Report of the Protector of Aborigines, for the Year Ended June 30, 1906
SOUTH S£SAE§I§ AUSTRALIA. REPORT or THE PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1906. C. K. BRISTOW, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. NORTH TERRACE. 1907. Digitised by AIATSIS Library 2007, RS 25.5/1 - 7 JAN 1963 REPORT. Aborigines Office, Adelaide, August 23rd, 1906. I have the honor respectfully to submit for the information of the Hon. Commissioner of Public Works, &c, the following report with reference to the condition of the aborigines and the work undertaken by this department for their relief during the year ended June 30th, 1906. The census of 1901 shows the aboriginal population of South Aus- tralia, exclusive of the Northern Territory, as— Blacks 3,386 Half-castes 502 Total 3,888 There have been reported during the year— Blacks. Half-castes. Births 20 .. 29 Deaths 58 .. 9 During the five years 1901-6 the records show a decrease of 250 blacks, and an increase of 89 half-castes. The depots for distribution of food, clothing, medicines, &c, are—20 under police, 4 at mission stations, 2 at post and telegraph offices, and 16 under station managers in the Far North All furnish monthly reports, enabling the condition and requirements of the natives to be investigated and dealt with, tending to promote friendly relations between them and the European settlers. The correspondence of this office during the year has been 950 in wards and 1,325 outwards. At Anna Creek, Far North, where there are located from 100 to 150 aborigines, Mr. Oastler, J.P., who has had charge of the dep6t for forty years, reports—" All the natives here are a quiet, well-behaved lot, and as they are well cared for and looked after by Messrs.
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