A Taste of Torah Ask the Rabbi
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Contiued on back on Contiued According to Judaism, everything everything Judaism, to According do ailments have to be suffered because because suffered be to have ailments do ShulWeek by Rabbi Boruch Lederman. Lederman. Boruch Rabbi by ShulWeek Adapted with permission from from permission with Adapted healing? Since everything is from G-d, G-d, from is everything Since healing? Dear Jennie, Dear for My flock – the children of Israel.” of children the – flock My for What is the Torah’s position on on position Torah’s the is What own flock, I want him to lead and care care and lead to him want I flock, own that undermine His intentions? intentions? His undermine that Dear Rabbi, Dear this is how he leads and cares for his his for cares and leads he how is this the maladies sent by G-d? But doesn’t doesn’t But G-d? by sent maladies the and understanding. Hashem said, “If “If said, Hashem understanding. and that’s G-d’s will? Or can we try to cure cure to try we can Or will? G-d’s that’s From: Jennie From: sheep needed to be treated with love love with treated be to needed sheep Malady or Medicine? or Malady Moshe realized that this little little this that realized Moshe Ask the Rabbi the Ask carried it back to the flock. flock. the to back it carried tired,” so Moshe lifted the sheep and and sheep the lifted Moshe so tired,” you are thirsty, you are probably also also probably are you thirsty, are you be selected by Hashem to take the the take to Hashem by selected be of beating the sheep, Moshe said, “If “If said, Moshe sheep, the beating of other than Moshe, the one who would would who one the Moshe, than other otherwise. otherwise. drinking water from a brook. Instead Instead brook. a from water drinking remarried Yocheved, she bore him none none him bore she Yocheved, remarried they are correct, when the Torah tells us us tells Torah the when correct, are they away from the flock. Moshe found it it found Moshe flock. the from away Well, as it turned out, after Amram Amram after out, turned it as Well, conclusions, despite our certainty that that certainty our despite conclusions, Yisro when one day, a sheep ran ran sheep a day, one when Yisro the rest of the Jews.” (see Sotah 12a) Sotah (see Jews.” the of rest the we must abnegate our opinions and and opinions our abnegate must we Moshe worked as a shepherd for for shepherd a as worked Moshe your actions will surely be emulated by by emulated be surely will actions your forget that when all is said and done, done, and said is all when that forget best suits the individual. individual. the suits best out?! But if you take back your wife, wife, your back take you if But out?! and be thankful for them, let us not not us let them, for thankful be and validated and honored in the way that that way the in honored and validated says Pharaoh’s decree will be carried carried be will decree Pharaoh’s says certainly cherish the freedoms we have have we freedoms the cherish certainly They may vary, but they need to be be to need they but vary, may They of entry into the Next World! And who who And World! Next the into entry of thought or action. And while we must must we while And action. or thought have hopes, emotions and desires. desires. and emotions hopes, have of this world, while you deprive them them deprive you while world, this of independence above all, be it in in it be all, above independence inside, we are all the same. We all all We same. the all are we inside, “Pharaoh’s decree deprives our children children our deprives decree “Pharaoh’s We live in a culture that champions champions that culture a in live We different on the outside, but on the the on but outside, the on different against females as well!” she argued. argued. she well!” as females against accordance with G-d’s desire. G-d’s with accordance with people. We may look and act act and look may We people. with male children, you have issued a decree decree a issued have you children, male in bringing children to the world, in in world, the to children bringing in I grew older, I realized it is the same same the is it realized I older, grew I Pharaoh has issued a decree against against decree a issued has Pharaoh difficulties, there was still a purpose purpose a still was there difficulties, that he had acted improperly. “While “While improperly. acted had he that This memory stuck with me. As As me. with stuck memory This to make him realize that despite the the despite that realize him make to daughter, had convinced her father father her convinced had daughter, It took his young daughter Miriam Miriam daughter young his took It metal stub was exactly the same. same. the exactly was stub metal It seems that Miriam, Amram’s Amram’s Miriam, that seems It Moshe would never have been born. born. been have never would Moshe that the inner space that fit over the the over fit that space inner the that either – it was to be a gala wedding! wedding! gala a be to was it – either Amram kept to his initial decision, decision, initial his to kept Amram if you looked inside, you could see see could you inside, looked you if And it wouldn’t be a small ceremony, ceremony, small a be wouldn’t it And counterproductive or “outdated”. Had Had “outdated”. or counterproductive the outside of the knob was different, different, was knob the of outside the that Amram was remarrying Yocheved. Yocheved. remarrying was Amram that to carry out G-d’s will and when it is is it when and will G-d’s out carry to work. He showed me that although although that me showed He work. occurred. An announcement went out out went announcement An occurred. us to decide when it is worthwhile worthwhile is it when decide to us father how a different knob could could knob different a how father But then, the strangest thing thing strangest the then, But the Torah has had its say, it is not for for not is it say, its had has Torah the anything like the original. I asked my my asked I original. the like anything from their spouses. spouses. their from in complicated situations, but, after after but, situations, complicated in the replacement knob didn’t look look didn’t knob replacement the of the Jews followed suit, and separated separated and suit, followed Jews the of the Torah and our Sages for guidance guidance for Sages our and Torah the I remember being amazed because because amazed being remember I hearing of their leader’s actions, the rest rest the actions, leader’s their of hearing themselves. Certainly, we must look to to look must we Certainly, themselves. in place of the broken one. broken the of place in world in the first place?” he said. Upon Upon said. he place?” first the in world circumstances in which they may find find may they which in circumstances widgets. He found a knob and used it it used and knob a found He widgets. why bother bringing them into the the into them bringing bother why and have children, despite the dire dire the despite children, have and jars filled with nuts, bolts, tools, and and tools, bolts, nuts, with filled jars Yocheved. “If our children will be killed, killed, be will children our “If Yocheved. Hashem wanted people to marry marry to people wanted Hashem was very handy. He had cabinets with with cabinets had He handy. very was that he was separating from his wife, wife, his from separating was he that Hashem. In this particular instance, instance, particular this In Hashem. with no knob to turn it. My father father My it. turn to knob no with Jewish Nation in Egypt, had announced announced had Egypt, in Nation Jewish home to us: don’t try to second-guess second-guess to try don’t us: to home was just a metal stub sticking out out sticking stub metal a just was top of that, Amram, the leader of the the of leader the Amram, that, of top ought to bring an important lesson lesson important an bring to ought had broken off an appliance. There There appliance. an off broken had newborn males be cast into the Nile. On On Nile. the into cast be males newborn This tale, says the Chofetz Chaim, Chaim, Chofetz the says tale, This When I was a boy, a knob once once knob a boy, a was I When Pharaoh had recently decreed that all all that decreed recently had Pharaoh the Torah. the The exile had reached a new low. low. new a reached had exile The Jewish People out of Egypt and receive receive and Egypt of out People Jewish By Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher Mordechai Rabbi By The Broken Knob Broken The The Final Decision Decision Final The A Taste of Torah of Taste A Stories For The Soul The For Stories Shemos 5773 Shemos January 5, 2013 5, January To receive Torah Weekly by email, send an email to [email protected] to email an send email, by Weekly Torah receive To Email: [email protected] Web: www.denverkollel.org www.denverkollel.org Web: [email protected] Email: 1516 Xavier Street, Denver, CO 80204 Tel: 303-820-2855 Fax: 303-820-2806 303-820-2806 Fax: 303-820-2855 Tel: 80204 CO Denver, Street, Xavier 1516 Denver Community Kollel: Kollel: Community Denver Harry H.