New South Wales Australian Football League 1987 Commissioners and Staff COMMISSIONERS
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New South Wales Australian Football League 1987 Commissioners and Staff COMMISSIONERS Kieth Miller MBE Rod Gillett Ray Dignan Ron Thomas EXECUTTVE STAFF & E rl:. g g w tir ri!'tlii tl.: €'*'4;::' \E Developrnent Manager Administration Manager Greg Hanis Graham Nuttall ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Riverina Development Manager Dianna Novak Tony Tumer CHAIRI'IAN'S REPORT Th* 1987 seasDn haE been ane of ionsid*rable change and pressures but Eith all of that, I believe progresE rs berng achreved, The past Chief ConrnrisEioner, |'1r l(eith I'liller l'1, E, E,, stepped doun late tn 1987, Eat'lier tn the seas':n Comrnissioners 0anyll Snrith and Eob Ptitthard also restgned, I waE invited to the Eoard mid season and later rn 19S7, I'tt Ray Drgnan prevtously Frestdent of North thore, accepted an invitation to join the Eoard as a ConimiEElDner, l'1r John Yates, Past Fresrdent of the Farrer League has n':w also ar-repted an tnvitatton as a Cornnrrsgtoner, The E,:ald of Cotrrniissr0lrers lrDir ,:0r0prrEes mBl''r of longstandtng an,1 i,:nst,-lerable f o':thal i *xperience and I thani earh nne of thenr for thp substantiai persDirai ionrnrttnient that the'y have undertai,:en to the ganre of Ar.rstrai tan Foott,ai ] in Netl .!outh wa1er, Durrng l9E7 se saw a nost unhappy resurleniE of vr01en,:e rn sevstai gra'1es of faotbail A spe'-iai investrgat,ing Conuiittee ronrprising l'ir 6eoff ihotrias I.fornrer Fresrdent,rf tjydney Footbaii League), l'ir 0avid R':ff, t.Fresid*nt uf l'ianly-flarrrngah.i , I'ir irJamen tjuintreli t,f'.rt,,er Presid*nt Ntl[J .lunr'-rr:J, I'lr Rrrhard 0rt,:n iVrre-Flesrdent, Sydney,]uni'lrE) and llt Grahanr Nuttall t.League A,Jnrrnistlati,rn flanaget) ,levoted firany I0ng hourg tn developing a teF'trt ffr 'l'he the Eoard on the incidents, Btratd is rrrost appre,:iattve,lf tlrett ipeciai eff,lits anl rrur thanl:E rl0 tL'r ea,:h Sni rrf thefl), The Eoar,i tviil riot t,rlerate any repetrtion of thrs type of behavr':ur and holds eaih CluL' adtrlrnistratrr-111 rpgFr-rfl€il,le f or the conduct ,:f tl'rett playets and nf f tctals at ail ,lafi)eE, i also r+rEh to p:(presi the E'iardE appreiiatr':rt for the sperial effurts 'levoted by out Chtef Er:eiutive 0f f icer, i'1i Ian Granland, 6rahan Nuttal i, our Admrnrstratrou i'lanaget and the League 9taff dutrng a very sti'es:ful pettod, 0ui sp*,:tal thank,s also g,1 t,l (ireg Harrt:, Nikl pgvgilrpnr*nt llanager 1'rl1'h1E etrong suppott arr'J effotts duttng the year, lrthiist rlle r#Ere under severe frnantial Etrarns at trnres duting the geaEon, ge did rerelVe sirong support frotri the !;rlanE, fronr their Chref E:teruttve Ron ThonraE, Coaih Totn Hafey and the players, Ihe strong finaniral suppott ftorn Powerpiay and tlre i0-Dpelatton of their Eoatd durrng a mogt drfficuit perrud f,ll thefir, nas enablEd us to pian for furtier development an'J grouih of the gane tn the years ahead, In thrs regard, the Flannrng and Strategy 6roup trrerrbers devoted hundteds ':f hours r:f eff,:ri, rn pruducln! an e;,.reI1*nt report fot the ConrnrtsEroriers an'J w* stll be foll,:wtng up therr rerDfirfirendatirns pr0!ressiveiy rrver fhe tolliin,S yeat, In r,rntiusiurD, I tl'ould espe,:ially wrsh t,: thanl.: the Nes.iouth irJales Govetnrrrent, ilepattment,rf $port and Recneatian for their corrtrnue'l advr,:e an,l flnancral Eupp0rt 'Jurrng i987, J , rlirftR I9 CHA I RI'IAN Nii*J AUSTRAL IAN FI]LITBAIL LEAGUI -r- Rgorqanisation cf N.S,W, FootbalL NSWAFL 1e89 During the latter stagres of 1985 and over the subsequent aurnmer period Australian Football in N. S.W. and certainly in Sydney und.erwent, some dramatic change, The main areas were as f ollows i- i). The Articles of the Company were chang:ed to provide for the establ,ishment of an Independant Board of Directors or as they have been named, Commission. ii) . In Sydney, chang-e from Club Delegate Repreeentation and installed under the Authority of the commission and for day to day managtemenl, the Executive Staff. iii) . The sydney Football League as we have known it over the last half a dozen years or so was wounci uP and replaced. by a three divisional competiti-on headed by the N. s.\d. State Footba.l1 League with provision f or membership from any club in N.S.W. ' iv) . The sydney Districts FootbalI Association was abolished and replaced by a new Sydney Football Leag"ue divided int.o two divisions. v). The count,ry FootbaIl League was also abolished with representation mad.e available through a regional system headed by a forum; the N.S'!1. State Advisory Council. vi). The N.S,W. Junior Football Council was revamped to provide for the stat es central administration to conduct it's affairs, Whilst this reorganisation initially carried with them some PiPe d.reams in their operation, it soon became apparent, particularly in the latter case that some urg:ent changes would be reguired simply to enable the things to operate functionally under the system of N.S,W. Football which many have lived with for years. There is no d.oubt current restraints and staf f ing levels it will be a long'time before football in N.S.W, will be raised to the standard the administration would prefer to see it operate at, This is not, to say that the off-fieId strateg:ies in football have not come along way. Because of the increased funding we are able to provide, under the VFL licensing agreement with Powerplay, assistance to the football community in areas like: -2- NSI,lAFL 1 9BB Coaching, with this year, for the first time, a nationally accredited Ievel 2 course being conducted vrith a level I course in Sydney. For the second year in succession a two-day umpire training course is being conducted for both experienced and in-experienced personnel. l' In 1987 an administration course lras conducted for club administrators of the grame. These are some examples of how football support has improved and combine these with the more professional standard of the Leagues admi ni st rat i on and you can see we have come a long way in recent years . [edia Support During the pa st \2 months and certainly over the past few years Media Support for the game in Sydney has slipped to an all time Iow, Obviously, controversial issues are sure to grab the attention of the media and the violence in 1987 State League Grand Final did just thal, Whilst the Swans have captivated the great majority of medj-a attention and the Leagues resources are preased t,o the Iimit in other areas for club football it will remain the responsibility of the respective clubs to instigate publicity for their own Purposes. Sp ons orsh ip Whilst the League continued to "trade" out of it's most difficult financial situation it found itself in two years ago, Sponsorship for the competition and other areas waa heawily pursued to help offset the cost of upgrading and operating a football leag'ue. Unfortunately these overtures lrere unsuccessful 6o in order to attain the goal for 1988 a more professional package was arranged in-corporating the whole of the football programme in N.S.W. and this is being steadily pursued by the staff, directors and several sport,s marketing companies . As has been widely publicized however, the Stock Market Crash of October last. year has done nothing to enhance the sponsorship prospects of sportinc organisations and in fact it would be fair to Eay that several companies have withdrawn t.heir support in public areas like sport whilst guite a number of others have demonstrated an apprehension to become involved. -3- State Football. Directorv NSWAFL 1 988 For the first time the N, S.W FootbaII League produced a professionally compiled. directory containing a wealth of information on football in N.S.W.. Such items aa lists of names and addresaes of officials of all affiliated clubs and leagues vithin the state; the national coaching scheme; 1987 representative football calandar; interstate and inLrastate competitions; regulations for transfer of players; Aussie Footy; instruction to timekeepers; government assistance to the sport together vith a '*ho1e range of interesting and reguired information for footba.ll administrators throughout the state of N. S.W. was incl-uded. The publication of this directory/handhook was enabled through the kind assistance of the advert,isers without whose help it would not have been possible. It is envisa.g'ed that a siinilar booklet. will be produced in 1988. Hi st ory o! the N. S,W, Australian Football Leaque You can see in some sections of this publication a move has been made to document some of the history of the Leag'ue. It is understood that a similar move was made only a few years a9o, however, all of the records and photographs obtai.ned from people and institutions were Ieft at the League's former premises in CIeveland Street, when the offices were vacated in 1985 to move to the Showground, The history of the game in N.S.W. is extremely important and the need to document its growth and development (or lack of it) over the years should be as of paramount importance not only to N.S.W.