Examination of County Durham Plan Inspector: William Fieldhouse Programme Officer: Annette Feeney Tel: 07775 771026 Email:
[email protected] Address: c/o Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UL Examination webpage: www.durham.gov.uk/article/21702/County-Durham-Plan- examination INSPECTOR’S NOTE NO. 12: SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS – MATTERS 8-14 Introduction The following Supplementary Questions (SQs) will be considered by the Inspector at the week 3 and 4 hearing sessions. The Council are requested to submit a brief written response to each SQ to the Programme Officer by midday on Tuesday 19 November 2019 . If any participant/other representor who has made relevant representations also wish to submit a short supplementary written statement in response to any of the SQs it must be received by the Programme Officer by the same deadline. DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL’S RESPONSE M8. Housing Land Supply Latest housing land supply information SQ21. If Table 2 in the Plan were to be updated to reflect the Council’s latest evidence about completions to and commitments at 1 April 2019 1, how would it appear? Please note, I am not suggesting at this stage that the Plan should be modified to update Table 2 in this way. Table 2 updated to reflect the Council’s latest evidence about completions and commitments at 1 April 2019 is shown below. UPDATED - Table 2 Number of Houses to be Allocated Total Component LHN 24,852 A Windfall allowance for sites under 0.4 hectares (12 houses) -1,120 B (80 pa from 2021 onwards) C Windfall allowance for sites over 0.4 hectares (12 houses) 0 1 Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement 2019 [DCC2] County Durham Plan Examination – IN No.