Senior Beacon SB Eldest & Locally-Owned Senior Newspaper in Southern Colorado JULY 2018 Vol. 37:6 Established February 1982 438 Consecutive Months! Committed To Southern Colorado Seniors For 37 Years And Counting!! Several initiatives support older adults by Eileen Doherty

DENVER, CO. The Colorado with a hospital or an urgent care legislature wrapped up the 2018 clinic. session with several initiatives that CHECK OUT the new The free standing emergency increased support for older adults. department must screen and treat Although more funding was ap- individuals regardless of ability to proved for education and transpor- Service Directory on page 11 & 21 pay. tation, the Older Coloradoans Fund “Make EVERY Day Small Business Day” Individuals have the right to received an additional $4 million ask questions about treatments, in the Long Bill bringing the state’s costs and payment options. Sen total support to more than $26 mil- funded a 25 percent increase in the dicating they may be discontinuing John Kefalas, Ft Collins; Sen Jim lion in addition to the $17 million daily reimbursement rate for as- services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Smallwood, Parker; Rep Lang Sias, in federal funding for the Older sisted living residences that accept The Governor signed the Demen- Arvada; and Rep Jonathan Singer, Americans Act. Medicaid. tia Diseases and Related Disorders Longmont were the bill sponsors. This funding supports 16 Area This is a substantial increase, but bill which changes statutory refer- The bill to increase the grant Agencies on Aging which meals on amount for low income individuals the new rules passed by the Colo- ences from Alzheimer’s to demen- wheels, senior transportation, legal tia. 65 and over or disabled who re- rado Department of Public Health services, and homemaker services. Persons with a dementia disease ceive the Property Tax, Rent, Heat and the increased license fees, have or related disability are added to Credit did not pass. The Joint Budget Committee some assisted living residences in- the missing senior citizen alert pro- A proposed bill to eliminate the gram, known as Colorado Missing Senior Homestead Exemption Senior Citizen Alert Program. Program was not introduced, but is The Governor also signed a bill expected to be introduced in 2019. to require freestanding emergency For a complete list of bills in departments to give written no- the 2018 session visit https://leg. tice to patients that the facility is or call 303-333- free-standing and is not affiliated 3482.

This funding supports 16 Area Agencies on Aging which meals on wheels, senior transportation, legal services, and homemaker services. Page 2 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Over 100 years of combined volunteering by Beena Nadeem

In 1986, 32 years ago, the Pueblo The director of the Commodity County Commissioners established Program is Tanya Gurule, who has the Department of Housing and done a wonderful job of coordinat- Human Services and it became the ing the volunteers for the past three administrator of the Pueblo County years. Food Surplus Food Distribution or She completely understands the the Commodity Program as known importance of the volunteers in by most people in Pueblo. the program and knows that there Previously the program was would be no program without their under the non-profit agency call help. Pueblo Action. Together with her staff Mary The program has seen many Rodriquez and Rich Romero, the changes, but two components of Commodity Program serves an av- the program have remained the erage of 4,000 individuals a month. same: the mission and the workers. The staff even delivers to four The mission has been to basically senior apartment complexes to to provide free food for those in make it easier for those seniors need and the backbone of the work who are not able to drive to the force has been the volunteers. East 4th warehouse site.

Catherine Ure with Nick Roque at the Commodity Program

In order to accomplish the every month. programs mission, it takes a lot of As the director of the RSVP volunteers to pack, direct, verify, program through SRDA, we have certify, recertify and hand out the thousands of food bags >>> Continued on Page 3 Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 3

>>> Continued from Page 2

been a partner of the Com- Tony started volunteering as she used to, but she still modity program for over 32 at the Commodities 21 years enjoys seeing her Commodi- I have had the PLEASURE years. ago while he was still work- ty family a couple of times a OF WORKING with these In the early days of the ing. After he retired he was month. program I spent many hours able to donate even more The four Volunteers were volunteer for many years. at the State Fairgrounds hours and at one point he was recently honored for their They depict THE ESSENCE working with the volunteers volunteering an average or dedicated service by the setting up the homebound 170 hours per month. County Commissioners who OF A TRUE VOLUNTEER. schedules setting up the Nick has volunteered 27 had many words of praise for They give of their TIME volunteer assignments for years and still has his ap- the volunteers. packing and the scheduling preciation certificate from I have had the pleasure of UNSELFISHLY and they TRULY for the distribution. 1991. Nick has always been working with these volunteer CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED of I was privileged to get to the quiet one who just gets for many years. know the many volunteers right in there and works and They depict the essence of the food boxes. and staff on a personal level. works. a true volunteer. They give There were very few Catherine Ure has volun- of their time unselfishly and records or pictures of the vol- teered 30 years. Catherine they truly care for those in unteers prior to the Depart- started when she was forty need of the food boxes. ment of Housing and Human something. This beautiful We all salute these four Services administration. lady was full of energy, wonderful volunteers who Although there were many orneriness, fun-loving, and a together have over 100 years volunteers who worked under hard worker and she still is of service between them. Pueblo Action, no official re- although she does it a little Thank you, Mary, Cathe- cords were kept until the new slower. rine, Nick and Tony, for all administrators took over. Mary Gacnik started vol- you have given to the Com- So therefore, many of the unteering after she retired. modity program and to the volunteers worked more Mary and her husband Bob people of Pueblo. years than our present re- worked as a team for many cords show. years. She continued to If you have been thinking of But even with our records, volunteer at the Commodifies volunteering and giving back there are four outstanding after Bob passed away. to the community, the Com- individuals who have volun- After volunteering for 30 modity Program is a great teered at the Commodities years, Mary says the volun- place to volunteer. The hours for over 20 years. teers, staff and participants are flexible, and the staff and We would like to honor are like family to her. volunteers are great to work those four volunteers: Mary Mary will be 93 years with. Call me at my RSVP/ Gacnik, Catherine Ure, Nick young this June and doesn’t SRDA office at 719-545-8900 Roque and Tony Quintana. volunteer as many hours to get started. Page 4 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at

Why Not Give a Shout Out to the guys @ Please TWO MEN AND A TRUCK. support our Thank them for sponsoring these menus! advertisers. Shop at their businesses, give them a call, tell them “thanks” for making the SENIOR BEACON happen! Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 5 Special Information from Pueblo’s SRDA (Plus) SRDA July 2018 Calendar

Senior Resource Development Agency 230 N. Union Ave. (719) 553-3445

Calendar of Events – July 2018

■ Monday – July 2 2-3 Sr. Self Defense 3-4 Tai Chi

■ Tuesday – July 3 9-2 Pinochle 10-11 Chair Yoga 11-12 Line Dancing 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance 3-5 Volunteer Singers on Summer Break till Aug. 28th.

■ Wednesday – July 4 Offices are CLOSED for INDEPENDENCE DAY Dining Room is OPEN A Matter of Balance classes are offered through SRDA. 11-12 Line Dancing ■ Friday – July 13 11-12 Tablet Class ■ Thursday – July 5 1-3 Knit & Chat 12-3 Party Bridge 9-2 Pinochle 2:00 Bridge Class 3-4 Tai Chi 10-11 Chair Yoga 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance 11-12 Line Dancing ■ Monday – July 16 ■ Thursday – July 19 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance ■ Wednesday – July 11 2-3 Sr. Self Defense 9-12 Mahjongg 3-4 Tai Chi 9-2 Pinochle 10-11 Chair Yoga ■ Friday – July 6 10-11 Comp. Class 11-12 Tablet Class ■ Tuesday – July 17 11-12 Line Dance Too Genealogy on Summer Break till 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance Friday Sept. 28th at 1pm. 12-3 Party Bridge 9-2 Pinochle 2:00 Bridge Class 3-4 Tai Chi 10-11 Chair Yoga 11-12 Line Dancing ■ Friday – July 20 1:30-3:00 Social, Music and Treats ■ Thursday – July 12 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance ■ Monday – July 9 Provided 9-2 Pinochle 2-3 Sr. Self Defense 2:00 Bridge Class 3-4 Tai Chi 9-12 Sewing Club ■ Wednesday – July 18 10-11 Chair Yoga 8:30-1:00 AARP Driver’s Safety on ■ Monday – July 23 ■ Tuesday – July 10 11-12 Line Dance Too 2nd floor 2-3 Sr. Self Defense 9-2 Pinochle 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance 9-12 Mahjongg 3-4 Tai Chi 10-11 Chair Yoga 10-11 Comp. Class ■ Tuesday – July 24 9-2 Pinochle 10-11 Chair Yoga 11-12 Line Dancing 1-3 Knit & Chat 1:30 – 3:30 Matter of Balance 3-5 Volunteer Singers

■ Wednesday –July 25 9-12 Mahjongg 10-11 Comp. Class 11-12 Tablet Class 12-3 Party Bridge 3-4 Tai Chi

■ Thursday – July 26 9-2 Pinochle

Are you new to the Pueblo area? Looking to make new friends? Here’s the place to go!!!

230 N. Union Ave. Pueblo, CO 81001 Call us: 719-545-8900 Page 6 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at “Light For The Journey” by Jan McLaughlin - Director of Prayer for Prisoners International

“THE GIFT OF SUDDENLY!” you scream, “I need you to care!” eating out, is now a whole new dom. God’s favor rests on those Sound familiar? journey. Watch the sodium. Lower who accept Christ as their Lord Years of marriage convinced me Guess what. For my husband the carbs. and Savior. the old ‘husband/wife’ discussion and me, that discussion came to Cut the sugar. The disciples were gathered in never ends. If you are married, a screeching halt after his heart Limit the fluid intake. the upper room when suddenly you know the routine! “Where do attack and the diagnosis of Type 2 Check the nutrition guide. there came a sound from heaven When you get this all added up you want to eat” – “Oh, I don’t diabetes. as of a rushing mighty wind, and and calculated, the conclusion is care, where do you want to eat,” Suddenly – the discussion is it filled all the house where they that his meals will consist of card- were sitting. Christians know what – “Oh anywhere!”- “Well, what over. board. Fiber is good for you. happened. Suddenly the church are you hungry for?” – “Oh any- Suddenly there are few choices. Right? was changed forever. Suddenly the thing, I really don’t care.” Inside Suddenly - eating, especially Joking aside, we have encoun- Spirit moved to fill all present with tered many ‘suddenlys’ in our new His power. This account is found in journey. Acts 2:2-4. Suddenly blood pressure must Here is a suddenly every Chris- be monitored constantly. Suddenly tian should be aware of. “No one blood sugar must be tested regu- knows about that day or hour, not larly. even the angels in heaven, nor the Suddenly the kitchen table be- Son, but only the Father. Be on comes the neighborhood pharmacy. guard! Be alert! You do not know Yikes! when that time will come. Suddenly the cared-for becomes It’s like a man going away: the care-giver. He leaves his house and puts his Suddenly strangers come to the servants in charge, each with his house regularly with therapy ses- assigned task, and tells the one at sions for Rick. the door to keep watch. Suddenly friends we haven’t seen ‘Therefore, keep watch because for ages show up to visit. you do not know when the owner We are not alone with our sud- of the house will come back — denlys. The Bible is full of them. whether in the evening, or at mid- One version contains 167 instances night, or when the rooster crows, or of suddenly. In another, suddenly is at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do used 87 times. not let him find you sleeping. What Let’s look at a few of them. I say to you, I say to everyone: Suddenly a great company of the Watch!’” (Mark 13:32-37 NIV). heavenly host appeared with the Suddenlys are often unexpected angel, praising God and saying, direction changers, life changers “Glory to God in the highest, and and heart changers. God allows and on earth peace to men on whom his sometimes brings sudden change in favor rests” (Luke 2:13-14 NIV). order to get our attention. Men and women who embrace the truth of what the angels came Have you been a recipient of a to declare that night walk in free- suddenly? Surely all of us have in one way or another. Suddenlys are often a gift from God in disguise. They come to tell us to get up, look up or wake up. They bring new be- ginnings on a path that is closer to the Savior than ever before. As I adjust to the suddenly caused by Rick’s heart attack, I Offer expires 7-31-18 embrace the changes, the new way of eating and living. God is always about working out everything for our good and His glory. Through it all, He draws us clos- er, works in us deeper and speaks to us clearer than before the gift of Offer expires 7-31-18 this suddenly. Praises ring in my heart. My husband is alive. My Lord is alive and Romans 8:28 is as true as ever. Welcome the suddenlys in your life. They will come. However, they are never without a divine Offer expires 7-31-18 purpose. Embrace them as gifts. Treas- ures to help you grow. Sweet kisses from heaven. Opportunities to reach out to others who will come behind you. Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 7 There’s Nothing Like A Holiday The Lighthouse That Sheltered An Indian Woman by Katy Beacher

The New Dungeness lighthouse was keeper of the New Dungeness Light- lighthouse. placed by Amos Morgan after being the second lighthouse in the state of house and was very highly regarded. A fact about Henry Blake that is little transferred to Ediz Hook Light Sta- Washington. It was first lit in Decem- The USCG coastal buoy tender WLM- known is how he took in and sheltered tion. Amos Morgan kept the light until ber 14, 1858 following Cape Disap- 563 Henry Blake which is based in Ev- a pregnant Native American wom- March 1896 when Oscar Brown and pointment Light which was first lit in erett, Washington is named after him. an from the Tsimshian tribe. She and Joseph Dunn served as keepers. 1856. Blake was faithful in his duty to keep several tribesmen had been ambushed The last keepers were Michelle and In 1927 its original 100 foot tower the light going for over 10 years as its by Clallam Indians. The Clallams de- Seth Jackson and their dog Chicago. In was lowered to 63 feet after several only keeper. He lit the lanterns every manded that he give her up but he re- March of 1994 the Coast Guard board- earthquakes and foul weather caused night and tolled the huge bell constant- fused. The Clallam Indians were later ed up the station and soon the United some structural damage making for ly in foggy weather in order to warn punished and she returned to her tribe. States Lighthouse Society was able to the concern that it would topple. The approaching mariners away from the In 1902 a Native American man obtain a lease from the Coast Guard. lantern room from the decommis- spit. He was well known for his com- appeared at the lighthouse to pay his The eight acre New Dungeness sioned Admiralty head Lighthouse mitment to the safety of the mariners respects claiming that he was the baby Lighthouse historic district was add- was removed and then placed on the He married Mary Ann McDonnell she was carrying. ed to the National Register of Historic shorter tower. A revolving Fresnel lens in 1862 and they had five children: In 1873 Henry Blake was replaced Places in 1993. was installed in the new tower. Catherine, Richard, Clara, Mary and by Franklin Tucker who served until The station is now manned 24 hours Hannah, the first three were born at the December 1882. In 1882 he was re- William Henry Blake was the first a day, 365 days a year by the Society and tours are available from 9AM- 5PM every day. The Sequim, Washington area which includes the city of Port Ange- les is a very entertaining and beautiful place to vacation.. It not only provides a lighthouse to visit, you can drive up Hurricane Ridge to take in one of the most spectacular views in the country. While in the area you must take a day and drive out to Neah Bay where you can walk the boardwalk to the northwest point in the continental United States. Another very pleasant afternoon can be spent at the Olym- pic Game Farm where you can drive through and visit Wildlife up close and personal. You can also board a ferry at Port Angeles and cruise to Victoria BC, Canada.

Katy Beacher is a retired registered nurse. She has decided its more fun to run a web site and write articles than it is to sit and knit. She relies on her lifetime experience in home decorat- ing on a budget and study of trends to operate her site. She loves animals and is interested nature and in marine life and coastal living. Visit her site at Http://www.endless- Page 8 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 9 NEWS of the WEIRD Special to Senior Beacon from the editors of Andrews McMeel

UNDIGNIFIED DEATH federation of Aboriginal People of smoking the substance and wanted sponse to 20th-century totalitarian In the northeastern town of Canada, whose members use DNA to sue the dealer if he had been violence,” according to The Guard- Teesside, , last August, testing to determine their native sold the wrong drug. He arrived ian, but the piece didn’t speak to 22-year-old Jordan Easton of ancestry. at the sheriff’s office and “hand- everyone. Thornaby was at the home of a So, CBC News reported on June ed detectives a clear, crystal-like “I don’t take anything away from friend, hanging out in the kitchen, 13, Cote launched his own exper- substance wrapped in aluminum it at all,” said Carolyn Bowerman when he boasted that his vest was iment. He collected two samples foil,” the office’s Facebook post from Townsville. “I’m just amazed “stab-proof.” To prove it, he “took using his own inner-cheek swabs, explained, according to The Wash- that someone would put themselves hold a knife to demonstrate,” Karin and a third from his girlfriend’s ington Post. It “field-tested pos- through this and go to this much Welsh, Teesside assistant coroner, Chihuahua, Snoopy, and sent them itive for methamphetamine.” On effort.” In a previous performance testified, “and sadly realized it off to Viaguard Accu-Metrics. the spot, Kelly was arrested and art piece, Parr hacked at a prosthet- wasn’t the case.” The results indicated that all charged with possession of meth. ic arm with an ax before a shocked three samples had identical DNA, The Facebook post continued: audience. Teesside Live reported Easton including 12 percent Abenaki and “Remember, our detectives are was rushed to the hospital, but 8 percent Mohawk ancestry. “I always ready to assist anyone who ■ Over in Melbourne, Australia, doctors weren’t able to save him. thought it was a joke,” Cote said. believes they were misled in their customers of the Prahran neighbor- Detective Superintendent Ted “The company is fooling people ... illegal drug purchase.” hood Woolworths store will have to Butcher also testified at Easton’s the tests are no good.” park somewhere else on July 9, as inquest on June 16 that he found no WHAT IS ART? renowned American photographer evidence Easton intended to harm PUBLIC SERVANTS As part of the Dark Mofo art Spencer Tunick captures thousands himself and died after “a boisterous In Putnam County, Florida, the festival, Australian performance of willing nudes in a group shot act.” Welsh recorded a verdict of sheriff’s office provides a wide artist Mike Parr, 73, entered a steel on the store’s rooftop parking lot. “misadventure.” variety of services. tomb below busy Macquarie Street Reuters reported more than 11,000 So when Douglas Peter Kelly, in Hobart on June 14, where he people registered to disrobe for NEWS YOU CAN USE 49, called the office on June 12 to meditated, drew and read as traffic Tunick, who has done group nudes Louis Cote of Mascouche, Que- complain that the methampheta- flowed overhead for 72 hours until in other spots around the world. bec, Canada, became suspicious mine he had been sold was fake, his release on June 17. Parr had “It’s well and truly oversub- last August of the DNA test results officers happily offered to test it for water but no food, and oxygen was scribed,” said John Lotton, director obtained from the samples he him. Kelly told detectives he had pumped into the box. His perfor- of the Provocare Festival of the collected in his work for the Con- suffered a “violent reaction” after mance was promoted as a “re- Arts in Melbourne. SRDA MONTHLY MENU Call SRDA @ 545-8900 for congregate meal sites and Meals-on-Wheels info!

JULY LUNCH MENU Baked Sweet Potato, Broccoli & Cheese Grape-Fruit Cup, Confetti Cottage Cheese, ■ July 2 – Shepard’s Pie, Cape Cod Mixed Raisin Nut Cup, Dinner Roll w/Margarine. Vegetables, Harvard Beets, Beef Noodle ■ July 19 – Italian Chicken Orzo, Seasoned Soup/Crackers, Fresh Bananas. Asparagus, Italian Mixed Vegetables, Chick- ■ July 3 – Slopper w/Green Chili, Ranch en Barley Soup/Breadstick, Blueberry-Fruit Beans, Peas & Mushrooms, Sweet & Sour Cup, Margarine. Coleslaw, Peach-Fruit Cup, Hamburger Bun. ■ July 20 – Pork Cacciatore, Penne Pasta, ■ July 4 – Beefy Rice Casserole, Caribbean Caribbean Vegetables, Garden Vegetables Vegetables, Asparagus, Creamy Tomato Sup/ Soup/Crackers, Banana Chocolate Bar. Crackers, Carrot Raisin Salad, Apple. ■ July 23 – Green Pepper Steak, Parslied ■ July 5 – Beef Tips w/Mushroom Gravy, Penne Pasta, Succotash in Garlic Butter, Beef Potatoes, Honey Glazed Carrots, Beef Vege- Vegetable Soup/Breadstick, Strawberries & table Soup/Crackers, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Peaches. Chilled Apricots. ■ July 6 – Ham & Cheese Quiche, Brussel ■ July 24 -Roasted Turkey w/Gravy, Sprouts, Minestrone Soup/Crackers, Italian Roasted Rosemary Potatoes, California Nor- Vegetable Toss, Cranberry Apple Crumble. mandy Vegetables, Creamy Tomato Soup/ ■ July 9 – Chicken Fried Rice, Oriental Crackers, Peach Crisp, Orange. Vegetable, Oriental Green Beans, Egg Drop ■ July 25 – Meatloaf w/Brown Gravy, Soup/Crackers, Fresh Orange. Cheesy Mashed Potatoes, Scandinavian ■ July 10 – Pinto Beans & Ham, Sugar Snap Mixed Vegetables, Beef Barley Soup, Am- Peas, Calabacitas, Dinner Roll/Margarine, brosia, Dinner Roll w/Margarine. Italian Pasta Salad, Strawberry Applesauce. ■ July 26 -Chicken Alfredo, Roasted Brus- ■ July 11 – Roasted Turkey w/Gravy, sel Sprouts, Zucchini & Tomatoes, Lentil Cornbread Dressing, Scandinavian Mixed Soup w/Crackers, Fruit Cocktail. Vegetables, Broccoli Salad, Strawberry/Blue- ■ July 27 – Corn Tamale Pie, Seasoned berry Crisp. Black Beans, Capri Mixed Vegetables, ■ July 12 – Roast Beef w/Beef Gravy, Lyon- Southwest Macaroni Salad, Grape-Fruit naise Potatoes, Winter Mix Vegetables, Beef Cup. Mushroom Barley Soup/Crackers, Fresh Apple. ■ July 30 – Chicken Chow Mein, Steamed ■ July 13, Tuna Salad Sandwich, Seasoned Brown Rice, Oriental Vegetables, Garden Peas & Onions, Rancho Fiesta Vegetables, Noodle Soup/Crackers, Banana. Vegetables, Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup/ Vegetable Soup w/Crackers, Fresh Bananas. Ambrosia, 2 Slices Bread. ■ July 31 -Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Italian ■ ■ July 16 -Chicken Rice Casserole, Winter July 17 – Roast Pork Loin w/Apple Chut- Crackers, Apple Crisp. Vegetables, Seasoned Yellow Squash, Mine- Mix Vegetables, Peas & Carrots, Chicken ney, Mashed Potatoes, Scandinavian Mixed ■ July 18 – Tilapia w/Vegetable Sauce, strone Soup w/Crackers, Pineapple Tidbits. Belmont Senior Care is proud to sponsor this SRDA menu. Give them a call at 719-544-3999 and say thanks! Page 10 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at The Patience Pendulum by Darlene Franklin I often feel like I live on a pen- I’m A PAWN IN THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE. No, without dulum between pride and neglect, not a pawn. A FAVORED PIECE, with tests complaint. with patience as the fulcrum. The ques- My natural tendencies, formed of PATIENCE AS MY STRATEGY. tion is more, by years of childhood abuse, make what is God me overly sensitive. doing in the I’m right to be concerned when situation and ham and Sarah sent Hagar and her for Jews across his empire to fight my physical needs go untended, what does He but sometimes I overreact. son away. (Genesis 21) back. want? My At first flush, the Bible makes Both times, God appeared to In the New Testament, a Gentile me feel guilty as well. Jesus didn’t Hagar personally and promised to mother approached Jesus for heal- best course say a word of protest when He was take care of her and her child. He ing for her daughter,. In a manner of action is to bring my complaints arrested and put to death. gave her courage to endure. unlike other times, He refused. first to him, and then move as He Other times, He complained God didn’t get Hagar out of He had come first to the Jews, directs. about ill treatment in his home her situation; He helped her get comparing them to children and I’m a pawn in the spiritual battle. town and by religious leaders through it. The question remained, her to a dog. No, not a pawn. A favored piece, (Matthew 13:57.) was there never a way out? She pushed back. with tests of patience as my strat- Neither would have made it far Further on, I found a story with a “Even dogs get to eat scraps that egy. in shoes of heroes like Job, Joseph, different answer. children drop from the table.” Je- I am a Yoyo and David. I asked, was it ever After the Jews went into ex- sus recognized her faith and healed I am a yoyo okay to say “enough!” ile, the King ordered all of them her daughter. Vacillating back and forth I perked up when Hagar ran be killed—not realizing his new The enigmatic apostle Paul Kind, loving—angry away from the great patriarch queen’s heritage. insisted on returning to Jerusalem Irritated—patient, hopeful even though he would be impris- Abraham when his wife mistreated Queen Esther was frightened. If Can the yoyo come to rest? she approached the king without oned. her (Genesis 16:6.) Darlene Franklin C2018 My enthusiasm stalled out when permission, he might kill her. During his trial, he exercised his Compelled I read God told her to go back. After she fasted and prayed, she rights by appealing to Caesar. (Genesis 16:9) Years later, Abra- went to him. He gave permission Earlier in his career, when he was Compelled falsely accused, he trotted out his To camouflage my truest self citizenship papers and say “tut-tut, In order to survive you can’t treat me this way.” But I won’t be The question isn’t how long or Denied how much I’m asked to accept Darlene Franklin C2018 Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 11 Senior SERVICE DIRECTORY These are some of the top service providers in your community! Please mention the paper and receive a discount from most!

FOUNTAIN VALLEY SENIOR CENTER 5745 Southmoor Dr, Fountain, CO 80817

Rural Area Meal Program, or August 13th with lunch after at RAMP, is for individuals age decided location. Bus donation is 60 and over who live in El Paso $16. Bus leaves St. Dominic’s at County. This program is for older 8:30am. Registration ends August adults who are not able to get to the 9th. nearest congregate meal site. This includes individuals needing assis- ■ Coors Brewery Tour in Golden tance due to physical, emotional, with lunch prior at Bob’s Atomic or social impairment. Please leave Burger. Saturday, August 25th. a message at 719-520-6471 with Tour is free, bus donation is your name and phone number; we $18. Bus leaves St. Dominic’s at will return your call. 9:30am. *Registration ends August 10th. ■Transportation - (By Appointment Only) ■ Fountain Valley Senior Center For seniors 60+ who live in the Sky Sox Fundraiser. Sky Sox vs. Fountain Valley area. Transporta- Omaha Storm Chasers. Sunday, tion provided to medical appoint- August 19th at 1:30pm. Half of the ments, shopping, personal business, proceeds go to the senior center. to the Center, special outings and Tickets $12, bus donation $8. other destinations in El Paso Coun- Parking passes available for $4. ty. Call 520-6472 at least 48 hours in advance to make arrangements. ■ The Fountain Valley Senior Center will be closed in observance GOOD TIME DAY of Independence Day, on Wednes- TRAVELERS- day, July 4th. The center will reo- UPCOMING TRIPS: pen on Thursday, July 5th at 8am.

■ The Day Traveler’s meeting will ■ July events at a glance: be held on Tuesday, July 10th @ ● July 6th Barb Bragdon entertain- 1:00pm. ment @ 11:00am ● July 10th Day Traveler’s Meet- ■ Insect Museum with lunch prior ing @ 1:00pm at Black Bear Diner. Saturday, ● July 11th Macular Degeneration July 7th. Bus donation is $8 and Support Group @ 1:00pm entrance fee is $6. Bus leaves St. ● July 12th Pikes Peak Cemetery Dominic’s at 11:30am. Registra- presentation @ 11:15am tion ends June 22nd. ● July 17th Front Range Brass @ 11:00am ■ Ft. Logan Cemetery, Monday, ● July 19th Harmonizers perform July 9th with lunch after at decided @ 11:00am location. Bus donation is $16. Bus ● July 19th Movie Day @ 1:00pm leaves St. Dominic’s at 8:30am. ● July 20th Sock Hop @ 4:00pm Registration ends July 5th. (Cost $2) ● July 26th Birthday Social & Bin- ■ Colorado Rockies vs. Seattle go @11:00am Mariners, Sunday, July 15th. Tick- ● July 31st Car Fit Event @11:15 ets $11 each and bus donation is am (sign up required, call 520- $16. Bus leaves St. Dominic’s at 6470) 10:30am. Registration ends June 22nd. ■ Barbara Bragdon will be at the SERVICE DIRECTORY AD REQUEST FVSC singing a variety of songs: ■ Village Inn for dinner and free Friday, July 6th at 11:00am. Come TO PLACE AN AD here’s all you need to do: slice of pie. Wednesday, July 18th. in and enjoy the music and at You get a free slice of pie with a 12:30pm Barb will continue with a Send us your business card or other prepared ad. Quickest re- purchase of meal. Bus donation Karaoke sing-a-long! Bring your sponse will be from email. $8. Bus leaves St. Dominic’s at family and friend for an afternoon 6pm. Registration ends July 11th. of fun. MAIL ad & check to: EMAIL: Senior Beacon [email protected] ■ Molly Kathleen Gold Mine Tour ■ The Fountain Valley Senior with lunch after at Home Café. Center has Bingo 3 times a month: P.O. Box 8485 Saturday, July 28th. Bus donation We Care Bingo: Thursday, July 5th Pueblo, CO 81008 VISIT: $18 and entrance fee $25. Bus at 1:00pm leaves St. Dominic’s at 9:30am. Monday Bingo: Monday, July 9th Registration ends July 13th. at 1:00pm INTRODUCTORY PRICE: Birthday Bingo: Thursday, July $20/month (normally $25) ■ Ft. Logan Cemetery, Monday, 26th at 1:00pm Page 12 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at

Reeling by Award-Winning Film Critic Betty Jo Tucker, Pueblo Happiness Is a Film Like This One

I fell in love with a gentle bear Being a loving nephew, Padding- changes the entire prison for too. called Paddington while watching ton wants to send his aunt (still liv- the better. And sometimes tears, more than his first movie. ing in Peru) a very special birthday Besides focusing on colorful a few. So I had high expectations for present. characters, the movie emphasizes Visual effects, just like the cast “Paddington 2.” “Paddington 2” centers on our kindness, humanity, compassion And I’m happy to report that this hero’s efforts to find the perfect gift -- and the magic of marmalade awe and charm us as in the past. sequel even exceeds my expecta- and what happens when the gift he sandwiches. shows up as a bad tions. chooses gets stolen. Here’s a big cheer for Padding- man Paddington still lives with the de- This second Paddington (voiced ton! who ends up dancing in the can! lightful Brown family in a again by Ben Whishaw) involves Happiness is a film like this. Windsor Gardens neighborhood. the bear spending a bit of time in a He’s back again with lots of fun. It’s a movie you should not miss. Although very comfortable there, London prison. His first film gave us boundless he misses Aunt Lucy, whose 100th One of the film’s highlights joy. birthday is approaching. shows how this marvelous creature And this one? Well, I won’t be “Paddington 2,” directed with coy. great care by Paul King, also It’s filled with love and laughter features exciting action scenes that represent creativity at its best. I don’t want to give anything away, but don’t even blink dur- ing the London pop-up book tour sequence. Every second makes you want to thank the filmmakers for their extraordinary work on this live-ac- tion motion picture. Also, all the human actors do a terrific job, but Hugh Grant as the villain is a stand-out here, espe- cially when he performs a humor- ous musical number with convicts as back-up dancers. This is the most entertaining film released so far this year, and I can hardly wait for “Paddington 3.” Here’s hoping the entire cast and crew stay on board for another sequel. (Released by Warner Bros. and rated “PG.” Available now on DVD.) Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 13 For A Healthier You Hemochromatosis: An Underdiagnosed Disease by Lisa M. Petsche

Chances are good that you have people whose ancestors came from joint pain and Parkinson-like symp- ing to the need never heard of hemochromatosis, Europe.” Typically those who have toms - and visits to numerous medi- for multiple joint also known as iron overload dis- it are unaware. cal specialists who were puzzled by replacements. The ease, despite that it’s the most com- A metabolic disease, HH causes her seemingly unrelated symptoms, management plan mon genetic disorder in the western the body to absorb and retain too she was extremely frustrated and includes regular world. Although it can affect males much dietary iron. Since there is no discouraged that no underlying blood testing to and females at any time in life, it regular mechanism for eliminating cause could be found. Meanwhile, check her iron typically manifests itself in middle iron from the body, the excess iron her physical functioning became levels, and periodic age. The disease is potentially fatal, is stored in tissues and can cause more and more compromised. It phlebotomies as indicated. but the earlier it is diagnosed, the damage in many areas, including was a naturopath she eventually Diagnosis of HH is difficult better one’s chances are of being joints, the heart, brain, liver, pancre- turned to for help who suggested because symptoms are vague, often able to lead a long and healthy life. as and endocrine glands. “The speed iron testing, querying hemochroma- masking themselves as other, more The cause of iron overload can at which iron builds up and the tosis. In 2006, at age 69, Lorraine common conditions, such as hypo- be genetic or non-genetic. The severity of the symptoms vary from was diagnosed with the disease. thyroidism, liver disease, arthritis, genetic type, which is by far the person to person,” says the CDC, Her iron levels were life-threat- heart disease, diabetes or even more common variety - is known as and “many people do not have any eningly high but gradually returned chronic fatigue. Some people may hereditary hemochromatosis or HH early symptoms.” Typically, by the to normal as a result of weekly develop a bronze skin tone; Lor- for short. time they are diagnosed – if they are phlebotomies (blood removal raine wasn’t one of them. According to the Centers for Dis- ever properly diagnosed – they have treatments from the arm, similar to In her journey through the health- ease Control and Prevention (CDC), sustained irreversible damage. blood donation) over the course of care system, Lorraine discovered “in the United States more than Take the case of Lorraine, for a year. She was told she was lucky that most healthcare professionals one million people have the gene example. After several years of that her internal organs had not know little if anything about HH. mutation that can cause HH. This increasing health issues – including been damaged. However, her joints (Up until recently, medical students mutation is most common among fatigue, weakness, abdominal and have been severely affected, lead- were taught that the disorder is ex- tremely rare.) And the vast majority of lay people have never heard of it. She had to do her own research, and eventually found valuable books, research articles and other materials through the Hemochromatosis So- ciety (for information, call their toll free line at 1-888-655-IRON (4766) or go to their website at www.amer- Talk to your doctor, because two simple and inexpensive blood tests – transferrin saturation (TS) test and serum ferritin (SF) test - can detect iron overload and may save your life or that of someone you love. These tests are not part of the standard blood testing ordered with regular medical checkups. If some- one in your family is diagnosed with HH, DNA testing can be done to find out if other members may be at risk. Author’s note: Lorraine is my mother and we’ve made it our mission to spread awareness about hemochromatosis. Lorraine recently died of complications from atyp- ical Parkinson’s disease, believed to have been caused by HH. If we can save even one person from the health problems, functional disabil- ity, medical testing, hospitalizations and surgeries she endured, and perhaps even save a life, our efforts will have been worthwhile. The month of July has been designated nationally as Hereditary Hemo- chromatosis Genetic Screening and Awareness Month.

Lisa M. Petsche is a medical so- cial worker and a freelance writer specializing in boomer and senior health matters. Page 14 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Social Security Here For People Like You All kinds of people make up this to retirement, we’re here, securing • Mid-Career – Did you relocate for great nation. Seniors, soldiers, individ- and tomorrow. Our People a better job? Are you starting a fami- • Pre-Retirement – For those of uals with disabilities, and newlyweds Like Me webpages give you in- ly? Buying your first home? There’s you who are about to retire, we not — they are the workers, civic leaders, formation tailored to your specific a lot to consider when planning your only congratulate you, we offer many social workers, and artistic creators of needs. Here are a few: future and we can help. resources for your golden years. See countless things and ideas that help us • Early Career – The earlier you how we can help at www.socialsecu- have better lives every day. All of our start saving, the better off you will • Veterans and Wounded Warriors collective talents and passions create be — during your working years – Providing services to those who • Women – Statistically, wom- one of the most unique societies in the and in retirement. Learn how Social served us is how we honor the people en live longer and earn less over history of the world. Security is here for you when you who put their lives on the line for their lifetimes. This creates unique Social Security understands your start working at www.socialsecurity. our freedom. Learn more about how challenges for a long and happy individual needs. From early career gov/people/earlycareer. we help service members at www. retirement.

Penrose (719) 372-3872 Canon City (719) 345-4112 FREMONT County/SALIDA Menus Florence (719) 784-6493 Salida (719) 539-3351

GOLDEN AGE CENTER ad, apple, ww roll Veg, Dessert 728 N. Main St.-Canon City Mon-Fri ■ July 17: Chicken and noodles, SALIDA/Buena Vista ■ July 31: POTLUCK 719-214-8280 seasoned green beans, baked acorn 719-539-3341 before 9:30am Tue/Th/Fri NOTES: ■ July 2: Pueblo beef stew with squash, apricot pineapple compote, brown rice, cornbread, coleslaw, ww bread ■ July 3: Roast chicken with broth, scal- Menu Subject to Change - Suggested Do- raisin nut cup, orange ■ July 18: Swiss broccoli pasta, loped potatoes, brussels sprouts, apple, nation $3.00 Bread, milk and dessert available with ■ July 3: Roast chicken with mixed vegetables, tossed salad ww bread most meals broth, scalloped potatoes, Brussel with ranch, banana, ww roll ■ July 5: Beef barley soup, ww crackers, Lunches served at 12 Noon, All Ages sprouts, apple, ww bread ■ July 19: Roast pork loin with gra- sesame broccoli, apricot pineapple com- Welcome! ■ July 4: Fourth of July Holiday – vy, smashed red potatoes, orange pote, ww bread, apple Our attendance is increasing … We re- spiced carrots, orange, ww roll ■ July 6: Sweet and sour pork, brown Closed quest that you call in advance so we can ■ ■ July 20: Oriental pepper chicken, rice, California veg blend, banana, ww July 5: Beef barley soup, ww plan accordingly: 719-372-3872 brown rice, steamed broccoli, ap- roll crackers, sesame broccoli, apricot Carry out available pineapple compote, ww bread, ap- ple, fortune cookie, ww roll ■ July 10: Chicken and noodles, seasoned ple July 23: Swedish meatballs, ■ green beans, baked acorn squash, apricot ■ July 6: Sweet and sour pork, whipped potatoes with gravy, pineapple compote, ww bread FLORENCE chopped spinach, orange, bran ■ 100 Railroad St. - Florence Tues-Thur-Fri brown rice, California veg blend, July 12: BBQ beef brisket, ww ham- Call us: 719-784-6493 banana, ww roll muffin burger bun, ranch style beans, steams ■ July 9: Swiss steak with mush- ■ July 24: Chili relleno casserole broccoli, honeydew/cilantro/lime salad, room sauce, whipped red pota- with salsa, corn and zucchini Mex- potatoes, spinach/mandarin salad, malt ■ July 3: Roast chicken with broth, scal- toes, seasoned greens, orange, ww icana, ww tortilla, plums, tossed vinegar, banana, ww bread loped potatoes, Brussel sprouts, apple, bread, tossed salad with ranch salad with lemon ■ July 17: Roast pork loin with gravy, ww bread ■ July 10: Sub sand on ww hoagie, ■ July 25: Ham n beans, seasoned smashed red potatoes, orange spiced car- ■ July 5: Beef barley soup, ww crackers, veg soup, potato salad, orange, oat- greens, cornbread, orange juice rots, orange, ww roll sesame broccoli, apricot pineapple com- meal raisin cookie ■ July 26: Tuna salad on lettuce ■ July 19: Sub sand on ww hoagie, veg pote, ww bread, apple July 11: Pot road with gravy, car with tomato, vegetable soup, ww soup, potato salad, orange, oatmeal raisin ■ July 6: Sweet and sour pork, brown ■ rots, green beans, new potatoes, crackers, baked acorn squash, pear cookie rice, California veg blend, banana, ww cantaloupe, raisin nut cup, ww halves ■ July 20: Oriental pepper chicken, roll ■ bread ■ July 27: Smothered chicken, ww brown rice, steamed broccoli, apple, for- July 10: Chicken and noodles, sea- ■ July 12: BBQ beef brisket, ww bread, peas and carrots, cornbread tune cookie, ww roll soned green beans, baked acorn squash, apricot pineapple compote, ww bread hamburger bun, ranch style beans, stuffing, cauliflower and broccoli, ■ July 24: Chili relleno casserole with ■ July 12: BBQ beef brisket, ww ham- steamed broccoli, honeydew/ applesauce waldorf salsa, corn and zucchini Mexicana, ww burger bun, ranch style beans, steamed cilantro/lime salad ■ July 30: Roast beef sandwich tortilla, plums, tossed salad with lemon broccoli, honeydew/cilantro/lime salad ■ July 13: Lemon baked fish, scal- on ww, oven browned potatoes, ■ July 26: Tuna salad on lettuce with ■ July 13: Lemon baked fish, scalloped loped potatoes, spinach/mandarin chunky veg soup, confetti salad, tomato, vegetable soup, ww crackers, potatoes, spinach/mandarin salad, malt salad, malt vinegar, banana, ww apple baked acorn squash, pear halves vinegar, banana, ww bread bread ■ July 31: manager’s choice: brat- ■ July 27: Smothered chicken with ww ■ July 17: Sub sand on ww hoagie, veg ■ July 16: BBQ chicken, spinach/ wurst, ww bun, coleslaw, sliced bread, peas and carrots, cornbread stuff- soup, potato salad, orange, oatmeal raisin mandarin, orange salad, potato sal- peaches, banana ing, cauliflower and broccoli and apple- cookie sauce waldorf ■ July 19: Roast pork loin with gravy, ■ July 31: Manager’s choice: sloppy jo, smashed red potatoes, orange spiced car- Menus are sponsored by ANDREA ww bun, apple, scalloped potatoes, broc- rots, orange, ww roll MAURIELLO at HomeSmart Preferred coli and carrots ■ July 20: Oriental pepper chicken, brown rice, steamed broccoli, apple, for- Realty. Call and thank her today!! tune cookie, ww roll PENROSE CENTER ■ July 24: Chili relleno casserole with 405 Broadway-Penrose (Tues/Thur-Noon) salsa, corn and zucchini Mexicana, ww Call in advance, 719-372-3872. tortilla, plums, tossed salad with lemon ■ July 25: Tuna salad on lettuce with tomato, vegetable soup, ww crackers, ■ July 3: Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Wa- baked acorn squash, pear halves termelon, Dessert ■ ■ July 5: CLOSED … HAPPY INDE- July 27: Smothered chicken, ww bread, PENDENCE DAY!! peas and carrots, cornbread stuffing, cau- ■ July 10: Taco Salad, Strawberry Apple- liflower and broccoli, applesauce waldorf sauce, Dessert ■ July 31: Manager’s choice: Spaghetti ■ July 12: Fried Chicken Salad, Carrot with meat sauce, tossed salad with Italian, fruit Salad, Dessert green beans, orange, ww bread ■ July 17: BBQ Chicken, Potato Salad, Watergate Salad ■ July 19: Swedish Meatball with Noo- All meals served with dles, Green Beans, Dessert ■ July 24: Goulash, Veg, Dessert milk and bread. ■ July 26: Meatball Sub, Chips, Fresh Call ahead for info! Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 15

Pueblo Police Dept. - 549-1200 Colorado Springs Police Dept. - 444-7000 SENIOR Pueblo County Sheriff’s Dept. - 583-6125 Fremont County Sheriff’s Dept. - 784-3411 SAFETY El Paso County Sheriff’s Dept. - 520-7100 Cañon City Police Dept. - 276-5600 Seeing Is Believing With Road Safety (NAPSI) — Although properly level and, when it gets low, replace functioning vehicle lights, wipers This month’s Senior Safety Page is Proudly it. and mirrors allow for better visibil- Sponsored by • Replace wiper blades if they ity while driving, these items are all Belmont Lodge Health Care show cracking or if they chatter or too often forgotten or ignored when Center. Please call thank them for sponsoring this streak when operating. Don’t forget people perform basic auto care, says valuable Addition to the Senior Beacon!! to check the rear wiper blade. the nonprofit Car Care Council. • When in doubt, turn your lights “Making sure that you can see on to help you see and help other and be seen on the road is essential drivers see you. Some places even to avoiding motor vehicle accidents, have laws that require headlights to yet many motorists overlook simple be on when windshield wipers are maintenance steps that can improve operating. driving visibility,” explained Rich • Don’t overdrive your headlights. White, executive director, Car Care Maintain a speed that will let you Council. stop within the illuminated area; Following a few auto care vis- otherwise, you create a blind crash ibility tips can be illuminating, zone in front of your vehicle. helping to ensure the safety of you, The Car Care Council is the your passengers and other vehicles source of information for the “Be around you. Car Care Aware” consumer educa- • Replace any exterior or interior tion campaign promoting the bene- lights that are dimming, rapidly fits of regular vehicle care, mainte- blinking or nonfunctioning and be nance and repair to consumers. sure headlights are correctly aimed. For a free copy of the popular • Make sure that vehicle mirrors “Car Care Guide,” visit the coun- are clean and properly positioned. cil’s consumer education website at • Check windshield washer fluid For safe driving, maintain vehicle wipers, lights and mirrors. Page 16 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 17 A 38 Percent Loss in Buying Power (Washington, DC) – Social Secu- (CPI) data through May of this year, benefits a total of just 46 percent, ual would require a Social Security rity benefits have lost 34 percent of Johnson estimates that the COLA for while typical senior expenses have benefit of $410.30 more per month, buying power since 2000, according 2019 will be about 3.3 percent, the jumped 96.3 percent. or $1,603.40 in 2018, just to main- to the 2018 Social Security Loss of highest since 2012. “When costs climb more rapidly tain his or her 2000 level of buying Buying Power Study released today That number could change since than benefits, retirees must spend power. by The Senior Citizens League. there are still four months of data to down retirement savings more quick- The study examined the increase “This is the biggest loss of buying be collected before the Social Secu- ly than expected, and those without in costs of 39 key items between power recorded since 2012, and that rity Administration announces the savings or other retirement income 2000 and January 2018. The items was the biggest loss that The Senior COLA. are either going into debt, or going were chosen because they are typical Citizens League’s study has record- More than 1,057 respondents without,” Johnson says. ed to date,” says study author Mary participated in The Senior Citizens The survey found that a person of the costs of most Social Security Johnson, a Social Security policy League’s annual senior survey, receiving the national average Social recipients, and include expenditures analyst for the League. which was conducted from January Security benefit in 2000 — $816 per like Medicare Part B premium, that The findings represent a significant through March of this year. month — would have $1,193.10 per are not measured by the index cur- one-year loss of 4 percent in buying Participants confirmed that month- month by 2018. rently used to calculate the COLA. power, with the loss growing from ly household expenses made steep However, because retiree costs Of the 39 items analyzed, 26 exceed- 30% to 34% from January 2017 to increases over the past year, far in are rising at a substantially faster ed the percentage of increase in the January 2018. excess of the dollar amount that their pace than the COLA, that individ- COLA over the same period. The loss occurred even though COLAs increased benefits. beneficiaries received a 2 percent More than half, 56 percent, indicat- annual cost - of - living adjustment ed their monthly expenses went up (COLA) for 2018,” says Johnson. by more than $79. Housing and medical costs — par- Yet 50 percent of survey respond- ticularly home heating expenses and ents said that their COLA increased Medigap premiums — were among benefits less than $5 per month, after the most rapidly - rising costs over the increased Part B premium for the past year. 2018 was deducted from their Social The study examines the growth Security benefits. since 2000 in price of goods and ser- Social Security beneficiaries vices that are typical for retired and receive a small automatic increase disabled households, and compares in their Social Security checks most that to the growth in Social Security years, intended to help their benefits benefits due to annual COLAs. keep up with rising costs. Based on consumer price index But since 2000, COLAs increased Page 18 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Being Proactive Leads to Graceful Aging by Charlene Causey

To address the importance of appearance, of how one is aging. fully, the waste that is generated is children and being proactive when it comes to ag- Plenty of money is spent on properly eliminated. grandchildren ing, let me clearly explain that term. lotions, potions, juices and supple- If the quality of the nutrition is and thereby “Pro” is a prefix meaning to ments searching for the fountain of inadequate, inferior, or unbalanced future gener- “go before,” “moving forward” or youth. Many cosmetic procedures the individual suffers some deficit. ations. It is, “ahead of.” are being performed on very young Over time, chronic deficits take their in fact, their So “proactive” refers to assum- patients and, in some cases, multiple toll and can cause damage. Thus, responsibility ing an active role, as opposed to times over chasing after perfection. aging may become accelerated, a passive one in accomplishing Sadly, however, much of that exaggerated, and unfortunately, may to properly something. That “something” in this revenue is spent on the outward ap- lead to disease and early demise. instruct and article is “aging”. Let’s face it; we pearance, instead of the inner health And when I say everything that model good health practices to their all begin aging from the moment we and wellness of the individual which you take into your body has its progeny. After all, who doesn’t are born. However, no two people is really what matters. True vibrant effect, I mean everything, including want to stay in the human race? age in exactly the same manner. beauty is from the inside out! drugs, alcohol, pharmaceuticals and Regular detoxification of the body Now there are many factors that How can being proactive about pollution. Ensuring proper and ade- through the eliminative systems is affect how one ages and just a few anti-aging make a difference? Well, quate elimination is essential. extremely important, particularly as are heredity, overall health, quality consider nutrition to analyze just one I will submit to you that even the age progresses, because as one ages, of nutrition, degree of trauma and of the factors already mentioned. I hereditary impact on the rate and everything slows down. Keeping stress encountered, and more recent- have said it many times before and I quality of aging can, over several things flowing and moving smoothly ly, how much plastic surgery one will continue to say it. You are what generations, improve and slow down is essential to maintaining a healthi- can afford, all influence, at least the you eat and what you don’t eat! the process. Certainly, over time, Everything you take into the body parents and grandparents can influ- er more vital mind and body. Every- becomes a part of you, and hope- ence the health and wellness of their one would like to slow the inevitable Senior Beacon aging process, but doing what we Senior Beacon serves Pueblo, El can to stay ahead in the game of Paso, Fremont and the 12 surround- life is the baby boomer’s legacy. It ing counties that make up most is definitely worth the effort to stay of Southeastern Colorado. It is a monthly newspaper dedicated to healthy, active, and graceful as one inform, serve, educate and entertain attempts aging proactively. the Senior Community of these are- as. Subscriptions are available, pre- Charlene Causey is a former paid with order, at $21.95 for one registered nurse. She has also been 12-month period. Send your order a model, nutrition and fitness in- to the mailing list below. structor, and educational consultant. Publication of advertising con- tained herein does not necessari- Currently, she holds certifications ly constitute endorsement. Signed in Natural Health, Personal Train- columns are the opinions of the ing and Ballet Body Barre. Her writers and not necessarily that main focus is a natural approach of the publisher. Senior Beacon to health and wellness. Recently, is locally owned and operated. Founded in February of 1982. Charlene launched Pueblo’s pre- mier Barre Fitness and Wellness BEACON NEWS GROUP d/b/a Senior Beacon Studio, Brilliant Balance. You can P.O. Box 8485 reach Charlene at www.facebook. Pueblo, CO 81008 com/brilliantbalance or go to www. Publisher Beacon News Group Publisher Emeritus, CCO James R. Grasso Advertising Manager Ronald S. Phillips Advertising Executives Jan McLaughlin Rick Forman Mark Phillips Jim Grasso Graphic Design and Layout Beacon News Group Team Distribution Manager Jim Grasso IT Support Robin Eckelberry CONTACT US [email protected] 719-247-6580 SUBMISSIONS: Senior Beacon wel- comes reader contributions in the form of senior groups news, stories, poet- ry, recipes and happenings. Letters to the Editor must be typed and double spaced, signed with address and phone number submitted. Deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Copyright 2018-Evergrowth Media, LLC Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 19 Social Security & You Bridget Byerly, Public Affairs Specialist-Social Security Administration - Pueblo County, Fremont County and El Paso County. Social Security: A Source of Independence for Millions by Josh Weller On July 4, people in communities people maintain a higher quality of fastest way to get those crucial months in the future. everywhere celebrate our nation’s life and a level of independence for benefits. Apply at www.socialsecurity. independence with neighbors, fam- over 80 years. Here are some the types of bene- gov/retireonline. ily, and friends. Over those decades, we’ve made fits you can apply for: ■ Disability – You can apply A strong community promotes it even easier for you to access the ■ Retirement or Spouse’s Bene- online for disability benefits or independence by helping each oth- programs and benefits you might fits – You must be at least 61 years continue an application you al- er lead full and productive lives. need. and 9 months old and want your ready started. Social Security has been helping Now, applying online is the benefits to start no more than four Apply for Disability at www. ■ Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Costs – Many people need assistance with the cost of medications. Apply for Extra Help at www. ■ Medicare – Medicare is a national health insurance program administered by the U.S. federal government that began in 1966. You can apply online or continue an application you already started at online. ■ Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – SSI is a federal income program funded by general tax revenues designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income. You may be able to apply online if you meet certain requirements. See if you can apply online for SSI at fits/ssi. Social Security provides benefits for millions of people including wounded warriors and children, the chronically ill and the disabled who cannot work. Find the help you or your family need at benefits. Don’t forget, our many online services can provide you and the ones you love with lifelong inde- pendence. From replacing a lost Social Security card to estimating your benefits, you can access these powerful tools at www.socialsecu-

A STRONG COMMUNITY promotes independence by HELPING EACH OTHER lead full and PRODUCTIVE LIVES. Page 20 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Social Security & You Q&A El Paso, Fremont & Pueblo counites and surrounding areas

Question: a cleaning person, cook, gardener, What can I do at www.socialse- late a federal or state law. To learn Now that my husband and I babysitter, or anyone else who pro- more about your Social Security have a large family, we’ve hired vides services for you. In addition, number, visit www.socialsecurity. a housekeeper that comes once a you must report these wages once Answer: gov/ssnumber. week. Do we have to withhold So- a year. There are exceptions, for There are many things you can cial Security taxes from our house- example, when you are hiring a do on Social Security’s website. Question: keeper’s earnings? company or independent contractor You can conduct most of your I’m 17 and eager to start my first and paying them a fee for services Social Security business with us summer job, but my mother mis- Answer: instead of wages to an individual. online at placed my Social Security card. It depends on how much you’re You can learn more about house- onlineservices. You can get an How can I get another? paying the housekeeper. If you pay hold workers and tax deductions by estimate of future benefits, find out Answer: a housekeeper or other household reading our publication, Household if you qualify for benefits now, and If you know your Social Security worker $2,100 or more in cash Workers, at www.socialsecurity. even apply for benefits. You can number, you may not need to get a wages throughout the year, you gov/pubs. complete a number of other tasks replacement card to obtain em- ployment. However, if a prospec- must deduct Social Security and online, too, including replacing tive employer requests it, you can Medicare taxes. This holds true for Question: your Social Security card in some states. You can estimate your retire- get a replacement Social Security ment benefit using our Retirement card by following the steps below. Estimator, which allows you to get There is no charge for a Social an instant, personalized estimate of Security card, but you are limited your future benefit based on differ- to three per calendar year and 10 ent retirement ages and scenarios. replacement cards during your You can even open your own my lifetime. Social Security account to plan for You will need to: and manage your benefits at www. • Show the required docu- ments. We need to see different documents depending on your citizenship and the type of card Question: you are requesting. Go to www. Can I refuse to give my Social to find Security number to a private busi- out what documents you will have ness? to show; • Fill out an Application for a Answer: Social Security Card; and Yes, you can refuse to disclose • Take or mail your applica- your Social Security number, and tion and original or certified copies you should be careful about giving of the original documents to your out your number. But, be aware, local Social Security office. the person requesting your number For more information, read our can refuse services if you don’t pamphlet, Your Social Security give it. Businesses, banks, schools, Number and Card at www.socialse- private agencies, etc., are free to request someone's number and use it for any purpose that doesn’t vio- Question: Why should I sign up for a my Social Security online account?

Answer: my Social Security gives you a personal online account you can securely use to check your Social Security information and do busi- ness with us. With a my Social Security account you can: • Keep track of your earnings and verify them every year; • Get an estimate of your future benefits if you are still working; • Get a replacement Social Secu- rity card if you meet certain criteria and reside in these locations; • Get a letter with proof of your benefits if you currently receive them; and • Manage your benefits: • Change your address or tele- phone number; • Start or change your direct deposit; • Get a replacement Medicare card; and • Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S for tax season. To find all of the services available and set up an account, go to Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 21 Social Security & You Q&A El Paso, Fremont & Pueblo counites and surrounding areas myaccount. I am receiving Social Security Yes. By law, your employer Answer: retirement benefits and I recently must withhold FICA taxes from Yes. You should receive a form, Question: went back to work. Do I have to your paycheck. Although you are SSA-1372-BK, in the mail about I prefer reading by audio book. pay Social Security (FICA) taxes retired, you do receive credit for three months before your son’s Does Social Security have audio on my income? those new earnings. Each year So- birthday. publications? cial Security automatically credits Your son needs to complete the Answer: the new earnings and, if your new form and take it to his school’s earnings are higher than in any ear- office for certification. Then, you lier year used to calculate your cur- need to return page two and the rent benefit, your monthly benefit certified page three back to So- Senior SERVICE could increase. For more informa- cial Security for processing. If tion, visit you can’t find the form we mailed or call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY to you, you can find it online at: 1-800-325-0778). DIRECTORY These are some of the top service providers in your Question: 1372.pdf. community! Please mention the paper and Do Members of Congress have receive a discount from most! to pay into Social Security? Question: How can I get a copy of my So- Answer: cial Security Statement? Yes, they do. Members of Con- gress, the President and Vice Answer: President, federal judges, and most You can get your personal Social political appointees, have paid tax- Security Statement online by using es into the Social Security program your my Social Security account. If since January 1984. They pay into you don’t yet have an account, you the system just like everyone else, can easily create one. no matter how long they have been Your online Statement gives in office. Learn more about Social you secure and convenient access Security benefits at www.socialse- to your earnings records. It also shows estimates for retirement, dis- ability, and survivors benefits you Question: and your family may be eligible My child, who gets Social Secu- for. rity, will be attending his last year To set up or use your account of high school in the fall. He turns to get your online Social Security 19 in a few months. Do I need to Statement, go to www.socialsecuri- fill out a form for his benefits to continue? Answer:MARY’S TYPING We also mail Statements to Yes, we do.SERVICE You can find them workers attaining ages 25, 30, 35, at 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and older three Some* LIVING of the publications + LAST WILLS:available months prior to their birthday if include What You Can Do Online, they don’t receive Social Securi- How Social Security$25/50 Can Help ty benefits and don’t have a my You* BANKRUPTCY, When a Family CHAPTERMember Dies, 7’s: Social Security account. Apply Online for Social Security $200/335 Benefits, and Your Social Security Question: Card* andDIVORCES: Number. You $150/200 can listen I’m trying to figure out how now at much I need to save for my retire- pubs.PHONE: (719) 392-9624 ment. Does the government offer or (719) 459-8231 any help with financial education? Question: Answer: Yes. For starters, you may want to find out what you can expect from Social Security with a visit to Social Security’s Retirement Estimator at www.socialsecu- The Financial Literacy and Education Commis- sion has a website that can help you with the basics of financial education: Finally, you’ll want to check out the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which offers Please Tell These Outstanding Small Businesses that educational information on a num- ber of financial matters, including you saw them in the Senior Beacon! Thanks for your Support! mortgages, credit cards, retirement, and other big decisions. Visit the Consumer Financial “Make EVERY DAY Small Business Day” Protection Bureau at www.consum- Page 22 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Senior Classifieds

GOOD WORKER: WILL DO BROWN LIFT CHAIR: Good LICENSED, INSURED 719- WANTED: VINYL RE- YARD WORK FOR $10 PER condition, twin. Dr. Choice Mat- 251-2535 CARL--Lots of amaz- CORDS HOUR. Must use your tools. Three tress, frame, head board. Used ing ideas. Special needs, large from 1950s and 1960s, 45s, 78s, hour minimum. Pueblo area only. about one year. Moving. door, shallow steps, ramps, grab LPs. Also sheet music from same Call Tor at 719-289-1692 #0718 period with artist/group pictured 719-251-4593 #0718 bars 719-251-2535 #0718 on front. (719) 566-7975 after COMPANION MAUSOLE- ceivers, Amps, Tape Decks, UMS in Imperial Gardens for Turntables. Also interested in HOME CARE FOR SENIORS: sale--$7200 (3rd level). The Cameras and Photo equipment. Home Care For Seniors. Includes cleaning, personal care (bathing, only avail-able prime compan- Please call Hank at 719-367- etc). Call Lori at 719-778-4708 #0518 ion mausoleums (2), third lev- 1879. #0518 el, at Imperial Memorial Gar- Are You Looking For Part Time Income?? den in Pueblo, CO. I WILL SELL ANYTHING you have of value and hand Are you good with people and good with Contact (310) 663-0929 #0718 you a stack of cash! Car, truck, follow-up? Contact the Senior Beacon camper trailer; house full of TEMPUR-PEDIC ADJUSTA- stuff? Anything of value. I use a right now about our sales positions ... BLE BED (TWIN): New Tem- special software to market your (719) 247-6580 pur-Pedic mattress, 6-positions items--no charge until it sells. I [email protected] with remote. Clean and excellent do not make a dime until you do. condition! $400 OBO. Keep item until it sells. James; TERRY (719) 492-7376 #0618 text/call 719-650-8699 Have a SENIOR CLASSIFIED AD REQUEST

blessed day! #0618 This classified ad section of the Senior Beacon carries advertising AD&H-HANDYMAN: Proper- CONDO FOR RENT: ty Clean-up Services-Repairs: Mi- of all sorts. The cost is $10.00 for the first 25 words or less and $.25 Pueblo Soutside. Very comfort- for each word over 25. TO PLACE AN AD here’s all you need to do: nor electrical/plumbing/carpentry. able 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 2 Car Trash haul-off. Rock landscaping Write your ad in the space provided below. Garage, Central air. Water, Trash Cleaning. Special Needs Sensitive! ______Removal, Cable TV, Refrigera- Cañon City local surrounding are- ______tor, Stove, Dishwasher includ- as. Will Travel. Call 719-429-0775. ______ed. No smoking, No Pets. $995 [email protected] #1218 Rent/$995 Deposit ______719-568-1956 PERSONAL: HELLO, ARE Please print clearly. Deadline is the 20th of the month. 719-568-3451 YOU LONELY? I am. I need Phone:______Your Name:______someone in my life who wants some PUEBLO WEST: FUR- Mail ad and check (send no cash) to: romance, as well as a companion to NISHED Senior Beacon do things with. Age doesn’t matter. Master bedroom. Handicap, large bath. In retired professional’s P.O. Box 8485 (719) 220-0930 Chuck #0518 home. Off street parking. UTIL- Pueblo, CO 81008 ITIES INCLUDED. Quiet area. BUYING & SERVICING ASK ABOUT Our 2” FRAMED AD 6 mos. Just $100 First, last & deposit. 1970’S:Vintage Stereo Gear, Re-

7-31-2018 Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 23 Colorado Springs Senior Center July 2018 Calendar

COLORADO SPRINGS you to get to know others looking SENIOR CENTER The fine folks at APEX AUDIOLOGY for the same thing while enjoying 955-3400 are proud to sponsor drinks and appetizers. ■ Tunes on Tuesdays-The Rare Please stop by or go online to The Colorado Springs Senior Ould Times T July 24th 1:30-2:30 find the full listing of classes, trips Center Calendar this month. Free Performing since 1998 and special events at www.cssen- this group of friends loves Irish and Scottish music. You will hear will entertain with his collection of July 13th 10-11 $3 An hour of pub songs and sea chanteys from All classes require registration. Rock and Roll music plus Karaoke fun and memories! Pianist Stacy Brittany, Galicia and Cape Breton. and sing-a-longs. This hour is a fun Gery plays songs from movies The group includes vocals, fiddlers, SPECIAL EVENTS accordion, guitar, bouzouki and ■ Newcomer’s Orientation T one! of the 40’s,50’s and 60’s and the ■ banjo. You can count on a lively, July 3rd 1:00-2:30 Free Whether Independence Day Dance F audience will guess the movie it varied and entertaining musical you have already started taking July 6th 6:30-8:30pm $5 comes from, the main character, feast. classes or not, come and learn We’re celebrating the 4th of July the missing word etc. Join us for more about the Senior Center and on the 6th. The Risky Bizness this popular musical game. ■ Exercise & Dance - This is not all it has to offer! Learn about class Band will perform popular hits ■ Mix and Mingle Th July 19th a complete list, so please stop by or registration, volunteer opportuni- from the 50’s to now. Join us for a 6-8pm $5 go online to find the full listing. ties, clinic services and more. fun night of dancing and patriotic Would you like to rejuvenate ~ Nia ■ moment. your social life, find a friend to Tunes on Tuesday w/ Reg Sap- ~ Yoga ■ Music Trivia w/ Stacy Gery- go to the movies, get coffee or out pie T July 10th Free ~ Drums Alive!® ■ 1940’s,50’s and 60’s Movies F to eat? This event is designed for Reg Sappie, DJ and singer, ~ Zumba® ~ Silver Sneakers ~ Pilates ~ Line Dance classes ~ Tai Chi ~ Parkinson’s Exercise Program

■ Health Education FREE, but please register. A do- nation of $1 to the Senior Center is requested. This is NOT a com- plete list.

■ Understanding your DNR status July 9th M 1-2:30 Know the 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s July 10th T 10-11:30 Essential Oils and Pets July 11th W 10-11 Intro to Medicare July 12th Th 2-3 Hydration Stations July 13th F 1-3

■ The Missing Link of Weight Loss July 17th T 1-2 Nurse Chats:6 Warning Signs July 18th W 10-11 Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s- #3 Lifestyle July 20th F 10-11 Look on our website or call for more class info and to register.

■ Art Classes – You do not have to be an artist to take an art class! Find your creativity and let it flourish through the variety that we offer. Some classes have additional supply costs. So many to choose from including Draw- ing, Painting, Mixed media chair caning and other unique offerings, Call for more info! 955-3400

■ Lifelong Learning Classes Let Go of Your Past and Simpli- fy July 11th W 12-2 $10 True Colors: Personal Success July 17th T 10:30-11:30 $3 Prevent Family from Fighting Over Your “Stuff” July 18th W 10-11:30 $5 Page 24 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Finances: Create And Keep Wealth Are You Missing A Good Thing? by Ron Phillips Two words: defensive growth. other….” dynamic individuals. Record econ- So you can bask in these weak We can have just one and we lose “EVEN A BROKEN CLOCK IS omy for years in a row. markets, knowing you have regu- the game. RIGHT TWICE A DAY” And more coming up. R lar portfolio income to reinvest or Are you 100% safe with your What all of these positive ex- ecord corporate earnings and spend. money? amples have going for them is a stock growth. Also, this gives you an incentive All in CDs or short–term bonds successful, long-term strategy. More coming up for earnings. to stay with a solid strategy be- or (gulp) gold? Or are you fully in- A strategy that avoids emotion We have the best demographics cause you have a real return from vested into one money-losing, hot and also avoids market timing. for any developed country. income. microcap stock in the burgeoning Please, please avoid the temptation We’re dynamic and innovative. underwater basket-weaving sector? to try to time the market. A $19.4 trillion dollar economy CLOSING WORDS OF AD- You guessed it: trouble ahead for It’s a fool’s game. last year. And $34.4 trillion gross VICE that portfolio. You’ll probably get lucky occa- output (2017). Did you get a hot tip? The art and science of investing sionally but will absolutely miss Would you bet against that?! Ignore it and stick with your is having a defensive portfolio upswings. Don’t believe a weak trade skir- strategy. positioned for growth. mish will drop us much. If it does, Do you have a gut feeling? Think Warren Buffett and Berk- THE SKY IS NOT FALLING buy the heck out of it. Ignore it and stick with your shire Hathaway. Recently the trade war has been strategy. Or the Harvard University heating up. I consider it a trade BUILD A DEFENSIVE Did you read or hear something endowment. Closer to home you skirmish for now. GROWTH PORTFOLIO earth shattering? could admire PERA, too. Defense And trade wars are not good. So here come’s the usual advice. Ignore it and stick with your and growth. But the lurid media will have you Diversify. Make high portfolio strategy. Like Ol’ Blue Eyes crooned: believe we’re doomed. We’re not. income. Boring—I know. “You can’t have one without the The U.S. has about 320 million But it tends to work well, work Ron Phillips is an Independent in up and down markets and grow Financial Advisor and a Pueblo, your money, too. Colorado native. He and his wife Why income (again)? are currently raising their three Well, let’s say everyone else is sons in Pueblo. For a FREE copy getting 1.8% income in their Dow of Ron’s second book “Armchair Jones fund. Investor” visit You’re getting 6% income. or leave a message on his prere- You have more than triple the corded voicemail day or night at average portfolio income plus true (719) 924-5070. Simply mention diversity (zigging when the mar- Promo Code #1001 when contact- kets zag). ing the author. Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 25 Go BoHo when it comes to home decor by Mary G. Pepiton

Modern Bohemian home decor The Bohemian lifestyle, as it and design can easily flow from for sofas, they might also double as has a look that is more hip and less relates to decor, is about creating a there.” comfortable cushions on the floor. hippie. layered, flowing energy in a home Meaningful artwork, an heirloom Chairs should easily move in or- While the 21st century’s “Bo- that is colorful and highly personal, piece of furniture or a colorful rug der to create inviting and intimate ho-chic” movement ascribes to a Younis says. can serve as a Boho-chic base that spaces for conversation or collabo- more-is-more philosophy by lay- “The Boho-chic design aesthetic anchors a room and serves as its ration. design foundation. ering color, textures and textiles, also describes my own personal In a departure from the harvest it also borrows clean lines from sense of style,” she says. “With The basis of Boho-chic design gold and avocado green popu- the minimalistic movement, says an English mother and Moroccan is to invest in pieces -- chairs, Tamarra Younis, founder of Union father, Boho-chic comes naturally lamps and pillows -- that can look larized in the 1970s Bohemian of Art, a design firm with offices to me and, at its core, is a marriage at home anywhere within the incarnation, the chic 21st-century in New York City and Los Ange- of styles, much like my parents’ house. version is not only simple, it’s les. union.” The Boho-chic concept is about more sophisticated. “Today’s Bohemian design in the While there can be a fine line be- being open -- not only in terms “Walls should be painted white, home looks different than it did in tween being cluttered and creating of the physical space -- but also cream or gray,” Younis says. the 1970s,” Younis says. a classic Bohemian design, the key in terms of how the space is “Neutral walls don’t compete with “There’s very much of a mid- is to make sure the space is relax- used. the interesting layers of color and century modern influence, with a ing and inviting. “The energy just flows more texture in a space.” glamorous worldly mix of items “The Bohemian look is on the freely in a home without walls,” A bright tip that illuminates a from well-traveled individu- opposite end of the spectrum from Younis says. Boho-chic style home is to invest “In a Bohemian home, it’s not als.” a monochromatic, minimalistic in task lighting. Younis says color- about defining a living room, a The term “Bohemian” was pop- design,” Younis says. ful lamps or hanging light fixtures ularized in the 19th century and “Clear away nonessential items dining room, a family room. These will shed light on good design. used to describe the nontraditional and choose something you can’t communal rooms are meant to lifestyles of artists, writers and live without in the space. Of- be open to use in whatever way Gold-colored accents are not only musicians in European cities. ten, that will be the focal point, best suits the need at the mo- warm, but are also priceless in ment.” terms of creating a rich design Colorful pillows aren’t just made palette. Page 26 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at Vollmecke Excerpt: ‘Intermission — A Place in Time’ Editor’s note: This is the next excerpt in a series from Glen Vollmecke

While flourishing his long pole More ROWDY CHEERS EMANATED from Having toward the lamppost, Seth would satisfied his feign irritation in his futile stabs at a further contrived miss as SMALL ARMS small spec- the small adjacent rings. tators, Uncle “Damn, another miss!” he shout- STABBLED THE AIR at each failed pass, and Seth popped ed radically. two wheelies Elatedly, he rejoiced as the focus EARNESTLY WE EGGED HIM ON. on his rickety of attention and like an award-win- old cycle. ning master of ceremonies, he con- Waving his tinued, “How is everyone tonight? old cloth cap amid noisy Are you ready for some action?” smiled, leaving Seth to his infantile low gentle hiss, followed by a soft Blowing ardently on hard, almost screeches gathering. white gleaming, luminous radi- from his ardent fans, he peddled toothless combs, we begged him to After several ineffectual exer- ance. continue. shakily away. tions, and like a matador with his The light grew brighter and Angie visited often, and disre- Quietly enthralled, we calmed, as cape, Seth peddled frantically in brighter. the situation required our absolute garding the problems at home, we another half circle. A last spectacu- “I think I did it.” Seth chuck- rode our bikes or we would hike concentration. lar wave of his enormous pole and led to himself and together we all His hidden agenda included through the park. the magic began. clapped and cheered. That day I had obviously an- many half-halfhearted labors, all of After finishing every staged trick “Mission accomplished!” noyed my mother, so Mum issued which increased the exciting ritual. in the book, his old bike squealed Uncle Seth had effectively boundaries, and I was restricted to Then, screeching to a halt, to a sudden stop and an eerie hush coupled the hook to the ring and our avenue. smoothing his hair and excessively shrouded us. he calculatingly released his long Bored with the narrow street, I wiping his brow, he sustained his Squinting, Seth surged forward, wooden pole. urged Angie to join me, but afraid faux charade. as he now focused on the tall street Gradually he turned to face his of reprisals, she refused. My More rowdy cheers emanated lamp. young audience. With his pole in yellow dress blew in the breeze, from a further contrived miss as Then with a deliberate lunge, his hand, he bowed impressively. as racing around the corner on my small arms stabbed the air at each pole connected. “Thanks for watching, little peo- wobbly cycle I entered Trevor’s failed pass, and earnestly we egged Little Dave’s eyes grew bigger as ple, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” realm by the Ginney. him on. his slippery fingers lingered in the Regretfully the night’s activities However, Trevor had seen me Upon hearing the noise, my now empty bag of chips. were now complete, at least until and attempting to circumvent his mum and neighbors appeared in Our heads cocked to one side tomorrow, when he would return doorways, but soon shrugged and we listened for the barely audible for more drama on the avenue. >>> Continued to Page 27

Being your Independent candidate for Sheriff of Fre- mont County doesn’t mean I am against the Republican or Democrat’s, it’s time for change. What it means is that I have ideas and ways to better the Fremont County Sheriff’s department and to en- hance the welfare and safety of our community. It also means I would do every possible thing to enhance the education and professionalism of our deputies by bring- ing back a great team to you the community, firm, fair, and consistent, treat people like people. Being an independent candidate and self-funding my own campaign I would owe no one and have no political ties like other candidates. I would work for you the people of Fremont County, not the party at which time we would treat everyone equal, with no promises to pay back. As your Independent Sheriff I will bring back professionalism, transparency, communication along with community awareness, and community policing. I will be going through the current policies and procedures as: 1. Structure and responsibilities 2.Chain of command 3.Grant writing 4.Organizational structure 5.Records and reports And so on. I am not here to be a show boat like some other candidate’s I am here to work for you starting with. 1. Taking hard drugs off the streets 2. Protecting you and your family needs. 3. Working the safety of our schools. 4. Mutual aid. 5. Provide Law Enforcement services to the unincorporated areas of Fremont County. 6. Coordinate search and rescue efforts. 7. Suppress fires and so on. 8. Community involvement. As your Sheriff I will make positive changes for this community. It wouldn’t be politics as usual. There is no ( I owe you’s) there is no party affiliation, which finally Fremont County would have a Sheriff’s Department that belongs to you the community. I chose to be your Independent Sheriff’s candidate, not for the prestige of being Sheriff but to be a servant of you the people of Fre- mont County. You don’t have to vote party line or for any party. Just register to vote and vote for change. Vote for the welfare and interest of Fremont County, your county, it’s your home, your family, and vote for James Boyd Canterbury, it’s time for change. We need community involvement. Your Independent candidate for Sheriff of Fremont County, James Boyd Canterbury PAID FOR THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT JAMES CANTERBURY FOR SHERIFF Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 27

>>> Continued from Page 26

waving silhouette — I tried ur- steering wheel as he struggled for mirror, and waving triumphantly in from friends in the alley below, gently to avoid a brisk collision, control. the morning breeze, was my bright while with bulging eyes, in antici- but running erratically in circles Torn between Trevor and my yellow belt. pation they watched my methodi- and swinging his basket, Tre- bike, he swerved, and his massive Arms folded, Mum waited with cal plunge. vor laughed loudly as he ineptly vehicle billowed stinking fumes Angie, and she now restricted me Unpredictably and straining dodged my bicycle. then skidded clumsily past me. to my bedroom. from my weight, my bed suddenly Furiously, my blonde braided Surreally, I recall warm pet- Angie followed meekly “Let’s lunged forward, and soaring across pigtails, like miniature propellers, rol vapors and a slight brushing get out of here,” I suggested with flapped madly in the wind, and against my side. little hope of compliance, but after the room it violently slammed while engrossed in this insane Without missing a stroke, I ped- the recent near catastrophe, she against the wall. game I failed to see the yellow dled manically back to the street, was suspicious. The resulting trauma twisted my bus chaotically snaking around the and screeching to a halt I glanced “How will we get away from gangly body, which plummeted bend. over my shoulder. here?” gracelessly into the alley below. A ghastly study in horror, the Chugging to a stop, the bus driv- Angie croaked weakly. driver’s ashen features matched his er’s face was livid, because now “We’ll use the sheets so let’s strip This excerpt is from Glenn Vol- white knuckles, which gripped the firmly bound to the bus’s rear view the bed and tie them together.” lmecke’s newly published book: Angie turned green. “Intermission: A Place in Time.” However, still in shock, she Her memoirs describe life in war- agreed. torn Great Briain. Typical British A jump from the open window was suicidal, but sturdy bed legs humor is evident, offering a mixture would hold the sheets. of Wallace & Gromit and Ange- Tearing the covers from the la’s Ashes. Her book’s cover is an double bed, we jointly tied them in original Beatles ticket, introducing knots and neatly secured them to ’s “Mersey Beat” era. the oak bed. Enjoy reading “Intermission” Shortly, waving in the breeze, the monthly: knotted cotton Irish linens dangled from the open window. Carefully Contact [email protected] lowering myself, I grasped and Availability: Amazon/Barnes & then wrapped my long skinny legs Noble. around the wad of Irish linen. Oddly, Angie had departed, so An autographed copy is available shrugging her off, I felt like Flash from Gordon from our matinees and Here’s a direct link to her book: slowly I began my decline. Shrieks and whistles emanated CanyonArtistry/ Page 28 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at

Harvey Weinstein and The Clinton Protection Racket by Ann Coulter Harvey Weinstein’s recent perp how the “ground shifted” last year, connections extensive and his of Trump’s presidency, or as I like walk reminds me of another great finally ending the “code of silence” willingness to play dirty without to think of it, the first year of Hillary thing about Trump winning the surrounding powerful men. Why bounds. not being president. Ever. election: Hillary Clinton isn’t presi- “last year,” if this has been going on Did Harvey lose his money and The liberal protection racket for dent. for decades? connections “last year”? sexual predators was always inti- mately intertwined with the Clin- A New York Times article on The article explained that Wein- Nope. tons. Weinstein’s court appearance noted stein’s power was enormous, his But “last year” was the first year The template used to defend Bill Clinton became a model for all left- wing sexual predators. They all hired the same lawyers and detectives and counted on the same cultural elites to mete out punishment to anyone who stood in the way of their Caligula lifestyles. It was Total War against the origi- nal #MeToo movement. Even Teddy Kennedy never plot- ted revenge on reporters or smeared his sexual conquests as bimbos, trailer park trash and stalkers. That was the Clinton model. Showing how incestuous it was, in 2000 -- two years after Clinton’s impeachment -- Weinstein used his publishing company, Talk/Mira- max, overseen by Tina Brown, to take revenge on anyone involved in Clinton’s impeachment. The publishing house commis- sioned a book by John Connolly to dig into the private sex lives of the people who had helped ex- pose Bill Clinton, e.g., the lawyers behind Paula Jones’ lawsuit, Ken Starr’s staff, Linda Tripp lawyer Jim Moody, Matt Drudge, reporter Michael Isikoff and so on. Concise summary of the book: All of us were gay, except me, because I was having an affair with Geraldo Rivera. It’s hard to avoid the impression that a big part of the reason Wein- stein was finally exposed is that the Clinton machine is dead. Trump killed it. Would anyone have called out Weinstein if his good friend Hillary Clinton were “Madame President”? I doubt it. The Clinton protection racket would have gone on and on and on. After years of feminists excusing sexual preda- tors, once the Clintons were out of the way, the dam broke. There was no reason to keep humiliating them- selves by defending the indefensi- ble. The Worst Generation has flat- lined. There are no more Clintons to save. But as absolutely intellectual- ly convinced as I am of the Clin- tons’ demise, I’d feel a lot better if someone would keep a wooden stake handy. Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 29 There’s Nothing Like A Holiday Cruise Lessons, Carnival Anomalies by David G. Molyneaux

Among the items that you may When we called to ask, we were mind that items might be allowed in summer). not bring aboard cruise ships are toy informed that security had confis- checked luggage aboard an airplane Europe will miss Carnival, which or real guns and knives, irons, can- cated an item and that we needed (where you will not have access to is the most American of all the dles, and various forms of alcohol to claim our bag, which included a it) but will not pass cruise ship secu- North American cruise lines – in as well as some other liquids. How letter saying that our knife would be rity scans of luggage to be delivered design, food, atmosphere, and style. serious are cruise lines about confis- held until we departed. A week later, to your cabin. While other cruise lines have be- cating such items from your packed security, taking no chances, handed Goodbye Europe from the most come more international by design, luggage? Very serious, as I found over the knife as we walked off the American of cruise lines: Carnival the 26 ships of Carnival Cruise Line out on two recent cruises. ship. Not so lucky, said a security Horizon, built in Italy for Caribbean never have attempted to be anything My transgressions seemed small. guard, were passengers who tried voyages out of Miami starting in else. Burgers sloppy with American An expensive kitchen knife, packed to sneak alcohol aboard in their September, may be the last Carnival condiments are consumed on its in my wife’s checked suitcase, checked luggage. These items were Cruise Line ship to offer European pool decks by the thousands, in the voyages, at least for quite some was discovered by security during discarded. (Some liquids are al- general vicinity of the hairy chest a luggage scan as we boarded the lowed by ships in carry-on luggage; time. President Christine Duffy says contest. American songs dominate new Carnival Horizon in Barcelona, ask your cruise line). Carnival has no plans to cruise in the piano bar. American jokes fill Spain. Having learned little from the first Europe again. Our excuse was simple. We had security scan, we got caught again The line’s next new ship, Car- the comedy club. booked two cruises in Europe, one when boarding our second cruise, nival Panorama, will sail directly Carnival has introduced Amer- ending six days before the second on Seabourn Ovation in Genoa, from the shipyard in Italy to Long icans on a budget to the great began. We rented an apartment for Italy. Security would not even allow Beach, Calif., via the Pacific Ocean European cities of Barcelona, six nights in Italy’s Cinque Terre re- my wife’s bag to be loaded onto apparently without paying passen- Marseille, Florence, Rome, Naples, gion. Because most rental apartment the ship until we claimed it ashore, gers. And there is no indication that Dubrovnik, and Venice. While a kitchens are ill-equipped, my wife where the well-traveled knife was a Carnival ship expected to debut vast majority of Carnival passengers wanted a small, 4-inch paring knife, confiscated again. Security returned in 2020 will include voyages in on Europe cruises have been North which we wrapped, taped, and it when we left the ship in Venice. Europe (though, of course, other Americans, these voyages also have placed deep in her checked luggage. The lesson is to pay attention to Carnival Corporation brands, such drawn Europeans and Asians, who Aboard Carnival Horizon, her cruise line rules about what you as Holland America and Princess, no doubt were curious about the suitcase did not arrive at our cabin. may bring aboard ship. Keep in have multiple ships in Europe each American experience. Page 30 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at

Court Case Uncovers Targeting of Journalist in Syria by Georgie Ann Geyer While newspapers courts with far too little Long Island, but she Misrata or Prishtina, or out to be true, it will ways, was implacably across the nation attention being paid to had worked for years any of the other treach- be, by my accounting, insistent. struggle to find space what it could mean for overseas, most notably erous quicksands of the first well-publi- First, there was the for foreign news, a the future of foreign for London’s Sunday the world. cized case of an actual horror of getting into strange story involving coverage in America. Times. At 56, she was still GOVERNMENT the besieged city with the death of a famous You may not even Somewhat notorious a trim, gracious and targeting an individual its 78,000 helpless as a war correspond- attractive blonde -- but journalist for death in a war correspondent know the name Ma- people. ent, she was one of the it was the black eye war zone. six years ago in Syria rie Colvin. She was The journalists and most intrepid among patch, worn almost Even Marie had their Syrian rebel is playing out in the an American from this special group jauntily, that always had qualms the night guides had to crawl of international gave her away. before about going into more than 2 miles journalists who In Sri Lanka in 2001, the grotesque ruins of through a storm drain go bravely, if a random rocket-pro- the once-thriving city only 4 feet in height. sometimes fool- pelled grenade had of Homs, and that was Inside Homs in the hardily, from war taken out her eye. unusual, given her to- dark, they somehow to war. Which brings us to the the-edges bravery. found the “media But she stood central question: Was She told her pho- office,” really a mostly out in terms of her death that February tographer, “Paul, I destroyed cavern the sheer courage, day six years ago in don’t like this.” He government of Bashar classiness and Homs also “random”? darkly agreed. “Every Assad had already competence. For if the tale behind bone in my body is located. You couldn’t the tale of the inimita- telling me not to do easily miss her ble Marie Colvin dying this,” Paul Conroy Marie Colvin might if you ran across in a Syrian government wrote afterward. have been simply her in Beirut, artillery barrage turns But Marie, as al- another of the approx- imately 100 journal- ists killed so far in EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: the seven years of the Syrian civil war, Cup and Cone hosts their second Community except that, as it now Kite Fly the last Sunday (29th) in July 7:30pm appears, the govern- ment was closing in at Harrison School 920 Field Ave, Canon City at on HER. 7:30pm. There is no charge. Just bring your kite Independent and and your friends and their kites. Pack up the ba- respected sources, bies and grab the old ladies and lets everyone go and 700,000 records smuggled out of Syria fly their kite! Need a kite? Cup and Cone has a by defectors, activists great selection all sizes all prices. and Arab League offi- cials, outline how the government “brack- eted” or “walked in” on her -- the military terms for focusing bombing and artillery closer and closer to the individual person desired dead. This reportage is being cut back at every corner, with news bureaus being closed overseas and newspapers shutting down or cutting back their coverage at home. Who in the future will crawl through the sewers of the world’s ruined cities to tell us the truth about what is happening to man- kind? Visit Us at July 2018 - Senior Beacon - Page 31

America, The Immigration Nation by David Shribman

Finally, after agonizing procedural the immigrants here, the opportu- wrangling that is only a preface to nity offered by a new life, all gave even more agonizing floor debate, America a flavor and a character the House in the next several days that make it as unmistakable and will take up the immigration issue. as remarkable to people today as it But the truth is that debates about was to Alexis de Tocqueville in the immigration are even older than the early part of the 19th century.” United States itself, built as it was That book was reissued a few by 17th-century colonial immigrants years ago under the title “A Nation who, when they landed on these of Immigrants,” and though the shores, encountered Native Amer- 35th president was serious about icans who were likely the original protecting American borders — one immigrants. of his last acts in the White House From the earliest debates on the was to propose a major overhaul of issue, the character and content of the country’s immigration policies the American immigration discus- — he also believed that much of sion has changed little. Many want to come in, some want to keep them the heroic nature of America was out. They refresh American culture, based on the immigrant experience: they alter American culture. They They huddled in their hard, are the engine of economic growth, cramped bunks, freezing when the they are the enemy of the worker. hatches were open, stifling when Pulitzer Prizes have been won on they were closed. … Night and day the immigration issue (Oscar Hand- were indistinguishable. But they lin, “The Uprooted,” 1952), reputa- were ever aware of the treacherous tions have been soiled by immigra- winds and waves, the scampering tion (Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada, of rats and the splash of burials. whose legislation was passed by That was part of the Kemp creed Congress over President Harry as well. He argued that “immigrants Truman’s veto), a political party was are among the most hardworking formed around immigration (the and industrious of all persons who Know-Nothings of the mid-1850s). reside in this society. They are far Throughout all this, what often is less likely in their working years missed is an unusual congruence of to — despite poverty — rely on opinion by two men with the same welfare programs.” JFK initials, one a Democrat now We have this situation which has identified with the liberal wing of become nearly intolerable, where his party (President John F. Ken- you have thousands of unused nedy) and the other a Republican quotas in some countries while you once considered the leading edge of have members of families, close conservatism in his party (Rep. Jack members of families, in other coun- F. Kemp). tries who are desirous of coming Kemp, who represented the to this country, who can become area around Buffalo, a center of useful citizens, whose skills are 19th-century immigration from needed, who are unable to come southern and eastern Europe, because of the inequity and the worried that the Republican Par- ty was veering from its roots and maldistribution of the quota num- embracing immigration restrictions bers. that could, in his words, “turn the That speech was delivered on party away from its historic belief June 11, 1963. Hours later he gave in opportunity and jobs and growth a nationally televised address and turn the party inward to a pro- following the fractious admission tectionist and isolationist and more of the first black students to the xenophobic party. “ University of Alabama. He said, Kennedy took a similar view. In “Today, we are committed to a a small book written in 1958 as worldwide struggle to promote and Congress was considering immigra- protect the rights of all who wish to tion legislation, he argued that “the be free.” Two speeches on the same interaction of disparate cultures, day, reflecting and asserting the the vehemence of the ideals that led same values. Page 32 - Senior Beacon - July 2018 Visit Us at