rate of A ner of Avenue and Wi liam St. were delightfully rendered This was the Suite of two ronuis, has *> and Deenng 514 tion of his mare's habits that Interest as tao bo obtained iu also hot water architects Congress Street, sacrificing ohances of irregular exist, Green’s Portland; IO dll corner t'ointrpw Oni. Open plumbing, heat, programme: loans made ou stocks, bonds, personal plans, corner lot. beautiful surburban home winning bigger money in future August (’lower is a grand remedy. It pioperty events, Selection Chandler's Orchestra or any good security. Apply to A. C. LiBBY & streets, for business use. En- Price to suit and terms easy. C. R. DALTON, • Over Foster, A Co. does not injure the system Avery but be slipped up In hie reckoning, and A May Morning, by frequent CO., 42 1-2 Exchange quire of 63 in chan go streetJuoeOdtf Denzp use, and Is excellent for sour stomachs street,_aug16dlmo ,t is to tbe credit of the Miss Hawes. men whoifHal. and PHARMACY, 412 Con- CHARLES PERRY, Cfflcs Gounod's Indigestion.” Sample bottles HOMEOPATHICa A THOUSAND RINGS Days, Saturdays only until September ated In the stand that Serenade, (lint* solo), gross street, uea-ly opposite City Hall, 548 1-g Congress SI. augodtf judges’ Maine now free at F. K. Fickett’s, 212 K. Me. A full stock 15th, after which office will be Mr. Uurgess. Danforth, Portland, of Treshly pi-s- opeu every day, has a new performer insula the 3.16 W. 107 Jc oared Medicines To select from. Diamonds. Opals, Peal, a. m. olase. Lost Chord, Sullivan Stevens’, Portland, McDonough Homeopathic constantly on M to C p. m. hand. 8. E. M. wanted-.Walk heli*. Rubys aud all other precious stoDes, XL's Brother took the llrst William Sheridan’s, 235 and J.E. Could SYLVESTER, D., Proprietor Engage- two heats, Cameron. Congress, stent and Wedding Ring* a specialty. Largest Vocal & Co.’s 201 Federal St __in being feroed to a mark of 217 !-4 in tbe Solo, YYa^TKD—An office boy, about 18 years old. mock in the city. McKENNKY, the Jeweler Eyes Exa mined Free Miss Fogg. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. RAKE OPPORTUNITY to make money f * address In own Monument Square. marchiydtf heat and 216 3-4 In hand-wrltlug giving age orening tbe next. Be Vocal Da ne’r by buying at a low mice an old. well es- and reference. P. O. Box 1579. 15-1 Solo, ( pb Love,) tablished and By Latest Methods Kuouu to Modern had many a brush the baok etretch Millinery Fancy Goods business SALE—New. aflat block (fl rooms on up Mies Hawes. si ihrlvlnu ni»linf iKtnrlnn n., salesman WANTED—AO ENT 4. YY^^^ED—Drain travelling FOReach on Science. ff Slate of flat) High street, everything first Optical and down as far as the draw but Selection, Orchestra lion, owner 2G years. 11 health through Maine, visiting all flour class and gate, present cause; mills and dealers strictly up to-date; finely finished, augl-im for 3 new sells look at it. MISS A. S. M grain to sell bags for a manu- ___ from there borne tbe concert irus the patents, AGRA 111, plnmbed and heated, nothing better: rents lor nobody ezoept Uncle Following danolng YVANTED—Agents»> at Wilton, facturing Arm In New York. Address C. & was sight: aitents average $4.80day, every- Me. H-i J. $720 per will over 8 ceut Jook Bowen whlcb kept np to tbe last possible 197 west New York year; pay per net C, seemed to bate any desire to body uses, everyone can afford to buy. Send CO., street, Cily. 19-2 B. DALTON & CO., 53 Exchange St. June9-tt 'VETERANS AT minute, and now and then during the 3 (or W1KDBMBRB PARK. get near him. stamps samples and vecuro territory. An lt'ANTED-1 ain now ready to buy all kinds evening a catcby specialty was given In letter Address ff young man todo office work. ■EtOR SALE—Ilere’s another! Elegant, new ply by only. UK All AM’S of cast off ladies’. Rems’ and children’s YY-^^^ED—A A Unity, 11.—At Wlndemere The didn't Johnson's f v at once J. nine room house on Eastern Promenade August park judges like tbe appearanoe Honey Inlmttablo way. Every GKN'L AGENT, 3 Wllmot St., Portland. 15-1 f more than Apply F. UERRITY & Co.. 1*44 clothing, pay any purchaser iu Middle for $3900. Corner In this about IX) of cue bad a good time and the day was a the Send letters to MR. 9-1 lot, sewer, Sebago. heated, place, members of the things. Emma D. and Morval Red AN city. or Mug. Df. street,_ gas. hard wood red-letter one In tbe of the Y%r TED—Active agents, meu and women, 7u bath, floor, very sigbUy, bay Grand history Island. ’’ GROUT, Middle St. augi4 liw-if Army of the Repnbllo were the had betb shown great bursts of speed on to sell a genuine money miking article. HOY WANTED-TUe James Bailey Co.. 264 windows, and piazza. Only $1000 down, balance MKS. ISABELLA a* Middle street, 91 to suit you. C. B. 63 St. guests of the Clough Veteran Charitable tbe back side of ths and It P.BLOSSOM,tuee (Haworth) ILL all those having house fl(gs or DALTON, Exchange course, looked NOMINATED AS 7 Williams St. \\ff hunting association when FIREMEN. Silent, Mass, 11-2 that they are willing to loan for decora- _June»tf today, tbe linest weath- from tbe as stand If they could have fin- ting purposes the thristion er ptevailed. The programme ononed At a of the hoard of dur'ng Endeavor! A REGISTERED APOTHECARY WANTED ished deal meeting engineers Convention, 5-7tli, -AVtll be ajgrent stronger than they did, WANTED. Sep! please notify. A with exercises at Clough hall. Muslo last evening tbe beard voted to reootu- marked and returned. G. E. ADA\Di. G3 good position for the riglit man. Refer- John Rearmer was oallsd down from ences required. CLOCK REPAIRING. was furnished the Rrcoks meml tbe of A.G. Green 1 by band. Bed’s appointment Eldrldge St,_ augiodlw Press Office. Norval sulky,despite bis pleadings, Forty words Inserted under tills bead full line of iruvk* and IPECAC, Hon. Forest Goodwin of Skonbegan as driver of the Woodfords ladder truck bag* can always he aud Mr. MoDonald was substitute. Then one week for S3 cents, cash In advance. A found at E. I). REYNOLDS, trunk and bag 1\ E have made a specialty of clock repairing wbb orator of the and F. W. as In a planing mill to run ff for and are day. Mr. Goodwin Hayes drlvsr of the hoss luannfaciurei, 6i»3 Congress street. YY^NTBD-Man• years perfectly familiar with Mr. Uatcomb, a well-known Congress • saws. Planers and molder 011 bouse finish. It in all of took as his relneman, at tbe Square. Ladies’ and gents dress suit cases at Its branches. Our prices are reason- toplo tbe progress of Ameri- wagon Woodfords station. man Steady work and Man with was hailed and told to his YYrANTED—Live with $200.00 can secure all prices. OU trunks taken in good wages. able. Drop us a postal and we will call for your get racing ’’ exchange. Open Address FRED B. SHER- ca in the past the Tbe on fire will partnership In light manufacturing busi- eveuings. connection. family preferred. clock aud return It. when done without extra oentury, attributing as be was committee department Telephone Trunks re- BURNE. toga on, needed in tha race. ness, paying large profits. NOVELTY, Box paired. Sanford, Me. 1-4 charge. the same to “tho citizen soldier.” Other meet tonight and it le said that there Is 20-7 McKENNEY, Jeweler, Monument While be was making ready.the Buckfleld tofir. _i3i Square, Portland. Ianl2dtf ■peakers were Dr. of some doubt about these STORAGE for furniture, clean, dry, mi table Billings Freedom, appointments 0 for household WANTED mars slowly jogged up tbe stretch, and YVANTED- Both sexes make $5 dally selling gpods, pianos, etc. Spaces SITUATIONS. OK SALK—Look at this! New two story six president ot the oonlirmed ■ v 10 ft Clough Veteran Charit- being by them. the most perfect fount tin peu. We give sq.. $t.23 per mouth ; 12 ft. sq., $1.80 per room house and 5000 feet of find In Peer- tbe eagle eye of the jndgee took note 13ft able association; R. W. of to Introduce for a limited time only. month; sq., $2.75 per mouth; other sizes ing for $1400. only $200 down, balance only $11 Libby Unity, uear the iu Forty word* tuicrtcd under this head that up diaw gate a groom ran gremlumsamples by mall, 2.7c; samples of our gold pen, proportion. Apply at OREN HOOPER’S per month; don't wait until someone It Col. Albert Stinson of oue for buys Plummor, Sears- 75C. Particular* and prices from 2.L4 week 43 cents, cash lu advance. iiway from you. C. B. up to her and let out her obeck-rein a GOODSELL, SONS._ DALTON, 63 Exchange Thomas of 102 Pultun St.. New York. it reel. port, Major Frredom and Hon. \TtTE WILL ROY household goods or store _JuneOdtf few notchee. V V fixtures of A. E. Nioksrson of Swnnsvllle. A ball latest—the Jumping Bean any description, or will re- FOR cash, or will exchange for \YANTED—Tbo*> ceive the same at ^jpHEAP The starter called her baok to the wire, Barrels of fun and money. mail 3 for our auction rooms for 1UANTBD—D. K. real estate, manufacturing plant lu Boston, was given at tbe this By sale on book-keeper, correspoc- pavilion evening. toe, dozen 25a; retail at So each. commission. GOSS & WILSON, ** dont and clerk. 23 years with five goods iu constant demand by all grocers and and her driver, Charles Jordan of South GOODSELL, 154 olJ, 102 Fulton St.. N. Y.’ Auciloneers, Middle street, corner Silver years experience, desires kind of provision dealers; owner going to Cuba; must •treer. position; any CANOE PARADE. Portland, was Informed that he might 4 leba-tf office work; also is a good stenographer. dispose of business quick; only small capital to call aud see the reference* as to character lequlred to run business. Apply to Bar hand over the reins to Driver Uatoomb. YyANTED—Everybody Highest and ability, OWNER, Harbor, Augnst H.—The annual newest amt best kitchen range, the either permanent or temporarily. No oblec- room 22C. Equitable building, Milk street, Boa» oanoe parade was the event here One of the jidpes went down to the traok Sterling, No. K S3. It’s out und tt’a a tion to out of Address 3ly-‘o&wtf today, Just city. W. C., Press _ 20 decorated beautv, P, ft c, a NASH 300 Fore St, $9.99 whtchT handsomely canoes starting and the CO- 1M OR SALE—Bargains in our “made from the careinlly readjusted checkreln 20 year gold filled case Waltham or Office._ strong pier at the foot of Main street Flgin trouser*,” we sell for $ LOO, 1.25. 150. 2.0# that bad beeu loosened. It was YVANTED-Everyone who wauls a new Nickel movement, warranted to he the best on gentleman's and proceeding to the at “The evident " house lu place and 2.50 per pair. Best value for the landing Notice. Portland or Its suburbs to see us watch for the money. McKENNKY. ihe WANTED—Situationas coachman and a!', round man. Can money where a that there was trouble ahead for Charlie at we mid anywhere. If uot satisfactory ou exunilu- Turrets,” garden fete and reoep- once; have several new houses which we Jeweler Monnmeut Square. Je9 give good references. Address MR. JOHN H. tion was ll'HEREAS my wife, Susan E. nraekett. lias will sell low FLtiou will he refunded to held. The parade was led by Jordan. "7 on easy terms, or will exchange DAVIS, (colored) 28 money by returning left iny bed and home without oause, 1 for Douglass St., Auburudale, us before having been worn. HASKELL & Mltoiml Poring, a Penobscot Indian, ar- shall good collateral: no fair offer refused; thtsls Mass. 14-1 The result of ths shift ol drivers was pay do bills of her contracting alter this WEDDING RINCS. JUNKS, Lancaster Monumeut rajel In bis war your chance. DaI.TO.N ft UO„ 0$ Exchange Building, Square, paint, and followed by dale. AM persons are forbidden to harbor or Portland, Main*. 1-1 that Emma off One hundred ol them to select Irom. AD a Philip Livingston, commodore cf tbe D. reeled three etralght her at my YY^ATED—By young man, a position as aid expense. “trovt_JuueBdtf styles, .11 nil In 10. 14 and W Canoo elub. Next M« the Urst HORACE BRACKETT. weights, prices stenographer. Have had office ex- SALE—House and lots for sale uduy the canoe heats, of them In 2.16 3-4, and ft Wilson, auctioneers, re- Kt. Gold. and best stock oi ff, also cottage Witness—Arthur O. Robinson. LY■]YrOTICE—Goss Largest rings some practice In book-keeping. FORat Willard South Portland. For club will have an won tbe moved to 154 to ICO Middle corner of In the A thousand of thorn. Beach. evening parade. race with ease. Thare wasn’t New isos. St. city. MoKKNNBT. g^rlence.eferences given. Address H., 199 Fiankiin particulars of Gloucester, Aug. 1, sugSdJw* dll the Jeweier, Monument enquire H. E. WiLLAKD, 7 ^bilvsi'bt. Square juueidtf •ueet, City. 10-1 Beach street, Willard. jlySOdimo _au."”-" j. ■ ■ ■ PORK. •r' _MUBOW ST K AKKRA Oct...... <'als—receipts 1111,8(0 bosh: export, 4B.BB2 RW. tog * F Deane, low tag set, J W I.® LARD. biisb; sales 17a.-x,0 bnsb; spot nutter; No2 at Kennebec, to load; schs Eugenie. Mlllnrldee. 87c; No2 white No a at 20c; No8 white and SUM MeLoee. Portland & Steamboat Co. BOSTON & MAINE li. Sept.. 5 26 28c; Antelnpe Hookuort- SarSi Boothbay K. SEBAGO LAKE —c.track mixed Western 2M34c; irack white Hill, eastern port; George W Colin,v STEAMBOAT CO. Oei. 6 27Vi Sullivan GO'.TMJ WEST. In F.ffcct Jane Wth, 1899. tt«t i a, Highland Light- passed louth tsui.tue Storm • mna. The Quotations of Products in fke Beet quiet; extra India mess II4M1B. King, towing join John Carrier; seba lellis B ITE4IIKK KSTKRPIIISK leaves as WESTERN DIVISION. New end Fan Steamers Staple sept..*.. ft 02 Vi Cut me* rs quiet. Presents. Geo E Wakott, Geo p Daveuportand follows Trams leave Portland, Unloa Station, for Oct... ft 06 — Lard easy; Western steamed —r Aagust j Seth W Smllli. East Boothbay for Portland, Sfunri.y., Rear bom tronin*. 7.10, 9.06, 10.00 a. m.. IS ml.no*l ettlilitiMtil leading Markets. Saturday's quotations. 13th, (eh Clarence H Ven- w . lease Harrison day in Rosln steady. Carrie A llncknain, Stubbs. New Susan Cova, Bristol, Koch ester. 7.119, 84 a. m., 12.30. «.3o j». m every ept York; Kaat Sim.lay) at 7.45 a. m. snd t.si) m.: sNorth OATS nrm. Na-h. Hoslou; H L Berry, liwinbay. Alton Bay, Ukuporl, and Northern 1)1*1* p. NEW 14. Turpentine Portland; Kudiv Leave Brldgton at 8-to a. w. and 12.45 YORK. Aug. I. let* tlrnn Bell. Gray, port. Portland, Thursday., at 7.00 a m. Ion, 8.46 a. ID., 12-30 p. ID. WnrcsMtor (Tie p. m,. Brldgton Pent Dee bay for East and at "N l,n® * ,n- end N on call was easier a :i cent; last aeks H P Boothbay above landings except Bomertwortb 7.00 a. m. Manchester. Concord vi!®.!’ IN .pies at ».t.l a. m. Money 2% pr Onenlng,.... 1»% Molasses quiet, firm. BATH—Sid 1411k. Mason. Philadel- *"'■ — Damailscotta. » k-to al Lake * and North, 7.00 a. in., 3.3 p. in. Dover. ¥.%** I’-oi.._couuftoiliia Sebago 8 la- oan an 3 iinncautil* Closing .. 1 0% Freights to Liverpool dull, weak. phia; K J French, Baltimore: Ben Hur and tion with per cent; prime paper t Fnssencers convoyed by ream. tar, Haverhill, Lawrence, 7.0 11.45 a.in. Mini 5.25 p, in, s eamboat 8ugar—raw easier ; lower to sell; fair refining John Cadwalladcr. Boston; Abhle Bowser and * Lowall, train for at 4V*$G per cent. sterling Exchange firm, PORK, Hoturnlng to East Bootbbay. а. in., 12.30. 8.80, 0.O6 p. in. Express Fart hunt and B .su.u. 4c; tNl test at 4 » ltt; Molasses su- Wlanegaaee. New York. Boston, 4.30/7.0' Eicurslun * sept Coutrlfugiil Subject to change without notico. 8.45 a. n»., 6 m. tickets ti Naples, Brldgton, North with actual business In bankers bills at 4 Bar at ?%c; refined quiet, about steady. I HEAUFOItT-Ar Jltli, seh George 12.30, 1.45, 5.3b, 06 p. Arrlvi Opening. M u Taulane, HACK. Manager. Boston 7.25. HEIR a. m., 12.46. 4.10, Brldgton, Harrison and Waterford are for sale (0 4861* for demand, 82% ror six- Newborn. lyldtf_ALFRED 4.30,7.15 In 4;82V*£4 Closing. ... 8 8( CHICAGO—Cash quotatlcidii 9.16 p.m. Leave Boston Portland 6.6». 8.00 Bostonorertbe Boston It Maine Railroad, rates 4 4 Flour 10« BUCKSPOKT-SId 12th, bqe Lauroua (It), Desert and Stearaboa; Eastern and Western on summers of ty days; posted 83Vo ft 87Vk Cummer- Moudax’s quoatlons. firm, higher. lor Biunos Portland, it SSBi 47 7~;r>. 8.30 a. id.. 1.20. 4.16, 6.01 p» n;. Arrive ir Divisions, *v neat—No 2 No 3 do Cam.TO. St John Ayres, (n tow. STH. FRANK the Portland 8. H.4'0. In Porlland cial bills 4 81V*. spring —; at4ftg70c; Belts JON KB. Portland jo.to. a, m., 12.10, 6.00 Bosiou, Unlou ; WHEAT. No 2 Rod at No 2 31 No 2 CALAIS—Ar 18th, Vrlma, Yomig, Bow station and at all H. ticket 73Vfcc. Corn— %c; Hervlce resumed March on 7.60, 9,3o p. m. principal it. unices. Silver certificates COViioGl 32%c. Oats—No 2 at 2t No 1 ton; Helen G King. DeYoung, Kasitmrt. Friday, 31,1899. Be sure and rail f ir Kxcnrsion Tickets "v Opening. Cloning yellow «2t%e; which date the Steamer Frank Jones will leave MJNDAT nntl white at No 3 white 2 Sid. schs Marcia Halley. Look. Weymoulh: TRAINS. checked over Bar Silver GO1* September. 71% 71% 24%c; 22V4j®23%c; No Portland on and Fridays at 11.00 "Nel.ago Lake No 1 N W Flax- Semstor Grimes, Huntley, Slumlord; Alice T Tuesday* p. ^^IlspEtoto Mexican dollars 46. lH*eetnber.. 73%» 74% Rye 53% ; l Flaxseed at 01; m. lor Rockland, liar Harbor and Scai-bom Crossing, 7.10. 9.20, 10.16. a.m. seed 1 Boarilmsn. Rich, West Haven. Macutospori I- May. .. .. 77% at 03%; Timothy seed at 2 6o% SU*». 8.40. 4,16. 7.16 in. hear QOODMDOE, Mgr. Government bonds prime CAPE I1ENRY—Passed In sch nnd Intermediate landings. Returning leave 5.10, n.15, p. born )C27dlf_C. strong. 2 66; Mess Fork 7 75 o 8 80 Lard 6 10 « 6 20; ISth, Maggie Pine 7.10. 9 CORN. O Bath lor Baltimore. Machlaaport Mondays and Thursdays at 4 a. Bench, Point. 8.16, 2u. 10.16 a short rib side* 4 fHKrrft 16; l>ry salted meats— Hart, n»M 12.66. 2.00. 3.40, 4.16, 5.10. 0.16, 7.16 September.. 30% 8< % Passed out 13th. sch Alicia B w>.. arriving Portland at 11.00 p. m. conneofiutr p.ttl. Hides. shoulders 6%&6%; short clear sides at 5 30 a Crosby; tug old Orchard December. .. 28% 28% witfi trains rorlBostou. Saco, Blddeford, 7.10, 8.16, 5 85. Georges Creek, towing barge A, Baltimore tor The following quotations represent the 20% UK. Knme 7c V lb ID3/* lvalue. Portb 14III, Otrooto, do. Portland. Maine.mar24dtf p. Bulls and September. 19% Cheese firm: erm at 9% siOc. Amboy; bank. North Berwick, Dover, stag?...... 60 fee. 10% Bid, schs J M Kennedy and Mary Eliza, Bar Ureter, Skins—No 1 quality .10o Eggs firm-fresh 12%c. Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell. Boston, 12.M May.... 21% Harbor. No 3 .a c Flour—receipts )2,<>00 bbls; wheat 40,000 8.(81, 8.80, p. ni. Arrive In Bosiou 6.18, 8.30, '• FERN DINA—Ar soh L T PORK. hush; corn oats AN 12th, Whitmore, CASCO BAY 9.42 m. No 3 .. (f$7e 220,000 bush; 418,000bush; York. STEAMBOAT CO. p. 2.000 bush, ntreh. New EASTERN DIVISION. Culls .2a u Oi> September..... 8 80 rye bush; barley lu^oou New Shipments— Flour bbls; wheat 4.000 Ar 13ib. soh Normandy, Merry, York. Custom Home Ho*ton Oct. 8 35 8,000 H YARN Is Passed east 18th, schs William Whnrf, and way stations D.t.o am. Bid do- Retell C* rarer a’ bush; coni 4*0,000 bush; oats 5550M) bush ford, Roger Merkel. LAUD. Mason. Wm S Jordan. Samuel lMllaway, Sarah He. Ktttery, Porteniouth, Newbury rve 1^8,0bush; barley 2,000 bush. Cortland, 94)0 a. m.. 0.OC TJrto, Portland market—cut loaf 7c; confectioners September.. 5 22 11 Fell. Telegraph. Maine, James A Webster. K port, Salem, Lynn, 2.00. 12.46. I>nlly ««ndny«i Inrlndod. m.. Portsmouth, Boston. 9.00 a. at 6 Vj»c: at coffee Oct. D 27 DETROIT—Wheat quoted at 73o for cash M Gulder, Carrie strong, LorlngC Ballard, W E 94)0, HU, TH* Jtrw AT»D VAXeATlATo 8c; powdered granulated Oc; .40. 1 45. 64» m. Arrive m BTVAXWH) White; cash Red at 73c; at 73c; Dec at (6 W L Mint dial ire Noble Simmons. WEEK DAY T1MK TABLE. 6 p. Boston, 6.57 a. crushed —c; yellow 4V*e. RIBS. bop Tuck 4.00, 77c. j Passed Cross Kip 13th. sell John B Prescott, 1A30» p. in.Leive Bunion, 7.30. September.. 5 05 Summer ArrAngrmrnU June, 1899. 9.00 a. rn.. 12 30. 7.00, m. Arrive Port- TOIaKDO—Wheat dull-cash and Norfolk for an eastern port. BAY STATE AND lmpinn. Oct..X. 5 10 Aug 73%c; laud, 11.46 a. IU., 12.05. 4.30, 10.15, p. m.. 12 40, THEMORT, tns salt to Sept 73%c; Tec 7*»%c. olfbL leave TMPANT. Brig LenuJcia—500 Kfluoat alternately Franklin IVHsnr. Porfv J A Portland Pros* Warren. Key. For Fni'o-t Cltw f.andliitt. Peak* Island. 5 43. SUNDAY. land, Emery it Bro. Daily qsotstiaai. MACH IAS—Sid 14th. sells Llztle J Clark. every Evening at 7 o'clock, arriving In Cotton 0.4ft, 7.45, 9.00. 10.00. IIJ»; A." M.« 12.00. sssaaon for Brig Prottel tore—600 tns salt to Lord Bros, Markets. Ella & Illddeford, Ktttery, Portsmouth, Blew connection with earliest tra ms for j Corrected by Swan & Barrett. Bankers. 188 Highland Queen, Jennie,.Forest Belle, 12.30. •1.46. 2.11». 8.09. *3.45. 4.30 5.15, 815, points Middle street. tBy Telegraph.) Gamma and Bet *. Button. bury port, Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2.00a. in. beyond. •7.00, 7.30. *8.00. 9.30 P. M. 12.46 in. Arrive Through tloketa for Market* — Ar sch p. Boston, 6.57 a. ID., 4.(K Proeliteuce, Lowell. Portleiid Wiioleials STOCKS. AUG. 14, 189P. NEWBURYPORT 18th, Crescent. Hdnr..-; 7.20, 8.15, 9.30, 10.*O, 1138 A. New Norfolk. p. m. Leave Boston, 9.00 a. m„ 7.00, 0.4£ WwreeaSer, York, etc. Description. Par Value JIM. asked NFW YORK—The Cotton market to-day was M.. 12.20, l.OO. *2.15, 2.35, 3.20. *4.05,5.00. 5.4% Arrive leave Inula Wsxxr. PORTLAND. Aug. 14. C nal National 8:d, sch Fastern Queen. Gardiner. Porlland, 12.10, 10.15 p. m., ..Returning Boston,every Bauk.lOO 100 102 quiet; middling upland at 6%; do gull 6%c; 0.30, *7.30, 8.20. -SMW. 10.15 P. M., or at close .40 Dlgnt. Evening at 7 o’cloek. cln«D«l with n sh:m> .-idvance tA s Uri'Ml OifAtixSBSiH i.lunu. luicriifUionai to. 2c in Boston to-day. and dealers say prices wilt Portland do; Falmouth, Mcanisuip Trust Co.100 145 lf»(j firm; middlings 6 15-ltic. j Doughty, Wallace, do; Henry Trrfethffii’*, ICvergrern Lmidlny;. —■ FOR- be a Ivaucrd here Tuesday. Eggs very Portland tins Sutton, Clifford, do; Cumberland. Littlejohn.do. VtmUn 8.00. 10.80 strong. Comoany.50 #6 9u NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market closed Islam?, 6.00, 900, A PORTLAM & ROCHESTER R. R. Portland Water Co.100 108 Ar I4Ui, schs Jacob S Winslow and Gertrude m.. i2.oo m.. Lub»a. Caai*, Si Jo -n. Bu ter tending upward. lOG middlings 6%c. KS9 2.0®. *a.eo„ 4.20, 6.15, (kia. 7.80, Eastpon. !U..Haliiai. N.S- Portland St. Railroad Co.,100 130 14G steady; L Tiurnly, Kennebec. 4«.30 P. XL Million Cool of Preble St. mil a'i parts of Net^Erim* Nova Ths the — wick. Scott* following luotations represent whole, Maine MOBILE—Cotton market Keeoy Island Passed down 13th, tch Thomas Rrtarn—L«avn Lit Hr Prince Edward Ce.utfal K’v.100 160 17C nominal; middlings Dlssiuiid, 6.25, 7.05, On and alter Jun. Island and Ctipa Itreton. The •ale for this market; Poruauu A 9 Gloucester. 10 Monday. 26. usyy rassensm prices Ogdensburg R.K. 100 43 5b 6%c. Hilts, 8.16, 9.16, 15, 11.45 A M„ 1.16, 8.15, *4.10, tram* 1 lavnrlte route W Otnipobelio and bC Andr ew* Delaware breakwater—Passed seaward 6.85. will tein Fwtlaiidi Flour. BONDS. SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed 13th, 6.40, 9.40. *10.4(J i*. M. K N. A *eii Hairgle J Chadwick, for Marblehead. Rrtnrn-Lcari' Ayer Junction, Summer Arrun and low Portland 6s. 1907.118 120 6%c. Bn-nt.OUmouil, 6.20, 7.0®. Windiiam and Nasfnu, gem ruts. Superfine grades.2 75 steady: middlings PKOV1NCETOWN—Ar sciui W T Em- 8.10, 11.40 tinnny at MO a. iv and liS Portland 4a. 1902—1912 103 14ib, 0.10. 10.10, A. M., 1.10, .8.10, *4.05. On and alter bpring Wheat Bakers.3 4033 65 Funding.. 10* ai son. to Monday, July 3rd, Steamer Portland 4s. 1913. discharge; Bohemian, Cottage Cry for 6.30, 6.36. 8.86. *10.35 P. M. For will leave Railroad Wheat patents.4 25 «.4 «>u Funding ...108 108 Lsr»pe»n Market." Bar Harbor. Kflnrn Manchester, Concord and point* North at Wharf. i’oriUno, ou Mon- Spring Bangor 8s. 1905. ImeTrfMlifu’n, 6.15. 6.55, 8.05, MOV m. aud 12A0 and Mich, and St. Louis st. roller.3 90 « 4 0,) Water.112 114 SALEM—Sid 13th. schs Alible G 18 05. 11.33. p. m. day, Wednesday Friday at 5.30 p. m. Ke- Bath 4%s. Mumcioal... ioi (By Telegraph.) Cole, Cole. 9.06, A. M., 1.86,3.06. *4.00, 6.25, 6.H0, For Hoc be* tar, leave St. Mich, and St Louis clear.t 65®3 85 1907, 103 New F. & G W ( < lara Hprtnrrala, Alfred, Water, turning John, Eastpori and Lubeo Bath 4s. 1921, 14. 189»—ronsola closed at York; Hinds, aider, do; 8.34*, *10.30 P. XL ooro daco and Winter Wheat patents.. .4 16®4 25 Refnnding.101 103 LONDON.JAug. K Wiilism Uiver a: 7AO v in. laj# and onday Friday. Belfast 4s. 10646 for and 106 13-HTfor account. Rogers, Calor, Blddeford; Butman. Return-Leave Kvergreen, 6.10, 6^0, 800. a^ tickets issued and Coru aud Feed. Municipal.102 106 money Through baggage checked Calais 4s Lowell. Ports mouth. 0.00, 10.00, 11.30 A. XI., 1.80, 3.00, *3^6, 6.20, For Gorham at 7.60 nod ™ ■> im to 1901—1911 Refunding. ...luO 102 9.46 a. tn_ ^ desUaatlou. gjr* Freight received to 4.00 car lots. 42 43 LIVERPOOL Aug. 14, 1899.—The Cotton VINEYARD-HAVEN-Sid schs Helen 6.26, 10.26 P. M. up Corn, to Lewlston6V 1901. Municipal.103 106 13tli. 8.26, Uiu and 6JA0 p. m. p- m. market unsettled; American middling 3 9-lGd; Maine. James A Webster. Abraham For hmwt’n and Corn, bag lots... 44 Lewiston4t. 1913, Municipal .106 relegrapb. lag. Long Island. ((LQ>. /or WmVUoov Cumberland Westbrook For Tickets and Staterooms oo® 107 sales estimated 0,000 bales of wluen 0000 and Mills, apply at the Hiehardsou Ellen M Holder. 8.00. 9.00, 10.30 A. M., 12.C0 2.rj0. *8.00, Junction and Wacdlurds cam «. Meal, bag lots. 42 343 Saco 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 102 bales M., L2U, at 7,ha ^ Fine Tree Ticket Office, Monument or were for speculation and export. Passed, schs Frances M, Baltimore for 6.15, 6.15. 7.30. *9.30 P. M. fc3U aud (k»0 Square Oats, car lots. @ 82 Mam# Central U R7s.l912.oons.mtgl36 137 Hagan, 12A0. AO* p. la. for other Information, at Company's offlev Llzzte D Ricker. New York, Kelsm-I^nvo I'suce'ii a. Oats, bag lots. (g 36 “4%S.108 110 Portsmouth; Small, Landing, Long Tne Toe m. aou 12 30 p. m. trains Railroad Whmrf, loot ol State .treSt sound Alfred W hound Islnud, 6.00, 6.40. 7.50, 8.60. l.Uft A. XI. from Cottou »eed, car lots.00 00®23 OO 4s cons. rntg.... 104 Job east; Plske, Kelley. 9.60, 1’O‘iUnu, connect ai Ayer HAT " *• SAILING DATS OF west. 5.10. 6.15 *J0.l6 MTKAHEH Hilt BOSTON. Cotton Seed, bag lots.... -.00 00®24 00 5P*s,l»*H).exteu'SD.102 103 8TEAUSHIP3. 12.50, 2.50, '3.45, 6.56. 815. P. M. Junction with **Hoosae Tunnel Route" FROM nr Ar 14th. schs Abenaki, Perth Ambey for Au- tor the West and at Union From July 41b until October 1st * backed Bran, car lots.16 60317 00 Portland ft Ogd*g g6s,\900, 1st imgu>2 1C3 SUNDAY TIMS TABLK. Station. Worcester, steamer Portland .New York.. Liverpool 1C nista; Modoc. Weeliawken loi Kittery; Mnggie tor Providence and New via will leave Railroad on Tues- backed Bran, lots..17 18 00 Water tvs 4s. 1927 .... 104 1C6 Germanic;...... Ang York, "Provto^uos Wharf, Portland, bag 50® I and Middling, car lots.17 00® 18 00 St Paul.New York. .So’anmton.. Aug 1C ro'td, Giutenburg for Eastport;; bourns Bor- For Forest Clip Lauding, Peaks Island, Line’* for Norwich and New York, via “Nor day, Saturday not earlier th»u 7.00 a. in. .. for lor Boston. Bouton Stork Werkendam New York. Amsterdam .Aug 17 3en. Jersey City Portland; Julia A Martha. 7.00 8.00. 9.00. 10 00. 11.00 A. M., wlch Line" with Boston aud Albany it. H. lor Pare bl.oO. Middling, bag, lots.18 00 a 19 00 Market. 12.20, 8.15, Kvelvn.New York. Porto Kioo..Aug 18 Kdgewater for Lubee; Sarah Eaton, Weehaw- •3.1k 3.46. A45 7 00 P. XI. the West, and with the New York ail rail via J. F. LlbCUMlt, Supt. Mixed feed.17 60^)18 00 The following were the len for for P.C. closing quotation* of Kensington-New York. .Antwerp... Aug id Calais; ttebagabo..lacksoiivllls Poei- For C'uslilikg's Island. .800, 0.00, 11.000 A.M.. “ttoringheld.” jyddtlH. HERSEY, Agent. Tea. stocks at Bostun au*l three seamen Sugar. Coffee, MolMfiea(Usliini. Chaucer.New York. Montevideo.Aug 1C (landed at marine hospital, 12.26*2.1^ 3 46 4.45. 0 15, 7 30 P. M. Trains arrive at Portland from Worcester Atchison. To*. a*;oanx* re. n. Saratoga.New York. 17 nek with malarial fever). For Little and Great Diamond atl.2f. p. m. •, from Rocnester at aw a L28 Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 69 new. .SouthCuba.Aug Islands, m., RAILROADS. Sugar—Extra.tinegrauulated. 6 69 Bon. n A. .Maine.... Californian.Moutreal. .Liverpool ....Aug 17 Passed, sells Abble G Cole. South Gardiner Trrfrthen’a uud Kvergreen Laudlugs. and 6.48 p. m.; from Gorham at 6.40. a30 and Cen or New York; E Merriani. Nova Scotia ler Peaks IW» a. L Ms in. Sugar—Extra 0. 6 21 mass. piq .. 66 Buffon..New York. .Pern’buco.. Aug 19 do; IsImikI, 7.00, 8.00, 9.30, 10210 A. XL, mu. 4J* p. Hannah F Hillsboro for Coffee—Kio. roasted. lots 14 w common.... Mongolian.New York. .Glasgow ... Aug 19 Carleton, Newark; 12.15, 2.00, *3.15, 4.20. 5.15, 6.15, *7.30 p. XI. SUNDAY TRAINS. Mains Bretagne.New York. 19 Seth W Smith. Calais for Fall River. Lor Ponce's MAINE Coffee—Java and Mocha. 27®28 central.. .Havre.Aug Lauding, Long Island, 7.00, Leave for Rochester and Intermediate sta- CENTRAL it. K. Imion Patricia... New York. aul* 19 800. 9.30. 10.30 A. Teas—Cmoys. 22:330 Pacinc. 44*4 Hamburg., XI., 12.15, 2.03. *3.15,4.20, 545, tions 6.20 p. m.. Union Pacino Umbria.New York. .Liverpool.. 19 Foreign Forts. 7.30 P. M. Jr effect 31. isw. Leas—Congous. 27®60 ! ota. 77^ .Aug Arrive from Rochester and Intermediate sta- July Teas—Japan. 33;a38 American Hm...... 343 Furnesta.New York. .Glasgow_au: 19 *11.00 p. m. for all lahdtntfs'jtaturday nights only Bid fin Greenock Aug 13. steamer Bavarian. tions 'J.ia a. ui. TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND Teas—Formosa. s 5 « 65 American .sugar. Rotterdam.. ..New York. Rotterdam.. Aug 19 except Cushing's Island. II. •jcoorrmou...... —163% Mootrsal. W. DAVIS. Supt. 6.85 a. Molasses—Porto a Camhroman.... Moutreal. .. • m.—For Brunswick. Kico.... 33 36 Snvar, Dto..-. Liverpool. Aug 19 Sid 1m Liverpool Aug 12, steamer Victorian. Not run hi stormy or foggy weather. Lewiston. (Low M olasses— Barbadoes. 38 ! Mexican Central Trave.New York. .Bremen.Aug 22 er>, Bata, Bootlibay, Fopham it •ckn-il 3u® u.... 75% Boston. Tickets sold over thk» line to the Uem Theati a Resell, London 1 25a,n60 Now York... .New York. .S’thampton. 23 Augusta, Water rule, and Kajslns, Layers. Aug Ar at Glasgow Aug 13, steamer Buenos Ay- Unavoidable delays and to Skowhegan Belfast Baislns. Lcore Muscatel. 7 New Majestic...... New York. Liverpool.. 23 excepted, subject Portland & Yarmouth Electric Co. a, nt—For DaoviUe Jc„ Kumford 6® Vi York Quotation* of Stooks and Bonds Aug reao, Montreal. without notice. Ry. Falls, Noordiand.New York. Antwerp... 23 change Hem!*, Lewiston, Fork, Beef. Lard and Peri.try. Aug Ar at Avonmouth steamer C. W. T. Farmiugton, RaugelevY Win- (By Telegraph.! Taiiml.Moutreal 24 Aug 13, Lycla. UomNU. General Manager. leave head of Kim street for Yarmouth ihrop. Read Held and .Liverpool.... Aug J Waterville. The are the Boston. ('ARft»t C.46 a. m.. aud 1 11.10 Pork-Heavy.00 00@13 60 following qootattoirj of F Bismarck.. _ Je26dtf half-hourly thereafter til a. for atastnf .Now York. Hamburg. Aug 24 Ar at ui.--Express Dauvi.le ,1c Lewis- Pork—Medium.00 10>al2 50 Bonds: Shields Aug 13, steamer Fceinona, Mon 11-16 j). m. Leave for Underwood ai ton, Aloose Catania ...... New York. Nassau.-Aug 2"> Sirring Waterville, beat I Lake via tf ;real. d.4’» a. and Foxcroft, Beef—light. 50i£l0 00 Aug. 14. Augll. DalecArlia.... New York. P’rnambueo Aug 26 nu. hall-hourly thereafter till 12.13: Bangor. Bar Harbor. Aroostook Countv, tntl 60-all 00 then every fifteen minutes till m. tor Houltoii. Beef—heavy.10 New 4s, rep...... 4...... 130 129% Eloua.New York. .Montevideo Aug 20 11.16 p. Woodstock. 8t. Btepbeu. Calais. Boueless, half bbls. ® 0 25 New 4s. .13o Scotsman.Montreal. Sppken. EASTERN STEAMBOAT GO. Leave Yarmouth for Portland nt 5.30 a. m. 8t. Andrews, tit. Johu and Halifax Lard—tea and half 129% .Liverpool ...Aug2C aud Vanconoro btd.piue— t>Vifcti%k New 4s, reg...112% 112% Parisian...... Mo treal. Liverpool... Aug 31 Autt 13, lat 40 34, Ion 73 30, barque Binvun •imiKR AKHAVGKJIE.VT. batf-benrty there*'Ur till »o u. an. y,'» and to all points on Wasliloeten Lord—tea aud hall f," s « Leave for f R. R. Farlor Ixvl^om.... 5 Vi New 4s, coup.113 113 Vancouver.Montreal.. 7 Wood Morris, from Rio Janeiro 1 for Junr Underwood Spring Portland at Co_ car to Bar Harbor ami st. Liverpool_Sept (Hr), July ComniBcln, HO. I sliy. a. aud John. Lard—Pails, pure... 7*4 & 7Vi Denver ft R. G. 1st.,106 106 Bavarlau.Moutreal. Liverpool... 7 Purr land. m., half-hourly thereafter till 11.30; thei Sept Leave Belli (except at 8.70 fiteen J2.40 Ijurd—Pails, compound. t*>4 ® r>7/» F.rie gen. 4s. 72 daily Sunday) a every minutes till 10.30 p. m. p. m.—Express for Bruits wick, Bath. Lard—Pure 72 m.. lauding at Isla eaf. 8 Vi m 9 Mo. Kan. ft Tex. 2ds.69% Westport Junction, ol SUNDAY TIME. Rockland, Lisbon Fall*. Augusta, Wslor villa, H»nu... ll** 13 Kansas ft Pacific MINIATURE ALMANAC ...AUGUST 16. springs, Sontbport, Home. Cawtolaml squirrel Burnham Newport, Bangor. Bar consols..... Islands. Leave Portland for Yarmouth at 7.46 a. m. Bucksport. Chickens. 17 to 18 Spruce Point, Oceau Point and BooUi- Greenville. car Oregon Sun rises. 4 611 I .... 6 00 and Farlor to Nav.lst.112% 112% wa~r bay Harbor, connects at Mouse Island half-hourly thereafter till 10.16 jx in. Leavi RocklandyWl«;w» and £owl. l’Sh 14 Texas G. Sun seta. C 40 u,*“ 6 30 & Saco River R. R. for Bar Harbor. Turkeys. PacificjL. Iats....il5% II6V4 |_ Bridgton Christmas Cove, Uerou Island and Portland for Underwood Spriug at 7.45 a. in. 1.10 m.—F.m 14* 15 do reg. ids. Moon sets.11 o— 0 0 l’eruaqukl. and p. D.uvilio Jo.. Rutn'or.l F.1U 66% 66% 22»Height.o leave at a30 n. every fifteen minutes thereafter till 10.1: Fish and Union Pacific lsts. Beturulng, Bootbbay m., mak- Bemls. Lewiston, Farmington, Carrabassei, Dry Maokcrel. ing same p. m. of stocks— landings. Rangeley, Bingham. Waterville. Skowiiegan. Cod Quotations Leave Hsrhor at 7.15 a. Leave Yarmouth for Portland at (5.30 a. m. l m.- For large Shore. 4 75* B 00 Homhbay m., landing amt lop. Freeport. Brunswick. Bath, Medium A*ug. 14. Aug 12. 3 TRAINS A DAY at and iwlf-yourly thereafter .ill 9 p. m. Leavi Augusta. anore lish. 3 6034 00 A'chlson. daily (Sunday exceplodi Squirrel Mous, Waterville. Skowhegan, Belfast. 20% 20% XL A.±iXJV Hi rsl Xi7VV& Islands. Southport, Juuc Underwood Spring lor Portland at 7 a. m.. ant and Foxcroft. Pollock.. 3 3 60 Atchison pfd. KlggavlUe, Westport Do;or Greenville, Bangor. 50* 63% 63% Con and ami every fifteen minutes thereafter till 9,30 p. m. Oldtown and Haddock. 2 00* 2 25 Central Pacific.. Westport. Monday. Wednesday Mattawamkeag and to Buoksport 54% 6414 Ocean Point, Suruco Office aud room 440 Sat nr. lays. Hake. 2 00* 2 26 Ches. ft Ohio. PORT OF PORTLAND -TO AND FROM- {•rldayat Point, Caplioi waiting Congress street 28% 28 Island, Five Islands, and 6.10 p. ni.—For Herring, scaled. 11® wur. Tuesday, Thursday JY3dtf Brunswick, Bath, Rocklaud. per box, 16 Chicago, ft Quincy.130% 137% and Saturday at Isle of and Augusta and Waterville. Mackerel, hlioro Is.23 26 00 Dei. ft Pud. Canal Springs sawyer's Oftji Co.123% 123% Island. Uetuming leave Bath at 3.80 in. 5.15 p. in.—For Danville Mackerel, shere 2s. Del Lack, ft West.176 MONDAY. August 14. p. Junction, Mechanic 176% Saturday evening express commences July KTEAMKR8. rails, i.ewlston, Saturdays to Kumford Falls Large 3s. 14 Arrived. North and 8th. 00£fl6 Denver ft 1L U...... 22 20% Bridgton, Bridgton Leave Bath at 6.30 p. m. Farlor car to Lewiston. Produce. Noon 8 Erie, new. 13% 13% Steamer Cumberland, Allen, Boston lor East- express eounneuees July mix. Tues- » p. ni —Express to Lewiston. Farlor car. Beans, Pea.... .1 60*1 65 Erie 1st pfd. 37% 37 port and St John. NB. day. I hursday and Saturday, leave Bath at 11.4C ll.oop. no.—Night Express for Brunswick. Beans Yellow Harrison. Eyes..1 65. a 1 7o ll'inols Central.i 14% 114 Swatara. with a. m., Bootbbay Harbor at II a. m. Baih. Lewiston. Augusta. Waterville. Bangor. California Tug Philadelphia, barges M Beans, Pea.0 00®2 00 Lake Rrielft West...,. 19 31% coal laden to Peter S Nickerson & BOSTON and oose ha ul lake. Aroostook County via Old- Beans, Bed Alaska, Co. in Beach PHILADELPHIA Kidney. „..2 oo®2 15 Lake 3horo.201 % 201 % and Monasch, coal to Randall & McAllister. Poplin Konte. tow^ Bar Harbor, Boeksnoci, He Onions, Egyptian. 2 40 TKI-WEEKU SAILINGS. 26®2 Louis ft Nash. 76% 74% Sell T W Cooper, Brown, Roudout, cement to THURSDAY, June 15, 181*0 Hteptien. Calais, fit Andrews. St. do native, bush. 25 Manhattan Stage Harrison to Waterford Commencing John and all Aroostook .lElevated.117% 117% C 8 Chase. a steamer will leave I'opbam Beach daily, ex County vt* Vaneeeoro, Mexicau HallL.x mad the Frovinsea to Potatoes 4> bus. tio®»5 Central. 16% 16% Sch Silver Spray, Hallowell, Jersey City, and 5 tulles from each cept Sunday, at 1 a. pi. and -.'.30 p. in. Return- From Boston a*ri all potn&s oa Michigan train. Tuesday. Tbarday, Saturday Washington Co. K R. Sat or Bwoet Potatoes. 3 50 a 3 60 Central. proceeded to Yarmouth In tow of tug Demurest. In It will leave Bath at 0 a. m. ami 5 p.in., culllmi day night rralo Eggs. Eastern fresh. 19® 20 M inn. ft St. Louis. G6 ScU Gold Hunter. Can Brunswick, August*. WaterviUe. Cheese, N. York| and Ver’mt..... loVa&U 63% 63 Excursion tickets at reduced rates Bangor aud ou sale at surance effected at ofllc *. Bsr flareer. ear to Bar Harhor. Cheese, Sago. ^ 12 Northern Pacific pfd. 77 7714 rao» our cobkkhvondents. M. C. and sicrpmc priucipal stations H. & M. R. K. Freights lor Ute West by the Fenn. U, a. am Fruit. Northwestern.1«n% ieu% BOOIHBAY JT. A. BENNETT, forwarded White Mosststs DhrHlow Out. ft HARBOR. Aug 14-Sld, schs E Superintendent. HARPSwELL STEAMBOAT CO. South by eoanuuttoii Hum Wesi. 26% 2u% (3 New York for Re.l Efemons, Messina. 4 00<£4;50 Gates, I.unn, Beach; New augiodtf Fassage *10.00, Hound trip *14.00. 5.49a.m.— For Bridarton, Readme.. 22 22% Hurricane Island for FaByaas. Bar’fnjr- Oranges, California Navels.o oo«,o u'J Rock Boxer, Portland; Dela- “The 365 Island Route.” Mean ami room Included. ton, Laucasier. Colebreok. No. S rxiforrf island..118% 119; ware. New York for David S For or to F. Palermo....0 00<£4 OO St. Paul Sedgwick; bluer, freight paasage apply F. Wl.Nli veocner rails. guebee. w. John bury. Sher- ...131% 132 Fernal-1, Frankfort for New Sadie Huston. Apples—Pippins,bbl. 275g,:* 00 St. Paul York; Corey. Beginning June 2a. U99. steamer* wit Agent,Central whart, brooke, Montreal. Chicago, st. Paul and Mlnno- 173% i.uwo, lien twin iui PORTLAND pfd.173% uucipui i, X>UC> »•llZa- and FREEPORT. leave Portland B. MAMl'StIN, Treaenrer and Genera I’.irlor to Apples, sweet.2 85I&3 OU St.Paul ft Omaha.Ill 112 Pier, Portland, week days spolls. cox Montreal, sleeping car to beth, Bangor. aa follow*: Hi Stale hW Fi«k« ltoatoe Falls. Parlor car und Coal. St. Paul & Omaha old. Manager. Building, Niagara Fabyans to Quebec. Oil*. Turpentlno 14-Ar. schs For Maaa. occttdtt 1 23 in.—For bebago Texas Pacific..."22 2) % ROCK PORT, Aug Miantonomab, Long Island, 9.00, 10.00 a in., 1.43 p. Lake. Krnictoo via Liiroma anti Centennial oil.. bbl., XbO tsl 9% Small, Chester It Slcauicr 5.00. n. m. Kail amt bongo River. North Refined Onion Pacific pfd. 77% 77% Boston; Lawrence, Urinnell, Pejcpgcot. Conway, Fabyans, Petroleum, 120 tst.... 8Vh Bostou. For Little CbebMgue. Jetties, UrMt Che l. aucastor. Colebrooke. Beecher Lunen- Pratt's Wabash. 7% 7% Beginning Falls. Astral.. 11% July 31, I8®a. will leave Portland beagae, Souib and Orr'i NEW lOHK IMItl.t T burg. 8t. Johns: ury, Half bbls lc Wabash pfd. 22% 22^ Pier at 10.00 ». ul and 4.30 Harp*well, Itatlcy's LINK, Newport. extra. KZCHAKOB p. m. for Waite** Island, ».iio lo.oo a. in 1.40, 5 00 m. |>. m —For I dike. Boston ft Maine.195 200 IUSPATCHM. Town p. Ser*ngo Cornish, Vridg- Raw Linseed oL. 37t£42 Lauding, Landing, Priuee's Point, cous- For LUS Island, LUMeleldt. Ureal Cb* Maine ton. North an Bartletr. Boiled New York and New Eng. pf.. loo Ar at Liverpool Aug 14. steamer Vancouver. lu». Gieat Co Qeevraf Linseed oil. 39 a44 Littlejohn, Chobeaguo, Bustin’* 10.00 a. 1.45,5.00 m. Steamship k.40 m.—For Lake. Old Colony.206 206 Montreal. Islands. beague, in., p. Fo«g 1«»ik4 Hy hsy 'Vyhu |>. Sebago Fryeburg, Turpentine... 50S66 Freeport. RETURN North Conway, Fabyans, Lunenburg. Cumberland, RETURN—Leave Porter’s FOB PORTLAND. *»*5 coal. @4 OO Lending, Free- TRIPS PfR WEEK* Jo:msbury. Montreal ami to Torooto »ua American Express.141 % 140 Notice to Mariners. at 6.25 a. m. and Leave OrT’a Island. ,3 Stove and luruace coal, retail.. 5 60 port 12.30 p. in.. South Free- 030. 10.50 a. m., L45, 319 Pare One IkW. Hossd U. 8. 50 m via above W»| Trip, #0.9% 70iff American! Tobacco.••..117% iu>% withdrawn from her station for land, 2.16 in. Return from bo. well via rily repairs, and p. Harps J. E. L1SCOMB. G ecerai Agent. 12.55 a. to.-ML Desert special for Waterville, L>eeember.... 72 do pfd.141 141 the statlou will be marked above arrive 73% by Relief Light Ves- Steamer V landings Portland, LQO, 5.30 p.m. Til03. M. BART LETT. A*L oaudll Bangor and Bar Harbor. May...... 76 Tenn.Coal.ai Iron...... 89% 66% sel No 9. Relief Light Vessel No 9 will Percy Fare to So. Harps well and return U. S. Kubbcr... show, will leave Portland Pier at 2 Sundays Arrivals In Portland. CORN ..B0% 61 the same as \ essel No 4. two fixed p.m. for Orr’s -be; other and ulus. 25c. Light white Cards «ovc landings sailing Metropolitan!Street U U.203 209 thick or Island, AshUale, small Point ISAIAH Gen From Montreal. Fabyans dally 8.05 a. Sept. 30% lights, aud, during foggy weather, will Harbor and DANIELS, Man. 30T'S Continental Tobacco pfd. 47% 46% sound a similar Cuudy Harbor. m. ; Lewiston and Mccbaulc 8Aft a. Dee. 28*4 fog . Relief Light Vessel j024«itf Falls, m.; 28% RETURN—leave Candy Harbor at G a. m Waterville. Bath and 8.4o iu 29*4 No 9 has two masts, sell rigged, but differs from Augusta, m.; May.. 29% Vessel No 4 In **No 9” via above landings, offlee 138 Commercial St ALLAN LINE Kaogeley, Farmington, Kunalord Falls. Skow- Boston I rudaoo Light having ou each oats. Market. a red hu 1 aud a J. H. Man. begauaud Lewiston, 12.18 p. Au- quarter, red day mark at each MelKJNALl), a mj, Bangor, J9Va masthead. Telephone 4G-3. Royal .11 11 Mraiucis, Houma aud Kocklaud. 12 03 Bept,..... 19% BOSTON, Aitg 14. 1898—The following an jlyal.Uf gusta noon; Beecher Dec 19% 19% On or about 15 Vessel No ami Liverpool. Falls, St. Johnsbury/Brldgton, 12.15 in ; Ex. to-day's oui>uttu>u* at Provision* etc.; Aug Light 2 will be p. May. 21% 21% returned to her station, about one mile to the press, Mattawamkeag. Bar Harbor, Buckspori 1 i.ouiv Calling at Quebec and Derry. southward and eastward of the rocky reef tnak Greenville, "Bangor, It) p. m.; Lewiston 3 20 p. The raetkat is q i?t lug off from Gooseberry N-ck. northwesterly m.; Beoctier Falls. Lancasler. Fabyans, fi.oo p. His Life Was Saved. side of the entrance to MW 1 Milt m.; Skowhegan, Watervdle, * 4uo*-4 60 Buzzard’s aud Relief From Augusta.Rockland, Fprin* Bay, On and after MONDAY Jane id. trains From 5.20 nr. ■*r «.t»nwv 3 75-4 15 Light \ essel No 9. temporarily the sta- 1899, p. dallv except from Rockland; bt. Joho, Mr. J. K Lilly, a prominent citizen marking Will leave as lotto * a; Liverpool. stcamthlrs. Montreal. Bar Clear and straiel.t. 3 3 £>4 10. tion. will bo withdrawn. No change has been Harbor, Aroostook County, Washington ol lately had a wonderful MooseheaU Lake Hannibal, Mo., Corn-steamer yellow 41 %c. made in Light Vessel No 2 as lo characteristics LEAVE. County, and Bangor, 5.35 p. deliverance from a 3 n7 frightful death. In of light, fog sigual or general appearance. Aug. *Calirornlau, Aug. m.; Rangeley, Farmington, RumTord Falls &*L*KU*m “M* Auburn, 8.15 a. 1.30 to 14 5.45 telling of it he says: "I was taken with t h Lire 7.C0, ra., Taluui, Lewiston, p. in.; Chicago, Monti cal, Que- cago siook Market. 4.00 tt.ul 8 jo u. in. 17 Paris!,in, jl bec ami 7.45 Typhoid Fever, that ran Into Pneumonia. Domestic Porn. For Fabyans, p. m.; MattawaHiKeac, (By Telegraph.’ Gorham. Berlin and Islau.1 Pond, 8.15 a 24 'Bavarian, [newi T Sept Bar Harbor and Bangor, ljoa. m. daily; Hali- My lungs became burdened. I was so m. l.3o •• CHICAGO. Aug. NEW YORK—Ar 13th, schs James Slater ami 8.30 m re. 31 *L iliforuUn, 14 fax, Si Jobu, Washington County, Bar Harbor, weak 1 couldn’t even sit in 12.—Cattle—receipt! 18. COAL. tor Montreal •• np bed. Satilla William .and 7 ooo; active; good to f ncfsbeeves 5 05«■6 46 Peterson, River; Slater, Dodge" Chicago, 8.15 a. in. and8 3 Sept. Taiuut, n Bangor. Augusta 4.20 a. in. daily. Nothing belped me. 1 to soon Bangor; Sarah C Red ’• p. m. 14 is * expected commoner grades at 4 60&6 66; Stocker's au( Smith, Rogers, Beach Parisian, Sundays. 1.30 a. in. Bar Harbor ana Bangor; die of I Ureoutozf Johnson, New For Quebec. 8*15 a. m. and 21 in. Consumption, when heard of Hr. feeders —; bulls, cows and heifers 2 ooafi 36 Woodruff, Haven. 8.30 p. m. 11'Bavarian [new] [ s Oct. 4.20 a, Halifax aud fcL John; 8.05 a. ai. Mou- Ski, sells Hugh Port King’s New Dtscoveiy. One bottle gave Texas steers 3 76*5 30; calves 4 00&7 15. Kelley. Jabos, PR- D J ARRIVALS* treal and Lunenburg; 10.00 a. m, Lewiston; Sawyer. Boston; P li Gay. do; 12.25 noon Bar aud great relief. I continued to use It, end 22.000; active; heavy at 4 l( Lizzie'Lane From RATES OF PASSAGE. Harbor, Bangor l.ewlston; Hogs—receipts Bangor; Everett and for an Lewiston and Auburn. 0.40. 8 35 11 30 a 5.08 m. 5.20 now am well and I can’t too ®4 90; mixed io s at 4 55 *4 kO: lDhl at 4 6 Vineyard, eastern A Fall Assortment t! and Free p. Lewiston; p. in. Waterville. sttong. say Gem. for a Souud LeftlgO tu.; 3.15, 5.15 aud 5.45 p. m ^Cabin- $so.#o to A reduction of i( A4 95; pigs 3 60 a 4 85. port; port; Emma Me Adam GKa F. F. much in its praise.” This marvellous scuth Auibov for Julia From Island Pond, Berlin and I>er cent Is allowed on return EVANS,V & Qw M. rtheep—receipts 25.000; 2 0( Calais; Francis, do for Coals Gorham, 0.40 and tickvi», excep F. E. O. F. A X. A. medicine is tbe surest and cure weaker; sheep lial) Burning tor Dcmesti; Use. 11.30 a. m. and 5.45 p. in. on the lowest rates. BOOTHSY, qulokest ;«;3 oo for culls up to 4 75Ior Boston; Sturgis, Weehawken for do; J B In tbe 5o$4 choice weth From nud 8kcuxi> Cabin—To London Je2< Uf world for all Throat und Lung ers; comtnon lambs 3 69a4 Vandusen, Kagewater for Bangor; Jas Young CbtcAgo Montreal, ii.4# a. in. and Liverpool. 01 _" 60; choice at 4 55 * Pocahontas am) 5.45 m. 0 Trouble. Iteguiar sizes SO cents and Si.bo 0 35. Hoboken for Portland; Franconia. Perth Amboy (Semi-Bituminous) p. Londonderry—*35.< alogle; $(15.50 return. From 6.40 a. and Trial bottles free at li. P. 8. for Saeo; Moraucv. Eddyville tor Portland: R Quebec, ra. 6.45 p. ra. bTKiiRAOE—Liverpool, London, Glasgow, Uould, 877 Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are or Domes', ic Market*. T Ruutilett. ort Reading for Dover; Kennebec, SUNDAY TRAINS. Belfast. Londonderry Queenstown, $23.50. Congress street; and H. U. Sturr, Cum- do for Prepaid certificate* #24. Portland & Romford Falls Wlseasset; f Jora Xioraug, Savannah lor for For Montreal, Ry, berland Mills. (By Telegraph.) unsurpassed general ateaiu and Quebec, Toronto and CWcaecK Children uuder 12 years, half fare. Rates tc Bridgeport. 8.30 p. m. Ar 14th, steamors Tauric, or from other points on application to In Liverpool: Furaes- use. For Lewiston and Auburn. 8JO a. m. and a 30 T. P. Effect June iitt, 1*09, Volcanic NEW YORK—Tt,« Flow Glasgow; schs Silver Heels, South forge n. ra. McGOWAN. HO tougreu St., Eruption. lilakeWeceiV Amboy r or Gorham and 8JO a. in. and 24,067 bbls; exports 6,843 bbls: sales \ for Bertiu, 8.30 pTm, Pori la ml. Me. DKPAKTUKhn. Are but 7,lu( Rockland; flortensia, River Herbert, NS, Genuine LjUens grand, Skin Eruptions rob life packages; fairly active, firm ana higher. via Gloucester; .Judge Low. Pembroke. Valiej Franklin, ARRIVALS. J. U. KEATING, 51 1-3 Ktcftiange 8t., 8.30 A, M. nnd 1.10 KM. From Uulon Rtatlon of Bucklsa’s cures ilt 8 Portland, Me. lor Pan- joy. Arnica Salve, «*4s 90 ;winter straight > BOSTON-Ar 13th. schs Lulu. ou. and From Island Pond, Je23dtf Poland, Mechanic l'alla. BuokAeld. 3 JKSlK3ou8 l>lgh MU1- English American ( auneL Berlin, Gorham, Montreal them; also Old, Kunning and Fever 60; Mluuesota patents 3 73*4 00; Win bride; Kate Walker, Segebath. Rariuiu River. and West. 6.40 a m. too. Dtxnolit. Uumlord Fall, usd Demi*. ter extras » *i«a With c.r Sores, Ulcers, 80; Mluuesota batSrs 1 (ju [ Sid, schs JJllian, Portland ;Nat Ayer, From Lewiston and Auburn, 6.40 a. in. tiirougu on 1.10 |>. m. Iralu lor Bells, Felons, Corns, 3 la; Uo low 2 Bangor: Above Coals Komi* Warts, Cuts, giaUes 30 2 40. George P Davenport. Newport News; Samuel Constant* The 8.30 u. m. train runs through to Montreal 1VOTICE. Bruises, Burns, Soadls, live No 2 *30 a m.. 1.10 and B.16 D. m. Union Arm; Western 60c lob afloat spot Lewis aud LD Hemick. Ellsworth; Rival aud daily, Sundays inclnded. Attached u> From Chapped Bunds, Chilblains. Best Pile On Aids Station for Jt«chanls Wh«t—receipts 1hs,75o bush; exports 14i Clara A Coinee, Bath; Ada Herbert, eastern ly Hand. train b a Fullman for Montreal; JaTso a F*Ua uni Intermodule •ure on earth. Drives out Pains und 262 bush through All person* are elation* hurt; saigs j!40o futures, afu) 40,oo! » worn Bertna V, Mill bridge; k Swift, TEJLEPUONE .... .«»_.» Pulmau for Chicago daily hereby forblddet Aches. -arts a bush Emily Sundays included. 'On Only box. Cure guar- soot; spot strong: So a ReU a{ 0 i Rockland; Chester R Lawrence, Kook For- trusting pr my wife Ktliel 1J Saturday only 8.18 ix m. train runs through afloat 7«liUf port; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on harboring to ttumtoril anteed. Sold by H. p. B. 57T Con- spot; No 1 Northeru bufuth at f o I eder. Ellsworth; W High Cram on Fall,. (ioold, 706* George CoUius, Sullivan; OFFICE: trains and parlor cars on tralus. / my account as 1 shall m street; and H. U. afloat spot; No a Red 7«»io ol*«. Alaska. Booth hay. day pay Starr, Cuml.er- bills of her contracting after this date B. C. BJtAUFOKD, I.afflo Essd Mills, Druggists. V>m—receipts 216,450 hush; exports 1QQ.1CI Ar UtU, tug Trltou, Kennebec ; schs William TICKTET OFFICE, DEPOT AT FOOT OE Manager. bush 7bComm8rclal & 70 INDIA BTRKKT \ Baldwiu, 181111. ______ForQaud. Main* bush;sales 16,000 lutulef; ioo.ooh busl Mason, Philadelphia; C W Dexter, Calais J \y E July 27th, £. L. Portland, Juno 20, 1890. LOVKJOY, Superintendent. Eich^Bjts. aug»M,Tu,\V£Tll4U jlyiUUJvr D. L. CEAJI. 918 dU Itumlord Fall* Main* ( PERSONAL. MR. REED AT HOME. A WOMAN THE MASTER. compound cf lira Hi«w Mlae Harding, THE PRESS. Mr. and SOLE AGENTS A •! f SOLE AGENTS — Morgan lir. Ploroo. Many (j) ^ He Is at Grand Beech with HI* Family frlonda »nt boat* cf Oowora. Mix Day la Skipper of the Steam Y»eht HEW ADVERTIRKMBNTI TODAY* Mr*. Kate and Addle of Tho boarora were urmbora Leighton, far the Uemelnder of the Season. pall cf the Hnllowrll, are visiting (Meeds In Pert- ftcylhlnn. Canton Kldsolay. The tntariurnt took Cwri» Ytoor** & Co. mnzr P4^10011 oe»'«:?« Or«n Hooper** Son*. land. place at Krorgroon cemetery, Mr*. Heed and lbe steam la at anchor arrmon, alao making acme very 1dm A. L. Suwjer’s School, Among the vlMtors at T>gn', Saturday, Hon. Tbc mu B. Heed, yaoht Hoytblan touching y f hind. remark* on tbo oharaoter cf the deeeaaed. C» Put Ulna Kittle Heed, bare arrived at their In the lower harbor. The Scythian Is Advance arrivals of Novelties in Fall Dress Coods. K. M. Lnwsen & Co. were Mr. and Mrs. George W Simontou, Mualo wao farnlchtil by a their owned of quartette Uoudf A Kent. Frances A. Snow, Garris S. Simontou luromer home at Brand Beseh after by Miss Hasan UeForest Uay Many exclusive styles to be found in no other store Itr t. lliliv (!«». toor In have enjoyed their New York. She Is one of the ft>e women The Staple K*Ut*. and Jossphlno A. Slmontoa, Portland. Knrope. They Portland. The Pe»er Live KslBto, In and return In excellent member* of the New York Yaoht club, Miss Llxate M. Brown, of Portland, Is •lay Kurope, * Portland, Ang. 19, lsua, A Kino* Bro«. CO. remain at a heiress ‘‘tOJ” wllb an her Mrs. Mary Brown, health. They will probably wealthy of tbe i^ot u Ao extra John*iou, Bailey A Co. Melting mother, * good weight latest designs, the souffle, the Grand Beaob for the remainder of thu lnoome of $10,000 a month, and the first *T" OTS of new Veils at Farmington. In Camel’s Hair l came woman to o oo t from the Suiting. Colors new figured blisters end all the Bew Wants, To Let. for Sale, 1-ost, PAtn Prof. K. P. Lyman of Teorlo, III., Is lummer. Yesterday afternoon they bold mission Slid olinllar adveirtHetneiit* will be found until-1 and stuff to ara visit. Into Portland for a few boon, returning treasury department as master of her own Jj_y light grey, green, brown and other new effects are on th«lr api ioprlate head* on page*. at J. P. Kastman's for a summer open to Grand Beaob on the ft.35 m. train. ship. make them from. dark Mrs. Lather Freeman and two children p. grey; 40 inches wide, our black dress goods counter. Tbs a went to Scythian used to be tramp are Frjeburg Saturday, reg’aterlng The sort for the 50c Patrons of the PRESS who go steamer. Miss her four or proper yd. 4 new at f 1.00 at the Grove house. Hav. Mr. Freeman POST OFFICE THIEVES. Uay bought designs flro her from a “ “ ing out of town for the season are re joined them yesterday and they will goon years ago and changed last touch to a mid-sum- 5 1.25 Lot 2. A very nice Camel’s rutty old oargo oarrler Into a trim white " minded that have the ad to the mountains where they will spend 3 “ 1.50 they may Bound Over for Trial by Commissioner with and mer Hair in their vacation at Chandler's In the yacht, spacious staterooms get up—ready today. Suiting blue, brown mix- of as a plot- dre:s the paper changed often Bradley. splaodld saloons. She Is sobooner rigged, 11. 1.75 urecqne Cord river rrglODsJofJNortb Chat- Great line of and tures. 50 inches wide, $1.00 has a plain “ •* *• desired, if they are regular subscribers ham, N. li. Miss Alice Black of Boston, length of 131 feet, 31 foot beam, 3 2.00 Is bul.'t of steel and Is one of tbs etauneh- dotted Chiffons and blue •' “ •* To those not regular subscribers the who has boon Mrs. Freeman's guest in Deputy United States Marshal Hatty, Lot 3. All wool plaids In plain 3 2.25 set and most finely fitted oiulslng yachts Portland for the past week, accompanied arrived hero with Arthur B. Small of Tuxedos. paper will be mailed at the rate of ail cat. and camel hair effects In a great Up to 3.50 them. doutbport and John Graseon of Bova rents a Mis* and a of friends are on fifty month. M r. Florenoe C. Porter, president of Day party variety of color combinations, 38 Scotia. They ate amused of robbing the Also new Fall Goods in the Maine and Mrs. Camilla the Scythian enjoying the delightful sum- Black Federation, poet otUcs at on Friday night, Inches wide. 60o Southport mer mouths In tha Now C. U. secretary, orulslug along Camel's Hair in the new plalded BRIEF JOTTINGS. Grimes, corresponding lhey secured 119 In stamps, |.’B In money A ten of are einented in Portland today where Kngland coust. Tbs owner Is a thorough pound bag and and ion* .(0 lettere. Lot 4. A twilled mix- melango effects, English sailor-woman and has been on a cruise to heavy they will visit friends for a few days. Casco Bay Seasalt for made Suspicion fell upon Small Immediately the ture in with Cheviots, Black l’runellas, the thunder abowar af- Mrs. J. who bas been West Indie* in her yaoht It was an large broken plaids During Sunday Usnry Crockett, ind Deputy Sheriff Sherman and two With this salt the of Char lee 111 her boine cn Mellon ts adventurous trip made tbros years ago lu 15c. you camel’s hair desir- Pop'.lns, Drap d’ete, Broadcloths ternoon oottage Ut. Ajn very at street, local constables arrested him and bis effects, very her ■t Danfcrth oave waa stuck aid • lew company with some of friends and a and all the new at slowly convalosolng. friend Craeson. Small confessed that who live at distance able for 50 inches suitiugs prices she had tbe book of her separate skirts, Bblnglee ripped uff,bu‘ no other damage Mr..and Mis. Chailes Day and Mr. and experiences 4 li'it liavn moda on* IllonU TA — uM they were the guilty parties. He said from the seashore can wide. who have been at bound in tho Scythian's canvas and made $1.25 done. dcmstcad, of the lettere and took tr-- they opened all like This fair Uoods department so peptilar. tte Lena was Hsi- for two rc- rqunre. any skipper's log. a at Sunday night yaoht Fryobnrg the. past we*kg ahat.ver there waa of value In thatn u prepare bath home found It to steer Lot 5. Extra doable an from the where the was turnod home last captain easy enough her heavy dry dock, evening. well an the unnancelled stamps from the ..4 ea. U U T .I.W winter but that is the next to Summer Sale of Miss Kdltb yaoht through storms, when face a Special High Miss Lizzie Thompron and then burned the letter!. thing Suiting* in trtco assort- outside. They It cams to West Indian It r.ow a search Webb of are a oonvlnolng quar- Art Pictures. too, leaking rigorous Congress street, enjoying The most of the wu hidden In a in the ocean. ment af These are plunder antine offlo,Ts and harbor masters that dip patterns for her. Shs la n white six weiks’ In Eastern Maine. A sloop yacht, Dip a mow and was recovered. This 1 lot pictures, worth sale bay shs was master of her was mixed on one side with 50c, 8J 1 new on shlp.tbat quite plain 3 f t long. Sh? bss two jibs, great.purt of the time] has been spent handle was’whst wav In the Deputy different. Her othor like price 39o •n old mainsail and a new topsail. the water In and ex- experiences, plaid backs, 52 Inches wide. gaft yaobtlng, fishing Hasty was carrying. It Included all of Tho Motor of tbli the Inlets the being oarrled in the arms of a native 1 lot pictures, worth 750, sale ? Eelkuap company ploring delightful along the In and some of the fl 50 stamps, 15 mosey the raountaio on the island of Urders tor city are about to commence the construc- coast. porter up engraving, phecks that were found In the letters price 400 were all Inoluded In a tion of automobiles. one or two Mrs. H. H. 'and Miss will Saba, delightful Already Hay Ua> One check was tbronn cards, Lot 0. 'Venetian Cloth for 1 lot that wore opened. volume. Tbs has been to this visiting reception pictures, worth 89c, salo bare keen made as erperliusots and the week In Soythlau they spend Kaymond. Into the Witjr an 1 has not been recov- two or three times before and announce- ■nits, beautiful fabrics in both 05o bare prored highly successful. The mo- M-b. George Moore has returned from port although wedding prico ired. this Is her first visit this tive will be batteries. the Interior of the state and Is now with year. weight and quality, an ideal 1 lot worth sale power storage Craeson also bal something to sey. ments and for embossing pictures, $1.10, The strret department la now laying her elder, Mrs. Dr. Uray at Simon ton's Vd/fiiir fti itn r» a *1 n- cloth for tailor made 50 He says that ever since hi ahd Small fine be suit*, price 89o sld-walks on Vesper and Morning streets. Cove. stationery may reached Southport Small had been at him Th» Portland Yacht club will hold inches wide, $1.00 In Ward I,'and at the corner < f Ardsr- Miss Woodbury of State street, with left at our la help him make the treak. He eays he their anneal challenge cap regatta next stationery Hook department. son a'd Monrce streets. They are relay- Mias Fioy Woodbury, Mrs. F. D. Rogers Saturday. 2 he entries must be In by counter. The best Lot. 7. New Fall 60 ing the sidewalk) on north si 1e of Com- and Miss Hopera of Colurado Springs, very Plaids, low easy It would be that ho dually al- Saturday morning. David Durum. mercial between Plum and Union formerly of Portland are at Lako Inches the new combina- street, Sebago owed himself be led Into the crime as work at moderate wide, to Thera will be five classes and the oourse prices. Publisher's streets. Wotk was Unlehed for two weeks. price $1.50, our yesterday of which he now dndt Llmself tion of in the latest do- ibe result (or the differ eat e'asaea will be as fol- colorings " rn ths of tho sidewalk Mr. Clarence Hale la home this price morning relaying expected a Uncle Ram's olutohos with 08o every pros- lows: First class, start at olab house signs, This fabric is tho very on Commercial street, near Park. week. pect of a sentence ahead jf him. ther-oe out While Head Richard Carvel. long through passage, ewellest Now York Deputy United States Marshal U. O. Miss Clifford and Mr.' Clifford style for Philip The two uien were yesterday morning around Half-Way Hock to Cowin’s Hock Publisher’s eastern of the prico $1.50, our Norton, wus In the part are Mount Pleasant wltb Handsomely engraved 50 inches at the house, Before Commissioner Ur.nliey. They and return to cl tv; Second class, start at separate skirts, wide, state the latter part of last week. On prico $1.12 their grandmother, Mrs. J. U. Brown. pleaded guilty and were bound over In clnb house, thence down the harnor Tally Cards, embossed $1.50 arrested Louis Mlohon of Fort Friday he the When was in Miss Emily Lurrabee Is at Delauo 150U for their appearance at Septem- through White Head passage, arouud in colors or white Knighthood Kent cn a retail Itqucr dealing charge plain Turk, tho guest of Miss Emma Morse. jer term of the district oonrt In Batb. Outer Green Island, around Xrundy’g New Fall Flower. and curried him to Bangor, where he for Crepons. Mies Jolla Bibber and Miss Fraooes reef and hack to the city; the other whist, piogressive was hound over under f3tx) to the All the newest and most Publisher’s prico $1.50, our Sep- A BIU DEAL. olasses will start at the clno house and up-to- Bibber, ure at Giay’s Inn, Jaokson. euchre or other tember terra cf the United States District games. date creations. Fifteen of the price $1.08 A reporter of tbe PRESS baa seen a go around House Island twloe. court to he held at Bangor. Mr. W. H. Hobbs wont to Jnokscn Sat- itoekholder of ths Bebago Power com- The first gun will he fl ed at 10 o'clock A fresh new stock of urday for hie vaoatlan. He !• registered and gleaned tbe following lmport- and tbe starting gun for tbj first class LOST IN THU W OODS. at Gray’e Inn. pany original designs just int Information In itgard to tbe lulure at l(U0. J. R. LIBBY Annie Canning, the young daughter of Miss Abbie D. Clarke and Miss May CO. J. R. LSBBY CO. plana of the Sehago Power oompany Tbe gun for the other olasses will be opened. The O. M. & iir. and Mrs. William Canning of Dan- Claiks of Bath, are the guests of Mrs. ivbiob will be Interesting to tbe general fired at 10.46. A Hying start will he forth street, at present staying in their Charles D. Claike, Spring street. Co. publlo, for much speculation has been made snd no allowance glren from tbe ivory progressive “Vt'a;a at Long Island, wandered away Miss Elizabeth Wtdgery Varnum gave In the air In to what would be tbe time if crossing tbe line. 2be time will counters is and became In the regard game here,- Friday night lost for a small dinner party Saturday Mies Inal outcome of this great company. By be taken from the time the starting gun woods. who have used them Thomas and her guests, Mrs. Uarbert rote of the stockholders tbe directors were Is fired. you Search’ng parties traversed the woods Fall and the MBees Uarbert of An Is drdbtful whether or not there will Patterns Chicago. Instrneted to arrange and purchase all of It know-there is all night locking for her, but were no- nothing enjoyable musical programme was given ibe of ths Cumberland lllnml- be any entries for tbe first class, bat ahle tn find her Karlv In the morning property in the the a else so for the evening,including among guoil lu.tlng company and assume the oontrol there Is sure to be large number for tbe good she was found by one cf the itlacders things a graphaphoue exhibition. Mr. ind management under one bead of all other classes. and restored to her parents. purpose. Floor J.Emery Coulter of Boston also sung sev- ihe associated companies including ths HARBOR tlRVVS. Coverings, DRESS GOODS AT J. R. LIBBY’S. I leering Elootrlo Light company and Miss Edith Sheeby hag returned from Portion d Kleotrio Light company. This are now At J. K. Libby Co ’« there are tevtral Stems of Interest ricked the Desirable indeed North (Jon leal will result In more than Pp Along arriving daily. in d ress way. adding adranoe arrivals of novelties foil Water MOORE & worth of property.to the Sebago Front. OWEN, CO. are the new we will have for anode Many exclusive styles are to be Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Belles and Miss 1100,071 things your I’ower and will bs fallowed by there cannot be at Holies of Melrose, Mass., who have been company floors. found that bought of tbe Take a few moments now and ihe construction of a new dam to be lo- The Klldooa Thomson line will other store In Portland. Several visiting Mrs. Oeorge S. Hunt, went to any take SCO head of and 5.000 boxes of come West Paris on cated a few feat above the present one cattle, In and them. in- ots are enumerated In our advertis'ng Satuday where they will he inspect They’ll int fourteen feet This will cheese when she sails fer London this columns this and all cf them tha guests of Mrs. J. B. Kimball until higher. give morning week. A deal of terest you whether or no. 10 feet head and foil) h. p. Tbe logs for great perishable freight you need, are desirable goods at low prices. They September. golTcapis Is now to Portland from Mon- ibis dam are all ready and work will coming Include camel’s hair all wool Mr. 'Thomas M. o suitings, Johnston Johnston, where Is scarce. In about two weeks. A new power treal tonnage getting ‘The »♦♦♦♦«»«« newellao eleth and other & this s jegln plaids, goods. Bailey Co., cf oity, spending same fihoula bnllt of stone, brick and Hnrona of the line which loaded bo purchased at the \re*lt at louse, entirely, the Johnston homestead, at Montreal last week lock tons of FRACTURED HIS SKULL. ron, will he constructed. Wheel power 1,10) Platbskill-on-Hudaon, N. Y., On his re- hotter. ind direct will be cheese and John while at work on on* of with generators ooupled Mallory, turn, Mr. Howard L. Jones, man- Tbe lobster arrivals were the Ocean Detailed so that the of Portland the vessels at the Maine Central people wharf, ager cf the drapery ucd upholstery de- View with Herman will ha*e no need to sulfer for want of 4,600, Heesslng 5.0C0, R. and fell from the M. LEWSEN & CO.’S. BAILEY & yesterday, slipped partment cf the above Urm, be will tho- Addle and llaltle and Hlunobs and JOHNSTON, water 3,50), CO., from In the held, a iheap electricity produoed mast, striking causing roughly canvass the markets of New Ida lower for inotjrs or lights. 2,000. compound frarture of the skull. He was York und Philadelphia to fall purchase The will also with the The Fanny Hayden arrived yesterday middle taken in Klch's aiubulanoo to the oompany proceed Per Cen! St., Portland, me. Eye stock cf drapery fabrics. with a f ire of mixed fiih. 25 Saved. of a steam to lie morning and Ear ostallatlon power plant Icllrmary. Mrs. K.F. Curtis cf Pleasant The State was towel te the Port- Hill,Free- ised as an auxiliary In case of emergency. Bay You can one low as FARMERS' PICNIC. port, has teeu very sick since the death land Company’s wotkt yesterday where buy Capo as some cf her daughter, Mrs. Bertha M. tome slight repairs were made. She dealers are to pay by buying at whole- Next Saturday at Ucd rwoed Springs, Orne, SKBAUO POWER COMPANY. but now shows rome Improvement. •ailed fer Boston at the usual hour last sale. the farmers cf this county will have an The annual meeting of the etookbold- evening. all day basket picnic. There will be irs of the Sebago Power oompany was AUCTION RETURNED FROM EUROPE. The steimer Cumberland, Boston fer ! good speokieg at 11 and 3 o'clock. The leld at the office of O. F. Libby, First Messrs. St. Johns arrlvoi here at four o'clock FOR RAINY DAY object cf this meeting is to organise the Myron K. Moore, Stevaus National Bank bnlldinj, Saturday, Au- Plains and Dr. F. D. y csttrday with one of the largest crowds Cumberland Farmers' and Taxtayers* avenue, Coleman, gust 12th, at live o'clock p. in. Tbe Im- Pleusant street, Deerlng have re- of the season. She sailed for St. Johns Political league. Center, portant business of the meeting was tbs THE PETER LANE FARM turned from their two months’ trip In at six a 'deck. kuthorlzatlon of tbe bosrd of directors to t*oo NOT TAKEN TO HAY'S STORK. their Abbey of the Pulled States Containing acres, on Europe. During sojourn they have the of the Cumberland Captain SKIRTS [nirohase property Messrs. Ll. II. Hay & Son state that been in parts of France, Italy, Life Saving service, Inspected the station Qsrmany, Illuminating company and pot under one MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1899, Mrs. Mattie Pennell, the woman who Switzerland, Belgium and England, ft uumarjfcuuvu uutuu CH.UIUO). no We are luouageuicub iuo vuiuumuuu iiiuiiimni' headquarters. At It o'clock a. oil (lie sucide was not had went from Portland on tho Revenue cut- in., premise at Lads Centre. Maine. attempted Sunday night, They an enjoyable trip hut seem to the Portland Klectrlo Ing company, Light Fam cuts on an 10) brought Into their store at all, as she be content to maintain their abode la ter Woodbury. average tom of lily. 14 aces of meadow conne^red with the upland* and the Klectrlo There is now acres of jompany Ueerlng Light growimrO corn. Plenty of woo I for the farm, a .d .t large pasture. stated, and therefore did not get the laud this country. They were on 'ihe wharf just above the New York TIM location of this farm at Leeds ( entre passrngers all to be controlled and tuan- Also New Plaid Fall Dress Is one of the very best in Au Iroscoairui County, roinpany, situate 1 on a high clevatl n anum there. She must have teen taken she return trip on the steamer St. Paul boat sheds 19 being extensively repaired overlooking Androscogitiu Lnke, and being only 5 minutes’ walk >ged by the Seosgo Power company, 'itae from cbu’cbea, stores, postoffice, grange hall, corn factory, cheese and railroad station, to some other In her contu- In for the cf tracks, factory, store, whloh,- with Hon. Thomas B. Reed and Hiohard preparation laylog aud only 15 minutes to the landlug of th? steamer that plys back and forth to the beautiful vil- following directors were duly elected: that sion, the mistook for Hay's. Crcker of New York. ihe room has long e a needed on ao- Skirts. lages border on this most charming body of water. Prank W. block man, Utorge W. Blown, BulMInge eonaUl of lam 2Mary » room house, ell a:.d stable, all connected: barn count of the business with 41x04, large transshipment cellar under (be whole ot it. Nice silo for which the is cut outside the barn Jesse Peterson, M. H. Kelly, K. B. and handled and ensilage by ot tbs New York line. A new otlioe Is power packed by a power elevator, and tie-ups for 50 head of stock, cream J?Inine's Greatest Store. Dennison and W. t\ H. Brown. At a Liouse, Ice house, slaughter house, and largo piggery. Floe chance for hens Running -urine built tor the between JUST ARRIVED. wa'or that never falls In the being oompany just house, stable and barn. The tluancos of the town are lu a ''flourish- rubsequent meeting of the dlrectore and are the otlioe o( the Boston boats and tbe big ing condition, taxes light compared to many other places W. Brown was elected ‘O h.ip hlln c.u m*ke a lo! of Ueorge president anal sheds. It Is understood tbat this money on 11.1, farm, there is a great Ccme in eoJ a"d a fl“® for summer ho cau ind M. H. Kelly treasurer. See Them. rii t all «2>10atoarders availed. A cnot,?*c’'’ opportunity taking oilers, will be as tbe line tpe first class man and wonm. who arc now 0:1 Hie farm can be arrangement temporary hired at reasonable rates for a term of years. Ill health ilie only reason for selling. intends to put np a tine office building PERSONAL A New Member POCKKXBOOK LOST ANDJiKB. You Are Always We'come. PROPERTY WILL HE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST DIDDER. at the bead of the wharf as soon as they 16 cows 3 4 UA1NJU). yearlings calves, I twc-year-old bull, 8 pigs, 1 farm horse also hav and all the can obtain tbe lease ot the land. (Whitman) double tAnta ne^ !J‘*S ^*,r» f,n8W horse-pow/r machine, and all C0Ul6y Cre;m,er- T*“ Mr. Kdwurd Maiun of Kast Orange, About 9.15 yesterday morning just as ^ Mark«‘- ^ ^hX«?frk^.S"k^?o?U}l^i:,10:Ud,BgI he momma train from N. J., who Is stopping at the United the steamer Eldorado was going Into her Skowhegan, Lewiston, and Portland will arrive at Leeds Centra sta- our t'1"* <° reacn of "“’P1* the farm as It Is I d tales found a In Hlv- at only 5 minutes' walk from "station, Depart hotel, pocketbook wherf Long Island her macbiDery ll0? oauoe?tv!“R Rug on ot sale. Sale Inspected morning positive, rain or shine. Lunch served ut erlon park Saturday afternoon. It con- Iroke down, ike captain suoceeded In R. M, Lewsen & Co. noon'*64 nnfar“ 1’3fasl1' ba:anoe J2C° tnterejt tained $1.60 In cash and three tlokets to docking her ail right and tbe passengers _n_ CAsiirm5 yearly, 3 percent. Personal Property SPOT that It Uornlab, and thinking belonged were landed. Word was rent to the city CITY OF PORTLAND. COOGIN & MARBLE. Aueiioneers. rETK.it LANK. Proprietor. angistn.tb.s *c I lent Is here. to some pcor .country folk who might not by one of the other boats and the water boat U. went to the Island and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦ ****** have enough monpy to pay their return fanny towed the steamer to the city, where It Notice to Contractors. tare be took a car to Union station It'is an All Wool 30 inohcs home, w as found her crank shaft had broken «*| Rug, SEALED for about and of a off. It will not take to and proposals furnishing 2,OOo Inquired person just purchasing lcng repatr.lt square of “Mew York’’ blocks 72 inches and her yard* paving wide, long, nicely a ticket for Cornish whether he noticed tbe steam sr will soon be muklng reg- to the Street Department ot the City of Portland ular trips will be received at the in® Commissioner fringed. It is good valno at $6.25. among those waiting any from hie town. offieejof STORE ON FIRE. ibe brigantine steam ynoht of Public Works until Monday, August 21st. t&99, I He out a and two rigged at 12 o'clock M. wbeu will be pointed lady young Obis was one of tne late arrivals here they puullc;y opened and read. A bond in a sum and with se- people. Mr. Mason a'ked them whether afternoon. yesterday curities satisfactory to the Com idssioner will 1 they had lost a pocketbook. Meoelvlng be required of the successful bidder to Insure FUNERAL OF iHOMAS J. BRItlQS. the fulfillment or the condition* of the INSURED t Our an affirmative answer and the oompleto proper Special Price, $3.00. contract. Specificationi nud further informa- | identification of the property he returned ihe funeral of the late ihoiuas J. tion may be obtained at the office of said Com- ‘•We the the and tlokets to the Briggs took Diace yesterday afternoon at missioner who reserves the right to reject any Yes and I |.ay freight.'’ pocketbook lady or all Mds should he deem It lor the interest of fully, will get a ♦ just as the train for Cornish steamed In. 3.10 from his late residence 53 Cumber- the city so to do. Bids should be marked for fair • We are makers and designers of furnituro. Also and Mr. Mason reoelvei their thanks but y Cnand- of Shorthand and DOW & Or no irritation of the in* ! lar'-s band and tbs to School Typewriting, PINKHAM ! discomfort, aooompanied body testines-but gentle, prompt, thorough the church and from there tojffie foot cf Centennial Block, 83 Eichaiig(;8t., cleansing, when you take •; Portland, IUhIuc, had healthful Ureen street. Cars were* Taken to the charge of it. X will oplHV September 4, grate where the Odd Fellow? burial I8J8. •if ▼ instruction In shortnand, Hood's Pills service was Mr. Klmmell Thorough given given. Rev. typewriting, correspondence, &*?. Fold by all druggists. 25 cents offioluted at the ohutoh and read the auglfieod2mos »♦♦*♦♦♦♦ •♦«»*♦♦•»**««♦♦«♦»«♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦