Photo: ©Mike Myers


At AHA Foundation, we are steadfast in our commitment to breaking the silence and bringing ideas worth fghting for to forefront of public discourse. Our founder, , refused to stay silent in the face of Islamism and traditional practices that oppress and abuse women and girls. She risked life and limb to give voice to the millions of women and girls subjected to OVER THE PAST TEN YEARS, AHA FOUNDATION has laid the groundwork for strong, results-driven culturally-induced injustices and to combat the malicious forces programs that fght oppression and protect the rights of women and girls in the U.S. In that threaten Enlightenment ideals. 2018, we set a pathway for expanding our work and amplifying the life-saving impact of our eforts. AHA Foundation possesses that same heartfelt commitment to ideas that afrm the freedom, rights, and security of women and Both our accomplishments and setbacks in 2018 refect AHA Foundation’s commitment girls. We are breaking the silence for all people who desire to to the ambitious goals we have set for 2030. Our experiences this year are a testament live a life of respect and self-determination. Through our media to the hard work that must be undertaken in order to achieve our vision. None of this campaigns and educational outreach, AHA Foundation and would have been possible without the engagement and loyalty of our supporters. Ayaan Hirsi Ali are breaking the silence on FGM, honor violence, forced and , and Islamism. In 2018, our messaging We envision the United States as a country where, by 2030, all states have laws that reached hundreds of thousands. protect girls from female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage, and strong federal provisions add a further layer of security. We envision a nation where each girl or woman facing abuse in the name of culture or religion can fnd an empathetic ear and a path to safety. We look towards a future where dangerous ideologies that endorse persecution and violence are relegated to the past. BREAKING THE SILENCE THROUGH MEDIA In 2018, we continued, state-by-state and on a national level, to break the silence CAMPAIGNS on abuses caused by harmful traditional practices that are alive and well in the U.S. Through our speaking engagements across the country, we exposed the dangerous This year, AHA Foundation and its trends that threaten free speech and ideological diversity in public discourse. We fought founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, published a for liberty by empowering students to nurture critical thinking in their universities. We number of articles and op-eds in major celebrated dignity by fghting for laws that protect the rights of women and girls facing media publications, including PBS, the oppression and supported individuals in their quest to live a life free from brutality. New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, and the Hoover Institution online journal, Defning Ideas.

We will continue to do this work Through our 2018 media campaigns, until that future we envision is reality. hundreds of thousands learned about the issues of FGM, child marriage, Islamism, and the ongoing threats to women’s Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Firing Line with Margaret Hoover rights around the world.

Our hard-hitting message is pivotal in the Business Standard, ABC News, USA AHA Foundation released its report, “Why bringing truth to the public at large Today, and The New York Times. Overall, we hesitate to protect girls from FGM and we remain dedicated to bringing this release, combined with social media in the United States,” which provides our causes to the forefront of public commentary, resulted in more than 33 a grading scale analyzing each state’s consciousness and debate on all sides of pieces of national and international anti-FGM legislation and calls for zero the political spectrum. media reporting across print, online and tolerance of FGM. The report reached over broadcast channels. 330,000 people on social media alone and Our Voices are Stronger Together: Representative Tom Murt and FGM survivor F.A. Cole After a district court judge ruled that has been cited throughout the year by with Executive Director George Zarubin and former Program and Policy Associate Alex Still while they educate lawmakers in Pennsylvania about FGM the federal law criminalizing FGM was Ayaan’s tweets responding to the news government ofcials, organizations, and unconstitutional, AHA Foundation’s swift received attention from tens of thousands legislators seeking to end the practice of denunciation of the decision was issued of supporters and, over just a two-week FGM in the U.S. in November, and featured in multiple period, AHA Foundation’s social media news outlets including, The Guardian, reached 30% more users online than the Associated Press, The Detroit News, normal.

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In the report, our team reviewed distinction between Islam, a spiritual legislation in each U.S. state and assigned belief system, and Islamism, a repressive them a grade based on the strength of political ideology. Ayaan wrote an op-ed for the New York Post calling for the feminist movement their FGM legislation. Over half of the to stand up to FGM, child and forced “Ayaan is a lone voice standing up for states received a failing grade and only In her Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “Will marriage, and honor violence the rights of women and girls, calling one earned an A. Saudi Arabia Free Its Women?” Ayaan brings to light the struggles women for them to be protected from FGM, The report also counters the growing encounter in Saudi Arabia. Though the acceptance of “ritual nicks,” as a solution new crown prince, Mohammed bin , and other crimes that to ending FGM. At AHA Foundation, we Salman, has promised modernization should not be tolerated in the U.S. We call for zero tolerance of this harmful of the country, namely the expansion of practice because the “nicking option” women’s rights, Ayaan warns that none are committed to supporting Ayaan’s may still cause harmful physical and of these rights will have real meaning if psychological consequences, and its Ayaan Hirsi Ali with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser (right) and Alan Dershowitz at a symposium hosted by the Gatestone Institute Saudi Arabia’s guardianship laws are still voice on college campuses across the underlying reasoning – to control in place. country and in the media.‘’ the sexuality of women and girls – is unacceptable no matter the scope of AHA Foundation’s Senior Director, — Suzie Kovner, inficted damage. AHA Foundation works with survivors Ayaan appeared on three podcasts Amanda Parker, was featured in a PBS AHA Foundation published a report Former Board Chair at AHA Foundation who wish for their stories to be heard in including The Jamie Weinstein Show, The Frontline article titled “Florida Moves exposing the reality of FGM in the U.S. and calling on states to criminalize FGM Following the publication of our FGM order to bring the issues of FGM and child Femsplainers, and The Hoover Institution to Ban Marriage Before the Age of 17,” report, our founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was marriage to the public. Interviews and Fellow Talks. where she discusses Florida’s attempts featured on Firing Line with Margaret articles are periodically published on our to end child marriage. Although Florida Hoover. In this interview, Ayaan revealed website that feature brave women who In these podcasts, Ayaan described her legislators did limit child marriage in the the harsh reality of FGM in the U.S. and are determined to raise awareness with childhood experiences in countries state, Amanda criticizes the legislation spoke about ways the American legal their own stories of endurance. where female subjugation is rampant, because it leaves a large segment of the system can better protect girls from and raised awareness about FGM in the at-risk population, namely 17-year-old this harmful cultural practice. Ayaan AHA Foundation published a blog by U.S., an abuse she survived as a child. girls, at risk of child marriage. compared the movement to end FGM to Sheriece Hooks, a doctoral student in She also called for a reformation in Islam the #MeToo movement and spoke about clinical psychology, where she calls fostered by critical thought and open Ayaan wrote an op-ed for the New York the similarities and diferences between attention to gaps in psychology programs dialogue. Post titled “The anti-woman violence the two. involving culturally-motivated violence. feminists are afraid to confront.” In it, Sheriece points out that traumatic Ayaan wrote an article titled “The she praises the #MeToo movement for In May this year, Ayaan and Dr. Zuhdi experiences such as FGM, honor violence, ‘No Platform’ Brigade” in the Hoover cutting across party lines and focusing Jasser, a Muslim activist and American and forced marriages have all been Institution journal, Defning Ideas. In on exposing all inappropriate behavior physician, had the opportunity to omitted in academic discussions as it, Ayaan condemned the increasing regardless of political afliation. She also debate Alan Dershowitz, a renowned U.S. sources of trauma for women and girls. tendency, particularly on college points out, however, that this inclusivity attorney, on FGM criminality in the U.S. A professor that read the article reacted campuses, to silence Muslim dissidents does not extend to other women’s issues and the argument for zero-tolerance of positively and proceeded to incorporate and critics of Islam. She argues that, such as FGM, forced marriage, and honor the practice. a segment on treating survivors of FGM in order to have a meaningful debate, violence, and that these issues still remain in her class material. Americans need to understand the largely untouched by the current feminist movement. Alex Still speaking at a U.N. conference on child marriage

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AHA Foundation champions human rights and individual liberties above cultural, social, or religious imperatives. This means liberty from FGM, honor violence, and forced and BREAKING THE SILENCE child marriage. It also means liberty to challenge the ideology THROUGH TRAININGS AND of Islamism with rational, Enlightenment thought, and the CONFERENCES implementation of new strategies to fght in the battle of ideas.

In order to address an alarming profciency gap surrounding FGM and other forms of harmful cultural practices among professionals, AHA Foundation has developed specialized educational instruction for service providers and AHA Foundation other key players likely to encounter survivors and at-risk women and girls. Amanda Parker at the Women2Women International Leadership Program Campus Program Through training sessions, conferences, “The girls rated you [Amanda Parker] as one of their favorite speakers. The Pilot Year and other informational venues, AHA information you presented hit home for some and surprised others. And, when representatives have spoken to hundreds I say ‘surprised others’ I mean they didn’t know that FGM and forced marriage a Huge Success in-person and have reached hundreds of was happening in their own countries. It was eye opening.” thousands virtually. — Tricia Raynard, Empower Peace, commenting on AHA Foundation Amanda Parker’s These eforts are a central facet of our Women2Women International Leadership Program presentation in Boston 26 events work and can make a diference in the UNIVERSITY CAMPUS FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM lives of thousands of women and girls • across the U.S. girls encounter frequently in their home forced marriage and child marriage In late 2017, AHA Foundation launched a campus program, countries. This unique opportunity allows conference in their home country, Chad. the Critical Thinking Unit (CTU), in order to combat the lack of 20 university Our former Program & Policy Associate, for AHA Foundation’s ideas and values to ideological diversity on North American campuses. The program Alex Still, spoke at a United Nations spread worldwide. Amanda Parker taught two classes at alerts and empowers students on issues involving human rights campuses conference on child marriage where Passaic Valley High in Little Falls, New and free speech, particularly as they relate to Islamic extremism she discussed the connection between A group of teenagers who were inspired Jersey to educate students on AHA and Islamism. To date, our events have reached over 300,000 • child marriage and honor violence. by Amanda’s speech at the conference Foundation’s work and our issue areas viewers in-person and online. This conference was live-streamed by last year, organized and held an anti- that focus on women’s rights. 300,000 people the news outlet, NowThis Her, and over In 2018, AHA Foundation has made remarkable headway with 100,000 people watched the video. its CTU program. In the short period of time since the program’s engaged launch, we have expanded to 20 college campuses in the Amanda Parker, Senior Director at U.S. and Canada, including Columbia University, Notre Dame, • AHA Foundation, presented at the Harvard, Stanford, and UC Berkeley. An overview of past events Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma is available on the AHA Foundation website; supporters now 23 fellows (IVAT) conference in San Diego. She co- have access to over 25 summaries featuring photos, videos, and presented with psychotherapist Joanna event highlights. Vergoth on the harmful physical and emotional efects of FGM to a group of about 50 social services participants from around the U.S. “Without access to funds, vetted speakers, For the second year in a row, Amanda “Being a Critical Thinking Unit fellow has Parker spoke to a group of 100 teenage and support, it can be extremely difcult for students to invite quality speakers to campus. given me amazing learning opportunities, girls from over 30 countries at the and has helped me meet some of the most Women2Women International Leadership CTU is an amazing opportunity to access a full package of support from professionals.” incredible people I know.” Program. She had the opportunity to – Yusuf, CTU fellow — Andy, CTU fellow teach about honor violence, forced marriage, and FGM, which many of these Inspired by Amanda Parker’s presentation at the Women2Women International Leadership Program, Chadian teens hosted an anti-forced marriage and child marriage conference in their country

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AHA Foundation’s work is grounded in the belief that every human life possesses dignity and self-determination, which are “The talent and hard work of our team, AHA Foundation launched an updated Campus Program page sacred no matter one’s gender, origin, ethnicity, or creed. AHA fellows, and contributors on its website, featuring a map of CTU campuses, posts about Foundation has worked tirelessly to afrm the dignity of women can scarcely be overstated. upcoming CTU events, and a thorough list and summary of past and girls in the U.S. These eforts include direct assistance to We take pride in the incredible progress CTU events. This year we also launched the CTU Facebook and survivors and at-risk women and girls, sharing our expertise Twitter pages. through conferences and consultations, and legislative advocacy this program has made at both the state and federal level in order to pass laws that end in just a short period of time.” By the end of 2018 CTU fellows hosted 26 events, with child marriage and FGM once and for all. – Julia O’Donnell, participation from 17 notable speakers. The contentious nature Campus Program Coordinator of the topics covered have stirred both praise and controversy.

At Duke University, our CTU event was covered by four articles MEETING THE NEEDS OF in the student newspaper and multiple national outlets due to WOMEN AND GIRLS IN CRISIS Since January 2018, CTU has added 18 new fellows, bringing the storm sparked from a lecture given by Muslim activist and the total to 23 fellows on 20 campuses across the U.S. and in best-selling author, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser. An active and nationally- AHA Foundation’s direct work with Canada. In just a short period of time, our events have reached recognized student organization led protests against Dr. Jasser women and girls in crisis remains a core over 300,000 in-person and online. One CTU fellow, Natalie Bao speaking on campus, and raised general opposition to the voices component of our mission. Most of Tram Le of Harvard University, received an award from FIRE (the of Muslim reformers being heard. Duke University students did the women and girls facing threats of Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) for her work in not allow free speech and ideological diversity to be quashed culturally-based violence sufer in silence, cultivating robust discourse and civil debate on campus. on their campus. and in 2018, we have seen a large uptick in the number of individuals seeking help. We continue to work alongside these individuals to help keep them safe. AHA ofers confdential, direct assistance to women and girls through our helpline, FAISAL AL-MUTAR came to the U.S. in 2013 as a refugee and a referral system for medical services, began a career in human rights activism. In 2017, he founded counseling, legal support, and assistance the NYC based, non-proft Ideas Beyond Borders (IBB). The to those seeking reconstructive surgeries. assistance helpline and supported organization’s goal is to stop extremism at its root. One of a young woman in need of FGM their main projects includes translating books professing reconstructive surgery. enlightenment ideas into Arabic in order to break down a “The vital role of this Foundation is language barrier to the free exchange of ideas. to embrace FGM victims and provide By the end of 2018, AHA Foundation will them with the spiritual and physical have ofered direct assistance to 290 MUSTAFA AKYOL is a Turkish contributing writer to the support. I wish to be a member of the women and girls in need. International New York Times and the author of “Islam without AHA Foundation and help to inspire Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty.” and empower survivors to be part of CONFERENCES & the change in the community.” CONSULTATIONS — FGM Survivor in “A Survivor Shares: YASMINE MOHAMMED is an Arab-Canadian university When Female Genital Cutting Occurs, educator and author who, though born and raised in North Childhood Ends and Trauma Begins” The majority of state and local America, was raised in a traditional Muslim upbringing and fed institutions, service providers, and Amanda Parker and Alex Still a forced marriage to a member of Al-Qaeda. other protective organizations are ill- at Penn State Dickinson Law Many of the individuals contacting AHA equipped to recognize and address DR. ELHAM MANEA is a Swiss-Yemeni Muslim reformer, human Foundation were seeking assistance the needs of women and girls at risk AHA Foundation’s Senior Director, rights activist and academic who researches and speaks out regarding forced marriage and FGM. In of culturally-motivated abuses. AHA Amanda Parker, and former Program CTU hosts a panel at Harvard University to speak about free speech within against Islamism. She works at the Political Science Institute at most of the cases of forced marriage, Foundation flls these gaps by sharing & Policy Associate, Alex Still, spoke at minority communities. From left to right: Flemming Rose, Jacob Mchangama, the University of Zurich and is a consultant for Swiss government women and girls were fearful of being our expertise through consultations and Penn State Dickinson Law’s conference, Faisal Saeed Al Mutar, and Mustafa Akyol agencies and international human rights organizations. forced to marry by their family. In most other educational venues. We know that “Crafting Legislative and Medical of the cases of FGM, the women were every case is complex and requires multi- Solutions to Address Female Genital CTU has partnered with public intellectuals, reformers, and MUHAMMAD FRASER-RAHIM is the Executive Director of seeking support after having survived agency coordination to ensure the safety Mutilation Locally and Internationally.” activists who share our dedication to truth, liberty, and North America for Quilliam International. He is an expert on the trauma. of each woman or girl involved. In 2018, ideological diversity: violent extremism issues and a scholar on Africa. we engaged community leaders and They ofered a framework for model FGM This year, AHA Foundation has helped other principal actors and ofered vital, legislation, provided insights on how to 56 women and girls through our direct culturally-sensitive instruction. get FGM legislation passed at the state

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level, and gave an overview of what individual states are doing to protect Nagarwala, was closely monitored by To date, 22 states have failed to pass anti- AHA Foundation signed onto a letter women and girls from FGM. AHA Foundation and we ofered our FGM legislation – all of which could now with the Vital Voices Global Partnership supporters up-to-date information as become travel destinations for parents urging the U.S. government to continue Amanda and Alex were asked to join as events unfolded. and guardians seeking to cut their girls. fghting for gender equality. This letter expert advisors to “The FGM Legislation With help from our supporters, we will urges the Ofce of Management and Project,” a student-run efort dedicated to In mid-2018, Nagarwala’s defense team intensify our advocacy eforts at the state Budget to increase funding to continue developing state FGM legislation as well submitted a motion to dismiss all charges, and federal level for more stringent laws fghting gender-based violence globally. as an international protocol to address arguing that the federal anti-FGM law was that criminalize FGM. This includes FGM, and forced and child FGM on a global level. unconstitutional. Represented pro bono marriage. by White & Case, LLP, AHA Foundation AHA Foundation gathered bipartisan AHA Foundation participated in an responded with an amicus curiae (friend support to include anti-FGM provisions AHA Foundation encouraged Senator expert consultation where leading of the court) brief, which provided the in the reauthorization of the Violence Grassley’s ofce to sponsor the Stopping fgures in the fght to end FGM came from court with background knowledge on Against Women Act (VAWA). This federal Abusive Female Exploitation (SAFE) Act, around the world to discuss challenges the practice of FGM and argued in favor bill has given zero attention to protecting which increases the federal penalty for and solutions regarding FGM and mental of the law’s constitutionality. Our brief girls from FGM in the U.S. since its FGM from fve to 15 years and encourages health. This expert consultation provided was submitted and accepted by the court inception 24 years ago. We worked states to put in place mandatory reporting AHA Foundation with an opportunity in November of this year. closely with Chairman Charles Grassley’s laws, and which passed unanimously in to collaborate with champions against team in the Senate Judiciary Committee the House following introduction by Rep. In a harrowing turn of events, the ofce to ensure this inclusion by drafting Dave Trott and Rep. Carolyn Maloney. FGM and to determine ways of moving Amanda Parker speaking at a Pennsylvania press conference advocating for a law that bans child marriage forward in a collective efort. judge presiding over this case ruled in language, holding numerous meetings This December, Senator Grassley’s ofce favor of the defense, arguing that the with stafers, and providing feedback on moved to pass the legislation using a Our Executive Director, George Zarubin, criminalization of FGM rested solely versions of the reauthorization provisions “hotline” procedure which creates the attended the Girls Not Brides coalition ADVOCACY & LEGISLATION with the individual states; most charges that focus on prevention of FGM in the possibility of quickly passing the bill and meeting in Washington, D.C. This meeting against Dr. Nagarwala and others were U.S. passing it to the president for signature. discussed child marriage developments In order to end FGM and child and forced marriage in the U.S., we need to ensure dismissed as a result. We are hopeful we will see its passage in globally and the U.S. partnership to that comprehensive legislation criminalizing such abuses passes at both state and We strengthened our advocacy eforts by 2019. end child marriage. We also signed on federal level. AHA Foundation experts warned that the founding and spearheading a network with other Girls Not Brides members to judge’s ruling sent a grievous message of women’s organizations and survivor/ support the Keeping Girls in School Act AHA Foundation’s legislative and policy advocacy is a central component of our that could negatively impact the rights of advocates that have pushed for the which aims to ensure the U.S. government work. at-risk populations in the U.S. inclusion of comprehensive measures to “We must make it clear to continues breaking unique barriers that protect women and girls in the United Americans and to the rest of keep over 130 million girls out of school Throughout 2018, our experts have traveled around the country to meet with States from FGM as part of the federal the world that female genital hundreds of legislators, policymakers, and community leaders and ofer insights reauthorization of VAWA. mutilation will not be tolerated. globally. “This is outrageous. It’s taken years and expertise on FGM and child marriage. The Centers for Disease Control for whistleblowers, police, FBI and Our network wrote a joint letter to and Prevention estimates that George attended a National Network to attorneys to work together to bring We hosted three press conferences, and ofered 11 written and three in-person Congressional leaders, urging them to over 500,000 girls in the U.S. End FGM event at George Washington this to court. Dropping the charge testimonies in support of bills that could help eliminate FGM and child marriage include holistic measures to combat have undergone or are at risk of University that discussed innovative ways is a real blow to the human rights in the U.S. FGM in the United States as part of the female genital mutilation. That’s of using data to combat FGM. of women and girls in the United reauthorization of VAWA. 500,000 girls too many. We need LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY ADVOCACY AGAINST FEMALE States.” — Amanda Parker, to protect our girls, right here, GENITAL MUTILATION AHA Foundation Senior Director in America, and increasing the FGM EFFORTS penalty will go a long way in AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL This year, AHA Foundation undertook numerous eforts at the federal level to fortify doing that.” resources and provisions that address the practice of FGM. We sought bipartisan — U.S. Representative UNITED STATES VS. NAGARWALA support from elected ofcials and developed a coalition of survivors and women’s This ruling is a disappointment, but it is Dave Trott, R-MI organizations to strengthen our advocacy work. not the end. An appeal is still possible, This year, the movement to criminalize and we will continue to work closely FGM in the U.S. was dealt a devastating We worked with a talented team of attorneys to support the frst-ever federal with the White & Case team as the blow. The district court judge presiding prosecution of an FGM practitioner in United States v. Nagarwala and provided our matter progresses. For the hundreds of over a groundbreaking FGM trial ruled supporters with updates as the trial progressed. thousands of girls and women in the U.S. Organizations and advocates from that the federal law criminalizing FGM that remain at risk, this federal law ofered AHA Foundation’s bipartisan coalition that urged Congress to add anti-FGM was void on constitutional grounds. This On the legislative front, we faced both success and setbacks. Our involvements in a layer of protection that has been left in provisions to the federal act VAWA highly publicized case, United States vs. 2018 have shown that our work is far from over. jeopardy.

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“FGM is a human issue, not a partisan issue.” — Senator Breanne Davis, AR

By the end of the 2018 legislative session, passage of anti-FGM legislation. Finally, and hope it becomes the third state to FGM EFFORTS an anti-FGM bill passed in the House, and we began planning informative sessions pass a complete ban. AT THE STATE LEVEL though it successfully passed through for legislators that are slated for 2019. committee, it did not reach a vote in The outcomes in Tennessee, California, AHA Foundation has consistently our experts hosted an event with almost the Senate due to time constraints. MAINE Florida, Maryland, and Louisiana monitored and supported a bipartisan 200 lawmakers, where they ofered Representative Murt has been resolute highlight the challenges that come approach to passing anti-FGM legislation extensive information on FGM and made in his eforts to pass this legislation, and Our Senior Director, Amanda Parker, with advocacy against child marriage. at the state level. We have worked directly the case for strong state legislation that we are confdent that an anti-FGM bill spoke at a press conference on FGM about Tennessee, California, and Florida all with state legislators to provide resources, demonstrates zero tolerance for the Alex Still educating legislators in New Hampshire will reach a vote in both the House and the need for strong, comprehensive passed legislation that would still allow information, and testimony concerning practice. We served as a resource for the about FGM at an AHA Foundation sponsored Senate in 2019. legislation that both criminalizes the marriage before adulthood. Despite luncheon the practice and harms of FGM. bill’s sponsor, ofered testimony in favor practice and provides for education our eforts, legislators in Maryland and of its passage, generated media attention CALIFORNIA and outreach to communities, service Louisiana failed to pass bills that set In 2018, signifcant progress has been throughout the legislative session, and providers, and law enforcement. She greater restrictions on child marriage. made: New Hampshire and Ohio stood reached out to other organizations to In California, we did preparatory work for noted that anti-FGM legislation should be up against FGM and became the 27th support the bill. the 2019 legislative session by speaking a nonpartisan issue. The Foundation also and 28th state to ban FGM, respectively. with legislators about the possibility of submitted testimony for a bill hearing CHILD MARRIAGE EFFORTS Virginia passed a much-needed bill OHIO putting forward the following two bills: in the Criminal Justice and Public Safety AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL which strengthened their anti-FGM The frst would criminalize the transfer of Committee. Unfortunately, for a second law from a misdemeanor to a felony. AHA Foundation is pleased to see that a girl out of state for an FGM procedure. year in a row, the state of Maine was AHA Foundation was the frst to discover Pennsylvania made major strides in lawmakers in Ohio passed the anti-FGM The second would clarify which health unable to unite against FGM. a dangerous loophole at the federal level FGM criminalization, but there is still bill we have supported and provided department is charged with conducting that allows child marriage to take place. work to be done. California, Arkansas, guidance on for over a year. Ohio state mandated FGM education and A minor who is a U.S. citizen is permitted and Washington started the process to has 24,320 women and girls at risk. It Executive Director George Zarubin speaking outreach eforts. We have spoken with to sponsor a visa for a spouse or fancé(e), put forward anti-FGM bills. Our experts follows only the state of Washington in at a Pennsylvania press conference regarding several interested legislators and are despite the U.S. Department of State’s proposed anti-FGM bill advocated in all of these states and having one of the highest rates of at-risk solidifying bill sponsors. CHILD MARRIAGE position that the marriage of minors played a critical role in the drafting and populations that are unprotected by anti- LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY is a human rights abuse. Shockingly, passage of legislation. FGM legislation. This year, we submitted ARKANSAS ADVOCACY there is technically no minimum age testimony before the House Criminal requirement for spousal visa sponsorship. While we applaud the work of legislators Justice Committee in support of SB 214, This summer, we identifed a sponsor AHA Foundation was the frst to identify This loophole leaves the most vulnerable that came together to protect girls in their which would ban FGM in the state. The and co-sponsor for an FGM bill based a dangerous federal visa loophole that is – often girls promised to adult men – states against FGM, we are disheartened bill would criminalize performing FGM on AHA Foundation’s model legislation. responsible for countless child marriages defenseless in situations where families with results achieved in Maine where on a child, as well as transporting a child The bill will be introduced to the 2019 in the U.S. We are working diligently ofer U.S. citizenship in exchange for a progress for this legislation has been for the purpose of FGM. It also provides legislative session as the sponsor’s frst to obtain the exact number of child marital agreement. stuck for several years. strong criminal penalties. bill ever presented in the Arkansas marriages that have taken place as a General Assembly. We have provided result. We are seeking to close this loophole, VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA her with informational resources, ofered and the frst step would be to understand an introduction on to what to expect At the state level, AHA Foundation’s 2018 the scale of the problem – we need to AHA Foundation stafers met with Virginia Throughout the year, we continually when working on FGM legislation, eforts yielded noteworthy triumphs but know just how many children have been State Senator Black to lend our support supported Representative Tom Murt and reviewed the draft bill produced there are still many hurdles to overcome. married as a result of these statutory to his eforts to increase the crime of FGM in his efort to criminalize FGM in his by the co-sponsors. Next year, we will Forty-eight states still allow child defciencies. In June of 2017, we from a misdemeanor to a felony. This bill state. We spoke at a press conference to support the bill through all phases of the marriage to take place. submitted a Freedom of Information Act passed into law in 2018. pressure the House Judiciary Committee legislative process. (FOIA) requesting this information from to move their FGM legislation forward, This year, Delaware and New Jersey the government. We are still waiting for a NEW HAMPSHIRE which had been stuck in the committee WASHINGTON were the frst to ban child marriage response and have enlisted support from for over a year. The press conference without exceptions. We provided written several federal Senators helping us to Throughout the year, AHA Foundation was a huge success and was followed by In Washington, we worked with our bill testimony in support of both bills. push for the release of the data. was actively involved in eforts to pass personal meetings with AHA Foundation sponsors for 2019 to support them with legislation in New Hampshire and we team members to each member of the George Zarubin and Fraidy Reiss, Founder of resources and knowledge about the We will continue to work with legislators are happy to report that it became the Judiciary Committee’s ofce. Unchained at Last, team up in Pennsylvania to practice of FGM. We also reached out in Pennsylvania, where we co-hosted a fght child marriage 27th state to criminalize FGM. In January to legislators who are essential for the press conference and legislator breakfast,

12 AHA Foundation Annual Report | 2018 AHA Foundation Annual Report | 2018 13 CELEBRATING DIGNITY LOOKING AHEAD TO 2019

FGM LEGISLATION CHILD MARRIAGE EFFORTS AT THE STATE LEVEL AHA Foundation’s 2019 eforts are focused on a handful of states that currently lack anti-FGM legislation. We are also continuing our eforts with legislators in states with existing anti-FGM laws in order to identify weaknesses in their provisions and ofer NEW JERSEY AND DELAWARE solutions that would strengthen each law’s reach and efcacy. We will continue to encourage federal policymakers to include anti-FGM measures as part of the This year, New Jersey and Delaware reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, and we will explore the idea of became the frst states to completely ban new federal legislation banning FGM to address constitutionality concerns. child marriage in the United States. AHA Foundation provided testimony on both CHILD MARRIAGE LEGISLATION bills and is excited to fnally see progress in the U.S. towards ending child marriage, AHA Foundation has been working to support child marriage legislation and will one state at a time. continue to do so in 2019. We will continue to advocate for a brightline minimum age of marriage at 18 years old and will fght to see more states follow the lead of PENNSYLVANIA Delaware and New Jersey, frst states to ban child marriage in the U.S. We will work with legislators to close the federal loophole allowing minors to sponsor visas for foreign- Children of any age in Pennsylvania born spouses/fancé(e)s, and will work towards limiting child marriage wherever can marry. This year, AHA Foundation possible on the federal level. visited state legislators to discuss the importance of ending child marriage, EXPANDING OUR CAMPUS PROGRAM without exceptions. We co-hosted a Amanda Parker testifes against child marriage in Maryland press conference and legislator breakfast AHA Foundation has experienced immense success with its campus program. Just in Philadelphia with Unchained at Last, over a year since the Critical Thinking Unit (CTU) was frst developed, we have reached an advocacy organization dedicated MARYLAND hundreds of thousands with a message that promotes Enlightenment thought, free to ending child and forced marriage in and then passed a bill that limited child and open-minded inquiry, and human rights. We will continue to amplify those voices the U.S. There, Amanda Parker engaged In Maryland, AHA Foundation’s Senior marriage. The governor signed into and ideas that break the silence, protect liberty, and celebrate dignity and help them lawmakers about HB2542/SB1219, a Director and Executive Director both law that 17-year-olds could marry with reach, engage, and galvanize thousands of new minds on North American campuses bill designed to end child marriage, testifed in support of strong child parental consent as long as the spousal and in public discourse. We will accomplish this by expanding our CTU program to and successfully worked to secure co- marriage bills in the House Judiciary age diference was no more than two more campuses in the years to come. sponsors for the bill. Committee and the Senate Judiciary years. Proceedings Committee, respectively. Unfortunately, the 2018 legislative Our Senior Director and former Program LOUISIANA session ended without bringing the & Policy Associate also discussed the bill to a vote, but we expect it to be need to end child marriage with several This year, AHA Foundation was an expert A MESSAGE FROM OUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR reintroduced in 2019. legislators through personal ofce visits. guest at a conference to end child Unfortunately, the state of Maryland for marriage in the state of Louisiana. We TENNESSEE the third year in a row failed to protect provided information on the harms of children from marriage. child marriage and shed light on the bleak OUR 2030 VISION Tennessee has a high level of child circumstances in the state concerning marriage – one study showed that more FLORIDA this human rights abuse – within a single than 8,000 girls were married between decade, over 4,500 children as young as At AHA Foundation, our goal is to and further state that FGM is no longer 2000 and 2014. Our Executive Director, We continued our work in Florida on 12 are estimated to have been married promote and bring to life the important practiced in the United States. In 2030, George Zarubin, met with legislators child marriage this year and saw the in the Louisiana. We also supported ideas of our Founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. We we also want to say that every child has to educate them on the harms of child state limit, but not end, child marriage. legislation that would have prohibited believe that goals like ending female the dignity to their childhood and that a marriage, and the Foundation also As one of the key members in the Florida child marriage by submitting testimony genital mutilation and child marriage in ban on child marriages is the law of our submitted written testimony for a bill Coalition to End Child Marriage, with and visiting legislators to discuss the the U.S. are achievable. Our target is 2030! land. Please join us in reaching our goals that would ban all marriage for minors other organizations including Human issue. Unfortunately, the bill did not by 2030. in the state. Unfortunately, the state did Rights Watch, Unchained at Last, Florida advance in the legislative process this We want 2030 to be the year when we not pass the strong bill we supported this National Organization for Women, as well year, but the AHA Foundation and our can all say that we have exposed the — George Zarubin, Executive Director year and instead limited child marriage to as local activists and survivors, we pushed sister organization, Unchained At Last, inhumanity of female genital mutilation, 17-year-olds. for legislators to pass a bill to end all child have identifed a strong bill sponsor for George Zarubin, marriage. Ultimately, Florida amended next year. Executive Director of the AHA Foundation

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FOUNDATION, we work to put Ayaan’s vision for the world into practice. It is because of our supporters that this is possible.

Photo: ©Mike Myers Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Founder of AHA Foundation


We encourage you to learn more about AHA Foundation’s work at SUPPORT TheAHAFoundation.org, stay in touch with the movement by sign- ing up for our newsletter updates, OUR WORK. and join our conversations about issues related to gender-based vio- GIVE A GIFT lence and oppression on Facebook and Twitter at @AHAFoundation. TODAY. Please encourage your friends and family to follow us as well.

Together, we can put an end to FGM, child and forced marriage, and other horrifying practices that are hurting women and girls behind closed doors in American communities. Together we can relegate dangerous ideologies that are often used to justify these abuses to the past. JOIN US.


AHAFoundation The AHA Foundation @AHAFoundation 130 7th Avenue, Suite 236 CriticalThinkingUnit @the_CTU New York, NY 10011

AHA Foundation Annual Report | 2018