P A K I S T A N N A T I O N A L A S S E M B L Y R U L E S O F P R O C E D U R E A N D S T U D Y G U I D E Contents 1. Business of the House 2. Topic Area A: Electoral Rigging 3. Topic Area B: Restoration of Student Politics 4. Code of Conduct 5. PNA Individual Portfolio Sadiq Model United Nations 2015 Sadiq Public School, Ahmedpur Road, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
[email protected]; www.facebook.com/sadiqmun +92-062-2877692-4 Introduction The present national crisis and its elements have made us to play by their rules, well, the rules just changed. It’s time to take up the bag of recommendation drafts and to hit the Assembly floor. The Parliament that we are going to make in the mix with all of these politicians you will be allotted wouldn’t be just for representation, but would be for all that competition that resides in you. Pakistan National Assembly is more than just a session anywhere; it’s a mini youth Parliament. A lot is expected from this house of orators, and it’s just more than being leftist and rightist in political point of views. It’s more than being Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan at the scene; it’s about using your words as the only way out, how you convince is how you get! Be ready, because there is a lot of legislation to do this Sadiq MUN in the PNA.