Features Region: El . Municipalities: Quatretondeta and Facheca. Responsible Body: Alacant/ County Council. Environment Area. Start: Quatretondeta Finish: Pla de la Casa. Length: 6, 12 kilometres. Elevation gain: 800 meters. Approximate time: 2, 5 hours. Difficulty: High. Cartography: Alcoi/Alcoy 29-32 (821) 1:50.000; (821-IV) 1:25 000. Webgraphy: Federació d’Esports de Muntanya i Escalada de la C.V. http://femecv.com/senderos/pr-cv-24

Services Quatretondeta Town Council.: Tel. No: 965 51 10 94, e-mail: [email protected] Town Council.: Tel.: 965 88 58 04, e-mail: [email protected] Alacant/Alicante County Council: Tel. No.: 965 10 74 00, e-mail: [email protected] Mountain and Climbing Sports Federation (Federació d’Esports de Muntanya i Escalada): Tel. No.: 965 43 97 47, e-mail: [email protected]

Relief The trail runs along the Sierra La Serrella. The main peaks of this mountain are the Pla de la Casa (1,371 m.), The Serrella (1,319 m.) And Mallada del Llop (1,357 m.) The trail passes by Els Frades rock pinnacles that are up to 50m height. Orographic feature of importance is the Guadalest Valley, bounded by the Aitana, Serrella and L'Aixorta.

Itinerary The trail starts at Quatretondeta, southward and along with the PR-CV 23, for concrete road soon becomes dirt track, which will continue up to the Font d'Espinal, then on the road to link the path that goes up. Shortly after crossing a quarry arrived to the Red Fountain, where the trail becomes way. In a few yards and find a path which is separated from our PR CV PR-23, take the path to the pass Borrell. From here begins a steep climb to leave us on a high plateau, where a short distance up the well of snow Pla de la Casa to spend long to ascend to the top, marked with a metal cross.