1 2 creative loafing anD write club atlanta present fiction contest partY at highlanD inn ballrooM clatl.com 1/12/17, 7pM 2 ❘ DECEMBER 22 - 28, 2016 ❘ clatl.com 3 TIME AND PLACE 10:14 p.m. December 18, 2016, 420 Moreland Ave N.E. Brandon EngLiSh Fire up the Death Star Contents How the election hacked holiday movies Dec. 22 - 28, 2016 Volume 45, Issue 35 clatl.com 10 By Curt HoLMan Overdose reversal drug goes OTC Southern fried State will loosen access to a life-saving — but still Ludacris opens his long-awaited airport 6 expensive — overdose reversal drug eatery, Chicken+Beer By Maggie Lee 15 By HiLary Cadigan Cyndi Cyndi Holiday hilarity Living the dream S Highwire Comedy’s Lost Without Yule explores highs Big Jesus goes big with sophomore LP, aBido 9 and lows of the Christmas season 22 Oneiric By CaroLine Cox By Ben SaLMon Send an illustrated version of CL to illustrateCL@ For a chance to have your photo published in an upcoming issue, send the creativeloafing.com, or tag it #illustrateCL, and it image and the time and place it was taken to
[email protected]. may be featured above. Size: 2.5" x 2.5" .jpg or .eps clatl.com ❘ DECEMBER 22 - 28, 2016, 2016 ❘ 3 404 NEWS H o M e L essness NEWS e L ectors CLATL.COM | 404.688.5623 More police, please PUBLISHER • SHaRRy SmItH Dispute between city and shelter shows no signs of ending
[email protected] IntERIm EDItOR-In-CHIEF/ nEwS EDItOR • tHOmaS wHEatLEy
[email protected] ART DIRECTOR • Wes Duvall MANAGING EDITOR • Alicia Carter MUSIC EDITOR • Chad Radford