Red Bank Register One Volume Lxi, No
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AU. the JO5WS oi BED BANK SECTION and Bnnoimdbig Towns Hold TearleMly «nd Without Blu RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LXI, NO. 20. -RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1938. PAGES 1 TO 14« No Contests ' Educational Benefit Musicale At Shrewsbury- c Hebrew Ladies' Edward J. Dbdd Being unopposed by Democrats, Purchasers of Rumson Proclamation Pirector To Be For Music Fund Mayor Frederick W. Robinson was Annual Monte Elected Mayor re-elected to his position when he Once again the time has come And Shore Properties for our community to demrin- Guest Speaker Of Trinity Church polled 348 votes on the Republican itate Its concern for maintain- Carlo Night ticket. Colonel David P. Wood and- 'ing a very necessary part of Of Eatontown Alfred N. Beadleston were elected to The former Whitn,ey"Voperty at Mr. Whltledge la now residing In our .civic welfare program—the Mechanic Street School Music Lovers to Have a serve the three-year term as coun- Monmouth Beach, owned by Mrs. Van Nuys, California, a suburb of work maintained by the Mon- Fifty Grand' Prizes, and Democratic Candidates cllmen. Colonel Wood ran for je- Dexter Blagden of Naveslnk River Hollywood, He Is a member of the mouth County Chaper of the road, Mlddletown township, was re- PTA to Hear Dr. H. B. Real Treat Wednesday election. Councilman William D. well-known vaudeville team of Barry American Red Cross. Ten Door Prizes to Be Sweep Victories Over cently' sold to the Management COP and Whltledge, who also have done . It 1B not necessary for me to Layton, Sr., was re-elected for the poration of New York: The broker considerable movie work In the past. Allen Tuesday Night of Next Week two-year term as councilman afid C. remind citizens of our commun- Awarded Republicans negotiating the sale was Charles > About a year ago, Mr. Whltledge ity that the work of the Red A. Osborne was elected for the one- Sweeney of Rumaon. sold his farm on Tin ton avenue, Dr. H. B. Allen, educational direc- Next Wednesday night promises to Cross la a vital contribution to year term. Richard T. Beak waa re- The property contains approxi- Eatontown, opposite the Monmouth our community welfare. Per- Great preparations are-under way Although all national, state and tor of the Near East Foundation, will be one of unusual Interest to music elected assessor. A total of Ml votes mately three and s. half acres of County Country club. „ for the annual Monte Carlo night to county Republican candidates re- be the guest speaker at next Tues- haps never before has the work lovers of this vicinity. On that oc- were cast. ground and is located on the south be given by the Ladiea Hebrew so- relved a lar^o majority vote at Eat- day night's meeting of the Mechanic casion the ladles of Trinity Eplspo- The same broker recently sold a of this great national agency side of Cottage road, Club circle, ad- been so closely brought to our ciety at the Community center, 10 ontown, the borough Republican can- Street School Parent-Teacher asso- pal church of Red Bank will hold seven-room house and bath situated Riverside avenue, Tuesday night, No-, • & joining the Edward T. Wilkinson on Grant avenue, Rumson, owned by attention as in\ this year dur- ciation in the school auditorium. their autumnal musicale for the property and directly across from vcmber 29. There will be 50 grand At the last meeting of the associa- benefit of the church music fund at Ernest Gaxdella, to P. J. McGutnness ing the glganll^ relief opera- prlzea awarded, together with ten ad-, the residence of George Delacorte, of Jersey City, who Is connected with tions in the devastating hurri- tion, Mrs. George H. Merrill, presi- the parish house. The entertainment the publisher. The house consists ditlonal door prizes. A fpature of thr will begin at 8:30 o'clock. the New York Port Authority. cane and floods In. New York, dent, presided and gave a report of of 16 rooms and five baths. The Long Island and tho New Eng- evening will be a large Karnpji patrty the state convention of Parent-Teach- Under the direction of Mrs. P. new owner will shortly make exten- The bouse Is heated by a hot water All the prlzea have bren donated Broadus Powers, who Is general land states. It Is a great work er associations held recently in At- sive alterations to the; property. system and the ground Is 50x150 feet. being done In an efficient man- through the courtesy of the mer- lantio City. chairman of the music committee, a The new owner will occupy it as his chants of Red Bank and frlonds of large group of women are putting Another property sold under con- ner and truly deserves our most the society. Game playing will be- Mrs. Frank Kuhl, parent education tract through Mr. Sweeney is the Or- summer home. sincere commendation. chairman, reported that a number of every effort forward for an enjoy- Another properly sold by the 'same gin promptly at 8 o'clock. aMe as well as a profitable affair. ville Whltledge property on the west new books have been put on the PTA side of Naveslnk avenue, Rumaon, broker is the New Harding hotel, a Our community, I am pleased Mrs,. Murray Cowan and Mrs. Sam- book shelf at the public library. Mrs. Assisting Mrs.. Powers are MPS. three-story frame structure, located to sav, carried Its full share of uel Cohen are general chairmen of Harry H. Sutton, Mrs. Warren Bpok- adjoining on the north the estate of Kuhl will be hostess at the first meet- the late Mrs. Julian McCarty Little, at' the corner of Bath and Second the responsibility for making the affair and theyo havr an exrep- Ing o{ her group at her home next walter, Mrs. Stanley Havlland, Mrs. avenues, Long ranch. It contains 70 this ereat relief work possible, j tlonally large cornmlttee working Edward Magee, Mrs. C. Easton Hen- now occupied by C. Frederick Niel- Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. son, Jr., and the Harry Caesar prop- rooms and 15 baths and practically through contributions of our ! with them, which promises tn have The topic to be discussed will be "The drlckson. Mrs. James O. Davis, Mrs. every room has running hot and cold citizens. an affair which will eclipse all pre- Raymond Johnson, Mrs. Alfred erty on the west. It was sold to J. Family In a Democracy." H. Llpplncott of Rumson. water. One of the features of the The annual Roll Call of the I vloua efforts of the society. Mathlasen, Mrs. Walter Rullman, hotel IB a children's dining room. Red Cross, through which such i Mrs. Harry Fcldt and Mrs. Bernard The association will hold & card Mrs. Frank Wodehouse and Miss The property has a frontage of I Katsln are in charge of prizes; Mrs. party In the school auditorium Mon- more than 100 feet with a depth of There Is also a grill In the basement. fine work, Is supported, Is from Dorothy Brown. November 11 to Thanksg.vlng Murray Cowan will supervise the dis- day evening, November 21. There The artists who will be heard are approximately 400 feet and is nicely The property was recently ac- tribution of the awards and Mrs. Ben- will be attractive prizes for each ta- planted with a number of shade Day. Membership enrolled dur- Mrs. Hazel* Storms, wife of Major H. quired by the City of Long Branch ing that time will support the jamin Adler, Mrs. Leon Reuckhaua. ble and a special door prize. Mrs. Emerson Storms of Fort Monmouth; trees. The frame house consists of and was sold to the Adult Students' Mrs. Samuel Cohen and Mrs. Frank Merrill is chairman of the affair and ten- rooms and two baths and Is heat- work for the year ahead of us. Weston Morrell. Jane McHugh and association of rooklyn. Extensive al- The Red Cross asks little from Rahn will tie at the door. she is being assisted by Mrs. Kuiil, Francis Kodama and the church ed by a hot water system. There terations will shortly be started by MlBS Elizabeth Kelly, Mrs. John are also a couple of outbuildings, in- the community, yet contributes The various bootha will be In choir, the new owner who will occupy It much to the general wel/are of Pohl, Jr., Mrs. Emil Slngdahlsen, Mrs. cluding a large two-story barn, a May 1, It Is the Intention of the charge of a committee consisting of Mrs. Storms, who possesses a rich our people. Mrs. Morris JRCH,B, Mrs. Henry Hur- Harry O'Brien, Mrs. Leroy Bergen, soprano voice and who has had wide dog kennel and an old windmill, re- new owners to ultimately occupy the Mrs. Fred Frick, Jr.. Mrs. Burton tained for ornamental purposes; The It gives me great pleasure, as wltz, Mra. Julius Straus, Mra. Harry experience in church and concert WILLIAM D. LAYTON. SR, . hotel the year around. The ground Moore, Mrs. Madeline Olsen and Mrs. new owner will make the property Is irregular in shape with consider- mayor of Red Bank, to set Madanaky, Mrs. Alex Hubert, Mrs. work, will render several selections, Leon Reuckhaus and Mrs. Murray EDWARD J. DODD Ormond Mlnton. accompanied on the piano by Mrs. his permanent home. able frontage on Second avenue. aside the designated period as Shrewsbury, as usual, went strong the time when all members will Cowan. The county council of parent-teach- Olive Wyckoff. Mrs. Storms has .