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1~1~HE~~,Mi'~HJ:IGAN;1~REVIEW r : 1·\ .... U ':/ ~ . ' 'i ', -, , • . ... , -•.•; ,.-,,., ,\. ' . .. '•. I"i.~~~~;(;:~ . -_.. ~ ""'~'Jf'\";s" -. -'. :r £' , ' •• , ~ .. - ....~"~j;J.~ .... -.:- ,-~,,,,,~,, 't.'" ". c; • - • -.' -~.~, - .'~ .' .,. - '.- ~ 1~1~HE~~, Mi'~HJ: IGAN;1~REVIEW "~ .;'.. ' ,.' .• '.. \ i· .< Volume 13, Number 7 The Campus Affairs Journal ofthe Unive~sity of Mich'igan December 1, 1993 Dude Hails Manufactured Culture BY JAMES A. ROBERTS, II these peoples can succeed, can achieve complex world." the Michigan Mandate's effort to offer their goals." The Mandate, "is yet an- Throughout much of the seminar, additional courses regarding lesser HE UNlVERSI'IY OF MICHI­ other step" to make this goal a reality. the administrators celebrated the in- known cultures is, perhaps, a benevo­ gan is "an institution fOWlded The consensus among those admin- creases in minority enrollment as a lent goal. This particular initiative, fot the people, by the people, to istrators attending the meeting was vital step toward the Mandate's effort T n along with any argument concerning serve the people. Its purpose is "to that the U- M has made significant to achieve campus diversity. Yet this affirmative action notwithstanding, the provide education of the highest pos­ progress in this effort toward campus- reliance upon statistics as being a gauge Mandate remains flawed in one impor­ sible quality, but to a far broader seg­ wide diversity. "The num- of success reveals the mis- tant respect: it fails to address the ac­ 'ment of our society." So said James bers we see today/' guided simplicity of the tual origin of a culture. By attempting Duderstadt, President of the Univer­ Duderstadt proclaimed, Mandate. By concentrating to create a multicultural society tlrrough sity of Michigan, during a one-hour "are as encouraging as seen on such superficial charac- the admissions process, the Mandate seminar held on November 16 in the on any college campus in teristics as race, the U-M assumes that a centralized body can Michigan Union. With several other America today." The statis- is viewing students in a col- manufacture culture and then impose high-ranking U-M administrators in tics to which Duderstadt re- lective manner, arranging it on whomever it wishes. Yet culture attendance, the meeting served as an ferred are the significant them into specific groups. does not stem from such a body; in­ update on the progress of the Michigan increases in ~ority en- The U-M is, thus, stead, the ideals, beliefs, values, and Mandate, U-M's effort to increase mi­ rollment at the U-M deemphasizingthetruedi- traditions of individuals defines a cul­ nority enrollment, thus creating a more throughout the past five versifying agent of our so- ture. Only by allowing the individual to diverse campus. years. The percentage ofmi- ciety. individuality. Only by live freely will true culture and diver­ Explaining why he believes the norities on campu,s has grown from focusing upon traits more profoWld and sity grow. By failing to recognize the implementation of the Mandate five 15.4 percent five years ago to nearly 23 important than race - one's individual importance of the individual in this years ago was, and still is, necessary, percent this year. This percentage mind - will true diversity arise .. cultural initiative, the U-M falls short Duderstadt echoed a fonner U-M presi­ marks an all-time high of minorities at Since attending college is an oppor- in its effort to create "an Wlcommon dent. citinlZ «Mich.i~n ' s long commit· . the U- M. Although Duderstadt proudly tunity to explore that which is unknown, education for the common man." m ment to providing an uncommon edu­ i stated that "the numbers reflect the -~------------------ cation to the common' man/' 'This; he commitment" that the U7M: , ~s o:u\de .I .I.;~:: '.: stated, is the ideal that the U-M sought in regards to diversity, he and the rest Fre,e Speech Debate to embody upon its founding in 1817. of the administrators present stressed Duderstadt, however, also indi­ that additional progress is essential to cated that "the common man at that the future of the University. Resurfaces time [1817) referred primarily to eco­ Although increasing the minority n nomic class. That is, the "common man" representation on campus is one im­ BY Aruc TOSQUI AND KEvIN CcsTELLO debate. held a rather narrow definition through­ portant goal of the Michigan Mandate, On September 20 of this year, Pro­ out much of the l~st 175 years. Re­ Duderstadt explained that its ultimate HE UNDERGRADUATE vost Gilbert R. Whitaker, Jr. announced cently, "the University has broadened goals are far more profound: "to reflect Political Science Association University of Michigan President James that definition to serve increasingly in the nature of our people the rich T (UPSA) will confront the issue Duderstadt's suspension of the Interim broader groups in our society: women, 'diversity of our society," as well as "to of free speech vs. hate speech in its Policy on Discriminatory Harassment racial minorities, students of other na­ recognize that the college campuses of upcoming Jack L. Walker Memorial by Faculty and Staffin the University tions." Despite this effort,Duderstadt today are the crucibles in which the Conference in March. Each year, UPSA Environment as it applied to the aca­ warned that "opening our doors to multicultural/multiracial world cul­ holds a conference on various issues demic setting. broader classes of people is not suffi­ tures of the 21st century will be fonned." which hold relevant importance The retreat from this policy was cient because many of these groups Indeed, the U- M's "job today is to edu­ throughout the campus community and due mainly to its overly broad language have experienced oppression and have cate students [to be] world citizens for society in general. Past conferences regarding discriminatory harassment. been disadvantaged culturally, eco· the 21st century." By increasing the have discussed such issues as the home­ The remainder of the policy still ap­ nomically, [and) socially in American diversity of students, faculty, staff, lead­ less, the arms race, communism, and plies in the context of employment, society.n To counter these disadvan­ ership, and curriculum on campus, the the role of politics in abortio;n. This housing or University activities, dis­ tages, "the University has taken steps Michigan Mandate seeks to capture a year's conference will feature some of criminatory physical harassment, and over the years to transform itself not myriad of cultures, creating a micro­ the foremost thinkers on the subject of sexual harassment by faculty and staff simply to attract students, faculty, and cosm of the world on the U-M campus. free speech. This issue, spurred by a staff of far broader segments of society, In doing so, the U-M hopes "to prepare few recent events, has, once again, found See CONFERENCE, Page 7 but to provide an environment in which students to move out into a far more itself at the forefront of contemporary I Feel From Suite Get Essay: Detroit BOOk 3 Your Pain 4 One 5 Real 6 .Police in Action g Reviews Jay McNeill says goodbye It's CRISP time again, Are sports America's Take a tour of the Motor Reviews of the latest by to the Review. and LSA counseling religion? City with Detroit's finest. Stephen Hawking and is in serious need Robert Jordan, f some Quidance. h". _ ___ .~< ., ~_ ~ ¥' ................ · ..,_ .,_·< ___ "" """"""· "...._..,..,. ~ .... _.. ~_. _ _ .." _"".,.,,..,.....,_ ..~ ....... _;;_~ ..;;.."""_ 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW December 1,1993 THE \ 1IelliG -\\ RE\ lEW :".1, fit:';' The Campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOTH University of Michigan 'Secession is a Right, Not a Privilege' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Tracy Robinson Bill Clinton recently said that he hoped Michael should just make an appoint­ similar to the Burton Bell Tower lo­ PUBLISHER: Aaron Steelman that by the end ofrus term, all hand­ ment to see Dr. Kevorkian and truly do cated next to Hill Auditorium. Rumor EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Jay D. McNeill guns would be outlawed. Face it, something to benefit the world. has it that the tower is being built to CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Eddie Arner, Nate Jamison James A. Roberts II, Brian Schelke America: Your president is a fascist. give engineering students a convenient - - - - --_._-- The Detroit News recently introduced place to jump. ASSISTANT EDITORS: Rachel Cardone, Anc Tosqui Bernie Smilovitz is leaving Channel 4 us to David Kittrell, a 10 year--{)ld De­ MUSIC EDITORS: Chris Peters, Drew Peters after seven years. No more Bernie's troit resident and perhaps America's MSU offensive tackle/tight end Bob COpy EDITOR: Gene Krass Bloopers. No more Geek of the Week. youngest sexist. Said Kittrell of his Denton commenting on the Spartans' CARTOONIST: Terry Lorber CIRCULA TION DIRECTOR: Eric Larson No more little crut-chats with Mort recent trip to Disney World to meet 38-37 loss to Penn State, "We gave up SYSTEMS ANALYST: Milch Rohde and Carmen. No more rapping with the Hillary Clinton, "I wish I .could have a 20-point lead today. We must be MTS COORDINATOR: James Elek cameraman. No more Weekend at asked her about TV violence and what snakebitten." No, Bob, your team just Bernie's. On the other hand, now Chan­ she'd do about it. But I'm not mad. My sucks. EDITORIAL STAFF: Andrew Brown, Mke Burns, Kevin Costello, Joe Epstein, Frank Grabowski, Chauncey nel 4 viewers can get some sports news. questions would have been too hard for Hitchcock, Crusty rvtlncher, Yawar Murad, Greg Parker, her and I didn't want to embarrass her. Bill Clinton recently suggested that Jason Pasatta, Ben Pergament, Matt Rechtien, Howard There is still much debate about The President should answer those the government pay companies $5000 Roark: ArcMec~ Kevin Schaffer, TS Taylor, Perry Thomp- whether or not the people amnting bal­ questions." for each welfare recipient they hire.
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