Ballads and Poems Relating to the Burgoyne Campaign. Annotated
: : : to vieit Europe, I desire to state that his great accjuaintancc witti military matters, his long and faithful research into the military histories of modern nations, his correct comprehension of our own late war, and his intimacy with man.v of our leading Generals and Statesmen durinjr the period of its con- tinuance, with his tried and devoted loyalty and patriotism, recommend him as an eminently suitable person to visit foreign countries, to impart as weU as receive proper views upon all such subjects as are connected with his position as a military writer. Such high qualifications, apart from his being a gentleman of family, of fortune, and of refined cultivation, are entitled to the most favorable consideration from all thosH who esteem and admire them. With great respect, A. PLEA8ANTON, Bvt. Major- Gen'l, U.S.A. ExEcunvK Manbioh, I; Wati., D. C, July 13, 1869. f I heartily concur with Gen'l Pleasanton in his high appreciation of the services rendered by Gen'l de Peysteb, upon whom the State of New York has conferred the rank of Brevet Major-General. I commend him to the favorable consideration of those whom he may meet in his present visit to Europe. U. S. GRANT. ExEcunri Mansion, 1 W<ukingtm, D. a, July I3th, 1869. Dear Sir • ) I take pleasure in forwarding to you the enclosed endorsement of the President. Yours Very Truly, Gen. J. Watts db Pktsteb. HORACE PORTER.* •Major of Ordnance, V. 8. A. ; Brtvtt Brigadier-General V. S. A.; A.-de-C. to tke General-in-Chief ; and Private Secretary to the Pretident of the U.S.
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