15() • Eaglesoliffe.' Durham
15() • EAGLESOLIFFE.' DURHAM. [KELLY's Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephone Call Office, Eaglescliffe Wall Letter Box at .hrm station(in Egglesclifie),cleare<t .(letters should have eo. Durham added). William 8.45 a.m. & 4.20 & 6.40 p.m Stafford, sub-postmaster. Letters from Darlington Public Elementary School (mixed), for 170 children;. arrive at 5.48 a.m. & 4· 15 p.m. ; from Stock ton 5 ·45 average attendance, 109; J. R. Bouch, master a.m. & I p.m.; dispatched at 9·35 a.m. (II. 15 a. m. Railway Stations:- & 6.15 p.m. for Stockton) & 9 p.m Eaglescliffe· (N.E.R.) (junction for Hartlepool & Stock ton & Saltburn & Darlington railways), William Pillar Letter Box, Eaglescliffe, cleared 8.45 a.m. & 6-45 Stafford, station master; Frederick Dealtrey, assistant p.m.; sundays, 5.15 p.m station master; Yarm (N.E.R.) (main line from Pillar Letter Box, on the Stockton road, cleared 9 a.m. Sunderland & Leeds), John Robert Stockdale, station & 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 5.15 p.m master EA.GLESCLIFFE. Fletcher Edgar George, The Villas, Strickland Miss, Dunattar avenue Marked * receive letters via Yarm Stockton road Stuart W esley Hackworth, White (Yorks). Fletcher Miss, Highfield, Yarm road hou~, Stockton road PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fother~ill Mrs. Torrisdale, Yarm rd Sturgess Leonard, Oakdene, Albert rd Allison Thos. Moulton ho. A.lbert rd Garthwait George Bell, Mayfield, Sutton Geo. Wm. Ashfield, Albert rd Appleton Mrs. W oodside hall Albert road Tait Misses, Albert road Asker George,Preston vil.Stockton rd Gaunt John Thomas, Eastbourne, Taylor Henry Barker, Eastleigh~ Astbury Mrs.
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