Arxiv:2106.00060V1 [Physics.Optics] 31 May 2021
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Self-injection locking of the gain-switched laser diode Artem E. Shitikov1,∗ Valery E. Lobanov1, Nikita M. Kondratiev1, Andrey S. Voloshin2, Evgeny A. Lonshakov1, and Igor A. Bilenko1,3 1Russian Quantum Center, 143026 Skolkovo, Russia 2Institute of Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland and 3Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia (Dated: April 2021) We experimentally observed self-injection locking regime of the gain-switched laser to high-Q optical microresonator. We revealed that comb generated by the gain-switched laser experiences a dramatic reduce of comb teeth linewidths in this regime. We demonstrated the Lorentzian linewidth of the comb teeth of sub-kHz scale as narrow as for non-switched self-injection locked laser. Such setup allows generation of high-contrast electrically-tunable optical frequency combs with tunable comb line spacing in a wide range from 10 kHz up to 10 GHz. The characteristics of the generated combs were studied for various modulation parameters - modulation frequency and amplitude, and for parameters, defining the efficiency of the self-injection locking - locking phase, coupling efficiency, pump frequency detuning. I. INTRODUCTION In this work, we developed the first microresonator stabilized gain-switched laser operating in the SIL Narrow-linewidth lasers are in increasing demand in regime. We demonstrated experimentally high-contrast science and bleeding edge technologies as they give a electrically tuned optical frequency combs with line competitive advantage in such areas as coherent com- spacing from 10 kHz to 10 GHz. It was revealed that munications [1], high-precision spectroscopy [2, 3], op- SIL leads to a frequency distillation of each comb teeth tical clocks [4, 5], ultrafast optical ranging [6–8] and and consequently increase the comb contrast. The ad- others. Self-injection locking (SIL) of a laser diode justment of the modulation voltage can be used to to a whispering gallery mode (WGM) microresonator control the width of the frequency comb in terms of is widely used for the linewidth narrowing and stabi- the lines quantity. The widths of the central line and lization in different ranges from ultraviolet to mid-IR the comb teeth were measured as narrow as a sin- [9–15]. That technology is robust and compact. Self- gle line in non-switched SIL regime and were equal to injection locked laser provides a direct opportunity to several kHz. That results undoubtedly will be useful generate coherent frequency combs in a form of soli- for spectroscopy, multi-carrier communications, multi- tonic structures [16–21]. Optical frequency combs may frequency pump for solitonic structure generation either be also generated in laser diodes by rapidly switching for anomalous or normal group velocity dispersion. the gain above and below the lasing threshold [22]. Gain Unique combination of a gain-switched laser with self- switching looks very attractive due to the simplicity of injection locking technique allows to achieve a wide the design and it is used for spectroscopy [23] and high- plain spectrum of the comb with an ultra-narrow sub- capacity communication [24]. The gain-switched (GS) kHz linewidth. It leads to the bright perspective of a lasers also extensively use the injection locking tech- compact high-capacity coherent communication device nique for a frequency comb generation [25, 26], dual- construction based on ordinary easy-to-get components. comb generation [27], active frequency stabilization [28] Interestingly, qualitatively comparable results of Kerr frequency combs excitation [29] and for quantum comb line distillation in the presence of the high-Q key distribution [30]. Injection locking can reduce the microresonator were obtained with electro-optic combs laser linewidth below 100 kHz [31] but it is still limited and WGM microresonator as a filter [35]. The effect by the master laser linewidth. However, self-injection of the noise reduction of the electro-optic comb lines locking to external passive resonator with high quality was achieved in case of the matching of the microres- factor [32], that allows to achieve outstanding results onator FSR with comb line spacing which limits the arXiv:2106.00060v1 [physics.optics] 31 May 2021 in laser stabilization [33, 34], has never been applied to range of possible modulation frequencies compare to GS lasers to the best of our knowledge. The implemen- self-injection locked GS combs. tation of the self-injection locking leads both to further miniaturization of the laser refusing the master laser This work consists of three parts. First, we describe and to narrowing of the laser linewidth. the experimental setup. Second, we prove that gain- switched lasers can be self-injection locked and demon- strate the impact of the self-injection locking. Signifi- cant narrowing of the comb teeth is shown for both MHz ∗ [email protected] and GHz modulation frequencies. We also study the in- 2 fluence of the parameters defining SIL efficiency, such ple rate of 2.5 GS/s) and ESA (bandwidth up to 25 as coupling efficiency, laser frequency detuning from the GHz). microresonator mode, backscattering phase, on the gen- Laser diode current was modulated with a RF gener- erated comb parameters. Third, we demonstrate the ator through an ordinary bias tee circuit. In our exper- possibility of electrical tuning of comb parameters by iments we studied the impact of the modulation of the variation of the modulation frequency and modulation laser supply current on the SIL. Note that, when the depth. bias tee is connected, the laser frequency shifts up and a correction of the pump current is needed to maintain the SIL regime. It can be done easily since the hetero- II. EXPERIMENT dyne laser provides us a fixed reference frequency for the real-time observation. We revealed that it is pos- sible to stay in the SIL regime for a large range of the modulation frequencies and modulation depths. To prove that the laser was operated in GS regime we measured voltage from the diodes pins in case of differ- ent modulation depth. For modulation depth 8 V the minimal voltage on the pins reached 0 V during oscilla- tions and for modulation depth 1.4 V the minimal volt- age on the pins was bellow threshold of the laser, while the maximal voltage was above the threshold in both cases. The same results were obtained for modulation frequencies from 1 MHz to 100 MHz. We also checked different waveforms as ramp and square applied to the bias tee. It didn’t change the spectra dramatically, so all the results presented in this work were attained with Figure 1. Experimental setup. WGM modes excited with a sine modulation. coupling prism by DFB 1550 nm laser without isolator. Sup- ply current was modulated with a RF generator through a bias tee. Transmitted light was analyzed on the oscilloscope, III. GAIN-SWITCHING IMPACT ON SIL optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) and electrical spectrum analyzer (ESA). We started with studying in detail how the gain switching influence on the SIL. For an experimental study of the considered effect the A method of spectrograms was used for the analy- usual SIL setup was used (see Fig. 1). The WGMs in sis. A spectrogram is a visual representation of the microresonator with diameter 4 mm made of MgF2 were frequency spectrum of a generated signal as it varies excited with a prism. A peak contrast of the mode in with time. Spectrograms allow to clarify the temporal the transmission spectrum exceeded 30% for the criti- dynamics of the self-injection locking. The transmit- cal coupling. The internal quality factor was 4 · 108 and ted signal from the microresonator was mixed with a was controlled during experiments by the technique pro- signal from the reference laser and the beat-note was posed in [14]. The 1550 nm continuous wave distributed digitized at the oscilloscope with a sample rate up to feedback (DFB) laser without isolator was used. The 2.5 GS/s. We calculated short-time Fourier transform locking range at a critical coupling exceeded 1 GHz. with Blackman window. The DFB laser frequency was The laser power was as low as 1.5 mW which provides a slowly swept by the power supply and the frequency of linear SIL regime. The distance between the laser diode the reference laser was constant. The transmission sig- and the microresonator and between the coupler and the nal in case of non-switched and GS SIL are presented microresonator were precisely controlled by piezo ele- on the (a) and (b) panels of Fig. 2. The resulting spec- ments. The transmitted light was split into two parts. trograms are presented in panels (c)-(f), where (c) and First part was sent to the free-space detector and sec- (e) are for the non-switched SIL, and (d) and (f) for the ond one was coupled into single-mode optical fiber to gain-switched SIL with different scales. Time scales in observe optical spectrum or radio frequency spectrum the panels (a) and (c), as well as (b) and (d) are syn- with implementation of the heterodyne scheme. The chronized. The modulation frequency was equal to 1 light coupled to a single-mode optical fiber was further MHz and voltage amplitude was 1.4 V. In the (c) and mixed with a signal from narrow-linewidth fiber laser (d) from 2 to 4 ms one may see unlocked laser frequency (Koheras Adjustik) and was proceeded into fiber-input evolution. Without the gain switching one blurred line detector with 40 GHz bandwidth. The signal was ana- is observed, and with gain switching it is changed to lyzed with oscilloscope (100 MHz bandwidth and sam- a broad frequency range. In the (e) and (f) the lock- 3 Figure 2.