Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Ancient Near Eastern Studies Studies in Ancient Persia Receptions of the Ancient Near East and the Achaemenid Period in Popular Culture and Beyond edited by John Curtis edited by Lorenzo Verderame An important collection of eight essays on and Agnès Garcia-Ventura Ancient Persia (Iran) in the periods of the This book is an enthusiastic celebration Achaemenid Empire (539–330 BC), when of the ways in which popular culture has the Persians established control over the consumed aspects of the ancient Near East whole of the Ancient Near East, and later the to construct new realities. It reflects on how Sasanian Empire: stone relief carvings from objects, ideas, and interpretations of the Persepolis; the Achaemenid period in Baby- ancient Near East have been remembered, lon; neglected aspects of biblical archaeol- constructed, re-imagined, mythologized, or ogy and the books of Daniel and Isaiah; and the Sasanian period in Iran (AD indeed forgotten within our shared cultural memories. 250–650) when Zoroastrianism became the state religion. 332p, illus (Lockwood Press, March 2020) paperback, 9781948488242, $32.95. 232p (James Clarke & Co., January 2020) paperback, 9780227177068, $38.00. Special Offer $27.00; PDF e-book, 9781948488259, $27.00 Special Offer $31.00; hardcover, 9780227177051, $98.00. Special Offer $79.00 PDF e-book, 9780227907061, $31.00; EPUB e-book, 9780227907078, $30.99 Women at the Dawn of History The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine edited by Agnete W. Lassen Current Issues and Emerging Trends and Klaus Wagensonner edited by Rick Bonnie, Raimo Hakola and Ulla Tervahauta In the patriarchal world of ancient This book brings together leading experts in the field of ancient-synagogue Mesopotamia, women were often studies to discuss the current issues and emerging trends in the study of represented in their relation to men.
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