On the Issues Magazine: Spring 2009: to Run the World, Power up Feminism by Gloria Feldt
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On The Issues Magazine: Spring 2009: To Run the World, Power Up eminism by Gloria eldt http://www.ontheissuesmagazine.com/2009spring/2009spring_8.php Search On The Issues: /ome Enter the Cafe .bout ,s Letters to the Editor .rchi1es Join On The Issues To Run the World, Power Up Feminism The Cafe Receive information by Gloria Feldt deepening the and updates via con1ersations by email. continually adding the In our Spring '09 edition, On The Issues Magazine riters and artists discuss feminist and progressive values insights of progressi1e that transcend politics -- our Lines In The Sand. 2riters. Ne2est titles: Were you thinking e ere done ith elections and could take a fe minutes to celebrate a pro- oman Send us Email administration and a Democratically-controlled Congress that appears ready to embrace pro-choice and pro-equality measures& Sorry, my Sisters. Elections are never over hen they are over. Find us on Candidates are already gearing Facebook up for 2010 and 2012. It+s critically important that On The feminists revie the lessons of We're no2 taking Issues 1,,2 and its parallels to 2008 so comments5 e can avoid repeating Magazine Fan mistakes.and more urgently, Enter the Cafe Page so e can charge ahead ith Like 1,169 strategies that advance a bold vision of gender equality and /ustice. On The Issu Magazine Fa 0fter all, men have been Page making 0merica+s political "A new surve decisions for over 200 years found that 72 Intimate Wars percent of wo no , and I don+t need to tell Liz Whitney $uisgard refuse to sett you it+s not a pretty picture. Coming in anything less t Women, especially those not afraid to identify themselves ith the 1- ord, are the change e need. 2ut hether January 20125 what truly ma omen ill be the change e get depends on hether e use the po er e have. them happy; the survey als 1or the one constant in politics is that every victory so s the seeds of the ne3t defeat and every defeat so s the uncovered tha seeds of the ne3t victory, unless eternal vigilance is applied. This means using a movement mentality that continually women may b advances bold ne ideas and keeps its grassroots atered. be taking the s initiative whe comes to theiIdeological Whiplash Sneaks ,p Facebook social plugin 0 quick look back4 1,,2+s 5Year of the Woman“ as deemed a transformational moment similar to 2008. The On You Tube nation as ready for change, tired of Republican presidents ho took us into ar hile taking the economy do nhill, and disgusted ith edge-issue politics that kept the country fighting about abortion and homose3uality hen people Visit On The Issues ere hurting from bread-and-butter oes. Women voters ere especially outraged 6read that, 5activated“7 over the Magazine's YouTube Senate+s treatment of .nita /ill after she accused the eminently unqualified conservative Supreme Court nominee The Life and Times Channel Clarence Thomas of se3ual harassment. of the Woman Who Brought Abortion Send us links to your Then, 2oom8 In 1,,4, the right came roaring back ith the :ingrich Revolution from the favorite, progressive and ultra-conservative 5Contract for 0merica,“ 6or as I prefer, a 5Contract on Back Alle videos to add to our 0merica“7. Republicans, mostly of the hard right variety, grabbed a net gain of to the favorites "Year of the eight Senate and 54 House seats. Board Room Featured Video: Woman.“ Then, 0aran English, a pro-choice Democrat supported by Emily+s List, typifies hat 8 Merle /offman, happened. English as elected to Congress from Northern 0rizona+s s ing publisher of On The District 6 in 1,,2. Though backed even by 5Ar. Conservative,“ the late Senator Issues Magazine 1 of , 8/14/2011 .:49 PM On The Issues Magazine: Spring 2009: To Run the World, Power Up eminism by Gloria eldt http://www.ontheissuesmagazine.com/2009spring/2009spring_8.php 2oom8 The 2arry :old ater 6 ho in his inimitable ay said that 5all good Christians should kick Ferry 1al ell in the ass“7, she as defeated in 1,,4 by Limbaugh-likeIntimateWars.com Right came Republican J.D. /ay2orth. ,PCOMING EVENT: roaring back. 1ar from being passG, conservative political strength regained itsFeminist headlock Press on at Congress and the national psyche. This scared the be/eezus out ofC,NY'S 2ill Clinton+s .nnual still et-behind-the-ears administration. In Te3as, :eorge W./amptons 2ush defeated Cocktail Party :overnor 0nn Richards that same year, setting the stage for hisA 2000Book Ceading on Thanks! :-) presidential in, hich by any measure has been devastating Sunday,to 20th century .ugust 14th )MsKatieEHallman% advances in civil rights, omen+s rights and reproductive /ustice. #FF )TheatreTusc ) helbyKnox It+s tempting to credit the likes of :ingrich and 2ush+s spinmeister Harl Rove ith right ing resurgeFeaturingnce. 2ut 0athy this Engel, )AlysonWeiss ideological hiplash could have been prevented if only the omen ho turned out to vote in drovesMerle in 1/offman,,,2 had Florence )OnTheIssues returned to the polls in 1,,4. Instead, omen demonstrated voting po er, and then too many vanished from the )NYHumanities /o2e, and Cahna Ceiko political firmament. The right, on the other hand, never, ever goes a ay. )BCRWtweets Cizzeto )ChrisCQuinn For more information, In 2008, .nn 0irkpatrick reclaimed English+s district 6no redra n Dist. 17 for the Democrats by beating e3treme )PopMatters click here right- ing incumbent Rick Renzi, again securing even some conservative endorsements. 2ut ill she keep the seat in 2 days ago * reply * retweet * .avorite 2010& C,CCENT ISS,E RT )Merleho..man Summer 2011 )/l/acobson says it Get Serious .bout Gender Parity like it is: Anti-choicers .ll Wars .re Intimate know what they do to Io er unused is po er useless. It takes sustained ethical use of po er to get and secure liberty. Yes,Wars omen friends, incite violence e must understand that po er is not inherently badJ it+s our responsibility to use po er in the service of feminist http011ow.ly131Ii5 values both in political office and in influencing policy decisions. 1eminists must get a bigger vision Topfor feministTen: Three and #prochoice female equality in making public policy, and mean business about achieving it by date certain. NOWYears has of begun Stories to That 2 days ago * reply * retweet * .avorite identify hat that agenda includes. Ay take is that e all kno it hen e see it, so don+t let the Grabbedlack of a Ceaders document agreed to by every omen+s group keep us from taking action ithout delay. #HI6 prevention . Feminist Looks at meds would be It+s true that gender politics has become more nuanced, as the parado3 of fau3 feminist Sarah IalinMasculine illustrates. Cage 2ut and catastrophe that makes it even more important to support omen 6and men--see belo 7 ho e3plicitly and publiclythe /aditha support Massacre for....-./ prevention? feminist values and policies. That+s not necessarily partisan, incidentally, since the Republican party as first to http011bit.ly support the ER0. it+s all about ho ields voting po er most effectively, and the Republicans+ shift to the right 1n78iYW #9:BT The .rt Perspecti1e 2 days ago * reply * because of right- ing organizing precinct by precinct is yet one more cautionary tale. retweet * .avorite Finding /ope: Deal . Three-/anded Strategy Ce2ea1ing -- Then and No2 Join the conversation This three-point strategy ill get us our rightful half of the policy-making pie4 17 elect omen ith feminist valuesJ 27 promote omen for appointive office, and E7 mobilize movement and grassroots support for policiesNeEt that FWa1eF ill secure Peace equality and /ustice for omen. .cti1ists Pour Feminism into the MiE 1. Elect 2omen (and men) 2ith feminist 1alues Peace is a /uman Women make up only 1C percent of the D.S. Senate and 16 percent of the House. 0t the current rateCight: of iGi1encrease, ,s it ill take 70 years to reach parity. Iersonally, I can+t ait that long. It+s ell past time for omenWomen to have Who parity Get It in all decision making bodies, especially the reins of political po er. So let+s set specific goals and hold ourselves accountable to reach them4 The Cruel Lie: Bombing To Liberate B 50 percent feminist legislators by 2015. They may be male or female, but all must proactivelyWomen support progress to ard gender equality in a legislative agenda and in electoral office. It+s going to take both men and omen to make change, so hy not bring men into the effort for gender parity& Gender Values: The B 1ull gender parity in Congress and state legislatures by 2025. If nations as di1erse as S edenCosts 64C of Warpercent7 and R anda 656 percent7 can do it, hy can+t the D.S.& Not surprisingly, the quality of decisions improves hen omen e3ceed the ,N's 9critical mass: definition, or E0 percent, and, according toWar the Cesisters World InGect 2ank, the more omen in parliament, the less corruption. So everybody benefits. Truth into Military Cecruitment 2. Promote 2omen for appointi1e office Violence .gainst Essentially the same commitments apply as in the electoral strategy. Think about the /udiciary, for e3ample. Dahlia Women Surges When Lith2ick speculates on hat e mean hen e say there should be more female /udges and hy it matters. 2ut War Is FDoneF suffice it to remember ho Sandra Day O+Connor cobbled together ma/orities to hold onto Roe v Wade+s ever-diminishing thread during her tenure.