Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 2009 No. 68 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was our community. But it is important for only can you think multiplication of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- what it symbolizes as the potential for the 1,200 construction jobs that we pore (Mr. SALAZAR). a new partnership with the Federal have in Portland that could be visited f Government for the reintroduction of in these communities, just on laying the modern streetcar into our commu- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the tracks, reshaping the landscape, re- nities across the country. locating the utilities, but it also is TEMPORE One hundred and twenty years ago, going to be a magnet for the develop- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- streetcars were very much in evidence fore the House the following commu- here in Washington, DC and, indeed, ment on the adjacent property. This is nication from the Speaker: from coast to coast. You could travel something that is a signal to devel- opers large and small about a transpor- WASHINGTON, DC, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Chi- May 5, 2009. cago, all but about 13 miles, uninter- tation alternative. I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN T. rupted, on streetcars and interurban Then there is the opportunity for the SALAZAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on electric systems. These streetcars first time in 58 years to have a modern this day. shaped our modern communities with American streetcar manufactured in NANCY PELOSI, an efficient mechanism for transpor- the United States. We have developed Speaker of the House of Representatives. tation. People liked them, and it was f something that helped develop housing in the City of Portland a prototype car that is being manufactured locally MORNING-HOUR DEBATE and downtown density. Over the course of this last decade, I that’s being delivered to this new The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- am proud of the role our community project. Each streetcar results in 15 ad- ant to the order of the House of Janu- has played helping to launch the first ditional manufacturing jobs in our ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- modern streetcar in the United States community, but also another 15 jobs nize Members from lists submitted by that is serving as a model for what can per car for subcontractors across the majority and minority leaders for happen across the country. Our first America. I have a list of subcontrac- morning-hour debate. line has already been extended three tors from coast-to-coast, particularly The Chair will alternate recognition times. It has attracted over $3.5 billion between the parties, with each party in the hard-hit manufacturing areas of of new development, millions of pas- the upper Midwest where machine limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- sengers and, very important, the trips shops are going to be providing parts ber, other than the majority and mi- that aren’t being taken by automobile, for this modern American streetcar. nority leaders and the minority whip, saving carbon pollution, fighting con- limited to 5 minutes. gestion, saving people money. Mr. Speaker, this is an opportunity f The decision by the Department of for this Congress and the new adminis- PORTLAND’S STREETCAR Transportation to administer the small tration to build on the promise, not EXTENSION starts legislation that I authored in just to have a streetcar line extended the last reauthorization means that we in the City of Portland, but to start a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The can spread these benefits all across the Chair recognizes the gentleman from modern industry of rail transport, tak- country. There are dozens of cities, ing us back to the future, with the Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Boise, Idaho; Washington, DC; Tucson; tram, with the trolley, with the street- utes. Fort Lauderdale; Charlotte; Cincinnati; car, whatever one wants to call it, that Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, Des Moines; Miami; Providence, Rhode will have a transformational effect on last week’s decision by the Secretary Island; New Haven, Connecticut; Se- of Transportation Ray LaHood to au- attle, Salt Lake. our communities while it helps revi- thorize $75 million in Federal funds to The list is extensive of communities talize our economy. extend Portland’s streetcar was not that are poised and ready to go with a just important news for our commu- modest amount of investment. The f nity, although it was welcome. Indeed, streetcar costs a fraction of what a it’s going to create over 1,200 new jobs, light rail system would do. Our initial UYGHURS construction starting almost imme- streetcar costs less than 1 mile of diately. urban freeway. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It’s going to help serve as a magnet But it’s important to think about the Chair recognizes the gentleman from for development for a broad swath of ripple effects across the country. Not Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 5 minutes. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5099 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:27 May 06, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MY7.000 H05MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H5100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 5, 2009 Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I was the see this information, all of it should be It’s important to point out that the author of legislation in 1998 that cre- released. acid-rain solution was a bipartisan so- ated the National Commission on Ter- Eric Holder cannot just pick and lution. My constituents in Los Angeles rorism, whose report and recommenda- choose what classified information he County don’t want more rhetoric, they tions were, unfortunately, ignored by wants to release, only that which justi- want solutions and specifics. both the Clinton and the Bush adminis- fies his case, and cover up and keep Consider what the Democratic energy tration prior to 9/11. quiet the others. These people should plan will accomplish for this economy: Fast forward to today, and you can not be released into the United States. Clean energy jobs provisions will cre- understand my concern when I hear Would you want to have trained ter- ate nearly 300,000 new jobs. The effi- that Attorney General Eric Holder is rorists living in your neighborhood? ciency savings measures will create preparing to release trained terrorists The answer is no, and I believe that 222,000 new jobs by 2020. The clean en- into the United States. Several media Congress also is shirking its responsi- ergy jobs provisions will result in near- outlets have been reporting that a deci- bility for not getting this information ly $100 billion in savings for consumers sion is imminent on the release of before a decision has been made. and businesses by 2030. The efficiency Uyghurs presently detained at Guanta- f savings measures alone will result in namo Bay. These detainees have been MOVING IN A NEW DIRECTION nearly $170 billion in utility bill sav- held at Guantanamo Bay since 2002 ings by 2020. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The after being captured at terrorist train- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from b 1045 ing camps affiliated with al Qaeda. Information I have received indicates California (Ms. RICHARDSON) for 5 min- The Democratic plan in this Congress utes. these detainees may be far more dan- will impact every facet of the lives of Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, the gerous than this administration has led Americans. We must take care and 111th Congress is moving in a new di- the American people to believe. These craft a bill that will promote new job rection, a new direction with our clean growth around this Nation, a bill that detainees have been taught how to kill energy jobs plan. Americans all over and terrorize by the same terrorist net- will have energy infrastructure to keep this country, whether you are from my these jobs and industries alive in the works affiliated with the attacks on home State of California or all the way September 11, the USS Cole, U.S. em- United States for generations to over in Ohio, whether you are an iron- come—we have learned that—and a bill bassies in Africa and the brutal behead- worker or a teacher, whether you are ing of Wall Street Journal reporter that will promote our national and eco- retired or temporarily unemployed, nomic security. Daniel Pearl. Yet Eric Holder is consid- Americans all know that we are facing ering releasing them into the United The Democratic energy plan is a a crisis, a crisis in our economic plan, blueprint for legislation that the States. a crisis with energy and a crisis with American people have called for, a Both the FBI and the Department of our climate. change in a new direction. I look for- Homeland Security have reportedly The Democrats in this Congress have raised concerns about the release of a solution that’s a jobs generator and a ward to working with my colleagues to these detainees, who are members of money saver that will properly address moving America in that right direction the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Move- each of these problems.