x J -, •• %ufi ; •*£. i * ;r \ ’ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23,. 180g-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY MORNINQ, AUGUST IS, 1899. ISBS.tVgSSI PRICE THREE CENTS, the sufferer* tbe by atorm In Porto Biro, muscles enveloping tbe vertebral left her at the foot of column APPEAL TO tiOmOKS. pier PaulUo street, most, maintain at 4,10 II. LABORI STILL ALIVE. They however, today, FIRE AT PEAKS ISLAND. Brooklyn o'clock this afternoon. full reserve the I TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. About respecting Integrity of STRUCK drugs fflfiOJ. two-thirds o» the original cargo of the Inng and spinal orod." army eoppllea waa left behind to make The bulletin Is signed by four loom for the of doctors, qunntlilee rloe, beans, Bensnd, Belobla, Brlsaauds and Vldsl Rnrned grain, eto. Cottage To Gronntl This clothing, lumber, required and It Is timed at 8.89 o'clock this morn- for tbe Immediate necessity of the Funds Needed For Porto sufferer*. Latest Bulletin ing. Morning. Up to within a quarter of an hour of Reports Mr. A. R. Stubbs Broke Collision on Yarmouth sailing voluntary donations kept piling Tbe attempt made upon the life of M. Rican Sufferers. In. r Labor! was tha It_1* spotted that Han Juan will be Improvement. evidently result of a plot. His ft Wm In the Vicinity of the Innei reached not later than A letter waa sent to tbe of Leg Electrics. Friday night. oomralssary Holier police this morning, warning him that fllced Department Seemed SARGENT it waa Intended to make an attempt Able To Handle It All Right. ARRESTED. upon the life of General Meroler. Con- sequently the police and detectives sur- Devastation* treater Ilian Eirst Charged With Mnrder of Two Men at rounded the General and left tbe other One Man Arrested For Crime Rat principals In the drama unprotected. At 1 o'clock tbla morning there waa Sltlioa Pond. In (he Kiddle of the Woods Hear Driver Kislonk For That There were eereral reports this afternoon a Are at Peaka lalund. A cottage In tbe Cong of that the assailant of M. Labor 1 had Supposed. Released. been Stroud flolnlty of the Innea honae waa bnrnel — water Bangor, August 14 Shortly before oaptured, but they proved to be unfound- Portland Line. ed. Detaohmenta of to tbe gronnd. Tbe paaaengera on a late midnight Deputy Sheriff Ireland arrived troops and gen d’armes were beating tbq woods and boat from Long lalund aaw the Are when here by team, having In oustody Arthnr the oountry all sooo'lng day long. A they were half way up the harbor, but of Stetson, whom he arrested on great number of saw the murderer Sargent people were unable to locate It he was either exaotly. The charge of aggravated assault, oaualng the Ueelng but too far distant Navy Department Vol- Murder c, For from them oh else he succeeded In oowlng And men on the Are boat were notified of the death of William Colfcath and Harry Calamity Dragged Himself Motorman them by threats to use bis revolver. A Are and oalled np the oblof engineer by Porter Quite Qulmby, at Stetaun Pond, the men be- gardener named De near unteers Aid. Lahaye got telephone, who decided that aa the Ara ing found drowned. Dreyfus. enough to the man to clntcb him ly the Over Half a Mile shoulder but the shook himself seemed to be under control It waa not Seriously Injured. The coroner's inquest was concluded fugitive free and turning to hlv pursuer, ex- necaeaary for the Are boat to go to tbe lal- t this and wa* Immedi- evening Sargent claimed “Begone or I will kill yon. I and. ately arrested, the deputy sheriff having still hare flea sbota left In my revolver Whatever tbe building waa It burned shadowed him constantly. and they will be for yon." Ex-Sccrefary Alger Gives One Tho Paris De Lahsya being uaarmidre- very rapidly and half an hour after It waa The verdict rendsreu by tha coroner's Papers Express quite Mt'fora He Wav R gened by Pnrly Another Tei.ni Run Down Grenj ooiled anu allowed the man to eeoape discovered by tho paaaengera on tbe boat Later Hundred jury waa that tbe men came to their A proclamation M. Dollars. Indignation. signed by lajat, of Canoeists on (he River. It waa not to be aeen from tbe city There deaths to their the tbe mayor of Rennes and M. Oil Oxicrd Street. by Injuries persons, Leherlsse, no for la wnloh being other meana cf communication oause of wnloh was unknown to the deputy 111-Bt-Vlllelue, Rennes is situated, has been Issued. It between Peake Island and tbs city than a jury. claim* tonight that one 00 romances: Sargent row teat at thle time In the morning It of the tbiee tried to poll up the anohor "An abominable outrage, tbe author of waa Impoaalble to aacertaln any addition- Washington, 14.—Tbe Seor, tary and the boat. At the Rennes, 11.—Ualtra whloh can not claim to belong to any August slipped, upsetting August Laborl, Mr. Albert H. who llrea at 207 al to ths party, has Jest d'shunortd our djar town Htubba, particulars np time cf going to A roc dent occurred f f War this afternoon Issued an to counsel for tus was star-ling yesterday appeal Inquest the men testliled that there was Drey ambushed by two 01 eto ard oonolidu with la an enthusiastic Hennis,'' ap- Spring rtraet, botanist, aft. moon aloof 4 o'clock near governors » of states for aid lor the anohor. be unknown men while on hi* to tbs to Tukey’fl no Sargent will arraigned way pealing the population to reraa'n calm and bis Interrat on thla subject carat very Ijreti. ar d to resist bridge on street, when an sufferers In Porto Hloo. Us states that here on Be onoe threatened trial this morning and ahot In the baok. provocations from whatever Washington Wednesday. ntar coating Mm hit Ilfs yestarday. Hud MURDERED THREE PEOPLE It that the M. Laborl left bla party they may emanate. electrto car of the Portland & Yarmouth appears devastation wrought the life cf his wife at the Kxeter fair. He boose, accompanied his and bis It not bran for oonrage good electric the reoent hurrloana In that Island is by Col. and tbe latter's broth»r road ran Into one of Kingsley's by and Ins wife have not lived together for Picquart fortune to be heard whan he called for A Vermont Min Who Wanted to Kill even than was at M. Cast. U. NATIONAL Portland & Yarmouth express wagons. greater lirtt supposed, euuic iiiub. ln-law, Laborl was laugh- CALAMITY.} help last night, ho would have yet been Kveryone In Town. The it Is evident that a multitude of and with his wagon was completely demolished great ing chatting companions. In the woods near ■ Slnrdcv of Lsoborl a Sfrlaaa Thing; For lying Stroudwnter, and the Ur. "" people rendered utterly destitute this MET 500 INSURGENTS. Tbs paity was pissing the Qual RIohe driver, Sumner Leighton by with n broken and tbe ohanoes art IS.—Tbla Drrjrfui. leg Mlddlatury, Vt., August eve- was awful eilamlty, must bs fed, and oared and was about to oross tha Chntsaabland quite tally Injured, although not miiuoh iui»vtvuuu uumi a seriously. ten was out over for during a considerable until A. Force of American* Made Short bridge, when a man hidden behind a Leigh drlricg period LocdiOy August 15.—.The oerrespord* hi* life. team bars aod want to East can have the wooden Mlddlsbury they opportunity to produo* Work of Them. fenoj, at a corner or the ent of the Times at who rcm- Quol, Keener, Yistenlay afternoon Mr. Stubbs, who a short dlstanoe from bare, to tbe resi- food for themselves. stepped oat and tired at hi. Lafcotl. memo upon the drama "Prcdlglors helrg Is about 53 years old, started oil on a dence of his wife, wbo lived wltb her The magnitude of tbe work to be ac- The wounded man fell to the enaotcd here” ard the "loss to the Manila, August 16, 8.R5 a. in.—A force ground Drey- botanizing expedition In the neighbor- mother there and shot bis wife and her complished leads the department to and tried to rise. He hlsband to fus' caure the sap- of United States troops from pnt tbroogb d'sablement of hoed of Stroudwater. At 4 o'olcck be mother, both. He then nlement the anreal nlppnrlv nutria tn thn Quingua, killing rapidly the wound In his bach and It beonmo cov- Laborl," says: "There Is a four miles northeast of Malolo* and from terribly sug- wax In tbe centre of a clearing tn tbs drove back to this town, went to the resi- mayors of the principal! cities of the ered with blood. As he lay there his geetlee timeliness In the crime. If the Uallnag, near Bustos, about six miles woods txyor.d Stroudwater. about a mils dence of Frank Fenn, driver of a team country, by n more appeal, and clothes covered with the dust In which fates have been general northeast of Quingua,encountered a boly combining against Drey- end a 1 slf from tbs Stroudwater river. for Marshall & Co., and shot 1 Ton to ask tte he bad deliberately teg people of your state fall in, he said lu a faint voleo, fus, could not have armed a more of insurgents estimated at about 60(1, half they Mr. Stubbs It very near and h) him through the heirt. He next bred at to contribute "X sighted gen.rouely to the relief of way between liustoa nod In beg yon to give me my stick and ray efficient agent uf their designs than the Quingua.
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