The American Communist Movement Underwent Several Splits in Its Early Years
Index Note: The American Communist movement underwent several splits in its early years. When uni- fied in the early 1920s, it was first called the Workers’ Party and then the Workers’ (Communist) Party; in 1929 it became the Communist Party, USA. This work uses the term Communist Party (CP) to describe the party from 1922 on, and references are indexed in a single category here. [However there were other, distinct organizations with similar names; there are separate index entries for the Communist Party of America (1919–21), the Communist Labor Party (1919–20), the United Communist Party (1920–1) and the Communist League of America (Opposition) (1928–34).] ABB See African Blood Brotherhood American Federation of Labor (AFL) Abd el-Krim 325 and FFLP 124, 126 Abern, Martin 138n2, 139n1, 156, 169–170, and immigrant workers 76, 107, 193 209n2, 212n, 220n2, 252n, 259–260, 262 and IWW 88, 92 ACWA See Amalgamated Clothing Workers and Passaic strike 190–193, 195–197 AFL See American Federation of Labor and Profintern 87, 91–92 Africa 296, , 298–299, 304–308, 313–317, 323, and TUEL 106–108, 118 325–327, 331–332, 342–346, 355, 357, 361, and women workers 193 363n2 anti-Communism 21, 83, 91, 112, 125–126, French colonies 313, 325 148, 191, 193, 196, 210, 284, 324, 326 See also pan-Africanism; South Africa anti-strike activity 193 African Americans See blacks, American bureaucracy 75n2, 106, 118, 211, 215, 284 African Blood Brotherhood (ABB) 23, bureaucracy, racism of 102, 306, 324, 298–304, 306, 312, 317, 322–324, 343 326–327, 330 See also Briggs Comintern on 21, 83–84, 87, 91–92, 109, African sailors, Communist work among 317 210, 256, 285 agricultural workers, Communist work Communist work in 14, 21, 75–76, 83, 85, among 95, 287, 323, 326, 340, 348, 360n3 115, 215 Alabama 5, 11, 348, 360n3, 362, 363n1 dissent within 75, 100, 108, 113 See also Scottsboro Boys expulsion of Communists 110, 125–126, All-American Anti-Imperialist League 187, 149, 196–197 331–332 Foster in 98, 100–102, 106–107, 109, Allen, James S.
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