VOLUME uaxn NO. 23 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE New U.S. Propose Police Satellite Atkins House Move Executive Post In Orbit Rejected at Meeting The Atkins bouse, which has stood at M Moamoutk St more In Middletown than 71 yean, will till by the May Cive Data wayside about Oct. 2. A request by P. William To- maino. 117 Hudson Ave.. to move Cold ThU Morning? Would Head To Help Map the bouse wa» rejected last night at a Red Bank Pluming Board It Waa a Record Early risen who lek edd Department, Space Routes UaMg C Bilow. M Rohm a. ItUdMown. president of Bile . this morals* when they wake CAPE CANAVERAL, Pie. (AP) |Iac, which plans to erect a com- act, had a right to. A new Topping Hoyer -The Vsaguard HI satellite soar- bination tavern and liquor store recerdfer the eeldeet Sept. II MIDDLETOWN - The Town, ai tote orbit today aad revived at M Monraouth St. told The Re- was set. ship Committee will meet to ex- gister the building will be L O. f. prestige la tbt WlUam D. MarUa of the Lang ecutive session within the neat moUshed. Work will start about few days to consider a proposal Oct J. he said. Branch weather station said the by Commtttecman J. Crawtod temperature was « degrees at Compton for placing an executive KMT MONNOVIH -Ha light a subdtvit- makes powered flight, A roaster tall of datt risen behind the rocket 7:11 a. m. The eld record was police officer in charge of the ion on a lot on the southwest cor- ship X-15 at it skids to a landing near Edwards AFi, Calif., at and of its first pow- degrees so Sept. U, 1H7. department, over Police Chief Earl N. Hoyer. jeer of South St end Pteckaey Rd. Take heart, through, the ther- so be could move the two aad ered flight. The successful test brought noarar the time whan It will attempt to Chief Hoyer toM The Register one half story Atklas noose to blast o man to the odgo of space. IAP WircphotoJ saemeter will rise to 71 toner* last night that if the plan goes the new lot through, he wiU "fight It all the The proposal ran Into strong way—including court action, at I waa hsM toad aad '" B from Councilman necessary." Its* a. aa. It la etai P. Oakley, Khrushchev to Take Debate L.ive Music I do not want to criUdxa any* IhaAnqraaM arittce chairman. Ha said there one—became we have some ex* be too much disruption of cellent officers in the depart- service and damage to Featured ment," Mr. Compton said yes- trees to issue a permit for mov- terday. "But I do not fed then With U.S. to UN Floor Today Is anyone in the department with NEW YORK (APHTbs great The Soviet Communist boas, af- wiU be the highlight of an- n Red Bank sufficient experience and the typo kt v m all the borough's main business Soviet-American traveling debate ter three full and nigged days of other day of heavy schedule. Ii Three outdoor "live-mutic" at' of experience for the typo posi- The Impound satellite was °« * ^° " *° , „ streets would be needed. moves today to the stage of the touring, lost his gene rally expected he will tion which is being proposed.'' boosted aloft by the last of the pad at Capo Canaveral, Ha. Iain will be featured next week United Nations Assembly, with temper momentarily in public nake some new surprise an- in Red Bank to celebrate Live- The official said be has a candi- Vanguard rockets. The Van- carrying a 265-pound transit Faced with this opposition. Mr. Nikita S. Khrushchev, already last night But he quickly recov- nouncement regarding disarms- Muiic Week, Sept 20-26. date in mind but that the name gumd. once the scapegoat for satellite cane. Satellite was Tomslao withdrew his request showing signs of testiness, re- end bis usual aplomb. meat. Already be has promised Arrangements, made possible cannot be diuloaed at this time. American space failures, thus The Soviet Premier's appear- Soviet proposal on the subject. detigned for experimenting As a result the board wilt con- ported ready to spring a Russian through the American Federation Further I ended ita hard luck history on alder his request to subdivide the surprise, ance before the world organize- Khrushchev has centered much of Musicians, Musicians Perform- • litainphant note. with a global navigation sys-property at 70 Ptackaey Rd. at of his attention in the Commu- ance Truit Funds of Local No. "We must discutt this matter The auccess followed two tem. It was later announced Its Oct 14 meettag. nist- debate on the idea 399, will Include an outdoor band thoroughly in conference before too much can be said." ha added. straight American apace . that the satellite did not go The property at 71 Ptaekaey that the Soviet system inevitably concert, folk festival and an eve- Just M hours before, a Thor- Rd. measures lOOxlM. A two end will overwhelm the Western way.ning of dancing. Under the proposal, a man into) orbit. I AP Wlrephotol Scrap One Zoning from outside the township would Abte racket Bzded la ta attempt one-half story house ta located Was in a question-and-aiifwer Working with the musicians to y bo employed. to place a 3a*pound aavigatioa Mr. Tomiino wants to MO discussion of the two systems make this affair possible are tetaUte to orbit On Wednesday. met the stocky, 5-foot-S Russian borough officials, Parks sad Rec- The proposal follows on the HU Getting m LUtU rear portion of the property y, heels of Township Committee dis- a Jupiter miasile carrying mice -which measures Stella oa Soud ddl b hi reation Committee and the Red and trots oa a apace flight ex- Change9AskAnothersuddenly snapped back at his ciplinary procedures ia two re- Crowded Up Then St-to build a new house. audience. Bank Community Chamber of 1 l.aaa feet above ita launch- -*• NEW SHREWSBURY - Bor- cent police cases, and a depart- However, by cresting soother Threatens to Walk Commerce. mental shake-up. WASHINQTON (AP() ) -The lot-with a house which would ough Council, at the suggestion of ChrUtmma h Only Khrushchev even threatened to Chief Hoyer was involved indi- The flops came white Soviet thtad ssaaa at sna 1 face on South St-the rear yard Planning Board, last night, walk out of the W«kJorf-Attori» Premier MUta Khrushchev visit- of the boose at T Hackney Rd. scrapped aa amendment to the Featured in the program of rectly ta one of the cases. 98 D*y Avtmy Hotel's grand ballroom, where he In February, after an investiga- ed thta country, basking ta the would be only II feet Mr. Tom- toning ordinance setting op aa was addressing the New York events will be John LuckenbUl. _ j djVaeadBssMa*ai olno tenathrely agreed to remove Aim R-S residential tone ta the aouth- who wiU conduct a 21-piece band tion and bearing, the commit- Of Wmmmjm Economic Club. His audience tee voted no charges against Po- six feet of the house to glva aim pert of the borough. was made up of about 2,000 of in Marine Park Tuesday at 1:30 •trite- a 29-foot setback as required by The amendment was vetoed last p. m. Mr. LuckenbiU and a smal- lice Lt Kenneth Luker add Pa- the country's top industrial and trolman Dominick Furiato. fol- the sonlng code. The house is la by Mayor Karl K. Baron, business leaders. ler bend played concerts in the The aataUss was lbs third put an A-l residential sons. first thne ta the M*tory of pork this summer. lowing the destruction by fire of op ta 11 trice by the V Khrushchev had been answer- a %Ujm vacant house ta Bel- He Indicated that oveatoafly i borough that such action has Ing questions with the same show Stan Mclntoeh end bis Scottish Bag-Pipers will play Wednesday ford, owned by Mr. Compton. he would Kke to . |of )avtau> he bad displayed ear- The house waa destroyed be- Then a guest sight The program will be simi- lar to the one presented during luse of a W-mlnute delay ta al of which' completing a fire alarm through Sovtet-Ameri- the Art fustlial in Red police headquarters. The two lots, two wHt*8ot trott- cae ajmorstandtog, were not the last June. poUcemea had been ea duty at ago, aad one wtm Mast front- Russian people allowed to listen Mr. Mclatosh and the time. age. AD would bo IM Hot propertv adjacent to the to U. S. broadcasts? Why weren't will conduct the folk festival, be- They blamed the delay on tele- Plre Ii those He called the American uewtpapara and peri' ginntag at 1:15 p. m.. ta front of y y i aa Ice cream coat. Mr. Tomatoo said me bouse at odicsls allowed to circulate free- the Monmouth County National phone equipment failure aad Vaafaard m U saade of • _ 7* Pmckasy Rd. now is The council, also ea the advice ly? Why were American news- Bank oa Broad St The street wiU dialed that men had been negli- •eetam aad flbetileae. tt conaMa rocket. bath be blocked off for the occasion. gence. eupied. A small fire ia a Till of the Planning Board, Introduced men's dispatches censored saassmt^smTm^ssm efassasst at a Stock sphere with a JWach rear room ceased slight damage mother amendment changing The acene will return to Marine Khrushchev parried: He and In July, Detective Sgt John H. tuba imasMg from tt. The tube to the house Sept 11. sMenttal arena Into President Elsenhower-had atreed Park Thursday at I p.m- Pete ta tapered from I to 2tf inches b Bernard KeUenjrl, chalrmaa of either industrial or commercial their discussions would not in- Galatro and hia 14-ptoce dance McCarren resigned from the the Subdivision Committee of the volve Interference In each other's band will play for social daactag. force aad Detective Sgt John B. U the tip of the cone is a Shrewsbury Planning Board, said Mr. Tom- tafM OOVWmmf f*W pfCMC Internal affairs. All affairs an open to the pub-Kelly waa demoted to pa to miasan the aino's request originally received grouads wiU be changed from a There were groans from the lic. No admission will bo charged. for two . cats pock- approval Friday alghL bat oa audience and somebody shouted: after a police car accident which Fund Drive rcsldcotitl to M todustriaL to departmental eta of radtattoa. The later deliberation. BatoaiAiea "Answer the question!" by a M vote. A The area was extended to In. UP To Start Work a maa> of the safest route to the dslon of the commJttse is nacea- Dates Picked chide the property of Mr. Car- The Premier blew up. His face then chairman of the poUce saooa aad other planets. SHREWSBURY - The month ury for approval. Bscaaea the ton. The attorney had asked the* committee rejected the request, mittee, res The Nattoaal of Hoveeahsi has been selected Us land be Included In the change "I'm aa old sparrow, so to say,On New Marina lowing the JOT t it was placed before the entire as It was "not suitable for re- and you can't muddle me with g the board of directors of the HIGHLANDS — Work will be- the euccieeful otbH * hours Shrowsburb y Community Appeal board (or eoaaideratlaa. sidential development" your cries." he shouted. "You was replaced by Major Prank P. The other changes Included in might not listen to me if gin within II days to two weeks M miavtae after launch. It said for its fenda drive. g you on a new $296,080 marina here. Sgt. Kelly hat taken court ap- the aew aateUte is expected to Meeting last night in me Proa- The committee said H rejected the amendment are: A section of don't want to, but surely you peal action on the dsmottan aad awiag aa far out aa UN miles an R-l son* edjacent to Shrews- show enough hospitality According to Irwn Levy, Sea bytofian Church, the board chose the request because there was no Jury Finds must Bright, he expects to have pile to space and as dose to the earth Saturday, Nov. 7. for the kkkoff 21-foot setback for the bouse at bury Township and the Superama not to interrupt. If you have Store, tol-l Industrie!; and chant- desire to listen to what I ha' driving equipment working on the Mr. Hesse. Chief Hoyer aad 71 Ptockaey Rd.. aad because Sgt. Kelly had hem In the police to the orbits of Vanguards Kialin Gtulty teg ea R4 aone In Pine Brook to to say, I will go." protect shortly. "porch-light" ctoor-todcor can- the subdivision "would be detri- The new betia will accommo- car. which waa driven out of n. mental to the neighborhood." a commercial sons. This urea Is He offered to answer the ques- bounded oa fas eouth by the rail date MO boats, with completion to a ta »Yaar We The Mr. KeUcnyi opposed a aaovc at tion If there were no uiternip- Park, Just prior to the aecMaai Ha. 4t Victor* PL, road, oa mo east by Wayside Rd,ttons. Per MMCQaWS tlWft scheduled for Mey. thesmythe last Bight's mssuagti The driver of the car, Dot Sat. en the wast by Hamilton Rd., aadMMttCtf* KlJ Jwv calmed do Mr. Levy Is the owner of the Mr. Imythe >tl to the oa the aarth by Ptae Brook Rd. See Bright Landing, a IM-boat McCarren, who waa alone at the » to « yoaia. Thsy said its ra- the proposal aad continued: will succeed Abraham Zagcr, AfamW mmml mmWfP*al The area also Includes a triangle The question of what our pub- beiln. time of the accident, waa "oa i Mrs, Harry teAttiac House. The new project It located on call" status at the time. He saM nanray feildante sht lic totoas to or roads should be Jr. MajaMaC. aad Hammaa Rds. ' decided not by say outside gov- the Elmore tract in the Water Both Mr. Hesas and Chief Hoy- ha givea a chaaee to appear at kd Witch vicinity. er came ta for criticism durtaf ata. BWr, the Oet 14 meeting to comae*. apbyeaaaty hautat oa the now ernment or influence, but by oui fooarems secrataiymldwls a taaraKlatksabaaM M W0 QO Octi 1. own people and government." Facilities wil! include a restau- the course of the cose heertag. eapceted to whlrt if they so desire. Pah. 4, IW. rant, tackle shop, cocktail lounge, Oa July 2, the department wag ter, troaaurari James PltojeraM, Bttow, Inc.. plans to 4, IW. la The council eaproved the Is- Once agata, ta Ms formal talk. > fOf 3*IM JWfl. Ml BfOaM treasurer; tad Charles dasMamael •smyW faaVomtfetlamm e^ammft offices, and possibly a repair "reorgeniiod." with Cspt. Ray- after U oae-etory, glass frost building, OTMB Wf l4*MewllW Viable D (Continued ea page 3) shop. mond WaUlag placed at the head 4taM feet Approval of transfer >*e Alberta V. ~. McCormick and WaHar Mr. Levy said that plans alto of the detective dtvialoa tad the earth ta not round, but aUght- The offlcen wUI h of a plenary retail cansumption next Thundny night C. Witt Jr., call for showsrs, lockers, a hy- Cape. William Woodward as head with broad package prl- draulic lift and parking area. of the patrol (uniform) division. TH-theeteeofa Mr. Courter reported receipts from tamuei aiberbtatt. The berths will be equipped af $M».N lor the IM drive. tefaMllf M MOMMVtll TvV#TBf tosttyataft Chariea FreakaL Aebury Park. with electricity, water and gaso- In August, Sgt Joseph Mc- 7* MOMAMQI lt<| WU fllVM by line. Carthy, after betas transferred The recent Jupiter aad Thar- atoagh Council At* IT. Her /aha , nlfli sencaggrttcajatlai isr fhsatoto. The new basta It about 12 blockt to the detective division, waa pro Abta^ faltans wore The Afctas House ta from the aswly completed High- eaoed by two SOCOSBM Las* year the American Cancer ' Marias. (Continued on Page Two) ^Tao raskat plane X-ltmeet Ito m -^ _^^^___^ fllammt tasmfJ aamitodw BeVrards Air Pane Baas. OMMM a( Boy Scouts; Arrest Three Late News craft dawa at l.ait County Family SJM MINfOLA, N. Y. (API —County hotrtn awfhorltlot asy there Is "ttrana. ovldonso" that three youths oaatratt* of Oiri Boys in Thefts County Maatal Haatt From Boats od serum hopatltli from being taftaosd at New York City's ATLANTIC MOHLANM - tltls, an Inflation traneailfted throwfh the Moodatraom, ro» N Ii hoped the X-U wil psao- Three youths were arrested yes- perteetrv hillt ono in 10 vlattma. InttooI m sattaa s Into the skyy and IPCA; WO; and the terday Isr ft series af thefts from M d f UN J Community YMCA. hM n top speep d of UN m.pJi. U boats anchored hi the lateter vie yyear. yacht harbor. KttUNTtUOCH, (AP) —Pwobrobaaotb) mmA m —,_k^^aa^ Attaa ak. OeSOptJiSO SMP UC0M0 According to noHct, the mefts had bean occurring since Aug. IT, site over aMriy(ttmUa,»MuleOto ABC CoMpUlnl PMR 4w WatCnOli MsMMVi raaae from Cope Canaveral yes- KBANUURO - The Alcoholic compaseesp . aaremeurs, Nsjaor, M Beverage Control Division has and fifirre sttllh tk Vaagaard III, traveUag IMH from the laraar craft to the har- H Miles aa hour, makes a circuit of thh e plenarl y retell eon •M earth ta l» minates. It sumption ttosasa of Sea Play Ian, the heaviest of all U. I. sal* 114-1II Bsaehway, for II days TWO HURT as to the value aafdwltof sat Mami a taken. tAV COiaim—The Movowan First Aid Souad IUMKA, Calif. I API—A commercial Mima, boa* JjtooatUI to erbH oacopt the b> for tdllag alcoholic beveranas hall ptsyen te latoaicated person*. Two loMhall f Ii ON deoked out — ot Is ttio entire borowejh — l th0y Mid Haopitolyeo with only ono life preserver and five crewmen was reported launched Aag. 7, which The defendant pleaded soa-vult TiMb^ri wtrt rttoMttf In On tfitwrt tor tiilMiiMisMpi«u In aroaeratioK for tko Mf day tomorrow, The squad will tlnklnej In the ttormy Feelflt Oeaen 70 mllot af the north, te the chtrgs, Since the bar op- Ml CUMOdV af their pa rente, Choriei Frank, II, af mark lt» llth blrtfcdey with a (Mrede to lecture 111 em California aoatt today. Two othor Hatilrtej ere ft want aretes oa a teesonel bails, the tavealfe procotdmgs. « LlUlsa PI, MlddUtowa, auf units from many parti af the ttote, and five besuty PIMMIU penalty will be imposed at • later u IO poncft j« mred a broker ftoger ea his rlaht dawn yeiterdty wlthaut lets af Ufa •• the f)rtt Pairfta Had Beak firemen yesterdt date. II d two 14. adatHtod to ROeMi WIIUOM KOOMf, wt Of T quaint, Including Mitt Now Jeriey. There will be a fire- ttorm af the teeton bettered the Humboldt eeuttty eoett bumed down • barn at the ' thffli, and thai rnugMy 10 Ward La, Rumasa. put a tuoih works display at nlf ht. The vels estimate tome 1,000 to with hlfh wlnei one1 ratn. The Ceatt tuerd tale) It re- Of Maple Ave. Plre Chief Albs trsfi were Involved. The thefts through Ma Up. It required ana 1,000 portent will marsh In the perede, whlah ttorti at eelved a dlitrsit metteoe from tho 41-foot fUhlna. vettel T. MacDoMld Hid (he action wst t R>i> l.fint *•> uuelly look plec* In lh» late •tilth. Inih were reieeeed ai- a . t Inl M'tiNwulll M. IM f (MS 2:10 p. m. Mabel lota leit nlo>t. 4l lafternuon and early avtalag. tor treatment 99% gfMM aWjffp%» WaW vWlaap M* P^a» 2a»a» tt*. \*. m* uasm Ocea. Ave., lead, 99X4 at aV ffaUT Borou^i Cnwtkfllnele Cifcrf »h-^,> Assessment Appeal improvements. Gted by Curry Smith Dies and personal. $990. ATLANTIC H9OHLANDS -"I WALTER BOSKET Alt*. L. Victor WeU, Estate. Walter Boskey, 149 Sptteg St. MOROANVULS - Mra. Mary Its Campaign • ant oae who kaHavea Atlantic At Age of tt Mehmda Madden. 79, of Tens Fifth Ave., New York, for 973 Highlands Is going down hill.1 died last sdght ia his home. On Eatontown Land Ave., land, $4,044 to $t> FAIR HAVEN — RaaubUcaas EAST HAMPTON. L, I. . - Rd., died yesterday m her home Curry, candidate for Gilbert Potter Smith. Coral Mr. Boskey waa bora la Red a ieagay DJaees. 009. Improvements. $10,099 to $2, got their election famfntgn un- in a a retired 000. sad personal $1,000 to $100 — der way last night « the home IB opeaiag •«% bofore th> real estate developerdl , died yester- contractor. Ha waa an Army vet- Heard by Tax Unit stipulation. Improvements. $9,000, of Mayor Russell H. Minton, Republican Club. Georgia and waa the daughter and personal, $700; L. Victor day at his summer home hen eran of World War I. a member of the late Sam aad Mattia Jonas. Church St. This is not a matter of opin- of Shrewsbury Post 199, Ameri- Weil Estate, for rear. 104 Ocean Local candidates for office, after a short illness. She was the widow of Will Mad- LON BRANCH — Decision was Center being built on Rt. 15. i." Mr. Curry went on. "The Mr. Smith, better known u can LagkM, and of Trinity Epis- dux. reserved yesterday by the Moo- Mr. Kirsch said Mr. Samuels Ave., land $1,500 to $M0. and im- memben of the GOP Executive evidence ia all around us., Down provements, $4,400 to $200 — Committee, and the executive Uncle Gilbert," wu the senior copal Church, Red Bank. Surviving an a sea. Win Mad- mouth Couaty Board of Taxation has adjoining land in ocean through the yean wa have had member ot the Smith Organisa- Surviving are his wife, Mn. dor Jr., of HiUsboro, Oa.; three on an Mseument appeal by Township amounting to $100,000. stipulation, improvements, $9,400. committee ot the Women's Re- record of growth aad financial Ben Realty Corp., 170 Broadway, publican Club attended. tion, prooasaors and reflnan of Catharina da la Motta Boskey; daughters, Mn. KatJa Smith and Fredrick H. Samuels. South He said he has inquiries on the stability: It totru e today. Alongmarine oils and manufacturen of two sons. Walter Boskey. Jr.. at Mrs. Lffliaa KaJght. both of Orange, for 112 acres of undeve- property from business clients — land, $11,090 to $10,009, aad Im- Mn. Gladyys C. Hunter. With the growth of the town have provements, $19,099 to$19,09 0 — tive protein feeding supplements. home, and J. Ernest Boskey of Newark, and Mn. Grace Towler loped land he owns oa Rt », "but not one inquiry for indus- committee chairman, was lacnased property values The Smith Organisation oper- tipulation, improvcmetaa, $8,440. in chart* of orgaabdag Little Silver; a brother, Harry J of Matawan; a slater, Mrs. Cora Eatontowa. try." and an influx of the kind of peo- Towler ot' MoraaavttleMffl ; ftour Hsrry S. Rowland, a member Abo. Eugene P. Kenny. II Bid- a committee or 100 persons to aa-ple any town can be proud of." atss Hs own fishing fleet, redoe- Boskey of Rod Bank: and three The board will study further 24 tkn plants and boat yards along graadcltildna, «ad eight gnat- other appeals brought before it of the* Eatontown Board of Asses- well Ave.. Jersey City, for 1179aist ia the etectioa drive. Philip sisters. Mn. Jeanette Rebscber at a hearing in the Municipal sors, said, "We may have made Elberon Ave.. land $7,709 to$J , The Women's RepubUcaa dub tioa oa the rec- the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of of Middletown; Mrs. Clifton Van- 040. Improvements, $9,409 to $1.win aid the executive committee Mexico, including one in Port Not* «( Fair Haven aad Mra. The funeral win be ham Mon- a mistake on this assessment" ord of the couaed, waning dub day at 2 p. m. m Sooosm Bap- He said the board was under 000. aad personal $1,040. tono -in helping net vn»<~ - '-*« Monmoutb. N. J. Approximately Mildred Woodward of Eatontowa; Decisions era expected ia two thing — stipulation improve- memben that they would be 73 yean ago, starting as a boy two stepdaughters, Mn. Oliver tist Church of FnaboM, with to three months. the impression the purchase price baton the Sept 14 deadbaa, faced with "another Democrat Rev. T. M. J_i _ BB^ssaPwa^a' a ^psa«ia^^a was W4.750. The information was ments,. $3,090, and personal, no- Mn. Hunter aaio u.. *tt of 15. la complete charge of a j Maxoa of Oklahom*i, SUM! Mn. Appeals were heard from Man- thing; Raphael F. Vod, 109 Park plga of half truths." processing plant located on Fin H.,^ McGoUrick of Platofleki, Burial wiB jo ai. MapU- mouth Beach, Eatontown. Ocean- reported by the state, ha said. will be meeting rogularly between "It worked last year becausbec e Ave., land. $2,909 to $1,940, and now and election. Island, Mr. Smith, together with and three grandchtMn wood Cowiataiy iNMaT flav •fac- port West Long Branch, and Also appearing for Eatontown ppeoplp e wen not ggiven the full tion of the W. H. improvements, $5,990 to$3,90 9 — GOP candidatea hen an W, his brother, the hue J. Howard .The Wordea Funeral Homo, 'Long Branch. was Henry J. Saling. borough at- s.$1.0 story. ThiThis year they wilill bbe giv- Smith, built up an orgaalutioa Soa Funeral Home. torney, and Theodore W. Me- tor mayor aad Jeasa t, Rod Bank, ia in charge ot ar- A postponed appeal from Mate- dtoay. James L. Daviaon, an the fall story and rt won't which is recognized today u wan also was heard aad another Guineas, another member of the Fraads Flora. Ml Bu work. raagmants.t TWINS INK AFTB* B3BTH Ave, for 994 Rt 19, land, $1,900 Dr-.. Edward W. Stratum, all for he said. a leader in the menhaden fishing one from Bradley Beach. Board of Assessors. RicharRih d Bennett, wmafil candi- Industry. LAURENCE HARBOR - Twin Two Appeals Postponed until next Wednes- toSlJO* RoccoAvMte,99Uak» The first two an a>date, said he is proad ot the slate Ave., Maplewood, for. Marine cumbaats. For many yean. Mr. Smith HAunr of Mr. aad Mn. Patrick Mr. Samuels filed two separate day In Asbury Park was the ap- aad cased upon the dab todevot e served u president ot the Cook BROOKLYN — Harry Edal- Hourlhaa. 99 Lakeside Avu» Lau- appeals — one for 79H acres of peal of Fred J. Happrorh, 21 Tar., land, $319 to aothlag; LU- Uan O. CeUl. 79K South Fifth Swan Oil Company, Bayway, bergI _, 70, Sheffield Ave.. Brook- nace Harbor, died property and the other for 79% Lone Oak Rd.. New Monrmwth. "Wahava N. J.. Importers, procesaon and rjm, died yesterday m Rlvantew short* after birm ia acres. They are across the high- for propetry at JO Neptune Hwy. Ave., improvements. $1,999 to$ VMan Fined for good record and a good ptsa. If 099 — stipulation, $309, aad Paul dbtributora of sperm oils, fish Hospital. boy Memorial Hoapmu, way from each other, he said. He seeks a reduction hi the we take it toa l the people, theyoils and vegetable oils. Bora m Russia, ha came to this Abo surviving art two broth- In the tint case, Mr. Samuels improve assessment from $5,000 J. Brook and Violet H. Brook, will ptace their confidence m us 179 MacArthur Ave., land, $999 Jobless Fraud He wu one of the tint develop-country tn 1919. en, John Michael aad Patrick said his currant to$2,S0». at the polls te November." he Joseph Hourlhaa; to ins, and improvements, $2.- concluded. an of Firo Island, fast off the Hei of the Work $24,499 and he would like it cut In a number of the appeals, Joseph A. Tomasello. 39. of 93 coast ot Long Island. Rita, Patricia aa to $17,200. The other tract is as-'stipulations" were set forth — 009 to $1,500 — stipulation — inv Mathtasoa St, Matawaa. yester- saeas Circle. New York Oiy. orovements, $200. day was fined $39 each on two Mr. Smith was bora at River- Surviving an hie wife. Mra. Heurihaa; pattnal gnadpomts. sessed for $32,00. Ho asked for meaning the taxpayer and the head. U I. on May 4, 1971, a eon Mr. aad Mn. Jsrsmls* Hoarihan the same reduction. local assessor reached an agree- charges of fraud in oMnlnlng un- Row Lash EdsRjsrg; a daugh- employment benefits. Selwyn Lloyd of the late Malaga and Mary tor. Mrs. Harry Popptck of Keyot- Matawaa; aad matanal grand- Testifying hi behalf of Mrmen. t on an assessment reduc- Scrap On* Hulse Smith. parents, Mr. aad Mn. Ralph Samuels waa William B. Kirsch, tion. But here, too, final decision He also received two 30-day port; and a son. Dr. Seymour (Continued) Jail sentences from Surviving an his widow. Mattie Bdetberg of Concord, Mass.; a Jacques of Keyport a Deal real estate man. Ha said rests with the county board. Presents Smith, and five nephews and be advised Mr. Samuels tobu y Here are the appeals: Red Bank MaghKratt John, V. stater, Mrs. Yetta Bell of New The funeral wiU be held today suance of a plenary retail con- nieces, all of whom an actively at 2 p. m. ia the Day Funeral the two tracts hut year. — John F. sumption liquor license to Charles Crowell. Tomasello was ordered York City, aad a brother. Ar- McKenna, 43 River Ave., for 19 to repay $219 ha received fromPlan to UN Home. Keyport Burial will be la Mr. Kirsch said the property I* Bruno and Sycamore Lanes tioa. They are Harvey W. Smith. St Joseph's Cemetery. amed for industry "in an ana River Ave., land. $999 to $990. Bowling Alley, Shrewsbury Ave. the state unemployment office UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. (AP) y York; aad aU grandchildren. within six months, or go toJail . —Britain's new disarmament plan BeauforBft t NN. C: OtiOtsi H. SmithSith, The funeral waa held this mom- when it should ha improvements, $3,090 to$1,90 0 — State AM Gilbert P. Smith, MKHELL A. HAYES Adding: stipulation. Improvements. $1,000 According to a complaint signed sems to drop some of the con- Lewes. Dal.; ing in the Bedle Funeral Home. Alio approved was a reques 3d, Moss Point. Miss.? Mn Michel! Antoinette Hayes, 19- "This hi worth about one-third — Margaret E. Haney, Harding by Charles A. Temler, senior ditions that have hampered East- Keyport with Rabbi O. H. Harry Rd., Little Silver, for 7 Ocean for $21,409 in state aid to cover auditor of the Division of Uiwm- West agreement in the past Charles M. Cubbage, Naveslnk Levine of the United Hebrew Con- month-old daughter of Maurice ofw hat business property is." River Rd.. Middletown, and Mn. and Beverly Hayes. 3U Pearl St. He admitted ho kaew the toning Ave., land, $9,759 to $2,500, im resurfacing of Hance Rd. from fNoynMnt Security, TonajaUo rs* British Foreign Secretary Set- gregation officiating. Burial waa provements. $2,999 to $990, and Sycamore Ave. to Newman ceived $144 from June 1 toJul ywyn Lloyd presented it toth Lawrence e I. Clarke, Locust Point hi Cedar Park Cemetery. Emer- Red Bank, died yesterday m RIv- when the hud was bought Rd.. erview HospitaL Also surviving Mr. Kirsch said be has asked personal. $200 to nothing — stip- Springs Rd. 11. and $79 from July 21 to Aug. UN Gene -al Assembly yesterday. ulation, land, $999, improvements, The mayor and members of the thus gfttiri in ahead of Soviet Arrangements win be In charge Is a brother, Maurice Hayes, Jr.. the Eatontown Planning Board to of the YanBey and Williams Fun- at home. consider making the area busi- $1,949. and personal, $200. road department will meet with Worlds* Premier NiUta S. Khrushchev, MRS. JENNIE C residents of Garden PI. todiscus * who promise J to present a Sov- eral Home. Newton La.. East The funeral wU! be held Mon- ness — but without success. Also, Frank and Ruth Hawk, Tomasello mid be wu working UNION BEACH - Mn. Jennie obtaining deeds from residents for an auto dealer during the time iet plan during his appearance Hampton. Services will be at the day at 2 p. m. m tiwF . Leon Under a proposed sonlng ordi- 17 Ocean Ave., for 13 Ocean Ave., East Hampton Presbyterian C Moll. 90. of Prospect Ave nance there, ha added, the mini- land $5,000 to $2,940; Frank and then covering three feet of land he collected unemployment before the Ass:mbry today. Harris Funeral Home, Red Bank. necessary for the paving of the checks. Because.he received $411 Lloyd proposed Church, toiaoHOW at 2 p.m. died yesterday ia the Seabrook Burial wiU be ia White Ridge mum totsin s for the property Ruth Hawk, for 37 Ocean Ave., Nursing Home. Keyport land, 94J00 to $2,599. and im- from the dealer on a "drawing in three sUges-.Tnt agreement Cemetery. would be five The paving cost Is to bo the present three acres. $3,909 to $2,900; account," Tomasello said he to stop nuclear trits and tech- Bon ia Red Bank, aba was the Na Ruth Hawk, for ISi property owners. thought he wu entitled to thenical study «onfe. ice on other Births widow of Joseph F. Moll. .WEATHER Ocean Ave., land, $4,300 to $3, It was reported that ana resi- unemployment checks. The $411 particular problem.; second, Surviving an three sons, Clar- fair mi The two tracts an not far dent now has objected because ence W. Moll of Summit, Arthur from the Monmonth Shopping 19. wu paid back from commissions gradual cutback ia .onvenOoaal L Also, Edward and oRse Sell, his assessment would be "toboe made on car sales, he said. arms and manpower and a cutoff Moll of Keansburg, and Howard high." The resident has Ma moat Magistrate Crowell denied in production ot fissionable ma- Mr. and Mrs, Francisco Cast- A. MoU of Largo, Fla.; two sis- River Ave.. land. $3300 to $3, ano. U9 Wast Front St. Red 040, and improvements, $2,909 tofrontage on the street of any el request by the unemployment terial for weapons, and. third, ten, Mn. Gertrude Vanderhoff the property owners. bureau to have Tomasello ropey "comprehensive disarmament by and Mn. Cora Oetrander. both of $1,900; Catherine and Louise D. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sherrane, Dresser, 111 West Front St, Bids will be received Oct 12 the $219 la throe months. Toma- all powen"-eU "under effective three brothers. Charles Red Bank, for 1 Naveslnk Ave., for the tasolines for borouch ve- sello said ha U married and has international c 31 VUiage Laae. Mkknetown, son. of this place. Daniel TUCKER'S hicles. Council engaged hi a leng- a 0.1 p. aam.fn.lm.gf $1,001 to $909, improve- two children. The West, which once insisted Hughes ot West Keansburg and "the Shmpemekert" ments, $1,090 to $900, and person- thy debate as to the relative that all disarmament Mr. and Mrs. Richard Milhrard. Leo Hughes of Keyport; 11 grand- al. $209 to nothing — stipulation, merits of low test and high test must be treated together aa a194 Wag's Hwy., Middletown. son, children and 14 gnat grandchil- building. $540; Peter E. Fleming, gas. Schedule Ride package, hu taken suspension ot this morning. dren. 19 Kings Hwy., Middletown, for Afteniwr thuie discussionuiwiHMi, council rn AS • ^~i» nuclear tests and prevention of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, The funeral wiU be held tomor- 9 Club Cir., land, $2,199 to$1,190 , agreed that all trucks and equip-TO Atlantic CltV surprise attack out of the pack- Catherine St. Red Bank, daugh- row at 1 p. m. in the Bedle Fu- MtffaliaH ter, this morning. Improvements. $1,309 to$1,100, meat use nremlupremium andgrad*e gasn«. . • age for separate " ' neral Home. Keyport. Burial will Heads of the police, fire and road PORT MONMOUTH r- A cake- Ia the **—»—*"^ of Mr. and Mn. Robert Rich. in Green Grove Cemetery, and personal $200 to $100. apartments informed the council — Mercury Corp., less cake sale was held at the the South Peak St. Keyport that their equipment fin auxiliary maetiag Taeedsy. this Atoar. 197 Market St. ea the Mga grade mat. Newark, for 219 Comenehe Dr.. A baa rids to A4ma5idl CaTwtly l •mark from one resident held Sept 39. Memben will wiU satisfy the Wait. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cap- T land, $1,900 to$900 ; Louis L. and hat the discussion was of a "pat- Mary M. Wtasiow, l$l Comanche leave the fin house at 9 a.m. U. S. Secretary ot State Chris- pock, 22 Prospect St, Atlantic | nature" drew a stem rebuke A tricky tra.y party. . . . to th• Uaen A. Hatter, who addressed the Highlands, sea. Wedaesday. ' Dr., Improvement*. $10,104 to 'ram Mayor Baron. $11499 — stipulation. $4,100. public will be held in thefin Assembly earner, said the Uattod Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Wood- TtiittioiialfaHbiMx. He reminded spectators of the house Thursday. States regarded the coming ne- awe. 99 Byrnes U.. Eatontown. — Gutdo budget hearing, at which time and Margaret Atessi, 34 Lake- Home-made clam chowder will gotiations u a major opportunity M. yesterday. Sskdiea resident* questioned the spending be sold the second Friday of aad hoped "the Soviet govern- Mr. aad Mrs. Mafvia Andres*. view Ave., land. $799 to$700 ; Im- practices of the borough. He each month. The next sale win provements, 92J09 to$1,909 . and ment will view them with equal 24 Daniel Dr.. Middletown. noted that It was the responsi- be Oct 1 from 19 am. until daughter, yosterday. personal. $399 to $109; Webster bility of the Rovernlns; bodv to p.m. S. Sturekea, 497 Monmouth Rd.. Mr. aad Mn. Thomas Jer- dtscuM those points to protect the Teenage daacee also will be i art of < toad, $U09 to $1,399, and im- best Interests of the taxpayers. Circuit MinUtmr norawaau. $4,904 to $1,909; bald the same nights from 7:19 Hamld Vena aad Don F. Perse, Adm. Andrew O. Shepsrd (USN- until 11 o'clock. Teenagers from Mr. aad Mn. Eugene Lainlag- 39 Hollywood Ave., land $2,200 toRet) assessor, reported that pub- II yean aad ap may attend. or. 299 Middle Rd.. Haslet, son. $1,909, improvements, $1,004 tolic hearing on the result* of the The annual Halloween panda this morning. $2,909, aad personal $200 to$100 . revaluation program will be held wiU be held Nov. 1. aad a party KM. rtrauc xottca Beach - TiUle Klug- wiU be held la the On bouse tm ttrllmn MUM "An ONIMM* c/o Jerome Alper, 2tf7 Held for study waa a report The annual Election Day supper Wtl M M lW Market St, Newark, for 419 Sec from Milton Mausner. horou<>«i wiu be held la the fin house attorney as to the ownership of a Nov. 1. end Ave.. land, $3,400 to $2,000, ef r»» Mm. m aad inprovemcnte $1,999 toS3 .right' ' of' way at the Swimming A Breakfast ia Hollywood party SS:«-WI 1 UM Mmr River School. ia Buck Smith's Restaurant. East - The attorney said that after la- Keanaburg, will be held Oct 9. WOBERT A. BRAUN — Uigt Peles, Van wtlgatioci of the original dead. A minstrel show Is scheduled for OMjej eBM^a^MjaBjuauwa enauuj eaa Brackle Ave., for Mala St., im- it waa fsund that the 99-foot strip '•*• » Rahmntle wiU begm FMr sfovemeats. $9,799 to $2,500. was dedicated to the borough at Oct. 14 la the fin house. «*•« a*a {jtjjj**** „_ Lang Branch — Bourne Chemi- a mad, but never accepted as "* at UM meeting wen OUR KTAL PUSHEK cal Corp., 19 East 49th St, New men by the borough. Mn. Margaret Haydan. Mn. bra with the magic insert that York, for Hulick St and Sain A sonlng variance wu granted RuthJi Mra. Ruth Kmg aad pals your carves iak> perfect Ave., Improvement*. $19,990 to Sol Graver toexten d his mar- Mn. JacqueUae Johnson $7,440. and personal, $1,909 balaaeel Coma see the half• ket, a non-conforming use, at MTCNTOWN nothing — stipulation, improve- the request of a neighboring reel- Oa wMMaaayi atoMo)aia#v ML IMP ments, 919,004, and personal no- ent. Mr. Crovsr agreed to keep Howell Man < wise A. if., i via M«I M faam famous petal pusher bra. Flaw Rose Bicosky. 110 Broad- the aurroundiag grounds hot oi. V Formerly of East i white broadcloth. way, for 21 Second Ave., im- 'ram trash. Still Critical wrsa A 32-14. IC 12.11 SIM provements, $3,999 to 11,199 - stipulation, improvements, HOWELL TOWNSWP-Wlndeo DamJaao Honored * SMMk lea our complete aelecttoa F. W. woohvorm. 17 Academy •net. 24, of Hewefl Trailer IS& bras and girdle*. St, Newark, for IM Broadway, • LAOH Branch Court Rt •. took a dose of rat land, $19,999 to $14,000, and im- LONO BRANCH - Ralph .. potoea last night state pt provements - $39,099 to $11,004 at Taaaeat Barracks reported. Damlaao. • local uadarteker. was Mr. Sweat waa roparttd tob e ' $4, honored by the Amerigo V< 999: Carol W. m ortttcel caamtiaa la VHkm el society Tuesday draw Laguaa. Tht Adams Mamorial Homa recognition of it me Watcaa la servma the Rod Beak Ccagre- JsmBBfXaasaaa*m aafllii I ~ tkmt wVaammt Tmm) fjiaaVt «m4ut -- •* woa9t%j^assgz\w wfjosa*. itw Tan WIBl BM Wlakad WerH^w $4 Broad St. Baak, at 1 p, a. A »mla- WIRTM. ^B^gfva^Sl pa^ig^J^ l| Talags Learaed." will highlight • program Saturday at 9 p. m. jTSi"'*"^"*"* g*jS*wf mejssm^ goJi e*< AftTCkUff MIMOtlAU Hunt EOMJO mr£'\i*8: CM i. s on.M 111 PI. J. INTEGRITY Al AN DISTINCTIVE •• ... To serve ravoraaMy... wWfc NIW MONMOUTH - A Mas- RjifwM1 NWlwBT V) BUfftlty tHv votary #iw iySj an mint wu held by me For active, comfortable, light- Christian Couatso Cmb Tueaday m the vklarty of Ml«null. weight control. Long-legged, aaaildoratlaa. At M time The treason wu fouad oa Al- aytao net, pia dotted *Jeo4 areed* or prise make bert Origgs' farm ta Now Ma*> any drfferene* la tha alaa White. I-M.L litl Mn. and Mn. Pawl thy ma* Worden Funeral Home iwneerdi wa have upheld Ptoao for the mtat. Mr. aad at aw wad •Mate tl.t. to lU.ffl Mn. H. Laurence Scott and Mr. M I. FlOHT Bttan Uf; lAMK In aw larvlae end" retaoft. ot Waal Lang aad Mn. WUIard Faster wen •Ikilllw is Sk A maotmg woo bsM la werna MrNrTaa. aad Mn. aJsMtstT'Sw! LONG MMNCN MONUMENT CO* (w. grove, Mr. aad Mn. Arthur TUCKER'S anfyiHiffiBn!"!? John E. Day Matty, Mr. aad Mn. Charies Wall *(., CAplial MSOO, WoM Utag Brouado nA mmg^gjaj"»a •WOJOJSWagJI^BmBBBfBl I^BPaWafluaaaamTaalH aoMOIssf^gguJa ••gukdi• fJamMM^gak^^wasIi BImJ BJB^^Mw ^ MM^_^LM& Cor—t$ mid Linger!* Dtfmaiarfor, Mr, aad Mn. Wai- tor Juaie. Mr. aad Mn. Oeae •tnctlna for yaur comfort and convenience. Yeur Funeral Home CJulmo, Mr, aad Mre. William r •RANCH OFPICI end DtSPtAY wiU be saaad during Hue period aa osatlawtoty aad Robert*. Mr. aad Mrs. William Furry, Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond IMX »n< M***M •• • rtauMf imttlns MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. O•ff MM §»v,f»li>§»v,f i hfMr «• h«M .1 efficiently as la the past 41 yean. IN Williamson sad Wealay Cormraa. Ik* fcwieii Mill fur Mtv«n N I Keyset* Braseh 941 Maste PI. «l whl«ll tlma in.1 •*•»• fttl |«rlntil TIIISHII 7-H4I "SSSSSSf. Delaware waa first Milled by •IMirwi in '•• Iwtril IhcrM* "ill M HAMY C. F. |l»« full »»|N»liinll> JAMIS A. ROURT •• Nea-leriarlaa tip) Dulrh and laur by and I'inni MM Z* ^ •••".• i \BaMy Timed Seek Restraining Against Demo Chib Prcxy Heart of Curriculum im Mrs^%^n. NaUta S. Utem MEW SHREWSBURY — Re> Sot tickets to The vllstlalag fas laeguage arts will whue us loyal. 1M . dMknerk It the beat they N a gealtds year of Shrewsbury Americas* sre attll waiting? ^ _^— c |to Nsw York had aa her* at a meeting Mr. Malooe emphasised. "Poo- plt who writ* u a vocatkm to- 'dob. by coaseat of From Uadargarlen throuch *••» *ed cornet th«ir nock many Mr. Smith is eighth grads-readlni. handwrlt- ««•». •*« why slmld we egoct strain Mr. lag, spotting and oral tad written leu from boyt and girls? Writ Citizenship Day lag the by-laws of ft* Eaflith wUl become tho "heart tag li a talk tbtt require* skill aa Maybe Mr. K. of die curriculum," he said. weU aa hard work but the skills stand Americas* but Mrs. K. Mr. Smith la Involved are essential not only beglaaJac to. Just like yoar Aaat Day Observed have the court restrsJa Mr.! to one's tnpeow la school but MlUle from Iowa, Mrs. K. said ITKBEHOLD-Nattoaal Ottoea- alio ts one's future success." the New York pace was making skip Day was observed here yes- For tho tint time ia the her "dtay." •KANO OflNIN*—WaH's -fwnrhir*. Rh 3», MioMlotow*. kad its grand p9 Shrewsbury Township SOB forget marveled, at our yesterday. Tha stars, formerly Hy's Furniture, ha* bean expanded. Walter Uebo. handwrltinf will be based oa theskyscraper* but added. "I would witt, Clifton, is tho owner. Tho store fatter** mme-bcend fvrnrhir* «t discount RlcberdB. Barks, Syitan of Directed not Ifte to live in such high sttoraayaad ntadwrittag. price* for living room, dining rowm and booVoom. sssedstJsa's A rwiltist la Any day now. the tint family visit ma ncboi _. of Soviet Russia win be telling w WOTS Wlfn VM^MefV MM «r "TUnYmirlisnlfastofetnwIiltnwIi t Board Hits Council Failure udtoectmg this part of thebatfwealoVtwuttoUvemtra/' And im, tho aapariateadsat said. that would bo too much. NEW YOU (AT) - US AU three schools wfll be Halted t d ^ailalsi GBDfW%to Pott Crossing Guards iMoaday by the coaoultaat to ia- ItfOflUOO thf hdritl^ t KEANSBURO—Failure of Bor- Evans sad tm *--' ^^^^^S>*B»AA IA a» up, part of st the hard way. He ough Coaacn to provide crossing and members of the bar to la*pi»*o she legibility Propes* Polie* guards for the opening-of school fJ K Y., M aaDm to fas aerft. (Coatiatiea) brought sagry commente from _T»M a. m. VWt warn Mrs. the Board of Education * "lUaomj." Mr. FraakBa D. to ttaawaaaaL aad Pttvot* Fraak W. night r«MMit«t of the bar sssodittoa. "wfll eoathMa to be to the grave el While It was the general opin- aat a part of the overman program vated to sergeant This month. Patrolman Daniel ion that the police department JW can as It baa atom boas. All the HjwM sraim had bean cooperative, and the aria i S. Murdoch was assigned detective division. borough manager bad kept his i area the word to have riasswali* painted, -^ to takaa to ma Compton ssid yaatsrday # I overcome Tbe UteasUlcatiOB mat "at this point" tho commit the Borough Council had not pro- Lief eilSe write wan ha be able to WaldsrlAtterla where me ele- General Assembly. the crossing guard* as ami and writtaa eommunicatloa read and taJk weJL" vator earrM Mm op only M I p. sa. Jaaste Gov. Nsbaa tee is sot wholly agreed en the la me result of the Board of new proposal. promised to tho board last May. FREEHOLD - Eugene J. Paroata win be sdflsod of their Bsers betaro gotHag stack. The Ae RaCaasBwvlai* Of NsW YOfft OJl Due to the lack of crowing Nagy, IS, of South Amboy pleaded my fear? Bdneatka'i deaiio to tmptovt lbs ehlMram'a la the Ua- - bad to walk the WaMart Astoria. He said some officials favoi eurrieahjm, tho auperiatandoat elevating someone in the depart- guard*, aa Increase la the num- no defense before County Judge Wtsl CttfTtCBsMLsm DvefHgMste I.M p. m. Posett> _ John C. Gtordano yesterday to THE TRUTH •aid. lag tea* at Nsw Ystk CMy. ment rather than bringing, ia anber of patrol boys will have to "We betlera that Improving I ^ m. Attiais dteaer ajvoa outsider. be stationed to the immediate charges of armed robbery sad THIS vicinity of the school, board breaking and entering, the laaguago arts curriculum it Mrs. Kobert F. Wagner, wife "The name for this positloa." TBOOX tho daty of tho etomenti tary gasMtal of mo IMSSTNT ha said, "is a matter to be decid-members said. Nagy has bom accused of rob- of the mayor, gave Mrs. X. a WhUe the fotmaooa of a Safe- bing Abraham Solomon, owner of DISSOLVE acbool.- Mr. Maleae stated. "By New Jersey key to the dry but nobody gave m tho UN ed. It could bo police supervisor maktag oral aad writtaa.. or something else. I think the ty Patrol has me wholehearted the MorganvUle General Store, of IT FOR YOU t to Mr. X. HoWs he gonna title should be police ftuff'*. approval of the board, the par- $us oa Feb. XT: breaking Into News Briefs get back In or Isn't that a cm pose of tho patrol was to tup- Leo's Keyport Auction on Jan. i to dal qu«Uon? Khrushchwv sloner but 1 don't know whether Fear can vanish—you caa -A U- that name can be used under our plement the paid gaards and not r and robbing Arthur Lees, find yourself assured, salt* boy coOapaad aad cVad (Contiaucd) to take their place. and imrity fta a& Ms Mfeool y said the Soviets form of government Actually, of tho Cktb Pink, Sea comforted, with new couraga ir iht whfle be aad Khrushcherushche v baboastedd nat the though, the title is secondary. A letter win be seat to the Bright, of tMO oa March 1. me earth a IHth Borough Coandl to go forward—u you ponder To «tf ftt tafotf* am pro* aiao M naaa a Httla S. S. Rii would overtake the "What is important is that the I* * MUford D. Wiggins, II. of Mor- way, Mr. Maloat.aas MM PoUcesaid United State* ia mdnstrlsl pro- man would be the need of thetho promise to provide at least gan, aad Barbara Leach. M, of with an unprejudiced, recep- am of Mr. i rocket op there. tive thought the truth con- named oas David te ssy be made ductton more qukfcly than entire department, over the chief. three crossing guards (the board Wef^ Keaasburg. both pleaded no 415 Wood- planned. Then, possibly because He should be a person with ex- tained in thi* great booh, heavier stS). The perience in police work, act sole- Ing Immediate action to give pro- of of the makeup of his audience, connectiOB wtm mo louueiy Science and Health with Key ohOa Khrushchev called the U. S. gov-ly administrative work." tection to school children. Ave. Aa aatopay wm be •y *• Mr. Lee. to the Scriptures by Mary ernment's trade embargoes Veronica Cottrell. M. of Marl- writtea aad oral eserdaa a part aday to party adst «* te 1MM _ Baker Eddy. of tho program as well as to agaiut the U. S. S. R. In other business la the no defense to her of Wttal that, Ike catty Mr. Compton said the action hour session, Thomas Garrison, aool aaperiencea m carryiag out leu obstinacy." may be taken by ordinance aad part in the robbery of Leo's Key- You may read or borrow lea esperts as tewa are wenoer* superintendent, brought to the pert Auction. meshes of the NtMtlHPUtLO (AP) — The Flgbt that a referendum is not requlr- Science and Health free of Those teachers will report oa sag when Kfcrashchrv wffl real- board's attention complaints by ly aapaek. So far, he has "We are fighting and we wOlL Miss CottroU aad Wiggins were charge at any Christian Sci- level progress to Mr. Ms- fight against ail embargo lists a number of parents regarding represented by Edward F. Juska, track was iajured fatally yceter- "We now need a man who cancrowding of echool buses toMid - ence Reading Room. The es;Is Jaaaaiy and May. a car pmned him la trade as an unreasonable prac- pull this department together." Long Branch. tice." Khrushchev said. "This dletown Township High School. The four wfll be sentenced book can be purchased in red. agamst the rear of Us track. Po- be declared, "meaning all ele- Six buses are in service, with Uco aaM Fraak Mains, II, of practice disrupts the normal flow ments aad factions of the depart- Oct. I. green, or blue binding at $S TMCMTB . _ of International trade aad toads s total capacity of 2M stedmts. language arts chairmen are Mr*.NottbfleM, m stsndint at the ment." The superintendent and the traas- and will be sent postpaid oa rear of his parked truck when a to political complications." The proposal probably will be Pair to Represent Mabala Atchlsoa, Uaiargartaa; He scoffed at the ides portattoo committee have the sit- receipt of check or money Mrs. Alma Carhart. first: Mrs,ear drives by Charles Wstaon, M, introduced formally at the Sept uation under study. If necessary, Red order. of Wyaaswood. Pa, bit tha truck What happened to all that fine American \ committee meeting. Red Bank at Conclave Kathariaa Murray, seeoad: Mrs. me U. an additional bus win be added Mary Doberty. third: Mrs. Marie •»<• feet Wi tefc abort showing Khrasbcbev Chief Hoyer has been a mem-to alleviate the situation, board! ATLANTIC CRY— Fred Sat YoumsBS. fourth: Mrs. Laure' Shore Memorial the way average Americans Hvo? ber of the department since M» deamhl aad Richard So far. he has travailed i -SI years. VanNote, firm; Mrs. Ruth Zaha. Miss Dolores Ptttlus. EHsabeth Ktwsals ebrth; Mrs. helicopter He is * years old. Mandatory dim at the UN eoaventtea of the READING or private train. So far. bo baa Such was engaged as a Uadergartea seventh, end Mrs. EHsabsth Cos- retirement age ia 70. Nsw Jersey District of Xtwaals ROOM TBBNf I Ideal Beach, drew 17 youngsters or Park, here, is la critical eoa- laboratory period wifl he schsd- ss the 7 to 11 age bracket SomeCher's escort for ma tsar, ehJdsd tweea tha members of me budd- drasa la Paul Kiabau Hospital ing tad aled weekly." Fraak: Levering aad Mrs. Emfly 471 youngsters received certifi- Ia the laboratory p cates for basic swimming adueve- dds morning after her car struck procedure oa profscte. said, papUs wUl utilise the tods U. S. s treooa Hulse's Comer M. test Over the opaoaHloa of of eapreasiov a mat they ara e eae- The program wa« under the dir- "The M aa great aa eteabCokaad State poHce mid aha appareatry e^irlagdaUybypreeariagtorau] ofF» .Tasy ection of bead.** •t ft* Weat- maaagar. lost control of her car aad bit They wm uaa weterfroet dUector. me tree. The vehicle was hasty to you as you see far year. samaged. She suffered a possible east oa your tc shall structure aad arm sad fa- Spear, Leeds & Kellogg coaatry ' daTsll Jajarles. JmwOTmfamamlmmawVi atmmaVi aWa O*-f- If Khrushchev HowaH Tow mi*, he did aol it Wilson said ftare was as ^Jjpsrjwntom Sptrha lam- of msdbml east for Don't Miss tartyf durtedariag shft.e wam asrtod. paadteg farther sweattgatloa he aqaare Us avowed easstmr ChmTO** Tla*f» peaceful beasoafut ftl coesisteaoe wlft hb) ^TK^V A flcll« at shaft SbA A^iMtf^n aH^a^M *mm m m Changes Mind This Fabulous v. TTV . PT ^ ayassm ra a\aTl_ J *M-Alfred Pel- Am. of how systems to seothor ove 6-ritct there wss as reason why, aad Sal la cash from Ms the change progressed. there te police, the should not be peaceful was withdraw^ after "aa BmkBtdStl irem dumped Mr. lsM*,I ^iayba you waatod aaotaot* aa* OB Ms freat perch, •- he said. "But • girl who • child win aot rernssa a ssme'aZ glri. evea If tee esurt say* shatrees, ftattt fa* eaehwai Was H his PoMos aaM mat Mr of BfeT sorted klsctome* gad cask

"I can't awl of me aome. idpos for the preservsUoa Msa. -j ^^B»»»weWl^Ceatrstl;| w^ww w>B^p wm •he fSfHtsllit wllee, mm that the Items? sad

ft*).** Rev. Douma Miss Ceatrell Retigni Pott MONMOUTH- Rev. Mr. Fuller Md paHee later as Harry Downs hss saaoaaesd his leslgaaaoa as pastor of the Pert fJ l qfl JJoifi ffrtmsy JVIM *tU 9 P. If. Chareh. J*5m»m ^- * ^ Rev, saM mat he It to Ms M CafletesfO,i RRiajpjr'aae>l e sadwmoem pastoral capacity la churchot The Hathomar CWb nf me Roil ia die vicinity 'of the eollege. Bast Piwsbytefisa Cbuioh wiH He end hi* wife, the have Its first SMetlae, a Carroll Piralns of HI. Louis, Mf» party tonight la rMlde In Rd Prank's Ptcnle Orov* la Mr*. t)mima li a l*erh*r In In*del, starting ai l'.Mtprn

Tomorrow at AfCOSS Event LONO BRANCH - The Moav UNCROFT-The Trenton Clown AaHlian Out) waV eeterteia Saturday at hUdrea'a tattaT the pat show aad fair the Moo vHy b a card par*/ aai County Organisation for Historical Association kow Monday at I f •«•_••»• Service will hold at the [tOA Jchoei ground*, New- will be tw Aaprik. maa Sprtaga Rd.. between It a. To Tour Winterthur Front St, Rad leak. Pro- ' p. m. teds wiU be turned aver te> the FREEHOLD-Membera of the The dub will perform In coe- nteatg Camter ter anatity re- Monmouth County Historical At- irded chlldrea at « Moans oath foUbwiag Judging for best sodatioa aad their guest* will ahow-of the pet ahow. Ar- Graduate Nurse t. Rod Tuesday, Oct. < at tha At Tuesday's miettai hi the Camaata tor tha chib's appear- Henry Francis DuPont SaWe Wft nutoe oy Mrs. Ittdor outside of Wilmington, Braach ~arimaa ef Imlayetown. Del. Ira. Oaroace Yaewa. pwais'int After the finals are selected at Formerly Mr. DuPonfs home, •y- I:M p. m., and the winner of Winterthur now housej the na- the Bunny Fox Memorial Trophy tion'* finest collection of early to selected from among the blue American furnishings and inter- winners of pet classes ITS. Judged in the morning, the A special group of rooms will downs wiU start their act. be shown, along with a visit to Thextub baa voluntarily per- tapgardeaa. formed tor thousands of children, 'Guides for the tour are * many ef them ia hospitals and dally trained by the Winterthur Institution*. Arrangements for staff.' their appearance were mads by Buna will leave the Bon Bus Mra. fsador Perlman of Imlaya- Garage oa Globe Ct. Red Bank YOUR CHOICE town. at I a. m.. and the Freehold Following the down exhibition, aa Terminal at *» a. m. aa auction win he conducted by Those attending will bring box Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadles- aches. Tickets. ton. These are but a few fea- •d hrformattan it tures of a day-long program of the association's SI Miss Etta Scott Wed Miss Marie Gaglioti events scheduled to raise funds Court St, Freehold. for the MCOSS public health Only adult* are allowed. nursing program. Ms* Barbara I! In Pine Brook Church Cynthia Greig, Wed to Joseph Pillari ABINGTON, Pa.-Mil* Barbara NEW SHREWSBURY — Mies After a recepttaa at Reindeer's Marii Schwartz, Etta May Scott, daughter of Mr. oahawwalhal Frank LoFarro of New York J. Davis, daughter of Mr. and Sargant Bush, Jr. Rest Aabuy - - LITTLE SILVER — Mr. DARIEN. Conn-Mr, and Mrs and Mr,, jamee Scott of Ha** k^fo'r'TwedMai' t$ hla lab. Mrs. Bnmo GaglioU of N Silver- City waa best man for his cousin. Je«l Horberg Mn. Ralph B. Davis of 54 Wa- The ushers were Charles Pillari Oouglaa Alexander Greig have ton Rd., and Jamas B. Tiggs. Pocoaoa and Canada. They will white Rd. anaouace the marri- LONG BRANCH—Mr. and Mrs verly PI., Red Bank, was one of announced the engagement of son of Joseph Tigg*. also of age of their daughter. Mia Ma- of Port Lee, the bridegroom's make their home a Piae Brook. Schwartz of 7 their daughter. Misa Cynthia Bird Hamilton Rd.. formerly of New The bride was graduated from rie Gegttotl. to Joseph Pillari. i brother; Rocco MarswiUo. Red morial Hospital School of Nun- Bank, aad Russell Barlia and An- Ave. announce the engagement of Greig, to Sargent Bush, Jr., son York City, and the late Mra. tad Bank High School and hi of Mr. aad Mrs. Louie POtari ing. of Rev. Dr. and Mra. Sargent Tiggs, were married Saturday la Fort Lee. Sunday In St. Anthony' thony Zagari. both of Fort Lee. their daughter, Miss Maris employed at Progressive Life In- Misi Davis was data tecre-JBush of Church St.. Little Silver, the Pine Brook Zton Methodist surance ia Red Bank. The bride- Red Busk, N. J. Catholic Church. Magr. *uvetor After a wedding trip to Bermu- Schwartz, to Joel Herberg. son da, the couple will live in Red tary, vice president of the Stu-iN. J. Rev. Dr. Bush is associate Church. Rev. Charles J. But- groom to employed at Marlboro aia** vjp%^W#^Bsns*Bj BPavuvejSaWj a WBjXBvjp^Hjej^eeBw of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Herbert dent Council and a member of minister of the Red Bank Pres- terworth officiated. 14100 Tha church was Bank. The bride is employed by Hate Engineers of Red Bank. the yearbook staff and chorus. byterian Church, Escorted by her father, the Bouquets of aN white gladioli aad She has accepted a position as bride wore a full length gown camatioae. Mb* Rose Pignatar© The bridegroom Is an employee of Nappi Construction Company. staff nurse at Abington Memor- of white peau-de-eoie. styled with was the soloist. A reception was ial Huipital. Miss Davis is a fitted bodice, trimmed in Alen- at the Georgtaa House 1 graduate of Red Bank High con lace. The skirt terminated Wast Deal. School. in a train. The bride wore a RENT A CAR or Tha bride waa flvaa ia aurrl Engineers three-quarter length veil, aad car- aae by her father. Her gowa of ried white orchids on a white psaa ds sols waa floor Methodist TRUCK from HERTZ Auxiliary Mrs. Butch Martin of Red Bank I embroidered Ataacaa lace oa tha Fair Sept. 26 was matron of honor. Miss Ruth I] bodice. The hrlde'a flagaM Scholarship LITTLB SILVER—The annual Castle, Marlboro, waa the brides-1 laagth vott fefl from a tiara < maid. Both wore bouffant i aesd pearls, aad her bouquet v, FAIR HAVEN—The Women's fair of the Embury Methodist Auxiliary of the Moamouth-Ooean Church will be held Saturday. gowaa of taffeta. Mra. Martm be- archids. carried oa a prayer book. mg aTeaaea ta SMSBI green, ana : Mite ROM LoFarro of New York Society of Professional Engineers, Sept. 26, on the church grounds at ita Dutch-treat luncheon meet- from 10 a. nv to S p. m. Frank Miss Castle in orange. Their bouquets of tstera contrasted City, the ing at Esther's Sandwich Shop, Shultz and Robert E. Thompson was maid of honor. Tha brides- are chairmen. with their gowaa. Mary Gagtt- voted to continue a |7S scholar- Donna Jane Tiggs of Pine oti of West New York, the ship to assist an engineering Chairmen of booths and com •TOOK, tM DnOVfrvOni • RWCVi bride's coaaa, aad Dolores Del- student at Monmouth College. mittees are Mrs. Kenneth D. Van and Stephanie Week*. Red Bank, Negria. Loag Breach. JoAaa The auxiliary will entertain Pelt and Mrs. Oliver S. Johnson, were the flower girls. Both had D'Oaofrio. Little Silver, aad Don- of visiting professional en- cake; Miss Marie Wilby, candy: irdretse* of white organdy, M4M aa Pillari. Fort Lee. the bride- gineers et the semi-annual din- Edward Anderson, corn; Mn. h one child having an under graom'a sister. ner meeting of the New Jersey Richard Collier, fith pond: Mrs. skirt of toden green, and the State Society of Professional En- James F. Braaey. flowers; Ar- other an. underskirt of orange thur S»si, games; Mrs. Philip H Mes CyatMa B. Greig FAIL SESSION Saturday. Oct. 3. at Schwarti MMS Greig ia a senior at Brya The bride's For thm lafeat Spring Lake Oolf and Country Thomaa and Mra. Wallace Cald- 0 hkae tar* 21 - JoMMry 30 Miss Scbwartt was graduated wed. gingham corner; Kenneth Mawr College, where aha has hmir $tyU» Cfcw. The Moemouth-Oceen Chap- served three years on the Fresh- Mrs. Frank from Loag Braach r Hteb D. Vaa Pelt, harvest home; Mn. of aH white The RUMS6N SiA «*T Schatil. and to enptoyed af the Jobs E. Well*, kitchen; Mr*. bridegroom's la. 'ON* KaWpOftp* * gf Mra. Army Signal Eouipment Support CarroB M. Cooper. Pig-in-tbe- a member of the Brya Mawr or- Priebe. Fair Havea; Mre. it " ' Prib Agency of Fort Monmouth. Mr. poke aad grab bag; Mrs. George chestra, and ia a member ef the corsage of whHe asters. Harry Martin. Shrewsbury; Mrs. Herberg al*o is a graduate of A. Inmaa. ridas; Arthur Ltad, College Chorus. The Double Oc- Odd Albert West Behnar; Mrs. Sgt James Mays af Qoaatko. Long Braach Senior High School. signs; Mra. George F. Fuller, tet aad The Octangle. Miss Greig Va., waa bast maa. Ella Keyee, guest of Mrs. Craig He U employed at Old Orchard toyi. and Mrs. Robert Meijer. waa graduated from Darien High Haarea, Riaaaga; Mrs. Charles Country Club. Eatontown. trash and treasure. School. STUDY SKH1S COLD WAVES Trafford. Maaaaquan; Mrs. Leo % ard Greaser, Aahuiy Park; Mn Good Condition' HAIR CUTTING Lewis Harvey and Mrs. U 7* AND SHAPING Clarke, Middletowa; Mr*. Oti Little SUver end Mn Clothing Drive Oftr Specialty George DeGarmo, Red Bank. MIDDLETOWN-The board of of the Westminster OTTO'S SQUARE DANCE Presbyterian Church win renew EAST HEANUURO-A equal "good coediUoa" clothing mtm *k* ^*Biw^tBaaJiia l gM f^B^-^L^^gt mg wiU be held Seturds) *, from • to 11 p. m. i twr IM wVwawaVg lOSMK lyshore Coamuaity Churcl Sunday's church services. teeaa Ave. Dkk CharUa A hax has bean placed m tha wiU he caller. church bulMmg oa TktdaU Rd. ••.••_ ef cMMag by aay wha> wish ta participate. SHOP SHIRLEY SHOPS • SHOP SHIRLIY SHOTS • no artve waa 1.US Mama ef THE SHIRLEY SHOPS 37 BROAD ST. RED BANK

•(AIT SeSOUt YIAI — Tha laeri Street Sejtaal rVent-TeasJier Asiealatlaa af Rerl- taa Tewathla leit alfht itartaa* It. ieeefl«l year. Now •fflaeri, left te> rlfht, seetee), are Mra. Ruuell Yatt, carratamsJinf teeretary; Mrt. William Kalians, raaareilaf secre- MATHMMVIY tory, ana* Mri. Charles WhlnfleM, aretlsJent. StensJInf, Dauflat Haran, aflnelael: Mri. Janet Alexander, treaturer, ami EtJwara) ftarmea, via* president. TKa Seer* Street Safceel ta aa a IS>ecro treat gwrahaiae) hy 14 kulltJera ens) gwMteeJ t* tha tawaihla. WOMAN1* CUM MMS—The New ShrewtWy Wamaa'i Chj» •aanW Iti aeeiaa last alffct at a ailnner la Cryital Iraafe law, leta*taw*. Mn. Paul C. Kaaaff, \aH, ares- MATHSWVIY laW, freett fuest ijMekar, Mrs. Carl F. Safcaafar af Sg*iaf Lake, wfca eJeJlvaretJ a hvmweui mai)ala«ue. Mri. Jehu H. Kaapmalar, Jr., vlaa praeMaat and fKafram ahalr s •t rKe «l«b, is er rlfht. Mri. SaftMftr, trim *4 'fraaaaJarw, fw% ai tha ttata fasJaratian't aarllamaatarlaa aaVlior.

Supper Starts MATHIURVIY PTA Season Oakland Itrert ParentTeactwr AsaoclallMi activities sUrt Tuee. If aay. when the organisation haa Ha animal buffet swaper OCtAN BOULKVAKD lag at lea sebasi at 1 p. ATlaaHa HlejMaaw* Mlft, LM1I The faculty aai school r ael wfll he hoaered. Mra. Her- bert MaeCioed aad Mrs. Peter DaFute ere rhslrmen. Smartly itylae) Milan** la Detroit antj Catta* As a fund railing activity, the Moriatlnn will have Its "aua> SAUmiRATIN •I NW aMa« fa! ami m% Deare* eae) Wash 'a Waar (abrlet. yeah labtorlew)" at the meet* TfmM> rofiiribuiina will »iaa Fethleneale • t«n nmmll hm lmr?f rto)D.WK0rTCO. Bulletin tluth Utsr. the tignalure Out /mihlin, tfuntil*, It WwatPraw* S*nd If ana) 98 till (K- ntvrrnl In nnlirnldrry Cemrerttbfe 5 11M Pi'A will send delegate.. RUMSON Mrmbcr IMnrr a Hub • Amrrltan l.xpr»*s MSTITU1E 1'iHintv ITA Mill hold In Mirrwt- Uanting IMI Niahlt • I thli World la SaJOHS AtlWHS siOMS • SdOHS AllilHS e*OMS itv (itarntnar Hrhonl Wnines 'day aighi. s*pi M. BOYU . wt toft go on to win ita first World <*eHer faato atiawtifr tura Service Set HONEY BEE ROWERS NEW YORK (At)) — Wlpntag of their first Ameri- Striae atnet 1»17. will play in tha future How Hg a nla Chuck er Oroap of iw Red leak The HoUaad Tunnel RUSSELL T. HODSKISS can Uague peanant in 40 years by tha Chicafo White destiny of tha Whtta Sox remains to be seen. Thaodut Church win have a "quiet bdsoa River, opened »n f 444 MOAO IT. SHUWSMIRY Sox will ditaax a long family (beam for baseball's ConUsfcey clan la noted for its Internal fussing and day" obstrvssce la the church JS27, waa the tint loaf va> youngest executive. fighting. Tuesday. fcular underwater tuaaet Its SH 1-4020 Sessions w* be held at M a.orth tube ia tJSSl fact loaf. . "Kt bean a km* time coming true." admitted Last March a syndicate beaded by Bill Veeck, one m. aad 1:M p. m.. sad i •Y WHtl ANYWHIil UUAUE HNCE Vtti Charles A. Comiskey, 33, tha dub's ex- of tha greatest showmen In baseball, bought the mahinchsqa- i will be served. ecuthre vice president. jority Interest In the White Sox from Chuck's sister, Guest speaker will be Rev. O. Robert Bailey of tha Order of "Chuck." also sometime, known a* Mr*. Dorothy Mgnay. St. Luke, former rector of me "The Young Roman," is the grandson Bat Chuck retains a 46 per cent interest and his Episcopal Church of Epiphany m •of *Ihe Old Roman" — the tough and Job as < ittve vice president The big fellow — he's Brooklyn. The speaker will lead a discus- original Charles A. Comiskey, aix-fset-two, weighs 205 pounds — also has a lot ofsion or. sach __ •^BarBi«B» *B# "I was six wham my grandfather died, and don't fate toga. at IwMIe t remember too aMnb about him," said young Comiskey. Chuck feels his future is still in baseball, and that PFC Perrl Gimduatea at "But even men i wa* interested In tha game. I've had toe game iteatf has a fature as great as its past Maintenance Goune baseball for breakfast, lunch and dianer all my Ufa.' The box office Is up 22 per cant over last year," MIDDLBTOWN - Pfc. Albert ENTRANCE ON ALLENHURST DMVB At IS he sat on the Watte Sox beach dressed to .* ^tW^iut "Adose race cures the ills of (Ptast Street North ef •••in RsW off Aw.) a uniform that had "13" — Ma favorite in any sport. tiie back. In high school and cottage be was an oat- "But baseball has to keep abreast of the times. It vehicle course la Germany. standing first His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Patll SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th has to aupply good games and good pre-game enter- Perri, received a letter of com-1] 1 "My only claim to fame is the fact I still bold the tajnment for the whole family. Our problem is simply mendation from Col. R. B. Braid | 6IRLS for Pvt. Perri's superior grades, —10:00 A. battinIngg championshichampionshipp — a J9S7 average — Ior the £ j^t the fans more exciting entertainment for their M ability and application. HKHFASMOM Minnesota Conference." he recalled. A local Pfc. Perri ban been In the!] Fine fumithtogs from a palatial Inchidiag braaiai. 1 can get in a crystal., porcelain*; living room, dining ramoomaaT even wanted to get me a tryoot with the White Sox. or any other place." Army one year. He was sent ta|| furniture of varioui period!. The offerings may be viewed Germany in February. oa data of sal* from t:M A. M. uatU a3e ' But Chnckfa Interest la baseball has always been BOOTS on the front office leveL Etideal Fellowsliip REAL ESTATE: Colonial home,._._._. „ tMMUHATE DELIVERY and four baths. Entrance hall with picture staircase. Bring After a two-year hitch In the Navy during the sec- To Meet Sunday 3.99 & 4.99 aad IN SHOES shrubbery with a myriad of assorted shade and decorative and the two set to work rebuilding the White Sox farm Hwy. M trees bordering upon undulating, open reaches of velvet- wfll be held for the UAROfSTOM like lawns. This comfortable home situated oa the crest of system and swapping players. a rising slops regally overlooking the surrounding country- •••••••""••••••••••••••••••••••••* side is Incomparable. "It takes time and patience to build a real team,' s«BB««n«BBn«»««»«i said Chuck. "Our present team Is the result of more HIM >• The description of this property is not the wordy out- than 10 years of hard work and planning. •••aaaaaanaaaifiB pourings of a Madison Avenue advertiaiag ajaaey. but aa aaaaaaHaM • • • • a honest description of a lovely home en three acres of ground "I predicted three years ago the New York Yank- • •••B that afford privacy and which the owner has bean fitlov e • ISII with for many years, and leaves it with a heavy heart ees were dying at the grass roots — and they were. • ••as The Mgbest bidder shall be required to pay a deposit of They used to have eight or 10 good prospects on all •asii (2.WQ at time of sale (cash ar certified cheek) and sbja aasica usual real estate agreement. Real estate will be offered their farm clubs, but a few years ago that crop began • •••• nt 1:S0 P. M. Inspection of the real estate any afteraaoa to die out between the hours of l.JS aad 4:» P. M. • III! "The reason wsa simple. The other clubs Just be- • •••• BM%f afflBT^BBBBV JBBY •£^a%aLaaTfafaal aVBBkoal BavfdPSl aCa^aBSaVBHBBBl mT came more aggressive at signing up green talent But • III! >. O. Coals. Aaetleaear—Phane «•«-*»-» jjm they had to overcome a 20-year head start by the ^•v* ^a*a v^nnva v BB^nav^B^^pa a. appn vjawopaaaaap •F^BHM • aaaa Yankees. •sin . Hhailn Martini. AMsraoy, SM Main at, Pasaaic • •••• Pheae PRescett MMS Last year there were 11 young players we want- • •••• ed, ranging all the way from Canada to Venezuela. We • III!

• lilt • •III Research • •ana • • • •• • i BBB Center Plans • i • •• •i • BB • i • •• •i • BB Are Revealed • i • •a • i• ••a NEW BRUNSWICK - The Cat- • i aaa • i • BB • i • •• • •••> today it win establish a • i • •• • ••>• •i • an or • •••• • i Bl BB• aBn • 1 • BB fashionable • 1 • •• • 1 ••a Edward M. Uttta. dasinaaa of • 1 ••• M> aaara aad acasBfant of the• 1 aaa osanpnay. aaM the iaatslattoa Bl • •a BBHBB m • •• / / IISII wia nprsssnt a msjor step tor-• i • •• stride • ISII ward, hi Cdgata-PahnoUves •i • •a • III! Bl • •• w SBBBB BBN as wwaa us • 1 • •• • •BIS raas to fit the ea • 1 • aa MS oT Ms aaslaaa • 1 • aa Bl «•• / Mr. Uttts added: HI • •• GUUSTAN • l• ••> ai • si Caatar Bl an a an a iaaa CARPETING Bl • ••s!••»i • • and still b* properly drassa'el • ••an • •••M usai • BBIBB wh*n Hi* tun CORNM out. mil •ULISTAN WOOL MJNO CARPfTS SPfOAUY PRrCID FROM S.ft • ••aa • •• Many ipeelsls In OULISTAN WOOL •UUSTAN WOOL The e«ly ceat that take* yee averywkafe — ditae«tlny«d carpatt CARPIT RiMNANTS CARKT, 17" WIDE rain ar thine — in 9—4 tette . . . and new end eitdt af relh In fl.00 te MM eeek fl.W yel. up stack in ewr werehouw. e tls-evt srlam liner has keen eMee* which AMERICAN ORIftNTAL fives you the extra aeVantefe ef betof able CALIFORNIA wBTBTrni aa? BHHMB W Pw MM wt wt9 WOOL mi NYLON fill' lei te llft.M te wear the «e«t la ell tyees ef waarhar — 17"«M" CASUAL RIWS laraaat ef Ma type la the tiwstiy. fill' RU6S $42.10 Dr. Jaha R. Browa. Jr.. Oat- $f.a| t* $11.10 r ware ttM, as* SMI s vies atesMi avallaale In the new split ref Ian med*el, hack- 1 v wete ?•.••, aea was ine peekatt at shewn, (a tan, teal, hreue. ALDON COTTON RUwS, LATEX SACKS, $4.91 ap. *l" ware Ml. aa* 4» ellve free*.




IUDOST TERMS 6>LADLY ANIIANMD • u OR YOU MAY USB YOUR EAST CHARM ACCOUNT wM bs arahaa is d B • anajaai •••••a late Ml. Taa Tatwar Caa- McKelvey of Freehold • aa _ • •• the fair •••••• Mtdt in frmMd • •••• Wliesaila led dw aattaa la MM •••«•• ftw) CfMswrsMv SAap /ef 4/en mi *ey« ••••a- And far Fin* F*r*U*r* tnm Am*rir*'i *>st Miluti • • a •••••• PfeSjJseBaa M P«r capita rwsumattaa af bser • • sa ••••aa and ale la iHiwittSaa averags • i s B •Otfil IB tOwil N •••••a 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOLD. N. J. Ml «illBfrf»v *:<*> A, M, In 5..K) P. KB SUN with MS gaUons and Now Jersey, • • iH Mkhitan aad Pwrnsylvaala third • • a • steat mi »sia«» re a p. at. an lla 11.9. Itcd Sank Kcgistct I JIM State Highway «, N. J. Reporter H. CMfe aad Henry City nut* The tweet season is coming. This wUl be the best UBMM imaus nymo The riven flow quiet and cold and fat fish fracture JOB J. HOOAN. Editor K. HAROLD KELLY, tht wet mirror. Wild ducks break bomber formation W. HAXRY PENNINGTON, to come down in the tall reeds. The summer anger •I tk« Antedated Preae of the sun has mellowed and It comes up over the < Tto AMoeltttd Prate U •nlltln) »eiu«l»ir M tin m kr naubneailea til IM Meal Mm attotaa la lkl> nmptptr u wtU u «ii AF ntwa dlapatchtt. blue veils of morning mist to give the milkman a long shadow. It is a time for Tb» JU* taak Rtumr wumii M oaaadal ratanXMWlM lor mofntUnl amra la «lmllN> sleeping. U. kat will nartM. wtthoat clurft. thai aan •( aa uwilHmm is which taa typosraphletl urn n. Mniami will MUH notify tlw mtnanBuot unmMUaltiy •! awr «nar whlta auur ten The breeze Is cool and it sweeps i la tatters mai It* faadam the leaves rate little whirling bowla of (Is noatlu SS.M. if. I < Dana at** »» aull. • tteu cornflake*. The pheasant cock scratches the ground, ruffles Ms feathers, and uat FRIDAY, an begins his mating dance for a speckled ben who alts on the nest, watching and Regional Under Way blinking and thinking. A cat digs her paws Into a rug, and pulls against them in a long This week, the newly-appointed There are no "bargain- basement stretch, starea balefully at the world through yellow Atlantic Highlands-Highlands Re- buys" in education. Good education eyes, and doses. costs money. By the same token, the gional Board of Education begins Cellar" and attics are cleaned out, and debris tits work toward building a 7-12 high value of a good education is well on top of the refuse cant at the curb. A girl going out school. worth the cost. on a date is told by her mother "Better wear a coat" The actual cost to the taxpayer The board is responsible for de- From ktadergarten, the first little drawings are brought for the regional school, in great part, veloping a curriculum and a school home to mother. A man mows a lawn and mutters: which will best educate the high will depend on how well and how "Positively the last time." From a window, an announc- school students in the district. realistically the board does its er says: "Carnegie. Tech takes the kick on its own planning. There can be no quarrel that ex- four, and nine it back to the nineteen." isting high school facilities just can< A good school and curriculum, not meet the needs of the students. minus the "frills and fancies," should The tea is quiet, digging iu long green fingers One look at the superintendent'shave no trouble in being accepted into the scalp of sand on shore. Far out, a rusty freight- report for the high school shows that by the taxpayers. THESE DAYS WILLIAM er with spurious pride moves off the edge of the world. there are many glaring shortcomings This is a golden opportunity for A big oak moans in the night wind because summer to be corrected. the new regional district to develop By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY S. WHITE is gone and the long sleep is ahead. On a farm, the The first step in planning the newa fine high school. Anything less is hounds sit quietly outside the kitchen, tails twitching, Khrushchev's program doea not Include Kansas WASHINGTON-Why not be school is that of curriculum. This to a waste of the taxpayers' money and beastly to Nikita Khrushchev, waiting for the man with the gun. where a large party of Russian Mennonites settled as a large extent will determine the size the school board's efforts. the visiting Soviet dictator? Across the Great Plains, miles and miles of gold far back as 1874. These Russians came from the steppes There are two reasons why not of the structure. wheat are cut and digested by big combines and corn of south Russia and brought with them the seeds for only one of these — tht The board must devise a course Few men during their lifetime "Turkey Red" wheat Their story is told by Kendall first-lias the slightest shocks stand crisp in death. A tailor dry cleans a top- of instruction which will reasonably come anywhere near exhausting the Bailee to the August issue of "Ameri btance to tht official reasons be- coat and Met to match a button. Crisp criss-cross meet the educational needs of all resources dwelling within them. ing given publicly by very high can Heritage. curtains go up behind windows. The oil man leavea students, college-bound or not. There are deep wells of strength that American officials. the first bill of the season in the mail box. Near the Once this is accomplished, plan- are never used.—Admiral Richard As I read this article, I could not First of all, aatttatet to Mr. help thinking that it would be a won- Khrushchev U barred by me sim-breakfast table, school bus tickets and sandwiches wait ning for the school building can beE. Byrd. ple fact that our President hat derful experience for Khrushchev to goasked him to come here, Boor- on the dralnboard for a child who doesn't want to get started. to Kansas to meet the descendants of labatM. petty, ugly, atreet-cor- out of bed. The fact that there is already in Training is everything. The peach these immigrants who*today are very ner, tough-guyaen Is nut ef bounds for decent and grown-«p Little huts in the mountains are boarded up. A existence opposition to the regionalwas once a bitter almond; cauliflow- different from their ancestors who came aeoato everywhere. To say that rowboat, pulled up from the edge of a lake, lies up- school, because "it may be too cost-er is but cabbage with a college edu-| SOKOLSKY to America in search of religious free- this kind of conduct U "not dom. They are no longer frightened American" is surely to aay a side down. At the shore, sea gulls walk miles of beach ly," should not discourage the board.cation.—Mark Twain. |people. thiag. For It la alas not Italian. alone, pecking for baby crabs in the sand. For days, Khrushchev comes from a country which can notPreach, not British, not Man. notthe sky Is deep blue and cloudless. The air has a clear YOUR MONEY'S WORTH llaccept religious freedom because it Interferes with an HoBgarlant not Romanian, not Polish, not the tWag to do among sparkle to it and the odor of burning leavea supplies KNOW YOUR old Russian adage, "One Czar, one religion, one the perfume of autumn. GOVERNMENT ||languag«v'' it waa the acceptance of thia priadple by %&£l. '" SYLVIA PORTER by N J Tatnayersl\\Cut AJexantheir currencies has been slower cated that combined tax codee- own way uncompromisingly. They have been among sad wMch ts mt guts ef Teals that living costs have all thia to many times. An Infant draws his tiny than in the previous five-year tions of federal, state aad total our moat successful farmers and are honored It all. •audits a new high. It has be- government thia year art knees up at the hunger pain hits him and he walls for mmaperttcuitrty thrill this year respected wherever they live. meet "praetieal." And, although no complacency to reach the fantastic total of It Is timely this: the United service. ns the shrinking of our export! till billion and then has raised the fear that we're about our own record is warrant- It could be a novel experience for Khrushchev n^eaThYve^miy ana Preai- ed, the fact is that the incomes neet such Americans. Of course, he can meet other dent at a time, oat top decision. A teenager on a phone says: "I'd like to, but my prlelng ourselves out of the of most Americans have been At West Point. N. Y., • world's markets. The President rising st much more than l',4 bers of the Governmental ste- kinds of ex-Rutslana In many parts of thia country, "£*"'"•, *£!? 2£,*T£L** mother says I have to wash all the windows. Outside." has fought his budget battle on per cent a year, and in most search Association even In New York. He can also meet some of the men f""""™" •" •"" *•"" " the basis that rising spending On Broadway, the big shows stage their opening mediums savings will return their Mth Annual and women who helped to make the Russian Revolu- - la the Matty's ea* Is IsBPtrlllng tht value and rtpu- much more than iy$ per cent (Sept. 21 to 23) to MM nlghtt, nights when the show on the sidewalk is batter cation ef our dollar. Tht Federal "Resolving the Conflict tion to which he Is an heir. He did not participate In voice abroad. a year. The fact is that the value may be that Ms is a than the one on the stage. Reserve System Is damping of a social security pension also Two Pressu the Initial battles, for he only Joined the Communist torn on borrowing now because ment Spending vs. eartalaty there are has been rising at more than 1VJ Party in 1918. But he could sit down with Alexander It In the deep woods, the colors make drunk the H Insists our greatest threat Ii per cent a year. More Taxes." The nn wpward price spiral. Kerensky and discover what it took to break away oatrtottc men. Bui it sun it- eyes, It it a season of plumage and death. The sweet We have not achieved a rigid- eludes Individuals mains a bedrock^ fact: yam have Do*, the record confirm the ly stable dollar, but we have supported agencies which* ate e»from Czarism. He might hear first hand the story ajot 9t0t alatjt rnsfjeet la tmnreulon about our dollar? been bringing it toward reason- nlorlng mesni to better the early struggles from some of the real revolution tort ef affalr-tr yea lave _ It does not. able stability. And reasonable ment at a reasonable ft) no effective President at all. Aai stability of our dollar's buying To the discussion of Mat dsa>triet who have taken refugt In this country. In the hope that maybe this yOM ••¥• HO tfltCtlVf) FWaV report will reach Khrushchev as power while jobs, Inromes and Me-harreted question ef Religious freedom la one of the most valuable J» well aa you, herewith are the production are rising steadily shall be " sett of American Ufe. la Soviet Russia it Is not only rTpessMR K is facts aa the values of the cur-would be dote to the Ideal. spending or rencies of IS nations over the munce," the . non-existent, but It It regarded as absurd. No person M Program of the New Ji fjIMvef e> past fire and the past II years Merry Washington^ may be a member of tht Community Party unless he mat saratga —aa Just compiled by the First payera AssodaMoa offers I it tn tthelit which meant that no God-fearing or God- National City Rank of New York. vatlon that: affairs can be ran jaw n tews In tHt pait five years the V Not until ex[ loving person may hold high office In that country. meeting, er ts pOvnCtifH piaW'C S. dollar hti lost buvlng power trimmed can there Thia It regarded as a scientific view of life. The fewopinion poll. For sjeed er 10, at an annual rate of IV4 per cent. relief. Not until goviramett religious buildings that remain are a compromise. critical foretga affairs tea at*- Thia is not stability, but an gins to spend less can the over- trbe annual toes of IH per cent com- all tsx burden be reduced. This In this country, however, Khrushchev could dl A - la •minded Is NOT rapid Inflation Is the fart which 'the cover, If he sought the facts, that religion plays a Urge w*R *ts« back home' must understand aad The VMM Ii perceptibly.smaller role In the lives of the people. He may be surprised JjJjJJ; SJ, tttf thtn mt 11 per cent a year ds- make undintoad la me haHs at t far r dlM recorded In the IMS-Uj government." to learn that many American dtlieni are descendants wtttr't east, c rightly period- yeeri which Included thr of persons from countries behind the Iron Curtain and no Korean War's price upsurge, i PAMELA MASON LOS ANORLES (AP) - Bitttak- thoet Americana Worship In Churches, the Crttdl Of a(faaai*1 aaJ eaimaea raenasial Actually, contrary to the Im ' •reasion ef to mtny, the loss horn actress Pamela Mason be- which they brought with them from the fatherlands 8E£. at. at! MMafSt rime a Waited Stales cttlsen of their ancestors. In Detroit, Khrushchev might be tivet"y no toner. Onc— e m" t boat hat been among the smslleit of awaamw ^PWWB^W all the world's currencies. Wednesday night ukm to la la ntsflea ytu can not grab the tut was at Hamlramck. to tee a large settlement -, vtevaaBw swgj anj Yet, a ftwttnde have chalked aa^ttadieri^^ub^Wlsh-epeaking Americana. They are Roman Cathe- Court la tU-rteh Vantaaela the nn- After taking w. Ucs. But If he read the ttore signs, he would see much aval decline la the hollvtr'i buy Mason, whe I me oath, Mrs to j^^ j^ „, Wtriaw> Ing etwtr since IM! has bnen (Tins yean In this country, said: In this country are many Lithuanians, Latvians, aWakaatl entitta aaljatl •tftafl only M per cent. In goM-fctadH 'Tor the first time m aw Mfe nt*fl witH HOI IIM Bsthoniana, Cstchs, Hungarians and all sorts of peo- P atwfcai makgMaMaftdt tan taV* Ecuador the annual loss In 11•• I don't feel like a foreigner" Tf WIMl nV|*pvnejej am BJISJ evert hat been only t.t per cent ples from behind tht Iron Curtain. Here we think < ssl lf)l#f*Mf WnM #V9*MI MT husband, actor I an Minded by bluer partisanship In controlled Portugal thr an "••j. *Mb Kkretbfke*'s Be'- Mn'nn !• a tiritnh mih|* II r>n ironpe were mortally committed '' I ".Li. ill. \'f,'i ihr nth « ••rumv | lion, that If thrlr business In Korea). 4 •ED BANK Electronics A Croup Mity. Stat lA attorney, a partner of MacDoo- BMBiai,wai Two Banks Chapter Sees Meets Tuesday ald. Baker, Connolly and McCor- by fta aay ar weak, Material FREHOU> - Af aa outgrowth ASBURY PARK — The Monmack- , and for many yeare aa €tft MT wf BBBMRM liMft MM of the alleged embankment or! Big Year mouth-Ocean Chapter of the NewInternal Revenue Agent, will at funds by a former purchasing Jersey Society of Certified Public apeak on the tax subject, "TIM agent, Fltkla HoapiUI hat filed FORT MONMOUTH - A re- Accountants will hold its first Decedent's Return." wit against two Aibury Park cord year la new memberships meeting Tuesday at I: M p. m. In a. Na Maaty Oawi • Ua fa 7 Yam fa Pay baakt. and dinneMneetlng attendances! the Berkeley Carteret Hotel. The iuit. filed yesterday in was forecast last night at the raxow CARPtNTUS MASONS Superior Court by Francis X. first fall-winter meetlni of Fort Highlight of the meeting will ne PAINTHtS LAI Crahay, Asbury Park, attorney Monmouth Charter. Arm*d For- an exhibition of the latest office for the hospital, claimi the As-ces Communications and Elec- machines and equipment. Repre- RENOVATION CALL , bury Park and Ocean Grove Bank tronics Anoditlon, held at Gibhs sentatives of the Office Equip- e n*ttt4 e P..>.rt»« and the Asbury Park National Had Officer's Club. ment Manufacturer! will attend Bank and Trust Co. should have A puest of honor at the welt- and demonstrate their machines. SH 7-5656 Thomas E. Plsnt. Jr.. CPA known that George W. MagiU was attended ooeninjc dinner-meeting SAMI DAT SfftVICI working a fraud. was Ma). Gen. W. Preston Cor- manager of the auditing staff of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell * Com- Magtll Is awaiting grand jury derman, formerly post com- mander, who is a resident of Lit- pany's Newark office, will address HOUM NHDS PAINTINOT action on charges that ha defrau- the meeting on the accounting LEON'S tle Silver. The general is presi- m^ajgajna»n* I^BjalBja^raBj^. •aagaj a^aajaBBBBja^a ded the hospital of SM.MMS be- subject, "Auditing of Machine Re- tween January, 1MI, and Mayden, t of Times Facsimile Corp., M-w White at «ei Baa* New York, a division of Litton OOfdlt ItM, while purchasing agent for Robert J. Connolly. CPA and Tal. SH 7«20M the institution. Industries. Last night's guest apeeker wai MagiU has been charged with Carl Jenaen, a lamp expert from foraing the signature of Maadle Westiaghouse Electric Co.. who Joftee and depotitiag funds frau- aave a talk and demonetratioa on dently in a joint account In Ma"The Magic Light Force of the and Mr. Jortees uma In the APFuture." and 00 Bank, without Mr. Jot- Norman Freeman of Atlantic re's knowledge or consent Highland*, of tha Stromberg-Carl- The hospital is seeking a Judge- son Division of General Dynamics ment against the two banks to re-Corp.. presided for the first time TRAVEL AGENCY cover the amount of the alleged aa chapter president « RICKLISS PI. ••«••• 3U COOKMAN AVI. The Asbury Park National Bank day night In the Long Branch RID lANK i^ygk ASMItY PARK and Trust Co. is the repository Senior High School. Classes start SH MOM »flMlA« PR S*IOtO for the hospital's accounts. Yeager Gets Emergency Thursday for a 10-week duration. 9 EXCLUSIVE Made with laad, line and Lucy Gray Named New EAI Job Dimes Appeal AGENTS IN eaBBBBSBtaBAABBi B^JLaiBBB^BtfajSal BBBI CASSER TOURS RBC Twirlen' Captain LONG BRANCH — Robert L MONMOUTH taeal all. Resists all kinds af Yeager. Hilltoo Cir. has been Scheduled NEW FACTS ON (PORMHU.Y BINatlt-CASSlit) COUNTY The champion Red Bank Catho- named to the newly created post waatitar. Cantatas SPORIUM- lic High School twirlen began ASBURY PARK — An emer- (-14 Days Sammer Vaeallea by Air Ceaditieaea Dchue Ba of general sales manager, stan- HEARING LOSS OU) VIBUINIA. rtlLLMMsariO. MYUNB DBIVS Piarca ingredient fa the lUWa school year by elect gency March of Dimes appeal will - Oar* MIII dard products, oT Electronics As- NUOAHA rAIJA l,«a DtLANIM. MUNTSICAL. OTTAWA ing senior Lucy Gray as captain sociate*. Inc. held through Sept. 29, FROM LEADING Roland J. Hines, chairman of > D»M SIMM Hn n.I* Ism The squad will be co-captain- Mr. Yeager will be responsible new ENULANII • «:*rr ••• n.ll tai lalisky. Members include seniors the National Fundation, said to- QVKBKC. WMITB MOUKTAINK. ST. ANNBi DBS BBAtirBB •mart eeJersI ^ general purpose analog com' day. a Dni SIMJt Hm* SI.4S Ml Lucille D'Anthony, Maureen Hal-outer systems, standard Instru- Can you answer these TBR NMj •USINESS PEOPLE alio appreciate tha safety factor Alpha Omega Alumni Chapter at % L W. LANCASTER —affiea-to^car is tha only time money need ba aut a dinner meeting Wednesday at *1 CIVIL ENGINEER •:4J p. m. In Crystal Brook Inn. » from behind lacked doori. Dr. Alvia W. Melaer, Red Bank, i chapter president, said the meet- m DEVELOPMENT PLANNING YOU'LL like it! Drive in and bank hare today. ing la open to all members of the;~i WATER SUPPLY Moamouth County Dental Society.; "Restorative Dentistry and Oral t SEWAGE TREATMENT Reconstruction" is Dr. Miller's KEAHSBURG MDDLETOWN tapic. Dr. Miller has given cour- MARINE STRUCTURES ses and seminars for the First NATIONAL BANK District Dental Society of New 64 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. York City the past 10 years. | KIN6S HWY. MIDDUTOWN

Tha hepiaek blazer »uit

and contrasting flannel slacks SAFE AS THE MORNING DEW! may ba tha kay to your

fall clothing naadi. At 59.50,

for coat and both trousers, avar «•* — mi W* •» ate* you'll find all kinds of ways

Oat Tagetker with Yaw Milattar to waar it. In any event, »1HA« OilAHTITf tha shopping will be pleasant

on the new, paneled third floor.

We're open to 5:30 daily,

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You may charge, pay Vi

October, November, December.

No service charge.

"Wh»rm Your Dollwt Mmkt Mor* C*m$i" AMfil •Ml PAIMM*) SYCAMOM AVI., «r tfce R«Rr«rt OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS •ffWOBXi CLOSED SUNDAYS SH 1-7800 t-ftidar. Seat 18. 1989 RED BANK REGISTER Schedule of Religious ServtcB

JEHOVAH'S WlTi HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN TBMTT BPfSCOPAL METHODIST BAPTIST Red Beak Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank "Waiting Wisely to a Wicked Youth of tbt church wffl par- Tbt rWy Bumarist wffl bo Dr. Charles S. Webster, Dr. David Graybeal, Drew Rev. John F.. Crouthamd. Jr.. World" is the subject to b* dhvtfdpste in the »:3landIlia. m. celebrated at I aja. Tbt Irst * *jriQ mt How to wotttw Theologicax»i• •••mi• il • Seminar—•-..——~yj professorr~ .' nastor.• will preach on- "Faith• and cussed by Andrew Laguna, tnw services Sunday. The themnltor family service tnd church school K eling representative of the Watch- this, the annual voum Sunday session for the MOM! year wffl 'Dark." at hto atrmon top- t:3wil0l anbed. gues 11 at . preachem. servicer sst Sun th-e Fru.tr.Uon.'ily service an; adt |a*t th•*»_•e 11 a. m». tower Society, who to spendtog observance, wffl be "In This Sign be held at fc II a.m. Morning to at tbt OtU and 11 a. m. serv- day. Hto subject. "Abraham and service. the week win the Red Bank con- Conquer:*' prayer and ices Sunday. This wffl conclude the Unexpected." Robert Recknsgel will be or- St. Mark 16: «-7-"Yc«i eeek Joaua of Nasaroth. rector. Charles H. The Chancel choir will gregatlon. Mr. _ wW The Luther League wffl meet Rev. hto sermon series on the general Music will be directed by Her- who waa crucified. Bo has rleen.. .go (and) tell..." It Sunday at 7:30 p. m, wttl start at 11 a.m. ICindergmr. linn. "With s Voice of Singing" swer the question. "Why Is ten win be held for young call- theme. "How to Live at Your (BJV So Difficult and How Can It Be Members of the Evangelism Best" Baptirm wttl be admlnto- masterbert Burtis. Rober. organist Spencert an,d tenor,choir- and "Hear My Cry, O God." 90 UUncUTC ana now \MU n am nauai «• »•» —»-•»• v^ - «««•«•• slaMM »» >» **Dr! CartY MueBsMs wrgangan,- wffwill aing 'TbThe SuaSun'as Bright SpienSptoo- Ushers are William Morgan, 'OOO Done?" This talk wUI be given committee wiU attend a special *«} * P"*"* *»»»* •» •*• Bernard DeLoach. William Stra- OSv ^ w." — --» — m — — - ^v~- |tt HBWI choir dtnctor. At •:1S dor" and "Tat God of Love." Al- Tho grasp of this command ODdcrllea tbt growth 4: IS, wffl be the weekly study of aa Church, Perth Amboy. Witt tar flowersfl iU b wiiU bob give Mni by Mini cener, William Kaeen, Kenneth meet Is tht parish a. m.. Mrs. Robert L. King. Cl of th« Chrletiaa Church. Wo. seeking Jesus, are the Watcbtower magasJne. This Members of the congreguttoa atSpjn. praao. wwffll stagg "ThePs Psala m of Mae Warden. Mrs. Roy Brower. Kenneth Coleman, and Ketby Warden, in Thomas Wilson and Warren El- told that ha liajrlatn, UuttOrthM vindicated bla week's nrtlcto to entkJed "Spirit- ^ BMt tm „ 7 tfC|eck for The Aeorytoe OuOd Comfort" and "Bo SttU liott. ^.P!*^??-*^..8**?" * n work session in the new pnrish Know That I Am God." At tho of their parents. Mr. and Mrs, plan, that good has triumphed over evil, and that Christian Maturity." Following 7:30 p.m. Tueedty. Mil Jobs C. Warden. Serving on the deacons' greet- house on River Rd. Another work Hsb/ Bnchartot wffl bt cote, 11 a. BL terries Ika Tow»r ing committee are Howard redenpUon can bo ours. TbiaUtheBCwowc wasted the Watcbtower study there wffl session wffl be held all day Sat- Choir wffl slag tka natkoms, "ThThe ThThe ppastor, , Rev. Rogeg r J. be a witBtodhw talk by the dr. bratod at» sad II a. am, Wadata. Young. George Morford, Claude tcrboar. Mow we ant* go and tell others'. a^—Jua ^M •haH^SjS^hs> enaH LLordd I s My LightLihT" by Dr.Musi- Squirei ; tbtb t assistanittt pastort , RevR . WVFWmJWJ Wt aV^BKawBJ WH tor aad *3od It MyStron • g Sal- Ivsrtoa Graham, Jr.. and tbtDenny. Mrs. Harry E. Chamber' "The' Men's Bromerbood wffl at T:BI sad l*» a. m. lain. Mrs. George Morford, Mrs. Sharing this gospel, wo help build s. foUowshlpof ••-*- v« visit. held Ua irst fan meeting Mondaya church toy leader, A. Alvin Whit- witnesses. This mission unleashes hooelcas mass- Saturday at S p. m.'there wffl of tho Oafld __. at f:II a. m. wttl being„ . wffl be to City this Vernon Loud and Mrs. Charles atil p. m. to the pariah house to Earle. es, arrogant pagafts. practical atheists), modem. ..j iMOgraa. a spaeial Hubbard Park. Sealer choir re- Frank B. Whiting. Albert B. Ban. to attend meeting eoaduetod by tbt dram* ty to at Ptrithhag at t BJB. Robert ML Evans, Edward N. New Jersey Conference of the Members of the Board of Chris- Pharisees, sad all who are caught lasla. It calls to hearsals wffl be hsld TQT P !• MaP && tian Education will hold a kick- to wbk* there wffl be a at ip. m. to the . Fields sad Walter W. Vote. Dr. Mctfaodtot Church. rcpeatoaea those who bids behind their vails of talk end other totonstini port tbt boms tor dm aatd in Members of tht Intermediate off dinner for members of the River Rd. The church Ek4Uadtto Senior High Fellowship in Mary piety, as well as those who have never known that dtacufMd to ht&p us witti wffl meet Thursday at I p. L. Ungerer. Sr. comprise tht wel-Youth Fellowship will attend a tog activity. chairman and Mrs. Harrison coming connnltwt. Ushers at 11 week tad retreat at the church E. Mount Fellowship Hall Son- Christ has died for thorn. It recreates tho forgiven in the church hall. im in i kali mat ThsTitosgis day at 7 p. m. Baptist Youth Fel- Tuesday at I:U a. m., regular The pastor. Rev. Harold Horn- a. m.. are William J. Trues, Ward Conference Center nt Mount Mis- sinner at too cross, and inspirit* the convert who Bible study will bt held at King- Crab, of which Mrs. E. W. Cops- D. Ferguson, Robert L. King~ , try this week-end; and tbe Men- lowship junior high group and berger. and W. J. Tossr will rep-land to president, win meet ta the Roger Williams Fellowship has flagged In vigor. It lifts up BOW horicons of dom Hall, S4 Broad St, II St David C. Matonty and R H odtot Youth. Fellowship members Marys Pi. and 331 Pearl St, Redresent the church Tuesday at the tbe parish haU at I:U pjn. D. Raney. 3d. Ralph R Eckert wffl attend a special program at wilt also meet at that time. faith and deepens the moaning of all of life. It is the Central Conference of the United The Church Council will meet " ~ Lincoln St. Fair- and J. Raymond King will servo the Conference In Ocean City al- hope of tbt world. view. Lutheran Synod of New Jersey BAPTIST on the tonight at 8 o'clock in the church. in Grace Lutheran Church, Perk MtodMtown ts this week-end. Children's choirs will rehearse Go and tell! Thursday at 7:30 p. m.. the Junior deacons aiding to traffic Church School for infants to Bibte fpeaktog class will be coo-Amboy. > "The Church: Our Mutual Re- Sunday as follows: Cherub, 10 sponsibility," wUI bo need by Rev. control for both services wffl bs children of the eighth grade age a. m. and carol. 11 a. m. Rev. James R. Molaad using MM publication Edwin Close. Peter Nonalngtao, rSRIAN John E. Bates, pastor, as hto ser- meets at 0:30 a. ra.; adult church Members of Women's Fellow- beeutlve Secretary "Qualified to Be Ministers." It Wtttlsm Parktn and Fred Wlkofl. school meets at 1:30 a. m., wiU continue tbe subject of •on mon subject at the Sunday serv- •L-^ii^.aA 1 ^J JMVA ships of the Monmouth Baptist Council of Churches sUvDuCauVuV npVuNUOQsf Q( %su a second church school for In- ration. At 1:30 p. strvicoB wB bo held at ice at 11 a. m. Baptism wffl bt that**. Association will be among the I . Houston, Texas 11 a. m. The Sacrament ctoKCh-echonl wffl be held to to children of the sixth guests at a meeting of the "Wom- win be the Kingdom service new Education BuOdtag and Pel- mi. age meets at 11 a. m. meeting with tbt theme "Seek of Baptism wffl be observed at Flowers wffl be given by Mr. lewshto HaU for three-year olds en's Fellowship Monday at I to Improve Your Mmto- both services. Mrs. Geytord Burto. Mrs. The Wesley Fellowship wiU p. m. in Mary E. Mount Fellow Rev. Harvey C. Douie. Jr., pat- George Hartmann wffl be the or- through eighth grade age at 0:1mee3 t Sunday nt S p. m.,with ship HsU. try.' and 11 a. m. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Youmans ST. JAKES CATHOLIC ST. ANTHWm CATHOLIC ir. wffl continue hto aeries of ganist. and Mrs. Erwtog Kehrer. MMBDCrS Of Hour of renewal services are 1 on Chrtottoa dtodpleship. soloist. The ushers wffl be Robert at tbt speakers. They will show held Wednesdays at 7:30 p. ra- Red Bank FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Senior High Fellowship will leave s series of colored photographic Masses are celebrated Sunday SCIENTIST Tbt sermon Sunday wffl be enDeane- y and Erwin Moore. the church tonight nt 7 o'clock to in charge of the pastor. Sunday masses ere at I, 7, I, titled "Tat Terms of Our Dis- Church school meets at t:30 slides made on a Western trip The boards of deacons and I 10. 11 and B to the church at 7... «. I.. 10, U and U o'clock. Red Bunk attend a week-end rotfost at this summer. Services in First Church of ciplesWp." a. m. in the education building. Camp Dennis to StiUwater. deaconesses will meet Wednes- r Hi t. II and 11 o'clock to the Confessions are beard Saturdays John H. Watson. 3d. minister of Tbt foOowitg mssttoga are Edward Feltui, executive di- day. b!gh school audttorium. from 4:3"*0 to' • p. m.. en—d —from- Christ, Scientist, 211 Breed St, The Hathomar Couples Chib g sc are held Sundays st 11 a. musk. wiU play at prelude "In- scheduled: Board of Trustees, wffl hold a picnic sad game night rector of the Monmouth County The State Baptist convention ConfessionCfi s are bearb d Satur- 7:31 to I p. m. termeuo" from the Storm King Monday at I p. m. to tht pastor's days from 4 to I p. m. and from Baptisms are at 13:31 p. mSunday-schoo. l meets at 11 a. at Prank's Plcate Grove to Hoto> Historical Society museum at will be held in Ocean City Sept. Wednesday evening testimony Syuiphuuy by Dickinson; us orstudy, directed by Mrt. del tonight nt 7:31. Freehold win give an Illustrated 2S to 30. 7:30 to I p. m., and weak-days Sundays. gan offertory "Adoro To Devote" Mffler, chairman; general meet- lectern nt a dinner meeting of during the 7:41 o'clock mass. The Miraculous Medal Novsna meetings are nt 1:13. GMt* " The reading room. 3ts Brand by Thomas, and as posttudt "AU tog of tho Women's Fellowship. the Young AduKs Wednesday at PILGRIM BAPTIST Baptisms every Sunday at 1:M L held Mondays at 7:30 p. Glory, Laud and Honor To Thee' wffl be hold tatofitoy under Mrs. p. m. to the church. A St.. to open dally, from noon to Sept 31. at I p. m. to Fellowship Muttsr't dbcettoa. Tower Hffl 7:30 p. a. in FeDowinip Hall. Red Bank and the Perpetual NOvena to St by Larson. Han. directed by Mis. Edward Rev. D. Robert Bailey, a mem- Rev. Henry L. Morgan will i blank must be obtained from the 4:30 p. m.. Friday evenings from Choir rtbearatli ars bald Thurs- Anthony to held Tuesday at 7:317:31 to 1:30. and Sundays from AC IM nnc wGvnct nw loioiit, pfMMIQt* SBd DOeUd of days at S p. m. atdtr Dr. Mr of the Order of St Luke, and duct the Sunday service at 11:30 rectory and tfflsd cot before the p. m. Mrs. Odto Egttond. wUI stag deacons' msettag, tueeday. Sapt rector of A church ID a. m. The evening choir, directed baptism takes ptoee. I to 4 p. REFORMED The vital importance of trust la "Come Unto Me" by Cohan. At29, at I p. ra.. directed by Charies Tbt Mtowtog Brooklyny,, wffl conduct a QuieQ t by Mrs. Alyce Ford, will sing, Novena devotions to honor of chairman, with candi- D b in thhe churchhh Sunday School meets at 10 a.Our Lady of the Miraculous Med- Middletown spiritual power and substance *• *£*iSZ?2 S?^?. Day observance al every Monday at I p. m. to 'How Big Is Your God?" to will be emphasized st Christian wiU sing "Sun of My Soul" by dates for membership meeting mouth, Tuesday. 0:30 a. m. P- »• m. with Silas Alkens t.i superin- Matthews. with the deacon. I tendent. the church. the sermon topic of Rev. Howard Science services Sunday. r. Red Bunk chapter. I '• *ponsored by the Inter- Church school will convene al Communion will be administer- - • - Praye—r Grou— p The Women's Club of the church E. Newton Sunday at the 11 a.m. Bible readings win include this J service. The sacrament of bapvers- e from Psalms (M:4) "ft 1:30 a. m. in separate depart- ed at tbe Oct 4 service, and that meets weekly to the chapel. will make Its third anniversary ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL ments for nursery through Men, picnic Tuesday. •:« p. m. at special services Sunday at 3 Rumson tism will be celebrated. MrsGo. d I wttl praise Us work, to BBBTW lll*flaaDWs"» Will be) fSMiVSd. home of Mr. end Mrs. Robert E. Holy Communion wffl be celDougla- s Smith, organist, wffl di- God I have put my trust; I win high. The offering wffl go to the World Skold. to) Rumton Kd, PRESBYTERIAN p. m. Rev. C. P. Williams, pas- Senior high class two wffl meet Fellowship for worldwide Chris- Shrewsbury tor of Second Baptist Church of ebrated to the chantry Sunday rect the choir. Eider Douglas not fear what flesh can do unto prayer sad study g at I a. m. Rev. Canon George A. Smith win be head usher. Church me." at 1*31 a. m. to tht chapel. W< M Rev. John R. Collins, pastor, Long Branch, will be guest speak' Prayer group wffl meet Tues- wffl use aa hto sermon topic at er and the choir of his church Robertsbew, rector, wffl be toSchool meets at *30 a.m.. with Selections from "Science and The church will make its 171st wffl sing. Mrs. Hulda Helwlg. aupsrvtoor. Rstuv Health with Key to the Scrip. day at 1100 a. m anniversary with Founders' Day Circles of me 11 a. m. services Monmouth Presbytery will observances Sunday. Oct. II. The y "God's Victorious An- president. sermon at 1:30 a. m. The Girls' tration toto fflstil tl "open b. M Bkhires Ed" db yi Mary Baker Eddy in etion urffl meet Elder James Stout to lay dele- the Lesson-Sermon entitled "Mut- meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. in wffl be Dr. Carron follows: Sarah, StSS a. m., swer for Concerned Parents. Mrs. Bessie Pfnckney to chair- Choir will ting "O Lord, Most Cranbury. Rev. Douie wiU attend O. Moron*, headmaster of fii man of the chicken dinner to beMerciful." gate to the fall session of meter" will include the following e* Mrs. Edwta P. Harr. Jr.. 39 Doris Frame, minister of Also at 1:31 a. m.. the pre- Classto of New Brunswick Tues-(278:2»-32): "We define mutter this meeting, together with die School at Hightatown. Tbe Grange Ave.. Fair Haven; Ly- musk, will be organist. The jun-served Saturday from noon to I - (tuy in Miles Square Reformed as error, because it to the oppo- Charles Hawes. a church elder. newly rebuilt sanctuary will be d'a. 1 p. m.. home of Mrsio. r choir will sing. "AU Creatures p. m. This is a benefit for tbe «bool department, directed by pp Tbe executive board of tht Mrs. Arthur Kerr, Jr., wiU meet Church in Franklin Park. site of life, substance, and Intel formally dedicated, and n ton r^^ A^A B^al^ *W SAVei fiBn^atB* be at the conference this week- Charles Albert will be crucifer; 3s to Oct. Jl, the New Bruns- on th# vtffTiOeM lit MM M W PNnB Sunday at I p. in., with Rev. Mr. end to represent the youth of theAlbert Stmssburger and Richard wick Seminary and the Purlieu- "Contemporary Jewish Ideo- t. m. Sunday. Mrs. John 11 a.m. The aoMton an Mrs. Centenrtlto Fli» Horn* cm as adviser. church. Mrs. Alma Baker will be McDonald, torchbearers; Chris lar Synod of New Jersey wiU togiea." Tonight's sermon will be Sagurtoa wffl be the organist Flora Bock and Miss Batty Rae Id. fwwiy ichool wtl twzmm mt The following meetings are organist lor the morning service. Probasco, mace bearer, and Rich- iponior ti tchool of church lift "Conservative Jewry." Castor Sunday-school, supervised by Beck, Red Bank, and Barry Car- Church school teach- and lendsrshto on tho campus of SMacy Schartt will cheat tbt Warren Berahurdt, meets at 0:30 Itole (junior soldier). West Keans- Moaday, I p. m.. in the Church School meets at 1:43 «* Morgan and Robart HID, aeo- - liturgy of tht service. a. m. burg. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. at a. m., and adult classes meet at lytes. Tbt aattto of New Brunswick boms of Ljnaou •arks an Belles. 10. A new senior high school At the 11 a. m. aervice. Terry of Faith. John's Brattow. son oi Mr. and Mrs. Capt Geoffrey Clay wW be Wednesday. 1:30 a. m., in the Sltg will be cruclfer; Frank Wid- f**"** if""* tht wffl meet at the Six Mtte Run ptcial aptebtr at as class to being formed, with Ben- 0 1 Brsslow wttl occupy ReformeRf d Church to Franklto church house, and Women's As-jamin F. Warren, Jr., as teacher. erstrom and Jen Rulgeig. torch- fj ** °* sociation, Thursday. I p. m. in How to Read and Understand the * Park Tueedty at I a. m. Mn. Christine Pones to IT. THOMAS EPISCOPAL The first meeting will be held bearers; Charles Landback. mace Chapel choir rehsersal wffl I tht church bouse. Sunday, Oct. 4. bearer, and Dick Slog and Stuart Bible, Tbt Public, Tbe Worship will Meat tbt candle. An open-air street meeting wffl Holy Communion wffl be Choir rehearsals are as fol- Weier, acolytes. of God. Teaching Primarry IChil- Tht floral old Thursday, 7 p. a, si be held near tbe railroad stottoa The Church School will hold a Mr. and Mrs. Breslow ta 1 aactuary choir rehearsal at every Sunday at I a. am. and ChorUters and seniors, baked food sale In the church Altar flowers Sunday wid bedree, Teaching Junior Highs, and at 7:u p, m. •am and the sermon la at I 7 P. m. and 1:15 given by Mrs. Harden Fowler others, will be taught by a of their ton's bar mitavah. p. m. Saturday, Oct. 3, between 10 a oatg ahtbbat wffl be held, at A Cherub choir, for children p. m.. and primary and junior m. and 1:30 p. m. and Mrs. Joseph Lease to mem-of mlntotera and educators. day of me month wbm My. Conv choirs., Saturdays, I and 1:45 a. whteh time than wffl bt a four yean to teen grade age, ory of Mrs. Mildred Vital. Flow- to being organised, and tbt tint avtatoa wffl be at I a,. a. ton- m«•. directedire d by Mrs. William Shoe- EMBURY ME1 ers on tho Chantry alter wffl be . JOHN'S EPISCOPAL day-school to at 0:30 a. m. over* maker. Little Silver Schartt wffl toad wffl bt Sept 31 st N Little Silver _give. n to honor of Mary Owen ta the church. The s " " The vicar to Pr. B. V. The new adult study group will A representative of the Gideons SordtU. Rev. A. Allen Attenborough. •Walton. hold Hi first session Wednesday. will be guest speaker at the Sun- ThaAMar guild wffl be ta charge of Sst Sabbath AeWKeaU MIserviceH s art Crusader Choir, for children of Sept 23, at I p. m. in the church day service at II a. m. Rev. aoi ctaliumsn, Mrs. ton Suadeyat I a. m. He wil be caned tt me Terah et a btts Hs first rehearsal. Sept M, tradattion to Bmle Study." tending the 123d session of tha Mrs. Warren tbe family wmbeceto- New Jersey Conference at Marehel Vtawmkle. Mrs. Peter •» *30 a. a, aad^ Snndey at C» a. •.; TRUE VINE SPIRITUAL 11 a. m. There wffl be as i RosoathiL Cantor Scbarff wffl aTMANUKL BAPTOT Methodist Church In Occea CMy. 9"*** *** taw 9#TVlC9* Atlantic Highlands nt •:» n. Loag Branch Mrs. LeRoy Tttem it I tad as music at tbt I a. m. sanr- rcbeirt«towatOMM.I»>/ Rev. Hsward M. Brvto wffl Services held st M Johns Ave tnd choir director. Tbt at 1:41. bring tbt messages st both the toat M n. m.. and the choir will sing. "For at towK Boys' Choir. Sunday-school meets st fcM MnWeHoU pi*MfCt* MM MfftMsl M with Rev. Elton Lawrence, pas- 4 to I p. m.; Oirbf r. Tbsti a. m. ta me parish house. K aT! 4Va MM tlwNljr 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. tor. Sunday school to at It a. mo.f the Earth," and tht btM each evening at T:H, Prayer service wffl be II a. M. eacept dw flrst Sand choir. "Brother James' Air. dtys«-_•__. 7_. to 0:31 p,sn.; Carol Chair practice to btM Fridays JMY dMbn^kt aM^gknjjdji ajflf^^aan BeVhaW a-d church service st 11 Sundays. tkhools at 7 p. m. Ushers will be Chariot La. Chair. Fridays, 4 to 4:411 a, at, at. m. SB>4#WMI awXtok' 4W ** nt Sundays, preaching and Cjairch School mteto Suaday at at 3 p. m. Mission- Claire, James BrogdtlanandLa^ta4FUstYms-yrau*,St0a . BBsaW ef?atoBB>ama*SBmftaBi la avliHBBJl fJBrSJ BJJ SJBJB** an* II o. m. service. Rev, ry Bragdon. Mr. and Mrs. Wfc> ufdays, U a. m. a ad an Prayer Book Hort Dayt at atot. Reatotrattona aio stffl as- ft« a. m. P. Jaknioa la the rector, aries on fourth Sundays at) p. m Membert have beta tovHad to Second, third and fourth Sundays. Ham Paden will give Mln.m. flowers memory of Mrs. •rd party wtt sttond the covered dtoh supper to spiritual at 7 p. m. Fridays at "^^a* ^w* ~.^*Iwa ••• nttaaay susnmg, 730 p. a. at True Vine Prayer den's parents. 7 Choir rehearsal tor ""—*• strvtosto ^- B. Ntatrt wl eighth graders ta btM' toad as II a, an. tervlce Sundey, st 7 p. m., and Mralar, wffl be to okama •« 6t> Sm> UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP Thursdays, I p. m. a»B^ ttrto II a, am. to Sst of Cbftot S**V**4F4BBWBVS) GMoVMMV Wt w*HP UM aaV CeatorvOto firs beats. Rto •uitT "kgat Tto pmag aeento't strvtot to at IVs Unitarian Fellowship of atsdSTUNi bto wffl k ~ lwmm StB) a. m. The evei to be evanftUsde terv-Moamouth County wffl start Sun- a lUgiUtr tmd Attmd Ultra wM bt prayer and sermon FRIENDS (Quakers) Brobupg, rectoCi AsndB IBMHISBSB ftaBsUtsBJKali dbf uCamUt^BB'Sfl ftgnjBun^nJ Igm lli« A.M.-Moralng Service I«7:4I B, am, to W*s^SJIvV/VBJBwflJ 4B aBBjS^tysnjBj rmjv vsWIfjifjai Sp^BB^mmamj nrng st II a. at. Shrewsbury days at I: II p. m. at the Parka' T:W P.M.—Evening Servlrr following services: Metuchea R< The society meets rvrry Sun Sunday*, I and I a. m. home on II Chestnut Dr., Hastot, Itsutlfwl New BoWtlc* tud Mowtbln HsN 1.11.1-1 Wednasday, ItM p. M. PttST CHURCH OF CHRIST day at Ham fn> worship Ttw dayt, I a. m.. and Fridays, 7;31 The Ceaeietory wW most to CM Prayer end BBsse Btoey t first-day srhmil mwts st II t. m Cwik Room MntMtoy at • p. Highlands Two Compltto Duplleatt Ssitioni "MOtMSfS) PORTN TNI Keynorl FIRST PENTECOSTAL the CouplM Club Tuesd The morning services will he SPIRITUAL W«*k.dayi Mrvket include Church school m*#ti st 0:31 a p m , and Junior Youth For three-year-olds through eighth grade-* II and II 00 WOM Of UN" held Sunday tt II n'rlmk Sun H*-tf..r.» Holy Communion at I a m Morning servlre st II o'clock. ship Wednesday st 7:11 p. m., to ONK IKSSION FOR HIOH SCHOOL STUDENTS, 7 P. M. day-school will mi*l at 111 ml krv l>ht»b» Dallry will con Wmlnrsitaya ami Frldayi Kvmlng s»rvlr« at 7: SO Whit* hall (commencing September 17) A trsllmnny mrrlln* will be JO) I nrrvun Kunriay at I p m I'nr Holy days. Holy Com- Pisyer meeting Wednesday al' (hnlr rrhearuls are held Wad- (Nurwry rar»—undtr capable tuporvislon-alio pmvldrd beM neat Wednesday at I p. m and Tuesday at 130 and I p. m. to al I a. m. Mi a> SB> seadays si 7:M p. m. for little* unra In our new building white parents worship) to Rtaew r SB* if eWtWaY sBBMJ aa ..- - i»n» ssy an* ss^ss^ns ^ BB^ariBBsshtvav tiaBYiBB^L^B^aWasaVV a^^BBBBa)V

Radio Series This Sunday eTa^a^Bjgeje^tleT *X ^aniiswai^^^waw^tw^w^ew w^^^^nwe™^ • gaeattpeek-I Charoh achaal aaato at • Mr Rim NKW SHRBWSBWRT- Rev. world's JX as a? ajn.iBUav lav. Draeld A. MacLeod, ree- At a Uoa- tott o at fc» Daatoia «• awjavM ^» rasulfit**** op- aaraoa topie of Rev. Ktrtaa C. a. a.. wMh Mrs. dam Carter ^, Latberaa Hoar has to to charge of HUDSON —i ' • 4V Wo MNatHjTa SSfl M wrilL Darfee at tto lfc« a. a.. SundaSaaday 11a. 'a.. etarch servkat. tto aad eharehactheMiJtoarISyaadaat d as aaHaatsd weakly aadtoaco of eaum BeTMCfc gjahfj adttewawvSt* OflfflHawMBt tervteet. Mn. Louto A. KMtau*V.«db«t Parkas* " " festival wfll to «JM,aa. it to beamed to US SS.CMy *f VITAMIN In at the U a. a. service. orgaatot, wfll direct tht seaior ttw MawJersey Aawal Caafer- conducted by Mn. Daniel ta tto of the each ta its owe Ian- charch Suaday at 7: JO p. m. The27th ateeoa of thtt toteraational guaee. Church School ante at fclf choir. Nursery fadUttos win of the THF. Mm HUDSON'S aV IB. YOUIn trMtoWSMp flMitS available. Walter Kottt aad Rich- choin wUl ting. Thto •"•MiO IBIIUBtfy* The tote purport of the pro- which they are tniaataa, at ANNIVERSARY AND M«h Saadty. T:» p. a. lota Hop- ard Schubert wUt to ttttor weak. toa for tto church. It wUl be bnrd over WRCA gram to expressed ta itt motto, "Bringing Christ to tht Nitions." ANNIVERSARY OF THE Etas, prsildat, to to charge. dey-School meeu at fell Rev. Or. Wltttaa) Oofllch. die- Rev. W. W. Atkinson will to at l:Jt p. m. and WOR at I p. Midweek Bachartot to ceta uadar tto «ncttoa of Richard ^V ^^^A^ dei at tto church's i. Sunday. It to apoaaorsd by the Lutheran KEANSBURO tad Wodaaadays it kit i. g a conference Men- Starting bit fifth year at Luth- Laymen'a League, llt.att mem- STEAMBOAT COMPANY Euctartot toto admtatotareadministere d at !:« The Maa'ft»a dob maatta Monday with memben tf tte baJIdtag. fl-day at S p. m. er Hour epaaker, Rev. Dr. Ot- her affUUto of the Lutheran Sunday, Sept. 20 a. a. on afl prayer book holy •*•:*•:» p. m. A HmtatHmtautee colol r Tharaday at 4 p* n. at tha charch TtoZtoaTraZtoa Travetew n Chorut will wald Hotfmaaa will apeak oat theChurch — Missouri Synod, the 95' d* «m. "Wa to Naw Jaraiy." win > torth e promar- k ttf afedb anahrentry topic. "Christ tha Way." Thacharch which alto sponsors "Thii n wfll ba * Jireteated by tha New Jeney day. lapt ». with pragrana at broadcasbroadcttt atoalto wfll featurfeatare* the to tht Ufa" oa TV. t IMTAMiTi haUThandaytatl:!i at *»! p. m. aad w» Compaay. t aad T:M Hour Choir ta the pro- thai of a apMtual Meetings of TtCKITSt rotoaraato. Than} The choir retoarewTMs- CALVABY BAFTOT choir rehearsal to 4«l at S a. a. Fata l tyt at S:tt p. m., by the programs are of. . . ON Roend Trto PROTESSIOHAL towad by Ztoa Travelers d •day at ~ " . . tUIR«wd Trip Wafcto dy at M wm fahatraal at S a. a. ta the PHARMACY tWAeal. atiwUa.ai.aarr- Mc« a. a. atrriaa. aaeNa Suo- aiiiiyi at 7:» p. a. we* Jackto** YaaOl Mn. Kay Walk wM at SH 1-S2M Stoat aa tha director. Tha Vaatiy o Fttrt Thee." At iw wfl aaot FHdaj. **L » at I a> ak fvaar taadfaard to at tto charch. Baay day wfll to otaorved Saa- £*wfflSHebrew Penitential Services TtoXadtos* Guild wflJ dty. Sept V, at N a. m. ~ It fim. We Give Quick, > at M a. m., to charge subject wB! tervtota wm bo held ta the an- UMIM Set lor Congregation Bnai Israel ppoM room of tto I Suaday at Reliable Service! VUtoft lehool. Ktofa Hwy. Hoffman to sa- RUMSON — Tha Hebrew peal, aad the School of Sacred Music Ha holds tha degree of bachelor MaT OMCwW VJKOSBI tt BM Ltaenft taattal tervteet of SeUhot tha pro- m— tiwaaalaia F. Howard Uoyd. ntiatoter. wttl Holy Commaaioa wdl ba ob- Otottadyatla.au board wiO ludt to the High Holy Daya. win of sacred terved Oct i. World Wide Com- at S pjn. A _ at Coagregattoa ta tto eeatorate of aethittoa. *fto charge of tha 111 a. ra. The Womea't Miaataaary Fel- MWlM IttSdty. Hit MfflMB tub* BMNdoa Saodty. tfcwal aeettag win be held Taot- ££ hero Monday aad Etrath Israel of «• ha "Tha Salt of the day at! PhflsdataWa for four yean be- Tel. SH 7-0412 UmtER MBMORIAL M. at S p. a. Mtoa Marloa Ham- Saator cbotr rotoaraato to told &u- Mtoa Everya Laytaa will KtTdVj ft tWMMtMiy BTMa% COsNat here. Prior to that ha iraaalif. aad dw chair will Rka. wffl gjvo aa Okjttrated toc-Wodntadayt at S p.m.. aad Jan- to BrcaplsJ a potrttoa ta Con- [(haaattMB, "Ohraof Yav- "Coattaae ta My Word" tatt o tor Choir rahsarsato are Fridays Brtth Stalom, AUEN ELECTRIC ' by Rev. ttfclipA baa. Pa. itWkltaSt. a ta aw Matter." for tto atJBBtw*«cBJBDi moom as «a a* at CALVARY BAFTUT Red Bank CENTRAL BAPTIST 18: H aii. ta tto Ttotoa Fafls Atlantic Highlands • chOdrw darlag atlU Fire rnrapaay Flrehoaoe. Mam- Rev. John B. GUchrtot patter, will be ta charge of the 11 a. m. Rev. Harry W. Kraft, pastor, of tto rtarraxrhnol wfll will preach at tto 11 a. m. serv- of tha chan* wU Met participate to tto aarvice. tervke Snadty. Mtoa Audrey Saturday ts patot tha ooMde of Warraa wm direct the choir. ice Sunday, and et - - - - - fjBj|g Suadsy School meets at t:3S worship at T:N p. m. A 'Family : Tha Ladies' Aid So-maato at fctt BM. The topic far ciety wtt aerve luncheon to tht with Zaaale Leaks ss tu-Night Picture" prograp m will to the adult tototBMttoa teriet will told Sunday at f p. m.m, ,followed ba "What tha Bible lay* Aboat perlattadent TteJeator choir win hold It* The Flower dub will Bird by box supper at <:M p. m. Our Chrtottoa RHbillp U Sunday-school with William Int fahaanal Tuesday bttw d I itt Uth aanWenaiy Sunday • aad KM p. a. Children, eight Totaday at I >m, a aew adult ):lt p. m Rev f>»H»* Byrd of Masson at superintendent meets KM p. m. teriet win atart at the paraaaaaa r «r okkr, . Join, tad Keyport wffl be the speaker, aada*t t:* « wfll ba nee* M liaaa R. Oceaaport. far the chair of hto church will stag. Tha board of trustees wfll meet of October. Mia. * to Jotolai the Tha choir win sponsor a pm-:. at I p. m., church or- Chariot Ralph to la charge. gram ta the church Sunday at<*aetra praetlce wUl be held 1 ta the pareonage Wad- m Tha Ladiet Aid aortoty wOJ wfll 7:3t p. m. ^^ Wednesda"^~ y at 7:« p. m. and aeaday at i p. m. Aid Society business Satardty taaden of «k The Virginia Club will meet day, lapt U. at t p. m., Monday at • p. m. ta the church meeting and luncheon Thursday church. SwdaMcbool teecben tt 1 p. m. plea tor their basar Oct Si w at Calvary Lutheran Bible clau and prayer tervicet RIGHT Church, Veroaa. are held Wedaeedtyt at I p. ra MONanum REFORM PRESBYTERIAN BAFTIST ST. JOHN'S Eatontown The services will be under the FROM Keyport Rev. Frederick Gibson of Ham-direction of Rabbi Gilbert S. Ro- Tonight's service win start Rev. Victor will be bet ilton, Ontario, Canada, win be and will mark the first *B o'clock to Shrewsbury Pros- Philadelphia win be the mittioo. at 1.1:91 and 11 a. a. and an winguest preacher at the 10 a. m estival chanting by Cantor Sid- THE VERY bytortaa Charch. Rabbi •ry at the ».* a. at.be identic*!. The pastor, Rev. service Sunday. Church school ney Scharft stace to Joined Con- tjvwsttNlfleB** Wall He to the direc- Hormaa R. Rilcy. win have meets at 1:4$ a. m. gregation Bani Israel's staff last ice. tor of tha Fi of laraat Faith" at Ms sermon subl-t.| The Gleaners will hold a gen- month. Monrao Edttotato WM lead tha Ha headquarter! hto aeeage wfll ba "The era! meeting Monday at • p. m. The SeUhot services prepare tto START choir. Mrs. Arthur Oretataw Lord Wu Astonished.' ta tto church. Miss Geil Carey Jew for tto High Holy Days. They aarvtoo ta Fatoattae. At tto T:« Fred Bopp, Jr.. wiU be the or-wifl give a review of her trip tobegin Moaday and culminate with the special SeUhot tervicee Sat- school wU pa state MfViCt, Rw"/. Mr. gantot. aad Mist Esther Davte. Cuba this summer. ll:U a. a. toth e Edacatioa aad aa wttl given aa illustrated toe- urday at midnight Thto topre - FEDERATED ceded by a social hour with re- lofttocburca. tare oa hto recent Ma to ItraeL freshments and singing at 11 p. Tto Amico Bibto class will meet m. Rabbi : Tatiaay at I p. a., with Mrs. Rev. Andrew A. Burkhardt, m. Rabbi Rotenthal win deliver COMPUTE pastor, wttl conduct the 11 a. m.a sermon H. Laurence Scott, Jr.. ta charge Rabbi Aaron R Lefkowits win Selihot. of the program. Hoeteeett win to service Sunday, and hto sermon htra. Ratavt WflBaat, Mrs. it •:» o'ctoek. subject win be "On Being Chris- During Chartoa Difiaadaiffar. Mrs. Attaar At U:M a. m. tian." Scharff wltt chant tto traditional Matey. Mite Ada Syvertsea aad ard PaOtk. aoa of Mr. aad Mrs. The Young Peoples Christian prayers Hyaaa PoOak. wfll be BaEndeavor r Society will meet to- deeds of tto past year. night at 7:M o'clock in the church A special service will RaUgtooa Saaday to at hat, The congregational commit- Sunday. Sept. 27. at 11 a. m. at Wedaotdayt at 7:11 p. tto congregation's cemetery. Rab- choir lataaiaal Wai Ma. a. toet will meet Moaday at I p. m. daya.*fcli*B*aa< _ ta the parsonage. bi Rotenthal will lead the con- BAFTBJT FEUJOWSHIP gregants ta memorializing their paopto's group aaato Thursdays departed relatives, whether they at ?:» p. a. Spiritualist Is are buried hen or ta otter ceme- Robert Mtaut win preach tto teries. ntoa at tto worship service at U a. a. Sunday. Mn. Mtaut Ordained Tto pulpit of tto syntgogue to toatftN beta charge of me being refurbished, and to expect- tor an age*. "Sta't tool coawMS at HIGHLANDS - Mn. Josephine ed to to completed in time for NATMHAltANR CantreU Seals of 9 Shrewsbury Selihot with new lecterns and re- Black Backgrmmir win be the Ave. hat been ordained as a min-ligious adornments. eermea topic of Rev. A. Youth Fellowship. Senior ister and healer of tto Inter Saaday at the 11 a. m.Group, wttl meet at <:N p. a. Congregation Bnai Itrael tott o worahta) atrvlce. Mra. Alico Smith at tto home of Mr. and Mn. Al- ttanal General Assembly of first synagogue in Monmouth to ta charge of tha "Right- bert E. Mthoaey. 11 Vermont Spiritualists. County to have a full-time can- Ave. She completed It yean of study tor and music director. Cantor A good beginninf waa never more important... choose • BISLISHTOWN WHhaat Worfca" to the OH^ (or tto ministry ta May. Lt. Scharff was graduated from tto topic of aaatar Magaw at Bible study aad prayepy r hour Cmdr. Fred Jordan of Norfolk, Canton Conservatory of America those fint few pain of walking shoes with extn-apedal • KiYPORT •a ftl» a> auVwper y are at S p. m. at Va., came to her home for or- care. Trust Stride Rite quality and careftil fit .*.-. our MMk P! home of Mr. aad Mrs. Ma-dination ceramoniee recently. He CHRIST EPISCOPAL • LITTLI SILVER at V.m p. a. The to president of tto Aatembly, and Middtotown tttt «• be "Aa It tt careful fitting. • RED IANK baa hto churches ta Norfolk, Va., Holy Communion win to ad- aad ta the Midwest ministered Sunday at I a. m. by • broad heel aoata, anug heel nt • finst oounten Oaa Ctob, the rector, Rev. Andrew M. Van- Rd. Thto faU. Mrs. CantreU will appear oa tto roster of Cmdr. Dyke. Ho will conduct prayers • aupple upper*, flexible sole* Jordan's church. She holds con, and preach at 11 a. m. Maafcar Fo^aral Rev. E. wltatiaa to tor home Sundays. Churcb-eehool classes will re- a. Ma for tto fall term Sunday 5.50 TO 10.9S ACCORD*** TO be hold at M:« at *« a. m. a. StatorMYF via Rev. Jaaaa VanAtta U» Lecture Confirmation Instruction starts DOCTORS' nilSCRIPTIONS CARIPULLY POUOwVB 7 p. a. R. Maaaatt prtirhtag oa thOe n Oviatlan Seteaee Thursday at 4 p. m. Charch atair rakaani Thara. toaic. "What's law Goad WoroT' daya at 7:B) p. a. Fred Toa we. barMoae. wttl ATLANTIC HtOHLANDS-Rob ST. PAUL'S BAPTIST ,Tto) a." by Vaa doert S. Van Atta Recbtster, Red Bank N. Y., a Chrtottoi BOB toe- Rev. Walter. T. Hawkaa, pas- HISHWAY #11 A SUHtiT AVT. AMUtY or, wifl apeak I at 1:» tor, wUl use "Where Are You Oo- p. m. ta tto big) tag?" as hto taraaa subject foi PBJ» BVBS* trtaa. tto service Suaday at II a. a Hto topie to "Christian Tto Mtostoaartos wifl hold a SHOE CO. km to Practical Chrtottanlty platform service Sunday at 1:M p. a. Mn. Lota Brawatoe tott o it aoAO mntr

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ATUNT1C HIGHLANDS th* Shor*'$ i«ff#a| In fMIt AVMIII ATUNflC of Kmrly Amirtem AT MIM Furnttun e% Aetruarln Sept. 18. MM RED BANK BECISTEB

-Uni- versity of Pennsylvania's football To Baseball •quad returned from Its Henhey PITTSBURGH (AP) - Uo Du- training camp aad heM Rutgers rocher. former National League to a deadlock yesterday la a •antgtir who hung up his spikes tor a career aa a sports announcscrimmag- e at Franklin Field. By Hy Cunningham er, says he plant to forsaketh e Each team scored two touch- microphone and return to base-downs. Extra points weren't EARLY THIS MONTH A TRAINER WAS REIN ballll.. counted. Both sides were per- STATED — By the State Racing Commission after "I have been negotiating with mitted to try a kick conversion being suspended because of a stimulation to one of his a baseball team for tome time and a pass or run for the point after TD. horses, not once, but twice. aow," taid Durocher yetterday aa ha arrivad in Pittsburgh to Rutgers' tall sophomore tail- Trainer Tom Harraway of Lincroft was the announce a "game of the week" back, Sam Mudie, had a hand in Victim, once at Camden aad then again at Mon- for the NaUoaal Broadcasting both touchdowns. He set up his •Muta Park. The case seemed to have loose ends Company. Ha added: first score with a 2»-yard pass "I'm not at liberty to tellyo uto end Bob Simras on Penn's one- oa Both oecationt, aad to us they are still loose. with whom. I can tell you this yard line. Then Mudie took it Nothing has ever been concrete oa the matter other much. Nothing definite has come over through right tackle, ending than the reinstatement early this aaoath. from our aegotiauona to far."a 73-yard drive. The second TD Neither did Duroche* indicate in came on a #-yard Mudie to Precautions were taken after the first report of what capacity be would return to Slmma pats. number one stimulating, but it happened again within the national patttime. Pern's sophomore halfback Just about two months. How did it happen? Oh, seeing Dumber gvJdod both the old John Salem of Johnstown, Pa- New York Giaata aad the old that we came up with one question, here are some went through right tackle for Brotklya Oedgara to National both Quaker TOa. Safea, with more questions for the Racing Commission. League peaaaati before his re- most of the second team, ended I. Why should a trainer be suspended be- tirement from baseball. Since a O-yard drive by going tour thea ha haa bean a talent rela for the first tally. He ran tight cause a urinalysis turned up a strange substance teas executive for NBC and for which could not be analyzed? the last two yean a commentt- £!fi 2. After two suspensions because of this strange substance, and subsequent reinstatements, what hap- Should Dorocber return to base- pens if this strange substance shows up again in the ball, he would give up a SU.000 a year Job. Durocher said he had game horse after winning another race? Will the trainer notified NBC two and a half be suspended again in this very strange racing melo- months ago that he would not re- drama? new hit contract with them at the end of thia year. 3. Would an Intelligent trainer accept to At that time, Durocner waa train and race Star Ice under these circumst quoted at aaylng he would con- without some assurance of Immunity? •IG POUR AT RUMSON — Coach Joe Rosati of Rumion-Fair Haven Regional High School chats with his "fig Four," sider returning to baseball on- 4. Why can not the state once and for all with griddert who are expected to carry a heavy load in Shore Conference B competition this season. The Bulldogs ly if he could purchase stock in a club and receive a part of hit proper tests determine beyond a reasonable doubt will start out with 13 experienced lettermen. In fact, early reports havt Joo Rosati's squad loaded. Left to salary in stock. whether or not this particular horse manufactures right, are Fred Tharin, converted to end from • tackle berth; Terry Sieg, fullback, who it expected to carry spaed 1 would definitely be uninter- within its body under certain conditions this strange and power; Coach Rosati; George Fallon, center, who it one of the most rugged centers along tho Shore, and J. V. ested in an offer to return to baseball on a strictly salary ba- substance? McCarthy, a tackle. Mentor Rosati is "high" on this quartet. sis," ha wat reported to have S. Has the state already determined that the lt4S».M. horse does manufacture within its body under Since thea, many reportera have speculated that maybe Durocher IAONO OAUY certain circumstances this strange substance? Rum son is Loaded But Coach Joe Rosati wat seeking a position in theAUG. 8 thro OCT. 12 6. If so. Why hasn't the state made an open and « newly-formed Continental League. clear cut announcement to this effect? However, Branch Rickey, Sr., the new Commissioner of the infant fl.M 7. Why ia this great America is any trainer Is Not Climbing Out On a Hot Limb league, could not be reached for suspended aad hurt irreparably (family and busi- comment ness) before be is proved guilty beyond any rea- RUMSON Reports have Rum-out at end. He can always be In other conjecture, Durocher't name haa been linked with the sonable doubt? son-Fair Haven Regional High'switched in either spot if neces- fBRHOl»,N.l School a loaded one for the 1959 sary. Cleveland Indiana of the Ameri- 8. Does the big state tax take from racing makeseason, especially with 13 vet- Another tackle is Norman White Sox Could Sew Up can League. a.«NB twwm M. r. lt:M ••< *••• t I __ _ for an unholy alliance between the commission and erans back ready (or action in Buck, probably the heaviest man II: It. l.». UM BBANCB Mf aSS the Shore Conference B division, of the squad. Buck tips the scales e-irar M Hits. —4 tnm WI'm the race track operators? Pennant In Next 48 Hours Rumson's Sport M ll:tt «•< mm m* Hn.mt aaaN The squad certainly has thp at around 225-230. He should be! mrmt at Uias. km MSHItrui t. How is the betting public protected when 1 tna Hhta as. mm* (AM *»•. as tltas. material, a.id if Coach Joe Rosati able to stop an offensive by just By Hie Associated Press | Gordon, had a day off yesterday Program Opens all race track operators work for 12 horses in each is expecting and hoping for an falling in tront of the backs. How long is 40 years? It's noth- with the rest of the AL. of eight or nine races daily In order to increase the undefeated season he is tolling- Guards seem to be completed'ing" ,he whitecareer. The big risht-haader Dos Slaven, director of the win- sity have the desire toplay. And lyjsj the lightest in the line. Sox' magic number is "3"-any broke in with theTigerg s ia1 1*7* . ter program, a Tweed that he 12. Why wouldn't the good trainers, of which rhiia tmi haauta #A r

track or state assume full responsibility fo, r, a h°rse-JM, : rea1 t«li battluniti;ev wit*«•"»lisha h Centraxs*.ui&^> «*l^i Regionalnv^iviim,, a«ti iiHiiwavn. a^vui mt V Jlglll eUSU Slf? Halloween parad"• *«*«•« hr ptrloimed ath e takinmg „ou.r mgame_ s one _byf < III average. The biggest Tlajer la n n II klt w h ur ELUE'g THOUGHTS the forward will It Clark Weal- Today's (m<) BXDIAN SONO have bee* asteaaed si the weak !Urt (17-11) or 1, (ia.|H Ihinx for ture it that wnrfc " I harm will br ju»t as dangerous1 RAY P. (Batten Daylight Tlsae) vs. thaw (IM) Cleveland al Kansas City. It •. Utll a."at. - Dryadak «". - Perry tan mova it. A mrmiirr HOT Only Oaane Sehtealtd ,_ y/alktr (114) vs. Hschw (M) "I ihr irwk i.an. l«»i »prin«. 1960 MODELS _ Sii'H puts Im upt'cd lo work on "MeejeipBia, a.t* »»^wrrww • KMHM H,,. unilinm ilr«|>ilr iHing l*KSnl • I* SAVINGS RvRCRIlt 0 t f bark ju«l a lillla with hravy CtaSaaael at PHttewgk, HM p. l ^'*** •* '** ^»»> »'•» •• «• fnulhall Krai, Klrg will IM- unr DISCOUNTS TO 40% », Cleveiaad al Kaaaaa City, II a.ol lh» mfit l>i wiirh in Ih* «»r Dauphin* Csteaao at B4, Loiilaa 0 a. at, "* ing drparlmrnl Ihn xnwin l^iiar WINTH ITORAM Let Aaaotts M Sao r rajKlece, Saliimere al Waafclafien, I p. m. lf*t C0ff1| lll*|f' m A & B BOAT SALES CONTINENTAL CARS, INC. at. i ;..,.:u ||<' !>].«>..I HIM I 1,1 Ihr k AUTO IMPORTS 1 p. m HftrlaiMl al K«nta« IH>, J.J| M IHO«I/I |i Ml Mt I'MY a. I1AI>: RDII ANrr.R MM>R It I. Ntwrnaa IfrlRft U. »H 1-4%H led tank thirage al »• lit • N Lot Anaalee Kan I rani urn, p m HIOHWAY It. IILKMO Chark oar Ctosalhea Ad lar Our Used tertig* INt. m. DHIOII >i 1 hlKKM, 1 Up m ' Kl A-llll •e)., laej t«a« SURF, FIELD AND STOEAM I Willie Mays Goes 4-for-4 VaO Sta*m Gvfl Rights Prissy. Seat M, HI»-II eoasider broader dvi rights lea> Tbmrtf Natca on UM 6mt Oatdeot* Point Standings Chances Slim, lalatlea in the next i •y NUJON tENEMCT ovnuu. We. W As Giants Blast Braves, 13-6 Bill Stranaigan is the new bas- Says Case ketball coach st UM Vstvorsity Braves' bM for a first place tie homers aad • sacrifice fly, bat GARWOOD. N. J. (AP)-The of Wyoming. He plans te add Than bad been rumor* around to the effect that yesterday, Masting Milwaukee, the Oiaatt had it expectation of passing civil rights eight lifting to the team's con- Ife now or "wait 'til next •Mr Bonn legislation in the next session of night chummen were catching uncommonly large blue- ye«r" lor the Le* Angeles Dodg- 114. for a split In the two-game before he started itagglag. Spain Mump! itioning program. series. scrambled (IMS) faced only fear men. BeUtll congress is no better than in the fhh tocnewhere in the immediate vicinity of 17 eri In that National League pen- bjr Hower session just ended, according to U rice beck into • share of second last didn't retire any and left after Frank Bfyroncuk Fathomi Bank. The bluet allegedly involved in this 2" Lenay Brown Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-NJ). night, besting Cincinnati, 4-3, af- only II pitches as the Giants SMScf They open a three-game series AvfM Moaftetie "Eighteen senators from nine RENT nocturnal play were described as genuine brutes, Jum- it San Frandico tonight tied ter home runs by Duke Snider •cored three runs in the fit and Junior Gilliam built Just B Southern states are effectively New Can e New Tracks bo* which weighed upwards of 10 pounds. with Milwaukee'! repulsed Braves controlling the leadership of the for second place, two games be- enough of a cushion to hold off Mays singled the first SH 7430S All this was presumably going on east of Shrews- a two-run rally in the ninth by a three-run homer Democratic party in the senate," hind the Giants. And the Giants said Case yesterday. bury Rocks. On the Rocks proper, chumthers were have the edge. the Reds. (No. 31) In the fourth off Bob catching small blues, fish averaging between three Each of the three contenders The Dodgers, facing a "must" Rush and singled in another in In a speech at a Republican chore of taking at least two of a three-run seventh. Jim Dave* dinner meeting. Case noted that and four pounds, phis bonito and occasional albacore. haa eight tames left-bat for each game the. Braves or Dodg- tiw three games at Sag Frauds- pott wad drove In four runs, aad Senate leaders scheduled a civil By last week-end, however, more and more boats de- ers loee, the Giants can lose one co, opea behind right-hander Don Ed Bressoud also rights battle !n February of a sooth-the Oiaatt, Presidential election year. serted th* Rocks for the offshore grounds midway more and still beat If Drysdale (tt-M) against paw Johnny AntoaeUi (IM), hits off sht pitchers. "The leadership of the Demo- between Scotland and 17 where the Jumbos were either the Braves or Dodgers wins five of the eight, the Giants maklag Ms third try for No. M. Jack Sanford (1M2) won cratic party in the senate will tearing up tackle and inhaling vast quantities of chum. need play only .500 ball to take Milwaukee Is Idle. altboagh aad Sam Jones (i not wish to split the party by two*u» series at Philadelphia otoe?) mopped op whoa Sanford Th* weather turned sour. Northerly winds kicked it resslng the one Issue viewed as most objectionable to its Southern ap a nasty sea. but that dkt not discourage th* fisher- And that's exactly the way the three have played their last eight ring," said the New Jersey Sen- men. They buffeted their way to the home of the giant garaes-the Giants winning or. for Muas and prospered accordingly. Dick Newbould of and losing four, aad "They and their supporters g . Inning nay not want to risk losing the Highlands Basin Landing reported that blues unboated and Los Angeles each 54. bvgh whipped St Loais. 14, bo- against losor lob Pmfcsy (tt-lT), upport of Southern Delegates at hind a four-hitter by Harvey Had- foUowod GUUim's haooff walk from the Elsie-L and Frances-C there Tuesday weighed Mays La** y y the Democratic Presidential Con- Parts aad service are ao prok- With Willie Mays leading the dix, and the Phils beat Chicago, and a single by Charlie Neat. Oil- •* vention." Im oa yew foreign car whoa between 10 and IS pounds. charge driving In five runs and W. Ham then scoreeored the clinchedlneher Case, a leading advocate of Alto commenting on the fishing Tuesday was Joe going 4-for-4-ihe Giants chased Ed Mathews drove in all of the with Us third homer la the eighth vil rights measures, said that ITS aa Eagttth Ford by FAH Warren Spate and blocked the Braves' runs, with a pair of Meters, lac., year aathortsoi Julian of Atlantic Highlands. He joined up with Paul Inning, off Brooks Lawrence. until Negroes in the Southern states sttain full voting rights Eagllsh Ford Us* dealer. IS Joy, Atlantic Highlands, and the BJack brothers of 'the Southern bloc in Congress models to ekisas frean starMog Highlands—Bill, Bob. Jack and Duke—on Joy's Lillian Freehold Entries Horses Arriving Freehold Results . Bonn . rill continue to exercise its veto' at fl.448.10. See them all at Biua HuSreUi ' civil rights measures. FoH-tocatod lust earth of to catch seven jumbos up to 13*4 pounds. As many tlaea D t Tret ,— IN 3W I.S0 Kak Boudlnot - • KZWFORT DCCHESS-tJarey 41 Jack BaUlstta He described as hopeful the Beadls on Route SS, more fish were lost, declared Julian. f HISS BWCNDA D-H. Kelly B-2 At Camden Track §§& (mM., S.St aaona Cook 4 noot RBOENT—Headley II Pick raklakui. idmission of Senators from N. J. , it really blew a living gat* Wednesday. Local . Head-Karrtniton S-l CAMOEN - With the fall opes- r^Vr-"" '""" ts Cerrtllo Uaska and Hawaii and the prom- Elm Rick— Svuterl 11-1 ing of Garden State Park just Pflatar CaU U Mill baata wisely enough reaaalned la their slips. So Dandy—Nllrt 1-1 Coarlla Crtgar se of the Democratic leadership Airliner—Romano about four weeks away, the Aiida MoaaEara „ Winner— Lamb S-l the Shark River and MeaasBtiaa Inlet chatter •Air. 1 ml* I:J» ». m. stable area is beginning to hum fid party fleets. Bat men veatureaoene bead boats (IBM D 1 rara MM with activity. s mas AFTON «htif. Racing Secretary M. C. "Ty" from SbsoBshosd Bay took a beating to visit the TI BUCCBSMODBaT* WANDA—MacqueeBCOT-Barnei a 1 liatfa Mac—Kuney Shea reports that SS horses from area and catch more of thth* 1 Royal Wane—Rolley 10-1 four stables have vanned in. The naat Myrtle—c. AbbaUello a-2 1U'l Tip- U»f SI largest contigent belongs to Cal- ft Bravrll- tireeii S-l umet Farm, with 33 thorough- eligible: Bl( Star-Oarey When the weather quieted down Wednesday 1IStitAtr. I ml* i:M >. M breds, followed by Norman Hay- evening, several Highlands boats sailed. They returned W <•»• n i mi UM maker's baker's dozen of 13. Mel S EXCELLENNT COLBYCOLBY-JaefeJ r a.i with discouraging tidings. No bluefish! Nor did the S BDD1DIBE MMAAC JR.oiveJR.-Olvenn t 1-1 Calvert and Harvey Vanier have TRAVa AGENCY S VICKIE'S PEMON-CDEMON . Abbatlello ft-1 six each under their care. Train- 1 Mr. York— Oolrfrn 111 3U boats which anchored east of the Rocks yesterday S Proud Sona—Oarejr er Calvert has the big horse at 10 MCKLISS PL COOKMAN AVI. 4 Mala Street Mi»- FirM morning do any good. Shortly before lunchtime, how- 5 Btmma Hanover—Lamb the moment — the two-year-old I Baa Hlfh—To l» ann. S-l filly My Dear Girl — a leading ASHIRY PARR ever, the radio crackled with good news. The bluefish POtlSTIH BAIT. I mile r.P. < la*. D t rare eligible for The Gardenia Satur- were in the slicks again! *_ _J*AT.^ipOaE-8hneC MXTO DIRECT-i Murphy »•• day, Oct. 24. This chestnut filly SH LSOtO 1 BUBBT DALE -H. Kelly S-2 breezed yesterday morning, go- Until such time as a genuine, old fashioned, three- t DIteott Patch—MacQueen «1 535 S Brown Bob—viraK 1-1 ing five-eighths in 1:01 and finish- Oeorfe Call *3» day Nor'easter rearranges the structure of coastal fish- 4 June Belle-Pagel §-' Bob ciumbarlaicma n -. 310 5 Tope ItoKcroft-RMiway €- ing out the three-quarters of a ing, we may assume that bluefiihing will be current — T Up—Ferritro M-l mile in 1: IS as she begins her Walt Tracy •_.. - 225 You can reserve and pick up airline, sfearruMp, BA 1 Rrque»l -W. Wtbb 1?. men are expected within the next Time: let J. attntlaod 1SS f Rutty C»«h- -Nile. SO- tnaOi Bac*. t MUa. fit else land as late as Election Day. T Chert I.'Amour—cobb a. few days and the stable area ac- Dale KnlgM 1M im 1 Hkey-Murphy 10- tivity will increase in tempo (C. Abbatlell«> Even as the presence of king-size bluefish made Alto eligible: Delihie Walnut—Long The Clipper ilweeneyi SOS l*fl NOTE: Pott positions for the aeeonri the opening day of Oct. 10 draws Dlaiornai Maria (Boro»aky) 4.SO IT COSTS NO MORI TO tOOR heat ot* itouble dasnrs will be drawn local sportsmen think twice and then again about afipr the tirft heat. near. Ml' Beiea. I Mile, fare—«l4Ma BIT. delaying seasonal haul-outs of their craft. Sgt George fixrn I mil* 4:H a. Last year. Garden State Park Coontry Charm It* S.40 JSO THROUGH YOUR LOCAL TRAVH, AwRNT < la., c J rare ••.«• m* (C. A.bbatlallol ) Chandler of the Fair Haven Police Dept. provided the 2 H1LDRED DIRECT C Abbatlello »- instituted a policy of inviting Boy Pretty Baby lUnt 4*0 140 J DICKIE BE U.E Pairt »- Scout Groups to inspect the Jarrettmm aaxah (Brawtr) S.40 4 LITTLE QI'ICKEV- lloltt 7-2 2:0T. word surfmen had been waiting for. The mullet run Ray F Sanoviiky S-l stable area and take a look at Hanctle. S2M,2M I Fell> Hannver--Wanl II AttaMutee. 1.110 was in progress, said George, and bass were chasing . Grattan-VMle S-»!l the horses going through their T Mama Voiomitf-Kldgway 10-1 training chores. This proved to mullet right into the undertow. R-Xn4lan_llt>ng— Farrlngttxi 10-1 be tremendously fascinating for Charlie Co* Moves Casters hung ban on plugs at Ship Ahoy jetty in t jossDAUE couarr-Hamvick the scouts and an increasing num- To Golf Semi-Finals EOROK VAN -Organ ber of troops have expressed in- Sea Bright and also at Sandlass Beach. Small Creek 1 O 31 WORLD'S BEST VALUE! U(AHWTN-Vins COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. arrr 41 terest in taking the guided tours SS MILES AIR COOLED Chub plug* and HJbtida Shiners were amont th* pre- Coar this season. (APV—Defending Champion Char- PER GAL. ferred lures. Further on down the coast, spin fisher fflJrTVS 4:M p.m. Several improvementproementss have lie Coe of Oklahoma City moved ENGINE into the semi-finals of the Na- men nailed stripers up to 40 pounds at Manasquan r.r. cia-a D i r 1 been made at GardeGd n State Park, Si JOBMAHTB Dnx6N-r QUEEN—RH rUSTr"a * l\ tional Amateur Championship Inlet The fall run of linesiders thusty would appear S4 JOPROUB DnXOND em—WarnnitoH Kll n S-| with a new entrance to the park t Ifas'a Ba>y—Batavn Itl from Chapel Ave. off the far endwith a 4 and 1 triumph ever Ted to be getting an •arty start tj Tallev Breoa—Haniit of the grandstand. Also, there V. Cleichmaim of Ventura, Calif.. - Daarmaa—llequarrle i\ and a 2 up victory over Bill UM boys who wfll raaHy tan stripers dtartag S JaoH otDJanwrxIa— Nllet will be additional parking space jrnrSi sues i alia s:w >.••;M a result of the recent purchase Hyndman, III, Abington, Pa. the weeks ahossfl ar* tb*a* ssMrttes who cast tat© r.», daw • i •*• ii,*r-"•- » of ground formerly owned by an Coe was Joined by Gene An- In* *SJBT USJSSJ snssxsv jusgssi wnsosx v Millar drew.. Whittier. Calif.: Dudlev '—Bation imal farm on RL 70, adjacent taalaal tVmttan—Bnaley the main parking lot Both of Wysong, McKinney. Tex., and l»Mea*^ 47 fW.se tot** year In that 9 iSa tUa,aaet—W. Webb aatr Caah—WUei these improvements are expected Jack Nieklaus, Columbus, Ohio. aad a* ssjpnts to afcaMe bis eeor* daring the fall Char* L'Amam Cotb Murphy to help the parking of can and 72 MILES From West Gorauoy riipitga Casters, tartdirrtalry, will be In twsliiess BAtB 1 a»lla S:U a. m. the ftow of traffic. naat 0 1 rare SI.4M Mv. Country Charm Scores PER HOUR wall fat advaacs at trailers. MtD nOtfcCT-C Abbatlello IB nniJt w»tri Pittsburgh's Mel Barnwell set 2d Straight Victory Look for river bass fishing to perk up, too. Kay JB Q^ICXBT—Holts Bar r. aaae»i»y an American record in the 1959 FREEHOLD (AP) - Country Christiansen of Chris' Landing in Sea Bright advises Italia Hanovar—Ward ONLY! Flaw Ortttan—Veale Michigan State relays, running Charm gained his second straight PRINZ Marna Volomne—Rutrwiy 300 yards in 30 seconds. that some of her regular rowboat patrons have been lnalan Bong—Famngton victory at Freehold Raceway $1*0 killing schoolies consistently at the Rumson Bridge. yesterday by winning the feature P.O.I Billy Stewart. Michigan State After IS seasons in the minors, class C pace, S3V.33 '1398 Elsewhere on the sheltered water perimeter, por swimmer from South Africa, won third baseman Jim Baxes played Country Charm, driven by Car Tiy nut tli* f*»c.natin.r NSU PUIN/. light »••»! SM f*r yoj.r-

gies and fluk* are edging offshore. Sandy Hook fluking four NCAA and five Big Ten in the majors with Los Angeles mine Abbatiello. leading driver. a«lf how much powvi. mmfmt. atatiiliiy ^an ***d* SUPE^ ve* • a*Rww aier^'varECONOMv V*T tvai Yv freestyle titles In two years. this spring. Icovered the mile in 2:07.3 and ia i.arksxl into il! l-«?l UM oti|>lsiin how NSISU >laiplleitr af tlaaiin is just about finished and most of the po'gies have SOM TOf-Short.top John ••*•« "Dnllaia I>ailv" in upkrvp. i Loral NSI! rams «•«• re- paid tS.SO. $3.20 and 12.10. The Itrrt •• much a\* :.O"r roxluction In tot*.! ro»t-»f-tma*t»«ri»t.e>li). quit Raritan Bay. Jim Fernandez of Johnny's Landing, winner is owned by ]. S. stable ny Lo4jen, sperkplucj of the Wa k.v* a. it*., nr to .h..w jtn.1 *• want to mUw It t* YOUt Highlands, blamed rough water for a mid-week slump of Freehold Milwaukee infield, displays In rowboating operations. Still plenty of snappers in A crowd of 3,111 bet CJJ.M.. his infected toe shortly after the rivers, however. return to Milwaukee for hoi- T LEVINE pttaliMtran end treatment. la Jersey Leagroe Tilt TEN5U PRINZ SALES Tee fercee) Le«jen to leave the Wall Stadium Had One Runuoa A—FP.EEH0LD meet bt travot durino, their final 4sVS0 Ave. The Jersey Shore League win continue Weitern trip. UP Wire- Of Its Best Seasons elimination playoffs phot* I West Laaf (Oaf, morning whoa Rumson A's will •HLMAK - WMk the dostag tall U meet Freehold Townsman, on the North Carolina State's base- af Wai Saturday sight previous stark el Tosnmy Elliott Red Bank Tonner* homo grounds oil team Is coached by Vic MM tree And eight beat the oM Winner of this contest will moot SorroU who compiled a H-IOI KBWMI istartllag statistics. mark la this yaaft time trials lar regular UMA record as a pitcher with the Track flajarss show that «,*« the ISt-mller en Jury 4. of Lang Branch la the afternoon. Detroit Tigers, has aaM Is »Hw the is cosseiete Prior to the start of the IMS nciM mgrams heM st the sta- Thla figures to a 2S4ap feature race at WaU I J.0S4- Stadium In less than 7:«. This U5.R0YALS •rawlag year there was a stib-eevee-mla- the ute race (Kelly's); and two T:M's NEW (Pompoalo aad Ralph Perklas of The year'isr'i top ecrown d was a Treatos) aad several 7:»l'i. hoa^wJJM for the Labor Day The cainpelltlea wia faster than say ether year In the sta- SIMMS ft TRIUMPHS Mgfost gale. TMs waedkMt's history - hat flgww Wall's laraest since the first ske htdkate It was closer *aa Fourth of July lOe-mller beck la INT. Ettvea drivers shared the win MNXIOMAMI AT LUNCH - ftoun. Table, richest hone The season's pa king It the In thereuahored raca hittofy. lakes time out at Atlantic dance was a I.S1I paid on a evenly distributed la the City Race Courio for a kit of areilng with ttelnef lill chilly earry-Jtme Saturday night track! W years. Winners were Nlrwty-eeven race drivers Perklas Moltor doinf the honori. Round TaWe. with 11,* 14,139 (1).. peted for prise mosey hi U can (I), Norman Kldd (2), Jos Kelly. oarnlnf i to hit cradit, will thoet for the $100,000 United In the fast Modified • SnortssMa •Ill McCarthy, Frank Myroncuk. Nations Hendleap Saturday. Jockey Willie Shoemaker, OPEN TIL 9 PM Avtalea. while another eolaay of y Ed Mgler. Duko DeaVeut, Lea the eetifltry's loadlna rider, will be up, If ha recover! n WIMmUBernniflil m ^a^HanSsS^ wTnil^ l tfWS^akttBMBMBii fMllt^eltwV lal Bh H Brawn aad Don Itumpf. Fraate, TH 0) •• n from Monday's .pill at Aqueduct. UM MCCt PpoWO I247S. Novrc* fKviatoa can 4ui*g tht KfcM wore constant feature race threats throughout IIAR WHIIL AU«NMINT f#afMMii sN HUM inck the sossoa. ONLY LIFT!!! Wall Stadium alee aoUdtflod Ma In fact, the aslnt standtags • SPORT CAR - Tt 3 position as the fastaot 14 so clos* Ihroughoul, that JMSIY macadam track in the country week to week some specta- SKIFFS Otdy-ir, N h.p. Feed en. with some track record runs dar- cular changes were isooided. In pjne, «M.h. Oooi rue> IASY CHARM ing the course of the yesr. Joe the space of two weeke al oae W m.p.h AN Al Cw4tn

S^wBBfya^r vja/a ^*vwesta^a^ji 'vtoevisi polal. Bill McCarthy of Rumun • the U-lap mark Jumped from ninth lo second In FRANK PORTIR'S sevea minutes for the first time the auadMss. 'oSO •2500 when he drove the No. XLI, The only runaway nf the year UNO ROWtOATS MM tAll Owned by Don llmise. lo a mark occurred In the Spntltmen divi- of 0 WSJ—or about 71 tnllss per linn race whur* Jsrk Hsrt nf RED BANK TIRE Co. hour. This mark In s full II Media, fa., clohbrrrd all com. seconds fsstcr ihsn Wall's clown p* III Inn wllh un«|Hvl.( ul«r but ANGUR'S MARINA FOREIGN CMS off NWNMOUTH •ILL CHADWICK LES STEVINS IMt OCIAM AVI. SIA MWHT rivol, Donbury lipefd Howl. Cimn •leariv — drlvini llarl t»nn Ihr U 2-2414 The onelap track moid of nil* liy 130 pntnli nvrr his nr«r Ovea 7 Dwys • Week • Phono II 2-0104 (One Mil* al Alrparll D7t »»l |hla araann by nrw Sla f«l i -nniprlitur, I.J Niglir nl I'nil dium ( hsmp Al IVimuanio MSS I Mnnmouih. Highway 35 larontown SHRIWSIURY AVE SH 7-3404 tt-FHifr. See*. M. 19S9 BED BANK REGISTER Devotion Pay. frontier Cty Off—$200,000 Supplies Queen DANCMG TO ALL HUC BAWS? Left-Lane Hoggers SUMMIT (AP)-For 15 years Mr*. Katberine JUJoppi was a paid companion to an elderly For Rodeo ON OUR JUKI IOX widow. Mrs. Rajoppi's faithful- PORT MONMOVm-'ne wile Due to Get Ticketsness has been rewarded—with of a master sergeant here has $200,000. BED BANK the country. Capt David Dowgtn, head of O. Louis Tooti, parkway execu- the Garden State Parkway troop- tive director, said "This appalling er force, agreed that most of the increase in deaths over the last fatal accidents have been single EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? six weeks has been the subject cars running off the road. a number of conferences in He said some of the accident*, my office. however, have been caused be- Hatliaway's Britiah "But we're frustrated. Almost cause someone was bogging the LOOKITIJ IT'S Tab Collar Now every one of them has involved left lane. a single car going off the road "That ha* been a bad violation," MY Comet in Oxford and —»**f up — in many be said "People write in com- lass with teenagers at the wheel. plaining about people who won't "We can not blame the road ormove over. It clogs the toad up. enforcement or anything else, We Just have to educate the peo- accidents are just tine* urn. Mas-we are ple to drive in the two driving plalnebie." lanes and pass in the left lane."

leaks jest right with the Italian and American Food •swijr strled mtU. at it'$ best . . . ffUseealr $«J0 • DINNER • LUNCHEON • PIZZA" ALaS RESTAURANT (West at Little Star UM. Statlea) © US9. Kiac rwtaiM 6radk*H IN. World riffcti Opaa 7 Day* • Was* SH ••M70


HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS Imarovamanti yWre aoan atonnlnfl for so lena . . . that new t—m, new ka«tl»f system, Interior and exterior •aintinf, itorm windows, modemlsod k(t«ke* ... any ana af 1001 tMnep . . . PAIL IS THI MST FRIDAY TIM! TO MAKE THEM A REALITY! And. a Marshal* Trust Hama Imarevomant Loan Is the atrslnesslika, lew-«a*t way te> flaanae thaw. Jrnt fat your estimates, seme In ... we'll da the rettl SEPTEMBER 18th l»tolMK TftlY NEW AND MODERN DINER YOU PAY MONTHLY TO SERVE YOU BETTER 1«i Same1 As Y«a Uk« It" 1>1B! !•• IllBDAil" •MM IMT • BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNERS * CATERING TO FAMILIES 5P . • TAKE OUT ORDERS 45 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK erch.nts (Ntit to Police HftdqiMirUra) SHadjiMB. 1-8131 I BO BROAD STRUT, RIO BANK BRANCH i Ferr Haven ShoaaUf Center

H Poyt To Advortiw In T1* feojifof "' <«• Today's Comics and Crossword Puzzle Sea Scouts Here to 'Sail' the Good Ship North Star Rejl Bank's famous old Seaof leaden for tha future." it seemed strange Red Bank's Scout aMp North Star will tall Meetings of the ship will be ship was tied up with a vessel BRITIANS SUMMIT ELECTION held in Trinity Pariah Hall from waterlesn territory when It now seems probable that Brit- M*a of Trinity EpUoopal Wednesday nights. Activities will they'd have to paint barnacles ain'a Conservatives may win an Church win gather la the Parish nautical studios, mot on the bottom to identify it u extremely dose election nest Hall, (9 Wttt Front St. at I p. lOdtag. knot tying and re- any sett of ante." month on a platform of "sum- m. Wedaesday aigbt tor a lamb- lated studies. Members of the Trinity Epis- ing ceratnonr, led by the new mit and sun-tan." This U an al- TiadaU Rd.. copal Church epwi soring c most exact equivalent of Ike skipper, E. W. CopaUnd. M it too an Robert dose, 11, Irving Oraaja An., Pair Haven, and American Republicans' IKS sto- tivs for Monmoath Camcd PI., Red Bank; Robert F. Mil- ut. "Peace aad prosperity." Mat* Kaaaith R. Reeves, 17 Boy Scoots, aow retired, tor. U Biskmin Pt, Fair Ha- By WALT DISNEY Whlto Rd., Shrewsbury. The Tories' Mr. Macaillan ap- MICKEY MOUSE yesterday ha lansssben ven; Jacob P. Koldak. Jr., 13 Or-pears to hold all tha eards at me Tsiy wast all Sad Bank ana when the North Star ship hsadsd chard PL. LttHa Um; Carl boys aged from M to II yean moment except for that some- t» the Region 2 fleet Penman. 2 Itadmrbnok Ave, Un^ crucial one held by Ms op- who ara Mensted la scoatmg. "It wu tied even with Los and WtUlem B. Legg. U Edge- boating and good comradethlp poaents: the tradition against a Angelas and Topska, Ksm. and •rood Rd.. both of Rumsoa. and third tans." to Jofai tham Him at that time. then L. A. dropped out of this Charles Rssves. IS Leenl St. liwa to Speak race. I told Joe (Irwia) West Lang Branch. Otherwise, ha has managed to FfMholdsr Director Joseph C. spirit the "peace" label n In**, who waa the skipper of horn theLaborMea through Us the «Mp back in the lMOswm re- CROSSWORD PUZZLE summit initiative — not an easy late ttw esBerioacos boya and feat considering Ma party's post- BMevea joyed together back when ACMOSS Suet nadir. tbo North Star made a name for hoMlasosnct Mogaula Fnrthermon, he has managed hen* to days |Doa by. i-Zr ihla to make very effective use of Whsa Mr. Irwia was at the Britain's remarkable aad wel- it'KaUTOj*] SBBsUHsMl hat*, tha Norm Star bacana the t4-Pn(U: M« ' 11-Seklsraa .-JM postwar high In prosperity. flsgsksp «f tha Bey Soout Region U-Younc kaH 11-Bladar It was the Labor Party's lively lT-rrenerrenek IS-Baaa 1 fleet •rtlcl•rtl * U-Enain«laaa chairman, Mrs. Barban Castle, Learning that tha men of Wo- ll-MUt who sardonically labeled this tty Episcopal akmgpls MM-CCo far tt-ATuJSo sun-tan election," calling atten- to bring the North Star back In- .lSSi „ tion .to the fact that angry young it-BalMS d e By MEL GRAFF to action in Red Bank, Mr. Ir- M-FtnuW voters an scarce after a prosper- SECRET AGENT X9 win eaid today: «h<*h a ous and sunny summer. "It was my good fortune to M-Wla* MM bo the skipper of the Sea Scout M-Ona who Then Is more than a little Irony •hooutrea fS-Balll «l-P«Mo4 al for Laborities hi the present stste sUp North Star in the early 30a 4S-FW r«ar tfeM tlaa M-8hn4 of attain. It wu they who start- whsa, because of the outstsnd- W-Min'a - ?l*^w*ea twe laitar fcg accompUihments of the ed pressing for s new summit at- tempt But Mr. Macmlllan's Jour- ytmag men attached to the ship •eto the North Star wu awarded nat- ney to Moscow and siwssqusnt ional honors. events have made this realm his &5 The supreme irony came, in fact, "I was indeed privileged to U-IUbNI when Messn. Gsltskell and Be- have been associated with this I»-Rot 4t-Fairy van went to visit Mr. Khrush- ant of Sea Scouting and the 41-Worm chev, only to have the beginning lea Scouts who made such «••*!•'* an* of their visit swept into obscurity spteadid record. Those young U-Ormn at by the "Ike-Harold" chat and the men have gone on to greater end of It marred by their hasty •chtovejnsata and have become J*1nCMB# departure for the hustings. real leaden in many walks of M-Ttiat la Ufa. «a**e.» Usually it U upto the long-time "I am taking forward to the tt-Vcrtvl imeumbent to defend Ms rec reinstatement of thia particular Hl against a wefl-snned challenger. U-NMTOW. At the moment, though, It sp- ship under the Sea Scouting pro- flat boarta By IIM BURNETT mnd GEORGE CRANDALL gram and shall watch Its prog- oears that the onus is on the La- NUBBIN ress eagerly. DOWN bor leadership to find some way WeadtrM Oppartaaity of denting the two big claims of "Prom my own experierice, s well-armed Mr. Mtcmillan. Ap- parently only If they can manage would say that this ia a wonder- l-Tra<1*T ful opportunity for the young S-C0mmlwlMC0 < this, wilt they stir up enough •(•In voters to win the election that men of this area to engage In Tilrlrtet r rank program that not only is ex started out to be theirs. trematy interesting but will pro- J Christian Science Monitor vide challenges and win aid in tie development of character i TO READ, PERHANCE TO SLEEP A widely syndicated columnist asserted recently that the t New Lengths for Coats in Italy way to put oneself to sleep night la to read a dull book. He docamented this antisf Ing advice with backing from sleep espert The gist of the argument was eaoagh to disturb the sleep of maay a Great Books Club mem- MARK TRAIL By ED DODD ber. The columnist suggested that some of the best candidates for sleep-inducing sre the clas- sics. He specified in nart'-"l'U The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." and added some- pokes at "War and the poetry of Walt Whl maa. the novels of Henry James, aad "Alice la Wonderland." Having slept through a comld erable part of Mr. Gibbon's Rom- an decline we are inclined to credit tMs theory In pert. But only in part. Actually a great many of the works we now casually lump to- gether as "the classics" were the great awakaaen of human his- tory. Almost every revolutionary •rognaa m hamsn thought, m POGO By WALT KELLY human government, and In artie- He form was brought about by the apned af ideas that one thinker wrote down aad other thinkers •yed ap nights reading. Bo. without getttag too serious ever what wu really a playful flecassaVJaksaL BM aftfwMssrt fcaan> MBVB* shsk nscae a lot of these writings call- ed "classics" from the dull might af their label, which Is "early u discouraging "u educa- tional" TV. TaTNTHBLENOfH ... This is news la CASUAL APHMMCM ... Thia dashing coat in And we'd still nwch rather read faU faahlons-^rtolet wool over-coat la burat-browa wad has aew sweeping cut, deep- something that will keep us ap Majlh, with new wide collar, kwao est sleeves aa4 defined waistline. ColUr and than something that will put as matchiag skirt, hat aw to aleep — mainly because we by LudaaL Foatwa Sisters of Rome. Have a sneaky feeling that It was when the Romans began to worry ROME (AP)-ItaMen deslgaen Collars and sleeves also make rich aad handsome. In deep about getting to aleep that may arsssat a asw cost length for aews la the Rome coat and suit swtsd colon, with much black really bsgaa to decline. — Chris- MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS md KEN ERNST smU-tha elae-tsnths. Previously lineup. Cotton an kmf-eU*, of- aad dark gray » evidence. In tian Science Monitor. we bar* had the three fsarter ten cut sway from tha neck sad ssany Instances coats In color gad Oas swa«lghtM tongas, but axtaadtaf ever the shomlders. are showa with hat, gloves and •Us .ana Is a newcomer. Usually lleeves have fatsMsa at ths top. dyad to LONG BRANCM - Mn. la vartoai tanas, ueually a Ths saaaalah ovajfWal aad sjaw ParsaO. «1 Aftaatic Ave..« It la ahewa as a pert of. a ooe- •anioaa of the sate cast ataa ata aua of the Star of the See wNh •sirwag skirt, tha smooth, aval aae gmng a by eer Ualt. reports that her eoat, sadtaf aeraty •hove the mk to MM satin sUkeaette, ef U wemea who make , skirt hemllee. sr suits. drssssati are la aaad af aid As usual to Italy. and men's shirts. The PerrotU aad Mn. WIMaa Iny-awetlag wen Mn. John Baftar, meets weekly In her home and Court Morion to der an chairman. chairman; Mrs. Perrotti, Mrs, sews for ths St. Rose's Home, CoU Wt TMs Other activities for the mem- Adeline Leach, Mn. Arthur Rod- New York, hospitsl for ths can- bprihlp Include a while elephant rigues and Mn. Joseph Chris- cerous poor. She said the wom- COLT? NECK-Court Msrtan. a Chrlstaau party, fUttag en make specisl dressings aad Cathetk Daughters of America, baski-u lor township needy'.a bad pads out o' bed linens aad af ft. Mary's Caflnlte Church pleats lar chilana af the church lascrlbsd on tha Liberty Ball cloths. They will held a cako sale Sunday | tchool, and the aaaual court dhv Is. "Proclaim Liberty pkal "palama" tops out of aid al tha land uato ad the U*b- skirts. The first meeting of sea- aad M a. m. maseei. Mrs. Pr»d| Hostesses at the September lianu thtnof.' sea wu held this week REVEREND By BiLL O'MALLEY THE RYATTS By CAL ALLEY


t ii !i i| ,^-,^^SBT~^M a^aWaWasaaaaa.a.MaJaBnnnlnmwaM ••••••••Bl 14-Trtfcr. fcpt U. \9» WP BAUK WECWTCT 'NtlUtst 4:34, 7:3}. tfcJ AMfAVfY qi»swmi «• Ik* BaSKar) LastTrsiaFi GuaHUI2:4t, CBS' Woman' Probe* Old Cawwoa Daifcy COIM J:», 7: 4:40. f.4a; Sun.: H-tmSn 2:44, (4) W, 14:44; Tom Dooley 2:4*. I: 4:3a, 7:U. fcU; Womaa Eater m- m Love of Life (U) TO 3: IS, 4:04, 1:40. (7) tl; Sat: Kiddie Show 1:41; Question of Changing Roles (4) Tie Tac Dough Ifctt- (» Amateur Hour Darby O*GUI 1:41. 4:M, T:J4ASBVRYPAR, K (7) Across the Board O)Offldal Detod|vo ttayfalr — That Kind of Wom- (It) J. "Fred Muggs (DReecoe • 14:14; Ton Dooloy 1:14; 4):4S. By Cynthia Lewry orary "Ambassador at large of (U) Mister MeCarrity 1.49. Sun.; Darby OOIU S:«, aa t.34, 7:35, 4:40; Sat-Sun. [youth fitness." This Menu a U-(U) Cartoon 4tt4- (4) Local News W aVatwMJOata 2:44, 4:44, 4:44.1:44, 14:40. aajr. at waUsa tUM S NEW YORK (AP) - Mile and (I) Our Gang 4:41. s:44; Tom Dooley 2:14, mada aw tha allawaati curious appointment Philip Mar- H- . 7:40. 1:44; Sat: 2:04. 4:14, 4:- happens to have been written, 7:11— (I) News 13)44-(I) Movie KEANSBURQ 14,4:14.14:25; Sun.: J:04, 4:44. (4) Blonde (DBvoBbuj Frayer produced, directed and photo- Weekend Highlights: VM- (4) Commercial Film Coohw — Anatomy Of A Mur- 4:00. 4:45, 14(14. graphed hy men) was largely (7) Gale Storm (II) Weather iztaf- (3) Conuaercial FUam der 4:44, 4:14; Sun.: Surreader Tonight: "Man in Space," ABC - (I) The Big Pay-Off V.n- (») Rawhide UN-(I) Mavis filmed In San Franscico and had M p. m. First of a two*art HeU 1:24, 4:31, 4:11; Battl , the smsll firearm, <«) Young Doctor Makm (4) People Arc Funny (4) CoBoatt Dr. Brothers Flame 2:14,1:14, 1:41. •ome dramatic scenic back series by Walt Disney: "America (I) LUll Pataner wore first manufactured in Pis- grounds as the pros and cons (I) Water WlMbell File 1:14- (4) Movie ATLANIIC HHHLrUwDS Pauses in September," NBC 4:34- (7) Beat the Clock (t)News •adWoktter a small town within the were posed. v (7) Walt Disney A4a«4k - Too Big Orcas 7: 9:30 p. m.—A music and variety (I) Love Story aaU far*--* (4) NaVWfj SOTIBOMttt thea wall dty of Floreace, Italy. Spokesmen Included some af- special with Gene Nelson, Art (t) Movie 12, kit: Sat: TMt Big Qrcua (II) Film (11) Time Out For Sports 3:10-(3) News 2:27, 7:12, 4:11; San.: Anatomy fluent bar flies (male), some Jun- Linkletter, Julie London and kSK- (I) Give Us This Day ior Leaguers, some suburbanites. others; Cavalcade of Sports. NBC, fctt- (I) Verdict Is Yours (It) HSNOhaat Of A Murder 2:14, 4:10. 4:34. Experts were professors and- It p.m. —heavyweights :Alonio (4) From These Roots 7i4MU) Sports SATURDAY MORNING COUM0W00O CBCLE (I) The Playhouse 7tM-(11) Yankees. Baseball 7:44- (4) Modern Fanner Share DrtieU — Cartoons 7: WALTER READE THEATRES best of all—anthropologist Mar Johnson and Tommy Anthony, 10 Baret Mead who summed up therounds from Baltimore. (7) Who Do You Trust? (U) Weather 4:44- (4) Big Picture 3S; Blue Doalm 4: JO. 11.JO situation neatly. (•) Film fcN- (4) TrouWeahooters (4) Home and Garden Cast Long Shadow 10:10; Sat. Saturday: Thoroughbred racing, (II) Film The opinions hardly constituted 9) Night Court (!) Cartoons Bhw Doaim 7:H. 14:41; Cast CBS. 4:30-5:30 p. m.—the Futurity (II) Richard Willis (U) MichaeU in Africa Long Shadow 4:14; Sue.: Big a scientific sampling, but they did from Aqueduct, New York, and (7) Cartoon Festival make for an interesting show. 4:N- (I) The Brighter Day kit*- (1) I Love Lucy 1:34- (1) Laurel and Hardy Qreus 7:15,11:24; HoBday Fo the U. N. Handicap from Atlan- (4) America Pauses Lovers 4:40. One man Just wanted women to tic City; Football, NBC, 4:45 p. (4) Truth or Conse- (4) Andy's Gang go bade into the home and start m.—Louisiana State vi. Rice (I) Racket Squad (t) Fun In the Morning FIHa Drtve4n — Cartoons 7: cooking, raising kids and pamper- from Baton Rouge. (I) Douglas Fairbanks (II) Danger Is My 4:44- (3) On the Carousel 34; Horse Sotdiera 4:15, 12:40; ing their husbands. (7) American Bai Business (4) Children . Theater Hey Boy, Hey Girt 14:40; Sua.: Sunday: "Meet the Press," ItoV- (X) To Be Announced Hone Soldiers 7:M, ll.U; Hey Another wished they'd stop (U) Curtain Time 4:34- (1) Captain Kangaroo NBC 6 p. m.—V. K. Krishna (f) Divorce Hearing tfcat- 4) Howdy Doody Boy, Hey Girt 14:44. wearing slacks. Menon, India minister of defense: <:»-> (I) The Secret Storm ( (7) Tombstone Territory (7) Oswald Rabbit LONG BRANCH No great novelty was uncovered Sunday Showcase, premiere, NBC. (t> Wrestling In the program, which took over >- (1) Edge of Night • (3) Mighty Mouse Straad — Have Rocket WIU S-9 p. m — "People Kill People (4) County Fair time normally occupied by a Sometimes." original drama by (II) High Road To Danger (4) Ruff and Roddy Travel 3:14. 7:14, 4:14; Last marriage counselling show, "For (I) Mr. District Attorney fcM- m Lux PUyhouso (I) Adventure Film Train From Gun Hill 2:4t, 1: S. Lee Pogostin with GeraMine (U) Junior Town Better or Worse," and Art Link- Page and Jason Robards, Jr.; (4)M Squad (U) Cowboy G-Men • 24; Sat: Have Rocket Will letter's "Houseparty." But all inGeneral Electric Theater, season kit- (1) Life of RUey (I) Theater S 11:44- (1) Heckle oad Jecklc Travel 2:44. 3:00. 4:04. 11:44; all "Woman!" Is a good idea. premiere, CBS, t p. m.—Ed Wynn (4) Movie Four (7) 77 Snaaet Strip (4) Fury Last Train From Gun Hill 1: in a serious play, "Miracle at the (I) Alan Freed (U) Americao Legend (I) Cartoon Playhouse 34. 4:23, 4:20; Sun.: H-Maa 2: Opera"; Lorettn Young Show, (t) Rocky Jones M:W- (3) Lineup (It) Jack Lalanaa 19, 4:45. 7:34 14:44; Wot The President's Council on Eater 3:34, 4:46, 4:40. Youth Fitness has made Philip opens season with hour-long spec- (11) Film (7) Walt Disney 11:34- (2) Robin Hood ial although rest of series will be (I) Film (4) Orcus Boy FREEHOLD Carey, star of ABC's forthcoming »-(D Early Show 'Philip Marlowe" series, an honhalf-hour. (11) Three (U)New Horisons — Blue Doaim 7: It, 10: RADIO STOP IN AND TRY OUR Out of that song — WABC 774 WO» 711 DAILY SPECIALS! THE OAKS a fury of a movie)! WCBS 444 WPAT COCKTAIL LOUNGE m* IAR WHTG 1414 WRCA JOHNNY'S "THE UOEND Of ' WNEW 1114 WQXR PRESENTS TOM Doounr arrtoNOON Sparta. Staa Lanaj R#affCRoTCallT Tarawa* WBCA Threa SUr Eitra MONMOUTH ST. " MO IANR Fkil Riliuta "THE MELLOTONES" ssiee—WAS* Nawa: Frad Quincjr Howa Nawa: Dava Dugan Nawa Baporta Sao of the prasristor of NaasJa'a, Long Branch SATURDAY, SEPT. 19tti WNTYCOOS Flftaan Minuta Nawa WON Fulton Lawia WO* Nawa: John Scott WBCA Amoa 'a Andy "AU K)O0 NOME COONBD" WMA Nawa: It a Natwork Til*—WAOC Ufa Traval KATUftfft* "TBUY" LAN*. VOCAUST Tima Today'a Baaiaaaa 111 mm. (• 1 tua. Sasu 2 pm, t» 1 OUR. Tha FitiKaralda Alan Fraad " "FROM t P. M. TO" A!V County Agant Kmart NoWaa aaiae—WMTO Nawa. Glbrlal SPECIALIZING aaiae wast Frail KobDIna Haatar Is year fa-orMo i WCBW t ILl.n Traat WBCA Nawa. Morgaa WMTO Nawn. Kalaxlag Baatty Muaio »iSS WCOa Andy Crlltltk IlOO—WCBS WhUparing Straatt Baraa aad Alias HWY. 34, MnXM^TOrtTN (, aj... a^,, 4 a^ i^y taiaS WCOS Coupla Nazt Door Tl«S WCOS Bob aad Bar WMTO Headlino.. Kgg WO* Carltoa mdarlcka Nr •iiiriBtliaaiTot EM 7*22tl or EN 747*7 Prie»«. Minic SlSe WCOS World Toaigkt WOB Nnri, T. Kobinaon WOO Nawa, World Taday Ofm DAM.T TO THE MltUC wnca> Naw> WBCA Nawa; Monitor ALPINE MANOR HI Ma r'arkine "" * Tkraa Cuaaaaa WO t'arlton Kraderlcka Sportal Maaia frsai tOUIEM. HitWHANDS. N.J. tiae WCeS Young Dr. Malona Studio X NJ 3.1412 WNTO Nawa. Halaiing Nawa, Maala iraai HI .UMtt Muaio Studio X SC Nawa WBCA Nawa: Moalur Frad Robbina Show ISlSO—WAOC Nawa; Alaa tntt Rigkt To Uappiaaaa WCOO Nawa; Daaca Mall* Haadllaaa, Maala 8tadlo X WNTO Nawa. Laa Smltk WOO) Nawal Maala fcaaa WOO Nawa: Ed Harliky WOCA Nawa: Bab Maraw Sill WBCA Galan Oraka Site* WAOO New*. Bakart W0S Alan Cray rwailng i W PJf. OS I AJl WNTO Nawa. Kalaxlag Nawa. Vaa Vawrfcla Your InvlteMon to the Finest Muaio Nawa, Lyla Vaa aisa—WABO Nawa WBCA Nawa, Bak Wllaaa Nawa: IVaanan and Ills—WABC Faitk la Action • Chop* • St)4j Pood llayta WCOO Htarllgkt Halata llradlinri, Mualo WON Moaie from Stadia X UNUSUAL CHINESE DELICACIES Nawa: l.yla Van WOCA Kay Haataartoa Nawa: Bob Hajmaa Tha World of Kitchen open till 2:30 a. m. $?& MlOW Tomorrow LUNCHEON . . . from 'I" SlSS 'WOn Martha Roundtraa Muaic 'Til Pawn ProtontowJ »y PHIL •»*) LIL. Props. «IOO—WaiSC Martla Black Mwaic from Stadia X WCeS N«w«; Fraamaa and ISiSS WAOC Bi« Joa SWIMMIN6 POOL WO« 1-ong Jaka DINNER from *3« WNTO. Cluing Stack WBCA Nawa Raporta STARTS SUNDAY • Raport, Mualc Nawa; John Wlagata , Nawa: Wayna SSapjwBW Howall Show —W*M a SlSS WOn Kadlo Naw York WNTMO Nawa eiSO—WNTOJ Ft. Moniaoatk Nawi WNTO rirtaaa ailaaM aawai WABO Nawa WNSW CtaybiaraTaaa SlOS WAOO Martla Block WSOO Nawa i fraaaua aad WMf N WEST DIAL, NEW JERSEY KE Ml 13 Hayaa moea ' Haadllaau Tl«S—WMTO. ClVu'Barrtaa Mava Daw-Jtmat •WAS* Nawa. At tiaiia ROUTE 31, ft-MILE NORTH OF ASIURY CIRCLi Nawa: John Stall WMTO) HaadllaaM Wake S»! WOCA Jim Un Bkaw tONBAYS I Nawa OsUTTWOOD BY THE SEA St«S—WNTOI Ralaiing Muala Nawt Until Biinaat Nawa. BUI Callaa Bias—WABO) Nawa Daratkr aad Dick BviNiaa lataa COCKTAIL LOUNGE BpMaOaf Taraaga rrMar Ralaiing Siee WSaS Nna, Van Voorkle WOn Naw.. l.yla Van Jack SUrllat Sknw t*t WBCA II|> li> tha Minuta Dorothy tad Diak Martin Hlock llraakfaat Clah Hporta, Hob Cooka Nawa. lloharl Q. Nawa, John Wiagata wl Si Naw.. John Daly HatdllMa: ItrlaUy Hill I-ann.id for Woman PaUMV AND SUNDAY fOTTIS Nawa, llanry Nawa, Jaba Ulariatona (tambllnv Skaar Sttt . lltl A. M. t ». H • M P. at. Arthur Van Horn WOO* Nawi. Bill Callaa For Our Customers Hidnry Walrnn SiSS—WNTO Nawa. Raltilag Ixiwall Thomaa Mualc r.l.r U*i Htyat UTUROAY NNM4T 'h N.w.. Convenience • •. Manka Wrlakt Hatdimat. Mail* Jack Nawa Bapatta Nawa Mr Traa SUrr nutnpmur Sullivan s ISilO»W*M Martla Blatk I Ms SOatal Htl StaM IwllS WOn Marina DatM Tha) fllasjiVo FIMMC New N ISlSS WOO Marlla Black ttl WE WILL BE OPEN Italian Ballrata n«iN» Nawa; H Martka Wright Nawa; Balaalao c«cus Muik TILL THE LATTER PART Inlarvlawai Martha VBHaa Wawa AL KENNY Ih-ana Y\ Harliky, Seossllonal Maoist Trua Slftrv • li Naw., llaaaa Par! "HOUDAY I Aaooarlog Nlwrtjf Maadllma, Maala OF NOVEMBER Nawa, P. maklaaaa Nawat Rtdla Lovms Mrlanaa AccemmaosMsos (or Martin » INEsad Halla»a Htllr Wsowlags • Parlies raiinr RMt Up aTaBaSaaBBBBT* arafl 4raniB% affaaMMtal aakl Nawi, Balaams Aaalveraarles Ma.ln PRIVATE ROOM Mat'anna at Haata l». Mnwntan Ma.an Tkattar The C0KT1NEMTALS Glbion 9-9000 Nawa The Shore11 favorite aianao Mlaaar ata«k Baaarl eniotnble. • ln|oy rhs ttHlmtto In OMIIIM — featurlaf STEAKS ontJ SEA POOD lnairvlohioNy BfSM'osJ by Choi Carlo. • Roloi In tha boovty «f Mr Ctmtrmlly UtralrH In sharmifif COCKTAIL LOUNfil t.nlotthmn . Nvtt Shnmlmry Open all year • Olel CA >.7>00 MONMMJTH tlHIHtY AND NATIONAL NKWI DIRMTLir ON IHK (N I AN ON TMr. MOIIR AND MAIV IMMIR Ores* and Morris AVM , IJXII Branch It Pays to Use (.lamified Display ^»a*aiit'*M ant Mt MUM OM-fe* wroiiwara CROSSWORD PUZZLE

ml •» marriat* M-Punu* M-Maia «MT M-M**4 *srlag M-Wumtag MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY


Moat of us usually associate When the odor of a cedar closet Early American furniture with or chest has gone, you can re- UNI* tU> ttcktaU takb by •!* M« yw ktr« *iz miff New England. However, today's store it by lightly sanding the ' " taU«. Irf, wkite Ml khMk furniture frequently called Early inside cedar surfaces. TUa will American has a far richer heri- actually create new surfaces and tage of design source than mere- thus permit the wood to breathe ly 17th American colonial. Ktw If 6et the Best EdsoHoi fir YMTCMM Score Card for a Good School NUBBIN By JIM BVRNETT mnd CEORGE CRANDALL Devised by Education Experts

FtMeai nae Whoa our fourth child was born, we realixed that a four-and- aaa4alf-ianaa apaiuueut in the city would no longer be sufficient. Than began a year-long hunt tor a proper home. The public edwol.ettuatioo loomed ominously important We wanted school* Hat had friendly, cheerful torchere. We wanted a school system tat could treat our children as Individuals. We wanted e echool syatoa that paid its teacher* enough to keep them happy and ana that had an up-to-date curriculum and decent equipment for We eat in one third-grade class- tease, ~*aaj niggling" the tench- or discriminate agatnet married cr itinhail her • yaardd*. teacher*? We tofl the dsea with a ebedder Do teacher* feel free to ex at reitof Mat wa hadn't bought a hoeee hi flat area. issues? By ED DODD FhaHy. we teand the four- What is the attitude of the local MARK TRAIL bedroont boase we wanted. We tcTsrtf tiM schools? didn't find the school system] education meet- quite to our UUng. Ait wa foundings open to the public? enough aabUc-mmded people _who| r*> civic orgaaltations Uke a {tonal at to helping to improve ^jpfy] interest in the schools? It. I is there evidence of unethical la our search tor a good school practices in purchase* of achool Ma. wo compiled a check supplies and echool construction? M Hat we found helpful »

Do the children appear mter- ested? Do they work wetl to- gether? Wat to the average eiie el Do they show respect tor the POGO By WALT KELLY Mr •OMVMr H0V7 SDteacher and one another? with nsighhoring_ Do they require a great deal an this and the other of supervision? Do they treat school property with consideration? •alarios lor teachers? How serious is the truancy How teachers have mas- challenging courses In tdtaeei Are the prtactpaU dictatorial? Are most of the children abto - iBiics? Daw student govemmset really are tsech- to read, write, aad express them- How do graduate* adjust • function? ceruttcatM? selves well? to Mare a testing program to kni lad the ex- Are they physically active?

la Doe* the echool arrange regular, ^e^m ^n^onauBa* v^seannnnnvBjeB* ^aaj aaaa} anaajnnnnnnnnjBV e thorough physical ex. What attention Is given to gifted ta e)4k* aMtftnawaaam children? planneii %MWd b iFfUfjiany all thn e teachers? ! Is the subject matter adapted have taught la this w the needs of the children? In iliiaentory grades, do per- bare traveled la iods of hard toeatot coaceatranoa »i*—*** ^aaen^BtnhAOjaAai akak*aaaltBW aa#a#li •lUTriBellfJ wTICWifell Ba9eMlOTV Wllel When were the school buildings physical activity or a relaxing built? Are they overcrowded? MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS md KEN ERNST activity such as sinning? Are they safe from fire? In the higgh schools, I* a vert- Is dare good lighting, venuia- What per cent of the gradu- ety of academic lion and heating? Do bright children have an oa> Are there enough lavatories? ating class goto to college? portaatty to lean a foreign kw-Are they Are the textbooks modem aad AN wMf tMCMMW WeM (MMMejr attractive? Are eajpliniiataiy Do taw eaeak dearly and me To what *xteat Is the currica- ft then beaks and teschKg eMs used? by Mdw vlsmJ It Dare a data, attractive Dana tfm irtmJ iifhi •»•* Dei wy 4MIW^ aMic aids? peace tor eJainlraa to eat •ctMUeeT MI I* • * "- What It the aaswat of tax date visits to ieJ each school have a tett> It tantrociaa a mask and art aa mtagral part of the currl- tuit projector? V «"••MmM WB-AW mmaadat Nvf»---"f• POM"--•** cahmi? It there a re Are there remedial teachers, you wid not have a successful echaol system. Da fhe teacher* give attention k year eaW ajttoflf F ell through the school* to basic )4v^BnajfjvTfWfi^aaa4et#Aa^fl', vfwfifo*^iMi ttaaja^a_aveiwi It the superintendent well re- »*»r Da our schools offer sound. garded? By BILL O>MALUY THE RYAnS By CAL ALLEY REVEREND 16-frisky, gag*. 18. 1959 •own.

ON FONTXAC COHVERTIBLE. , -- Lnaa Branca. CA •M astorlor la excellent condkJan. >F SCHOONER, built la . _ (assda now top) P3» nun. U HMt brand saw dacroa sails, new It h-i 1M1 FORD VICTORIA hardtop. Iradio Universal, now lilp In sksn " ~ and beam, wbltswells. Oo&g M.0IU. cl irvtea. Reasonable. KB e-41U. 1MI CHEVROLET — Oood tire*, «i tr 1«aa owena aniieer. tnhp motor, brakes. ueelMiit irauponatloB. •peed ua to II miles per hour. .rjTV;rr raaaonabla. m J"T» orUeed' '" onl'y M boura, BUrae. Price itt Urn w •ennaii aBaae*a*asaj • a HIM. atf 1l-3Wt call onamaa 1*- I Dan 7U Uaa STATION WAGON — ChsvroL f ClUUa-CRAFT EXPERIENCED aALBBWOMAN aart- nlas passengef. Radio and twe, head, galley. l« Chrtt-Cralt en. lime, apply la asrssa. aa ahaae sailsalla* «rln me. Vw clean. IBH T-OUL aceeptedTLoR Oaadr awes, 4*-A Bread PADTT DISCOUNTS — All la*Ma, OS* *• OUlwV IBBewVBeMftaVIs' eVB>Bw4n WtwBi aid* aad fMer pelot sal*, aaaeisaisll : MDajn Be UM IM PLTMOUTH tour-door, radio aad aKIFF IMT Chris-Craft » » at. Red Bank. aaasrleaos aad wtuag t* be i Inside, eutatde whKe CCMM . semi glossl , beater, two-woe. W» catn needed, p. leas than IM boar*. Navy top m Mllmg ka lssig~*SaMi*hed ntaU itoasT ttfa gal. "RalaaoRala W (appestt* r < (TM. IMS Fontlac. four-door nation aft cover. Automatic bilge puma Available anyUm* (rea I a. SJL to Acme 1st), Red BankBk. SUPERB m FIDEMTT aystem, sav wagon, radio aad heaiar. hjdramatle. aompaae. anchor, unea. aeet cushion Owa Iranepartatlea. Tt* hour. Write fuU detail* statlag refenncea. FORMICA KITCHEN TTABLA B and SBMkara, H. M.-F. M. Wnere. mitch. fowor ttoerlnt. new Urea. No eaab and vest Ilia preservers. Call CA M41T eiperteace aad StarUag salary very gssd ce»dlUo«. Reai Ing amplifier*, oarrard manual aad HeiUd. HM. £e»uia»fotora.4«Oc.«n. alter T evenings or week-enai. ••K. B. c." Boa aiVMd Bank. chair*, vi aMoraatle record player, stereo wind, port An.. W. Loo« Branch. CA 1-toM. WKLL-PAYINO WORK FOR HOUSE- she*. CalUl Iall 1-4B1I between g-T p. r.s«sf«s%rr UtBD BOAT* AND MOTOR* lor I WIVES'BB, . MothersMother*, clubwoa»nclubwomen, church OIL TRUCK DRIVaUl — Ability crass over network and record*. Value TWO-DOOR COUNTRT -~~- Foot of Maple Ate. andsoclaelalwoiksrl s an admirably suited run baalaass. Ofavetaasty *« a lUe- U" REBL TYPE Un mower. Right to classify, edtt or reject M with Tbunderblrd online, Red Bank tor theee* nnew openmai m a rawardmg any •dnctlHmrat ti laearrea by of educaiwial werk. Tou may THREE-ROOM W« will not b* mpnaaible lor » w~^^. 1:00 P. M. Day in. u church. ODUBM anfsrrM, PM, anil- . __ _.a,.«aloauwa, able Oct. iTRP I-IJSSV 1 CaU after t p. BofrHtund. Far local latorvlew ***** LRAVINO BTATM — BsUlag I A 'tor BUILDBR — Rlgbeat aaallty ._ » the FlroaMs Reera. Asbary Park '"'**. bedroom. UMFURNISHBD aaaotM Oraa* work. New_eonstruetton. altarsUoai Y. M. C. A.. Monday. Sspumbsr ». •ah. atg. W isoms nd b r ud repalra. WmHUguf. eau Hsrtan It a. BL, s p-at., ar s p. m. Ask sat ^ijTSsrusy iffis LOisrW P sngearanon. BH t-Mffl. JOBS THAT OTHBRa RBFUBB or ktdORADVATXJATB NURSE—Btgbt toar duty. TOUNO MAM Mluemtai aw : WANTED c«ll ClaMified too hlgb on. try us. PalnUog. naova- ar U-T, Manmaafh oouaty W*l- gnund familiar wa% aaaaraf **dgsr Maa Me. Mot eipens or masters, you'll Bouss, FiaabnH, N. J. Position ts4 gantral •««* iiiiigaii. S*a U. a OOMB — STAMPS — Tap Prwe* IMt FORD V4, radio, beater, tear last .Ilk*, tba tob we do. Fstlmalaa inant BeseBuTgtl**. pro* aula- eamplete laaums t* "Aaeeuatkur" baa SH 1-0010 or oiu HJi o^baetorfer tenencee*. bagtaahbtstaalacu salary.. AAleMs partpart.-. Hiked Bank. WMM call FR from •slat* appralssis. laaamouth Btaro FRBB TO HOME OWNERS — EM TBLBVUION RBPATR MXN - fail Oatas. St stoamoutt at SH 1-OOa. OS 14)525 IMT PLTMOUTH-autleei waaoa. Cua- ll # l tor wpomtmaat er aarMtm*. totm aubiirbaa four-door vTCku, mat** JOB ^2*ft\J 5 " J2Jm{* OPERATORS BRPBRIBNCBD AT 1-aSt, anytli ffiTito taiaphmm _._ foo« oaadttloa. Whltewaaia, fullr eouti Ian w* caa guaranu* a remedy. UNFURNISHED — Tkinrsam slatl*BJ!LOw*ll a. 001IU pod. luaaaie eempanment ail TJ» druses. Seetloa alae* work, steady , urg a, WHiu»y a. t-lTM. work, goad pay. J. J. Sehwarts, *> p.**. WE •4BT1. Osus *• artval* telephonea an IM* DB aOTO *jz cylinder aodaa, an- APfTPIP — Pooe reaswiably. Lswla St. • HELP WAI.ItU PIANO IR *»*f' MlVfrs* on SH 1-0010 framths Id- lloautle. vary nod condition, •pe- wpaly patnt. Nest, scnelast .— CLBAKTNO PRBBBBR - ati- saarlHa* Call altar *M aH daall tm. »». at M Harding ltd., roar. tM estimate. AT 1-aaa. BA l^aaUUBni^aUJ sai4B»a\uXlCIAn CaU Bsrnloe's Reaaty •**» f«rleae*4. MeadvjoslUea. •rrvATiom WANTED FBMALB .. HBW HOMEB. garages, altsrauoas. mOHT BRAUTt COUPLB — Kmeelleet eook-boaeakaea- sain. Bast vitality work. For an « SALESWOMEN and Waisaalay at er. Huaband, butlerbouMman. care- •aate. cell ft A. atone. IH mil Rod Bank ana. Part-Urns ta sen diaper •MB. SR T-IBU. m tr». ful drlrer. Oealra permanent •esttlon. •ervtes u tipMUat mothers. Leada Msnmemm BL OLD WASRHfO MACHlNBfl nfrlgm- adult famUy. Write ••Couple." Boa til.PAINTER DECORATOR and paatr euppUed. Sales »*port anted preferred, Red. Bank. hangar; Interior and eaterlor. R tan. aad ****** tor Ratk. Tardsaad year? experience. Estimate* cheer but not ••aeotlal. Car necessary- Salary, auaaatr. CsmstMs Uatesjg i WDara slssusil, Modee. KB t-Mit. COBBMEROAL KBNTAU ANNOUNdMINTS GENERAL OFFICE WORK — Recep- fully gives. Louis Caaaan. 44*Jt — commission, car alknranc*. Call or program la Ire* I* you. If tionist, some typing. Full srpan- bury An- Red Bank. Ill 1-lTOs. writ* for appointment Hygiene Diaper you will sara far abon enrage ta- tlm*. MlddlstoWB preferred. Kr * Same*. ttJ North Ave. PlalnBald. come, be gives lull frsedom ta work- •Va baas, ynfaui coadltloaVFarii BS!S \J2S PUBLIC NOTICES 14M-R. a BXrERT MBNPINa-China. glaat. sll- PI,*tna*M ing neurt, ud sualify for gsaenus tap*. Bargita. Alas FMgtdaua del farsttun. or RU 1-ltll vsr raflnlablng and plating. ^Thermoa emwor** bsMBU. Age BVdM. Ouar- eleelrk '**•«• and doubts slbk. CaU al-mm**, woae) eanrtaas, %WV TOUR ClnlUT MOTHER'S HBLPMR — Nuns. buckata. Chmai qiass Bhop. MT BroadBOOKKEEPER — Bzporlenced. Full aBUeof Income, dignified work, recog- ur S *••**. RU 1-atai. •u BANK OVPlwBJ^ejBsaa Las* aa. ten • toy putjr. pecisily fond of babm ud ebllane, Bt. Red Beak, at? T-4gOO. eharg*. Typin1 g eeeentleL Write nised u every oemmuntty. Afsearance. fb Three-room eulte. air «»sisl aBiT Ren nferneces. HI HIM. x "Bookkeepar. ' Bos 111, Red Bank. eharaeur. and reBnemant at otsaost TV IT" MOTOROLA wttt revolving ta- PRR ISlaa. Mr. Wallace, CHARLBa BOWER *BON ^bis^^jertect. ***. PB*fM after « p. m. OLD FURNITURE — Antlaue*, chl. 1*54 CHXVROLBT four^oor aadan. tractor*. BpociaJtjf aorohe*. patios, WOMAN tor touBUIn and drug work, Importance. Toa may bs selected even alssswan. art abkKU and brloi FOR RBNT—Two auttes *l I Wins avalT ELBCTROLUX Radio, neater, aatomatia aliirt, A-l. sidewalks. No Joe too small. All wur lincroft n*i If you caa only work sait-tfma BOW. brae. Immediate cash for anything and able m The Tuller tolidlBS, Bath an Mow loeatad at no Martlsoa An,, low nlieaae. won kept. Muat Mil. MO*.guarsBteod. For estlmatss. seoae IH l-Tng. For local mtarvtew com* to the Flre- MUBIOAHa pteasa take aoUse. W* — RuseU'e. » Bast Front St. river side of buOdtaa. Oaa ft Sana AJbory Park «r can WOMAN—Ramsaa araa. to can torpra -Monday, lepterober n. M e-m., I avaa.! Pnmler gultara. basus, amplinere. Ex- n. S-san tor prompt hem* rntlo 1M» PONTMC BONNBVILLal black, •cboolera. AnUabls aosslbly two days a* I p-m. Ask, tor P. Btou. cellent dlseoums and service at The tounloor. 1.000 mllee. AU eMraa In KEMB AND ALTBRATIOm a week, fifty oeats hourlr. RU 1-iMa. Musis Spot. 41 Broad Bt. Keyport. CO PITS ANDUVISTOCK nut cludtni air coadUaanu. coat em aH T-dii* TELEPHONE RALE* Bo experlaac* RED BANK -Soa will aterWca. CalT after f p.m. COOK-HOUBSWORRBR for two adult*, necessary. Will tram. Paxttlaa* ar Poultry raamir*. CARPBNTBR — No lob too large < must be eipenenced cook, sad do faimme. Call BK T-IUa. IRRMAN SHE Call Fri M3IT. ftf1-Ilaa. •mall. "Fair prlcei luaraBteea. _rst floor bosaswork, Ltv* In, own SPECIAL washable gaberdine tor ual- UU PONTIAa four-door. Rune Free estimates. Dial aorvlees, M 1 room, bath, TV. CaU aa T-XMS afur WOMAN or reliable leen-eger t* baby torms and akin*. SSc yd. Simon's NMds asm* work. Asking - Turn. alt and help with armpU therapy. Fabric Center. SuaMt An. at Hwy. U. Asbttry Park. PBDIOREBD osrmaa BhepheW, three ORL^VO«!CBR AUTOMOTIVI SH 1-Mof KITRHEN AMD BATH DOMESTIC HELP _y*srs old. male, warns grmt hnn» AUTOS AND TRUCKS repaired. Our men an •aturday, IS. fa, LOO KINO WIU gin to rlgM family. SH 1 TO SUIT TENANT. thle field. Call Dial art aH 1-404* Fonrr renamreliable party TOto ball ma out. FOR RBNT OR SALB — •OATS* Forced Into moving West• , X ami glv* BBAOI.B — Eieellent hunting dog. ona so, ft. wrih fall SEE AND DRIVE ELECTRICAL gBRVJCB aad . •TXPSRIENCED COOK — Other help. SITUATIONS WANTED, ma up my furniture. FurniturF e is Dsa-^rear aid lemals. Bind by faun*. ooaraatsad service oa all home Oood wsges, two adatta. Write Is—h. Modem left and1 right ssntlss.il. IUoaal Belli ehamslcei. Also - pliant**, cm Dial Banna**, BH U "CW," Bo? HI. RSd Beak, WOMAN WUHBa to babystt m your two autehlag chain covered m plaetta. and' pumisa available. J7I Tha SIMCA bora* or mine at any time; also Rlnredg* WATTREaaEa — Appqr ta person. Threc-aleee bedroom eulte, flve-ptoe* r ' New Sbnwsbury. BH AIR CONDITIONED c Only $1679 Delivered WIMTBR iTORAOB — Boat* ud BLACKTOP DRIVBWATB — Ran your while you Shop. IH 1-*M1. dm*tt*. •xealMnt condition. Tak* over Sbnwsbury. SH 1-lgU. baart af Red Bank. motor*. Complete wlutoilatiig faeill- drlvewav bain before tbe fall weather Whlte'e Btte Bhop, Hlghwa" ». entlr* lot lor only BS weekly after DACHSHUND PUPPIES — Black _ CaU SH (-11M Authorised DM1« tlea. A * B Boat lalea, Mwy. M. •et* to. <&U Ptal BsrvHee. BH T44M. LAUNDREBS — To do laundry In ownpaymg W» depo.lt. Call Co 4-jatg. tan show quality beauty. WIU sell two Balea ud Service home. Will do any type Ironing. M pet* •* we can't keep them. Champ- lelford. KM tint. Flberflu and wood PAINTINa AND DBCORAT»O-O*» DBMK CLBRK st mot*k.e]srt4lme, ti 8H 144O. . Aai fer Mr. Kirk. Appointment only. FACTORY torts and (toraaa boat beadcuartera. p«rlei>ce not neceerarfT For Interview ion aired pamu. top breeding, father rent. Also elan en While I era! contracting, call BUM aad Jose*. HAVB TOU A DOOR? a winner. Not "cheap". CO iito7. Cell SH 1-11*0. BARRON & JARMON LOOK1NO FOR the beet buy In boale, sail In person between 10 a-m. and Convert it to loam rubber ear*. BH l-tSl. I p\m. at Las Vega* Motel. Katoalown, HORSE, brown And white, western, gei Retail nor* — loa par cant Red Bask •3 a. anunr bni Branch motora. trallera or marine equipment; FUEL OIL aV HEATtNO — CaU I or phone U 1-0M3. aak for Mr. Binkor. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE FOAMART. RU. M. EATONTOWN •to lt-TON BULLDOZER — Prlct See A * B Boat Salee. Hwjr. at, -olio, oil DeUvtry. Inc., Barvlos tie disposition, perfect for family or location: busiest intsratctloa fa town; $800. Pamll Construction Co.. Beltord. KB t-JaU. Flberilu and * Balea I Herbert at-. Rod Rank. BEAUTICIAN — Bteady. Nick's Beaut; MAN WILL DO yard cleaning, c RRMINOTON RIFLB — B. with Wa*v riding school, flrf. SH l-eftyt svenlnga 14i4l corner. Available November 1st, Shrewsbury An., Shrewsbury. IH boat headejuarura. sr seep*, year old. SB). and weekenda. Hone's asms Is "Pal." Can Jos. P. Behwart* Age—y. SM T-Mn APPLIANCE RBPJ Balon. Route Si. MMdletown. cleaning, window washing, light truck- BH 14RM OH. SH T-MM rag, h*dg* trliamlag aad grass etmiax. L0OKWO FOR HOMES. Two darttn FORD station wagons, nlne-paa- WIWTBR ITORAOB tt FT. Residential aad Reasonable price*. AT MM4. ^^ WnecHBBTRR »M modal tt; Win- Two FOBD SUIIM we. II ton crane futures and appliance rsst WOMAN WANTED to mind two •la week old kittens. HOUSES IO« RENT ig*r. IH*. 1M0. Mechanically food, Pleasure Core Marina at Electric BH T4H& children, S:J* to 1:11 dally, HO week TOUNO MAN wlehes work palntln chester MLR. model TT; ar eitetielon an T SMI. aondltlotloa Mr. WOO, nn oi Mill. ladder; pair ate* end tables; mapw ly. BH 1-SMI from H. IH T4a»T en. Inald* or could* work. Richard coffee tableT SH T40M. SADDLE HORSE — Tennessn walke SIX-ROOM unfaralshed havaa." IWl MW. low mileage IMS Old BULLDOEINO AND BXCATATTNO — Jones. U I-A944. your ewa utuitlas. pi BMBta. | mobile M. Price la nttit ea*y term*. Flu dirt. No Job too bi< or tas small. r AUTOMATIC electric Ken more PORaCHB apBBDwTBR — IB. l.tOON; Free estimate*. MB 14U*. •ALBBOIftUI AND CASHIER Inoulre rang*. 10 yeara old. good eondltloa. - Alaa IMS Ford Oalula. well taken eseeiloM comlltlea. eeorty. new wblte bi persoa at W. T. oraat, Ut Pros. NICELY FURNISHBD — ear* or. Will finance. Call between top. Dreeden (lifhl) blue paint. Pleillte HNANCIAL mTairl-a bicycle, pa. to 1-M4T. COLUB PUP! — Mbl* ant] trt cotortd. three, bedrooms, lut i HI a.m. AT 1-3MT. "BATNTOira FLOOR COVSRBrOS" pert An- Uttle Bllver. Ch«fflpkm»hip atock. windowa, TWineau cover. Never raced WBSTINaHOlrtE REFRIOERATOR — 0H 1-TTW 04U alter t p. m. or wreekM. Bualneea N.T.C. JIT 1M36 W. Front St.. Red Rank BH MeTS. RKOIaTBRBD NVRSBD S-U sad 11 BUSINESS !», Cneley electric etove g*>. pot cupancy. Its; DKSOTO FIREDOME-Four-door After T and week-erjde RU 1-1K3. sttlfi*. Alas licensed practical aursss. t»Amn rtitln. htitmr, nower *—rtni ROWBOAT RENTAL BUBDrBBS Front ston $4. hollar complete plumbing FAIR HAVEN-TWO awy kam*. Bsven •nd brakes, four new whllawall t|rei. BNOUIH-BUILT FORD-«alea. parti AT l-«*(». St., Keyport. Next lo Cottage Inn. W. AfiMWR after T p. m. tlAl UTATt KHt UIMT large room, (three hUmswal oil ona owner. BH T-3M*. and aenrlc Anjlla, Prefect. Conaiil EXPERIENCED CURTAIN AND Owner at location WMksads, ar sail CROSUCT BLBCTRIC water heater. best. Immediate occupancy. SUt per DRAPBRT aaleewoman. muat bs Zephyr1 . Codlae. Prteed for economy. HEU* WAhiTED-FEMALE CHeetnut s-ntla 40-sauoa car&citt. gaa. saceiient coa- APARTMEVTS month on yearly leeiT^ Raiieil 'u. MUST BELL—IBM Bulck ImFMU, Fully * H Motora, RL «. Batontawn. ti nsat and presentable. Full-time, pi**- dltloa. 10M Oceaa an., Baa Bright. Bora* Agency, got Rlvsr Rd.. IK T- equipped, four-donr herdtop. Vor Mill LADIES—"AU This aad Heaven Too. •ant working eoodltlone. benefit*. State OIL BURNBR BALES aad sarvle* buet MBON— (Estate section). fvaeonsbl*. R17 1-0BJ6. past eaperienee and nferencss *tslss* ness. Well established, forced u **J house ssanmsnt with all roams and UK MOLDKD PLYWOOD RUNABOUT Glamor and earnings can be roan woman- Itoi 111 Red Bank. due to UUMSS. Wcodsrful opportunity bath, mo monthlv. Available artoul MONMOUTH BEACH — tjnan baagT IPs* UMCA—Oomg over aeaa. Taki It* 4", with atera and bow decka, all if you nan tana kours d*u» u spsra. •a a oa* man operation. Osven Mlddle- ••Member IT. Reference* reauir low tor on* or two. Nicely furnished. OTar payments. Altar g. IT Wanrl equipped, remote cmtrou. ateermi H I'lttT. town and vlcmwy. OB l-«Ut Call after Tp.rn.wd w*ekenda.^tu ITI month to June U, Is Fl.. Rod Bank. wheel. I* he. Johnaon motor. Haa UNINO MAKBRB Bad Ittlag -setter* utlllttt!. CA not been ahelter protected. Bur taso. lee It en ladles coat*. Oeod waaaa. Union HELP WAIOTED-MALE at M9 Hwy M, Rtvenlde Halghta, after FOR SAJLB—Foar-roo m «p.rtm«nt. RI'MCON - seven roome. IH bath* ltU Chevrolet TRAINBB—Fnr consumer finance BiQKTOACES , Nh- KKatloo, Yearly »***? STAI: Good condition. '.3ti ^.m. - T5 nee. high school graduate, age II oo RIDINO ROTART LAWN MOWER IPM !all Home*, i WOOD-PUUT FOUNTAIN OIRL — Oood naaort unity tor advancement OMBca, V sat, IH b-a. Canton, lua. PlaMe hull. Olaaa rig. pra. uattt M SMB. Many benefits. Aptly Ben Finance Co. CASH FOR YOU Call U I-1TW after • p.m- or weekenda. FOUR-ROOM — Ruralahsd apartraen RUMSON AREA •II 1-OMa Red Bank. SATB ON aUORTLT USED Ff^RNI Available laimedUtulT. FumJahe•hed bouaibouaf* andend) aaartmiaia. win- AUTOS AND TRUCKS ter rates. Sspumbar to Jan*. »• OLDTOWN RUNABOUT — UM ISSVJb, JU-eJay jnek. BAUgSMAN—Bl erkmi id m TURE1 RlPi la oaeellnt shape. IT*. BO; Fululll Ma— s snapla bads ssaisms coll FOUrVROOM-Unfurnlaned apartmeat. Bvlnruda Faatwla It ha, Controla. rnmcrefi •arms aad] ***** sprsag rnartni. gaa. gaa tank, ttaor boareja. MM. Boat. »«• fountain girt. ApHy fa person. How- era. televbdoas. ApMy Aiumknam akal** Maae w*m red *»• Trio Swaonay Aaancy tor not uaed thla eeaaan. BH I-4U0. ard JoouocT Restaaraat. Route M, MM- REALTY MART ner sprint cuaeJoas. Ill to. Men and Pkons RO l-lttt. ' TWO-MAN DUCK ROAT—BulK to fit dlatown. PARTT1MB MBM—U-ga. Werk ftnaea more. Rusdl's, B B- Fraot at. FURNIBHBD APARTMENTa-l. 1 _ In elation warn. One year old H00. span boon a week, floor wsatng PARK % bedrooms. Water, heat supplied. U>B aELBCTION OF RBJMTALB — H0U8BWORKXR — BWep In. Own flEK BND SPBCIALSt Tea wagon ITt to ma monthly, CA a-Usj. Furnished aad •aluralsbed. Immedl. •H 1-7734 room. bath. TV. Fond of chUdren. sad rug elesamg. BN aius baoefua. Mo ate occupancy. Bamwal Telcher Ageswv. Bun t> weakly. aH MSB* after asperlene* aseessary, will tram. No ftM. upkeM»n4_mtl,_ «p. THREE ROOM feraisfMd apartment. SORBb-23', IMI, Chryaler Crown. 12 soliciting sr MUtag. Must ban eai Rt, crock* fLSA, clothes trees n< n volt. Navy top and aide eurtalna. I4.TI. apark guard acnen M*44, $la>0. Bath, utilities, parking, bus. Hwy M, and full tlma Job m order to be eon- n. SH 1-TtT*. T$S£ %sr ^ * ** two bunke, foam rubber mattreaaea. MEDICAL aBCRETAnr sldered. OBaag* Mlla. aBer 1 p-m. >*r aad three atoola US. wing chair THRBB BEDROOM BUNOALOW-Mod- Pilot, companion, and etern aean To work In doctor'* afflee full time. MMO. love seat t2*. etc Ruscll's, tt APARTMENT TO SHARB - Rumaon Oempaae. electrte bllg. pump. Danforth flood hours, busy office, toagj Breach. aAUgSMAN — Camera department. At- FOB SALE a. Front St. waterfront. Will Shan my aaanrarat with mt line. Fendera. awtmmrot lad- CA 1-UU. lantic taasrama. Fun-tlm*. Apply In for • year wtta a refined mature der, toilet, lite preaervera and cuah. persoa after a p. m. ANTICjUEa! Couches, Victorian chairs. woman. Everything ajmlabsd Including HALF HOl'IB—Twa bedroom*, hug* lono. winter tarnmilln. Veeif leae than MOTHER'B HELPER-Five-day cbeet of drawer*, mirror*. Currier television. Parking included. To the Uvlng room, bath. (It monlh. IM boura. aaklni M.im. In walar at M P. m.; light houaahsid dutlM, i In*, dinner bell*, painting*, prints, SH 1-OMt or SH T-4UT MONEY! Rumaon. N. J. Ihown by appointment. ore el taraat Owa tranaaattallon. 1. pereea. gl Ceaur Av*., At drapes, stsrUna silver, cut glaae. rare right penon rent MS. Available Octo- •H MKM. a-lltt. (Mas, brts-akrae. RuscU's. fl B. Front ber 1. Writ* to "Rumaon Waterfront.' "L Boa 111. Red Bank. TRADE AT CAR1N CRIIMER — Bids IM*. M'xlf/. TBACRBR — lint and second grades. RECOHDITIONED . NR# TV 4". twin 115 Chrysler Crowna. Com' Private school. Oakhurat Country Day "Beokknper," Boi — High trtda-i*. - ' - *KTiriv«ab riAJWHri*) SKA BRIGHT - Modora two-e*droom pletely racondltlonefl IMT, RCA radio Bthoot KB 1-ltM. CaU betweaa a a, a. eoaanionad Ty* r" Ready mad* er "do-lt-youraolf" fumlabad aaertment. Private en- aleahone. lie volt wlrlnt. aleepe four, aar aealda and mold Plastic. trance. An aunuss supplied tneradtnr. > bath*, attacaai CIRCLE In water In eieellent condition, iacrl- Ma Oardea Center * am snow, beat Meal tor COUBM with aa* a* tw*neiahorhosd. CHILDREN RACK TO SCHOOL? J*kt Rilnbow- (lipssRl As*** M), hdNS. SB HTnL He* mt ag,fa>. owner burtna; larger •or scov* orcafllsauan. pun or part- Mwy. M (lesostle Rendt*) Batontowa. Rent gJOO. BH T-tsBV boat. Contact Mthm'a Boat Work*, foot time. Meat bitereellaa week. Develop- AMTtQUB BLACK WALNUT sofa, china HIOHLARDS-Three rsoms. balk, furn- CHEVROLET CO. of Weet M., Mmmoutb Beach, N. 1. ment* and general real **taie •elttag. RRPA1RMAN — Foil sr pait-tim*. ahMst, Mam* ckalr. two Bucklln latted or BBfornlaWd. snuad Boor. Terraes, CA J.TTIT. No oapsilaw neeeeotry. bat astern*. HAMMOND waur colors, brass bed, tan mirror, Dna* Shop, lit lay An. HI will sell. " a must. C" " DURING OUR DI'rTC ROAT-ais. Barnegat aneaktmi. two wicker rackera, mirror hat rack, RUMSON — Modem am. aa* arm ehslr. two ceuchas. three Complete privacy. Rtver vkrw. ITS. Forty Heroye I1IX New all ORGAN STUDIO strhfnge. two deer be*d*. dlnetl* set RBD BANK — Qalet. refined, delua* »V.*8sat illen (rouAlwater atoraga tank, |9. :OUNTBR HELP—Part-lime or full- CMBJMICAL OPBRATORS - Biper- acceaa. New suMom deaaaa aaaad con- ' assd, shift wars, emaleyee beae- of ASBURY PARK lew r Iron bed. furnishings sad spread, garden apartment. Four room* Television, IB) Skrewsbary FVRNrrURB — Bar* and chair. Maple TWO-ROOM FURNDHBD apartment pnunda. Ilka new, I12S caff** aad two end table*. Floor and Ills bath. Ekpanaioa attM eaa bs aatd Rlvervlew hospital. fulKlme. seraon. Ave.. BH 1-4TSB. AU utilities, SN monthly, lot Fifth h l0—fc A art PAR COLLAPSIBLa CARRIAOB. 'JSeT'S. aisa, gray. II*. Brown mtss- THRBB BBDROOMS — HeatM parch. FtV-ROOM HOUSC. An. alTWa Mlv. AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS LPP rswrsaardd PPlanr Ha* AMFM radla. Prints eatrwo. atlUtM* supalMH .TTBNDAIrT FOR Cnanr— t t' * ateni e or be*** par, Baal atMrum waiteTTTai aBT ~- Oraaisaf r*any. ntt awnth. SB HM (her 4 dl sMsr. Maplse Lallahy* art*. Ubte, pedialsl leas. Cham, buffet. - OOSl-Uat a*. BoaeW *bah? tTflall mlmr gM. RNIBHBU three I i ut kstk. ITS TRUE! •ad hot wster TRLRVmON-RADIO REPAIRMAN YORK HOMB ar efBee s W* ban a aesrllsr. avallsbls m wkeels. eembaiallSB dial. CHRTBANTHBaTUMB — Mardy garden IT COSTS srsaalsslasB asr a first elan tsktv H. Beet aTHt. SR 1-ttTe. plant*. Lena asleetlen of *Kr* ud THRBB-ROOM APARTMBNT <•> prl- lad radio beashmaa. s-M ysar* aotaal >*aatt*Ma Is a must! Far farther hv ssr; 1959 AUTOS AND TMKXf AUTOS AND TRUCKS LESS •VOTDIANDTCUCn AVltMAMPnUCXS •* couple. TO OWN A CONTINENTAL CARS ANNUAL FALL CLEARANCE SALE rOHHwft FROM latt Flat ISM CoavtrHMa .'-: 931M ISM Saab Ssdaa IIW seat toraikmr^jg IM^Jsat * ISM AaMB^Haalay RaasMar SMM TERRIFIC USED CAR BUYS! SIX KOOMS'aad'bath. AB ' 1M7 WUmaa Mku DtbiM Ssdaa HITS 1911 FOftD FalrlM* SwRllnar CM*., V-l, /C/MI 1M7 Fort) AacMa aasaa. „ I MS /vi. ». Sfwwfe. Fwrty N-ISfw. $IOM 1M7 Mants latoar Caa^avtiMa —— MM IMT Uaya s»swaa. Wasaa im OIMMOMLI HcjIMcy, 4.*. U4**, . MH, rTHrtrMHfl $1110 " " Mt .«HT NOW—«t MM) I»V*UI Hn Mt.al Y*Mr y* MM t* IW7 HAMUM. 4Jt« OvafaVtv*. MH, I*. Irak-. $i2f| m* •» i-Tflf>f TIM C.4IU. «JMI ,f yoti* lift «t UtH4- MM HUtMm MHaky HBIIW Wtfoa JIN Itf4 CHtVROUT CMV^ MH, Stick |«fl Ht — M^«MMjTi> CwMfy'i daW CoaWU* .MI**. If AMMICAN y'*« alway* aVw«mt«J •*v»y« •wnlrvf • lyikrrl*>wi ntw 194* CHRYSLIft Wlnwttr 4..r.. INICrravraM III Tnttmt SIM fwwei tr«nta«rfaH«fi . f 100 C..lll«c . . . NOW It the tin* ft* y«. t* .• i*m«tlilr>| ISM PontlM B^PtaawBBBf ItetJOR WtftM .HIM aTMW ttas.ttr ibasak Assncy. I UadaM PI., ••ut It. ISM PorrJ COBvartibU ..: |||N 1910 FORD Sfatlt- W.go«, Cuitam Dtlu.s, Bk IMS PoatiM t-rHMwattr StaUoa Waaon | Ml •na awntr $f| ISM Font Twexloor - ISM I9M FORD Tu.«f, at It |f| Highest Trade Allowances MM PoMiM CatiUM HarsMep » 1BM IMPORTS 9¥&!B&FSBk IM4 Paattae Sedan _ „-.„_ »-,_». I 4M I9H FiUfllOT 401. 4.«V. Sa«Jan, Convwnfwnt Tarmt to Fit Your Budgtt lSew G*Rrvf*)lwa s^vOdJOOl1 *MBBBI , " SM , MW Mr wtrranry $1191 TrtANtPORTATION IMt VOLVO Dam*., MM., 3 ia««W, JIM 1*00 ntilri ||IM MSI JIM BARGAIN HUNTERS 1919 OAUFHINI Dtma., Mauva, a*)«la*M>. $I4H MSI CIRCLE INI .IIN I9M HILLMAN Cafiv.. a^nlaM., v Only Eltvtn N«w mint swflrfltlwr, $971 CHEVROLET CO. CONTHiNTM. CMS, INC 101 tn«j DICK MAnHiWS US Maate Avt. dad Itsnk 1959 QLDSMOBILES ONLY QUALITY IMPORTID AUTOMOIILIS Hl> HANK Three "ffc.ma '.iwra.ih SM HIM Rtd Bank Auto Imports rut mahr.l I'liMllea InrluHed. SB* ... At Find Cloiteut Prie«« NIWMAN SPRINtJS RD. RID IANK ,>hih MM i win «aiur>l». lyMsy, OMAC Ttrtni 119 E. Ntwrnan Springs Rd., Rad Bank Flll.'ll ItniiM jf SH I -1117 Bvta. 'ill • p.m. SH 7-4500 SI, Broadway iopp. 4th), Long Branch RENAULT • VOLVO - PEUGEOT Bus. t-.il ail I IAH "T AUAIRf 4 IO« AGiNCT; ^NC.

Moderniud two^tory EaflUi IN EATONTOWN type. Matoary coaatncUaa. HIM oeofOoaM, aaBt fuaM. flraplaoo ki Hvtag room, . LET UtcSai wtthh dl*wMhedl*h r Larae plot •way Mge treess. . Coov-a- m^nan^TUrdTioor: Two bed- ANTUL CUSTOM BUILT (tan* MMOM) UO BANK torn. Shb tot and bath. Located In canter IMag roan Md dWag rpaai wtth kJ&«.; two bedn«2 Mrme U FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL trssy M it W.MS to affect rndck sale. Three bedraomi. Living and dia- ing rooms have bay windows. SEEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Little Silver eplit level. Four bedrooms, two baths and lavatory; playroom, garage. Owaer transferred. AaUag price S21JN. Lovely screened porch overtook) S6i_ Broken Protected garden. Fireplace, attached ga- William C. Waterman, Reel Estate Maneger rage, trees. CflnveataCflne t location. JOSEPH 6. MeCUE AGENCY TtflTastsfulll y decorated. AsUagtU,- IM BROARaTREET SHadystde 144M * FOUR BEDROOMS HOUSES FOB IALE WANHPTORENT PARDON OUR PRIDE y Conveniently located. OU M wt Hto ft)pote t out tht RAY VAN HORN THE Detached garage. Acting H4.**. REALTORS RIVERDALE ESTATE HOMES LOW AGENCY ACCESS TO RIVER OVER 25 YEARS r Cane Cod - fear Priori ikon OMM fcr a complits. BUY OF THE YEAR - Tito twjbaas. Pjtoejjan BBnaNhBRBB fln^M^ InWntnnBnnrBaiBnnBJtMV #BBMR 'AI.« _ ft-itia-iir eaiMtai •rwavOB' ^^^ e^wejajaHBnvHPw w^ponjpnnBBnsM r5Ih T & three bedrooms, btffe. SB i. IMS. Others at

M a lane SHREWSBURY lake Newman Springs Road to swimming Rivor Road (at Uacraft Center haB cshwl Center haB cstonlil Three bed- •r <«B mmlHs mm, tm WUM. than aotn to Rhrerdato Aveaws. Or Jast eal w Md roona. 2M baths, gvspprch. Play- nr*(* mtL nm. Mnr «itrm«, SIS,- RUMSON RANCH - With access room »tfasemaa«w%ber.Two Ml IM 14ML additional rooms and half-battoo RIVER OAKS - Doafreod street J. Uster Rigby Asioclatts, Sol« Ag«nft cattoajust Real value at SHadyslds 1-7741 trees. Paneled game room. Feat> tag. HUN. "^ FAIR .HAVEN RANCH LOTS AND ACREAGE WESTMGHOUSE YEAR-ROUND does to school, sbopptag and AIR CONDinONINO - Tower- bus Una. Six hwaly rooans, three J. LESTER RIGBY STANLlY K. DOWNS y basement, garage colonial rancher. Three maa- fireplaee, eVahwashsr SU.M0. Two tiled baths. ASSOCIATES. INC. living room with •f Cham and Vaba" I fl p F g WALKER ft WALKER REAL ESTATE- INSURANCE kJtchan?fn? U dmlagg room, three MAUTIIVL SHsdyside 11017 room. Large kitchen with dining twiin bedroomsbd , twobt bathsh , pan- Me a» UMHM«H IW. OUUM. ptuuirr noon. 658 Tinton Avenue area. Dm. Laundry. tt petto, two-car Ave. Skmrabur* New Shnwibiur. N. J. M down. H4.MS. Phone SH 1-7741 Scenic waterfront southern co- DELIGHTFUL COLONIAL — Acreageg . Very secluded, Charm and distinction separatp e SHsdyude 1-5212 y bd Tll k h TV taatily room. Oa- Priceless boxwood this lovely residence, at the endOpen Sundays by Appointment NElr SHREWSBURY — Enjojyy rage. Choose youy r own docore- Pour bedrooms. Four baths. Dan. street, n f H ll «tr elaaatr ar aUMr wikHni the coaveaiaaea of spHt level tk BargaiBi n —OM OMNN . Fireplace. Smartly styley d For- averagge home. Therliere is a master Nk * tanuas Hviag m a sprawHai loorbe* i kih NeN w appliancesppli , bedroomb ed, , 1HH bathabh , pplu s a ppow- 0 room BOOM. >U bans, two-ear ISTORIC SHREWSBURY - Ut.m. An excellenll t buyb . dde r room, on thh e malla floorfl , to Family Bvtog Is the kejrj - dasek colonial — brand new d t hll RIVER OARS — Massive trans. wide canter hall. — witihh a llarge com- combined living room and y attractive Allen porchh, den, teoverat e dindi - MMdMlowa. win Its owe g rancher with Immediate kith lltll Ui»cnorT-TS AD this on Damn kitchen. Mahogany g, g REAL ESTATE WANTED Attached garage. The a& LEONARDO BVMOALOW — OI 4* floor has three bedrooms, 1H rooma aM atMlaMl poreta. all lav in value. liJM ti- 'avamanu. Oa* al IT Bay A»a., M fully landscaped tot AT -OTU-J. LOVELY OWNER TRANSFERRED- one oa THE MIDDLETOWN ^ mHl^ Fair Haven. N. J. bathsMuni.. TttxtLatesvt nnkitchens DssfooBs. Recreat* tute LOW AGENCY BUM MIL OX mactoi* availabla. IMMBOUTS ACnON «a O. L JM broomh . LHug e kbasemenh t AUO ?HA waaWa, Bmrari •»«»» Can SHadytida T41M ranch, thrw BMrooou. Or—n Asa—r. OS l-waa. 636 River Rd., A bl garage._Screens, storm Fair Haven, N. J. Ti BEACH AGENCY CHOICE UTTLE SILVER HOME anaa — % aero, large trees. Nine-room SH«dysid« 1-4477 RED BANK — karai-rasm iwuaa. ou split level. Four bedrooms, JOS. SCHENKEL. INC. haat, eallar. attic, t«o batlu. omea Oaaa • u » — » Da.ya ban MMaua aayart iraNM- C iths. Playroom. Top value! M. IS. Batwan KanatlMMdlMa OOMOWt AOBNCV SH MSN THREE LARGE bedrooms, two oo 4 ten co t-issi tile bathe, 2T Uring-diabig room win ovarsuea pictiira WBMOWI WIDE SELECTION ire leaiarea ot m mooern RENOVATED FARM HOUSE •JAL KTA1I PM SMI ranch. Extremely large kitchen OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES aWkiaOM MANUilBR with separate sraaWaat TO BUY OR SELL Loeatad oa aa acre and • halt dWnraaher, racraaMM n of high ground with dl cellar, attached Phono SHsd>«de M017 trees. Coaler halL Hvtag room, K REDDEN AGENCY Bmtaf room, coasptetely noder» iisala» la raar. «M.Ma. iMal M ^blauaak^an•nCMaalt Win^aalwtki wtekanMOUBAiWBManCe;* , A4LBQOTB ,UW badM, Ml aallar SawalT AT»., Aiburjr Para. Realtors - Iaturan p WALKER i WALKER ntoaadpatto. mlmin arWrto* aacauat wa »MMI ATTRACTIVE four-room BERG II as aa a tnaa-la. TH *' b> Had Bank. SPACIOUS RANCHER k d tkaa Ma balk, all large VETERANS Highway * Hadst, N. J. •aTBRjE; arnajon, •••>• CO442U ; lana fcuasv kkafc. NO DOWN PAYMENT fi ^—• IMMACULATE lamama k, MI c 172 PER MONTH Opaaldays •SiSrt kaal. Hot atace, planter wafl* kilriim, SH kaOM. fun tmrt. Aiueim tamlbjf wow, an aatkv, tn in saraea atu ts Saadaysby *M «vlak «a»a at «M. wkk Mek frtU a> wra\ dMBwaaBT m* aw* !• aaitai ••••• at Mai •> BK ArPLBBitoaB MM ••. VtTtmjf mmT «aa a> MMm N. J. msanR wav^mm a\ ETERANS PrMM amral Ikouauaa 1 aHlai BUMSON COLONIAL - Thro. MENT — law naea •( arle«« la tkU kraal ••any rar latt aaM. Thraa.kM bedrooms, fonaal dtabw nan ta raar HTM raaa. IT lertnai dhriae •n tkaraaf. «kiak «Ua mmmmt INCOME PROPERTY raoai, Ut iahna knekM lara? taaiigk SUfSt. OaW SIT.am ArPUIBROOK raaara af UM ininHasa aflmall XoilrCT. nV M. MMdWtawm. N. j. •aw aa Ma la ay MM amaa aa apartmeatsp , mod* era'haat, two«ar garage. IOOMI M aiaV? monthh, •pri SITJM «aMt. litaHail atnM al wall-kast kBnaa. aaa aski Ca*a coi wttk iKraa PROFESSIONAL RESIDENCE •11,900 FuU Price Oood prtvato A. Anaatraaa ItaaBar. BatraaBM aa< two katlu: araaaway, Ara.. tMtMTTnZnT&l kanl. allrarll«* Iraaa asa Rad Bank. Caattrfcan coMal sii.aa, RAT smLUfAM NON-VET 1357 Down WATERFRONT LOT tkla rawly all artrt raaek at LMUa BnlTVT WBR IW» PBTWTS' ajamifnnmnjnj, ajjajaa ATTRA^CTIVE TWOSTOR Momwoalli County Office Ipoctous tot wttb trees, oood dry baildinglMd. Attractive spot M aaak aM irrtaaa, eat !••»*, aa a«*M*4 acra- THE BERG AGENCY Balk*, attaakit sanJaT Iwnl raar*atlan raoM wttk lira- yanT WHI MI

SH I A CO. ot tMs atlinctlvo QUAUFTED BUYER - BBtnannnt inm* flat-Batt MMA honk*, WaH-ls-waa c THE DOWSTRA Drapes. Foumr bai bajnt. Dan. Oarago. AGENCY I. 111 E. FRONT ST, RED BANK Fries StTJU. SH M700 - CAFE COD

Evoamcst OSborM M44S

amnasSBa VnnBnnaSi OBBaRnm Kffflfllnmnn MM •VRVMo laVUBafB I«EaBB| •MaXawa*BEf •FP -*«-•- - - ^_-T*w _•/ aS^AV. taMMBanl WMMK 1TV1. in winii. rrro REALTOR. INSUROR AmianVllnnBffM AAik BBmefl BntMLwam. 114 a. l*ea y*t J9^f neaapBBBBJBBaBmBBB' ^BBBBPnV OBaBBBJ BaajKl «WXMBB| avaj^ Uwrtiict J. Sehlllino Aaklaf ll»ak» ni*aa4 kiZ, MaHar. MS Praaaael A ant- REAITOR i. naraiiam 16 SptMg L»M MI44«H * a»MM*tvt coin Red iMk — SH 74131

Schancic Aatncy

nonra la a,,* JaaaMMa^a • — ^"*- I ABMA tAAaka nf-f-ill L*. Oa BaaO-ifcar -** fWr*1 Taajawvra ' Brfr^l BnivHV ^T^a^ WF|| lv^y W BUM I*) Ika I 4 H Mla« fm arnnnl, rrmrrk *n4 Irtnaaarla I will sail II Tb» HrM ftmm «ka aaaa It Ma la |mv |«r» ar'MnaH airto |»>f»h riMI •I ma a«araaal XllMA OM'RT. LHN« N#« fcMW <*Hf tat, IMS KrM'l •Intl. M fl»» MM, IM MIM, Ml MM **•( I*.I ,j,aa«m>M ilnaD finanami atattafcla at laSMIMIO prritlAr} '••• rill MMRMRI •!•« III Ml II Win Uli f4>i«4 iliillillnl hai Kak. N. 4 ONa r urapHt HM ttM «f aur MWMtl BaM't BAtUMTOWN - llr aaMMarwa] !•• VAN NESS CORP. >n axti barlnr I', hunt Slraai l> MaMHt, h»» It •>••>»-• Mtlranm ranaA UtlnA rwwm aui » f>irnlah«,1 nr iia*,| lor *«'-'" . gas*, M, mt tEDBAtlKMCWTX I Shop Friday 'til 9 TODAY'S Business Mirror By &4M DAW SON C O M PA N Y AP BUSINESS ANALYST ASSUIY *AIK •10 IANK NEW YORK — Those much in Europe, plui many millioni publicised tourists—the Khniih- elsewhere. chev family flying from cout to Many other Russians may ooaat tomorrow—«re.onl y a hand- •hare Khrushchev's curiosity ful ot the fast increwing horde about the United States but can't get permission or funds to see for from overseas discovering the themselves. It may be shared by Pre-Teen Sizes 8-14 United States as a place to see. even more- Western Europeans An estimated 1,000 other Rus- who still aren't allowed to take sians have created the Atlantic enough of their money out of their this year. Only some 250 of these country for an American tour. are called tourists and only 165 Touriit and shipping agencies reported their object a* solely here report that of the 1.118 Rus- 100% Wool-Plaid pleasure. They contrast with an sians they have counted u com- estimated 13,000 Americans gawk- ing here this year. 400 wen ing at the Kremlin this year. strictly on government business The Russians are lost in the and 42 on missions classified as esttaatad half million Europeans commercial business. The rest who are mtkln; the Atlantic were entertainers—dancers and something more than a one-way musicians-en_ d„ scientists, stu- Twosome" tourist lane. Six mllton Canadi- dents and the sprinkling of self- ans am making short or long sor- avowed tourists. ties into the United States this But the big buildup in tourists year and around one million Lat- to this country from other lands in Americans. is striking. Official figures show Visitors to oar shores should that in the fiscal year ending spend close to one billion dollars Jane 30. 19M. some 100,000 Euro- lest Dressed Heaori In JmUr High this year, officials hope. This pean visitors came here, and In would help offset the more than fiscal 1931 there were 377,000. With This Smart Skirt and Jatkat Cam. two billion dollars that more than This year the annual rate Is esti M0.0I0 Americans are spending mated at close to 500.008. From being mainly an export' er of tourists, the United Sates is now becoming an importer of HiasHtefce* Ian Pleated Skirl III fctfltV tourists, too. To encourage the flow one of some, bald Red and wraa* "State* ©aareT u the big agencies thriving, on tour- ism from whichever direction, Raid. So mutch fun • American Express, has set np special units in 15 countries to serve as a channel through which 7.98 foreigners can get informatiOR and arrangements for travel in Matching Cardigan Jaetef. braid band the United States. U. S. Government agencies also are spreading the good work and making a big drive for 1980. (A sites fro 14. tourist franc, pound, mark or peso is just as welcome here as a dollar is abroad.) Reasons for the increase in 7.98 travel to these shores, other than for political or business purposes are varied.' awuau •• ALL MNU Most immediate may be that Ml MNTMt several foreign governments have lifted currency restrictions and increased travel allowances. Arrange for a Another is that the economies of other nations—often boosted by Canadian mWEENS direct U. S. government aid and Stemd floor, JW Bmk mix FREE also by American tourist spend- ing—have prospered to the point Hoove Demonstration where many more foreigners Ice-Breaker have the wherewithal to travel. PR S-?300 One school of thought Is that other lands-particulariy In West- ern Europe—have seen such HAMMOND hordes of American tourists in by McGregor 27*95 the last 10 years that an increas- ing number of Europeans have Organ Studio grown curious about the environ- ment in which U. S. citizens got •f Atbary Park that way. Weather-conditioned for cold weather eamfart Ava. aai Mats K. Helena, capital of Montana, —here is masculine winter fashion at Its bettl was' first named Last Chance Gulch. Tailored of tough, hard-waartng cotton hoi-

stored with a heat retaining, lightweight ail*

Amtrtea's ytar 'round Jacttit Fmritt lining of furry dynel. Wind and water repellent. M'GREGORDRIZZLER Belle Sharmeer Seamless Hose L50

iHr fsvvfifv irvvunyi wtm TAVMWV MIIV Skarmaar raiafartad Heel end Tee, Stoat IW •W II U fcaii

STEINBACtTS HOSIERY Street Floor mi Aibmry Pvk

•m kM nTOMMY BOLT. u.l Opt* ft* "Brookside" It'* «Mjr to understand why golfara prefer the A Treasury of fMMMM DrtwUr — It's chockful of the features Wash'n Wear Casual Mtlvt mm want. For Instance: deep-cut pivot •rmttoWs for full freedom, new cloth breather holes to keep you coo), double-protection shoulders keep Tailored Jewelry you dry in • downpour. Elnstir-imert push-up by Puritan 10.95 sleeves, full bl-nwinif plontu, hip-hustfrinR elaiitir for anus;, comfortable fit. Tab-rlonurv collar, smart corded pockets. Great new iridm-rnt and solid col- A Puritan Knit Shirt af wanderfvl, absorbent •n. A pro's jacket at price that's under par. 2.00* each Isn-Len yarn whleh will n*t ihrlnb, sag t fan, Ales in Leafs and Glaat lues"" 10,95 and weihei wlthaut bleeding. My fethlened, Chian fram aar beautiful taltaatlait af Mtb> baauttfwlly del*lied, hendiemeiy meHvlina, laeei, braaalati end aarrlag Mfi M fjomaraw GOLDIN'S Several talari. bfHihed gald and tllvar. ~** MIN'S SHOP MOAD ST., Conttr Mechanic St. OPfN WIO ft Ml. tVININOS RID IANK .smsmcirs mvs n H\ISHIM;* IF.WF.IMY. SlrfH Fhmr and Athury Mirrl Unit mill iihuty I'ntk

I Red Bank Register's Annual Fall Home Improvement Section Many Owners Now Is Time Installing Air To Correct Conditioning Heating Ills If It took a break la the weath- The enervating dbcomfcct of er to make your home fit to •tramertef through the hot days live in, then the balmy days aad nights of summer hM hap- should be plan-ahead days to pily become but a memory for eliminate the household bead* miUkns of AiMtiett families. So aches that are sure to be there rapidry has air conditioning to plague you when the temper- spread to homes of evtiy atat ature dips lhi» (all. and type throughout tte lead, Start your inventory of things that it is no loafer la fha "hu> to be done by re-living last win- try" daea, but rather it more ter's woes, then take the steps necessary to remedy them. Chilly aa a necessity of modem living. rooms that are "out of bounds'* when the snow flies, cold spots, for the growing popularity of drafts or exorbitant fuel bills air conditioning is the fact mat al' mean that something Is wrong It has become available la me* with your heating system. a variety of mststistkwsadapt- Hero** a check list of possible able to slmost every conceivable problems and the recommended aead and pocketoookt solutions to each of them: Alt havo la common the os- 1. Furnace failure — the unit aeatial characteristics of eooUag that produces the heat that the air, reducing humidity to a keeps you comfortable must be comfortable aad health**! leva! in good working order. If it did automatically, aad purifying aad aot function property last sea- tittering the air. son, call the serviceman now while there's aa off-season slack Fear aad have the furnace* adjusted. There are four bank Haw broken parts replaced, Of air coaaH;toniagt chinks or cracks in the flue or (I) lastallmg aa chimney sealed to prevent heat neutral air conditioning system. <1) Making aa existing forced 3. Clogged radiators or regis- draft warm air haatiag mstsV This year there not only Is ters — dirt and dust can rob your latfcm do double duty by employ- wide array of attractive post- rooms of warmth. Cleaning them mg Its dwcta aad registers as part Is a do-tt yourself Job to be placed of a central air oa the fix-up agenda. Vacuum ket, but more are coming, registers of warm air systems to <1) Integrating the pipes af a styles ranging from streamlined let the clean air flow freely, hat water beating system into a asodern to elaborate pei dean or replace air filters ia central air conditioning system. models. They're bemg Jomed by forced air systems, dean the (4) Insulting Individual room growiag numbers of gaa barbi release valve oa steam radi- air conditioners » the windows ators and release trapped air ia or through the exterior walls. hot water radiators. ^Essentially, a central air Some are of a type that caa be baUt Into a firammc* ftasait. oft- 3. Fluctuating temperatures- adequate control of the heat sup- •aalc unit, coma In tag a coi the) backyard cook the trouble plied by the furnace is of great importance during the frosty air Itttor aad Mower atoag with making a fire, aad the reap Ubility of puttiag ** days. Make certain that the ther- a dact aystem to IOOHIS and mostat you now have is func- foglstsrs. It's a simple matter for tioning properly; if not, replace fa a house already using a ajaaUfled mstaller to caa it with a aew model. warm air bee ting system, the lights aad broilers or grigs la. 4. Heat leaks - waited UflS OkT mUgT ^BDmtaBnils^OmtBnVnm '^BaTJaTi ORHs* the house gas lanprg. Qftea h> warmth b{ a common problem, ba heat at a ana by nsmg exaaasfJSQfeflsSsttVah t OMMStf %apB4a?egJ aV Iav08 aad register far thia especially la aa older home. Cold last aa ana walls aad windows can absorb a toach at the front av great amount of heat, and for AhVVenr this rensoa Insulation, weather they can hapart a happy stripping or storm sashes should •In both the above ^^_ emw teal heating aad central «m> thai are reported aot to attract assscts WEED anal year 'round aa emer lights da. As far centre! eyetemu gaa grlut. they've a apodal ad- Weeds caa not grow in % regulated by i jobs are gravel drive that has been The haaaa that Is sprinkled heavily with a aalt **• hat water sa —— —*—-* g^u *- - i^ag^ i

fit CttaWS KnkBff^ flbt CttlHMmt amatlen. —*»w nmso to LSJIB she yy-

to metalat. They ma wide afLVTU

attke «vaa a large "id si a Ilia

KpaiaHty aad lor tttf-Mlf • aaaa m avanf aoia sfsja) gsjaaafaj asjaaaasjMnaoisaBaasUMaaav§ttaaasa\aasl bk*u hsa^avSABI^BHM^^^IMM^^^^^^Z toPrevmemL Baa^aaB^BmBBn^Lanam^na^aman^^ana^^LaMta ^^^u^y OP••^•W nnm Bjnpanmasa i-Tria*7. Sept 18. 19S9 RED BANK REGISTER slat k»t to «••• where ipeeM

ON THE HOVSE information on electric heating: *J ANDY LANG Electric heating system* bant* the actwi it fsjvafeea.

convince the general public mat one torsi ef beat or ass best that can to used in variety. This Supporters of oil, gas tad CM! art constantly pcedeclag facts tatter type c much Hke figures Intended to show that their particular fuel does the a toaster. Aa currant Is finest Job of producing heat, from the standpoint of economy as well as comfort From time to time we have Tops... discussed various aspects of heat- ing with oil. ess and coal. Now we have run across some figures which Indicate that a little at- tention might bt paid to a form of heat—electric-used ejulte ex- -> in the South and West.

These figures show that more than half a million homes now are electrically heated, with the total expected to reach four times that number in a few years. inon What are th# advantages of electric heat? We'U let an indus- try spokesman, Roger Welter, an- ARM. swer that: "There Is no flame to cause dirt and scot, thus towering dec* orating costs substantially over a period of time. Most electric ...IASY MAKfBJMNCt heating devices are actually con- trolled to the rooms, so the tem- perature In each room can be varied to actual need. And elec- SOW IV tric heat does not consume the humidity In the home and re- quires no humidifiers such as are necessary with most flame-burn- ing systems." The Cast? Doesn't electric heat eost

"While the cost of heating a home electrically is still higher than conventional methods, the added cost averages onry $1 to 94 a month more for aa average you/ kitchen plsns cfe$ewe the fi dhete thet/$te in evert/ptine r$rye!

Stwmlnarf efvtod In A Qwnpkk fiutog* nwium mn tin fattoyfOfehn... Vwnsst 4gn> gssBBBst IsB^lggsgggl •• wejrfc I* mi • njltiisjf H VWf ««r tt* el W*MMII isjajllainii, «r c«i RED BANK REGISTER Priitf, Sept. 18, MS»-3

ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS ywVftt Mf 9V4ty (•• H If fWMl

____ TB»W* fe BW ^HtlBSBVa B4 aVM^kv BBBBBVB't V V^PB^P^V^ B^V ^V^BF B^^^^^^V W^^^pBV^^^p ^B^i ^^BW^HP^fff —j A A NEW

BJ yW> VBBHR^ IS BWfBjtVWMIf yMMT IMW cosy If lit

*— —j -»-- --•




YM MB ••***

^^^B^^^WBT ™^^^^^F™y^B^^' ^H W ^^^^B ™ ^^W^^W Y^W^V ^B^B^^B^B* WMV^B MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO

',HAlJ RED BANK REGISTER 4-Fiiday. Sept. 18, 19S9 Back Yard Fun Center Today's shorter working hours Slid shorter work week have created more tsssure tfene far most people, and spurred their Interest in outdoor taring, si al its various phases, from active sports to taking one's eaae la the SUB. OM of the most interesting tad Car-reaching aspects af this tread has been the rediscovery of the infinite possibilities of the "back yard" as a place lor plaasarmbtf. healthful ^relaxation tad recrea- tion for the whole family. Often it hi possible to put a bit of "vacation fun" Into every day of the long spring and sum- mer months by Imaginatively gearing one's grounds to play a larger and happier role In fam- ily life. A patio or terrace of flagstone, concrete or plastic tile can pro- vide a perfect setting for bliss- ful sun-basking, outdoor feting and Informal eatertabUag. Build- ing a patio is a fairly simple job for the handy boo* owner, and by doing much or all of the work, himself, ha cort down to a wajy figure. • • •if ft lei #f TWloty fa tUsj itoNf tint lesrtlsaf>laMwSjBJBJBJSJB4j SJBSJK SJB) 9010 BSBvBHD/ j VWDCTI 4OT ing their patios to provide a de- gree of privacy as wen as pro- tection from Insects. By so do- psfwtt the adults of the fassUy iag they make the patio Just as to Join the youngi useful by night as by day as a the fun. place for card games, resding. BpeakJag of the THROW AWAY YOUR BROOM late dining and other activities are "kiddie gyms," requiring Ifwimlaafton Actually such a patio becomes an "oat- own back yard Just about the door living room.** best place to town tor fun. AND HAVE Another way to achieve priv- acy for patio or terrace Is has, la recent years; been do* through the Judicious planting A HOME of shrubbery, or by rustic type era forms, molded in concrete, high fencing. that not only bold special ap- A barbecue pit, in conjunc- peal for the small fry, but also THATS tion with a patio, or by itself, add an interesting Contempor- is becoming an increasingly pop- ary touch to the appearance of ular feature of the back yard. the grounds. Many a man-of-the-house Is find- NICE AND ing a new avocation ai "outdoor The lawn itself, if properly chef," especially skilled in cook- built and well kept, can provide ing steaks, hamburgers, frank- the setting for a great deal of CLEAN... furters aitf other eatables that outdoor fun by giowaaps and never before tasted so good! children alike. Badminton, cro- A swimming pool, though ad- quet, volley ball and bowling- LAWES HfATINO OR, mittedly among the more am- on-the-green are some of the bitious outdoor living projects, is games that can be enjoyed on WIU PROViOff YOU AND becoming increasingly common the lawn. as an adjunct to the home Often, whoa space permits, it YOUR PAMR.Y WITH grounds. Because pools can be is even possible to have your built to fit virtually any reason- own "dock golf' setup (excel- A HOME THAT able area, and because costs lent for sharpening one's putt- have been brought within reach Ing game) at your very door- STAYS CLEAN of the average family, they are step. no longer confined to the large Where a sufficient length of estate, but are quite apt tob e space is available, a shuffle- found almost anywhere. board court of concrete or tile Where a conventional swim- can be installed at moderate ming pool is not feasible, there cost, and provide many hours are large plastic wading pools. of sport for everyone. YOU CAN HAVI PtIMNJM QUALITY OR. AT THI RIOULAR ntici—run AUTOMATIC osuvmr. It ROODS' BAYNTON'S "ARMSTRONG VINYLS" "GUUSTAN CARFfTS" COAL COMPANY. INC. "SANDRAN" 9YGAMOHE? AVE. « WHT SRONT STRI1T 584 RIVCR RD. 8HHKW9BURY FAIR HAVDf MO SANK. N. J. IN MtM SN 7.M7* RED BANK REGISTER Friday. Sept 18. 1959-3

SOFAS IL.Y VACATION . • . Karpoa . . D A 0*4 Lawmi atyloa la isearalon* tatties. F R^R^R^R^R^R^R^B^*^^^ ,ilso. ^ REGULAR Iff.00 NG WORRIES : 239

)] SOFA Jk CHAIR * * I RfOULM jSf.« -: * *' " 1 1 s> M 179 v.. * M WING SOFAS Early AMoncsMt fey Caaovar* SOTOCI yaor uadcs* Fi • -^ ^^ "^ REGULAR 20f.f5 i / H 169 WING CHAIRS BKA^R^ra^BT •^•a^RaHl^^lR&BHHE^ Ra^^T V^^aaSflHr^RaiBT^ aHflHaiRcS flRa^RaBr RXRaSVJa^aa^a^H araa r™T ' ""^ NRRGULAR t4.f 5 69 7 pc Sectional Group ^^^^v ^^^^^^W ^^^^^^^W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^p ^^^^'^^^^^^V ^^^^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^I^^^^V ^p ^^V ^^^^^^^^^^* Colors off Oxblood, Tongo Ton, Ollvtr hi Crimson, Sohoro Sond «nd Glngor Splct RRMJCRD TO In th# now Bottonox Etpono L#oth#f« liko PaHorn. 138 SWIVEL CHAIRS H SJfHS • • • CHMVM vHMB • • • coniisttfif •! RIOUtAR 49.S0 , ftrm iiMtfrofi «nd box tpriiif ftlui «dju»t«Wo tt««l b«dfr«m«. Limltod quantify. ThU will not bo r«ptat«d. M.fl MM Howl RHflBtC RMB Itfl WJf sflMMII shown in 3™ witti HO^« 29 F«moui $»«ly Iwiklti. Compltf*. itfJt 139* Walnut Dining Room fthowft In ottorttd colors RIOULAt *1f.00 «nd ityloi. 14.H 6" S*loet your covori. Foim rubbor 419** •wthtoni. lit* Walnut Dining Room by WrougVmatttr, Tf.W SA1I RtOUUUt Iff40 462°° 'furniture BEDROOM SUITES company Io5» Ml 74104 Pill fAMNO AtMCBff tTOM iiMf, StpL 18. M8» KEP BANK REGISTER tafly? thi FHA Suggests Ways to Cut tat % »d of air mat can How to Help Cooling System Am .^ Home Maintenance Costs Provide Greatest Comfort am? (To open mom lets m warm aad often higm> humid air, par- Ifee normal actNttei m a unit could fosesvtj ovoa ur K vtm ,# anjnaa of household can — aad lot often had no oms tteamifr •* alght) to + JU Aftj^ -^— g-^ggm-U AM dkA sot mat they do — unwittingly contribute m with.) w* arva* mmmr nmmm uvmmm^np w BOT the heat and humidtty mat an J. Is tht not wora or trtytd. If they art. air conditioner la expected to dryer vojusa m aw flat *Raitut> * «fe. tnn.. (Ils dJofherge off why it's important la atvo *a to the air in a (MocUng ant tat rays of *» at cascksd far wake. A cooliat «y*tem a cnopiratiiw the air nnist when the day to hot and time; agroovt mmt muggy. plaints can at traced la flat T. yay a pkk a coal y Is slap mo If you can't answer "Yet" to dryer.) or at leasast the contest ppart of a •ach of the following oueatione, 3. Do you do the ironing oa a warm day—to mop floor*,fl h wash Attics and crawl it's time to mend your ways: cool day or late m the evening? A * £ A a 1. When you cook an a not (At thtss times the cooUng sys- iMoptimttaas that require water? lags, which should be ataiod with ytar far day do you use the kitchen van- tem has reserve capacity and (As wot surfaces dry, moistare putty or tilattag faa? (A rang* with al can remove this extra heat with- Is rtteassd into tht air to cauat ^ bo may mtBfttt ths •urnen going reteasee more heat out difficulty.) tUseomfort.) dans every throe or four yean. dWsaal vaataattaa or torn the house thaa a aooling 4. Art filters cleaned ptrioaV Aay pa in ted area that peels or rtctive mtasures* AnnouncmG

Tike GoW Star if ifo AitocUaion'i new symbol 0/ QmUiy, POT- formatter and Modern Design,! Awarded only to model* meeting 32 rigid require* ment standard* of excellence, the Gold Star on a gas range marks ii as one of the world*i finest cooking appliances!


Faster, cooler, cleaner cooking than ever before!



To display the Gold Star, m gaa range moat aaeet 30 basic requirements, plus at least 2 of 5 optional «pecifirations, all net up by the American Gaa Association! To you, it is an absolute ajaurasee of years of perfect cooking and trouble-free per-

formance! De*ign*beautyv economy, dependabili- ^^mVHVw 07WVV p^On mv ^^Pt^ You "eel M «n4 for- ty ... yes, and clean, cool cooking loo are your* aot H!" ... with the Gold Star! • WW

VMTICAL Infra-fod gat bfoWwa. torn emm ot Visit Your Local AppJionco Do«lor, Plumbor •o^tF V ^O^^^a^^O'MavJmM 1 Wvrv or Now Jorsoy Natural Cot Showroom Today! tut lUutil ^^ ^^








DAfcY MO ML DAT SATURDAYS B-FrM.y, Stpt 18, H» RED BANK HECISTCT Beautiful Lawn* s Are Result Of Planning, Work and Care Cheers A beautiful lawn that caa that destroy your tad by lor a new Serve double-duty aa a practice g oa grata roots. An early putting greaa is the dream of soost gardeners. You'll grow such wil wtet ant lawns by replacing those dreams with hsrd work, lovtag care aad of dead latelligent planning. Here are grass from ruining your lawn aome tips that should help: this summer. The Aatrol concen* Before you start digging, be trate cornea bottled as a com* Sure your gardening tools are plete unit that attaches easily to cleaned and sharpened. Spade, aay ordinary gardea hoae. fork, rake, mower, hose and And me experts advise anaa> sprinkler, roller, spreader and ing your grass to a depth of at Sprayers are required tool. But least eight laches when yon remember that you can always water. A light spriakllag of tha rent (or borrow, if you're lucky) lawn surface will do more to the expensive items. encourage growth of weeds thaa It Isn't atpaaatvor Vm'tt Knowledge of your soil is a grasses. love ovary minute you spoad prerequisite for a good-looking As for mowiag procedure, If a with Hi lawn. Check with your state a good Idea to check with your Hyfc» agricultural experiment station, aurserytnaa to determine tha county agent or local nursery-, bast method for your particular man for a soil analysis and for kind of grass. A cutting height • Now Osometrir Teatara btlp on grading, fertiliilng and of 14 inches or more is a gen- WOOD FENCING gtvoa aadtsag sowing. eral rule of thumb, because clip- Besides protecting property, a tha carpat surface It's equally important to rid ping too abort will help crab- wood feace can serve as a shield your soil of grubs, aad other la* grass aad other weeds thrive. against aua and noiae. Colors aad Tastaro can't wash out! AH tMa aad heavenly colon tool Cfcosie DureUe today. J. YANKO MMOAO ST. a*f sq.yd.

GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKETS 18.98 21.96 completely wathabJa, completely mothproof, fearaor U9M, «oiy warm. AQJWO anal ro»o. CHOICE OF 3 NORTH STAR ALL WOOL BLANKETS FINE CARPETS mft rwjaaw U.H 14,95

bound with 100% nylon. Complete watbiag iaitruc- tions on ovary blanket. Vvnue. groon, rnrojuMrita) • 101% NatM and yellow.

KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS ENDS OF ROLLS 19.95 lusuriottt blanket, moftiproofod; rf mo)tb 5O°* OFF occurs you 9of a now blanket. Champafae, whJto, pinlt, bolfo and ojroon* Cnfl » far "At *JV ojanags/ ajnjaj

SUMERSON DACRON COAAFORTEIS SH1-6272 25.00 volvof on 0*0 ttdo and heavy iaffsj oa)

1 l^ssWAa^iAl^alaiw T B V aadAaVsnm um«aUa«Aa^l SHREWSBURY « ap*^Vf va VV pfffT| VvwIvlvVf aaErrvMMVf/f| aUorajta. ovMa ojojajsaow CARPET SHOP lloyal M«M vofvet anal offtbaN Fvrott troon velvet and offihoU satfi* Garden Took RED BAfflC REGISTER Fttfty* Should Get Proper Care Otvtog tooto proper care wffl MI only extend their useful life, bet will make them much easier to work with. cjol r i? modeling or rep; The storage area must be dry and weatherproof. It should have a door that can be se- curely locked, preferably pad- PEG BOARD locked. H Is beet not to store lawn and gardea tools to the car area of your garage. A separate toolroom built In- to the garage, or a utility room In the baaamaat of your house, vniD Rs MUIM flBttTmiao^p vs w own at grade level is the Meal arrangement. If this rennet be arranged, yon can build a ram- proof garden shed ojulte men- pensively or purchase one of the pro-fabricated models thai are ready to be assembled. Such a NEW! shed can either be hidden behind moncT WOOD PAINTERS gardea shrubbery or RUSTOLEUM MINWAX SUPPLIES to me garage as a lean-to. SPRAY and the like—caa be 17 COLORS 1.25 Conveniently kept in a box of ailed sand. For this purpose, Nsw yesi can spray Iron work Is build a box one foot deep by II Inches wide wide and as long as of IT saefctmgly us Trtyt desired. F1U it half fall of dry, coarse sand and add a pint of i.ts mbricating oU—the old oO yoa drain from the crankense of I* S.fS your power mower will serve. Mix weH, gredaaHy addmg aaare try sand antll the mixture has a dry. oily feeling. Tea* flanged LUAN to handle depth m d» sand are protected from rant and wo* stay sharp longer. The IDm of oil IKCFMISHtP OR 0NNMHB) loft on the metal makes mem easier to clean after use. TooU with mevmg parts-like PLYWOOD grass shears, hedge dippers and A «nry asTW pnjnjsj sj| IPJQ an hooks on the wan. rakes, and other long- tools should be support- •f V fgej ed la me same way. • OUT pOWCT BMWQt* dllifVfl ft ammmmmv mm* 4s^m dbaamm dammmmi nsi mmA mmmBB ngra IE g^glM ODmTT^nmUmmlBT be wheeled In and out. Provide a vRMs aaow R CLOSE-OUT SALE nmall parts. r«ir The FENCING m a • 104r. SMNM O 2 Rdb O 1 wim m immme SHH.VIN9 RtWUt 4JS to aMtal parts with a wtta 14 • Ifrft. SMHM O 2 Rdb O 1 ft*


AMERICAN LUMBER AND 1INUNNO SUFtLY M AT injpoam coawm SH 1-4444 ONN PAEY AND AU DAY SATURDAY lO-Friday* Sept. 18, 1959 RED BANK REGISTER onsewares BARGAINS are our business • QUALITY you can depend on I 72x84 Nylon, Rayon and I WOtvOtl WOUQ BLANKETS

ft«a. 2.M Thrift-priced A warm, soft textured, luxurious blend of miracle yarns at a big $ saving.

•tilM PEPPERELL SHEETS Bf Good for yean of hard service. Free 2-yr. bulb •cf. Uf with each. Cume. see our big of fine Minute Mount light- ing units for evary type of room in your home. And the VANITY CHAIRS prices arc aatoundingly low! A. 3-Ueht 14" white modom •lack wrought iron; plat- ciramc-fUad fl«M aqvara, TEXTURED ACETATE- tie covered i«at, which It a. 2-lifal 18* white daaaV eteai 14" high and 13" in die 99 •ouara with iwary tnWi holdar. C. HahtiaU s laai and bran haH meter! Titura. 6Hrdlanwter. V Pink and Whlfo 3 p. S* chroniium hitehan with white aWada, char pria- matic bottom % aaclwta. AMAZING! IUch,1uatroiuclraperIea Whng In newest decorator designs at our Outdoor laatem with low price! Splashy florals, smart i •laai&*»+* *'i' **•" .. OiromiuM bathroaat Attura scenics, moderns, oriental motifs; ' with f ivtalaaca autlat Ct- also solid colors: beige, mint, white* WALL RACK ramfcsAfod *hada. elaar^ arhv fold, pink, turquoise. Every pair aHeaajaAf SH^ojSBaBBa># ^'^^aj o» ^S^^RJ ewanj-^o^ striped with golden mylar, and pinch 37 pleated. 84" long, 44" wide to pair l.tt for knick knacks after pleating. 4 ^

Tvfflaa wila KcSS aatloa: t«r- ««•!•• with ptakornd. JJ£tef. 4. N PIUOWS REP BANK REGISTER Frtiiy, Stpt IS, 1W9—11 HOUSEWARES SALE YARD GOODS 1 to II • FtUlil I PRINTS 25 27x48 COTTON RUGS PlaMk T«Mt Co*m I YOU SAVE 30W Haw adjustabl* 8AVB ONE-THIRD! Washabla oot- nwtal Ironing tabto with vtntUitad tan nm with dostly-packtd loops top for cool, fast ironing. Extra* •ad kl-low bordtr pattern for tatrt 47 4P&69* sturdy, itmktd fast. Fingertip ad- Kof* bsauty. Non-skid Utei-coated backs, Jwteant Iron 24 to 3TIor standing 4\f# Handaotna and luxurious foran y or sitting. Wddad, rivtUd-notcrtws fw tJ 12 tack «MI Scar to Oilottt Hctom PAD Complete #5 FLASH Milt . WailwMt Plwrie Camera Outfit BULBS ii 97* 1. » 98* May Yard Pad Alfsjcb* Kftchsa $2-49 W Cbcatar Chair MM, Carryhn C«t. Msror PADS 57 wrib MQ R«s> 7.H $^.00 Iff. 79i R«f. 3f.fi


aatic tamp •Mtal 1 ataal with B choi** of 5 fancy i plastic aaat. Hat Brlfkt kraaa 2 * Milli 14* finUh. Big high. Stack valiwl for

• •

I-Pwwtf OraeaNI it- •UillVaiilVt If.ff Ivtry Wtd and Friday 9 M-ftifry. StfL It, WS9 REP BANK REGISTER Leather Is Now 'Jet-Propelled' Capitalize on Curves for a Carnal Look Latft* to fotot . . .

w wm past IH^V jtc MMDNI. Wood *»toi ftat m airifat KOZKKY SPECIALS

Vfhm ,mtmmtm\ iatUslMBf Is this Bsktr Fvmltart lac traJitkaal fanltm aaatapsf various plscss ars arnugsi la a sjositwhat casaal atoatajinff. TmUaa an walaii*

»• -^ -^ ^ -^ -^ •^ ^^ ^^ -^ -^ •^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^r ^ ALUMINU$ M DOOR SALE . • MOMiY • PfrstCssBt . 25• "Mil IsiljiMsk WINDOW CLEARANCE SALE DOORS Binds SHADES urn HI n fi'.i 11 U - .r' B mu int. I H II I 1 I )M 1191 1 I f i i Cotton T I a u i

!1 it ft li I1 \i ISMS ir -14", *T Uaf t , it PlosMc Topos 4ftal4 ILK «K» 4LM) 2<«'7 MBM wft) •MI —MI

WULV ssi SAT. I A. M, to I r. M. 4.W w #•80 mr !• ur tut RED BANK REGISTER Frifcf, Sept 18, 1959—IS

GET YOUR HOW READY NOW! Whim's m to way! Dmi bo mmj* cofcL Startriojte aow to

Combination Aluminum Special •ASY-TILT WINDOWS 3 CHANNEL SWIY&





w^w w* nif nnnRjiwi no SOtVICI ANft QUALITY SINCI If 10 BLAISDELL LUMBER CO. IS SOUTH MHDCI AVI. SH 1-2121 NO MONEY DOWN-36 MONTHS TO PAY! •,» -v >:-.i'' 14-FrtdaT. Sept. 18, 1959 RED RANK REGISTER 1


COLORS! DECORATING Dv Pont Custom Colors LIBRARY! oh/a you on olmost Hmltleat •no newest POUM fw nomv rang* t • • In gloss, semi- decoroMoa by such leodbtg yosBj Hot anojnels ono oumorlHai os House & Gordon rubbefbose woll point. ono ooner nones m uwwsk Feel free to hike home They're port of our decorating color chips to motcli witl center dhtploy. Come browse your occenorieil or borrow 111 freel

DU PONT COLOR SELECTORI Tho now book orronged by color exports. Shows you what colors Kitchen cberes literally araree "IbiMesMKr wtth geoi geaatal hormontzo ;:. givoi HmlHott color aatiea, astaally ffrasa eelUng fstarea, aa* leeal llffMs at work ceaaters, range anI d atsdETnua itttbaa (left) has aa ak ichomos. Borrow It and forgot your leaf, plaatk-sblekled Ixtare reatatafag fear 4t-watt tabes. Leeal light at work eoaaters eeaaea Iran color planning worrlosl Art, Architecture Skills Combined by Duo

Combining the allied skills of of sheer and opaque fabrics to their two creative fields, fine arts allow, light and privacy in day* time, and an attractive dimen* id architecture, Elen and Hans slonal effect when both are drawn J. H KELLY CO Kluck are gaining recognition as at night. the award-winning design firm, Elenhank's new coUecUoa of COR. BROAD ST. wd HARDING' RD., RED RANK Elenhank Designers, Inc. designs for fall unveil aew bold TEL SH 7-3100 The talented husband and wife uses of color and tiaumal tech- niques, including "stained glass" combination produce drapery de- and "painting" effects, tbaf •igns in panel, repeat aad rea-conbiniag the creative abilities dom prints, as well aa custom of the architect aad the arts*. It Pays to Use Classified Display designs aad co-ordinated wall coverings. They began operation In 1M7 with an order for US yards of MOTHER NAIMtrS art fabric for a church—and thty THI OAROtN CENTRR'S used their apartment floor for band-printing operations! MIDDUTOWN TO THE OARDENBR— Today this successful team has a nation-wide distribution through decorators and fine stores. Custom drapery designing or- IN THE *AUI iginally was Elen'i free-lance op- eration; mounting success led to Hank's resignation from the field off architecture to become a full- time partner. To Elen's fine arts talent was added his knowledge of architecture and thus their custom draperies were fashioned with a knowing eye on structural advantages or faults. Elenhank custom designs are HWY. 35 aow in use for businesses and buildings where the drapery must be planned and executed MIDDLETOWN to become an integral part of facade or furnishings, as well as lor homes. The team believes, amateur or professional — decorators should lake advantage of the mobile art 10,000 DUTCH BULBS farm of drapery and use it more dramatically. They recommend fabrics prlated on both sides to RED EMMROR TOUT RUitS •fford exterior snd interior In- fttreat, or versatile double drapes

Hit wise housewife will keep bar upholstery looming new by rafularty giving special atten- tion |a areas of heaviest wear. Easy-tfrclaM nylon fabrics anjM Hght-cotored chairs aa Mtetkal as tbey are fashiaa- •Met A eVy alrtBfajeat foaaji or MED BANK REGISTER , Friday, Sept U, SHERMAN'S HOME DECORATORS The Shore's largest home decorators Two locations to serve your decorating needs. Visit one today 3ur Spacious Drive-In Showroom at 468 BROAD STREET * SHREWSBURY Next f Hommy aVe Flow—Ampl* From Forking Open Daily 'til 5:30—Friday 'til 9 mnd our Main Store in Rod Bank at 45 Broad Street Open Daily 'til 5:30—Friday 'til 9 Always in stock — o complete selection of oN the latest slipcover oad drapery fabrics. More tlien 2000 doslf m for your discriminate soloctfon. Tmlte 6 Month* to Fmy U*e Your Emay Chmrge 'S HOME DECORATORS Tba largert km* oat orating service at the shore.


441 MOA0 ST. SHREWSIURY Mow- C«wnty 23 ytari. Today wo «tock moro «4fft«Im« drooory «nd m«forl«lf for custom-mado drooory and tllo oovort tfcan any otKar itoro In fno county. Wo maintain a floot of 4 cart, complataly tlockod, for iKof-at-homa tarvica.

Our mod«rnt fully itockad tfora off 46 Iroad Stroat, H*4 lank, it itotitd 'vlfh tkilfod portonnal f^df H nofp you with your koma dacoratin9 problami.

Nobody, k*t nobody hat mora eurfafni and oVaporfat (n all thai rtfht in ttock than Shorman'il


srO/tfaoaaeL OMf tb#WWMB 1

PLYWOOD PMST euAurr ism Mony,MonyMore 24rftxV4 1.3* Ceiing THe FLAM WHITE WITH FADREDKVEL Un-Advertited 24Htx% 2.70 Oa> 1* H R. #.40 p-44H.fr. PLYWOOD Specials Located BMMa^aaMaBBBBMBiia^BBei THROUGHOUT AlltlKOBTOIIO SPLIT RAIL FENCING DOOR CHIMES neaiwr OUAUTT . MMMATI MUVHVI HOMASOTE The Store & Yard K«g.4.7S AS LOW AS cuyioiuzE Y 40" WVl^iV m ^PW pVWJf* itairway, sturdily built, complate with bottom ply- SINGLE SCROLL FENCING 0—4 pmmH, tpring Btiwtw balMwinaj for aaty op«r- 9S hi Fel Roll Oerf—10 ff. to Rol •ti«k A ciiiplrtoly aiMmUad Mlt wHh kand rail. 16 W NWH I 4T 9h ipanht; 2IV&xS4"—Mr c^lin« height up to - 84' •V. PAINT TRAY ft. id ROLLER iHrOOQ ExldiMon Lfldcters YAW SAMPLE SET OMomr TOOLS 20 IL . . 79* MLCODOOR 15eoo. 3| fl mrt. 49* 12 1 MEDICINE 22 e? TON* COMPUTI WITH MNOTMOf HAMWAM. CHEST MASURY PAINTS Door Trim Softs HPT. M.W. MPT. . 41.H MR. Loaf Roke It PR . 41.M Mlf. BRIQUETS wrr. 7t.n SccMopcd PLYWOOD 8OLTA-TOP r I 15- .9$


TABLE LEGS SfwiJ* RED BANK LUMBER and SUPPLY CO. 2.18 " YOUR LUMBCR SUPERMARKET" 141 3.M CORNER WALL AND PEARL STREETS 218 443 (orrosm MONMOUTH nun AW> 4.W 25% off Opaa Daly to 5 P. M. Al Day Sahrtnys . Sept 1ft, \9S» RED BANK REGISTER SMI solve the pro©* fas eta reduce the torn. In summarthay shield the heat eatoriai the aViag areas ef the house by one quarter. Built-in Protection Keeps Homes Cooler leaves have lattaa, fssy tot (be "ttto a mistake to b t^ss^gegej ^aw wa^eae* ^^ A horn* which ii plaaaed Ml vide Mtutal eaviteameaW** Mr. built to "work with the wither" HEAT RETARDING features b the practical answer to great* CM be added by uetog a UgM to er comfort during suauner's heat coJered reef to repel beat, aad year around. Resulting from advances made darker ceacrete or paving for over the past ftw yean m da* signing open plan houses, It is walks aad driveways to absorb Most ef the exports fresi now possible to construct a rather than reflect heat into the Uruguay, the South American re* home which win put natural ele- house. Electric room faas hetp pubuc, are ments to work in keeping the crass veacilattoa. aad aa attic aa pirlrsgsi interior cooler, according to Otto F. Wenzler, architectural con- sultant to UbbepOweasvFord Glass Company. "Even in temperate parts of KITCHEN the country there,are a few days OUR SPECIALTY each year when relief from the heat would be welcome." Mr. Weasler said. "Aside from air nndttkming. there are many other low-cost comfort features which can be built into the home Itself and the surroundings." The consultant explained the value of a simple roof overhang in protecting against the direct rays of the SUM. with most glass-walled houses oriented to face the south and thus catch FOR WMMBR CXtMPORT the warmth of the tow winter sun, a roof extension acts as a t visor, ahMding the southern win- dows and walk from the Mgher CAMNfTS path of the summer MM, thus re- tion to do the Job properly. He window walla, he recommended ducing heat gam considerably. cited 4 to • inches of insulation Thennopaae' insulating glass to FOR COMFORT, a wefl-lasu- \r the ceiling and 2 to 3 inches complete the "heat-tight" perim- lated house is indispensable, and in the walls as optimum. To eter. Mr. Weiuler stressed the impor- protect against excessive heat To take advantage ef summer tance of using suffideal inaula- gam through picture windows aad breetes, veatuatlng wtadows, slidiag QSors aad cotraaceways work beet oa the aorta etevattoa where they catch the prevailing DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES also play aa important part ia keeping a house comfortable, Mr. Weasler said. Before plant- tog, however, it ia best to con- sider the site with aa eye to locating the trees where they snU throw the most valuable shade, and selecting them for their uMJmale stoe aad shape. The east aad west sides of the bouse are difficult to protect MO. C. KOfPPtL from the summer sun in the Burning aad evening, even with MATH IA L* a reef overhang. For this reason, noo-Uvteg 141 Pfc* Arm. areas such as the garage or utility room should be butt ea TEMPLE either end. 01 INC tv t-i•••

t ffswMi cffTta

SNCIIIC faailtf r. Texture RED BANK REGISTER Friday. Sept. M, 1QS»—1« Are Pfayed Ife

k CHUMS^aw^awB"* HsT^sV w» Va^fjaJ MallVa^fTV^S^ •Hf EvsTf. rhll m h fir Owl FatHry - ImaiiliYev

CBt aad UaCttt Pflt btatd la random texture; nigpij Get Ready for the surfaces I kaittad apparel ia style Interest. Textures may softsa the asvsrt liass of contemporary faraJan* toy, or blend .with tradltjoaal FALL SEASON AHEAD! stylos sues as Early Americaa* They may laid kuerctt ft* a W| FvM S T Yl f TO A NfWMHTC biaatioat off to their best advan- late. SOFA Almost all color families art BOW representod. There are sew varieties of green all the way from the frosty tones to olive to OR

tlfui la acutral taaai are still mors shading*, and for 2 CHAIRS fall there are the deeper beiges

Fibers used for soft floor cov- erings are getting special treat* Meat ia many instances. Con- tinuous filament yams, designed to eliminate fuzzing and pilling, are seea m acetate aad nyloa. Rayons aad acetates may to sohitkavdyed, lofted or Smoothly for best Acrylic fibers and wool—the ate carpet fiber which stid so counts for about hah* of al the Choic* of Pakrks Materials used—art asaa hi styling aad color lag. The majority of waol aad aavat y*w wa «• m% are aot fuBy aiara. W« #» aa e«r hi an a lars* atala baat*. yawr tlvlat ra*m thalra

W41VS RfAnlftfJ MHfleHe • • a

MtMtlan. Call aw IHIN aarvlss b •ajortiiit HIM taiay, n» m naTlHlpTt Qufct "Shall we buy solid wood m CAjntnl VtMSO for FREE HOME SERVICE Ohlnjahon ' This sjuestioa is often asked wtoa major furniture purchases ace consloeredi and before any dteisloa is made, it may help if yau kaow the virtues and pur- naaaaVjaBSi Jhff ssaHsYll Custom Made Slip Covers Companion Event Vsassrs art used for flat sur- Haft ksnaafsna) aantaW sTsnaaBBBat aanaaaaV tsnaMfl aTaaaaTA BBBBBB^ fnaaTsnTsnaaarV anaTi VJI^BBBV faaBBtBBBBBBBBalfnBiaaBBBl affnaVaataaVlBlanBl aataanaW kgmAmj&m^aaaaaB^aB dsftfVaa a^aanVdMat dfsaf Lga^aj^pw

•acts wnere great strength, ugas* aT¥aT^P"frMaaaJt BB^fnTsnT^fVaaaTsnaBBBpaaBj^pajBaBBBBBl fhBBBlJ aaBBBBBBjaBBBBBBBBBjaBBBBrf^f^MdA^^a^^fJjk p ^^Af^f^a^avnBBBBL ; AiVsnfBBHBBBBl| naafsnaTsnt*^*JwawWa faaa^f"a>l Bt#B^faB%dBBBBBaWaBBaVv^P^nW*^B^PVJlfs^aBW\ a^aWwwwa^HfB^fnratlsnnfBnBJl fI CllafjfVfJ^hp a>a%Hdnann(VfVfV l awtfW|evl i^daB^fbP afaaBBBBBBBBatwW^^k^t^Pw*t sfV^P i«aB> SBBwow% ^ffdh^B>ar>a^VM aass or freedom from warpiasj la iaiportant A tbJa slice of toautifully-gnuwsd wood is glatd at a car* of two. four or ata ExMi»i" Vot Dytd Moterials Shorply Reduced $ C A50 layers of hardwood. To Increase the strength, the Sl Chi d 4 Chi ^ ^ gtaias af adjoialag layers al- ways run at right saglss. If layers art hor- STOM HOURS Ivery Dey vartkal. Tlw rasatt It a e.m* to 6 Wed. emJ Prl. 9 e.m. to 9 PnT fraantSf legs aasi fajaa* a)at art shaped ar UPHOLSTIRY SHOPS INC ALAN FURNITUM SHOWROOMS

Sites aad styles of portable arias are as varied as EVERGREENS have cooking whole fowl and roasts, while others are simply shaaow, bowl-like structures with aa ad- justable up-aad-dowa moat rack, perfect for preparing steak, fried chicken or hamburgers. If Je- sJred, they can be equipped with a detachable semi-hood to give oven beat distribution. Aside fi to spend more time Ubbcy Owens-Ford Class lag hi having aa effect oa FOR aoeAoouotsTS iraa* to feeling of openness a outdoor unity tea* lbs CONTINUING ulterior, BEAUTY AND COLOR For are to replace m ~ which papula tteal Idea creates a New Hep saving pass-through for food CHRYSANTHEMUMS and kitchen gVnm snnVmam aamamftent

provido a for aMooni n yowr yord Desks Art New In Styling for IN!! Home or Office DUTCH BULBS

or In sas orfko. A Urg* StltcHon of Vorfetfes A smart JaMtwe 41 Cutee le da/s roiUop, with tho to reveal extra for bottles or tall books. FREE LANDSCAPE Ura space the sfils. ARDEN PLANNING AVAfcAMJ CENTER SPECIALTY HOURSt If A Of 1-2922 RED BANK REGISTER

You'll Live Better At The Sign Of The BRONZE MEDALLION

TW IrtMt MtdtRttn HUM, tutnt Vlttt, ttctttrf •* StuHi Wvte Rt«4, Rumstii, tt M txetlltnt tmptt tf Hit btntfttf dtrfvtd frtm tltttrtt livfnf. Tktt ti ptrflcvUrty «ppr«prUtt wfc#« wt Hit ALL-aiCTRIC kHekwi wrtfc Ht bvttt4ii tltctrtc tvtii 9*4 M*rf*c« with, JfsWttlitr, rtfriftr««w, In- ftrctiii tytttm «n4 tlt«trl« wtttr kttftr. Eltefrte cttktfif tfftrt witKCtlltd cAfMltfM tf ct«lfit«i, dt«nlinttii i«ftty *»4 tctfitnif «n^ ti Hit cKtkt tf mttt JtMtrniny hofntmtktrt tvtfywfctrt.

Hit intny vttaUt (taturti tt Ittiit VUfft Art Hit Itrft llvfiif rttm, dining rttm 9*4 rtcrtttttn rttm. All* fair b«4rt#m«; twt tnd tnt-ktlf btHis.

MifWfyi *WV MWVffffffrf VV9VI •Vrwfi VftV raTVrt i^HWfff^ IHIVI WVIilf| IfllVrfl iff Hit flrtpltct In Hit \klm§ rttm, tll-flrtd M tlr Wtf, fctrdwttd flttrt **4 200 tmptrt tttttrtc ttrvkt- tmplt for • ff•*• vtrltty tf Ubtr tn^ Hmt*itvlii9 tltcfric tpplitnctt* TKt frtwidt will »t ittdtd. frtdtd tnd Itndtctptd.

Vlttt wW bt optu for tiuptetttfi .Uittpt Smidty) s4trH«f Stturdty. Stpf. 19, ffvtM • A* M* ft t »• M*

HOMtf, INOORFOMTID JCP&L W Wt leney Cenlril Power ft Light tt-Trtiay, SqU. 18, 1959 RED BANK REGISTER fht aw It at Hi seal*, cte Jay em M If the terrace Is best return. Conns* wftftijmt of •uiserynm. A difference of fhw of due watt If you ptaat the the edge of the area, te* not trees may be to If degrees on a hot summer tree, or treat, right over the where M outdoor fireplace wftt st distance to the west, day moans the difference be- Plant Trees tween comfort and discomfort spot, the shade will fall to the scorch leaves on the lower ia to block the hot after- east of It ia the afternoon. tun and one close to the These suggestions for locating To Provide The hottest part of the sum- The same rules hold true for to Intercept the sun's di- shade trees also can be used to mer day usually la la mid and shade oa a terrace or patio. If net rays at midday and up to make various roans Inside tht late afternoon, when the sun's the terrace Is oa the east tide o'clock or so in the after home more comJbrtable by shad- Needed Shade rays slant considerably. Plant of tht house only the directly ing one or more windows aad the There's a simple trick in the shade tree far enough to overhead sun needs to he Shade trees can make a dif- wall of the house that face the planting shade trees, according the west so the slanted rays will screened off because the house ference or five to ten degrees in hot afternoon tun. to the American Association of be intercepted and the shade will shade the terrace la the the temperature of the outdoor Nurserymen. Plant them at some will fall where you want it. afternoon. In mis case, the living area or on the terrace. "St. Louis Blues," the classic distance to the west of the place For shade directly over the shade tree can be right beside They mutt be planted in the song by V. C Handy, was first you want shade, slight^ north outdoor living area in mid-day, the terrace to guard against mid- right locations to achieve the written oa a cigar box. YOUR RE ALTO R KNOWS BUY AW SOL WITH CONHMNCC TW KIALTOft IMMEM . . . ytjtjr tlsja wftjfdr S* la asgsi wt owpowvvaBfpiny Ml* rat* Or ss • o* •ttJbjsjt. U W

wl* tl REALTOR. Chosie EaWaassssi a^Ra isfesMa*


ELLEN S. HAZELTON mm1 AGENCY WALKER ft WALKER RIAL ISTATI REALTORS mi INSURANCI SfMcltibitif In RIALTORS # MSURORS Residential • Waterfront and Farm and Estate OPEN 7 DAYS A W£EK SERVING RUMSON • RED RANK AREA Ml 1wt^Att. Ceif lareBan PL RU 1-2M3 SH 1-IIU 14 Watt River Ro«e) SH 1-S444 441 S». IMwy. 311 •r. • Hwy. IS

Bwood A. Aiinsliony AQMcy UM tmiSfl W Rokton W •So LIMM SRvtJf EtUblished Since If25



WEART4fHETH A6BCY Riy VmHoni MAWECOX A6BCY W. RAYMOND VAN HORN RIALTORS CMtJ INSVRORS RIALTORS • RIAL ISTATI • INSVRANCI REALTOR ftf MoAmoyHi County Since If24" • RJverfreat • Cmmtn Pftyirllss • Insw Always Reedy to Serve Ye*: 144IOUR ANSWUIN* SERVICE fto«M m**t *ur •i|Mri«nc*-23 Infinite Vtffcly of ruroHure • • nukmadwe fiforr tlttiaslttiagg , restinratttagg eta upnomfwVviB lUaWiun ef to nas to ha baft along lighter Unas Helps Individual 'Expression' Pd with tttaJgbUadNnarrow rather tread in Mviag efficiently in tha limited space gp lalWIa variety ctertctarlats » there to one label that en Qunttof aad tots of tufted de- recttoa of ratoted rather thta *a Mi fitt oatedtoM to HIT- be aivUed to the OT BOSM fur- Today*a funUtor* haa a aafttf tafl add to tha riduwss aad eJe- miH*Ht ptoeaa. The fabrics ara attara. Tha aJshlajs, It to MH«tMWj/* 11M look or naea aad ataipto raftoa- gaaca, aad many sofas a-jd truly ktah to wonderful silk aad SOW CPMufOttel ATO nHKOOttAl* ntra to ajora naa tt chairs faatara loose pillow backs, sUk-Uke textures. The use of Oriental with richness, warmth and to some eoUectioas tha bask swpoaod wood for omamentatloa h Ilka BMtal aeeaatt, daeorallva places ara la a solid color wtth Is another significaiit feature of finances, contemporary furniture ty. They serve a realistic pur- fS^StLSTTSmTSZ m5S wMh traditional etetsace. or tra- post snd fit Into carreat pat- ^STZ^!SS!L/^1J^^Z k pfflows to a correlated pat- tha new upholstered furniture. dttfcmal places wtth a fresh, mod- tarns of Jivingliving. 2LC2KKXM * ^^ •"* *!tarn" . la others, the sofa and H » pwBtakto iwMt to «M Chairs and sons ara kauri- other matsrlsls. chair seta coma la plain aad !%• IU|Ii' etowldtd to «l ywtr YOUR REALTOR I KNOWS

His wfoo






STArtEY K. DOWNS JOSEPH a McCUE 1LESTR MGBY Af>INCY "Homes of Cfc+fm ana) VaW ASSOCIATES Tkafo Is Na Substitute for 37 Years •f Atftve Es»erieftce REAL ESTATE .REALTORS - INSUEANCE SN M»17

SN L7741 U 2-#f44

Hany A. Kenney I Co. THE DOWSTRA A6EICY • Hants]F, Dawatra * ajaaad Bnarkea •Wm.g, Dowotra • Harry It VegeJ O BjHpMiftssMeare • ABB Borland MA Mf fi E.PW•t St. R«s) is*. N. i. SNem^vaJsni l«aT7wS


g • Jl'M

• ••>»1.1 Ji—Friday, Sept. 18, BED BANK REGISTER of SS Cowaw VawMM ttf lOinawSw* I'pieces «f 1 feralbsf* of UM awe* aw* No 'Special Trend Tall shatf end cabtost storage the rich, natural Marhto to atos to) a* units also serve a* room dividers. Jar both table In New Furniture la the ttvtag room or bed- beige, grey, off-white, fold ehtr* g at achs bag Honemakers today have e far Long slat beaches beiag coal srIM hold sway ae the ever, finishes, there'* a ee bases for stereo cam- greater variety Iron wh " b f ing choke for treat deal of white, especially choose la furniture and tablet, a fosters that b than over. CajDfMss with accent colors wU create Everywhere there are pieces, ne toner twe are also plenty of excitement la a breath- ^nwaenmrCwflewat M OHswnwwSw TJWVI Mewl In eneono aad mwtrt. taking array of rich purples, co- balt end sapphire bates, sharp stylr. traditional, eentei Many totereetlag things are dene wilk aMtaL OM of such as greens. snageata, cerise, mart- prevlaetal, celealal* atT^tol movable cushions which double "screw-ball" types! This tremendous variety bate* the American woman sipraea herself in her hone with the fur- niture and accetaoriet which best fit her tastes, personality, need* and pocketbook. She has unlimited cnoice. It U more and more difficult tu specify any one style as a definite trend today. There is, however, a sharp contrast to the furnishings of homes of just a few years ago. Lines are longer and lower. t-abrics in upholstery pieces show a great deal of texture and are souer in color except for accent pieces which come ia Vivid hues. Wood furniture, with walnut heaamg the list again this fall* continues to be made in tarn Of brown tones and in a matte fin- ish. Brass, steel and other metal trims on wood are gaining pop- ularity. Other accents include saarbie, stoni1, glass, cane. Plastics are no longer limited b> dinette table tops. Better and better plastic tops and trims are being used on occasional pieces such as desks, coffee tables, dressers and children's furniture. These are particularly adaptable and popular with young mod- ems who are raising families, be- cause plastics can take the wear ead tear of growing children and easy to clean. The tatter is important factor in this day time when servants are hard to get. Walnut, la medium and dark awJthfs, is again Number One ebeke In cealemperary furniture •bill maple, of ceurte, remains ptreaalal favorite fer Ike pep- Early American Prevadal

There is also an indication that fainted furniture may be staglaf e come-back. This is partly due to the Oriental influence, but in addition to the usual black* torers has introduced a complete •aw of metal bedroom furniture. Wiring Work* Magic—Even If You9 re Away The hidden value in WUNDA WEVE NYLON BROADLOOM pays off over the yean! Rose Beife Nutria Will the lovely broadJooai you buy todayatay bmtiful through year* Silver Grey NwnattGoU of wear? Ye*, if ye* cnooe* Wuada Wtrt Nylon Broedloon with Willow Green T hiddm imtui—a coawbintion of feature* yon won9! lad In any other SendBeigo • Royal Mm broedlooea. Firtt, h*a toonvwovep for extra wear. SecoodJy, it** Spruce Green • Lotus Pink • CoMenred gtiaraateed colorfaat in chawing. Ani hotly, it*a ITntTTIewa *• ***! tit Mulesl • Hot Orenje •ise you buy. Chooee eWser Wunda Wrre*a o^anutk twist texturt OKOhl^haea, ^hawj an^amawaftjenjdi snbewaa^a^sn, eaa^fcat^^^adk owJwawi ^n^B^a^e^^nw^nk^a^nanL si nW^aAnW •yion or CIOMBW arysnei veivei pawj ajrannnnnnj} wQUk 93 yd. that pay* M haneVomaly over the yean! _ 12 WUNDA WKVnt-i SN 1-tlTf of USI OW IASY SHOUT PLAN •AY

H flaa> VML. nwaai MILLERTON 1M NOAO eeatratoim svaamnkanna^h^ eawa a> ea *•* a^tfbAa enueaan* snaan lvllleftfM TeV f Pi Mi MQM# iMaW fml* RED BANK REGISTER Friday, Sept 18, 1959—25


Now it tht money-saving timt to fill your bin with famous, slow-burning, long- lasting 'blut coal*. Ordtr today and sav*. FRED D. WIKOFF CO It Watt Front St. M tat M SH PRICES DOWN-SAVINGS UP ON blue coal' Tile Favored SPECIAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS •HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS • SAFE DEPOSIT IOXES • REGISTER CHECKS For Terraces I Of all tat amarliai for aur- nci«| torraoat aad pattot, few BMtt to auuqr ol At faada> aMatal roaalnmtuu w wtil at

To bttia with. It to Utd to tht padMfaoak. Only a ftw ytart ago tat addftiaa af a terraca or patio was caaatdorad Impractical HOME by aU ompt fajaltttt witfc tergt badfttt aad baroaial tttatat. Taeae dayt, though, Improvt- 1 aMata la BMtaatft of laatallatiaa an autkiac tat pltaturw of t»r- aad patloa avatlablt lo tecoad, aatrry tilt it raadUy IMPROVEMENT avaltaUt troa jaaiiiUt lataii faetuftrt who awiatala ampft pradactivt capacity it mtet futurt. la i» iMtai Stataa, a variety LOANS facilitate ttit moodi fla- lahfaig of almott aay coactivablf *m-e# ***"• ^alfonalty of vaatagt of doaittlk quarry «k. IMt rugfjd find day aurfac* AT ANY OF OUR 4 OFHCES lag BMttritl la wtathtrproof aad «a»a praetrty latUllcd It tuit< aUt for tomcat la aay cltiaatt. Ita oolort wUl aot fadt vadtr tat let of wlnttr ar tat Mat of THE Monmouth County National Bank KPOSfT MHflUNCI ONIPOIUTNN ALL OTFIES Of» litf TO • *. M. FMIIAY BVtMNOft I ALL DAY. ONE STOP BANKING


SPtaAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS • HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS • SAM MPOSIT IOXU • RIGISTER CHECKS RED BANK REGISTER 26 Friday, Sept 18, 1959 NOW IS THE TINIE To improvise m paint tie • piece of c dteudfi ajtm TO THINK OF LAWN CARE •locking la a double I h Irk alas. over the top of a ctota pain* MoV» yaar Iowa "'"-^ sjsj of • •» can. Be sure to permit the ma> farril terial to tag slightly In tfct cea- ter in order to form a small well. CAUL III; FOR AU YOUR Home plants LAWN CARE IMS and flowers • iotas from • • • • PaffBoior • LamaltaaoV • Ltaa - | 1IJRIVOAVISON COU feic WIHIV/ — _ _ te at Wt, 1U« CALL SH 1-2)09 RED IANK 17* W. PROMT ST. 1IED1AMX 26 Iroad St. nurrtoi esnNss nad are M3E ! SH 1-7229 esnelency W*OJ m nuKDBUVUY BASYCHAI

LITTLE SILVER About 39 billion cans are an- nually produced In the United SH 7.1132 States to hold food aad nonfood Items. Fall Clearance Sale # Fewer Mowers • RMktg Tractors • Cforaen Tractors 9 KiwEMj Mowers • Used Fewer Mowers Limited Special Value This Quality-Built Jacobsen 18-inch Rotary Mowor Your Home Represents You... Nationally a«V»rtUW •* tt?.tO Ivy now for only And Your Way of Life!

Our homos mirror tho way wo fiva, •fcay oro fha oiprostiow of our tasto, and of our oosjfoo of social ono ontotional sacurity*

wo oro lit a Sfnal cottoo^Oi or a rwawiont wnot wo pur into our homos is avioanca of ttia kino of. poopla wa raaJry aro*

Nfisj ejvos as much avioanca of our undorsfanosnej ono opprociafioii as fho*furnrhiro end oVaporm wo chooso fo fivo with.

If is parf of our fducafion and buslnais fo «uieW vow oood tasfo into A^UM k^a^nsSslkdi^a*A ^B^O Jsl^hAti^B^n\ A^hdsl ^rffean%av for nwinovfy w% otwyfi wnm wwwi Wo can mafca oaw fumifuro fo your spocrfkafions of moaiarafa pricas. MODaU.77 J*OObS*ll HOTAHV with ihooo outotantflnf foslureei Draparta*, bodspraadt and sfipcovort ero always* ojvon our individual • UN TwtMW SMCMM UN Mil lt» |TM|-ttll«««. • SiN w#t eiacMrfi sf sHpstopi •Iity itartMt Jimm m HI Wo #rt ospodaly squippsd fo dasion fha docor ol your now homo or romooal your prosonf ona* infa can holp you» if nocossoryi plan your Only a Ttw MoM 77 mrwri availtbW. Fin* ccv^vev* v*-fJMO w# sev i «ket a yeii'ft BMliaf in You wi find fhaf our worfanontMp is suporb and our prkos madarafa.

No charot lor osHmafos of courto. M. Silberatein TRADES • BA0Y TBRMi - PftBE OftUVUV Interior Dfi§n$ FmrmUmrm • DrmpmrUm • Slipcover* Coiabrifing Our 3ffh Yoor GRASSLANDS 26 MECHANIC STREET SH 1-1762 Klieff MMS AM Work Dent en Ow Promises HWHWAY 31 HB> BANK KECISTttt Friday, Sept. It, MS»-f7 ON THE HOVSE I. OWNMW*M «*»«*•*• W*i ttfctMl *t MMM li BrAfOYUNQ ••« li vtot "fcwtawlir* wak. If

0 ^^^^™ ^^^^W ™" ^wMMMjMM MMMMj W^^^^r^ ^^POTH^MWJI^NVMVI^V V^^W Wi^ ^^^^BHHi^P^^^ Vi^VHVl Tmatra MI A^_|M^^kAuB^ft AMMS MMM MMfl^kl^^^^^B MB ^^KJ^m S^MMMtfh ''Ml^HM1 MHHkJ^M^I MMMMt_ ^M^^t ^^Mh MU^^^^U\A ^^h^^^^Bj4 A '^^^MBB^Mi 1111 11 WV^^'B VMV W ^K^^WW V ^KMi MM ••iy pMvM IVr W^y *^ fHfll MvW* A MM ywtrtw ^MJJ** * ^" CMWMJ MtMHMI Htlt* SHaf tMaMUVa tBj|paB 4C Vtf]^ tfct «at your watar Mttar. If *• "tat ta adHr oAftc faaV* ac "tm amOoa" ' "M a MM MM VM| vv* MS VMM Wlfll aCCHMCBMTU pvt* MMMatBawtat^iw|iaaaaar» ptoytd alnar tioMl^aai ID t^t aaattmd aMaataw cadt totha fonmtatNt vartoA tQftwitht 0itaiUttaM toosta *a tflwy Wa tlil hti ttat ttt hv


w ww soon •• ffiM # • • tMN to fsk#



FMtial HanM Lota wak Ijytttai 28—Friday, Sept. 18, 1959 RED BANK REGISTER THE "LITTLE PETE"

This It a »rtse wtaalag Ltfatfer.Uvlaf Moaallttti ofetJgaei by W. C. aftcGoe, No. CareUoa SUte College la a roceat stadeat areklteet omtga c eaaaattoi by Edttta Bottrlc latlllala This and three other wcU-Ugkted aomea wttfclatt ipower aai deetrk aaaltaatea will be major prlsea la a rtatomir Dgktlaa; etaittt tam nil eccWmetoi ly BElt Msrlsasf Kleetrte Lrvtaf Prog ram. tear loeal oJeetrie at<ySat aotalai cm eaa compete for these well lighted *

nit ran JIWILIV

Tfco koutoliold draliT •*& towor d««ntng tool. Quickly doont ob»trwc«oiu tn kitchon, both ond Uwidry oroo drolnt. bcolloiit for otvos ond gut- tort, too. FloKlblo 11-foot rod coils nootly In motol eoatoiiior whtu not hi vso. Only tfct longth of rod roqutrod for tK« fob U wHMfwm from tho contort- or. No Hood to romovo cro*toors or di*m««Ht tropi.

•. If mi OM^ Ml to Extro Urg« "lig Foto" 26-foot rod - $7.f 5 comptoto

A—.J IA i. J it lam. IMs VMM tafc« * M more tpm few tor M t UI kur hwwr t 4b On* la MI twit no* S4t.75 TETLEYS wfcfck complete! it. tod tavrng over a came feet Dividers Play Important Role In Home Decor H-O-M-E O-W-N-E-R-S With open-style planning of new homes becoming increas- ingly popular, dividers are gain- ing importance as a means of separating one living area from another. Dividers may be decorative only, serve a purpose, or com- bine both feature*. Highly decorative and useful NOW! EXPAND YOUR HOME! LOWEST PRICES! is P divider of concrete block to separate a kitchen and dining area from the living room. A SHOP md GOMPARE wooden enclosure with book- Add That shelves, or a bench, may be added on one side, and a stor- age cabinet may face the dining Extra Room area. One of the most popular ar- rangements in a modern home Is the kitchen with separate cook* ing and dining area. Aa Island divider used here can also serve its a snack bar and food prep- aration area. Purely decorative dividers are available ia various designs. Strings of translucent flats AiTttATIONt circles, available in 99 colors are g decorative excuse for a di- vider suitable for kitchen, dining tTONIPKONTt PAWTIN9 room, or living room areas. MNttAL C0NT1ACT1N9 High la favor now are filigree 34 design wall panels that double at folding room dividers. The versatile panels have a light, airy effect. Sections of onpalated birch Quality voaeer are framed with smooth- ly sanded pine, ready to paint or stale to match any decor. Sev- eral tectioat eaa be maged a> Flfst riysiit Mirehf 1NI Mta*r •rifbattt aaneklsui air or fig*. Tk#* may ami be backed and fabric lor a cVamatk effect Al to s| at djvMtrc arc gamiaf favor, ami II aaakc at at Hay arc acre a> stay- RED BANK BECISTER " Friday, Sept 18,



•**. 147 Bn*i *, 1U4 Bank. IT. J. IR 1-MM

CTlSl If •*§ aiataajt S^Jt-iTKtt It Pays to Use Classified Display I WMOWSHAKS Mew! General Electric Filter-Fkf Washer GLOBE AWNN6 Solves Bleaching SHAM Conine Problems Automatically

nit tiiliir tat SALE

G.E.BlMch Dltptnt«r

m««tur«tf dllutM and adds bltach selmtlfleally to you cloan bright waahaa. Your g«f<)«i Suppllw

SPECIAL CkMtal Bfocltlc'o) Avlomatlo) LARGE SELECTION SHRUBS oi Hoadi can to aaWy th* til Imr. IWl't $^.00 fttooMWMOMT pjpj ittovtnpj flMof 2 • SAutofMtkCyclM SOW ONLY 2 lor • Automatic rlnaa i OyioT awNHI OWM JMyMMfM «Ot M.M HO MIVIT HID»I M6 TRAONN AUOWANCI 20 Hr $!.< NO DOWN PAVIMNT 10far $1.5 0 BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK • SHadyrido 1-4310 • af^a^^aam ^A«VAa^gmd ^aattdl a^bfla^afMft atta^a^a^Bl ^atfl At Pmrkimg Sm JUar #/ Slof« EiUiwe* «• F/Ul# 5lr—i M-FrhUy. Sept. It, 19S» RED BANK REGISTER "Dinette" Furniture in Style


Not so many years ago jMM MONMOUTHPV tht "dinette set* win that gawky age of develop- SAYS ment of not knowing whe- VENETIAN BUND ther it belonged to the old 111 E. Mirer kitchen table, really, or "YOU CAN MAKE YOUR CLEANERS kitchen tabfe, or tht dining N. J. room. In the past few years, FAMIY AND HUMDS however, with Uteheni fat- ing pfannod with built-in work mrteot aroaa. and AS HAPPY AS A Topes • Cords with homat boing built with dining aroaa. "dlnotto" aet and Slots haa coo* into it'a own, bjr CLOWN WITH way of smart designing. The now designing haa WMM#W$ M 24 come about from industry's nhilitr to create furniture boa*. Co* Teeley! forma la metal which are graceful and airy in effect The new utility comes from this segment of the foral. ALL NEW! turo industry's lsadsrahip in using plastic to full ad- SERVICE DEPARTMENT vantage. You will see many happy combinations of good de- MATCHSTICK BAMBOO and sign and utility. Among them win bo groups AWNINGS CLEANED similar to the one abort, which would he pleasantly "at home" in either a Urinf dining area or In the family 1-0550 • area of a large kitchen. Stain retUtant plastic covers the wood grata of the sideboard aad

— —"— • • • • • • BIH • • »• ^^ eW side the sideboard aseUoa is a molded pmstk silver drawer. It'a rounded corn- FREE ers are not dust catchers. The table top. also is plastic protected afi tht comfort, abb upholstered dining SUMMER STORAGE chairs are covered In pUs- tk which caa bo wiped dean In a Jiffy. A apodal Pick Up & Delivery Service feature of this group is that it includes a serving cart, finished to match the other pieces. This group by Chromcraft, is finished In either bronse tone with Ample FTM Farfthg 9x12 DOMi S TK gold accenU or la black. ATLANTIC GLASS CO. BEftty MIDDLETOWN 21 111 I


OSbome 1-1318 It hnptvUiat It Open All Dmy ee|lkiitarly ^ Garden Lights RID BANK REGISTER fttfey. S**. W, 1939-31 Give Good View

but at night tha Haw It toot aa liko an opoejue wao\ Oery OB occasional nights of brltlst moontlgbt It any view of tho lawn and

AWARENESS of this "part- time" use off suirottadmgs hat prompted many families to van Sherwin. chief designer of Ltb- bey-Owens-Ford Cmai Company. By properly ptsdag suitable lights. It la potsJbb) to stage i'moonllghtM ovary night and cre- ate n nsrmtaaat picture in the picture window. A MEW Mr. Sherwin painted out that professional help la not essen- ISTAlUSfttD LAWN tial in installing "garden light- ing," for the equipment Is safe. Inexpensive and simple enough for tha home handymaa to WONDERLAWN GRASS SEED SPECIAL OFFERS The number of Hghta aeoded mm depend on tho sb* of tne sks ^BM ^rinnhk n nnl area you with to cover, the do- fo? a hnjlt-hi loan* WHO snontl hns f ae. utsmy rormusa ..^ •tgner aald, hut nauatty I lo M ^P^^^w ^^HV Bn^H^o^OB^t^nni sn^nFvw ^png ^n^tns^tnj snunuj^ « tourcef art aafflcteat for tho •"• 15.* average lawn or potto. MOST LIGHTS nhould ahino HtFi Comet 4o Colonial down from above oad be high enough to cut toft, dfffoted pat- terns on the ground. Lights of small wattogo work beat, and should be partially ahioJded with hoods made from pieces of stove- pipe or bought in mofThon* ware, or electrical stores. Tho light fixtures caa bo BJounted in trees, on poles, or the edge of the rod. makJag tttre they ore regulated to tho D & D ROSE GARDENS bulbs themsetve* cannot be oton 4S MONMOUTN RR\ lATONTOWNt N, J. —ooly what they do. MANY STRIKING EFFECTS con be had by the ttotafU not of accent-lighting to focua atten- tion on • particularly nttncttv* flower bod or shrub. Mr. Sho> tare with n special spate boat YOUR KEY far thrusting into the toi far this purpose. TO UTTER LIVING! directed upwards wfli Ufhl n it end luild oitrt) vohio 01101 ooflvowlonoo m+o your homo. For lo foliate oa thspert- • very amaR monthly c««t—«i»w NO DOWN PAYMENT wit tmprovo your "Thoro are no set rule* oa the not of outdoor lighting, as plnce- SPECIAL— homo, do the ottorotlont BMnt of the futures will vary to emit each Indlvldanl and letting," Your Homo complete!) and additioflt you have Mr. Sherwin added. "You need Air Coflditiofted for os low alwoyt droamod obout. Wo not bo rich to own and enjoy at $7?S.OO for « 3 RoeV ovtdoor lighting today, and it's wM fUdly help you plan anrprlalng the beauty and eoaven- room Houio (FULL H win ndd to your eve- PRICE). InttoHod to your any ronovotion of your present duct system. No homo. There U no oWI- Down Payment . S yoora fotto* for this FREE PLANNING SERVICE. NOW 1 F(U OUT AND MAN. TODAY! Y<% I AM IMtKr^TKO IN KNOWING IfOKK ABOtT

I MiHUrttamt that »uur PIUMHW 0»rvlM MOMSM4 ate*S U) FOR REAL PEACE OP MIND THIS WINTER. I* aw wit*** MM ar «kna«tlM •* «•? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FUEL OtL CON- NAME PHONI * STRUT - - TOWN TRACT NOW. IT LETS YOU EUDOET THE RBUASnJTY . QUALITY . SATttTACTMN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COST ON EASY MONTHLY TERMS! • "Therm9* mUfmtiiom Im dmUn§ *Uk UTAUtli MCIB TOtAY... m iiiitlliftprf, imemi firm!" KIY CONSTRUCTION CO OIL DELIVERY, INC "BhiHeTTis mi i2*M^ a\W JV tVtsiew^W' o^ mn^^H^99 ^mwj n Tht man's chnlr la • HMIo highor and widtr N»MWAY ~W (Op^tlH Uow'i > HlnmVAfBmv^A nmvut nmt nnss^bn^mdai •oalo htr*a MtoaJtr hnt • mti SH 1-0410 I A HAPPY FAMILY NEEDS AMPLE LIVING SPACE


m•Lami wwUmI imk«fpe |k*rafmM to

KlfClMR flH flMK# D9ff#C| RMppwf •»NI^«

3 CONVUMMT LOCATIONS TO SMVI YOU MTTBI Opm t am. ti 4 f. M. - Prlday$ t am.