Volume IV Number 35 January 2010 OEM NGVs and CNG vehicle variants in Asia NGV in the world NGV2010 Roma IGU report on The International NGV methane for transport Association event will take place this year 12a Conferenza ed Esposizione Mondiale dell’Associazione Internazionale dei Veicoli a Gas Naturale - IANGV 12th World IANGV Conference and Exhibition Dal 8 al 10 giugno 2010 June 8-10, 2010 Nuova Fiera di Roma New Rome Fair Padiglioni 9, 10 e area esterna Pavilions 9, 10 and outdoor area Roma, Italia Rome, Italy Creating a Revolution in Transport Verso la Rivoluzione nel Trasporto www.ngv2010roma.com
[email protected] Sponsor Principale Un evento di Ospitato da Organizzato da Main Sponsor An event of Hosted by Organized by 2 January 2010 Summary Around 2 more million NGVs are 04 expected in 2010 Asian NGV Communications is a publication Oil price fluctuated between USD 75 of NGV Communications Group, publishing and almost USD80 per barrel by house and fairs-conferences organizer: October-early December 2009. Energy www.ngvgroup.com analysts predicted that price of oil ... In Europe, we print The Gas Vehicles Report, GVR, and www.ngvguide.com, the International NGV Guide. IGU SG 5.3 on summary of technology In Argentina, the Group publishes Prensa 22 development and an overview of NGV Vehicular, Argentine CNG Guide, maps, books and brochures while in Brazil, Folha The previous IGU S.G. 5.3 report for do GNV, Brazilian NGV Guide, maps and the 2003 – 2006 triennium provided a posters, among others. In Peru Prensa Vehicular Peru. More info: www.ngvgroup.com comprehensive overview and analysis The signed articles are exclusive responsibility of of existing fuels and technologies ..