PeaceBell for Vienna A participative study to identify a suitable location for an artwork in public urban space Verena Grubmüller-Régent LBS Working Paper No. 10 January 2021 The LBS Working Paper Series “LBS Working Papers” aims at presenting applied research completed by LBS faculty, outstanding graduates and partners. Topics include subjects taught and researched at LBS’s degree programs (1) International Business Administration, (2) International Management and Leadership, and (3) Strategic Finance & Business Analytics. Successful master graduates will be invited to publish condensed versions of their theses. This text may be downloaded only for personal research purposes. Additional reproduction for other purposes, whether in hard copies or electronically, requires the consent of the author(s), editor(s). If cited or quoted, reference should be made to the full name of the author(s), editor(s), the title, the working paper, or other series, the year and the publisher. Editor: Christian Reiner,
[email protected] Lauder Business School Hofzeile 18-20, 1190, Vienna, Austria About the Author Verena Grubmüller-Régent is social scientist and works as Senior Lecturer at Lauder Business School. Her research interests include migration studies, societal disaster resilience and socio-political discourses on social media. Contributors: Shani Alaloof, Nenad Andelkovic, Berfin Göktepe, Moritz Graser, Norman Hankey, Albi Hasamemi, Kristina Konjic, Angela Milenkoska, Shirin Osmonbetova, Ana-Marija Radovanovic, Valentina Sugic, Denisa Laura Trif, Jordy van Mil, Beni Yanar, Oksana Yavorska About this report The study at hand was conducted in the frame of the “Empirical Research Methods” class in the Master program “International Management and Leadership” at Lauder Business School (LBS) based on a cooperation with Social City Wien.