
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 02/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 337 - März 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, neuestes Filmprojekt REMEMBERING nen perfekten Heimkinoabend an. Garan- liebe Filmfreunde! WIDESCREEN wird seine Weltpremiere tiert. auf dem “Widescreen Weekend” in Haben Sie sich schon einmal mit veganer Bradford erleben. Inzwischen ist der Ist bei Ihnen auch schon der Frühling aus- Lebensweise beschäftigt oder sind Sie be- Screening-Termin bekannt: Samstag, 12. gebrochen? Uns zumindest lächelt die Son- reits Veganer? Wie auch immer – Marc April 2014, 10:00 Uhr. Wir freuen uns ne ständig durch die Bürofenster auf derart Pierschels Dokumentarfilm LIVE AND darauf! Alle weiteren Infos zum Festival nette Weise an, dass es uns als eine gute LET LIVE bringt Wissende wie Unwissen- gibt es im Netz unter http:// Idee erscheint, dieses Editorial hiermit zu de auf den neuesten Stand und beleuchtet www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/ beenden und den Newsletter schleunigst alle Aspekte des Veganismus. Der Filmema- bradfordinternationalfilmfestival fertigzustellen, um uns einem ausführlichen cher, der seine abendfüllende Dokumentati- Spaziergang hinzugeben. Wäre mal etwas on während seiner Freizeit angefertigt hat, Freunden harter Thriller sei ein Film ganz anderes als nur im Heimkino Filme zu präsentierte das Werk vor Kurzem in Stutt- besonders ans Herzen gelegt, der uns im schauen, oder? gart einem interessierten Kinopublikum. letzten Jahr begeisterte: BIG BAD Wir haben der Veranstaltung beigewohnt WOLVES. Für April sind sowohl DVD als Bis zum nächsten Mal! und diese in einem kleinen Video auch Blu-ray in den USA angekündigt, eine zusammengefasst. Zu finden in Kürze auf deutsche Veröffentlichung steht noch nicht Ihr Laser Hotline Team unserem Youtube-Kanal. fest. Mit seiner Kombination aus Thrill, Horror und schwarzem Humor bietet sich Und damit erst einmal herzlich willkommen der israelische Film geradezu ideal für ei- zur Februar-Ausgabe unseres Newsletters, die sich (wie könnte es auch anders sein) als März-Ausgabe tarnt. Nicht nur eine Vielzahl von wahrzunehmenden Terminen, auch die angeschlagende Gesundheit sind Schuld daran, dass die vorliegende Ausgabe mal wieder nicht pünktlich an den Start ging. Dafür aber können Sie sich über eine prall gefüllte Ausgabe freuen. Und mehr noch: unsere Kolumnistin Anna hat wieder einmal die begehrten “Laser” vergeben! Wem sie einen solchen “Laser” spendiert, das können Sie ab Seite 3 hautnah mit- verfolgen. Und wer wissen möchte, was im Kino sich anzuschauen lohnt, dem empfeh- len wir Wlfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ab Seite 5.

In der letzten Ausgabe des Newsletters hatten wir es ja bereits erwähnt: unser

Regisseur Marc Pierschel stellte seinen Film LIVE AND LET LIVE dem Stuttgarter Kinopublikum vor. Das Video dazu gibt es in Kürze auf www..com/ user/laserhotline

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014

And the Laser 2014 goes to...

Willkommen, meine Damen und Herren, zur zweiten In der Kategorie bestes Originaldrehbuch geht der Laser Verleihung des Lasers! Die Oscars, Golden Globes, an … American Hustle! SAG Awards et cetera pepe haben wir hinter uns ge- bracht, nun geht es an den wirklich wichtigen Filmpreis: In American Hustle wird klar, dass die ganze Welt nicht den Laser. eine Bühne ist. Sie ist ein Kasino und wir sind alle spielsüchtig. Egal, was unsere persönliche Motivationen In der Kategorie bester Film geht der Laser an … sind, wir drehen alle ständig irgendwelche Dinger, um Gravity! weiterzukommen. Dieser Film veranschaulicht dieses Prinzip perfekt. Wilde Figuren in einer wilden Konstella- Zum ersten Mal seit kam mit Gravity ein Film tion lassen ihrem Ehrgeiz, ihrer Liebe und ihrer Spiel- ins Kino, dessen technische und erzählerische Eigen- sucht freien Lauf. Sie verquicken sich zu einem überra- schaften einen mit reiner Ver- und Bewunderung zurück- schenden filmischen Long Island Iced Tea: Lecker, ließen. Dieses Meisterwerk von Alfonso Cuarón begei- verführerisch und mit hartem Abgang. stert nicht nur durch atemberaubende Aufnahmen, sondern auch durch wahren Suspense, wie er das letzte In der Kategorie beste Nebendarstellerin geht der Laser Mal nur beim alten Alfred zu spüren war. Dazu kommt an … Jennifer Lawrence für American Hustle! eine tolle Performance von Hauptdarstellerin Sandra Bullock und das beste 3D – für die Liebhaber davon – Oh, Jennifer. In American Hustle hat La Lawrence seit Pina und Life of Pi. Auch der Einsatz des besten insgesamt nur wenig Spielzeit, aber sobald sie in eine Filmformats aller Zeiten, dem 70mm, in der Endszene, Szene tritt, sieht man nur noch sie. Als hysterische, soll an dieser Stelle gepriesen werden. Ein Film, der dumme, betrogene junge Mutter ist die 23-jährige, die kompakt und eindrucksvoll, mit einer einzigen Darstelle- viele (ahem) hier von der Laser Academy für die nächste rin die klassische Reise des Helden mit den avantgardi- halten, ein absoluter Leinwandmagnet. Aus stischsten Filmtechniken unsere Zeit vereint. Ein wohl- einer Rolle die leicht hätte “camp” und aufgesetzt wirken verdienter Laser. können meißelt Lawrence eine vielschichtige und trotz- dem wahnwitzige Figur, die es dem Zuschauer ermög- In der Kategorie bester ausländischer Film geht der licht, sich vollkommen in Filmehemann Christian Bales Laser an … Paulette! Figur hineinzuversetzen. Man versteht genau, wieso Bales Irving Rosenfeld diese blonde Katastrophe gleich- Paulette überrascht, weil man im ersten Moment nur zeitig hasst und liebt und, trotz seinem Verhältnis mit eine bitterböse Komödie vermutet. Doch dieser Film ist der wirklich beeindruckenden , nicht von ihr so viel mehr als das! In Paulette wird nicht einfach eine lassen kann. Wie auch wir nicht von La Lawrence las- verbitterte Alte gezeigt, dessen Herz irgendwann umge- sen können. stimmt wird. Hier geht es auch um brisante soziale Themen, zugänglich gemacht eben durch den gezielten In der Kategorie bester Nebendarsteller geht der Laser und meisterhaften Einsatz von Humor. Altersarmut, an … Jared Leto für Dallas Buyers Club! Rassismus, die Schwierigkeit, aus dem Ghetto der Banlieues auszubrechen und sogar die Legalisierung Keine Performance in den letzten Jahren war so rüh- von Marihuana werden in Paulette eindrücklich und rend, so nuanciert, so hingebungsvoll wie die von Jared gekonnt thematisiert. Paulette ist ein Film, den man Leto als Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club. Es geht nicht so auch Schülern zeigen kann, um sie zu sensibilisieren sehr darum, dass Leto sich runtergehungert hat auf und ihnen so manche politische Zusammenhänge näher- Auschwitz-Maße und das nun belohnt werden muss. zubringen (erfolgreich getestet an mehreren Klassen der Es geht um die würdige, ergreifende Darstellung einer Europäischen Schule München). Ein Film fürs Herz, fürs wahren Person, die für ihre Ideale und Hilfsbereitschaft Hirn und fürs Zwerchfell. gestorben ist. Rayon hat Hoffnung gegeben und ist nun

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 durch Jared Leto wiederauferstanden. Den Humor und im nächsten Moment schnell wieder im Halse stecken die Verletzlichkeit, das Standhafte und das Chaotische bleibt. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ausgerechnet DiCaprio, der Figur hat Leto auf einzigartige Weise eingefangen der eher für seine dramatischen Rollen bekannt ist, dies und somit dafür gesorgt, dass Rayons Erbe würdig so meisterhaft rüberbringt? Ein gern verliehener Laser weiterlebt. Dafür würden wir zehn Laser vergeben, wenn für diese überraschende, erfrischende und grausig-gute wir es könnten. Bravo. Darstellung eines funktionalen Psychopathen.

In der Kategorie beste Hauptdarstellerin geht der Laser In der Kategorie beste Regie geht der Laser an … an … für Blue Jasmine! Martin Scorsese für The Wolf of Wall Street!

Blue Jasmine beweist wieder einmal, dass es nichts Von der Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gibt, was Cate Blanchett nicht hinreißend spielen kann. mal wieder völlig übergangen, soll Martin Scorsese hier Ob als Elbe, Königin Englands, Katharine Hepburn oder gebührend gefeiert werden. Mit The Wolf of Wall Street nun als alkoholisches Wrack – Blanchett ist eine Klas- hat Scorsese sicherlich einen der besten Filme seiner se für sich. Gepaart mit der äußerst gesellschafts- beeindruckenden Karriere gedreht. The Wolf of Wall kritischen Materialvorlage Woody Allens, wen wundert Street besitzt Frische und Direktheit, gepaart mit einer es da noch, dass sich Blanchett dieses Jahr die Dreifal- enormen Portion Gesellschaftskritik und einer außerge- tigkeit unter den Filmpreisen geholt hat: den Golden wöhnlichen formellen Umsetzung – man sehe sich nur Globe, den Oscar und den Laser. Ihre Darstellung der die originellen Schnittfolgen oder das gezielte Durchbre- Jasmine, einer egoistischen, an chen der vierten Wand an. Woody Allens Blue Jasmine Selbstbewusstseinsstörungen leidenden Lügnerin mit behandelt ähnliche Themen, aber der Laser geht hier massivem Alkoholproblem ist bemerkenswert. Eine eindeutig an den noch stärkeren, noch scheußlicheren Figur die man eigentlich hassen würde, ja hassen The Wolf of Wall Street, der auf erschreckende, eingän- sollte, tut einem Leid und man hofft bis zuletzt, dass gige und immer spannende Art und Weise auch die sie endlich die Kurve kriegt. Cate Blanchett spielt großen Zusammenhänge der Wirtschaftskrise erklärt. Jasmine mit so viel Feingefühl, dass man sich als Besonders jetzt, wo die Krise und die Verantwortlichen Zuschauer fast manisch-depressiv fühlt: Man hasst sie, gerne wieder vergessen werden, ist The Wolf of Wall man liebt sie, man hasst sie, man liebt sie, man will sie Street ein wichtiger Film, der mahnt und aufklärt. Das nicht aufgeben. Ein Laser, der dieses Jahr wirklich nur unterhaltsam mit Spannung und Galgenhumor umzuset- ein Zuhause finden konnte: den Blanchett-Haushalt. zen ist allein der Verdienst von Altmeister Scorsese. Glückwunsch! In der Kategorie bester Hauptdarsteller geht der Laser an … Leonardo DiCaprio für The Wolf of Wall Street! Wie hätten Sie gestimmt? Lassen Sie es die Laser Academy wissen und vergessen Sie nicht, dass alle hier Dieses Jahr ist das Jahr der Hassliebe für die Laser besprochenen Filme auch direkt aus dem Academy Academy. Wie Jasmine ist auch Jordan Belfort jemand, Headquarter in Korntal beziehbar sind (oder sehr bald den man eigentlich verabscheut. Anders als Jasmine sein werden). Ihre Filmsammlung wird es Ihnen danken, möchte man aber nicht, dass Jordan es schafft im um so ehrenvolle Titel und Darstellungen erweitert zu Leben. Und doch ist er so wahnsinnig psychopathisch, werden! so hoffnungslos erfolgreich, dass er fasziniert. Es scheint, als würde Leonardo DiCaprio von Jahr zu Jahr Anna Rudschies ein besserer Schauspieler – und das obwohl er schon ziemlich weit oben angefangen hat, man erinnere sich an seine Performance in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Nun schafft DiCaprio hier die schwierige Gratwanderung, Anna freut sich über Feedback! ein Scheusal zu porträtieren und dabei den Zuschauer [email protected] trotzdem oft zum Lachen zu bringen, auch wenn dieses

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 03. Februar 2014 erfreuen. Die eingesetzte Filmmusik mit Sicherheit sehr dienlich. Die Spiel- Ein Bilderbuchklassiker sowie das Sounddesign lassen nichts orte wurden so für den Film aufgebro- Zum Auftakt einer recht überschauba- zu wünschen übrig. chen, dass das Theaterhafte ver- ren Pressewoche gab es einen Film für schwindet. Immer wieder werden Au- die Kleinen, der auch den Großen gefal- Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2014 ßenaufnahmen vom schwülheißen len könnte Eine Familie zerfleischt sich Oklahoma eingestreut, die dafür sor- Nachdem die Pressevorführung gestern gen, dass die Hitze auch beim Zu- PETTERSSON UND FINDUS – KLEI- aufgrund massiver technischer Proble- schauer ankommt. Inmitten dieser Hitze NER QUÄLGEIST - GROSSE me nicht stattfinden konnte, freute ich pfercht Wells sein vorzügliches Ensem- FREUNDSCHAFT (1:1.85 & 1:2.35, 5.1) mich heute umso mehr, dass uns die ble in das viel zu dunkle Elternhaus Verleih: Senator Technik dieses Mal keinen Streich und lässt die Teilnehmer ungehemmt Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 spielte aufeinander los – in bester WER HAT Regie: Ali Samadi Ahadi ANGST VOR VIRGINIA WOOLF-Ma- Darsteller: Ulrich Noethen, Marianne IM AUGUST IN OSAGE COUNTY nier. Der Schlagabtausch zwischen den Sägebrecht, Max Herbrechter (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Familienmitgliedern ist von ebensoviel Kinostart: 13.03.2014 OT: August: Osage County Bitterkeit wie schwarzem Humor ge- Verleih: Tobis prägt. Hier bleibt kein Stein mehr auf Der alte Pettersson, ein Bastler und Land/Jahr: USA 2013 dem anderen. Und nicht nur Meryl Erfinder, lebt ganz allein in seinem ro- Regie: John Wells Streep als Tabletten-Junkie läuft zur ten Haus irgendwo in Schweden. Eines Darsteller: Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Hochform auf. Auch Julia Roberts, Tages bringt ihm seine Nachbarin ein Ewan McGregor, Abigail Breslin, Margo Juliette Lewis und Julianne Nicholson kleines Geschenk vorbei: das Kätzchen Martindale, Chris Cooper, Julianne in der Rolle ihrer erwachsenen Töchter Findus. Damit sich Pettersson nicht Nicholson, Benedict Cumberbatch, können ihr Paroli bieten. Nicht zu ver- mehr so einsam fühlt, sagt sie. Zu sei- Juliette Lewis, Dermot Mulroney, Sam gessen als Tante ner großen Überraschung fängt Findus Shepard Fattie, die nicht nur ihren von Chris an zu sprechen. Fortan sind die beiden Kinostart: 06.03.2014 Cooper gespielten Ehemann, sondern unzertrennlich - auch wenn Findus hin auch ihrem Sohn (Benedict und wieder ein richtiger Qäulgeist sein Seit vielen Jahren schon haben sich die Cumberbatch) das Leben zur Hölle kann. Mit großer Detailverliebtheit Mitglieder der Weston-Familie aus den macht. IM AUGUST IN OSAGE wurden jetzt vier der bekannten Kin- Augen verloren. Die drei Töchter sind COUNTY ist brillantes Schauspieler- derbücher von Sven Nordquist für die längst aus dem Haus und leben ihre Kino über eine dysfunktionale Familie Kinoleinwand umgesetzt. Dabei ist die eigenen Leben. Einzig Vater Beverly mit all ihren Abgründen und Lebens- Kombination aus Real- und und Mutter Violet harren in ihrem Haus lügen. Animationselementen sehr gut gelun- mitten auf dem Land aus. Er ist Alkoho- gen, da sie den Bilderbuchcharakter liker, Sie versucht ihren Mundhöhlen- Freitag, 07. Februar 2014 der Originale beibehält. Selbst die krebs mit Tabletten abzutöten. Als Die skurrile Welt des Wes Anderson Mehrfachinkarnationen des Pettersson, Beverly eines Tages spurlos ver- Mit einem der aufregendsten Filme der die es immer wieder in den Büchern schwindet, trommelt Violet die ganze letzten Zeit wurde der Presse-Freitag innerhalb eines Bildes zu entdecken Familie zusammen. Im elterlichen Haus eingeläutet. gibt, wurden von den Filmemachern in prallen sie alle wieder aufeinander. Man das Werk integriert. Ulrich Noethen ist um Frieden bemüht, doch unter- GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL () gibt einen wunderbar schrulligen schwellig tun sich Abgründe auf. Als OT: The Grand Budapest Hotel Pettersson und auch seine Mitspieler Beverly schließlich ertrunken aufge- Verleih: Fox passen hervorragend zu den Figuren. funden wird und die Polizei von einem Land/Jahr: USA, Deutschland 2013 Einzige Kritik sei an dem animierten Suizid ausgeht, nimmt das eigentliche Regie: Wes Anderson Kätzchen Findus erlaubt. Denn das Drama erst seinen Lauf... Es gehört Darsteller: , F. Murray kleine Tier wirkt wie eine Plastikversion schon ein gewisses Talent dazu, ein Abraham, , Adrien der Bilderbuchvorlage. Vermutlich fie- Theaterstück für die Kinoleinwand so Brody, , Jeff Goldblum, len hier sehr viele Details dem Budget umzusetzen, dass der Film am Ende Harvey Keitel, Jude Law, Bill Murray, zum Opfer. Gewünscht hätte man sich nicht einfach nur wie eine abgefilmte Edward Norton, Saoirse Ronan, Jason einen richtig flauschigen Findus und Theateraufführung wirkt. Mit der Film- Schwartzman, Léa Seydoux, Tilda kein Abziehbild. Mit den nur 80 Minu- adaptation von IM AUGUST IN OSAGE Swinton, Tom Wilkinson, Owen Wilson, ten Spielzeit und ein paar sehr einfa- COUNTY beweist Regisseur John Tony Revolori, Bob Balaban chen Liedern zum Mitsingen eignet Wells (THE COMPANY MEN) genau Kinostart: 06.03.2014 sich der Film hervorragend für die 5- dieses Talent. Dass das Drehbuch vom bis 8-jährigen und dürfte darüber hin- Bühnenautor Tracy Letts höchstper- Im Rückblick wird die Geschichte des aus auch jung gebliebene Erwachsene sönlich stammt, war der Sache dabei Gustave H. erzählt, der als Concierge

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Formate in einen 1:1.85-Rahmen lich zusammenreißen, um nicht in schal- gepresst werden und nicht etwa in den lendes Gelächter zu verfallen. Russell größtmöglichen Rahmen von 1:2.39). Crowe als der Antagonist wirkt über Man kann sich gar nicht sattsehen an weite Strecken des Films als sei er den Bildern, die oft wie Gemälde wirken nicht von dieser Welt. Das könnte rein oder gar wie dreidimensionale Auf- theoretisch zwar zu seiner Rolle pas- klappbilderbücher. Die Spielhandlung sen, sieht aber eher so aus, als ob der wurde nach Europa verlegt, und zwar in gute Mann gar nicht wusste, was er die fiktive Republik Zubrowka. Schon überhaupt auf dem Filmset verloren alleine die Wahl der Namen von Orten, hat. Immerhin gibt es passable Krankheiten oder auch Personen ist Schauspielerleistungen von Colin derart skurril, dass man schon eine Farrell (in einer für ihn sehr atypischen sehr blühende Phantasie benötigt, um Rolle) und Jessica Brown Findlay. Lei- sich diese auszudenken. Bis in die der taucht nur in ei- kleinsten Rollen hinein wurden Welt- ner Nebenrolle auf – was für eine Ver- stars gecastet, von denen manche nur schwendung. Was den Score des Films Kurzauftritte absolvieren. Alexandre angeht, so werden im Abspann gleich Desplats Filmmusik stellt einmal mehr zwei Komponisten genannt: Hans Zim- unter Beweis, dass es sich bei dem mer und Rupert Gregson-Williams (Bru- Komponisten um einen der fähigsten der von Harry Gregson-Williams). Wie Filmmusiker der Gegenwart handelt. sich die beiden die Arbeit geteilt ha- GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL empfiehlt ben, lässt sich nur schwer sagen. Tat- sich als Geheimtipp für alle, die mehr sache ist jedoch, dass das Finale des des “Grand Budapest Hotels” in der vom Kino erwarten. Films ganz offensichtlich von Thomas osteuropäischen Republik Zubrowka Newmans Finale aus RENDEZVOUS zur Legende wurde. Gemeinsam mit WINTER’S TALE () MIT JOE BLACK inspiriert wurde. seinem besten Freund, dem Lobby-Boy OT: Winter’s Tale Braucht es dafür gleich zweier Kompo- Zero, wird er Anfang des 20. Jahrhun- Verleih: Warner nisten? Wie dem auch sei – die Vermu- derts in einen Mordfall verwickelt, des- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 tung liegt nahe, dass Newmans Stück sen Hauptverdächtiger er plötzlich ist, Regie: Akiva Goldsman als sogenannter “Temp Track” verwen- muss ein wertvolles Gemälde stehlen, Darsteller: Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown det wurde. Fazit: keine optimale Wahl das ihm vererbt wurde und viele andere Findlay, Jennifer Connelly, William für ein Valentinstag-Date. haarsträubende Abenteuer bestehen... Hurt, , Will Smith, Eva Von einem Kinofilm erwarte ich in der Marie Saint Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014 Regel Bilder, die ich noch nie gesehen Kinostart: 13.02.2014 Von Kunstliebhabern und Freeclimbern habe und auch eine Story, die vollkom- Die ersten beiden Vorführungen der men neu ist. Alles andere wäre ja lang- zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhun- neuen Pressewoche waren zugleich weilig. Wes Anderson ist einer jener derts. Als Meisterdieb Peter Lake in ein auch die letzten beiden. Regisseure, die meine Sucht nach stets hochherrschaftliches Haus einsteigt, Neuem zutiefst befriedigen kann. Ein wird er von der jungen wie schönen MONUMENTS MEN – UNGEWÖHNLI- Beweis dafür ist sein neues Meister- Beverly Penn überrascht. Zwischen CHE HELDEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) werk, GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL. den Beiden funkt es sofort. Doch ihre OT: The Monuments Men Andersons fulminanter Mikrokosmos Liebe steht unter keinem guten Stern. Verleih: Fox aus phantastischen Bildern und skurri- Nicht nur wird Peter von einem Dämon Land/Jahr: USA, Deutschland 2014 len Einfällen verlangt gerade dazu, sich namens Pearly Soames gejagt, auch Regie: George Clooney den Film mehrmals anzuschauen und leidet Beverly unter der tödlichen Darsteller: George Clooney, Matt dabei ständig das Gefühl zu haben, Schwindsucht. Doch das Schicksal hat Damon, Bill Murray, John Goodman, einen ganz neuen Film zu sehen. Sein bereits ganz andere Pläne für Peter... Jean Dujardin, Cate Blanchett Film weigert sich beharrlich, in irgend- Akiva Goldsmans Film tut sich relativ Kinostart: 20.02.2014 ein Genre eingereiht zu werden – ein schwer damit, ein Gemisch aus Fantasy Fakt, das alle seine bisherigen Werke und Romantik zu sein. Für Ersteres ist Als das Deutsche Reich kurz vor der teilen. Die verschiedenen Epochen, in er einfach zu abgedroschen, für Letzte- Kapitulation steht, soll ein kleiner denen die Story erzählt wird, werden res oft einfach nur lächerlich. Als das Trupp der Alliierten die von den Nazis durch Verwendung verschiedener Bild- weiße Pferd plötzlich und genau im geraubten Bilder und Skulpturen auf- formate sowie unterschiedlicher Farb- richtigen Moment auf dem Dach eines finden und ihren rechtmäßigen Besit- gebung charakterisiert (Anmerkung: Hochhauses erscheint, um die Protago- zern wieder zurückgeben. Dumm nur, verwunderlich dabei ist, dass alle drei nisten zu retten, muss man sich ziem- dass sich die Kunstschätze hinter den

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog feindlichen Linien befinden... Kaum Der Biss der Ameise erklingen die ersten Töne der Film- Aus Mangel an Pressevorführungen musik von Alexandre Desplat (der im habe ich heute mal wieder einen Film selbst auch eine kleine Rolle über- Screener aus der Schublade geholt. nommen hat), fühlt man sich unweiger- lich an Filmklassiker wie DAS DRECKI- ANTBOY (1:1.85, 5.1) GE DUTZEND, STROSSTRUPP GOLD OT: Antboy oder auch GESPRENGTE KETTEN er- Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) innert. Und das ist ganz sicher kein Land/Jahr: Dänemark 2013 Zufall, denn der gesamte Film schlägt Regie: Ask Hasselbalch in dieselbe Kerbe wie jene amerikani- Darsteller: Oscar Dietz, Nicolas Bro, schen Kriegsfilme aus den 1960er Jah- Samuel Ting Graf ren. Hauptdarsteller, Drehbuchautor Kinostart: 27.03.2014 und Regisseur in Personalunion George Clooney hat ganz offensichtlich ein Der 12jährige Pelle möchte alles andere Faible für diese stets mit Humor ange- als normal sein. Liebend gerne würde reicherten Kriegsgeschichten. Auch er mit dem Nerd Wilhelm in seiner Klas- wenn der nach wahren Begebenheiten se tauschen. Denn der bezieht immer- recht kurzweilig inszenierte Film ab und hin regelmäßig Prügel, um ihn selbst an Probleme damit hat, Pointen richtig jedoch kümmert sich niemand. Und auszuspielen, kann man sich mit ihm schon gar nicht Anna, die er heimlich anfreunden. Insbesondere dann natür- anhimmelt. Alles ändert sich, als Pelle lich, wenn man selbst Fan jener Filme eines Tages von einer Ameise gebissen ist, in dessen Geiste Clooney sein wird. Jetzt verfügt er plötzlich über Werk realisierte. takuläre Aufnahmen, deren Wirkung Superkräfte. Mit Hilfe von Wilhelm man sich auf der großen Kinoleinwand lernt Pelle nicht nur seine Kräfte gezielt CERRO TORRE – NICHT DEN nicht entziehen kann. Die sind so einzusetzen, um Menschen zu helfen, HAUCH EINER CHANCE (1:2.35, 5.1) schwindelerregend, das man immer wie- sondern erhält auch noch ein dazu pas- Verleih: Red Bull der den Atem anhalten möchte und sendes Kostüm um unerkannt zu blei- Land/Jahr: Österreich 2013 versucht ist, in spannenden Momenten ben. Bald schon machen die Heldenta- Regie: Thomas Dirnhofer die Augen zu schließen und sich im ten von Antboy, wie sich Pelle nennt, Darsteller: David Lama, Peter Ortner, Geheimen wünscht, dass alles gut aus- die Runde in der Stadt. Sogar Anna Toni Ponholzer gehen wird! Auch sonst lässt der Film beginnt sich für Antboy zu interessie- Kinostart: 13.03.2014 in Bild- und Tongestaltung nichts zu ren. Ein großes Abenteuer beginnt... wünschen übrig. Seien es die doku- ANTBOY unterstreicht die Theorie, Wie ein Mahnmal erhebt sich der Cerro mentarischen Bilder, die durch digitale dass die guten Kinderfilme sehr oft aus Torre inmitten der Gebirgswelt Nachbearbeitung extrem lebendig wir- skandinavischen Ländern stammen. Padagoniens. Seit seiner Erstbestei- ken, oder die sehr abwechslungsreich Hier werden Themenkomplexe wie gung Ende der 1950er Jahre gilt er als eingestreuten Schlagzeilen, die in Freundschaft, Liebe und Solidarität eine der größten Herausforderungen schnellen Bildfolgen ablaufen. Michael spielerisch in eine ebenso witzige wie für Bergsteiger. David Lama ist einer Kadelbachs Musik sorgt ständig dafür, phantastische Geschichte eingebunden davon und er ist Protagonist in diesem dass der Spannungsfaden nicht reißt und sind dank der guten Kinder- Dokumentarfilm. Nicht weniger als drei und versorgt die atemberaubenden darsteller für die jüngeren Zuschauer Anläufe in unterschiedlichen Jahren Kletterszenen mit der notwendigen leicht nachzuvollziehen. Allerdings gibt waren notwendig, um Lamas Idee, den Dramatik. Nicht zuletzt durch die Nähe es auch ein paar recht gruselige Sze- Cerro Torre im Freikletterstil zu bestei- zu seinen Protagonisten fängt CERRO nen, die speziell zart Besaiteten Angst gen, in die Tat umzusetzen. Die äußert TORRE – NICHT DEN HAUCH EINER einjagen könnten. Der vorzüglich foto- schwierigen Witterungsverhältnisse CHANCE perfekt eines der letzten grafierte Film wartet zudem noch mit machten nicht nur ihm und seinem Part- Abenteuer der Menschheit ein und einem überraschenden Ende auf, das ner Peter Ortner immer wieder zu schaf- entlässt die Zuschauer am Ende alles andere als klischeehaft ist. fen, sondern auch der Filmcrew, die das schließlich mit dem sicheren Gefühl, Wagnis für die Nachwelt konservieren immer nur auf hohem Niveau zu jam- Samstag, 15. Februar 2014 wollte. Doch Lamas Beharrlichkeit soll- mern. Zumindest dann, wenn man nicht Made in China te das Ziel schließlich zum Greifen nahe selbst zu den Gipfelstürmern gehört. Da ich keine filmfreien Wochenenden bringen... Regisseur Thomas Dirnhofer mag, bin ich kurz entschlossen zu einer und seinem Filmteam gelangen mit die- Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2014 Stippvisite ins nächstgelegene IMAX sem Extremkletterfilm wahrhaftig spek- aufgebrochen, um einen Film nachzu-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog sitzen, der der Stuttgarter Presse vor- auch auf IMAX-Leinwänden zum Ein- ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Kriegs- enthalten wurde satz kommt, nervt das ständige Wak- alltag in Afghanistan, eine Momentauf- keln und die schnellen Schnitte. Was nahme. Die Geschichte des Films ba- ROBOCOP (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Tonebene angeht, so ist die zwar siert dabei auf einer wahren Begeben- OT: Robocop ziemlich lautstark und gibt auch den heit – aber es ist eben nur eine dieser Verleih: Studiocanal Subwoofern einiges an Arbeit, insge- Begebenheiten, die sich tagtäglich im Land/Jahr: USA 2014 samt aber wenig dynamisch, da fast nur Kampf der Amerikaner gegen die Regie: José Padilha am oberen Ende der Soundskala ge- Taliban ereignen. Insgesamt recht Darsteller: Joel Kinnaman, Gary mischt. Schauspielerisch ist der Film spannend in der Inszenierung und sehr Oldman, Michael Keaton, Samuel L. mit Joel Kinnaman als Robocop, Gary präzise im Sounddesign, wirft der Film Jackson Oldman als Dr. Norton (eine Art Dr. am Ende dennoch die Frage auf, ob Kinostart: 06.02.2014 Frankenstein) und Michael Keaton als man solche Filme überhaupt im Kino profitgieriger Konzernchef Raymond sehen möchte. Aus Sicht eines Ameri- Als Polizist Alex Murphy einem Atten- Sellars gut besetzt. Zu wünschen übrig kaners möglicherweise noch viel mehr tat zum Opfer fällt, besteht seine einzi- lässt allerdings die Rolle der Clara als mit den Augen eines Europäers. ge Chance zum Überleben darin, dass Murphy, Gattin des Hypriden, gespielt Letztendlich ist Bergs Film nicht mehr der von ihm übrig gebliebene Fleisch- von Abbie Cornish. Sie hätte man sich als ein Heldenepos, in dessen Mittel- klumpen mittels hochgezüchteter Tech- als wesentlich stärker gewünscht und punkt Mark Wahlberg als realer Rambo nik made in China als Hybride weiter- nicht als das zerbrechliche steht. lebt. In ihm sieht der für die Roboter- Blondinchen. Als Pendant zu den im technik verantwortliche, skrupellose Originalfilm eingespielten TV-Werbe- DIE ABENTEUER VON MR. PEABODY Konzernchef Raymond Sellars die clips gibt sich Samuel L. Jackson als & SHERMAN (1:1.85, 3D, DD 7.1 + 5.1 Chance, dem robophoben Amerika end- provokanter Talk-Moderator Pat Novak + Atmos, Barco Auro 11.1) lich seine Produkte zu verkaufen. Da die Ehre. Aber auch ihn hätte man sich OT: Mr. Peabody & Sherman das Land noch immer mehrheitlich die weitaus sarkastischer gewünscht. Fazit: Verleih: Fox Maschinen zur Gewährleistung der Si- der neue ROBOCOP macht deutlich, Land/Jahr: USA 2014 cherheit der Bürger ablehnt, soll die wie gut doch der Urfilm nach wie vor Regie: Rob Minkoff Mensch-Maschine Abhilfe schaffen. ist. Kinostart: 27.02.2014 Dass jedoch “Robocop” Alex Murphy nach wie vor seinen eigenen Willen Montag, 17. Februar 2014 Der Hund Mr. Peabody ist nicht nur ein hat, stört den Boss und er erteilt sei- Ein Quartett genialer Wissenschaftler, sondern nem Chef-Wissenschaftler Dr. Norton Gleich vier Pressevorführungen am gleichzeitig auch noch Adoptivvater den Befehl, Murphys Willen auf ein selben Tag – ein Novum selbst für für den Waisenjungen Sherman. Als der Minimum zu senken... Ein Vierteljahr- mich. in der Schule Probleme mit seiner Mit- hundert ist es her, seit Paul Verhoeven schülerin Penny bekommt, will Peabody seinen “Robocop” erstmals auf die LONE SURVIVOR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) die Wogen damit glätten, indem er Menschheit losgelassen hat. Und das OT: Lone Survivor Penny und ihre Eltern zu einem Essen ebenso sarkastische wie brutale Werk Verleih: SquareOne/Universum (24 Bil- einlädt. Doch das ganze Vorhaben wurde erst vor ein paar Wochen in der) droht zu scheitern, als Penny mit dem Deutschland vom Index gestrichen. An Land/Jahr: USA 2013 von Peabody erfundenen Zeitomat in Popularität hat es nichts eingebüßt. Regie: Peter Berg die Vergangenheit verschwindet. Trotzdem meinte jetzt jemand in Holly- Darsteller: Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Peaboy und Sherman reisen ihr hinter- wood, dass man diesem Stoff eine Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Eric her und finden sie im alten Ägypten Frischzellenkur verpassen müsste. Die Bana wieder – als Braut des Pharao. Und jedoch ist nur ein Stück weit gelungen. Kinostart: 20.03.2014 damit beginnen die haarsträubenden Politische und auch ethische Untertöne Abenteuer erst! – Bis dieser computer- gibt es auch im neuen Film, jedoch lei- Ein kleiner US-Trupp soll in der Berg- animierte 3D-Film in die Gänge kommt, der nicht mehr so präzise auf den Punkt welt Afghanistans einen Talibanführer dürfte er sein Zielpublikum der 6- bis gebracht wie es Verhoeven 1987 ge- aufspüren und exekutieren. Als die Sol- 10-jährigen schon längst verloren ha- lang. Aber man ist ja heute schon froh, daten ihr Ziel aus sicherer Distanz ins ben. Was so wirkt, als solle es den klei- wenn ein Actionfilm überhaupt eine Visier nehmen, tauchen plötzlich ein nen Zuschauern die Weltgeschichte tiefere Botschaft transportiert. Apro- paar Ziegenbauern mitsamt ihrer Herde innerhalb von 90 Minuten nahebringen, pos Action: man sollte den Neulingen auf und enttarnen das sichere Versteck ist derart zäh inszeniert, dass man sehr in endlich einmal beibrin- der Soldaten. Ohne Funkverbindung schnell die Lust am Schauen verliert. gen, dass Action nicht gleichzusetzen zur Basis sieht sich der tapfere Trupp Dass es aber noch schlimmer geht, be- ist mit diffuser Wackelkamera! Insbe- plötzlich einer Überzahl Taliban gegen- weist der vor dem Hauptfilm gezeigte sondere wenn Filme wie ROBOCOP über... Peter Bergs Film ist so etwas wie und ebenfalls computeranimierte Kurz-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog film über Aliens auf der Suche nach Erstaunlich auch, dass im Cast fast driften in die Sado-Maso-Szene. Hier einem neuen Heimatplaneten – eine Art ausschließlich Prominente vertreten sein vorgewarnt, wer zart besaitet ist! “Teletubbies in Outer Space”. sind. Zumindest einen wahren Kernsatz Wie schon im ersten Teil des Films, so aber hat der Film: “Die geheime Zutat wird auch hier im Abspann wieder dar- NYMPHOMANIAC TEIL 1 (1:1.85 & beim Sex ist die Liebe!”. Stimmt. (Übri- auf hingewiesen, dass keine der Dar- 1:2.35, 5.1) gens: wer von Triers Werk kennt und stellerinnen und Darsteller explizite OT: Nymphomaniac Volume 1 bei diesem Film genau hinsieht, der sexuelle Handlungen vollzogen haben. Verleih Concorde wird eine Szene aus GEISTER wieder- Wenn also Hardcore-Einlagen in dem Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Deutschland, erkennen). Mammutwerk zu sehen sind, so handelt Frankreich, Belgien 2013 es sich dabei um täuschend echt aus- Regie: Lars von Trier NYMPHOMANIAC TEIL 2 (1:1.85 & sehende Requisiten. Dass man trotz Darsteller: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stell- 1:2.35, 5.1) der sehr surreal wirkenden Inszenie- an Skarsgård, Stacy Martin, Shia OT: Nymphomaniac Volume 2 rung beim zweiten Teil weiterhin am LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Jamie Bell, Verleih Concorde Ball bleibt liegt an den ausgezeichne- Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, Mia Goth, Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Deutschland, ten Darstellern. Und sonst? WTF!? Connie Nielsen, Michael Pas, Jean- Frankreich, Belgien 2013 Marc Barr, Udo Kier Regie: Lars von Trier Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014 Kinostart: 20.02.2014 Darsteller: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Stell- Multi-Kulti in Stuttgart an Skarsgård, Stacy Martin, Shia Nach dem Quartett von gestern er- Eines Abends entdeckt der fast ein- LaBeouf, Christian Slater, Jamie Bell, schien mir nur eine einzige Vorführung siedlerisch lebende Seligman in einer Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, Mia Goth, heute schon als fast zu wenig... dunklen Gasse nicht unweit seiner Connie Nielsen, Michael Pas, Jean- Wohnung eine Frau zusammengeschla- Marc Barr, Udo Kier WILLKOMMEN BEI HABIB (1:2.35, gen auf dem Boden liegend. Er nimmt Kinostart: 20.02.2014 5.1) sie mit zu sich nach Hause und ver- Verleih: farbfilm sorgt ihre Wunden. Joe, so ihr Name, Der zweite Teil von Lars von Triers Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 erzählt dem Alten ihre Geschichte. Es Porno-Kunstfilm beginnt genau da, wo Regie: Michael Baumann ist die Geschichte einer Nymphoma- Teil 1 aufhörte. Allerdings nimmt der Darsteller: Vedat Erincin, Burak Yigit, nin... Das Enfant Terrible des däni- Film jetzt an Härte zu. Joe erzählt ihre Thorsten Merten schen Kinos hat wieder zugeschlagen. Lebens- und Liebesgeschichte weiter, Kinostart: 27.03.2014 Und das so stark, dass es gleich für erzählt von ihrer Hochzeit, dem Kind, zwei Filme reicht. Oder besser: der Mei- dem Verlust ihrer Orgasmusfähigkeit Vier Schicksale, vier Geschichten: ster hat in zwei Teile gepackt, was ei- und dem sich anschließenden Ab- Habib, verheiratet und bereits Opa und gentlich zusammengehört. Das aber schon seit langer Zeit in Deutschland, wohl nur deshalb, weil der Film sonst trifft durch Zufall seine alte Jugendlie- nahe an die Vier-Stunden-Grenze ge- be wieder. Sein Sohn Neco, ebenfalls kommen wäre. Aber was liefert von verheiratet und Vater, in Deutschland Trier? Schlicht und ergreifend betrach- geboren, steckt immer in Schwierigkei- tet handelt es sich um einen Porno. Um ten und will mit seiner Affäre in die das Ganze jedoch vermarkten zu kön- Türkei auswandern. Bruno, Unterneh- nen, tarnt sich der harte Kern mit einem mer, campiert auf einer Verkehrsinsel Gewand aus Kunst. Kunst im Sinne gegenüber seiner Firma, aus der man von künstlich. Denn so wirkt die spär- ihn geworfen hat. Ingo, ein alter Mann, lich eingerichtete und dunkle Wohnung versucht seine Tochter nach 40 Jahren von Seligman, der der verwundeten Joe um Verzeihung zu bitten. Dreh- und Unterschlupf gewährt und wie ein Angelpunkt für alle diese Personen ist Psychiater ihren Schilderungen lauscht Habibs Döner-Bude... Mit seinem Film und sie gleichzeitig aufzubauen ver- WILLKOMMEN BEI HABIB räumt Re- sucht. In ihren Gesprächen werden gisseur Michael Baumann endlich ein- Bezüge zwischen Sexualität und Religi- mal mit der Legende auf, dass es on, Kunst, Philosophie sowie anderen Deutsch-Türkische Communities nur in Themen hergestellt. Wer’s mag – bei gibt. Ganz bewusst ist sein Film mir löste Herr von Trier eigentlich nur in der Schwabenmetropole Stuttgart ein Achselzucken aus. Bewundernswert angesiedelt, gilt doch gerade deren hingegen ist die Freizügigkeit der Dar- Deutsch-Türkische Community als die steller, denen Dänemarks Meister- größte Deutschlands. Die Locations im regisseur wirklich alles abverlangt. Film beschränken sich auf ganz wenige

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Orte, die relativ dicht beieinander lie- müssen. Nur ein Wunder kann sie noch Regie: John Curran gen, hauptsächlich im Areal um den retten. Dieses lässt auch nicht lange Darsteller: Mia Wasikowska, Adam Wilhelmsplatz. Kameramann Bernhard auf sich warten: der Berg über der Driver, Emma Booth Keller versteht sich vortrefflich darauf, Stadt beginnt bereits kräftig zu grol- Kinostart: 10.04.2014 diese Orte sehr ansehnlich ins len... Mit POMPEII versucht sich Paul CinemaScope-Format zu packen. Plus- W.S. Anderson zur Abwechslung mal Ihr Vorhaben ist wahnwitzig. Doch die punkte gibt es auch für die Besetzung, nicht mit einem weiteren RESIDENT Australierin Robyn Davidson hält un- insbesondere für die Darsteller mit tür- EVIL Franchise, sondern begibt sich beirrt an ihrer Idee fest, die australi- kischen Wurzeln. Ihr Spiel ist sehr au- weit zurück in der Geschichte der sche Wüste zu Fuß und nur in Beglei- thentisch. Der von Thorsten Merten Menschheit. Der Untergang Pompeiis tung von drei Kamelen und ihrem treu- dargestellte Unternehmer Bruno fällt bildet dabei den Hintergrund, vor dem en Hund zu durchqueren, um die Ein- hier etwas aus dem Rahmen. Er spielt Anderson seinen historischen samkeit zu finden. Als ihr Vorhaben aus seine Rolle zwar gut, überspitzt sie Groschenroman inszeniert. Die zweit- finanziellen Gründen zu scheitern aber leider fast bis zur Karikatur. Der klassige Besetzung, von der einzig Kie- droht, lässt sie sich auf einen Deal mit Film lässt sich zu Beginn viel Zeit, die fer Sutherland in der Rolle eines bösen einem Fotografen ein. Der darf sie gele- einzelnen Figuren in diesem Mikrokos- römischen Senators so etwas wie gentlich für ein Magazin fotografieren mos vorzustellen, wodurch eine gewis- schauspielerisches Talent erahnen und finanziert im Gegenzug ihre Reise. se Behäbigkeit entsteht. Die jedoch lässt. Carrie-Anne Moss, einst durch Fern jeglicher Zivilisation findet Robyn verschwindet im Laufe der Zeit, späte- die MATRIX-Trilogie zur Ikone gewor- schließlich was sie zum Glücklichsein stens dann, wenn man sich an die ver- den, darf ihr Talent erst gar nicht zei- braucht. Doch nicht nur die ständigen schiedenen Protagonisten gewöhnt gen, sondern wird in die undankbare Fototermine beginnen ihre neu gewon- hat. Für das Thema Integration findet Nebenrolle von Cassias Mutter Aurelia nene Freiheit zu ruinieren. Auch die der Film ein sehr schönes Symbol: ein gedrängt. Kit Harrington und Emily Gefahren der Wüste fordern ihren Tri- sich im Raki auflösender Eiswürfel, der Browning geben das ungleiche Liebes- but... Die Frage nach dem Sinn ihrer durch den Louche-Effekt dem türki- paar, das gegenseitig magisch angezo- beschwerlichen Reise beantwortet sie schen Nationalgetränk sein typisch gen wird und dabei zwangsläufig die immer mit “Warum nicht?” oder “Um zu milchig-trübes Aussehen gibt. Frage aufwerfen, woher diese Magie zeigen, dass jeder Mensch alles kann”. wohl kommen mag – im Film ist davon Robyn Davidson gelang 1977 etwas, Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2014 jedenfalls nichts zu sehen. Die Prot- was niemand für möglich gehalten hät- Historischer Groschenroman agonisten sind ebenso flach charakteri- te. Sie durchquerte die australische Was will man schon groß über den siert wie der gesamte Rest der Neben- Wüste von Alice Springs bis hin zum Mittwoch erzählen... akteure. Viel wichtiger als das mensch- Indischen Ozean – 2700 Kilometer zu liche Drama waren ohnehin die visuel- Fuß. Durch die Reportage im “National POMPEII (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1) len Effekte, die am Ende das schöne Geographic” wurde sie weltberühmt. OT: Pompeji 3D Pompeii zu Schutt und Asche werden Regisseur John Curran hat jetzt ihren Verleih: Constantin lassen. Doch auch hier überzeugt trick- Selbstfindungstrip nach ihrem eigenen Land/Jahr: Kanada, Deutschland 2014 technisch nicht alles: der Blick in den Bestseller mit imposanten Bildern ver- Regie: Paul W.S. Anderson Vesuv von oben sieht aus wie der Blick filmt. Hier handelt es sich nicht um ei- Darsteller: Kit Harington, Emily in eine hübsche Sandburg. Immerhin: nen Film, der sich dem Rhythmus gän- Browning, Kiefer Sutherland, Carrie- wenn das große Amphitheater beim giger Hollywood-Produktionen unter- Anne Moss Erdbeben in Sekundenschnelle wie ein ordnet. Ganz im Gegenteil. Durch seine Kinostart: 27.02.2014 Kartenhaus in sich zusammenfällt, Langsamkeit gelingt es den Filmema- dann darf man wenigstens ein bisschen chern, Robyn Davidsons ursprüngliche Zusammen mit anderen Sklaven wird staunen. Idee hervorragend umzusetzen. Mia der Kelte Milo von den Römern als Wasikowska füllt die Rolle der “Kamel- Gladiator nach Pompeii gebracht, um Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014 Lady”, wie Davidson genannt wurde, sich dort in der Arena mit anderen Gla- Wüstenfilme perfekt aus. Ihre Sehnsucht nach Ruhe, diatoren dem Kampf auf Leben und Tod Die karge Wüste war heute in beiden ihre Verletzbarkeit, aber auch ihre Ent- zu stellen. Die zufällige Begegnung mit Pressevorführungen allgegenwärtig. schlossenheit spiegeln sich in ihrem der schönen Cassia entzündet bei bei- Kein Wunder also, dass ich das Kino Gesicht wider. SPUREN, die Suche den die große Liebe. Doch Senator mit staubtrockenem Mund verlassen nach der Einsamkeit, ist ein Film der Corvus hat seine ganz eigenen Pläne habe... leisen Töne und grandiosen Land- mit Cassia: er will sie gegen ihren Wil- schaften. len ehelichen. Hilflos muss Cassia mit SPUREN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ansehen, wie Milo und die anderen OT: Tracks BEKAS (1:2.35, 5.1) Gladiatoren sich in der Arena einer Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) OT: Bekas Übermacht römischer Soldaten stellen Land/Jahr: Australien 2013 Verleih: farbfilm

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Land/Jahr: Schweden, Finnland 2012 Regie: Mark S. Waters Gesabber. Regie: Karzan Kader Darsteller: Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Sa- Darsteller: Zamand Taha, Sarwar Fazil rah Hyland, Gabriel Byrne Montag, 24. Februar 2014 Kinostart: 13.03.2014 Eine Mode-Ikone Kinostart: 10.04.2014 Frisch auf ans Werk...mit einem Lang- Die 17jährige Rose ist ein Dhampir, weiler. Kurdistan 1990. Die beiden Brüder halb Mensch, halb Vampir. An der Vam- Dana (10) und Zana (6) sind Waisen pire Academy wird sie zur Wächterin YVES SAINT LAURENT (1:2.35, DD und versuchen sich als Schuhputzer ausgebildet, um die friedlichen Vampi- 5.1) durchs Leben zu schlagen. Als eines re, die sogenannten Morois, gegen die OT: Yves Saint Laurent Tages ein SUPERMAN-Film im Kino extrem gefährlichen Vampire der Verleih: SquareOne/Universum gezeigt wird und die Beiden durch eine Strogois zu verteidigen. Mit ihrer be- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Dachluke zuschauen, keimt in ihnen der sten Freundin Lissa, einer Moroi, ist Regie: Jalil Lespert Wunsch, nach Amerika auszuwandern. sie auf eine seltsame Weise verbunden: Darsteller: Pierre Niney, Guillaume Doch Pässe bekommt man nur gegen oft kann sie im Geiste miterleben, was Gallienne, teures Geld – und das ist nicht vorhan- Lissa gerade passiert. Rose ist zur Kinostart: 17.04.2014 den. Doch ihr Wunsch ist so stark, Schutzpatronin ihrer Freundin gewor- dass sie ihren Plan gegen alle Widrig- den. Und Lissa hat sie nötiger denn je, 1957. Mit gerade einmal 21 Jahren keiten in die Realität umsetzen: auf dem trachtet man ihr offensichtlich inmitten ist Yves Saint Laurent einer der begna- Rücken eines Esels namens “Michael der Academy nach dem Leben... Ach detsten Modedesigner Frankreichs und Jackson” machen sie sich auf ins ge- was waren das doch herrliche Zeiten, die rechte Hand von Christian Dior. Als lobte Land... In BEKAS hat der kurdi- als Vampire noch richtige Vampire wa- dieser stirbt, nimmt Saint Laurent des- sche Regisseur Karzan Kader seine ren! Aber heutzutage reicht es offen- sen Platz ein. Während dieser Zeit be- eigenen Kindheitserlebnisse verarbei- sichtlich nicht mehr aus, die Schneide- gegnet er Pierre Bergé, der großen Lie- tet. Ohne künstliches Licht (Kamera: zähne zu fletschen. Also erfindet man be seines Lebens. Als Yves bei Dior Johan Holmqvist) und ohne visuelle gleich drei Abarten von Vampiren und entlassen wird, hilft ihm Pierre, sein Effekte realisiert, zeigt er in faszinieren- packt diese in allerbester HARRY eigenes Modellabel zu etablieren. Doch den Bildern die abenteuerliche Flucht POTTER-Manier in eine Vampir- die Kreativität des extrem schüchter- zweier Brüder aus dem von Saddam Highschool. Gewürzt wird die ganze nen Yves nimmt immer mehr selbstzer- Hussein regierten Irak. Trotz der Härte, Sache dann mit etwas TWILIGHT- störerische Züge an... Schaut man sich die den beiden Waisenkindern wider- Gülle. Wenn das nun auch noch puber- dieses Biopic über einen der bedeu- fährt, erzählt Kadar seine Geschichte tierenden Mädchen und Buben gefällt, tendsten Modeschöpfer der Neuzeit an, mit viel Humor – ein Balanceakt, der dann geht die Rechnung auf. Aber weit so wird schnell eines ganz klar: nicht ihm hervorragend gelingt. Seine Ge- gefehlt: diese Rechnung wird nicht jedes Prominentenleben eignet sich als schichte handelt davon, wie wichtig es aufgehen – auch wenn am Ende des Kinofilm – schon gar nicht jenes von ist, stets den eigenen Träumen zu fol- Films eine Fortsetzung angedroht wird. Yves Saint Laurent! Das Besondere an gen und auch dann noch zusammenzu- Und angedroht ist hier das richtige ihm sind seine Entwürfe und Kollektio- halten, wenn alles aussichtslos er- Wort. Wenn man einen Film mit hauch- nen, mit denen er die Fachwelt begei- scheint. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. dünnen Dialogen anreichert, mit extrem sterte. Sein Privatleben allerdings bie- Seine beiden Hauptdarsteller erweisen flachen Charakteren besiedelt und ein tet nicht viel außer dem üblichen Auf sich dabei als Glücksgriff. Die beiden Tröpfchen Bitchin‘ hineinträufelt sowie und Ab einer Karriere, seine Homose- kleinen Helden spielen ihre Rollen sehr jegliche Spannung aus der Geschichte xualität, die Liebe seines Lebens, das authentisch. Spätestens wenn die Brü- entfernt, dann bleibt ein unverdauli- Herumhuren und das Koks. “Business der an der Landesgrenze ankommen, ches Etwas übrig, das niemanden vom as usual”, wie man meinen könnte. fiebert man mit ihnen mit und drückt für Stuhl reißen wird. Richtig leid tut einem Pierre Niney spielt den Modedesigner, sie insgeheim beide Daumen, dass ihr dabei dann Gabriel Byrne, der sein der ohne Arbeit nicht leben kann. Und Fluchtplan gelingt. schauspielerisches Talent inmitten von er macht seine Sache sehr gut, auch Halbwüchsigen an den Mann (oder die wenn man sich stets an Harry Potter Freitag, 21. Februar 2014 Frau) zu bringen versucht. Da helfen erinnert fühlt. Vielleicht liegt’s an der Von Blutschlampen und PSI-Hunden dann auch die sexuellen Untertöne, die Brille? Wer sich für Mode interessiert, Zum Wochenabschluss gab es den den ganzen Film durchziehen, nicht dem wird vermutlich das Herz aufge- Abschuss... mehr viel. Wem der Film gefällt, der hen, wenn der Meister seine Kollektio- wird diese sowieso nicht wahrnehmen. nen vorstellt. Das jedoch gibt es nur in VAMPIRE ACADEMY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Liebe Drehbuchschreiber – gebt uns ganz wenigen Momenten. Wer mit OT: Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters doch statt Blutschlampen und PSI- Mode nichts am Hut hat, der sollte auf Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Hunden mal wieder einen richtigen diesen Filmlangweiler lieber verzichten. Land/Jahr: England, Rumänien 2014 Vampir und kein so blutleeres Teenie-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014 Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014 de Charly Hübner als Giselas Alltag in Afghanistan Willkommen in den 1960er Jahren! charismatischer Komplize. BANKLADY Hatten wir vergangene Woche mit Nicht nur, dass beide Filme heute den- ist deutsches Kino, wie man es gerne LONE SURVIVOR den Kriegsschauplatz selben Filmverleih für Deutschland öfter sehen möchte und durchaus einen Afghanistan aus der Sicht der Amerika- haben, auch sind beide in den 1960er Gang ins Kino wert. ner zu sehen bekommen, so war heute Jahren angesiedelt die deutsche Sichtweise dran DIE ZWEI GESICHTER DES JANU- BANKLADY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ARS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) ZWISCHEN WELTEN (1:2.35, 5.1) Verleih: Studiocanal OT: The Two Faces Of January Verleih: Majestic Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Verleih: Studiocanal Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Regie: Christian Alvart Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA, Regie: Feo Aladag Darsteller: Nadeshda Brennicke, Charly Frankreich 2014 Darsteller: Ronald Zehrfeld, Mohsin Hübner, Ken Duken Regie: Hossein Amini Ahmady, Saida Barmaki, Burghart Kinostart: 27.03.2014 Darsteller: , Kirsten Klaußner Dunst, Oscar Isaac Kinostart: 27.03.2014 Ihren tristen Alltag verbringt Gisela Kinostart: 29.05.2014 zwischen dem ärmlichen Mief ihres Ein kleiner Bundeswehrtrupp unter Elternhauses und der menschen- Während ihres Urlaubs in Athen lernt Führung von Soldat Jesper soll ein verachtenden Umgebung der Tapeten- das amerikanische Ehepaar Chester und kleines Dorf vor den Taliban beschüt- fabrik, in der sie arbeitet. Mehr als ge- Collette MacFarland den sympathi- zen. Ihm zur Seite steht der Afghane legentliche Treffen mit ihrem Kollegen schen Fremdenführer Rydal kennen, Tarik, ein Übersetzer. Der sieht sich Uwe sind nicht drin, die Träume von ebenfalls ein Amerikaner. Als das Ehe- zunehmend zwischen den Fronten ste- Capri aber dafür umso größer. Als Uwe paar durch einen plötzlich im Hotel auf- hen und muss nicht nur um seine eige- eines Abends einen Koffer bei Gisela tauchenden Privatdetektiv bedrängt nes Leben, sondern auch das seiner vergisst, steht der Kollege am näch- wird, der Chester des Betrugs bezich- Schwester fürchten. Im Lauf der Zeit sten Tag gemeinsam mit seinem Kumpel tigt, kommt es zu einem Handgemenge, entwickelt sich zwischen Jesper und Peter vor der Tür. Wie sich heraus- in dessen Folge der Fremde zu Tode Tarik eine Freundschaft, die Jesper stellt, ist der Koffer voller Geld: Peter kommt. Unterstützt von Rydal verlas- bald schon in einen Gewissenskonflikt ist Bankräuber und Gisela ist fasziniert sen die beiden Hals über Kopf das Ho- treibt... Mit ungeschönten Bildern zeigt von ihm. Spontan bittet sie Peter, sie tel. Er hilft ihnen auch, neue Pässe zu Regisseurin, Drehbuchautorin und beim nächsten Überfall mitmachen zu bekommen. Bis es soweit ist, versteckt Produzentin in Personalunion Feo lassen. Bald schon ziert Giselas Phan- sich das Trio auf Kreta. Dort entwickelt Aladag den rauhen Alltag deutscher tombild die Titelblätter der Presse... sich eine Affäre zwischen Collette und Soldaten in Afghanistan. Kamerafrau Gisela Werler und Hermann Wittdorf Rydal, die schon bald zur tödlichen Judith Kaufmann liefert einmal mehr waren in den 1960er Jahren für Gefahr wird... Hossein Amini lässt sich eindringliche Bilder, zu denen sich jetzt Deutschland das, was Bonnie und sehr viel Zeit und Ruhe, seine Menage- auch noch eine sehr imposante Ton- Clyde für die USA waren. Gemeinsam a-Trois auszuloten. Alle drei Figuren spur gesellt, die einem Hollywood- räumte das Pärchen etliche Banken leer, bleiben dabei stets zu einem Teil rätsel- Soundtrack in nichts nachsteht. Gefilmt bevor man den beiden auf die Schliche haft. Es ist genau dieses rätselhafte wurde ZWISCHEN WELTEN unter gro- kam und sie für viele Jahre hinter Git- Element, auf dem der Film seine Span- ßem Aufwand und mit logistischer Hilfe tern kamen. Und man soll es kaum glau- nung aufbaut und sie auch fast bis zum durch die Bundeswehr an den Original- ben: die beiden haben im Knast gehei- Ende aufrecht erhält. Da ist der Show- schauplätzen um Mazar-I-Sharif und ratet! Christian Alvart inszenierte diese down am Ende fast schon etwas aufge- Kabul. Mit Ronald Zehrfeld und dem Räuber-Ballade als großes Kino. Hier setzt und wirkt so, als ob man den Ac- Afghanen Mohsin Ahmady hat der Film gibt es nicht nur schwindelerregende tion-Fans auch noch etwas auf den dazu noch die perfekte Besetzung für Kamerafahrten bis hoch über die Dä- Weg mitgeben wollte. Die exotischen die Hauptrollen gefunden. Nach ihrem cher hinaus, sondern auch ein stimmi- Locations, in die die Figuren gesetzt beeindruckenden Regie-Debüt mit DIE ges Produktionsdesign, das die 60er- werden, sind eine Wohltat für das FREMDE ist Feo Aladag ein weiterer Jahre lebendig werden lässt – mit allem Auge. Alberto Iglesias‘ Filmmusik erin- Wurf gelungen. Wer bereit ist, einen was dazugehört: VW Käfer, Banken nert bewusst an die Scores von Blick jenseits eines Happy-Ends in den ohne Alarmanlage, Mustertapeten. Al- Bernard Herrmann, der für einige der Kriegsschauplatz Afghanistan zu ris- les übergossen mit nostalgischen Far- wichtigsten Hitchcock-Filme die Musik kieren, der sollte sich diesen Film an- ben. Nadeshda Brennicke in der Rolle komponierte. Das Trio Viggo schauen. der “Banklady” schafft es sehr über- Mortensen, und Oscar zeugend, von der grauen Maus zur ele- Isaac erweist sich als handverlesene ganten Bankräuberin zu mutieren. Ihr Besetzung. Fazit: perfektes Krimi- zur Seite der nicht weniger überzeugen- vergnügen für Fans der alten Schule.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog BEZIEHUNGSWEISE NEW YORK Freitag, 28. Februar 2014 LIVE AND LET LIVE (1:1.85, 5.1) (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Eine Kriegsgeschichte Verleih: Marc Pierschel OT: Casse-tête Chinois Ergreifend endete meine Pressewoche – Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Verleih: Studiocanal vielleicht sogar ein bisschen zu ergrei- Regie: Marc Pierschel Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 fend. Regie: Cédric Klapisch Sind Sie schon vegan oder frönen Sie Darsteller: , Romain LAUF JUNGE LAUF (1:2.35, DD 5.1) noch fleischlichen Genüssen? In sei- Duris, Cécile de France, Sandrine Holt Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) nem ambitionierten Dokumentarfilm Kinostart: 01.05.2014 Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Frankreich, lässt Regisseur und Autor Marc Polen 2013 Pierschel namhafte Wissenschaftler Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Regie: Pepe Danquart und Aktivisten aus Deutschland, gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Darsteller: Andrzej Tkacz, Kamil Tkacz, Österreich und den USA zu Wort kom- erst ab 17.04.2014 an dieser Stelle Elisabeth Duda men, die sich übereinstimmend zu einer Kinostart: 17.04.2014 veganen Lebensweise bekennen. STILLER SOMMER (1:1.85, 5.1) Selbst ein Radrennprofi aus den USA Verleih: Zorro (Filmagentinnen) Polen im Kriegsjahr 1942/43: dem 9- erklärt, das er durch den Umstieg auf Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 jährigen Strulik gelingt die Flucht aus vegane Kost wesentlich mehr Energie Regie: Nana Neul dem Warschauer Ghetto. Ohne Eltern besitzt – und räumt damit genau mit Darsteller: Dagmar Manzel, Ernst und Geschwister ist er zum ersten Mal dem Vorurteil auf, das Veganer immer Stötzner, Marie Tietjen in seinem jungen Leben ganz auf sich wieder vorgehalten wird. Ungesund sei Kinostart: 10.04.2014 selbst gestellt. In Wäldern sucht er es, wenn man auf Fleisch und Milch- Unterschlupf und erbettelt sich auf produkte völlig verzichtet. Der Inhaber Nachdem sie im wahrsten Sinne des Bauernhöfen Brot. Um zu überleben und Chefkoch eines amerikanischen Wortes ihre Stimme verloren hat, büxt muss er seine jüdische Herkunft ver- veganen Restaurants war selbst einmal die Mittfünfzigerin Kristine von zu leugnen und nimmt einen polnischen Schlachter, bevor er sich selbst bekehrt Hause aus und nistet sich in der Feri- Namen an. Konfrontiert mit Verrätern, hat. Bei ihm steht das Ethische im Vor- enwohnung irgendwo in Südfrankreich Kollaborateuren und Kriegsgewinnern, dergrund. Auch Tiere haben Gefühle ein. Dort vergnügt sich bereits ihre fast aber auch jenen, die ihm unter Todes- und können Schmerzen empfinden. In erwachsene Tochter mit ihrem Lover androhung helfen, gibt er immer weiter diese Kerbe schlagen auch zwei junge Franck, dem Sohn der Nachbarin. seine wahre Identität auf, um den letz- Aktivisten aus Stuttgart, die heimlich Franck wiederum hat ein Auge auf ten Wunsch seines Vaters zu erfüllen: bei Nacht sechs Hühner aus ihrer Ge- Kristine geworfen – und das schon seit “Du musst stark sein und tapfer! Du fangenschaft befreien. Pierschel, selbst er 12 Jahre alt war! Zu allem Überfluss musst überleben! Du musst Deinen “eingefleischter” Veganer sowie Autor taucht jetzt auch noch Kristines Ehe- Namen vergessen! Aber selbst, wenn eines veganen Kochbuchs, wurde mann Herbert auf. Die Situation ist ver- Du alles vergisst: Du darfst niemals in durch den Film BARAKA zur veganen trackt und wird durch Kristines Deinem Leben vergessen, dass Du ein Lebensweise bekehrt. So eindringlich Schweigen nicht gerade besser. In der Jude bist!” - Pepe Danquarts Drama ist haben jene Aufnahmen einer Küken- Abgeschiedenheit brechen alte Wun- die Adaptation des auf Tatsachen beru- sortiermaschine auf ihn gewirkt, die in den schnell wieder auf und es dauert henden Bestseller-Romans von Uri Ron Frickes 70mm-Klassiker gezeigt nicht lange, bis die Situation eskaliert... Olev, der die erschütternden Kriegser- werden. Wer sich mit veganer Lebens- STILLER SOMMER erweist sich als lebnisse von Yoram Fridman schildert. weise auseinandersetzen möchte, für typisch deutsche Fernsehproduktion. Buch wie auch Film wollen ein Denkmal den bietet sich Pierschels Film als Ein- Vom SWR mitproduziert richtet er sich setzen für die vielen Kinder, die sich stieg an. Er hat den Film in seiner Frei- ganz offensichtlich an die Haupt- auch heute noch überall auf der Welt zeit hergestellt und vertreibt ihn auch klientel der öffentlich-rechtlichen durch Kriegswirren kämpfen müssen selbst an interessierte Kinos. Im Laufe Sendeanstalten: die über 50-jährigen. und damit um ihre Kindheit gebracht des Jahres soll dann eine DVD-Veröf- Zwar wartet der Film zur Mitte hin mit werden. Nur so gelingt es wenigstens fentlichung folgen. einer überraschenden Wendung auf, einigen von ihnen, die Kriegsgreuel zu die die gesamte Geschichte plötzlich überleben. Danquarts Film arbeitet bei Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014 aus einer anderen Perspektive zeigt, der Umsetzung des Geschichte mit ty- Beziehungskisten doch der Grundtenor bleibt nach wie pischen Hollywood-Mitteln, zu denen Ist das Leben kompliziert? Aber klar vor: hier (man möge mir diesen harten insbesondere die Filmmusik von doch – alles andere wäre ja auch lang- Ausdruck verzeihen) vögelt jeder mit Stephane Moucha zählt, der schon oft weilig, wie uns die beiden heutigen jedem. Wem das gefällt – gerne. Aber mit dem bekannten Filmmusiker Gabriel Filme vermittelten etwas tiefgründiger hätte man sich die- Yared zusammengearbeitet hat. Leider sen stillen Sommer schon gewünscht. wirkt Mouchas Score etwas zu dick aufgetragen und beginnt irgendwann

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gehörig zu nerven. Was die Bilder im die Todfeinde Themistokles (Sullivan lässt sich sehr viel Zeit, bevor er zu Film angeht, so sind diese durchaus Stapleton) und Artemisia (Eva Green) seinem eigentlichen Thema findet. So gelungen und vermitteln perfekt die gegenseitig mustern. “Du kämpfst här- wird geschildert, wie Russell aufgrund Tristesse und Kälte in Polen zur Zeit ter als Du fickst!” wird sie ihrem Geg- von Trunkenheit am Steuer einen tödli- des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Für die Haupt- ner später hämisch ins Gesicht schleu- chen Unfall verursacht und eine Strafe rolle des kleinen Strulik bzw. Yurek en- dern, während sie mit ihm auf Leben im Gefängnis absitzen muss. Als er wie- gagierte Danquart ein polnisches Zwil- und Tod kämpft. Das mag man viel- der auf freien Fuß kommt, ist nicht nur lingspaar, das tatsächlich so überzeu- leicht lustig finden, gemeint ist es kei- sein Vater bereits unter der Erde, auch gend in die Rolle einer einzigen Person nesfalls so. Dass sich eine derart bra- seine Freundin Lena hat sich von ihm schlüpfen kann, dass die Doppel- chiale Gewaltorgie hinter einer über getrennt. So wird auch Russell Stück besetzung nicht auffällt. Fazit: depri- alle Zweifel erhabenen Optik versteckt um Stück der Perspektivlosigkeit näher mierendes Jugend-Kriegsdrama mit gu- und sich einer adrenalinanregenden, gebracht. Bis in die kleinsten Rollen ten Ansätzen. alle Register ziehenden Tonspur be- hinein hat Cooper seinen Film mit nam- dient, ist nicht weiter verwunderlich: haften Schauspielern besetzt. Christian Montag, 03. März 2014 die Gewalt soll ja schließlich sexy sein. Bale und Casey Affleck brillieren als Schlachtengemälde und Rachethriller die ungleichen Brüder, mit denen es Der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner der AUGE UM AUGE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) das Schicksal nicht sonderlich gut beiden heutigen Filme: blutige Gewalt! OT: Out Of The Furnace meint. Woody Harrelson mimt Harlan Verleih: Tobis DeGroat. Und er macht seine Sache 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (1:2.35, 3D, Land/Jahr: USA 2013 derart gut, dass einem wirklich angst DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) Regie: Scott Cooper und bang werden kann – der Inbegriff OT: 300: Rise Of An Empire Darsteller: Christian Bale, Casey eines Psychopathen. Kameramann Verleih: Warner Affleck, Woody Harrelson, Willem Masanobu Takayanagi versteht sich Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Dafoe, Forest Whitaker, Zoe Saldana, hervorragend darauf, mit seinen düste- Regie: Noam Murro Sam Shepard ren und erdfarbenen Bildern die Trost- Darsteller: Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Kinostart: 03.04.2014 losigkeit von Braddock zu zeichnen. An Green, Lena Headey brutaler Gewalt wird im Film übrigens Kinostart: 06.03.2014 Braddock ist ein kleines Kaff mitten in nicht gespart, was ihm durchaus eine Amerika. Wer seinen Lebensunterhalt Freigabe erst ab 18 Jahren bescheren Fachgerecht schneidet sich das blanke verdienen möchte, arbeitet im maroden könnte. Fazit: überzeugendes Thriller- Schwert in den Körper eines Kriegers, Stahlwerk. So wie Russell. Tag für Tag Drama. das Blut schießt aus ihm heraus. Man müht er sich bei der Arbeit ab und ver- muss schon eine recht sadistische sorgt auch noch den todkranken Vater. Dienstag, 04. März 2014 Ader haben, um dieses Greuel auch Sein kleiner Bruder Rodney, vom Ein- Aus der Not eine Tugend gemacht noch in extreme Zeitlupe für die Nach- satz im Irak-Krieg traumatisiert und Immer wieder gerne gesehen: Filme welt zu bannen! Immer und immer wie- ohne Halt im Leben, steht immer kurz über das Filmemachen der. Die blutrünstigen Slow-Motion- davor komplett abzurutschen. Und na- Sequenzen wollen kein Ende nehmen. türlich hat er Schulden. Die möchte er DIE ERFINDUNG DER LIEBE (1:1.85, Warum auch, sind sie doch der Haupt- dadurch abstottern, dass er sich auf 5.1) bestandteil dieser sinnfreien Fortset- halbseidene Boxkämpfe einlässt. So Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) zung zu Zack Snyders “300”, dessen stellt er sich auch in die zwielichtigen Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Luxemburg indiskutabler Inhalt bereits 2006 die Dienste von Harlan DeGroat, einem 2011-2013 Gemüter erregte. Jetzt ist es der grie- durchgeknallten Junkie und Banden- Regie: Lola Randl chische General Themistokles, der sich chef aus den naheliegenden Appala- Darsteller: Maria Kwiatkowsky, Mira beim Versuch, ganz Griechenland zu chen – einen Deal, den er mit dem Tode Partecke, Bastian Trost vereinen, den gewaltigen persischen bezahlt. Von Rache getrieben beginnt Kinostart: 01.05.2014 Heerscharen des Halbgottes Xerxes Russell mit der Suche nach DeGroat... und der rachedürstenden Mit AUGE UM AUGE hat Regisseur Ein junges, mittelloses Paar beschließt, Flottenkommandeurin Artemisia entge- Scott Cooper (CRAZY HEART) einen sich die Gunst einer todkranken älteren genstellen muss. Das Schlachtfeld in Rachethriller inszeniert, der sich mit Frau zu erschleichen, um so an das der nach einem Comicroman von Frank seinem behäbigen Rhythmus ganz Erbe zu kommen. Diese Menage-a-Trois Miller entstandenen Gewaltoper ist bewusst vom Hollywood’schen ist allerdings nur die Handlung eines jetzt das griechische Meer. Positive Mainstream abhebt. In diesem kleinen Films, der im Augenblick gedreht wird. Gefühle oder gar Liebe wurden voll- Ort in den USA ticken die Uhren noch Weil die Darstellerin der jungen Frau kommen verbannt. Wenn Liebe, dann eine Spur langsamer und die Polizei plötzlich verstorben ist, will man sie nur in Form einer an Vergewaltigung vermeidet tunlichst, sich mit den Leu- unter Zuhilfenahme digitaler Technik grenzenden Kopulation, bei der sich ten aus den Bergen anzulegen. Cooper durch eine Praktikantin ersetzen. Das

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog aber ist längst nicht das einzige Pro- Marthenot (oder sollte es am Ende gar Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz, blem. Denn der Drehbuchautor hat ge- ein Theremin sein?). Komponist Maciej Frankreich 2013 rade mit einer Schreibblockade zu Sledziecki hat hier ganze Arbeit gelei- Regie: Pierre-Henri Salfati kämpfen, der Hauptdarsteller pendelt stet. Mit quasi-philosophen Sprüchen Darsteller: Adorf, Katharina Derr, gefühlsmäßig zwischen der Regisseurin wie “Ich würde das genauso machen, Hannelore Elsner und der Praktikantin und so weiter und aber ganz anders!”, einem gut ausge- Kinostart: 01.05.2014 so fort... Bereits im Jahre 2011 began- wählten Ensemble und dem Vexierspiel nen die Dreharbeiten zu Lola Randls mit Illusion und Realität macht der Film Als er einer jüdischen Beerdigung bei- Film – und wurden nach 23 Drehtagen durchweg Spaß und dürfte vor allem wohnt, beginnt der alte Marcus zu Grü- jäh beendet: Hauptdarstellerin Maria Filmfans Freude bereiten. Was die Ver- beln. Wenn es auch bei ihm einmal so- Kwiatkowsky verstarb urplötzlich. Ein sicherung angeht: die hat bis heute weit ist, möchte er ebenfalls auf einem Schock für die gesamte Produktion. Die nicht gezahlt und wird demnächst vor jüdischen Friedhof beigesetzt werden. Versicherung weigerte sich einzusprin- den Bundesgerichtshof gezerrt. Doch genau darin liegt das Problem: gen, der Film wurde auf Eis gelegt. Ein der Auschwitzüberlebende ist noch der Jahr später machte die Regisseurin aus Mittwoch, 05. März 2014 Einzige seiner Familie und kann nicht der Not eine Tugend und stellte ihren Puppentheater und Raserei nachweisen, dass er Jude ist. Selbst die Film mit 16 Nachdrehtagen fertig. Aller- Unterschiedlicher hätten die beiden tätowierte Häftlingsnummer auf seinem dings ist es nicht mehr der Film, den heutigen Filme nicht sein können. Die Unterarm wird vom Rabbiner nicht als sie 2011 begonnen hatte. Vielmehr hat spannende Frage: lohnt sich der Gang Beweis anerkannt. Marcus beschließt, sie ihn komplett umgeschrieben. Jetzt ins Kino? an seinen Geburtsort Vac in Ungarn zu ist der Tod der Darstellerin Bestandteil reisen, um dort nach seinen Wurzeln zu ihres Films – eines Films, der keine MUPPETS MOST WANTED (1:1.85, suchen. Die Deutschtürkin Gül bietet klare Trennung mehr zwischen der Rea- DD 5.1 + 7.1) ihm an, ihn gegen Geld mit dem Auto lität und der Spielhandlung macht. Es OT: Muppets Most Wanted die 500 Kilometer lange Strecke zu fah- ist jetzt ein Film über das Filmemachen Verleih: Walt Disney ren. Auf ihrer Reise voller komischer geworden und man fühlt sich immer Land/Jahr: USA 2014 und tragischer Momente lernen sich wieder an Francois Truffauts Klassiker Regie: James Bobin die beiden einander und auch sich sel- DIE AMERIKANISCHE NACHT erin- Darsteller: Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey, Ty ber besser kennen... Desto überzeu- nert. Randl gibt viel preis von der Fas- Burrell gender Mario Adorf als Jude auf der zination des Filmemachens, weiht Un- Kinostart: 01.05.2014 Suche nach der eigenen Identität ist (er wissende in viele Geheimnisse ein. Im- hat sich sogar einen jiddischen Akzent mer dann, wenn wir meinen, dass wir Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung antrainiert), umso mehr fördert er die wieder in der Spielhandlung angekom- gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Unzulänglichkeiten der ihm zur Seite men sind, führt sie uns an der Nase erst ab 12.03.2014 an dieser Stelle gestellten Figur zu Tage. Katharina herum und zeigt per Schnitt und Derr in der Rolle der Deutschtürkin Gül Gegenschnitt, dass die vermeintliche NEED FOR SPEED (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 (“Die Türken sind die neuen Juden Eu- Spielszene gerade eben von einem + 7.1) ropas”) wirkt wie ein Fremdkörper in Filmteam aufgenommen wird. Regie und OT: Need For Speed Marcus‘ Welt. Vollkommen lächerlich, Drehbuch gehen sogar noch einen Verleih: Constantin ja geradezu absurd erscheint Güls Schritt weiter: was auf der Leinwand Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Wandlung oder Reifeprozess von der geschieht – egal, ob Spielhandlung Regie: Scott Waugh aufsässigen jungen Frau mit losem oder das Filmemachen – wird genau in Darsteller: Aaron Paul, Dominic Mundwerk hin zu einer verständnisvol- diesem Moment von einem Drehbuch- Cooper, Imogen Poots, Michael Keaton len und ihren Gönner in allen Belangen autor ausgedacht. Der Film verliert sich unterstützenden jungen Dame – und in sich selbst. Und als ob dies noch Kinostart: 20.03.2014 das innerhalb ganz weniger Tage! Wie nicht genug wäre, gibt es immer wieder gerne sie seine Tochter gewesen wäre, Kommentare und Erklärungen der am Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung erzählt sie am Ende des Films dann dem Film Beteiligten, oft vor einer Green gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Rabbiner. Zur Unzulänglichkeit ihrer Screen platziert. Diese Statements kön- erst ab 12.03.2014 an dieser Stelle. Rolle passend gibt es die Figur des nen echt - vielleicht sind sie aber auch Fotografen Arnold, der im Auftrag der nur gestellt. Randls Film lässt uns hier Donnerstag, 06. März 2014 Spielberg-Stiftung die Erinnerungen im Ungewissen. Meistens wird die Auf der Suche nach der Vergangenheit von Juden auf der ganzen Welt auf- Spielhandlung (also jene Sequenzen, Die einzige Pressevorführung heute zeichnet. Schon die allererste Begeg- die den Film im Film ergeben) mit einer konnte mich leider nicht überzeugen nung von Gül und Arnold - er fotogra- Filmmusik unterlegt, die einem fiert eine Synagoge während sie an ihm Hollywoodschen Film Noir entliehen DER LETZTE MENTSCH (1:2.35, 5.1) vorbeiläuft - wirkt derart unbeholfen, sein könnten – inklusive einem Ondes Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) dass sie einem Amateurfilm entsprun-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gen sein könnte. Solch begleitenden letzten Menschen auf Erden. Die befin- Sohn des vermeintlich toten Bruders zu Dilettantismus hat Herr Adorf wahrlich den sich allesamt symbolisch im selben sein, und erzählt, dass sein Vater in nicht verdient! Wenn schon die Mehr- Zug, gehören aber unterschiedlichen Deutschland seine eigene Familie hatte zahl der Figuren in der Geschichte ein- Klassen an. Während sich die Unter- – direkt in dem Ort, wo er während des fach nicht stimmt, dann sollten wenig- schicht von ekeligen Proteinblöcken Krieges im Konzentrationslager unter- stens die Bilder überzeugen. Und dass (SOYLENT GREEN lässt grüßen) er- gebracht war! Yael Reuveny hat für sie es tun liegt an Kameramann Felix nähren muss und harte Sanktionen er- ihren Film gründlich recherchiert und von Muralt, der das CinemaScope-For- tragen muss, frönt man in der Ober- sämtliche noch lebenden Angehörigen mat sehr vorteilhaft zu nutzen versteht. schicht einem ausschweifenden Leben. vor ihre Kamera geholt. Der Personen- Fazit: ein tragi-komisches Road-Movie, Das ist alles ziemlich beklemmend und kreis umfasst dabei drei Generationen. das an Absurditäten scheitert. erinnert an ein KZ sowie an die Werke In ihrem Film thematisiert die Regisseu- von Kafka. Angereichert wird das rin auch das Vergeben, das in den ver- Freitag, 07. März 2014 actionreiche, surreale Spektakel mit viel schiedenen Generationen sehr unter- Viel Schnee Gewalt (vermutlich nur, damit Genre- schiedlich behandelt wird und das Ist ja mal wieder typisch: kaum Fans zufrieden sind!) und noch mehr auch sie als in Deutschland lebende frühlingt es draußen, werden uns offenen Fragen. Der sich im Höllen- Jüdin betrifft: ihre Mutter würde nie gleich zwei Filme mit Schnee im Titel tempo durch Eis und Schnee bohrende ihren Fuß auf deutschen Boden setzen! gezeigt Zug fährt so leider ins Leere. Beacht- Dieser Zwiespalt wird auf spannende lich ist immerhin die Filmmusik von und emotionale Weise im Film heraus- SNOWPIERCER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Marco Beltrami. Trotzdem lohnt sich gearbeitet und ergänzt die Geschichte OT: Snowpiercer eine Fahrkarte für diese Fahrt nicht um den Bruder, der nach dem Krieg in Verleih: MFA (24 Bilder) wirklich. Deutschland eine neue Identität ange- Land/Jahr: Südkorea, USA, Frankreich nommen hatte, um das Geschehene zu 2013 SCHNEE VON GESTERN (1:1.85, 5.1) vergessen. SCHNEE VON GESTERN Regie: Bong Joon-ho Verleih: Film Kino Text ist alles andere als Schnee von gestern Darsteller: Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Israel 2013 und lohnt den Weg ins Kino! , Jamie Bell, John Hurt, Regie: Yael Reuveny Ed Harris, Kinostart: 10.04.2014 Kinostart: 03.04.2014 Dass ein Dokumentarfilm manchmal Man schreibt das Jahr 2031. Die ganze weitaus spannender und bewegender Welt ist mit einer harten Eisschicht als jede Fiktion sein kann, beweist die überzogen, die Menschheit fast kom- junge israelische Regisseurin Yael plett ausgerottet. Die wenigen Überle- Reuveny mit ihrem Film SCHNEE VON benden, die es gibt, befinden sich als GESTERN. Sie erzählt die schier un- Passagiere im “Snowpiercer”, einem glaubliche Geschichte ihrer Großmutter gewaltigen Zug, der unermüdlich immer und deren Bruder, zweier Juden, die dieselbe Strecke zurücklegt. Im hinte- von den Nazis in Polen gefangenge- ren Zugteil befindet sich die unter- nommen werden. Beide überleben den drückte Unterschicht, im vorderen Teil Holocaust ohne jedoch zu wissen, dass die High Society. Der Zug samt Insas- der andere noch lebt. Sie sind die einzi- sen bildet einen abgeschlossenen öko- gen Überlebenden der gesamten Fami- logischen Kreislauf. Doch die Unter- lie. Nach Kriegsende 1945 erfährt die schicht beginnt sich aufzulehnen ge- Großmutter, dass ihr Bruder angeblich gen die bewaffnete Oberschicht und noch lebt und sie ihn am nächsten Tag kämpft sich Wagen um Wagen nach am Bahnhof in Lodz treffen könnte. vorne vor... Für seinen ersten englisch- Doch das Treffen kommt nicht zustan- sprachigen Film hat sich der koreani- de, worauf der Bruder für tot gehalten sche Regisseur Bong Joon-ho (THE wird. Die Großmutter wandert nach HOST) das Thema eines Endzeithrillers Israel aus und gründet ihre eigene Fa- entschieden. In kalten Bildern schildert milie. Erst Jahrzehnte später meldet er den grausamen Überlebenskampf der sich ein Deutscher, der behauptet, der

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Chuggington Augsburger Puppenkiste - Der Dir. Sarah Ball Animation kleine dicke Ritter Trickfilm 50min. Dir. Harald Schäfer Universal Pictures (Universal) Als die Tiere den Wald verließen Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1963 170min. 03.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058132 - Die komplette Serie (6 Discs) S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) 21.03.2014 The Animals Of Farthing Wood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058377 Cinderella - Die komplette Dir. Philippe Leclerc, Elphin Lloyd-Jones Cinderella Trilogie Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1995 975min. Blue Exorcist: The Movie Cinderella / Cinderella II: Dreams Come polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 Gekijouban Ao No Ekusoshisuto True / Cinderella III: A Twist In Time 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058188 Dir. Atsushi Takahashi Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1950-2007 min. Angry Birds Toons - Season 1, Zeichentrick/Horror 2012 min. (Germany) AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Volume 2 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058042 06.03.2014 Angry Birds Toons 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057996 Eric Guaglione Blue Exorcist: The Movie (Blu- Zeichentrick min. ray) Cinderella - Die komplette Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Gekijouban Ao No Ekusoshisuto Cinderella Trilogie (Blu-ray) 27.05.2014 Dir. Atsushi Takahashi Cinderella / Cinderella II: Dreams Come 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058384 Zeichentrick/Horror 2012 min. True / Cinderella III: A Twist In Time Angry Birds Toons - Season 1, AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1950-2007 min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058062 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Volume 2 (Blu-ray) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Angry Birds Toons Btooom Vol. 3 06.03.2014 Eric Guaglione Btooom 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058011 Zeichentrick min. Dir. Kotono Watanabe Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Action 75min. Cinderella (Blu-ray) 27.05.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.02.2014 Cinderella 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058388 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058043 Don Barclay - Dir. Wilfred Jackson, Luske, Clyde Geronimi Asterix erobert Rom (Blu-ray) Btooom Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1950 min. Les Douze Travaux D’Astérix Btooom The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo Dir. Kotono Watanabe GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Featurette, Wendecover Action 78min. 06.03.2014 Zeichentrick/Komödie 1975 82min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.02.2014 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058010 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058063 Germany 10.04.2014 Cinderella (Special Edition) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058307 Btooom Vol. 4 Cinderella Asterix in Amerika (Blu-ray) Btooom Don Barclay - Dir. Wilfred Jackson, Dir. Kotono Watanabe Hamilton Luske, Clyde Geronimi Astérix Et Les Indians Action 75min. Intro, Kurzfilm, Featurette, Trailer Dir. Gerhard Hahn AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1950 72min. Alternativer Abspann, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Komödie/Zeichentrick 1994 85min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058526 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Germany 10.04.2014 Btooom Vol. 4 (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057975 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058308 Btooom Dir. Kotono Watanabe Asterix und Kleopatra (Blu-ray) Action 77min. Cinderella II - Träume werden Astérix Et CléOpatre AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 wahr (Special Edition) Dir. Albert Uderzo, René Goscinny 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058534 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Dir. John Kafka Zeichentrick/Komödie 1968 74min. Captain Tsubasa: Die tollen Interaktives Spiele und Abenteuerbuch, Kurzfilm, Musikvideo STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Fußballstars - Box 1 (Folge 1-64 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002 min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Germany 10.04.2014 (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058309 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Captain Tsubasa 06.03.2014 Asterix, der Gallier (Blu-ray) Dir. Hiroyoshi Mitsunobu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057977 Booklet, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes Astérix Le Gaulois Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983-1986 Cinderella III - Wahre Liebe siegt Lucien Raimbourg - Dir. Ray Goossens 1335min. Alternative deutsche Synchro, Wendecover KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 (Special Edition) Komödie/Zeichentrick 1967 70min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058050 Cinderella III: A Twist In Time STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Frank Nissen Germany 10.04.2014 Chuggington 21 - Alles unter Kon- Spiel, DVD-ROM-Part, Musikvideo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058310 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2007 min. trolle The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Atlantis - Das Geheimnis der ver- Chuggington GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) lorenen Stadt (Blu-ray) Dir. Sarah Ball 06.03.2014 Trickfilm 50min. Atlantis - The Lost Empire 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057978 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise 03.04.2014 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2001 96min. Cleo und die Kunstpiraten: Folge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058131 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 3 - Der goldene Gecko GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Chuggington 22 - Stark wie ein Pirates: Adventures In Art 03.04.2014 Dir. William Gordon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058169 Stein Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2010-2011 44min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Edel:Kids 21.03.2014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2013 99min. Zeichentrick/Drama 46min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058255 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058529 Cleo und die Kunstpiraten: Folge 03.04.2014 4 - Das Porträt der Königin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058000 The Garden of Words (Blu-ray) Pirates: Adventures In Art Koto No Ha No Niwa Dir. William Gordon Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfro- Dir. Makoto Shinkai Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2010-2011 44min. ren (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) Featurette, Interviews, Storyboard Zeichentrick/Drama 49min. Edel:Kids 21.03.2014 (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058256 Frozen 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058537 Dir. Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Dinosaurier - Im Reich der Gigan- Kurzfilm „Get A Horse!“, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge ten Featurette, Trailer Trickfilm/Fantasy 2013 103min. 5: Das unbekannte Seeungeheuer Walking With Dinosaurs The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Wild Kratts Dir. Neil Nightingale, Barry Cook GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. 03.04.2014 Edel:Kids 28.03.2014 Highlight Communications 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058023 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058250 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 17.07.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20058614 Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfro- Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Dinosaurier 3D - Im Reich der Gi- ren (Blu-ray) 6: Kickboxen mit Kängurus ganten (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Frozen Wild Kratts Dir. Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Walking With Dinosaurs Kurzfilm „Get A Horse!“, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Edel:Kids 28.03.2014 Dir. Neil Nightingale, Barry Cook Featurette, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058251 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2013 103min. Highlight Communications The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Go, Diego! Go! - Kleiner Wolf (Deutschland)(Constantin) 17.07.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail tba BestellNr.: 20058626 03.04.2014 weit weg 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058022 Go, Diego! Go! Dino-Zug - Frisch geschlüpft Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen Dinosaur Train Trilogie - Ja, lach du Bonusepisoden Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 96min. Wendecover nur, du dämliches Pelzvieh (3 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058210 Germany 27.03.2014 Family Guy 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058077 Audiokommentar, Interviews, Making of, Clips, Teaser, Intro, Heidi Bonus-Episode, Featurettes, Trailer Heidi Zeichentrick 1999-2002 154min. Doc McStuffins - Spielzeugärztin, Dir. Alan Simpson Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Vol. 3: Eine Umarmung geht um Germany 04.04.2014 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2005 77min. die Welt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058394 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Doc McStuffins 14.03.2014 Kiara Muhammad, Lara Jill Miller, Robbie Family Guy Trilogie - Ja, lach du 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057999 Rist, Loretta Devine, Caitlin Carmichael, nur, du dämliches Pelzvieh (3 Jess Harnell Discs) (Blu-ray) Die Hüter des Lichts (Blu-ray 3D) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 115min. Family Guy (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Audiokommentar, Interviews, Making of, Clips, Teaser, Intro, Rise Of The Guardians GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Bonus-Episode, Featurettes, Trailer Dir. Peter Ramsey 20.03.2014 Zeichentrick 1999-2002 160min. Spiele, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Hintergrundinfo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057981 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Fantasy 2012 97min. Germany 04.04.2014 Paramount Home Dora - Dora rettet Don Quijote 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058405 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 Dora The Explorer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058478 Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Feuerwehrmann Sam - Die kom- Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong plette Staffel 7 (5 Discs) Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Vol. Bonusepisode Fireman Sam - The New Series 1 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 91min. Dir. Jerry Hibbert Ikki Tousen - Xtreme Xecutor Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 260min. Dir. Koichi Ohata 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058207 justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Postkarten, Flyer 14.03.2014 Zeichentrick/Action 2010 75min. Dragons - Die Reiter von Berk, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057998 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 Vol. 3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058530 Dragons: Riders Of Berk Für immer Shrek - Das große Fi- Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, nale (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Shrek Forever After - Jake rettet Nimmerland Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 120min. Dir. Mike Mitchell Jake And The Never Land Pirates Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Komödie 2010 94min. Dir. Kelly Ward Germany(DreamWorks) 04.04.2014 Paramount Home Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058071 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058512 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfro- 24.04.2014 ren The Garden of Words 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058153 Frozen Koto No Ha No Niwa Dir. Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Dir. Makoto Shinkai Das kleine Arschloch und der alte Kurzfilm „Get A Horse!“ Featurette, Interviews, Storyboard Sack - Sterben ist scheiße

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Dir. Michael Schaack, Konrad Weise 03.04.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 Making of, Teaser, Audiokommentar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058174 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058535 Zeichentrick/Komödie 2006 76min. Senator Home Entertainment 09.05.2014 Die Kühe sind los (Blu-ray) Michel & Ida aus Lönneberga 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058432 Home On The Range Emil & Ida I Lönneberga Dir. William Finn, John Sanford Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 60min. Das kleine Arschloch und der alte Zeichentrick/Komödie 2004 76min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Sack - Sterben ist scheiße (Blu- The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Video) 09.05.2014 ray) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058156 Dir. Michael Schaack, Konrad Weise 03.04.2014 Making of, Teaser, Audiokommentar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058171 Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Zeichentrick/Komödie 2006 79min. Minnies Tiersalon Senator Home Entertainment 09.05.2014 Kung Fu Panda: Legenden mit Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058462 Fell und Fu - Mitternachts-Kung Dir. Sherie Pollack, Rob LaDuca Zeichentrick min. Kleine Prinzessin - Ich will meine Fu Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Buntstifte & Ich will Königin sein Dir. Mike Mullen, Juan Jose Meza-Leon, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail (2 Discs) Gabe Swarr 24.04.2014 Little Princess Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058154 Dir. Edward Foster Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zeichentrick 120min. Germany(DreamWorks) 04.04.2014 Mico, das Äffchen 1 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058072 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 26min. 14.03.2014 ZYX Music 28.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058002 Laban, das kleine Gespenst - Fol- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058136 ge 1-8 Mico, das Äffchen 2 Kleine Prinzessin - Ich will Lilla Spöket Laban Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 26min. Piratin sein & Ich will wieder lieb Dir. Alicja Jaworski, Karin Nilsson, Per Ahlin ZYX Music 28.02.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2013 52min. sein (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058137 Little Princess Studio Hamburg Enterprises 21.03.2014 Dir. Edward Foster 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058244 Miffy der Film: Schatzsuche im Zeichentrick 120min. Zoo justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 5 Lego: Legends Of Chima Dir. Hans Perk 14.03.2014 Singen und Tanzen mit Miffy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058001 Dir. Peder Pedersen Musikvideo, Minimovies Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 67min. EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2014 Der kleine Tiger Daniel - Daniel Zeichentrick 88min. Universum Film Home 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058545 hilft seinem Papa Entertainment(Universum Kids) 02.05.2014 Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058538 Mila Superstar - Die komplette Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Serie (12 Disc Limited Edition) Universal Music Family Lego: Legends of Chima, DVD 1 / (Blu-ray) Entertainment(Karussell) 14.03.2014 Lego Ninjago, DVD 1 (2 Discs) Atakku No. 1 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058375 Lego Ninjago / Lego: Legends Of Chima Dir. Fumio Kurokawa, Eiji Okabe Der kleine Tiger Daniel - Freunde Dir. Michael Hegner, Justin Murphy, Peder Unveröffentlichte Bonusepisode, Bildergalerie, Autoreninfo, Pedersen Booklet helfen immer gern Outtakes, Musikvideo Zeichentrick/Drama 1969-1971 2400min. Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2011-2013 264min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058051 Universal Music Family 04.04.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 14.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057982 Der Mohnblumenberg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058374 Kokuriko-Zaka Kara Lilo & Stitch (Blu-ray) Dir. Goro Miyazaki Kleines Arschloch Lilo & Stitch Zeichentrick/Drama 2011 88min. Dir. Michael Schaack, Veit Vollmer Dir. Dean Deblois, Christopher Sanders Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Zeichentrick/Komödie 1996 79min. Zeichentrick 2002 84min. Bunch Germany) 02.05.2014 Senator Home Entertainment 09.05.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058561 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058430 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) 15.05.2014 Der Mohnblumenberg (Blu-ray) Knietzsche - Der kleinste Philo- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058176 Kokuriko-Zaka Kara soph der Welt: Denken ist Brau- Dir. Goro Miyazaki Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Musikvideo, Interview, Featurettes, Storyboards, Trailer sepulver für den Kopf Zeichentrick/Drama 2011 92min. Making of Box 3 (2 Discs) Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Zeichentrick 50min. Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Bunch Germany) 02.05.2014 Universal Music Family Dir. Kôji Masunari 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058588 Entertainment(Karussell) 28.03.2014 Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058607 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 150min. Der Mohnblumenberg (Special AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.03.2014 Ein Königreich für ein Lama (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058527 Edition, 2 Discs) Kokuriko-Zaka Kara ray) Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Dir. Goro Miyazaki The Emperor’s New Groove Box 3 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Drama 2011 88min. Dir. Mark Dindal Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Zeichentrick 2000 78min. Bunch Germany) 02.05.2014 Dir. Kôji Masunari The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058562 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Booklet Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 156min.

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Monster High - Licht aus, Grusel 13.03.2014 Conrad Vernon an! 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058426 Trickfilm/Komödie 2004 89min. Paramount Home Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action! Prinzessin Mononoke (Blu-ray) Webisodes, Trailer Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 70min. Mononoke Hime 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058510 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Hayao Miyazaki 03.04.2014 Storyboards, Trailer, TV-Spots Shrek der Dritte (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1997 133min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058133 ray) Universum Film Home Shrek The Third Entertainment(Universum Kids) 11.04.2014 Monster High - Licht aus, Grusel Dir. Chris Miller 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058389 an! (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2007 93min. Monster High: Frights, Camera, Action! Psycho-Pass, Box 1 (Limited Edi- Paramount Home Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 73min. tion) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058511 Psycho-Pass 03.04.2014 Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058161 , Volume 3, Folge 27-39 Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 156min. (2 Discs) AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.02.2014 Die Monster Uni (Blu-ray 3D, + Sôru Itâ 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058064 Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Takuya Igarashi, Yasuhiro Irie Monsters University Wendecover Psycho-Pass, Box 1 (Limited Edi- Trickfilm 2008 260min. Dir. Dan Scanlon tion, 2 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 104min. Psycho-Pass 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058450 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro, Naoyoshi Shiotani GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney/ Science Fiction/Zeichentrick 150min. South Park: Die komplette sech- ) 03.04.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.02.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058172 zehnte Season (3 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058044 South Park Monsters vs. Aliens - Klonen will Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Ritter Rost - Vol 1: Magnetitis Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen gelernt sein Dir. Felix Schichl Zeichentrick/Satire 300min. Monsters Vs. Aliens Trickfilm min. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058497 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Division(Europa) 07.03.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 04.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058177 The Spectacular Spider-Man - Die 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058073 komplette Serie (4 Discs) Ritter Rost - Vol 2: Erfolg über Die Muppets - 4 Movie Collection The Spectacular Spider-Man Nacht Trickfilm 2008-2009 min. (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Felix Schichl Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Die Muppets / Muppet Movie / Der große Trickfilm min. 24.04.2014 Muppet Krimi / Muppets - Die Schatzinsel Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057997 Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Division(Europa) 07.03.2014 , Austin Pendleton, Mel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058178 Spirit - Der wilde Mustang (Blu- Brooks - Dir. James Bobin, James Frawley, ray) Jim Henson Sally - Die komplette Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Komödie/Zeichentrick 1978-2011 min. Staffel 1 (6 Discs) Dir. Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Sally Bollywood Audiokommentar, Featurettes GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Dir. Alexis Ducord, Jeremie Hoarau Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2002 83min. 24.04.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 670min. Paramount Home 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058173 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058513 - Die komplette Staffel 9 21.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058343 und 9 (Folge 184-220) (6 Discs) SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Naruto Der Schatzplanet (Blu-ray) komplette dritte Season (3 Discs) Dir. Jeff Nimoy Spongebob Squarepants Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Trailer Dir. Ron Clements, John Musker Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 505min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2002-2007 833min. Zeichentrick 2002 95min. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.04.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058500 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058031 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Phineas und Ferb: Mission Marvel 03.04.2014 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058170 Dir. Dan Povenmire komplette erste Season (3 Discs) - Fliegende Candace - Der Erfindungsauflauf - Teamwork - Spongebob Squarepants Der gordische Knoten - Der Schnabeltierjäger - Phineas & Shrek - Der tollkühne Held (Blu- Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 450min. Ferb: Mission Marvel - Gedankentausch ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Zeichentrick 2007 132min. Shrek 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058498 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Dir. Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Trickfilm/Komödie 2001 90min. SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die 06.03.2014 Paramount Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057980 komplette zweite Season (3 Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058509 Pinocchio und der Herrscher der Spongebob Squarepants Nacht Shrek 2 - Der tollkühne Held Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 440min. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Pinocchio And The Emperor Of The Night kehrt zurück (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Hal Sutherland 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058499 Shrek 2 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1987 87min. Dir. Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury, KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Susi und Strolch (Blu-ray)

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Lady And The Tramp Germany(Weltkino) 22.05.2014 Dir. Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Taro, der Drachenjunge 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058277 Jackson Tatsu No Ko Tarô Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Dir. Kiriro Urayama 100 Bloody Acres (k.J.) Storyboards, Musikvideo, Trailer Trailer 100 Bloody Acres Zeichentrick/Komödie 1955 76min. Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1979 74min. Damon Herriman, Angus Sampson, Anna The Walt Disney Company (Germany) MIG Film 20.02.2014 McGahan, Oliver Ackland, Jamie Kristian, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058144 John Jarratt, Chrissie Page, Paul Blackwell 06.03.2014 - Dir. Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058020 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Trailer, Wendecover Horror/Komödie 2012 87min. Susi und Strolch (Special Folgen 114-169 (Blu-ray) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Collection) Bildergalerie, Trailer Germany(Weltkino) 22.05.2014 Lady And The Tramp Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1996 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058259 Dir. Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, Wilfred 1232min. Jackson KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.03.2014 12 Years a Slave Featurettes 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058055 12 Years A Slave Zeichentrick/Komödie 1955 73min. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Tickety Toc - Teil 3 Lupita Nyong’o, Brad , Paul Giamatti, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Tickety Toc Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Sarah 06.03.2014 Dir. Gil Hoon Jung Paulson, Alfre Woodard, Adepero Oduye, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057993 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 80min. Garret Dillahunt, Scoot McNairy, Michael K. justbridge entertainment media 14.03.2014 Williams, Chris Chalk, Taran Killam, Bill Susi und Strolch / Susi und 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058041 Camp - Dir. Steve McQueen Strolch 2 - Kleine Strolche, gro- Drama/Biographie 2013 130min. ßes Abenteuer (2-Disc DVD Editi- Urmel - Abenteuer auf Titiwu 1 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG on) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 16.05.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058616 Lady And The Tramp / Lady And The Tramp 10.04.2014 II: Scamp’s Adventure 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058296 12 Years a Slave (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Komödie 1955-2001 139min. 12 Years A Slave The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Wickie und die starken Männer - Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Lupita Nyong’o, Brad Pitt, Paul Giamatti, 06.03.2014 DVD 1 Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Sarah 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058087 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 91min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Anime) Paulson, Alfre Woodard, Adepero Oduye, Susi und Strolch / Susi und 25.04.2014 Garret Dillahunt, Scoot McNairy, Michael K. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058151 Williams, Chris Chalk, Taran Killam, Bill Strolch II - Kleine Strolche, gro- Camp - Dir. Steve McQueen ßes Abenteuer (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wickie und die starken Männer - Drama/Biographie 2013 135min. Lady And The Tramp / Lady And The Tramp DVD 2 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG II: Scamp’s Adventure 16.05.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2013 78min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 1955-2001 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058629 Studio 100 Media(Universum Anime) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25.04.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 7 Mann und ein Luder 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058152 06.03.2014 Sept Hommes Et Une Garce 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058017 Wickie und die starken Männer - Jean Marais, Marilù Tolo, Sydney Chaplin - Dir. Bernard Borderie Susi und Strolch II: Kleine Strol- Komplettbox (12 Discs) Französische Originalfassung che - Großes Abenteuer! (Special Chîsana Baikingu Uiki Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1966 81min. Dir. Chikao Katsui, Hiroshi Saito FilmConfect Home Entertainment Collection) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1972-1974 28.02.2014 The Lady And The Tramp II: Scamp’s 1806min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058485 Adventure Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Dir. Darrell Rooney 04.04.2014 A.I. - Android Insurrection Sing Along, Trailer 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058149 Android Insurrection Zeichentrick 2001 69min. Virginia Logan, Joe Chapman, Jeff Wills, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Zeo - Willkommen bei Zeo, Teil 1 David Ian Lee, Rebecca Kush, Beckett Lee, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Zou Sarah-Doe Osborne, Thomas Rowen, Nat 06.03.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 55min. Cassidy - Dir. Andrew Bellware 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057994 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 11.04.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2012 78min. Sword Art Online, Vol. 4 (2 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058410 Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058190 Sword Art Online Dir. Tomohiko Ito A.I. - Android Insurrection (Blu- 2 Bonus-Episoden Trickfilm/Action 125min. Film ray) AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.03.2014 Android Insurrection 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058528 Virginia Logan, Joe Chapman, Jeff Wills, 100 Bloody Acres (Blu-ray) (k.J.) David Ian Lee, Rebecca Kush, Beckett Lee, Sword Art Online, Vol. 4 (2 Discs) 100 Bloody Acres Sarah-Doe Osborne, Thomas Rowen, Nat (Blu-ray) Damon Herriman, Angus Sampson, Anna Cassidy - Dir. Andrew Bellware McGahan, Oliver Ackland, Jamie Kristian, Sword Art Online Science Fiction/Action 2012 81min. John Jarratt, Chrissie Page, Paul Blackwell Dir. Tomohiko Ito Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 2 Bonus-Episoden - Dir. Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058200 Trickfilm/Action 129min. Trailer, Wendecover Horror/Komödie 2012 91min. AV Visionen(Peppermint) 28.03.2014 Die Abenteuer der Familie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058536

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Robinson in der Wildnis (3 Discs) Robert Redford - Dir. J.C. Chandor Quién Grita Venganza? (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Drama 2013 102min. Anthony Steffen, Mark Damon - Dir. Rafael Universum Film Home Romero Marchent Die Abenteuer der Familie Robinson in Entertainment(SquareOne) 23.05.2014 Interview, Trailer der Wildnis / Mountain Family Robinson / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058439 Western 1968 86min. Weitere Abenteuer der Familie Robinson AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing in der Wildnis All Is Lost (Blu-ray) AG(Colosseo Film) 25.04.2014 Abenteuer 1975-1979 303min. All Is Lost 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058119 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.04.2014 Robert Redford - Dir. J.C. Chandor 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058495 Abenteuer/Drama 2013 106min. Animus - The New Maneater (Blu- Der Adler - Die Spur des Verbre- Universum Film Home ray) (k.J.) Entertainment(SquareOne) 23.05.2014 Animus chens - Die komplette Serie (12 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058463 John Bernath, Megan Davis, Caitlin Singer, Discs) Brandon Lee Pittman, Ann B. , Joan Ørnen: En Krimi-Odyssé Alle Menschen werden Brüder Schumacher, Gregory Sweet, Wynelle Jens Albinus, Ghita Nørby, Marina Bouras, Harald Leipnitz, Doris Kunstmann, Rainer Waters - Dir. Quin Davis Steen Stig Lommer, Janus Nabil Bakrawi Artenfels, Klaus Schwarzkopf, Herbert Thriller/Horror 2013 84min. Booklets, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Musikvideo, Fleischmann, Konrad Georg, Elisabeth Volk- MIG Film 17.04.2014 Fotoshow mann, Christiane Maybach, Ingrid van Ber- tba BestellNr.: 20058065 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2004 1420min. gen, Alf Marholm, Manfred Seipold, Heinz Edel Germany 14.03.2014 Baumann, Alfred Balthoff, Michel Jacot, Animus - The New Maneater (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058241 Alexander Golling, Edith Schultze-Westrum, Animus Adventures of Power Hilde Brand, Ingeborg Lapsien, Herta John Bernath, Megan Davis, Caitlin Singer, Worell, Achim Hammer, Hermann Lenschau, Brandon Lee Pittman, Ann B. Tiffany, Joan Adventures Of Power Eduard Linkers, Roberto Blanco - Dir. Al- Schumacher, Gregory Sweet, Wynelle Michael McKean, , Shoshannah fred Vohrer Waters - Dir. Quin Davis Stern, Chi Ling Chiu, Adrian Grenier, Ari Booklet Thriller/Horror 2013 80min. Gold, Richard Fancy, - Dir. Ari Drama 1973 105min. MIG Film 17.04.2014 Gold AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing tba BestellNr.: 20058046 Komödie 2008 89min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.03.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(Cult-Movies) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058102 Der Anwalt des Teufels - Die kom- 13.03.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058436 Alleinflug - Elly Beinhorn plette Serie The Escape Artist Vicky Krieps, Max Riemelt, Christian Berkel, David Tennant, , Toby Agatha, lass das Morden sein Lisa Wagner, Ulrike Krumbiegel, Harald Kebbell, Ashley Jensen, Anton Lesser, Johanna von Koczian, Klausjürgen Krassnitzer, Lisa Kreuzer - Dir. Christine Nicholas Woodeson, Jeany Spark, Tony Wussow, Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Wolf- Hartmann Gardner, Roy Marsden, Roxanne Gregory, gang Kieling, Hans Dieter Zeidler, Peter Drama/Biographie 2014 90min. Patrick Ryecart, Gus Barry, Monica Dolan, Vogel, Karl Lieffen, Beppo Brem - Dir. Prof. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Stephen Wight, Faton Gerbeshi - Dir. Brian Dietrich Haugk 25.04.2014 Welsh Booklet tba BestellNr.: 20058252 Kriminalfilm 1960 95min. Thriller 2013 172min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Am Ende des Tages STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.03.2014 Germany 18.03.2014 Nicholas Ofczarek, Simon Schwarz, Anna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058100 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058344 Unterberger, Ursula Scheidle, Carmela Airplane Apocalypse New York Achleitner, Fritz Supper, Flavio Schilly, Armee im Schatten (Blu-ray) Hans Peter Bruckner, Eva Tacha-Breitling - The 9/11 Commission Report L’ Armée Des Ombres Dir. Peter Payer Rhett Giles, Marat Glazer, Griff Furst - Dir. Making of, Interviews, Musikclip, Hörfilmfassung Lino Ventura, , Paul Leigh Scott Thriller 2011 90min. Meurisse, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Serge Drama/Thriller 2006 83min. Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 21.03.2014 Reggiani, Claude Mann, Paul Crauchet, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058225 Christian Barbier - Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058340 Dokumentation, Wendecover Am Ende des Tages (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 1969 145min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Airplane Apocalypse New York Nicholas Ofczarek, Simon Schwarz, Anna Germany(Arthaus) 24.04.2014 (Blu-ray) Unterberger, Ursula Scheidle, Carmela 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058314 The 9/11 Commission Report Achleitner, Fritz Supper, Flavio Schilly, Rhett Giles, Marat Glazer, Griff Furst - Dir. Hans Peter Bruckner, Eva Tacha-Breitling - Arrow - Die komplette erste Staf- Leigh Scott Dir. Peter Payer Drama/Thriller 2006 83min. Making of, Interviews, Musikclip, Hörfilmfassung fel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Thriller 2011 94min. Arrow 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058365 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 21.03.2014 Stephen Amell, Colin Donnell, Katie Cassidy, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058267 David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Jamey Alien Species (k.J.) Sheridan, Susanna Thompson, Paul Alien Incursion American Western Collection (2 Blackthorne, Colin Salmon, Darren Mike Coleman, David Lewis, John Shaw, Discs) Shahlavi, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Mi- Kristina Copeland, Kiara Hunter, Tom Fuzzy gegen Tod und Teufel / Das Land chael Rowe, Kelly Hu - Dir. David Nutter O’Brien, Ken Roberts, Holly Dignard, Holly der Verfluchten / Das Gesetz in der eige- Action 972min. Dignard, Grayson Hosie - Dir. Jeffery Scott nen Hand / Geächtet / Der Ritt im Wirbel- Warner Home Video Germany 21.02.2014 Lando wind 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058120 Horror/Science Fiction 2006 83min. John Wayne, Jack Nicholson, Errol Flynn Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Western 500min. Arrow - Die komplette erste Staf- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058187 MIG Film 20.02.2014 fel (5 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058146 Arrow All Is Lost Stephen Amell, Colin Donnell, Katie Cassidy, All Is Lost An den Galgen, Bastardo David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Jamey

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Sheridan, Susanna Thompson, Paul Denham, Alex Solowitz - Dir. Chris Brinker Meteor Film 25.04.2014 Blackthorne, Colin Salmon, Darren Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057989 Shahlavi, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, Mi- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) chael Rowe, Kelly Hu - Dir. David Nutter 14.04.2014 Ben & Mickey vs. the Dead (Blu- Action 972min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058084 ray) Warner Home Video Germany 21.02.2014 The Battery 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058110 Bad Milo! Jeremy Gardner, Adam Cronheim, Niels Bad Milo! Bolle, Alana O’Brien, Jamie Pantanella, Arsene Lupin, der Millionendieb Ken Marino, Gillian Jacobs, Peter Stormare, Kelly McQuade, Eric Simon, Nicole Kinnett - Les Aventures D’Arsène Lupin Patrick Warburton, Mary Kay Place, Dir. Jeremy Gardner Robert Lamoureux, Liselotte Pulver, O. E. Stephen Root, Toby Huss, Kumail Nanjiani - Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Hasse, Sandra Milo, Georges Chamarat - Dir. Jacob Vaughan Horror/Komödie 2012 101min. Dir. Jacques Becker Komödie/Horror 2013 81min. Meteor Film 25.04.2014 Komödie 1957 105min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058016 Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) 14.04.2014 21.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058082 Berberian Sound Studio (OmU) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058127 Berberian Sound Studio Bad Milo! (Blu-ray) Toby Jones, Tonia Sotiropoulou, Susanna Attila - Master of an Empire (Blu- Bad Milo! Cappellaro, Cosimo Fusco, Antonio ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ken Marino, Gillian Jacobs, Peter Stormare, Mancino, Fatma Mohamed, Salvatore Li Attila Patrick Warburton, Mary Kay Place, Causi, Guido Adorni, Chiara D’Anna, Cheick Kongo, Poncho Hodges, Chris Stephen Root, Toby Huss, Kumail Nanjiani - Eugenia Caruso, Lara Parmiani, Jozef Conrad, Todd Kimsey, Matt Krieger, Mikayla Dir. Jacob Vaughan Cseres, Pal Toth, Layla Amir, Kata Bartsch, S. Campbell, Luke Barnett, Steve Hanks - Komödie/Horror 2013 84min. Stephanie Kirby, Katalin Ladik, Jean-Micha- Dir. Emmanuel Itier Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) el van Schouwburg - Dir. Peter Strickland Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm, Outtakes 14.04.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Dokumen- Action/Fantasy 2013 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058086 tation, Trailer Drama 2012 88min. Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Rapid Eye Movies HE 04.04.2014 13.03.2014 Barricade (OmU) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058237 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058025 Barricade Eric McCormack, Jody Thompson, Conner Beverly Hills Cop 2 (Blu-ray) Attila - Master of an Empire (Blu- Dwelly, Ryan Grantham, Donnelly Rhodes - Beverly Hills Cop 2 Dir. Andrew Currie ray) (k.J.) Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold, John Thriller/Mystery 2012 85min. Attila Ashton, Brigitte Nielsen, Jürgen Prochnow AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) Cheick Kongo, Poncho Hodges, Chris - Dir. Tony Scott 28.03.2014 Conrad, Todd Kimsey, Matt Krieger, Mikayla Action/Komödie 1987 103min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058182 S. Campbell, Luke Barnett, Steve Hanks - Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Dir. Emmanuel Itier 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058475 Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm, Outtakes Battle of the Empire (2 Discs) Action/Fantasy 2013 86min. (Blu-ray) Beverly Hills Cop 3 (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Action/Abenteuer 599min. Beverly Hills Cop 3 13.03.2014 KSM GmbH 17.03.2014 Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold, Hector 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058024 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058049 Elizondo, Timothy Carhart, Stephen Attila - Master of an Empire (k.J.) McHattie, Theresa Randle, John Saxon, Belle de Jour (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Alan Young, Bronson Pinchot - Dir. John Attila Belle De Jour Landis Cheick Kongo, Poncho Hodges, Chris Catherine Deneuve, Michel Piccoli, Jean Interviews, Trailer Conrad, Todd Kimsey, Matt Krieger, Mikayla Sorel, Pierre Clémenti, Geneviève Page, Action/Komödie 1994 104min. S. Campbell, Luke Barnett, Steve Hanks - Francisco Rabal, Georges Marchal, Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Dir. Emmanuel Itier Françoise Fabian - Dir. Luis Buñuel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058476 Making of, Trailer, Outtakes Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Fantasy 2013 82min. Drama 1966-1967 99min. Die Bibel Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment La Bibbia 13.03.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 24.04.2014 Michael Parks, George C. Scott, Ava 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058003 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058315 Gardner, Peter O’Toole, John Huston, Fran- Baby Daddy - Die komplette erste co Nero, Stephen Boyd - Dir. John Huston Belle de Jour (k.J.) Trailer Staffel (2 Discs) Belle De Jour Drama/Monumentalfilm 1965 168min. Baby Daddy Catherine Deneuve, Michel Piccoli, Jean Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Derek Theler, Melissa Sorel, Pierre Clémenti, Geneviève Page, Germany 04.04.2014 Peterman, Chelsea , Tahj Mowry, Francisco Rabal, Georges Marchal, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058335 Lacey Chabert, Matt Dallas, Grace Phipps, Françoise Fabian - Dir. Luis Buñuel Kelly Stables - Dir. Michael Lembeck Audiokommentar, Featurette, Wendecover (4 Discs) Komödie/Familie 220min. Drama 1966-1967 95min. The Bible The Walt Disney Company (Germany) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Diogo Morgado, Darwin Shaw GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Germany(Arthaus) 24.04.2014 Drama 2013 min. Studios) 03.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058292 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058145 Germany 25.04.2014 Ben & Mickey vs. the Dead 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058376 Bad Country (Blu-ray) The Battery Bad Country Jeremy Gardner, Adam Cronheim, Niels The Bible (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Willem Dafoe, Matt Dillon, Tom Berenger, Bolle, Alana O’Brien, Jamie Pantanella, The Bible Amy Smart, Neal McDonough, Bill Duke, Kelly McQuade, Eric Simon, Nicole Kinnett - Diogo Morgado, Darwin Shaw Chris Marquette, Kevin Chapman, J.D. Dir. Jeremy Gardner Drama 2013 min. Evermore, Frederick Weller, Christopher Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Horror/Komödie 2012 97min.

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Germany 25.04.2014 Walter Hess, Peter Rappenglück, Felix Hell- Bollywood Gold Collection Box 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058379 mann, Michael Roll, Olaf Krätke, Mats Vol. 2 Reinhardt, Udo Nagel, Hans-Maria Darnov, Asoka / Bollywood Award Show 2000 / The Big C - Die komplette vierte Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Jochen Mazaa Mazaa / Mirchi - It’s Hot Decker, Walter Schuster, Till Butterbach, Season (2 Discs) Drama 505min. Adam Makiewicz - Dir. Daniel Harrich The Big C Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Komödie/Drama 216min. Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama/Thriller 2013 92min. 11.04.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058449 15.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058591 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058380 Braquo - Die komplette zweite Black Zombies from Sugar Hill Blindspot (k.J.) Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Blindspot Braquo Sugar Hill Johnny Melville, Maike Moeller Bornstein, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Nicolas Marki Bey, Robert Quarry, Don Pedro Micky Hoogendijk, Hugo Metsers, Jango Duvauchelle, Joseph Malerba - Dir. Philippe Colley, Betty Anne Rees, Richard Lawson, Edwards, Hank Botwinik - Dir. Ad Bol Haïm, Eric Valette Charles Robinson, Larry Johnson, Rick Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 2 Discs Hagood - Dir. Paul Maslansky Thriller/Erotik 2008 80min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 416min. Action/Horror 1974 87min. Donau Film 23.05.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.03.2014 da music(Laser Paradise) 07.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058542 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058352 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058525 Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde, Fol- Braquo - Die komplette zweite Blau ist eine warme Farbe gen 01-26 (Collector’s Edition, 7 Staffel (3 Discs) (k.J.) La Vie D’Adèle - Chapitre 1& 2 Braquo Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Discs) Jean-Hugues Anglade, Nicolas Kechiouche, Mona Walravens, Jeremie Enid Blyton’s Famous Five Duvauchelle, Joseph Malerba - Dir. Philippe Laheurte, Alma Jodorowsky, Catherine Marcus Harris, Michele Gallagher, Gary Haïm, Eric Valette Salée, Aurélien Recoing, Fanny Maurin, Russell, Jennifer Thanisch, Michael Hinz, Sue Best, Friedrich von Thun, Wayne 3 Discs Benjamin Siksou, Sandor Funtek, Baya Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 400min. Brooks, Timothy Bateson - Dir. Peter Rehaz, Aurelie Lemanceau, Karim Saidi - Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.03.2014 Duffell, Sidney Hayers, Don Leaver, James Dir. Abdellatif Kechiche 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058320 Interviews, Trailer Gatward, David Pick, Pat Jackson Drama 2012 170min. Abenteuer 1978-1979 650min. Die Brücke von Arnheim Alamode Film 09.05.2014 Universum Film(Universum Kids) A Bridge Too Far 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058496 21.02.2014 Sir , Sir Sean Connery, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058093 Blau ist eine warme Farbe (Blu- Robert Redford, Dirk Bogarde, James Caan, Die BMX-Bande Sir , Edward Fox, Elliott ray) Gould, Gene Hackman, Sir Anthony BMX Bandits La Vie D’Adèle - Chapitre 1& 2 Hopkins, Hardy Krüger, Maximilian Schell, David Argue, John Ley, , An- Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Salim Hans von Borsody, Liv Ullmann, Ryan gelo D’Angelo, James Lugton, Bryan Mars- Kechiouche, Mona Walravens, Jeremie O’Neal - Dir. Lord Richard Attenborough Laheurte, Alma Jodorowsky, Catherine hall - Dir. Brian Trenchard-Smith Audiokommentar Salée, Aurélien Recoing, Fanny Maurin, Trailer, Titelsong, Bildergalerie Kriegsfilm 1977 160min. Action 1983 87min. Benjamin Siksou, Sandor Funtek, Baya Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Capelight Pictures 07.03.2014 Rehaz, Aurelie Lemanceau, Karim Saidi - Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058038 Dir. Abdellatif Kechiche 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058396 Interviews, Trailer Drama 2012 177min. Die BMX-Bande (Blu-ray) Butcher Boys (Blu-ray) (k.J.) BMX Bandits Alamode Film 09.05.2014 Butcher Boys David Argue, John Ley, Nicole Kidman, An- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058508 Ali Faulkner, Johnny Walter, Derek Lee gelo D’Angelo, James Lugton, Bryan Mars- Nixon, Tory Tompkins, Gregory Kelly, Edwin Der blinde Fleck - Täter. Attentä- hall - Dir. Brian Trenchard-Smith Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer, Titelsong Neal, Marilyn Burns, Karrie Cox - Dir. ter. Einzeltäter? Action 1983 90min. Duane Graves, Justin Meeks Benno Fürmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Heiner Capelight Pictures 07.03.2014 Making of Thriller/Horror 2012 88min. Lauterbach, August Zirner, Jörg Hartmann, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058058 Udo Wachtveitl, Miroslav Nemec, Anna Mad Dimension GmbH 18.04.2014 Grisebach, Simone Kabst, Wowo Habdank, Body Fat Index of Love 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058015 Tessa Mittelstaedt, Isolde Barth, Ekki Belle, Rakkauden Rasvaprosentti Butcher Boys (k.J.) Walter Hess, Peter Rappenglück, Felix Hell- Miina Maasola, Mikko Nousiainen, Jarkko Butcher Boys mann, Michael Roll, Olaf Krätke, Mats Niemi, Kristo Salminen, Mirja Oksanen, Mari Ali Faulkner, Johnny Walter, Derek Lee Reinhardt, Udo Nagel, Hans-Maria Darnov, Perankoski, Antti Virmavirta, Sanna-Kaisa Nixon, Tory Tompkins, Gregory Kelly, Edwin Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Jochen Palo, Kari Sorvali - Dir. Mikko Kuparinen Neal, Marilyn Burns, Karrie Cox - Dir. Decker, Walter Schuster, Till Butterbach, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 min. Adam Makiewicz - Dir. Daniel Harrich Duane Graves, Justin Meeks Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.04.2014 Making of Making of, Interviews, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20058195 Drama/Thriller 2013 88min. Thriller/Horror 2012 84min. Mad Dimension GmbH 18.04.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Body Fat Index of Love (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058567 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057988 Rakkauden Rasvaprosentti Der blinde Fleck - Täter. Attentä- Miina Maasola, Mikko Nousiainen, Jarkko Cannibal! The Musical (2 Discs) Niemi, Kristo Salminen, Mirja Oksanen, Mari ter. Einzeltäter? (Blu-ray) Cannibal! The Musical Perankoski, Antti Virmavirta, Sanna-Kaisa Matt Stone, Juan Schwartz, Toddy Alters, Benno Fürmann, Nicolette Krebitz, Heiner Palo, Kari Sorvali - Dir. Mikko Kuparinen Ian Hardin, Jason McHugh, Jon Hegel, Dian Lauterbach, August Zirner, Jörg Hartmann, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 min. Bachar, Robert Muratore, Andy Kemler, Ted Udo Wachtveitl, Miroslav Nemec, Anna Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.04.2014 Henwood - Dir. Trey Parker Grisebach, Simone Kabst, Wowo Habdank, tba BestellNr.: 20058202 Horror/Komödie 1995 93min. Tessa Mittelstaedt, Isolde Barth, Ekki Belle, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.04.2014

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058487 on, 3 Discs) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Ein Offizier und Tölpel / Die Tücken des 21.03.2014 Carrie Alltags / Turbulentes Eheleben / Eine See- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058427 Carrie fahrt, die ist lustig / Die Traumfrau Charlie Chloe Grace Moretz, , Portia / u.a. Die Arthur Cohn Edition 2 (8 Doubleday, , Alex Russell, Sir Charles Chaplin Discs) Gabriella Wilde, Ansel Elgort, Zoë Belkin, Komödie 1914-1923 612min. Siebenmal lockt das Weib / Ein kurzer Samantha Weinstein, Karissa Strain, Katie Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Urlaub / White Lies / Hinter der Sonne / Strain - Dir. Kimberly Peirce 17.04.2014 Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu / Das Horror/Drama 2013 96min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058556 gelbe Segel / Die Kinder der Seidenstraße Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment / Die Endlösung / Children of the Night Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 Charm School 2 Dokumentationsfilme 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057990 Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing And Thriller/Komödie 1967-2008 765min. Charm School Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Carrie (Blu-ray) Robert Carlyle, , Mary Home Edition) 10.04.2014 Carrie Steenburgen, Sean Astin, Donnie Wahlberg, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058408 Chloe Grace Moretz, Judy Greer, Portia David Paymer, Camryn Manheim, Adam Doubleday, Julianne Moore, Alex Russell, Arkin, Sonia Braga, Elden Henson, Ernie Cold Comes the Night Gabriella Wilde, Ansel Elgort, Zoë Belkin, Hudson, Miguel Sandoval, Danny DeVito, Cold Comes The Night Samantha Weinstein, Karissa Strain, Katie John Goodman - Dir. Randall Miller Alice Eve, Logan Marshall-Green, Ursula Strain - Dir. Kimberly Peirce Komödie/Drama 2005 100min. Parker, Leo Fitzpatrick, , Horror/Drama 2013 100min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Erin Cummings, Robin Lord Taylor, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058327 Marceline Hugot - Dir. Tze Chun Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058018 Charm School (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Marilyn Hotchkiss’ Ballroom Dancing And 14.04.2014 Cartouche, der Bandit Charm School 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058081 Cartouche Robert Carlyle, Marisa Tomei, Mary Jean-Paul Belmondo, Claudia Cardinale, Steenburgen, Sean Astin, Donnie Wahlberg, Cold Comes the Night (Blu-ray) Odile Versois, Marcel Dalio, Jess Hahn, David Paymer, Camryn Manheim, Adam Cold Comes The Night Philippe Lemaire, Jean Rochefort, Noel Arkin, Sonia Braga, Elden Henson, Ernie Alice Eve, Logan Marshall-Green, Ursula Roquevert, Lucien Raimbourg, Jacques Hudson, Miguel Sandoval, Danny DeVito, Parker, Leo Fitzpatrick, Bryan Cranston, Balutin, Pierre Repp, Jacques Hilling, Paul John Goodman - Dir. Randall Miller Erin Cummings, Robin Lord Taylor, Préboist - Dir. Philippe de Broca Komödie/Drama 2005 104min. Marceline Hugot - Dir. Tze Chun Wendecover Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Abenteuer/Komödie 1961 110min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058359 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 14.04.2014 Germany 24.04.2014 Cheers - Die siebte Season (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058085 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058293 Discs) Cold War Cheers Cassie - Eine verhexte Familie Hon Zin Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, The Good Witch’s Family Andy Lau, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Aaron Kwok Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Catherine Bell, Chris Potter - Dir. Craig - Dir. Leung Lok-man, Luk Kim-ching Pryce George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Making of, Interviews, Trailer Drama/Fantasy 2011 85min. Alley, Kelsey Grammer, , Thriller/Action 2012 98min. polyband Medien GmbH 16.04.2014 Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, OFDb Filmworks 13.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058491 , Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, tba BestellNr.: 20058565 Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Category 6 - Der Tag des Tornado Richard Doyle, , Dan Cold War (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray 3D) Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Hon Zin Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Category 6: Day Of Destruction Andy Lau, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Aaron Kwok Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Randy Quaid, Brian Dennehy, Nancy - Dir. Leung Lok-man, Luk Kim-ching Ackerman, John Ratzenberger McKeon, Thomas Gibson, , Making of, Interviews, Trailer Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 510min. Thriller/Action 2012 102min. Chad Bruce, Ari Cohen - Dir. Dick Lowry Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 OFDb Filmworks 13.05.2014 Drama 2004 166min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058457 tba BestellNr.: 20058590 justbridge entertainment media 21.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058029 The Client List - Die komplette College Brothers - Der Aufreißer Category 7 - Das Ende der Welt erste Season (3 Discs) und der Supernerd (Blu-ray 3D) The Client List Disorientation Jennifer Love Hewitt, Loretta Devine Eric Toms, Todd Gaebe, Richard Moll, Kon- Category 7: The End Of The World Drama 2012 399min. stantin Lavysh, Maria Olsen, Stephanie Gina Gershon, Cameron Daddo, Shannen Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Sanditz, Darrel Cherney, Joseph H. Doherty, Randy Quaid, Robert Wagner, 27.05.2014 Johnson Junior, Nikki Martin - Dir. Russell Adam Rodriguez, Sebastian Spence, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058385 Whaley Nicholas Lea, John Kapelos, Lindy Booth, Trailer James Brolin, , Tom Skerritt, Coast Guard - Die Küstenwache Komödie 2012 77min. , Suki Kaiser, James Kirk, (6 Discs) Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Noam Jenkins, Peter Mooney, Rachel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058573 Skarsten, Andrea Lui, David Alpay, Jim The Guard Codrington - Dir. Dick Lowry Steve Bacic, Jeremy Guilbaut, Zoie Palmer, College Brothers - Der Aufreißer Gordon Michael Woolvett, Julie Patzwald, Drama 2005 169min. und der Supernerd (Blu-ray) justbridge entertainment media 21.02.2014 Ryan Robbins, Sonya Salomaa - Dir. Disorientation 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058061 Anthony Atkins, Ernie Barbarash, John L’Ecuyer Eric Toms, Todd Gaebe, Richard Moll, Kon- Charlie Chaplin (Collector’s Editi- Drama/Action 2008-2009 930min. stantin Lavysh, Maria Olsen, Stephanie Sanditz, Darrel Cherney, Joseph H.

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Johnson Junior, Nikki Martin - Dir. Russell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058240 Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer, Gag Reel Whaley Horror 2010 87min. Trailer Daddy’s Little Girl (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 Komödie 2012 80min. Daddy’s Little Girl 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058453 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Billi Baker, Michael Thomson, Allira Jaques, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058595 Holly Phillips, Rebecca Plint, Sean Gannon, Dead Matter - Terror of the Christian Radford, Darrell Plumridge, Mirko Undead (Blu-ray) Columbo - Die komplette Serie Grillini, Melinda Dimond - Dir. Chris Sun The Dead Matter (35 Discs) Trailer Donna Williams, C.B. Spencer, Andrew Columbo Thriller/Drama 2012 106min. Divoff, Jason Carter, Tom Savini, Sean Peter Falk, , Ida Lupino, Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.05.2014 Serino, Tom Nagel, Jim O’Rear - Dir. Edward Ray Milland, Vincent Price, Eddie Albert, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058517 Douglas John Kerr, Vera Miles, Martin Sheen, John Making of, Musikvideo, Gag Reel Finnegan - Dir. James Frawley Daddy’s Little Girl (k.J.) Horror 2010 91min. Kriminalfilm 5690min. Daddy’s Little Girl MIG Film 11.04.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Billi Baker, Michael Thomson, Allira Jaques, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058474 16.05.2014 Holly Phillips, Rebecca Plint, Sean Gannon, 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058617 Christian Radford, Darrell Plumridge, Mirko Death Zone - Tödlicher Verrat Grillini, Melinda Dimond - Dir. Chris Sun Dead Drop Commando - One Man Army (Blu- Trailer Luke Goss, Cole Hauser, Nestor Carbonell, Thriller/Drama 2012 103min. ray) (k.J.) David Del Rio, Carolina Castro, David Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.05.2014 Fernandez jr., Jill Remez, Jack Carlisle - Commando 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058504 Dir. R. Ellis Frazier Vidyut Jamwal, Pooja Chopra, Jaideep Action/Thriller 2013 87min. Ahlawat, Dimple Bagrey, Sukhwinder Der Damm / Film oder Macht (2 EuroVideo Medien 28.05.2014 Chahal, Sohrab Handa, Darshan Jariwala, Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058557 Baljinder Kaur, Nathalia Kaur - Dir. Dilip Petra Krause, Vlado Kristl, Felix Potisk, Ghosh Death Zone - Tödlicher Verrat Making of Christine Maier, Marlene Zargos, Sylvia Action 2013 125min. Kékulé - Dir. Vlado Kristl (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Drama 1964-1970 280min. Dead Drop 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058301 film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Luke Goss, Cole Hauser, Nestor Carbonell, 14.03.2014 David Del Rio, Carolina Castro, David Commando - One Man Army (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058622 Fernandez jr., Jill Remez, Jack Carlisle - Commando Dir. R. Ellis Frazier Vidyut Jamwal, Pooja Chopra, Jaideep Darkest Night (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action/Thriller 2013 90min. Ahlawat, Dimple Bagrey, Sukhwinder Darkest Night EuroVideo Medien 28.05.2014 Chahal, Sohrab Handa, Darshan Jariwala, D. J. Perry, Anne Gauthier, Issa Litton - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058585 Baljinder Kaur, Nathalia Kaur - Dir. Dilip Noel Tan Ghosh Horror 2012 96min. Alain Delon Collection 2 (6 Discs) Making of Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 Alain Delon Action 2013 120min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058363 Thriller/Drama min. Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058283 Darkest Night (k.J.) Classic Selection) 10.04.2014 Darkest Night 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058295 Copacabana D. J. Perry, Anne Gauthier, Issa Litton - Dir. Bruno Ganz, Nicole Heesters, Erni Man- Noel Tan - Die kom- gold, Christiane Paul, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Horror 2012 96min. plette Serie Devid Striesow, Liane Forestieri, Nina Blum, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 Desperate Housewives Xaver Hutter, Friedrich von Thun - Dir. Xa- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058330 Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia ver Schwarzenberger Cross, Eva Longoria, Nicollette Sheridan, Drama/Tragikomödie 2008 89min. Day of the Undead Brenda Strong, Ricardo Chavira, Doug KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Strigoi Savant, James Denton, Shane Kinsman, 03.03.2014 Constantin Barbulescu, Catalin Paraschiv, Brent Kinsman, Zane Huett, Andrea 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058428 Camelia Maxim, Rudy Rosenfeld, Dan Popa Bowen, Shawn Pyfrom, Joy Lauren, - Dir. Faye Jackson Vanessa L. Williams, Brian Austin Green - Cowgirls and Angels 2 - Dakotas Trailer Dir. Larry Shaw, David Grossman Pferdesommer Komödie/Horror 2009 101min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 Komödie/Drama 2004-2012 min. Dakota’s Summer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058451 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Emily Bett Rickards, Keith Carradine, Julie GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Ann Emery - Dir. Timothy Armstrong Day of the Undead (Blu-ray) Studios) 20.03.2014 Drama/Familie 2014 90min. Strigoi 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057979 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Constantin Barbulescu, Catalin Paraschiv, Germany 04.04.2014 Camelia Maxim, Rudy Rosenfeld, Dan Popa Detective Dee und der Fluch des 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058331 - Dir. Faye Jackson Seeungeheuers The Crow - Die Serie: Volume 2 Komödie/Horror 2009 105min. Di Renjie: Shen Du Long Wang Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 05.07.2014 Mark Chao, Feng Shaofeng, Angelababy, (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058472 Ian Kim, Gengxin Lin, Carina Lau - Dir. Tsui The Crow: Stairway To Heaven Hark Mark Dacascos, Marc Gomes, Sabine Dead Matter - Terror of the Making of, Interviews, Trailer Karsenti, Katie Stuart, Lynda Boyd, Jon Undead Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 123min. Cuthbert, John Pyper-Ferguson, Christina Koch Media 22.05.2014 The Dead Matter Cox, Julie Dreyfus - Dir. Kari Skogland 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058581 Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Donna Williams, C.B. Spencer, Andrew Action/Fantasy 1998 482min. Divoff, Jason Carter, Tom Savini, Sean Detective Dee und der Fluch des Koch Media 20.02.2014 Serino, Tom Nagel, Jim O’Rear - Dir. Edward Douglas Seeungeheuers (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ray) Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde Weir Di Renjie: Shen Du Long Wang Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Drama 1985 112min. Mark Chao, Feng Shaofeng, Angelababy, John Barrymore, Martha Mansfield, Nita Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Ian Kim, Gengxin Lin, Carina Lau - Dir. Tsui Naldi, Brandon Hurst, Charles Lane, Louis 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058218 Hark Wolheim, Cecil Clovelly - Dir. John S. Making of, Interviews, Trailer Robertson Elementary - Season 1.1 (3 Discs) Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 128min. Horror 1920 83min. Elementary Koch Media 22.05.2014 Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Featurette Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 501min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058603 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058186 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Detective Dee und der Fluch des Der Draufgänger 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058208 Seeungeheuers (Blu-ray) Hans Albers, Mártha Eggerth, Sigurd Elementary - Season 1.2 (3 Discs) Di Renjie: Shen Du Long Wang Lohde, Gerda Maurus, Ernst Stahl- Elementary Mark Chao, Feng Shaofeng, Angelababy, Nachbaur - Dir. Richard Eichberg Fetaurettes, Promos Ian Kim, Gengxin Lin, Carina Lau - Dir. Tsui Booklet Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 497min. Kriminalfilm 1931 85min. Hark Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Making of, Interviews, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058209 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 128min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.03.2014 Koch Media 22.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058105 Elisa di Rivombrosa - Die kom- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058602 Die drei Tage des Condor (Blu- plette 1. Staffel (8 Discs) The Devil’s Dozen - Das teufli- ray) Elisa Di Rivombrosa Vittoria Puccini, Alessandro Preziosi, Jane sche Dutzend (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Three Days Of The Condor Alexander, Luca Ward, Antonella Fattori, The Devil’s Dozen Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Max von Pierluigi Coppola, Kaspar Capparoni, C. Thomas Howell, Jake Busey, Sammi Sydow, Cliff Robertson, Michael Kayne, Cesare Bocci, Antonio Iuorio, Linda Batista, Durani, Eric Roberts, Grace Johnston, Michael B. Miller, John Houseman, Addison Giovanna Rei - Dir. Cinzia TH Torrini Jeremy , Aude, Omar Gooding, Powell, Walter McGinn, Tina Chen, Don Booklet, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Dante Basco, Sophie Turner - Dir. Jeremy McHenry, Jess Osuna, Dino Narizzano, Drama 2003 1330min. London Helen Stenborg, Patrick Gorman, Hansford AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Thriller 2013 87min. Rowe, , Hank Garrett, Arthur AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 11.04.2014 MIG Film 17.04.2014 French, Robert Phalen, Ed Crowley - Dir. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058506 tba BestellNr.: 20058313 Sydney Pollack Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover Elisa di Rivombrosa - Die kom- Thriller 1975 117min. The Devil’s Dozen - Das teufli- plette 2. Staffel (10 Discs) sche Dutzend (k.J.) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany(Arthaus) 24.04.2014 Elisa Di Rivombrosa The Devil’s Dozen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058316 Vittoria Puccini, Alessandro Preziosi, Jane C. Thomas Howell, Jake Busey, Sammi Alexander, Luca Ward, Antonella Fattori, Durani, Eric Roberts, Grace Johnston, Drunkboat - Verzweifelte Flucht Pierluigi Coppola, Kaspar Capparoni, Jeremy London, Erik Aude, Omar Gooding, Drunkboat Cesare Bocci, Antonio Iuorio, Linda Batista, Dante Basco, Sophie Turner - Dir. Jeremy John Malkovich, John Goodman, Dana Giovanna Rei - Dir. Cinzia TH Torrini London Delany, Jacob Zachar, Brian Deneen, Booklet, Interviews, Featurettes Thriller 2013 83min. Drama 2005 1395min. Cynthia Caponera, Skipp Sudduth, Jim Ort- MIG Film 17.04.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing lieb - Dir. Bob Meyer tba BestellNr.: 20058291 Trailer, Wendecover AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 11.04.2014 Drama/Thriller 2010 98min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058507 Diana WVG Medien(Savoy Film) 24.04.2014 Diana 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058286 Eltern Naomi Watts, Naveen Andrews, Douglas Charly Hübner, Christiane Paul, Parashiva Hodge, Geraldine James, Charles Edwards, Drunkboat - Verzweifelte Flucht Dragus, Emilia Pieske, Clara Lago, Àlex Daniel Pirrie, Cas Anvar, Juliet Stevenson - (Blu-ray) Brendemühl, Maren Eggert, Tilo Nest - Dir. Dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel Robert Thalheim Interviews Drunkboat Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Drama/Biographie 2013 108min. John Malkovich, John Goodman, Dana Drama/Komödie 2013 96min. Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Delany, Jacob Zachar, Brian Deneen, DCM 02.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058539 Cynthia Caponera, Skipp Sudduth, Jim Ort- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058425 lieb - Dir. Bob Meyer Diana (Blu-ray) Trailer, Wendecover Eltern (Blu-ray) Drama/Thriller 2010 102min. Diana Charly Hübner, Christiane Paul, Parashiva WVG Medien(Savoy Film) 24.04.2014 Naomi Watts, Naveen Andrews, Douglas Dragus, Emilia Pieske, Clara Lago, Àlex 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058304 Hodge, Geraldine James, Charles Edwards, Brendemühl, Maren Eggert, Tilo Nest - Dir. Daniel Pirrie, Cas Anvar, Juliet Stevenson - Düstere Verführung Robert Thalheim Dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Interviews Betty Blue Drama/Komödie 2013 100min. Drama/Biographie 2013 113min. Anita Rinaldi, Hervé P. Gustave, Tanya La DCM 02.05.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Riviere, Francesco Malcom, Lea Martini 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058461 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058549 Erotik 1995 90min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Ende Dick & Doof - Der Westen von Hot 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058231 Fin Sergi Gibert, Ramia Chaoui, Irene Garres - Dog Der einzige Zeuge (Blu-ray) West Of Hot Dog Dir. Luis Sampieri Witness Stan Laurel - Dir. Joe Rock Drama 2010 86min. Harrison Ford, Kelly McGillis, Josef Som- Komödie 1924 min. Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 17.04.2014 mer, Lukas Haas, Alexander Godunow, Jan Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058009 Rubes, Danny Glover, Brent Jennings, Patti 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058185 LuPone, Angus MacInnes, Frederick Rolf, Ende (Blu-ray) Viggo Mortensen, John Garson - Dir. Peter

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Fin Die Familiendetektivin - Staffel 1 Annie Parisse, Shawn Ashmore, Valorie Sergi Gibert, Ramia Chaoui, Irene Garres - (3 Discs) Curry, Nico Tortorella, Adan Canto, Kyle Dir. Luis Sampieri Catlett - Dir. Marcos Siega, Liz Friedlander, Elena Uhlig, Heikko Deutschmann, Leonie Drama 2010 90min. Henry Bronchtein, Nick Gomez, Phil Abra- Brill, Joshua van Dalsum, Rita Russek, Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 17.04.2014 ham Mirco Reseg, Annina Hellenthal, Sigi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058030 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 627min. Zimmerschied, Eva-Maria Grein von Friedl, Warner Home Video Germany 07.02.2014 Bernhard Piesk, Marisa Leonie Bach, Henri- Die Erfindung des Verderbens 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058076 ette Richter-Röhl, Lasse Myhr, Stephan (Blu-ray) Luca, Johanna Gastdorf, Max Herbrechter, The Frankenstein Theory (Blu- Vynález Skázy Charlotte Schwab, Marleen Lohse - Dir. Ulli Lubor Tokos, Arnost Navratil, Jana Baumann ray) (k.J.) Zatloukalová, Miroslav Holub, Frantisek Drama/Familie 2013 450min. The Frankenstein Theory Slegr, Vaclav Kyzlink - Dir. Karel Zeman Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Kris Lemche, Joe Egender, Timothy V. 2 Filmfassungen, Bildergalerie, Trailer 25.04.2014 Murphy, Eric Zuckerman, Brian Henderson, Science Fiction 1957 81min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058249 Christine Lakin, Roger Morissey, Heather AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Stephens - Dir. Andrew Weiner AG(Ostalgica) 25.04.2014 Fantasy Film Collection Horror 2013 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058125 Fantasy 350min. Mad Dimension GmbH 23.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058634 Ernst Thälmann (2 Discs) KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) 13.03.2014 Helmut Schellhardt, Christine Schorn, Gün- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058431 The Frankenstein Theory (k.J.) ter Grabbert, Peter Sodann, Wilfried Pucher The Frankenstein Theory - Dir. Ursula Bonhoff, Georg Schiemann Fargo (Blu-ray) Kris Lemche, Joe Egender, Timothy V. Drama 1984 230min. Fargo Murphy, Eric Zuckerman, Brian Henderson, ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Christine Lakin, Roger Morissey, Heather 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058456 William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Harve Stephens - Dir. Andrew Weiner Horror 2013 83min. Das erstaunliche Leben des Wal- Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin Rudrüd, Steve Reevis, Steve Park, José Mad Dimension GmbH 23.05.2014 ter Mitty Feliciano - Dir. Joel Coen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058624 The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Trailer, TV Spot Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley MacLaine, Thriller/Komödie 1995 97min. - Die komplette siebte Adam Scott, Kathryn Hahn, Sean Penn, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Season (4 Discs) Patton Oswalt - Dir. Ben Stiller Germany 11.04.2014 Frasier Komödie 2013 110min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058272 Kelsey Grammer, , Jane Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Germany 02.05.2014 Flammender Sommer - Der lan- Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058481 ge, heiße Sommer (2 Discs) Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, , The Long Hot Summer , Bebe Neuwirth, Das erstaunliche Leben des Wal- Don Johnson - Dir. Stuart Cooper Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity ter Mitty (Blu-ray) Trailer, Booklet Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Drama 1985 200min. LaPaglia, , , Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Shirley MacLaine, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes Adam Scott, Kathryn Hahn, Sean Penn, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.04.2014 Ruehl, , Shelley Long, Amy Patton Oswalt - Dir. Ben Stiller 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058611 Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, Komödie 2013 115min. George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Die Flut ist pünktlich Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez Germany 02.05.2014 Ina Weisse, August Zirner, Bernadette - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058493 Heerwagen, Jürgen Vogel, Leonie Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, Benesch, Nicolette Krebitz, Jan Peter Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Fack Ju Göhte Heyne, Lutz Blochberger - Dir. Thomas Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Elyas M’Barek, Karoline Herfurth, Katja Berger Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks Riemann, Jana Pallaske, Alwara Höfels, Drama 2013 90min. Komödie 1993-2004 505min. Jella Haase, Max von der Groeben, Anna- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Lena Klenke, Gizem Emre, Aram Arami, 28.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058458 Uschi Glas, Margarita Broich, Farid Bang, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058243 Christian Näthe, Bernd Stegemann, Erdal Freezer - Rache eiskalt serviert Yildiz, Laura Osswald - Dir. Bora Dagtekin The Following - Die komplette Freezer Komödie 2013 113min. erste Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dylan McDermott, Peter Facinelli, Yuliya Highlight Communications (k.J.) Snigir, Pascal Petardi, Milan Malisic, Andrey (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.05.2014 The Following Ivchenko, David McNally, Markus Parilo - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058126 Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy, Natalie Zea, Dir. Mikael Salomon Annie Parisse, Shawn Ashmore, Valorie Interviews, Behind the Scenes Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 82min. Fack Ju Göhte (Blu-ray) Curry, Nico Tortorella, Adan Canto, Kyle EuroVideo Medien 17.04.2014 Elyas M’Barek, Karoline Herfurth, Katja Catlett - Dir. Marcos Siega, Liz Friedlander, tba BestellNr.: 20058047 Riemann, Jana Pallaske, Alwara Höfels, Henry Bronchtein, Nick Gomez, Phil Abra- Jella Haase, Max von der Groeben, Anna- ham Freezer - Rache eiskalt serviert Lena Klenke, Gizem Emre, Aram Arami, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 627min. Uschi Glas, Margarita Broich, Farid Bang, Warner Home Video Germany 07.02.2014 (Blu-ray) Christian Näthe, Bernd Stegemann, Erdal 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058083 Freezer Yildiz, Laura Osswald - Dir. Bora Dagtekin Dylan McDermott, Peter Facinelli, Yuliya Komödie 2013 118min. The Following - Die komplette Snigir, Pascal Petardi, Milan Malisic, Andrey Highlight Communications erste Staffel (4 Discs) (k.J.) Ivchenko, David McNally, Markus Parilo - (Deutschland)(Constantin) 08.05.2014 Dir. Mikael Salomon The Following 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058158 Interviews, Behind the Scenes Kevin Bacon, James Purefoy, Natalie Zea, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 85min.

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EuroVideo Medien 17.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058019 , Jean Simmons, Victor tba BestellNr.: 20058066 Mature, Michael Rennie, Jay Robinson, Die geheime Welt der Polly Flint Dean Jagger, Torin Thatcher - Dir. Henry From Dusk to Desert The Secret World Of Polly Flint Koster Jake’s Corner Katie Reynolds, Jeremy Coote, Susan Trailer, Szenenauswahl Richard Tyson, David Della Rocca, Colton Jameson, Don Henderson - Dir. David Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1953 128min. Rodgers, Diane Ladd, Danny Trejo, Tony Cobham Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Longo - Dir. Jeff Santo Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1987 150min. Germany 04.04.2014 Drama 2008 93min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 11.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058336 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 04.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058489 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058266 Ghost Bride Genug gesagt Ghost Bride Frühling in Baden-Baden Enough Said Yoson An, Rebekah Palmer, Fiona Feng, Ian Peer Schmidt, Günther Schramm, Hubert Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini, Mune, Geeling Ng, Catheryn Wu, Charles von Meyerinck, Fita Benkhoff, Gaby Catherine Keener, Toni Collette, Tavi Chan - Dir. David Blyth Fehling, Sylvia Lydi, Gisela Fritsch - Dir. Gevinson, Ben Falcone, Tracey Fairaway, Horror/Mystery 2013 79min. Robert A. Stemmle Eve Hewson - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Komödie 1967 93min. Komödie/Drama 2013 90min. Entertainment) 25.04.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.03.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058114 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058099 Germany 18.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057992 Ghost Bride (Blu-ray) Frühstück bei Tiffany Ghost Bride (Masterworks Collection) (Blu-ray) Genug gesagt (Blu-ray) Yoson An, Rebekah Palmer, Fiona Feng, Ian Mune, Geeling Ng, Catheryn Wu, Charles Breakfast At Tiffany’s Enough Said Chan - Dir. David Blyth Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Mickey Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini, Horror/Mystery 2013 82min. Rooney, Buddy Ebsen, Patricia Neal, Martin Catherine Keener, Toni Collette, Tavi AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Balsam - Dir. Blake Edwards Gevinson, Ben Falcone, Tracey Fairaway, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Bildergalerien, Eve Hewson - Dir. Nicole Holofcener Entertainment) 25.04.2014 Trailer Komödie/Drama 2013 94min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058122 Komödie 1960 115min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Germany 18.04.2014 Gib mir meine Haut zurück 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058479 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058021 Rendez-Moi Ma Peau Bee Michelin, Erik Colin, Chantal Neuwirth - Gamer (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Geography Club (OmU) Dir. Patrick Schulmann Gamer Geography Club Bildergalerie, Kurzfilm, Trailer Komödie 1980 84min. , Amber Valletta, Michael C. Cameron Deane Stewart, Meaghan Martin - cmv-Laservision 21.03.2014 Hall, Kyra Sedgwick, Ludacris, Logan Dir. Gary Entin Lerman, Alison Lohman, Terry Crews, John Trailer, Bildergalerie, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058502 Leguizamo, Milo Ventimiglia, Zoe Bell - Dir. Komödie 2013 82min. Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor cmv-Laservision 28.02.2014 Die Gladiatoren Action/Thriller 2009 94min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058095 Demetrius And The Gladiators Universum Film Home Entertainment Victor Mature, Susan Hayward, Michael 25.04.2014 Geschichte eines Sommers Rennie, Anne Bancroft, Debra Paget, Jay 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058404 A Summer Story Robinson, Barry Jones, William Marshall, Imogen Stubbs, James Wilby, Susannah Richard Egan, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Gamera - Frankensteins Monster York, Jerome Flynn, Kenneth Colley, Sophie Evans - Dir. Delmer Daves Ward, Harry Burton, John Savident - Dir. Trailer, Szenenauswahl aus dem Eis Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1954 97min. Piers Haggard Gamera Tai Gyaosu Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1988 92min. Kôjirô Hongô, Reiko Kasahara, Taro Marui, Germany 04.04.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 14.03.2014 Yoshio Kitahara - Dir. Noriaki Yuasa 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058337 Horror 1967 76min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058040 KNM Home Entertainment(Cult-Movies) Getaway Uschi Glas Geschenk-Edition (15 13.03.2014 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058435 Getaway , Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Anna Maria - Eine Frau geht ihren Weg / Ganz weit hinten Rebecca Budig, Bruce M. Payne, Dimo Sylvia - Eine Klasse für sich Uschi Glas The Way, Way Back Alexiev, Velislav Pavlov, Dejan Angelov - Drama 2940min. , Toni Collette, , Dir. Courtney Solomon, Yaron Levy ROUGH TRADE DISTRIBUTION(Diamant AnnaSophia Robb, Sam Rockwell, Maya Action/Thriller 2013 90min. Video) 28.02.2014 Rudolph, Liam James, Rob Corddry, Aman- Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057995 da Peet - Dir. , Bunch Germany) 25.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058279 Komödie/Drama 2013 100min. Das Glück der Anderen Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Veronica Ferres, Dominic Raacke, Tatjana Germany 04.04.2014 Getaway (Blu-ray) Alexander, Antoine Monot, Jr., Johanna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057991 Getaway Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez, Jon Voight, Bittenbinder, Felix Hellmann, Gertrud Roll, Ganz weit hinten (Blu-ray) Rebecca Budig, Bruce M. Payne, Dimo Gundi Ellert - Dir. Claudia Garde Komödie/Lovestory 2014 88min. The Way, Way Back Alexiev, Velislav Pavlov, Dejan Angelov - Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Allison Janney, Dir. Courtney Solomon, Yaron Levy 11.04.2014 AnnaSophia Robb, Sam Rockwell, Maya Action/Thriller 2013 94min. tba BestellNr.: 20058391 Rudolph, Liam James, Rob Corddry, Aman- Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Bunch Germany) 25.04.2014 da Peet - Dir. Nat Faxon, Jim Rash Godzilla - Tokyo SOS (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2013 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058297 Gojira Tai Mosura Tai Mekagojira: Tôkyô Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment S.O.S. Germany 04.04.2014 Das Gewand The Robe Noboru Kaneko (Yoshito Chûjô), Miho

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Yoshioka, Mitsuki Koga, Hiroshi Koizumi stian Doermer, Hildegard Knef, Gustav Grand Piano (Dr. Shin’ichi Chûjô), Akira Nakao, Kôichi Fröhlich, Robert Meyn - Dir. Helmut Käutner, Elijah Wood, , Tamsin Egerton, Ueda, Koh Takasugi, Masami Nagasawa, Helmut Weiss, Georg Tressler, Willi Forst Kerry Bishé, Allen Leech, Alex Winter, Dee Chihiro Otsuka, Takeo Nakahara, Norman Dokumentation, Werberatschlag, Pressematerial, Bio- und Wallace, stephanie garvin, Benjamin England - Dir. Masaaki Tezuka Filmografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Nathan-Serio, Vince Tolentino, Mino Mackic, Drama/Komödie 1944-1956 381min. Action/Science Fiction 2003 91min. Beth Trollan - Dir. Eugenio Mira STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Trailer Germany 13.03.2014 BestellNr.: 20058420 Thriller/Mystery 2013 86min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058227 Koch Media 17.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058322 Godzilla 2000 Millennium (Blu- Gone Missing ray) Gone Missing Grand Piano - Symphonie der Gojira Ni-Sen Mireniamu Daphne Zuniga, Brigette Davidovici, Gage Angst (Blu-ray) Takehiro Murata, Shiro Sano, , Golightly, Lauren Bowles, Nicholas R. Grand Piano Naomi Nishida, Mayumi Suzuki, Tsutomu Grava, James Martin Kelly, Alejandro Elijah Wood, John Cusack, Tamsin Egerton, Kitagawa - Dir. Takao Okawara Patino, Brock Harris - Dir. Tara Miele Kerry Bishé, Allen Leech, Alex Winter, Dee Action/Science Fiction 1999 104min. Drama/Thriller 2013 84min. Wallace, stephanie garvin, Benjamin Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Zenith Nathan-Serio, Vince Tolentino, Mino Mackic, BestellNr.: 20058418 Pictures) 25.04.2014 Beth Trollan - Dir. Eugenio Mira 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058348 Godzilla, Mothra and King Trailer Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. Ghidorah ... (Blu-ray) Gone Missing (Blu-ray) Koch Media 17.04.2014 Gojira, Mosura, Kingu Gidorâ: Daikaijû Gone Missing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058354 Sôkôgeki Daphne Zuniga, Brigette Davidovici, Gage Chiharu Niyama, Ryudo Uzaki, Masahiro Golightly, Lauren Bowles, Nicholas R. Der Greifer Kobayashi, Shiro Sano, Takashi Nishina, Grava, James Martin Kelly, Alejandro Hans Albers, Charlotte Susa, Margot Wal- Kaho Minami - Dir. Shusuke Kaneko Patino, Brock Harris - Dir. Tara Miele ter, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Harry Hardt - Dir. Action/Science Fiction 2001 105min. Drama/Thriller 2013 88min. Richard Eichberg Splendid Film 25.04.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Zenith Booklet BestellNr.: 20058419 Pictures) 25.04.2014 Kriminalfilm 1930 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058369 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Gold AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.03.2014 Nina Hoss, Marko Mandic, Lars Rudolph, - Season 3.1 (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058104 Uwe Bohm, Rosa Enskat, Wolfgang Pack- Discs) häuser, Peter Kurth - Dir. Thomas Arslan The Good Wife Grey’s Anatomy: Die jungen Ärzte Hörfilmfassung, Interview, Trailer, Making of, - Die komplette 9. Staffel (6 Discs) Audiokommentar, Booklet, Recherchefilm Julianna Margulies, Matt Czuchry, Archie Western/Drama 2013 96min. Panjabi, Graham Phillips, Makenzie Vega, Grey’s Anatomy good!movies(Piffl) 28.02.2014 , Josh Charles, Christine Ellen Pompeo, Sandra Oh, Patrick Dempsey, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057976 Baranski, Chris Noth - Dir. Brooke Kennedy, Justin Chambers, Chandra Wilson, James Jim McKay, David Platt, Félix Enríquez Pickens Jr., , Kevin McKidd - Gold (Blu-ray) Alcalá, Dean Parisot, Joshua Marston, Dir. Rob Corn, Tony Phelan, , Nina Hoss, Marko Mandic, Lars Rudolph, Rosemary Rodriguez, James Whitmore Jr., Kevin McKidd, Stephen Cragg, Chandra Uwe Bohm, Rosa Enskat, Wolfgang Pack- Michael Zinberg, Fred Toye, Nelson Wilson, Laura Innes, Mark Jackson, Ron häuser, Peter Kurth - Dir. Thomas Arslan McCormick, Roxann Dawson, Underwood, Cherie Nowlan, Rob Hardy, Hörfilmfassung, Interview, Trailer, Making of, Entfernte Szenen, Featurettes Steve Robin, Rob J. Greenlea, Jeannot Audiokommentar, Booklet, Recherchefilm Drama/Komödie 2012 457min. Szwarc, David Greenspan, Nicole Western/Drama 2013 100min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Cummins, Bobby Roth good!movies(Piffl) 28.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058214 Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058012 Drama 2012-2013 987min. The Good Wife - Season 3.2 (3 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Die Goldene Kamera von Hörzu - Discs) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Internationale Preisträger (4 The Good Wife Studios) 20.03.2014 Discs) Julianna Margulies, Matt Czuchry, Archie 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057983 Panjabi, Graham Phillips, Makenzie Vega, Aviator / Der Ghostwriter / Good Night, Grimm - Staffel zwei (5 Discs) and Good Luck / Million Dollar Baby Alan Cumming, Josh Charles, Christine Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, John C. Baranski, Chris Noth - Dir. Brooke Kennedy, (Blu-ray) Reilly, Ewan McGregor, , Jim McKay, David Platt, Félix Enríquez Grimm Kim Cattrall, David Strathairn, George Alcalá, Dean Parisot, Joshua Marston, Fantasy/Mystery 910min. Clooney, Robert Downey Jr., Clint Rosemary Rodriguez, James Whitmore Jr., Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Eastwood, , Morgan Freeman Michael Zinberg, Fred Toye, Nelson 10.04.2014 - Dir. Martin Scorsese, Roman Polanski, McCormick, Roxann Dawson, Robert King 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058165 George Clooney, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Hintergrundinfos, Drama/Komödie 2012 459min. Grimm - Staffel zwei (6 Discs) Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Grimm Drama/Komödie 2004-2010 502min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058215 Fantasy/Mystery 910min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Germany 13.03.2014 Gran Hotel - Die komplette erste 10.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058229 Staffel (4 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058140 Gran Hotel Die Goldene Kamera von Hörzu - Drama/Kostümfilm 2011 630min. Die große Box der Romanzen (2 Nationale Preisträger (4 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 Discs) Des Teufels General / Die Feuerzangen- 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058411 Damals in Paris / Penny Serenade bowle / Die Halbstarken / Die Sünderin Drama 225min. Curd Jürgens, de Kowa, Karl John, Grand Piano - Symphonie der Edel Germany(aberle-media) 28.03.2014 Heinz Rühmann, Hilde Sessak, Karin Angst 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058263 Himboldt, Horst Buchholz, Karin Baal, Chri-

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Die größte Geschichte aller Zei- Desiree Hall, Samantha Colburn, Eddie tier ten Ritchard, Crista Flanagan, Jenny Lin, Komödie 2014 88min. James Jordan, Amin Joseph, Skyler Stone - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) The Greatest Story Ever Told Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer 10.04.2014 Max von Sydow, José Ferrer, Charlton Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058135 Heston, Martin Landau, Lansbury, Komödie 2014 79min. Roddy McDowall, Donald Pleasence, Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Hauptsache, die Chemie stimmt Sidney Poitier, , Telly Savalas, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058575 John Wayne - Dir. George Stevens (Blu-ray) Trailer Hangover Girls - Best Night Ever Better Living Through Chemistry Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1965 190min. Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Michelle Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Monaghan, Ray Liotta, Jane Fonda, Ben Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 Best Night Ever Schwartz, Ken Howard, Peter Jacobson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058338 Desiree Hall, Samantha Colburn, Eddie Norbert Leo Butz, Tracy McMullan, Lauren Ritchard, Crista Flanagan, Jenny Lin, White - Dir. Geoff Moore, David Posamen- Growing Out (k.J.) James Jordan, Amin Joseph, Skyler Stone - tier Growing Out Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer Komödie 2014 92min. Michael Hampton, Ryan Sterling, Devon Iott, Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie 2014 83min. Chase Hemphill, Bill Devlin - Dir. Graham 10.04.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Ratliff 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058163 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058597 Komödie/Horror 2009 100min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Hangover Girls - Best Night Ever Der Havelkaiser (4 Discs, 13.03.2014 (Blu-ray) Remastered Edition) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058438 Günter Pfitzmann, Marion Kracht, Rolf Best Night Ever Zacher, Gunter Berger - Dir. Herbert Ball- Desiree Hall, Samantha Colburn, Eddie Guardian of the Universe mann Ritchard, Crista Flanagan, Jenny Lin, Abraxas - Guardian Of The Universe Drama 1993-2000 971min. James Jordan, Amin Joseph, Skyler Stone - Jesse Ventura, Marjorie Bransfield, Sven- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 18.04.2014 Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer Ole Thorsen, Michael Copeman, Francis 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058531 Mitchell, Jerry Levitan, James Belushi, Trailer Komödie 2014 83min. Damian Lee, Ken Quinn, Al Timmer, David Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Hawaii Five-0 - Die dritte Season Mitchell - Dir. Damian Lee (7 Discs) Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058596 Science Fiction 1991 83min. Hawaii Five-0 Hannah Arendt - Ihr Denken ver- Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Alterna- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 04.04.2014 tives Ende 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058265 änderte die Welt Kriminalfilm 2012 955min. Barbara Sukowa, Axel Milberg, Janet Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Die Günstlinge des Mondes McTeer, Julia Jentsch, Ulrich Noethen, Mi- 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058211 (OmU) chael Degen, Klaus Pohl, Victoria Les Favoris De La Lune Trauttmansdorff, Nicholas Woodeson - Dir. Hawaii Five-0 - Die dritte Season Katja Rupé, Alix de Montaigu, Hans-Peter Margarethe von Trotta (7 Discs) (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Cloos, Maité Nahyr, François Michel, Featurette, Hawaii Five-0 (Season 3) Gabriella Scheer, Mathieu Amalric, Pierre Drama/Biographie 2012 108min. Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Alterna- Beauviala, Pascal Aubier, Christiane Bailly, EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 13.03.2014 tives Ende Kriminalfilm 2012 1037min. Bernard Eisenschitz, Vincent Blanche, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058543 Marie-Claude Pouvesle - Dir. Otar Iosseliani Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Komödie 1984 101min. Haunter - Jenseits des Todes 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058219 absolut MEDIEN 21.02.2014 Haunter Die Hebamme 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058078 Abigail Breslin, Peter Outerbridge, Michelle Josefine Preuß, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Andre- Nolden, Stephen McHattie, Peter DaCunha, as Pietschmann, Axel Milberg, Alicia von Gypsy Bloodbath (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Eleanor Zichy, Sarah Manninen, David Rittberg, Vladimir Burlakov, Dagny Dewath Travellers Hewlett - Dir. Vincenzo Natali Shanessa Sweeney, Tom Geoffrey, Alex Trailer - Dir. Hannu Salonen Edwards, Celia Muir, Dean S. Jagger, Horror/Mystery 2013 97min. Making of Drama/Kostümfilm 2014 114min. Charley Boorman, Ben Richards, James Koch Media 22.05.2014 Highlight Communications Privett, Kristoffer Robert, Rebecca 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058583 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.03.2014 Jameson, Addam King - Dir. Kris McManus 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058128 Thriller 2010 89min. Haunter - Jenseits des Todes (Blu- KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) ray) Die Hebamme (Blu-ray) 13.03.2014 Haunter Josefine Preuß, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Andre- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058465 Abigail Breslin, Peter Outerbridge, Michelle as Pietschmann, Axel Milberg, Alicia von Nolden, Stephen McHattie, Peter DaCunha, Gypsy Bloodbath (k.J.) Rittberg, Vladimir Burlakov, Dagny Dewath Eleanor Zichy, Sarah Manninen, David - Dir. Hannu Salonen Travellers Hewlett - Dir. Vincenzo Natali Making of Shanessa Sweeney, Tom Geoffrey, Alex Trailer Drama/Kostümfilm 2014 119min. Edwards, Celia Muir, Dean S. Jagger, Horror/Mystery 2013 101min. Highlight Communications Charley Boorman, Ben Richards, James Koch Media 22.05.2014 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 27.03.2014 Privett, Kristoffer Robert, Rebecca 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058605 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058159 Jameson, Addam King - Dir. Kris McManus Thriller 2010 85min. Hauptsache, die Chemie stimmt Helen Dorn: Das dritte Mädchen KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Better Living Through Chemistry Anna Loos, Matthias Matschke, Stephan 13.03.2014 Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, Michelle Bissmeier, Ernst Stötzner, Jörg Schüttauf, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058441 Monaghan, Ray Liotta, Jane Fonda, Ben Thomas Balou Martin, Harald Schrott, Alex- Schwartz, Ken Howard, Peter Jacobson, ander Hörbe, Volkmar Kleinert, Therese Hangover Girls - Best Night Ever Norbert Leo Butz, Tracy McMullan, Lauren Hämer, Matthias Ziesing, Bettina Lam- Best Night Ever White - Dir. Geoff Moore, David Posamen- precht, Marie Bendig, Milia Rütter, Ulrike C.

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Tscharre, Andreas Schröders, Roland Francisco Barreiro, Laura Caro, Michèle 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058350 Koch - Dir. Matti Geschonneck Garcia - Dir. Adrián García Bogliano Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Horror 2012 101min. Höllisch gruselig! Die Gänsehaut- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 13.06.2014 Horror-Kultbox (2 Discs) 11.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058518 Horror 564min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058248 KNM Home Entertainment(Donau Film) Herz der Finsternis 13.03.2014 Hell on Wheels - Die komplette Heart Of Darkness 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058434 dritte Staffel (3 Discs) Tim Roth, John Malkovich, Isaach De Hell On Wheels Bankolé, James Fox, Patrick Ryecart, Mi- Home Invasion - Dieses Haus ge- Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common - Dir. chael Fitzgerald, Geoffrey Hutchings, Peter hört mir (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Vaughan, Phoebe Nicholls, Allan Corduner, David von Ancken Foreclosed , Iman, Timothy Bateson, Ian Making of, Featurette Jamie Kennedy, Marlee Matlin, Paul Sorvino, Western/Drama 2013 460min. McDiarmid - Dir. Nicolas Roeg James Denton, Robert Blanche, Christina WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Abenteuer 1993 110min. DeRosa, Lorna Scott, Sara Fletcher, Alex 25.04.2014 MIG Film 10.04.2014 Frnka, Nan McNamara, Arnell Powell, Er- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058288 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058576 nest Thomas - Dir. Nick Hell on Wheels - Die komplette Der Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde Thriller 2013 91min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.03.2014 : The Desolation Of Smaug dritte Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058368 Hell On Wheels Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard Anson Mount, Colm Meaney, Common - Dir. Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, The Hospital (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, David von Ancken ray) (k.J.) Making of, Featurette Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Western/Drama 2013 480min. , Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- The Hospital WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham Jim O’Rear, Jason Crowe, Robyn Shute, 25.04.2014 McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter Alicia M. Clark, Daniel Emery Taylor, April 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058306 Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed Monique Burril, Scott Tepperman, Lauryn Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu MacGregor, Megan Hunt - Dir. Tommy Gol- Hellraiser IV - Bloodline Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, den, Daniel Emery Taylor Hellraiser 4: Bloodline Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate Trailer, Bonusfilm Horror 2013 82min. Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas, Doug Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Bradley, Kim Myers, Christine Harnos, Hugo Weaving - Dir. 17.04.2014 Charlotte Chatton, Paul Perri, Mickey Cotrell Fantasy 2013 155min. tba BestellNr.: 20058312 - Dir. Alan Smithee, Kevin Yagher, Joe Warner Home Video Germany 11.04.2014 Chappelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058319 The Hospital (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror 1996 77min. The Hospital da music(Laser Paradise) 07.02.2014 Der Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde (Blu- Jim O’Rear, Jason Crowe, Robyn Shute, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058068 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Alicia M. Clark, Daniel Emery Taylor, April The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Hellraiser IV - Bloodline (Blu-ray) Monique Burril, Scott Tepperman, Lauryn Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard MacGregor, Megan Hunt - Dir. Tommy Gol- Hellraiser 4: Bloodline Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, den, Daniel Emery Taylor Bruce Ramsay, Valentina Vargas, Doug Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Trailer Bradley, Kim Myers, Christine Harnos, Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Horror 2013 82min. Charlotte Chatton, Paul Perri, Mickey Cotrell Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) - Dir. Alan Smithee, Kevin Yagher, Joe ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham 17.04.2014 Chappelle McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter tba BestellNr.: 20058311 Horror 1996 81min. Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed da music(Laser Paradise) 07.02.2014 Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu The Hospital (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058074 Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, The Hospital Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate Jim O’Rear, Jason Crowe, Robyn Shute, Der Henker von Venedig Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, Alicia M. Clark, Daniel Emery Taylor, April (Ungeschnittene Original Kino- Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson Monique Burril, Scott Tepperman, Lauryn Fassung) Fantasy 2013 161min. MacGregor, Megan Hunt - Dir. Tommy Gol- Il Boia Di Venezia Warner Home Video Germany 11.04.2014 den, Daniel Emery Taylor Lex Barker, Guy Madison, Alessandra 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058351 Trailer Horror 2013 78min. Panaro, Mario Petri, Alberto Farnese, Giulio Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Marchetti, Feodor Chaliapin jr., Franco Fan- Der Hobbit: Smaugs Einöde (Blu- 17.04.2014 tasia, Raf Baldassarre - Dir. Capuano ray) tba BestellNr.: 20058290 Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Abenteuer 1963 89min. Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Freeman, Richard House of Death AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Armitage, Benedict Cumberbatch, House Of 9 AG(Colosseo Film) 21.03.2014 Evangeline Lilly, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, Dennis Hopper, Kelly Brook, Hippolyte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058101 Stephen Fry, Ken Stott, James Nesbitt, Girardot, Susie Amy, Peter Capaldi, Morven Orlando Bloom, Mikael Persbrandt, Sylve- Christie - Dir. Steven R. Monroe Here Comes the Devil ster McCoy, Aidan Turner, Graham Ahí Va El Diablo Trailer, Biografie McTavish, Adam R. Brown, Peter Thriller 2004 86min. Francisco Barreiro, Laura Caro, Michèle Hambleton, John Callen, Mark Hadlow, Jed 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Garcia - Dir. Adrián García Bogliano Brophy, William Kircher, John Bell, Manu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058232 Horror 2012 97min. Bennett, Lawrence Makoare, Ryan Gage, Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 13.06.2014 Stephen Hunter, Dean O’Gorman, Cate How I Live Now 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058505 Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Christopher Lee, How I Live Now Hugo Weaving - Dir. Peter Jackson Here Comes the Devil (Blu-ray) Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Hol- Fantasy 2013 161min. land - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Ahí Va El Diablo Warner Home Video Germany 11.04.2014 Drama/Science Fiction 2013 97min.

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Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Making of, Interviews ham, Adam Driver, Alex Karpovsky - Dir. 27.05.2014 Komödie/Musical 2013 94min. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058381 Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058280 Drama/Komödie 2013 105min. How I Live Now (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment How I Live Now Im weißen Rössl - Wehe du Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Hol- singst! (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058274 land - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Diana Amft, Tobias Licht, Fritz Karl, Edita Drama/Science Fiction 2013 101min. Malovcic, Gregor Bloéb, Armin Rohde, Inside Llewyn Davis / Another Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Aykut Kayacik, Julia Cencig, Pasquale Day, Another Time: Celebrating 27.05.2014 Aleardi, Sarah Wiener - Dir. Christian ... (Special Edition, 2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058387 Theede Inside Llewyn Davis / Another Day, Another Making of, Interviews Time: Celebrating ... Komödie/Musical 2013 97min. The Hungover Games Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 The Hungover Games Goodman - Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058298 Rita Volk, Jamie Kennedy, Tara Reid, Robert Christopher Wilcha Wagner, Jonathan Silverman, Daniel Buran, Im Westen nichts Neues (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2013 196min. Kyle Richards, Ross Nathan, Herbert STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment All Quiet On The Western Front Russell, Ron Butler, Terrence Julien, Mark Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Harley - Dir. Josh Stolberg 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058257 Komödie 2014 82min. Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, Inside Llewyn Davis / Another Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. 27.03.2014 Day, Another Time: Celebrating 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058080 Lewis Milestone Kriegsfilm 1930 133min. ... (Special Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu- Ich und du Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ray) Io E Te 08.05.2014 Inside Llewyn Davis / Another Day, Another Jacopo Olmo Antinori, Tea Falco, Sonia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058630 Time: Celebrating ... Bergamasco, Veronica Lazar, Tommaso Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John Ragno, Pippo Delbono - Dir. Bernardo Immer Ärger mit 40 Goodman - Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen, Bertolucci Christopher Wilcha Bildergalerie , , , Drama/Komödie 2013 205min. Drama 2012 97min. Megan Fox, Maude Apatow, Iris Apatow, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment good!movies(Kool) 28.03.2014 Albert Brooks, Jason Segel, Annie Mumolo, Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058519 Robert Smigel, Charlyne Yi, Chris O’Dowd - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058275 Dir. Identity Report - Der Feind in Komödie 2012 129min. Inside Men (3 Discs) meinem Kopf Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Inside Men Pig 17.04.2014 Steven Mackintosh, Warren Brown, Ashley Rudolf Martin, Heather Ankeny, Keith Dia- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058610 Walters, Nicola Walker, Kierston Wareing, mond, Ines Dali, Patrick Fabian, Steve Tom, Paul Popplewell, Ruth Gemmell - Dir. James Sarah Danielle Goldberg, Deborah Dir, Brian In einer Stunde bin ich wieder da Kent Lally - Dir. Henry Barrial (4 Discs) 2 Bonus Episoden von „The Fades“ und „The Bodyfarm“ Trailer Egy Ora Múlva Itt Vagyok Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 253min. Thriller/Mystery 2011 86min. Gábor Harsányi Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 07.03.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Trailer 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058070 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058577 Komödie 1971 664min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Inspektor Fowler - Die komplette Identity Report - Der Feind in 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058446 Serie (5 Discs) meinem Kopf (Blu-ray) The Thin Blue Line 1 - 3 Pig In Plain Sight - Season Two (4 Rowan Atkinson, , Rudolph Rudolf Martin, Heather Ankeny, Keith Dia- Discs) Walker - Dir. John Birkin mond, Ines Dali, Patrick Fabian, Steve Tom, In Plain Sight Humor/Sketch 1995 441min. Sarah Danielle Goldberg, Deborah Dir, Brian Kriminalfilm 612min. polyband Medien GmbH 25.04.2014 Lally - Dir. Henry Barrial Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058412 Trailer 10.04.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2011 90min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058141 Into the Blue Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Into The Blue 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058598 Inside Llewyn Davis Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Caan, Inside Llewyn Davis Ashley Scott, Josh Brolin, Tyson Beckford, Im weißen Rössl Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John James Frain, Dwayne Adway - Dir. John Christl Mardayn, Hermann Thimig - Dir. Carl Goodman, Garrett Hedlund, Justin Stockwell Lamac Timberlake, Max Casella, F. Murray Abra- Action/Abenteuer 2005 106min. Booklet, Trailer ham, Adam Driver, Alex Karpovsky - Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Musikfilm 1935 90min. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058402 AG(Filmjuwelen) 11.04.2014 Drama/Komödie 2013 101min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058008 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Into the Blue (Blu-ray) Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 Im weißen Rössl - Wehe du Into The Blue 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058254 Paul Walker, Jessica Alba, Scott Caan, singst! Ashley Scott, Josh Brolin, Tyson Beckford, Diana Amft, Tobias Licht, Fritz Karl, Edita Inside Llewyn Davis (Blu-ray) James Frain, Dwayne Adway - Dir. John Malovcic, Gregor Bloéb, Armin Rohde, Inside Llewyn Davis Stockwell Aykut Kayacik, Julia Cencig, Pasquale Oscar Isaac, Carey Mulligan, John Action/Abenteuer 2005 110min. Aleardi, Sarah Wiener - Dir. Christian Goodman, Garrett Hedlund, Justin Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Theede Timberlake, Max Casella, F. Murray Abra-

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Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 Gurvan Cloatre, Iliana Zabeth, Charlotte- Ulvesommer / Time Of The Wolf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058406 Victoire Le Grain - Dir. François Ozon Drama/Abenteuer 174min. Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, FilmConfect Home Entertainment Jack the TV Movie Ass (k.J.) Wendecover 21.03.2014 Drama/Erotik 2013 93min. National Lampoon’s TV: The Movie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058437 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Steve-O, Preston Lacy, Chris Pontius, Germany(Weltkino) 24.04.2014 Jason Mewes, Lee Majors, Danny Trejo - Das kleine Gespenst 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058278 Dir. Sam Maccarone Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Nico Bloopers, Deleted Scenes, Filmpremiere, Videokommentar, Junkies Hartung, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Herbert Featurettes Knaup, Bettina Stucky, Aykut Kayacik, San- Komödie/Episodenfilm 2006 79min. Punk Love dra Borgmann, Stefan Merki, Carlos Richter, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 14.03.2014 Robert Blanche, Emma Bing, Chad Lind- Aljoscha Stadelmann - Dir. Alain Gsponer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058242 berg, Max Perlich, Craig Richards, James Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Making of, Hörfilm- W. Crawford, Sherilyn Lawson, Don Burns, fassung für Sehbehinderte Jackass - 3 Movie Collection (3 Jim Caputo, Mad Martian - Dir. Nick Lyon Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 88min. Discs, Uncut) (k.J.) Drama 2006 82min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Jackass: The Movie / Jackass: Number Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.03.2014 11.04.2014 Two / Jackass 3D 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058325 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058004 Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Chris Pon- tius, Steve-O, Jason Acuña - Dir. Jeff Junkies (Blu-ray) Das kleine Gespenst (Blu-ray) Tremaine Punk Love Jonas Holdenrieder, Emily Kusche, Nico Diverse Robert Blanche, Emma Bing, Chad Lind- Hartung, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Herbert Komödie 2002-2010 265min. berg, Max Perlich, Craig Richards, James Knaup, Bettina Stucky, Aykut Kayacik, San- Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 W. Crawford, Sherilyn Lawson, Don Burns, dra Borgmann, Stefan Merki, Carlos Richter, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058212 Jim Caputo, Mad Martian - Dir. Nick Lyon Aljoscha Stadelmann - Dir. Alain Gsponer Drama 2006 85min. Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Making of, Hörfilm- Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.03.2014 fassung für Sehbehinderte Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 92min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058357 den Wurm Universum Film(Universum Kids) Helge Schneider, Jimmy Woode, Pete York, Kill Your Darlings - Junge Wilde 11.04.2014 Susanne Bredehöft, Horst Mendroch, An- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058027 dreas Kunze, Norbert Losch, Tana Kill Your Darlings Schanzara, Eddy Kante, Nico van Rijn, Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Die kleinen Superstrolche retten Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster, David Cross, Anita Riotte, Peter Thoms, Charlie Weiß - den Tag Dir. Helge Schneider , Elizabeth Olsen, Kyra Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Interview, Sedgwick - Dir. John Krokidas The Little Rascals Save The Day Teamfilm Trailer Dir. Alex Zamm Komödie 2004 80min. Drama/Biographie 2013 99min. Komödie 2014 94min. Senator Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Koch Media 22.05.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058390 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058584 10.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058138 Jugend ohne Gott Kill Your Darlings - Junge Wilde Ulrich Mühe, Klaus Piontek, Otto Mellies, (Blu-ray) Knife Fight - Die Gier nach Macht Peter Sodann, Karin Gregorek, Barbara Kill Your Darlings Knife Fight Schnitzler, Katrin Sass, Anna Thalbach - Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHaan, Michael C. Rob Lowe, , Saffron Burrows, Dir. Michael Knof Hall, Jack Huston, Ben Foster, David Cross, Jamie Chung, David Harbour, Eric Trailer Jennifer Jason Leigh, Elizabeth Olsen, Kyra McCormack, Jennifer Morrison, Carrie- Drama 1991 107min. Sedgwick - Dir. John Krokidas Anne Moss, Richard Schiff, Amanda Crew ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Trailer - Dir. Bill Guttentag 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058455 Drama/Biographie 2013 103min. Trailer, Wendecover Koch Media 22.05.2014 Drama 2012 90min. Jung & schön 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058606 WVG Medien(Savoy Film) 24.04.2014 Jeune & Jolie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058287 , Géraldine Pailhas, Frédéric Kill Zombie! Pierrot, Fantin Ravat, Johan Leysen, Char- Zombibi Knife Fight - Die Gier nach Macht lotte Rampling, Nathalie Richard, Djédjé Yahya Gaier, Gigi Ravelli, Mimoun Ouled (Blu-ray) Apali, Lucas Prisor, Laurent Delbecque, Radi, Sergio Hasselbaink, Uriah Arnhem, Knife Fight Jeanne Ruff, Serge Hefez, Carole Franck, Noel Deelen, Jan Doense, Wouter Braaf - Rob Lowe, Julie Bowen, Saffron Burrows, Olivier Desautel, Akéla Sari, Stefano Dir. Martijn Smits, Erwin van den Eshof Jamie Chung, David Harbour, Eric Cassetti, Patrick Bonnel, Rachel Khan, Trailer McCormack, Jennifer Morrison, Carrie- Gurvan Cloatre, Iliana Zabeth, Charlotte- Horror/Komödie 2012 82min. Anne Moss, Richard Schiff, Amanda Crew Victoire Le Grain - Dir. François Ozon Falcom Investment AG 25.04.2014 - Dir. Bill Guttentag Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Featurettes, Making of, Trailer, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058541 Trailer, Wendecover Wendecover Drama 2012 94min. Drama/Erotik 2013 89min. Kill Zombie! (Blu-ray) WVG Medien(Savoy Film) 24.04.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Zombibi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058305 Germany(Weltkino) 24.04.2014 Yahya Gaier, Gigi Ravelli, Mimoun Ouled 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058260 Radi, Sergio Hasselbaink, Uriah Arnhem, Knights of the Empire Jung & schön (Blu-ray) Noel Deelen, Jan Doense, Wouter Braaf - Action/Abenteuer 329min. Dir. Martijn Smits, Erwin van den Eshof KSM GmbH 17.03.2014 Jeune & Jolie Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058033 Marine Vacth, Géraldine Pailhas, Frédéric Horror/Komödie 2012 85min. Pierrot, Fantin Ravat, Johan Leysen, Char- Falcom Investment AG 25.04.2014 Kommissar Marthaler: Die Braut lotte Rampling, Nathalie Richard, Djédjé 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058551 Apali, Lucas Prisor, Laurent Delbecque, im Schnee Jeanne Ruff, Serge Hefez, Carole Franck, Kim und die Wölfe / Aaron und Matthias Koeberlin, Bernadette Heerwagen, Peter Lerchbaumer, Jürgen Tonkel, Tim Olivier Desautel, Akéla Sari, Stefano der Wolf (2 Discs) Cassetti, Patrick Bonnel, Rachel Khan, Seyfi, Florian Panzner, Anke Sevenich,

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Claudio Caiolo, Mirjam Weichselbraun, Elle- Historienfilm 1988 104min. Der Lieferheld - Unverhofft nie Salvo González - Dir. Lancelot von Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.03.2014 kommt oft Naso 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058045 Delivery Man Thriller 2011 90min. Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Lassies Kinder Andrzej Blumenfeld, Simon Delaney, Bobby 11.04.2014 Lassie - The Miracle Moynihan, Dave Patten, Adam Chanler- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058247 Skip Homeier, Michael James Wixted, Jack Berat, Britt Robertson, Derrick Arthur, Mi- Bannon, Robert Rockwell, Carolyn Kearney chael Oberholtzer, Stephen Ellis, Matthew Kommissariat 9 - Volume 2 (2 - Dir. Jack B. Hively, Dick Moder Daddario, Jack Reynor, Erin Gerasimovich, Abenteuer 1970 90min. Discs) Kiff VandenHeuvel, Joe Urban, Glenn MIG Film 03.04.2014 Herbert Steinmetz, Edgar Ott, Walter Riss, Fleshler, Camille Kitt - Dir. Ken Scott 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058564 Eva Manhardt, Dietrich Lehmann - Dir. Wolf- Komödie 2013 101min. gang Staudte The Last Days Highlight Communications Kriminalfilm 1974-1979 325min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.06.2014 Los Ultimos Días Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058613 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058347 Quim Gutiérrez, José Coronado, Marta Etura, Leticia Dolera, Mikel Iglesias, Ivan Der Lieferheld - Unverhofft Kreuzfahrt ins Glück - Box 6 (2 Massagué - Dir. David Pastor, Àlex Pastor Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer kommt oft (Blu-ray) Discs) Thriller/Drama 2013 99min. Delivery Man Drama/Komödie min. Capelight Pictures 02.05.2014 Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057985 Andrzej Blumenfeld, Simon Delaney, Bobby Video) 16.05.2014 Moynihan, Dave Patten, Adam Chanler- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058609 The Last Days (Blu-ray) Berat, Britt Robertson, Derrick Arthur, Mi- Los Ultimos Días chael Oberholtzer, Stephen Ellis, Matthew Der Krieg der Knöpfe Quim Gutiérrez, José Coronado, Marta Daddario, Jack Reynor, Erin Gerasimovich, La Guerre Des Boutons Etura, Leticia Dolera, Mikel Iglesias, Ivan Kiff VandenHeuvel, Joe Urban, Glenn Michel Galabru, Jacques Dufilho, Jean Ri- Massagué - Dir. David Pastor, Àlex Pastor Fleshler, Camille Kitt - Dir. Ken Scott chard, Pierre Trabaud, Marin Latique, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Komödie 2013 105min. André Treton - Dir. Yves Robert Thriller/Drama 2013 102min. Highlight Communications Kinderfilm 1961 83min. Capelight Pictures 02.05.2014 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.06.2014 Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058625 21.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058091 Law & Order: Special Victims Linda’s Child - Unterschätze nie, Unit - Season Two (6 Discs) Krieger der Nacht - Wo das Böse wozu eine Mutter fähig ist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Truth About Emanuel begraben liegt Kriminalfilm/Mystery 886min. Kaya Scodelario, Jessica Biel, Alfred Shadowland Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Molina, Frances O’Connor, Aneurin Caitlin McIntosh, Carlos Antonio León, 30.05.2014 Barnard, Jimmi Simpson - Dir. Francesca Jason Contini, Dale D. Moore, Don 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058620 Gregorini McLendon, David Martyn Conley, Robert Trailer Nolan Clark, Jim Steinbrenner, Donna M. Legendary / The Reunion (2 Thriller/Drama 2013 min. Parroné - Dir. Wyatt Weed Discs) Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 16.05.2014 Trailer Legendary / The Reunion 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058116 Horror/Fantasy 2010 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Drama 260min. Linda’s Child - Unterschätze nie, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058578 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(SES) wozu eine Mutter fähig ist (Blu- Krieger der Nacht - Wo das Böse 28.03.2014 ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058488 begraben liegt (Blu-ray) The Truth About Emanuel Kaya Scodelario, Jessica Biel, Alfred Shadowland Der letzte Tango in Paris Molina, Frances O’Connor, Aneurin Caitlin McIntosh, Carlos Antonio León, L’ Ultimo Tango A Parigi Barnard, Jimmi Simpson - Dir. Francesca Jason Contini, Dale D. Moore, Don , Maria Schneider, Maria Gregorini McLendon, David Martyn Conley, Robert Michi, Giovanna Galletti, Gitt Magrini, Trailer Nolan Clark, Jim Steinbrenner, Donna M. Cathérine Allegret, Luce Marquand, Marie- Thriller/Drama 2013 min. Parroné - Dir. Wyatt Weed Hélène Breillat, Catherine Breillat, Dan Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 16.05.2014 Trailer Diament, Catherine Sola, Mauro Marchetti, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058124 Horror/Fantasy 2010 99min. Jean-Pierre Léaud, Massimo Girotti - Dir. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Bernardo Bertolucci Die Lindenstraße - Das komplette 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058599 Trailer, Bildergalerie 25. Jahr, Folgen 1249-1300 Drama/Erotik 1972 124min. Kriegsfilme - Edition Zweiter Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (Collector’s Box Limited Editi- Weltkrieg (2 Discs) Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 on,10 Discs) USS Seaviper / Hitler - Die letzten 10 Tage 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058397 Marie-Luise Marjan, Joachim Hermann / Todeskessel Russland / Todeskommando Luger, Moritz A. Sachs, Georg Uecker, / Kein Weg zurück / Das Grauen des Krie- Das Lied von Bernadette Hermes Hodolides, Domna Adamopoulou, ges / Panzerschlacht an der Marne The Song Of Bernadette Sybille Waury, Andrea Spatzek, Jo Bolling, Kriegsfilm 550min. Jennifer Jones, William Eythe, Charles Joris Gratwohl, Amorn Surangkanjanajai, MIG Film 20.02.2014 Bickford, Vincent Price, Lee J. Cobb, Knut Hinz, , Julia Stark, Sontje 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058147 Gladys Cooper, , Roman Boh- Peplow, Erkan Gündüz, Moritz Zielke, Sara nen, Mary Anderson - Dir. Henry King Turchetto, Harry Rowohlt, Giselle Vesco, Der Kronprinz Drama 1943 151min. Cosima Viola, Gunnar Solka, Toni István Hirtling, Mijou Kovacs, Alfred Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Snétberger, Daniela Bette, Philipp Sonntag, Reiterer, Dany Sigel, Ulrike Beimpold, Adél Germany 04.04.2014 Irene Fischer, Jacqueline Svilarov, Philipp Kováts, Herwig Seeböck - Dir. Miklós 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058339 Neubauer, Sarah Masuch, Julia Beerhold, Szinetár Valentin Schreyer, Anna Sophie Claus,

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Lilian Büchner, Greta Short, Ludwig Haas, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058382 GmbH Home Entertainment & Horst D. Scheel, Beatrice Kaps-Zurmahr, Retail(Touchstone) 20.03.2014 Claus Vinçon, Dominique Kusche, Ute Jack London Abenteuer 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057984 Mora, Annemarie Wendl, Thorsten Nindel, Collection Marcus Off, Franz Rampelmann, Marianne Goldrausch in Alaska / Wolfsblut greift Luftschlacht um England Rogée, Rebecca Siemoneit-Barum, Liz ein / Trapper, Wolf und Fährtensucher / So Battle Of Britain Baffoe, Margret van Munster, Willi Herren, frei wie der Wind Sir Michael Caine, Trevor Howard, Kenneth Costas Papanastasiou, Sigo Lorfeo, Ulrike Jeff East, Rod Steiger, Angie Dickinson, More, Harry Andrews, Curd Jürgens, Ian C. Tscharre, Wolfgang Grönebaum, Christi- Maurizio Merli, Henry Silva, Renzo Palmer, McShane, Sir Laurence Olivier, Nigel an Kahrmann, Tilli Breidenbach, Dagmar Tay Garnett, Mike Mazurki, Fritz Ford, Dick Patrick, , Michael Hessenland, Ines Lutz, Raimund Gensel, Robinson - Dir. Peter Carter, Tonino Ricci, Redgrave - Dir. Guy Hamilton Jeremy Mockridge, Heinz Marecek, Anna Tay Garnett, Ford Beebe, Dick Robinson Audiokommentar, Featurette Kriegsfilm 1969 126min. Nowak, Johannes Scheit, Birgitta Abenteuer 1973-1980 352min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Weizenegger, Susanne Evers, Klaus MIG Film 17.04.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 Nierhoff, Anja Antonowicz, Susanna 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058548 Capurso, Wookie Mayer, Michael Baral, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058398 Jennifer Steffens, Christian Rudolf, Tanja The Look of Love Lydia muss sterben Frehse, Cynthia Cosima, Clara Dolny, The Look Of Love Eva Pflug, Hellmut Lange, Edith Schultze- Arnfried Lerche, Markus Anton, Urs Steve Coogan, Anna Friel, Tamsin Egerton, Westrum, Friedrich Joloff, Marion Lindt, Villiger, Fritz Egger, Marc-Oliver Moro, Til Imogen Poots, Chris Addison, James Lance, Ursula Nerwig, Horst Niendorf, Klaus Schweiger, Bernd Tauber, Monika Simon Bird, Liam Boyle - Dir. Michael Löwitsch - Dir. Rainer Erler Woytowicz, Tilmar Kuhn, Tim Knauer, Su- Winterbottom sanne Gannott, Stefanie Mühle, Herbert Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1964 84min. Steinmetz, Fritz Bachschmidt, Selma Komödie/Drama 2013 97min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(Das Erste) Baldursson, Hasan Ali Mete, Michael A. Koch Media 17.04.2014 25.04.2014 Grimm, Cetin Ipekkaya, Dietrich Siegl, Clau- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058323 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058253 dia Pielmann, Franz Braunshausen, Ursula Ludwig - Dir. Herwig Fischer, Wolfgang The Look of Love (Blu-ray) Machete Kills (Uncut) Frank, Hans W. Geißendörfer, Holger Gim- The Look Of Love Machete Kills pel, Michael Günther, Kaspar Heidelbach, Steve Coogan, Anna Friel, Tamsin Egerton, Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Sofía Jens Hercher, Daniel Anderson, Karin Imogen Poots, Chris Addison, James Lance, Vergara, Amber Heard, Cuba Gooding Jr. Hercher, Nikolai van der Heyde, Ilse Hof- Simon Bird, Liam Boyle - Dir. Michael (El Camaleón), Walton Goggins (El mann, Ron Jones, Lutz Konermann, Heidi Winterbottom Cameleón), William Sadler, Demián Bichir, Kranz, Kerstin Krause, George Moorse, Ch Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Jessica Alba, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Outtakes, Schlüsselband Komödie/Drama 2013 101min. Lady GaGa (La Camaleón), Antonio Drama 1985-2014 1560min. Koch Media 17.04.2014 Banderas (El Camaleón), Vanessa MORE Music and Media (More Brands and 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058355 Hudgens, Alexa Vega, Marko Zaror, Samuel Products) 28.03.2014 Davis - Dir. Robert Rodriguez 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058608 The Loreley’s Grasp - Die Bestie Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer im Mädchen-Pensionat (Uncut Action 2013 103min. Universum Film Home Entertainment The Little American Version) The Little American 23.05.2014 Las Garras De Lorelei Mary Pickford, Jack Holt, Raymond Hatton 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058563 Tony Kendall, Helga Liné, Silvia Tortosa, Drama 1917 min. Loreta Tovar, Luis Barboo, Josefina Jartin, Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Machete Kills (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Joseph Thelman, Luis Induni - Dir. Amando 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058193 Machete Kills de Ossorio Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Sofía The Little Girl Horror 1974 81min. Vergara, Amber Heard, Cuba Gooding Jr. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Dictado (El Camaleón), Walton Goggins (El Entertainment) 21.03.2014 Juan Diego Botto, Barbara Lennie, Mágica Cameleón), William Sadler, Demián Bichir, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058006 Pérez, Nora Navas, Roca Ágata, Monti Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Jessica Alba, Lady GaGa (La Camaleón), Antonio Castiñeiras, Mark Rodriguez, Maria Pau The Loreley’s Grasp - Die Bestie Pigem - Dir. Antonio Chavarrías Banderas (El Camaleón), Vanessa Trailer im Mädchen-Pensionat (Uncut Hudgens, Alexa Vega, Marko Zaror, Samuel Horror/Mystery 2012 89min. Version) (Blu-ray) Davis - Dir. Robert Rodriguez 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Las Garras De Lorelei Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Action 2013 107min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058228 Tony Kendall, Helga Liné, Silvia Tortosa, Universum Film Home Entertainment Loreta Tovar, Luis Barboo, Josefina Jartin, 23.05.2014 The Little Girl (Blu-ray) Joseph Thelman, Luis Induni - Dir. Amando 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058589 Dictado de Ossorio Juan Diego Botto, Barbara Lennie, Mágica Horror 1974 81min. Das Mädchen von Hongkong Pérez, Nora Navas, Roca Ágata, Monti AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Joachim Fuchsberger, Li Paelz, Veronique Castiñeiras, Mark Rodriguez, Maria Pau Entertainment) 21.03.2014 Vendell, Eva Garden, Arthur Brauss, Pigem - Dir. Antonio Chavarrías 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058028 Trailer Grégoire Aslan, Pierre Vernier, Ann Peng - Horror/Mystery 2012 93min. Lost - Die komplette Serie (k.J.) Dir. Jürgen Roland 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Booklet Lost 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058269 Drama 1973 81min. Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Lizzie Borden Lilly, Terry O’Quinn, Naveen Andrews, AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.03.2014 Dominic Monaghan, Jorge Garcia, Emilie de Lizzie Borden Took An Ax 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058235 Ravin, Daniel Dae Kim, Kim Yoon-jin, Micha- , Clea DuVall, Stephen el Emerson, Henry Ian Cusick, Harold McHattie - Dir. Nick Gomez Mako - Einfach Meerjungfrau Perrineau jr., Elizabeth Mitchell - Dir. Jack Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 84min. (Folgen 7-9) Bender, Stephen Williams Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Mako Mermaids Abenteuer/Drama 2004-2010 min. 27.05.2014 Amy Ruffle, Ivy Latimer, Lucy Fry, Chai The Walt Disney Company (Germany)

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Romruen, Dominic Deutscher - Dir. Grant 14.03.2014 Meister aller Klassen (Dragon Brown, Evan Clarry 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058372 Edition) Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 78min. Di Chu Ma Studio Hamburg Enterprises 28.03.2014 Männerwirtschaft - Die dritte Jackie Chan, Wei Pei, , Whong In 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058246 Season (4 Discs) Sik, Lily Li - Dir. Jackie Chan The Odd Couple Malizia (k.J.) Action/Eastern 1980 102min. Tony Randall, Jack Klugman, Al Molinaro, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 Malizia Penny Marshall, Elinor Donahue, Janis 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058413 Laura Antonelli, Turi Ferro - Dir. Salvatore Hansen, Garry Walberg - Dir. Jerry Paris, Samperi Jack Donohue, Hal Cooper, Mel Ferber Meister aller Klassen (Dragon Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie 1972-1973 570min. Komödie 1973 93min. Edition) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 cmv-Laservision 28.02.2014 Shi Di Chu Ma 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058459 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058112 Jackie Chan, Wei Pei, Yuen Biao, Whong In Märchen & Geschichten (3 Discs) Sik, Lily Li - Dir. Jackie Chan Der Mann auf der Bettkante Action/Eastern 1980 106min. Der Löwe Leo ist los / Die alte Hexe Constanze Engelbrecht, Götz George, Mi- Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 Schrumbeldei / Meister Hobelbein und chael Gwisdek, Roland Renner, Dieter Mon- BestellNr.: 20058421 sein Kobold tag, Jessica Kosmalla, Ute Lubosch, Dag- Kinderfilm 150min. mar Biener, Ralf Wolter - Dir. Christoph Meister aller Klassen II (Dragon da music(Lifetime) 07.03.2014 Eichhorn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058524 Edition) Komödie 1995 75min. Quan Jing Pidax film media(Pidax film) 04.04.2014 Maximum Science Fiction Edition Jackie Chan, Dean Shek, James Tien, Yuen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058345 - 3 Klassiker (keine HD Qualität) Biao, Chiang Chih-Ping, Wen Tai-Li, Li Rung-Chuen, Kuang Yu-Wang, Kao Kuang, Der Mann in der eisernen Maske (Blu-ray) Ching Fu-Li, Kang Peng - Dir. Wei Lo The Man In The Iron Mask Metaluna 4 / Colossus - The Forbijn Action/Eastern 1978 95min. Leonardo DiCaprio, , John Project / The Questor Tapes Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 Malkovich, Gérard Depardieu, Gabriel Jeff Morrow, Faith Domergue, Rex Reason, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058414 Byrne, Anne Parillaud, Judith Godrèche, Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, , Edward Atterton - Dir. Randall Wallace Lew Ayres, Mike Farrell, Robert Foxworth - Meister aller Klassen II (Dragon Trailer Dir. Joseph Newman, Jack Arnold, Joseph Edition) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 1997 127min. Sargent, Richard A. Colla Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ALLE enthaltenen Filme stehen nicht in HD zur Verfügung Quan Jing Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 Das Medium BD wurde aus Kapazitätsgründen gewählt, Jackie Chan, Dean Shek, James Tien, Yuen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058399 Trailer, Clip, Wendecover Biao, Chiang Chih-Ping, Wen Tai-Li, Li Science Fiction 1955-1973 470min. Rung-Chuen, Kuang Yu-Wang, Kao Kuang, Der Mann mit dem Koffer - Vol. 1 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Ching Fu-Li, Kang Peng - Dir. Wei Lo AG(Ostalgica) 28.02.2014 (2 Discs) Action/Eastern 1978 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058109 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 Man In A Suitcase BestellNr.: 20058422 Richard Bradford - Dir. Charles Crichton, Mein Partner mit der kalten Pat Jackson, Herbert Wise, Robert Schnauze 3 Meister aller Klassen III (Dragon Tronson, K-9: P.I. Kriminalfilm 1967-1968 315min. Edition) James Belushi, Gary Basaraba, Kimberley Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.03.2014 Xin Ching-Wu Men Huffman, Kevin Durand, Michael Eklund, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058096 Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, Chen Sing - Dir. Barbara Tyson - Dir. Richard J. Lewis Wei Lo Der Mann mit dem Koffer - Vol. 2 Komödie/Action 2002 91min. Action/Eastern 1976 114min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (2 Discs) Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 08.05.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058415 Man In A Suitcase 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058621 Richard Bradford - Dir. Charles Crichton, Meister aller Klassen III (Dragon Pat Jackson, Herbert Wise, Robert Meine beste Freundin, ihre Edition) (Blu-ray) Tronson, Freddie Francis Schwester und ich Kriminalfilm 1967-1968 265min. Xin Ching-Wu Men Your Sister’s Sister Pidax film media(Pidax film) 21.03.2014 Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, Chen Sing - Dir. Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058097 Wei Lo Duplass, , Mel Eslyn, Kate Action/Eastern 1976 119min. Der Mann mit den tausend Mas- Bayley, Jeanette Maus, Jennifer Maas - Dir. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 25.04.2014 Lynn Shelton BestellNr.: 20058423 ken Audiokommentar, Trailer Paul Hubschmid, Karin Dor, Vivi Bach, Drama/Lovestory 2011 87min. Menschen untereinander / Unter Nando Gazzolo, Guido Brigida - Dir. Alberto Alamode Film 25.04.2014 de Martino 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058285 der Laterne (2 Discs) Booklet Alfred Abel, Aud Egede-Nissen, Eduard Action/Komödie 1965 103min. Meine beste Freundin, ihre Rothauser - Dir. Gerhard Lamprecht AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Schwester und ich (Blu-ray) Drama 1926-1928 250min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.03.2014 film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Your Sister’s Sister 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058118 14.03.2014 Emily Blunt, Rosemarie DeWitt, Mark 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058623 Der Mann ohne Gesicht Duplass, Mike Birbiglia, Mel Eslyn, Kate Bayley, Jeanette Maus, Jennifer Maas - Dir. L’ Homme Sans Visage Mikosch, der Stolz der Kompanie Lynn Shelton Gert Fröbe, Jacques Champreux, Gayle Audiokommentar, Trailer Gunther Philipp, Walter Gross, Kurt Hunnicutt, Josephine Chaplin, Ugo Pagliai, Drama/Lovestory 2011 91min. Großkurth - Dir. Rudolf Schündler Patrick Préjean - Dir. Georges Franju Alamode Film 25.04.2014 Booklet Komödie 1958 92min. Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1974 99min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058303 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 11.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058490

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Reavis Graham - Dir. Robert Dyke Komödie/Zeichentrick 1978-2011 min. Mission: Impossible I-IV (4 Discs) Science Fiction 1989 88min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Mission: Impossible I-IV VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.03.2014 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058234 24.04.2014 Diverse 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058150 Thriller/Action 1996-2011 472min. Moontrap (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Moontrap Muppets - Der Zauberer von Oz 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058213 Walter Koenig, Bruce Campbell, Leigh (Classic Collection) Lombardi, Robert Kurcz, John J. Saunders, Mitten im Sturm The Muppets’ Wizard Of Oz Reavis Graham - Dir. Robert Dyke Dir. Kirk R. Thatcher Within The Whirlwind Science Fiction 1989 92min. Komödie/Puppenfilm 2005 min. Emily Watson, Ulrich Tukur, Ian Hart, Benja- VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.03.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) min Sadler, Agata Buzek, Pam Ferris, Ben 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058273 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Miller, Monica Dolan, Jimmy Yuill, Lena Stol- 24.04.2014 ze, Górska, Pearce Quigley, Mord an Rathenau 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058155 Krzysztof Globisz, Zbigniew Dir. Max Jaap Zamachowski, Pierre Shrady, Nick Dong- Trailer Murderous Intent - Mörderische Sik, Lukasz Garlicki, Lech Dyblik, Beata Drama 1961 76min. Fudalej, Katarzyna Bargielowska, Maria ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Absichten Seweryn, Boguslawa Schubert - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058447 Like Minds Marleen Gorris Toni Collette, Richard Roxburgh, Eddie Trailer Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 7.2 (3 Redmayne, Tom Sturridge, Cathryn Drama 2009 107min. Discs) Bradshaw, David Threlfall, Kate Maberly, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Ben Szoradi, Amit Shah, Patrick Malahide, Murder, She Wrote 25.04.2014 Jon Overton, Liam McKenna - Dir. Gregory , William Windom, Ron tba BestellNr.: 20058349 J. Read Masak, , Louis Herthum, Michael Originaltrailer Mitten im Sturm (Blu-ray) Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Drama/Thriller 2006 104min. Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Within The Whirlwind 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.04.2014 Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Emily Watson, Ulrich Tukur, Ian Hart, Benja- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058445 Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John min Sadler, Agata Buzek, Pam Ferris, Ben Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Miller, Monica Dolan, Jimmy Yuill, Lena Stol- Muschimaus mag’s grad heraus Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick ze, Magdalena Górska, Pearce Quigley, (k.J.) Havinga Krzysztof Globisz, Zbigniew Ulrike Butz, Josef Moosholzer, Roland Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 497min. Zamachowski, Pierre Shrady, Nick Dong- Trenk - Dir. Hubert Frank Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sik, Lukasz Garlicki, Lech Dyblik, Beata Komödie/Erotik 1974 90min. 16.05.2014 Fudalej, Katarzyna Bargielowska, Maria Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058618 Seweryn, Boguslawa Schubert - Dir. 28.03.2014 Marleen Gorris Mud - Kein Ausweg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058092 Trailer Drama 2009 111min. Mud Müttermafia , Matthew Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Annette Frier, Roeland Wiesnekker, Tim McConaughey, Michael Shannon, Sarah 25.04.2014 Bergmann, Eva Löbau, Chiara Schoras - Paulson, Sam Shepard, Ray McKinnon, Joe tba BestellNr.: 20058370 Dir. Tomy Wigand Don Baker, Paul Sparks, Tye Sheridan, Komödie 2014 90min. Dalton Gray, Michael Abbott jr., Stuart - Die komplette Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Greer - Dir. Jeff Nichols Season 3 (3 Discs) 02.05.2014 Drama/Thriller 2012 130min. Modern Family tba BestellNr.: 20058392 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Ed O’Neill, , Julie Bowen, Ty 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058568 Burrell, , Eric My Brother the Devil Stonestreet, , - Mud - Kein Ausweg (Blu-ray) My Brother The Devil Dir. Jason Winer, Michael Spiller, Chris James Floyd, Fady Elsayed, Saïd Mud Koch, Scott Ellis, Fred Savage, Gail Taghmaoui, Aymen Hamdouchi, Ashley Reese Witherspoon, Matthew Mancuso, Steven Levitan, Bryan Cranston, Bashy Thomas, Sylvia Aman, Denzel McConaughey, Michael Shannon, Sarah James Bagdonas Assiamah, Elarica Gallacher - Dir. Sally El Paulson, Sam Shepard, Ray McKinnon, Joe Featurettes, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Outtakes Hosaini Komödie 2011 min. Don Baker, Paul Sparks, Tye Sheridan, Audiokommentar, Interviews Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dalton Gray, Michael Abbott jr., Stuart Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 103min. Germany 04.04.2014 Greer - Dir. Jeff Nichols Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 25.04.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058395 Drama/Thriller 2012 136min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058036 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Monte Walsh (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058592 My Brother the Devil (Blu-ray) Monte Walsh My Brother The Devil Lee Marvin, Jeanne Moreau, Jack Palance, Die Muppets - 6 Movie Collection James Floyd, Fady Elsayed, Saïd Mitchell Ryan, Jim Davis, G. D. Spradlin, (6 Discs) Taghmaoui, Aymen Hamdouchi, Ashley John McKee, Bo Hopkins, Tom Heaton - Dir. Muppets - Die Schatzinsel (Jubiläums- Bashy Thomas, Sylvia Aman, Denzel William A. Fraker Edition) / Der große Muppet Krimi / Assiamah, Elarica Gallacher - Dir. Sally El Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer Muppet Movie / Die Muppets / Die Muppets Hosaini Western 1970 106min. Weihnachtsgeschichte / Muppets - Der Audiokommentar, Interviews Explosive Media 21.03.2014 Zauberer von Oz Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058059 Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 25.04.2014 Charles Durning, Austin Pendleton, Mel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058056 Moontrap Brooks, Sir Michael Caine, Donald Austen, Moontrap Meredith Braun - Dir. James Bobin, James My Private Go-Go (OmU) Walter Koenig, Bruce Campbell, Leigh Frawley, Jim Henson, Kirk R. Thatcher, Getting Go - The Go Doc Project Lombardi, Robert Kurcz, John J. Saunders, Brian Henson Tanner Cohen, Matthew Camp, Ramón

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Olmos Torres, Judy McLane, Tedd Merri - Lewis, Robert L. Crawford - Dir. Norman VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.03.2014 Dir. Cory James Krueckeberg Foster 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058271 Drama 2013 92min. Western 1965 87min. PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.03.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Oldboy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058571 13.03.2014 Oldboy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058433 Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Mystery Movies (6 Discs) Copley, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Der letzte Beweis / Gefährliche Überra- Die Nonne Imperioli, James Ransone, Linda Emond, schung / Goog Morning Killer / Kühles La Religieuse Max Casella, Hannah Ware, Ilfenesh Grab / Tage der Unschuld / Warnschuss Pauline Etienne, , Martina Hadera, Elvis Nolasco, Richard Portnow, Thriller/Mystery 540min. Gedeck, Louise Bourgoin, Françoise Ciera Payton, Lance Reddick, Elvy Yost, justbridge entertainment media 28.03.2014 Lebrun, François Négret (Maître Manouri), Jordan Salloum, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058442 Gilles Cohen, Marc Barbé, Alice George W. Bush, Victoria Geil, Brett Lenquesaing, Pascal Bongard - Dir. Lapeyrouse - Dir. Spike Lee Need for Deadly Speed (Blu-ray) Guillaume Nicloux Thriller/Drama 2013 100min. (k.J.) Wendecover Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 103min. Action 388min. 10.04.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment KSM GmbH 17.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058139 Germany(Camino) 10.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058053 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058258 Oldboy (Blu-ray) Oldboy Need for Deadly Speed (k.J.) Die Nonne (Blu-ray) Action 388min. Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto La Religieuse KSM GmbH 17.03.2014 Copley, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Pauline Etienne, Isabelle Huppert, Martina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058035 Imperioli, James Ransone, Linda Emond, Gedeck, Louise Bourgoin, Françoise Max Casella, Hannah Ware, Ilfenesh Nemesis - Die komplette Saga Lebrun, François Négret (Maître Manouri), Hadera, Elvis Nolasco, Richard Portnow, Gilles Cohen, Marc Barbé, Alice (Platinum Cult Edition, 10 Discs) Ciera Payton, Lance Reddick, Elvy Yost, Lenquesaing, Pascal Bongard - Dir. Jordan Salloum, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, (k.J.) Guillaume Nicloux George W. Bush, Victoria Geil, Brett Nemesis / Nemesis 2 / Nemesis 3: Time Wendecover Lapeyrouse - Dir. Spike Lee Lapse / Nemesis 4 - Cry of Angels Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 107min. Making of, Featurette Dir. Albert Pyun STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Drama 2013 104min. Interviews, Making Of, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar Germany(Camino) 10.04.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Science Fiction/Action 1992-1996 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058276 10.04.2014 1000min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058164 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.04.2014 Nur dir zuliebe - Gori Tere Pyaar 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058480 Mein Oliver Maass (2 Discs) Josef Gröbmayr, Robert Atzorn, Hans Nemesis - Die komplette Saga , Imran Khan, Shraddha Clarin, Jane Tilden, Anja Schüte, Karl (Platinum Cult Edition, 6 Discs) Kapoor, , , Vineet Lieffen - Dir. Gero Erhardt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Singh - Dir. Abenteuer 1986 312min. Nemesis / Nemesis 2 / Nemesis 3: Time Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Komödie 2013 140min. Lapse / Nemesis 4 - Cry of Angels 21.03.2014 Rapid Eye Movies HE 25.04.2014 Dir. Albert Pyun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058181 Interviews, Making Of, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058282 Science Fiction/Action 1992-1996 Die Olsenbande schlägt wieder 1000min. Nur dir zuliebe - Gori Tere Pyaar zu (Blu-ray) VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.04.2014 Mein (Blu-ray) Olsen-Banden Deruda’ 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058492 Gori Tere Pyaar Mein Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Kareena Kapoor, Imran Khan, Shraddha Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Neverlake Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Esha Gupta, Vineet Balling Neverlake Singh - Dir. Punit Malhotra Interview, Trailer Daisy Keeping, David Brandon, Joy Tanner, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1977 97min. Martin Kashirokov, Eva McCallum, Liam Komödie 2013 145min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Rigal, Lisa R. Andreozzi, James A. Moule, Rapid Eye Movies HE 25.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058469 Anna Dalton, Dianne Lynn Jones - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058300 Riccardo Paoletti Die Olsenbande sieht rot (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2013 min. Oase der Zombies Olsen-Banden Ser Rødt Lichtblick Films 25.04.2014 La Tumba De Los Muertos Vivientes Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul tba BestellNr.: 20058196 Manuel Gélin, Jeff Montgomery, Myriam Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Landson, Eduardo Fajardo, Lina Romay, Balling Neverlake (Blu-ray) Antonio Mayans, Javier Maiza, Albino Audiokommentar, Trailer Neverlake Graziani, Miguel Ángel Aristu, Doris Regina Kriminalfilm 1976 101min. Daisy Keeping, David Brandon, Joy Tanner, - Dir. Jess Franco ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Martin Kashirokov, Eva McCallum, Liam Horror 1983 82min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058468 Rigal, Lisa R. Andreozzi, James A. Moule, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 27.03.2014 Anna Dalton, Dianne Lynn Jones - Dir. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058233 Die Olsenbande stellt die Wei- Riccardo Paoletti chen (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2013 min. Oase der Zombies (Blu-ray) Olsen-Banden På Sporet Lichtblick Films 25.04.2014 La Tumba De Los Muertos Vivientes Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul tba BestellNr.: 20058203 Manuel Gélin, Jeff Montgomery, Myriam Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Landson, Eduardo Fajardo, Lina Romay, Balling Nishko und sein tapferes Pony Antonio Mayans, Javier Maiza, Albino Bildergalerie, Trailer Indian Paint Graziani, Miguel Ángel Aristu, Doris Regina Kriminalfilm 1975 101min. Johnny Crawford, Jay Silverheels, Pat - Dir. Jess Franco ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Hogan, Robert Crawford jr., George J. Horror 1983 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058467

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James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Maia Mor- Oster Collection genstern, Mattia Sbragia, Hristo Shopov, Patrik Pacard (2 Discs) Kinderfilm 324min. Claudia Gerini, Luca Lionello, , Hendrik Martz, Peter Bongartz, Gila von KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Toni Bertorelli, Roberto Bestazzoni, Weitershausen, Jean-Claude Bouillon, 03.03.2014 Francesco Cabras, Giovanni Capalbo, Agnes Dünneisen, Wolfgang Kieling, Pierre 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058429 Rosalinda Celentano, Emilio De Marchi, Clémenti, Knut Hinz, Jan Biczycki, Sabi Francesco DeVito, Lello Giulivo, Abel Jafry, Dorr, Reinhard Glemnitz, Andreas Outback - Tödliche Jagd Christo Jivkov, Jarreth Merz, Matt Patresi, Mannkopff, Andreas Seyferth, Karl Heinz Wrath Fabio Sartor, Roberto Visconti, Giacinto Vosgerau, Charles M. Huber, Jeanette Stef Dawson, Xavier Fernandez, Corey Ferro, Olek Mincer, Adel Ben Ayed, Chokri Mühlmann, Ivo Vrzal-Wiegand, Wolfram Page, Bianca Bradey, Jazz Cohn, Charlie Ben Zagden, Luca De Dominicis, Pedro Weniger - Dir. Gero Erhardt Falkner, Michael Windeyer, Rebecca Sarubbi - Dir. Mel Gibson Abenteuer 1984 312min. Ratcliff, Rod Ramsay, William Emmons, Making of Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Allen Ennew - Dir. Jonathan Neil Dixon Drama 2004 121min. 21.03.2014 Trailer Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058180 Thriller 2011 93min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058143 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.04.2014 Pazifikgeschwader 214 - Pilotfilm tba BestellNr.: 20058443 Die Passion Christi (Blu-ray) & 35 Folgen (Limited Edition,18 The Passion Of The Christ Outback - Tödliche Jagd (Blu-ray) James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Maia Mor- Discs) Wrath genstern, Mattia Sbragia, Hristo Shopov, Baa Baa Black Sheep Stef Dawson, Xavier Fernandez, Corey Claudia Gerini, Luca Lionello, Sergio Rubini, Robert Conrad, Robert Ginty, John Page, Bianca Bradey, Jazz Cohn, Charlie Toni Bertorelli, Roberto Bestazzoni, Larroquette, W.K. Stratton, Dana Elcar, Falkner, Michael Windeyer, Rebecca Francesco Cabras, Giovanni Capalbo, Joey Aresco, James Whitmore Jr., Dirk Ratcliff, Rod Ramsay, William Emmons, Rosalinda Celentano, Emilio De Marchi, Blocker, Jeff MacKay, Simon Oakland, Allen Ennew - Dir. Jonathan Neil Dixon Francesco DeVito, Lello Giulivo, Abel Jafry, Steven Richmond, Byron Chung, Red West, Trailer Christo Jivkov, Jarreth Merz, Matt Patresi, , Charles Napier - Dir. Alex Thriller 2011 98min. Fabio Sartor, Roberto Visconti, Giacinto Beaton, Robert Conrad, Dana Elcar, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.04.2014 Ferro, Olek Mincer, Adel Ben Ayed, Chokri Lawrence Doheny, , Philip 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058466 Ben Zagden, Luca De Dominicis, Pedro DeGuere, Edward Dein, Russell Mayberry, Sarubbi - Dir. Mel Gibson Barry Shear, , William Outbreak of Evil (k.J.) Audiokommentare, Making of, Podiumsdiskussion, Entfallene Wiard Big Apple / Demonic Woman / The Mad Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Trailer T-Shirt, US-Armee-Kappe Killer Drama 2004 121min. Komödie 1976-1978 1774min. Horror/Thriller min. Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 ZYX Music 28.03.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Marketing 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058167 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058522 Movies) 14.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058483 Die Passion Christi (Mediabook, 4 Pension Schöller Discs) (Blu-ray) Theo Lingen, Christa Williams, Rudolf Vo- The Outlaw - Geächtet (2 Discs) The Passion Of The Christ gel, Ann Smyrner, Helmuth Lohner, Ursula The Outlaw James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Maia Mor- Herking, Rainer Bertram, Boy Gobert - Dir. Jack Beutel, Jane Russell, , genstern, Mattia Sbragia, Hristo Shopov, Georg Jacoby Walter Huston, Mimi Aguglia, Joe Sawyer, Claudia Gerini, Luca Lionello, Sergio Rubini, Booklet Komödie/Musikfilm 1960 89min. Gene Rizzi, Frank Darien, Pat West, Carl Toni Bertorelli, Roberto Bestazzoni, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Stockdale - Dir. Howard Hughes, Howard Francesco Cabras, Giovanni Capalbo, AG(Filmjuwelen) 21.03.2014 Hawks Rosalinda Celentano, Emilio De Marchi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058103 Western 1940-1943 112min. Francesco DeVito, Lello Giulivo, Abel Jafry, Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Christo Jivkov, Jarreth Merz, Matt Patresi, Rosamunde Pilcher: Mein unbe- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058192 Fabio Sartor, Roberto Visconti, Giacinto Ferro, Olek Mincer, Adel Ben Ayed, Chokri kanntes Herz (6 Discs) Parasite Doctor Suzune: Genesis Ben Zagden, Luca De Dominicis, Pedro Carolina Vera, Greg Wise, Gedeon Burk- - Die Geburt (Uncut) Sarubbi - Dir. Mel Gibson hard, Julian Sands, James Fox, Tanja Wen- zel, Ralf Bauer, Jane Seymour, Sophie Kisei JûI - Suzune: Genesis Audiokommentare, Making of, Podiumsdiskussion, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Trailer Cookson, Simon Pearce, Christopher James Rei Yoshii, Megumi Kagurazaka, Hoka Drama 2004 127min. Barley, Rupert Frazer, Irena Tyshyna, Mimi Kinoshita, Hassei Takano, Motoki Fukami, Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Horn, Charlie Schofield - Dir. Giles Foster Akari Hoshino, Yukijiro Hotaru, Yurika Kubo 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058168 Making-of - Dir. Ryu Kaneda Melodram 2013 176min. Trailer Die Patin von New York (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Science Fiction/Horror 2011 69min. Home Edition) 22.04.2014 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058409 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058579 Blazin’ Michael Wehrhahn, Sascha Knopf, Angie Parasite Doctor Suzune: Genesis Martinez, Paula Roth, Joseph Bono, Fat Joe Pirates of the Caribbean - Die - Die Geburt (Uncut) (Blu-ray) - Dir. Marcos Antonio Miranda Piraten-Quadrologie (4 Discs) Action/Thriller 2001 107min. Pirates Of The Caribbean: I-IV Kisei JûI - Suzune: Genesis Edel Germany(Starmovie) 04.04.2014 Johnny Depp, , Orlando Rei Yoshii, Megumi Kagurazaka, Hoka 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058366 Bloom, Keira Knightley, Penélope Cruz - Dir. Kinoshita, Hassei Takano, Motoki Fukami, Gore Verbinski, Rob Marshall Akari Hoshino, Yukijiro Hotaru, Yurika Kubo Die Patin von New York (k.J.) Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003-2011 min. - Dir. Ryu Kaneda Trailer Blazin’ The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Science Fiction/Horror 2011 72min. Michael Wehrhahn, Sascha Knopf, Angie GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Martinez, Paula Roth, Joseph Bono, Fat Joe 06.03.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058600 - Dir. Marcos Antonio Miranda 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057987 Action/Thriller 2001 104min. Die Passion Christi Edel Germany(Starmovie) 04.04.2014 Pompeii The Passion Of The Christ 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058341 Pompeii

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Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Carrie-Anne Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Meacham, Justin Benson, Carmel Benson - Moss, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker - Dir. Robert Dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead Lucas, Currie Graham, Sasha Roiz, Jared Schwentke, Dean Parisot Trailer Harris, Kiefer Sutherland - Dir. Paul W.S. Making of, Featurettes, Trivia Track, Audiokommentar, Thriller/Mystery 2012 93min. Anderson Outtakes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Maritim Pictures 25.04.2014 Action/Komödie 2010-2013 228min. Action/Drama 2014 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058115 Concorde Home Entertainment 10.04.2014 Highlight Communications BestellNr.: 20058417 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.08.2017 Riviera-Story tba BestellNr.: 20058615 Riviera-Story Ranchero Ulla Jacobsson, Wolfgang Preiss, Hartmut Pompeii (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Ranchero Reck - Dir. Wolfgang Becker Roger Gutierrez, Christina Woods, Danny Pompeii Trailer, Featurettes Trejo, Brian Eric Johnson, Ruth Livier, Jade Komödie 1961 83min. Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Carrie-Anne Gordon, Rodger Hoopman, Blake Kushi, POLAR Film + Medien 27.02.2014 Moss, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica Brandon Brown, Carmen Whitaker - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058148 Lucas, Currie Graham, Sasha Roiz, Jared Richard Kaponas Harris, Kiefer Sutherland - Dir. Paul W.S. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 min. Roar - Ein wildes Abenteuer (+ Anderson Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.04.2014 Action/Drama 2014 min. Audio-CD) tba BestellNr.: 20058197 Highlight Communications Roar Noel Marshall, Kyalo Mativo, Tippi Hedren, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.08.2017 Ranchero (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20058628 John Marshall, Jerry Marshall, Melanie Ranchero Griffith - Dir. Noel Marshall Pompeii (Blu-ray) Roger Gutierrez, Christina Woods, Danny Trailer, Bildergalerie, Interviews Trejo, Brian Eric Johnson, Ruth Livier, Jade Abenteuer 1970-1981 91min. Pompeii Gordon, Rodger Hoopman, Blake Kushi, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.04.2014 Kit Harington, Emily Browning, Carrie-Anne Brandon Brown, Carmen Whitaker - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058486 Moss, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica Richard Kaponas Lucas, Currie Graham, Sasha Roiz, Jared Drama/Kriminalfilm 2008 min. Roar - Ein wildes Abenteuer (+ Harris, Kiefer Sutherland - Dir. Paul W.S. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 25.04.2014 Anderson Audio-CD) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20058204 Action/Drama 2014 min. Roar Noel Marshall, Kyalo Mativo, Tippi Hedren, Highlight Communications Reasonable Doubt (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.08.2017 John Marshall, Jerry Marshall, Melanie Reasonable Doubt tba BestellNr.: 20058627 Griffith - Dir. Noel Marshall Samuel L. Jackson, Dominic Cooper, Ryan Trailer, Bildergalerie, Interviews Prime Cut - Die Professionals Robbins - Dir. Peter P. Croudins Abenteuer 1970-1981 95min. Trailer VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 29.04.2014 (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 2013 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058494 Prime Cut Koch Media 17.04.2014 Lee Marvin, Gene Hackman, Angel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058324 Rob Roy Tompkins, Sissy Spacek - Dir. Michael Rob Roy Ritchie Reasonable Doubt (Blu-ray) , , John Hurt, Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer Reasonable Doubt Tim Roth, Eric Stoltz, Andrew Keir, Brian Drama/Action 1972 87min. Samuel L. Jackson, Dominic Cooper, Ryan Cox, Brian McCardie, Gilbert Martin, Vicki Explosive Media 21.03.2014 Robbins - Dir. Peter P. Croudins Masson - Dir. Michael Caton-Jones 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058060 Trailer Drama 1995 133min. Thriller/Drama 2013 91min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Psych - 6. Staffel (4 Discs) Koch Media 17.04.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 Psych 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058356 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058400 James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten Rendezvous in Paris Rocky - The Complete Saga (6 Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank, La Chateau De Verre Carlos McCullers II, Isaah Brown - Dir. Mel Michèle Morgan, Jean Marais - Dir. René Discs) Damski, Michael Zinberg, John Landis, Tim Clément Rocky / Rocky II -V / Rocky Balboa Matheson Französische Originalfassung Sylvester Stallone Kriminalfilm/Komödie 670min. Drama 1950 90min. Action 1976-2006 633min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 16.05.2014 28.02.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058619 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058484 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058332 Quincy - Season 1 + 2 (5 DVDs) Resolution - Cabin of Death (Blu- Rocky - The Complete Saga (7 Quincy ray) (k.J.) Discs) (Blu-ray) Jack Klugman, Val Bisoglio, Robert Ito, John Resolution Rocky / Rocky II -V / Rocky Balboa S. Ragin, Garry Walberg, Joseph Roman, Peter Cilella, Vinny Curran, Zahn Sylvester Stallone Eddie Garrett, John Nolan - Dir. George McClarnon, Bill Oberst Jr., Kurt David Action 1976-2006 633min. Fenady (148 Folgen), Lou Shaw (148 Fol- Anderson, Emily Montague, Skyler Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment gen) Meacham, Justin Benson, Carmel Benson - Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 Kriminalfilm 1976-1983 861min. Dir. Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058364 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer 13.03.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2012 97min. Rocky IV - Der Kampf des Jahr- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058157 Maritim Pictures 25.04.2014 hunderts 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058123 Rocky 4 R.E.D. - Älter.Härter.Besser. / Resolution - Cabin of Death (k.J.) Sylvester Stallone, , Dolph R.E.D. 2 - Noch älter. Härter. Bes- Lundgren, Brigitte Nielsen, Carl Weathers, Resolution Burt Young, , Michael Pataki - ser. (Limited Edition, 2 Discs, Peter Cilella, Vinny Curran, Zahn Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Dir. Sylvester Stallone McClarnon, Bill Oberst Jr., Kurt David Trailer RED / RED 2 Anderson, Emily Montague, Skyler

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Action 1985 95min. Rudy Valentino - Pikante Leiden- Deveci, Alex Anasuya, Stephanie Voit, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment schaften Manfred Münichsdorfer, Witalij Kühne, Mar- Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 tin Semmelrogge - Dir. Marcel Walz Rudy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058333 Thriller/Horror 2011 79min. Hakan Grouther, Kaitlyn Ashley, Roxanne Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Hall, Gina Rome, Valentino - Dir. Joe Rocky V 28.03.2014 D’Amato Rocky 5 Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058088 Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Erotik 1997 91min. Sage Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Tommy 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.04.2014 Samurai Legends (3 Discs) (Blu- Morrison, Richard Gant, Tony Burton - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058444 ray) John G. Avildsen Mibu gishi den / Tasogare seibei / Das Trailer Der Ruf der Gradiva (k.J.) verborgene Schwert Action 1990 100min. C’Est Gradiva Qui Vous Appelle Dir. Yojiro Takita, Yoji Yamada Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment James Wilby, Arielle Dombasle, Dany Action/Eastern 2002-2004 420min. Germany(MGM/UA) 04.04.2014 Verissimo, Farid Chopel, Marie Espinosa, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058334 Farida Khelfa, Lofti Yahya Jedidi - Dir. Alain 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058270 Eric Rohmer - Arthaus Close-Up (3 Robbe-Grillet Interview, Bildergalerie, TV-Spot, Booklet Schafkopf - A bissel was geht im- Discs) Drama 2006 118min. mer Meine Nacht bei Maud / Claires Knie / Donau Film 25.04.2014 Marlene Morreis, Gunther Gillian, Robert Sommer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058098 Joseph Bartl, Frederic Linkemann, Gerd Dir. Eric Rohmer Anthoff - Dir. Ulrich Zrenner, Michael Kurzfilme, Biografien, Gespräch über Pascal, Trailer, Ruhelos Wenning Wendecover Restless Drama 1968-1996 316min. Kriminalfilm 2012 264min. Hayley Atwell, Charlotte Rampling, Michael STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment EuroVideo Medien 13.03.2014 Gambon, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058005 Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058289 Carvel, Bernhard Schir - Dir. Edward Hall Scheidung auf Finnisch Trailer Roller Coaster Life Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 178min. Haarautuvan Rakkauden Talo Jane White Is Sick And Twisted Koch Media 22.05.2014 Elina Knihtilä, Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Antti Kim Little, Wil Wheaton, Alley Mills, Colin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058582 Reini, Anna Easteden, Tommi Eronen, Kati Mochrie, Chris Hardwick, David L. Lander, Outinen - Dir. Mika Kaurismäki Michelle Phillips, Gary Owens, Mickey Ruhelos (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2009 min. Jones - Dir. David Michael Latt Restless good!movies(epiX Media) 21.03.2014 Komödie/Drama 2002 81min. Hayley Atwell, Charlotte Rampling, Michael 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058424 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.03.2014 Gambon, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058264 Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie Scheidung auf Finnisch (Blu-ray) Carvel, Bernhard Schir - Dir. Edward Hall Haarautuvan Rakkauden Talo Rosen im Herbst Trailer Elina Knihtilä, Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Antti Ruth Leuwerik, Bernhard Wicki, Carl Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 185min. Reini, Anna Easteden, Tommi Eronen, Kati Raddatz, Paul Hartmann, Lil Dagover, Gün- Koch Media 22.05.2014 Outinen - Dir. Mika Kaurismäki ther Lüders, Margot Trooger, Lotte 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058604 Komödie/Drama 2009 min. Brackebusch, Lola Müthel, Maria Krahn, good!movies(epiX Media) 21.03.2014 Hans Cossy, Heinz Hilpert, Gundel Sadistic Execution (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058460 Thormann, Eva Vaitl, Hedwig Wangel - Dir. Blood River Rudolf Jugert Andrew Howard, Tess Panzer, Ian Duncan, Schlawiner - 2. Saison (3 Discs) Booklet Sarah Essex - Dir. Adam Mason Gregor Seberg, Michael Ostrowski, Angeli- Drama 1955 103min. Trailer ka Niedetzky, Gerald Votava, Alexander AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Horror/Thriller 2009 110min. Jagsch, Suse Lichtenberger, Christian AG(Filmjuwelen) 04.04.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 Dolezal, Tobias Ofenbauer, Michael Smulik, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058236 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058471 Doris Hindinger, Christoph Grissemann, Dirk Stermann, Martin Oberhauser, Martin Der Rücktritt Sadistic Execution (k.J.) Leutgeb, Marlene Morreis, Veronika von Kai Wiesinger, Anja Kling, Thorsten Merten, Blood River Quast - Dir. Paul Harather Christian Ahlers, René Schoenenberger, Andrew Howard, Tess Panzer, Ian Duncan, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, u.a. Holger Kunkel, Valerie Niehaus, Ingo Sarah Essex - Dir. Adam Mason Komödie 2012 435min. Hülsmann, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Silvina Trailer EuroVideo Medien(Breitwand) 17.04.2014 Buchbauer, Gunda Ebert - Dir. Prof. Tho- Horror/Thriller 2009 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058547 mas Schadt Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 Making of, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058448 Die Schnüffler (4 Discs) Doku-Drama 2014 100min. Koch Media(Spirit Media) 20.03.2014 Sadistic Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) , Jeff Goldblum tba BestellNr.: 20058407 Schlaraffenhaus Kriminalfilm 1980 652min. Annika Strauß, Morad Azzaaoui, Selin Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Der Rücktritt (Blu-ray) Deveci, Alex Anasuya, Stephanie Voit, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058206 Kai Wiesinger, Anja Kling, Thorsten Merten, Manfred Münichsdorfer, Witalij Kühne, Mar- Christian Ahlers, René Schoenenberger, tin Semmelrogge - Dir. Marcel Walz Die Schöne und die Bestie Holger Kunkel, Valerie Niehaus, Ingo Thriller/Horror 2011 81min. Beauty And The Beast Hülsmann, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Silvina Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) , Victor Parascos, Rhett Buchbauer, Gunda Ebert - Dir. Prof. Tho- 28.03.2014 Giles, Vanessa Gray, Tony Bellette, Chris mas Schadt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058106 Betts, Peter Cook, Nicholas G. Cooper - Dir. Making of, Trailer David Lister Doku-Drama 2014 104min. Sadistic Massacre (k.J.) Fantasy/Abenteuer 2009 85min. Koch Media(Spirit Media) 20.03.2014 Schlaraffenhaus Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 BestellNr.: 20058416 Annika Strauß, Morad Azzaaoui, Selin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058342

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Bartève, Tatjana Köthe, Ingeborg Lapsien, Korpus, Igor Filtschenkov, Irina Narbekowa, Die Schöne und die Bestie (Blu- Günter Meisner, Armin Schawe, Jacques Hans-Peter Hallwachs - Dir. Hardy Martins ray) van Dooren, Jean Saudray, André Raffard, Drama/Abenteuer 2001 159min. Beauty And The Beast Evelyn Pianka, Guy Parigot, Michael EuroVideo Medien 13.03.2014 Estella Warren, Victor Parascos, Rhett Habeck, Roger Guillo, Hans Helmut Dickow, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058026 Giles, Vanessa Gray, Tony Bellette, Chris Edith Heerdegen, Patrick Lancelot, Yann Le Betts, Peter Cook, Nicholas G. Cooper - Dir. Bonniec, Charles Moulin, Nina Rothemund - Die Söhne des General Yang David Lister Dir. Sigi Rothemund Zhong Lie Yang Jia Jiang Fantasy/Abenteuer 2009 89min. Abenteuer 1981 289min. Adam Cheng, Fan Xu, Ekin Cheng, Yu Bo, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Vic Chou, Chen Li, Raymond Lam, Chun 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058367 21.03.2014 Wu, Xin Bo Fu, Bryan Leung, Bing Shao - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058179 Dir. Ronny Yu Die schönen Tage Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 98min. Les Beaux Jours Silent House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Fanny Ardant, Laurent Lafitte, Patrick Silent House 03.04.2014 Chesnais, Jean-François Stévenin, Fanny Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, Julia Taylor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058134 Cottençon, Catherine Lachens, Alain Ross, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Adam Barnett, Cauchi, Marie Rivière, Féodor Atkine, Olivia Haley Murphy - Dir. Chris Kentis Die Söhne des General Yang Cote, Marc Chapiteau - Dir. Marion Vernoux Audiokommentar, Trailer (Blu-ray) Thriller/Mystery 2011 88min. Entfallene Szene, B-Roll, Making of, Trailer Zhong Lie Yang Jia Jiang Bubblegum Movie AG 17.04.2014 Drama/Komödie 2013 91min. Adam Cheng, Fan Xu, Ekin Cheng, Yu Bo, tba BestellNr.: 20058550 Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 25.04.2014 Vic Chou, Chen Li, Raymond Lam, Chun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058284 Silent House (k.J.) Wu, Xin Bo Fu, Bryan Leung, Bing Shao - Dir. Ronny Yu Silent House Die schönen Tage (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 102min. Elizabeth Olsen, Adam Trese, Julia Taylor Les Beaux Jours Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ross, Eric Sheffer Stevens, Adam Barnett, Fanny Ardant, Laurent Lafitte, Patrick 03.04.2014 Haley Murphy - Dir. Chris Kentis Chesnais, Jean-François Stévenin, Fanny 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058162 Cottençon, Catherine Lachens, Alain Audiokommentar, Trailer Thriller/Mystery 2011 84min. Cauchi, Marie Rivière, Féodor Atkine, Olivia Bubblegum Movie AG 17.04.2014 Der Soldat James Ryan Cote, Marc Chapiteau - Dir. Marion Vernoux (Masterworks Collection) (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szene, B-Roll, Making of, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20058540 Drama/Komödie 2013 95min. Saving Private Ryan Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 25.04.2014 Simba Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Tom Sizemore, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058302 Simba Jeremy Davies, Vin Diesel, Adam Goldberg, Dirk Bogarde, Donald Sinden, Virginia Barry Pepper, Giovanni Ribisi, Matt Damon, Die schönsten Hundefilme (2 McKenna, Basil Sydney, Marie Ney, Joseph Dennis Farina, Ted Danson, Harve Presnell, Discs) Tomelty, Earl Cameron, Orlando Martins - Dale Dye, Bryan Cranston, David Wohl, Dir. Brian Desmond Hurst Paul Giamatti, Ryan Hurst, Harrison Young, The 12 Dogs of Christmas II / Angel Dog / Drama 1955 88min. Daniel Cerqueira, Erich Redman (Deutscher / The Painted Hills / Sayonara, Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) # 1), Tilo Keiner (Deutscher # 2), Stephen Kuro / Sherlock: Undercover Dog 28.03.2014 Grothgar (Deutscher # 3) - Dir. Steven Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 530min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058094 Spielberg MIG Film 03.04.2014 Kriegsfilm 1998 169min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058566 Sinister Encounters Paramount Home Search of Love Zwart Water Entertainment(DreamWorks) 03.04.2014 Hadewych Minis, Barry Atsma, Isabelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058477 Wristcutters: A Love Story Stokkel, Charlotte Arnoldy, Bart Slegers, Patrick Fugit, Shannyn Sossamon, Shea Warre Borgmans, Tibo Vandenborre, Els Something Necessary (OmU) Whigham, Tom Waits, Will Arnett, Leslie Dottermans, Viviane de Muynck - Dir. Elbert Something Necessary Bibb, John Hawkes, Abraham Benrubi, van Strien Susan Wanjiru, Walter Kipchumba Lgat, Mikal P. Lazarev, Sarah Roemer, Azura Trailer, Making of, Featurette David Koprotich Mutai, Anne Kimani, Skye, Nick Offerman, Mark Boone jr., Jake Horror/Mystery 2010 107min. Carolyne Chebiwott Kibet, Benjamin Busey, Clayne Crawford, Cameron Bowen, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 Nyagaka - Dir. Judy Kibinge Mary Pat Gleason, Chase Ellison, Adam 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058089 Interview Sherman - Dir. Goran Dukic Drama 2013 85min. Drama/Fantasy 2006 84min. Sinister Encounters (Blu-ray) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 28.03.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Marketing Zwart Water 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058520 Movies) 14.03.2014 Hadewych Minis, Barry Atsma, Isabelle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058482 Stokkel, Charlotte Arnoldy, Bart Slegers, Squatters Warre Borgmans, Tibo Vandenborre, Els Squatters Sein oder Nichtsein (Blu-ray) Dottermans, Viviane de Muynck - Dir. Elbert Richard Dreyfuss, Gabriella Wilde, Luke To Be Or Not To Be van Strien Grimes - Dir. Martin Weisz Jack Benny, Carole Lombard, Robert Stack, Trailer, Making of, Featurette Thriller 2014 101min. Felix Bressart, Stanley Ridges, Lionel Horror/Mystery 2010 111min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Atwill, Tom Dugan, Charles Halton - Dir. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 27.05.2014 Ernst Lubitsch 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058107 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058383 Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Drama 1942 98min. So weit die Füße tragen (Blu-ray) Der Staatsanwalt - Staffel 8 (3 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bernhard Bettermann, Michael Mendl, Discs) Germany(Arthaus) 24.04.2014 Anatoli Kotenjow, Irina Pantajewa, Iris Rainer Hunold, Fiona Coors, Marcus Mit- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058317 Böhm, Anna Herrmann, Pfarrer Adalbert termeier, Antje Schmidt, Astrid Posner, Rad- Mayer, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Antonio Wannek, ost Bokel, Simon Eckert, Therese Hämer - Silas (2 Discs) André Hennicke, Johannes Hitzblech, Ste- Dir. Martin Kinkel, Peter F. Bringmann, Boris Patrick Bach, Diether Krebs, Shmuel phan Wolf-Schoenburg, Alexander Keidies, Peter Fratzscher Rodensky, Lucki Molocher, Nelly Huet, Jefremov, Nikolai Kondrashkin, Wladimir Jimmy Karoubi, André Lacombe, Reine Kriminalfilm 350min.

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Edel Germany(Aviator) 28.03.2014 Universum Film Home AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058262 Entertainment(SquareOne) 02.05.2014 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 17.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058587 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058612 - Enterprise: Season 3 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Streetfighter 2050 (k.J.) Supercollider - The Black Hole Star Trek - Enterprise Bloodfist 2050 Apocalypse Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, Connor Matt Mullins, Joe Sabatino, Beverly Lynne - Supercollider Trinneer, Dominic Keating, Anthony Dir. Cirio H. Santiago Robin Dunne, Brendan Beiser, Amy Bailey, Montgomery, Linda Park, John Billingsley - Action 2005 min. Mia Nordstrom, Enzo Cilenti, Yana Dir. James L. Conway Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Marinova, Phil Rudy, Atanas Srebrev - Dir. Science Fiction 2001-2005 1026min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058189 Jeffery Scott Lando Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Trailer 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058221 Streng Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 84min. Une Histoire D’Amour Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.03.2014 Star Trek (Masterworks Benoît Poelvoorde, Laetitia Casta, Richard 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058034 Collection) (Blu-ray) Bohringer, Reda Kateb, Hervé Sogne, Philippe Nahon, Jean-François Stévenin - Supercollider - The Black Hole Star Trek Dir. Hélène Fillières Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Apocalypse (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer Supercollider Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Drama/Erotik 2013 77min. Robin Dunne, Brendan Beiser, Amy Bailey, Karl Urban, John Cho, , Anton Koch Media 17.04.2014 Mia Nordstrom, Enzo Cilenti, Yana Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058326 Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Marinova, Phil Rudy, Atanas Srebrev - Dir. Audiokommentar, BD-Live Streng (Blu-ray) Jeffery Scott Lando Science Fiction/Action 2009 126min. Trailer Une Histoire D’Amour Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 88min. Benoît Poelvoorde, Laetitia Casta, Richard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058514 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.03.2014 Bohringer, Reda Kateb, Hervé Sogne, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058052 Star Trek (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Philippe Nahon, Jean-François Stévenin - Dir. Hélène Fillières Star Trek (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) T - Der Profikiller Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer One Last Dance Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ben Cross, Drama/Erotik 2013 80min. Francis Ng, Ti Lung, Harvey Keitel, Vivian Bruce Greenwood, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Koch Media 17.04.2014 Hsu - Dir. Max Makowski Karl Urban, John Cho, Winona Ryder, Anton 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058358 Yelchin, Zoe Saldana, Leonard Nimoy, Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Thriller 2005 106min. Chris Hemsworth - Dir. J.J. Abrams Stripped - Frisches Fleisch (Blu- Audiokommentar, BD Live 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2009 126min. ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058230 Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2014 Stripped 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058220 Nicole Sienna, Josh Cole, Carson Aune, Tabu - Eine Geschichte von Liebe Alvaro Orlando, Joseph Buttler, Christina & Schuld (OmU) Stein der Geduld Aloupi, Nicholes Cole, Brittany Howe - Dir. Tabu Syngué Sabour Mark LaFleur, J.M.R. Luna Teresa Madruga, Laura Soveral, Ana Golshifteh Farahani, Hamid Djavadan, Thriller/Horror 2012 83min. Moreira, Carloto Cotta, Henrique Espirito Hassina Burgan, Massi Mrowat, Mohamed Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 Santo, Isabel Cardoso, Ivo Müller, Manuel Al Maghraoui, Malak Djaham Khazal, Faiz 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058593 Mesquita - Dir. Miguel Gomes Fazli, Hatim Seddik - Dir. Atiq Rahimi Kurzfilm, Interview, Booklet Making of, Interviews, Trailer Stripped - Frisches Fleisch (k.J.) Drama 2012 113min. Drama 2012 99min. Stripped good!movies(RealFiction) 28.03.2014 Rapid Eye Movies HE 14.03.2014 Nicole Sienna, Josh Cole, Carson Aune, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058079 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058039 Alvaro Orlando, Joseph Buttler, Christina Aloupi, Nicholes Cole, Brittany Howe - Dir. Taeter City (Blu-ray) (k.J.) StreetDanceKids - Gemeinsam Mark LaFleur, J.M.R. Luna Taeter City sind wir Stars Thriller/Horror 2012 80min. Monica Muñoz, Santiago Ortaez, Wilmar All Stars Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 Zimosa - Dir. Giulio De Santi Theo Stevenson, Akai Osei-Mansfield, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058569 Action/Horror 2012 68min. Ashley Jensen, Ashley Walters, Kevin da music(Laser Paradise) 07.02.2014 Bishop, Kimberley Walsh, John Suits - Season 1 (4 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058075 Barrowman, Fleur Houdijk, Amelia Clarkson, Suits Dominic Herman-Day, Gamal Toseafa - Dir. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 526min. Taeter City (k.J.) Ben Gregor Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Taeter City Drama/Musikfilm 2013 99min. 10.04.2014 Monica Muñoz, Santiago Ortaez, Wilmar Universum Film Home 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058142 Zimosa - Dir. Giulio De Santi Entertainment(SquareOne) 02.05.2014 Action/Horror 2012 65min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058560 Suits - Season 1 (4 Discs) (Blu- da music(Laser Paradise) 07.02.2014 ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058069 StreetDanceKids - Gemeinsam Suits sind wir Stars (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Drama/Kriminalfilm 2011 526min. Tage der Freiheit - Schlacht um ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mexiko 10.04.2014 Cinco De Mayo: La Batalla All Stars 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058166 Christian Vasquez, Liz Gallardo, William Theo Stevenson, Akai Osei-Mansfield, Miller, Javier Oliván, Jose Carlos Montes, Ashley Jensen, Ashley Walters, Kevin Die Sullivans - Staffel 3 (Folge Ginés Garcia Millan, Angelica Aragon (Doña Bishop, Kimberley Walsh, John Soledad), Mario Zaragoza, Kuno Becker, Barrowman, Fleur Houdijk, Amelia Clarkson, 101-150) (7 Discs) Noé Hernández, Antonio Merlano - Dir. Dominic Herman-Day, Gamal Toseafa - Dir. The Sullivans Rafael Lara Ben Gregor Booklet Drama/Familie 1978 1250min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 121min. Drama/Musikfilm 2013 103min.

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Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Lustig, Rudolf Martin, Julian Firth - Dir. stirbt niemals 13.05.2014 Harold Ramis Tokarev tba BestellNr.: 20058570 Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Biografien, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie, Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Peter Trailer Stormare, Danny Glover, Max Ryan, Michael Tage der Freiheit - Schlacht um Komödie 2000 90min. McGrady, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Aubrey Mexiko (Blu-ray) Capelight Pictures 14.03.2014 Peeples, Patrice Cols, Max Fowler, Jack Cinco De Mayo: La Batalla 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058037 Falahee - Dir. Paco Cabezas Christian Vasquez, Liz Gallardo, William Action/Thriller 2014 94min. Miller, Javier Oliván, Jose Carlos Montes, Teuflisch (Blu-ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Ginés Garcia Millan, Angelica Aragon (Doña Bedazzled tba BestellNr.: 20058321 Soledad), Mario Zaragoza, Kuno Becker, Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Frances Noé Hernández, Antonio Merlano - Dir. O’Connor, Miriam Shor, Orlando Jones, Paul Tokarev - Die Vergangenheit Rafael Lara Adelstein, Toby Huss, Gabriel Casseus, stirbt niemals (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 126min. Brian Doyle-Murray, Jeff Doucette, Aaron Tokarev Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Lustig, Rudolf Martin, Julian Firth - Dir. Nicolas Cage, Rachel Nichols, Peter 13.05.2014 Harold Ramis Stormare, Danny Glover, Max Ryan, Michael tba BestellNr.: 20058594 Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Biografien, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie, McGrady, Pasha D. Lychnikoff, Aubrey Trailer Peeples, Patrice Cols, Max Fowler, Jack Tattoo (Blu-ray) Komödie 2000 93min. Falahee - Dir. Paco Cabezas August Diehl, Christian Redl, Nadeshda Capelight Pictures 14.03.2014 Action/Thriller 2014 98min. Brennicke, Ilknur Bahadir, Jasmin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058057 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Schwiers, Johan Leysen, Monica Bleibtreu, tba BestellNr.: 20058353 Joe Bausch, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Fatih Teuflisch (Original und Remake) Cevikkollu, Florian Panzner, Ingo Naujoks - (3-Disc Limited Collector’s Editi- Top Gun (Masterworks Collection) Dir. Robert Schwentke (Blu-ray) Thriller 2002 108min. on, 2 Blu-rays, + DVD)) (Blu-ray) Top Gun Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Bedazzled / Bedazzled Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, 11.04.2014 Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Eleanor Bron, Anthony Edwards, Tom Skerritt, Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058403 Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Frances O’Connor - Dir. Stanley Donen, Harold Ironside, John Stockwell, Barry Tubb, Rick Team Umizoomi - Umigames Ramis Rossovich, Tim Robbins, Clarence Gilyard jr., Whip Hubley, James Tolkan, Meg Ryan, Team Umizoomi Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer Komödie 1967-2000 min. Adrian Pasdar, Randall Brady - Dir. Tony Linda Beck, Brandon Espinoza, Ethan Capelight Pictures 14.03.2014 Scott Kempner, Harry Chase, Madalynn LeClair, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058054 Audiokommentar, Making of, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Miranda Maley, Matt Pascua, Donovan Pat- Musikvideos, TV-Spots, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, ton, Roberta Reardon, Grayson Taylor There Be Dragons Interview Bonusepisode Action/Drama 1986 109min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 91min. There Be Dragons Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 03.04.2014 Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058515 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058501 Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Töten macht mich frei (k.J.) Der Teufelsgeiger Lemorande - Dir. Roland Joffé Vindication David Garrett, Jared Harris, Andrea Deck, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer Keith Fraser, Miguel Lopez, Jerry Murdock, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 min. Christian McKay, Joely Richardson, William Archiello, Henry Borriello, Raine Bubblegum Movie AG 11.04.2014 Veronica Ferres, Helmut Berger - Dir. Brown, Alan Rowe Kelly, Talia Marrero - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058503 Bernard Rose Dir. Bart Mastronardi Interviews There Be Dragons (Blu-ray) Horror/Drama 2006 85min. Historienfilm/Drama 2013 118min. Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 There Be Dragons Universum Film Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058183 11.04.2014 Charlie Cox, Wes Bentley, Dougray Scott, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058281 Unax Ugalde, Olga Kurylenko, Pablo Triple Crossed (OmU) Lapadula, Golshifteh Farahani, Rusty Triple Crossed Lemorande - Dir. Roland Joffé Der Teufelsgeiger (Blu-ray) Sean Paul Lockhart, Jack Brockett, Addison David Garrett, Jared Harris, Andrea Deck, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 min. Graham, Laura Reilly, Tellier Killaby, Christian McKay, Joely Richardson, Bubblegum Movie AG 11.04.2014 Matthew Campbell - Dir. Sean Paul Lockhart Veronica Ferres, Helmut Berger - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058516 Outtakes, Musikvideos, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Trailer Bernard Rose Drama/Thriller 2013 95min. Interviews Thor - The Dark Kingdom (Blu-ray PRO-FUN MEDIA 28.03.2014 Historienfilm/Drama 2013 123min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058572 Universum Film Home Entertainment 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) 11.04.2014 Thor - The Dark Kingdom Das ultimative Geschenk (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058299 Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Kat The Ultimate Gift Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Sir Anthony Drew Fuller, Brian Dennehy, James Garner, Der Teufelskreis Hopkins, Jaimie Alexander, Ray Stevenson, Abigail Breslin, Ali Hillis, Mircea Monroe, Dir. Andreas Voigt, ca. 5 Minuten); Trailer , Christopher Eccleston, Ade- Lee Meriwether, Donna Cherry, D. David Trailer, Hintergrundinfo wale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Tom Hiddleston, Morin, Bill Cobbs - Dir. Michael O. Sajbel Drama 1955 96min. Idris Elba - Dir. Alan Taylor Drama/Tragikomödie 2006 117min. ICESTORM Entertainment 17.03.2014 Featurettes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058454 Audiokommentar, Soundtrack, Trailer, Outtakes Fantasy/Action 2013 112min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058553 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Teuflisch Das ultimative Leben Bedazzled GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Marvel The Ultimate Live Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Frances Studios) 03.04.2014 Logan Bartholomew, James Garner, Peter O’Connor, Miriam Shor, Orlando Jones, Paul 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058175 Fonda, Ali Hillis - Dir. Russ Emanuel Adelstein, Toby Huss, Gabriel Casseus, Drama 2013 104min. Brian Doyle-Murray, Jeff Doucette, Aaron Tokarev - Die Vergangenheit EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2014

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20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058544 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rabenalt Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Booklet, Trailer Das ultimative Leben (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058067 Musikfilm 1953 92min. The Ultimate Live AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Logan Bartholomew, James Garner, Peter Verdammt nochmal... Wo bleibt AG(Filmjuwelen) 04.04.2014 Fonda, Ali Hillis - Dir. Russ Emanuel die Zärtlichkeit?, Teil 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058238 Drama 2013 109min. Zig Zag Story The Walking Death (Uncut) (Blu- EuroVideo Medien 09.04.2014 Diane Bellego, Christian Francoise, Fabrice 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058552 Luchini, Ronny Coutteure, Philippe ray) (k.J.) Khorsand - Dir. Patrick Schulmann State Of Emergency Ein Unbekannter rechnet ab - Trailer, Entfernte Szenen, Bildergalerie Jay Hayden, Tori White, Scott Lilly, Kathryn Zehn kleine Negerlein Komödie 1983 95min. Todd Norman, McKenna Jones, Andy Stahl, Oliver Reed, Lord Richard Attenborough, cmv-Laservision 28.02.2014 Loren Albanese, Bret Hopkins, Adam Gert Fröbe, Charles Aznavour, Elke Som- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058239 Donaldson - Dir. Turner Clay mer, Stéphane Audran, Herbert Lom, Maria Trailer Horror/Science Fiction 2011 90min. Rohm, Adolfo Celi, Alberto de Mendoza - Verfolgt und gejagt Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Dir. Peter Collinson The Beate Klarsfeld Story Booklet, Trailer Farrah Fawcett, Tom Conti, , 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058601 Kriminalfilm 1974 92min. Helene Vallier, Cathérine Allegret, Féodor AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Atkine, Vincent Gauthier, Claude Vernier, The Walking Death (Uncut) (k.J.) AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.03.2014 Jacques Vincey - Dir. Michael Lindsay- State Of Emergency 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058117 Hogg Jay Hayden, Tori White, Scott Lilly, Kathryn Drama 1986 100min. Todd Norman, McKenna Jones, Andy Stahl, Und tschüss - Komplettbox (7 MIG Film 10.04.2014 Loren Albanese, Bret Hopkins, Adam Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058574 Donaldson - Dir. Turner Clay Trailer Beate Abraham, Andreas Arnstedt, Daniel Verliebt in Molly Horror/Science Fiction 2011 86min. Berger, Gesine Cukrowski, Benno Fürmann, Sunfilm Entertainment 08.05.2014 Molly Maxwell Christian Kahrmann, Karlheinz Lemken, Tom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058580 Mikulla Lola Tash, Charlie Carrick, Krista Bridges, Komödie 1995-1998 859min. Rob Stewart, Richard Clarkin, Brooke War of the Undead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Palsson, Nicholas Bode, Lucy Gervais - Dir. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 The Dead Undead 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058224 Sara St. Onge Behind the Scenes, Trailer Luke Goss, Cameron Goodman, Vernon Wells, Spice Williams, Johnny Pacar - Dir. Unser Charly - Die kompletten Drama/Jugend 2013 86min. Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Matthew R. Anderson, Edward Conna Staffeln 1-4 (12 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057986 Wendecover, Trailer Ralf Lindermann, Karin Kienzer, Saskia Horror/Action 2010 97min. Valencia, Ralph Schicha, Frederike Moeller Verliebt in Molly (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058108 - Dir. Franz Josef Gottlieb, Helmut Molly Maxwell Förnbacher Lola Tash, Charlie Carrick, Krista Bridges, War of the Undead (k.J.) Komödie 2002 2285min. Rob Stewart, Richard Clarkin, Brooke The Dead Undead Edel Germany(Aviator) 28.03.2014 Palsson, Nicholas Bode, Lucy Gervais - Dir. Luke Goss, Cameron Goodman, Vernon 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058261 Sara St. Onge Behind the Scenes, Trailer Wells, Spice Williams, Johnny Pacar - Dir. Unser Haus in Kamerun Drama/Jugend 2013 90min. Matthew R. Anderson, Edward Conna Johanna von Koczian, Götz George, Hans Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Wendecover, Trailer Horror/Action 2010 93min. Söhnker, Horst Frank, Berta Drews, Walter 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 Rilla, Katrin Schaake, Helga Sommerfeld, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058090 Uwe Friedrichsen - Dir. Alfred Vohrer Victorious - Season drei, Volume Booklet zwei (2 Discs) Drama 1961 100min. WarGames - Kriegsspiele Victorious Pidax film media(Pidax film) 28.03.2014 Wargames Victoria Justice, Leon Thomas, Matt 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058346 , Dabney Coleman, John Bennett, Elizabeth Gillies, Ariana Grande, Wood, Ally Sheedy, Barry Corbin, Juanin Unter Feinden Avan Jogia, Daniella Monet - Dir. Steve Clay - Dir. John Badham Hoefer, David Kendall, Russ Reinsel, Adam Nicholas Ofczarek, Fritz Karl, Birgit Audiokommentar, Trailer Weissman, Clayton Boen Thriller/Science Fiction 1982 108min. Minichmayr, Melika Foroutan, Merab Komödie 2012 294min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ninidze, Halima Ilter, Tedros Teclebrhan, Paramount Home Germany(MGM/UA) 11.04.2014 Olgu Caglar, Bernd Stegemann, Ulas Kilic, Entertainment() 06.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058401 Meral Perin, Henry Stange, Fahri Yardim, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058216 Kida Khodr Ramadan, Tristan Seith, Ste- Was auch geschehen mag phan Schad, Milton Welsh, Maryam Zaree - Vier Fäuste und ein Buggy (3 The Shunning Dir. Lars Becker Danielle Panabaker, Sherry Stringfield, Bill Thriller/Drama 2013 90min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Oberst Jr., Burgess Jenkins, Tim Holt, Ri- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja / Zwei wie chard Fullerton - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. 04.04.2014 Pech und Schwefel / Vier Fäuste gegen Drama 2011 84min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058245 Rio Bud Spencer, Terence Hill Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Das Urteil von Nürnberg Trailer, Bildergalerie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058191 Action/Komödie 323min. Judgement At Nuremberg 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 24.04.2014 Was auch geschehen mag (Blu- Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058470 Widmark, Marlene Dietrich, Maximilian ray) The Shunning Schell, Montgomery Clift, William Shatner, Der Vogelhändler Judy Garland, Werner Klemperer - Dir. Danielle Panabaker, Sherry Stringfield, Bill Ilse Werner, Eva Probst, Erni Mangold, Wolf Stanley Kramer Oberst Jr., Burgess Jenkins, Tim Holt, Ri- Albach-Retty, Gerhard Riedmann, Günther Drama 1961 179min. chard Fullerton - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. Lüders, Siegfried Breuer - Dir. Arthur Maria

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Drama 2011 84min. na Moore, Jim Gaffigan, Megalyn The Wolf of Wall Street (Blu-ray) Great Movies GmbH 28.02.2014 Echikunwoke, Kevin McDonald, Cynthia The Wolf Of Wall Street 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058201 Lamontagne, Jim Rash, Marion Ross, Betty Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot White, Seth Green, Bret Harrison, Tom Pos- Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Web Therapy - Season 1 & 2 (4 ton, Jessica Simpson, James Avery, Mary Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, Jean Discs) Tyler Moore, Katey Sagal, Carolyn Dujardin, Cristin Milioti, Jon Bernthal, Ethan Web Therapy Hennesy, Jennifer , Jeff Doucette, Suplee, P.J. Byrne, Brian Sacca, Jean , , Victor Bob Clendenin, Howard Hesseman, Ron Dujardin, Jon Spinogatti - Dir. Martin Garber, Jennifer Elise Cox - Dir. Don Roos, Pearson, Lindsay Lohan, Alyson Hannigan, Scorsese Dan Bucatinsky Jackie Debatin, Christopher Masterson, Drama/Satire 2013 180min. Komödie/Drama 2011-2012 484min. Robert Hays, Lindsay Sloane, Bruce Willis, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) FilmConfect Home Entertainment Jamie Farr - Dir. David Trainer 30.05.2014 28.03.2014 Season-2-Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Dokumentation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058532 Komödie 1998-2006 572min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058521 Sunfilm Entertainment (Tiberius) 03.04.2014 The Wolf of Wall Street tba BestellNr.: 20058217 Weißer Terror (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) The Intruder Wings of Darkness The Wolf Of Wall Street William Shatner, Frank Maxwell, Beverly Gargoyle Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Lunsford, Robert Emhardt, Jeanne Cooper, Michael Paré, Sandra Hess, Fintan Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Leo Gordon, Charles Barnes - Dir. Roger McKeown, Kate Orsini, Tim Abell, William Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, Jean Corman Langlois - Dir. Jim Wynorski Dujardin, Cristin Milioti, Jon Bernthal, Ethan Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Suplee, P.J. Byrne, Brian Sacca, Jean Drama/Melodram 1961 80min. Action/Fantasy 2004 84min. Dujardin, Jon Spinogatti - Dir. Martin AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Scorsese AG(Subkultur) 04.04.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058329 Drama/Satire 2013 180min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058007 Wings of Darkness (Blu-ray 3D) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wenn die Liebe siegt (Blu-ray) 30.05.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058533 When Calls The Heart Gargoyle Poppy Drayton, Maggie Grace, Stephen Michael Paré, Sandra Hess, Fintan World War II Inferno Amell - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. McKeown, Kate Orsini, Tim Abell, William Dostawit Ljuboi Zenoi Drama 2013 85min. Langlois - Dir. Jim Wynorski Ewgenija Khiriwskaja, Dmitri Orlow, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Action/Fantasy 2004 87min. Miroslaw Bilonogij, Viktorija Malektorovych, 11.03.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Sergei Kalantay, Aleksandr Kobzar - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058223 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058361 Alexander Beresan Trailer Die wilden Siebziger - Die kom- Wings of Darkness (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 111min. plette 1. Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Gargoyle Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 That ’70s Show Michael Paré, Sandra Hess, Fintan 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058129 Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson, Laura McKeown, Kate Orsini, Tim Abell, William Prepon, Wilmer Valderrama, Debra Jo Rupp, Langlois - Dir. Jim Wynorski World War II Inferno (Blu-ray) Kurtwood Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Action/Fantasy 2004 87min. Dostawit Ljuboi Zenoi Grace, Don Stark, Tanya Roberts, Lisa Edel Germany(Starmovie) 28.03.2014 Ewgenija Khiriwskaja, Dmitri Orlow, Robin Kelly, Tommy Chong, Mo Gaffney, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058360 Miroslaw Bilonogij, Viktorija Malektorovych, Allison Munn, Luke Wilson, Josh Meyers, Sergei Kalantay, Aleksandr Kobzar - Dir. Tim Reid, Judy Tylor, Joanna Canton, Wo du zu Hause bist Alexander Beresan Shannon Elizabeth, Brooke Shields, Christi- Heart Of The Country Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 116min. na Moore, Jim Gaffigan, Megalyn Jana Kramer, Gerald McRaney, Randy Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 28.03.2014 Echikunwoke, Kevin McDonald, Cynthia Wayne - Dir. John Ward 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058160 Lamontagne, Jim Rash, Marion Ross, Betty Drama 2013 83min. White, Seth Green, Bret Harrison, Tom Pos- Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Wut im Bauch ton, Jessica Simpson, James Avery, Mary 10.03.2014 Over The Tyler Moore, Katey Sagal, Carolyn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058130 Michael Kramer, Pamela Ludwig, Matt Dillon, Hennesy, Jennifer Lyons, Jeff Doucette, Vincent Spano, Tom Fergus, Andy Romano, Bob Clendenin, Howard Hesseman, Ron Wolf Mountain Ellen Geer, Lane Smith - Dir. Jonathan Ka- Pearson, Lindsay Lohan, Alyson Hannigan, Legend Of The Wolf Mountain plan Jackie Debatin, Christopher Masterson, Bo Hopkins, Mickey Rooney, Robert Z’Dar, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover Robert Hays, Lindsay Sloane, Bruce Willis, David Shark - Dir. Craig Clyde Action 1978 91min. Jamie Farr - Dir. David Trainer Abenteuer 1992 90min. Winkler Film 11.04.2014 Dokumentation, Trailer, Promopalooza, Trivia Show MIG Film 03.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058113 Komödie 1998-2006 550min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058558 Sunfilm Entertainment (Tiberius) 03.04.2014 Zombie Dawn (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058222 The Wolf of Wall Street Zombie Dawn The Wolf Of Wall Street Felipe Lobos, Jorge Magni, Cristian Ramos, Die wilden Siebziger - Die kom- Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Pablo Tournelle, Guillermo Alfaro, Christo- plette 2. Staffel (3 Discs) Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle pher Offermann, Pamela Rojas - Dir. That ’70s Show Chandler, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, Jean Cristian Toledo, Lucio A. Rojas Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson, Laura Dujardin, Cristin Milioti, Jon Bernthal, Ethan Horror 2011 86min. Prepon, Wilmer Valderrama, Debra Jo Rupp, Suplee, P.J. Byrne, Brian Sacca, Jean Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 18.04.2014 Kurtwood Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Dujardin, Jon Spinogatti - Dir. Martin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058362 Grace, Don Stark, Tanya Roberts, Lisa Scorsese Robin Kelly, Tommy Chong, Mo Gaffney, Drama/Satire 2013 173min. Zombie Dawn (k.J.) Allison Munn, Luke Wilson, Josh Meyers, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Zombie Dawn Tim Reid, Judy Tylor, Joanna Canton, 30.05.2014 Felipe Lobos, Jorge Magni, Cristian Ramos, Shannon Elizabeth, Brooke Shields, Christi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058523 Pablo Tournelle, Guillermo Alfaro, Christo-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 48 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD pher Offermann, Pamela Rojas - Dir. Audrey Tautou, , Laurent Segundo, George Harrison, Sir Paul Cristian Toledo, Lucio A. Rojas Stocker, Françoise Bertin, Alain Sachs, McCartney, Eric Idle, Bob Marley, Margaret Horror 2011 83min. Firmine Richard, Béatrice Michel, Kahena James, Hugh Creek Peart, The Rolling Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 18.04.2014 Saïghi, Hélène Surgère, Alain Stern, Halima Stones, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Jim 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058328 Guizami, Juliette Arnaud, Danièle Lebrun - Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krieger - Dir. Claude Berri Dir. , Martin Scorsese, Kevin Zombie Death Horde Komödie 2007 93min. Macdonald, Tom DiCillo As Night Falls EuroVideo Medien(Prokino) 09.04.2014 Interviews, Audiokommentare, Bonus Songs, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Presseheft als PDF, Debbie Rochon, Deneen Melody, Raine 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058546 Wendecover Brown, Julie Anne, Rodney A. Grant, Grace Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 1999-2012 Chapman, Joe Davison, Jeremy King - Dir. Zusammen ist man weniger allein 648min. Joe Davison (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trailer, Making of Ensemble, C’ Est Tout Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 Horror 2010 87min. Audrey Tautou, Guillaume Canet, Laurent 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058294 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 Stocker, Françoise Bertin, Alain Sachs, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058452 Firmine Richard, Béatrice Michel, Kahena Zombie Death Horde (Blu-ray) Saïghi, Hélène Surgère, Alain Stern, Halima Guizami, Juliette Arnaud, Danièle Lebrun - As Night Falls Special Interest Dir. Claude Berri Debbie Rochon, Deneen Melody, Raine Komödie 2007 96min. Brown, Julie Anne, Rodney A. Grant, Grace EuroVideo Medien(Prokino) 09.04.2014 The Act of Killing (OmU) Chapman, Joe Davison, Jeremy King - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058554 The Act Of Killing Joe Davison Trailer, Making of Dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, Horror 2010 90min. Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg Anonym Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 11.04.2014 zur Hölle (Blu-ray) Dokumentarfilm 2012 153min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058473 Più Forte Ragazzi! Koch Media 20.02.2014 Bud Spencer, Terence Hill, Reinhard 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058111 Zombie Evilution Kolldehoff, Alexander Allerson, Cyril Evilution Cusack, Michel Antoine - Dir. Giuseppe The Act of Killing (OmU) (Blu-ray) Eric Peter-Kaiser, Sandra Ramírez, Tim Colizzi The Act of Killing Colceri, Noel Gugliemi, Guillermo Diaz, Action/Komödie 1972 105min. Dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, James Duval, Nathan Bexton, Jonathan 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.03.2014 Anonym Breck - Dir. Chris Conlee 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058268 Dokumentarfilm 2012 159min. Making of, Audiokommentar Koch Media 20.02.2014 Horror 2008 87min. Der zweite Mann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058121 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Max Riemelt, Anna Drijver, Richard Sammel, 13.03.2014 Fabian Busch, Franziska Weisz, Thorsten Auf dem Weg zur Schule 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058440 Merten - Dir. Christopher Lenke, Philip Sur Le Chemin De L’école Nauck Dir. Pascal Plisson Zombie Evilution (Blu-ray) Thriller/Mystery 2013 65min. Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2013 74min. Evilution 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 06.03.2014 Senator Home Entertainment 02.05.2014 Eric Peter-Kaiser, Sandra Ramírez, Tim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058226 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058559 Colceri, Noel Gugliemi, Guillermo Diaz, James Duval, Nathan Bexton, Jonathan Auf dem Weg zur Schule (Blu- Breck - Dir. Chris Conlee ray) Horror 2008 90min. Music Sur Le Chemin De L’école KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Dir. Pascal Plisson 13.03.2014 Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2013 77min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058464 Music Legends (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Senator Home Entertainment 02.05.2014 Buena Vista Social Club / George 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058586 Zombie Warz (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Harrison: Living in the Material World / Falls The Shadow Marley / Shine a Light / The Doors - When Justin Bieber’s Believe David Eby, Luke Hatmaker, Olivia Bishop, You’re Strange Justin Bieber’s Believe Ron Berryessa, Nomalanga Eniafe, Jesse Ry Cooder, Ruben Gonzales, Compay Justin Bieber - Dir. Jon M. Chu Warrick, Annie Thurman, Phil Perry - Dir. Segundo, George Harrison, Sir Paul Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Steven Berryessa McCartney, Eric Idle, Bob Marley, Margaret Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 89min. Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer James, Hugh Creek Peart, The Rolling Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Action/Horror 2011 93min. Stones, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Jim 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058184 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Morrison, John Densmore, Robby Krieger - 25.03.2014 Dir. Wim Wenders, Martin Scorsese, Kevin Justin Bieber’s Believe (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058378 Macdonald, Tom DiCillo Justin Bieber’s Believe Interviews, Audiokommentare, Bonus Songs, Featurette, Justin Bieber - Dir. Jon M. Chu Zombie Warz (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, Presseheft als PDF, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Falls The Shadow Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 92min. David Eby, Luke Hatmaker, Olivia Bishop, Dokumentarfilm/Musikfilm 1999-2012 Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Ron Berryessa, Nomalanga Eniafe, Jesse 661min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058199 Warrick, Annie Thurman, Phil Perry - Dir. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Steven Berryessa Germany(Arthaus) 10.04.2014 Justin Bieber’s Believe (Fan Edi- Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058318 tion, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Action/Horror 2011 90min. Justin Bieber’s Believe Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Music Legends (6 Discs) Justin Bieber - Dir. Jon M. Chu 25.03.2014 Buena Vista Social Club / George Booklet, Parfümprobe, Filmposter, Postkartenset, Entfallene 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058371 Harrison: Living in the Material World / und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer Marley / Shine a Light / The Doors - When Dokumentarfilm/Musik 2013 92min. Zusammen ist man weniger allein You’re Strange Capelight Pictures 11.04.2014 Ensemble, C’ Est Tout Ry Cooder, Ruben Gonzales, Compay 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058198

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28.02.2014 Bottled Life - Das Geschäft mit 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058194 Seen on IMAX - Unser wundervol- dem Wasser ler Planet (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Peter Brabeck, Res Gehriger, Ruquya Abdi The Human Scale (OmU) Dokumentation 391min. Ahmed, Bekele Negash, Maude Barlow, The Human Scale KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.04.2014 Michael Dana, Howard K. Dearborn, John Jan Gehl, Jiangyan Wang, Janet Sadik- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058048 Goldfall, John Dill, Ann Winn-Wentworth - Khan, Helle Søholt, Rob Adams, David Sim - Dir. Urs Schnell Dir. Andreas Dalsgaard Seen on IMAX - Unser wundervol- Dokumentarfilm 2011 90min. Trailer, u.a. Dokumentarfilm 2012 77min. ler Planet (5 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 17.04.2014 Dokumentation 391min. 21.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058555 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 14.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058373 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058032 Jackie Chan Topfighter Box Mein Weg nach Olympia Niko von Glasow, Matt Stutzman, Greg You Drive Me Crazy Top Fighter 1 / Top Fighter 2 / Die Super- Polychronidis, Christiane Reppe, Aida Husic Dir. Andrea Thiele faust Dahlen - Dir. Niko von Glasow Entfallene Szenen, Booklet, Interview, Trailer Jackie Chan Dokumentarfilm 2012 84min. Dokumentarfilm 2013 83min. Dokumentation 280min. good!movies(RealFiction) 28.03.2014 Senator Home Entertainment 17.04.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Elisa Film) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058386 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058393

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 51 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

result is an animated memoir like no other: clear-eyed and 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121844 unflinching, humorous and wry, and above all, inspiring in the Animation capacity of the human heart. Animation, Documentary, Family, Foreign, Chuggington: Explorer Koko French, Special Interest 2012 70min. Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, 4 Film Favorites: Tim Burton New Video DVD 29.04.2014 Television, Transportation min. Collection (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121994 Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Animation, Blu-ray, Collections, Comedy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122043 Fantasy, Movies, Stop Motion Animation Approved For Adoption (Blu-ray + min. DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) DC Super Heroes: The Filmation Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 This remarkable animated documentary traces the Adventures - Volume Two 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122192 unconventional upbringing of the filmmaker Jung Henin, one of Starring DC Comics favorites the Atom, the Flash, Green thousands of Korean children adopted by Western families Lantern and Hawkman, these action-packed Filmation : The Suitor after the end of the Korean War. It is the story of a boy Associates-produced adventures pit our heroes against alien stranded between two cultures. Sepia-toned animated invaders and fantastical creatures from strange worlds, all Featuring 16 full length episodes that highlight everyone’s vignettes - some humorous and some poetic - track Jung from intent on taking over planet Earth. This compilation features favorite characters from the land of Ooo, Adventure Time: The the day he first meets his new blond siblings, through each super hero in their own cartoon plus bonuses starring Suitor DVD is the latest addition to the very popular elementary school, and into his teenage years, when his the Justice League of America and the Teen Titans. Adventure Time volume series. is releasing emerging sense of identity begins to create fissures at home this sixth volume in the very successful DVD collection and ignite the latent biases of his adoptive parents. The Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On following the success of Adventure Time: Jake vs. Me-Mow filmmaker tells his story using his own animation intercut with Comic Book, Fantasy, Superheroes, Televi- and Adventure Time: Jake the Dad DVD releases. snippets of super-8 family footage and archival film. The sion min. Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, result is an animated memoir like no other: clear-eyed and unflinching, humorous and wry, and above all, inspiring in the Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Television capacity of the human heart. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122031 176min. Animation, Blu-ray, Documentary, Family, Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Foreign, French, Special Interest 2012 Dora The Explorer: Dora’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121850 70min. Magical Sleepover New Video DVD 29.04.2014 You’re invited to a magical sleepover at a museum with Dora, Adventures Of Batman: The 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122011 Diego, and Boots, where they’ll journey into a painting to Complete Series break the spell that turned Prince Miguel into a lion! Plus, help Dora and her horse Sparky on a wild ride, and travel to The Adventures of Batman was an American animated Aquarion - Season Two - Part Brazil to help Dora’s team win the Big Cup Soccer television series produced by Lou Schiemer’s Filmation Two (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Tournament! Vamonos! studios. The shorts were broadcast as part of The Batman/ Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Superman Hour in 1967. Over-the-top characters and catchy ray) dramatic music cues gave this version of Batman a realistic Educational, Educational, Family, Magic, look and feel - by cartoon standards of the day. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Nickelodeon, Preschool, Television 2013 Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- 71min. Comic Book, Superheroes, Television sion min. Nickelodeon 03.06.2014 331min. 27.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122126 Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122242 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121853 Z: Season 4 (Blu-ray) Batman: The Brave And The Bold Having returned victorious from their battle with Frieza, the Z Alice (Blu-ray) - The Complete First Season fighters can at last breathe a collective sigh of relief...But When Alice follows the White Rabbit into Wonderland, so they wont have long to rest. A new host of villains has begins this dream expedition into the astonishing landscape of Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On appeared, ready to wreak havoc on the Earth - and Goku, the childhood, through many dangerous adventures, and ultimately Comic Book, Children’s, Superheroes, Tele- Z Fighters’ greatest hero is still missing! In the face of these to Alice’s trial before the King and Queen of Hearts. Czech vision 572min. new dangers, a mysterious youth with Super Saiyan powers animator Jan Svankmajer has created a masterpiece of has come bearing a bleak prediction for the future: in just cinema, a strikingly original interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 three years’ time, an evil greater than any the Z fighters have classic tale. Svankmajer’s Alice remains true to the absurdity 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121849 ever faced will emerge to cast a shadow of destruction and of Carroll’s original, but bears the stamp of his own despair over the Earth. And if the young Saiyan’s prediction distinctive style and obsessions. Combining techniques of is correct, the Z fighters will have to train like they have animation and live action, he gives a new and fascinating The Berenstain Bears: Carnival never trained before in order to have any hope against these dimension to the timeless tale of childhood fantasies. seemingly unstoppable foes - the Androids! Coasters Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Boxed Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Book-To- A ream of free ride tickets given to Mama at the supermarket Film, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Stop prompts the Bear family to go to the amusement park. Brother Sets, International TV, Japanese, Martial Motion Animation 1988 86min. boasts to friends and family that hell fearlessly ride the Arts, Television 755min. legendary Thunderbolt roller coaster. However, when Brother Funimation 13.05.2014 First Run Features 15.04.2014 sees how scary the ride actually is, he spends the rest of his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122008 day desperately trying to avoid it. The moment of reckoning 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122189 for his boastful behavior comes as Brother is about to board the dreaded ride and backs out at the last moment. : Part Ten (Blu-ray + Antique Bakery Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, Kidnapped as a child, Keiichiro Tachibana’s had trouble DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) coming to terms with the haunting memory. He doesn’t Children’s, Family min. remember much, only that the kidnapper forced him to eat Phase 4 Films 29.04.2014 Action, Animation, Fantasy, Television sweets. As a way of dealing with his past, Tachnibana 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121941 300min. decides to open a bakery. But will his choice in staff - a Funimation 20.05.2014 playboy patisserie who’s been fired from every job he’s ever 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122241 had, an ex-boxer with a huge sweet tooth, and an absent- Blessings Of The Campanella minded childhood friend - be a recipe for disaster or success? Leicester Maycraft leads a life. His parents are Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, nobility and he spends his days crafting inventions and Flushed Away / Chicken Run / Japanese, Television 300min. questing alongside his friends in Clan Oasis. It also doesn’t Wallace & Gromit (Triple Feature) Bayview Entertainment 04.02.2014 hurt that every pretty girl in town is in love with him, including the Duke’s daughter, Carina Verriti. Life couldn’t possibly get Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121845 any better. Until it does. Energy from a supernatural meteor shower awakens the adorable automaton, Minette, who Computer Animation, Family, Movies, Triple imprints on Leicester as her „papa“. Just like that, Leicester’s Feature min. Approved For Adoption entourage of beautiful girls goes from flattering to ridiculous. DreamWorks Home Ent. 13.05.2014 This remarkable animated documentary traces the Joined by Sacred Knight Chelsea Arcot and automaton artisan unconventional upbringing of the filmmaker Jung Henin, one of Agnes Boulange, Clan Oasis sets out to discover Minette’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121969 thousands of Korean children adopted by Western families origin. But all work and no play isn’t exactly what these after the end of the Korean War. It is the story of a boy adventurers have in mind. They’ll get around to solving the Franklin And Friends: Franklin’s stranded between two cultures. Sepia-toned animated mystery - when they’re not performing oddball quests or vignettes - some humorous and some poetic - track Jung from hanging out at the beach! Earth Day the day he first meets his new blond siblings, through Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Franklin is overly excited to lead the Nature Nuts in an Earth elementary school, and into his teenage years, when his tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Day clean-up. As his team dwindles to one - himself - he emerging sense of identity begins to create fissures at home realizes that his overzealousness isn’t accomplishing and ignite the latent biases of his adoptive parents. The vision 300min. anything. filmmaker tells his story using his own animation intercut with Bayview Entertainment 04.02.2014 snippets of super-8 family footage and archival film. The Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Television min. Ferguson - Dir. Chris Sanders, Dean new friends to Lalaloopsy Land: a group of talking ponies! The ponies are eager to put on a show, but there’s a hitch... their Phase 4 Films 01.04.2014 Deblois caravan and need rebuilding. With teamwork, know- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121954 A winner with audiences and critics alike, DreamWorks how, and lots of laughter and fun, the Lalas get the ponies up Animation’s How To Train Your Dragon rolls fire-breathing and running again! action, epic adventure and laughs into a captivating and Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, : Season Two - Alternate original story. Hiccup is a young Viking who defies tradition when he befriends one of his deadliest foes - a ferocious Friendships, Television min. Art (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- dragon he calls Toothless. Together, the unlikely heroes must Lionsgate 08.04.2014 ray) fight against all odds to save both their worlds in this „wonderful good-time hit!“ (Gene Shalit, Today) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121862 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- tion, Blu-ray, Comedy, Computer Animation, Looney Tunes: Center Stage - sion 300min. Family, Fantasy, Medieval Times, Movies Volume Two Funimation 13.05.2014 2010 98min. Propelled by the creative genius of Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122224 DreamWorks Home Ent. 27.05.2014 and Friz Freleng, Warner Brothers’ Looney Tunes introduced the world to some of the greatest cartoon characters to ever 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122183 grace the animated cel: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Haganai: Season Two - Limited Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Speedy Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) How To Train Your Dragon Gonzalez, Pepe LePew, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, Tweety, Sylvester, Marvin the Martian, Tasmanian Devil, and (Blu-ray) (Repackage) many more. This release includes the first six volumes in the Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, T.J. Miller, Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, America Looney Tunes Golden Collection. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Ferrera, Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Classics, Comedy, Family, Television min. sion 300min. Ferguson - Dir. Chris Sanders, Dean Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Funimation 13.05.2014 Deblois 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122033 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122223 A winner with audiences and critics alike, DreamWorks Animation’s How To Train Your Dragon rolls fire-breathing action, epic adventure and laughs into a captivating and The New Adventures Of Here Comes Peter Cottontail original story. Hiccup is a young Viking who defies tradition (Repackage) when he befriends one of his deadliest foes - a ferocious Superman: Season 2 & 3 dragon he calls Toothless. Together, the unlikely heroes must These adventures were the first time that Superman (and his Vincent Price, Jeff Thomas, Greg Thomas, fight against all odds to save both their worlds in this alter ego Clark Kent), Lois Lane and Perry White had been Iris Rainer , , Casey Kasem, „wonderful good-time hit!“ (Gene Shalit, Today) seen in animated form since they were immortalized in the Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- Joan Gardner, Danny Kaye - Dir. Jules iconic Superman short films of the 1940s. In addition, this tion, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, series marked the animation debut of Jimmy Olsen and classic Bass Fantasy, Medieval Times, Movies 2010 Superman villains like Lex Luthor and Brainiac. This animated Animation, Children’s, Classics, Family, Superman was forerunner show that lead to all the subsequent 98min. Movies, Rankin / Bass, Stop Motion Animati- animated superhero programming. DreamWorks Home Ent. 27.05.2014 Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On on, Television, TV Movies 1971 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122125 Comic Book, Fantasy, Superheroes, Televi- Anderson Merchandisers 18.02.2014 sion 192min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121898 Ice Age: 4 Movie Set Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121851 Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary - Dir. Chris Wedge Season 2 - Volume 1 It’s quadruple the super-cool fun with this Ice Age 4-Movie Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - The action heats up with the first five episodes of Hot Wheels Set that includes all four full-length movies. Bring home Scrat, Battle Force 5: Fused Season 2! While the stakes were high Manny, Sid, Diego and all your favorite characters in these Demon Capital Set Two in Season 1, they get even higher in Season 2 as a greater, outrageously funny adventures. Third Heir Rikuo Nura and his Night Parade of a Hundred more dangerous enemy races onto the interdimensional Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Demons enter the city of Kyoto to stop Hagoromo-Gitsune’s battlefield: the Red Sentients! Battle Force 5 (better known as reign of terror. But their high spirits quickly turn into despair BF5) is led by Vert Wheeler and a stellar team of teen Children’s, Collections, Comedy, Computer when the Kyoto yokai Tsuchi-Gumo decimates the Nura Clan drivers. Their only goals are to protect their Blue Sentient Animation, Family, Movies min. single-handedly and takes Tsurara hostage. Now it’s a race mentor, Sage, and to destroy the evil twin Red Sentients. 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 against time as Rikuo struggles to save Tsurara and reach Armed with their futuristic arsenal on wheels, the BF5 ride Nijo Castle before Hagoromo-Gitsune gives birth to Nue, a fearlessly into the face of danger protecting Sage, and Earth, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121988 being that would bring an end to both humans and yokai! from barbaric predators. Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Adventure, Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, Ice Age: 4 Movie Set (Blu-ray) Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Cartoon Network, Children’s, Computer Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary sion 300min. Animation, Science Fiction, Television - Dir. Chris Wedge Viz Entertainment 20.05.2014 112min. It’s quadruple the super-cool fun with this Ice Age 4-Movie 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122327 New Video DVD 01.04.2014 Set that includes all four full-length movies. Bring home Scrat, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121995 Manny, Sid, Diego and all your favorite characters in these outrageously funny adventures. Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan - Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: Demon Capital Set Two (Blu-ray) Blu-ray, Children’s, Collections, Comedy, Third Heir Rikuo Nura and his Night Parade of a Hundred Season 2 - Volume 2 Computer Animation, Family, Movies min. Demons enter the city of Kyoto to stop Hagoromo-Gitsune’s Grab a seat for episodes 6-10 of Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 reign of terror. But their high spirits quickly turn into despair Fused Season 2! Vert Wheeler and his crew of super teen 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121983 when the Kyoto yokai Tsuchi-Gumo decimates the Nura Clan drivers take the fight to the enemy! The Battle Force 5 must single-handedly and takes Tsurara hostage. Now it’s a race protect their Blue Sentient mentor, Sage, and figure out a way against time as Rikuo struggles to save Tsurara and reach to destroy Krytus, leader of the Red Sentients and Sage’s evil The Jungle Book: Cobra Egg Nijo Castle before Hagoromo-Gitsune gives birth to Nue, a twin. Fueled by molten antimatter energy, BF5’s vehicles being that would bring an end to both humans and yokai! transform into armored battle vehicles and into bigger, more Quest Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- incredible fusion vehicles to help them overthrow Krytus plan Rudyard Kipling’s classic characters are swinging back into ray, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, of becoming the all-powerful leader of the multiverse and action in The Jungle Book: Cobra Egg Quest. On the night of prevent him from destroying the Blue Sentient civilization. the Council of Wolves, Phaona tries to take over as leader of Television min. Adventure, Animation, Cars & Motorcycles, the pack when Akela gets bitten by a snake. With Ikki’s help, Viz Entertainment 20.05.2014 Mowgli volunteers to go to the village to fetch some medicine. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122343 Cartoon Network, Children’s, Computer But on his way back he is met by Phaona who tries to stand in Animation, Science Fiction, Television his way from saving Akela. Join Mowgli, Baloo and friends 112min. with over 60 minutes of Jungle fun in an exciting adventure for The Nut Job 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- New Video DVD 01.04.2014 the whole pack. Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121996 mation, Children’s, Jungle 72min. Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Maya Phase 4 Films 25.02.2014 Rudolph, Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, How To Train Your Dragon (Blu- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122271 , Brendan Fraser, Liam ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Neeson PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which T.J. Miller, Kristen Wiig, Jonah Hill, America Lalaloopsy: Ponies The is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Ferrera, Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Hold your horses, the Lalaloopsy girls are welcoming some A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA standard Blu-ray players It’s time to go nuts for this action- Road To El Dorado / Sinbad: Le- Sinister Six: Electro, Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Sandman, packed comedy featuring the all-star talents of Will Arnett, Rhino and Shocker. While these criminals are almost more Brendan Fraser, Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Liam Neeson, gend Of The Seven Seas / Jo- than Spidey can handle, his real struggle becomes an internal Maya Rudolph and Katherine Heigl. Surly (Arnett) is a one. The stress is enough to drive a high school Super Hero mischievous squirrel with a mission: to find the tastiest nuts seph: King Of Dreams over the edge, but making mistakes and learning lessons is all for winter. When he discovers a whole store filled with his Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, in a days work for the Spectacular Spider-Man! favorite food, he plans a heist of nutrageous proportions. But Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On the place turns out to be owned by ruthless bank robbers, so Family, Movies, Triple Feature min. it’s up to Surly and his furry friends to stop the nearby bank DreamWorks Home Ent. 13.05.2014 Comic Book, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, heist and save the town. The fur is sure to fly in this hilarious 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121970 Fantasy, Television 590min. adventure that critics are calling „Funny and witty! For kids of PBS Home Video 22.04.2014 all ages!“ (Jeffrey Lyons, Lyons Den Radio, WCBS) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122153 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Saint Seiya: Sancutary - Classic Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Comedy, Computer Collection Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Animation, Family, Movies 2014 85min. In the times of myths, there were young boys who were in Universal Studios 15.04.2014 charge of protecting the Goddess Athena. These boys, called (Blu-ray) the Saints of Athena, were said to have tremendous power. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122080 Their fists would crack the sky, and their kicks were powerful Matt Damon - Dir. Kelly Asbury, Lorna Cook enough to cut through the earth. Mitsumasa Kido of the Graad From the studio that brought you Shrek, winner of the first The Nut Job Foundation held a strong interset in these Saints, and sent Academy Award for Best Animated Film, comes Spirit: Stallion over 100 young boys to dangerous places all over the world to Of The Cimarron. Critics are applauding this must-see motion Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Maya train them to become Saints. Six years later, 10 boys who picture adventure as „an instant classic“ (Clay Smith, Access Rudolph, Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, survived the severe training came back to Japan and brought Hollywood) and „one of the most beautiful and exciting back the official of a Saint, „the Cloth.“ Saori, the animated features ever made“ (Leonard Maltin, Hot Ticket). Stephen Lang, Brendan Fraser, Liam granddaughter of Mitsumasa, takes on Mitsumasa’s will and Join Spirit, a wild young mustang, as he sets up on an action- Neeson decides to hold a championship tournament called the packed quest against impossible odds to regain his freedom It’s time to go nuts for this action-packed comedy featuring the Galaxian Wars to have the Saints fight for the greatest symbol and save his . In this courageous and thrilling all-star talents of Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Gabriel of the Saints, the „Gold Cloth.“ Now, the battle between the journey across the majestic wilderness of the American Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Liam Neeson, Maya Rudolph and Saints begins. frontier, Spirit forms a remarkable friendship with a young Katherine Heigl. Surly (Arnett) is a mischievous squirrel with Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Cult Lakota brave, outwits a relentless squadron of soldiers, and a mission: to find the tastiest nuts for winter. When he falls for a beautiful mare named Rain. Spirit: Stallion Of The discovers a whole store filled with his favorite food, he plans Film / TV, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Cimarron is a spectacular tale about discovering the true hero a heist of nutrageous proportions. But the place turns out to International TV, Japanese, Science inside of you. be owned by ruthless bank robbers, so it’s up to Surly and his Fiction, Television min. Animals & Nature, Animation, Blu-ray, furry friends to stop the nearby bank heist and save the town. Family, Horses, Movies 2002 83min. The fur is sure to fly in this hilarious adventure that critics New Video DVD 15.04.2014 are calling „Funny and witty! For kids of all ages!“ (Jeffrey 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122021 DreamWorks Home Ent. 13.05.2014 Lyons, Lyons Den Radio, WCBS) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122007 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Shuriken School: The Ninja’s Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Tenkai Knights: Rise Of The Movies 2014 85min. Secret A new generation of ninja has emerged! They are agile, quick, Knights Universal Studios 15.04.2014 invisible, and they do not use GPS! Shuriken School: The Ripped through space and time, four teenagers emerge in a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122068 Ninja’s Secret follows Eizan, Jimmy and Okuni, three friends new world where everything can transform, combine and who must release their inner ninjas when Eizan’s dad is shape shift. Holding the fate of the universe in their powerful kidnapped by professionals. After one solid year of training at robotic hands, the unlikely heroes must master amazing The Nut Job (Blu-ray + DVD + Shuriken School where they learned to melt into walls, fly powers in order to stop an evil army of shape shifting robots UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) over rooftops and disappear in a cloud of smoke, the boys are from destroying two worlds. prepared to find and rescue Eizan’s dad before it’s too late. Action, Animation, Giant Robots, Robots / Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Maya Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Androids, Space, Television 2013 72min. Rudolph, Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Television 75min. Phase 4 Films 04.02.2014 Stephen Lang, Brendan Fraser, Liam New Video DVD 15.04.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121833 Neeson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121990 It’s time to go nuts for this action-packed comedy featuring the all-star talents of Will Arnett, Brendan Fraser, Gabriel This Is America, Charlie Brown Iglesias, Jeff Dunham, Liam Neeson, Maya Rudolph and : Heroes Of The Under- Katherine Heigl. Surly (Arnett) is a mischievous squirrel with (Repackage) a mission: to find the tastiest nuts for winter. When he ground Animation, Based On A Comic Strip, discovers a whole store filled with his favorite food, he plans Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, a heist of nutrageous proportions. But the place turns out to Comedy, Family, History & Events, Musical, be owned by ruthless bank robbers, so it’s up to Surly and his Family, Magic, Science Fiction, Television Television 1988 192min. furry friends to stop the nearby bank heist and save the town. 2012 110min. Warner Bros. 17.06.2014 The fur is sure to fly in this hilarious adventure that critics Shout Factory 04.03.2014 are calling „Funny and witty! For kids of all ages!“ (Jeffrey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122165 Lyons, Lyons Den Radio, WCBS) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121900 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Thomas & Friends: Railway Blu-ray, Comedy, Computer Animation, Snow Queen Mischief Family, Movies 2014 85min. Cindy Robertson, Doug Erholtz, Jessica Cinders and Ashes! There’s trouble on the tracks for Thomas Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Straus, Erin Fitzgerald, Wendee Lee - Dir. and his friends. Gordon and Cranky don’t want to listen to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122079 Vladlen Barbe Really Useful advice from Paxton and Kevin. Scruff, Winston Snow Queen is based on the beloved fairy tale by Hans and Stafford lose track of themselves, causing confusion and Christian Andersen (author of memorable tales such as The delay! Sometimes engines need a little help from their friends PAW Patrol Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, The Ugly Duckling and The to chuff and puff Full Steam Ahead! PAW Patrol is a CG, action-adventure preschool series Princess And The Pea). The ice-cold Snow Queen wishes to Animation, Children’s, Family, Stop Motion starring a pack of six heroic puppies: Chase, Marshall, turn the world into a frozen landscape, with no light, no joy, Animation, Television, Transportation 2013 Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Skye, who are led by a tech-savvy no happiness, and no free will. A young man, Kai, is rumored 10-year-old boy named Ryder. With a unique blend of to be the son of a man who is the queen’s only remaining min. problem-solving skills, cool vehicles and lots of cute doggy threat. He is abducted and held captive in the queen’s palace, Lionsgate 15.04.2014 humor, the PAW Patrol works together on high-stakes rescue and it’s up to his sister, Gerda, to rescue him. Gerda journeys 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121863 missions to protect the Adventure Bay community. From across an icy land, facing difficult obstacles and meeting Marshall the firedog to Chase the police pup to Skye, who wonderful new friends that help her in her quest to set Kai flies high in her copter, each pup brings unique personality free, defeat the Snow Queen, and save the world from eternal Transformers Prime: Ultimate and skill to the team, modeling the importance of teamwork and frost. good citizenship. They all have special Pup Packs on their Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Bumblebee backs to help them handle anything - from rescuing kittens to Action, Animation, Children’s, Family, Giant saving a train from a rockslide! And no matter how big the Movies 2012 76min. adventure, the PAW Patrol always has time for a game, a Anderson Merchandisers 28.01.2014 Robots, Science Fiction, Superheroes, laugh, and an ear scratch from Ryder. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121762 Television 88min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Shout Factory 25.02.2014 Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool, Television The Spectacular Spider-Man: The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122038 2013 117min. Nickelodeon 13.05.2014 Complete First And Second WordWorld: Train Escapade 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121986 Season (Blu-ray) Animated Animals, Children’s, Children’s / This adventure finds our hero tackling more Super Villains both old and new, including Chameleon, Venom and the Educational, Computer Animation, Family,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

PBS, Preschool, Television 60min. knowledge that he can stop playing at anytime if only to lose After a treacherous warlord kills their master and banishes every penny that he’s won. Trapped into the horrors their kind, 47 leaderless samurai vow to seek vengeance and NCircle Entertainment 21.01.2014 manipulated by unseen spectators, Elliot’s need to complete reclaim their honor. This band of ronin must seek help from 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122273 the game as the tasks grow more extreme, to a devastating Kai (Reeves) - an enslaved half-breed they once rejected - in point of no return. their ultimate fight for redemption in a savage world of mythic Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 92min. and wondrous terrors. Kai becomes their most deadly weapon and the heroic inspiration for these outnumbered warriors to Starz / Anchor Bay 17.06.2014 confront their enemy and seize eternity. Film 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122365 Action, Adventure, Epics, Fantasy, Movies, Samurai 2013 118min. 1939: Battle Of Westerplatte (Blu- Universal Studios 01.04.2014 10 Movie Horror Pack Vol. 10 ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121868 Leslie Nielsen, Paul Gleason, Christina Jan Englert, Miroslaw Zbrojewicz, Piotr Applegate, Molly Ringwald, Jamie Lee Adamczyk, Michal Zebrowski - Dir. Pawel 47 Ronin (Blu-ray + DVD + Curtis, Helen Hunt Chochlew Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thril- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- lers 878min. , ry, Blu-ray, Movies, War, World War II 2012 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Keanu Reeves stars in the action-adventure epic, 47 Ronin. 118min. After a treacherous warlord kills their master and banishes 06.05.2014 E1 Entertainment 20.05.2014 their kind, 47 leaderless samurai vow to seek vengeance and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122169 reclaim their honor. This band of ronin must seek help from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122277 Kai (Reeves) - an enslaved half-breed they once rejected - in their ultimate fight for redemption in a savage world of mythic 10 Movie Horror Pack Vol. 9 4 Film Favorites: Clint Eastwood and wondrous terrors. Kai becomes their most deadly weapon Jaime Pressly, Leighton Meester, Bela and the heroic inspiration for these outnumbered warriors to Action (Blu-ray) confront their enemy and seize eternity. Lugosi, Lisa Zane, Edward Furlong Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Epics, Fantasy, Clint Eastwood - Dir. Clint Eastwood Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thril- Movies, Samurai 2013 118min. Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Cops, Movies, lers, Zombies 850min. Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Science Fiction, Thrillers min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121880 06.05.2014 Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122191 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122198 47 Ronin 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray 12 Years A Slave 4 Film Favorites: Colossal Mon- + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ster Collection (Blu-ray) Hiroyuki Sanada, Keanu Reeves Michael Fassbender, Michael K. Williams, PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Chiwetel Ejiofor - Dir. Steve McQueen Collections, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Mon- is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. From acclaimed director Steve McQueen comes this „deeply sters, Movies min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all evocative and brilliantly acted“ film (Claudia Puig, USA standard Blu-ray players Keanu Reeves stars in the action- Today) based on the true story of Solomon Northup. It is 1841, Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 adventure epic, 47 Ronin. After a treacherous warlord kills and Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor in a gripping performance), an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122193 their master and banishes their kind, 47 leaderless samurai accomplished, free citizen of New York, is kidnapped and vow to seek vengeance and reclaim their honor. This band of sold into slavery. Stripped of his identity and deprived of all ronin must seek help from Kai (Reeves) - an enslaved half- dignity, Northup is ultimately purchased by ruthless plantation 4 Film Favorites: Comic breed they once rejected - in their ultimate fight for owner Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender) and must find the Collections (Blu-ray) redemption in a savage world of mythic and wondrous terrors. strength within to survive. Filled with powerful performances Kai becomes their most deadly weapon and the heroic by an astonishing cast that includes Benedict Cumberbatch, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, inspiration for these outnumbered warriors to confront their Brad Pitt and newcomer Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years A Slave is Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Fantasy 128min. enemy and seize eternity. both an unflinching account of slavery in American history and Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, a celebration of the indomitable power of hope. Epics, Fantasy, Movies, Samurai 2013 Biography, Biopics, Drama, History & 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122334 118min. Events, Movies 2013 134min. Universal Studios 01.04.2014 20th Century Fox 04.03.2014 4 Film Favorites: Dirty Harry 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121881 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121830 Collection (Blu-ray) Sondra Locke, Robert Urich, Tyne Daly, 12 Years A Slave (Blu-ray + 513 Degrees (Blu-ray) Bradford Dillman, John Larch, Clint Brothers Mike and Tre set out in search of better lives, trying UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Eastwood, John Vernon, Mitchell Ryan, to leave their demons behind for good. After being released Reni Santoni, Harry Guardino, Hal Holbrook, from prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Mike’s only care in Michael Fassbender, Michael K. Williams, the world is to protect his young daughter from an unforgiving Chiwetel Ejiofor - Dir. Steve McQueen Felton Perry, David Soul, Andy Robinson - ex. But the justice that awaits him on the streets is far worse From acclaimed director Steve McQueen comes this „deeply Dir. Clint Eastwood, Ted Post, Don Siegel, than anything Mike had experienced in prison. His older evocative and brilliantly acted“ film (Claudia Puig, USA James Fargo brother Tre begrudgingly agrees to one last „delivery,“ Today) based on the true story of Solomon Northup. It is 1841, attempting to free Mike and his new girlfriend from the grips of and Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor in a gripping performance), an Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Cops, Cops On the criminal underworld. What transpires is a wild accomplished, free citizen of New York, is kidnapped and The Edge, Crime, Movies, Multi-Feature misadventure where multiple lives intersect, and where sold into slavery. Stripped of his identity and deprived of all Discs, Thrillers 1971 min. decisions are made that will everyone forever. dignity, Northup is ultimately purchased by ruthless plantation Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies 105min. owner Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender) and must find the Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 strength within to survive. Filled with powerful performances 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122335 E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 by an astonishing cast that includes Benedict Cumberbatch, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121788 Brad Pitt and newcomer Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years A Slave is both an unflinching account of slavery in American history and 4 Film Favorites: Guy Comedies a celebration of the indomitable power of hope. (Blu-ray) 70 Classic Western Stories Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, History Leo Carillo, Jack Elam, Jim Davis, Clayton Comedy, Movies min. & Events, Movies 2013 134min. Moore, Jay Silverheels, Duncan Renaldo, New Line Home Entertainment 06.05.2014 20th Century Fox 04.03.2014 Denver Pyle, Edgar Buchanan, Scott Brady, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122349 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121839 Lee Van Cleef, Slim Pickens, , Mary Castle 13 Sins 4 Film Favorites: Will Ferrell Action, Adventure, Classics, Collections, Mark Webber, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Tom (Blu-ray) Family, Television, Western 1784min. Bower, Ron Perlman - Dir. Daniel Stamm Will Ferrell Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Elliot Brindle (Mark Webber) is a bright, meek salesman, Collections, Comedy, Movies min. 13.05.2014 drowning in debt - and desperate as he’s about to marry the Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122172 love of his life. Upon receiving a phone call informing him that he’s on a hidden camera game show where he must execute 13 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122194 tasks to receive a sum total cash prize of $6.2M, Elliot 8 Movie Serial Killers: Volume dismissively follows through with his first two instructions: 47 Ronin swat the fly that is currently bothering him, then eat the fly. Two With thousands of dollars suddenly appearing in his bank Hiroyuki Sanada, Keanu Reeves Dale Midkiff, Billy Campbell, , account, Elliot remains skeptical, though comforted by the Keanu Reeves stars in the action-adventure epic, 47 Ronin. Dean Winters, Dylan Baker, Keith

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Carradine, Thora Birch, Drew Barrymore, Ace In The Hole: The Criterion Jamey Sheridan, Barbara Hershey Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Alexander: Ultimate Cut - 10th Collections, Crime, Documentary, Drama, Annivesary Collector’s Edition Horror, Serial Killers, Special Interest, Thril- (Blu-ray) lers, TV Movies 678min. Jan Sterling, Kirk Douglas - Dir. Billy Wilder (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Billy Wilder’s Ace in the Hole is one of the most scathing Colin Farrell, Rosario Dawson, Jared Leto, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment indictments of American culture ever produced by a Holly- 13.05.2014 wood filmmaker. Kirk Douglas (Spartacus) gives the fiercest , Anthony Hopkins, Val Kilmer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122170 performance of his career as Chuck Tatum, an amoral - Dir. newspaper reporter who washes up in dead-end Albuquerque, Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, happens upon the scoop of a , and will do anything to Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, 88 Minutes / And Justice For All keep getting the lurid headlines. Wilder’s follow-up to Sunset Boulevardis an even darker vision, a no-holds-barred expose Movies 2004 min. (Double Feature) of the American medias appetite for sensation that has gotten Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 Crime, Double Features, Drama, Movies, only more relevant with time. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122336 Thrillers 226min. Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, On The Job 1951 111min. Image Ent. 20.05.2014 The Altar Of Lust / Angel On Fire 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122269 Criterion 06.05.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122129 (Double Feature) 88 Minutes / Desperate Measures Jamie Gillis, Eric Edwards, Harry Reems, Sarah Nicholson - Dir. Roberta Findlay / Arlington Road (Triple Feature) Acts Of The Apostles: The Bible Series Double Features, Drama, Erotica, Movies 325min. 156min. Robert Brubaker, Nelson Leigh, Chris Image Ent. 13.05.2014 CAV 11.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122267 Drake, Keith Richards Acts Of The Apostles is a story of Pentecost; the early Chri- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121897 stian movement; the ordination of laymen; the campaign to wipe 90’s Night In: 8 Movies Collection out Jesus’ followers by Saul of Tarsus. American Graffiti Vivendi Visual Entertainment, Historical / Carmen Electra, Claudia Christian, Wolfman Jack, Charles Martin Smith, Ron Period Piece, Movies, Religion/Spirituality Mackenzie Astin, Debra Winger, Jennifer Howard, Suzanne Somers, Mackenzie 1957 150min. Love Hewitt, Thomas Jane, Jay Mohr, Dylan Phillips, Paul LeMat, Candy Clark, Cindy Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.05.2014 McDermott, Salma Hayek, Jami Gertz, Williams, Richard Dreyfuss, Harrison Ford - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122357 Stephen Baldwin, Breckin Meyer, Josh Dir. George Lucas Charles, William Fichtner, Amy Brenneman, Features the coming of age of four teenagers on their last , Craig Bierko, Scott Wolf, After The Dark summer night before college. Rediscover drag racing, Inspira- tion Point and drive-ins all over again in this nostalgic look , Sheryl Lee, Arye Gross, Will Rhys Wakefield, Sophie Lowe - Dir. John back at the early ‘60’s. The incredible soundtrack brings you Ferrell, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Hyde Huddles the most memorable rock ‘n’ roll hits of the era. Pierce, Tony Guma, Timothy Olyphant, Sa- Faced with an impending nuclear apocalypse, a group of AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Coming-Of- twenty college students must determine which ten of them rah Polley - Dir. Andrew Fleming, Glenn would take shelter underground and reboot the human race. Age, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Gordon Caron The decision quickly becomes deadly as each in the group Movies, National Film Registry, Nostalgia, Collections, Comedy, Movies, Romance turns against each other in a desperate fight for survival. Romance, Troubled Youth 1973 110min. 766min. Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Movies 2013 107min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122104 tba BestellNr.: 40121923 Phase 4 Films 15.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121935 American Hustle (Blu-ray + DVD + Abbott & Costello: The Complete After The Dark (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Collection Jack Huston, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Rhys Wakefield, Sophie Lowe - Dir. John Renner, Bradley Cooper, Louis C.K., Amy (Repackage) Huddles Lou Costello, Bud Abbott Faced with an impending nuclear apocalypse, a group of Adams, Michael Pena, Christian Bale - Dir. Buddy Pictures, Classics, Comedy, Movies, twenty college students must determine which ten of them David O. Russell would take shelter underground and reboot the human race. The true story of the FBI’s 1980 under-cover operation Television min. The decision quickly becomes deadly as each in the group of Congress, dubbed Abscam, to root out corruption which Universal Studios 06.05.2014 turns against each other in a desperate fight for survival. was the brainchild of the world’s greatest con man. 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122115 Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- Blu-ray, Con-Artists, Crime, Drama, FBI, ray, Movies 2013 107min. Movies 2013 138min. The Abbott And Costello Show: Phase 4 Films 15.04.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment The Complete Second Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121951 18.03.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121793 Lou Costello, Bud Abbott As one of the most frequently syndicated situation comedies in Airport (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) television history - and reportedly one of the major influences (Blu-ray) American Hustle (DVD + on such later series as , The Abbott and Costello Show(1951-1953) drew enormous audiences with a format that Barbara Hale, Jean Seberg, Lloyd Nolan, UltraViolet) was essentially an excuse to set up some of the titular comedy Burt Lancaster, , Dana Wynter, Jack Huston, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy team’s best-known and loved gags. Now the entire first season is available on four DVDs for one low price. Van Heflin, Jacqueline Bisset, Dean Martin, Renner, Bradley Cooper, Louis C.K., Amy Abbott & Costello, Classics, Comedy, Tele- , George Kennedy, Barry Adams, Michael Pena, Christian Bale - Dir. vision 734min. Nelson - Dir. George Seaton David O. Russell Combining a gripping story, intense action and ground- The true story of the FBI’s 1980 under-cover sting operation E1 Entertainment 20.05.2014 breaking special effects, Airport paved the way for a whole of Congress, dubbed Abscam, to root out corruption which 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122256 new style of disaster film and became a trend-setting box was the brainchild of the world’s greatest con man. office blockbuster. The tension filled adventure stars Burt Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Con- Lancaster as the manager of an international airport who must About A Zombie juggle personal crises with professional responsibilities as Artists, Crime, Drama, FBI, Movies 2013 When a zombie invasion hits Dublin, Billy becomes infected he attempts to keep his blizzard-torn facility open to rescue a 138min. while attempting to save a woman on the street. His family bomb-damaged jetliner. Featuring a stellar ensemble cast that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment decides to care for him despite his undead state, attracting the also include Dean Martin, Jacqueline Bisset, George Kenne- attention of the violent anti-zombie mobs that are roaming the dy, Maureen Stapleton and Helen Hayes, this unforgettable 18.03.2014 streets. Even as Billy bites and claws at their flesh, they hope film was nominated for 10 including Best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121783 to prove that blood runs thicker than water - or else die Picture and remains a suspense-filled trip from take-off to trying. dramatic landing. Comedy, Horror, Movies, Zombies 87min. Disasters, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1970 American Pie (Blu-ray + Phase 4 Films 01.04.2014 137min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121931 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 , Mena Suvari, Chris Klein, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122300 Eugene Levy, Tara Reid, ,

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Thomas Ian Nicholas - Dir. Paul Weitz Android Cop (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- You’ll never look at warm apple pie the same way again after ray, Disasters, Movies 2014 90min. you’ve seen the unrated version of American Pie! Take a Larissa Vereza, Randy Wayne, Charles S. hysterical look at the goal of four „unlucky in love“ high Dutton, Michael Jai White, Kadeem Asylum Home Entertainment 18.02.2014 school friends who make the ultimate pact: lost their virginity Hardison - Dir. Mark Atkins 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122187 by prom night. As they try to manipulate their way into the hearts of some of their classmates, their plans often backfire Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Giant Robots, In The with hilarity. Follow the raging hormones of four teenage boys Future..., Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers Art Machine and their girls as they gear up for the most important night of 2014 90min. Jessica Szohr, Joey Lauren Adams, Jo- their lives. . .the prom? Asylum Home Entertainment 04.02.2014 seph Cross - Dir. Doug Karr Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, High School, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122281 At age six, child prodigy painter Declan Truss (Joseph Movies, Romance, Sexy Comedies 1999 Cross) was propelled into the art world as a rare marvel, but 96min. by seventeen, the tightrope of notoriety is catching up with Angel Of The Skies (Blu-ray) him. Declan seeks inspiration as the immense pressures of an Universal Studios 06.05.2014 impending coming-of-age exhibition loom. His world explodes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122301 Lilie Claire, Jason Glanville, Brad when he stumbles on a commune of rebellious freethinkers Backhouse, Ryan Dittmann, Andre Frauen- through an incendiary rooftop meeting with pyrotechnic American Pie: 4 Movie Unrated stein, Nicholas Van Der Bijl, David James - outsider artist, Cassandra Moon (Jessica Szohr). Declan Dir. Christopher Lee Dos Santos reaches beyond painting to wild experimentation, quickly Collection spinning out of control. As he becomes consumed by his Action, Adventure, Foreign, German, mania, he begins to regard his mother (Joey Lauren Adams) as Alyson Hannigan, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Movies, War 2013 102min. part of a system that’s keeping him down, and magnetically Fred Willard, Seann William Scott, Shannon rallies the rebels to take part in his progressively subversive E1 Entertainment 20.05.2014 art exhibition-one that will ultimately shock and destroy. Set Elizabeth, Mena Suvari, Chris Klein, Eugene 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122278 against the backdrop of Brooklyn’s vibrant art and music Levy, Tara Reid, Natasha Lyonne, Thomas scene, Art Machine is a dark comedy about the tenuous Ian Nicholas, Jason Biggs - Dir. Paul Weitz, Anger Management: Season relationship between art and commerce, the fine line between James B. Rogers, Jesse Dylan creative genius and clinical mania, and the damaging effects Three (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- of fame. The entire American Pie gang is here! Join the outrageous fun Art & Architecture, Comedy, Coming-Of- with four unrated, unruly and uncensored slices of ray) hormonally-fueled hijinks in American Pie, American Pie 2, Age, Movies 2012 min. American Wedding and American Reunion. From wild parties Noureen DeWulf , Derek Richardson, Selma Virgil Films And Entertainment 29.04.2014 and prom night to marriage and high school reunions, this is Blair, Shawnee Smith, Charlie Sheen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122099 one unforgettable collection that every self-disrespecting Pie The hilarious hit comedy Anger Management is back! Starring lover must own. award-winning actor Charlie Sheen, Anger Management Boxed Sets, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, High Volume 3 follows Charlie Goodman, a non-traditional therapist School, Movies, Romance, Sexy Comedies specializing in anger management. He has a successful private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary- , , Andy Garcia 425min. patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono Academy Award nominees Andy Garcia (Ocean’s 11, City Universal Studios 13.05.2014 counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. His life is Island) and Vera Farmiga (A&E’s Bates Motel, Up in the Air) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122143 complicated by his relationships with his own therapist and star as straight-laced George and eccentric Edith, two best friend (Selma Blair), his ex-wife (Shawnee Smith) whose strangers who meet on their children’s campus tour at the positive outlook but poor life-choices frustrate Charlie, their idyllic Middleton College. Failing comically to connect with Anchorman 2: The Legend 15-year-old daughter who has OCD (Daniela Bobadilla) and, their kids, George and Edith play hooky together, ditching the of course, his interfering and meddlesome father, Martin official tour for a carefree adventure reminiscent of their own Continues (Martin Sheen). college years. But what begins as an afternoon of fun soon becomes a revealing and enlightening experience that will David Koechner, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Comedy, Drama, FX, On The Job, Television change their lives forever. A light-hearted romance for adults Will Ferrell - Dir. Adam McKay 2013 528min. on the surface, At Middleton is a deeply moving portrait of With the 70’s behind him, San Diego’s top rated newsman, Lionsgate 15.04.2014 roads not taken and the timelessness of youth. Taissa Farmiga Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), returns to the news desk in (American Horror Story), Spencer Lofranco (Jamesy Boy), Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Also back for more are 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121879 Peter Riegert (Dads), and Tom Skerritt (Picket Fences) also Ron’s co-anchor and wife, Veronica Corningstone (Christina star in this story about what can happen on your first day of Applegate), weather man Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), man Anger Management: Season college - no matter who you are - At Middleton. on the street Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and sports guy Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 99min. Champ Kind (David Koechner) - All of whom won’t make it Three (DVD + UltraViolet) easy to stay classy... while taking the nation’s first 24-hour Starz / Anchor Bay 01.04.2014 news channel by storm. Noureen DeWulf , Derek Richardson, Selma 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122041 Comedy, Movies, On The Job 2013 118min. Blair, Shawnee Smith, Charlie Sheen The hilarious hit comedy Anger Management is back! Starring Paramount Pictures 01.04.2014 award-winning actor Charlie Sheen, Anger Management At Middleton (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122103 Volume 3 follows Charlie Goodman, a non-traditional therapist Taissa Farmiga, Vera Farmiga, Andy Garcia specializing in anger management. He has a successful Academy Award nominees Andy Garcia (Ocean’s 11, City Anchorman 2: The Legend private practice, holding sessions with his group of primary- Island) and Vera Farmiga (A&E’s Bates Motel, Up in the Air) patient regulars each week, as well as performing pro bono star as straight-laced George and eccentric Edith, two Continues (Blu-ray + DVD + counseling for an inmate group at a state prison. His life is strangers who meet on their children’s campus tour at the complicated by his relationships with his own therapist and idyllic Middleton College. Failing comically to connect with UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) best friend (Selma Blair), his ex-wife (Shawnee Smith) whose their kids, George and Edith play hooky together, ditching the David Koechner, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, positive outlook but poor life-choices frustrate Charlie, their official tour for a carefree adventure reminiscent of their own 15-year-old daughter who has OCD (Daniela Bobadilla) and, college years. But what begins as an afternoon of fun soon Will Ferrell - Dir. Adam McKay of course, his interfering and meddlesome father, Martin becomes a revealing and enlightening experience that will With the 70’s behind him, San Diego’s top rated newsman, (Martin Sheen). change their lives forever. A light-hearted romance for adults Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell), returns to the news desk in Comedy, Drama, FX, On The Job, Television on the surface, At Middleton is a deeply moving portrait of Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Also back for more are 2013 528min. roads not taken and the timelessness of youth. Taissa Farmiga Ron’s co-anchor and wife, Veronica Corningstone (Christina (American Horror Story), Spencer Lofranco (Jamesy Boy), Applegate), weather man Brick Tamland (Steve Carell), man Lionsgate 15.04.2014 Peter Riegert (Dads), and Tom Skerritt (Picket Fences) also on the street Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd) and sports guy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121864 star in this story about what can happen on your first day of Champ Kind (David Koechner) - All of whom won’t make it college - no matter who you are - At Middleton. easy to stay classy... while taking the nation’s first 24-hour Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 99min. news channel by storm. Apocalypse Pompeii Starz / Anchor Bay 01.04.2014 Comedy, Movies, On The Job 2013 118min. Georgina Beedle, Jhey Castles, Adrian Paul 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122056 Paramount Pictures 01.04.2014 - Dir. Ben Demaree 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122119 When a former Special Ops commando visits Pompeii, his wife and daughter are trapped as Mt. Vesuvius erupts with massi- Steve Austin: 4 Movie Collection ve force. While his family fights to survive the deadly Android Cop onslaught of heat and lava; he enlists his former teammates in Erica Cerra, Adam Beach, Gil Bellows, Larissa Vereza, Randy Wayne, Charles S. a daring operation beneath the ruins of the city of Pompeii. Gary Daniels, Eric Roberts - Dir. Keoni Dutton, Michael Jai White, Kadeem Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Waxman, Rob Liberman Hardison - Dir. Mark Atkins Movies 2014 90min. Action, Collections, Movies, Thrillers min. Action, Cops, Giant Robots, In The Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.02.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 22.04.2014 Future..., Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122024 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121786 2014 90min. Asylum Home Entertainment 04.02.2014 Apocalypse Pompeii (Blu-ray) Steve Austin: 4 Movie Collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121848 Georgina Beedle, Jhey Castles, Adrian Paul (Blu-ray) - Dir. Ben Demaree Erica Cerra, Adam Beach, Gil Bellows,

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Gary Daniels, Eric Roberts - Dir. Keoni take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never Waxman, Rob Liberman gets old. Action, Blu-ray, Cult Film / TV, Movies, The Bag Man (Blu-ray) Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Movies, Thril- Vigilante Justice 2014 91min. Rebecca Da Costa, Martin Klebba, Dominic lers min. 20th Century Fox 08.04.2014 Purcell, Robert De Niro, Crispin Glover, Starz / Anchor Bay 22.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121948 John Cusack 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121795 Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Bad Country 109min. Awesome 80’s Teen Comedy (4 Universal Studios 01.04.2014 Amy Smart, Matt Dillon, Willem Dafoe, Tom 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122057 Pack) Berenger Sendy Silver, Kristi Somers, Chris Nash, When Baton Rouge police detective Bud Carter (Dafoe) busts Darcy Demoss, Gary Wood, Doug McKeon, contract killer Jesse Weiland (Dillon), he convinces Jesse to Balls To The Wall become an informant and rat out the South’s most powerful Grant Cramer, James Karen, Fabiana crime ring. So when the syndicate orders Carter’s death and Matthew Felker, Jenna Dewan, Joe Hurley, Udenio, Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelly Weiland’s ID’d as a snitch, the two team up to take down the Colleen Camp, Antonio Sabato Jr., Christo- Preston - Dir. Mark Griffiths, Mel Damski mob and the crime boss (Berenger) who ordered the hit. Matt pher McDonald, Mimi Rogers - Dir. Penelope Dillon, Willem Dafoe, Neal McDonough. Amy Smart, and Tom Collections, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Berenger star in Bad Country, a gritty action thriller from Spheeris Exploitation, Movies, Sexy Comedies director Chris Brinker, a producer of The Boondock Saints. Comedy, Movies 2011 89min. 373min. Action, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mobsters Inception Media Group 18.02.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 22.04.2014 & The Mafia, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121960 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121784 2014 104min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment The Bamboo Saucer Axeman 29.04.2014 Lois Nettleton, John Ericson, Dan Duryea Arielle Brachfeld, Elissa Dowling, Tiffany 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122105 Lead by the U.S. military, a team of scientists secretly travel into Red China to find the truth behind rumors of a downed Shepis, Brinke Stevens U.F.O. While enroute to the saucer’s hidden location, the In this 80s style slasher with a new school twist, nine Bad Country (Blu-ray) Americans meet a group of Russian scientists who are also vacationing twenty-somethings travel to a posh timeshare Amy Smart, Matt Dillon, Willem Dafoe, Tom searching for the spacecraft. The two teams race against time cabin in Cutter’s Creek a hedonistic weekend. But their to find the alien craft and its promise of a fantastic jump in weekend of drinking and debauchery soon turns to horror Berenger technology, while trying to avoid the Red Chinese troops in when an axe-wielding local legend comes to life! Desperately When Baton Rouge police detective Bud Carter (Dafoe) busts the area. Television veteran Frank Telford directed this clawing for any chance of survival, these once-estranged contract killer Jesse Weiland (Dillon), he convinces Jesse to action-packed science fiction thriller with top-notch friends must band together to take on the bloody beast that’s become an informant and rat out the South’s most powerful cinematography by the great Hal Mohr (The Wild One, kept these woods desolate and the townspeople terrified. This crime ring. So when the syndicate orders Carter’s death and Captain Blood). The stellar cast includes Dan Duryea, Bob weekend will be one to be dismembered. Because this Weiland’s ID’d as a snitch, the two team up to take down the Hastings, Bernard Fox and James Hong. weekend, these friends will face the terror that is... Axeman. mob and the crime boss (Berenger) who ordered the hit. Matt Movies, Science Fiction, UFOs 1968 min. Horror, Movies, Slasher 2013 103min. Dillon, Willem Dafoe, Neal McDonough. Amy Smart, and Tom Olive Films 08.04.2014 Brain Damage Films 06.05.2014 Berenger star in Bad Country, a gritty action thriller from director Chris Brinker, a producer of The Boondock Saints. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122330 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121892 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Mystery, The Bamboo Saucer (Blu-ray) Back In The Day Thrillers 2014 104min. Lois Nettleton, John Ericson, Dan Duryea Isaiah Mustafa, Nick Swardson, Morena Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Lead by the U.S. military, a team of scientists secretly travel Baccarin, Michael Rosenbaum, Harland 29.04.2014 into Red China to find the truth behind rumors of a downed Williams 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122120 U.F.O. While enroute to the saucer’s hidden location, meet a group of Russian scientists who are also British, Comedy, Foreign, Movies 2014 searching for the spacecraft. The two teams race against time 94min. Bad Dreams / Visiting Hours to find the alien craft and its promise of a fantastic jump in Screen Media Films 08.04.2014 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) technology, while trying to avoid the Red Chinese troops in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121913 the area. Television veteran Frank Telford directed this Lenore Zann, Michael J. Reynolds, Linda action-packed science fiction thriller with top-notch Purl, Harvey Atkin, William Shatner, Lee cinematography by the great Hal Mohr (The Wild One, Kevin Bacon: Quicksilver / White Captain Blood). The stellar cast includes Dan Duryea, Bob Grant, Harris Yulin, Jennifer Rubin, Richard Hastings, Bernard Fox and James Hong. Water Summer (Double Feature) Lynch, Bruce Abbott, Michael Ironside, Movies, Science Fiction, UFOs 1968 min. Kevin Bacon Dean Cameron, Helen Hughes, Kirsten Olive Films 08.04.2014 Double Features, Drama, Movies 196min. Bishopric, E.G. Daily, Deborah Kirshenbaum 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122351 Image Ent. 20.05.2014 - Dir. Andrew Fleming 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122289 Double Features, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Bang! Bang! You’re Dead! Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers Tony Randall, Herbert Lom, Senta Berger - Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses 183min. Dir. Don Sharp Danny Trejo, Andrew Divoff, Danny Glover Shout Factory 18.02.2014 Comedy, Movies 1966 min. - Dir. Craig Moss 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122155 Olive Films 08.04.2014 Danny Trejo (Machete) and Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122329 deliver twice the Bad Ass action in this hard-hitting, butt- Bad Kids Go To Hell kicking sequel to the original cult favorite! Vietnam vet Frank Vega (Trejo) now runs an East L.A. community center where Ali Faulkner, Cameron Deane Stewart, Ben Bang! Bang! You’re Dead! (Blu- he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But Browder, Judd Nelson, Brad Keller ray) when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and Six prep school kids from Crestview Academy, home to the turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie (Glover) to spoiled offspring of society’s elite, find themselves stuck in Tony Randall, Herbert Lom, Senta Berger - take matters into their own fists and prove that justice never detention on a frightfully dark and stormy Saturday afternoon. Dir. Don Sharp gets old. During their 8-hour incarceration, each of the six kids falls Action, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Vigilante victim to a horrible ‘accident’ until only one of them remains. Comedy, Movies 1966 min. Justice 2014 91min. Action, Movies, Thrillers 2012 91min. Olive Films 08.04.2014 20th Century Fox 08.04.2014 Phase 4 Films 09.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122350 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121910 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121938 Banshee Chapter Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses (Blu-ray) The Bag Man Katia Winter, Michael McMillian, Ted Levine Danny Trejo, Andrew Divoff, Danny Glover Rebecca Da Costa, Martin Klebba, Dominic - Dir. Blair Erickson On the trail of a missing friend (Michael McMillian) who had - Dir. Craig Moss Purcell, Robert De Niro, Crispin Glover, been experimenting with mind-altering drugs, a young Danny Trejo (Machete) and Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon) John Cusack journalist (Katia Winter) - aided by a rogue counter-culture deliver twice the Bad Ass action in this hard-hitting, butt- Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 writer (Ted Levine, The Silence Of The Lambs) - finds herself kicking sequel to the original cult favorite! Vietnam vet Frank drawn into the dangerous world of top-secret government Vega (Trejo) now runs an East L.A. community center where 109min. chemical research and the mystery of a disturbing radio signal he trains young boxers to survive in and out of the ring. But Universal Studios 01.04.2014 of unknown origin. A fast-paced thriller blending fact and when his prize student falls in with the wrong crowd and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122054 fiction, Banshee Chapter is based on real documents, actual turns up dead, Frank teams up with his pal Bernie (Glover) to subject testimony, and uncovered secrets about covert

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA programs run by the CIA. mission rises to a Southern battle royale. This odd team must Drama, Movies, Romance min. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 87min. shoot their way through gorgeous female assassins, Native American hunters, federal agents, and a whole lot of metal E1 Entertainment 06.05.2014 Anderson Merchandisers 04.02.2014 coming after them, while protecting Celeste’s innocent child. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122245 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121821 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Western 2012 98min. Beyond Outrage Bastards Phase 4 Films 02.04.2013 , , Takeshi Vincent Lindon, Chiara Mastroianni - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121977 Kitano - Dir. Claire Denis A manipulative police crackdown on organized crime has Acclaimed director Claire Denis (White Material) offers her Beasts Of Winter ignited a tricky power struggle in the yakuza underworld. As most unsettling take yet on the dark side of humanity with the police force prepares a full-scale crackdown, anti-gang Bastards, a jagged, daringly fragmented film noir inspired by Megumi Kato, Momoko Maekawa, Kosuke detective Kataoka wants to start a war between crime families recent French sex ring scandals. Following his brother-in- Takaki, Hiroyuki Sato - Dir. Nobuteru Uchida for their mutual destruction. His war incendiary device is the law’s suicide, sea captain Marco (Vincent Lindon, Friday The lives of four colleagues collide when their intertwining rumored dead boss Otomo (Kitano) who seeks to retire from a Night) goes AWOL to rescue his estranged sister and romances intertwine. Yukako has grown emotionally unstable life of crime, but can’t help but get drawn back into the battle. teenaged niece (Lola Creton, Goodbye First Love) from the as she suspects Shigehisa of having an affair. The truth Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, captive power of a wealthy businessman, who is also his begins to unravel after she collapses on her way home in front Japanese, Movies 2012 112min. lover’s (Chiara Mastroianni, A Christmas Tale) husband. But of another co-worker, Noboru. Noboru has recently Marco’s attempt at heroism is soon thwarted on all sides, as confessed his love for a part-time girl, Saeko. She’s Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.03.2014 he delves further into the hellish world his sister has involved dismissed his advances because she’s secretly having an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121831 herself in and deception from those he trusted most threatens affair with Shigehisa. As Noboru comes to Yukako’s aid, to upend his very belief in the concept of honor. Featuring realities begin to uncover secrets they may have been arresting performances from its talented cast, Bastards is a previously blind to. By happenstance, the four intersect in one Beyond Outrage (Blu-ray) thrilling and unforgettable journey into the very heart of room and the story unfolds... Toshiyuki Nishida, Tomokazu Miura, Takeshi darkness.. Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Foreign, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2013 Kitano - Dir. Takeshi Kitano Japanese, Movies, Romance 2010 92min. 100min. A manipulative police crackdown on organized crime has Pathfinder Home Entertainment 04.02.2014 ignited a tricky power struggle in the yakuza underworld. As MPI 08.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121825 the police force prepares a full-scale crackdown, anti-gang 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121866 detective Kataoka wants to start a war between crime families for their mutual destruction. His war incendiary device is the Beneath Hill 60 (Blu-ray) rumored dead boss Otomo (Kitano) who seeks to retire from a Batman Begins (Blu-ray + DVD + life of crime, but can’t help but get drawn back into the battle. Harrison Gilbertson, Gyton Grantley, Bob UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Drama, Franklin, Gerald Lepkowski, Steve Le Foreign, Japanese, Movies 2012 112min. Christian Bale, , Cillian Marquand, Anthony Hayes, Brendan Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.03.2014 Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Katie Holmes, Mi- Cowell, Jacqueline McKenzie, Chris 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121841 chael Caine, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson, Haywood - Dir. Jeremy Sims Rutger Hauer, Morgan Freeman - Dir. Chri- Action, Adventure, Drama, History & Big Bad Wolves stopher Nolan Events, Movies, War, World War I 2010 Acclaimed director explores the origins of A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a the legendary Dark Knight. After his parents’ murders, 122min. collision course: the father of the latest victim now out for disillusioned heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the E1 Entertainment 20.05.2014 revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the world seeking the means to fight injustice. With the help of his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122279 boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a trusted butler Alfred (Michael Caine), detective Jim Gordon religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a (Gary Oldman) and his ally Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), police blunder. Wayne returns to Gotham City and unleashes his alter-ego: Best Night Ever Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 110min. Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect Comedy, girl power, Movies 82min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.04.2014 and high-tech weaponry to fight evil. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122313 Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 Drama, Movies, Revenge, Superheroes, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122311 Vigilante Justice 2005 min. Big Bad Wolves (Blu-ray) Best Night Ever (Blu-ray) A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 collision course: the father of the latest victim now out for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122337 Comedy, girl power, Movies 82min. revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a Battle Of The Empires 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122319 police blunder. A young and ambitious sultan ascends to the top of the Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 110min. Ottoman throne desperately seeking more power for his Best Of Film Noir: Vol. 1 & 2 nation. Braving his enemies, he attempts the unthinkable and Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.04.2014 courageously tries to conquer Constantinople for his people. , Edward G. Robinson, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122321 After marching his heroic group of warriors straight towards Payne, Dick Powell, Orson Welles, Lizabeth Constantinople, the resulting battle is one of the greatest and most brutal sieges anyone will ever witness. Scott, Barbara Stanwyck - Dir. Lewis Allen, Big Fat Liar Action, Adventure, Movies, War 136min. Orson Welles, Phil Karlson, Lewis Paul Giamatti, Frankie Muniz, Amanda Phase 4 Films 01.04.2014 Milestone, Delmer Daves, Andre De Toth Bynes, Lee Majors, Amanda Detmer, Donald The term film noir, French for „black film“ was first applied to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121932 Hollywood films in 1946 and is generally regarded as Faison - Dir. Shawn Levy extending from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Film noir of Get ready for big fat laughs! Featuring Hollywood’s hottest The Baytown Outlaws this era is associated with a low-key black-and-white visual teen stars, Frankie Muniz (Malcolm in the Middle) and style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography. Nickelodeon’s , Big Fat Liar is the hilarious Eva Longoria, Billy Bob Thornton Most of the stories and much of the attitude of classic noir revenge comedy filled with nonstop action and laugh out loud After her ex-husband Carlos (Thornton) shoots Celeste derive from the school of crime fiction that emerged in the fun! Fourteen-year-old Jason Shepherd (Muniz) has a (Longoria) three times in the gut, it’s time to play dirty. In the during the Great Depression. Restored in HD reputation for stretching the truth. So, when big time Holly- fight for her godson, Rob, she hires three outlawed and from the Original Film Prints, included in this 6 DVD double wood producer Marty Wolf (Paul Giamatti) steals his class redneck brothers to bring him back to her. But nothing can be Collector’s set package is the thrilling The Red House, Frank paper and turns it into a hit movie, no one believes that simple in the South. What begins as a small rescue Sinatra’s Suddenly, a film noir gem Kansas City Confidential, Jason’s latest tall tale! On a cross country adventure to set mission rises to a Southern battle royale. This odd team must the brilliant Pitfall featuring Dick Powell, Jane Wyatt and the record straight, Jason and best friend Kaylee (Bynes) shoot their way through gorgeous female assassins, Native Lizabeth Scott, The Stranger featuring Edward G. Robinson devise a high tech plan to squeeze the truth out of Wolf American hunters, federal agents, and a whole lot of metal and The Strange Love of Martha Ivers with Barbra Stanwyck, through a series of outrageous pranks, crazy stunts and big coming after them, while protecting Celeste’s innocent child. Van Heflin and Lizabeth Scott. All classic noir. laughs. It’s - Big Time! Action, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Western Boxed Sets, Crime, Drama, Femme Fatales, Adventure, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, 2012 98min. Film Noir, Movies 574min. Family, Movies, Revenge 2002 88min. Phase 4 Films 02.04.2013 Film Chest Media Group 25.03.2014 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121940 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122020 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122106

The Baytown Outlaws (Blu-ray) Between Sisters Big Names, Big Movies Collection Eva Longoria, Billy Bob Thornton Aneesa wants to give her baby sister, Serena, the best Action, Adventure, Collections, Crime, Dra- After her ex-husband Carlos (Thornton) shoots Celeste wedding present ever. So, when they discover that they have ma, Movies 2012 658min. (Longoria) three times in the gut, it’s time to play dirty. In the two long-lost sisters, the search is on to find them before Image Ent. 13.05.2014 fight for her godson, Rob, she hires three outlawed and Serenas big day. But if they do, will these two women be able redneck brothers to bring him back to her. But nothing can be to forgive their estranged mother and come together for a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122268 that simple in the South. What begins as a small rescue sister they never knew existed?

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Big Screen Romances: 8 Movie most unlikely places. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121859 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Collection Movies 1979 109min. Blackout Emily Watson, Bruno Kirby, John Cusack, E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 Jill Melford, Harold Lang, Eleanor Gena Rowlands, Raul Julia, Molly Ring- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121787 wald, , John Turturro, George Summerfield, Belinda Lee, Andrew Osborne, Dane Clark - Dir. Terence Fisher Kennedy, Susan Sarandon, James Caan, Black Nativity Kathryn Harrold, John Cassavetes, James A Down-and-out American visits London and meets a beautiful , Angela Bassett, Forest blonde who offers him a fortune to marry her. He quickly L. Brooks, Colm Meaney, Albert Brooks, agrees, but the next day awakens up in an artist’s studio Whitaker - Dir. Kasi Lemmons covered with blood and his supposed father-in-law’s corpse! Jacob Tierney, Donal Donnelly, Moya Struggling to pay the bills, single mom Naima (Jennifer Farrelly, Jane Hallaren - Dir. Albert Brooks, Hudson) sends her teenage son Langston (Jacob Latimore) to Drama, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Paul Quinn, live with his estranged grandparents, Reverend Cornell and Romance 1954 87min. Aretha Cobbs (Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett) in New Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 Collections, Comedy, Movies, Romance York City. At first Langston resents their strict household, but 880min. with the help of new friends - and a little divine intervention - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122318 Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 he embarks on an inspirational journey of self-discovery that tba BestellNr.: 40121924 brings the whole family together. Blade II (Blu-Ray + DVD + Drama, Movies, Musical, Play-To-Film, Reli- gion/Spirituality 2013 93min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Big Sleep / Key Largo (Doub- 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 Luke Goss, Norman Reedus, Leonor le Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122069 Varela, , Ron Perlman, Edward G. Robinson, John Rodney, Martha Wesley Snipes - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro When the world is threatened by a new and deadlier breed of Vickers, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Gomez, Black Nativity (Blu-ray + DVD + super vampires, the legendary Blade (Wesley Snipes) and his , Lauren Bacall, Claire UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) mentor Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) must join forces with the Trevor, Humphrey Bogart - Dir. John Bloodpack, an elite team of vampire warriors. In order to stop Jennifer Hudson, Angela Bassett, Forest Huston, Howard Hawks the carnage, the ravenous fiends must be destroyed at all Whitaker - Dir. Kasi Lemmons costs. This high-voltage adventure is exploding with Classics, Detectives, Double Features, Struggling to pay the bills, single mom Naima (Jennifer spectacular effects and action! Drama, Film Noir, Hostage Crisis, Mobsters Hudson) sends her teenage son Langston (Jacob Latimore) to Action, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Horror, Martial & The Mafia, Movies, National Film Registry, live with his estranged grandparents, Reverend Cornell and Arts, Movies, Science Fiction, Special Aretha Cobbs (Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett) in New Thrillers min. York City. At first Langston resents their strict household, but Editions, Thrillers, Vampires 2002 117min. Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 with the help of new friends - and a little divine intervention - New Line Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122175 he embarks on an inspirational journey of self-discovery that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122338 brings the whole family together. Drama, Movies, Musical, Play-To-Film, Reli- The Bigamist gion/Spirituality 2013 93min. Blazing Saddles: 40th Edmund Gwenn, Joan Fontaine, Ida Lupino 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) - Dir. Ida Lupino 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122081 Madeline Kahn, Harvey Korman, George A couple, having grown apart after they are unable to conceive a child of their own, decides to adopt. But things Furth, John Hillerman, Alex Karras, Liam take a troubling turn when the adoption agency conducts a Black Out Dunn, Dom De Luise, , David background check and discovers the husband leading a Huddleston, Slim Pickens, Gene Wilder, double life with another family in L.A. British-born Ida Lupino Kim Van Kooten, Raymond Thiry both acts and directs here, one of the first women in Holly- On the day before his wedding, retired criminal Jos wakes up Claude Ennis Starrett Jr., - wood to do so. next to a murdered man with no recollection of what happened Dir. Mel Brooks Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, the night before. He soon discovers that a group of gangsters My name is Jim, but most people call me...Jim.“ And most have pinned him as the lone suspect in the theft of 20 kilos of people call Blazing Saddles deliriously funny. Filmmaker, star Romance 1953 80min. coke. He’s got to get it back in 24 hours, or the life of his and paddle-ball whiz Mel Brooks goes way out West and way Film Chest Media Group 25.03.2014 bride will be in serious danger. Now he has no choice but to out of his mind with a spiffy spoof set in an 1874 Old West 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122039 creep back into his dangerous old world of petty thieves and where 1974 Hollywood is just one soundstage away-and drug dealers - all before his wedding the next day. where nonstop fun blasts prejudices to the high comedy Action, Comedy, Crime, Dutch heavens. Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Harvey Black Beauty (Blu-ray) (Netherlands), Foreign, Movies 2012 92min. Korman, Madeline Kahn and more join for horseplay and horselaughs, making Blazing Saddles the #6 choice among the David Thewlis, Sean Bean - Dir. Caroline Music Box Films 03.06.2014 American Film Institute’s Top 100 Comedies. Give these out to Thompson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122214 the boys in lieu of pay. And enjoy. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Dra- AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, ma, Family, Romance 1994 min. Black Out (Blu-ray) Movies, National Film Registry, Spoofs & Warner Bros. 17.06.2014 Kim Van Kooten, Raymond Thiry Parodies, Western 1974 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122195 On the day before his wedding, retired criminal Jos wakes up Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 next to a murdered man with no recollection of what happened 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121871 the night before. He soon discovers that a group of gangsters Black Coffee have pinned him as the lone suspect in the theft of 20 kilos of Erica Hubbard, Tiffany Hines, Lamman coke. He’s got to get it back in 24 hours, or the life of his Blood Shed bride will be in serious danger. Now he has no choice but to Rucker, Christian Keyes, Darrin Dewitt creep back into his dangerous old world of petty thieves and Vida Guerra, Bai Ling - Dir. Patrick Hasson Henson, Gabrielle Dennis - Dir. Mark Harris drug dealers - all before his wedding the next day. A man who is down on his luck moves into a self-storage Robert (Darrin Henson) picked the wrong time to meet his Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Dutch facility where he finds a group strangers who have made the soul mate! After being fired from his own father’s company, he place their home. However, little do they know that a feels like his luck has run out - until Morgan (Gabrielle (Netherlands), Foreign, Movies 2012 92min. deranged woman has been hunting the facility’s visitors in an Dennis) enters into his life. Just as things start to heat up Music Box Films 03.06.2014 attempt to regain the child that was stolen from her. So when between them, trouble brews as Morgan’s ex-husband 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122240 the facility gets locked for the night, they find themselves (Lamman Rucker) vows to get her back and Robert’s gold- trapped and hunted down, completely at the mercy of the digging ex-girlfriend (Erica Hubbard) returns with an agenda tortured woman’s gruesome attacks. of her own. With the help of his cousin (Christian Keyes), The Black Torment Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 94min. Robert’s about to find out how much good can come out of a Phase 4 Films 15.04.2014 bad situation in this charming romantic comedy about finding John Turner, Ann Lynn, Francis De Wolff, common grounds. Heather Sears, Peter Arne, Raymond 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121936 Comedy, Friendships, Movies, Romance Huntley 2013 min. Returning to his country estate with his new bride, English The Blues Brothers (Steelbook + nobleman, Sir Richard Fordyce, finds himself under suspicion Image Ent. 08.04.2014 from angry locals for the rape and brutal murder of a young Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121817 girl. Despire Sir Richard’s professed innocence, a growing ray) hysteria unfolds and more strange and even supernatural events occur around him. with no one to turn to and his new Henry Gibson, Ray Charles, Cab Calloway, Black Jack: 35th Anniversary Edi- wife threatening to shoot him if he comes near her, even Sir , Carrie Fisher, Dan tion (Blu-ray) Riachard begins to doubt his sanity! Aykroyd, John Belushi, - Dir. British, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, When an honest teenaged boy is forced on the run with Black John Landis Jack, a villainous ruffian, adventure and mishap are never far Horror, Movies, Mystery 1964 86min. Comedy icons John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd star in the away. As the two enter a world of body-snatchers, private Redemption USA 29.04.2014 outrageously funny musical comedy The Blues Brothers. After lunatic asylums and travelling fairs they find friendship in the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the release of Jake Blues (Belushi) from prison, he and Franka Potente, Julia Stiles, Matt Damon, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122150 brother Elwood (Aykroyd) take their blues band back on the road in an attempt to raise money for the orphanage where Brian Cox - Dir. Paul Greengrass they were raised. Havoc ensues as the brothers seek They should have left him alone. Academy Award winner Matt Bucksville redemption on their „mission from God“. Directed by John Damon is back as expert assassin Jason Bourne in this Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House), the soul-stirring stunning, non-stop action hit. Fuelled by awesome fight Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2011 min. comedy classic features musical performances by blues scenes and some of the most breathtaking chase sequences Monarch Home Video 22.04.2014 legends Ray Charles, James Brown, Aretha Franklin and Cab ever filmed, it’s a state-of-the-art espionage thriller that 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121890 Calloway. explodes into action and never lets up! Action, Blues, Blu-ray, Buddy Pictures, Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, Chases, Classics, Chases, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Calamity Jane / Seven Brides For Comedy, Movies, Music, Musical, Road Thrillers 2004 109min. Seven Brothers (Double Feature) Trips 1980 148min. Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Allyn McLerie, Doris Day, Philip Carey, Dick Universal Studios 06.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122060 Wesson, Tommy Rall, Russ Tamblyn, Jeff 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122058 Richards, Jane Powell, Howard Keel - Dir. The Bourne Ultimatum Stanley Donen, David Butler Borgen: Season Three (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + Classics, Double Features, Movies, Music, Freja Riemann, Emil Poulsen, Birgitte Hjort UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Musical, National Film Registry, Special Editions min. Sorensen, Sidse Babett Knudsen Edgar Ramirez, , Joan Al- Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Borgen is a modern Danish political drama about the personal len, Julia Stiles, Matt Damon, Albert Finney, costs and struggles for those who climb to the top of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122176 political and the news broadcasting worlds. In this third and David Strathairn, Scott Glenn - Dir. Paul final season of Borgen, Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Greengrass Knudsen) is a very different person than the confident prime Highly trained assassin Jason Bourne is on the hunt for the Call Me Crazy minister who spoke at the lectern in Parliament. She is no agents who stole his memory and true identity. With a new Octavia Spencer, Sarah Hyland, Jennifer longer prime minister. It has been two and a half years since generation of skilled CIA operatives tracking his every move, she called an election in which she failed to win the required Bourne is in a non-stop race around the globe as he finally Hudson, Brittany Snow, Mitch Rouse, Sofia number of seats to maintain the existing government. She has learns the truth behind his mysterious past. Loaded with Vassilieva, - Dir. Ashley Judd since left politics and is now a high-paid business consultant, incredible fight and chase sequences, it’s the exhilarating Like its first breast cancer-themed installment, Call Me Crazy serving on several corporate boards. During a canned speech movie with „mind-blowing action“ (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun- aka Five 2/Five More will feature five short films featuring A- in which she describes a government whose vales she no Times) that you can’t afford to miss! list talent both in front and behind the camera. The sequel will longer recognizes, it becomes too much for her. She can no address mental illness. Directors include , Bonnie longer brush off the recurring question of what she would do Academy Award Winners, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Mystery, Spies Hunt, Ashley Judd and Bryce Dallas Howard. if she were Prime Minister. Perhaps it’s time to get back in Drama, Mental Illness, Movies 88min. the game. & Secret Agents, Thrillers 2007 116min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Danish, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Universal Studios 06.05.2014 06.05.2014 Politics, Television 2013 584min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122061 MHZ Networks 21.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122297 tba BestellNr.: 40121883 British Cinema Showcase: 6 Call The Midwife: Season Three Born On The Fourth Of July (Blu- Movie Collection Bryony Hannah, Helen George, Jessica Bill Nighy, Tilda Swinton, Rhys Ifans, Kathy ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Raine, Judy Parfitt, Jenny Agutter, Vanessa Burke, Billy Connolly, Robert Carlyle, Jimmy Redgrave Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick, Jerry Levine, Nail, Anna Chancellor, Ewan McGregor, With Nonnatus House scheduled for demolition, Jenny Caroline Kava, Willem Dafoe, Frank Whaley, Stephen Rea, Andie MacDowell, Emily (Jessica Raine), Chummy (Miranda Hart) and Sister Julienne Raymond J. Barry - Dir. Oliver Stone Mortimer, Ricky Tomlinson, Timothy Spall, (Jenny Agutter) search for a new location nearby, while Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Jenny’s relationship with Alec continues to blossom. But an Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone’s Academy Award Peter Mullan, , Bill outbreak of polio affects the nurses and nuns more than they winning masterpiece Born On The Fourth Of July. Based on a Paterson, , Juliet Aubrey, could have imagined. Hop on a bicycle and share sadness and true story, the acclaimed film follows the young Kovic from a Kenny Doughty, Helena Bergstrom, Finn joy, tears and humor, struggle and survival in this award- zealous teen who eagerly volunteers for the Vietnam War, to winning drama, based on the best-selling memoirs of former an embittered veteran paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Atkins - Dir. Brian Gibson, John McKay, nurse Jennifer Worth. Deeply in love with his country, Kovic returned to an Shane Meadows, David Mackenzie BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, In- environment vastly different from the one he left, and struggled British, Collections, Comedy, Drama, ternational TV, Nurses & Doctors, Televisi- before emerging as a brave new voice for the disenchanted. Foreign, Movies, Romance 616min. on 2013 547min. Academy Award Winners, Action, Based- Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 On-A-True-Story, Biopics, Blu-ray, Comedy, tba BestellNr.: 40121928 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122029 Coming-Of-Age, Drama, High School, Milita- ry, Movies, Romance, Sexy Comedies, Viet- nam War, War 1989 145min. Broadchurch: The Complete First Call The Midwife: Season Three Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Season (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122302 Jodie Whittaker, , David Bryony Hannah, Helen George, Jessica Tennant Raine, Judy Parfitt, Jenny Agutter, Vanessa The Bourne Identity (Steelbook + Two detectives - the strong yet compassionate Detective Redgrave Sergeant, Ellie Miller, and the by-the-book Detective With Nonnatus House scheduled for demolition, Jenny Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Inspector, Alec Hardy - are brought together to solve the (Jessica Raine), Chummy (Miranda Hart) and Sister Julienne ray) murder of an eleven year-old boy on a picturesque beach in a (Jenny Agutter) search for a new location nearby, while small coastal town. Under the glare of the media spotlight, the Jenny’s relationship with Alec continues to blossom. But an Clive Owen, Franka Potente, Matt Damon, two race to find the killer, while the clock ticks and the outbreak of polio affects the nurses and nuns more than they Chris Cooper, Brian Cox - Dir. Doug Liman mystery deepens. could have imagined. Hop on a bicycle and share sadness and Racing to unlock the secret of his own identity, he discovers British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Television joy, tears and humor, struggle and survival in this award- the deadly truth: he’s an elite government agent, a 20 million 2013 394min. winning drama, based on the best-selling memoirs of former dollar weapon the government no longer trusts. Now this top E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 nurse Jennifer Worth. BBC, Blu-ray, British, Comedy, Drama, operative is the government’s number one target in this super- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121763 charged, thrill-a-minute spectacular loaded with „non-stop Foreign, International TV, Nurses & action!“ (Bill Zwecker, FOX-TV) Doctors, Television 2013 547min. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Crime, Brownian Movement BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 Drama, Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret Sandra Huller 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122037 Agents, Thrillers 2002 119min. Charlotte is a young doctor living in Brussels with her Universal Studios 06.05.2014 husband, Max, and their son. She leads a normal, harmonious life - except for the fact that she secretly maintains an Camp Dread 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122059 apartment where she has sex with her patients, selecting them as if setting up a scientific experiment. When Max finds out Felissa Rose, Danielle Harris, Eric Roberts The Bourne Supremacy about this unusual situation, their relationship is put to the The Summer Camp horror trilogy was one of the most popular test. franchises of the 1980s. However, the decade ended and so (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + did director Julian Barrett’s career. Now Barrett plans to Drama, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance resurrect his gory series via a modern reboot patterned after UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 2011 97min. reality filmmaking. With his former leading lady and an First Run Features 06.05.2014 eclectic group of 10 young „contestants,“ Barrett returns to , Karl Urban, Gabriel Mann, the same locale where his old splatter-fests were filmed.

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When one of the campers is found savagely murdered, they tba BestellNr.: 40121925 The Color Of Lies is a suspenseful and unsettling film from realize theres more at stake than just fame and fortune. Each Claude Chabrol. When a young girl is found raped and of them is in a fight for their lives as they realize summer is murdered in a slumbering fishing community, the chief of over - forever. Chinese Zodiac (Blu-ray + police, Frederique Lesage (the beautiful Valeria Bruni- Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Tedeschi), identifies Ren, a washed-up artist (Jacques Thrillers 2013 94min. Gamblin), as the primary suspect. His seemingly devoted wife Xingtong Yao, Qi Shu, Jackie Chan - Dir. Viviane (Sandrine Bonnaire) supports him in the face of Image Ent. 15.04.2014 Jackie Chan rumors, while simultaneously conducting an illicit liaison with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121818 a celebrity writer. Ren and Viviane’s lives come under close Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, a master adventurer scrutiny, which puts further strain on their volatile tasked with retrieving lost bronze heads, originally a part of relationship. Meanwhile, Frederique becomes better Carnivale: The Complete First an ancient Chinese collection of zodiac busts. While wealthy acquainted with the eccentric residents of the town, including entrepreneur Lawrence (Oliver Platt) dangles an enormous a self-important TV journalist (Antoine de Caunes), a small- Season reward for such a find, Hawk deploys his array of high tech time crook who fences stolen goods (Pierre Martot), and a devices as he travels the world to help unearth the missing curious pair of married shopkeepers ( and Noel Michael Anderson, Adrienne Barbeau, relics. Caught between a monster payday and the restoration Clancy Brown Simsolo). of China’s past, Hawk jumps into battle, using his death- Foreign, French, Movies 1998 103min. Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Mystery, Television, defying skills to help thwart Lawrence’s destructive plans, E1 Entertainment 27.05.2014 Thrillers min. while hoping to secure the remaining bronze heads before it’s too late. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122280 HBO Home Video 18.03.2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Martial 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122177 Arts, Movies 2012 109min. Confine Universal Studios 25.03.2014 Eliza Bennett, Alfie Allen Casino 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122154 Movies, Thrillers 2013 81min. Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Screen Media Films 15.04.2014 , Don Rickles, Alan King, James Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121914 Woods, Frank Vincent - Dir. Martin 12 Scorsese Agatha Christie’s beloved Belgian detective returns in these The Conspiracy Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci star in director four feature-length mysteries from the hit series. Set amid the Martin Scorsese’s riveting look at how blind ambition, white- unparalleled elegance of the Art Deco era, these beautifully , Raymond Pellegrin, Michel hot passion and 24-karat greed toppled an empire. Las Vegas, remastered adaptations star David Suchet as the peerless 1973, is the setting for this fact-based story about the Mob’s Duchaussoy, Michel Bouquet, Jean Hercule Poirot. Rochefort - Dir. Rene Gainville, Jean multimillion-dollar casino operation, where fortunes and lives British, Foreign, International TV, Murder were made and lost with a roll of the dice. Laborde Book-To-Film, Crime, Drama, Gambling, Mysteries, Mystery, Television 371min. In 1962, members of the OAS (Organization de I’Armee Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies 1995 Acorn Media 06.05.2014 secrete - Organization of the Secret Army), led by Commander 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122292 Clavet (Jean Rochefort - Innocents With Dirty Hands; The 179min. Hairdresser’s Husband; Pret-A-Porter), steal weapons and Universal Studios 15.04.2014 rob banks in an effort to free General Challe from Tulle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122000 Cimarron Strip: The Complete Prison. The Police assign Mission Director Paraux (Raymond Pellegrin - Le Deuzieme Souffle) to assist Police Chief Lelong Series (Michel Bouquet - The Unfaithful Wife; Just Before Nightfall) Charlie’s Angels: The Complete When U.S. Marshal Jim Crown arrives in the town of in tracking them down. Despite having a mole within the Cimarron, he quickly realizes the challenge he must face to police, Clavet may be losing control of some of his own men, First Season restore order to this last plot of homesteading land between as acts of terror begin to play a part. With the Algerian War Jaclyn Smith, David Doyle, Kate Jackson, Kansas and the Indian territory. Without the support of the law as a backdrop, The Conspiracy (Le Complot) is a classic spy or army troops, it is up to him to keep the peace with only the tale based on true events, ripe with espionage and double- Farrah Fawcett aid of the Scotsman, MacGregor, photographer Francis Wilde crosses! Also starring Michel Duchaussoy (This Man Must This 4 DVD set features all 23 episodes from the first season and innkeeper Dulcey Coopersmith by his side. Die; Mesrine). with the original angels - Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett & Jaclyn Smith and all their adventures from one of the most Action, Television, Western 1650min. 1973 113min. classic shows in television history. Once upon a time, Jill, E1 Entertainment 27.05.2014 Pathfinder Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 Sabrina & Kelly were police officers whose skills were being 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122258 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121884 wasted in menial duties. A mysterious millionaire named Charles Townsend took them away from by opening his own private investigation agency and hiring these gorgeous Cloverfield (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Cottage Country ladies as his operatives with John Bosley acting as their assistant and liaison. T.J. Miller, Odette Yustman, Jessica Lucas, Malin Akerman, Lucy Punch, Tyler Labine - ABC, Action, Femme Fatales, Television Lizzy Caplan, Mike Vogel - Dir. Matt Reeves Dir. Peter Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Todd (Tyler Labine; Tucker & Dale vs. Evil) takes his 1976 1181min. girlfriend Cammie (Malin Akerman; Watchmen) to his family Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Thrillers 2008 min. cottage where he plans to propose to her. But when Todd’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121915 Paramount 25.03.2014 brother shows up unexpectedly and interrupts their trip, the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122196 couple is forced to use deadly means to deal with the situation. As their friends, family, and the police start to Chastity Bites become suspicious of what is going on, the happy couple find Greer Grammer, Eddy Rioseco, Allison Color Of Lies themselves doing things they had never imagined possible in Sandrine Bonnaire, Bulle Ogier, Noel order to keep their secret. Scagliotti, Amy Okuda, Louise Griffiths, Action, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Romance Simsolo, Pierre Martot, Antoine De Caunes, Francia Raisa - Dir. John Knowles 2013 91min. Notorious serial killer Elizabeth Bathory believed that bathing Jacques Gamblin - Dir. Marin Karmitz in virgin blood would keep her young and beautiful forever. The Color Of Lies is a suspenseful and unsettling film from Phase 4 Films 01.04.2014 Still alive today she’s found a perfect hunting ground for her Claude Chabrol. When a young girl is found raped and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121933 „botox“ as an abstinence educator in conservative America... murdered in a slumbering fishing community, the chief of but will a brave young blogger and reporter for the high police, Frederique Lesage (the beautiful Valeria Bruni- school paper finally put an end to the „Blood Countess’s“ Tedeschi), identifies Ren, a washed-up artist (Jacques Could This Be Love reign of terror, and save her best friend from becoming the Gamblin), as the primary suspect. His seemingly devoted wife A small town country girl returns home after college to take next victim? Viviane (Sandrine Bonnaire) supports him in the face of over the family business, her father’s beloved bed and break- Comedy, Horror, Movies 2013 93min. rumors, while simultaneously conducting an illicit liaison with fast. Facing an unfaithful husband and dysfunctional a celebrity writer. Ren and Viviane’s lives come under close relationship with her mother, she finds herself at a difficult Grand Entertainment Group 11.02.2014 scrutiny, which puts further strain on their volatile crossroads. Everything changes, however, when a young, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121907 relationship. Meanwhile, Frederique becomes better handsome lawyer checks in and opens her eyes to entirely acquainted with the eccentric residents of the town, including different life filled with happiness. Chick Flicks: 8 Movie Collection a self-important TV journalist (Antoine de Caunes), a small- Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, time crook who fences stolen goods (Pierre Martot), and a Rocky Relationships, Romance 88min. Michelle Williams, Eric Schaeffer, Elle curious pair of married shopkeepers (Bulle Ogier and Noel E1 Entertainment 27.05.2014 Macpherson, Ben Stiller, James Rebhorn, Simsolo). Foreign, French, Movies 1998 103min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122260 Anne Bancroft, Richard Gere, Lena Olin, E1 Entertainment 27.05.2014 Sarah Jessica Parker, Jeff Daniels, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122259 Sigourney Weaver, Kip Pardue, Emile Cowgirls N’ Angels: Dakota’s Hirsch, Ryan Donowho - Dir. Mike Figgis, Summer Eric Schaeffer, Dan Harris Color Of Lies (Blu-ray) Jade Petty John, Haley Ramm, Keith Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Sandrine Bonnaire, Bulle Ogier, Noel Carradine Romance 805min. Simsolo, Pierre Martot, Antoine De Caunes, Oscar Winner Keith Carradine (Cowboys & Aliens) stars Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Jacques Gamblin - Dir. Marin Karmitz alongside a young, popular cast that includes Haley Ramm (X-

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Men: The Last Stand) , Jade Pettyjohn (American Girl: friend Danny Morgan, who’s unjustly serving time for the Krishnamma McKenna Shoots for the Stars), and Emily Bett Rickards same crime. The stellar cast includes Rhonda Fleming (Out Of (Arrow) in this inspiring second chapter of the beloved The Past) as Rocky’s old flame now married to his best friend Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2011 84min. Cowgirls ‘N Angels story! After she receives unexpected Danny, Regis Toomey (The Big Sleep) as a tough-as-nails Phase 4 Films 04.02.2014 news about herself, a 17-year-old girl (Ramm) experiences an honest cop looking to bust the real criminals, William Conrad 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121823 exciting, yet challenging life in and out of the rodeo circuit in (Body And Soul) as Castro, the crime boss who may have this wonderful coming- of-age story. Filled with heart, horses framed Rocky and Danny, and Jay Adler (The Big Combo) the and high-reaching adventure, Cowgirls ‘N Angels: Dakota’s superintendent of a sleazy trailer court where Rocky and Date And Switch (Blu-ray + Summer is an uplifting reminder that with courage, friendship Delong are now living. This film noir classic was beautifully and passion, anything is possible. shot in glorious black-and-white by legendary UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Animals & Nature, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies Dakota Johnson, Nicholas Braun, Megan Family, Movies, Rodeo 91min. 1951 79min. Mullally, Nick Offerman - Dir. Chris Nelson 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 Olive Films 08.04.2014 High school seniors Michael and Matty have been best friends since 3rd grade. Still virgins, they make a pact to help 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121976 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122352 each other „score“ before Senior Prom - but their mission suddenly takes an unexpected turn when Matty announces Cowgirls N’ Angels: Dakota’s Cry Freedom that he’s gay. Comedy, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian , , Denzel Wa- Summer (Blu-ray) Interest, High School, Movies 2014 91min. Jade Petty John, Haley Ramm, Keith shington - Dir. Richard Attenborough The tension and terror that is present-day South Africa is Lionsgate 15.04.2014 Carradine powerfully portrayed in director Richard Attenborough’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122087 Oscar Winner Keith Carradine (Cowboys & Aliens) stars sweeping story of black activist Stephen Biko and a liberal alongside a young, popular cast that includes Haley Ramm (X- white newspaper editor who risks his own life to bring Biko’s Men: The Last Stand) , Jade Pettyjohn (American Girl: message to the world. After learning of apartheid’s true Date And Switch (DVD + McKenna Shoots for the Stars), and Emily Bett Rickards horrors through Biko’s eyes, editor Donald Woods discovers UltraViolet) (Arrow) in this inspiring second chapter of the beloved that his friend has been silenced by the police. Determined Cowgirls ‘N Angels story! After she receives unexpected not to let Biko’s message go unheard, Woods undertakes a Dakota Johnson, Nicholas Braun, Megan news about herself, a 17-year-old girl (Ramm) experiences an perilous quest to escape South Africa and bring Biko’s Mullally, Nick Offerman - Dir. Chris Nelson exciting, yet challenging life in and out of the rodeo circuit in remarkable tale of courage to the world. The riveting, true this wonderful coming- of-age story. Filled with heart, horses High school seniors Michael and Matty have been best story offers a stirring account of man at his most evil and most friends since 3rd grade. Still virgins, they make a pact to help and high-reaching adventure, Cowgirls ‘N Angels: Dakota’s heroic. Summer is an uplifting reminder that with courage, friendship each other „score“ before Senior Prom - but their mission and passion, anything is possible. Universal Studios, Biography, Biopics, Dra- suddenly takes an unexpected turn when Matty announces Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Coming-Of-Age, ma, History & Events, Movies 1987 157min. that he’s gay. Comedy, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian Drama, Family, Movies, Rodeo 91min. Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Interest, High School, Movies 2014 91min. 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122110 Lionsgate 15.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121982 Cry-Baby 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122075 Rey Pascual, Luisa De Los Rios, Amy Crocodile Dundee / Crocodile The Dating Guy: Complete First Dundee II (Double Feature) (Blu- Locane, Riki Lake, Johnny Depp - Dir. John Waters Season ray) The tension and terror that is present-day South Africa is Meet Mark, Woody, Sam, and VJ. They live in a sort of in- John Meillon, Michael Lombard, David powerfully portrayed in director Richard Attenborough’s between world. They’ve finished school and are living on sweeping story of black activist Stephen Biko (Denzel Wa- their own, but they haven’t settled down yet or even accrued Gulpilil, Mark Blum, Linda Kozlowski, Paul shington) and a liberal white newspaper editor who risks his much of a bank account. They’re essentially living life day to Hogan - Dir. John Cornell, Peter Faiman own life to bring Bikos message to the world. After learning of day. Kind of broke. Kind of directionless. Always on the prowl Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Double Features, apartheid’s true horrors through Bikos eyes, editor Donald exploring the dating world in one way or another. Sometimes Woods (Kevin Kline) discovers that his friend has been it’s twins, sometimes it’s conjoined twins (which is way less Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies 208min. silenced by the police. Determined not to let Bikos message awesome than it sounds), and sometimes it’s a shameful night Paramount Pictures 13.05.2014 go unheard, Woods undertakes a perilous quest to escape at home with the palm twins. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121978 South Africa and bring Biko’s remarkable tale of courage to Comedy, Romance, Television 286min. the world. The riveting, true story offers a stirring account of man at his most evil and most heroic. E1 Entertainment 20.05.2014 Cry Danger Comedy, Movies, Musical, Romance 1990 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122257 Richard Erdman, Rhonda Fleming, Dick 85min. Powell - Dir. Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Dazed And Confused Dick Powell (Murder, My Sweet) plays Rocky, an innocent 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122107 Wiley Wiggins, Adam Goldberg, Rory man just released from prison. He’s on the hunt for a 100,000 bankroll he had allegedly stolen and the people who framed Cochrane, Joey Lauren Adams, Ben him. Delong (Richard Erdman, The Men) is a disabled Marine Dalziel & Pascoe: Season Nine Affleck, Parker Posey, Jason London, Milla veteran who produced the recent evidence that led to Rocky’s Jovovich, Matthew McConaughey - Dir. release. He now wants part of the $100,000 in exchange for David Royle , Warren Clarke, Colin his help. However, after serving 5 years of a life-sentence for Buchanan Richard Linklater a crime he didn’t commit, Rocky has a different plan. He wants Four more 2-part murder mysteries take the duo from a private This critically acclaimed cult favorite, written and directed by to bring the real crooks to justice and clear the name of his zoo where they unearth a possible organ-trafficking racket, to Richard Linklater (The School Of Rock), explores the last friend Danny Morgan, who’s unjustly serving time for the a community hospital where patients are dying and staff are day of school - and one wild night - in the lives of high school same crime. The stellar cast includes Rhonda Fleming (Out Of being attacked. And crimes of passion and chance students in 1976. Complete with bongs and bell bottoms, The Past) as Rocky’s old flame now married to his best friend occurrences bring a past murder case back to haunt Dalziel. macrame and mood rings, and featuring classic rock music by Danny, Regis Toomey (The Big Sleep) as a tough-as-nails BBC, British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath and KISS, this superb ensemble honest cop looking to bust the real criminals, William Conrad cast of up-and-comers (Ben Affleck, Matthew McConaughey, (Body And Soul) as Castro, the crime boss who may have Foreign, International TV, Mystery, Televisi- Parker Posey and Milla Jovovich) delivers an enduring film framed Rocky and Danny, and Jay Adler (The Big Combo) the on 2005 400min. that Rolling Stone called spectacularly funny! 1976 was a time superintendent of a sleazy trailer court where Rocky and BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 they’d never forget... if only they could remember... Comedy, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, High Delong are now living. This film noir classic was beautifully 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122032 shot in glorious black-and-white by legendary School, Movies, Nostalgia, Stoners 1993 Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies 102min. 1951 min. Dangerous Obsession Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Olive Films 08.04.2014 Ginger Donelson, James Saito, Brian 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122108 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122331 Benben Detective Nathan Weinschenk is seduced into a world of fast- talking, corrupt, and highly charismatic „Holy Men“, while he Dead Kids (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Cry Danger (Blu-ray) struggles to untangle the web of psychological, financial and (Blu-ray) Richard Erdman, Rhonda Fleming, Dick sexual clues to the ongoing murders. Dan Shor, Michael Murphy, Louise Fletcher Powell - Dir. Robert Parrish Crime, Erotica, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Dick Powell (Murder, My Sweet) plays Rocky, an innocent 1989 83min. - Dir. Michael Laughlin man just released from prison. He’s on the hunt for a 100,000 CAV 11.03.2014 The Ozploitation classic - and one of the most unique bankroll he had allegedly stolen and the people who framed shockers of the ’80s - returns like never before: Michael him. Delong (Richard Erdman, The Men) is a disabled Marine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121911 Murphy (), Dan Shor (Bill And Ted’s Excellent veteran who produced the recent evidence that led to Rocky’s Adventure) and Fiona Lewis (The Fury) star in this grisly release. He now wants part of the $100,000 in exchange for Dark Tourist saga of bizarre experiments, butchered teens, New Zealand his help. However, after serving 5 years of a life-sentence for doubling for suburban Illinois, and a killer in a Tor Johnson a crime he didn’t commit, Rocky has a different plan. He wants Suzanne Quast, Michael Cudlitz, Pruitt mask. Dey Young (Rock N’ Roll High School), Marc McClure to bring the real crooks to justice and clear the name of his (Superman), Scott Brady (Johnny Guitar) and Academy Award Taylor Vince, Melanie Griffith - Dir. Suri winner Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest)

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Knowing too much, the three are placed on for the first time ever. the government’s most wanted list and forced to go CAV, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Science Space And Time (Blu-ray + DVD undercover. But the hunted trio, soon turn into potential saviors as this unlikely group holds the key to mankind’s Fiction, Slasher, Thrillers 1981 87min. Combo) (Blu-ray) survival. Trapped deep beneath Oregon’s Mr. St. Helens, the CAV 11.03.2014 Travel back in time to witness the dramatic birth of Doctor mother beast of all the dragons awakes. Once she gets free, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121902 Who. Actor William Hartnell (David Bradley, Filch from the it’s the end of the human race... Harry Potter films, Game of Thrones) felt trapped by a Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, succession of tough-guy roles. Wannabe producer Verity Science Fiction, Thrillers 2013 87min. Deadly Code (DVD + UltraViolet) Lambert (Jessica Raine, Call the Midwife) was frustrated by Phase 4 Films 11.02.2014 Peter Stormare, John Malkovich - Dir. Ga- the TV industry’s glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121944 briele Salvatores Saturday afternoon drama, time travel and monsters! Allied Grandfather Kuzya (John Malkovich) is the leader of a with a brilliant creative team, they went on to introduce the Siberian criminal clan banished to live the in the punishment world to the longest running science fiction series ever, The Drunk town of Transnistria in 1985. There, he schools his grandson currently in its 50th year and counting. on the „honest criminal“ code of their community. Tom Sizemore BBC, Blu-ray, British, Fantasy, Foreign, When Joe Debs, grandson of legendary American labor union Biography, Biopics, Book-To-Film, Crime, International TV, Science Fiction, Televisi- leader and socialist Eugene V. Debs, gets arrested for driving Drama, Movies 2013 103min. on, Time Travel 90min. under the influence, he chalks it up to just another casualty in Lionsgate 13.05.2014 his long and illustrious drinking career. But when he BBC Home Video 27.05.2014 discovers that the corrupt prosecuting attorney (Tom 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122128 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122339 Sizemore, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Heat) plans to put him in jail for his own political gain, Joe decides The Deep End (Blu-ray) to run against him for the Democratic nomination for governor. Doctor Who: The Enemy Of The During the tumultuous campaign, Joe discovers the trials and Raymond Barry, Goran Visnjic, Josh Lucas, World tribulations of politics - while struggling to find a balance Jonathan Tucker, Tilda Swinton, Peter between his family’s reputation and modern democracy - The TARDIS lands on an Australian beach in the 21st century. building not only a great appreciation for his grandfather’s Donat - Dir. Scott McGehee, David Siegel But this is no seaside holiday - within minutes, the Doctor, legacy but an even greater understanding of himself. Still waters run deadly in this gripping suspense thriller about Jamie and Victoria are under attack.They soon discover that the extraordinary depths to which seemingly ordinary people the Doctor bears a startling resemblance to Leader Salaman- Drama, Movies, Politics, Thrillers 2014 min. will sink in the name of love. Tilda Swinton „is magnificent“ der, a would-be dictator intent on world domination. Before Green Apple Entertainment 22.04.2014 () as housewife Margaret Hall, a long, the Doctor and his companions are plunged into a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122040 fiercely protective mother caught in a vortex of deception dangerous game of espionage, intrigue and deceit as they face when it appears that her son may be guilty of murder. One off against the enemy of the world. desperate act leads to another, and soon she’s being Action, Adventure, British, Fantasy, Eastbound & Down: The blackmailed by the mysterious Alek Spera (E.R.’s Goran Visnjic). But what begins as a riveting cat-and-mouse game Foreign, Science Fiction, Television, Time Complete Fourth Season between them soon evolves into a haunting romance. Immersed Travel 150min. Steve Little, Katy Mixon, Danny McBride in the tradition of Hitchcock’s best twists and turns, The BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 Deep End „holds its suspense to the very last drop.“ (The Baseball, Comedy, HBO, Sports, Television Star) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122178 2013 240min. Crime, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, HBO Home Video 13.05.2014 Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2001 101min. Dolmen: The Complete Series 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122071 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 Bruno Madinier, Yves Renier, Ingrid Chauvin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122233 What could be more perfect than coming home to marry your Eastbound & Down: The childhood sweetheart? Police officer Marie Kermeur returns to the beautiful craggy island of Ty Kern, off the coast of Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray The Demons (Blu-ray) Brittany, to marry Christian, the man she grew up with on the + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Anne Libert, Nichols - Dir. Jesus Fran- island. But wedding planning turns into funeral preparations as the island becomes the stage for strange, nightmarish Steve Little, Katy Mixon, Danny McBride co happenings. One by one, members of Marie’s and other well- Baseball, Blu-ray, Comedy, HBO, Sports, Devils And Demons, Foreign, French, Hor- known local families die in mysterious circumstances. Adding Television 2013 240min. ror, Movies 1973 118min. an element of the bizarre to each tragedy is the fact that at the moment of death, one of the large stone outcroppings called HBO Home Video 13.05.2014 Kino Video 29.04.2014 menhirs begins to bleed - with blood identical to that of the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122083 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121876 victim. And, in the hand of each corpse is found the cryptic note, „For Marie, He will judge. From the stone, blood will spill.“ The strange phenomenon revives an old and sinister Eastern Bandits AKA An Devil’s Due island legend - that of the Shipwreckers. They were the starving islanders who, centuries ago during a famine, Innacurate Memoir Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson misdirected ships heading to lighthouse and caused them to A young couple’s blessed event turns into their worst During WWII, undercover soldier Goa leads a small group of wreck upon the rocks. Desperate to stop the carnage, Marie bandits to assassinate a prince of the Japanese royal family. nightmare in one of the most terrifying horror films ever starts her own investigation, but a top cop fro conceived! After a mysterious night on their honeymoon, Zach The plan goes awry they are ambushed and must escape to and Samantha McCall find themselves dealing with an earlier- Crime, Foreign, French, International TV, save their lives. than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything on video Mystery, Romance, Television, Thrillers Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, World for posterity, Zach notices odd behavior in his wife, which 542min. War II 105min. they initially attribute to nerves, although it soon becomes evident that the disturbing changes to Samantha’s body and MHZ Networks 21.01.2014 Well Go USA 27.05.2014 mind have a much more sinister origin. All will suffer...but who 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121952 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122316 will survive? Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 2014 Down By The River Eastern Bandits AKA An 89min. A family tries to cope when sickle cell anemia strikes their Innacurate Memoir (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 29.04.2014 youngest family member. In the midst of these trying, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122070 sometimes prosperous times, numerous other obstacles come During WWII, undercover soldier Goa leads a small group of into play. bandits to assassinate a prince of the Japanese royal family. Drama, Family, Illness & Disease, Movies The plan goes awry they are ambushed and must escape to Devil’s Due (Blu-ray + DVD + save their lives. 2012 116min. Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, World UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 War II 105min. Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Sam Anderson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121773 Well Go USA 27.05.2014 A young couple’s blessed event turns into their worst nightmare in one of the most terrifying horror films ever 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122324 conceived! After a mysterious night on their honeymoon, Zach Dracano and Samantha McCall find themselves dealing with an earlier- Mia Faith, Gina Holden, Victoria Pratt, Corin Endless Love than-planned pregnancy. While recording everything on video for posterity, Zach notices odd behavior in his wife, which Nemec Shirley Knight, Martin Hewitt, Brooke they initially attribute to nerves, although it soon becomes Without warning, Washington State’s long dormant Mt. Baker Shields - Dir. Franco Zeffirelli evident that the disturbing changes to Samantha’s body and blows its volcanic top. Among the debris and devastation mind have a much more sinister origin. All will suffer...but who unleashed are strange flying creatures with a voracious Drama, Movies, Romance 1981 116min. will survive? appetite for human flesh. Trying to contain the situation, the Universal Studios 15.04.2014 government secretly sends out armed teams to take down the Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies 2014 winged creatures. In a desperate battle in the sky, Air Force 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122001 89min. F-22’s are engaged in dogfights with the dragons and losing.

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Erin Brockovich (Blu-ray + Fargo (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Fast & Furious: 3 Movie UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Frances McDormand, Harve Presnell, Peter Collection (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Julia Roberts, Aaron Eckhart, Albert Finney Stormare, William H. Macy, Steve Buscemi - (Blu-ray) Dir. Joel Coen - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Paul Walker, Laz Alonso, Jordana A real woman. A real story. A real triumph. Julia Roberts In this seven-time Oscar-Nominated film, things go terribly stars as Erin Brockovich, a feisty young mother who fought awry when small-time Minnesota car salesman Jerry Brewster, John Ortiz, Michelle Rodriguez, for justice any way she knew how. Desperate for a job to Lundegaard (William H. Macy) hires two thugs (Steve Vin Diesel - Dir. Justin Lin support herself and her three children, she convinces Buscemi and Peter Stormare) to kidnap his wife so he can Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, attorney Ed Masry (Albert Finney) to hire her, and promptly collect the ransom from his wealthy father-in-law. Once stumbles upon a monumental law case against a giant people start dying, the very chipper and very pregnant Police Car Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, corporation. Now, Erin’s determined to take on this powerful Chief Margo (Frances McDormand) takes the case. Will she Chases, Collections, Crime, Drama, Drifting, adversary even though no law firm has dared to do it before. stop at nothing until she gets her man? You betcha. Movies, Racing, Spies & Secret Agents, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Art And while Ed doesn’t want anything to do with the case, Erin Thrillers min. won’t take „no“ for an answer. So the two begin an incredible House, Blu-ray, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Dark Universal Studios 13.05.2014 and sometimes hilarious fight that will bring a small town to its Comedy, Kidnapping, Movies, National Film feet and a huge company to its knees. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122274 Academy Award Winners, Based-On-A- Registry 1996 98min. MGM / UA 01.04.2014 True-Story, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Fast & Furious: 6 Movie Drama, Independent Women, Lawyers / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121947 Legal Issues, Movies 2000 141min. Collection Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Farscape: The Complete Season Paul Walker, Eva Mendes, Cole Hauser, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122303 Four - 15th Anniversary Edition Rick Yune, Chad Lindberg, Vin Diesel, Zachery Ty Bryan, Ted Levine, Lucas Wayne Pygram, Claudia Black, Ben Black, James Remar, Michelle Rodriguez, Eureka: Season Three Browder, Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe John Ortiz, Tyrese Gibson, Bow Wow, Erica Cerra, Colin Ferguson, Salli A great deal of time passes between Seasons Three and Four Johnny Strong, Sung Kang, Jordana Richardson which helps develop the show’s extraordinary characters even more fully. More recent additions to the crew, including Brewster, Nikki Griffin, Brandon Brendel, Comedy, Drama, Science Fiction, Television Noranti and Sikozu, as well as a shocking former enemy, play Luke Evans, Gina Carano - Dir. John 2008 min. major roles in a series of thrilling, surreal, and nearly lethal adventures. As each season has raised the stakes for the Singleton, Rob Cohen, Justin Lin Universal Studios 06.05.2014 crew, this season raises the stakes for the universe itself, Buckle up for nonstop action and mind-blowing speed in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121968 with a series of escalating dangers that threaten not only the adrenaline-fueled Fast & Furious: 6 Movie Collection. Vin Farscape galaxy, but Crichton’s home galaxy as well. Season Diesel, Paul Walker, , Michelle Rodriguez Four features some of the most imaginative science fiction and an all-star cast put pedal to the metal in pursuit of justice Everyday seen in the series so far, while always remaining true to the and survival as they race from L.A. to Tokyo, Rio and London. Shirley Henderson, John Simm - Dir. Micha- extraordinary characters, passionate chemistry and whip- Packed with full-throttle action and jaw-dropping stunts, crack dialogue that have become Farscape signatures. This these six turbo-charged thrill rides place you behind the el Winterbottom concluding season of Farscape - the only one filmed in wheel of the most explosive film franchise in history! Filmed over the course of five years, director Michael anamorphic widescreen - shines like never before in glorious Winterbottom’s (The Trip, The Killer Inside Me) Everyday is Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Boxed Blu-ray. Sets, Car Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, a portrait of a family trying to hold itself together despite the Aliens, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Space, harsh passage of time. After being found guilty of drug Crime, Drama, Movies, Racing, Thrillers Television 2002 1060min. smuggling, patriarch Ian is sent to prison, leaving his wife to 821min. care for their four children alone. Offered only occasional New Video DVD 15.04.2014 Universal Studios 13.05.2014 visits, each member of Ian’s family develops a different 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121991 relationship with him, as their lives outside of Ian’s presence 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122142 take their own paths without the guidance of a father and husband. By the time Ian is allowed to visit his family at home, Farscape: The Complete Season their lives are forever separated, but the bond that holds a The Fast And The Furious family together finds a way to keep them forever linked. Both Four - 15th Anniversary Edition an exploration of the way the passage of time is presented in (Steelbook + Blu-ray + DVD + film and a careful study of the subtleties that make up a family (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) dynamic, Everyday is both a bittersweet story of survival and Wayne Pygram, Claudia Black, Ben Paul Walker, Ted Levine, Jordana Brewster, love and a celebration of the small pleasures of everyday life. Browder, Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe British, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2012 A great deal of time passes between Seasons Three and Four Johnny Strong, Michelle Rodriguez, Rick 106min. which helps develop the show’s extraordinary characters Yune, Chad Lindberg, Vin Diesel - Dir. Rob MPI 08.04.2014 even more fully. More recent additions to the crew, including Cohen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121867 Noranti and Sikozu, as well as a shocking former enemy, play They’ve got the adrenaline rush and the mean machines, but major roles in a series of thrilling, surreal, and nearly lethal most of all, they’ve got the extreme need for speed. On the adventures. As each season has raised the stakes for the turbo-charged streets of , every night is a Evidence crew, this season raises the stakes for the universe itself, championship race. With nitro-boosted fury, Dominic Toretto with a series of escalating dangers that threaten not only the (Vin Diesel), rules the road turning all his challengers into Horror, Movies, Wilderness 78min. Farscape galaxy, but Crichton’s home galaxy as well. Season dust. He and his rival, Johnny Tran (Rick Yune) are the Osiris Entertainment 15.04.2014 Four features some of the most imaginative science fiction boldest, the baddest and the best. But now, there’s new rage 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121796 seen in the series so far, while always remaining true to the on the road. They know he’s tough, they know he’s fast, but extraordinary characters, passionate chemistry and whip- what they don’t know is that he’s a speed demon detective crack dialogue that have become Farscape signatures. This (Paul Walker) with enough drive and determination to come The Facility concluding season of Farscape - the only one filmed in out the winner. With intense full-throttle action, awesome anamorphic widescreen - shines like never before in glorious high-speed stunts, and full-on pedal to the metal intensity, this Skye Lourie, Oliver Coleman, Steve Evets, Blu-ray. fast and furious assault puts you in the driver’s seat and , Amit Shah, Chris Larkin, Aliens, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Science Fiction, dares you to exceed all limits. Alex Reid, Nia Roberts - Dir. Ian Clark Space, Television 2002 1060min. Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Blu-ray, At a remote medical facility, a group of seven strangers begin New Video DVD 15.04.2014 Car Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, a clinical trial for the experimental new drug: Pro-9. As the untested drug begins to course through their veins, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122009 Chases, Crime, Drama, Drifting, Movies, unexpected side-effects start to take hold and several of the Racing, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers volunteers are sent into an uncontrollable murderous rage. Fast & Furious: 3 Movie 2001 107min. British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Science Collection Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Fiction 2012 82min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122062 New Video DVD 04.03.2014 Paul Walker, Laz Alonso, Jordana 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122282 Brewster, John Ortiz, Michelle Rodriguez, Vin Diesel - Dir. Justin Lin Father Brown: The Complete Family Plot (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Auto Racing, Car Collection Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, Chases, Kenneth More - Dir. Robert Tronson, Peter , William Devane, Bruce Dern, Collections, Crime, Drama, Drifting, Movies, Jeffries, Ian Fordyce Barbara Harris - Dir. Racing, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Heaven help the murderer who crosses paths with G.K. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, min. Chesterton’s cassocked crime-solver, Father Brown (Kenneth Mystery, Thrillers 1976 121min. More, The Forsyte Saga). Despite his absentminded air, the Universal Studios 13.05.2014 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 kindly priest always manages to confound criminals with his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122244 inescapable logic and keen understanding of the human 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122305 condition. Often joined by his friend, thief-turned-private- investigator Hercule Flambeau (Dennis Burgess, Truman at

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Potsdam), Father Brown unravels devious schemes in 1920s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121858 Hitchcock England. More plays the title role with „clearly defined Jon Finch, Alec McCowen and Barry Foster star in this perfection“ (The New York Times) in this classic British morbid blend of horror and wit - the first Hitchcock film to series that conveys all the charm, cleverness, and suspense Forced March earn an „R“ rating. The Necktie Murderer has the London of Chesterton’s detective stories in one complete collection. Renee Soutendijk, Josef Sommer, Chris Police on red alert, and an innocent man is on a desperate British, Detectives, Foreign, International Sarandon - Dir. Rick King quest to find the real serial rapist-murderer and clear his own TV, Mystery, Television 671min. name. Alternating heart-pounding tension with distinctive Drama, Film About Film, History & Events, Acorn Media 29.04.2014 Hitchcock humor, Frenzy marked the Master of Suspense’s Holocaust, Movies, War 1989 104min. return to his native England after almost twenty years. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121810 Passion River 13.05.2014 British, Dark Comedy, Foreign, Horror, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122162 Movies, Murder Mysteries, Serial Killers, Fear Thrillers 1972 116min. William Petersen, Amy Brenneman, Alyssa Forgetting Sarah Marshall / Get Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Milano, Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122306 - Dir. James Foley Him To The Greek / Role Models Drama, Love Gone Bad, Movies, Stalkers, (3 Movie Laugh Pack) From Above Thrillers 1996 97min. Ken Jeong, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Ashley Bell, Ezequiel Stremiz, Justin Als- Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Elizabeth Banks, Joe Lo Truglio, Sean ton, Adriana Mather, Mike Wade, Chelsea 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122109 Combs, Jane Lynch, Seann William Scott, Ricketts, Clayton Rohner, Graham Greene, Elisabeth Moss, Jason Segel, Paul Rudd, Tantoo Cardinal, Danny Glover - Dir. Norry A Field In England (Blu-ray + Di- Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, Jack McBrayer, Niven gital Copy) (Blu-ray) Russell Brand - Dir. David Wain, Nicholas Elements of Shakespeare’s stories are woven into this Stoller beautiful and enchanting tale that details the beginning, end, Julian Barratt, Peter Ferdinando - Dir. Ben Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Fish-Out-Of- and rebirth of a love affair between William (Danny Glover) Wheatley and Venus (Tantoo Cardinal), a member of the mystical Native England during the English Civil War. A small group of Water, Movies, Odd Couples, Road Trips, American Lightning Clan. Though society, cultural deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. Romance, Triple Feature min. circumstances, and family pressures conspire to keep them They are captured by two men: O’Neil and Cutler. O’Neil, an Universal Studios 06.05.2014 apart, a young William (Mike Wade) and Venus (Chelsea alchemist, forces the group to aid him in his search to find a Ricketts) devise ways to meet and strengthen the bond hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122093 between them. They find that despite his father’s misgivings, group quickly descends into a chaos of arguments, fighting and with the support of her guardian (Graham Greene), theirs and paranoia, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be Fort Apache / She Wore A Yellow is a love that transcends all obstacles. something other than gold. Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 112min. British, Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Ribbon (Double Feature) Anderson Merchandisers 04.02.2014 Horror, Movies, Thrillers, War 2013 90min. Anna Lee, Grant Withers, Joanne Dru, Har- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121834 New Video DVD 08.04.2014 ry Carey Jr., Dick Foran, Ben Johnson, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122010 John Agar, Victor McLaglen, Shirley The Gabby Douglas Story Temple, Ward Bond, , John Brian Tee, Imani Hakim, S. Epatha A Field In England (DVD + Digital Wayne, Mae Marsh, Guy Kibbee, Irene Merkerson, - Dir. Gregg Cham- Copy) Rich, Arthur Shields, Pedro Armendariz, pion Mildred Natwick - Dir. John Ford Julian Barratt, Peter Ferdinando - Dir. Ben Moving away from her hometown and family in 2010 to pursue Double Features, Drama, Movies, Western training with a world-renowned Olympic trainer, Gabby Wheatley Douglas was selected to compete with the U.S. Olympic England during the English Civil War. A small group of min. women’s gymnastics team at the 2012 Summer Olympics. deserters flee from a raging battle through an overgrown field. Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 There, Douglas became the first African American to win gold They are captured by two men: O’Neil and Cutler. O’Neil, an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122181 in the individual all-around event. alchemist, forces the group to aid him in his search to find a African Americans, Biography, Biopics, girl hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. The power, Movies, Olympics, Sports, TV group quickly descends into a chaos of arguments, fighting Francis The Talking Mule: The and paranoia, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be Movies 2014 86min. something other than gold. Complete Collection Sony Pictures Home Entertainment British, Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Francis the Talking Mule Complete Collection features the hilarious escapades of the delightfully funny, old army mule... 15.04.2014 Horror, Movies, Thrillers, War 2013 90min. who happens to talk! Including all 7 movies from one of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121929 New Video DVD 08.04.2014 most beloved comic series, Donald O’Connor stars as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121993 bewildered soldier Peter Stirling, who is helped out of one tricky situation after another by the unlikeliest of heroes, his Garage Sale Mystery pal Francis. Join the smart-alecky talking mule who continues Lori Loughlin - Dir. Peter DeLuise Fields Of The Dead to enchant audiences with his yackety-yakking, wise- Jennifer Shannon loves scouring garage sales to look for Bill Wassem, Chelsie Hartness, Matt cracking antics that the whole family can enjoy! items to sell in her resell shop, but when she realizes a Animals & Nature, Classics, Collections, Harwell, Melanie Gillis, Mark Booker - Dir. series of burglaries and a friend’s murder may have a Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Movies connection to the sales, she not only helps the cops, but does Daniel Iske min. some undercover sleuthing of her own. As she gets closer to Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher 2014 the truth, she becomes the murderers next target. Now she Universal Studios 29.04.2014 84min. must fight for her own survival in order to solve the mystery 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122023 and bring her friend’s killer to justice. Viva Pictures 04.02.2014 Murder Mysteries, Mystery, TV Movies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121882 Freeloaders 2013 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 20.05.2014 Jane Seymour, Josh Lawson, Olivia Munn, The Five Obstructions 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122358 Dave Foley - Dir. Dan Rosen Lars Von Trier, Jorgen Leth, Vivian Rosa, A group of slackers living for free in a rock star’s mansion Jacqueline Arenal, Daniel Hernandez suddenly find their lives on easy street threatened when the GBF Rodriguez, Maiken Algren , Claus Nissen, musician decides to sell his pad. To stop the sale the gang comes up with a series of ludicrous and hilarious schemes to Molly Tarlov, Xosha Roquemore, Sasha Alexandra Vandernoot, Patrick Bauchau - ensure the house never sells. From the producers of Beerfest Pieterse, Michael J. Willett, Paul Iacono, Dir. Lars Von Trier, Jorgen Leth and Super Troopers comes the stoner comedy of the year Andrea Bowen, Horatio Sanz, Megan Lars von Trier (Dancer in The Dark, Dogville) now enters the staring Olivia Munn, Dave Foley, Jane Seymour, Nat Faxon, world of documentary filmmaking alongside his idol, Danish Denise Richards, Josh Lawson, Zoe Boyle, Clifton Collins Mullally, Rebecca Gayheart, Natasha filmmaker Jorgen Leth. In 1967, Leth made a 12 minute feature Jr., Kevin Sussman, Warren Hutchinson, Brit Morgan and Lyonne, Jonathan Silverman - Dir. Darren film called The Perfect Human. Now, 35 years later, von Trier featuring music by The Counting Crows. Stein challenges Jorgen Leth to remake his film five times, each time Adventure, Comedy, Movies 2012 77min. with a new obstruction to force Leth to rethink the story and Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, High characters of the original film. Playing the nave Phase 4 Films 02.04.2014 School, Movies 93min. anthropologist, Leth rises to the challenge set forth by von 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121939 Anderson Merchandisers 11.02.2014 Trier in a game full of traps and vicious turns and a very surprising outcome. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122117 Danish, Documentary, Foreign, Movies, Pop Frenzy (Blu-ray) Culture 2004 90min. Barry Foster, Jon Finch, , Generation War Kino Video 22.04.2014 Bernard Cribbins, Billie Whitelaw, Alec Tom Schilling McCowen, Anna Massey - Dir. Alfred Billed as a German Band Of Brothers, this blockbuster

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA miniseries vividly depicts the lives of five young German Rosario Dawson, Brendan Fraser, James After Pip, an orphaned blacksmith’s apprentice (Jeremy friends forced to navigate the unconscionable moral Irvine) inherits a fortune from an anonymous benefactor, his compromises of life under Hitler. Level-headed, highly Earl Jones - Dir. Ron Krauss future seems promising. But a bitter heiress (Bonham Carter) decorated officer Wilhelm goes off to the eastern front with Based on inspiring true events, and starring Vanessa is intent on preventing Pip from finding true love in this lush, his sensitive younger brother Friedhelm. Deeply in love with Hudgens in „the best performance of her career“ (NYC Movie satisfying drama that also stars Jason Flemyng, Robbie Wilhelm is Charlotte, a young nurse who looks forward to Guru). A teenage girl (Hudgens) flees life with her drug- Coltrane and Holliday Grainger. serving in the Red Cross. Greta is a talented singer who addicted mother (Dawson) to find the wealthy father she’s British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Romance longs to become another Marlene Dietrich, while her Jewish never known (Fraser). Gimme Shelter tells the extraordinary boyfriend Viktor fights for his life while hiding among members and courageous tale of one girl’s fight against the odds to find 2012 128min. of the Polish Resistance. redemption and - ultimately - to create a family she can call 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 Drama, Foreign, German, History & Events, her own. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121975 Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu- Mini-Series, Television, War 2013 279min. ray, Drama, Movies 2013 101min. Music Box Films 06.05.2014 Lionsgate 29.04.2014 Great Expectations (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121998 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122102 Jason Flemyng - Dir. From the director of Four Weddings And A Funeral comes this Generation War (Blu-ray) fresh, absorbing film adaptation of Charles Dickens’ beloved Gimme Shelter (DVD + novel starring and Ralph Fiennes. Tom Schilling After Pip, an orphaned blacksmith’s apprentice (Jeremy Billed as a German Band Of Brothers, this blockbuster UltraViolet) Irvine) inherits a fortune from an anonymous benefactor, his miniseries vividly depicts the lives of five young German Stephanie Szostak, Vanessa Hudgens, future seems promising. But a bitter heiress (Bonham Carter) friends forced to navigate the unconscionable moral is intent on preventing Pip from finding true love in this lush, compromises of life under Hitler. Level-headed, highly Rosario Dawson, Brendan Fraser, James satisfying drama that also stars Jason Flemyng, Robbie decorated officer Wilhelm goes off to the eastern front with Earl Jones - Dir. Ron Krauss Coltrane and Holliday Grainger. his sensitive younger brother Friedhelm. Deeply in love with Based on inspiring true events, and starring Vanessa British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Romance Wilhelm is Charlotte, a young nurse who looks forward to Hudgens in „the best performance of her career“ (NYC Movie serving in the Red Cross. Greta is a talented singer who Guru). A teenage girl (Hudgens) flees life with her drug- 2012 128min. longs to become another Marlene Dietrich, while her Jewish addicted mother (Dawson) to find the wealthy father she’s 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 boyfriend Viktor fights for his life while hiding among members never known (Fraser). Gimme Shelter tells the extraordinary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121981 of the Polish Resistance. and courageous tale of one girl’s fight against the odds to find Drama, Foreign, German, History & Events, redemption and - ultimately - to create a family she can call Mini-Series, Television, War 2013 279min. her own. Grudge Match (Blu-ray + DVD + Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Dra- Music Box Films 06.05.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ma, Movies 2013 101min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122013 Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Kim Lionsgate 29.04.2014 Basinger - Dir. Peter Segal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122077 George Gently: Series Six A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement to fight one final bout - 50 years after their last match. Lee Ingleby, Martin Shaw - Dir. Ben Bolt, Girl On A Bicycle Boxing, Comedy, Movies, Sports 2013 Nicholas Renton, Bill Anderson, Tim Whitby 113min. Detective Chief Inspector George Gently (Martin Shaw, Paddy Considine, Vincenzo Amato - Dir. Death in Holy Orders) returns to the job six months after he Jeremy Leven Warner Bros. 08.04.2014 and his sergeant, John Bacchus (Lee Ingleby, Place of Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122084 Execution), were gravely injured in the line of duty. Both officers appear to be on the mend, physically at least. But 101min. while Gently is intent on putting the incident behind him, Monterey Home Video 25.03.2004 Grudge Match (DVD + UltraViolet) Bacchus clearly is not - and shocks his boss by submitting a tba BestellNr.: 40122138 Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone, Kim letter of resignation. At a time of changing attitudes and values in Britain, Gently and Bacchus are undergoing Basinger - Dir. Peter Segal transitions of their own. In these four new episodes set in Gloria (DVD + UltraViolet) A pair of aging boxing rivals are coaxed out of retirement to 1969, Bacchus lets a new constable’s (Lisa McGrillis, fight one final bout - 50 years after their last match. Hebburn) modern ways of policing get under his skin, while Sergio Hernandez Boxing, Comedy, Movies, Sports 2013 an aging Gently finds himself more and more adrift in a rapidly An 86th Academy Awards Official Selection! Gloria stars 113min. evolving world. Guest stars include Jemma Redgrave award-winning Paulina Garcia in an uplifting story of (Bramwell) and Robert Pugh (Game of Thrones). personal transformation and strength. Gloria is a „woman of a Warner Bros. 08.04.2014 certain age“ who gets caught up in a passionate whirlwind 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122072 BBC, Book-To-Film, British, Crime, romance with a retired naval officer, whom she meets at a Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Murder dance club for singles. But when she discovers the truth of Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2013 their relationship, she takes matters into her own hands and Arthur Hailey’s The 369min. sets forth the change of a lifetime! Chilean, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Moneychangers Acorn Media 01.04.2014 Romance 2013 110min. , Kirk Douglas, Christopher 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121806 Lionsgate 29.04.2014 Plummer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122078 This adaptation of Arthur Hailey’s bestselling book is a tale of George Gently: Series Six (Blu- power and greed in the banking business. Two ambitious vice presidents become rivals when an imminent board room ray) : Part III (Blu-ray) vacancy arises. The Moneychangers won an Emmy Award nomination as Outstanding Series as well as an Emmy for Lee Ingleby, Martin Shaw - Dir. Ben Bolt, George Hamilton, , Eli Wal- Christopher Plummer in his role as one of the protagonists. Nicholas Renton, Bill Anderson, Tim Whitby lach, , Bridget Fonda, Al Other nominations went to Susan Flannery (as Kirk Douglas’ Detective Chief Inspector George Gently (Martin Shaw, lawyer girlfriend), to Joseph Biroc for his cinematography, Death in Holy Orders) returns to the job six months after he Pacino, Andy Garcia, Talia Shire - Dir. and to Phill Norman for his graphics and opening titles. The and his sergeant, John Bacchus (Lee Ingleby, Place of Moneychangers is the story of how absolute power corrupts Execution), were gravely injured in the line of duty. Both One of the greatest sagas in movie history continues. In this absolutely. officers appear to be on the mend, physically at least. But third film in the epic Corleone trilogy, Al Pacino reprises the Drama, Mini-Series, Television 1976 while Gently is intent on putting the incident behind him, role of powerful family leader Michael Corleone. Now in his Bacchus clearly is not - and shocks his boss by submitting a 60’s, Michael is dominated by two passions: freeing his family 320min. letter of resignation. At a time of changing attitudes and from crime and finding a suitable successor. That successor Paramount Pictures 20.05.2014 values in Britain, Gently and Bacchus are undergoing could be fiery Vincent (Andy Garcia)...but he may also be the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121971 transitions of their own. In these four new episodes set in spark that turns Michael’s hope of business legitimacy into an 1969, Bacchus lets a new constable’s (Lisa McGrillis, inferno of mob violence. Francis Ford Coppola directs Hebburn) modern ways of policing get under his skin, while Pacino, Garcia, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, , Sofia Hallucination Strip an aging Gently finds himself more and more adrift in a rapidly Coppola, Joe Mantegna and others in this exciting, long- evolving world. Guest stars include Jemma Redgrave awaited film that masterfully explores the themes of power, Guido Alberti, Marcel Bozzuffi, Bud Cort (Bramwell) and Robert Pugh (Game of Thrones). tradition, revenge and love. Seven Academy Award Crime, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Thrillers BBC, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, British, Crime, nominations for 1990 were the result, including Best Picture. 1975 93min. Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Murder Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Kino Video 29.04.2014 Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2013 Movies 1990 170min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121860 369min. Paramount Pictures 13.05.2014 Acorn Media 01.04.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121979 Hallucination Strip (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121838 Guido Alberti, Marcel Bozzuffi, Bud Cort Great Expectations Crime, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Thrillers Gimme Shelter (Blu-ray + Jason Flemyng - Dir. Mike Newell 1975 93min. From the director of Four Weddings And A Funeral comes this UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) fresh, absorbing film adaptation of Charles Dickens’ beloved Kino Video 29.04.2014 Stephanie Szostak, Vanessa Hudgens, novel starring Helena Bonham Carter and Ralph Fiennes. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121877

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Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all 1993 104min. standard Blu-ray players Happy Days: The Fifth Season Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Book-To- Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Anson Williams, Donny Most, Tom Bosley, Film, Fantasy, Movies 2013 161min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122111 Marion Ross, Henry Winkler, Ron Howard New Line Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 Relive the original moment that Fonzie (Henry Winkler) rises 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122086 to the challenge and „jumps the shark,“ leather jacket, swim Here Comes The Devil trunks and all! Space creature Mork from Ork (guest star Robin Williams) visits the peaceful Cunningham household Michele Garcia - Dir. Adrian Garcia Holliston: The Complete Second and newcomers Chachi (Scott Baio), Lori Beth (Lynda Bogliano Goodfriend), and Leather Tuscadero (Suzi Quatro) take the A couple’s son and daughter inexplicably reappear after being Season (Blu-ray) stage for the first time. These 27 unforgettable episodes lost overnight on a desolate, cave-riddled mountainside. Laura Ortiz, Corri English, Joe Lynch, Adam feature the whole gang, Richie (Ron Howard), Potsie (Anson Becoming withdrawn and beginning to exhibit strange Williams), Ralph (Donny Most) and all the good times that behavior, their parents quickly assume something sinister Green - Dir. Adam Green, Sean Becker made Happy Days Season Five an iconic part of television happened to them while missing. But after hearing an ominous Following the events of the first season, Season Two ups the history. local legend, the concerned mother and father begin to realize ante of outrageousness, taking Holliston to a wide range of Classics, Comedy, Family, Television 1977 that their children may have fallen prey to something inhuman unexpected places. Highlights include the series’ first - and that this dark, unstoppable evil has now returned home animated episode, finding the town attacked by a giant blob; a 687min. Ringu-inspired J-Horror episode; a Found Footage episode; Paramount Pictures 20.05.2014 with them. Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Thril- and a special season finale that will boast two special 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121972 musical performances by the talented cast and a shocking lers 2012 97min. final scene that will raise the dead. Season Two also features Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.03.2014 some surprising twists, amazing guest stars (Kane Hodder, Happy Gilmore / Billy Madison / I Danielle Harris, Bailee Madison, James Gunn, Sid Haig, Seth 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121832 Green, David Naughton, and more), and major developments Now Pronounce You Chuck & for the four main characters that will have a huge impact on Larry (3 Movie Laugh Pack) Here Comes The Devil (Blu-ray) their lives and leave viewers anxious for more. Comedy, Horror, Romance, Television 2013 Jessica Biel, Kevin Nealon, Christopher Michele Garcia - Dir. Adrian Garcia 240min. McDonald, Adam Sandler, Carl Weathers, Bogliano Image Ent. 08.04.2014 Ving Rhames, Dan Aykroyd, Steve Buscemi A couple’s son and daughter inexplicably reappear after being lost overnight on a desolate, cave-riddled mountainside. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121816 - Dir. Dennis Dugan, Tamra Davis Becoming withdrawn and beginning to exhibit strange Comedy, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Golf, Marriage behavior, their parents quickly assume something sinister Woes, Movies, Sports, Triple Feature min. happened to them while missing. But after hearing an ominous Hollow Triumph local legend, the concerned mother and father begin to realize Edward Franz, Dick Wessel, Henry Universal Studios 06.05.2014 that their children may have fallen prey to something inhuman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122094 - and that this dark, unstoppable evil has now returned home Brandon, Lucien Littlefield, Herbert Rudley, with them. Thomas Browne Henry, Paul Henreid, Joan Harvey (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Thril- Bennett, John Qualen - Dir. Steve Sekely lers 2012 97min. After a botched hit on a casino, the criminal mastermind John (Blu-ray) Muller has nowhere to run. With a band of killers on his trail, Magnolia Home Entertainment 18.03.2014 he hides out in an anonymous office job, knowing that his days , Cecil Kellaway, Wallace 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121842 are numbered. When he is mistaken for the psychiatrist Dr. Ford, Peggy Dow, Charles Drake, Victoria Bartok, he finds his escape route. The doctor is a dead ringer Horne, Jesse White, - Dir. : The Complete for Muller, except for a hideous scar on his face. By inflicting Henry Koster the gruesome wound on his own cheek, the criminal is able to Series assume Bartok’s identity. Through a twist of fate, Muller cuts James Stewart gives one of his finest performances in the the scar onto the wrong side of his face and finds his survival lighthearted film Harvey, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning Gerry Black, Barbara Babcock, Taurean threatened. Unable to keep this precarious balance any play. Stewart stars as the good-natured Elwood P. Dowd, Blacque longer, he makes one last attempt at escape before fate closes whose constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall rabbit in on him. Paul Henreid produced and starred in this inspired that only he can see. To his sister, Veta Louise (Academy Cops, Crime, Drama, Television min. film-noir thriller. The nail-biting tension is magnified by Award winner Josephine Hull), Elwood’s obsession with Vivendi Visual Entertainment 29.04.2014 phenomenal performances by Joan Bennett (Scarlet Street) Harvey has been a thorn in the side of her plans to marry off 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122052 and John Qualen (Paul Henreid’s co-star in Casablanca). her daughter. When Veta Louise decides to put Elwood in a The Scar also introduces Dragnet’s Jack Webb in his first mental hospital, a hilarious mix-up occurs and she finds motion picture role. herself committed instead. It’s up to Elwood to straighten out The Hobbit 2: The Desolation Of the mess with his kindly philosophy, and his „imaginary“ Drama, Film Noir, Horror, Movies, Serial friend, in this popular classic. Smaug - Special Edition (DVD + Killers 1948 82min. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, UltraViolet) Film Chest Media Group 11.03.2014 Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121798 Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin Movies 1950 105min. Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- Universal Studios 06.05.2014 ter Jackson Bob Hope Classic Comedy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122304 Adventure, Book-To-Film, Fantasy, Movies Collection 2013 161min. Bob Hope Haunting Of The Innocent New Line Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 The Bob Hope Classic Comedy Collection features 10 of the Jessica Morris, Judd Nelson, Dane Hillis, funniest movies from the legendary comedian. As a recognized 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122073 genius of American comedy, Bob Hope has no equal. From his Hannah Cowley, Rib Hillis, Neil Dickson - early days in vaudeville to his years as a top Hollywood box- Dir. Matt Hish The Hobbit 2: The Desolation Of office draw and star of radio, TV and live performances, Bob Tom and Brenda have the perfect life, a wonderful son, a great Hopes innocent charm and lightning-quick wit have delighted job, a luxury car and a big house on a beautiful street. One Smaug (Blu-ray + DVD + millions of fans throughout the world. Filled with timeless day, when Brenda is violently attacked in the comfort of their laughs, the Bob Hope Classic Comedy Collection will home, their perfect lives are thrown into chaos and fear. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) entertain longtime fans and introduce a whole new generation Looking to escape the nightmares that follow the brutality, Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin to the legendary style of one of the most famous comedians of Brenda and Tom take their son and move to a sleepy coastal Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- all time! town to live with Brenda’s father. However, unbeknownst to Classics, Collections, Comedy, Hollywood ter Jackson them, this little town only serves to tear their lives apart even Legends, Television min. further. Forced down a journey of supernatural dangers, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Fantasy, Universal Studios 29.04.2014 haunted by ghostly evil-forces hell bent on destroying the Movies 2013 161min. family and swallowed up in the horrid past of their new home, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122022 this perfect couple will have to fight down death and forces of New Line Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 evil or face their own demise and that of everyone they hold 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122085 dear. House Of Dust Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 100min. The Hobbit 2: The Desolation Of Inbar Lavi, Holland Roden, Eddie Hassell, Viva Pictures 04.02.2014 Steven Grayhm - Dir. A.D. Calvo tba BestellNr.: 40121870 Smaug 3D (3D Blu-ray + Blu-ray + Horror, Movies, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2013 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 88min. Heart And Souls Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 Tom Sizemore, Kyra Sedgwick, David Freeman, Ken Stott, Ian McKellen - Dir. Pe- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122046 Paymer, Alfre Woodard, Elisabeth Shue, ter Jackson Robert Downey Jr., Charles Grodin - Dir. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which House Of Good & Evil Ron Underwood is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3.

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Marietta Marich Roman Catholic writer is found murdered on a beach with the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122137 Chris and Maggie escape the pressures of the city and find word PIG written on his back, Inspector Lavardin is sent to the house of their dreams in an isolated town with no means of investigate. In the course of his probing, he discovers that the communicating with the outside world. After moving in, it widow is an old flame of his and that the small coastal town Jailbait becomes terrifyingly clear that there’s far more going on than holds other secrets. Jennifer Jacobs, Andray Johnson, Steve meets the eye. As the couple begins to experience Collections, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, unexplainable events, they franticly try to escape the towns Hanks, Sara Malukul Lane - Dir. Jared Cohn Thrillers 210min. After killing her step-father in self-defense, Anna Nix is sent chilling and deadly secret before it’s too late. E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 108min. to a juvenile detention center. As she struggles to survive in a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121780 world of girl gangs and predatory guards, Anna must fight her Phase 4 Films 01.04.2014 dark side and stay above the fray. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121934 Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers, Troubled Inspector Lavardin Collection Youth 2013 90min. I Am Legend (Steelbook) (Blu- (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.02.2014 Both of Claude Chabrol’s murderous black comedy, feature 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122006 ray) film mysteries starring Jean Poiret as the incomparable Alice Braga, Dash Mihok, Will Smith - Dir. Inspector Lavardin: Chicken with Vinegar: When a small town begins losing its citizenry in a series of grisly murders, out- Jurassic Park (Steelbook + Blu- Francis Lawrence of-town police inspector Jean Lavardin is sent to investigate. The last man on earth is not alone. Will Smith portrays that Could the killers be a bullied son and his cruel mother, who ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) lone survivor in I Am Legend, the action epic fusing heart run the local post office? Or a pushy trio of would-be land Sam Neill, Martin Ferrero, Ariana Richards, pounding excitement with a mind blowing vision of a desolated developers? Inspector Lavardin: When a wealthy and devout Manhattan. Somehow immune to an unstoppable, incurable Roman Catholic writer is found murdered on a beach with the Bob Peck, Laura Dern, Richard virus, military virologist Robert Neville (Smith) is now the word PIG written on his back, Inspector Lavardin is sent to Attenborough, Jeff Goldblum - Dir. Steven last human survivor in and maybe the world. investigate. In the course of his probing, he discovers that the But he is not alone. Mutant plague victims lurk in the Spielberg widow is an old flame of his and that the small coastal town Experience one of the biggest films in motion picture history shadows...watching Neville’s every move...waiting for him to holds other secrets. make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind’s last, best hope, with director ’s ultimate thrill ride, Jurassic Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find an Collections, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Park. Featuring Academy Award winning visual effects and antidote using his own immune blood. But he knows he is Thrillers 210min. groundbreaking filmmaking that has been hailed as „a triumph outnumbered...and quickly running out of time. of special effects artistry“ (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun- E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 Times), this epic film is sheer movie-making magic that was 65 Action, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, End Of 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121792 million years in the making. Jurassic Park takes you to an The World, Movies, Science Fiction, Thril- amazing theme park on a remote island where dinosaurs once lers 2007 min. Invasion Europe: 70th Anniversay again roam the earth and five people must battle to survive Warner Bros. 25.03.2014 among the prehistoric predators. Starring Sam Neill, Laura War Collection (Blu-ray) Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough, discover the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122197 breathtaking adventure you will want to experience again and Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Military, again. I’ll Get You Movies, War, World War II min. Academy Award Winners, Action, Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, , Reginald Tate, Sally 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121905 Dinosaurs, Jungle, Movies, Science Fiction, Gray, George Raft, Frederick Piper, Clifford Thrillers 1993 127min. Evans, Bernard Luber An F.B.I. agent illegally enters England following the Island Universal Studios 06.05.2014 disappearance of several noted atomic scientists. He promptly Colin Morgan, Natalie Press, Janet McTeer - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122063 „disappears“ himself and is dogged by trouble and the Scotland Yard. Dir. Elizabeth Mitchell, Brek Taylor Island is a haunting tale of yearning, retribution and King Kong (Steelbook + Blu-ray + Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 1952 79min. redemption. Abandoned at birth, Nikki Black (McTeer) has Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 spent most of her life in ‘care’ sustained only by fairytales. DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122367 Incapable of love, fearful and desperate for revenge, she Naomi Watts, Andy Serkis, Colin Hanks, decides to find her birth mother, confront her, and kill her... she travels incognito to the remote Herbridean island where Jamie Bell, Jack Black, Thomas L’Immortelle Phyllis now lives as a recluse with Calum - her islander son. Kretschmann, Adrien Brody - Dir. Peter Drama, Foreign, French, Kidnapping, Weeks pass and Nikki gradually awakens to the magic of the Jackson island, her beguiling brother and their shared passion for Academy Award- winning director Peter Jackson (The Lord of Movies 1963 101min. storytelling. All the while, her murderous paranoia the RingsTrilogy) brings his sweeping cinematic vision to Kino Video 01.04.2014 intensifies... King Kong. Get ready for breathtaking action in this thrilling 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121854 British, Drama, Foreign, High Seas, Movies, epic adventure about a legendary gorilla captured on a Revenge 2011 96min. treacherous island and brought to civilization, where he faces Anderson Merchandisers 21.01.2014 the ultimate fight for survival. Incomplete Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Giant Mon- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121888 Donald Porter, Michael Davidson, Jaye sters!, Jungle, King Kong (And Other Large Taylor - Dir. Abraham Moran, Charles Far- Primates), Movies 2006 188min. mer Jack Irish: Set Two Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Incomplete is a captivating story of one woman’s longing to Roy Billing, Marta Dusseldorp, Guy Pearce 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122064 complete her family through love and desire but unearths an - Dir. Jeffrey Walker illusive weave of deception. It’s a riveting tale of trust, Emmy winner Guy Pearce (The Kings Speech, Memento, Iron betrayal and the fine line that divides when secrets are Man 3) returns as Jack Irish, the brooding antihero of King’s Faith hidden and shared with strangers. Australian writer Peter Temple’s award-winning novels. This Kayla Compton, Crawford Wilson, James Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, feature-length mystery finds Jack grappling with more McDaniel, Lynn Whitfield - Dir. Nicholas Romance 2014 89min. personal and professional drama as he continues to DiBella Maverick 11.02.2014 investigate crimes in Melbournes seedy underbelly. Australian, Drama, Foreign, Television After Brendan King’s life spiraled to rock bottom, the teen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121961 found hope in a new relationship with God while serving time 87min. in a juvenile penitentiary. Recently released from prison, Acorn Media 13.05.2014 Brendan finds solace in the foster home of a couple struggling Independence Daysaster 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122294 with suppressed grief. As the street-wise teen enrolls at a Andrea Brooks , Emily Holmes, Ryan suburban high school, he soon finds support from a group of Merriman, Tom Everett Scott believers. Yet the bonds of his old way of life in the city are Collection: Vol. 3 - strong, and his former gang won’t let him walk away so easily. Action, Aliens, Drama, Movies, Science In his darkest moment, Brendan found faith. Now he must Fiction, Spies & Secret Agents 2013 90min. The Women’s Quartet decide if it’s worth the price to hold on to it. From legendary maverick filmmaker Henry Jaglom comes Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Starz / Anchor Bay 27.05.2014 Henry Jaglom Collection Vol. 3: The Women’s Quartet. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122048 Jaglom, one of the most prolific directors working today, has Troubled Youth 2013 108min. assembled four of his classic comedies starring some of the Faith Street Film Partners 04.02.2014 most talented actresses working today: Tanna Frederick, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121869 Inspector Lavardin Collection Frances Fisher, Mary Crosby, Victoria Foyt, Mae Whitman, Both of Claude Chabrol’s murderous black comedy, feature Victoria Tennant and . The box set includes Eating film mysteries starring Jean Poiret as the incomparable (1990), (1994), (2007), and Irene L.A. Law: Season One Inspector Lavardin: Chicken with Vinegar: When a small town In Time (2009). Susan Ruttan, Jill Eikenberry, Michele begins losing its citizenry in a series of grisly murders, out- Art House, Boxed Sets, Collections, Greene, Richard A. Dysart, Harry Hamlin, of-town police inspector Jean Lavardin is sent to investigate. Comedy, Con-Artists, Crime, Romance min. Could the killers be a bullied son and his cruel mother, who Susan Dey, Michael Tucker, Corbin Bern- run the local post office? Or a pushy trio of would-be land Breaking Glass Pictures 08.04.2014 developers? Inspector Lavardin: When a wealthy and devout sen, Jimmy Smits, Alan Rachins

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One of the most critically acclaimed television series of the Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 Action, Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, 1980s, L.A. Law comes to DVD from Shout! Factory. Co- created by Steven Bocho (Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121840 Movies, Romance 1985 114min. Terry Louise Fisher (Cagney & Lacey), the Emmy Award- Universal Studios 06.05.2014 winning series takes us inside the law firm of McKenzie, (Blu-ray + DVD 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122112 Brackman, Chaney and Kuzak. There, a team of ambitious and competitive attorneys must face the conflicts between their + Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) personal desires, their obligations as lawyers, and their The Legend Of Fritton’s Gold principles as human beings. A portrayal of the law and its Seizo Fukumoto, Shichinosuke Nakamura, litigators that was both realistic and irreverent, L.A. Law Sosuke Ikematsu, Aoi Minato, Hiroyuki Talulah Riley, Tamsin Egerton, Juno Temple, became a favorite of critics and audiences alike during its Sanada, Shun Sugata, Masato Harada, Gemma Arterton, Jodie Whittaker, Toby eight-year run on NBC from 1986 to 1994. An outstanding Jones, David Tennant, , Colin ensemble cast - featuring Harry Hamlin, Susan Dey, Jimmy Timothy Spall, Billy Connolly, Tony Smits, Jill Eikenberry, Michael Tucker, Alan Rachins, Goldwyn, Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Shin Firth - Dir. Oliver Parker Michele Greene, Susan Rutton, Richard A. Dysart, and Koyamada - Dir. In this hilarious comedy, the naughty girls of St. Trinian’s are Corbin Bernsen - and all 22 season one episodes are the only at it again! It’s a new semester and the schoolgirls return to Tom Cruise plays Civil War hero Capt. Nathan Algren, who the usual chaos and excitement. After discovering evidence required: you’ll judge L.A. Law to be as entertaining comes to Japan to fight the Samurai and ends up pledging as ever. headmistress, Miss Fritton (Rupert Everett) is related to a himself to their cause. Ken Watanabe (Academy Award famous pirate, Celia (Juno Temple) and her friends go on an Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Television nominee) plays Katsumoto, a Samurai leader facing a adventurous hunt for buried treasure. The girls must face 1020min. vanishing way of life, whose destiny becomes intertwined their most fearsome rivals yet but the feisty and ever- Shout Factory 25.02.2014 with that of the American captain. Edward Zwick (winner of resourceful girls of St. Trinian’s are undeterred in their the National Board of Review’s Best Director Award) directs mission to outwit the villainous Sir Piers Pomfrey (David 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122027 this sweeping and emotional epic tale of the birth of modern Tennant) and his sidekicks from the women-hating secret Japan. society known as AD1. Also starring Colin Firth, Talulah Lady Peacock Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Feudal Japan, Riley, Toby Jones and Gemma Arterton. Historical / Period Piece, Movies, War 2003 Adventure, British, Comedy, Drama, Erika Smith, Eric Millegan, Blanche Baker When Conner first meets Devin, he feels an instant attraction min. Foreign, High School, Movies, Pirates 2009 to him. However, soon Conner’s nemesis, the Puerto Rican Warner Bros. 07.05.2013 106min. drag queen Adora wants Devin all to herself. Conner soon tba BestellNr.: 40122341 Anderson Merchandisers 11.02.2014 realizes the only way to compete with a drag queen is to become a drag queen. With the help of his club friends, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122028 Conner must make it his mission to destroy Adora if he wants The Last Time I Saw Macao to win back Devin. A wonderfully mysterious, shape-shifting feature from The Legend Of Hercules (Blu-ray Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, celebrated filmmakers Joao Pedro Rodrigues and Joao Rui Romance 2014 min. Guerra da Mata, The Last Time I Saw Macao is a detective + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) tale that blends film noir, documentary footage and personal John Schaech, Liam Mclntyre, Gaia Weiss, Breaking Glass Pictures 29.04.2014 travelogue to intoxicating effect. Following a spectacular 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122173 opening number, a lip-synched rendition of Jane Russell’s Roxanne McKee, Kellan Lutz, Liam sultry You Kill Me, the film’s hero, in voiceover, sets the tale Garrigan, Scott Adkins, Rade Serbedzija Las Luchadoras Contra La Momia in motion. He has come to Macao in search of Candy, an old Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, friend who he fears has been kidnapped by a shadowy crime Movies, Myths & Legends 2014 98min. Irma Gonzalez, Chucho Salinas, Lorena syndicate. He searches the city streets, back alleys, gambling Summit Entertainment 29.04.2014 Velasquez, Maria Eugenia San Martin, dens and music halls, but Candy’s whereabouts elude him, until a larger, more sinister plot comes into focus. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122333 Armando Silvestre, Elizabeth Campbell - Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Musical, Dir. Rene Cardona Mystery, Portuguese 2012 85min. The Legend Of Hercules (DVD + The Wrestling Women were 2 beautiful female Mexican Cinema Guild 08.04.2014 luchadoras who starred in a series of 5 wrestling/horror UltraViolet) movies made in the 1960's; Their two most famous films were 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122164 Doctor Of Doom and this one, in which they go up against John Schaech, Liam Mclntyre, Gaia Weiss, Popoca, the Aztec Mummy; The Mummy was originally Law & Order: The Fourteenth Roxanne McKee, Kellan Lutz, Liam introduced in a series of 3 Mexican horror films all released Garrigan, Scott Adkins, Rade Serbedzija in 1957, and was a true fan-favorite with Mexican Monster Year (Repackage) Movie buffs; now you can witness his titanic encounter with Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, Myths the voluptuous Wrestling Women in this complete and Elisabeth Rohm, S. Epatha Merkerson, & Legends 2014 98min. uncensored, Spanish language version of the film, exactly as Jesse L. Martin, Fred Dalton Thompson, it was theatrically released in 1964. Summit Entertainment 29.04.2014 , 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122325 Foreign, Horror, Mexican, Movies, Wrestling Identity theft, gay adoption, illegal immigration and PTSD are & Fighting 1964 89min. just some of the ripped-from-the-headlines controversies Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 highlighted during 24 gripping episodes from the fourteenth Let Me Out (Blu-ray + DVD Com- year of Dick Wolf’s iconic series, Law & Order. In a post-9/11 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121919 New York, Detective (Jerry Orbach), bo) (Blu-ray) Detective (Jesse L. Martin), Lieutenant Anita Van Action, Movies min. Las Mujer Murcielago Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson), Executive ADA Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston), ADA Serena Southerlyn (Elisabeth Rohm) Funimation 27.05.2014 (Batwoman) and DA Arthur Branch () have their hands full 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122243 with a city still recovering from the shock of the attack. But as Hector Godoy, Maura Monti, Crox Alvarado, they pursue and prosecute a number of difficult cases amidst Roberto Canedo, David Silva - Dir. Rene an atmosphere of suspicion, their toughest challenge proves Life & Times Of Grizzly Adams: Cardona to be saying good-bye to one of their own in this thought- The Renewal A mad scientist bent on creating a race of super gill men uses provoking season from the Primetime Emmy Award-winning the glands of wrestlers because they are „perfect“ to achieve franchise. John Bishop, Denver Pyle, Dan Haggerty, his evil plan. Wrestlers are winding up dead all over Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal Patrick Wayne Acapulco so the call goes out for that mysterious yet Issues, Murder Mysteries, Music, NBC, Grizzly Adams (Dan Haggerty) and his friends celebrate a voluptuous crime fighter Batwoman! Television 2004 1045min. very special Easter in The Renewal, a heartwarming tale for Adventure, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, the entire family. For frontier woodsman James „Grizzly“ Universal Studios 25.02.2014 Movies, Science Fiction 1968 80min. Adams, Easter is an occasion worth sharing. Inviting Robbie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122160 Cartman and Mad Jack for a visit, Adams is preparing for a Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 joyous reunion with friends. But when a group of Native tba BestellNr.: 40121916 Americans seek out his help in preserving their own Legend springtime tradition, Grizzly must use all of his abilities and Alice Playten, David Bennet, Cork Hubbert, instincts in order to save the day and join in the celebration. The Last Days On Mars (Blu-ray) Fans of television’s The Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams are Billy Barty, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, Tom Cruise Romola Garai, , sure to delight in this special holiday themed adventure. - Dir. Featuring Denver Pyle, John Bishop, Patrick Wayne and - Dir. Ruairi Robinson Tom Cruise stars in this visually-stunning fantasy adventure Bozo The Bear as Ben. On the eve that the crew of the very first manned expedition to in which pure good and evil battle to the death amidst Adventure, Animals & Nature, Family, Tele- Mars is about to return to Earth, it makes an astounding spectacular surroundings. Set in a timeless mythical forest vision, Western 1977 70min. discovery -fossilized evidence of life on Mars. Oscar inhabited by fairies, goblins, unicorns and mortals, this nominated and visionary filmmaker Ruairi Robinson, along fantastic story has Tom Cruise, a mystical forest dweller, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 with an extraordinary special effects team including the chosen by fate to undertake a heroic quest. He must save a 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121899 people behind ~~District 9, X-Men: First Class and beautiful princess, Mia Sara, and defeat the demonic Lord of Avatar~~, introduce us to a terrifying new landscape, where Darkness, Tim Curry, or the world will be plunged into a the scientific discovery of life might be the death of us all. never-ending ice age. Co-starring Billy Barty and Alice The Life Aquatic With Steve Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Playten and directed by Ridley Scott, famed for his Zissou: The Criterion Collection Thrillers 2013 98min. remarkable settings and unparalleled imagery, the incredibly realized fable is the stuff movie legends are made of. (Blu-ray)

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Bud Cort, Cate Blanchett, Michael Gambon, Green Apple Entertainment 27.05.2014 facts and events, sensing that this sanguinary man wants to take revenge and his victim could be one of her girls or even Owen Wilson, Willem Dafoe, Anjelica 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122215 herself. Day after day, Madam reveals the intimacy of a pimp Huston, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray - Dir. and his crew. At the same time, Madam is discovering Wes Anderson Lizardman Puerta’s secret intentions and the real human being he hides behind his cold mask, giving birth to an intense love story. Internationally famous oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Haunted by a terrifying incident in his past, billionaire Bill Murray) and his crew - Team Zissou - set sail on an Hansen seeks revenge by capturing his nemesis - the scaly Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Romance, expedition to hunt down the mysterious, elusive, possibly non- crypto-creature known as the Lizardman. Enlisting a team of Television min. existent jaguar shark that killed Zissou’s partner during the mercenaries and a television personality, Bill sets out to Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.05.2014 documentary filming of their latest adventure. They are joined prove the world that the Lizardman really exists. But when the on their voyage by a young airline co- who may or may creature breaks lose at a press conference, all plans are off 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122356 not be Zissou’s son, (Owen Wilson), a beautiful journalist as the blood-thirsty monster wreaks havoc on the city of Los (Cate Blanchett) assigned to write a profile of Zissou, and his Angeles. Made In Cartagena: Part Two estranged wife and co-producer, Eleanor (). Action, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction They face overwhelming complications including pirates, Carmen Villalobos kidnapping and bankruptcy. Oscar-nominated writer-director 82min. Follow the story of the powerful band of Harvey Noriega, Wes Anderson (2001, The Royal Tenenbaums, Best Original E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 dedicated to large and spectacular robberies that has the Screenplay) has assembled an all-star cast that includes 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122253 mission of robbing the Santa Helena, an old treasure rescued Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Michael Gambon, Noah Taylor, from the bottom of the ocean. Made in Cartagena is a series and Bud Cort for this wildly original adventure-comedy. full of action and drama. Framed in the unknown and daring Adventure, Art House, Blu-ray, Comedy, Loan Shark world of Champeta, with a high dose of music, sensuality and Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Dark spectacular landscapes that will help you discover all the George Raft, Helen Westcott, Dorothy Hart, flavor and reality of a Cartagena you’ve never seen before. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2004 118min. Paul Stewart, John Hoyt, Carl Hittleman Includes the Second Parte of this successful series! Criterion 27.05.2014 Tough ex-con George Raft is hired by a factory owner and a Drama, Foreign, Spanish, Television 2013 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122132 union leader to help smash a loan-sharking mob preying on their employees. To obtain the necessary evidence, Raft puts min. his life on the line by joining the gang. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.05.2014 Like Someone In Love: The Crime, Film Noir, Kidnapping, Mobsters & 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122363 Criterion Collection The Mafia, Movies, Mystery 1952 74min. Abbas Kiarostami Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 Madea’s Neighbors From Hell Abbas Kiarostami has spent his incomparable movie career 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122317 (DVD + UltraViolet) exploring the tiny spaces that separate illusion from reality and the simulated from the authentic. At first blush, his Cassi Davis, Tyler Perry - Dir. Tyler Perry extraordinary, slyLike Someone in Love, which finds the The Lost Boys (Steelbook) (Blu- Madea’s neighborhood takes a turn for the worse when a Iranian director in Tokyo, may appear to be among his most ray) foster mother moves in with her unruly kids. Suspicious straightforward films. Yet with this simple story of the growing activity leads Madea to take justice into her own hands. With bond between a young part-time call girl and a grandfatherly Alex Winter, Billy Wirth, Jason Patric, Aunt Bam by her side, Madea uses her unique wit and wisdom client, Kiarostami has constructed an enigmatic but crystalline Barnard Hughes, , Corey for unforgettable results. investigation of affection and desire as complex as his Comedy, Drama, Movies 120min. masterful, close-up engagement with the workings of the Haim, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Feldman, mercurial human heart. Dianne Wiest, Jami Gertz - Dir. Joel Lionsgate 22.04.2014 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Schumacher 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122076 Japanese, Movies 2013 109min. Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Troubled Criterion 20.05.2014 Youth, Vampires 1987 97min. Magnum P.I.: The Complete 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122124 Warner Bros. 25.03.2014 Fourth Season (Repackage) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122225 Larry Manetti, Roger E. Mosley, John Like Someone In Love: The Hillerman, Tom Selleck Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + Love Me Or Leave Me / The Ideal Tom Selleck is back in action as Magnum P.I.: The Complete Fourth Season roars onto DVD for the first time ever! It’s DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Husband (Double Feature) more adventure, more mysteries, and more fun, Magnum-style, Terri J. Vaughn, Shanti Lowry, Christian in all 21 thrilling episodes. Hop in the famous red Ferrari with Abbas Kiarostami Higgins, T.C., Rick and TV’s most charismatic detective as Abbas Kiarostami has spent his incomparable movie career Keyes, Darrin Dewitt Henson - Dir. John they take on drug dealers, royal assassins, brutal thugs, and, exploring the tiny spaces that separate illusion from reality Ruffin of course, those beautiful Hawaiian ladies. With thrilling and the simulated from the authentic. At first blush, his Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Movies, bonus content including a bonus episode from Season Five extraordinary, sly Like Someone in Love, which finds the and guest stars that include Patrick Macnee (The Avengers) Iranian director in Tokyo, may appear to be among his most Play-To-Film, Romance 176min. and more, it’s a trip back to Hawaii that you can’t afford to straightforward films. Yet with this simple story of the growing Image Ent. 15.04.2014 miss! bond between a young part-time call girl and a grandfatherly client, Kiarostami has constructed an enigmatic but crystalline 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121802 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, investigation of affection and desire as complex as his Mystery, Television 1983 1019min. masterful, close-up engagement with the workings of the The Lucy-Desi Milton Berle Universal Studios 06.05.2014 mercurial human heart. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122159 Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Special Japanese, Movies 2013 109min. Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Milton Berle Criterion 20.05.2014 Lucy is at her old tricks again in this lost special from 1959, Major Crimes: The Complete Se- starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and Milton Berle. Starstruck cond Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122131 Lucy finds herself overly-involved in the anniversary plans of Mr. And Mrs. Milton Berle - leading Lucy shopping with Major Crimes is back on the case for a thrilling second Live At The Foxes Den Milton as he selects a diamond ring for his wife. All goes well season as two-time Oscar nominee Mary McDonnell until Lucy gets the ring stuck on her finger and she and Milton continues as Captain Sharon Raydor, the head of the LAPD’s Jocelin Donahue, Jackson Rathbone find themselves trying to outwit a pair of ruthless jewelry Major Crimes division, joined by an unforgettable ensemble Hotshot, young attorney Bobby Kelly (Jackson Rathbone, the thieves. The laughs are many in this „lost“ gem, featuring cast. As the second season opens, the team immediately dives Twilight film saga) is on the fast track at a prestigious, Los three of television’s biggest names in comedy history! Not to into some of the most challenging and fascinating crimes yet, Angeles law firm and seems to have it all. However, Bobby is be confused with The Lucy-Desi Comedy House, this rare film including the murder of a big-time film producers wife, an increasingly disenchanted - Unfocused and frustrated, he is is the very last time Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz guest-starred apparent murder-suicide and a high-speed car chase that frequently under fire for his mistakes, both personally and together - and it is the perfect addition to every „Lucy“ library! leads to a triple homicide. Just as the squad seems to be professionally. When he abruptly quits to become the house You’ll also be thrilled at the fantastic bonus features, adjusting to last years leadership change, Deputy District singer at a rundown cocktail lounge, he discovers sometimes including The Lucy Show: Lucy Meets The Berles and The Attorney Emma Rios (new series star Nadine Velazquez, getting lost is the only way back. Highlighted by Rathbone in Buick-Berle Show starring Steve Allen and Milton Berle! Flight, Hart of Dixie) arrives to challenge Raydor’s intentions a leading-man role showcasing his outstanding vocal talents, Classics, Comedy, Television 2013 126min. and shake up the department. Torn between what is right the film features a stellar, original soundtrack of classic tunes morally and what the law commands, Raydor and her team are - from such famed crooners as Frank Sinatra, Cole Porter and Legend Films 28.01.2014 faced with more personal and professional struggles than Jack Jones - as well as original music penned by Juilliard- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122049 ever as they continue to make deals and crack cases. trained Jack Holmes (who also stars). Also starring Elliott Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, Televi- Gould (American History X, Ocean’s Eleven, Twelve and La Madame: Parte 1 sion 836min. Thirteen, NBC’s Friends, M*A*S*H, Bob & Carol & Ted & Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Alice), Brian Doyle-Murray (TBS’ Sullivan and Son, Alicia Machado Groundhog Day, Wayne’s World, Caddyshack), Pooch Hall ( The Madame is forced to narrate the story of each of her girls 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122326 Showtime’s Ray Donovan, BET’s The Game), Tony-nominated as soon as she is kidnapped for that matter by dangerous Bob Gunton (Argo, USA’s Royal Pains, FOX’s 24, The mafia capo Alejandro Puerta in his ranch. Rosario is turned Mallrats (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Shawsha into a Scherezada whose life depends on the stories she Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies narrates. With pictures in his hand, the customer starts (Blu-ray) 2013 103min. asking the information he is interested in with specific details, and Madame has no choice but to stick to reality narrating Jason Mewes, Shannen Doherty, Claire

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Forlani, , Jason Lee, Priscilla Diane Baker - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121855 Barnes, Michael Rooker - Dir. Kevin Smith Classics, Femme Fatales, Horror, Movies, From Kevin Smith, the acclaimed director of CLERKS, comes Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 1964 131min. Meet Him And Die (Blu-ray) this outrageous story of two loafers. Jeremy London and Jason Lee, who spend way too much time hanging out at the Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Ray Lovelock, Martin Balsam, Elke Sommer mall. When Brodie (Lee) is dumped by his girlfriend, Shannen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122307 - Dir. Franco Prosperi Doherty, he retreats to the mall with his best friend T.S. (London), whose girlfriend has also left him. Between Crime, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Thrillers brooding and visits to the food court, the unmotivated twosome Masquerade (Blu-ray) 1976 94min. decide to win their girlfriends back with the help of the Jang Gwang, Kim In Kwon Kino Video 01.04.2014 ultimate delinquents, Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) and Jay (Jason Political intrigue, betrayal, peril and forbidden romance play 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121874 Mewes), whose continuing adventures take the word out in this lavish, critically acclaimed historical drama set in „nuisance“ to a whole new level. the royal palace of Korea’s ancient Joseon Dynasty, when a Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, lowly peasant (Byung-hun Lee, G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra, : Season Five Movies, Romance 1995 95min. G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Red 2) is forced to masquerade as the (Repackage) Universal Studios 15.04.2014 tyrannical king, who has fallen ill. Drama, Foreign, History & Events, Korean, Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122015 Movies 2012 131min. From Academy Award-nominated director Michael Mann, the Inception Media Group 11.02.2014 most influential and innovative TV show of its time returns to Man Camp DVD with all 21 powerhouse episodes of the fifth - and final - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121835 season of Miami Vice! Slick, stylish, hip and gritty, this Danay Garcia, Fernanda Machado, Dean massively popular season follows the last action-packed Cain adventures of undercover Vice cops Sonny Crockett (Don Maybe Tomorrow Johnson) and Rico Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas). Join them Comedy, Movies 2013 min. After spending the last fifteen years trying to deny it, three as they infiltrate the deadly powers behind the Miami drug Green Apple Entertainment 27.05.2014 men will finally be forced to revisit the one night that changed empire and take down every bad guy from conniving schemers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122216 their lives forever and the crime that severed their friendships to ruthless criminals. Along for the ride are such incredible but connected them to each other for life. A night they will guest stars as , Michael Chiklis, John Leguizamo have to remember, despite all of their efforts to forget. When and Pam Grier. Including all of the unforgettable music Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom faced with a lengthy prison sentence, Russ Mahler, a career remixed in Dolby 5.1 surround sound, this five-disc set closes Terry Pheto, , Idris Elba - Dir. criminal armed with a destructive secret, blackmails the only the book on the timeless series no TV fan should be without! man that can get him off, Manhattan D.A. Graham Seifert. Action, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Justin Chadwick Crime, Drama, Movies 2012 93min. Nelson Mandela’s extraordinary journey to becoming one of Drugs & Dealers, NBC, Television, Thrillers history’s most iconic figures is brought to life in Mandela: E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 1988 1058min. Long Walk To Freedom. „Idris Elba powerfully conveys 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121781 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Mandela’s charisma and impassioned dedication“ (Claudia Puig, USA TODAY) as a political leader and human rights 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121967 advocate. The film chronicles his early life, education, McCanick marriage to Winnie Mandela (Naomie Harris) and 27 year Cory Monteith, Mike Vogel, David Morse Miami Vice: Season Four prison sentence before becoming South Africa’s first An out of control narcotics detective (David Morse) with a democratically elected president and working to rebuild the secret past hunts down a harmless low level criminal (Cory (Repackage) country’s once segregated society. Monteith) who knows the real truth about his past. Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson Biography, Biopics, Drama, History & Cops On The Edge, Crime, Drama, Movies Hit the streets again with Don Johnson as James „Sonny“ Events, Movies 2013 141min. 96min. Crockett and Philip Michael Thomas as Ricardo Tubbs, two of Starz / Anchor Bay 18.03.2014 the world’s slickest undercover cops, in Season Four of Well Go USA 20.05.2014 Miami Vice! Oscar-nominated director Michael Mann and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121999 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122315 Primetime Emmy Award-winning producer Dick Wolf bring you all 22 heart-pounding, fashion-forward episodes in this must- Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom own 5-disc set. Joining the iconic detective duo in Miami’s McCanick (Blu-ray) steamy underworld is a powerful roster of guest stars, (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Cory Monteith, Mike Vogel, David Morse including James Brown, Julia Roberts, and Chris Rock. ray) An out of control narcotics detective (David Morse) with a Miami Vice is an action-packed show whose „influence is still secret past hunts down a harmless low level criminal (Cory evident“ (The New York Times). Terry Pheto, Naomie Harris, Idris Elba - Dir. Monteith) who knows the real truth about his past. Action, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Justin Chadwick Cops On The Edge, Crime, Drama, Movies Television, Thrillers 1987 1052min. Nelson Mandela’s extraordinary journey to becoming one of 96min. Universal Studios 06.05.2014 history’s most iconic figures is brought to life in Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom. „Idris Elba powerfully conveys Well Go USA 20.05.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121966 Mandela’s charisma and impassioned dedication“ (Claudia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122323 Puig, USA TODAY) as a political leader and human rights Miami Vice: Season One advocate. The film chronicles his early life, education, marriage to Winnie Mandela (Naomie Harris) and 27 year McLintock! (Blu-ray) (Repackage) prison sentence before becoming South Africa’s first John Wayne, Stefanie Powers, Chill Wills, democratically elected president and working to rebuild the Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson country’s once segregated society. Jack Kruschen, Patrick Wayne - Dir. The cops. The cars. The Clothes. From executive producer Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, History Andrew V. McLaglen Michael Mann (Heat, Collateral) comes the first season of the John Wayne’s most popular film of the 60s is a broad, explosive, groundbreaking detective show that redefined the & Events, Movies 2013 141min. boisterous comedy-western loosely based on William word „cool.“ Set against the seamy and steamy Miami Starz / Anchor Bay 18.03.2014 Shakespeare’s The Taming Of The Shrew. Wayne, in his two- underworld, ride shotgun with suave Vice cops Sonny 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122014 fisted best, stars as George Washington McLintock, a middle- Crockett (Golden Globe winner Don Johnson) and Rico aged cattle baron. McLintock has his hands full with his Tubbs (Phillip Michael Thomas) as they battle a never-ending estranged wife (Maureen O’Hara) who walked out on him 2 gallery of criminals, drug dealers and lowlifes. Set to Jan Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom years ago. She has returned to get a divorce in order to move Hammer’s electrifying score and featuring a soundtrack of back east with their daughter, Becky (Stefanie Powers). rock legends exploding in 5.1 sound, including Glenn Frey, (Blu-ray) Verbal fireworks explode, slapstick pratfalls bloom, and the Phil Collins, U2 and Peter Gabriel, every episode crackles Terry Pheto, Naomie Harris, Idris Elba - Dir. Wayne-O’Hara „reconciliation“ culminates with the biggest with excitement and stylish flair. Also starring Emmy and mud-hole brawl this side of the Mississippi. Patrick Wayne, Golden Globe winner Edward James Olmos and a powerhouse Justin Chadwick Yvonne De Carlo, Chill Wills, Strother Martin and Jerry Van roster of guest stars including Ving Rhames, Jimmy Smits and Nelson Mandela’s extraordinary journey to becoming one of Dyke are among the dazzling supporting cast in this wild, Bruce Willis. history’s most iconic figures is brought to life in Mandela: raucous and hilarious western. Directed by Andrew V. Action, Cops, Crime, Drama, Television, Long Walk To Freedom. „Idris Elba powerfully conveys McLaglen (Cahill U.S. Marshall). Mandela’s charisma and impassioned dedication“ (Claudia Thrillers 1984 1105min. Puig, USA TODAY) as a political leader and human rights Classics, Comedy, Cowboy, Fighting, Universal Studios 06.05.2014 advocate. The film chronicles his early life, education, Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance, Western 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121963 marriage to Winnie Mandela (Naomie Harris) and 27 year 1963 127min. prison sentence before becoming South Africa’s first Paramount Pictures 13.05.2014 democratically elected president and working to rebuild the Miami Vice: Season Three country’s once segregated society. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122134 Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, History (Repackage) & Events, Movies 2013 141min. Meet Him And Die Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson Take a ride on the dangerous side with the action-packed Starz / Anchor Bay 18.03.2014 Ray Lovelock, Martin Balsam, Elke Sommer third season of one of the most innovative and powerful TV 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122050 - Dir. Franco Prosperi series of its time, Miami Vice! In 24 unforgettable episodes, go deep undercover with Vice cops Sonny Crockett (Don Crime, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Thrillers Johnson) and Rico Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas) as they Marnie (Blu-ray) 1976 94min. infiltrate drug rings, stop human traffickers, and take their Tippi Hedren, Martin Gabel, Sean Connery, Kino Video 01.04.2014 chances behind bars with convicted criminals. With a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA stunning lineup of guest stars including Liam Neeson, Viggo Walter, and Caroline Blakiston. - The Mysteries - - Things Alice. Now he must find out who he can trust and use Mortensen, and Benicio Del Toro, this sensational five-disc That Go Bump in the Night - - A series of grisly murders everything he knows in order to get to the truth and bring set from Oscar-nominated director Michael Mann and rocks the village of Fletcher’s Cross and a group of down a powerful Russian oligarch. Primetime Emmy Award-winning producer Dick Wolf comes controversial spiritualists fall under suspicion. - Dead in the Drama, Movies, Romance, Spies & Secret with more of the cool, cutthroat, and contagious Miami Water - - Barnaby and Scott immerse themselves in the adventures that made this „a revolutionary series“ (Ales- luxurious world of rowing after a murder mars the annual Agents, Thrillers 2013 103min. sandra Stanley, The New York Times). Midsomer Regatta. - Orchis Fatalis - - In the orchid-mad Lionsgate 15.04.2014 Action, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, village of Midsomer Malham, Barnaby and Scott must discover 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121791 who would kill to own an extremely rare specimen. - Bantling Television, Thrillers 1986 1060min. Boy - - Why did the owner of Bantling Hall bequeath his Universal Studios 06.05.2014 champion thoroughbred Mobius (DVD + UltraViolet) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121965 British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Jean Dujardin, Cecile De France, Tim Roth - national TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Dir. Eric Rochant Miami Vice: Season Two Television 1997 783min. In the high stakes world of espionage, one Russian FSB (Repackage) Acorn Media 15.04.2014 operative will do whatever it takes to crack an international 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121808 money laundering operation and American banker, Alice, is Philip Michael Thomas, Don Johnson the key. The only problem is that he isn’t the only one after The groundbreaking detective series that defined a decade Alice. Now he must find out who he can trust and use returns to DVD with all 22 thrilling episodes of Miami Vice: Midsomer Murders: Village Case everything he knows in order to get to the truth and bring Season Two! In this electrifying Emmy-nominated and Golden down a powerful Russian oligarch. Globe-winning second season, Vice cops Sonny Crockett Files (Repackage) Drama, Movies, Romance, Spies & Secret (Don Johnson) and Pico Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas) are Daniel Casey, John Nettles, Julia McKenzie, Agents, Thrillers 2013 103min. back in their sleek Ferrari pursuing every ruthless criminal under the relentless Miami sun. With a sizzling soundtrack of Elizabeth Spriggs, Diana Quick, George Lionsgate 15.04.2014 all the original hit sons remixed in 5.1 Surround Sound, Baker, , Annette Crosbie, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121767 including music by Phil Collins, U2, The Who and more, it’s Peter Capaldi, Simon Callow, Betty no mystery to see why Miami Vice was the supercharged action series that People magazine hailed as „the first show to Willingale Moonbeam: The Random look really new and different since color TV was invented.“ The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most A girl from another dimension uses a mysterious function The Action, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Televisi- sinister secrets in these contemporary British television RANDOM to materialize in our world and perform a certain mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, a mission. She does not know the aim, she follows her intuition on, Thrillers 1986 1122min. modern master of the English village mystery, the series stars and absolute trust in the Game. On her way to the town she Universal Studios 06.05.2014 John Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief meets different people, those who she has to help and those 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121964 Inspector Tom Barnaby with John Hopkins (Love In A Cold who she would better not meet. A pregnant girl with an Climate) and Jason Hughes (This Life) as his young amazing gift. An insurance agent exploring his dark side. A assistants. Also starring Jane Wymark and Laura Howard as policewoman dancing flamenco. A man trying to find his The Middle: The Complete Fourth Joyce and Cully Barnaby. Guest stars include Diana Quick, daughter he left 20 years ago. Their roles are not random George Baker, Simon Callow, Annette Crosbie, Elizabeth either, in this game called The RANDOM. Season Spriggs, Harriet Walter, Peter Capaldi, and Julia McKenzie. Drama, Movies, Science Fiction 89min. British, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Televisi- Patricia Heaton, Chris Kattan, Atticus E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 on 1590min. Shaffer, Eden Sher, Charlie McDermott, Neil 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122254 Flynn Acorn Media 15.04.2014 It’s Season 4, and where in the heck do the Hecks go from 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121809 here? As the kids grow up, Frankie and Mike (Patricia Mortal Kombat / Mortal Kombat 2 Heaton and Neil Flynn) think family life is going to get easier, / Mortal Kombat: Legacy (Triple but they couldn’t be more wrong! Bigger kids only means Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: bigger problems! You’ll reel with laughter as Brick gets an Series 2 Feature) (Blu-ray) evil pet and a dose of Sex Ed, Sue runs over Axl while learning to drive, and Axl cashes in on Valentine’s Day Essie Davis (Cloudstreet) returns as the glamorous Miss Action, Based On , Blu-ray, breakups, while Frankie and Mike come up with a novel way Phryne Fisher, lady detective. Armed with a razor-sharp wit Martial Arts, Movies, Triple Feature min. to discipline the kids - something called „The Wheel Of Pain.“ (and a ladylike pistol, of course), Miss Fisher investigates Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 An all-star guest lineup includes Brooke Shields and Jane crimes in opulent 1920s . Sharply written and Kaczmarek as well as comedic standouts Chris Kattan, Dave gorgeously costumed, these episodes are sure to charm fans 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122342 Foley, Norm MacDonald, Jack McBrayer and Molly Shannon. of costume dramas and mysteries alike. Warning: Whatever the Hecks do, do not attempt it at home. Australian, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Murder Murder, She Wrote: The ABC, Comedy, Family, Television 2012 Mysteries, Mystery, Television 727min. 512min. Acorn Media 27.05.2014 Complete Fifth Season Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122295 (Repackage) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122174 Angela Lansbury Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: Sharpen your senses and be on the look-out for clues in the compelling fifth season of the Emmy Award-winning series Midsomer Murders: Set 8 Series 2 (Blu-ray) Murder, She Wrote, starring Golden Globe winner Angela (Repackage) Essie Davis (Cloudstreet) returns as the glamorous Miss Lansbury. This five-disc set features all 22 Season Five Phryne Fisher, lady detective. Armed with a razor-sharp wit episodes that take TV’s famous novelist-turned-detective, John Nettles, John Hopkins (and a ladylike pistol, of course), Miss Fisher investigates Jessica Fletcher, from not-so-sleepy Cabot Cove to the The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most crimes in opulent 1920s Australia. Sharply written and dangerous bright lights of New York City and beyond. From sinister secrets in these contemporary British television gorgeously costumed, these episodes are sure to charm fans uncovering false fortune seekers to tracking down two-faced mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern of costume dramas and mysteries alike. killers, Jessica is always there to catch the culprit and pen master of the English village mystery, the series stars John the final solution to the case. Giving their alibis in these Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief Australian, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Foreign, entertaining episodes are an incredible group of guest stars, Inspector Barnaby with John Hopkins (Love in a Cold Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television including Megan Mullaly, Erin Gray, Roddy McDowall, Bill Climate) as his brash young assistant. Guest stars include 727min. Maher, Dinah Shore, Paul Sorvino, Shelley Fabares, and John Burgess, William Gaunt, Freddie Jones, Keith Barron, many more. A new chapter begins on DVD for one of TV’s and Margery Mason. Acorn Media 27.05.2014 most sensational sleuths ever! British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Murder 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122299 Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Mysteries, Mystery, Television 2003 Senior Interest, Television 1988 min. 300min. Mr. Jones Universal Studios 25.02.2004 Acorn Media 15.04.2014 Sarah Jones, Jon Foster, David Clennon - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122149 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121807 Dir. Karl Mueller Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Murder, She Wrote: The Midsomer Murders: Set 9 84min. Complete Fourth Season (Repackage) Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122042 (Repackage) Garry Cooper, Caroline Blakiston, John Frank Gorshin, Eli Wallach, Dean Stockwell, Nettles, Diana Quick, Harriet Walter, John Mobius (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) , Janet Leigh, Angela Hopkins Lansbury, Dean Jones The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most (Blu-ray) sinister secrets in these contemporary British television CBS, Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern Jean Dujardin, Cecile De France, Tim Roth - Mystery, Senior Interest, Television 1987 master of the English village mystery, the series stars John Dir. Eric Rochant 1127min. Nettles (Bergerac) as the unflappable Detective Chief In the high stakes world of espionage, one Russian FSB Inspector Barnaby with John Hopkins (Love in a Cold operative will do whatever it takes to crack an international Universal Studios 25.02.2014 Climate) as his brash young assistant, Sergeant Dan Scott. money laundering operation and American banker, Alice, is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122148 Guest stars include Garry Cooper, Diana Quick, Harriet the key. The only problem is that he isn’t the only one after

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film debut too: Johnny Depp. He plays the ready steady of the hottie mcsmarty (Heather Langenkamp) who figures a clever Murder, She Wrote: The Nearlyweds way to flamb the fiend. But ever-day-die Freddy will be 3, 4 Complete Second Season Naomi Judd back for more....even returning to the screen in a killer 2010 Three close friends have the weddings they always dreamed remake of this diabolical original. Sweet dreams! (Repackage) of, but now the honeymoon is over and its time to face some Cult Film / TV, Horror, Horror Series, Angela Lansbury hard facts about the men they married. When the news breaks Movies, Nightmare On Elm St. Series, Serial Emmy Award nominee Angela Lansbury is back on the case in that the pastor who presided over their weddings failed to file Killers, Slasher 1984 min. all 22 episodes of the critically acclaimed series Murder, She some critical papers, the newlyweds get a second chance at Wrote Season Two. Rejoin Jessica Fletcher, everyone’s walking down the aisle. The question is will they stay married New Line Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 favorite mystery writer, back in Cabot Cove, where she pens or make a run for it? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122226 her whodunit books and keeps finding that her life is imitating Comedy, Drama, girl power, Marriage her art. Teamed with some of the biggest guest stars on Woes, Movies, Rocky Relationships, Nikita: The Complete Fourth And television, including Jerry Orbach, Adrienne Barbeau, Dick Romance 2013 min. Van Patten, and Carol Lawrence, Jessica continues her quest Final Season to find the truth in even the murkiest circumstances. Catch the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.05.2014 complete second season of Murder She Wrote, the classic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122354 Lyndsy Fonseca, Maggie Q, Shane West mystery series that „...remains well worth revisiting two Framed for assassinating the U.S. president at the end of decades later“ (Josef Adalian, Daily Variety) Season Three, Nikita is the world’s most wanted woman - Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Senior Necronos: Tower Of Doom alone, on the run and trying to clear her name. When she Interest, Television 1985 min. Necronos, one of the mightiest minions of the devil himself has unexpectedly reunites with her old team - ex-fiance and come to earth to create an army of the undead under mentor Michael, former protege Alex, tech genius Seymour Universal Studios 25.02.2014 leadership of barbaric demons, called Berzerkers. To achieve Birkhoff and ex-CIA analyst Ryan Fletcher - they struggle to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122151 his goal Necronos needs numerous often very macabre and heal past betrayals while attempting to take down their difficult to come by ingredients. So Satan sends him two nemesis Amanda, discovering in the process a vast assistants to achieve his goal - Goran, a Blood Demon and conspiracy that threatens a global catastrophe. With wild Murder, She Wrote: The footman loyal to Necronos as well as The Mighty Witch to card Sam back on the scene, emotions run high and Complete Third Season locate the chosen one - a virgin witch. counterespionage runs deep as Nikita battles to be true to her Foreign, German, Horror, Movies 2010 mission, the people she loves, and herself in the heart- (Repackage) pounding final episodes of this killer espionage series. 82min. Action, Crime, Drama, Spies & Secret Angela Lansbury, Leslie Nielsen, Tom CAV 11.03.2014 Agents, Television, The CW, Thrillers 2013 Selleck, George Clooney, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121912 264min. Crime, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Music, Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 Mystery, Senior Interest, Television 1986 Newhart: The Complete Second 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121852 1081min. Universal Studios 25.02.2014 Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122147 Peter Scolari, Tom Poston, John Voldstad, Nikita: The Complete Fourth And Mary Frann, Julia Duffy, Bob Newhart, Final Season (Blu-ray) William Sanderson Lyndsy Fonseca, Maggie Q, Shane West Bob Newhart returns as Dick Loudon, the New Yorker who Framed for assassinating the U.S. president at the end of Christopher Backus, Rus Blackwell runs a small B&B in Vermont with his wife Joanna (Mary Season Three, Nikita is the world’s most wanted woman - Craid Liderman-Lidy to his friends-is a blue collar worker Frann). Things operate a little differently up in ski country, as alone, on the run and trying to clear her name. When she who has fallen on hard times. After a chance meeting with exemplified by their disparate group of friends and neighbors, unexpectedly reunites with her old team - ex-fiance and Miss Sal, a succesful Drag Performer, exposes him to a new including Larry (William Sanderson) and his brother Darryl mentor Michael, former protege Alex, tech genius Seymour career opportunityhe undertakes a strange journey of (Tony Papenfuss) and his other brother Darryl (John Birkhoff and ex-CIA analyst Ryan Fletcher - they struggle to becoming a Marlene Dietrich impersonator. Soon his redneck Voldstad). Season Two highlights include Dick fighting heal past betrayals while attempting to take down their macho view of the world is chanlleged and as Lidy learns to against the advances of a celebrity author, Joanna nemesis Amanda, discovering in the process a vast accept others, those around him find it difficult to accept the challenging the town’s historical practice of the men and conspiracy that threatens a global catastrophe. With wild new Lidy. As things begin to unravel his new world collides women eating separately during the town’s potluck dinners, card Sam back on the scene, emotions run high and with his old and Lidy is forced to discover for himself the true Stephanie (Julia Duffy) getting lost in a snowstorm, Kirk counterespionage runs deep as Nikita battles to be true to her value of acceptance. (Steven Kampmann) planning to sell the Minuteman Cafe and mission, the people she loves, and herself in the heart- Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies more! Newhart marked the return to television for multiple pounding final episodes of this killer espionage series. Emmy-nominated actor and legendary comedian Bob Newhart. 2013 89min. If you like Bob, you’ll love Newhart. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Spies & CAV 08.04.2014 CBS, Comedy, Television 1983 510min. Secret Agents, Television, The CW, Thril- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122144 Shout Factory 11.02.2014 lers 2013 264min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122004 Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 Mysteries Of The Gods 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121872 Jeane Dixon, Robert Charroux, William Night Of The Demons (Blu-ray + Shatner - Dir. Harald Reinl, Charles Romine DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation - The Mysteries of the Gods is a full length documentary about East Meets West the influence of „ancient astronauts“ in mankind’s history. The Cathy Podewell, Mimi Kinkade, William film is based on ancient astronaut theories of Swiss-born Gallo, Hal Havins, Linnea Quigley - Dir. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michaelangelo are four researcher Erich von Daniken. genetically mutated turtles who have grown into human-sized, Kevin S. Tenney ninja-powered crime-fighters living in the sewers of New Aliens, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, It’s Halloween night and Angela is throwing a party... but this York City. Under the tutelage of Master Splinter, these four Special Interest 1976 87min. is no ordinary Halloween party. Everybody’s headed to Hull teens have spent their formative years fighting their nemesis, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 20.05.2014 House, a deserted funeral home, formerly the home of a mass Shredder, and his evil army. But the turtles’ world is about to murderer. But when the partygoers decide to have a seance, change... and if you thought Shredder was bad, wait until you 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122360 they awaken something evil... and these party crashers have meet the newest TMNT foe: Dragon Lord! It will take all the a thirst for blood. Now it’s a battle to survive the night in Hull power the turtles can muster to combat this new villain... but National Lampoon’s Animal House. William Gallo (Crash), Amelia Kinkade, Cathy luckily for them, they will have help from a new ninja turtle, a Podewell (Dallas), Jill Terashit (Sleepaway Camp III) and female turtle named Venus De Milo! See all of the exciting House / Dazed And Confused / Screen Queen Linnea Quigley star in this ’80s splatter-fest showdowns in the only live action series based on the iconic directed by Kevin S. Tenney (Witchboard). Ninja Turtles franchise! Fast Time At Ridgemont High (3 Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Horror, Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Movie Laugh Pack) Movies 1987 90min. Children’s, Comedy, Martial Arts, Ninjas, Ben Affleck, Parker Posey, Jason London, Shout Factory 04.02.2014 Superheroes, Television 147min. John Vernon, Tim Matheson, Verna Bloom, tba BestellNr.: 40121789 Shout Factory 04.03.2014 Milla Jovovich, John Belushi, Matthew 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121901 McConaughey, Cesare Danova, Donald A Nightmare On Elm Street Sutherland, Joey Lauren Adams, Thomas (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Numb / Management (Let’s Be Hulce, Rory Cochrane, Adam Goldberg, Robert Englund, Ronee Blakley, Heather Friends Double Feature) Wiley Wiggins - Dir. John Landis, Richard Langenkamp, John Saxon, Johnny Depp - Lynn Collins, , Steve Linklater Dir. Zahn, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Classics, College Life, Comedy, Cult Film / 1, 2, Freddy’s coming for you.“ And here he is, phantom fiend Woody Harrelson, Kevin Pollak - Dir. Harris TV, High School, Movies, Stoners, Triple Freddy Krueger in all his razor-fingered infamy. Wes Craven Goldberg, Stephen Belber Feature min. (Scream movies) directs this trendsetting first in the slash-hit Comedy, Double Features, Movies, Universal Studios 06.05.2014 series. The premise is simple: Freddy (Robert Englund) homicidally haunts the sleep of Elm Street teens. The results Romance 186min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122098 are terrifying and mind-blowingly innovative. There’s another

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Image Ent. 01.04.2014 Manning, Pablo Schreiber, Jason Biggs, follow his rules. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121800 , , Yael Stone, Horror, Movies 92min. Natasha Lyonne - Dir. Jodie Foster, Phil Phase 4 Films 22.04.2014 Nurse (DVD + UltraViolet) Abraham 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121937 Katrina Bowden, Paz De La Huerta, Judd From the creator of Weeds comes a heartbreaking and hilarious new series set in a women’s prison. Based on Piper Paper Soldiers Nelson Kermans acclaimed memoir, follows Paz de la Huerta (HBO’s ) turns up the engaged Brooklynite Piper Chapman, whose wild past comes Tiffany Withers, Kevin Hart, Damon Dash, body heat in this wickedly entertaining story of a fatal back to haunt her and results in her arrest and detention in a Memphis Bleek, Beanie Sigel, Angie attraction. By day, nurse Abby Russell (de la Huerta) lovingly federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper trades attends to the patients at All Saints Memorial Hospital; by her comfortable New York life for an orange prison jumpsuit Martinez, Stacey Dash, Miss Jones, Jimmy night, Abby prowls nightclubs, luring unfaithful men into and finds unexpected conflict and camaraderie amidst an Jones, Jason Cerbone - Dir. Damon Dash, dangerous liaisons. After Danni, a young, sensitive nurse, eccentric group of inmates. David V. Daniel joins the hospital staff, Abby pursues her friendship. But Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Drama, when the friendship turns to obsession, Danni spurns Abby, Action, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Playaz, unleashing Abby’s fury and a rampage of terror. Prison, Television 2013 730min. Romance 2003 88min. Femme Fatales, Movies, Nurses & Doctors, Lionsgate 13.05.2014 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Thrillers 2013 84min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122157 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122113 Lionsgate 08.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121997 Overlord: The Criterion Paranormal Activity: The Marked Collection (Blu-ray) Ones Nurse 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + Davyd Harries, Brian Stimer, Nicholas Ball - Katie Featherston - Dir. Christopher Landon UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Dir. Stuart Cooper Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones „breaks new ground Seamlessly interweaving archival war footage and a fictional and buries you screaming in it.“ (Steve Barton, Dread Katrina Bowden, Paz De La Huerta, Judd narrative, Stuart Cooper’s immersive account of one 20-year- Central) The activity is back „with a and evil Nelson old’s journey from basic training to the battle front lines at D- vengeance“ (Claudia Pig, USA) and it’s claimed a new victim. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which day brings all the terrors and isolation of war to its viewers 17-year-old Jesse has been hearing horrifying sounds coming is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. with jolting authenticity. Overlord, impressionistically shot by from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Stanley Kubrick’s longtime , is camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters standard Blu-ray players Paz de la Huerta (HBO’s Boardwalk both a document of WWII and a dreamlike meditation on man’s an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul Empire) turns up the body heat in this wickedly entertaining smallness in a large, incomprehensible machine. in an all-new chapter that critics are calling „the best in the story of a fatal attraction. By day, nurse Abby Russell (de la Action, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, Drama, series.“ Huerta) lovingly attends to the patients at All Saints Memorial Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Hospital; by night, Abby prowls nightclubs, luring unfaithful History & Events, Movies, War, World War II men into dangerous liaisons. After Danni, a young, sensitive 1975 84min. Mystery, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- nurse, joins the hospital staff, Abby pursues her friendship. Criterion 13.05.2014 lers 2014 84min. But when the friendship turns to obsession, Danni spurns 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122130 Paramount Pictures 08.04.2014 Abby, unleashing Abby’s fury and a rampage of terror. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122156 Blu-ray 3D, Femme Fatales, Movies, Nurses & Doctors, Thrillers 2013 84min. P.O.E.: Project Of Evil Lionsgate 08.04.2014 Following up the successful P.O.E.: Poetry of Eerie, some of Paranormal Activity: The Marked the original filmmakers regrouped for this newest experiment Ones (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122012 which aims to bring the tales of Edgar Allan Poe to life through the distinct lens of Italian horror with spoken English. Katie Featherston - Dir. Christopher Landon The Nutty Professor: 50th While the original film’s focus was the poetic and macabre Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones „breaks new ground dimension of the infamous author, this sequel focuses and buries you screaming in it.“ (Steve Barton, Dread Anniversary Ultimate Collector’s instead on the bloody, violent and disturbing. Stories include Central) The activity is back „with a wicked and evil The Pit and the Pendulum, Solo, Loss of Breath, The Murders vengeance“ (Claudia Pig, USA) and it’s claimed a new victim. Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) in the Rue Morgue, The Tell-Tale Heart, The System of Dr. 17-year-old Jesse has been hearing horrifying sounds coming (Blu-ray) Tar and Prof. Feather, and The Premature Burial... Like from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his you’ve never seen before! camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters Stella Stevens, Les Brown, Kathleen Horror, Movies 2012 90min. an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul Freeman, Del Moore, Jerry Lewis - Dir. Brain Damage Films 06.05.2014 in an all-new chapter that critics are calling „the best in the Jerry Lewis series.“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121893 Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Mystery, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- Cult Film / TV, Fish-Out-Of-Water, Movies, The Palmer Supremacy lers 2014 84min. National Film Registry, Romance, Science Thomas Dekker, Lindsey McKeon, Jamie Paramount Pictures 08.04.2014 Fiction 397min. McShane, Paul Johansson, Brad Rowe, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122182 Paramount 03.06.2014 Lance Henriksen 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122276 A genius scientist entrepreneur, William Palmer, develops the The Past (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) IC-187 chip, a technology that would revolutionize the inner Orange Is The New Black: workings of the human brain. But with every great discovery (Blu-ray) comes risk. When William mysteriously dies of apparent , Berenice Bejo, Ali Mosaffa - Season One (Blu-ray + suicide, and with the threat of his creation falling into the wrong hands, his son Nate joins the IQ-145, a top-secret Dir. Asghar Farhadi UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) organization that extracts groundbreaking technologies from Ahmad (Ali Mosaffa) returns to Paris to finalize his divorce , , Taryn corrupt organizations. Now, with the future of the IC-187 - so his wife Marie (Academy Award Nominee Berenice Bejo, and the human race - hanging in the balance, desperate 2011 Best Supporting Actress, The Artist) can marry her new Manning, Pablo Schreiber, Jason Biggs, measures become the only way to survive. Based on the boyfriend, Samir (Tahar Rahim). During his tense stay, Ahmad Kate Mulgrew, Laura Prepon, Yael Stone, popular web-series IQ-145, starring Thomas Dekker (A discovers the conflicting nature of Marie’s relationship with Natasha Lyonne - Dir. Jodie Foster, Phil Nightmare on Elm Street, Terminator: The Sarah Connor her daughter Lucie (Pauline Burlet). Ahmad’s efforts to Abraham Chronicles), Brad Rowe (National Treasure: Book of improve this relationship soon unveil a secret from their past. Secrets), Lance Henriksen (AVP: Aliens vs. Predator, Aliens, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Mystery From the creator of Weeds comes a heartbreaking and The Terminator), Lindsey McKeon (Shredder, Saved by the hilarious new series set in a women’s prison. Based on Piper Bell: The New Class), Paul Johansson (One Tree Hill, The 2013 130min. Kermans acclaimed memoir, Orange Is the New Black follows Boondock Saints II, Alpha Dog), Amber Wallace (Footloose), Sony Pictures Home Entertainment engaged Brooklynite Piper Chapman, whose wild past comes Jamie McShane (The Avengers, Argo, Thor). back to haunt her and results in her arrest and detention in a 25.03.2014 federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper trades Drama, Movies, Science, Science Fiction, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122067 her comfortable New York life for an orange prison jumpsuit Technology min. and finds unexpected conflict and camaraderie amidst an Green Apple Entertainment 27.05.2014 Pastor Shepherd eccentric group of inmates. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122218 Book-To-Film, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Danny Trejo Drama, Prison, Television 2013 730min. In this quirky comedy, Shepherd (YouTube sensation Pastor Panic Button Shepherd) - a struggling door-to-door, freeze-dried pet Lionsgate 13.05.2014 salesman - lives alone with his elderly, pill-popping, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122185 Michael Jibson, Jack Gordon - Dir. Chris television-junkie mother, who is facing bankruptcy after Crow sending all of her money to smooth-talking televangelists. Trapped at 30,000 feet aboard a private airplane, four After losing his job, he decides to take his ailing mother on a Orange Is The New Black: helpless friends are forced to fight for their lives and the lives road trip to see her favorite pastor at the End Times Revival. Season One (DVD + UltraViolet) of their loved ones by participating in a horrific and twisted When their free-spirited neighbor Annamarie (Maria-Elena in-flight entertainment game. Behind the terror, a mysterious Laas, The Hot Chick) hears of the plan, she and her ill- Elizabeth Rodriguez, Taylor Schilling, Taryn and unpredictable captor cruelly punishes those who do not tempered father Phil (Danny Trejo, FX’s Sons of Anarchy) tag

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 75 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA along to attend the event that promises to transform their fate The Power Rangers face off against the dreaded villains King Red River: The Criterion in ways they never thought possible. There, Shepherd is Mondo and Queen Machina, a malevolent pair who rule over inspired to become the first-ever cyber evangelist to solve their Machine Empire. This fearsome empire full of robots is Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) their financial problems - and to please his mother. menacing enough to scare Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa into Comedy, Movies 2010 min. fleeing with their forces, abandoning the moon to these metal- (Blu-ray) lic conquerors. Joined by their bratty offspring Prince Joanne Dru, Montgomery Clift, Colleen Green Apple Entertainment 22.04.2014 Sprocket, King Mondo and Queen Machina command a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121891 fearless army of Cogs, relentless robots dedicated to their Gray, Harry Carey Jr., Noah Beery, Paul masters’ evil plans to dominate the universe. With the Fix, Harry Sr. Carey, Walter Brennan, John Patterns Of Attraction discovery of powerful Zeo Crystals, the crime-fighters utilize Ireland, John Wayne - Dir. Howard Hawks their new Zeo powers to save Zordon and Alpha 5 from Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Trae Ireland, Paula Jai Parker, Omar certain decimation. The Ranger team continues to expand Criterion Collection, Movies, Romance, We- Gooding, Michael Colyar - Dir. Grayson when the mysterious Gold Power Ranger, Trey of the planet Triforia, arrives on Earth to fight the Machine Empire. When stern 1948 127min. Stroud Trey falls in battle, it’s up to the original leader of the Power Patterns Of Attraction is a story about loving so much that it Rangers, Jason, to don the Gold Ranger powers and harness Criterion 27.05.2014 hurts. But the truth about love is, it shouldn’t hurt. This the enormous Zord Pyramides. Now armed with greater 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122133 romantic comedy is a story that emphasizes the importance of powers than ever before, new uniforms and their new commitment, true love, and breaking old love patterns in order Zeonizers, the Zeo Rangers are a virtual army capable of to create new beginnings. Celeste and Shane are writing fighting the mindless robot Republic of Doyle: Season 1 partners as well as romantic partners. Shane isn’t ready to Action, Adventure, Children’s, Cult Film / This hit Canadian mystery features a father and son sleuthing settle down and commit to one woman, though he and Celeste team based in the province of Newfoundland. This fast-paced live together and have been in a relationship for over two TV, Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Science whodunit has won legions of fans in its home country, and with years. Both struggle with their personal issues and are Fiction, Television 480min. syndication coming to the U.S., Republic Of Doyle is sure to constantly learning to accept each other in spite of their Shout Factory 11.02.2014 delight mystery fans below the 49th parallel. faults. Their love of writing is the bond that keeps them Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television together, but Shane’s many affairs threaten to tear them apart. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122025 Can they change their patterns to find their own true love? 529min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Movies, Pretty Little Liars: The Complete Acorn Media 06.05.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122293 Romance 2014 80min. Fourth Season Anderson Merchandisers 04.02.2014 Tyler Blackburn, Shay Mitchell, Ian Harding, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121909 The Revengers Lucy Hale, Janel Parrish, Ashley Benson, Woody Strode, Ernest Borgnine, William Laura Leighton, Chad Lowe, Holly Marie Planes / National Lampoon’s Holden Combs Civil War veteran-turned-rancher John Benedict (William Vacation / National Lampoon’s Senior year will be the best year ever... if the Liars can Holden) returns home from a hunting trip to discover that a European Vacation (Triple Fea- survive it! In the aftermath of the mysterious lodge fire, , ruthless renegade and his murderous gang of rogues have Emily, Hanna and Spencer turn to a surprising new ally to killed his wife and children. But when Benedict recruits six ture) (Blu-ray) help them discover what happened that night, and to try to condemned men to help him extract fatal revenge, he realizes uncover Red Coat’s next move. But when a new corpse that his newly formed posse answers to no one - they are Comedy, Holidays, Movies, Road Trips, appears in Rosewood, the girls are drawn into yet another wild, dangerous and unpredictable killers, much like the men Triple Feature min. murder investigation, one that puts a cloud of suspicion they are pursuing. Will they carry out Benedict’s plan or turn around them and their closest friends and family. With Red the tables and add him to their list of victims? Paramount 13.05.2014 Coat lurking in the shadows and the truth about Alison closer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122344 than ever, finishing high school has never been more Action, Gangs, Movies, Western 1972 dangerous! Catch the shocking new twists and turns in all 24 108min. Playdate episodes of the blood-soaked darling of a series based on Paramount Pictures 20.05.2014 author Sara Shepard’s best-selling books. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121973 Abby Brammell, Marguerite Moreau, Ri- Drama, High School, Mystery, Soap Opera, chard Ruccolo Television, Thrillers 2013 min. After befriending a family that has just moved in next door, Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 Ride Along Emily Valentine begins to realize that these new neighbors Tika Sumpter, Bryan Callen, Kevin Hart, Ice are hiding a deadly secret. And when her daughter is 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122034 „accidentally“ hurt on a playdate with her neighbor’s son, Cube, John Leguizamo, Bruce McGill - Dir. Emily digs deeper and uncovers something in the families Rawhide: The Eighth And Final Tim Story past, not realizing that they will do anything to make sure it For the past two years, high school security guard Ben stays a secret! Season (Kevin Hart) has been trying to show decorated detective Movies, Thrillers 2012 85min. James (Ice Cube) that he’s more than just a video game junkie Paul Brinegar, Raymond St. Jacques, Clint who’s unworthy of James’ sister. When Ben finally gets MTI Home Video 15.04.2014 Eastwood, John Ireland accepted into the police academy, James invites him on a ride- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121772 Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) is promoted to trail boss as along designed to scare the hell out of him and ultimately the iconic Western with the classic theme song rides on into demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of his sister. the sunset. But when the wild night leads them to the most notorious Poppy Cat: Birthday Adventure Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Televi- criminal in the city, James will find that his new partner’s Join Poppy Cat and her friends as they embark on rapid-fire mouth is just as dangerous as the bullets speeding extraordinary adventures through fantastical lands. Seen sion, Western 1965 670min. at it. Also starring John Leguizamo and Laurence Fishburne, through the eyes of Poppy’s imaginative young owner, a little Paramount Pictures 03.06.2014 Ride Along is an action-packed comedy with big thrills and girl called Lara, each episode tells the tale of a very special 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122180 even bigger laughs. cat and her colorful band of friends. Action, Comedy, Movies 2014 99min. Animals & Nature, Children’s, Movies Reality Bites (Blu-ray + Universal Studios 15.04.2014 80min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122055 E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122262 Ben Stiller, Steve Zahn, Ethan Hawke, Ride Along (Blu-ray + DVD + Swoosie Kurtz, Janeane Garofalo, Winona Power Rangers Megaforce: The Ryder, John Mahoney, Joe Don Baker - Dir. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Tika Sumpter, Bryan Callen, Kevin Hart, Ice Great Dragon Spirit Ben Stiller As her college valedictorian, Lelaina Pierce (Ryder) should Cube, John Leguizamo, Bruce McGill - Dir. Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake must convince the mysterious be destined for greatness. In reality she is a lowly production Robo Knight to work as a team to battle PsychoTick’s energy- Tim Story assistant for an obnoxious TV morning show host. In her free For the past two years, high school security guard Ben draining powers, ShadowSerpent’s paralyzing touch, time, Lelaina is making a biting, often outrageous video Distractor’s giant army of MegaMonsters, and NoJoke’s (Kevin Hart) has been trying to show decorated detective documentary about her peers: promiscuous, ‘70’s-crazed James (Ice Cube) that he’s more than just a video game junkie laughter-stealing traps. And when an ancient weapon falls roommate Vicki (Garafalo), sexually repressed Sammy (Zahn) into the wrong hands, the Rangers will summon the Mighty who’s unworthy of James’ sister. When Ben finally gets and best friend Troy (Hawke), a brilliant but unmotivated accepted into the police academy, James invites him on a ride- Dragon Spirit to earn new Ultra Powers! Witness the rise of . Meanwhile, Lelaina meets Michael (Stiller), an a new Megaforce team in these four ultra-exciting episodes! along designed to scare the hell out of him and ultimately ambitious video executive who wants to showcase her demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of his sister. Action, Children’s, Cult Film / TV, Family, documentary on „In Your Face TV.“ Suddenly, she finds hers- But when the wild night leads them to the most notorious Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Televi- elf at the center of a very odd love triangle with dependable, criminal in the city, James will find that his new partner’s sion 120min. fast-track Michael on the one side and a sexy, brooding Troy rapid-fire mouth is just as dangerous as the bullets speeding on the other. at it. Also starring John Leguizamo and Laurence Fishburne, Lionsgate 08.04.2014 Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Movies, Romance Ride Along is an action-packed comedy with big thrills and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121765 1994 99min. even bigger laughs. Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies 2014 Power Rangers: Zeo - Volume 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122016 99min. Two Universal Studios 15.04.2014

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122066 Sadie / The Seductress (Double Saving Mr. Banks Feature) Ruth Wilson, Colin Farrell, Paul Giamatti, The Ring (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Lisa De Leeuw Bradley Whitford, Emma Thompson, Tom Naomi Watts, Martin Henderson, Brian Cox Double Features, Erotica, Movies 155min. Hanks - Dir. John Lee Hancock - Dir. Gore Verbinski CAV 11.03.2014 Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson bring to life the untold true The Ring is the critically acclaimed, smash hit thriller David story about the origins of one of the most treasured Disney Ansen of Newsweek says „raises some serious goosebumps!“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121896 classics of all time. John Lee Hancock (The Blind Side) This cinematic thrill ride will keep you on the edge of your directs this acclaimed film, which reveals the surprising seat from the stunning opening to the astonishing conclusion! A Sait, A Woman, A Devil backstory behind the making of Mary Poppins. Determined to It begins as just another urban legend-the whispered tale of a fulfill a promise to his daughters, Walt Disney (Hanks) tries nightmarish videotape that causes anyone who watches it to Marc Stevens - Dir. Peter Savidge for twenty years to obtain the rights to author P.L. Travers’ die seven days later. But when four teenagers all meet with One of the oddest mixes of drive-in craziness and steamy (Thompson) beloved book. Armed with his iconic creative mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such action, Raging Bull co-writer Peter Savage’s sleazy vision, Walt pulls out all the stops, but the uncompromising a tape, investigative reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) adaptation of The Three Faces Of Eve finally comes to home Travers won’t budge. Only when he reaches into his own tracks down the video...and watches it. Now, the legend is video fully uncut with all the mind-boggling plot twists and complicated childhood does Walt discover the truth about the coming true, the clock is ticking and Rachel has just seven sex-filled fun fully intact! Young Sylvia is a good, pure Chri- ghosts that haunt Travers, and together, they set Mary days to unravel the mystery of The Ring. stian, but her friends and family are noticing strange things Poppins free! Drama, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Mystery, happening to her. Sylvia is experiencing sudden Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Disney, Dra- transformations from a church going innocent into a sex- ma, Family, History & Events, Movies, Music Thrillers, Urban Legends 2002 115min. obsessed vixen, violently seducing every man (and woman) in Paramount 25.03.2014 sight! Shocked by these episodes, her beautiful sister seeks 2013 125min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122227 help from a psychiatrist (played by director Peter Savage) Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 and the two of them begin to explore the dark secrets in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122026 Sylvia’s past that have lead to her unnatural sexual Rizzoli & Isles: The Complete awakening. Better known under its re-issue title of Sylvia, Vinegar Syndrome brings this sexy cult film to DVD in its Saving Mr. Banks (Blu-ray + Fourth Season original cut and under its original title, A Saint, A Woman, A Lee Thompson Young, Jordan Bridges, Devil! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Angie Harmon, , Lorraine Erotica, Movies 1976 108min. Ruth Wilson, Colin Farrell, Paul Giamatti, Bracco, Bruce McGill CAV 11.03.2014 Bradley Whitford, Emma Thompson, Tom Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander are back in this chart- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121895 Hanks - Dir. John Lee Hancock busting, suspenseful series as Jane Rizzoli, a tough-as-nails Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson bring to life the untold true Boston police detective, and Maura Isles, a smart, impeccably story about the origins of one of the most treasured Disney dressed medical examiner from a privileged background. As Santo Contra La Hija De Franken- classics of all time. John Lee Hancock (The Blind Side) Rizzoli & Isles continues for a fourth explosive season, Jane stein directs this acclaimed film, which reveals the surprising and Maura will investigate a number of complex and backstory behind the making of Mary Poppins. Determined to troublesome cases, including a deadly shooting at a Santo, Gina Romand, Anel - Dir. Miguel M. fulfill a promise to his daughters, Walt Disney (Hanks) tries community parade, the brutal killing of an overzealous Delgado for twenty years to obtain the rights to author P.L. Travers’ journalism student and the pending murder trial of Maura’s Dr. Freda Frankenstein (Gina Romand) and her assistant, Dr. (Thompson) beloved book. Armed with his iconic creative biological father, Paddy Doyle (guest star John Doman). Plus, Yanco (Roberto Canedo), try to find the formula for an elixir vision, Walt pulls out all the stops, but the uncompromising Amaury Nolasco () guest stars as Lt. Detective that enables them to achieve eternal youth. The only problem Travers won’t budge. Only when he reaches into his own Rafael Martinez, the newly appointed head of the Boston is that the missing ingredient is the blood of Santo, which is complicated childhood does Walt discover the truth about the Police Departments drug unit, who has a conflicted professio- believed to possess extraordinary qualities. Because of this, ghosts that haunt Travers, and together, they set Mary nal past with Jane, forcing her to relive a painful experience. the doctor will do everything possible to attract Santo to her Poppins free! Guest stars this season also include Chris Vance, Sharon lair, and make Santo her prisoner for eternity. Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Comedy, Dis- Lawrence and Colin Egglesfield. Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Foreign, Hor- ney, Drama, Family, History & Events, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Independent ror, Mexican, Movies, Science Fiction, Movies, Music 2013 125min. Women, Mystery, Television 2012 645min. Thrillers 1971 84min. Disney / Buena Vista 18.03.2014 Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122051 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122328 tba BestellNr.: 40121927 Scooby-Doo (Blu-ray + DVD + The Rocket Santo Y Blue Demon Contra Australian, Drama, Foreign, Movies 2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 92min. Dracula Y El Hombre Linda Cardellini, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kino Video 29.04.2014 Aldo Monti, Santo, Blue Demon - Dir. Miguel Matthew Lillard, Rowan Atkinson, Freddie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121861 M. Delgado Prinze Jr. - Dir. Raja Gosnell Masked super-hero Mexican wrestler Santo teams up with his Zoinks! Two years after a clash of egos forced Mystery Inc. sidekick Blue Demon for wrestling/monster fighting in to close it’s doors, Scooby-Doo and his clever crime-solving The Rocket (Blu-ray) this classic lucha libre film. After facing defeat at the hands of cohorts Fred (FREDDIE PRINZE JR.), Daphne (SARAH Cristaldi the magician, Dracula is back to seek revenge and MICHELLE GELLAR), Shaggy (MATTHEW LILLARD) and Australian, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Movies rule the world. With the help of Wolfman and his legion of Velma (LINDA CARDELLINI) are individually summoned to 2013 92min. followers, victory seems imminent. Professor Cristaldi, a Spooky Island to investigate a series of paranormal incidents Kino Video 29.04.2014 descendant of the magician, is warned about Dracula’s plans at the ultra-hip Spring Break hot spot. Concerned that his and calls upon Santo and Blue Demon in the hopes that they frightfully popular resort might truly be haunted, Spooky 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121878 can defeat the infamous Count and the werewolf once and for Island owner Emile Mondavarious (ROWAN ATKINSON) all. tries to reunite those notoriously meddling detectives to solve Rookie Blue: Season Four Dracula, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, Movies, the mystery before his supernatural secret scares away the college crowds. Scooby and the gang will have to overcome With three years under their belt, the rookies of 15 Division Vampires, Wrestling & Fighting 1973 93min. their personal differences and forget everything they think know that rolling with the punches is more than just a life Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 they know about fake ghouls and phony creatures to crack the lesson, its an essential part of the job. Change is the only case, save themselves and possibly...the world! Ruh-roh! constant, and if you dont adapt, you’re left behind. Now, for 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121926 these five officers, the time has come to look change right in Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Children’s, the eye and make some big, bold choices. Santo Y Blue Demon Contra El Dr. Comedy, Family, Movies, Mystery 2002 ABC, Cops, Crime, Drama, Television 86min. 572min. Frankenstein Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 E1 Entertainment 06.05.2014 Sasha Montenegro, Santo, Blue Demon - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122345 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122247 Dir. Miguel M. Delgado When it’s discovered that their friend Alicia is to be the next target of Dr. Frankenstein, who is kidnapping innocent women Sebastian Bergman: Volume One Sacred Classics for brain transplant experiments in an attempt to bring back Gunnel Fred, Rolf Lassgard Richard Egan, Joan Collins, James Dean, his deceased wife, wrestling superheroes Santo and blue Every criminal has his own handwriting, but only Sebastian Demon are called into action to go head to head with the most Bergman can read it. Bergman is Sweden’s most famous Orson Welles interesting mad doctor in the world and his formidable zombie, criminal profiler, having written a definitive, best-selling book Biography, Biopics, Collections, Drama, Golem. about workings of the criminal mind. He’s played by Swedish History & Events, Movies, Romance Action, Adventure, Foreign, Horror, actor Rolf Lassgard, famous for his performance as the Mexican, Movies, Science Fiction 1974 original Wallander, based on Henning Mankell’s wildly 659min. popular crime novels. Bergman is strong-headed, politically Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 92min. incorrect, intuitive, abrasive - and grief stricken. He’s yet to 06.05.2014 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.02.2014 come to terms with the loss of his wife and daughter from the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121921 2004 tsunami in Thailand, an event that caused his life to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122167 careen out of control and derailed his work with the Stock- holm police department. Personal compulsions numb the pain

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and make him into his own worst enemy. His life and career Numerous murders disrupt a small western town, and a in a chorus line) and won an Oscar for Best Actor for his are completely on the skids when he returns to his hometown, community is left on edge. Deputy Conley, who wants the portrayal of a song and dance man in . two weeks late for his mother’s funeral but just in time to help sheriff’s job, takes it upon himself to track the culprit down, Cagney, though, is best known for his portrayal of the tough the local police solve the brutal murder of a 15-year-old boy. investigating multiple leads that bring him back to one lone gangster. Survived by his wife of 63 years, he passed away Then, a revelation from his past jump-starts his efforts to get drifter, Riley. Hoping to catch Riley in the act, the deputy sets in March of 1986 in his home in Stanfordville, New York. his life back in order and deal with his sexual addiction. He’s a trap, but as he waits patiently for his suspect a series of Films Include Great Guys The new investigator for the New learned that therapy won’t help; w unfortunate events leaves him fighting for his life. York Department of Weights and Measures, pugnacious Crime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Movies, Western 102min. Johnny Cave, steps on the toes of influential merchants and gets increasing pressure, both political and strong-arm, to Swedish, Television, Thrillers 176min. Lionsgate 08.04.2014 desist. Something To Sing About A New York bandleader is MHZ Networks 21.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121766 offered a film contract and moves to where his lack tba BestellNr.: 40121953 of desire to be a star is thought to be arrogance. Sick of Hollywood, he takes his wife on a cruise, but when they come Sherlock Holmes: Classic Film back he is indeed a superstar. Blood on the Sun Nick Condon, The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty And Radio Collection a reporter working in Tokyo, refuse to toe the Japanese line Kristen Wiig, Kathryn Hahn, Ben Stiller - Dir. on the expansionist policies of the anti-democratic Imperia Ian Fleming, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Ben Stiller Christopher Lee - Dir. Roy William Neill Movies 356min. Ben Stiller directs and stars in this classic story of a Many charismatic actors have played the man in the daydreamer who escapes his anonymous life by disappearing deerstalker cap over the years, but Basil Rathbone’s work (in Film Chest Media Group 21.01.2014 into a fantasy world filled with heroism, romance and tandem with Nigel Bruce’s lovably bumbling Dr. Watson) tba BestellNr.: 40121886 adventure. When his job, along with that of a co-worker during the 1930s and 1940s remains the standard against (Kristen Wiig), is threatened, Walter takes action in the real which all other performers are measured. This remarkable world, embarking on a journey more extraordinary than collection shines the spotlight upon the iconic duo’s film and Silver Screen Legends: Mickey anything he could have imagined. radio appearances, showcasing four of their silver screen Rooney Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, collaborations, along with 20 of their acclaimed radio Movies, Romance 2013 114min. programs. The package also features five more cinematic Anne Nagel, Lewis Stone, Thomas Mitchell, 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 interpretations of the celebrated sleuth’s adventures, starring Peter Lorre, Mickey Rooney the likes of Arthur Wontner and horror legend Christopher Joseph Yule, Jr. was born on September 23, 1920 in Brooklyn, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122212 Lee - not to mention insightful commentary by Lee himself! and began performing at the age of fifteen months as part of British, Classics, Crime, Drama, Foreign, his parents’ vaudeville routine, wearing a specially tailored The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Movies, Mystery 1964 650min. tuxedo. He took his stage name from his role in the Mickey Madacy 15.04.2014 McGuire comedies, but ran into legal trouble from Fox for (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- using the name and changed it to Rooney. Credited with the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121814 longest career in show business, Rooney is the only actor of ray) have appeared in silent films and still be performing in the Kristen Wiig, Kathryn Hahn, Ben Stiller - Dir. Sherlock: Season Three twenty-first century. Films Include Hoosier Schoolboy Ben Stiller Shockey Carter, a tough school kid whose rebellious nature Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman - hides his love and devotion to his father, is constantly getting Ben Stiller directs and stars in this classic story of a into trouble and causing problems at school. A caring school daydreamer who escapes his anonymous life by disappearing Dir. Nick Hurran, Jeremy Lovering, Colm teach tries to help save him form the destructive path down into a fantasy world filled with heroism, romance and McCarthy which he is headed. Love Laughs At Andy Hardy Andy Hardy adventure. When his job, along with that of a co-worker The question on everyone’s lips is finally answered as the goes to college after returning from World War II. The Big (Kristen Wiig), is threatened, Walter takes action in the real hugely popular Sherlock returns in three brand new action- Wheel The ambitious son of a racing driver struggles to world, embarking on a journey more extraordinary than packed adventures. With the demise of Moriarty, Sherlock succeed as a driver in his own right. Quicksand An auto anything he could have imagined. (Benedict Cumberbatch, Star Trek Into Darkness) finds mechanic borrows money from his employer’s cash register to Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, himself locked in another mind battle with the powerful go on a date, sending him deeper into debt and Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2013 114min. Charles Augustus Magnussen, who is holding the secrets of Classics, Collections, Comedy, Movies the world at his fingertips. Once again, the game is on for 20th Century Fox 15.04.2014 Sherlock and John (Martin Freeman, The Hobbit) in The 326min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122230 Empty Hearse, The Sign Of Three and finally, His Last Vow. Film Chest Media Group 21.01.2014 BBC, British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121885 : Alphabet Songs International TV, Mystery, Sherlock Holmes, Nora Jones, Smokey Robinson Television 2013 270min. Silver Screen Romances: 8 Movie Sing your ABCs with Elmo and all your favorite Sesame Street BBC Home Video 11.02.2014 Collection Muppets! Float with an astronaut in space, juggle with a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121908 robot, and swing by the G Club to hear the different sounds it Fred Clark, Warner Baxter, Paul Douglas, makes! Packed with lively and engaging melodies, Alphabet Rita Hayworth, John Garfield, Judy Songs fosters a rich understanding of letters and vocabulary Sherlock: Season Three (Blu-ray) by emphasizing sounds and connecting them with visuals to Holliday, Jennifer Jones, Thomas Mitchell, reinforce the learning. Full of furry friends, animation, and Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman - , Douglas Fairbanks, Gilbert real children, this feature includes songs for every letter of Dir. Nick Hurran, Jeremy Lovering, Colm Roland, Pedro Armendariz, Wally Cassel, the alphabet! Special guests Nora Jones, the Dixie Chicks, McCarthy John Williams, Ramon Novarro - Dir. George and Smokey Robinson. The question on everyone’s lips is finally answered as the Children’s, Children’s / Educational, hugely popular Sherlock returns in three brand new action- Cukor, John Huston, Gregory Ratoff, Ben Educational, Family, Preschool, Puppets, packed adventures. With the demise of Moriarty, Sherlock Hecht, Richard Quine, Alexander Hall (Benedict Cumberbatch, Star Trek Into Darkness) finds Collections, Drama, Movies, Romance Sesame Street, Television 120min. himself locked in another mind battle with the powerful Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Charles Augustus Magnussen, who is holding the secrets of 758min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122201 the world at his fingertips. Once again, the game is on for Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Sherlock and John (Martin Freeman, The Hobbit) in The tba BestellNr.: 40121922 Empty Hearse, The Sign Of Three and finally, His Last Vow. Seven (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) BBC, Blu-ray, British, Detectives, Drama, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Foreign, International TV, Mystery, Sherlock Simon And The Oaks An epic coming-of-age drama spanning the years 1939 to Paltrow, John C. McGinley - Dir. David Holmes, Television 2013 270min. 1952, this is the gripping story of Simon Larsson, who grew Fincher BBC Home Video 11.02.2014 up in a loving working class family on the outskirts of Two cops (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) track a brilliant 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122096 Sweden’s Gothenburg, but always felt out of place until he and elusive killer who orchestrates a string of horrific meets Isak Lentov, the son of a wealthy Jewish bookseller murders, each kill targeting a practitioner of one of the Seven who fled Nazi persecution in Germany. Through their sons’ Deadly Sins. Gwyneth Paltrow also stars in this acclaimed The Silent Thieft friendship, the two households slowly merge, connecting in thriller set in a dour drizzly city sick with pain and blight. unexpected ways as war rages across Europe. Moving and David Fincher (Fight Club, Zodiac, The Curious Case Of Cody Longo, Toby Hemingway inspiring, this taut, absorbing tale of destiny and survival Benjamin Button) guides the action physical, mental and Drama, Movies, Thrillers 102min. (The Washington Post) affirms that even amidst a society spiritual - with a sure understanding of what terrifies us, right Osiris Entertainment 08.04.2014 gone mad, hope ultimately endures. up to a stunning denouement that will rip the scar tissue off 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121797 Image Ent., Drama, Foreign, Holocaust, the most hardened soul. Movies, Swedish, World War II 2011 Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, 122min. Detectives, Film Noir, Horror, Movies, Serial Silver Screen Legends: James Image Ent. 06.05.2014 Killers, Thrillers, Torture 1995 127min. Cagney 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122266 New Line Home Entertainment 25.03.2014 Mae Clarke, Evelyn Daw, William Bendix, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122228 William Frawley, Wayne Morris, Sylvia Red Skelton Show: The Lost Sidney, James Cagney Sheriff Of Contention (DVD + James Francis Cagney, Jr. was born July 17, 1899 in New Episodes York City. He was an accomplished vaudeville performer Red Skelton UltraViolet) (Cagney’s first job as an entertainer was as a female dancer

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Among America’s great comedians, Red Skelton is ma, Military, Movies, War 201min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment unquestionably one of the most beloved. Along with his gallery of classic characters (including Clem Kadidlehopper, San Image Ent. 29.04.2014 22.04.2014 Fernando Red, and of course, Freddie The Freeloader), Red 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121805 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122121 Skelton delighted audiences for decades. On stage, on radio, in the movies, and on his hit television show, Skelton’s incomparable charm always shone through. Many of Special ID Spider-Man Trilogy (Blu-ray) Hollywood’s biggest stars lined up to appear on his hit Donnie Yen James Franco, , Tobey television show, entertaining us and themselves in funny skits Donnie Yen is Zilong „Dragon“ Chen, an undercover cop deep Maguire, Cliff Robertson, Willem Dafoe, with Red week after week, year after year. This collection of inside Chinas most ruthless crime syndicate. The boss, Xiong episodes from The Red Skelton Show showcases the (Collin Chou, ’s FEARLESS, THE MATRIX trilogy) Kirsten Dunst - Dir. Sam Raimi trademark wit and warmth of a comedic pioneer. Whether swears to find every traitor and make him or her pay with Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, you’re a longtime fan or discovering him for the first time, their lives. Agents are turning up dead. His days are Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, you’ll love Red Skelton: The Lost Episodes. numbered. Desperate to protect his family and his life, Chen Classics, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Televi- must risk everything to protect the SPECIAL IDENTITY he Superheroes, Triple Feature 523min. sion 400min. never wanted before its too late. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.02.2014 Action, Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies 22.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122003 99min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122152 Well Go USA 13.05.2014 Small Time 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122314 Stardust / Spiderwick Chronicles Christopher Meloni, Devon Bostick, Bridget (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Moynahan, Dean Norris, Kevin Nealon - Dir. Special ID (Blu-ray) Sienna Miller, Ricky Gervais, Michelle Joel Surnow Donnie Yen Pfeiffer, Robert De Niro, , Al Klein (Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: SVU) and his Donnie Yen is Zilong „Dragon“ Chen, an undercover cop deep Nick Nolte, Rupert Everett, , longtime friend, Ash Martini (Dean Norris, , inside Chinas most ruthless crime syndicate. The boss, Xiong Under the Dome) own a used car lot. These two know every (Collin Chou, Jet Li’s FEARLESS, THE MATRIX trilogy) David Strathairn, Freddie Highmore, Charlie trick in the book when it comes to selling cars. Martini is a swears to find every traitor and make him or her pay with Cox , Sarah Bolger - Dir. Mark Waters, good-time charley, who never settled down. Klein, however, their lives. Agents are turning up dead. His days are numbered. Desperate to protect his family and his life, Chen Matthew Vaughn still pines for his ex-wife Barbara (Bridget Moynahan, Blue Scheming princes, wicked witches, flying pirates, celestial Bloods) who left him years ago for a more successful man. must risk everything to protect the SPECIAL IDENTITY he never wanted before its too late. love, a pure-hearted hero, all in a magical land. What more do After their son, Freddy (Devon Bostick, Diary of a Wimpy you want?“ raves Today’s Gene Shalit for Stardust, an epic Kid) graduates high school, he decides to forego college in Action, Crime, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies adventure starring Claire Danes with and favor of selling cars with his old man. But what’s good for 99min. Robert De Niro. Based on the beloved series of best-selling Klein might not be the best thing for Freddy, as Freddy quickly Well Go USA 13.05.2014 young adult books and filled with nonstop action, The transforms from innocent young man into a jaded car Spiderwick Chronicles is a „terrific fantasy for all ages!“ salesman... leaving Al with a tough decision to make. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122322 (Shawn Edwards, Fox-TV) Comedy, Drama, Movies 95min. Adventure, Blu-ray, Double Features, Starz / Anchor Bay 03.06.2014 Speed / Speed 2: Cruise Control Family, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 228min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122364 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Jeff Daniels, Joe Morton, Keanu Reeves, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122190 Small Time (Blu-ray) Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock - Dir. Jan De Christopher Meloni, Devon Bostick, Bridget Bont The Starving Games Moynahan, Dean Norris, Kevin Nealon - Dir. Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Double Fea- Christian Lauren Bowles, Brandt Joel Surnow tures, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Romance, Daugherty, Cody Allen, Maiara Walsh, Al Klein (Christopher Meloni, Law & Order: SVU) and his longtime friend, Ash Martini (Dean Norris, Breaking Bad, Thrillers min. Diedrich Bader - Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aa- Under the Dome) own a used car lot. These two know every 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 ron Seltzer trick in the book when it comes to selling cars. Martini is a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122237 Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 2013 good-time charley, who never settled down. Klein, however, still pines for his ex-wife Barbara (Bridget Moynahan, Blue 83min. Bloods) who left him years ago for a more successful man. Speed 2: Cruise Control (Blu-ray) Anderson Merchandisers 21.01.2014 After their son, Freddy (Devon Bostick, Diary of a Wimpy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121887 Kid) graduates high school, he decides to forego college in Jason Patric, Willem Dafoe, Sandra Bullock favor of selling cars with his old man. But what’s good for - Dir. Jan De Bont Klein might not be the best thing for Freddy, as Freddy quickly Hold on to your life jacket as the rip-roaring sequel to Speed Still Mine transforms from innocent young man into a jaded car hits the high seas. Oscar Winner Sandra Bullock reprises her salesman... leaving Al with a tough decision to make. star-making role as Annie Porter, a young woman expecting to James Cromwell, Genevieve Bujold - Dir. Comedy, Drama, Movies 95min. enjoy a Caribbean vacation with her boyfriend (Jason Patric) Michael McGowan on board the world’s most luxurious cruise liner. But their trip Oscar Nominees James Cromwell and Genevieve Bujold star Starz / Anchor Bay 03.06.2014 to paradise turns deadly when a lunatic computer genius in this love story based on actual events that proves love is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122368 (Willem Dafoe) takes over the boat and sets it on a course for the ultimate triumph. Determined to build a more suitable destruction. An explosive voyage helmed by daredevil house for his wife Irene (Bujold), whose memory is failing, director Jan De Bont (Speed, Twister), Speed 2: Cruise Craig Morrison (Cromwell) is met with resistance from an Smokin’ Aces (Blu-ray + Control rides the wild waves at maximum . overzealous government inspector. Facing a possible jail UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Hostage sentence, and with Irene becoming increasingly ill, Craig races to finish the house in this beautiful story filled with Ryan Reynolds, Martin Henderson, Jason Crisis, Movies, Romance, Thrillers 1997 heart and humor. Bateman, Common, Alicia Keys, Jeremy 125min. Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 102min. Piven, Ben Affleck, Alex Rocco, Andy 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 Garcia, Ray Liotta - Dir. Joe Carnahan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122235 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122213 Slick Las Vegas illusionist Buddy „Aces“ Israel isn’t playing nice. Turns out, he’s telling mob secrets to the FBI. After a $1 Spider-Man 3 (Blu-ray + million contract is put out on him, Aces tries to pull his Still Mine (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) greatest disappearing act before a rogues’ gallery of ex-cons, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) hit men and smokin’ hot assassins tries to rub him out in this dark action comedy that takes no prisoners. Bryce Dallas Howard, James Franco, J.K. James Cromwell, Genevieve Bujold - Dir. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Simmons, Rosemary Harris, Tobey Maguire, Michael McGowan Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Movies, James Cromwell, Thomas Haden Church, Oscar Nominees James Cromwell and Genevieve Bujold star Thrillers 2007 109min. Kirsten Dunst - Dir. Sam Raimi in this love story based on actual events that proves love is Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) finally has the girl of his the ultimate triumph. Determined to build a more suitable Universal Studios 15.04.2014 dreams, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst), and New York house for his wife Irene (Bujold), whose memory is failing, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122017 City is in the throes of Spider-mania! But when a strange Craig Morrison (Cromwell) is met with resistance from an alien symbiote turns Spider-Man’s suit black, his darkest overzealous government inspector. Facing a possible jail demons come to light changing Spider-Man inside as well as sentence, and with Irene becoming increasingly ill, Craig A Solider’s Story / Memorial Day out. Spider-Man is in for the fight of his life against a lethal races to finish the house in this beautiful story filled with (Double Feature) mix of villains - the deadly Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), heart and humor. Venom (Topher Grace), and the New Goblin (James Franco) - Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 Jonathan Bennett, James Cromwell, Denzel as well as the enemy within himself. 102min. Washington - Dir. Norman Jewison, Sam 4K Ultra HD, Action, Adventure, Based On 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 Fischer Comic Book, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Revenge, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122231 Action, Adventure, Double Features, Dra- Science Fiction, Superheroes 2007 139min.

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The Suspect Gwenn, Lassie, Donald Crisp, Nigel Bruce, Please Don’t Eat The Daisies / Mekhi Phifer, William Sadler Roddy McDowall, Angela Lansbury, Anne The Glass Bottom Boat (Double The film centers around a small-town that encounters their Revere, Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor - first armed bank robbery at the exact moment a mysterious Dir. Clarence Brown, Pandro S. Berman, Feature) stranger appears. With no ID and a combative attitude, the Janis Paige, Doris Day, Paul Lynde, Spring local police struggle to tie the crime to their uncooperative Fred Wilcox suspect, but the truth is far more complicated. Academy Award Winners, Animals & Byington, John McGiver, Edward Andrews, Action, Adventure, Cops, Crime, Drama, Nature, Classics, Drama, Family, Horses, Dick Martin, Dom DeLuise, Rod Taylor, Ri- Movies, Thrillers 2013 98min. Movies, National Film Registry, Sports chard Haydn, , Arthur Godfrey, Image Ent. 22.04.2014 89min. Eric Fleming - Dir. Charles Walters, Frank 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121819 Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Tashlin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122206 Classics, Comedy, Double Features, Family, The Suspect (Blu-ray) Movies, Music, Musical, Romance min. Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Mekhi Phifer, William Sadler TCM Greatest Classic Films: Mi- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122211 The film centers around a small-town that encounters their ster Roberts / No Time For first armed bank robbery at the exact moment a mysterious stranger appears. With no ID and a combative attitude, the Sergeants (Double Feature) Tear Jerkers: 6 Movie Collection local police struggle to tie the crime to their uncooperative suspect, but the truth is far more complicated. Myron McCormick, Nick Adams, Murray Julianne Moore, Wendy Crewson, Claire Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Hamilton, Betsy Palmer, William Powell, Danes, Madonna, Stephen Rea, Peter Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 98min. James Cagney, Don Knotts, , Gallagher, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Henry Tho- Image Ent. 22.04.2014 Ward Bond, Henry Fonda, Jack Lemmon - mas, Aidan Quinn, Michael Keaton, Nicole 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121837 Dir. John Ford, Mervyn LeRoy Kidman, Lucas Black, Joan Plowright, Academy Award Winners, Classics, Ralph Fiennes, Bruce Greenwood, Kathy TCM Greatest Classic Films: Comedy, Drama, Military, Movies, War, Baker, Elizabeth Perkins, Matt Damon, World War II 123min. Battle Of The Bulge / Battle Cry Penelope Cruz, Armin Mueller Stahl, Bruce Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Altman, Adriano Giannini, Michelle Pfeiffer - (Double Feature) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122207 Dir. Bruce Loel Rubin, Guy Ritchie Dana Andrews, Dorothy Malone, Van Collections, Comedy, Drama, Illness & Heflin, Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Ty TCM Greatest Classic Films: North Disease, Movies, Romance, Star-Crossed Hardin, Robert Shaw, James Whitmore, By Northwest / Strangers On A Lovers, Tearjerkers 645min. Henry Fonda, Anne Francis, Robert Ryan, Train (Double Feature) Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Barbara Werle, James MacArthur, Werner tba BestellNr.: 40121918 Peters, Aldo Ray, Tab Hunter, George Jessie Royce Landis, Leo Caroll, , Robert Walker, James Mason, Martin Montgomery, Nancy Olson, Raymond Terminator 3: Rise Of The Mach- Massey, Mona Freeman, Hans Christian Landau, Cary Grant, Leo G. Carroll, Ruth Blech, Pier Angeli - Dir. Ken Annakin, Raoul Roman, Farley Granger - Dir. Alfred ines (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Walsh Hitchcock ray) Action, Classics, Double Features, Military, Classics, Crime, Double Features, Film Noir, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kristanna Loken, Movies, War, World War II 170min. Movies, Mystery, National Film Registry, Nick Stahl, Claire Danes - Dir. Jonathan Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Romance, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers Mostow 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122203 136min. Arnold Schwarzenegger puts on his trademark shades and Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 leather jacket to return as a time-traveling T-101 Terminator in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122208 this smash hit directed by Jonathan Mostow. He’s back to TCM Greatest Classic Films: protect future Earth Resistance leader John Connor (Nick Stahl)...and an unwary veterinarian (Claire Danes) who’s Butterfield 8 / Cat On A Hot Tin TCM Greatest Classic Films: stunned to learn her destiny is linked with Connor. An Roof (Double Feature) awesome new foe is programmed to terminate them - a state- Ocean’s 11 / Robin And The of-the-art T-X (Kristanna Loken) who’s smarter and stronger Eddie Fisher, Mildred Dunnock, Dina Merrill, than a T-101. With dazzling effects, bravura thrills and a Jeffrey Lynn, Betty Field, Laurence Seven Hoods (Double Feature) story that boldly spins into the unexpected, this is an event Harvey, Larry Gates, Madeleine Sherwood, Angie Dickinson, Victor Buono, Akim spectacle to see and see again. Action, Blu-ray, Killer Beauties, Killer , Jack Carson, Elizabeth Tamiroff, Peter Lawford, Richard Conte, Technology, Movies, Robots / Androids, Taylor, Susan Oliver, , Kay Bing Crosby, Cesar Romero, Henry Silva, Science Fiction 2003 min. Medford, Burl Ives - Dir. Daniel Mann, Ri- Peter Falk, Dean Martin, Patrice Wymore, Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 chard Brooks Red Skelton, Joey Bishop, Barbara Rush, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122346 Academy Award Winners, Action, Hank Henry, George Raft, Frank Sinatra - Classics, Double Features, Drama, Movies, Dir. Lewis Milestone, Gordon Douglas Get a double-shot of Rat Pack cool with these groovy titles, The Invisible Woman (Blu-ray + Rocky Relationships 109min. baby. Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Caper, Classics, Crime, Double Features, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122204 Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. Felicity Jones, , Mich- Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 elle Fairley, Tom Hollander, Ralph Fiennes TCM Greatest Classic Films: Nelly (Felicity Jones) is haunted by her past. Her memories 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122209 take us back in time to follow the story of her exciting but Jailhouse Rock / Viva Las Vegas: fragile relationship with Charles Dickens (Ralph Fiennes). TCM Greatest Classic Films: On Dickens, famous, controlling and emotionally isolated within Double Feature his success, falls for Nelly. As Nelly becomes the focus of Dean Jones, Jennifer Holden, Mickey Moonlight Bay / By The Light Of Dickens’ passion and his muse, for both of them secrecy is Shaughnessy, Judy Tyler, Elvis Presley - the price, and, for Nelly, a life of invisibility. The Silvery Moon (Double Fea- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Drama, Dir. , Richard Thorpe ture) Movies, Romance 2013 111min. Classics, Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Russel Arms, Maria Palmer, Doris Day, Leon Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Movies, Music, Musical, Prison, Rock ‘N’ Ames, Rosemary DeCamp, Billy Gray, Gor- 15.04.2014 Roll, Romance 96min. don MacRae, Mary Wickes - Dir. David But- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122310 Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 ler, Roy Del Ruth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122205 Comedy, Double Features, Family, Movies, Thirst (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Musical, Romance 94min. (Blu-ray) TCM Greatest Classic Films: Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Rosie Sturgess, Amanda Muggleton, Shirley Lassie Come Home / National 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122210 Cameron, Chantal Contouri, Robert Velvet (Double Feature) Thompson, Rod Mullinar, Henry Silva, David Dame May Whitty, Elsa Lanchester, Edmund TCM Greatest Classic Films: Hemmings, Max Phipps - Dir. Rod Hardy

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The Ozploitation classic - and one of the most unique vampire Cult Film / TV, Drama, Horror, Movies, town who’s always cooking up something illicit and „off the movies of our time - is back like you’ve never seen it before: menu“ and a quirky cast of characters who each hide their David Hemmings (Blow-Up, Deep Red) and Henry Silva (The Music, Mystery, Special Forces, Spies & dark secrets in the shadows of night in this series that’s like Manchurian Candidate) star as executives of an international Secret Agents, Thrillers 1969 143min. no other. From Alan Ball, writer of the Oscar-winning Best blood-drinking cartel known as The Brotherhood. But when Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Picture American Beauty and creator of the Emmy Award- they abduct a descendant (Chantal Contouri of The Day After 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122308 winning HBO series Six Feet Under, comes the critically a Halloween ) of Elizabeth Bathory to reboot her depraved Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, legacy, she must escape before the corporation can expand Vampires 2008 720min. their human blood cow dairies and create a vampire master (Blu-ray) race. Max Phipps (The Road Warrior) co-stars in this HBO Home Video 01.04.2014 gripping shocker directed by Rod Hardy (Prisoner: Cell Julie Andrews, Paul Newman, Ludwig 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122229 Block H), produced by Antony Ginnane (Patrick, Turkey Donath, , Tamara Toumanova, Shoot), and now transferred in HD from the original negative Hansjorg Felmy, David Opatoshu - Dir. Al- for the first time ever anywhere! True Blood: The Complete Fourth fred Hitchcock CAV, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Movies, Season - Repackage (Blu-ray + Science Fiction, Slasher, Thrillers 1979 Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, 93min. Horror, Movies, Music, Mystery, Spies & DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) CAV 11.03.2014 Secret Agents, Thrillers 1966 128min. Alexander Skarsgard, Janina Gavankar, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121903 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, Sam 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122309 Trammell, Kristin Bauer, Stephen Moyer, / Santa Fe Trail Chris Bauer, , , William Sanderson, Marshall Allman, (Double Feature) Training Day (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Jessica Tuck, Rutina Wesley, Joe Gene Reynolds, George Tobias, Jerry Manganiello, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Ethan Hawke, Denzel Washington, Snoop Jones, George Murphy, Alan Hale, Olivia de Deborah Ann Woll, Kevin Alejandro, Lauren Dogg, Eva Mendes, Macy Gray, Charlotte Havilland, Ronald Reagan, Errol Flynn, Bowles, Todd Lowe Raymod Massey - Dir. Ayanna, Dr. Dre, Cliff Curtis, Harris Yulin, Another supernatural force has come to light in Bon Temps - Adventure, Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Scott Glenn, Tom Berenger, Samantha witchcraft - and life for its residents will never be the same. Double Features, Drama, History & Events, Becker, Fran Kranz - Dir. Antoine Fuqua Sookie finds herself entangled in a love triangle - torn In a powerful departure from his frequent good-guy roles, between a vengeful Bill, the new Vampire King of Mississippi, Military, Movies, Musical, War, Western, Denzel Washington captured his second Academy Award and Eric, who’s not the former Viking he once was. Led by a World War II 1943 min. playing Alonzo Harris, the twisted but charismatic detective charismatic witch named Marnie, who threatens to let no one Echo Bridge Home Entertainment who both attracts and repels as he becomes the kind of thug living or dead stand in her way, a powerful coven tempts he’s supposed to collar. Ethan Hawke plays unseasoned Lafayette, Tara, and Jesus with otherworldly powers. Jessica 06.05.2014 recruit Jake Hoyt, Harris’ new partner. And Antoine Fuqua tries to adjust to a domestic life, while Jason finds himself 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122166 (King Arthur) directs, guiding a cast that includes music stars alone in werepanther territory. Arlene and Terry come to terms Dr. Dre, Macy Gray and Snoop Dogg. Training Day. It’s a day with their highly unusual baby, and Alcide finds himself caught of reckoning. in the clutches of an old flame. As old alliances crumble and Tightrope (Blu-ray) Academy Award Winners, Action, Blu-ray, new relationships form, Season 4 of True Blood proves that Clint Eastwood, Jenny Beck, Alison nobody’s safe when there’s magic in the air. Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, Eastwood, Genevieve Bujold, Dan Hedaya Cops, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2001 Vampires, Werewolves 2011 720min. - Dir. Richard Tuggle 122min. Lured by the promise of kinky sex, two men prowl the French HBO Home Video 01.04.2014 Quarter. One is a cop. The other is a killer. Clint Eastwood is Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122232 Wes Block, a lawman walking a Tightrope separating him from 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122347 the man he strives to be and the man he fears he is. When investigating brutal sex murders, he uncovers a link between True Blood: The Complete Se- himself and the suspect. To the killer, the only good hooker is Trouble Every Day cond Season - Repackage (Blu- a dead one - especially if she’s been with Block. Soon no Sasha Pieterse, Michael J. Willett, Paul woman who knows Block is safe, including those dearest to ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- him (Genevieve Bujold and Alison Eastwood). Showcasing Iacono, Andrea Bowen, Beatrice Dalle, New Orleans at its moody best, writer/director Richard Tricia Vessey, Vincent Gallo - Dir. Claire ray) Tuggle (Escape from Alcatraz) adds shadings to Block that Denis Jim Parrack, Nelsan Ellis, Rutina Wesley, make him more than a stoic action hero. And Eastwood grabs American doctor Shane (Vincent Gallo) arrives in Paris for a Alexander Skarsgard, Carrie Preston, Ryan the challenge with one of his best performances ever. honeymoon with his new young bride (Tricia Vessey), but the Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, cuddles soon turn to carnal violence as Shane sneaks off in Kwanten, Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, Mystery, Thrillers 1984 114min. search of his true objective: his former colleague Leo (Alex Chris Bauer, Anna Paquin, William Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Descas), who might be in possession of the antidote to a Sanderson, Alexander Woo tropical virus that has transformed Leo’s wife (Beatrice Introducing Blu-ray with HBO Select. 3 ways to watch in 1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122135 Dalle) into a ravenous sexual cannibal. Denis’ delectably box Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy. Welcome back to Bon photographed yet shockingly violent imagery terrifies not so Temps, home to mystery, Southern sensuality and dark Timeless Film Favorites: 6 Great much by its goriness as by its correlations between intellect secrets. For Sookie Stackhouse, life is more dangerous than and instinct, ecstasy and agony, displaying the blurred and ever after she and Bill become more deeply involved. Movies often interchangeable limits of human desire. Meanwhile, Tara finds herself in love and under a spell; Sam Cannibalism, Drama, Foreign, French, Hor- Cybill Shepherd, Robin Williams, Fisher puts his trust in an unlikely ally; Jason becomes involved with ror, Movies, Thrillers 2001 80min. an anti-vampire sect; Eric recruits Sookie to investigate the Stevens, Richard Pryor, , Oscilloscope Laboratories 29.04.2014 disappearance of a 2,000 year old vampire; and Maryann is Bruce Willis, Nicolas Cage, Jeff Bridges - revealed to possess a power that can control almost everyone 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122122 in town. Then, after making a shocking discovery, Sookie, Bill Dir. Richard Donner, Blake Edwards, Emile and Sam must form the last line of defense against a diabolical Ardolino, Francis Ford Coppola, Terry plan that raises this award-winning series to bloody new Gilliam, Kenneth Johnson True Blood: The Complete First heights. Collections, Comedy, Movies 655min. Season - Repackage (Blu-ray + Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, Image Ent. 15.04.2014 DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Vampires 2009 720min. HBO Home Video 01.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121804 Jim Parrack, Nelsan Ellis, Rutina Wesley, 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122234 Alexander Skarsgard, Carrie Preston, Ryan Topaz (Blu-ray) Kwanten, Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, John Forsythe, Frederick Stafford, Michael Chris Bauer, Anna Paquin, William True Blood: The Complete Third Piccoli, Karin Dor, Michel Subor, Philippe Sanderson, Alexander Woo Season - Repackage (Blu-ray + Noiret, Claude Jade, Dany Robin, Roscoe Introducing Blu-ray with HBO Select. 3 ways to watch in 1 DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) box - Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy. Vampires have come „out Lee Browne, John Vernon - Dir. Alfred of the coffin“ and are now living among us. Surviving on Nelsan Ellis, Rutina Wesley, Alexander Hitchcock synthetic blood, they no longer need human blood to survive. Skarsgard, Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, The best-selling spy novel bursts onto the screen in this Or so it seems... The small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana riveting story of adventure and international intrigue. John boasts a wide array of colorful locals. Meet Sookie Sam Trammell, Stephen Moyer, Chris Bauer, Forsythe stars as an American CIA agent who hires a French Stackhouse (Academy Award winner Anna Paquin), a sweet Anna Paquin, William Sanderson, Alexander operative (Frederick Stafford) to travel to Cuba and and innocent waitress who hides her powerful ability to read Woo investigate rumors of Russian missiles and Topaz, a NATO mind; Bill Compton, a 173-year-old vampire who’s just moved Introducing Blu-ray with HBO Select. 3 ways to watch in 1 spy. The inquiry soon spins into a life-threatening escapade back to town; Sookie’s brother Jason, a ladies’ man who can’t box Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy. In Bon Temps, everyone of espionage, betrayal and murder. seem to stay out of trouble; tough-as-nails Tara, Sookie’s has something to hide. But when new threats emerge, no one Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, loyal; best friend; San, the owner of Merlotte’s who tries to can conceal the secrets of their past. After Sookie discovers keep his feelings for Sookie to himself; Lafayette, a man about that Bill’s been kidnapped, she heads to Mississippi where

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA she becomes entangled in a world ruled by a pack of vicious Governments 2005 min. about Rob’s fear that he’s brought the wrong baby home from werewolves and the powerful Vampire King, Russell the hospital, getting the longest studio audience laughs in the Edgington. There, her powers resurface and she learns that Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 show’s history. Also among the season’s 31 original full- Bill may not be trusted. Eric is also drawn to the King’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122348 length episode included in this box set are the hilarious domain to settle an old score; Tara dives deep into turmoil; „October Eve“ with Laura mortified when a nude portrait of her Jason falls for a mysterious women; Lafayette can’t avoid love surfaces in a New York gallery and „Big Max Calvada“ in or demons; Jessica sharpens her vampire skills; and Sam Jean-Claude Van Damme: which a gangster muscles Rob, Buddy and Sally into writing a uncovers the truth about his birth family. It all leads up to the Nowhere to Run / The Order / The comedy routine for his nephew. revelation of the series... Sookie’s true identity. Classics, Comedy, Television 1963 811min. Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, Shepherd: Border Patrol (Triple Image Ent. 20.05.2014 Vampires, Werewolves 2010 720min. Feature) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122285 HBO Home Video 01.04.2014 Action, Adventure, Movies 278min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122236 Image Ent. 20.05.2014 The Show: Season 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122288 True Stories Of WWII Collection 4 Rose Marie, Richard Deacon, Morey Am- (Blu-ray) The Dick Van Dyke Show: Classic sterdam, Mary Tyler Moore, Don Rickles, Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Military, Mary Tyler Moore Episodes , Dick Van Dyke, Carl Reiner Movies, War, World War II min. Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore Join one of TV’s funniest couples as they tackle life in the Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 This special collection presents 20 unforgettable episodes suburbs and work in the big city. Dick Van Dyke is hilarious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121906 from The Dick Van Dyke Show featuring television icon Mary as Rob Petrie, the wacky comedy writer, and Mary Tyler Tyler Moore. Sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh as you Moore is the sexiest, nuttiest wife in New Rochelle. Add to join lovely Laura Petrie (Moore) and her husband Rob (Dick that magic combination the talents of Carl Reiner, Morey Two And A Half Men: The Van Dyke) in Carl Reiner’s groundbreaking, Emmy Award- , Rose Marie and Richard Deacon, and you’ve got winning series, consistently ranked among the top television one of the most popular sitcoms ever - the winner of 15 Emmy Complete First And Second sitcoms of all-time. This time, it’s all about Mary! Episodes Awards! Now you can enjoy the complete fourth season, all 32 Seasons (2 pack) include must-see favorites Never Bathe on Saturday (Laura episodes in their entirety! Be there as Laura gets her toe gets her toe caught in a bath spout), Coast-to-Coast Big caught in a bath spout in the unforgettable „Never Bathe on Martin Hinkle, Angus T. Jones, Conchata Mouth (Laura blurts out a big secret on national TV), My Saturday,“ a sleep-deprived Rob tries to stay awake during Blonde-Haired Brunette (an insecure Laura disastrously dyes his job interview with Alan Brady in „100 Terrible Hours“ and Ferrell, Melanie Lynskey, Jon Cryer, Holland Don Rickles is a klutzy thief who tries to rob the Petries in a Taylor, Charlie Sheen, Tracey Ormandy her hair), and many more timeless classics. Classics, Comedy, Television 500min. stalled elevator in „4 1/2,“ then enlists them to entertain in CBS, Comedy, Television 2003 1012min. „The Alan Brady Show Goes to Jail.“ Image Ent. 01.04.2014 Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 Classics, Comedy, Television 1963 810min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121801 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122139 Image Ent. 20.05.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122286 Ultimate Gangsters Collection: The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season Contemporary - Volume Two (Blu- 1 The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season Dick Van Dyke ray) 5 Trip into the living room of comedy writer Rob Petrie (Dick Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Mary Tyler Tuesday Weld, Jeremy Renner, Titus Van Dyke) along with his lovely wife, Laura (Mary Tyler Moore), wisecracking co-workers and nutty neighbors. Moore, Carl Reiner, Dick Van Dyke Welliver, Elizabeth McGovern, Chris Winner of 15 , this groundbreaking series is Don’t miss the fun in this final season of the multiple Emmy Cooper, Ben Affleck, Treat Williams, James consistently ranked among the top TV comedies of all-time and Award-winning Dick Van Dyke Show. Generation after Woods, Burt Young, Joe Pesci, Pete renowned for its top-notch cast and stellar writing. Now enjoy generation of TV viewers have fallen in love with this the first season’s entire 30 episodes (air 1961-1962), each timeless classic! For laugh after laugh, join one of TV’s best- Postlethwaite, Robert De Niro, Rebecca digitally remastered to its original full-length version. Get loved couples, Dick Van Dyke as Rob Petrie and Mary Tyler Hall, Blake Lively, Jon Hamm - Dir. Ben ready to laugh out loud with such classics as Rob and Laura Moore as his wife, Laura, along with Rob’s temperamental Affleck, Sergio Leone balancing a career-building cocktail party with caring for a boss, Carl Reiner as Alan Brady, and his kooky co-workers, sickly son in the series’ first episode, The Sick Boy and the Morey Amsterdam as Buddy Sorrel l and Rose Marie as Sally Caper, Collections, Crime, Drama, Epics, Sitter; then in My Blonde-Haired Brunette and insecure Laura Rogers. Now see all 31 season episodes, exquisitely Historical / Period Piece, Mobsters & The disastrously dyes her hair; and Rob’s shy brother (Jerry Van remastered in their original full-length versions. Catch such Mafia, Movies, Thieves, Thrillers min. Dyke) is a sleepwalking Jekyll and Hyde in the hilarious two- classics as Laura blurting out Alan Brady’s big secret on Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 parter I am My Brother’s Keeper/The Sleeping Brother. national TV in „Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth“; mild-mannered Classics, Comedy, Television 1961 750min. Mel Coley finally standing up to the boss in „The Bottom of 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122036 Mel Cooley’s Heart“; and Alan Brady attempting to turn the Image Ent. 20.05.2014 Petries’ anniversary party into a self-serving documentary in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122283 „A Day in the Life of Alan Brady.“ Uncle Buck (Blu-ray) Classics, Comedy, Television 1964 750min. John Candy, Jean Kelly, Amy Madigan - Dir. The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season Image Ent. 20.05.2014 John Hughes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122287 John Candy stars in Uncle Buck, the outrageous comedy 2 written and directed by John Hughes (The Breakfast Club). Dick Van Dyke As an idle, good-nature bachelor, Uncle Buck is the last The Dick Van Dyke Show truly found its niche in its second Viola person you would think of to watch the kids. However, during season, rapidly climbing to ninth place in the Neilsen ratings. A dazzling and delightful mystery about love and its follies a family crisis, he is suddenly left in charge of his nephew Millions across the country tuned in weekly for the fun with from filmmaker Matias Piniero - named one of „20 Directors to and nieces. Unaccustomed to suburban life, fun-loving Uncle comedy writer Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke) on the job with his Watch“ by The New York Times - Viola follows a young Buck soon charms his younger relatives Miles and Maizy wisecracking co-workers (Morey Amsterdam, Rose Marie) woman who joins a small Shakespeare theater company in with his hefty cooking and his new way of doing the laundry. and at home with his lovely wife, Laura (Mary Tyler Moore). Buenos Aires and becomes entangled in a seductive His carefree style does not impress everyone - especially his Now enjoy all 32 of the season’s hilarious episodes, each roundelay of romantic dalliances, intrigue and revelation. rebellious teenage niece, Tia, and his impatient girlfriend digitally remastered to its original full-length version. Don’t Argentinian, Drama, Foreign, Movies 65min. Chanice. With a little luck and a lot of love, he manages to miss the fun as Buddy and Sally are suspected of a little surprise everyone in this heartwarming family comedy. hanky-panky in „The Secret Life of Buddy and Sally“; Rob Cinema Guild 25.03.2014 Comedy, Family, Fish-Out-Of-Water, girl faces walnut-crazy aliens in the sci-fi parody „It May Look 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121828 power, Movies 1989 100min. Like a Walnut“; and Rob and Laura accidentally overhear their friends on Ritchie’s toy intercom in „All About Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Eavesdropping,“ along with many more great episodes! The Wait 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122018 Classics, Comedy, Television 1962 825min. Lana Green, Luke Grimes, Devon Gearhart, Image Ent. 20.05.2014 Jena Malone, , Chloe Sevigny V For Vendetta (Blu-ray + DVD + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122284 - Dir. M. Blash UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) An enigmatic phone call from a psychic catapults a family into a state of suspended belief while waiting for their recently Roger Allam, Ben Miles, Stephen Fry, The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season deceased mother to be resurrected. One sister believes the Sinead Cusack, John Standing, Hugo 3 claim, and the other staunchly opposes it until she encounters a chance at love, giving her hope that anything, even Weaving, Rupert Graves, Natalie Portman, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Mary Tyler resurrection, is possible. A discordant struggle between Stephen Rea, John Hurt, Natasha Moore, Dick Van Dyke sisters plays out in a world where the virtual and real Wightman, Eddie Marsan - Dir. James Pratfall-prone Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke) and his plucky converge. McTeigue wife Laura (Mary Tyler Moore), along with the wisecracking Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 96min. Sally (Rose Marie) and Buddy (Morey Amsterdam), captured Monterey Home Video 25.02.2014 Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, In America’s hearts in this TV favorite that irresistibly combined The Future..., Movies, Politics, Revenge, wit and slapstick. The third season, which earned the series’ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122123 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Totalitarian highest ratings, opened with the landmark „That’s My Boy??“

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Waking The Dead: The Complete father and son nearly run out of money, and confront the ultimate challenge: getting along. Waterwalk is a memorable Season Nine look at a journey that defines their relationship. Welcome To The Jungle Wil Johnson, Trevor Eve, Sue Johnston Adventure, Drama, Family, Movies 2012 Adam Brody, Rob Huebel Detective Superintendent Peter Boyd (Trevor Eve, Troy, She’s 102min. A group of unsuspecting office workers find themselves Out of My League) and his cold case team tackle intimidating Maverick 04.02.2014 stranded on a desert island when a corporate retreat led by cases with a new colleague, Sarah Cavendish (Eva Birthistle, unhinged former Marine Storm Rothchild (Jean-Claude Van Breakfast on Pluto) - a brilliant ex-counter-terrorism officer tba BestellNr.: 40121827 Damme) goes horribly wrong. Now Chris (Adam Brody) and who has fallen from grace. What secrets haunt her? Will she his co-workers must battle nature - and each other - to help or hinder the team’s searches for a killer with a Way Of The Wicked survive! Welcome to the Jungle is a hilarious journey into the staggeringly twisted mind ... the perpetrators of crippling heart of madness also featuring Rob Huebel, Kristen Schaal, state childcare ... and the murderer of a veteran-turned-peace Emily Tennant, Vinnie Jones, Christian Dennis Haysbert, and Megan Boone. activist, rumored to have been killed by the government. In the Slater Adventure, Comedy, Jungle, Movies 2013 grimmest case of his career, will Boyd find justice for sixteen Christian Slater (Bullet to the Head, Interview with the Vampi- 95min. dismembered homeless boys? re) stars with Vinnie Jones (X-Men: The Last Stand) in this Universal Studios 25.03.2014 BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, International heart-stopping supernatural thriller. Years ago, young Robbie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121930 TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television Mueller left his small home town under a cloud of suspicion 2011 579min. and rumors of dark forces. Now, teenage Robbie has returned, and he’s set his sights on Heather (Emily Tennant), Welcome To The Jungle (Blu-ray) BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 the beautiful daughter of local police detective John Elliott 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122035 (Vinnie Jones). When the town is swept by a series of Adam Brody, Rob Huebel gruesome killings, a mysterious priest (Christian Slater) A group of unsuspecting office workers find themselves seems to be the only one who can help protect them from a stranded on a desert island when a corporate retreat led by Walking Dead, The: Season 1-3 truth more diabolically evil and twisted than any of them could unhinged former Marine Storm Rothchild (Jean-Claude Van have imagined. Damme) goes horribly wrong. Now Chris (Adam Brody) and Bundle (Blu-ray) Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 92min. his co-workers must battle nature - and each other - to Chandler Riggs, Steven Yeun, Danai Gurira, survive! Welcome to the Jungle is a hilarious journey into the Image Ent. 20.05.2014 heart of madness also featuring Rob Huebel, Kristen Schaal, Andrew Lincoln, David Morrissey 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122290 Dennis Haysbert, and Megan Boone. Limited Edition Bundle comes with EXCLUSIVE T-Shirt Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Jungle, AMC, Apocalyptic Future, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 2013 95min. Horror, Television, Thrillers, Zombies Way Of The Wicked (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 25.03.2014 1558min. Emily Tennant, Vinnie Jones, Christian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121950 Starz / Anchor Bay 03.06.2014 Slater 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122369 Christian Slater (Bullet to the Head, Interview with the Vampi- re) stars with Vinnie Jones (X-Men: The Last Stand) in this Wet Hot American Summer heart-stopping supernatural thriller. Years ago, young Robbie The Waltons: The Complete First Mueller left his small home town under a cloud of suspicion Christopher Meloni, Ken Marino, Marguerite and rumors of dark forces. Now, teenage Robbie has Moreau, Michael Showalter, Michael Ian And Second Seasons (2 Pack) returned, and he’s set his sights on Heather (Emily Tennant), the beautiful daughter of local police detective John Elliott Black, Zak Orth, Marisa Ryan, Paul Rudd, Ellen Corby, Ralph Waite, Richard Thomas, (Vinnie Jones). When the town is swept by a series of David Hyde Pierce, Molly Shannon, Michael Learned, Will Geer, Robert L. Jacks gruesome killings, a mysterious priest (Christian Slater) Janeane Garofalo, A.D. Miles, Amy Poehler, 2 Packs, Drama, Family, Historical / Period seems to be the only one who can help protect them from a truth more diabolically evil and twisted than any of them could Bradley Cooper, Kevin Sussman, Joe Lo Piece, Television 2497min. have imagined. Truglio, Elizabeth Banks - Dir. David Wain Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 92min. Camp Firewood, 1981. It’s the last day of camp and everyone 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122202 is busy. Camp director Beth (Janeane Garofalo) is trying to Image Ent. 20.05.2014 keep order while falling in love with astrophysicist Henry 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122298 (David Hyde Pierce). Henry is trying to save the camp from The Waltons: The Complete Third being hit by a piece of SKYLAB hurtling toward Earth. Camp counselor Coop is in love with Katie, who is in love with And Fourth Seasons (2 Pack) John Wayne: The Epic Collection lifeguard Andy. If that’s not enough, there’s a waterfall Will Greer, Ellen Corby, Ralph Waite, Ri- John Wayne rescue, talking vegetable cans, the misfits, the cool kids... and more! It’s a star-filled, laugh-a-minute, crazy comedy. chard Thomas, Michael Learned, Lee Rich, Action, Adventure, Collections, Cowboy, Summer camp was never this much fun! Robert L. Jacks Movies, Outlaw Country, Western min. Art House, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies, 2 Packs, CBS, Drama, Family, Historical / Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 Romance 2001 97min. Period Piece, Television 2458min. 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122199 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Warner Bros. 25.02.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122114 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122200 The Wedding Pact Chris Soldevilla, Kelly Perine, Matt Berman, Windmills Of The Gods Wanted (Steelbook + Blu-ray + Leslie Easterbrook, Hilary Duff, Angie Michael Moriarty, Jaclyn Smith, , DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Everhart, Scott Michael Campbell - Dir. Matt Robert Wagner, Ian McKellen - Dir. Lee James McAvoy, Common, Angelina Jolie, Berman Philips Terence Stamp, Morgan Freeman - Dir. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 Sidney Sheldon’s blockbuster novel Windmills Of The Gods 92min. comes to life in this 1988 made-for-television adaptation Timur Bekmambetov starring Jaclyn Smith (Charlie’s Angels) and Robert Wagner Wesley’s (James McAvoy) life is over - his pathetic, old one, Phase 4 Films 04.02.2014 (Hart To Hart). When the brilliant and beautiful university anyway... Fortunately, it is all because of a girl. Enter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121824 professor Mary Ashley (Smith) is offered the position of sizzling-hot Fox (Angelina Jolie), who crashes into his life United Sates Ambassador to Romania, she initially refuses, and introduces him to the Fraternity, a secret society of choosing to accept her husband’s desire to stay in America assassins, led by the enigmatic Sloan (Morgan Freeman). Weekend At Bernie’s (Blu-ray) and continue with his medical practice. But after a tragic Seems Wes’s long-lost father was killed while working for Terry Kiser, Catherine Mary Stewart, accident, Ashley reconsiders and accepts the appointment. the Fraternity and Wes has been selected to target the rogue Arriving in Romania, Ashley soon finds herself struggling to member who murdered him. But before he can complete his Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Silverman - find acceptance as a woman in the international political assignment, Wes must first uncover the dark secrets behind Dir. Ted Kotcheff scene, ultimately becoming of a mysterious the Fraternity in order to determine his own destiny. Brace yourself for „a hectic and fun Weekend“ (Los Angeles assassin. As the shadowy plot that surrounds her comes into Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On Times) filled with mayhem, misadventure-and murder! focus, the new ambassador must uncover whom she can trust Comic Book, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thril- Hilarious performances from Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan in order to survive. Franco Nero, Michael Moriarty, Ruby Silverman make this fatally funny comedy a „good old, Dee, and Sir Ian McKellen are among the all-star cast in this lers 2008 110min. knockdown slapstick with just the right dose of cruelty thrown exotic and thrilling story form one of the best-selling authors Universal Studios 06.05.2014 in“ ()! It sounded like a great of all time. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122065 weekend away at their boss Bernie’s beachside pleasure Drama, Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies 1988 palace. But when working stiffs Larry and Richard (McCarthy and Silverman) arrive to find a real stiff - their murdered boss 180min. Waterwalk - they’re forced to concoct a crazy scheme to avoid being Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.02.2014 implicated and/or dead themselves! With Bernie propped up 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121984 Deborah Staples, Mary MacDonald Kerr, and his death effectively covered up, Richard and Larry’s Chase Maser, Robert Cicchini, Richard weekend getaway becomes exactly that as they dodge curious Riehle - Dir. Robert Cicchini babes, a curtain of bullets and one confused hit man! Witchboard (Blu-ray + DVD Com- After Michigan newspaper editor Steve Faulkner is laid off Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies 1989 98min. bo) (Blu-ray) from his high-powered job, his 17 year old adopted son MGM / UA 06.05.2014 Rose Marie, Burke Byrnes, Stephen persuades him to go on a 1,000 mile canoe journey retracing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122239 the discovery route of the Mississippi. Braving the elements, Nichols, Kathleen Wilhoite, Tawny Kitaen,

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Todd Allen - Dir. Kevin S. Tenney well, but they show up late, leave drunk and always live for and meddlesome families. It’s called a Ouija Board, and it’s been used for thousands of the day even if they don’t know what day it is. Whether British, Comedy, Foreign, Romance, Televi- years to communicate with the souls of the afterworld. For they’re hanging out at their house in Rancho Cucamonga or sion 2013 185min. beautiful Linda Brewster (Tawny Kitaen, Bachelor Party), it getting ready to rage at a Renaissance Faire, the guys find brings the playful ghost of a dead ten-year-old boy. But when trouble wherever they go. Acorn Media 29.04.2014 the friendly spirit develops a sudden taste for violent murder Comedy, Comedy Central, Substance 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121811 and demonic possession, Linda’s skeptical boyfriend (Todd Abuse, Television, Work Sucks 2014 Allen, Django Unchained) and her former lover (Stephen Nichols, House) must race to destroy this ferocious portal of 286min. Young At Heart the damned. Kathleen Wilhoite (Road House) and Rose Marie Comedy Central 03.06.2014 Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, Gig Young, Elisa- co-star in this chilling thriller from Kevin S. Tenney (Night Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122184 The Demons). beth Fraser, Alan Hale Jr., , Horror, Movies, Witches & Warlocks 1986 Dorothy Malone, Robert Keith - Dir. Gordon 98min. The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Douglas Seuss: The Cat’s Colorful World Frank Sinatra, „The Chairman of the Board,“ is swept off his Shout Factory 04.02.2014 feet by America’s Sweetheart, Doris Day, in this timeless love 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121945 Join the Cat in the Hat and his whimsical friends, Terrence, story. A famous Broadway composer (Gig Young) surprises Morton, Sarah Hall-Small, Milo and others, as they take you all when he proposes to a small-town girl Doris Day. But no to places you’ve never been! 3D Computer Animation and the one could be more surprised when she chooses instead to The Wolf Of Wall Street masterful puppetry of Jim Henson come alive in this whimsical elope with her fianc’s best friend, Frank Sinatra. The first Jonah Hill, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew cartoon. Includes The Cat In The Hat’s Art House Everyone screen pairing of superstars Sinatra and Day, this Hollywood in the Cat’s Playhouse is making art, but Terrence doesn’t favorite will have your heart smiling and your toes tapping McConaughey - Dir. Martin Scorsese think he’d be very good at it, so the Cat and Pam-I-Am help with timeless tunes from the Gershwins, Cole Porter and Sex. Money. Power. Drugs. Brace yourself for an outrageous him create a masterpiece. Lester Leaps In In the Cat’s Johnny Mercer. true story from legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese that Playhouse, Terrence is visited by his brother Lester, who critics are calling „a masterpiece for a new generation.“ drives Terrence crazy. The Simplifier Harried Dad Tidbiddle Classics, Drama, Movies, Music, Musical, (James Verniere, Boston Herald) Leonardo DiCaprio delivers is a remarkably busy man with no time to spare, so when the Romance 1954 min. „the best performance of his career“ (Claudia Puig, USA Cat in the Hat tries to sell him a „Simplify-Your-Life Machine,“ Olive Films 08.04.2014 Today) as a young stockbroker hungry for a life of non-stop Dad is immediately smitten. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122332 thrills, where corruption was king and more was never Children’s, Dr. Seuss, Family, Fantasy, enough. His rise to power earned him the title The Wolf of Puppets, Television 72min. Wall Street. Together, Scorsese and DiCaprio deliver a story Young At Heart (Blu-ray) of American excess that is „an absolute blast from start to Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.02.2014 finish.“ (Mick LaSalle, Chronicle) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121957 Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, Gig Young, Elisa- 2014 Oscar Nominees, Based-On-A-True- beth Fraser, Alan Hale Jr., Ethel Barrymore, Story, Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Crime, The Wubbulous World Of Dr. Dorothy Malone, Robert Keith - Dir. Gordon Drama, Movies 2013 179min. Douglas Paramount Pictures 25.03.2014 Seuss: The Cat’s Play Pals Frank Sinatra, „The Chairman of the Board,“ is swept off his Join the Cat in the Hat and his whimsical friends, Terrence, feet by America’s Sweetheart, Doris Day, in this timeless love 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122097 Morton, Sarah Hall-Small, Milo and others, as they take you story. A famous Broadway composer (Gig Young) surprises to places you’ve never been! 3D computer Animation and the all when he proposes to a small-town girl Doris Day. But no The Wolf Of Wall Street (Blu-ray masterful puppetry of Jim Henson come alive in this whimsical one could be more surprised when she chooses instead to cartoon. Includes The Song Of The Zubble Wump The elope with her fianc’s best friend, Frank Sinatra. The first + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) priceless Zubble Wump egg has been in Megan Mullally’s screen pairing of superstars Sinatra and Day, this Hollywood family for as long as anyone can remember, so when the favorite will have your heart smiling and your toes tapping Jonah Hill, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew Grinch steals it, she sets off with Horton to get it back. The with timeless tunes from the Gershwins, Cole Porter and McConaughey - Dir. Martin Scorsese Birthday Moose Thidwick is so excited... it’s his birthday, and Johnny Mercer. Sex. Money. Power. Drugs. Brace yourself for an outrageous just like every other year, the Birthday Bird will take him (and Classics, Drama, Movies, Music, Musical, true story from legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese that all of the other birthday celebrants) to Katroo for a huge party. critics are calling „a masterpiece for a new generation.“ The Guest Larry Nooly and his family are going to the Lodge Romance 1954 min. (James Verniere, Boston Herald) Leonardo DiCaprio delivers at beautiful Lake Mulloon, the most perfectly happy place you Olive Films 08.04.2014 „the best performance of his career“ (Claudia Puig, USA can possibly imagine. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122353 Today) as a young stockbroker hungry for a life of non-stop Children’s, Dr. Seuss, Family, Fantasy, thrills, where corruption was king and more was never Puppets, Television 72min. enough. His rise to power earned him the title The Wolf of Zero Charisma Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.02.2014 Wall Street. Together, Scorsese and DiCaprio deliver a story Sam Eidson, Anne Gee Byrd of American excess that is „an absolute blast from start to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121956 finish.“ (Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle) As the strict Game Master of a fantasy role-playing game, 2014 Oscar Nominees, Based-On-A-True- Scott (Sam Eidson) leads his friends in a weekly quest You Will Be My Son (Blu-ray) through mysterious lands from the safety of his grandmother’s Story, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Comedy, kitchen. But his mastery of his own domain starts to slip - Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 179min. Lorant Deutch, Niels Arestrup, Patrick along with everything else in his life - when cool new guy Paramount Pictures 25.03.2014 Chesnais, Frederic Brillion Miles (Garrett Graham) joins the game, quickly winning over Paul de Marseul (Niels Arestrup) is the passionate, the group with his confident charm. When Scott is finally 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122101 demanding proprietor of his prestigious family vineyard. But dethroned by an unexpected coup, he realizes he must roll the he has no faith in his son, Martin (Lorant Deutsch). Paul dice and risk everything to expose Miles as the fraud he Workaholics: Season Four dreams of a harder-working, successful son - a dream that believes him to be. A darkly comedic fable of epic proportions, one day seemingly materializes when he meets Philip (Nicolas Zero Charisma is an ode to nerds from every realm. Adam DeVine, Anders Holm, Blake Bridet), the son of his dying estate manager (Patrick Comedy, Movies 2013 86min. Anderson Chesnais). Can Paul turn against his own blood and turn New Video DVD 08.04.2014 It’s time to get back to work for coworkers and roommates, Philip into the rightful heir of his family estate? 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121992 Adam, Blake and Ders, but that also means partying harder Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, than ever before. Comedy Centrals hit, scripted series French, Movies 2012 102min. Workaholics Season 4 is back with all new super fresh Zodiac: Director’s Cut (Steelbook) episodes. They do their jobs and sometimes they even do them E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 well, but they show up late, leave drunk and always live for 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121790 (Blu-ray) the day even if they don’t know what day it is. Whether Mark Ruffalo, John Carroll Lynch, Jake they’re hanging out at their house in Rancho Cucamonga or getting ready to rage at a Renaissance Faire, the guys find You, Me And Them: Series One Gyllenhaal, Anthony Edwards, Elias trouble wherever they go. Eve Myles, Jeff Rawle, Anthony Head, Koteas, Brian Cox, Chloe Sevigny, Robert Comedy, Comedy Central, Substance - Dir. Simon Hynd Downey Jr. - Dir. David Fincher Abuse, Television, Work Sucks 2014 True love. At first you have eyes only for each other... but Based on the true story of the notorious serial killer and the 286min. before long, both your families are watching you, too. It can be intense manhunt he inspired, Zodiac is a superbly crafted and terrifying. This sparkling British comedy follows a May- critically acclaimed thriller from director David Fincher, Comedy Central 03.06.2014 December romance between free spirit Lauren (Eve Myles, featuring an ensemble cast led by , Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122127 Torchwood, Little Dorrit) and young-at-heart divorced Downey Jr., and Mark Ruffalo. grandfather Ed (Anthony Head, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Blu-ray, Detectives, Drama, Movies, Serial Workaholics: Season Four (Blu- Iron Lady). The age gap isn’t Lauren and Ed’s only challenge: Killers, Thrillers 2007 158min. they face the disapproval of Lauren’s parents, who are Paramount 25.03.2014 ray) practically Ed’s contemporaries, and her envious older sister, whos got a chaotic family of her own. On the other side, they 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122238 Adam DeVine, Anders Holm, Blake endure Ed’s down-on-his-luck, live-in brother; his Anderson irresponsible grandson; and most vexing of all, his Zombies: 4 Movie Collection It’s time to get back to work for coworkers and roommates, narcissistic, delusional ex-wife (Lindsay Duncan, Alice in Adam, Blake and Ders, but that also means partying harder Wonderland), who has moved into the house next door and Taylor John Piedmonte, Lauren Mae Shafer, than ever before. Comedy Centrals hit, scripted series plots to win her Eddie Bear back. With sharp writing and Sarah Butler, Allen Maldonado, , Workaholics Season 4 is back with all new super fresh impeccable comic performances, You, Me & Them takes a episodes. They do their jobs and sometimes they even do them lighthearted look at the merger of two complex, opinionated, Mark Holder, jana thompson, Michael

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Welch, Sid Haig, Bill Hinzman, Courtney 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122019 Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll 1993 70min. Gains, David G.B. Brown - Dir. Douglas Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 Schulze, Christopher Roosevelt Eddie Cantor: The Lost 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122091 Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thril- Performances - Volume One lers, Zombies min. Eddie Cantor The Discovery Of Eilleen Twain Starz / Anchor Bay 22.04.2014 Eddie Cantor springs to life with this rebirth of some of his (DVD + CD Combo) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121785 most memorable performances that until now were lost Eilleen Twain got her first break in the late 80s in Viva Vegas, somewhere in a studio vault. Eddie really delivers with a a legendary Vegas style resort show produced by Brian Zombies: 4 Movie Collection (Blu- collection of 18 songs and 3 skits and is joined by the likes of Ayers at Deerhurst Inn Resort in Ontario, Canada. Vegas Connie Russell, Helen O’Connell, Shemp Howard and the North brings revealing interviews with former cast members ray) Three Stooges, and many more. and music veterans of that era, taking you back to Eilleen’s Music, Television, Variety / Game Shows Taylor John Piedmonte, Lauren Mae Shafer, roots along with footage of her heartfelt renditions of 60min. Somewhere Out There and Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Sarah Butler, Allen Maldonado, Kayla Ewell, E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 Concerts, Country Music, Documentary, Mark Holder, jana thompson, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121782 Music, Special Interest min. Welch, Sid Haig, Bill Hinzman, Courtney Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 Gains, David G.B. Brown - Dir. Douglas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122140 Schulze, Christopher Roosevelt Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: Fifty Collections, Drama, Horror, Movies, Thril- By Four - Half A Century Of CSNY Don’t Ask Me Questions: The lers, Zombies min. Towards the end of the 1960s, as the heat dissipated from a decade of radical change, cultural revolution and creative Unsung Life Of Graham Parker Starz / Anchor Bay 22.04.2014 renovation, a new type of music artist emerged in Los Angeles 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121794 - the singer-songwriter. Clustered in and around the city’s And The Rumour rural canyons, singer-songwriters generally worked as solo Joe Jackson, Bruce Springsteen - Dir. Mi- troubadours, performing introspective, lyrical ballads as a Zoolander (Blu-ray) medium of self-expression and personal examination. chael Gramaglia Ben Stiller, Milla Jovovich, Jon Voight, Jerry Collectively, these minstrels became affiliates of a new Before there was punk, before there was new wave and movement, one that began with a landmark album from three before there was Elvis Costello, there was Graham Parker Stiller, Christine Taylor, Will Ferrell, Owen amongst their number; David Crosby, Stephen Stills and and his incendiary band the Rumour. Graham Parker has Wilson - Dir. Ben Stiller Graham Nash. Alongside occasional collaborator Neil Young, recorded and performed non-stop for the last 35 years. Clear the runway for Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller), VH1’s Crosby, Stills and Nash refused to be labeled ‘a band,’ Refusing to compromise, Graham marched to his own drum. three-time male model of the year. His face falls when hippie- describing themselves as a loose collective of musical friends Together with his passionately remembered band the Rumour, chic Hansel (Owen Wilson) scooters in to steal this year’s free from the inhibiting confines of the music business. This is Graham was the inspiration for artists that followed him. But award. The evil fashion guru Mugatu (Will Ferrell) seizes the the story of CSNY’s experiment. A journey of breakthroughs, in the end he defied the movement that he helped spark. And opportunity to turn Derek into a killing machine. It’s a well- breakdowns, breakups and incredible music, somehow all when the music business continued to change beyond designed conspiracy and only with the help of Hansel and a from a group that apparently didn’t exist. recognition, he remained true to his musical vision. A modern few well-chosen accessories like Matilda (Christine Taylor) troubadour, Graham releases new music almost on a yearly Documentary, Folk Rock, Music, Rock ‘N’ basis, while touring small clubs around the country to a can Derek make the world safe for male models everywhere. Roll, Special Interest 2014 165min. Comedy, Movies 2001 89min. diehard fan base. The Twist: Graham, at 59 years old, has had Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 a slight change of heart. He just may be ready to go Paramount 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121959 commercial. Leaning on his publishing company to place his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121873 music in ads and TV shows Graham makes his last attempt at selling while not selling out. The film, ten years in the making, The Of The Gothic documents the history of his independent spirit and defiant optimism, celebrates the sincerity of his music and delights in Symphony his self-depre The Curse of the Gothic Symphony follows the journey of a Documentary, Music, Special Interest 2013 Music fanatical and eclectic group of music lovers who aspire to 95min. break the curse behind British composer Havergal Brian’s notorious First Symphony. At over two hours long and Virgil Films And Entertainment 08.04.2014 Jeff Beck: The Jeff Beck Years requiring two orchestras, four brass bands and five full 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121768 Jeff Beck choirs it is regarded as the Mt. Everest of classical music. Gripped by the challenge to bring off the first staging of this Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special monstrous symphony, these modern day crusaders will not Eminem: The Marshall Plan Interest min. stop until they triumph against all odds...failure is not an It’s now almost 20 years since the artist formerly known as Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 option. The curse must be . Marshall Mathers III entered the music industry and changed Classics, Documentary, Music, Special the face of rap almost overnight. Two decades on Eminem is tba BestellNr.: 40122158 back with what promises to be a return of the form of his Interest 2011 82min. early records and live shows when he was unafraid, Justin Bieber’s Believe First Run Features 15.04.2014 dangerous and yet knew exactly who to offend and where to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121771 draw the line. This two disc set traces the history of Behind the headlines, beyond the spotlight... lies Justin’s real Eminem’s career by way of, firstly a DVD documentary story. Get to know Justin Bieber as only the lucky few do - covering his rise to the top of the entertainment business, and honest, funny and totally captivating - through incredible The Bobby Darin Show second a disc overflowing with video interviews with the man performances and exclusive interviews with the star himself. himself, taken from across his career to date and during which This is the compelling documentary that goes backstage to Bobby Darin he tells it like it was and how it is and comes over with full reveal Justin’s real story: his insights on evolving as an Legendary Singer Bobby Darin In His Final Series of Musical honesty, proper intelligence and often, a -perhaps unexpected artist, the relationships that matter most to him, and what it’s Performances! There has probably been no greater - wisdom, although rarely without at least a hint of the subtle like to come of age in the spotlight. It alsoincludes thrilling entertainer in the history of show business than the late humor that has shadowed most of his output. Completed in 6 never-before-seen concert footage, unprecedented behind- singer-songwriter-actor Bobby Darin. Whether swingin’ on panel digi-packaging this superb set will delight fans of the-scenes access and special appearances from manager Las Vegas nightclub stages, rockin’ in the recording studio, Eminem and his dynamic sound everywhere and anywhere Scooter Braun, Pattie Mallette and many more. starring on movie screens or captivating audiences on across the planet. Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special television and radio, Bobby Darin delivered enough talent to last well beyond his all-too-brief lifetime. The Bobby Darin Documentary, Music, Rap, Special Interest Interest, Teen Pop 2013 92min. Show aired on NBC-TV in 1973, the same year of Bobby’s 2013 144min. Universal Studios 08.04.2014 untimely passing. The thirteen shows represent the last Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122002 chapter in the career of an iconic artist who would span genres and generations. His songs remain timeless with a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121985 voice that has stayed vital. Among the classic Bobby Darin Justin Bieber’s Believe (Blu-ray + hits featured are Mack The Knife, Beyond The Sea, Splish Festival Express Splash, If I Were A Carpenter, Artificial Flowers, Won’t You DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Come Home Bill Bailey, Happy and Mame. Bobby also delivers Documentary, Jam Bands, Music, Rock ‘N’ Behind the headlines, beyond the spotlight... lies Justin’s real stunning renditions of popular standards (Just Once In A Roll, Special Interest 2004 min. story. Get to know Justin Bieber as only the lucky few do - Lifetime, Cry Me A River, Come Rain or Come Shine), Broad- honest, funny and totally captivating - through incredible way showtunes (Don’t Rain On My Parade, Some People, Shout Factory Music 11.02.2014 performances and exclusive interviews with the star himself. Lover Come Back To Me) and cont tba BestellNr.: 40121920 This is the compelling documentary that goes backstage to Comedy, Music, Television, Variety / Game reveal Justin’s real story: his insights on evolving as an artist, the relationships that matter most to him, and what it’s Shows 420min. Festival Express (Blu-ray) like to come of age in the spotlight. It alsoincludes thrilling MPI 08.04.2014 Shout Factory Music, Documentary, Jam never-before-seen concert footage, unprecedented behind- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121865 the-scenes access and special appearances from manager Bands, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Scooter Braun, Pattie Mallette and many more. Interest 2004 min. Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special DEVO: The Complete Truth About Shout Factory Music 04.02.2014 Interest, Teen Pop 2013 92min. De-Evolution 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121949 Universal Studios 08.04.2014

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God’s Greatest Hits: Be Thou My Documentary, Music, Rap Metal, Special Country Music, Early Country, Music, Vision Interest 2008 169min. Special Interest min. Be Thou My Vision is a sixth century medieval hymn that was Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 E1 Entertainment 18.03.2014 originally part of a monastic tradition. It is one of many 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122092 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122118 beautiful hymns from Ireland, a nation with a strong Christian heritage. This episode features performances of this well- known song as well as Morning Has Broken, What a Friend Mercedes Sosa: The Voice Of Frank Zappa: 200 Motels (Blu-ray) We Have in Jesus, and An Irish Blessing by musicians such Latin America Frank Zappa - Dir. Frank Zappa, Tony as world-renowned Celtic guitarist Tony McManus, pianist Rick Wakeman, the Priests, and the Trinity Choir. Mercedes Sosa Palmer Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, Journey into the world of Argentina’s most famous musical Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Music, Pop artist in Mercedes Sosa: The Voice of Latin America. Over a Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest 1971 Special Interest min. career that spanned 50 years, Sosa sold millions of records, E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 performed thousands of concerts all over the world, and left 98min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122265 behind an incredible legacy as an artist who went beyond the Music Video Distribution 28.01.2014 borders of music to become one of the most influential - and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122186 loved - personalities of the 20th century. This intimate God’s Greatest Hits: Nearer My documentary reveals Sosa’s early life and her rise to worldwide stardom, and explores the impact she had on the God To Thee musical - and political - heritage of Latin America...and the Said to be the last hymn performed by the band on the Titanic world. as it went down, Nearer My God to Thee has given comfort to Documentary, Latin Music, Music, Special Special Interest millions around the world. Many hymns have found a place on our coasts and oceans, including O God Our Help in Ages Interest 2013 93min. Past, His Eye is on the Sparrow, and Eternal Father, Strong First Run Features 06.05.2014 20th Century Timeline to Save. These songs and others are performed by the Bills, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122145 the University of Southampton Choral Scholars, and Ken Biography, Biopics, Documentary, History & Whiteley and Friends. Events, Special Interest, War, World War I, Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, Daniel O’Donnell: Stand Beside World War II 825min. Special Interest min. Me Mill Creek Entertainment 25.02.2014 E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 For over 30 years now, Daniel O’Donnell continues to per- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122270 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122264 form his signature song, „Stand Beside Me,“ dedicating it to fans who have supported him throughout his musical career. Backed by the familiar Daniel O’Donnell Band, along with 30 Minutes To Fitness: Body Shop God’s Greatest Hits: The British singing-partner Mary Duff, Daniel performs a selection of With Kelly Coffey-Meyer timeless songs, including traditional audience favorites, Invasion notable greats from classic films, and new recordings. Plus, Dir. Greg Twombly England has produced many of the world’s best-loved songs, join Daniel and the gang in a festive celebration as they sing, 30-Minutes to Fitness: Body Shop consists of two full-body including Rock of Ages, penned by Reverend Augustus dance, laugh and have a good ole time performing the party workouts. Each workout burns maximum calories as it sculpts, Toplady during a fierce storm in the Mendip Hills. Other jubilee, a selection of songs honoring their years of singing lengthens, and re-shapes the entire body. Kelly Coffey- songs from Britain featured in this episode include Jerusalem and traveling together. Meyers, fitness professional, utilizes traditional dumbbell and Will the Circle Be Unbroken, with performances by the Concerts, Country, Foreign, Irish, Music, exercises and compound movements with fresh and effective Menno Singers, Ken Whiteley, the University of Southampton variations. These workouts have smooth transitions and a Choral Scholars, Jacob Moon, and the Afiara String Quartet Special Interest, Television 2013 60min. non-stop pace to keep you motivated and challenged. Every with Justin Bacchus. E1 Entertainment 01.04.2014 30-Minutes to Fitness DVD includes numerous versions of British, Choral Music, Music, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121764 the original workouts known as pre-mixes. These special pre- mixes are included to provide you with additional workout Interest min. options to keep your workouts fresh and versatile. Getting fit E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 Ozzy And Black Sabbath: How in 30 minutes never felt this good! Equipment needed: 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122251 dumbbells. They Came To Be Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special When, in 1968, a young reprobate from the midlands of Britain Interest min. God’s Greatest Hits: Wade In The then known as John Osbourne, placed an advert in a local music shop stating „Ozzy Zig Needs Gig Has own PA“ few Bayview Entertainment 28.01.2014 Water would have believed this humble act of self promotion would tba BestellNr.: 40121761 Wade in the Water was literally lifted out of Exodus in the result in the coming together of probably the best and Old Testament and became an anthem for African-American certainly most legendary English Rock Ensemble yet to slaves. It is said to contain instructions for fugitive slaves wander the green and pleasant land of his birth. 30 Minutes To Fitness: Total Body seeking freedom. Made popular by the Fisk Jubilee Singers in Documentary, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Kickbox With Kelly Coffey-Meyer the late 1800s, it is performed in this episode by the current Interest 70min. Singers, along with an a cappella version by Sweet Honey in Dir. Greg Twombly the Rock and a blues version by Dione Taylor. E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 30 Minutes To Fitness: Total Body Kickbox will help you get African Americans, Music, Special Interest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122249 leaner, fitter and stronger in less time. Workouts Include min. Workout One A traditional workout that has a smooth, upbeat and easy-to-follow format. You’ll burn E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 Lou Reed: Tribute - The DVD maximum calories and trim your arms, legs, and hips with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122263 Collection punches, kicks and combinations of each. Workout Two Utilizes light weight dumbbells in a slower and more Art Rock, Documentary, Experimental Rock, controlled format. This kickboxing workout is designed to Grease / Saturday Night Fever / Glam Rock, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special sculpt the entire body safely and efficiently. The addition of Hairspray (Triple Feature) (Blu- weights increases the overall intensity and effectiveness of Interest 279min. the workout, leaving you feeling empowered. ray) Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 Fitness, Health, International, Kickboxing, Comedy, Disco / Techno / Dance Music, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121962 Special Interest min. Musical, Romance, Triple Feature min. Bayview Entertainment 28.01.2014 Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Satyricon: Madness And tba BestellNr.: 40121760 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122340 Documentary, Music, Special Interest 113min. 7 Days In September Led Zeppelin: Way Down Inside Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 It was a morning like any other, until the unthinkable made it a Their influence, profile and popularity are all as high today as 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121955 day we would never forget. But on that day that the world ever they were since Led Zeppelin were forced to call it a day stopped turning, New Yorkers’ cameras were rolling. Director following the premature demise of their inimitable drummer, the Steven Rosebaum marshaled the resources of twenty-seven legendary John Bonham in 1980. The band’s extraordinary Stage Plays: Soul Kittens different filmmakers that recorded what they saw throughout body of work still acts as a template for the entire rock genre / Bachelor Party (Double Feature) the city on 9/11 and beyond. Some were professional and their every album is still seen as a classic. This film directors. Others were average people who grabbed their traces the entire story of Led Zep, from their formation in the Comedy, Drama, Musical, Musicals On video cameras. Together, they created a documentary late 1960s to their finale as a four piece in 1980. experience like no other, one that captures the horror, the Stage, Special Interest 239min. anger and the incredible strength of the human spirit. Using Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest 60min. Image Ent. 27.05.2014 never-before-seen footage at „ground zero,“ the film conveys E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122291 the sights and sounds of the terrorist attacks in the most 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122252 intimate way possible. It is an extraordinary portrait of a city in tears, a world in shock and one week that changed all our You Are There: Hank Williams lives forever. These are their stories. They are our stories. Limp Bizkit: Rock In The Park Hank Williams, Bill Monroe This is 7 Days In September. 9/11, Documentary, History & Events, 2001 Classic Early Films of Legendary Performers 1952-54

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Special Interest, Terrorism 2001 93min. Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, Special Docurama 15.04.2014 Interest 77min. Burn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121989 E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 Documentary, Firefighters, Special Interest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122248 2012 86min. Alexander Calder Passion River 06.05.2014 Tovah Feldshuh - Dir. Roger Sherman The Baby Boom Years: 1953 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122179 Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Documentary, History & Events, Special Interest 1998 min. Interest min. Burn (Blu-ray) First Run Features 06.05.2014 E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 Documentary, Firefighters, Special Interest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122146 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121777 2012 min. Passion River 06.05.2014 The American Civil War The Baby Boom Years: 1960 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122275 It was a war unlike any the world had even known. A uniquely Documentary, History & Events, Special American conflict that divided families, pitted brother against brother, and separated a nation that had lived under the same Interest min. The Campaign Of Hate: Russia flag and under the same laws for almost 90 years. No conflict E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 And Gay Propaganda in America’s battle-weary history has stirred the national 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121778 heart and imagination so completely as the Civil War, and As most of the world moves forward toward gay equality, none has brought as much desire to know more, see more and Russia is seemingly heading backward. Antigay sentiment and hear more. In this package, Legend Films is proud to bring you The Baby Boom Years: 1967 legislation are spreading rapidly throughout the country. In two features from Lou Reda Productions, each focusing on the 2013, the Russian parliament passed a ban on so-called „gay American Civil War. In Images Of The Civil War: The Documentary, History & Events, Special propaganda“ that effectively makes nearly any public Paintings Of Mort Kunstler, you’ll see the war come to life in Interest min. discussion of gay equality a crime. The city of Moscow has a way never previously known as the incredible talent of Mr. E1 Entertainment 22.04.2014 outlawed Gay Pride parades for the next 100 years. Adoption Kunstler recreates some of the wars most famed moments, of Russian children is forbidden to citizens of any foreign each piece exhaustively researched all the way down to the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121779 country that permits gay marriage. The Kremlin has chosen correct angle of the sun for each wartime moment. In the LGBT community as its scapegoat in a populist campaign Gettysburg: The Last Full Measure, Stacy Keach leads you Bettie Page Reveals All against supposedly decadent „Western“ values, and there are through a focused piece on the most famous battle of the war, ominous signs of much worse to come. Violent attacks against including commentary from the famed historian Bruce Catton. Dita Von Teese, Bettie Page Russian gays or suspected gays are more and more common. We’ve also included a bonus with this package: a Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Mark Mori’s Bettie Page Videos of young LGBT people being taunted and tortured have American Civil War, Americana, Reveals All is an intimate look at one of the world’s most been widely distributed on the Internet.Those are the stories recognized sex symbols, told in her own words for the first that get the headlines, but there is much more to the Russian Documentary, Presidents, Special Interest, time— from her humble beginnings as one of six children in an LGBT men and woman I have met. It is my hope that this War 2013 118min. impoverished southern family, to high school salutatorian, to documentary will educate viewers to their reality. Legend Films 28.01.2014 scandalous 50s pin-up model, to shocking retirement in 1957 Documentary, Foreign, Gay / Lesbian at the peak of her modeling career. With a stunning array of Interest, Russian, Special Interest 2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122089 gorgeous photographs, unusual archival material, and playful movie footage, Bettie Page Reveals All shows how Bettie’s 78min. American Experience: The Amish unabashed sexual expression and provocative poses set the Breaking Glass Pictures 01.04.2014 stage for the sexual revolution and ushered in a modern era in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122100 - Shunned fashion. Filmed over the course of twelve months, The Amish: Shunned Documentary, Special Interest 2012 101min. follows seven former members of the Amish community as they Music Box Films 22.04.2014 Chased By Dinosaurs: Giant Claw reflect on their decisions to leave one of the most closed and / Land Of Giant Dinosaurs / tightly knit communities in the United States. Estranged from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121974 family, the former Amish find themselves struggling to under- Allosaurus (Triple Feature) stand and make their way in modern America. Interwoven Bettie Page Reveals All (Blu-ray) In The Giant Claw, amazingly life-like computer animation through the stories are the voices of Amish men and women brings therizinosaurus thunderingly alive, weighing more than who remain staunchly loyal to their traditions and faith. They Dita Von Teese, Bettie Page five tons and towering on two legs. Tracking him brings you explain the importance of obedience, the strong ties that bind Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Mark Mori’s Bettie Page face to scary face with velociraptors, the terrifying their communities together, and the pain they endure when a Reveals All is an intimate look at one of the world’s most tarbosaurus and more! In Land of Giants, travel to South loved one falls away. recognized sex symbols, told in her own words for the first America’s Patagonia, where dinosaurs shook the earth 100 Documentary, PBS, Religion/Spirituality, time— from her humble beginnings as one of six children in an million years ago. You’re just in time to witness the animal Special Interest, Television 120min. impoverished southern family, to high school salutatorian, to kingdom’s most awesome hunt, as the largest predator - scandalous 50s pin-up model, to shocking retirement in 1957 giganolosaurus - brings down an adult argentinosaurus - the PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 at the peak of her modeling career. With a stunning array of largest prey! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121846 gorgeous photographs, unusual archival material, and playful movie footage, Bettie Page Reveals All shows how Bettie’s BBC, British, Dinosaurs, Documentary, unabashed sexual expression and provocative poses set the Foreign, International TV, Prehistoric Times, American Experience: The stage for the sexual revolution and ushered in a modern era in Special Interest, Television, Triple Feature fashion. 90min. Poisoner’s Handbook Documentary, Special Interest 2012 101min. BBC Home Video 20.05.2014 In the early 1900s, the average American medicine cabinet Music Box Films 22.04.2014 was a would-be poisoner’s treasure chest. Deadly chemicals 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122030 such as radio-active radium, thallium, potassium cyanide, and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121980 morphine lurked in health tonics, depilatory creams, teething medicine, and cleaning supplies. While the tools of the Lewis Black: Old Yeller - Live At Chasing Shackleton murderer’s trade multiplied as the pace of industrial Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance expedition is the most innovation increased, the scientific knowledge and the The Borgata extraordinary story of leadership and survival ever. After political will to detect and prevent the crimes lagged behind. their ship was crushed in Antarctic pack ice, Shackleton and All this changed in 1918, when New York City hired Charles Lewis Black five of his crew embarked on an 800-nautical mile winter Norris as its first scientifically trained medical examiner. In his ninth comedy special, Lewis Black tears into a country crossing of the roughest ocean on the planet in a tiny wooden Over the course of a decade and a half, Norris and his that is going nowhere at the speed of light. Old Yeller weaves boat, weathering 100-foot waves and hurricane-force winds. extraordinarily driven and talented chief toxicologist, Alexan- the riotous tale of a country that is so strung out on ADD that After reaching land, Shackleton and his team pressed on and der Gettler, would turn forensic chemistry into a formidable it can’t see straight. In his rabid attack, Mr. Black even turns traversed a 3000-meter mountain range to make it to science, sending impatient heirs, jilted lovers, and desperate on himself - and his entire generation. From cable television civilization and get help for the 28 men that remained behind debtors to the electric chair, and setting the standards that to the computer, from Facebook to , Mr. Black rages on the pack ice. Shackleton’s epic adventure has never been the rest of the country would ultimately adopt. about the prison we’ve insanely created for ourselves. He repeated - until now. Using a replica boat, and the same Documentary, History & Events, Special snarls at the country’s failure to find alternative energy equipment and clothing as would have been used in 1914, Interest 2014 120min. sources while creating cell phones out of the realm of science explorer Tim Jarvis (pictured above) and his crew attempt to fiction. He mauls our nation’s leaders for their laughably inept follow in Shackleton’s wake, going beyond the point of no PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 handling of social security and health care - and failing to return, using their firsthand extreme experience measured 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121822 provide help on any level whatsoever. As Mr. Black puts it, against historical accounts to unlock the secrets of „What are you going to do when the Democrats are dumb, the Shackleton’s survival. Can modern man live up to one of the Republicans are stupid and the Tea Party doesn’t even know greatest legends in polar history? Will Tim and his team American Jesus what day it is?“ He takes what makes us crazy and makes it survive to tell the tale of Chasing Shackleton? American Jesus is a vivid mosaic of personalities and funny. It’s a night of live comedy you won’t forget. . . but if you Adventure, Documentary, High Seas, PBS, conflicting points of view that emerges as a portrait of an do, it’s probably because you’re taking a drug that lowers America yearning for solace and meaning in the modern world. your cholesterol. Television 180min. An exploration of Christianity in every faction of American Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2013 PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 life, from the bread line to the yoga studio, from the humble min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121847 churches of snake handlers to the mega churches of the ex- urbs. Christian cowboys, bikers and musicians, comedians, Image Ent. 15.04.2014 surfers and cage-fighters, they are all doing it for Christ. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121803 Civil War: The Untold Story

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 88 Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) März 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Elizabeth McGovern predators on earth, the crocodile. You’ll get a nose-to-snout Freedom Riders is a story of a small, core group of riders In this revealing documentary, Elizabeth McGovern (Downton look at these ferocious creatures that somehow who evolved from the covert building of rough and Abbey) recounts how the struggle between North and South... simultaneously strike fear and obsession in the hearts of the unsustainable trails, to the creation of a precedent-setting long defined by battles like Gettysburg, Antietam, and Bull humans they encounter. You’ll witness the terror that unfolds relationship with the Forest Service and the building some of Run - was actually dependent on events in the West. Although when crocodiles and humans find themselves swimming in the the best freeride trails in the country. Welcome to Freedom often overlooked, the western theatre saw some of the same watering hole. And from the safety of your television, Riders, a look at the evolution of mountain biking and the conflicts bloodiest encounters, such as Shiloh, Vicksburg, you’ll climb into a „predator shield“ with experts as they try to progression of trail building in the USA. From its days as an and Chickamauga, and featured iconic leaders including the get an incredibly close look at these man eating reptiles to activity reserved for the few who rebelled against the Union’s Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman and understand what motivates their attacks. These five episodes spandex-clad status-quo, to the multi-million dollar, the Confederacy’s P.G.T. Beauregard and Nathan Bedford will have you peering in awe through croc infested waters as mainstream sport that it is today, this is the true inside story Forrest. Using historical reenactments, 3-D maps, and scientists and hunters literally risk life and limb to observe of the group of riders that would never let their passion die. interviews with top Civil War scholars, this five-part series the unbelievable force behind the infamous Croc Attack Documentary, Special Interest, Sports min. shows why the land between the Appalachian Mountains and Animals & Nature, Documentary, Killer FilmWorks 22.04.2014 the Mississippi River the West played such a vital part in the Animals, Special Interest 215min. outcome of the war. Eventually, West met East when Grant 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121829 took on Robert E. Lee in Virginia and Sherman made his march Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.05.2014 across Georgia to the sea. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122361 Frontline: A Death In St. Augusti- American Civil War, Documentary, History & Events, Special Interest, War 2013 271min. Detroit: Remember When ne On the night she broke up with her Florida deputy sheriff Image Ent. 29.04.2014 The History of Detroit Television is more than just a film. It’s boyfriend, Michelle O’Connell was found dead from a gunshot 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121843 a living museum, a monument to a time that could easily be in the mouth. Next to her was her boyfriend’s semi-automatic forgotten. This program is a salute to a time when TV was as service pistol. The sheriff’s office called it suicide, but was local as Vernors, Sanders Hot Fudge and Hudsons. The stars it? Frontline and The New York Times investigates this death Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded of the day were Soupy Sales, Van Patrick, Lou Gordon, of a young, single mother, and what can happen when the In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded George Pierrot, Bill Kennedy, Milky The Clown and a host of police face the possibility of domestic violence within their Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since other colorful characters. Their influence was enormous and own ranks. Prohibition-era Chicago. Cocaine Cowboys is the true story they contributed to Detroit’s sense of community. Using rare Cops, Crime, Documentary, PBS, Special of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the footage and clips as well as conversations with many of United States. But it isn’t the whole story... Pulling from Detroit’s television pioneers, The History of Detroit Televisi- Interest 2013 60min. hundreds of hours of additional interviews and recently on goes back to the day Detroiters saw their first television PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 uncovered archival news footage, Cocaine Cowboys has programs in 1947 and shows how local television became an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121942 been RELOADED: packed with footage and stories that have important part of the fabric of Detroits unique identity. never been told. Documentary, History & Events, Special Crime, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Interest, Television min. Generation Iron Special Interest 152min. E1 Entertainment 06.05.2014 Michael Jai White, Mickey Rourke, Arnold Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122246 Schwarzenegger - Dir. Vlad Yudin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122312 Documentary, Special Interest, Sports 2013 The End Of Time 106min. Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded Peter Mettler’s enthralling, mind-bending new documentary is Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 a tour de force that challenges our conception of time - and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122045 (Blu-ray) perhaps the very fabric of our existence. With stunning In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded cinematography and a knack for capturing astonishing Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since moments, The End of Time travels the planet - from the CERN Girls Gone Wild: My Naughty 18th Prohibition-era Chicago. Cocaine Cowboys is the true story particle accelerator outside Geneva to the lava flows of of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the Hawaii; from a disintegrating Detroit where Henry Ford built Birthday Bash United States. But it isn’t the whole story... Pulling from his first factory to the tree where Buddha was enlightened. After spotting cutie Taylor celebrating her 18th birthday in hundreds of hours of additional interviews and recently Both mind-expanding and eerily familiar, Mettler’s provocative Vegas with her girlfriends, our Girls Gone Wild cameraman uncovered archival news footage, Cocaine Cowboys has film explores the links between renewal and destruction, went back with them to catch some morning-after action! Once been RELOADED: packed with footage and stories that have between primordial mysticism and the furthest reaches of the girls settle down for some cake and games, Taylor never been told. modern science, giving the viewer a transcendent cinematic introduces us to mischievous Brooke, 21, who quickly has the Crime, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, experience. girls playing spin the bottle and licking icing off each other. Documentary, Special Interest 2012 114min. Soon, these horny girls want to play party-favorite Seven Special Interest 152min. Minutes in Heaven! Brooke’s spin lands on Jessica, 21, and Magnolia Home Entertainment 08.04.2014 First Run Features 15.04.2014 the two put on a show that definitely goes over seven minutes! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122320 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121769 Paige and Alexa are next, and they confess how excited they are to have sex with each other for the first time. Birthday girl Taylor is bummed to miss out on the girl-girl action, but a little The Crash Reel The First World War: The vibrating gift from the girls cheers her up and makes our lens Complete Series a little steamy! Check out just how wild the birthday Shaun White, Kevin Pearce - Dir. Lucy Wal- celebration gets in Girls Gone Wild: My Naughty 18th ker The popular view of the First World War is dominated by Birthday Bash. The epic rivalry between half-pipe legends Kevin Pearce and cliche. Young soldiers were led to ghastly deaths in muddy Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Shaun White is documented in this exhilarating ride into the wastes on the Western Front by incompetent generals for world of extreme snowboarding. With both practicing more reasons that were seemingly futile. And although cliches are GGW Brands, LLC. 06.05.2014 and more breathtaking and dangerous tricks leading up to the not necessarily lies, they are, at best, a selective view of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122217 Winter Olympics, everything suddenly changes for truth. This ten-part series offers a stunning account of the Kevin when a horrific crash leaves him fighting for his life. war, presenting new insights into one of the defining events of When he recovers, all he wants to do is get on his snowboard modern history, and, for the first time ever, a truly global God Loves Uganda again, even though medics and family fear is could kill him. vision of the conflict. With God Loves Uganda, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Documentary, Skiing & Snowboarding, Documentary, Special Interest, World War I Roger Ross Williams explores the role of the American 500min. Evangelical movement in fueling Uganda’s terrifying turn Special Interest, Sports 2013 108min. towards biblical law and the proposed death penalty for Phase 4 Films 04.02.2014 E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 homosexuality. Thanks to charismatic religious leaders and a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121820 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122250 well-financed campaign, these draconian new laws and the politicians that peddle them are winning over the Ugandan public. But these dangerous policies and the money that fuels The Crash Reel (Blu-ray) For Love Of Liberty: The Story Of them aren’t coming from Africa; they’re being imported from America’s Black Patriots some of America’s largest megachurches. Using verite, Shaun White, Kevin Pearce - Dir. Lucy Wal- interviews, and hidden camera footage, the film allows Ameri- ker Halle Berry, Colin Powell - Dir. Frank Martin can religious leaders and their young missionaries that make The epic rivalry between half-pipe legends Kevin Pearce and Uncover the true story of our nation’s black heroes and up the „front lines in a battle for billions of souls“ to explain Shaun White is documented in this exhilarating ride into the patriots that played pivotal roles in the U.S. Military since the their positions in their own words. Shocking and enlightening, world of extreme snowboarding. With both practicing more earliest days of the republic. From the battle fields of the touching and horrifying, God Loves Uganda will leave you and more breathtaking and dangerous tricks leading up to the Revolution to the deserts of Iraq, examine why despite questioning just how closely this brand of Christianity Vancouver Winter Olympics, everything suddenly changes for enormous injustice these heroic men and women fought so resembles the one you think you know. Kevin when a horrific crash leaves him fighting for his life. valiantly for freedoms they themselves did not enjoy. Through Documentary, Special Interest 2013 83min. When he recovers, all he wants to do is get on his snowboard letters, diaries, speeches, journalistic accounts, historical again, even though medics and family fear is could kill him. text and military records, discover the fierce and faithful First Run Features 20.05.2014 Documentary, Skiing & Snowboarding, history of our African-American military leaders! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122219 Special Interest, Sports 2013 108min. Americana, Black Heritage, Documentary, Phase 4 Films 04.02.2014 Military, Special Interest, War 555min. Presents Moms 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121836 Mill Creek Entertainment 28.01.2014 Mabley tba BestellNr.: 40121917 Debbie Allen, , Kaye Crock Attack Collection Ballard, Whoopi Goldberg - Dir. Whoopi Dive in for a 3.5 hour swim with one of the most powerful Freedom Riders

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Goldberg testimonies from 25 people who experienced a decisive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121776 Acclaimed actress/comedienne Whoopi Goldberg directs and moment in history. This extensive set also includes Days the appears in this feature documentary about Jackie „Moms“ World Changed, covering some of the most significant events Mabley, an African-American stand-up comic and show-biz of the 21st century so far. La Maison De La Radio pioneer who emerged from the Chitlin’ Circuit of African- Documentary, History & Events, Special Documentary, Foreign, French, Special American Vaudeville to become a mainstream star on the stage Interest 2009 325min. and TV. Mabley pushed the boundaries of comedy by tackling Interest 2013 99min. topics such as gender, sex and racism, making her one of the Madacy 15.04.2014 Kino Video 22.04.2014 first taboo-pushing comedians on the comedy circuit. Once 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121813 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121856 billed as „The Funniest Woman in the World,“ Mabley performed up until her death in 1975. The film includes vintage clips and recordings of Mabley through the years, as well as JFK: A President Betrayed The Mind Of A Chef: April recent interviews with some of the world’s top comedians, Documentary, Drama, History & Events, Bloomfield - Season Two including Eddie Murphy, Joan Rivers, Kathy Griffin, Robert Presidents, Special Interest 2013 90min. Klein, Bill Cosby and Goldberg - each of whom is a huge April Bloomfield, Anthony Bourdain Mabley fan. A true passion project for first-time director Passion River 15.04.2014 Had British-born Chef April Bloomfield not been drinking with Goldberg, the documentary shows Mabley’s historical 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122088 her mates the night before her application to the police significance and profound influence as a performer vastly academy was due, she might not have overslept and missed ahead of her time. her chance to join the force. Had things worked out as Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest min. JFK: A President Betrayed (Blu- planned, however, the culinary world would be devoid of one HBO Home Video 20.05.2014 ray) of the most innovative chefs in a generation. Chef Bloomfield and her partner Ken Friedman own and operate four 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122074 Documentary, Drama, History & Events, restaurants in New York City - The Spotted Pig, The Breslin Presidents, Special Interest 2013 90min. Bar & Dining Room, The John Dory Oyster Bar, and Salvation Hawking Taco - as well as Tosca Cafe in San Francisco. Over the Passion River 15.04.2014 course of these eight half-hour episodes, join Executive This is the intimate and revealing story of Stephen Hawking’s 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122095 Producer Anthony Bourdain to watch April wrestle with the life. Told for the first time in Hawking’s own words and with demands of opening a restaurant, test menu ideas, obsess unique access to his home and public life, this is a personal over ingredients, and cook with her mentors and journey through Hawking’s world. The audience joins him at Lidia Celebrates America: Life’s contemporaries. home, under the care of his nursing team; in San Jose as he „wows“ a packed theatre audience; in Silicon Valley as he Milestones Food & Cooking, PBS, Reality, Special meets a team of technicians who hope to speed up his Lidia Bastianich, Rob Tate, Mimi Adams Interest, Television 240min. communication system; and as he throws a party for family and Join beloved chef and author Lidia Bastianich on a deeply PBS Home Video 11.02.2014 friends. Hawking also carefully tells Hawking’s life journey, personal culinary journey in celebration of life’s milestones, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122141 from boyhood under-achiever to PhD genius, and from a sharing in the wonderful diversity of American culture and healthy coxswain on the Oxford rowing team to diagnosis of food. motor neuron disease, given just two years to live - yet Murph: The Protector surviving several close brushes with death. The film also Food & Cooking, PBS, Television, Travel & highlights his greatest scientific discoveries and plots to his Leisure 60min. On June 28th, 2005, during an infamous mountainside battle rise to fame and superstardom. with Taliban forces, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy was killed PBS Home Video 21.01.2014 while trying to protect his Navy SEAL team. In 2007, he was Documentary, Special Interest 2013 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122272 posthumously awarded The Medal Of Honor for his bravery, PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 the first ever given for combat in Afghanistan. This powerful 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121943 documentary features interviews with LT Murphy’s friends, Tracie Long Longevity: Definning family and teammates, and reveals the remarkable life of the Shape son, brother, neighbor and warrior known to all as ‘Murph’; a Hitler And The Nazis man who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and the In 1919, a corporal in the German Army was sent home after Tracie Long cause of freedom to become a true American hero. This is the the end of World War One. He found his country in economic Ignite your calorie burning power and define your shape with story - and legacy - of Murph: The Protector. and social ruins, its heritage and pride irreparably damaged this high energy, total body strength workout! Fitness expert, Documentary, Military, Special Forces, by the Western allies of France, Britain, and the United Tracie Long leads you through a comprehensive blend of Special Interest, War, War In The Middle States. It was a time ripe for change. And Adollf Hitler vowed functional and traditional strength training exercises that not only to restore his country to its rightful glory, but to combine upper and lower body movement to increase strength, East 2013 79min. someday, personally, exact excruciating revenge upon its create lean muscles and burn more calories than isolated Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 enemies. First in politics, and then with his unbeatable Wehr- muscle training alone. Be prepared to feel this workout in all 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121799 macht, Hitler and the Nazis would not only achieve this goal, the right places, particularly the hips, butt, inner thighs and but come close to taking over the entire world. They left shoulders. behind a wake of terror and destruction still felt to this day, Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Murph: The Protector (Blu-ray) and left an indelible mark on modern history as one of the most Interest min. On June 28th, 2005, during an infamous mountainside battle evil regimes of modern times. From the signing of the Treaty of E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 with Taliban forces, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy was killed Versailles in 1919 to the hanging docks at Nuremburg in 1947, while trying to protect his Navy SEAL team. In 2007, he was this uncompromising documentary follows Adolf Hitler’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121774 posthumously awarded The Medal Of Honor for his bravery, cunning and ruthless quest to take over Germany, his the first ever given for combat in Afghanistan. This powerful brainwashing of Germanys young people, his insane dreams Tracie Long Longevity: Staying documentary features interviews with LT Murphy’s friends, of Jewish genocide, his creation of one of the worlds most family and teammates, and reveals the remarkable life of the feared military forces, and his pursuit of Power son, brother, neighbor and warrior known to all as ‘Murph’; a Documentary, History & Events, Holocaust, man who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country and the Tracie Long cause of freedom to become a true American hero. This is the Politics, Special Interest, War, World War II Power up and trim down with this metabolic boosting cardio 2011 234min. story - and legacy - of Murph: The Protector. conditioning workout! Fitness expert Tracie Long uses medium Documentary, Military, Special Forces, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 27.05.2014 to high intensity medicine ball cardio and hi-rep, light weight Special Interest, War, War In The Middle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122362 conditioning moves to keep your heart pumping while sculpting sexy shoulders, increasing core strength and East 2013 79min. leaning out though the hips, butt and inner and outer thighs. Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 The Hooping Life / How To Hoop Prepare yourself for a motivating, non-traditional workout that redefines cardiovascular training. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121815 (2 Pack) Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special 2 Packs, Basketball, Documentary, Interest min. National Geographic: Brothers In Instructional, Special Interest, Sports min. E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 War Passion River 22.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121775 No black, no white, just soldiers, declared Jack Benedick, a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121987 young, white lieutenant of the 9th Infantry’s Charlie Company. Tracie Long Longevity: Step In 1967, no other person would have ever uttered these liberating words, but Charlie’s Company was different I Was There: Days The World Forward functioning largely free of racial prejudice. Boys of ’67 Changed recounts the spellbinding chronicle of one of the last combat Tracie Long infantry companies to be shipped off to the Vietnam War, their Witness some of the worlds most significant events through Accelerate your fitness with this fun, high energy step sacrifices, their bond, and their intertwining lives forty-seven the eyes of someone who was there, in person, and lived to workout! Designed to target your leg muscles from a wide years later. tell the story. Get a ringside seat to the great triumphs and variety of angles, fitness expert Tracie Long approaches the tragedies of the past seventy years! Feel the past’s beating step from all sides using a large range of motion exercises Documentary, History & Events, National pulse and keep in step with the march of history - from the performed at varying speeds for over forty minutes. To Geographic, Special Interest, War, World bombing of Hiroshima to the capture of Saddam Hussein. Find maximize results, Long finishes strong with four minutes of leg War II 2014 90min. out what it was like to be at Ground Zero on that terrible day conditioning. Prepare for a challenging cardio workout with in September 2001, or to be caught up in the democratic riots killer legs! National Geographic 20.05.2014 at Tiananmen Square. These extraordinary programs put you Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122359 in the thick of the action, providing vivid footage and eyewitness accounts of the momentous events that have Interest min. shaped all of our lives. This set includes eye-witness E1 Entertainment 08.04.2014 National Geographic: Doomsday

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Preppers - Season Three an unforgettable courtside view of the NBA Finals. Loaded The Lion King) narrates the incredible story of with clutch bonus features including profiles on your favorite Czechoslovakia’s communist legacy and the struggle against National Geographic’s highest rated series returns for players and in-depth analysis. Experience what it is to be a that rule. Featuring one of the last interviews with Czech season 3 with new preppers, new drama, and incredible new champion - Own it on DVD Today! president Vaclav Havel. ways to bug in or bug out. Explore the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the Basketball, NBA, Special Interest, Sports Documentary, History & Events, Special world as we know it in Doomsday preppers. min. Interest 2009 78min. End Of The World, National Geographic, Team Marketing 29.04.2014 Passion River 29.04.2014 Reality, Television 585min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122222 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122188 National Geographic 06.05.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122355 Nova: Cold Case JFK Radio Wars Fifty years later, what can science tell us about the Kennedy Documentary, History & Events, Special National Geographic: Miracle On assassination - and the investigations that followed? The 1963 murder, in broad daylight in front of hundreds of Interest 2012 97min. The Hudson witnesses, might seem to be a homicide investigator’s best- Passion River 06.05.2014 case scenario. Yet somehow the JFK assassination became a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122163 Documentary, History & Events, National forensic nightmare, plagued by a controversial and, Geographic, Special Interest min. incredibly, a prime suspect murdered on live television while National Geographic 18.03.2014 in police custody, before he could be tried. As a result, today Reality Rides: Season One 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122136 millions of Americans suspect a conspiracy. Now, NOVA A professional restoration crew at Carl’s Custom Cars set launches a fresh investigation into the physical evidence out to bring antique, rusting cars back to their original and using state-of-the-art forensics - including laser scanning, classic state of beauty. Their first project is a 1955 Buick NBA Champions 1997: Chicago new ballistics tests, and a 3D digital reconstruction of the Special, in decaying condition with missing parts. The crew president’s skull - all to try to solve the murder of the century. must hunt for parts in junkyards, old garages, and anywhere Bulls Assassins & Hitmen, Documentary, History else they might discover original parts from this unique car. Nothing gets you closer to the Chicago Bulls than the official & Events, Presidents, Special Interest, The reality television series features the problems and pitfalls 1996-97 NBA Championship Video. NBA Entertainment takes that the crew encounters throughout the restoration process, you on the Bulls’ journey through the regular season, NBA Tragedies 2013 60min. and a deadline by which the project car must finished and playoffs and NBA Finals as cameras and microphones follow PBS Home Video 04.02.2014 ready to compete at the Buick Nationals. A hit on Discovery’s the team on court, in team huddles and behind the scenes. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121826 Velocity Channel last fall, Reality Rides is now on its second Exclusive interviews give you the perspective of what it season on Velocity. meant for the Bulls to win their fifth NBA Championship in Cars & Motorcycles, Reality, Television min. seven years. You will see the team’s pre-game preparation Our World At War: World War II and hear the team’s strategy as it happened in key moments, Image Ent. 08.04.2014 including the critical Michael Jordan pass that set up Steve Documentary, History & Events, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121889 Kerr’s Game Six series-winning jump shot. This Official NBA Interest, War, World War II 2013 154min. Championship Video gives you an all- access look at the Legend Films 28.01.2014 Shelter Island Bulls and makes you feel like you’re part of the team. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122090 Basketball, NBA, Special Interest, Sports Outsider artist Harald Olson and his eccentric patron Jimmy min. Olinkiewicz found each other on Shelter Island, NY, and Ozploitation Trailer Explosion teamed up to sell paintings roadside. The semi-homeless Team Marketing 29.04.2014 painter and the father of an autistic child were magically 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122168 In the late ’70s and early ’80s, films like My Brillant Career connected, and together took friendship to a new level when and Breaker Morant put Australia’s New Wave on the map. they secured a major gallery showing of Olson’s But at the same time, a depraved generation of young Aussie unconventional work in NYC. Shelter Island is an elegant, NBA Champions 1999: San Anto- filmmakers was putting a very different kind of movie on beautiful tale of how art, compassion and creativity can screens. This is the ultimate collection of Ozploitation unlock hidden potential in unexpected places. nio Spurs trailers, packed with ockers, knockers, pubes, tubes, Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Standing tall as the best team at the end of the regular season, comatose killers, outback chillers, high-octane disasters and the San Antonio Spurs, led by the frontcourt tandem of Tim kung fu masters, featuring such classics as: Alvin Purple , Interest 76min. Duncan and David Robinson, soared past their playoff Patrick, Wake In Fright, Mad Dog Morgan, Barry McKenzie E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 opponents to claim their first NBA Championship, leading fans Holds His Own, Stunt Rock, Stone, Fantasm, Road Games, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122261 everywhere to chant „Go Spurs Go!“ Get exclusive insight Dead Kids, Felicity, Turkey Shoot, Thirst, BMX Bandits, The throughout the regular season, NBA Playoffs and 1999 NBA Man From , Dead End Drive-In ?-and many more! Finals against the New York Knicks. Relive all of the glory Collections, Documentary, Exploitation, Sparkpeople Workouts (Double including Avery Johnson’s game winning shot in Game 5 with Special Interest 165min. Feature) access into the Spurs’ emotional locker room speeches, CAV 11.03.2014 celebrations and on-court huddles. With the Official 1998-99 Double Features, Fitness, Television Championship Video the excitement of the Spurs’ triumphant 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121894 season will be treasured forever. 153min. Basketball, NBA, Special Interest, Sports Acorn Media 13.05.2014 Picture Of Light 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122296 min. Picture Of Light is an hallucinatory tale which documents a Team Marketing 29.04.2014 filmmaker’s journey to Canada’s arctic in search of the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122220 Northern Lights. While combining glimpses of the characters Spies Of Mississippi who live in this remote environment and the crew’s both comic In the spring of 1964, the civil rights community is gearing up and absurd attempts to deal with extremes, the film reflects for „Mississippi Freedom Summer,“ during which hundreds, if NBA Champions 2000: Los upon the paradoxes involved in trying to capture the natural not thousands, of mostly white student activists from the North Angeles Lakers wonder of the Northern Lights on celluloid. ...aurora will link up with mostly black freedom workers to accomplish borealis... the lights with no bodies, pouring colours from the what the Mississippi power structure fears the most: As they entered the 1999-2000 season, the Los Angeles sky... images provided by nature more special than any registering black people to vote. For the segregationists, Lakers seemed destined for greatness. After a season-long special effect... Their majesty and mystery lead the film to a Freedom Summer is nothing less than a declaration of war. journey that tested their resolve as much as their destiny with most unexpected and haunting finale which considers the The state responds by swearing in hundreds of new deputies, a dramatic victory over the Indiana Pacers in the NBA Finals. future of our relationship to technology and Nature, in an stockpiling tear gas and riot gear, and preparing the jails for Behind Shaquille O’Neal’s dominating MVP performance, increasingly artificial or „virtual“ world... an influx of summer „guests.“ But the most powerful men in the Kobe Bryant’s brilliant play, Phil Jackson’s unique Zen Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special state have another weapon to fight integration. They have philosophy and a roster filled with championship experience, Interest 1994 83min. quietly created a secret, state-funded spy agency, the Missis- the Lakers claimed their 12th NBA title. From Mikan to Cham- sippi State Sovereignty Commission, answering directly to the berlain to Kareem to Shaq, this franchise has compiled a First Run Features 15.04.2014 Governor. During the height of the civil rights movement, legacy of success that is among the greatest in American 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121770 sovereignty commission operatives employed a cadre of black sports, and in 2000 they added a new chapter. Relive the operatives who infiltrated the movement, rooting out its future Lakers’ 67 victory regular season along with their heart plans, identifying its leader, and tripping up its foot soldiers. pounding run through the playoffs and Finals with the Official The Power Of The Powerless By gaining the trust of civil rights crusaders, they gathered Championship Video. With this much exclusive access, you Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune, crucial intelligence on will practically feel part of the team as the Lakers march to The Lion King) narrates the incredible story of Black Heritage, Documentary, History & the NBA title. Czechoslovakia’s communist legacy and the struggle against Basketball, NBA, Special Interest, Sports that rule. Featuring one of the last interviews with Czech Events, PBS, Special Interest, Television min. president Vaclav Havel. 60min. Team Marketing 29.04.2014 Documentary, History & Events, Special PBS Home Video 11.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122221 Interest 2009 78min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122116 Passion River 29.04.2014 NBA Champions 2006: Miami Heat 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122161 Spinning Plates NBA Champion fans, be the first to own the only officially Spinning Plates is the story of three extraordinary licensed DVD of your team’s triumphant season. Get an inside The Power Of The Powerless restaurants and the incredible people who make them what look at the NBA Champion’s regular season, triumphant they are. The film begins with a cutting-edge Chicago-based playoff run and NBA Finals victory. Provides an all-access (Blu-ray) restaurant, Alinea, named the seventh-best in the world, pass to exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes action and Academy Award winner Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune, whose chef must battle a life-threatening obstacle to pursue

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A new 170- Telefonische of family, legacy, passion and survival come together to remind pound champion will be crowned when Johny „Bigg Rigg“ us how meaningful food can be, and the power it has to Hendricks battles „Ruthless“ Robbie Lawler for the vacant Bestellannahme: connect us to one another. It’s a celebration of the art and title. Plus, former interim titleholder „The Natural Born Killer“ Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr passion of nurturing people, not just feeding them. Carlos Condit continues his quest for another shot at Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Documentary, Food & Cooking, Special championship glory when he squares off against hard-hitting Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Interest 2013 93min. Tyron „The Chosen One“ Woodley. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Inception Media Group 11.02.2014 Fighting, , Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122005 Interest, Sports, UFC 2014 300min. 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And what death - from unleashing the power of natures medicine cabinet happened to Hitler? How did he die and where is the body? to the mass production of modern pharmaceuticals. With his Now for the first time ever, solely using historical evidence, characteristic enthusiasm, sense of fun, and hands-on we answer all these questions and more, by looking at the approach, Mosley takes you on a journey of discovery and unsolved mysteries of the Second World War in this extensi- scientific breakthrough that has saved millions of lives and ve 3 DVD historical release. transformed our world - and that promises a personalized, Documentary, History & Events, Mystery, genetic approach to medicine in the future. Special Interest, War, World War II 180min. Doctors & Medicine, Documentary, Science, E1 Entertainment 13.05.2014 Special Interest 2013 156min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122255 Image Ent. 01.04.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121812 We The People: From Crispus Attucks To Barack Obama Newsletter 02/14 (Nr. 337) These Birds Walk ISSN 1610-2606 Omar is a young runaway in Karachi, Pakistan, whose life The History of America! The Election of Barack Obama began hangs on one critical question: what is home? Is it in the city on March 5, 1770 at the Boston Massacre with the death of Credits streets where he’s made his life, in a home for runaways run Crispus Attucks. Redaktion: by humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi, often called ‘the Mother Americana, Documentary, History & Events, Teresa of Pakistan’, or in the difficult rural family life he has Presidents, Special Interest 108min. Wolfram Hannemann been trying to flee? These Birds Walk is both heart- Design & Layout: wrenching and life-affirming, documenting the struggles of Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 Omar and these wayward children and the good samaritans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121958 Wolfram Hannemann looking out for them in a poetic story of resilience. Assistenz: Documentary, Drama, Foreign, Pakistani, World War II Chronicles: A Day Beate Hannemann Special Interest 2014 71min. Oscilloscope Laboratories 29.04.2014 By Day Diary Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122053 Action, Aerial Action, Documentary, History Anna Rudschies & Events, Television, War, World War II © (2014) by The Trials Of Muhammad Ali 986min. LASER HOTLINE Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Muhammad Ali ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt 13.05.2014 Boxing, Documentary, Special Interest, nur in Verbindung mit einem 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122171 Sports, War 2013 94min. „Persönlichen Import- Kino Video 22.04.2014 WWE: - Mr. service“-Vertrag und be- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121857 inhaltet den Warenpreis Wrestlemania (Blu-ray) sowie alle anfallenden The Trials Of Muhammad Ali (Blu- Shawn Michaels For 30 years, every WWE Superstar has laced up their boots Importkosten inkl. unserer ray) with one goal in mind, stealing the show at Wrestlemania, but Vermittlungsprovision. Muhammad Ali only one man has shined bright enough on the grandest stage * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und Boxing, Documentary, Special Interest, to earn the nickname, Mr. Wrestlemania. Now, relive over 15 show-stopping matches form the Heartbreak Kid at the event das doppelte D-Symbol Sports, War 2013 min. that made him The Icon. From his WrestleMania debut as one Kino Video 22.04.2014 half of The Rockers to his emotional Retirement Match sind Warenzeichen der against Undertaker, every singles and tag team match from his Dolby Laboratories Inc. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121875 historic run is collected here. With an all new, never-before- seen interview, get the inside story from HBK himself as you Der NEWSLETTER ist die UFC 169: Barao Vs. Faber II relive his grueling Iron Man Match with Bret „Hit Man“ Hart, offizielle Informationsbro- the revolutionary with Razor Ramon, an epic Jose Aldo, Urijah Faber, Renan Barao encounter with The Deadman, and so much more. schüre für Kunden der Fir- Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Special Interest, Sports, Sports ma LASER HOTLINE. Interest, Sports, UFC 2014 300min. Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Alle in diesem Mailing ent- Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 540min. haltenen Angaben zu Pro- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122044 WWE Home Video 11.02.2014 dukten, die im Ausland ver- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121946 öffentlicht werden, stellen UFC 170: Rousey Vs. McMann kein Verkaufsangebot dar, Rashad Evans, Demian Maia, Rory sondern dienen nur zur MacDonald Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Information. Interest, Sports, UFC 2014 300min. LASER HOTLINE ist Starz / Anchor Bay 27.05.2014 autorisierter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122047 Dolby Merchandise Händler

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