a dozen cans of beer donated by Vaux Breweries. lunch for two (value £5) donated by the Barley Mow. Sandgate. 326 wins 2 complimentary tickets donated by the Gulbenklan Studio (by arrangement). 13 wins £5 voucher donated by Flip. Cross Street 201 wins 2 complimentary tickets donated by the Tyne Theatre Co. (by arrangement). 464 wins Cut and Blow dry, donated by Long, Short and Curly, Level 5, Union Building, 263 wins tape (value £6) donated by Volume Records, Ridley Place, 708 wins mentary tickets donated by the Tyneside Cinema, Pilgrim Street. 937 wins >r 2 (value £5) donated by Wimpy, 24 Northumberland Street. 188 v- 2 free tickets to a Union Event. (See Mike Newman. Ents. Officer), 79 wins bottle of wine donated by Grants of St. James. 124 wins Sunday lunch for two, donated by Luckies Comer bar, St. Mary's Place East. 599 wii 2 free tickets donated by Cannon Cinema, Westgate Road. 141 wins ‘ inch for tw o (value £5) donated b ~ - - 651 wins £5 Book House voucher, Ridley P 59 wins a meal for two (value £5) at Spiny Normans, Level 6, Union Society, 812 wins meal for 2 (value £5) donated by La Stalla Pizzeria, 99 Pilgrim Street 1001 wimI a haircut and style donated by Top Style II for Men, 142 Northumberland Street, 341 wins meal for 2 (value £5) donated by Peppermint Park, Bigg Market, 292 wins a £5 voucher donated by Kard Bar, Cross Street, 87 wins lunch for 2 (value £5) donated by Reeds Bistro, St. Mary's Place East, 555 wins film developed (1 hour service) donated by Quick Pics, 37 Nelson Street.

Prizes to be collected by Monday 14/11/88

No. 789 Price 15p Thursday,DEFIANT 10th November, 1988 Back to the Big Twelve BROAD-BASED LEFT WING PICKET DISRUPTS CAREERS FAIR The week-long Careers Fair independent sources said that P.1 taking place in Room 27 on several students were put off ( j o u r i e J ^ Level 5 was the scene of some entering Room 27 as a result of DEFIANCE vociferous picketing last the protestors’ presence. Wednesday afternoon. President Rob Williams said EDITORIAL At around 2.30 p.m. between that the Careers Presentation thirty and forty pickets including had been arranged by last year’s The picket of the GCHQ stand P.2 some well-known faces from Un­ Executive and that the booking by various factions of the left last week was nothing short of pathe­ ion Council, Services Commit­ had been taken as a whole, and tic. ROCK-HARD tee and the Trades Unions stood before the current furore over in front of the GCHQ stand and GCHQ had blown up. Demonstrations about nation­ al issues within a single Students' chanted slogans, distracting stu­ “It was something that was for dents and employers, many of the benefit of the majority of our Union rarely * rise above P.3 whom were midway through members and it also allowed us “irrelevant” and this one seems presentations and individual in­ to build up a good relationship to have actually done us harm. EARL GREEN terviews. with a number of employers; it’s If the good name of Newcastle After a request from the Chief just a shame one afternoon was University’s Students’ Union has Careers Officer, Mr. Ian Fors­ ruined by the actions of a tiny survived it is certainly not with ter, they calmed down consider­ minority that should know bet­ the co-operation of this tiny and unrepresentative group of P.4 ably but refused to move from ter” he said. their position in front of the A member of the picket dis­ people. WELL GCHQ stand. agreed, saying that no-one had There is nothing amiss with At the invitation of the been intimated or deterred and peaceful picketing and little to WICKED Careers Advisory Board, that the whole thing had been find fault with in the cause they were espousing, but when GCHQ moved their stand to the conducted in a highly civilised COMPETITION foyer outside the Debating manner. female representatives of com­ Chamber and the pickets de­ Careers Advisor Marion panies are intimidated to the monstrated for about an hour in Anderson, was keen to stress extent that they pack up and go home, something is clearly a peaceful manner though occa­ what a “smashing job” Sabbatic­ wrong. P.6/7 sionally refusing to leave a corri­ al Secretary and Rob Williams dor for other students to pass had done in defusing the situa­ The proper vehicle for such a MUSIC AND through. tion, and said that no student protest was the march from the Midway through the proceed­ who had expressed an intention Civic Centre to the Monument in ALL THAT ings the Assistant Registrar ar­ to visit the GCHQ stand was support of the four sacked rived on the scene causing the prevented from doing so. GCHQ employees which took STUFF University employees amongst The matter is being looked place on Monday. It would have the picket to swiftly disappear. into by the Disciplinary Commit­ expressed the same degree of solidarity, without interfering Three employers with female tee. with the freedom of individual representatives left considerably P.8 Bernard Blundell students. It would also have earlier than normal, and various Steve Silk shown maturity. SIDEWAYS Steve Silk. ! P.9 STOP PRESS CLAUSE 28 FASCISTS B.B.C. cameras were in the Union’s Debating Chamber on Tuesday and witnessed a lively E.G.M. on the S and N takeover PART ONE issue. FIRST A full, but not packed chamber saw Derek Walton propose Locally based playwright Steve Chambers has the main motion giving full support to S and N in their fight against Elders, citing their “strong regional presence” and made history as the first to be hit by the much expressing doubt about “the security of employment on criticised Clause 28 bill. Tyneside” were the Australian company to succeed. P.10 In his speech he spoke of the sponsorship that the company The legislation, now officially termed “Sec­ had given to First Year Conference and the Rugby and Boat tion 2a of the Local Government Act” forbids Clubs, and urged all present to consider whether this would HARVEY necessarily continue under Elders. the promotion of homosexuality as a pretended An amendment tabled by SWSS stated that “the S and N family relationship, by local authorities. EX M.P. management will be just as willing to attack workers and their Mr. Chambers’ play Trapped in Time was due conditions as Elders.” It also asked the Union to condemn “the racism involved in S and N’s campaign”. to be performed at Broadlands Secondary After rousing speeches on both sides by, among others, School in Avon, but on learning of its content, Darren Murphy, (“don’t put ideological purity before the effect on local community”) John McNeill (“where were S and N in the the headmaster cancelled the booking. P.11 miners’ strike?”) Joseph Hartley, (“don’t think S and N are a Trapped in Time follows the lives of three wonderful benevolent company”) and Derek Walton, (“don’t give the dog to the dingo racist? - That’s a new definition of people working in a heritage park. One is black, S. AMERICA racist to me”) the amendment was overwhelmingly defeated. another female and a third gay and one by one The meeting then granted speaking rights to Managing they become fed up with the stereotypes to -THE Director of S and N, David Stephenson. He spoke of the “spontaneous gestures of support” for the local brewery, citing which they are asked to conform. COURIER. the 13,000 signatures collected against the takeover bid at the The offending scene sees the gay admit his Monument on Saturday. He also mentioned the £250,000 that the company had donated to charities, sport and arts in the past homosexuality to his friends, “But” said the TOUR- year and warned against “the Fosterization of the world”. writer “calling it a play about homosexuality is f Exec Officer Stewart McGuffie followed with a speech I JMEWC/ centred on “Geordie culture”. Clutching a bottle of ‘broon* he like calling Hamlet a play about drowning.” presented us with an apocalyptic vision of “tubes of Brown He went on to call the bill “outrageous and Ale”. pernicious” and the decision to ban the play Communist George Napier responded with an attack on P.12V*1 McGufile’s “rank chauvinism” calling him an “arrogant “typical of the fear prevalent in this country as a arsehole” a remark he was made to withdraw. result of Clause 28”. Ents Officer Mike Newman mentioned that “Viz culture SP0RTIN(T~ could not survive without the Brown bottle” and fellow Exec, The play will be performed by the Avon member Mike Shallcross spoke of the company’s “blatant Touring Theatre Company on Wednesday 16th advertising ploy” in coming to the Union. Managing Director David Stephenson speaks in the The vote was taken at 1.55 and the main motion was passed November and will be followed by a discussion President Rob Williams looks on. overwhelmingly. with the writer on the issues raised. 6 Days i l l i H NEW LEATHER BIKERS JACKETS 4 designs £68 each ACID BADGES/PATCHES, T-SHIRTS, BANDANAS, EAR-RINGS 10-5 t f i i H n CROSS ST COURIER Thursday, 10th November, 1988 \NEWS\ U.G.C. threat to IN BRIEF the sciences Minibuses Your department is in danger of the overall crisis of physics in This week has seen the beginning of a late-night minibus service, being closed down. A recent Britain. There is a severe lack of running Monday-Saturday from review by the University Grants good physics teachers in schools the Union building. With even­ Committee (UGC) of physics and and as a result the universities ings drawing in and the dangers chemistry departments through­ are being starved of students. of harassment, this service out the country proposes the One proposal is to provide sep­ should be used by students, arate teaching and research uni­ hitherto given to walking, with shut-down of up to 20 depart­ women having priority. The lack ments in each of the 2 subjects. versities. This could be a “crushing blow” for many lec­ of streetlighting on Nun’s Moor Implications are that other sub­ turers keen to research. and Richardson road presents a very real threat to unaccompa­ jects will follow. “We all know that some uni­ Will Newcastle be one of the nied women. This is an unneces­ versities are better than others” sary risk, for the mere purchase Universities to suffer? The re­ said Professor Davies, “but once views propose at least one phy­ of a 25p ticket from the porters' we officially brand universities it lodge will guarantee a safe jour­ sics department in each region, can be severely damaging”. ney to your door from 9.30 p.m. but with Durham being just Yet again the North looks set onwards. down the road there is danger of to suffer from the changes. The Walking home on your own is competition between the two new voucher system being prop­ not advisable and you are strongly urged to take advantage universities. Size is a major osed by the government may factor. The reviews favour of the service. lead to students living at home. Andy Dow departments with at least 20 full­ This would produce a decline in time staff and 200 students. the numbers attending Northern Anything smaller is not finan­ universities since the more No sale cially viable, as demonstrated by Student wondermag Connect affluent South provides a greater continues to weigh down the the closure of four university Hull and back number of students. shelves of Newcastle's news­ physics departments earlier in Professor Davies seems fairly Bloody Student Union President, cerned that the Arts are suffer­ agents and bookshops. But is it the year. confident. The physics depart­ Next week, the National Blood Rob Williams, has spoken out ing disproportionately, due in no actually selling? Apparently not! Newcastle’s Professor Paul ment are introducing some radi­ Transfusion Service are holding a on the National Union of small way to the Government’s Copies are hidden away behind Davies says consolidation is in­ other magazines, or stacked in cal proposals for new ways of series of blood-donor sessions on Students (NUS)-organised continuing emphasis on sciences. evitable as resources are at He said that while he in no way corners. One newsagent euphe­ teaching and he hopes that these Level 5. Anyone aged 18 or over demonstration in sympathy present spread too thinly had anything against sciences, he mistically described sales as will attract more students to who is in reasonable health can with sacked Hull lecturer throughout the country. But he was a traditionalist and did not “disappointing”. Redbrick. their course. He says the depart­ give blood, and NBTS are hoping Edgar Page. objects to the ‘messy fashion’ in want to see this University, nor Birmingham University's student ment are “on the ball”. to encourage students to give Page, a Hull University Philo­ newspaper, has now joined the which the government carry out any other, turning into a “techni­ “We are braced for the blood in large numbers. sophy lecturer, was sacked when throngs rushing to investigate the closures. The long periods of cal college”. changes that are taking place and he refused to take voluntary Connect. uncertainty can be highly The last session held here attracted He urged students to attend we are taking a very stroag early redundancy as part of Iain Pigg anxious and demoralising times 1304 donors - and Mr. Smith, the Hull demo, saying that they positive line.” spending cuts, even though he is should feel strongly about the for all those involved. Regional Donor Organiser, is anxious aged only 51. Jobs are usually cut Debs Dudgeon to increase this to at least 1500, if issue. Depending on response, Apology Professor Davies explained through early retirement or Our story last week regarding the possible. This plea 'from the bottom either a coach or a minibus will voluntary redundancy, but Palestine General Meeting of the heart' comes after a be run from the University, so Page’s sacking is an as yet should have said that the motion disappointing turnout at a similar see posters for details. was passed “overwhelmingly” session held in Durham. This fall in unprecedented step. External M. Merritt not “unanimously”. Wanted: New V.C. numbers, coupled with a decline in examiners and some lecturers Durham University are looking for a the future role of the Vice- attendance at industrial sessions (due have resigned or threatened to new Vice Chancellor following Pro­ Chancellorship and to appoint a to factories closing, or laying off resign at Hull, threatening the fessor Fred Holliday’s decision to suitable successor. workers) presents a worrying picture. degrees of final year students in leave the post in September 1990. By A Committee of the University (Without blood, hospitals cannot several departments. then. Professor Holliday, S3, who has Senate and Council is being set up to carry out even the most routine The N.U.S. demonstration is, prepare for the appointment. had a long and distinguished acade­ operations, let alone transplants etc.). (as you should know by the time VIEWPOINT mic career, will have held the Vice- Mr. Peter Seacroft, Information Chancellorship at Durham for 10 Officer at Durham, stressed that you are reading this) on Thurs­ The sessions run from Monday, day, 10th November at 12.45 A new “help the rich” scheme has pay the fees from their own pockets years. proceedings were only at the November 12- Friday, November 18, been proposed by the government preliminary stage and that the p.m. in St. Stephen’s Square, (or those awarded bursaries). He has given such advanced notice and take place in Room 27 on Level S. to allow the University time to assess University had no one in mind as yet. Hull. This is followed at 2.15 by a to cover the costs of higher With living costs (and thus the Offering a personal opinion, Mr. between 10.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. with rally, at which the speakers will education. The idea is to award a cost of courses) higher in the South, Seacroft said that the successful no breaks fo r lunch. If you’d like to include Shadow Education Sec­ fixed number of vouchers of the more intelligent students (those UOTE OF applicant would probably have to be give blood (and since you're old differing value to school leavers on with high value vouchers) will be enough to be at University, and fit retary Jack Straw. THE WEEK "a manager, a bit of a politician and, Rob Williams pointed out that the basis of academic merit. Higher able to choose the South to study in, of course, a respected academic". enough to read, there’s no reason why value vouchers could be cashed in whilst the Northern institutions will Q Among other things, the problem you shouldn't!) the process is reported the case at Hull is part of a wider for a place on a higher cost course be given the leftovers. The only “Funny time for a Trade Union of income generation outside of to be relatively painless, and takes issue, with cuts everywhere or at a higher cost university. other alternative is the equally meeting”. Government sources would be likely only a few minutes. Go on - give forcing departments to close. Remaining university places would Taxi driver to students asking for to figure in any new Vice- blood! Newcastle has itself suffered, controversial bank loan scheme. Students' Union on Friday night. be filled by those students able to Debs Dudgeon Chancellor's brief. Iain Pigg losing its Philosophy Depart­ Michael Hepworth ment, and the President is con­

FOR NEWCASTLE'S MEN VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT We provide natural foods at Topsfy(e2 reasonable prices, including at IS least 12 varieties o f salad. Colouring, The hot dishes are mostly INTERNATIONAL Perms etc.. and unusual due to our determina­ AWARD tion to avoid convenience foods all traditional WINNERS and those containing obscure styling. chemicals. z Theakstons beers are sold, as 142 Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne well as a comprehensive selec­ Telephone: 261 8336 I tion of the better quality wines and spirits. 'I Open from 9.30 a.m. till n 7 PRINCESS SQUARE 10.30 p.m. every day except (back of Central Llbraiy) Sunday. Discount to students on (Aq O£. trJ fo . S e e S C A tl ______1st floor production of union card.

IS THIS YOUR University of Newcastle upon Tyne Union Society TO SKI Christmas Dinners available from Monday, November 21st 0RN0TT0SKI IMAGE OF THE Tn^tWTtoHJSTtiALMdgnfSIS? Function Suite—Level 5 CAMPUS TRAVEL HAS THE ANSWER! Further information from Ian Barker or Kevin Jennings Level 6 (Ext. 278/240) OUR LOW COST SKI DEALS Special Christmas Vegetarian WILL SUIT YOUR BUDGET Dinner Menu ANDORRA — SOLDEU

Soup of the Day with croutons Thick Winter Vegetable Broth or with croutons By Coach 1 week from £79 Chilled fruit juices or By Air 1 week from £119 Egg Mayonnaise or Self catering and Hotel (B & B) Seafood Cocktail Nut Roast with Spicy Tomato Sauce ***** Selection of Seasonal vegetables Roast Turkey with Stuffing FRANCE — TIGNES * DEUX ALPES Chipolata sausage, cranberry sauce Roast potatoes, croquette potatoes By Coach 1 week from £69 ***** Hot spiced peach By Air 1 week from £102 Selection of seasonal vegetables * * * * * Self catering Studios

Gingerbread Person

Home made Christmas pudding ***** We think we can change all that! with Rum Sauce AUSTRIA — KIRCHBERG Coffee & mints * * * * * By Air 1 week from £169 [ j t 4 t 1 ***** The Hot mince pies Half Board Hotel ndustria [society | Christmas Cracker & silly hat Society Youra for £7.95 per head Lots more great offers ' j > \ Coffee and mints Please fed free to come and set further what (Ski packs extra) we are all about. We have regular conflate For full details contact - meet us on Mondays, outside the Debating N m m iw m s m Chamber on Level 5, at Ipm. Christmas Cracker & silly hat. LEVEL 5 STUDENTS' UNION mimrmimuLsoctm All for £7.95 per head Tel. (091)232 2881 m Thursday, 10th November, 1988 COURIER 3

DEFEND THE “NEWCASTLE SIX"I Emma Dooks, George Napier, Jimmy PERSONAL McHugh, Joe Hartney, John Davies, John McNeill Six students to be victimised for defend­ COLUMN ing GCHQ Trade Union Rights. Fight Gloverite Repression I 2p per word First meeting: Monday, Airport Lounge 1.00 p.m. Donations: "NEWCASTLE SIX" 20p minimum HALL BUILDING FIGHTING FUND, c/o Porters Lodge. GREY’S Students' Union. 50 companies attending ALL WELCOME Are the BOYS IN BLUE all mouth and TOM— (AGRIC)— KIRKLEY CLOSE HI 'Big Ears', you hunky animal— I hope Baldrick—2 years, many cunning plots and trousers? The GIRLS IN BLACK would like you PHILLlPA can cater fo r your SPECIAL our very own turnip later, I love you even to reveal all. NEEDS and satisfy you SEXUAL CRAV­ SHARPIE—so you milk chickens do you? The INGS. (Has sha bought a leather whip more. Lady BA. yet?). Happy FXXXING— JOHN. And how about Hot Foot Andrea M. Tickle eggstraordinary girls in black. those tootsies folks. MCHUCH: MAKEMYFXXKINGBREAKFASTNOW! J.R.M.: Malal Chicken, wine and you—a BECKY, don't give the dog to the dingol— COLUMN perfect combination for a Sunday—Thanks TOGA, TOGA, TOGA—Watch this space. from RUDOLPH/ADOLPH. give it to Greg Smith! TOGA, TOGA TOGA—watch this space. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimninij W.ould all those on the far right interested in Frustration! joining the JIMMY MCHUGH FAN CLUB t LOVE IN THE ASYLUM W 2 How I curse. please contact us in 91/2 weeks—Love and After a great deal of effort, should be of paramount import­ J Live at My Fever, THE TIME OUT BAR K blindfolds—SWSS. publicity, money and trade for ance in one’s morality list, for ^ Eldon Sq. Rec. Centre ■ of Lust's— Tweeks, if I ever catch you doing that again, Little Barrow, the two remaining what greater crime could be ^ JOIN THE COMMITTED I £ 3 Getting Worse! it'll be the Byker water torture treatment for So I plead you! Demon. whales appear to have been perpetrated upon an organism w m To my love— ■ THE LAV. MAN AND THE MOUSE rescued successfully and have than the extinction of its species. — from kitchen to graveyard . . . ■ In Peverse: “ PANAMA JAZZMEN" Where's next? Live on stage. Level 2 2 "Let us do something RUDE— (Dixieland-Mainstream Jazz) embarked on their migration. Animal rights campaigners, perhaps? LOVE The Green Man + Rambo m AMME SKOOD" Available for dances, functions, parties o f THC 69ers (aided by the Porky little pig Reasonable rates. I’m sure everyone is relieved hunt saboteurs, Greenpeace etc . and Goldilocks). nmmniiiMiiiimiiiiiiiE Blyth (0670)-361930 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to another herb. BELINDA that mankind’s “altruistic” . . seem to have their priorities Demon thanks for reminding me that we have HOWELLS. Love the Flowerpot Men and ^ “ Silence! I say, let the HEART BREAK ^ W eed. efforts havae been brought to completely wrong: So what if a What hot stuff did the small omlette In black in silence." loved each other for two whole years (mostly) have for Mahomo? * Tickets available from the "HT and I hope we do for another hundred. fruition, however, one cannot few rabbits are having washing CANOE CLUB— lost any boats recently? but think of the enormous cost of Did PURPLE SAL get a bang in the gents on •Jfr GULBENKIAN NOW! - -V- Tweeks. up liquid squirted in their eyes, Sunday. j # *1# the operation—in excess of when we lose more than a hec- ^p Does the second team fly half have a hot Beth $8,000,000. While such figures tacre of Tropical Rain Forest at night? are insignificant to governments every second. So what that excess Would you give Paul 'WEED' Knowles a job?? Whatever happened to the LETTUCE engaged in a major publicity deer and foxes get hunted occa­ Steve?—the 10% men and the 90% man. excercise/battle (finally won by sionally for a simple sporting Does Angus know where the crack is? HELEN—Your stripey tights drove me wild! the Soviets), I wonder what pleasure, when as a result of CLAIRE— conservative or trendy leftie?ll WOLFSTAN THE WHALESHAGGER—We Get in touch. MIKE. environmental organisations poaching (for trophies like heads, know why those whales fled under the icell H o t w a te r b o ttle . G ive's a sm ile. P USSYCAT. dlllllllllllllllllllllllH IIIII would have done with this sum of pelts etc.); there are only 400 Kev end All? Phil and Briggitte?? Purple Sal Want to Charleston? and th e Hat Stand?7? 2 Do the Black Bottom? , , money—if they were prepared to mountain gorillas left on this MCHUGH: WANNABUNCHOFFIVESMATE? ■ * WEST JESMOND RHYTHM KINGS* I Did the Durham front row join the Purple sacrifice the whales for it. planet—perhaps our closest Society and exhaust Sal? Red-Hot 1920's JAZZ Ahh, there you are Julia, I love you forever. 2 Available for all parties and After military service in India Rom eo. cousins, and so what that seal KEV w e n t fro m th e s m all fried egg IN BLACK functions. I’m fairly well acquainted with pups get culled for their pelts to ride the NAT. express . . . m Call Mike Durham 279 2382 (days) W elcom e h om e to " N o-Zones" M iria m . W ant 281 2935 (evenings) ■ Diwent mess with tha keed—THE the environment and its prob­ when numbers get too high, when to see my sixth finger? . .. saiiim im im iiiiillllllflfllli 5 BLOOS BROS are back in town.— ■ lems. I bagged a few tigers for there are only 150 white rhino MIXED HOCKEY MCHUGH: Dorn, Sean, Nathan, Paul, Paul— * Yes we were the 'OIKS' making the w m Fenham 5 we never thought he'd be as irritating as you 2 racket at the back of the Lacrosse 5 sport, and God knows how many remaining, all because some M edics 1 The medics were well and truly plas­ said . . . BUT HE IS. 2 Ball. Stonkingly massive 9 piece 5 trees were felled for, or by, the Arab rotter insists on having an tered. Stick to flower arranging next week Medics. A. MCKENNA'S big chat up line . . . "Hey 2 blues band including hom section so 2 war effort. I regret the detrimen­ ivory handle to his ceremonial Best Actor: Robin Niven babe. I'm gonna join UNION COUNCIL. 2 come and Boogie—We're on a Mis- 2 Best Fat S lob: Sean Davies tal effect it had on that beautiful dagger. Best Bottom : Lucy ■ sion from God. Best Kicking Back: M artin 2 Now taking orders for Christmas country and I don’t condemn the If these organisations turned Best Supporter: Harry efforts involved in Alaska, but their energies and resources to a * Parties for any societies with any ■ jjc * DfC 3jC 9|C ■ cash left financial assistance of that scale more useful direction than hiding ■ Phone 272 5068—Billy, could be much more appropri­ in ditches to scare hunting To all members of SRS, and anyone else m 987 2079—Barrat ° wears a suit in bed. PAUL you'll get who wants to put up INTERVIEWEES nlllllllllllimilllllllllllR ately applied to the saving of a horses, or ruining scent trails on the clothes show yet. especially THIS YEAR. Please start poppin' in to the Saturday night, Sunday night! Can the * wearing that slinky blue numberl I •» species rather than selected indi­ with aniseed, or picketing our SRS OFFICE NOW. "FLUFFY" Flowerpot Man stand the pace? viduals of a particular species. essential nuclear power stations, Will the small girl in black follow her purple LAINEY: Australia, Manchester, Bloxwich. I'd buddy and poach the first team centre? follow you to the end of the earth. Love The irony is made all the more then probably the greatest moral PADS—who needs Q-Tips when you've g o t. . . MCHUGH: Make us a schlop of of tea me old WILLY. bitter in light of the fact that injustice commitable—the loss of mucker? Did Beth and Nige have a fried egg sandwich STEVE MAHONE has become a wet S O M E O N E TO Russia still hunts whales for our richest most beautiful blanket—was it Sue who helped him make it on Sunday night?

“ scientific reasons” , and that the environments with their un­ Greg Smith, following in Fuller's footsteps, T A L K T O 50 companies attending Japanese butchers have gone discovered species, or species recovered well from the purple haze. AIESEC Fifteen to one! Did Tony's groupies ballhand- CAREERS DAY further and resumed commercial ling let them down as APPLETON peaked Niteline themselves, could be avoided. Tuesday, 15th November 11.00 a.m.-4 p.m. early. whaling in the last few weeks. Just when you thought it was safe to go back S 2612905 8 pm-8 am KINGS'S HALL & PERCY BUILDING A concern for the enviroment Earl Grey on the roads—MAD BAZ II. ALL WELCOME


a broad perspective

Standard Life, Europe’s largest mutual There will be ample opportunity to ask life company, can offer sound training questions and talk to graduates who and long-term careers in a remarkably already work for Standard Life. Wine wide range of areas, including general and savouries will be provided. If you management cannot attend and would like more information, write to: We’ll be at the Imperial Hotel, Jesmond Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne on Wednesday 16th November at 7.00pm John Renz where we’ll be giving a short Graduate Recruitment presentation on our opportunities in: The Standard Life General Management Marketing Assurance Company Actuarial Sales 3 George Street Investment Systems EDINBURGH Surveying EH2 2XZ.

Standard Life We’re better off together 4 COURIER Thursday, 10th November, 1988 Stupid A Swizz RED STRIPE Sir, Sir, It’s perfectly obvious to that S o , th e University core of students possessing a Women’s Group and SWSS minimum of intellect (ruling out CHALLENGE Des, Kit, Darren, SWSS etc.), went to Durham University to That threat was altogether evil and that Earl Grey is not only a picket David Alton’s public The guys and gals at Red pletely ‘right-on’ paper. Remember it came dangerously close to success. fiction but a gimmick to boot. meeting - big deal! Was it Stripe had a bit of a problem Therefore, when we remember Invented by last year’s editor as a really worth wasting valuable with their image. It wasn’t We agreed and four cans of Dear Sir, the sacrificies of those who fought we means of filling the letters page Courier column inches in quite trendy enough. So they the stuff plus a stylish T-shirt On Sunday 13th November I must also remember what that with scandalised sentences, this reporting such a non-event? approached Courier to see could be yours if you can work shall be laying a wreath at the was all about. And in doing that we year’s mediocre and one-sided whether we’d allow them to out the ‘Red Stripe Challenge’ University Remembrance service must appreciate that people and Firstly, in case the abortion dickhead reflects all those subtle run a competition in our com­ given below. as President of the Union Society. groups today, in this country, con­ changes within the Union that obsessives hadn't noticed, tinue to expound national socialist Many students and graduates of we’re all trying to pretend don’t David Alton wasn’t even beliefs. Whilst they might seem Matt Glossier, the famous gal­ this University lost their lives in invisible and insignificant at the exist. talking about abortion, but lery owner, was preparing for both world wars and thus it is present time, it is our duty to ensure However, being a scientist and gave an excellent discourse the launch of his latest new incumbent upon us to remember therefore stupid, I prefer to see this that they can never again cause the on community politics, and exhibit — a prized collection of and appreciate their sacrifice. damage they did in the middle period aristoprat as part of a conspiracy showed himself to be one of Red Stripe lager cans. In particular, those who fought in of this century. dedicated to destroying the clem- cred of a political faction. Trouble is the more radical and astute Unfortunately, just prior to the Second World W ar played a vital 'Lest We Forget’ is not merely a part in defeating the fascist move­ I don't know which one. M .P.’s in the House. the opening of the exhibition, passive annual statement, it implicity Is Earl Grey a pinko, trying to ment which had grown during the Matt was called away on confers a more active responsibility expose the intellectual poverty of Secondly, his Abortion Bill is !930's. It is hard for us now to upon us all. stripey agric conservatism. By put­ history now (it got its second urgent business. Concerned understand the sufferings of that war ting their arguments in typical illogi­ for the security of the exhibits - but perhaps harder still for us to Yours faithfully, reading on January 22nd), so cal, patronising, offensive, jingoistic imagine the scale and nature of the isn't it about time he was left in his collection, he hired a Rob Williams etc. etc. ... is he exposing the national socialist threat. Guard to look after the gallery President jumpered right as the brainless to destroy his political career at night. morons we know and love. on his own? But perhaps this credits him with When Matt arrived at the As for the pickets not being let more nouse than we can expect of a gallery the day before the in - is that really surprising, Anti - Censless lefty journo. Can he really be so show, the Guard was in a very Tory, sorry stupid, as to expect considering that any public Sir, Sir, disturbed state and begged outraged replies fromthe more easily meeting he tried to hold during W. J. Gregg’s letter - Courier (R. E. “Censor’s Black” Courier Matt to cancel the exhibition. No. 787). It was with pity that 1 goaded parts of the left? Does he his campaign was disrupted by 3.11.88, revealed a profound crave the cult status Thee other man When asked why, the Guard “ read” this so-called “ article” in the (among others) SWP and RCP ignorance of the true nature of Courier of 27th October. got from everyone hating him? explained that he had had a activists who, sadly, seem to fascism in this country. Can the Courier be as desperate Let's face it, s/he’e crap. terrible dream during the night for articles that it has to resort to a Yours, have an inherent reluctance to Whilst many people, myself in­ that he and Matt had opened cluded, may not agree with the cheap stunt to fill space, which Cyn Ik allow people to express a point ideology of the Revolutionary Com­ involves the shading of 25:" of front of Fenham of view which is in opposition to the doors, only to find the place munist Party, Mr. Gregg must page column black. Surely readers filled with visitors drinking’ the do not pay ISp to stare into blank their own, and whose idea of appreciate that they do not attempt entire Red Stripe exhibit. to provoke race hatred by blaming space. civilised debate is to shout slo­ all Britain's problems on one section Not only was this gimmick bla­ gans and throw placards about. Immediately, Matt dismis­ of the community for having a tantly politically biased, a waste of Yo! Mr. Alton’s opposition in Par­ sed the Guard. Why did he do different coloured skin, this is the money, but also grossly hypocritical so? 'acceptable human behaviour' of the in a Union which itself censors the Dear “Yo Ed” , liament acquitted themselves no National Front. right of free speech in the banning of Thank you for having the guts better, with his Bill eventually More evidence of Fascist love and such newspapers as The Sun and The and integrity to concentrate our being defeated by a shabby and Daily Mirror. understanding is here in this very impoverished student minds on undemocractic muddle of fili­ city. Vicious attacks against Asian RULES Yours etc., real life and death issues instead families, the flrebombing of Tyne Adam Tindall, bustering and other delaying Get your answer in by Mon­ and Wear A.F.A. President Alec Politics of the mind numbingly trivial tactics - suggesting that when it day 14th November and the 4 McFadden's car. death threats made concerns which usually infest the comes to debate, the pro­ lucky winners will be an­ against A.F.A. workers, I could go ■ Courier welcomes this opportunity to stress that as a newspaper it is independent Letters Page. abortionists have nothing con­ on. Suffice to say if all this comes nounced in the next edition. from the Union and so cannot be held As a trendy D.J. I am glad to have structive to say. Sorry kids it’s for over 18s under Mr. Gregg's definition of responsible for any acts of censorship that picked up the gauntlet and discussed 'acceptable human behaviour', I sug­ Yours etc., only. go on within the building. the state of the world’s flares and gest he seeks psychiatric advice. P.A. technology. Ethiopian famine Lucy McKeever If Mr. Gregg really believes that and death on the streets of Northern the thugs of the N.F. have sleepless nights worrying about racial attacks, Ireland may be a laugh but please then he is choosing to ignore the Manly can we harp on continually stringing mass of evidence which links them together tired cliches involving the with acts of racist terrorism. (For Sir, words “bleedin’” and “Rockshots”. further elucidation, read a copy of In the words of Marvin Gaye “ You Well done! Searchlight). If he wishes to strike a Bastard Dad!” — no only kidding - I Yours, blow for ‘acceptable human mean “ What's going on?” . Shit-Stu-Stirrer-Iggy/-unpopular behaviour' perhaps he should con­ These bleedin’ stotties mate -■ sider getting involved in the Union's they’re bang out nf order. Not only Anti-fascist Society which currently are they well expensive (cheaper in1 Erf embraces members of all political the toon ya nee), but it’s so bleedin' LETTERS E r f persuasions from Tories to Trots- obvious (Peter Beardsely sic.) that E-< CO kyites. Fascism must be fought, they’re days old. All letters should be «=*: history proves it cannot be appeased. Not off the hook yet — they taste- o I would like to think that ignor­ addressed to the c u like a wet fart in a Presto’s carrier' Erf ance prompted Mr. Gregg's danger­ bag! Sort your lives out people or' Editor and handed in ous apology for these scumbags, the we’ll all bugger off to pastures green. alternative is that Mr. Gregg's stand­ to the Courier Office i— i 1 bet that nice Mr. Sidney' E—< ards of ‘acceptable human McGrath, the incredibly versatile' (on Level Four behind 1 5 «=C behaviour’ are the same ones that {sic.) Publicity Officer will help. the Cochrane Lounge) CC £—1W O were practised at Dachau and He’s a man’s man. CD O Auchswitz. Answer this yer bleeder. by 5.00 p.m. on pen E—« c r> Yours etc.. Name and address withheld I Friday. c o CO An angry anti-fascist for fear of reprisals1 o s »—i u : > E rf r i E—• r t . CO £.»■ - 1 -0 I 5 ; E rf BA-LOONY — j b o I— | Dear Daphne, > c=> DAPHNE I always considered myself a bit 3 = «=C of a sexual prude. This was until a E r f SS C O few months ago, when a friend's E—■ DOES IT mother asked me to supervise her E r f OS E r f 1 daughter's 8th Birthday Party. No l— 1 Q - d on't w orry. I’m not a -— > L j Q c y E=* Paedophile, but when the party E rf CO FLAWED ended and all the kids had left, I OS E r f Dear Daphne, was introduced to a whole new O c r> I am a Fine Artist with a experience. In short, I discovered g - l i S c 3 problem and I'm at my wits end. CL_ that I had a fetish for Balloons. I E rf E r f E rf I thought I had prepared myself find red and orange ones the most O OS CO c c O S thoroughly for University and stimulating. Am I cracking up or is '— 1 o H rf done all the right things; all my DECISIVE this normal behaviour? Are there E—• _ 1 E rf O-. jumpers have holes in them, all Dear Daphne, any other balloon enthusiasts o I’ve been a zoologist living in 1—1 E rf 9 C my T-shirts are ripped, I have around as I’d love to get in touch o E—* Fenham for three years but I still with someone who shares my o s • 3 several pairs of dungarees and can’t decide which is the quickest E r f Cl-, everything I have, without ex­ way into the University. Do I walk interest in the big, round, sexy, CO squeaky, yummy, scrummy, OS CO ception, is totally covered in past Castle Lcazcs park? Do I get s z C 3 s s the No. 39 bus to Gallowgate?, or I touchy, raunchy, lovely, saucy c=> o paint, I even have a flawless — r* trek up the West Road to get the things. Perhaps we could compare 1—1 z CO about me. I’ve become so o bohemiene that I’ve quite for­ problem. My tutor says I should South Gosforth z CD forget about it, put my ordinance DQ ►—I s s gotten which public school I E—^ 1—1 survey maps and tape measures Daphne says: There is some strange E r f went to. Needless to say, I'm away and get down to serious work shit going on in your head and Q c z> for my finals, but what happens on o I— 1 absolutely shit at art but I had no frankly I don't want to know about CO idea you had to be able to draw. exams day if, in my dichotomy, I’m it. 1 spend my whole life getting OS := > o late? Please, please, please help. DQ E g o E rf What should I do. Confused of Crowthorne totally unfunny letters from knobs > - • like you. There is nothing even E rf i— i E r f Stressed of the Strawberry Daphne says: z C b 5 2 The University will be remotely sexy about balloons; they E—• 5 1—1 E—« CC fa a better place when you leave it, Daphne says: Paint a sunflower f**ckwit. are made of plastic and you can't and cut o ff your ear. even put your penis in them. Thursday, 10th November, 1988 COURIER Simply the best training ftjr the business

KPMG, of which Peat than for them, closely Marwick McLirttock is supported by your the UK practice) is department manager theworLd's largest and training coun­ firm of professional sellor, combining accountants. intellectual study W e are already with exceptional practical planning for the 1990's and investing experience and in future growth. enjoying the best Graduates-the possible prepara­ partners and tion for passing business managers your professional of tomorrow - have qualification. long been regarded by Our size and us as the key to our strength on both sides future success. As a result of the Atlantic and around our reputation for professional the world creates a wide and practical training is unrivalled. range of career options in finance, For the cream of this year's graduates, management and consultancy. Ability is the Chartered Accountancy with P M M is sim ply only deciding factor and progress can be fast the best possible introduction to the busi­ moving and far reaching. ness world. For example it is estimated that Whatever your current degree subject, if over a quarter of the financial directors of you seek the best training for a career in the UK's top one thousand listed companies business, choose Chartered Accountancy have been PMM trained. with PM M . Even among the "Big Eight" Chartered For more details, please contact your Accountancy practices we are unique. We Careers Adviser or write directly to: are distinguished by a departmental struct­ Charles Tilley, Staff Partner, ure that offers exposure to all aspects of a Peat Marwick McLintock, client's account rather than a narrow school­ 1 Puddle Dock, Blackfriars, ing in audit. You will w ork w ith clients rather London EC4V3PD.

m m a v Am a m m. aa Peat Marwick McLintock Come along and meet us! W e will be visiting Newcastle University for a Presentation on the evening of the 16th November with interviews being held on the 17th November. Ask your Careers Adviser for full details. COURIER Thursday, 10th November, 1988

35. Dire Straits...... Telegraph Road ALL TIME FAVOURITE ALBUM COVER 36. Whitney Houston.... I Wanna Dance With Somebody FREE 37. Mick Jagger& David Bowie.... Dancing In The Street 1. ...... Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts In respect of the Requiem's TOP? 38. AC/DC ...... Whole Lotta Rosie Club Band 39. Heart...... j...... ^....>,1...... Alone 2. Pink Floyd..... 100th anniversary, the THE NESCAFE STUDENT ALL TIME ...... Dark Side of the Moon 40. The Jam.... Northern Sinfonia reverted TOP 50 SINGLES CHART 1988 ...... Going Underground 3. Fleetwood Mac...... Tango in the Night to Faur6's original Reproduced by Courtesy o f University 41. The Cure...... — Love Cats 4. Marillion...... Script for a Jesters Tear | 42. Peter Gabriel orchestration: a string Radio and Nescafe ...... Games Without Frontiers 5. Queen...... A Kind of Magic I ensemble led by violas, solo 1. Queen...*...... I...... Bohemian Rhapsody 43. U2...... WhereThe Streets Have No Name 6. Marillion...... Misplaced Childhood 1 violin and harp, and select 2. led Zeppelin...... Stairway to Heaven 44. Phil Collins...... Against All Odds 7. DireStraits...... Love Over Gold woodwind and brass. 3. Ultravox...... ^....Vienna 45. Lou Reed...... Perfect Day 8. Mealloaf...... Bat Out of Hell A common interest in 46. U 2...... 1 ...... Pride (InThe Name Of Love) 9. Iron Maiden... ClicK 4. New Order...... Blue Monday ...... Somewhere in Time chamber music has spurred 5. Gerry Rafferty...... Baker Street 47. EL0...... ! ...... Mr. Blue Sky 10. The Beatles...... White Album the intimacy between the 6. Simple Minds...... Don't You Forget About Me 48. Martha and The Muffins...... Echo Beach Sinfonia and Conductor MAD LOVE 7. Dire Straits...... Romeo and Juliet 49. Marillion...... Kayleigh ALL TIME FAVOURITE GROUPS Love in the Asylum Jean-Bernard Pommier. He 8. Kate Bush...... Wuthering Heights 50. Rush...... Spirit of Radio Jewish Mother (November 1st 1988) brought out the work's 1. Genesis 6. U2 9. The Smiths...... How Soon Is Now? The Jewish Mother unwrapped and presented the new, smoothness especially 2. Beatles 7. Pink Floyd 10. MazelO'Connor...... Will You ALL TIME FAVOURITE ALBUMS professionalised "Love In The Asylum", sporting a much concentrating on the 3. Queen 8. MariUion 11. Soft Cell...... Tainted Love 1. Pink Floyd...... The Wall improved drummer and a refreshing eclecticism in their flowing lines of the 4. The Smiths 9. The Police 12. The Police...... Every Breath You Take 2. U2...... The Joshua Tree m a te ria l. sopranos and tenors which 5. Dire Straits 10. Rolling Stones 3. DireStraits.... A lot of the songs were played live for the first time and much introduce many of Faure's 13. Peter Gabriel...... Sledgehammer ...... Brothers in Arms 4. Meatloaf...... credit must go to George Kitchner for the progression of the band in famous harmonies. 14. EricClapton...... Wonderful Tonight ...... Bat Out of Hell ALL TIME FAVOURITE MALE SINGERS 5. The Smiths.... this respect. Love In the Asylum mix many influences including pop The soloists disappointed 15. Derek & The Dominos...... Layla ...... The Queen is Dead 1. Phil Collins 7. Chris de Burgh 6. DireStraits.... guitar, jazz and country and western; there appears to be no weak because their obvious 16. DireStraits...... Brothers In Arms ...... Love Over Gold 2. Peter Gabriel 8. Elvis CosteDo potential was hidden behind 17. Meatloal...... Bat Out Of Hell 7 Paul Simon...... Graceland link whatever musical turn the band decides to take. 3. David Bowie 9. Michael Jackson restrictive techniques: 8. Prefab Sprout...... Steve McQueen "Six Miles Off the Ground" and the old favourite "Gravity" are 18. Don McLean ...... American Pie 4. Sting 10. Elton John 9. The Beatles Alison Hargan's 'Pie Jesu' 19. Genesis...... Turn It On Again .. Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts 5. Morrisey 11. Freddie Mercuiy 1 fine was too operatic, whilst examples of the wild west "pork and beans" influences. I feel Dolly 20. Peter Gabnel...... Don't Give Up Club Band 6. Bruce Springsteen 12. Prince Mark Tinkler's ‘Libera Me' 10. Sting...... "Newton's Cradle" Parton couldn't help but swing to these two. 21. The Beatles...... Hey Jude ...... Dream of the Blue Turtles seemed rather bottled up 22. Joy Division...... Love Will Tear Us Apart A ll TIME FAVOURITE FEMALE SINGERS 1 Since two members of the band graduated this year, Love In The and subsequently flat at 23. JohnLennon...... Imagine 1. Kate Bush 6. Alison Moyet Asylum have adopted a more serious attitude to their work. Gemma tim es. ALL TIME FAVOURITE MUSIC FILMS 24. The Smiths...... This Charming Man 2. Annie Lennox 7. Debbie Harry Wilson's backing vocals have ceased to be an added attraction, they 'In Paradisium* was a 1. The Blues Brothers 25. The Eagles...... Hotel California are now a necessary part of the whole. fitting end to the evening. 3. Whitney Houston 8. Stevie Nicks 26. DireStraits...... Private Investigations 2. The Wall-Pink Floyd This new professionalism has left no aspect of the band The sopranos sang beauti­ 4. Aretha Franklin 9. Tina Turner 27. Phil Collins...... InThe Air Tonight 3. Grease unimproved. Love In The Asylum are to support Desmond Dekker in fully without apparent 5. Suzanne Vega 10. Siouxsie Sioux 28. Chris De Burgh...... Lady In Red 4. The Rocky Horror Picture Show Sunderland. D- N u tt break, expressing in the 29. Cars...... JSi...... £ ...... Drive 5. Tommy - The Who ALL TIME FAVOURITE LIVE ACTS words of Faure "not so much 6. Stop Making Sense - Talking Heads the fear of death as the 30. The Beatles...... Strawberry Fields Forever 1. Queen 6. Peter Gabriel 7. The Sound of Music POETRY AT MORDEN TOWER peacefulness of eternal 31. Talking Heads...... Road To Nowhere I U2 7. MariKion 8. Little Shop of Horrors Morden Tower has which is lacking in some of the rest." 32. The Police...... Roxanne 3. Genesis 8. Rush 9. Woodstock established itself in its larger venues. Tim Hammond 33. Bruce Springsteen...... BomtoRun 4. Bruce Springsteen 9. The Pogues 10. Highlander twenty five years of Recent attractions at Mor­ 34. U2...... New Year's Day 5. Dire Straits 10. Simple Minds existence as the North den Tower have included Ken East's leading venue for Smith, William Martin, and Neil poets of national and Astley (from the North East), A GOOD DEAL MORE . international standing to and, on the international front, And All Because The Lady Loves - O u y Osbourne - N o Rest For A n yth in g But A Soft C entre...... £5.99 The W ic k e d ...... £5.99 m e e t and read th e ir w o rk . poets from Poland and Ger­ Anita Baker - Giving You The Pet Shop Boys - Introspective...... £5.99 PART-TIME STAFF Best That I G o t...... £5.99 R att- Reach For The Sky ...... £5.99 The Tower is in fact a turret many. Black-Comedy ...... £5.99 REM - Eponymous...... £5.99 Billy Bragg - Workers Playtime ...... £4.49 Keith R ich a rd s-T a lk Is Cheap...... £5.99 in the old city walls, located Admission is only £1.00 for Bomb The Bass - Into The Dragon ...... £5.99 The Smiths -R ank ...... £5.99 required by the Bon Jovi - New Jersey ...... £5.99 That Petrol Emotion - End Of The half-way along the cobbled students, and the readings run Julian Cope - My Nation Underground__ £5.99 Millenium Psychic Blue ...... £5.99 from 8.00 p.m. until 10.00 p.m. Dogs D *Am our - In The D ynam ite Tanita Tikaram - Ancient Heart...... £5 99 lane behind Stowell Street. Je t S a lo o n ...... £5.49 T'Pau - R age...... £5.99 This obscure location is one of This Friday (November 11) Enya - Watermark ...... £5.99 Transvision V a m p -P o p A rt...... £5.99 NEWCASTLE PLAYHOUSE Europe - Out Of This W o rld ...... £5.99 Waterboy-Fisherman sBlues ...... £5.49 the reasons why so few Carol Rumens, author of six The Fall - 1 Am Kurious O ra n j...... £5.99 U2 - Rattle A n d H u m ...... £7.49 people actually turn up for the books of poetry, and Literary FROM RECORDS & TAPES Bar — Kitchen — Coffee Bar readings — audiences of 15 are Fellow at the University, wiil considered exceptional! be reading: any budding liter­ M A W u M C r Please Tel: 2610703 or call in to the foyer However, this does give ati will find the event well Your Friendly Independent Record Store. 30 Ridley Place, Newcastle Tel. 2321678 to make an appointment. readings conducted there a worth attending! particularly intimate quality. la in P ig g




FRIDAY — LEVEL 2 — The Disco Dancing experience tickets still only £1 before 9.15! SAT. — Football, rugby, hockey and James Herriot on the Beeb. SUN. — Hangover Cure No. 7. — A greasy fry up. MON. — The Mens Bar November 14th, TUE. — The Cochrane Quiz. Big prizes. Big fun. Big Eddie, Quizmaster General. 5.15 p .m . WED. — I still provide FREE JAZZ in the Airport Lounge. in the SKANKING THURS. 17th-STEEL PULSE only £4.50 Debating Chamber THE BEST LIVE REGGAE ACT IN THE WORLD' N.M.E. Return after 2 years and this is one of the few UK dates SLASH THE BUDGET OF YOUR FAVOURITE ENEMIES / M i and the Skanking Crew Thursday, 10th November, 1988 COURIER 7 LISTINGS GIGS: Big Union Events: Fri. 11th. Level Two Disco with cheap drinks 9.00- 10.00—show an Ents. Steward you care! Thurs. 17th. SC R O T T Y I STEEL PULSE makes a pounding heart. Classic exponents of the best of REGGAE. (Level 2). Tickets £4 from Box Office every lunchtime. Riverside: h o r r i b l e Fri. 11th. Rocky Horror, Level 2 ! Dinosaur Jr. (+A.C. Temple) £3 adv/£3.50 Well, Darlings, it was Thursday night, just after The Sicilian door. Halloween, and it was Rocky Horror night. I lovingly Tyneside Cinema Sun. 13th. Michael Cimino's "The Sicilian" The Station Club presents: Bolthrower inserted my lithe, oh-so-masculine body into my new had the potential to be great; RECORDS Cerebral + Distorted Truths (sound won­ basque and fishnets, of which Fenwicks seemed to have based on the novel by Mario Puzo, it, and we love him for it. This is derful) £2.50 adv./£.300 door. sold a lot of over the last couple of days, and spent the it has a handful of good internatio­ Laibach have produced a another excellent album includ­ Mon. 14th. next hour being made up into the gorgeous transvestite I nal Actors (Christopher Lambert, The Darling Buds + The Corn Dollies. Joss Ackland, Ray McAnnaly, and manic cover-version of the last ing such gems as 'Kurious am . Tues. 15th. promptly started. Terence Stamp). It's got magnifi­ Beatles album (minus the title Oranj', 'Cab it Up’ and the Goodbye Mr. McKenzie. Meanwhile, back at the cent photography and a stirring Three screens showing Brad track). Sometimes it's extre­ wonderfully haunting 'Bad Wed. 16th. Union, four hundred-odd trans­ score by David Mansfield. Sadly and Janet's adventure in Frank- mely difficult to recognise the News Girl'. Fall are still a Rose of Avalanche £3 adv./£3.50 door. vestites, riff-raffs and lab-coated the film didn't quite make it. enfurter's castle burst into life, Francisco Rosi's Film "Salvatore originals, half the time it sounds genuinely alternative band, a persons were starting the even­ THEATRE: as did the assembled transex­ Guiliano" deals with the same like Darth Vader singing to a message brilliantly conveyed in Gulbenkian Studio: ing off with a splash as water subject the life of a Sicilian Bandit uals. We timewarped wildly, space age orchestra. However, their anarchic version of Blake's Mon. 14th. pistols and squeezy bottles o f th e 1 9 4 0 's. IRIE! Dance Company present "Orfeo in danced, strutted and flirted. I there is quite a mixture of styles 'Jerusalem'. ruined the little dears’ make-up. Guiliano is portrayed as a sym­ a NightTown"—The Orpheus myth set to propositioned half of the more pathetic character who wants to and influences ranging from the That gorgeous hunk of an Ents. Human League— reggae, steel-pan and ska with music beautiful people of both sexes— give the peasants money to buy the Messiah (""), the composed by Mike Rose of Aswad. Officer, Mike "stockings under land they are entitled to. Greatest Hits lucky boys. heavy metal of "I've Got a Wed. 16th. my jeans” Newman ensured The quirkyness of the plot What can one say about a 'Trapped in Time"—a rip-roaring comedy Unfortunately all good things Feeling" and the Public Enemy that Level Two did not turn into stretches to Salvatore's beautiful Human League compilation; all set in the imaginary Brittania Theme Park. have to end, and so did the true love, Giovanna whose brother sound of "One after 909", with the swimming pool it was last the familiar, and excellent pop (See front page). movie. My stockings along with is the leader of the local commu­ a passing choirof angels stuck in year, by positioning some very nists; the brutal treatment of hits of better days past are there the entire room, were caked in for good measure (Across the CINEMA: big boys from security outside traitors, and the mountain top including the classic "Being Tyneside: flour and water, one of my Universe). If you like hellish- the toilets to stop any pints of wedding party singing "In the Boiled" and awful "Electric Thurs. 10th. suspenders had snapped, and M ood". crazed music— here it is. water finding their way into Dreams", plus a re-released Cinema 1. "The Sicilian". my nipples were showing above Inevitably, things go wrong for Sun. 13th. Level 2 and over eyeliner and Guiliano, keeping everybody The Fall— Crash track. The Pet Shop Boys the basque. Cinema 2. 'The Gospel According to St hair-do. happy is impossible and he falls I am Kurious Oranj. say they play 'tragi-disco', the Matthew''. Nevertheless, being the sex­ Made-up, coiffeured and ooz­ victim of his own myth. The Fall are back with the Human League probably Mon. 14th.-Sat. 19th. iest, most beautiful transvestite "The Sicilian" can be described invented the form. The ultimate Cinema 1. "The Fruit Machine". ing sex, I wriggled and flounced sound-track to Michael Clark’s there, I set out to prove it. Ten as 'gloriously inept*, but yet we in better sweet dance Mon. 14th-Sat. 19th. down to Level 2, and the film found it strangely compelling; it's acclaimed ballad. The Fall have minutes, and as many time- "Milagro Beanfield War". worth a visit if you are a fan of always been able to be innova­ romance—the only true new Mon. 14th‘Sat. 19th. warps later, and there were Christopher Lambert, or fed up of tive while still maintaining their romantics. John Dayjs Cinema 2. "Distant Voices. Still Lives". three of us left on stage in the role reversal celluloid. PLUS . . . A short series of films wholly original sound. Mark E. Records: final time warp to decide the Demon Tweeks concerning the world of work, the role of Smith can't sing, but he knows Courtesy Volume Records Unions and the untold conflicts of power. best-dressed transvestite. See Arts pages for details. Unfortunately, the philistine Cannon 1: "A Fish Called Wanda" 1.15, audience was not as impressed (2.10). 4.30 (5 25). 7.45 (8.30). Sun. 3.45 by the perfection of my make­ (4.40). 7 00 (7.40). 2: 'Taffin" 1.20 (1.40). 3.40 (4.00). 6.00 up, hair, attire, beauty, and (6.20). 8.20 (8.40). Sun. 3.10 (3.30). 5.30 posturing, as they were by the (5.50). 8.00 (8.20). winner's strip-show. Apart from Odeon: "Colors". him. there was no competition "Buster” 1.05. 3.30. 5.55. 8.20. "Good Morning Vietnam". Sat. & Sun at all. \lou)^eeos blsej^ To Hs l p Urm Fri. & Mon.-Thurs., Watch out world, that darling, 5.20. 8 p.m. Mike Newman promises me ' Big". 10.20 (Sat. only). 12.50, that Rocky will return next term. £ll£GLH + Stf oppii^ TfiiP OkJ 3.20. 5.50, 8.20. Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. Sat I challenge you all to out-dress 10.55. 1.00. 3.05. Sun. 1.00. 3.05. me! Rocky Rob IsfON/- /SH n ( j - S O O p m CuM&ikian, # STUDIO THEATRE ^COMMON GROUND D ANCE THEATRE r U l C S S < y Britain's touring company of deaf and hearing dancers and actor*. ENRAPTURED exhilarating dance theatre


T hu47N oy T he largest selection of VINTAGE AMERICAN Wed 16 Nov CLOTHING IN THE NORTH­ EAST ALONGSIDE AN EXCLUSIVE RANGE OF SCHOTT LEATHER JACKETS, U.S. COLLEGE WEAR, TRAPPED AVIATOR CLOTHING, WESTERN WEAR, ORIGINAL T-SHIRTS, CONVERSE FOOTWEAR AND ALL IN ACCESSORIES. FIND US AT 12-14 CROSS ST. NEWCASTLE by Kathleen McCreery TIME adapted from Elizabeth DEVISED BY STEVE CHAMBERS AND THE COMPANY Gaskell's novel 9 OLIVE ST. SUNDERLAND rip-roaring comedy in a theme park Performances begin at 8.00pm ~ student tickets £2.20 8 COURIER Thursday, 10th November, 1988

theatrical notions of social & responsiblity and class comes S across in its commitment being ATHENA further defined by its working practice: Amber is a technician based group and, therefore, those responsible for the practi­ cal implementation of creative Understandably enough, to most working class, massive changes ideas and the creative team are people, the SIDE Gallery means were imminent in the North A-SIDE . . . one and the same. little more than yet another of East's traditional industries and Channel 4 has also provided Jimmy Forsyth’s Scotswood therefore the surrounding com­ major upfront financial support Road photographs on an ENTS munities who supplied the work­ A look at the place behind the posters in addition to offering access to a or publicity poster around the force. Amber’s aim was to much wider audience. Union. Yet this unobtrusive ‘record and communicate': While concerned that some Quayside workshop inspires documenting the North East shared between the members warehouse complex on the photography and there were work reaches ‘mass’ audiences much more than the last minute working class life. At the start and their projects. Obviously, quayside where they are still similarly limited exhibition most of these units are con­ need to advertise Level 2. Simi­ they made straightforward, this kind of non-commercial cul­ based. They were able to convert venues for films in that sector. cerned specifically with their tural work involved a big fight larly, countless student bed­ visually orientated films on it via grants and its aim was a Amber/Side was therefore regions and their own creative rooms have seemingly, since the shoestring budgets. Most of the for survival financially. It was cinematic one; as a platform for born from this need for perma­ interpretation of reality. dawn of time, been decorated group held part time posts in not until the mid 1970’s that film makers and Independent nent exhibition space. The Side The pressure of television exp­ with ‘right on' black and white education to finance themselves, Northern Arts first gave Amber films shunned by the large com­ Gallery itself has a central policy osure will inevitably have its images of shoeless innocents, using the principle of an egalita­ a revenue grant. mercially orientated cinema to foster the ‘Documentary Tra­ influence on all these projects smiling through the decline of rian wage structure whereby The Side Gallery emerged chains. In the early 70’s art dition' and give on going support and the future for groups like North East Industry. But these their wages were pooled and when Amber bought the small galleries were reluctant to show to photographers in the North Amber/Side is uncertain in the essential student accessories are East. This involves work based current recession although their not produced by some faceless on issues relevant to the region; production and exhibition ‘Athena’-like airbrushing con­ i.e. the decline of the traditional potential may be healthier now glomerate. Not only is the Gal­ industries, the effects of the than ever before. For Amber/ lery a largely exclusive outlet for ensuing unemployment and Side the Channel 4 relationship all kinds of modern documentary inner-city poverty on the com­ is therefore central in the current photography, a good place to buy munities. climate of political uncertainty well trendy postcards, posters The policy of the Side Gallery especially concerning the media and have tea but also part of a can, therefore, be defined as a concerned, as it is, they only ever non-profit distributing workshop commitment to the production, cover their costs. outlet for documentary artwork exhibition and distribution of “We do not, and cannot, in the North East: Amber/Side. photography within a broadly ignore the social climate of our Amber films was formed by a based documentary tradition. It time. Since the relative affluence small group of film and photo­ addresses itself to social and and optimism of the 60's and graphy students in London in political concerns both current easy 70’s, the North East has and historical with specific com­ 1968. The group wanted to work witnessed a steady onslaught on mitment to work produced in the together outside the mainstream its main industries . . . The film industry as ‘independents'. Northern Region. This priority working class of the North East to provide support for photo­ Their move to Newcastle was an is rapidly becoming a work-less inspirational choice based graphers in and around Newcas­ class, which together with the tle takes the form of realistic around their broad aim; to dispersal of its communities has funding, short term commissions record the lives of working class been made ‘state-less’ as well as people where traditional indus­ and purchasing work either for status-less. While continuing to exhibition, publication or inclu­ tries still existed. celebrate the people the group’s sion in the Side Gallery archives. Although at that time it was work is inevitably becoming In the same vein, the Amber not fashionable to document the Survival in Britain's Inner Cities socially sharper.” policy, as well as being its Clemency Firth "We don't know who GENERAL MEETING it was discovered water, but we’re pretty ON POLL TAX sure it wasn’t a fish. ” Pithcr John Culkin of Focdham


The night November 1938 A Nazis burn 190 synagogues 7,500 nesses. A hundred were f V thousands injured. W ^ B ^ B ^ B This the rise of B ^ B ^ H F ^ B Fascism in Britain and invite represen- ^ ^ ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B the ^ B ^ B ^ B ^ B express their opin- ^ ^ ^ B ^ B ^ ^ B ^ B ^ ^ B i ^ B ^ B ^ ^ B

ions- -w,a,u.,nb„Hu.,nre- I B B J m j 1 ■ m v m m Part One: An ever present danger The British Variety DEMOCRATS CONSERVATIVES First they came for the Jews and I did The recent controversy over whether the Home not speak out - because I was not Secretary should ban the broadcasting of the views of a J$w ■ Sinn Fein and the IRA has re-kindled the argument as to whether the opinions of anti-democratic or Then they came for the communists murderous organisations should be published. I On October 4th 1936, Mosley's Blackshirt army were delivered by Mrs. Thatcher. Before the 1979 election the and I did not speak out - because I would suggest thay they should; it is only by defeated in the Battle of Cable Street. Mosley had Conservatives promised to introduce legislation to curb was not a communist. permitting discussion of the policies (or lack of them) previously boasted that he would march through the East the influx of immigrants of an ‘alien Culture'. of any political grouping that one can maintain a End to terrorise the Jewish community. However, the The Front were electorally crushed in the summer of Then they came for the trade unionists people of East London barricaded his path and the 1979. It quickly disintegrated into competing factions. and I did not speak out - because I > healthy and vibrant democracy. However, that last statement needs qualifying. Conservatives believe in Blackshirts were prevented from entering the East End. Tyndall went off to form the British National Party. was not a trade unionist. the freedom of thought, however evil and repugnant The British Union of Fascists never recovered, their Webster was expelled. Jordon's fall was more ignomi­ Then they came for m e-a n d there was those thoughts may be. It is only when those thoughts support declined, finally to disappear with the onset of nious. He had been the 'Fuhrer' of the skinhead British no-one left to speak but for me. spill out to threaten civil order or the well-being of any the Second World War. Movement and his influence over the NF leadership was considerable. He was forced to resign after being Pastro Niemoller individual that action must be taken, whatever legal But since the Sixties the dark shadow of Fascism has convicted of shoplifting Ladies underwear. His protesta­ (victim o f the Nazis)! action is taken, in the long term the only hope for returned to Britain. Organisations like the National tions of a 'Jewish Conspiracy' were not taken seriously. democracy is that it has the support and trust of the Front, the British National Party and the British The British Movement collapsed shortly afterwards. For students in 1988, the subject of racism is all population. Movement have crawled out from the racist gutter. The Today, the far right are divided into three rival too frequently perceived as a taboo topic, an scapegoats are different but the message is the same; groups; the National Front, the National Front Support issue not to be deliberated upon, or one that we It is so easy for any government in trouble to blame Racism, xenophobia and violence. The Fascists are group (NFSG) and the British National Party. must be careful not to confront too openly - in national ills on external powers or even minority marching again. The National Front have rejected electoralism. the vain and misguided hope that by carrying groups within the country. This action gives rise to The roots of modern British Fascism lie not in Concentrating their energies in building an elite group of on with our social, cultural and academic lives, the sight of rampant nationalism that was witnessed Mosley's Blackshirts but rather in the more obscure 'political soldiers', they describe themselves as national and by refusing to give in to racists and their in Europe during the 1930's. To say ‘this couldn't Imperial Fascist League. The League was formed in the revolutionaries. Influenced by Strasserism, or the ‘Third prejudices, they will sooner or later give up and happen in Britain’ is to be naive; fascist activity twenties and was modelled upon Hitler's National Road’, an anti capitalist, anti communist, racist ideol­ go away. boomed in the mid-1970's during the economic crisis, Socialist Workers' Party. It was violently pro German ogy, they have developed a new ‘Strategy of tension'. Britain is a racist society. That is a fact. But with the immigrant population being blamed for ills Through political violence they hope to create condi­ and anti semetic. However, it was Mosley's British what is racism and why is it part of our way of that were of our own making. Some say that we are Union of Fascists with it's Italian flavour, that grew tions in which an authoritarian Nationalist movement life? A simple definition is that racism is equal facing the same situation today; if this is so that is menacingly in the thirties. The League remained tiny, can seize power. Links with far right terrorists in Europe even more frightening. After sixty years of compul­ isolated on the fringes of the far right. and Loyalist Paramilitary organisations in Northern to power and prejudice. This means that a sory education it is depressing to think that any After the Second World War, the League provided Ireland have been promoted. racist is prejudiced because of another person political philosphy based on fear and greed and Britain's post war Fascist Leadership. Men like Colin The National Front Support group is more loosely or group’s race or skin colour - and is in a violence can gain support. Jordon, whose name is synonymous with the develop­ organised. With 3,000 activists, it concentrates it's position to do something to harm that person ment of post war Fascism gained their political activities at football grounds. It publishes a newspaper or community. Yet this slide towards extremism is not inevitable education from the League. called the Flag and a journal called 'Vanguard'. Certain rountine practices and procedures in and can be resisted, and I would wholeheartedly Jordon formed the National Socialist Movement, a Although the British National Party is the smallest of Britain today take the form of directly discrimi­ support any publicity campaign against extremism. I Hitlerite organisation whose members had a penchant the three it is undoubtedly the most offensive. Formed nating against certain minority groups, would be less willing to see a campaign aimed, as a for SS uniforms. Through the ranks of the NSM racists by John Tyndall, the former chairman of the National whether it be in health, housing, employment knee-jerk reaction solely at fascism as any perceived like John Tyndall and Martin Webster came to Front, it is an avowedly Nazi group. The Party and it's or education. There is racism in the education threat to society does not come exclusively from the prominence. They exploited the issue of immigration leaders have been regularly prosecuted for inciting racial system, there are racist lecturers and students ‘right'. Communists and anarchists in their various and incited racial violence by forming the White hatred with Tyndall having recently spent a spell in who hold racist views. shades and colours provide an equal threat to Defence League. In the early sixties both Jordon and prison. This week, of all weeks, is a time to consider democracy, and it is a threat that needs to be Tyndall were jailed for Paramilitary activities. It's Newspaper, British Nationalist is obsessively aspects of racism and the anti-racism cam­ challenged as readily as that from the fascists. It was the formation of the National Front in 1967 that racist, and antisemetic. According to the BNP, the paign. Fifty years ago on the night of 9/10 Utopian communism may appear to be an idyllic the disparate forces of racist politics came together as a Holocaust never happened. The Blacks were brought to November, the Nazi terrorisation of the Jews state; in fact it is as oppressive and vicious as unified political force. The front was a broad based Britain as part of a pernicious conspiracy by Jews to anything Hitler produced. destroy the British nation through race mixing. What climaxed in nationwide riots. In a foretaste of organisation which incorporated various anti- the Holocaust, fires were ignited all over immigration groups, disaffected Tories, and Fascists. It Britain needs is strong leadership, the elimination of The question of how to combat racism is much Germany, and the shattered plate glass that was just the vehicle the racist right needed to exploit the Communism, and the liberal use of the Hangman's harder indeed. One need not be a fascist to be racist, immigration issue. noose. Articles written praising the achievements of was to give the pogrom it name littered the the and the vast majority of racists in this country would The front received a considerable boost when Britain Nazi Germany, and white civilisation are complemented streets of German towns and cities. That night probably label themselves ‘democrats’ and be welcomed Ugandan Asians expelled by Idi Amin. with lurid stories of black rapists and Zionist plots. was called Kristallnacht. horrified at any suggestion that they were otherwise. Under the leadership of Tyndall and Webster the It is 52 years since Mosley tried to terrorise the Jewish Historically, one of the ways in which Hitler For a country that had an empire, we are remarkably electoral support of the NF grew reaching a high-point in community living in the East End of London. Today it is turned people against Jews, blacks and gays intolerant of other races and cultures. On this front I the Local elections of 1977. Asians and Blacks who are discriminated against, was by saying that they were responsible for believe the future is brighter - attitudes are changing The growth of Fascism prompted the formation of attacked and taunted with racial abuse. It is they who German unemployment. Today, many people and people are growing more tolerant. As for the groups like the Anti Nazi League and Rock against have their homes petrol bombed, who are murdered and say that the ethnic minority groups are the more immediate term it is a question of raising public Racism. Anti racist Rock concerts mobilised thousands who are used as scapegoats for unemployment, bad reason for white people being out of work. awareness in a manner that will encourage tolerance. of young people to campaign against the Front. The Nazi housing and poverty. Mosley and his Blackshirts may Fighting racism has to be a priority for the That is the real challenge facing us today. To carry on background of Tyndall and Webster was exposed. have long gone, but Fascism and the racism it thrives students movement. This campaign cannot be preaching racial tolerance in the manner of some of However the killer blow to the National Front was upon are still alive and well in Britain. linked to one political party but must encom­ the ‘looney-left’ councils in London and the Mid­ pass all areas of the political spectrum. lands is to parody and degrade the importance of the Measures to promote racial equality must be message being transmitted. fully explained and thoroughly debated. But, NEXT WEEK: Whatever is done, we must not fall into the trap of they must not be avoided or de-emphasised, fighting fascism and racism from a partisan point of We look at the Fascist press today, for in today’s society racism pervades every view. Then the whole exercise resembles a witch­ THE LAST RESORT the extreme Right in France and area of our lives. hunt and that gives credence and authority to the give the Labour Club and the With acknowledgement to UJS anti-racism views that one is trying to counter and suppress. If Communists the chance to air their campaign. that happens we have lost.

University of G ray & S o n L t d . (Rosbmakuiui) Newcastle upon Tyne |


Pizzeria and Disco 41-42 Saddler Street THE RAINFOREST: A series of Public Lectures: Durham DH1 3NU 1.10 p.m.-1.55 p.m. TWO MINUTE LUNCH Monday 14 November 1988 Tel: (091)386 4168 Tropical Butterflies and Evolutionary Theory Or. Alec Panchen SAUNA • SUNBEDS SPA POOLGYM only £1.95 0 University - Department of Biology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne LUXURIOUS BATHS & SHOWERS Price includes Glass of House Wine Faculty Scarves and Ties 0 Pullovers • Sweatshirts 1.10 p.m.-1.55 p.m. THE LAST RESORT • LEVEL 3 • UNION BUILDING 0 Wall Plaques 0 Car Badges Lecture Series on the Common Three course Special Lunch £2.45 Agricultural Policy 0 Cuff Links 0 Tankards in Honour of. John Ashton ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ This lecture series has been organised # Badges by the Department of Agricultural PIZZA AND PASTA £1.75 Economics and Food Marketing in memory of Professor John Ashton, Mon. - Wed. ALL NIGHT 0 White Overall Coats who was Head of the Department of VOUCHER Thurs. - Sat. 5.30 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. # Hoods and Gowns Agricultural Economics from ENJOY A SESSIO N at Members rate £1.25 for 2 hour session 1964-1986. All lectures are being given 0 Engraved Crystal by his former colleagues as a tribute to the late Professor Ashton. including clean towel and use of sunbed, sauna, spa pool, gym and showers. £ DISCO WED. - SAT. and Glassware Tuesday 15 November 1988 The CAP and the Countryside £ Free Disco with late bar Martin Whitby THE LAST RESORT ► for diners On view at Porters Lodge Reader in Rural Resource Development Curtis Auditorium Valid until Friday, 18th November. Voucher to be given up (not redeemable). 99 Pilgrim Street, Armstrong Building School o f Physics Newcastle upon Tyne and Medical School u S 232 4220 1 10 COURIER Thursday, 10th November, 1988

tion was political not moral. truculent newspapers. The Press They weren’t interested in what I Council is weak, the Courts was supposed to be doing in my notoriously expensive and con­ Harvey Proctori personal life as such but only in voluted and newspapers exces­ the way they thought it could be sively reluctant .to admit to used to bring me down and make errors. (Apologies, if printed, me resign as an M.P.” are usually found hidden some­ What, then, inspired the press where on the bottom of page THE to delve so deeply into his per­ ten). sonal life? Thus, the stake for the news­ “The journalists concerned papers is minimal and attacking with my story came from a people, Parties and even institu­ Socialist newspaper and wanted tions is often eminently feasible. to bring me down to (a) cause a Occasionally blatant lying is not bye-election which they thought beyond their scope as Harvey the government would lose, and Proctor has learnt to his cost. (b) one particular journalist did For example a then freelance not like my views on race and journalist working for the News immigration, thus they chose to O f The World appeared on tele­ exploit my personal difficulties vision with Proctor and stated in order to undermine me”. hand on heart that she had al­ This is a massive claim for ways “told the truth”. Mr. Proc­ I ntervieW anyone to make; that is that he tor then produced a clipping Harvey Proctor sells shirts. He ance to particular sections of the was the victim of a political hate written by her discussing the one evening at a time when the me out on that particular subject used to represent the people of print media. campaign. Does Proctor feel discovery of a leather mattress press wanted to get hold of me. and I felt no inhibitions at all Billericay in the House of Com­ For a while Harvey Proctor very strongly that, ip reality, this with various bondage attach­ She told them I wasn’t in, which about putting them off the scent. mons. However, he felt it expe­ was a news sensation and people was the case? ments in his flat. “Oh!” she was the case, but the two repor­ “I was hounded by certain dient to bow out of this line of would look for him in the papers “It’s not something I feel, it’s exclaimed, “maybe that was a ters weren’t prepared to take members of the media who in work after the laudable British as they would look for pictures of something I know and I say quite lie”. To her credit she renaged clearly it is not a matter of on the accusations and apolo­ ‘ No” for an answer. They other circumstances want to be press dragged his name through the Queen Mum. H6wever, in actually pushed past her and the mud, abused his family and dealing with Proctor’s “case” (be opinion but a matter of fact". gised for her transgressions on considered as liberal and radical Naturally (some may say con­ national television. Of course, walked into the sitting room to but not when they see a political friends in the name of truth and it real, apparent or cynically see if I was there. They pre­ brought his character into ques­ synthesised - who knows?) the veniently) Mr. Proctor must re­ by this point the damage had motive which was to get me out. frain from commenting on the been done. sumed I’d be sat there cowering “It was nobody else’s business tion on their front pages. press conjured up images of which, in fact, I wasn’t. I was Mr. Proctor was accused of horrible homosexuals interfer­ evidence he has which ap­ Another factor to be consi­ and by declaring it, it makes it parently substantiates these dered is the way the press apply sitting on a train between Lon­ somebody else’s business. And having sexual intercourse with ing with little boys - a sort of don and Billericay”. another male who was under the knee jerk journalism which per­ accusations. If, however, Mr. pressure on those associated furthermore, considering that Proctor is proved to be correct with the primary victims. How Proctor believes the press the journalistic motives were age of consent. Were this the petuates myths, sells copies and should have the right and duty to case, the question must arise in destroys people. then the concept of the freedom did the papers treat Proctor’s political, not moral, I don’t think of the press must surely be re­ friends and family? hold up, for public scrutiny, the that declaring myself would have the minds of rational human Was increasing circulation the political views of those in a beings as to whether this was of real motive behind this vised and corralled back within “I think monstrously dis­ made any difference”. the confines of what is humanly gracefully really. For example position of authority. However, Harvey Proctor enjoyed poli­ any significance to the social and onslaught, or was it some sort of 1 this does not give them free rein political fabric of Great Britain. moral crusade? acceptable. my mother who was in her late tics and has, without doubt, lost Individuals find it difficult to seventies, lived in my flat in to trample all over the indi­ a lot. “I always felt I fitted the Unfortunately, it did seem, at “The key journalists involved, vidual’s private life which should the time, to be of great import­ I knew for a fact, their motiva­ gain redress of grievance from Billericay. She was at home early role of an M.P. perfectly”. He remain just that - private. naturally regrets all that has But is it not true that Proctor happened to him. Yet he displayed considerable naivety appears chirpy and on form and in dealing with the press? If he has developed a stoical sense of had declared, and not con­ humour (he has a cartoon cealed, his homosexuality could framed on his shop wall - a # ° c * % he not have denied the papers picture of him with the caption their greatest weapon? “Shirt lifters will be prose­ “I’m not sure I covered it up. I cuted”). MM am neither proud nor ashamed Harvey Proctor is no longer of that aspect of my life nor did I “looking backwards” but to SHIRTS « TIES feel it or hindered the job that I “making a profitable career out BREWERS LANE did. It was politically irrelevant of this new venture”. Will he RICHMOND UPON THAMES and therefore I felt, quite frank­ succeed? ly, that it was downright imperti­ “Oh, I see no reason to doubt f£ & , nent for the press to try and pull Dominic Nutt. GAS FIRES KILL!

t -

HOLD ON! IT'S COMING I THE WEATHER! I'm not hippy people. It's too cold by far what with me wedding tackle shrinking intolnslgnlficance and iddes dripping from me nossles. It's not oni Luckily the Union building Is 'ooh luwly and warm so I spends all me time here and what with steaming hot baths for only 30p and sunbeds in thelast Resort, It’s better than nestling in me ma’s bosom. Do it tool! TODAY! A GENERAL MEETING ON THEPOLLTAX Love It - hate It-It's here to stay. Or is It? Go along to the ecstasy debating chamber at I p.m. toflnd out. Why they keep harassing these poor Polish people a I'll never know and as for taxing the poor beggeni TUt - idunno. MONDAY! THERE ISA FINANCE * UNION COUNCIL On thb day at S pjn. In the Gloria Gaynor debating chamber. If you Ve never been along to oneof these shindigs you'll have to go 'cos they really are rather whlzzol' m TUESDAY ELECTIONS!! (Lucky I dont write witha Ihp really Isn't lt!| Get a dirty great hole In your onion card and vote for peopleyouVe never heard of and certainly w ont buy you a drink If they see you. But do It anyway - faculty reps, welfare officer, FYCorganlser and NUS delegates - what a Jolly bunch. SHOCKERS I 1 t. WEST HAM I 2. SID'S EARBASHING AT EXECI I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T HIS FEET! 3. SID FOR PRESIDENTI 4. IAN MacDONALDS SURGERY IN THE SCIENCE FACULTY INADEQUATELY VENTILATED ROOMS OR BLOCKED FLUES 5. ELECTING A SOCIAL DEMOCRATIII CAN CAUSE A DANGEROUS BUILD-UP OF FUMES!!!!!! ----QUOTES I ------m 1. MY ONE'S LONGER THAN YOU THREES PUT TOGETHER (RATHER LIKE YOUR FLATMATES BOTTY-BURPSII!!) (LB. REFERRING TO NORTHCOTE ST'S SHOPPING USTJ THIS CAN CAUSE DROWSINESS/LETHERGY OR DEATH!! 2. I'M A DJ. I KNOW ABOUT THESE THINGS [CLIQUES I -5 INCLUSIVE! 3. I'M VERY, VERY. SORRYI (SID - EXEC., WEDNESDAY! (BOTH THE FORMER AND THE LATTER I SHOULD THINK) 4. NICE WALLPAPER EH7 (THAT GEE2ER IN THE WESTGATE TANDOORI AGAIN) CHECK THAT YOUR GAS APPLIANCES ARE CORRECTLY 5. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO WHITE POPPIES (PEOPLE THAT KNOW| INSTALLED AND VENTILATED


with a mixture of fear, repression altiplano to the once great mining on the surface. of Americans, Macchu Picchu still and economic opportunism. General town of Potosi. Potosi's silver Stopping to be shown where a had an atmosphere not only of Alfredo Stroessner has been in mines were once the foundation of miner had fallen and died the day another world but of another age. continuous power since 1954. Just the wealth of the entire Spanish before we made our way back to the Continuing North through Peru after we left the country a general empire. Now, though, most of the surface. I never thought that I we made it to the relative safety of ‘election’ was held. It is illegal not silver has gone although tin and would be so glad to see daylight or Ecuador having been shot at just a to vote and thoroughly inadvisable silver is still worked above the to breathe the fresh, rarificd air of few miles from the border by to vote for anybody except a town. The streets are littered with the Andes! Going down the mine policemen who somehow thought representative of Stroessner’s beggars - miners who have been was like stepping back a couple of we were striking fishermen. Colorado party. Just to make sure injured or are too ill to work; hundred years - it is inhuman that Stopping briefly to have my that people didn't forget who to vote whole families that have been in the age of materialism anybody appendix out in Quito and to for, Stroessner announced his new evicted from their homes by the should be compelled by society to nearly get blown apart by the cabinet 48 hours before the government because the father is work in such appalling conditions. Hurricane in Jamaica, I arrived election. What will happen when he too ill to work in the state mine. Some days later we left Bolivia home a couple of days before dies is anybody's guess - meanwhile The life expectancy of miners who for Peru, where we headed straight the start of term with only a small the US administration continues work in the privately owned for Cusco and then Macchu Picchu, overdraft, thanks to the Inter­ to fund the Paraguayan security mines - where conditions are worst the “Lost City” of the Incas. In fact national Paint Travel award. If you forces whose main job is to maintain - is only 37 years. We were Macchu Picchu is now about as would like to travel independently the status quo in the country. fortunate enough to be taken down remote as Birmingham, and there next summer and would like Steve Price-Thomas on Tunguruha - Ecuador (5,100 metres) After a few days in Asuncion, a private mine by a miner who is even doubt about whether it someone else to pay for it then Paraguay's capital, we got on a bus thought that the outside world really is the lost city that the enter the competition which has Fortunately the baby was bom just the unplanned morning as a headed for Argentina. Being British should hear about the appalling American archaeologist Hiram just started for this year. You like the textbook that I was holding midwife were the last in a series of we were interrogated at some conditions they put up with. Bingham had been looking for at can get details from Mrs. Lee in my hand said it would be. I adventures that occurred as I length at the border before Working in cramped, uncomfort­ all. Undaunted by this, we queued Robson, Group Personnel depart­ looked and saw that it was a girl travelled round South America eventually being allowed past the able and unsafe places, the miners all night to get on the Peruvian (as ment, International Paint PLC, and enjoyed a brier respite before with a couple of friends. Two ubiquitous ‘Los Malvinas son were making holes with basic hand opposed to Tourist) train, which Stoneygate Lane, Felling, Gates­ cutting the umbilical cord. ‘Ensure weeks previously I had been on Argentinas’ signs into the country tools in which to insert dynamite. meant we paid a few pence rather head NE10 0JY. They certainly that everything you use is totally the table in a very dirty operating beyond. Despite this somewhat The miners dynamite completely than about thirty pounds. Despite enabled me to have a fantastic trip! sterile’ said the book. No doubt theatre in Quito, Ecuador having unnerving beginning Argentinians indiscriminately, banging on the the cafe, the guides and the hordes Steve Price-Thomas this is easy to achieve in a modern my appendix out. “It’s alright”, the proved to be the friendliest and wall with a rock to warn that they hospital, but as the last remnants surgeon who was operating on me most hospitable people we are about to do it. Any good ot Hurricane Gilbert were still said, “I was educated in Chile". encountered anywhere in South minerals revealed after the explosion causing havoc outside the room With this very reassuring thought America. Complete strangers are carried on their backs up out of we had to make do with two strips in mind I was put under anaesthetic would come up to us in the street the mine; waste is put in old hand ot relatively clean sheet to tie the whilst the surgeons and the nurses to shake our hands when they trolleys that run on ancient rails cord and a new razor blade to cut it. all held on to me and prayed loudly discovered that we were British through the mine. Each miner has a The mother, a 23 year old Jamaican and at length in Spanish. I thought - we got free lifts in cars and a ‘helper’ - an apprentice who is often whose roof had been blown oft the that I had a simple appendicitis - I woman in a tourist office said that as young as ten years old - to push night before, amazingly still thought began to wonder whether I had she would cry if we didn't write to the carts and to do all of the that I was a doctor. In reality this some much more severe condition her. I couldn't help but think how mundane tasks. was not only the first time that I that required divine intervention! different a reception an Argentinian We then went down to the second had delivered a baby, but as a Two hours later I came round in a would get wandering around level where it became extremely Geography student and not a medic room that was swimming around the streets of Newcastle: as always difficult to breathe - there are it was the first time that I had me. I checked to make sure that all the propaganda we were fed during no air ducts or any ventilation even been present at a childbirth. of my limbs were still there - I the 1982 Falklands conflict at all apart from the tiny mine Ignoring the worrying thoughts wasn't too sure, but my travelling appeared to be completely wrong. entrance. We looked around us about how I could live with myself companions Sarah Hudson and The Argentinians on the whole whilst the worrying sound of nibble if I screwed it up I cut the cord and Lawrence Miall assured me that they were friendly and not the ogres that falling echoed around us. We even reunited mother and baby. were. the press made them out to be. saw the two devil figures that the I was in Jamaica at the end of a Our journey had started two Politics aside, northern Argentina miners worship and ask for protec­ three month trip around South months previously in Rio de proved to be stunningly beautiful. tion. They give the devils cocoa, America that International Paint Janeiro. After a whistlestop tour We travelled to Salta, in the food and cigarettes - the miner who had given me $1000 towards, we had crossed the border into Argentinian Andes, then north was showing us round explained that in their annual travel award Paraguay, one of the last great across the desert to the Bolivian the miners are devil worshippers competition. Hurricane Gilbert and dictatorships in the world. Ruling border and on over the bleak, high underground and staunch Catholics The border o f Argentina and Bolivia X International K International HOW FAR DO YOU HAVE ■ Student travel awards scheme TO TRAVEL TO FIND OUftBOUT Please send me further details and an AN INDUSTRIAL CAREER? application form. (POSSIBLY TH ITH E R SIDE OF THE WORLD)

Address for application form to be sent

University address (if different to above)

Please indicate your initial preferred area to. travel

im ^ S i North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)

v W & m m rn a South America S--""" Internationa) Paint, a International our overseas operations - the 1 ■” member of the Courtaulds Group, is rest of the time is yours. a world leader in specialised coatings Paint The competition is open to with world wide research, manufacturing first degree students entering Australia/S.E. Asia and marketing operations. their final year of study in Autumn 1989. We are offering ten £1,000 travel Interested? Then write for details to: awards to undergraduates with a real Lee Robson, Group Personnel interest in an industrial career and the Department, International Paint pic, imagination to organise an out of the Stoneygate Lane, Felling, Gateshead, ordinary overseas vacation next summer. Student travel Tyne & Wear NE100JY. 1 of the trip will include a visit to one of awards scheme Closing date 31 si January 1969

^ C o u r ta u l d s c o a t in g s

International Painl pic is a wholly owned subsidiary otCourtaulds pic ROAR Tyne Long Distance Sculls FOOTS Y-FOOTS Y MAGIC There was more than the usual level of Newcastle 3rd X I...... 4 excitement on the Tyne at Ncwburn last York 3rd X I...... 0 After its first time at Freshers Week Saturday afternoon, as the river was congested with scullers taking part in one The boys in blue produced another vintage performance, to crush a weak the Surf Club has seen its number of the premier events in the rowing York side. Newcastle were full of coitfidence and it showed in their swift increase dramatically. This causes calendar, the annual Tyne long distance direct football. some problems with the shortage of sculls. Several chances came early with Steve Cowlishaw heading just over the bar The University’s hopes were pinned on boards and wet suits, yet it is nice to their two outstanding scullers Simon and Greg Moulds was unlucky not to find the net after the goalmouth welcome all wor new lads and lasses. Mepham and James valerino who were scramble. The first goal came after 10 minutes play, the spritely Mike Pender The only thing I can tell them is that competing in the Senior III and Senior II was bundled off the ball in the penalty area and Raymond Gayne took the categories respectively. things should get better aftera while, In this timed processional event these spot kick in confident fashion. mostly if God listens to us and sends two started one after the other amongst Clarke, Winn and Joyce played havoc down the right hand side with crisp us some scanty funds from the Union the new entries, they both immediately decisive football. And it was Joyce who supplied the cross for Mike Pender to for a few new and inexpensive stormed past a number of the slower volley from 18 yards. After the interval Steve “Tommy Cooper” Cowlishaw entries sent off before them and they were boards. AARGH! left on their own to settle their own scored with a strong strike from close range. Confident and composed October surf was fairly good - and you personal rivalries. defending allowed the Newcastle ’keeper Nigel Levin to have a restful . . I still can’t believe I’m It’s opened!! . . . Thank Down the final Ncwburn straight, the afternoon. was extremely varied. Having surfed doing this . . . I must be mad God!!” large crowd gathered along both banks The fourth goal was scored by Paul Woodhouse, who powerfully headed most of the time at Tynemouth we could sense that there was a elose battle haven’t had the opportunity to go or incredibly stupid ... or Last Saturday members of takingplacc between the two Newcastle the ball plus several defenders into the net, and celebrated in his usual style, both, I'm definitely both . . . the parachute club did a total lads. The roar of the crowd on Ncwburn Paul Hooton squandered a great chance to make it five when he cracked the along the Northumberland Coast bridge was just enough to spur Valcrino ball wide from close range, but it was a blemish on an otherwise perfect and surf on magic spots such as In a few moments I’m going to of 35 parachute jum ps, includ­ on enough to pull away from Mcpham ing 14 by first time jumpers. who had been pushing him along over the performance. Beadnell Bay, Druridge Bay, Bam- be jumping out of this plane burgh, Embleton Bay, etc. Courses for first time jumpers whole gruelling mile course. FOOTBALL with the ground 2,000 feet When the results were published both N iw or mind, trips to the wild are organised throughout the Newcastle scullers ended tnc day as heroes After losing to Durham in the 1st round Newcastle were under pressure to below (yep! a bloody long way perform well against York, and to make matters worse an early goal was North will still be arranged. A long year, as well as social events. having won their respective categories and down) ... I hope the damn both naving beaten the winner of the conceded. Kev Rushton, claimer of a dubious hat-trick made it 1-1 at week-end trip will also be organised The club meets Tuesday and theoretically faster category above, and for the first term. As usual this thing opens up . . . oh my finishing an impressive second and fourth half-time. God!! . . . there goes some­ Friday lunch times (1-2 pm) in overall leaving many of the top scullers in But it’s a game of two halves and after the interval Newcastle were just too should be quite an experience. Committee Room A, the PE their wake. fit and skilful for York. John O ’Donnel gave us the lead and John Scheerhout one ... I know now how * The venue for our social even­ Butch Cassidy and the Sun­ Centre. O. W. Hall-Craggs. finished off a crisp four man move down the left with an unstoppable left foot shot just inside the post. Rich Hall, whose 21st Birthday it was, celebrated ings is now the Old George (off Bigg dance Kid felt when they with a wonderfully timed one yard knee-in. Market), usually first room on the jumped off that cliff into the The lads were over the moon. They coped well in the absence of Captain left on Tuesdays from 8.30 p.m. river way, way down . . . Phil Ritson. It was a good performance that puts us back in the reckoning for * Equipment is provided for be­ Sundance couldn’t even swim, the U.A.U. Championships. Next week - Leeds. ginners (largely thanks to members). wait a minute - 1 can’t fly! . . . John ScheershufTle. Roly. In fact man wasn’t even sup­ posed to fly, so what am I doing SPLINTERS U.A.U. RESULTS on this plane? . . . Oh wow! The Tinto H.O.E. weekend went 2nd November 1988 ahead as planned on the Carmichael It’s my turn to act like a bird! Newcastle York Newcastle York estate at Carmichael with the map by Squash Ladies 4 1 Netball lsts 50 19 here goes . . . SHIT!! . . . Carmichael of the Carmichael family Hockey Men’s lsts 2 1 2nds 42 18 One thousand (puff pant) two believe it or not. 2nds 1 0 Rugby 2nds 43 0 3rds 7 0 3rds 58 0 thousand (pant puff) A splinter group led by Lucan and Ladies lsts 3 1 Football lsts 5 2 threeeeeee . . . my parachute! Smythe (becoming as notorious as 2nds 7 1 2nds 3 0 Bod and Crispy) headed off on Badminton Men’s lsts 7 2 Fencing York did not enter 2 Saturday afternoon for the night 2nds 7 so we won! Ladies lsts 7 2 place, losing the final by just 1 tion next summer . . . So if you want event and led by the overwhelming to get fit and see the world get into second. charisma of Edmond Wright deci­ i sperl DRAGON dragon boats! Each dragon boat crew contains 16 mated the field, on the orange bcrcd for a long time as this cheeky young course, well done boys! BOUNCE fresher left everyone else in awe with his paddlers, a helmsman and a drum­ A University Dragon Boat Club is U.A.U ceaseless determination to score (the win­ On the 15th November the National The cavalry followed on Sunday mer and the races are run over 500 being created at the moment so if lsts York 1 Newcastle 4 ning point). Dragon Boat finals of the UK will be morning to take up the challenge for metres. As a sport it is one of the you are at all interested just come 2nds York 0 Newcastle 5 televised on Channel 4 as part of the fastest expanding in the country hav­ along and try. There will be a meet­ the Churchill Cup against Edinburgh FIXTURES Westminster International Regatta. The firsts bounced back from defeat ing gone from one official competi­ ing on Friday dinnertime between and Heriott-Watt Universities. De­ against Durham to beat York in an Saturday, November 12th tion to a racing calendar comprising 1-2 in T.V. room. Level 5 and an spite having an under-strength team exciting match, made all the more remark­ Amongst the competitors was a FOOTBALL contingent of 10 members from this over twenty events. And that’s just introductory session (paddle) on with an endless list of sports injuries able due to the absence of three players. However, Ian Bans debut was not a Newcastle Utd. v. Arsenal (H) University. They formed part of 2 in the last year! Sunday afternoon. and other such whinges a number of happy one - his loss being the only men's Sunderland v. Chelsea (A) Dragon Boat crews representing The first team's 3rd place was For any information contact our respectable performances were pro­ defeat all day. But. Tom and Ian “puker" RUGBY Tyneside. good enough for them to be invited dedicated Secretary Harry or duced. Lammas both won emphatically ana Rick, Northern v. Birmingham (H) Ian Hey was first home for UNOC despite an early setback, bravely soldiered Gosforth v. Lon. Welsh (H) The 1st team which contained 3 of to an exotic Far East destination Treasurer Paul on 272 5206. on to win in four games. Bob's good form in 81 minutes, followed by George, our number, came an excellent 3rd probably Singapore for a competi­ The Dragonites of late continued with another fine win Lucan, Kingan and Bayliss. The girls when he was finally prised away from the also ran well but failed to conquer balcony overlooking the badminton matches. the speed or ego of Miss Hague The Seconds, eaually depleted, University of despite the rather dubious state of thrashed York Seconds five-nil. Dave. Newcastle upon Tyne I STUDENTS UNION her control card. Lameck, Nigel, John and Simon all rose to NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY The final result was Edinburgh the occasion to maintain their unbeaten U.A.U. record this season. By the end of 1st, Newcastle 2nd and Herriot-W att the excellent evening everyone agreed PUBLIC LECTURES i 3rd. 1 9 8 8 /8 9


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