Page Introductory Rem arks ...... 7 Name Indices Masculine Names ...... 11 Feminine Names...... 33 Names of Scribes..... 33 Names of Deities ...... 33 Names of Temples ...... 34 Names of Places ...... 35 N am es of Canals...... 36 N am es of Gates ...... 36 Catalogue ...... 37 Autographed Texts ...... Plates I-LX


The one hundred and seventy-seven texts here published belong to the private collection of the Rev. Dr. James B. Nies of Brooklyn, New York. The collection, consisting of cylinders, vases, seals, objects in copper and bronze, tablets, etc., con- tains texts of nearly all the important periods of Babylonian history, from the Archaic to the Seleucid era. By far the larger number belong to the time of the Dynasty; while the First Dynasty, Neo-Babylonian, and Persian periods are well represented. In a general way the material consists of important historical and votive inscriptions, hymns and prayers, letters, contracts and various other legal documents, exercise tablets, temple administrative records, etc. The present texts consist of letters, Nos. 1-94; legal documents, Nos. 95, 97-130, 133; and temple administrative records, Nos. 96, 131, 132, 134-177. Their proven- ance is Erech, as is evident from the mention of this city, or otherwise from the contents. No. 126, however, is dated at ; while Nos. 116, 123 are dated at the city Kar-dNana; No. 97 at the city Bit m Shabahi-ilu; and Nos. 98, 99, 102, 103, 115, 117, 125 at places in the district belonging to the dBelit of Erech. Most of the letters are unbaked, and many, as the autographed texts show, are egible only in part. On the other hand the contracts are, as a whole, well preserved. The texts belong to the Neo-Babylonian period (625-539 B. C.), and the first two reigns (539-522 B. C.) of the Persian. Thus in the legal and administrative texts are represented the reigns of , Nebuchadrezzar, Evil-Merodach, Neriglissar, , and the two Persian kings Cyrus and Cambyses. Two belong to the period immediately before Nabopolassar's time: No. 134 is dated in the reign of the Assyrian king Gishshar-shum-ukin (668-648 B. C.), formerly read Shamash-shum-ukin; and No. 159 in the reign of his successor (648- 625 B. C.). The letters, as is commonly the case, are undated; but for paleographic reasons, as well as from the personal names mentioned, they must be assigned to this period. Nos. 3 and 17, however, can be placed more definitely as they mention the 15th and 14th years of Nabonidus respectively. No. 93 is addressed to "the king of countries," which no doubt refers to one of the Persian kings, as in the contracts these bear the title "king of Babylon, king of countries." The (7) 8 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES writer is Bel-nadin-aplu, a name occurring on texts dated in the reign of Cyrus, thus indicating this ruler as the probable addressee. With few exceptions the letters relate to matters of a purely administrative character; a number (see catalogue) being addressed to temple officials. For example, No. 13 is apparently a reply to a letter from the addressee. In No. 67 a request is made that wine be sent for the sacrifices to the sun-god Shamash; so in No. 77 that wool be given to the messenger sent by the writer. A number refer to transactions in money: No. 5 in which two individuals are asked to bring with them, when coming to , twenty mine of silver for the writer; No. 47 in which the writer specifies the disposition to be made of the fifteen shekels of silver that he sends; or No. 71 requesting the cancelling of a loan of five mine of silver, as it had been paid at a specified time. A few give information about the grain sent by an individual for a stated purpose (e. g. No. 7); or concerning grain in Barsipki (No. 59). In Nos 2, 26, etc., the writer asks his readers not to be negligent in their guarding of the temple Eanna. In Nos. 18, 34, 62, 93 reference is made to a common oriental custom, convenanting with salt. No. 93 is a report made to the king, presumably by one of his officials. So also No. 94 is a report made by a subordinate to temple officials concerning a certain field. In these last two is to be noted the absence of the salutation so common in the letters. The letters are of special interest to the student of history or civilization in so far as they add to our knowledge of the temple administration, refer to special phases of the daily life of the people, or mention such details, for example, as new personal names. The chief value, however, is to be found in the philological material that they offer Assyriologists. The character of the other texts, i. e. the contracts and the lists, is indicated in the catalogue. The primary object of this series being to present only the texts with indices to scholars, attention is simply called to a few facts of value which these texts offer. The relation, or rank, of the many temple officials is often a difficult matter to determine. In the letters the §atammu, bel-piqitti, and qipu are frequently men- tioned. Nos. 108 and 126 are important in this respect. In 108:14-15 the bel- piqitti is shown to be subordinate to the qipu, while in 126:9-10 he is subordinate to the satammu. In the published texts, and in a number belonging to the Yale Babylonian Collection (in course of preparation for publication by a member of the Yale Baby- lonian Seminary) reference is made to a class of temple servants called siraqu. The PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 9

interesting fact about these siraqu is the mark they bear, and with which perhaps they were branded. This mark was also made upon animals. Only two of our texts, Nos. 120 and 169, mention this group, but from 120:4 it seems evident that the mark upon them was a star; as here the phrase, in the other places written phonetically kak-kab-tu, is written ideographically, namely MUL, the ideogram for star. No. 167 is of interest as suggestive of the observance of a day something like the Hebrew Sabbath. See similar texts and discussion by Clay, Miscellaneous Inscrip- tions, Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts, Vol. I, Nos. 46-51, and p. 75 ff. It is with much pleasure that I express to Dr. Nies my sincere thanks for the opportunity of copying his texts and for making possible their publication; also my grateful appreciation and deep obligation to my teacher, Professor Clay, the editor of this series, for his numerous critical and helpful suggestions.


New Haven, Conn.


Personal Names.

Abbreviations: b., brother; cf., confer; d., daughter; f., father; gf., grandfather; gs., grandson; h., husband; m., mother; pl., plural; s., son; w., wife; NBC, Nies Babylonian Collection. Determinatives: al, city; amel, homo; d, deus, dea; f, feminine; ki, place; m, masculine; mes, plural; ndr, canal.


A-bi-ri-ilu, f. Nabu-zer-ukin, 177:33. A -sa-a, Ahe- sa-, Ab-di-id, 13:1. 1. amtl[ ], 141:11. Abi-id, f..Silld, 43:20. 2. s. Nand-kardbi, 159:44. Abi-ul-idi, s. Bullutu, 171:8. 3. s. Zer-iddina, 159:9. amladdupu, gf. Bel-iddin. 4. f. Eanna-sum-ibni, 100:13. Ag-ga-a, f. ... , 25:44. AheMe-su, amlagaru, gf. Nabu-bani-aii. 1. s. Bal (?)..., 177:12. A-hu-dan-dIstar, (dInnina), 2. 175:17. 1. s. Hunsu, f. Gimillu, 99:16; 102:17; Ahu-l'umur, s. Nabu-ah-eres, 46:6; 108:17. 119:15. Alu-lu-mur, 2. f. Gimillu, 19:19. 1. f. Nabi-s'um-eres, 139:5. Ah-eresv(-es'), (ereg), 2. 23:14, 27; 175:44(?), 1. f. Bibea, 177:3. A-mat-ilu, f. Musallim, 127:9. 2. 175:61. A-mat-su-usur, in "Sa mA-mat-su-usur, 166:7. Af-hu-tu, Am-ma-nu, f. Nand-iddin, 125:5. 1. am"ldup-sar sa-tir u-il[-tim], s. NabS- dAmar-zer-iddin, amlrdb li-mi-ti, 24:5. usalla, 114:17. Amel-dEa, 2. 175:13. 1. gf. Musezib-Bel. Ah-iddin, s. Tarbarusu, 116:5. 2. gf. Musezib-Marduk. A -iddin-dMarduk, 3. gf. Nabu-belsunu. 1. s. Nabu-usaallim, 127:12, 19. 4. gf. 2. 149:5. Amel-dMarduk, sar Babili", 136:11; 143:24. Ak-'-u-tu, gf. Nabu-belSunu. A ml-dNa-na-a, A FeP -e-a, 1. amsa-qu-u, 155:4. 1. f. Sum-uktn, 152:16. 2. s. Iddin-, 155:12. 2. 152:1. 3. s. Nabi-sgum-ibni, 157:16. (11) 12 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

4. s. Nabu-zer-ibni, 142:18. 2. f. Nand-ah-iddin, 162:19. 5. f. Apd, 142:3. 3. in Bit mAr-rab, 119:11. 6. f. Ardia, 155:15. 4. 158:20. 7. f. NabQ-sum-ibni, 151:17, 23. Ar-rab-tum, gf. Nabg-zer-ukin. 8. 155:11; 156:6, 15; 175:25. Ardi-ia, Ardi-id, Ardi-a, Amerl-dNab 2, 1. su-sa-nu, 131:8. 1. s. Baldtsu, 159:36. 2. s. Amel-Nand, 155:15. 2. s. Nabu-usalla, 157:18. 3. s. Innina-sum-6res(?), 168:10. 3. in Bit "Amel-dNaba, 25:49. 4. s. Nabu-bdni-ahi, gs. Rtmut-dEa, 98:3; dAmurru-ahmes iddin, 102:4; 103:5; 105:4; 110:4; 111:4; 1. s. Bel-sum-iskun, 126:5. 115:3; 116:3; 117:1; 119:4; 125:3; 2. 77:1. 128:3; 129:3; 168:3. dAmurru-bel-usur, s. Kind, 126:18. 5. s. NabZ-sar-ildni, 108:18. dAmurru-ha-hu, 6. s.'Nabu-usallim, 156: 14. 1. amrSU, 121:6. 7. s. Sdkin-sum, 170:16. 2. f. Bel-iddina, 121:3. 8. s. Sdkin-zer, f. Nidinti, 174:9. dAmurru-lu-sal-lim, 28:8, 11. 9. s. Sarru-ftir, 123:6. dAmurru-rdmi-sarri, 16:18. 10. f. Dannia, 163:3. dAmurru-samsi, 142:25, 26. 11. f. Gimillu, 174:38. dAmurru-zrr-ibni, 21:3. 12. f. Nabu-ndqir, 163:11. dA-nu-um-mukin-aplu, s. Ardi-Innin, gs. 13. f. Samas-ah-iddin, 157:41. amlsangu-parakki, 101:3. 14. f. Suld, 151:2. 'A-num-ah-iddin, 175:52. 15. 8:20; 117:9, 19; 125:11, 15. dA-num-iq-sur, 102:6. Ardi-dBgl, dA-num-upahhir(?), 175:2. 1. s. Egibi, f. Ldbdsi-Marduk, 118:18. d me A-nu-zer-usabsi(-si), s. Sadunu, gs.amE[ ] 2. s. ... , f. Nabz-etir-napsati , 120:6. 118:7. 3. f. Bel-ittanni, 174 :62. dAnu-ah-iddin Ardi-dEa, s. Eribs'u, 103:3. 1. s. Bel-ahe-eriba, 168:21. Ardi-dGu-la, 158:19. 2. f. Bdnia, 168:25. Ardi-dIn-nin, Ap-la-a, Apla-a, 1. s. amlsangu-parakki, f. Anum-mukin- 1. s. Amel-Nand, 142:3. aplu, 101:3. 2. s. Iddind, gs. Ekur-zdkir, 123:11. 2. s. Kinendi, 164:1. 3. s. Nabu-usezib, 159:35. 3. s. ... , 147:3. 4. s...., 157:34. 4. f. BeLetir, 93:17. 5. f. Dumuq, 110:5. 5. f. Nabu-iddin, 164:2. 6. f. Kuddia, 126:5. 6. f. Nand-iddin, 174:44. 7. f. Nabu-9tir, 174:7. 7. 93:11; 164:7. 8. f. Nabu-nd'id, 177:39. ArdidInnina(-na), 9. f. Nddin, 170:11. 1. s. Nabu'-sum-ibni, 157 :10. 10. f. Silim-Bel, 112:3. 2. s. Nabu-zer-ukin, 142:21. 11. 19:10; 73:13; 90:1. Ardi-dMarduk, A-qar-aplu, 175:41. 1. amrdb-bdni, s. Zeria, gs. Egibi, 169:3. A-qar..., f. Nergal-ndsir, 108:10. 2. s. Nabu-mustiq-urra, gs. Nur-Sin, Ar-ra-bi, Ar-rab, 120:22. 1. s. Sula, 119:2; 168:14. 3. s. Zeria, gs. Egibi, 118:17. PART 1. KETSER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 13

Ardi-'Na-na-a, 3. s. Bel. . ., 177:10. 1. lamslakapu, 151:19. 4. s. Da'iqu, f. Musetiq-urra, 101:2. 2. f. Guzanu, 174:20. 5. s. Kind, 175:23. Ardi-dNab,- 6. s. Kuddia, 94:36; 108:16; 148:6. 1. S. aml . .gi-na, f. Nabu-bani-ahi, 124:6. 7. s. Nabu-ndsir, 154:8. 2. f. Musallim-Marduk, 65:7; 174: 11. 8. s. Nabu-zer-iddin, 108:5. 3. 52:1; 95:26; 152:6, 16, 18, 22. 9. s. Nand-eres, 142:9. amaslaku 10. s. Sula, gs. Nabdi, 133:17. 1. gf. Babd, 11. s. dilld, 157:24. 2. gf. Ibni-Innina. 12. f. Amel-Nabit, 159:36. At-kal-ana-dBel, 38:16. 13. f. Kudurru, 159:40. A-..., f. Nabu-sum-uktn, 157:36. 14. f. Musezib-Bel, 174:13. Ba-ba-a, s. Iddin-Ellil, f. Baldtu, 127:31. 15. f. Nabu-dannu, 156:25. Ba-bi-ia, 50:23. 16. f. Sullumu, 159:12. Ba-bu-u-tu, gf. Samas-muktn-aplu. 17. 2:3; 14:2; 33:3; 38:2; 66:2; 74:1; Ba-di-ilu, 175:58. 82:2; 139:7; 158:21; 175:6. am"dlb'iru, Baldt-su-ilu, 1. gf. Bel-iqisa. 1. s. Nabu-usezib, 156:9. 2. gf. Ea-bani-zer. 2. 156:30. 3. gf...., 116:13. Bal-ti-id, s. Innina-zer-usabsi, 102:6. Ba-la-ti, f. Suqdi, 174:65. Bal(?) ... , f. Ahes'u, 177: 12. Ba-la-tu, Baldtu, Ba-ni-ia, Ba-ni-id, Bani-ia, Bdni-id, Bani-a, 1. mlbel-piqitti sa ambel-pahdti, 54: 18. 1. amelbd'iru, f.... 116:13. 2. amrdb-bdan, s. Tabnea, 153:2. 2. s. Anu-ah-iddin, 168:25. 3. s. Baba, gs. Iddin-Ellil, 127:31. 3. s. bamb'iru, f. Bel-iqis'a, 102:19; 4. s. Htdnbi, f. Rmut, 107:7. 103:17; 119:16; 129:15. 5. s. Kiribti, 174:45. 4. s. Bi(?)-it-tab-si(?), 151:3. 6. s. Misirai, f. Marduk-sapik-zer, 103: 5. s. Kalbd, 113:4,9. 15. 6. s. Manna-kq-ummu, 177:32. 7. s. Musezib-Bel, 3:8; 71:9. 7. s. Nabu-baldtsu-iqbi, gs. Sin-liq- 8. s. Nabu-belsunu, 174:73. unnmnni, 120:28.. 9. s. Nabu-zer-iqbs'a, 41: 15. 8. s. Nergal-us'allim, 166:21. 10. s.Silld, 117:1. 9. f. Hambaqu, 115:5. 11. s. Zdkir, 174:37. 10. f. Nabu-etir-napsatime ~, 126:17. 12. f. Nabu-ahe-usallim, 97: 11. 11. f. Nand-gres, 177:13. 13. f. Nabu-belsunu, 170:7. 12. f. Sa-Innina-taklak, 151:24. 14. f. Nabu-kdsir(?), 117:5. 13. f. Samas-mukin-aplu, 109:15. 15. f,Nergal-uballit, 108:12. 14. f. Selibi, 174:8. 16. f. Siriqtum-dAZAG-SUD, 169:24. 15. f. Z6r4a, 73:11. 17. gf. Zeria. 16. 131:15; 156:42; 170:6, 20. 18. 3:11; 5:2; 16:3; 57:5; 58:19; 64:3; Bdnitu(KAK-tu)-s'u; 73:1; 117:10, 17; 153:8; 154:29(?). 1. f. Baldtsu, 159:32. Ba-lat-su, Baldt-su, 2. f ... i (or mil), 121:9. 1. s. Amel-Ea, f. Musezib-Bel, 98;.13; Bdnitu(KAK-tu)-s'u-lis'ir(GIS), f. Naba- 110:14; 169:7. nddin-sum, 140:3. 2. s. Bdnitu-su, 159:32. Ba-si-ia, gf. Sum-ukin. 14 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES dBau-iddin, 154:11. 2. s. Ardi-Innin, 93:16. dBel-ah-iddin, 3. s. Nabu-bdni-ahi, 103:2. 1. f. Iddin-Marduk, 127:39. 4. s. Sullumu, 157:38. 2. f. Nabu-e.tir, 157:13. 5. f. Iddin-Marduk, 159:37. 3. f. Sum-ukina, 127:34. 6. in bdb narpit-qa sa dBel-etir, 99:2. 4. 155:9; 175:32. 7. in nrp t-qa sa mdBel-.tir, 98:16; dBel-ah-sub-si, in Bit dBel-ah-sub-si, 166:27. 105:19; 115:17. dBl-ah-u-sub-si, s. Amel-Ea, f. Nabu-bel- 8. 102:20; 103:19; 117:25; 125:21. sunu, 169:6. Bel-ib-ni, (ibni(KAK) ), dBel-ah-usabsi(-si), s. Bel-sum-iskun, 151:21. 1. s. Kind, 171:4. dBel-ahme -eriba, 2. s. Nadnd, 177:26. 1. s. ... , 157:29. 3. s. amsangu alSallat, f. Lisuri, 122: 12 (?). 2. f. Anu-ah-iddin, 168:22. 4. s. Sdpik, 159:26. 3. f. Isinndi, 142:19. 5. f. Bel-iddin, 177:23, 37. 4. 13:17; 56:3; 175:22. dBel-iddin, (iddina(-na) ), dB el-ahme `-iddin, 1. s. Amurru-hahu, 121:2. 1. s. Kudda, 151:9. 2. s. Bel-ibni, 177:23, 37. 2. s. Nab'-zer-ibni, 127:13, 17, 24, 43. 3. s. Marduk-zer-ibni, gs. Bel-apal-uqur, 3. s. Tarbi, f. Balatsu, 101:21. 124:15. 4. s. Zer-iddina, 159:42. 4. s. Munnabitti, gs.ameladdupu, 107:11. 5. s. ... , 122:14. 5. s. Munnabittu, 121:7. 6. f. Innin-sum-usur, 127:41. 6. s. Nergal-iddin, gs. Kund, 110:13. dBel-aheme -iqitsa(-sa), 7. s. Zeria, 33:12. 1. s. Egibi, f. Nddinu, 118:20; 120:27. 8. s. ... , 117:23. 2. s. Musezib-Marduk, gs. Egibi, 133: 16. 9. f. Samas-eriba, 107:3. 3. s. Musezib-Marduk, gs. Sin-ibni, 10. 27:31; 31:5, 8, 11, 18, 26; 52:1; 133:20. 156:34; 174:60, 69, 72. dBel-ahe -usallim, f. Nana-epus, 141:6. dBel-iq-bi, s. Hanap, f. Innina-zer-ibni, dBel-apal-usur, 169:8. 1. f. Dajdn-Marduk, 145:6. aBel-iqisa(-sa), 2. gf. Bel-iddin. 1. s. Bdnqa, gs.a"lbd'iru, 103:16; 119:16; 3. gf. Bel-supe-muhur. 128:12(?). 4. gf. Suqdi. 2. f. Suld, 121:10. Bel-epus (-us), 3. f. Szubu, 127:7. 1. s. Erisi, 159:38. 4. f .... mukin-zer, 142:11. 2. f. Nergal-etir, 157:22. dBel-it(?)-tan-ni, s. Ardi-Bel, 174:62. 3. f. Suld, 122:4. dBel-ka-sir, (kdsir(KAD)), 4. f. Zabdbd-nddin-sum, 122:4. 1. ampl lapal-siprid Nabu-sum-ikun,A I 9:7. dBel-eres, 2. s. Marduk, gs. Kidin-Marduk, 101 :16. 1. f. Zabidd, 157:25. 3. 30:18. 2. 14:9, 16; 82:19. dBel-li-mur, s. Egibi, f. Nddinu, 104:14. dBel-eriba, Bel-li'u, 1. f. Nabu-usallim, 157:15, 1. s. Sin-l q-unnInni, f. Nddinu, 104:14. 2. f. ... iqbi, 123:13. 2. f. Nabu-etir-napsdtiAAt' VAtm, -meg 108:9. dBel-tir, 3. f. Nergal-uballit, 133:2, 11. 1. sa eli quppi, 174:30. dBel-na-din-aplu, 21:3; 57:3; 93:1. PART I. KEISER LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 15 dBel-nadin-sum, 175:8. dBel-us'allim, dBel-na'id, 11:5; 12:6, 10, 18. 1. s. Nabu-ndsir, gs. Nur-Sin, 107:9. dBel-ndsir 68:18. 2. s. Nabu-sum-eres, 142:7. dBel-ri-ba, s. Ldbdsi, 159:5. 3. s. Samas-iddin, gs. Su'atu, 101:18. dBel-ri-man-ni, 4. s. Zabdbd-eriba, 126:16. 1. s. Kibi-Bel, 126: 19. 5. f. Ibni-Innina, 112:14. 2. 71:2. 6. f. Nabu-zer-usabsi, 161:3. dBel-su-pi-e-mu-hur, s. Itti-Samas-baldtu, gs. 7. 163:8. Bel-apal-usur, 113:18. Bel-zer, Bel-su-nu, 1. s. Basia, f. Sum-ukin, 97:3. 1. s. Gimillu, gs. Dannea, 174:57. 2. f. Iqizs, 142:8. 2. s. Kalbd, 174:64. 3. f. Nergal-epus, 159: 13. 3. s. Nabu-ahe-iddin, gs. Egibi, 124:14. dBel-zer, f. Itti-Eanna-GID-DI-id,164:5. 4. s. Nabu-zer-ukin, 157:6. Bel. ., f. Badtsu, 177: 10. 5. f. Marduk-sum-usur, 142: 1. Beli-ia, 6. 57:3; 82:25; 85:3; 170:8. 1. s. Sig'a, f. Musezib-Marduk, 100:12. dBel-sum-iskun(-un), 2. 170:12. 1. s. Dabibi, f. Marduk-etir, 130:36. Bi-bi-e-a, 2. s. Dabibi, f. Nabu-nadin-sum, 121:12; 1. amNeGIG-BA, 140:4. 130:28. 2. s. Ah-eres, 177:3. 3. s. Kalumu, 159:14, 41. 3. 175:18. 4. s. Nabu-iddin, 159:23. Bi(?)-it-tab-si(?), f. Bdnid, 151:3. 5. s. Suld, 159:11. Biti-a, amelnangaru, 174:59. 6. f. Amurru-ae-iddin, 126:5. Bul-lut, Bul-lu-tu, 7. f. Bel-ah-usabsi, 151:21. 1. s. Balatu, f. Zeria, 133:14. 8. f. Marduk-etir, 96:8; 108:4; 144:4. 2. f. Abi-ul-idi, 171:9. 9. f. Marduk-nasir, 159:22. 3. 60:12; 175:4. 10. f. Zeria, 148: 2. Bul-lut-a, dBel-tab(?) -ni-zusur(?), 175:64. 1. s. Nand-ibni, 112:4; 157:1. "Bel-uballit (-it), 2. s. Nuhhuki, 156:13. 1. s. Busu, f. Marduk-nddin-a]u, 169:4. 3. f. Innina-zer-ibni, 154:17. 2. s.amelsa tdbtiZ u, f. Nabu-apal-iddin, 4. f. Nabu-eriba, 108: 19. 113:20. 5. 156:28; 175:55. 3. f. Gimillu, 139:4. Bu-na-a, s. amusparu, f. Nddin, 146:3. 4. f. Nabu-zer-ukln, 93:19. Bu-u-su, 5. f. Rimt, 157:39. 1. f. Marduk-nddin-ahu, 153:3. 6. 66:5; 170:17. 2. gf. Marduk-nddin-ahu. dBel-upahhir(-ir), Da-bi-bi, 1. s. Dajdn-Marduk, 153:4. 1. f. Marduk-etir, 107:13. 2. f. Ibni-Innina, 160:2. 2. gf. Nabu-mukln-aplu. dBel-u-sa-tu, (u-sat, u-sat-ti), 3. gf. Nabu-nddin-sum. 1. s. amelKIM-A, f. Nergal-ndsir, 141:2. Da-'-i-qu, gf. Nabu-musetiq-urra. 2. s. a"elKIM-A, f. Rimit, 141:2. dDajdn-ae"-iddin, 3. s. Bel-usat, gs . . ., 116:14. 1. s. Gimillu, 135:12. 4. s. Ekur-zdkir, gs. ... , 130:30. 2. s. Gimillu, gs. ... , 120:25. 5. f. Nabu-zer-ukin, 159:31. Dajdn-dMarduk, 6. gf. Marduk-sum-lisir. 1. areldb-ban5, 140:7. 16 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

2. s. Bel-apal-usur, 145:5. 3. gf. Bel-ahe-iqisa. 3. f. Bel-upahhir, 153:4. 4. gf. Belsunu. 4. 2:3. 5. gf. Gimil-Samas. Dan-ni-e-a, gf. Belsunu. 6. gf. Ldbdsi-Marduk. Dan-ni-id, s. Ardia, 163:3. 7. gf. Nddinu. dDan-nu-aheP'-su-ibni, am*lpu-sa-a-a, 165 10; E-kur-za-kir, 174:32. 1. f. Bel-usat, gf. ... , 130:30. Dan-nu-dNergal, 157:44. 2. gf. Apld. Di-na-a, 3. gf. Nabu-bdni-aJi. 1. f. Iqtsd, 156:5. dEnurta-sar-usur, 2. 64:3. 1. ameqlpi, 144:6. Du-ba-a, (Perhaps to be read Gub-ba-a; 2. 22:1; 38:1; 40:1; 81:1. cf. Gu-ub-ba-a, BE, X 61:2), in na'har-ri Epes(-es)-ilu, gf. Musezib-Bel. sa m Du-ba-a, 101:8; 166:20. Er-ba-a-a, 27:31. Du-muq, E-ri-si, s. Bel-epus, 159:38. 1. s. Apla, 110:5. E-rib-su, 2. 158:4. 1. amusparu, 161:8. Du-um-mu-qu, s. E-sag[-gil]-a, f. Tukulti- 2. s. Musezib-Bel, 174:25. Marduk, 120:23. 3. s. Nand-iddin, 165:3. amDU-ZU, gf. Etillu. 4. s. Tdb-Urukl, 174:18.. dEa-a-na-bbti-su,47:9. 5. f. Ardi-Ea, 103:4. dEa-bni-zer, s. Tabnea, gs. mlbd'iru, 133:18. E-sag[-gil]-a, gf. Tukulti-Marduk. dEa-pus'(-us), Es-gur(?)-ru, 156:37. 1. f. Nabu-sum-usur, 157:5. E-til-lu, s. Eanna-sum-isUir, gs. amrDDU-ZU, 2. 156:17, 29. 106:9. E-a-ibni, 175:21. E-te-ru, gf. Ili'-Marduk. dEa-ilu-tu-ibni, gf. Nabu-belsunu. E-tir, f. Sama'gunu, 177:25. dE-a-kur-ban-ni, Etir-dSamas, s. Nabu-ah-iddin, 174:67. 1. amepa-qu-du sa Urukk, s. Nabu- E-zi-da-s'um-ukin, s. Marduk-abu-su, f. Na- .tir-napsdtime", gs. Ea-kurbanni, 169: bu-ahe-iddin, 109:14. 12. Ga-su-ra, gf. Nabu-sum-uk'n dupsar. 2. gf. Ea-kurbanni. Gi-lu-u-a, s. Sum-ukina, 159:16. dEa-zr-iddin, s. Nabu-bel-usur, 119:5. Gi-mil-lu, Gimillu, E-an-na-ibni, f. Marduk-eriba, 157:42. 1. s. Ahu-ddn-Istar, gs. Hunsu, 19:18; E-an-na-mutrr, amlnds-patri, 155:17. 99:16; 102:16; 117:22(?); 119:14. E-an-na-nddin-sum, s. Babutu, f. Samas- 2. s. Ardia, 174:38. mukin-aplu, 103:18; 116:15; 119:17; 3. s. Bel-uballit, 139:3. 128:14. 4. s. Dannea, f. Belsunu, 174:57. E-an-na-sarru, 175:57. 5. s. Innin-zer-iddin, 165:7. E-an-na-sum-ibni, 166:4. 6. s. Marduk-ndsir, 174:58. E-an-na-sum-lisir, 7. s. Suzubu, 127:35. 1. s. amDIDU-ZU, f. Etillu, 106:10. 8. s. ZVria, gs. Sigua, 124:13(?); 133:15. 2. f. Innina-ah-iddin, 174:41. 9. s. ... di, f. Kalb, 100:11. E-gi-bi, 10. s. ... , f. Dajdn-ahe-"-iddin, 120:25. 1. f. Iqsd, 177:9(?). 11. s ... , 99:4. 2. gf. Ardi-Marduk. 12. f. Dajdn-aE-iddin, 135:12. PART I. REISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 17

13. f. Istar-sum-eres, 142: 16. Ibni-dInnina, (Ib-ni, dIstar), 14. f. Nand-iddin, 157:26. 1. amlsattukka, 131:6. 15. f. Suld, 168:8. 2. s. amelagru, f. Nabu-bdni-ahi, 101:18. 16. 19:11; 33:9, 14; 63:2; 154:7; 3. s. amslalaku, f. Babd, 120:29. 170:17. 4. s. Bel-upaphhir, 160:2. Gimil-dNa-na-a, 5. s. Bel-usallim, 112:14. 1. s. Nergal-uballit, gs. amlsangu-parakki, 6. s. Kurt, f. Nabu-etir-naps'tim e§, 106: 17. 101:5. 7. s. Nabu-sum-ibni, 154:21. 2. gf. Anum-mukin-aplu. 8. s. Nabu-zer-ukin, gs.amelaslaku, 133: Gimil-dSamas, s. Nabu-etir-napsdatie , gs. 22. Egibi, 113:21. 9. s. Samas-uballit, 174:70. Gissarl-sum-ukin, sar Bdbilii,k 134:18. 10. f. [Innina]-zer-usabsi, 168:18. Gu-bar-ru, amlpihdtu Bdbilik, 169:22. 11. f. Zuzuzu, 174:6. Gu-za-nu, 12. 28:42; 43':1; 53:2, 37; 154:23, 31: 1. s. Ardi-Nand, 174:20. 158:3. 2. s. Silim-Bel, 174:52. Ibni..., f. Nabu.-bdni-abi, 112:15. 3. 174:71. Id-di-ia, s. Nabu-usalli, 177:5. Ha-ah-hu-ru, f. Nidinti, 174:56. Iddina(-na)-a, Iddina, Ha-am-ba-qu, s. BdnMa, 115:5. 1. s. Ekur-zdkir, f. Apld, 123:11. Hia-am-mi-du-u, 175:31. 2. f. Nabu-usabsi, 156:15. Ha-an-bi, gf. Rtmut. 3. 4:12; 19:4; 29:8; 175:30. Ha-ar-ma-su, f. Nand-iddin, 24:10. Iddin-dBel, amelnuhatimmu blt-6hi-ri, 174:16. Ha-ba-as-tum, 117:7. Iddin-dEllil, gf. Baldtu. Ha-nap, gf. Innina-zer-ibni. Iddin-dMarduk, Ha-pir-ku, f. Nabu-bdni-ahi, 51:6. 1. s. Bel-ah-iddin, 127:39. IUar (or Mur)..., s. Nddina-ahu, 142:22. 2. s. Bel-tir, 159:37. Hi-ma-ri-ia, amirrisu Nergal-uballit, 44: 3. 175:39. 11. Iddin-dNabu, Hu-un-su-u, Hu-un-su-', 1. s. Kidin-Marduk, f. Innin-nddin-aJu, 1. gf. Gimillu. 104:10. 2. gf. Marduk-nddin-a]u. 2. 154:9, 10. 3. gf. Nergal-nddin-sum. Iddin-4 Nergal, 4. gf. Nurea. 1. f. Amel-Nand, 155:12. 5. gf. Sdpik. 2. f. Nabu-zer-ibni, 177:19. 6. gf. ... , 116:12. 3. f. Nddina-aplu, 177:22. 'I-bad, f. Nabu-ahe-iddin, 175:11. 4. f. .. , 130:34(?). Ia-hu, f. Nabu-nddin-ahu, 97:12. Iddin-nu-nu, s. Sula, 174:21. la-qa-bu-u, 23:18. Iddin-dPapsukal, gf. Nddin-aplu. I-ba-a, Iddin-dSam-su, 1:2. 1. f. Kind, 168:26. Il-ta-as-su, Il-ta-su. ., 176:7, 10. 2. f. Samas-zer-iqtsa, 149:8. dIl-ta-mes'-id-ri-', 1:1. Ib-na-a, s. Ekur-zdkir, f. Nabu-bdni-ahi, Ili'-dMarduk, s. Nabu-sum-ukin, gs. JEteru, 133:19. 98:5. Ibni-ilu, f. Sin-eres, gf. ... , 117:22. Ilu-na-dan-nu, f. Itti-ilia, 100:1, 7.

l For this reading see Clay, Business Transactions of the First Millennium B. C., Part I Babylonian Records in the Morgan Library, p. 11. 18 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

Im-bi-ia, 2. s. Iqisd, 163:1. 1. s. Kuri, f. Samas-rb'ugunu, 125:18. 3. 163:1. 2. s ... , gs Kidin-Marduk, 128:11. Ina-silli-dNa-na-a, 3. 38:7, 11. 1. sa Bit "Amel-dNabu, 25:48. I-ni-ilu, f. Marduk-eriba, 177:31. 2. s. Nabu-suzib-anni, 136:6. dIn-nin-ahe&"-iddin 29:1. 3. s. Nand-eres, 151:13., dIn-nin-ina-esg-etir, s. Nabu-sum-iskun, 4. 90:6; 136:8; 163:15. 127:38. Ina-silli... ., f...... , 131:18. dIn-nin-li .., amlba'iru, 54:15. dInnina-a-lik-pdni, 143:22. dIn-nin-nddin-ahu dInnina-ah-iddin, amelatu, s. Eanna-sum-lisir, 1. s. Iddin-Nabu, gs. Kidin-Marduk, 174:41. 104:9. dInnina(-na)-aheme-iddin, 16:1. 2. s. Nand-iddin, 109:8. dInnina-dur-e-du, 131:9. 3. s. Nergal-usallim, gs. Sin-liq-unninni, dInnina(-na)-nddin-ahu, 124:16. 1. f. Ina-silli-Eanna, 99:18. 4. 70:2; 170:15. 2. 92:1. dIn-nin-sar-usur, 54:1. dInnina-ri-su-u-a, d In-nin-sum-iskun(-un), s. Nergal-ibni, gs. 1. amelasaridu, 131:11. amelsangu-dAdad, 106:15. 2. amenu-sa-guram^l v issurme,meg,174:26. 174:26. dIn-nin-sum-usabsi(-si), 73:2. 3. s. Marduk-belsunu, 174:27. A 1IQ .1 dIn-nin-ze&-ibni, s. Nabu-ahe-usallim, 118:5. I . uJO . LVU. dIn-nin-zer-iddin, dInnina-sum-eres, 1. f. Gimillu, 165:7. 1. s. Ea-ilutu-ibni, f. Nabu-belsunu, 2. f. Gimillu dup-sar, 106:18. 105:17; 110:16; 111:14; 115:15: aIn-nin-zer-iqsa(-sa), s. Nergal-utallit,49:7. 125:20. dIn-nin-zer-uwsabsi(-sgi), (TIL), 2. f. Ardia, 168: 10. 1. amtu, 174:19. dInnina - sum - lisir, s. Nergal - sum - ibni, 2. aelusvparu, 165:2. 127:40. 3. s. Nabu-dannu, 166:32. 'Innina(-na)-tab-ni-usur, s. Gimil-Nand, f. 4. s. Sult, gs. a"elkudimmu, 174:39. Anum-mukin-aplu, 97:14. 5. 21:5; 32:4; 57:4; 85:5. dInnina-zer-ibni, (dInnina(-na), dIstar), dIn-nin-zr-usallim, in Bit In-nin-zer-usa1- 1 amelrdb-badn s. Bel-iqbi, gs. Hjanap, lim, 118:4. 169:8. Ina-E-sag-ila-zer, f. Nabuu-utallit, 174:75. 2. s. Bulluta, 154:16. Ina-esi-etir, (etir(-ir)), 3. s. Taqs'-Gula, 174:54. 1. s. Hunsu, f. Ner al-nadin-sum, 104: 1 1. 4. f. Musezib-Samas, 109:17; 113:23. 2. s. Nabu-ah-eres, 159:10. 5. f. Nddina-ahu, 151:16. 3. s. Nabu--zer-iddin, 114:13. 6. f. Nand-ah-iddin, 129:14. 4. s. Zabidd, 157:2. 7. 158:2. 5. f. dLugal-Banda(-da)-sum-ibni, 109:5. dInnina(-na)-zer-iddin,s. Nddin-ahu, 163:12. 6. f. Samas-dannu, 109:9. d Innina(-na)-zer-iq'sa(-s'a), s. Nergal-utallit, Ina-pa-an-da-nu, f. Nabu-uballit, 129:5. 36:27. Ina-pa-ni() . . ., 158:28. dInnina (-na)-zer-usabsi (-si), Ina-silli-~Bel-ab-ni, s. Kuddia, 151:18. 1. sa eli gi-quppi sa amlsatammu, s. Ina-silli-E-an-na, Tdb-sar-Istar, 150:1. 1. s. Innina-nddin-ahu, 99:18. 2. s. Ibni-Istar, 168:18. i .. - .------I ------PART T. KEISER LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 19

3. f. Baltia, 102:7. 3. s. Nergal-sum-ibni, 97:5. 4. 38:7; 75:1,2; 139:8; 168:14. 4. f. Bdnia, 113:4, 9. dInnina(-na)-zer-usur, s. Nergal-etir, 157:9. 5. f. Belsunu, 174:64. Iqisa, Iqtsa(-sa), Iqisa(-sa)-a, 6. 136:4; 158:9; 161:5. 1. s. Bel-zer, 142:8. Kam-bu-zi-ia, s'ar Bdbiliki, sar mdtdti, 98:18; 2. s. Dind, 156:5. 102:22; passim. 3. s. E[-gi?-bi?], 177:9. Kan-da-la-nu, sar Bdbilik, 159:3. 4. s. Murranu, 177:4. Ki-bi-dBel, f. Bel-rlmanni, 126:19. 5. s. Silla, 130:6. Ki-din-dMarduk, 6. f. Ina-silli-Eanna,163:4. 1. gf. Bel-kasir. 7. f. Kalbd, 161:4. 2. gf. Imbia. 8. 25:17; 79:12; 85:3; 156:8. 3. gf, Innin-nadin-ahu. Iqisa(-sa) -dMarduk, 4. gf. Ldbdsi. 1. s. Nadin-sum, 141:3. 5. gf. Samas-napistim-usur. 2. 141:12, 22, 26. 6. gf. ... , 130:33. I-sin-na-a-a, 7. 41:18. 1. amealaku, s. Bel-ahe-eriba, 142:19. amNeKIM-A, 2. 91:3. 1. gf. Nergal-ndasir.

Iskun-dNabu, 46: 11, I 2. gf. Rimut. d Istar-dlik-pdni, 151:12. Ki-na-a, dIstar-sar-usur, 165:8. 1. am"satammu Eanna, 47:3. dIs-tar-sum-eres, ('IHtar), 2. s. Iba, 168:26. 1. amenangaru, 173:9. 3. f. Amurru-bel-usur, 126:18. 2. s. Gimillu, 142:16. 4. f. Baldtsu, 175:23. 3. s. Sdkin-sum, 93:7. 5. f. Bel-ibni, 171:5. I$-sur, 166:12. 6. f. Sin-ibni, 151:4. m It-ti-Bel-li-im-mir, 9:1. 7. in Bit Ki-na-a, 166:18. Itti-E-an-na-GID-DI-ia,s. Bel-zer, 164:5. 8. 16:2; 20:1. Itti-ili-ia, s. Ilu-nadannu, 100:1, 7. Ki-ne-na-a-a, Itti-dNabu-gu-u-su, s. dTur--risua, 1. f. Ardi-Innin, 164:1. 120:6. 2. 94:1. It-ti-dNabu-i-ni-ia, Itti(KI)-dNabu-imn(SI)- Ki-nu-na-a-a, f. Sa-Nabu-su, 163:6. id, 77:6; 15, 28. Ki-rib-ti, f. Baa^tu, 174:45. Itti-YSamas -balatu, Ki-sik-dNabu, 10:2, 7; 21: 1. 1. s. Bel-apal-usur, f. Bel-sup -mur1ur, Kud-a-a, 153:12. 113:18. Kud-da-a, f. Nddina-aplu, 177:7. 2. 110:2. Kud-di-ia, Kud-di-id, Kud-di-a, Itti-sarri-baldau,am'rdb pit-qa, 69:1. 1. aelrdb-badn, 151:22. I..., in Bt .., 129:16. 2. s. Apla, 126:4. Ka-lu-mu, Ka-lum-u(?), 3. s. Nerga7-ibni, 157:14. 1. s. Naba, 114:13. 4. s. Sanmas-ria, 157:20. 2. f. Bel-sum-iskun, 159: 14, 41. 5. f. Baldtsu, 94:36; 108:16; 148:6. 3. f. Nabu-ahe-usallim, 14:8; 127:37. 6. f. Bel-ahe"-iddin, 151:9. Kal-ba-a, 7. f. Ina-s.illi-Bel-abni, 151:18. 1. s. Gimillu, gs....di, 100:11. 8. f. Nabu-eriba, 177:35. 2. s. Iqisd, 161:4. 9. 156:11; 175:47. 20 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES amUkudimmu, gf. Innin-zer-usabsi. Lu-su-a-na-nur, Lusi-ana-nur, Kudurru, 1. amlardi-ekalli, 174:29. 1. s. Baldtsu, 159:40. 2. 4:1; 170:13. 2. s. Nabu-ndsir, 25:43; 46:8. Lu-ut-tu-u-a, sa bit-qdti, 174:28. 3. s. Nadna, 157:7. Man-na-a-ki-i-ar-ba-il, albel-piqitti sa 4. f. Innina-zer-usabsi, 126:21. qampi, 108:14. 5. f. Nabu-usallim, 148:4. Man-na-ki-i-ummu, f. Bdnia, 177:32. 6. 46:20; 175:29. Man ... , f, Nand-iddin, 177:29. Ku-na-a, Kun-a, Mar-duk, 1. f. Sumd, 177:28. 1. s. Kidin-Marduk, f. Bel-kdsir, 101:17. 2. gf. Bel-iddin. 2. s. Musezib-Marduk, 127:36. 3. 175:20. 3. f. Samas-bel-ildni, 168:23. Ku-ras, Ku-ra-as, Kur-as, Kur-ra-as, sar 4. f. Z&r-ukin, 177:20. Bdbilik, sar mdtdti, 106:1, 20; 109:3, 5. 21:4; 70:1. 18; 111:17; 118:22; 167:4. dMarduk-abu-su, gf. Nabu-abe-iddin. Ku-ri-gal-su, s. Nergal-ibni, 159:34. dMarduk-apal-usur, Ku-ri-i, Kur-i, 1. s. Mukin-zbr, 174:5. 1. g. Nab_-etir-napsdtime . 2. s. Musezib-Marduk, gs. Ambl-Ea, 2. gf. Rimmut. 129:12. 3. gf. Samas-re'usunu. dMarduk -bl-ilanime*, s. Nab-musallim, Kur-ban-ni-dMarduk, 24:2. 159:24. La-a-ba-si, La-ba-si, dMarduk-bel-su-nu, 1. s. Nabu-bani(?)-aplu(?), gs. Kidin- 1. f. Innina-risua, 174:27. Marduk, 125:19. 2. 2:1; 25:1(?); 33:1. 2. f. Bel-riba, 159:5. dMarduk-eres(-es), (eres (KAM)), 3. 153:16; 158:1, 5; 168:6. 1. s. Nabu-usallim, 159:4. La-ba-si-dMarduk, (La-a-ba-si), 2. 175:28. 1. s. Ardi-Bel, gs. Egibi, 118:18. dMarduk-eriba, 2. 19:3. 1. s. Eanna-ibni, 157:42. La-bi-ri-ia, in.Bit mLa-bi-ri-ia, 166:14. 2. s. Inz-ilu, 177:31. La-kip, f. Nand-eres, 99:17. 3. 23:1; 37:5; 81:33. Lib-lut, dMarduk-etir, 1. amlnuhatimmu bit-hi-ri, 174:15. 1. amldupsar Bit m Baldtsu, s. Bel-gum- 2. amsaqu sarri amel sa eli quppi sa iskun, 108:4. sarri, 120:20. 2. s. Bel-sum-iskun, 96:7; 144:4. 3. 4:13; 8:6; 69:11(?); 170:22(?). 3. f. Nabu-bani-ahi, 112:13. Li-pa-', in Bit mLi-pa-', 130:3. 4. f. Niqudu, 168:17. Li-si-ru, Li-si-ri, 5. 40:3; 96:11. 1. s. Bel-ibni(?), gs. lsanguSalatt, dMarduk-nddin-ahu, 122:12. 1. alrdb-bdni, s. Bel-uballit, gs. Biusu, 2. 33:2. 169:4. d Lugal-Banda(-da)-sum-ibni, s. Ina-esi-etir, 2. amelsa-ku Urulki s. Nabu-sum-iskun, 109:5. gs. TTansu, 130:26. Lu-li-ia, 176:9. 3. s. Buisu, 153:3. Lu-li.., s. $Su-u.., 176:5. 4. s. Musezibi, gs. amrdb-bdni, 101: 19. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 21

5. s. Nabu-iddin, gs. amlsangu-dEnurta, 2. in Bit mMuk-e-a, 166:25. 49:8. 3. 168:6. 6. s. Nabu-s'um-ibni, 101:9. Mukin-aplu, s. Nabu-ahe-bullut, 27:4, 18. 7. 48:1. Mukin-snum, s. Nabu-udammiq, 159:28. dMarduk-nddin-sum, Mukn7-zer, 1. s. Bel-apal-usur, f. Suqdi, 174:10. 1. s. Nana-uballit, 159:21. 2. s. Nddin, gs. Suti(a), 98:12; 105:15, 2. s. Zabidd, 159:19. 115:13. 3. f. Marduk-apal-usur,174:5. 3. s. Nddin, gs. Sutia, 102:15; 103:15. 4. 41:1; 151:25. 4. s. Nergal-ibni, 159:6, 8. Mun-na-bit-ti, Mun-na-bit-tu, 5. 153:9; 170:5, 24. 1. s. am'laddupu, f. Bel-iddin, 107:11. dMarduk-ndsir, (ndsir(-ir)), 2. f. Bel-iddin, 121:7. 1. mlsatam-Eanna, 114:10. 3. 134:15. 2. s. Bel-sum-iskun, 159:22. Mu-ra-nu, 3. f. Gimillu, 174:58. 1. amlirrisu ~a Sum-uk'n, 166:29. 4. 11:23; 56:2; 61:1. 2. s. Samas-zer-ibni, 164:3. dMarduk-s'dkin-sum, 3. 16:3. 1. s. Sin'liq-unn'nni, f. Nergal-ina-esi- Mur-ra-nu, f. Iqisd, 177:4. etir, 159:48. Mu-sal-li-mu, Mu-sal-lim, 2. 9:2; 11:2; 42:1; 70:3. 1. s. Amdt-ilu, 127:9. 'Marduk-sdpik-zer, 2. 51:24. 1. amrsatam Eanna, 126:10; 133:13. Mu-sal-lim-dMarduk, (Musallim(GI)), 2. s. Baldtu, gs. Misirai, 103:14. 1. s. Ardi-Nabu, 65:6; 174:11. 3. 88:2. 2. s. Nabu-gdmil, 142:20. dMarduk-sar-a-ni, 3. s. Nand..., 142:12. 1. s. Rimut, gs. Sin-liq-tesliti, 130:35. 4. f. Tdb-sar-Innina, 164:4. 2. f. Zera, 142:5. 5. 94:6; 125:2. 3. 18:1; 151:25. Musetiq-ahu-u-a, f. Nabu-urassi, 127:5. dMarduk-sum-ibni, Mu-se-zi-bi, s. amlrdb-bdni, f. Marduk-nddin- 1. s. Nabu-iddin, 36:26. ahu, 101:20. 2. s. Nabu-nasir, 132: 12. Mu-se-zib- Bel, (Musezib(KAR) ), 3. s. Nabui..., 142:13. 1. amnappabu, f. Eribsu, 174:25. dMarduk-sum-lisir, s. Rimut, gs. Bel-usatti, 2. amblrdb-bdni, s. Baldtsu, gs. Amel-Ea, 127:32. 169:7. dMarduk-sum-u-sur, s. Bls'unu, 142: 1. 3. s. Baldtsu, 174:13. dMarduk-uballit(-it), 4. s. Baldtsu, gs. Amel-Ea, 98:13; 110:14. 1. s. Nddin, gs. Sutla, 111:12. 5. s. Nur-Sin, f. Sadunu, 106:14. 2. 82:10. 6. s. Samas-dannu, gs. Lpes-ilu, 120:21. dMarduk-zer-ibni, 7. f. Bal.tu, 3:9; 71: 10. 1. s. Bel-apal-usur, f. Bel-iddin, 124: 15. 8. 21:4; 25:2; 32:2; 33:3; 53:1,37; 2. 175:5. 57:2; 85:2; 95:9. Mes'-sa-na-du-u, f. Nabu-nddin-s um, 23:7. Mu-se-zibdMarduk, (Musezib ,(KAR)), Mi-ia-a-svi, s. Si-ia-ki-'(?), 177:17. 1. s. Amel-Ea, f. Marduk-apal-usur, Mi-sir-a-a, gf. Marduk-s'pik-zer. 129:12. Muk-ki-e-a, Muk-e-a, 2. s. Belia, gs. Sigua, 100: 12. 1. f. Nand[-eres], 99:6. 3. s. Egibi, f. Bel-ah-,iqisa, 133: 16. 22 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

4. s. Sin-iEni, f. Bel-ake-iqisa, 133:21. 2. s. Baldtu, 97: 11. 5. f. Marduk, 127:36. 3. s. Kalumu, 14:7; 127:37. Mutir-aplu, 15:1. 4. s. Nabu-sum-ukin, gs. amsang-- Na-t-a-a, Na-ba-a-a, urta, 101:15. 1. f. Kalumu, 114:13. 5. f. Innin-zerribni, 118:5. 2. gf. Baldtsu. 6. 154:14, 18. dNa)bu-a:-e'res', (eres'(-es)), Nabu-ahe.'... , 82: 1; 93:9. 1. f.Ah-lumur,46:6; 108:17. dNabu-a:al-iddin, s. Bel-uballit, gs. amelia 2. f. Ina-esi-e.tir, 159: 10. tabti _g-su, 113:20. 3. f. Nabu-sgum-eres, 152:8. dNabu-apal-usur, sar Bdbilih, 96:2, 13; dNabu-ah-iddin, 107:15; 121:15; passim. 1. samaqu sarri ambel-piqitti Eanna, dNabu-baldt-su-iqbi, 106:7; 113:11; 118:16; 169:10. 1. s. Sin-liq-unninni, f. Bdnta, 120:28. 2. s. Nand-eres,46:7; 122:10; 144:8. 2. s. Sa-Nabu-su, 103:7. 3. s. Nand-iddin, 157:17. 3. f. fSarra, 111:6. 4. s. Nand-sar-usur, 150:10; 151:8. 4. 'f....iqisa, 174:63. 5. f. Ana-Innina-taklac, 163:2. dNabu-balat-sarri-iqbi,8:1. 6. f. Etir-Samas, 174:67. 4Nabu-ba-ni 7. 4:3; 7:1; 10:4; 20:3, 7; passim. 1. s. Sullummu, 114:3. 'Nabu-ah-usabsi(-si), f. Na[bu(?)-be]lsunu, 2. 114:7. 174:49. dNabu-bdni-aai, dAabu-aheme -bul-lut, (bullit, aepl'), 1. s. Ardi-Nabu, gs. amP. gi-na, 124:6. 1. ameldupsar, 131:10. 2. s. Hapirku, 51:5. 2. s. Sa-Nabu-su, 120:9. 3. s. Ibnd, gs. Ekur-zdkir, 133:19. 3. f. Bunanu, 123:15. 4. s. Ibni-Istar, gs. amelagdru, 101:17. 4. f. Mukin-aplu, 27:5, 19. 5. s. Marduk-e.tir, 112:13. 5. 2:2; 14:1; 120:12, 14, 15, 16, 17; 6. s. Nabu-iqIsa, 163:7. 174:22; 175:26. 7. s. Rimut-Ea, f. Ardia, 98:4; 102:4; dNabu-ahe me-res, f. Samas-eriba, 142: 17. 103:5; 105:4; passim. dNabu-a me -iddin, 8. f. Bel-etir, 103:3. 1. s. Egibi, f. Belsunu, 124:14. 9. f. Nur-Sin, 137:6. 2. s. Ezida-sum-ukin, gs. Marduk-abu-su, 10. 6:19; 26:2; 50:2; passinm. 109:13. dNabu-bdni(?)-aplu(?), s. Kidin-Marduk, f. 3. s. 'I-bad, 175:11. Labdsi, 125:19. 4. s. Nabu..., 157:37. dNabu-bel-su-nu, 5. s. Ndin-sgum, f. Nabu-ndsir, 108:7. 1. ambel-piqitti sa Marduk-sapik-zer 6. s. Nergal-ndsir, gs. am. 120:24. amlsatam Eanna, s. Nabu-sum-ukin, 7. s. Nergal-usallim, 133: 1. 126:9. 8. f. Nabu-ndsir, 142:4. 2. a"erdb-badn s. Bel-ah-usubsi, gs. Amel- 9. f. Nabu-sum-ibni, 175:11. Ea, 169:6. 10. 22:4, 37; 26:1; 33:15; 45:1; 60:1; 3. am lrdb-bdni s. Nddinu, gs. Ah'utu, 74:2; 77:2; 92:2; 95:1, 7, 22. 169:5. Nabu-ahe -usabsi(-si), 175:24. 4. s. Baldtu, 170:7. dNabu-ahem-usallim, 5. s. Innina-sum-eres, gs. Ea-ilutu-ibni, 1. i2rdb-irriti sa dBelit sa '2, s. 105:16; 111:13; 115:14. Nabu-dannu, 123:3. 6. s. Nabu-a--usvabsi, 174: 49(?). PART I. KEISER--LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 23

7. s. Nabu-sum-ukin, 122: 1; 126:2; 2. s. Ardi-Bel, gs...., 120:26. 145:7. 3. s. Bdnia, 126:17. 8. f. Baldtu, 174:73. 4. s. Bel-li'u, 108:9. 9. f. Nand-ah-iddin, 136:5. 5. s. Ea-kurbanni,f. Ea-kurbanni,169:13. 10. 122:7. 6. s. Egibi, f. Gimil-Samas, 113:21. dNabu-bel-usur, 7. s. Ibni-Istar, gs. Kuri, 106:16. 1. f. Ea-zer-iddin, 119:5. 8. s. Nergal-uballit, 133:8. 2. 80:2. 9. s ... ia, gs. Rimut-Bel, 103:6. Nabu-bt(?)-ia-a-si, f. illd, 177:6. 10. f. Nabu-s'um-lis'ir, 100: 10. dNabu-dan(or dannu), 11. 30:1; 34:1; 131:13; 156:33; 170:4, 1. s. Baldtsu, 156:25. 25. 2. s. Nabu-zer-ls'ir, 174:66. dNabu-ga(?)-mil(?), f. Musallim-Marduk, 3. f. Innin-zer-usabsi, 166:32. 142:20. 4. f. Nabu-ahe-usallim, 123:4. dNabu-ibni, 66:6; 175:66(?). 5. f. Sdkin-sum, 157:43. dNabu'-iddin, dNau-dur-pdni-id, 150:7. 1. amu-sa-kil alpu, s. Nand-iddin, dNabu-edu-usur, 174:24. 1. f. fAbiddi, 120:2. 2. s. Ardi-Innin, 164:2. 2. f. fBasurd, 120:2. 3. s. amsangu-dEnurta, f. Marduk-nddin- 3. f. fBelti-abusu, 120:2. ahu, 49:9. 4. f. fIna-qati-Nan_-sakin, 120:2. 4. f. Bel-sum-iskun, 159:23. 5. f. Nddin-sum, 174:43. 5. f. Marduk-sum-ibni, 36:26. 6. f. fNana-aili, 120:2. 6. f. Nabu-kin-uballit, 174:34. 'Nabu-e-hi(ih)-im-me-e, 7. f. Riheti, 157:19. 1. f. Naui(?)-enatannu,177:16. 8. f. Zeria, 97:10; 166:10. 2. f. Nddina-au, 151:7. 9. 156:18,31. dNab u-e-na-ta-nu, (e-na-tan-nu), dNabu-ina-na-kut-ti-al-si, 163:16. 1. s. Nabu-eihimme, 177:15. dNabu-iq-sur, s. Nergal-sum-ibni, 137:3. 2. s. Tdlla, 108:2. dNabu-iqtsa(-sa), Na-u espu (-us ), 156:39. 1. s.Narnd-iddin, gs. Nur-Sin, 127:33. dNabu-erita, 2. f. Nabu-bdni-a7i, 163:7. 1. s. Bulluta, 108:19. 3. in 'esa-hi-ru sa dNabu-iqzsa, 116:2. 2. s. Kuddia, 177:35. 4. 28:10, 14. dNabu-etir, (etir(-ir) ), dNabu-ka-sir, 1. am"si-pi-ri Naib-ah-iddin, 95:3. 1. s. Arrabtum, f. Nabu-zer-ukin, 113:19. 2. s. Amel-Ea, f. Nabu-nddin-sum, 102:18. 2. s. Baldtu, 117:4. 3. s. Apla, 174:7. 3. f. Zer-ulin, 153:1. 4. s. Bel-ah-iddin, 157:13. dNabu-kib-su-s'ar-usur, 50:1. 5. s. Nana-iddin, 2:17. dNabu-kil-la-an-ni, 158:13. 6. s. Ukumu, 159:33. dNabu-kin-uta7lit(-it), s. Nabu-iddin, 174:34. 7. s. ... , 128:13. dNabu-kudurri-usur, sar Bdbiliki, 99:21; 8. f. Samas-iqisa, 128:5. 101:23; 108:21; passim. 9. f. Sum-ukin, 153:5. dNab~u-li'u, f. Nabu-zer-usabsi, 159:17. 10. 89:7(?); 93:11; 170:14; 175:7, 15. dNabu-lu-u-da-a-ri, 59:1. dNabu-etir-napsdtimd AA VAtmeg dNabu-ma-lik, 83:26. 1. ampu-sa-a-a, 174:47. dNa:u-muk-e-lip, s. Nabu-sum-ukin, 157:21. 24 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES dNabu-mukmn-aplu, 'Nabu-nur, f. Nabu,-zer-ibni, 157:23. 1. amlsatam Eanna, s. Nddinu, gs. Dabibi, dNabu-qat-su-sa-bat, 158:14. 106:6; 113:10; 118:14; 169:9. Nabu-qdtd-sa-bat, in BUt dNabu-qdtdQ-a-bat, 2. s. Nddin, gs. Dabibi, 109:12. 166:8. 3. f. Sullum, 174:12. dNabu-ri-man-ni, 4. 4:2; 19:1; 69:3; 158:22. 1. am TIL-LA-GID-DA (= qipu), 114: 11. dNabu-mu-se-ti-iq(NI) -urra, 2. s. amlsa tdbtiZ-su, f . ... SES, 98:14. 1. s. Baldtsu, gs. Da'iqu, 101:1. dNabu-sar-ahPe-su,156:21, 23. 2. s. Nur-Sin, f. Ardi-Marduk, 120:22. dNabu-sar-hi-ildnipl , f .. .a, 130:31. 3. f. Nidinti, 165:15. dNabu-sar-ildnip , 4. 45:4; 62:25; 75:3; 90:2; 91:1; 1. f. Ardaa, 108:18. 101:11, 13; 163:15. 2. 175:14. dNabu-na-din-ahu, (nddin), d Nabu-sar-usur, 1. amlapal-sipri sa Sum-ukln, 166:2. 1. am lapal-sipriNergal-uballit, 133:4. 2. s. tiHnsu', f. Sdpik, 107:8. 2. amelsaqu sarri aelbl-piqitti Eanna, 3. s. Ia-hu, 97:12. 104:7; 120:19. "Nabu-nadin-sum, (na-din), 3. 32:1; 54:2; 55:2; 65:1; 85:1. 1. amlmu..., 175:46. dNabu-s'ar-ut-su,amlqipu sa E-apzu, 47:1. 2. amlsatammu, 73:22. dNabu-sum-eres, 3. [melatam Eanna] s. Bel-sum-iskun, gs. 1. s. Alu-lumur, 139:4. Dabibi, 130:28. 2. s. Nabu-aJ-gres, 152:8. 4. s. Banitu-su-lisir, 140:3. 3. s. Zbi, 157:40. 5. s. Iddin-Papsukal, f. Nddin-aplu, 4. f. Bel-usallim, 142:7. 130:7, 10, 40. 5. f. Zer2tu, 142:6. 6. s. Mes'sanadu,' 23:6. 6. 41:18; 60:13; 79:1(?); 139:2; 152:23; 7. s. Nabu-etir, gs. Amel-Ea, 102:18. 156:16, 26. 8. s. Nand-eres, 168:24; 172:3. dNabu-sum-ibni, 9. f. Nddin-aplu, 130: 18. 1. amlas~kapu, s. Amel-Nana, 151:23. 10. 23:25; 61:2; 175:40. 2. s. Amel-Nand, 151:17. dNabu-nd'id, 3. s. Nabu-ahe-iddin, 175:12. 1. s. A pa, 177:39. 4. s. Sa-Nabu-su, 157:4. 2. sar BdbilikA, 3:15; 71:13; passim. 5. s...., 112:1. dNabu-ndsir, 6. f. Amel-Nand, 157:16. 1. amlkudimmu, s. Nergal-iddin, 132:10. 7. f. Ardi-Innina, 157:10. 2. s. Ardid, 163:11. 8. f. Ibni-Innina, 154:21. 3. s. Nabu-aheme-iddin, 142:4. 9. f. Marduk-nddin-ahu, 101:10. 4. s. Nabu-ahe^me-iddin, gs. Nadin-sum, 10. 44:3; 60:13; 154:3; 156:10, 12, 23. 108:7. dNabu-sum-iskun(-un), (is-kun), 5. s. Nur-Sin, f. Bel-usallim, 107:10. 1. s. Hunsu, f. Marduk-nddin-ayu,130:26. 6. s. Zabid&, 112:12. 2. s. Sullummu, 114:14. 7. f. Baldtsu, 154:8. 3. f. Innin-ina-esi-etir, 127:38. 8. f. Kudurru, 25:43; 46:8. 4. 9:8, 14. 9. f. Marduk-sum-ibni, 132:10. dNabu-sum-l sir, 10. f. RAmut, 139:6. 1. s. Kurt, f. Rimutu, 118:4. 11. 95:17; 132:15; 156:6. 2. s. Nabu-etir-napsati , 100:9. dNabu-na ... , 68:1. 3. in' aar-risadNabu-sum-lsir, 166: 24. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 25 dNabu-sum-ukin, 7. f. Marduk-eres, 159:4. 1. amN bel-piqitti sa Marduk-sapik-zer 8. 68:2; 78:9; 148:3; 174:22. amsatammu sa Eanna, f. Nabu-bel- dNabu-u-s'e-zib, sunu, 126:9. 1. s. Tabbanea, 114:4. 2. amNlkudimmu, 138:6. 2. f. Apld, 159:35. 3. s. A..., 157:36. 3. f. Balatsu-ilu, 156:9. 4. s. Eiteru, f. Ili'-Marduk, 98:5. 4. 62:2; 114:7; 156:36. 5. . amNlvsangu- Ad Enurta, f. Nabu-ahe-usal- dNabu-u-sal-la, (u-sal-li), lim, 101:15. 1. f. Ahhutu, 114:17. 6. f. Nabu-belsunu, 122:2; 126:2; 145:8. 2. f. Amel-Nabu, 157: 18. 7. f. Nabu-muk-elip, 157:21. 3. f. Iddia, 177:5. 8. f. ... bel-su, 174:53. dNabu-u-tir-ra, 163:5. 9. 28:2, 13; 45:2. dNabu-uznd (PI)-iddin, 175:53. d Nabu-sum-usur, dNabu-zer-ibni, 1. s. Ea-epus, 157:5. 1. s. Iddin-Nergal, 177: 19. 2. s. Urukki-a-a, 157:12. 2. s. Nabu-nur, 157:23. 3. s. ... , 157:28. 3. s. Nabu-unammir, 156:7, 20. dNabu-su-zib-an-ni, f. Ina-silli-Nand, 136:7. 4. s .. , 157:30. dNabu-su-i-e-si-ma, 12:2, 14. 5. f. Amel-Nand, 142:18. dNabu-tak-lak, am~lgal-la Nabu-ahe-bullit, 6. f. Bel-ahe-iddin, 127:14, 18, 24, 44. 120:15. 7. 31:15; 156:17, 29. dNabu-tdris( is) (LAL-IS), 135:3. dNabu-zer-iddin, dNaba[-tu]-kul-ti, 61:19. 1. amelnappahu-parzilli, 173:7. dNabu-ub-ni-ia, amnuhatimmu bit-hi-ri, 2. s. Nand-eres, 155:18. 174:17. 3. s. Ubar, 155:13. Nabu-uballit(-it), 4. f. Baldtsu, 108:5. 1. s. Ina-Esagila-zer, 174:75. 5. f. Ina-esi-.tir, 114:14. 2. s. Ina-pdn-danu, 129:4. 6. f. Silim-Bel, 151:5. 3. 64:18. 7. 18:2; 156:5,8; 175:62; 177:36. dNaba-udammiq(-iq), dNabu-zer-iqisa(-sa), 1. s. Zibd, 159:39. 1. s. Nana..., 135:8. 2. f. Mukln-sum, 159:28. 2. f. Baldtu, 41:16. 3. 93:10. 3. 31:1. dNabu-unammir(-ir), f. Nabu-zer-ibni, 156:7, dNabu-zer-lisir, 20. 1. f. Nabu-dannu, 174:66. dNabu-urass(-si), s. Mustiq-ahua, 127: 5. 2. 57:18. dNabu-usabsi(-si), dNabu-zer-uk:n, 1. s. Iddina, 156:15. 1. amelkudimmu, 138:6. 2. 22:1; 156:41. 2. s. Abiri-ilu, 177:33. dNabu-usallim, 3. s. amelaslaku, f. Ibni-Innina, 133:22. 1. ameldupsar si-pir-ti, 46:9. 4. s. Bel-uballit, 93 :18. 2. amlreu-sattukku, s. Kudurru, 148:4. 5. s. Bel-usatu, 159:31. 3. s. Bel-eriba, 157: 15. 6. s. Nabu-kasir, gs. Arrabtum, 113:19. 4. f. Ah-iddin-Marduk, 127:13, 19. 7. s. Suma, 171 :6. 5. f. Ardia, 156:14. 8. s. ..sdkin-s'um, 142:10. 6. f. Marduk-bel-ildni, 159:24. 9. f. Ardi-Innina, 142:21. 26 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

10. f. Belsunu, 157:6. 4. f. Har (or Mur).., 142:23. 11. f. Nddin, 28:29. 5. f. Innina-zer-iddin, 163 :10. 12. f. Nand-ah-iddin, 177:34. 6. f. Sullum, 177:21. 13. f. .. , 93:15. 7. 20:9, 17; 67:1; 154:19. 'Nabu-zer-usabsi(-si), Nddina(-na)-aplu,Nddin-aplu, 1. s. Bel-usallim, 161: 3. 1. s. Iddin-Nergal, 177:22. 2. s. Nabu-li'u, 159:17. 2. s. Kuddd, 177:7. 3. s. Sa-Nabui-su, 157:11. 3. s. Nabui-nddin-sum, 130:18. Nabu-zer. . ., 156:38. 4. s. Nabui-nddin-sum, gs. Iddin-Papsu- dNabu... kal, 130:7, 10, 40. 1. f. Marduk-sum-ibni, 142:13. Nddin-sum, 2. f. Nabu-ahe-iddin, 157:37. 1. ampu-sa-a-a, s. Nabui-edu-usur, 3. 76:1. 174:43. Na-din, Na-di-nu, 2. s. Nergal-usallim, gs. Sin-llq-unninni, 1. irrisu, 158:29. 104:12. 2. sa blt-amolbel-pahdti, 33:25. 3. s...., 157:35. 3. s. Ah'itu, f. Nabu-belsunu, 169:5. 4. f. Iqisa-Marduk, 141:3. 4. s. Apld, 170:11. 5. gf. Nab i-ndsir. 5. s. Bel-aJe-iqisa, gs. Egibi, 120:27. 6. 3:1; 71:1. 6. s. Bel-li'u, gs. Sin-liq-unninni, 104:3. dNa-na-a-ah-iddin, 7. s. Bund, gs. amlusparu, 146:2. 1. am e ldt s'a bit-alpeuP',174:33. 8. s. Dabibi, f. Nabui-mukin-aplu, 106:7; 2. amusparu. . mu, 174:46. 109:12; 113:11; 118:15; 169:10. 3. s. Ar-rab, 162:18. 9. s. Nabu-zer-ukbn, 28:29. 4. s. Innina-zer-ibni, 129:14. 10. s. Nergal-ndsir, gs. amlsang, 124:5. 5. s. Nabu-belsunu, 136:5. 11. s. Nergal-ndsir, gs. amluparu, 133:20. 6. s. Nabu-zer-ukin, 177:34. 12. s. Sutz(a), f. Marduk-nadin-sum,98:12; 7. f. Nidinti, 125:6. 105:16; 115:14. 8. 152:10; 175:43. 13. s. Sutia, f. Marduk-uballit, 111:13. d Na-na-a-e-pu-us, (epus(-us)), 14. s. Suld, 177:14. 1. amelgal-la, 141:9. 15. s. Sutid, f. Marduk-nddin-sum, 102:16; 2. s. Bel-aVe&-usallim, 141:5. 103:16. 3. b. Istar-sum-eres, 93:8. 16. f. Zuzuzu, 174:61. 4. 141:8, 14, 22. 17. h. fEmuqtum, 106:3. aNa-na-a-eres, (eres(-es)), 18. 2:4; 5:2; 6:13, 17; passim. 1. s. Bdna, 177:13, Nad-na-a, 2. s. Ina-silli-Nand, 151:13. 1. a"eman-di-di, 108:13. 3. s. Lakip, 99:17. 2. sau-sa-nu, 157:7. 4. s. Mukkea, 99:6. 3. f. Bel-ibni, 177:26. 5. s. Nabu-zer-iddin, 155:18. 4. f. Kudurru, 157:7. 6. s. Nand-ibni, 157:3. 5. 175:63. 7. f. Baldtsu, 142:9. Nddina(-na)-ahu, Nddin-ahu, 8. f. Nabu-ah-iddin, 46:7; 122:11; 1. s. Gasura, f. Nabu-sum-ukin, 98:15; 144:8. 105:18; 111:15; 115:16. 9. f. Nabu-nddin-sum, 168:24; 172:3. 2. s. Innina-zer-ibni, 151:16. 10. f. Sin-ibni, 168:27. 3. s. Nabu-ehimme, 151:7. 11. 175:27, 45. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 27 dNa-na-a-ibni, dNergal-ibni, (ib-ni), 1. f. Bulluta, 112:4; 157:1. 1. s. amsangu-dAdad, f. Innin-sum-iskun, 2. f. Nand-eres, 157:3. 106:16. 3. f. Nergal-nasir, 174:51. 2. f. Kuddia, 157:14. dNa-na-a-iddin, 3. f. Kurigalsu, 159:34. 1. amemu-sa-kil alpu, s. Nabu-iddin, 4. f. Marduk-nddin-sum, 159:6, 8. 174:24. 5. f. Silim-ilu, 159:25. 2. alrdb-sanu,am&l A s. Ardi-Innin, 174:44. 6. 175:4,33. 3. amsirqu sa dBelit sa Urukk, s. IEmuq- dNergal-iddin, tum, 106:4. 1. s. Kuna, f. Bel-iddin, 110:13. 4. s. Ammanu, 125:5. 2. s. Sa-Nabu-su, 157:8. 5. s. Gimillu, 157:26. 3. s. .. , 119:14; 157:31. 6. s. Harmasu, 24:9. 4. f. Nabu--ndsir, 132:10. 7. s. Man.., 177:29. 5. 35:11; 155:5. 8. s. Nur-Sin, f. Nabu-iqisa, 127:33. dNergal-ina-esi-e.tir, 9. f. Eribsu, 165:3. 1. s. Marduk-sdkin-sum, gs. Sin-liq- 10. f. Innin-nddin-a}u, 109:8. unninni, 159:48. 11. f. Nabu-ah-iddin, 157:17. 2. s. Zadund, 112:2. 12. f. Nabu-etir, 2:12. 3. 44:2; 60:12; 154:5, 20. 13. f. Samas-zer-ibni, 118:2. dNergal-nddin-sum, s. Ina-esi-etir, gs. Hunsfi, 14. f. Zeria, 155:14. 104:11. 15. 27:26; 41:7, 11; 122:6. 'Nergal-ndsir, (ndasir(-ir), na-sir), dNa-na-a-itti-ia,amOsu-sa-nu, 155:16. 1. s. A-qar. ., 108:10. dNa-na-a-karabi, f. AUhme-sa-a, 159:44. 2. s. Bel-usatu, gs. amKlIIM-A, 141:1. dNa-na-a-sar-usur,f. Nabu-ah-iddin, 150:10; 3. s. Nand-ibni, 174:51. 151:8. 4. s. Samas. . ., 114:15. dNa-na-a-utalliit(-it), f. Mukln-zer, 159:21. 5. s. amsangu, f. Nddin, 124:5. dNa-na-a... 6. s. ameuspari, f. Nddin, 133:20. 1. s. Musallim-Marduk, 142:12. 7. s. amel ., f. Nabu-ahe-iddin, 120:24. 2. f. Nabu-zer-iqisa, 135:8. 8. f. Innina-nddin-ahu,99:19. Nd'id-dstar, 9. 131:1, 21; 141:6, 7, 13. 1. b. Silim-Bel, 151:6. dNergal-sar-usur, 2. 62:3. 1. sar Bbilik, 123:19; 131:4; 166:1,5; Nd'id-dMarduk, 170:2, 3. 1. s. Umu-19ka"-nasir, 159:18. 2. 44:32; 60:6, 8, 26, 32. 2. 175:9. dNergal-sum-ibni, dNergal-abu-usur, a"~mgal-la sa Rabim, 166:16. 1. s. Innina-sum-lsir, 127:40. dNergal-ppus(-us), 2. f. Kalba, 97:6. 1. ammalahu, 155:6. 3. f. Nabu-iqsur, 137:3. 2. s. Bel-zer, 158:13. dNergal-tabu, f. Innina-zer-iqzsa, 36:27. 3. 5:1; 24:1; 64:1; 158:8. dNergal-uballit(-it), dNergal-etir, 1. s. Batltu, 108:12. 1. s. al..., 37:16. 2. s. Bel-li'u, 133:2, 10. 2. s. Bel-epus, 157:22. 3. s. saangu-parakki, f. Sawas-sum- 3. f. Innina-zer-usur, 157:9. lsir, Sin-kzsir and Gimil-Nand, 4. 175:19,34. 101:5. 28 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

4. f. Innin-zer-iqisa, 49:8. Ri-hi-e-ti, Ri-hi-e-tu, 5. f. Innina-zer-iqs'a, 36:27. 1. s. Nabu-iddin, 157:19. 6. f. Nabu-etir-napsgtime, 133:8. 2. 95:4, 10, 13, 16, 28. 7. f. Samas-iqbi, 115: 11. Ri-hi-im, 108:3; 166:16. 8. 44:9,20; 95:2; 101:9; 133:5; 156:43. Ri-mut, Ri-mu-tu, dNergal-u-sip-pi, s. Huinsu, f. Nurea, 125: 1. amdlapa/sipriNabu-sum-iskun, 9:6. 17. 2. amlnuhatimmu bit-hi-ri,165:1; 174:14. dNergal-usallim, 3. amlpahharu, 174:23. 1. s. Sin-liq-unninni, f. Innin-nadin-ahu, 4. sameirqusa Belit sa Uruck, s. fEmuq- 124:16. tum, 106:4. 2. s. Sin-ltq-unninni, f. Nddin-sum, 5. amlte-ba-a-a, 151:14. 104:13. 6. s. Baldtu, gs. Hdnbi, 107:6. 3. f. Bdnia, 166:21. 7. s. Bel-uballit, 157:39. 4. f. Nabu-ahe-iddin, 133:2. 8. s. Bel-usatu, gs. amelKIM-A, 141:1. 5. 131:15; 170:10. 9. s. Bel-usatti, f. Marduk-sum-lUsir, dNergal-u-se-zib, 37:15; 168:10. 127:32. dNergal.., 72: 1; 154:27. 10. s. Kurt, f. Suld, 118:19. Ni-din-ti, Ni-din-tum, 11. s. Nabu-nasir, 139:5. 1. amuparu, 165:4. 12. s. Nabu-sum-sliir, gs. Kuri, 118:3. 2. s. Ardia, gs. Sdkin-zer, 174:9. 13. s. Sin-liq-tesliti, f. Marduk-sarani, 3. s. Hdhhuru, 174:56. 130:35. 4. s. Nabu-musetiq-urra, 165:15. 14. s. Sdkin-sum, 114:12. 5. s. Nand-ah-iddin, 125:6. 15. s. fzakitu, 161:7. 6. 174:55. 16. s..., 157:33. Ni-din-tu-dBel, 80:3. 17. f. Ubar, 174:36. Ni-qu-du, s. Marduk-etir, 168:16. 18. gf. Ardia. Nu-ha-a, 158:15. 19. 18:7, 31; 139:2; 141:20, 21, 26; Nu-uh-hu-ki, f. Bulluta, 156:13. 170:18. Nur-e-a, Ri-mut-aBel, 1. s. Nergal-usippi, gs. Hunsu, 125:17. 1. s. Nusku-iddin, 113:1. 2. s. Samas-uballit, 174:50. 2. gf. Nabu-etir-napsdtim . 3. 158:23; 168:16. 3. 113:6, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17. Nur-dNabu, 84:16. Ri-mut-dEa, gf. Ardia. Nur-dSin, Si-lim-aBel, 1. s. Nabu-bani-ahi, 137:6. 1. iamNirrisu, 158:22. 2. gf. Ardi-Marduk. 2. s. Apld, 112:3. 3. gf. Bel-usallim. 3. s. Nabu-zer-iddin(?), 151:5. 4. gf. Nabu-iqisa. 4. s..., 157:32. 5. gf. Sadunu. 5. f. Guzanu, 174:52. 6. 153:13. 6. 35:1; 44:1; 51:1; 154:22. dNusku-iddin, f. Rtmut-Bel, 113:1. Si-im-ilu, Pir-', s. Samas-zer-iqisa, 168:12. 1. amel sa eli qu-pu, 7:20. Qurdi (AM)-dEa, gf. Samas-ah-iddin. 2. amlsaqu sarri amel sa eli qu-ub-bu, rab-bbdn, gf. Nabu-nddin-ahu. 169:2. Ra-hi-im, 166:16. 3. s. Nergal-ibni, 15.9:25. amlusature u-sattukkl , gf ... , 130:32.130:32 Si(?)-lim(?)-Na-na-a, amre'u, 91:6. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 29

Si(?)-na(?)-me-lum, 175:56. 4. f. Ardia, 170:16. dSin-ah-iddin, s. Silld, 129:13. 5. f. Istar-sum-6res, 93:7. dSin-eres, 6. f. Rimutu, 114:12. 1. s. Ibni-ilu, f. . .,117:22. 7. 154:15. 2. 153:11. Sdkin-zer, gf. Nidinti. dSin-ibni, Sa-la-da-a-ta, 155:10. 1. s. Kind, 151: 4. Sa-lam-El, 16:19. 2. s. Nand-eres, 168:27. Sal-ti-ilu, 87:1. 3. gf. Bel-ahe-iqs'a. Sa-ma-'-gu-nu, Sin-iddin, amlqtpu s'a Eanna, 124:7. 1. s. Etir, 177: 25. dSin-ki-sir, s. Nergal-uballit, gs. am^gangA- 2. 175:54. parakki, 101:4. dSamas-ah-iddin, dSin-liq-tesliti (A-RA-ZU), gf. Marduk- 1. amepaqudu sa Urukk, s. Samas-nddin- sarani. sum, gs. Qurdi-Ea, 169:11, 18. dSin-liq-unninni, 2. amiusparu, 165:4. 1. gf. Bdnia. 3. s. Ardia, 157:41. 2. gf. Nddinu. 4. s. Samas-baldtsu, 117:5. 3. gf. Nddin-sum. 5. 21:2; 39:23. 4. gf. Nergal-ina-esv--tir. dSamas-ahe' -usallim, 175 :10. 5. gf. Nergal-usallim. dSamas-baldt-su, f. Samas-ah-iddin, 117:5. dSin-muk-ki-e-lip, 30:2. dSamas-be-ildnie , s. Marduk, 168:22. Sin-sar-usur, 12:1. dSamas-dan (or dannu), dSin-sum(?)-eres(?), 80: 1. 1. s. Epes-ilu, f. Musezib-Bel, 120:21. dSin-udammiq(-iq), 85:16. 2. s. Ina-es--etir, 109:9. dSin.., 124:12. 3. 32:3; 65:2. Su-qa-a-a, Samas-eres, 13:2. 1. s. Balati, 174:65. Samas-eriba, 2. s. Marduk-nadin-sum, gs. Bel-apal- 1. asa-qu-u, 155:3. usur, 174: 10. 2. s. Bel-iddin, 107:2. Su-ti-ia, Su-ti-i, 3. s. Nabu-ahe-eres, 142:17. 1. gf. Marduk-nddin-sum. 4. s. Sarid, 159:29. 2. gf. Marduk-uballit. 5. f. Kuddia, 157:20. Sa-al-mu(?), f. Samas-tabni-usur, 174:76. 6. f. Zerutu, 172:4. Sa-ba-hi-ilu, in cLBit m Sa-ba-hi-ilu, 97:15. Samas-etir 28:23. Sa-dBel-s-si, in Bit a- Bel-lis-svi, 174:55. dSamas-GAL-L U-lu-mur, s. Kidin-Marduk, Sa-du-nu, f. Samas-napistim-usur, 106: 11. 1. s. Mugsezib-Bel, gs. Nur-Sin, 106:14. dSamas-ibni, 2. s. amIl[ ], f. Anu-zer-usabsi, 118:8. 1. in Bit dSamas-ibni, 111: 2. 3. 153:14. 2. 87:11. Sa(or A)-gur(?)-ru, 79:12. dSamas-iddin, Sa-dInnina-tak-lak, s. Bdnia, 151:24. 1. s. Su'atu, f. Bel-usallim, 101:19. Sdkin-sum, 2. 30:17. 1. s. Nabu-dannu, 157:43. dSamas--id-ri, (id-ri-'), 2. s. Samas[-sum(?) ]-lsvir, 135:4. 1. amelqipu sa Larsum"', 169:1. 3. s. Ailld, 157:27. 2. 10:1. 30 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES dSamas-iqbi, Sa-dNabu-eriba, amlbelpi-qit-ni-tieasa-, 1. s. Nergal-uballit, 115:10. 151:26. 2. 115:12. Sa-dNabu-i-sal-lim, 165:12. Samas-iqtsa(-sa), s. Nabu-etir, 128:5. Sa-dNabu-sa-lim, (Mal-lim), 24:25; 157:45. dSamas-li'u, Sa- Nabu-su-u, 1. s. Samas-sum-lir, 105:11. 1. amirrisu sa asa-ku, 142:2. 2. 105:14. 2. s. Kinundi, 163:6. dSamas-mukin-aplu, 3. f. Nabu-ahe-bullut, 120:9. 1. s. Bdnta, 109:15. 4. f. Nabu-baldtsu-iqbi, 103:8. 2. 19:2. 5. f. Nabu-sum-ibni, 157:4. dSamas-nadin-aplu, f. Nabu-uWallim, 101:19. 6. f. Nabu-zer-usabsi, 157:11. dSamas-nddin-sum, 7. f. Nergal-iddin, 157:8. 1. s. Qurdi-Ea, f. Samas-ah-iddin, 169:12. 8. 46:11; 175:16, 37, 49. 2. 158:11, 12; 166:3. amisangu, gf. Nddin. dSamas-napistim(-tim)-usur, s. Samas-GAL- amisangu- Adad, gf. Innin-sum-iskun. LU-lumur, gs. Kidin-Marduk, 106:11. amilsangu dEnurta, dSamas-re'u-su-nu,s. Imbla, gs. Kuri, 125:18. 1. gf. Marduk-nddin-aJu. dSamas-sum-ibni, s. Ta..., 142:14. 2. gf. Nabu-ahe-usallim. dSamas-sum-lir, mlsangu-parakki, 1. s. Nergal-uballit, gs. alsangu-parakki, 1. gf. Anum-mukin-aplu. 101:4. 2. gf. Gimil-Nand. 2. f. Sakin-sum, 135:4(?). 3. gf. Sin-kisir. 3. f. Samas-li'u, 105:12. 4. gf. Samas-sum-lisir. dSamas-sum-uktn, amlsangu-aSal-lat, gf. Lzsiri. 1. am6lpu-sa-a-a, 165:9. Sa-pik, 2. b. Bel-ahe-iddin, 151:10. 1. s. Nabu-nddin-ahu, gs. iHnsa, 107:8. dSamas-tab(?)-ni-usur,s. Sa-al-mu(), 174:76. 2. f. Bel-ibni, 159:26. dSamas-uballit(-it), Sa-rid, f. Samas-eriba, 159:29. 1. f. Ibni-nnina, 174:70. Sarru-etir(-ir), f. Ardaa, 123:6. 2. f. N r(?)-ea, 174:50. Sarru() .. ia(?), 28:28. 3. 66:1, am8 a tdbtizun-Su, dSamas-zer-ibni, 1. gf. Nabu-apal-iddin. 1. s. Nan-iddin, 118: 1. 2. gf. ..SES. 2. f. Muranu,164:3. S&libu(LUL-A), s. Bdnia, 174:8. 3. f. Suld, 174:2. Si-gu-u-a, 4. f. . dannu, 174:35. 1. gf. Gimillu. 5. in Bt 'dSamas-zer-ibni,166:26. 2. gf. Mugezib-Marduk. 6. 25:39. Su-la-a, dSamas-zer-iqtsa(-sa), 1. s. Ardia, 151:2. 1. s. Ibd, 149:7. 2. s. Bel-epus, 122:2. 2. f. Pir', 168:12. 3. s. Bel-iqisa, 121: 10. 3. f. Suld, 105:5. 4. s. Gimillu, 168:8. 4. 63:1. 5. s. amikudimmu, f. Innin-zer-udabSi. dSamas ... 174:40. 1. f. Nergal-ndsir, 114:16. 6. s. Nabdi, f. Baldtsu, 133:17. 2. 85:4; 158:29(?). 7. s. Nabu-zer-iqtsa, 41:15. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 31

8. s. Rimut, gs. Kuri, 118:19. 4. s. Abi-id, 43:19. 9. s. Samas.-zer-ibni, 174:1. 5. s. Nabu-bit(?)-ids'i, 177:6. 10. s. Samas'-zer-iqlsa, 105:5. 6. f. Balatu, 117:1. 11. s. Zabdi-ilu, 177:30. 7. f. Baldtsu, 157:24. 12. f. Arrab, 119:3; 168:14. 8. f. Iqs'a, 130:6. 13. f. Bel-s'um-iskun, 159: 11. 9. f. Sin-ah-iddin, 129:13. 14. f. Iddin-nu-nu, 174:21. 10. f. Sdkin-sum, 157:27. 15. f. Nddin, 177:14. 11. . .., 163:10.. 16. 17:1; 31:21; 52:4; passim. 12. in Bit mSil-la-a, 166:23. Sul-lu-mu, Sul-lum, Sul-lum-mu, 13. 6:1; 43:22; 61:25. 1. s. Baldtsu, 159:12. ~u-u. .. , f. Lu-li. ., 176:6. 2. s. Nabu-mukin-aplu, 174:12. Ta-al-la, f. Nabu-enatanu, 108:2. 3. s. Nddina-ahu, 177:21. Tab-ba-ni-e-a, f. Nabu-usezib, 114:5. 4. f. Bel-etir, 157:38. Tab-ni-e-a, 5. f.--Nabu-bdni, 114:4. 1. s. amlba'iru, f.. Ea-bdni-zer, 133:18. 6. f. Nabu-sum-iskun, 114:15. 2. f. Baldtu, 153:2. 7. 58:1. 3. 21:9, 21; 175:3. Su-ma-a, Ta-qis-dGu-la, f. Innina-zer-ibni, 174:54. 1. s. Kund, 177:28. Tar-ba-ru-s'u, f. A6-iddin, 116:5. 2. s. Zabunu, 159:27. Tar-bi, gf. Baldtsu. 3. s. Zibu, 159:15, 45. Ta..., 4. f. Nabu-zer-ukln, 171:6. 1. f. Samas-sum-ibni, 142:14. 5. 175:1. 2. 57:22, 29. Sum-ukin, (uklna(-na)), Te-rik-sarru-us-su, s. Zdkir, 151:11. 1. amel sa eli gis-bar sa dBelit, s. Bel-zer, Tukulti(-ti)-dMarduk, gs. Basia, 97:3. 1. amre'u-sattukku, 147:6. 2. s. A ea, 152:16. 2. s. Dummuqu, gs. E-sag[-gil]-a, 120: 3. s. Bel-ah-iddin, 127:34. 23. 4. s. Nabu-etir, 153:5. dTUR(or Banda)-E-sag-ila-ri-su-u-a, 5. f. Gilua, 159:16. 1. f. Itti-Nabu-gusu, 120:5. 6. in Bit mSum-ukin, 166:16. 2. f. fItti-Nana-gusu, 120:5. 7. 33:27, 55: 1; passim. 3. f. 'Nand-silim, 120:5. Su-ra-nu, 4. f. ISidati, 120:5. 1. amlsu-sa-nu s'a nak-kan-du, 48:25. 5. h. fNinlil-tabni, 120:5. 2. 48:29, 36. 6. 120:1; 165:11. Su-ru-mu, 155:11. Tab-sar-Istar, (~Innina), Su-ti-id, gf. Marduk-nddin-sum. 1. ameladdupu, 151:20. Su-zu-bu, 2. s. Musallim-Marduk, 164:4. 1. s. Bel-iqts'a, 127:7. 3. f. Innina-zer-usabsi, 150:2. 2. f. Gimillu, 127:35. T6- sar Sama, mnuhatimmu "TUR- 3. 11:1; 37:1. Esagila-risua, 120:1. Su'atu, gf. Bel-usallim. Tdb-Urukt , Si-ia-ki-'(?), f. Mi-ia-a-si, 177:18. 1. f. kribsu, 174:18. iSil-la-a, illa-a, 2. 158:7. 1. amlnuhatimmu btt-~i-ri, 165:5. U-bar, 2. amlnappahu-parzilli, 142:15. 1. amalmu-sa-kil alpPl' , 174:31. 3. am rdb-qa-na, 61:15. 2. amN nappahu-parzilli,174:74. 32 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

3. s. Rimut, 174:36. Zgr-ukin, 4. f. Nabu-zer-iddin, 155:13. 1. s. Marduk, 177:20. U-ku-mu, f. Nabu-etir, 159:33. 2. s. Nabu-kdsir, 153: 1. Umu-19kan-nasir, f. Nd'id-Marduk, 159:18. 3. 175:48. Urukk-a-a, f. Nabu-srum-usur, 157:12. Zi-ba-a, amlusparu, gf. Nddin. 1. f. Nabu-udammiq, 159:39. Za-bd-ba-eriba, f. Bel-usallim, 126:16. 2. 175:51. dZa-ba-bd-ndin-sum, s. Bel-epus, 122:3. Zib(?)-ka(?)-sfu-dNa-na-a, 175: 35. Za-bi-da-a, Zi-i-bi, f. Nabu-suum-eres, 157:40. 1. s. Bel-eres, 157:25. Zi-i-bu, f. Sumd, 159:15, 45. 2. f. Ina-esv-etir, 157:2. Zir-bi-bi, amlnuhatimmu bit-hi-ri sa amsatam- 3. f. Mukin-zer, 159:19. mu, 131:12. 4. f. Nabu-ndsir, 112:12. Zu-zu-zu, 5. f. ... ibni, 121:8. 1. s. Ibni-Istar, 174:6. 6. 175:36, 38, 60. 2. s. Nddinu, 174:61. Zab-di-ilu, f. Sula, 177:30. am l .gi-na, gf. Nabu-bani-ahi. Za-bu-nu, amne ] gf. Anu-zer-usabsi. am 1. f. Sumd, 159:27. .. , gf. Nabu-ahe-iddin. 2. in Bit mZa-bu-nu, 159:1. ...a, s. Nabu-sarhi-ildnip ', f...., 130:31. Za-du-na-a, f. Nergal-esi-etir, 112:2. .. ah-iddin, 125:2. Za-kir, . .aheme-iddin, 81:2. 1. f. Baldtu, 174:37. .. bel-su, s. Nabu-sum-ukin, 174:53. 2. f. Terik-sarrussu, 151:11. .bit, s. are'u-sattukku, f..., 130:32. Zeri-ia, Zeri-id, ... dannu, s. Samas-zer-ibni, 174:35. 1. amebadni, s. Bullut, gs. Baldtu, 133: ... di, gf. Kalbd. 14. .. eriba, 25:3. 2. s. Bdnia, 73:11. .. .tir-napsdtime, 34:16. 3. s. Bel-sum-isfkun, 148:1. ... ia, s. Rimut-Bel, f. Nabu-etir-napsatiAA tmeg , 4. s. Egibi, f. Ardi-Marduk, 118:17; 103:7. 169:3. .. ibni, s. Zabidd, 121:8. 5. s. Marduk-sarani, 142:5. .dInnina, 158:33. 6. s. Nabu-iddin, 97: 10; 166: 10. .. iq-bi, s. Bel-eriba, 123:13. 7. s. Nand-iddin, 155:14. . iqisa(-sa), s. Nabu-baldtsu-iqbi, 174:63. 8. s. Sigua, f. Gimillu, 133:15. .. is (or mil), s. Bdnitu-su, 121:9. 9. s .... na-a, 123:14; 124:13. .. mukin-zer, s. Bel-iqiza, 142:11. 10. f. Bel-iddin, 33:12. .. na-a, f. Zeria, 123:14. 11. 8:6; 16:6,21; 33:14; 90:1; 153:7. .. skin-sum, f. Nabu-zer-ukin, 142:10. Zer-iddina(-na), ... SES, s. Nabu-rlmanni,gs. ama tabtiZ-s, 1. f. Bel-ahe-iddin, 159:42. 98:14. 2. f. Ahe -sa-' 159:9. .. .sir, 39:1. Zer-u-tu, Zeru-tu, .. .sum-ukin, 131:1. 1. samlSa-ri-pi-[ ], s. Samas-erita, 172:4. .. ukin, 88:1. 2. s. Nabu-sum-eres, 142:6. ·.. usabsi(-si), s ... , 79:23. 3. 175:59. ... .usur, sar Bdbili , 151:20. PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 33

FEMININE NAMES. fA-bi-id-di, d. Nabu-edu-usur, 120:2. Idlnnina(-na)-e-te-rat, 28:1. 'Ba-su-ra-a, fItti-dNa-na-a-gu-u-su, d. dTUR-Esagila- 1. d. Nabu-edu-usur, 120:2. risu'a, 120:6. 2. 120:4. IKal-ba-a, 'Kalla-a, 6:2, 21. fBelti-abu-su, d. Nabu-edu-usur, 120:2. dNa-na-a-ai-li, d. Nabu-edu-usur, 120:3. f E-muq-tum, fdNa-na-a-si-lim, d. dT UR-Esagila-risua, 1. amsirqu Idnnina Urukl, k w. Nddinu, 120:7. 106:2. IdNin-lil-tab-ni, w. dTUR-Esagila-risua, 2. m. Nand-iddin, 106:2. 120:5. 3. m. Rimut, 106:2. f Sar-ra-a, d. Nabu-baldtsu-iqbi, 111:5. 4. 106:12. fSi-da-ti, d. dTUR-Esagila-riqua, 120:7. fIna-qati-dNa-na-a-sa-kin, d. Nabu-edu-usur, 120:3.


dA-num-mukin-aplu, s. Innina-tabni-usur, Mu-se-zib-dSamas, s. Istar-zer-ibni, 109:1C; gs. Gimil-Nand, 97:13. 113:23. Ba-ba-a, s. Ibni-Istar, gs. asalalaku, 120:29. Na-di-nu, Ba-lat-su, s. Bel-ahe-iddin, gs. Tarbi, 101:21. 1. s. B~l-ahe-iqis'a, gs. Egibi, 118:20. dBel-iqisa(-s'a), 2. s. Bel-limur, gs. Egibi, 104:14. 1. s. Bdnia, gs. amlb'iru, 102:19; 129:15. dNabu-bdni-ahi, s. Ibni. . ., 112:15. 2. s. ... , 117:24. dNabu-bel-su-nu, s. Innina-sum-ere§, gs. Ea- Bu-na-nu, s. Nabu-ahe-bullit, 123: 15. ilutu-ibni, 110:15; 125:20. E-an-na-sum-ibni, s. Ahe-sa-a, 100:13. dNabu-nddin-sum, s. Bel-srum-iskun, gs. Da- Gimillu, s. Innin-zer-iddin, 106:18. bibi, 121:11. dIn-nin-jum-usur, s. Bel-ahe-iddin, 127:41. dNabi-s'um-ukmn, (uktna(-na) ), s. Nddina- dInnina(-na)-nddin-ahu,s.Nergal-nsir,99 :19. ahu, gs. Gasura, 98:15; 105:18; dInnina(-na) -zr-u.sabsi(-si), s. Kudurru, 111:15; 115:16. 126:20. dSamas-muk;n-aplu, s. Eanna-nadin-sum, gs. dMarduk-etir, Babutu, 103:18; 116:15; 119:17; 1. ameldupsar Eanna, s. Bel-sum-iskun, 128:14. gs. Dabibi, 130:36. Si-riq-tum-dAZAG-SUD, s. Balatu, 169: 2. s. Dabibi, 107:12. 24.


dAdad, see names with amsangu-, and An-ni-tum, 158:26. abullu-. dAnu, dA-nu, dA-nu-um, dA-num, see names dAja, 21:6; 50:3. with dAnu-, and E-, also 63:3; dAmar, see name with dAmar-. 64:5. dAmurru, see names with dAmurru-. dAs-ka-i-ti, 152:4, 20. 34 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES dAZAG-SUD, see name Siriqtum-. dMarduk, see names with dMarduk-, Ah- dBau, see name with dBau-. iddin-, Amel-, Ardi-, Dajdn-, dBel, see names with dBel-, Ardi-, At-kal- Iddin-, Ili', Iqtsa-, Kidin-, ana-, Iddin-:, Ina-silli--ab-ni, Itti Kurbanni-, Ldbas'i-, Musallim-, -limmir, Ki-bi-, Musezib-, Nidin- Musezib-, Nd'id-, Tukulti-, and tu-,Rimut--, Silim--, Sa-lisi, and 2:4; 4:4; passim. 5:3; 6:3; passim. Me§ (or Messa), see name with Mes-. Belit, 152:4, 21; 153:15. dNabu, see names with dNab-, Amel-, dBelit Larsum1 1 10:9. Ardi-, Iddin-,Iskun , Itti- gusu, dBelit sa Urukc, 3:3; 13:3; passim. Itti-inia,Kisik-, Nur--, Sa--riba, dBu-ne-ne, 1:4; 10:5; 42:4. Sa-isallim, Sa-sallim, Sa-s-u, and dDajdn, see names with dDajdn-. E-, also 2:4; 4:4; passim. dEa, see names with dEa-, Amel--, Ardi-, dNa-na-a, see names with dNana-, Amel-, Qurdi-, Rtmut , and 47:6, 16. Ardi-, Gi mil-, Ina-qdti-sdkin,Ina- El, see name Salam-, and bit-, bdb-, silli-, Itti--gusu, Silim(?)-, Zib(?)- saa bit-. ka(?)-su-, and alKar-, also 3:4; dEllil, see name Iddin- 13:4; passim. dEnurta, see names with sameangu-, and E-, dNergal, see names with dNergal-, Dannu, also 54:10(?); 60:16(?); 101:16. Iddin-, and 37:3. dGID-DA-KI-AN-NA, 47:6. dNin-gal, 12:3; 80:5. dGu-la, see names Ardi-, Taqis-. Nin-lil, see name with dNinlil-. dIl-ta-mes, see name with dIl-ta-mes-. dNusku, see name with dNusku-. ilu sa amelu-tu, 28:4. dPapsukal, see name Iddin-. dIn-nin, see names with dInnin-, and d Sin, see names with dSin-, Nur-, and ndar 12:3; 30:4, 14, 21, 23, 28; 37:3; dInnina UrukkT, 34:22; 98:2; passim. 80:5. dIstar, d nnina, see names with d Istar-, dSamav, (dSam-su), see names with dSama-, dInnina-, Ahu-ddn-, Ibni-, Nd'id .tir-, Gimil-, Iddin-, Itti- -, Sa-taklak, Tdb-sar-, . .- , and baldtu, Musezib-, Tb-sar-, and nar, also 27:7; 43:3; passim. 1:4, 10, 14; 10:5, 17; passim. dLugal-Banda(-da), see name with dLugal- dSar-rat Kul-la-bu, 28:3. Banda-. dTUR (or Banda), see name with dTUR-. dMA(or AS)-KUR, 48:3. dZa-bd-bd, see names with dZa-bd-bd-.


E-dA-num, 127:3. E-kur, see names with Ekur-, and 33:7; E-an-na, see names with E-an-na-, Ina- 80:23, 31; 82:6. silla-, Itti-GID-DI-id, and bit E-dNabu, 117:4. makkurru sa-, also 2:7; passim. E-sag-ila(-la), see names Ina-Esagila-zer, E-apzu, 47:2. dT UR-Esagila-risua,and 21:19; 138:3. E-bar-ra, 21:13. E-Urukl, 127:42. E-dEnurta, 152:5. E-zi-da, see name with Ezida-, and 32:8.

1 For this reading see CHICAGO SYLLABARY, 1. 220, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, XXXIII, p. 169 ff. PART f. KEISER LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 35


AA-GA-DEki, mdt Akkadu"', 17:6, 11; 36:43. Bit m Nadin-aplu, 130: 18. Bdbilik%, 1:15; 3:16; passirn. Bit mdNergal-abu-usur, 166:16. Bar-sipki, 59:8, 19. Bit amelre'i(i), 94:4. Bit a-ki-tu, 170:19. Bit m re 'u-sattukku, 167:5. Bt mAheme-sa-a, 159:44. m m Bit Rimutu, 118:3. Bit Amel- Nabu, 25:49. aBit mSa-ba-hi-ilu, 97:15. Bit mAr-rab, 119:11. Bit "Sa-Bel-lissi, 174:55. Bt mBdn0a, 113:9; 166:21. BRt dBel-ah-sub-s, 166:27. Bit mSamas-zer-ibni, 118:1; 166:26. Bt mdBel-aheme -iddin, 127:24. "2BUt-sap-ru-',163:14. m Bt ambel-pahdti, 33:25. Bt Su-zu-bu, 127:7. Bit-El, Bit-ilu, Bit 'Sum-ukin, 166:6. 1. 114:8; 166:12. BQt m'il-la-a, 166:23. m 2. in nrsa Bit El, 44:24; 102:2; 105:2. Bit Za-bu-nu, 159:1. Bit-e-pi-nu, 117:16. aDur-sa-i-ti-ri, 168:2, 21, 29. Bit-erinume, 19:9, 20; 26:22. aE-ku-su, 58:17. Bit-'gisimmarui sa ina E-dNabu, 117:3. Kap-ra, 58:16. Bt amlbru(HAL), 166:26. "OKair- A-a-na-a, 116:16; 123: 16; 154:13 Blt-hi-ri, (hi-ri-e), bbt-hi-ri sa amsatammu, without the determinative dlu. 131:12; 150:9; 165:1, 6; 174:14, alKar()-ra-ma-nu-u-a,83:2. 15, 16, 17. OKul-la-bu,5 28:3, 31. Bt mIn-nin-zer-usabsi(-si), 166:31. "IKUR-BAT, 128:2, 15; 166:27. Bit In-nin-zer-usallim, 118:4. "lLa-gis'-bar, 119:2, 18. Bit mI..., 129:16. 1La-su-u-tu, 168:20. Bit-Ka-lak-ku in bab bit-Ka-lak-ku, 121:4. Larsumk, 5:10, 18; 169:1. Bit-kal-lu-u, 23:25. alpit-qa sa m tBel-.tir,102:20; 99:20; and Bit-ka-ri-e, (kar-ri), 25:7; 54:20. 103:19; 117:25; 125:21 without the Bit m Ki-na-a, 166:17. determinative dlu. Bit ameku-ra-am, 166:30. alNu-0a-nu, 43:16. Bit mLa-bi-ri-ia, 166:13. Sippark, 93:15. Bit mLi-pa-', 130:3. 6aSa mA-mat-su-usur, 166:7. Bit-makkuru sa Eanna, 126:7. "Sal-la-ta, Bit-makkurue sa sabe, 46:41. 1. 126:4, 6. Bit m Muk-e-a, 166:25. 2. in ams'angu alSal-lat, 122:13. Bit m Mu-ra-nu, 166:29. aSii-li-i4-ti(?), 168:26. Bit m Mu-sal-lim, 127:9. Uru),30:9. Bit dNabu-qdtd-sa-bat, 166:8. Urukk, see names with UrukT -, Tdb-, and Bt mdNabu-urassi(-i), 127:5. abullu sa-, bdb sa-, also 1:12; Bit mNabu-zer-uktn, 93:18. 5:7; passim. 36 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

NAMES OF CANALS. narEs-se-ti, Eg-su, 110:2; 111:16; 159:47; narSa-hi-ri 159:30. 166:13. narsa-hi-rusa mdNabu-iqsa(-s'a), 116:2. narhar-risa mDu(or Gub)-ba-a, 101:8; 166:20. nrSi(2)-ma-di-e(?), 60:27. nar-ri sa mNabu-sum-lisir, 166:24. nara Bt-E, 44:24; 102:2; 105:2. I""dIn-nin, 131:17; 166:6. 'a~Sa-kil-la-at, 97:9. nardlnnina(-na), 158:18. aSarru, 7:23; 44:27; 130:2. nrNi-hi-sar(), 29:10. narTak-ki-ri, Ta-ki-ru, 37:10; 98:2; 115:2. narNi-ib-ta, 35:19. ,n" Tak-kil-bel-lu-sar-ri-tu, 55:12. nrpUt-qa sa mdBl-etir, (pt-qu), 1. 98:16; 105:19; 115:17. 2. in bab narpit-qa sa mdBeletir, 99:2.

NAMES OF GATES. abullu dAdad, 32:18. bdb El, 42:8. abullu sa Urukk, 104:6. bdb ndri, 95:26. bdb alu, 117:6. bdb 'rpit-qa sa mBel-etir, 99:2. bdb Bit-Ka-lak-ku, 121:4. bdbme sa alKUR-BAT, 128:2. bdb ekallu, 24:16. bdb sa Urukk . 23:26. CATALOGUE.

A. List of Letters. Text Catalog Letter from Addressed to No. CatNBC 1 aIl-ta-mes-id-ri-' and Iddin-dSamsu. satammu. 1138 2 Marduk-belsunu and Nabu-aFe-bullit. Baldtsu, Dajdn-Marduk and Nddin. 1071 3 Nddin-sum. satammu. 1140 4 Lusu-ana-nZ2r. Nabfi-mukin-aplu and Nabu-ab-iddin. 1116 5 Nergal-epus. Nddin and Baldtu. 1129 6 ~illd. 'Kalbd. 1120 7 Nabd2-ah-iddin. Nddin. 1153 8 Nabu'-baldat-garri-iqbi . Nddinu. 1147 9 Itti-Bel-limmir. Marduk-sdkin-sum. 1124 10 Samas-'idri and Kisik-Nabu. gatammu and Nabu-a)-iddin. 1144 11 Suzubu. Marduk-s'dkin-sum and Nddin. 1149 12 Sin-sar-usur. Nabu-u--li-e-si-ma. 1117 13 Ab-di-id. Samas-eres. 1075 14 Nabu-ahe-bullit. Nddin, Baldtsu, Nddin and bele pi-qit-e-tu.1154 15 Mutir-aplu. Satammu. 1081 16 Innina-ahe-iddin. Nddin, Kind, Balatu and Muranu. 1112 17 Suld. dupsar-biti. 1085 18 Marduk-sarani and NabQ-zer-iddin. Nddin. 1157 19 NabU-mukin-aplu. Samas-mukin-aplu, Ldbdsi-Marduk and Iddind. 1146 20 Kind. satammu and NabW-al-iddin. 1152 21 Kisik-Nabu and Samas-a6-iddin. Amurru-zer-ibni, Bel-nddin-aplu, 1110 Musezib-Bel, Marduk and Innin-zer- usabsi. 22 Enurta-sar-usur. Nabi-usabgi. 1101 23 Marduk-eriba. qipi, satammu, and dupsar-biti. 1096 24 Nergal-epus. Kurbanni-Marduk. 1141 25 [Mard]uk-belsunu. Musezib-Bel,.. .-eriba, Nddin and Nadin. 1099 26 Nabu-ahe-iddin. Nabu-bdni-ahu. 1156 27 ...... and Mukmn-aplu s. Nabi-ahe- 1159 bullut. 28 fInnina-eterat. Nabu-sum-ukin. 1106 29 Innin-aee-iddin. Nddinu. 1103 30 Nabu-etir-napsdti and Sin-mukki-elip. satammu. 1078 31 Nabu-zer.iqsa. qipi, satammu and dupsar-biti. 1115 (37) 38 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

Text Letter from (Catalog No. Addres-ed to NBC 32 Nabu-sar-usur. Muezib-Bel, Nddin, Samas-dannu and 1136 Innin-zer-ugabsi. 33 Marduk-belsunu. Lisiru, Musezib-Bel, Baldtsu and Nddin. 1114 34 Nabu-etir-napsdti. Nddin. 1125 35 Silim-Bel. ' atammu. 1132 36 amel Urukfk]... amel Uruk"l ... 1119 37 Suzubu. satammu. 1105 38 Enurta-sar-usur. Baldtsu. 1111 39 .... sir. qipi, satammu and dupsar-biti. 1108 40 Enurta-sar-usur. Nddin and Marduk-etir. 1123 41 Mukin-zer. qtpi, satammu and dupsar-bMti. 1127 42 Marduk-sdkin-sum. Satammu. 1148 43 Ibni-Istar. sangiz-Eanna. 1072 44 Silim-Bel, Nergal-ina-esi-etir and satammu. 1131 Nab.u'-sum-ibni. 45 Nabu-ahe-iddin. Nabu-sum-ukin and Nabu-mustiq-urra. 1135 46 Nabu-ah-iddin. satammu. 1104 47 Nabu-sar-ut-su qipu sa E-apzu. Kind satam Eanna and Nabu-ah-iddin. 1145 48 Marduk-nddin-azu. Nabu-aJ-iddin. 1094 49 amel-Uruk"-ai sab-tu-tu. satammu. 1150 50 Nabu-kibsu-sar-usur. Nabu-bdni-aju. 1134 51 [Si]-lim-Bel. §atammu. 1097 52 Ardi-Nabu. Bel-iddin. 1121 53 Musezib-Bel and Ibni-Istar. satammu. 1100 54 Innin-sar-usur. Nabu-sar-uqur. 1113 55 Sum-ukin. Nabu-sar-uqur. 1093 56 .... and Marduk-nd&ir. Bel-ahe-eriba. 1142 57 Musezib-Bel, Belsunu, Bel-nddin-aplu, 1130 Innin-zer-usabsi and Baldtu. 58 Sullumu. satammu. 1118 59 Nabu-luddri. satammu and qipi. 1109 60 Nabu-ae-iddin. Nabu-bdni-ahi. 1158 61 Marduk-ndQir. NabW2-nddin-sum. 1155 62 Nabu-usezib and Nd'id-Istar. 1122 63 Samas-zer-iqia. Gimillu. 1133 64 Nergal-epus. Nddinu, Dind and Baldau. 1091 65 Nabl-sar-usur. Samas-dannu. 1070 66 Samas-uballit. Nddin and Baldtsu. 1074 67 Nddina-abu. satammu and Nabu-ah-iddin. 1077 68 Nabu-na .... Nabu-usallim. 1126 69 Itti-sarri-baldtu amlrdb-pitqa. Nabu-mukzn-aplu. 1143 70 Marduk and Innin-nddin-ahu. Marduk-sdkin-sum. 1151 71 Nddin-sum. Bel-rimanni. 1139 72 Nergal.... and Nabu-bdni-ahu. satammu. 1076 PART I. KEISER-LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 39

Text Catalog Letter from Addres ed to No. NBC 73 Balatu. Innin-s'um-usabsi. 1080 74 Baldtsu. Nabu-ahe-iddin., 1082 75 Innina-zer-us'ab~i. Innina-zer-usabsi and Nabu-musetiq-urra. 1073 76 Nab ..... qipi. 1128 77 Amurru-abe-iddin. Nabu-ahe-iddin. 1107 78 1088 79 Naba-sum(?) -eres. satammu. 1084 80 Sin-sum(?)-eres(?) and Nabu-bel- Nidintu-Bel and Nabu-ah-iddin. 1102 usur. 81 Enurta-sar-usur. .. .ae-iddin. 1098 82 Nabu-a& .... Baldtsu. 1053 83 Isindi. ~atammu. 1086 84 1083 85 Nabu-sar-usur. Musezib-Bel, Iqisd, BelUunu, Samas. .. 1079 ..... and Innin-zer-usabsi. 86 1095 87 Salti-ilu. dupsar-biti. 1052 88 ... ukin. Marduk (?) -sapik-zgr. 1090 89 1054 90 Apal and Zeria. Nabu-muMtiq-urra. 1087 91 Nabu-bani-ahi. Nabu-musetiq-urra. 1092 92 Nabu-ah-iddin, Ininna-sum-usur and Nabu-ahe-iddin. 1137 amreb[iru(?)]. 93 B6l-nddin-aplu. sar-mdtdti. 1160 94 Ki-ne-na-a-a. qipi, satammu and §ang,6-Eanna. 1089

B. List of Contracts, etc.

Text Catalog Reign ND. Year Month D y NBC Contents 95 Undated. 1043 Payments made with the knowledge of the satammu. 96 Nabu-apal-usur. 19 3 9 1039 Record concerning sesame. 97 Nabu-nd'id. 1 1 12 1035 Record of a debt, specifying the place of payment. 98 Kambuzia. 2 6 23 1056 Record of tax to be paid. 99 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 1 7 13 1060 Record of a debt, specifying the time of payment. 100 Nabu-na'id. 11 1 12 1058 Rental of a boat. 101 Nabu-kudurri-uuur. 40 5 25 1066 Mortgage. Certain fields are pledged as security for the pay- ment of a debt. 40 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

Text Catalog Contents No. Reign Year Month Day NBC 102 Kambuzia. 4 6 4 1069 Promissory record. An individual promises to pay the tax of another. 103 Kambuzia. 5 6 1 1029 Record of tax to be paid. 104 Nabu-nd'id. 8 9 13 1067 Record of a debt, specifying the time and place of payment. 105 Kambuzia. 2 6 24(?) 1064 Record of tax to be paid; the responsibility for paying is as- sumed by a second individual. 106 Kuras. 7 5 5 1061 Two individuals go bond for a woman. 107 Nabu-apal-usur. 16 9 8 1068 Promissory note for grain, with interest at 20 per cent. 108 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 7 5 11 1020 Record of exchange. 109 Kuras. 4 9 12 1055 Guarantee for the payment of delin.- quent taxes. 110 Kambuzia. 4 5 11 1065 Record of a debt, specifying the time of payment. 111 Kuras. 2 5 16 1026 Record of tax to be paid by a woman. 112 Nabu-kudurri-ugur. 19 6 25 1047 Document concerning oxen given to the satammu. 113 Kambuzia. 1 1 30 1063 Obligation for the delivery of dates, with penalty attached in case of failure to bring them. 114 ? ? 11 18 1051 Document concerning gold loaned to two individuals, with penalty attached if they do not pay it to the btt-ilu at a specified time. 115 Kambuzia. ? 6 27 1022 Record of a debt. Its payment at the specified time is guaranteed by another. 116 Kambuzia. 5 5 26 1059 Record of tax to be paid. 117 Kambuzia. 5 6 27 1044 Lease of certain fields. 118 Kuras. 8 11 28 1057 Rental of a house, with the pro- vision that the lessee pay the rent semi-annually and keep the house in repair. 119 Kambuzia. 5 5 18 1048 Record of tax to be paid. 120 Nabu-nd'id. 3 2 21 1181 Document concerning slaves given by an individual to Eanna. 121 Nabu-apal-uqur. 10 10 21 1025 Record of a debt, with interest at 20 per cent. 122 Nabu-kudurri-usur. ? ? ? 1028 Record of balancing an account. 123 Nergal-sar-usur. Ace. ? 22 1032 Record of tax to be paid; also refers to a former debt. PART I. KETSER- -LETTERS AND CONTRACTS FROM ERECH 41

Tex, Catalog Year Month Day Contents No. Reign NBC 124 Nabu-kudurri-ugur. 6 10 8 1062 Record of precious stones brought to the temple. 125 ? ? ? ? 1046 Lease of land. 126 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 23 12b 13 1040 Obligation for the safe delivery of bricks. 127 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 15 11 10 1196 Deed of sale of two houses belonging to the temple of Anu in Erech. 128 Kambuzia. 5 5 15 1023 Record of tax to be paid. 129 Kambuzia. 5 ? 5 1034 Same. Also refers to an additional debt. 130 Nabu-apal-usur. 15 4 25 1193 Deed of sale of a field. 131 Nergal-sar-usur. 2 4 1 1179 Payments in grain. 132 Nabu-apal-usur. 15 11 27 1045 Receipt for objects in gold. 133 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 23 10 6 1036 Record of several transactions of an individual. 134 Gissar-sum-ukin. 14 2 1 1185 Account of sheep. 135 Nabu-nd'id. 1 12a 17 1031 Record of money received. 136 Amel-Marduk. Ace. 9 7 1166 Note stating that money given for an individual was received by him. 137 Nabu-na'id. Acc. 12a 16 1169 Payments in sesame. 138 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 13 12a 1 1173 Note concerning gold brought for work on the temple Esagila. 139 Nabu-kudurri-urur. 8 6 7 1164 Record of a cargo of grain. 140 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 24 1 1 1167 Record of payments made by three men. 141 Undated. 1182 Legal document. 142 Undated. 1037 List of witnesses summoned for a specified time. 143 Amel-Marduk. 2 1 21 1041 Account of an exchange of grain for money, and the various payments made with it. 144 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 4 8 5 1172 Record of money loaned to three men. 145 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 32 6 27 1170 Record of money delivered for building purposes. 146 Nabu-kudurri-usur. ? 8 17(?) 1175 Note concerning precious stones. 147 Nabu-kudurri-usur. ? 10 5 1165 Note concerning a sheep brought for sacrifice. 148 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 22 9 29 1161 Receipt for a kid. 149 Nabu-apal-usur. 12 3 15 1168 Account of money paid for wool. 150 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 17 2 13 1162 Record of payments in grain. 151 ?-usur. 15 1 28 1042 Payments to soldiers. 152 Nabui-apal[-usur]. 10(?) 5(?) 16(?) 1038 Record of various payments. 153 Undated. 1178 Temple record. 154 Nabu-kudurri-usur. ? ? ? 1050 Payments in dates. 42 BABYLONIAN INSCRIPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION OF J. B. NIES

Text Catalog .Reign V,.,,a- ATA-- 4-L - No. I eart IvoIin L uay NBC,NBC Contents 155 Undated. 1018 Payments in silver. 156 ? 8 1 13 1183 Record of payments in grain by the farmers of Eanna. 157 Undated. 1191 Temple list of farmers. 158 Undated. 1194 Record of payments in seed-grain. 159 Kandalanu. 8 1197 Document concerning the division of a seed field. 160 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 3 6 14 1033 Receipt for money. 161 Nabu-nd'id. 2 2 15 1027 Record of various payments in silver. 162 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 31 8 3 1030 Receipt for silver as payment for different things. 163 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 14 9 5 1021 List of soldiers. 164 Nabu--kudurri-usur. 24 1 23 1024 Temple record concerning five sol- diers. 165 Nabu-nd'id. 8 10 10 1049 Receipt for wood. 166 Nergal-sar-usur. 2' 7 1180 Account of cassia. 167 Kuras. ? ? ? 1195 Record of the receipt of sheep for one month. 168 Kambuzia. 2 ? ? 1177 Account of dates, including the tax, received from two cities. 169 Kambuzia. Ace. 9 17 1184 Request made by temple officials to the mayors of Erech concerning the siraqu. 170 Nergal-§ar-uqur. 3 6 7 1019 Payments in dates to officials in the sixth month. 171 Naba-apal-uqur. 11 4 1 1171 Record of sheep given to an individ- ual. 172 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 11 8 17 1163 Record of a loan, with penalty attached if not paid at a specified time. 173 Nabu-apal-usur. 16 9 16 1174 Receipt for iron. 174 Nabu-nd'id. 14 4 27 1215 Account of ewes exchanged for grain and silver. 175 Undated. 1218 Temple record of payments to in- dividuals. 176 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 31 5 21 1192 Temple record. 177 Nabu-kudurri-usur. 3 3 9 1204 Temple record of payments in wool. AUTOGRAPHED PLATES


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R. 20 , m

25 go @39 Ago 36

.E, !so(, ( ' Y^^^^^f~~~~'/ Tf^ a^' TX.Ta^^^.y^^^ ^^^^W^^T~~~Ir/ ,5 ~ 35 ,<,AW++Kf 4< ^ c£^^^^^ 5^t ^K b^^N/ ,,., / ^ ^^ ^ ^s(^-^^>.^, *^^^ ^ ^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~rrr'

0 Erasure. n0 f ^ -^-w ^>X)^4^^ - ·la~ '*V^^KX^^^y^ ^ b;-^<^Tb^%jbi^ 1^^^^^^^^^-^~,55IY N'^^~~~~~~~~~~~Era<^^^< 6to\ifi^ r^ TfI u^~fi ^^PA~t~uX^NF-t^t~: .. i^-i ^^y-rdb^HSQ>AR ~ ~Lo~~~·~i~~~~fig ~ ~ ~~ D.E.E i t I^^-^^^Mf T)^-^^<^^~~t^^m ^^H^^^W^^~~~~~~~~~~L^'^^^^^f^ .L >-4^~c~V~ lo Tfi~-^ ^-)^^f^ ^ Lo E4 T^ ^^^Nf^-^-^b



30 A~j~,;·· . t li~1 *""IOA

~~e~g lff "~'s;%bnc )5~s (r U. E.J/ U. E.

38 L. TO.X 0E.

377A >X >4a

5. 5 >^? ^ffia^

Te~.~^^e .·· ^^ MW-^w^X^sII,· I W t 15 ^s^^-f>w g g S e

// b4^s^f^^f®i 15~r~ e^^M^^>^^TM^ .''/t^g'MA.XT.At.550^e^^>^K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 c= 15 Lo. E.

Lto. E. R. ~ b e . s R.

20 25 a < f< > e(

25 30 Ti^@ ? ^^^^^-^^ mK$^ ^W:^k wM^W^^,/» .<^^^^^.^(^ PLATE XV


40 o. ~ F 7n-fkO


L. y~·c~wY4-y~~yi y 1y~4~-~ ntt

39 10 o.

15 "I,, rev^^ W Lo. E.~:/ ",l^'^f^ 10WX<.W4S4+a^W^^m^ 15H-Ao(l^f^'. @>W 20

^b~t^^^^?^@~ 20< p^^a^^^si;t~~Wi~457+X4¢W^^ .o ^^^^7f~~~~~~~IX~~^^^^ ^ ^^-W~ 204^25X25 ^^-^7//@ ^^9 > 25-q~~~ ^^^p^ )^£L~~n~I \^^-4^ ^~~F~~ i^:^^)i^T^s 15`9>2^,4ffiasX ^j w sor R. F^T ^:~ -1-



41 Lo.

L. E.5 ~ 9 SF

Lo. E.

15r^ ^^^^1^^e44 b- ^^^^I^^^^-^(J~~~~~~~~l^ t 43 0 -YI -4A~1~,- 5 ^l^^^ $,bT-^l^~~~~~~ritn pnc~ raue

25 ,,,) fff>fffffffff>ffffffff( >, fiP^

o ^>^-^>^T^'Wm-^^^0.XA^^X- )^^ 10~4~+ L4-~~~ t^^ ^^^-^ ^ ^^ ^XX^W-^^A ^^[4s~ ~b t419~~b~Sly· 20%^-^^?^^(^" llt^)-^^^ 15 ^^^^^>^ ^·~ PLATE XVII

0 W, g Erasure. ^ )4A Py^ d / f 20^^^ ha0^ ^

U. E.U·q o IA~kK'T


5^v^^''^^ ^^m v ^ rest erasure.


10at t

Lo. E.

f MY;


""';^-^^^(WA~20^^u\ ~~ written upon erasure.

^^>^ %^~~^s ·~~-· ^c^<^ U

25 ^'^-^^[^~P 46

so4 o. Aid WA q

. -b~g4 )-o-~> s41guf <%WL~I-·In^T^ ^>i^ ~ ·9-4 ~s zk' 54A S Se·~~~~F~~~ PLATE XVIII

5 TA:$)+ % ) Erasure.'

j8 )~4rA>2 "'X'^,j1 < Erasure s. 70 X

to. E. < ,, y FO


15 }XXq-3, A,


20T<\5 - -$


to. E.


2 0 ^ ) ^ 47 0. A ~d 4?

Ai^^^^iiSr°-^ "( ^ IA^ "I n ,. 25 j ^XigP ^^. PLATE XIX

30 50 O-V~~~ T~~~~~~~~~~~

~b~~~q ag lo.E.fy T ~-

L ER. ~4P

Lo.Lo. iokX ~- 1 20.5.I 4 ;cI /i


25·$:PtJ·I~~~~ L. E. 3"~fJ i ZF-65

E.~U.· t~~ 51 20 ¢


156 Lo. E.

R. Era8ure.


>^^ ^-^^f^~/i U.

25 ^^^^x^-4~~z~I f^^-^^^^^m.~i


53 °-0. ^^^-»


5 ^^s,,N^M^ @w,,,Flsb

'^^'^i, teA'SS· j L.E -<^^^^~~~~~~~-C/ %x ^C 5c' c r , ·^ - · ,5^^[^^4^~~~~~~ / rp^^l^Y^ ·- ^^^^^^4^^~~~5- ^ I,,^ ,r^c.- -~ ·r


?. H i 20 ) 4F jy ''- y1 5 PLATE XXI

25 f^W^^fQmA 25 eYi t Xfi soW}@W9X 4

30X >X<

L.E.E. , % X 5\^^

-^^^N~li,·f 55



¢ 9 A d ~~~~~~Erasure.

54 0.


70 L0.

Lo. E.

R. 15


I -kKi~L~Ib ,:::"'! N" ," sk,

U. .E~ ,~~

56 I



L. E ~- -h~6,6'~ ,I 35 I r/ir /114 I1 1~~~rll

58 0



<<^>^'' ^,^- 5- ^^U^^-%




5 4*^w^^Ra44g 4L^^^^®ot^ A+ - ,>^*'^^^^-^^ 5^^3^ ^<^^^^^^L u I^-r^ - ·^ j ®^ ^ ^-s 59 >1 Y0YL( 59 I 0.

5 LO. E. );5fl; P-~

J'rMf iXVI R. -4x, NII /(k~



25 80511"A Lo. E. 15 R. so~F 41i



£U.E. 10

L. E. WPftll

61 Lo.E. o0.e .4 ~r~If b~g. ~ · 15 *1 -A > -A4 R.




Io . w-~3 1\. '~

A _ Iwk-. 10A s t oSdus,

62 Lo. E. rrri:: I r I I:R.Ir~rrr· · 0. qr.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~~·~~.·~~~.·~ ··''e ~ ~ 1

VT?~~ ~~t19J~~rS~l ~~ 'T~¶1 TT~I\I.i-&

Nr-)~ Y i A~3~y · I/C9· ~k)A III;i lz~ 0


5 ok e-<^^)^ 5 'y a -^;Sw^9 '0^ ^^--^-^^^>^^^i~


^^{ i5r^^^



6 f~~~~~~~ a ; t

1? ^() ^^ -^-e 1 m-i^5>^ *^^^-~^M-K^~~ ~Erasure. ,,-,; o---- Rn.... ||%t|^|^- -t^^-e

M@)=^ ^ R.E.

15IT>^<^< A^<

68 66 67 PLATE XXVI


h e MAX>>+ Lo. E.

10 >R. : $ Adt

.Lo. E.E


ye*IT1^^ 20 Bex^ 25

U. E.

< 215 At y 70 r-^ / ^' -i pI !T*'\- ^ ' -



sos Ad~V^ $^r^^.ii- L^Vf'^ l y. =^^^-£. · L. E. ^^^^-^^^~~~~ eratu- .





5 A·k)

10 WM At "

R. A


15 rest erasure.


KJo i . ^ ^ a sk^:^(^- PLATE XXVIII

I II,,/ 'I"/~ ,,

q. Pk "Ia

, jk-

rib n rl



- ,

80 . A. U. E. ti~i m I Ir;

74 0.

Lo. E. R. ie


26 ^ ^(~z~ff 5+V^4 ^^-^^.^ >iPS-^-^^-^ fc PLATE XXIX





L. I

77 0.



10 79 o. W I IW- .Wx^kpy PLATE XXX


81 U.


80 0.






80 83

U. E. 85

L. E.

82 0. A


11 II


Lo. E. 15


L. E. f /4',~~~~~~l 84 8 0 ~ /4;;









L 'i




Lo. E.







5 Lo. E. R.


0i ~m(Y.Ag4~

9 2 0 I I 'Io i151, I )·:t'

"I'llX tj-)4

~sy~~~~;~··,04L~ PLATE XXXV 94 o.E. 207-SH ?\^ tw''^ ;

WA^^^ n^^ ^4V gA+ lot%^A<^>^^-^

J^ ;gy e Xa^^fit He -f26XK^025r$ ^- ^ t ""·^^^ ^^-M_ -^f,<^(S^j^WS^ ,,2g

^^^-R-X ^ ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L


U. E. > = )$ $

L. E. >

L·QE^3^^^^^^^ 95

~~6~~f~~~ ~ ~ --IYW -~ PLATE XXXVI


a-- .rasuc



Lo. E.



U. E. 0.atWNA> 99 o. + J4j *IW W PLATE XXXVII

'. 103E.







t 15



U. E.


104 -


I 10

Lo. E.
















--- i

20 U.-E.

'A re% N *,1U 9 0.


omitted byscribe.




110 112



Lo. E. 10


~~~t~~~~r "k~" -1 ~~~4 · , .,.~~~~~~~, "3-~~,~~~t~ e. T.M PLATE XL


U. E.



0. 116

5 IV'm' 14 mI H ^ ittograp hy. 5XgX:)f Jo PLATE XLI


Lo. E. 10 R.


U. E.


Lo. E.

R. °Erasure.


U. E 2,


Lo. E. I^ m IikS R. "I"'1,";H,,,/' 120





R. Lo.


U. E.

124 0.



Lo. E.



, ,··I ,/ I I 0 a4


12 7

~O~~~. w~L. E '

15 of Mitakeofscribeistake)i( bb· cr bscribs for W 5 ty a $ > XAA 12 8


40^^»-M^^ ~ ~~~~~-/4^4) 4 ' PLATE XLV

4 04 c

-e~~~~~k~~~~F~~~ ~~~~~~-.II




5 'M4 40 ^^^y^/,. PLATE XLVI


10th'V-^S } A 135


Lo. E.

R. fr- 10 jri jflf



^^^^ WI.^>^^ ^^%-^^< ,/ i / 1 o 4=r' '*>*;*'^ - T ' T ^ f s ^^^^*^n at; »t^"^ ^V^^^^^^r$~ Lo. F ~E.X II/ni;//134,~8- ~· - o./TrWH W/ cyM^---^ t ^Z^^-^^ TI/ rrT-w ^ ^ ~~~~>>/4o. 'o ^.^iTH^^^^^^^ PLATE XLVII

E AA I I I A~i·~~f.*T$.·~ R. P"_ t 4-4 * A )4 -44N

0 vo5~ Jf (,/fI

10 Talk

Lo. E. TATT'~~L~ ~i~~

A Tf


~0. 1 4- Lo. E. r9T U. E.

LE.,f 4

,0... T^+<>4^^^fA


Lo. l 0* ^- -^4K)^ 4 -4 ITT WWS^^ h PLATE XLVII


T^-4 %k'7 // ,,---"'Erasure.MIk4'-/'-- , ,,' -EraureA 15 j,, IW4 AmR

~~~~L.SrS E .<>145 d,,u r . TgX 1 1'.- t 7f - v A^ erasure ^^. 7~~t~ Xa .,,, P 34tSwn

T T T L I r/r i^ ^-^^W N.^ ^-^ ^ ^

L.E(4//// 1%145. .. .T~x^.,,,?/' 4; 4 -~.. . ,. . ...

^ Pt-^E ^.c -YI yVMY eaT- 143

Lo. E. Xff 7< R. < f i. 'V

10 &- 4 k^^«^ 4, vA^kO


Lo. E.

// R. ; , t , ,/ , ^^/t,'4S'.A/V/S ^^^^M R.




151 0. A-//, )(J/4~s ;9$~Z4-/ ~I/ J1 ''7 .. 'c-v -/



149 Lo.


5 4 <~ / .,. ~<~:~E ^^ 7 T 4 'M Lo.E.

R. 10 X I;4 -OA/, -b~b'vA

^TF~Pf^^- ^?^· w ^^Tf ^f150 ^ . 0. T oo /fIr r * ~~~~~~~~~ A-~~~~~~/I

Lo. E.f ie I 1.


an^^^^^,-<<:. 5 PLATE L

Lo. E.* Af t . 'r^-R.'',-ffe-ft e as_ 'A WIA

X ' ^ 2a^10 >< +^15

O. IgI X4 f f a-p u; 4et X ,.;$~~~~

Y¢+ l-^rrI ^<^I^ )?WFA

"* a1e . ,,)',

U. O,,, 155 O. ,/,. ,>--r-

5 I


Lo. E.

10 30 ^ < R.


U. E. 20 UI. E. 915------1577t-

156~~~~~~~'I 40. Am W94p 'f 0. i~~·-~~t :14-pt.,- ,< k , ;"/,1 / 7p f, I~e A. 1ii// lll'-IkNpll IVIIV 5 I ),4- ~· . y -49 yY/ ~~~~~~YlV~~~~~~~~ I*, ----I 4~il - --l I I 10 7)- - -N -.. I . I I

I-El-.- 1. I -

1 -- TA~ MqPTt TkF,& 4-;*, rsy^^ ^- bb~~; ^f Ern'>&% 15 - T^^^ ^' ^^fe-j^ I I I I -I I \\\(11 I- I - E Au TW~yc^^^ z ,T ^yt^^^^" T-fi^ ^*y>^^^ " I Lo. E. ~~~Erasure. ?. 1 '" "t , I""," a ^ ^^$-YW '^H'^i t- c^ 20 . ' 7 '<,f i 'M~~~r>Y'^T^^tf~~~L-i~ YFI 7bt^^^^^'^ ^i ~I1)i-lIt-- I- - ^^ ^[nr>^ia. 25 -,F. IUtT

L- -11, . A-- - , , 1 71- PLATE LII




Y e'Nj a-

//~~~~~ 45~~~~~~~~~~~r/

40Th ~ 4


~~rN,Ji~~ f~ Tp~~~~~91~A4~ PLATE LI II

2054+ fb ^MtVgS5 ^T^

25 , P f44' 4- vx4

4W1 re.t erasure. 1 6 2

XMh a Wt X

1 -L/. ^C^JE '^^^/-^^^ l4 Omit,° mistake of scribe.

40 t / < resg't^^ gfTi^ ~~~v~brest erasure.

-5 gn g S

45MWM M I74-

U. E

20 T0 20++. L. E. L.Efim^ 160


161 O.Y w^^^ ^ .HWX-W>^ PLATE LIV

Lo. E. R. 10



U. E. L. E. 20

164 o10

Lo. E.

( v $4v%5^^^^^X~~~g ~~ °rest erasure.

LoE ^^ f ^ ^ - - 30

Lo. E. AJA J

O 9 T V.,)b

»R.Y. Y167 WfY^^^-^=^~~ -~ ,.,i~~~..:~~~~~~~ii¥.~ ,~-~:./ ~,~:~ ~~/~/ "'"...

15 ffiX+QS4$ aria t,;W PLATE LV






*~~~~ ~ ~ '),.7,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

20 4>>+ X > @

5 t·

~~~~~~~Y , 172 10~ X ii Ale :1~~~~1 R.E.d % ) a

0. 19~7 c

Lo. E

10 h

;Lo. E.


15 U. E.



Lo E.

25 R.A1 t ) U. E.

171 0.)o k · Picsa· PLATE LVII

174 l




175 1 . ' 0. ,, 1: -w- Ir"Ti'W,//i I S //..... £ ... r"/Ct0, - . 'ff,/ -.

i I _ W,X' . , _ _~hwt-* ,.,,,

/, .. ,,/...... L, . - I I "! i 1,,· , TYSA zI, . ,I".. 'I, i '-- _ -~ . . . 14 N -- I 1-, W Z 5: . 'I ~ qk f z ,/"// , , T/-,"I.. 7~1, , , _'. i . , I ' ,. i i I 7 .... i ii ii C: - .,- tm- y4N " · I' I -.' I I i------i .--- -_ a j -

I- II .,'\; i i- 1- , , ,' -:,- i Erasure.raur ITNf A 4Yn . I j fI - -.I- I1. i I I iI .; _ - -//Z", 7 - _ I I, 10 ~^ K - I I I --I - - 1-1 II I I ta N I --

I I I -I,- I -K-O A - '.--11.Li -j I'LaT i10- I

i _ i I .- _ _ _7T i <------1.- ..L' _. . - '-- - -_I - 15 _ N 4rodi I ' ' I I I _ u . - - 7 '/ ,- i i . _. \ __ . .

I I f-s% , I I I I \%N

I I .1'I Tr- , r,L lr I I P-~~~~--l 1 i i

TP+Y4Y )4 TTlI I I-^ l a I - -N ",," i i i i..r ' I' _ . 20 i I _ f i J I .' I'l - i I - I I1 . -

I I---- i I i iK-I i-- , l/. 'i.'/ .: i I - -,- - . L--- -- I i T I I> I I I - .I4 -- I I I A A IIaiP I y k // 25 IIm~~~/ --

X,,., ,,/: ?; . I I I jx, mr /w-z-Si;'11:-7-/Az !. - . -, .;Z:5 I tto;on i I I l v aV il --,; '% s- M

I - - - t i i i ii FI L? ' A; ~- jcl I · NK . ,-, -,- "V,, so -0 m i IStftiS !S v-;- # ls . i I , i k - . llti;f, s i 4-I I, "7li7; rI ,, :,,,g6,,;,,, /'/i 5 ; .! : 1 R. i i i -, I _ _ - ii % ii i I t - I T - [ I , i i= Ae {wS;11 /,Nia i i i i . _! .= I - I . - / K;/^I/--, I I I I 35 I hm

-AHl I IccI X - - i- I I II Y^4 ,AS- fwritten upon . - I - I-17 I4w A It an erasure.. I I p 40 7- . I i - ! -k& - I Tm~s nb I T7 IF T I-7 1111N/110 I I .IL:4 ot I Y PLATE LIX

/s,, 44< j ., ' . t8t

i i iIyI t:,, i I - - . - - - .-,./.,, ii I V - - I -- I -- IIr* en i - I II ' i i 1) , I a I : .- 1 -- i 4 v ... I. I .;. VI"101'1~119

I N ..- . - I -%9 11I I f , -T d- . 14k"ll - I -4(z 1I . I i . . . - r;- . vk=r '-,~-71,,,I e- - I' } V/,z4,_. I zi I I I 9n -^w -Q r F r r lV . oU __ ' - _ I II I. --Ai 4i i r ; ._ ._ IAtgyr -I7 -iJ;; 4 -tl~ g y- I 6-41 II = I 'y~lt . "~ -. . - ii %'\ i II i I. I -- . ----' .-w , ii--

-- , - I i i I I I _ ." - '.' '~, 5.5 -- .- i i- vvt It _ff**\ . . II II I i , --.. ..;--. I X~:b -,k.kI I/'717"1 I I I Ia

E i i i- - -- . i i , i A i - ~

\\ \ F. J I Ilp--s I ---Iw 1, = I --- I ,11N I i -- i I i------i . ' i -ii i ',;-,~ I .z,.,,,j-.,,A I,;f.^, wv QvT*

i am. .. - %- i i i i T V,-, -r- 1-9-~~~~// I i i II///,~~~//I.II~ ~ )!!! : 65 i Iril~~~c.-~, -/-""'Y I~,II 7,7, 1 I I ---- -1 III - ,/,',,/wo ///: 1/1 l.-, /-, ,;;,i, ' ' I "$$//.;//./.;////,,/,,,,'-;, '/./s

^~ 'If, %, .", I,,,,,.... , -E 1W",, ) A/ L. * E +( 4

U. E.




ted ribe. 10 - . . PI I I , I , - --· 1 - F I- -, I . I I PLATE LX

177 0. 18^-f^^ '^^^W^IM^I^'^^ 7 7

R. -XŽ~-~----, ( M re~t ?niitalf

25. , 'j~jj ______25 IT 4^^

/ 9



1^^^ 1 'e . -

- I ~ Ir T^ f ' W ' trJ U '. . s'

L..E. ThIf4