Contents -

Welcome - an overview A Message - from the Bishop of Philip Mounstephen The Place - the Cluster in What we’ve been doing - where we are as a Cluster Our churches - photographs of the buildings Our Vision - where we would like to be in 5 and 10 years time Our ministries - families - caring in the community - discipleship Our new Rector - what is the Cluster looking for in a new leader Deanery and direction - message from the Rural Dean Chris Painter The Churches - Callington - Stoke Climsland - South Hill - - Upton Cross The Rectory - with photographs and a floor plan Worship - what a normal month of services looks like The facts - a pen picture of each church in figures Welcome

Welcome to the Callington Cluster and the exciting opportunity to work with us to serve God and our communities. Who are we? Made up of 5 churches within four Parishes, we are warm and welcoming congregations, situated across an area of stunningly beautiful countryside, but close to the facilities of thriving cities. We offer a unique opportunity to lead well established and thriving teams, who seek to bring God’s love to everyone in our community and to support those in need. Predominantly we are people with a passion for God. As the Body of Christ, we recognise the need to enable local teams to be His hands and feet within our communities. We are missional and seek to come alongside those struggling in our Parishes and bring to them the love of God. Our churches are very different, with different worship styles and characteristics, but each is seeking to bring themselves and those around them, closer to Jesus. During the past 7 years, we have continued to grow in discipleship and our eyes have increasingly been opened to the power of the Holy Spirit, seeking all the gifting the Spirit has to offer. We see ourselves as a garden and here you will find a people of God, growing as disciples. The soil is prepared. Branches are growing out into the community and producing fruit. We believe God has already called the person He wants to help us in our journey, and we pray that someone reading this document will realise by the end of it, that person is them. Message from the Bishop

In this we are deeply committed to ‘Discovering God’s Kingdom: Growing the Church’. Ordained ministers are crucial to this task, so I sketch out here the kind of priests we are eager to come and work with us.

First and foremost, we are looking for joyful and hopeful disciples and ambassadors of Christ: people who share the Gospel with energy and commitment, in word and deed - and above all with love. We are not looking for people who see themselves as omni-competent, but who are rather committed to setting the whole people of God free in mission, ministry, and in loving service.

Further, we are looking for people who, on this journey, are imaginative and realistic, creative and determined and are hopeful of a better future. But we also want to work with those who recognise that they are not perfect and will sometimes fail, who learn from their mistakes and will take the initiative in seeking reconciliation with others. We are convinced that all ministers need the support and companionship of others and we help priests in a number of ways so that they never work alone. In this spirit, we encourage priests who can forge good relations with others and actively collaborate with them for the sake of the Kingdom to join us here in the Diocese of Truro.

Finally we are looking for people who will love, value and serve Cornwall: a wonderful place with its own very distinctive identity and Christian heritage.

I pray that as you consider this opportunity you might discern God’s calling and purpose for you in this next chapter of your own discipleship and service.

+ Philip The Place

The Benefice is situated just over the Devon/Cornwall border, with all the benefits this stunning area has to offer, yet only 2 hours by car from Bristol and an hour from the M5 The Cluster extends from Stoke Climsland Parish bordering the in the East, to Linkinhorne Parish adjoining Moor in the West. Callington and South Hill are located between. There are good schools at Primary level in Callington, Stoke Climsland & Upton Cross and at Secondary level in Callington. The Duchy College is situated in the Stoke Climsland Parish and the Rector is the Chaplain of the College. The Benefice itself is a beautiful place in which to live, with all the benefits of the South West, its beaches and its moors. But this area is without the huge influx of tourists in the summer months which makes for a peaceful rural idyll. Yet, if you like the pretty Cornish fishing villages and the Moors they are never far away. However, the Cluster is not without it’s challenges, containing both a town church, and four very rural churches, across 4 different parishes spread across a relatively large geographical area (Stoke Climsland church to Upton Cross church is 7 miles).

Links for further information:>practice>stoke-climsland-parish-hall Social media links:

What we’ve been doing

Our aim is to ‘Live to love God, live to bring others to God, love and laugh’. We seek to be authentic to our faith, focusing on discipleship, reaching out with good hospitality and engaging socially with those around us. We are seeking to steward the presence of God in our hearts, to understand and demonstrate His Kingdom and create a hunger for Jesus in our communities.

We seek to identify the hardships in our communities and to come alongside those in need.

As churches we came together as a Cluster for the first time seven years ago and during these years we have been on a journey. We have learned much about the depth of God’s love for us, the person of Jesus, and the ministry the Holy Spirit brings. We are better at discerning God’s will for our churches and walking in His strength. We are learning about the value and power of working together and sharing our resources.

We know we still have a long way to go and look forward to a new leader who can walk with us.

Support in the Cluster: 1 full time Families Leader 3 retired Clergy 6 Readers 17 Service Leaders 1 local Methodist Minister & 1 Assistant Preacher Several volunteers assisting with admin Our churches Our Vision

Whilst recognising our responsibility to maintain existing expressions of Church for as long as they are valued and supported, we acknowledge that these are not necessarily suitable for meeting the spiritual needs and aspirations of the society around us. We believe that in 5/10 years we should have at least one, hopefully more, fully developed fresh expressions of Church. We would expect these to grow out of existing outreach endeavours such as Friday Night Church, St Sampson’s Unlocked, Beer and God, Cafés and Messy Church. Secondly we look forward to a much greater proportion of our congregations engaging in Christian ministry outside the Church buildings – being the body of Jesus in the community. This will mean getting alongside those who are in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual need with the express purpose of being Jesus to them and for them. Offers of physical and emotional support should always be accompanied by spiritual support given through silent and, wherever possible, vocal prayer. Thirdly some churches are better equipped to carry out some ministries than others. We seek to encourage a greater willingness to share resources (manpower, finance, prayer support, etc.) between Churches, to travel between Churches and to offer transport to both the providers and users of our joint activities. Such a vision will require prayer, careful thought and management. Our Ministries - Families:

As church, we are Jesus’ hands and feet in the community and bring His love to God’s people, and in 2017 we recruited our Families Leader, Amy Wheeler, to set a Families strategy and lead our work with Families across the Cluster. She reports directly to the Rector and is supported by a pastoral and spiritual advisor. She leads many groups of volunteers and oversees many Leaders of well established groups and ministries. She has also been working with the Bishop and the Rural Dean on an overarching families strategy for the Deanery and Diocese.

Family Worship: Services specifically aimed at young families run at three out of the five churches. Whilst they are at different stages, all have begun to attract new families and the service is particularly thriving at Stoke Climsland, where it is supported by Messy Church. There is plenty of potential growth in the area of Family services which we would like to explore.

Primary Schools: Whilst they are not church schools, the relationship between our churches and their Primary Schools is extremely good with Open the Book sessions happening weekly in Stoke Climsland and Callington (jointly with Churches Together), and fortnightly in Upton Cross. Stoke Primary uses the church for their Carol Services and 2019 saw the whole school experience prayer stations in church. The Primary School choir joined the Stoke Church Community Choir for a summer concert and barbecue. Our Families Leader meets with the Head and pastoral support officer for Callington Primary once a term and we use their hall for Buzz Kidz on a Friday night. Callington Primary also use St. Mary’s Church regularly for carol services. Upton Cross school uses St. Paul’s for many of their special services like Harvest. Outreach: Many carers (mums, dads, grandparents etc) can feel isolated, and our groups offer a place of friendship and support. A very successful toddler group has been running in Stoke Climsland church for over 10 years. A secular toddler group was rescued from closure at South Hill and a new group started in Callington in 2018. Friday Night Church was an initiative that started in March of 2019. This was a venture where we wanted to be able to share God’s love with those who don’t usually attend church. Buzz Kidz is the children’s section of the night which runs every Friday in term time and Recharge is for the adults which currently happens once a term. The vision of Buzz Kidz is to love the children and help them to become followers of Christ. To do this there is a high energy and throughly prayed-over programme created each week. For Recharge, food is laid on and the parents are given opportunities to share their worries and concerns with caring volunteers. We have been amazed at what God is doing with these two groups. We have seen children committing their life to God and parents requesting prayer for healing.

Young people: We have a youth drop in on a Friday night called Your Space which is run in conjunction with the Methodist Church. This is a safe space for young people aged 11-18 to go, instead of roaming the streets. Unlike Buzz Kidz, we do not talk to the young people about faith in this ministry unless the young people are curious. We have many activities the youth can engage with like table tennis and pool tables, as well as art and music workshops. We also have several young people who attend St. Mary’s Sunday school, Sunday Morning Live.

The Future: Bringing young families in contact with church and showing them God’s love is the first step in bringing them to faith. We have that ground work in place. The opportunity now is to help those families, both individually and together, in their journeys to a full faith. There is still plenty to be done. As a team our new Incumbent and our Families Leader will help us to create safe spaces for children, young adults and families and show them the only way forward is Jesus. Our Ministries - Caring in the community:

All churches have a heart for the community and each looks to support those around them. Prayer: Prayer is the foundation of all we do. All parishes have weekly prayer meetings to pray for their community and prayer walks regularly take place in several parishes. Local pastoral teams in each Parish pray for, visit, and support those in need. Prayer chains also operate in every Parish to provide confidential, individual prayer by request and are extensively used by those both within and outside of the church community. A monthly Cluster prayer group ‘Prayer Space’ also meets to pray for individual family members and bring home the Prodigals. All our churches are open daily for private prayer. Coming alongside: Whilst Parishes vary in character, they all feature people who are lonely and isolated, regardless of age group, and each Parish has responded to provide safe places for people to come together. Across the Cluster we have weekly Pop up Cafés in two parishes, weekly Community Lunches, a book club, and community choirs operate at Stoke Climsland and South Hill. A specific service for the elderly and those with special needs is also held on a monthly basis at Stoke Climsland and has proved very popular. There are regular visits to local care homes. Meeting in Fellowship: Supporting our own congregations in their faith is also vital, and the Cluster has two Women’s Fellowship Groups, A Men’s Group, monthly Men’s Breakfast and weekly Bible Study groups. Church events: Across the cluster there are many one-off events for the communities which they serve. There is an annual Christmas Fair to raise money for a nominated charity and activities in church for the annual Honey Fair. We hold a New Year party for the whole Cluster and Callington Churches together in Callington. There is an annual free concert and barbecue and an annual homeless breakfast where the community can have a free full breakfast in return for donations to the homeless. Some of our Churches support overseas charities such as Compassion and the Shoebox Appeal doing events or special services to raise funds or awareness. A ‘Beating the Bounds’ is a community walk with free pasty lunch and tea and cake afterwards. Art in the Aisles is a free day of painting & drawing for all ages with help & advice available from a local art group. There is an annual Teddy Tumble in Linkinhorne parish. In 2019 we hosted the Diocesan Day of Prayer as part of Thy Kingdom Come Prayer initiative. The churches also have strong links with the Callington and the and Foodbanks. Our Ministries - Discipleship

A core focus of ministry across the Cluster over the past 7 years has been to offer everyone the opportunity to grow in Christian commitment and discipleship. A key activity has been running the ‘Freedom in Christ’ course http://, which has now been taken up by the deanery. The teaching has helped people understand who they are in Christ, the nature of the spiritual battle, and how to move on to maturity. Throughout the cluster people have engaged with deepening their faith and becoming alert to God’s leading. This has fed through to increased commitment to giving and to seeking God’s will for their lives. There is now a Cluster group familiar with healing and a further group has trained in Bethel Sozo ministry, forming the first Sozo hub in Cornwall. A Cluster away weekend of teaching on Abundance was held recently at Lee Abbey and many regularly attend Spring Harvest and CreationFest. Whilst each church has different characteristics and worship preferences, they are all founded in prayer and there are prayer teams at every church. They also have a passion for worship, relevant teaching and a warm welcome. Each church has a strong and dedicated team of excellent lay leaders. These act as a focus for ministry in each church, working collaboratively on services and presenting God’s Word in an engaging way. As with any Parish ministry, we recognise that people in our congregations are in different places on their faith journey and there will be an ongoing need to provide support and training. We combine resources across the Cluster and regularly come together for teaching e.g. 6.30@SCC (informal worship and communion with an extended time of teaching). We all hope the future will enable us to continue to grow in our personal and corporate journeys with Christ. Our new Rector

We are looking for a person with a deep Christian faith, evangelical in outlook, grounded in prayer and open to the Holy Spirit.

We are looking for a people person, who can win trust and inspire others. Someone who can engage with local communities, both inside and outside of the church.

A leader who will enable people to own their faith, as the bedrock of their lives, rather than as consumers of church. A teacher who can help us along our discipleship journey. One who would promote and participate in the healing ministry which is being developed in different ways throughout the cluster.

A leader with energy who will inspire, serve and encourage our local teams to thrive. With five churches, they will facilitate and equip, delegate responsibility and provide clear direction. We have a variety of traditions within our churches. We need someone comfortable with contemporary, informal and traditional worship styles. Our ideal priest would be God-centric, spiritual and prayerful; a quality preacher, with charisma, who can teach and nurture us on our faith journey and enjoys fellowship. We need someone who is open-minded and will be a leader both in the Church and the community, has a “can do mentality” and is business minded in making decisions. A willingness to embrace Cornwall and all that it has to offer, including the challenges of a rural ministry, is essential; as is a commitment to the Cluster for the long haul, not seeing us as a stepping stone.

We seek someone who is excited about journeying with us, wherever God is leading. Deanery and Direction Message from the Rural Dean Rev. Chris Painter:

The East Deanery has recently undergone a pastoral reorganisation and now comprises five groups of parishes led by five stipendiary clergy and a House for Duty priest. There is significant support from a number of retired clergy. The deanery collectively is proactive in encouraging lay ministry and there are a significant number of Local Licensed Ministers, Readers and Pastoral Ministers. A number of ordinands and a Reader-in- training have originated within the deanery.

Beyond its statutory duties, the Deanery seeks to encourage growth and discipleship and these are key foci both within the Chapter and Synod. Synod meetings usually hear from a speaker on a practical matter (eg growing local ministries) and consider how this may be carried out locally.

The Callington cluster is a key player and its expertise in lay-ministry has proven a great source of encouragement. Callington also has a strong prophetic ministry and this often speaks into our debates ensuring that we remain attentive to God's calling for the Deanery. The cluster used its expertise to run a discipleship course for the whole deanery, and offered support for any community who wanted to run the course suitable for the local context.

We are about to construct another deanery plan centred on growth and discipleship - we pray for a colleague who can offer insight and energy in this also. The Churches - Callington

The Church: St Mary’s, Callington is a thriving evangelical church in the heart of the town. Although it is an historical building, much has been done to make its use flexible and fit for purpose, with flat screens, carpet, a multipurpose room and the North Aisle being a convertible space. The Church has a strong missional approach with many members taking God’s love to those outside of the building. Its style of worship is both contemporary and traditional with a competent worship band, a dedicated choir and many talented and gifted people with an amazing range of skills.

The Worship: The principal 10 am Sunday service has an average congregation of 72 including active young people’s work. There is a well established healing ministry, regularly witnessing supernatural healings and a quarterly healing service is held and encourages all to be involved. Once a month there is a family orientated service Together@Ten with a broader all age focus. There is also an informal evening service with extended worship. We are seeing new members added to our congregation regularly, some making a commitment for the first time. We are a missional community that seeks to equip, empower and enable people to do God’s work in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Work: There is a very strong prayer group that underpins God’s work at St Mary’s, meeting every Monday. A well organised Pastoral Team operates within the congregation, and the church is developing SOZO ministry (in depth individual healing sessions). The church seeks to meet the needs of the community by offering ways to engage with us through a number of expressions of our faith. These include Monday morning club for those on their own, ‘Your Space’ for youth to chill out and chat, Friday Frogs for mums and youngsters, and Buzz Kidz (a cluster wide initiative) to bring the Gospel to families. In addition to these there is Prayer Space (Praying for the prodigals), Craft Club, Women’s Fellowship, House Groups and our book club Book Ends.

The Future: This is an exciting opportunity to be part of what God is building in Callington. We have strong links with other churches through ‘Churches together in Callington’. Joint activities include the running of the Foodbank and the ‘Open The Book Team’ presenting Bible stories in Callington Primary School each week. A youth drop in on Friday evenings held in the Methodist church. Joint services are very well attended. We are a forward-looking church always seeking what God would have us do. We look forward to meeting you. The Churches - Stoke Climsland

The Church: Stoke Climsland is an extremely active, friendly community situated in beautiful countryside in the Tamar Valley and the Rectory is situated here. The Parish Church is in the centre of the village. Amenities including a Post Office/Stores, Sports Club, Parish Hall, Community Hall (the Old Primary School), Play Area and new Primary School, together with a Sports Ground. The village also serves the adjacent Duchy College of Agriculture, which is important to the local economy. Whilst the church is an old building, it is very well cared for and much has been done to make it a warm and welcoming place for the community. The church can seat up to 250 and is usually full for the Remembrance service and Carols by Candlelight.

The Worship: The church has made great strides in attracting young families through thriving monthly Family Services and Messy Church (40+). At the opposite end of the age group, a monthly ‘Remembering God’ afternoon service targets the elderly and those with learning difficulties, and is increasingly well attended (25+). Worship is largely modern and informal. Music is led by a small but talented worship group including an excellent pianist/organist. Once a month people from all over the cluster come together for 6.30@SCC (40+). A time of extended informal worship led by the worship group with communion, plus an in-depth teaching session from the rector. The Work: The church takes an active part in all aspects of village life and is important to very many people outside of the main worshipping community. Jesus calls us to be in community, and this work is particularly wide and varied. There is a well attended weekly carer and toddler group - WOW! (50+). Weekly ‘Open the Book’ sessions in the Primary School have been running for over 10 years, which has built an excellent relationship with the school and offers further opportunity for closer working. Young mums join with older members of the community at the weekly, extremely popular ‘Pop up cafe’ run by the church in the Parish Hall (100 over a morning). This not only reaches out to the community but also donates several thousand pounds to local charitable causes and has proved a fruitful mission ground. Another good mission ground is the Church Community Choir (35+) and the church runs an annual free breakfast (over 200 cooked breakfasts!) to gather goods and funds for the local homeless. One of our congregation is a Street Pastor, part of a very dedicated group who minister to late night revellers in Plymouth. The Future: We look to discern God’s will for our further work with the community to bring more people to the love of God. We are also looking for guidance on how to breathe new life into some of our less well attended morning services. With the new chancel area being constructed this year it will be an opportunity to enhance our informal gatherings such as Family Service, 6.30@SCC and WOW. We already have two large monitors which connect wirelessly with Apple TV and will be upgrading the church sound system with the new chancel. We look forward to working with a new leader who can equip us spiritually and inspire us to further our discipleship and our work in the community. The Churches - South Hill

The Church: St Sampson’s serves about two hundred households in the rural parish of South Hill. Ours is a small but vibrant church family, whose members care for each other and the place where we live and worship. We soak the parish in prayer and try to be open and obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. As a small church we particularly value our Cluster family involvement and support. Christians have worshipped here for almost 1500 years and today’s church, with its sense of stillness and peace, is often considered a ‘thin place’, where heaven is close.

The Worship: Worship is planned and led by our lay leadership team helped by church members. Common Worship formats are followed but with an informal style. There is a growing sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship which has brought new regular worshippers. We run occasional one-off events such as Messy Church and informal outdoor services, aimed at families and others from the wider community. The Work: All that we do is underpinned by prayer. A group meets weekly to pray blessings on the parish and we believe we are seeing the fruits of this within our church and parish. Our ‘St Sampson’s Unlocked’ improvement work is primarily a mission project, aimed at bringing new people into the church through being able to provide a wider worship offering and by making the building available for community use. Well supported by the community, project activities have increased our presence and built strong new links. Our one-off worship events benefit from these. Church members are active in the Community Choir, Toddler Group, Buzz Kids, and Open the Book, amongst others. Our Mission Statement is: Reach Out, Welcome In, Tell the Story. The Future: This is an exciting time as we move forward with the spiritual growth of our church family, the growth of our prayer and healing ministry within the parish, work on the building, and increased involvement in our community. We hope to be able to reach out in more practical ways, as our numbers grow and when our building has kitchen and toilet facilities. Our vision is that St Sampson’s will be an accessible Christian presence in our 21st century community, drawing people in, enfolding them with the warmth of its welcome and enabling them to experience the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The Churches - Linkinhorne

The Church: Linkinhorne Parish comprises St Melor’s Linkinhorne and St Paul’s Upton Cross and covers a collection of small to medium sized hamlets. St Melor’s, Linkinhorne, is a rural Church of Church using traditional hymn books, prayer books and service sheets (which we produce for special services). These services attract people from across the Cluster. We seek to continue following traditional churchmanship ritual: priest and lay readers are robed at all times; clerical collars worn; facing east for the Creed; and using the sign of the cross for blessings and absolution.

The Worship: Special services attract large congregations: Remembrance Sunday 157 (2018) and 145 (2019); Nine Lessons and Carols 146 (2018) and 96 (2019). Our services follow a traditional format but have room for new expressions of faith. In 2019 we hosted additional services to celebrate the ‘World Day of Prayer’ and a ‘Celtic Prayer day’ as part of the Diocesan day of prayer. All souls, Good Friday and Christmas services are important and poignant milestones on our Christian journey.

The Work: The annual Patronal Festival and Teddy Tumble is great fun and the Linkinhorne Scout’s attendance on Remembrance Sunday always ensures a full church. Twice a month we hold a choral evensong service that attracts a small, but growing number of worshippers from across the cluster. Visitors often comment on the heady mix of our warm welcome, spiritual atmosphere and the feeling of peace in our sacred building.

The Future: We would like a priest who has a knowledge of, an interest in and a liking for traditional churchmanship. Ideally this priest, would be seen in and work in the parish during the week as well as on Sundays: a priest who is able to spend time alongside parishioners - visiting the sick, the dying and the bereaved. Whilst this may not always be possible to attain for an individual with responsibility for 4 parishes with 5 Churches, we would look for someone who understands these aspirations and would seek to see them met as fully as possible. The Churches - Upton Cross

The Church: Linkinhorne Parish comprises St Melor’s Linkinhorne and St Paul’s Upton Cross and covers a collection of small to medium sized hamlets. Christians Together at Upton Cross and Rilla Mill is an informal partnership between St Paul’s at Upton Cross and Rilla Mill Methodist, but in reality draws it’s congregation (fellowship) from a much broader range of Christian traditions and a wider geographical area. Whatever your church background, or none, you will always receive a friendly welcome. We are blessed to be part of both the Callington Cluster of Anglican Churches and the Launceston Methodist Circuit and so benefit from dual clergy oversight – although the majority of our services are lay lead.

The Worship: Services are either held at St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross (a small mission church building with an intimate atmosphere), or at Rilla Mill Village Hall where we share fellowship over breakfast. Services are informal and leadership of the monthly communion service alternates between Anglican and Methodist clergy. All services at Upton Cross are followed by refreshments in the adjacent Crosslink Centre. The Work: As a fellowship we seek to be disciples of Jesus and make a priority of Bible teaching and prayer. We have weekly prayer meetings to pray God’s blessing on the parish and Bible studies three times a month. The congregation is encouraged to partake in both Cluster and Circuit initiatives with the leadership at Upton Cross taking an active role in teaching, preaching and serving the wider church. We recognise our responsibility to reach out to our community in Jesus’ name and do this through weekly Community Lunches for those over 60, ‘Drop in Café’ during term time, and ‘Open the Book’ at Upton Cross Primary School every other week. In conjunction with St Melor’s, the parish church of Linkinhorne, we run a Pastoral Team which offers home visits to anyone in the parish and visit the local care home for the elderly, taking in Communion and running a singing afternoon.

The Future: We are a small fellowship with between 20 and 25 meeting together each week so there is opportunity for participation for any who are willing. We are a fairly informal gathering, not taking ourselves too seriously, but we are serious about our faith in and service for Jesus. Everyone is welcome and anyone attending for more than a few weeks is likely to find themselves on a rota! The Rectory The Rectory is situated in Stoke Climsland, alongside the church and within walking distance of the Post Office/stores, Social Club, Parish Halls, Village green with its children’s playground, and the Primary School. Approached up a shared drive, it has countryside views and borders a beautiful churchyard and open farmland. The four bedroomed property is on one level, surrounded by its own garden and with a large attached garage. To the right from the front door is the Rector’s study, lined with bookshelves and large enough for both a desk and sofas making it ideal for small meetings. With a toilet adjacent to the study this means the Rector can host visitors without them impacting on the main living area.

Continued over…. To the left of the front door is the main living space, with a kitchen and separate utility room, with a door to the garden and outside store. A large dining and sitting room runs the length of the house, with double doors in-between, giving flexibility in the use of space. The sitting room has double doors into the garden, which surrounds the property and has a lawn area, vegetable area and fruit trees to the back. A gate gives direct access to the church. The property has a master bedroom, with ensuite, three further bedrooms and a family bathroom. Additional services include; short mid-week services including communion. Messy Church at Stoke Climsland Worship on the first Saturday, Bible Meditation, Prayer and Informal Communion at Rilla Mill Retreat Centre. On the 5th Sunday, Cluster communion is held at one of the churches.

Wk Time Callington Stoke Climsland Linkinhorne Upton Cross South Hill Early 8.00 Holy Communion 8.00 Morning Prayer Morning

Mid 10.00 Togerther@10 10.00 Morning Worship 9.30 Morning Worship 11.15 Holy Communion 1 Morning

2.30 Remembering God 6.30 Sung Evensong Evening

Early 8.00 Morning Prayer 8.00 Holy Communion Morning

Mid 10.00 Morning Worship 10.00 Morning Worship 11.15 Holy Communion 9.30 Holy Communion 11.15 Morning Worship 2 Morning

6.30 @ SMC Evening

Early 8.00 Holy Communion 8.00 Morning Prayer Morning

Mid 10.00 Morning Worship 10.00 Holy Communion 9.30 Morning Worship 11.15 Morning Worship 3 Morning

6.30 Sung Evensong Evening

Early 8.00 Morning Prayer 8.00 Holy Communion Morning

Mid 10.00 Holy Communion 11.15 Morning Prayer 9.30 Meet & Eat 10.00 All Age Service 4 10.00 Family Service Morning

6.30 @SCC Evening Holy Communion The Facts

Callington Stoke Climsland South Hill

Worshipping community: 135 Worshipping community: 92 Worshipping community: 28 made up of: made up of: Made up of: <18 = 3 <18 = 5 <18 = 2 18 - 69 = 69; 18 - 69 = 62 18 - 69 = 11 70+ = 63 70+ = 25 70+ = 15 Electoral Roll 104 Electoral Roll 86 Electoral Roll 25 Diocesan share: £36,000 Diocesan share: £24,000 Diocesan share: £6479 (paid in full) (paid in full) (paid in full) Average monthly giving: Average monthly giving: Average monthly giving: £4,410 £2,850 £812 Living in Parish: 5,910 Living in Parish 2,251 Living in Parish 480

2019: 2019: 2019: Weddings 0 Weddings 4 Weddings 2 Funerals 9 Funerals 6 Funerals 3 Baptisms 6 Baptisms 5 Baptisms 0

2% 5% 7% 27% 47% 51% 0-18 0-18 54% 39% 0-18 18-69 18-69 18-69 70+ 67% 70+ 70+

N.B. Average payment of Diocesan share across churches in Cornwall in 2019 was 75% Linkinhorne Parish

Upton Cross St Melors

Worshipping community: 28 Worshipping community: 30 made up of: made up of: <18 = 0 <18 = 0 18 - 69 = 25 18 - 69 = 4 70+ = 12 70+ = 26 Electoral Roll 57* Electoral Roll 57* Diocesan share: £23,750 Diocesan share: £23,750 * Total for Linkinhorne Parish (paid in full)* (paid in full)* Average monthly giving: Average monthly giving: £1,100.38 £1,067.28 Living in Parish 1,471* Living in Parish 1,471*

2019: 2019: Weddings 0 Weddings 0 Funerals 4 Funerals 0 Baptisms 1 Baptisms 3

13% 32%

0-18 0-18 68% 18-69 18-69 70+ 70+ 87% You will find this poster displayed in the entrance to every church in our Cluster.