Propose Police Executive Post in Middletown
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VOLUME uaxn NO. 23 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE New U.S. Propose Police Satellite Atkins House Move Executive Post In Orbit Rejected at Meeting The Atkins bouse, which has stood at M Moamoutk St more In Middletown than 71 yean, will till by the May Cive Data wayside about Oct. 2. A request by P. William To- maino. 117 Hudson Ave.. to move Cold ThU Morning? Would Head To Help Map the bouse wa» rejected last night at a Red Bank Pluming Board It Waa a Record Early risen who lek edd Department, Space Routes UaMg C Bilow. M Rohm a. ItUdMown. president of Bile . this morals* when they wake CAPE CANAVERAL, Pie. (AP) |Iac, which plans to erect a com- act, had a right to. A new Topping Hoyer -The Vsaguard HI satellite soar- bination tavern and liquor store recerdfer the eeldeet Sept. II MIDDLETOWN - The Town, ai tote orbit today aad revived at M Monraouth St. told The Re- was set. ship Committee will meet to ex- gister the building will be L O. f. prestige la tbt WlUam D. MarUa of the Lang ecutive session within the neat moUshed. Work will start about few days to consider a proposal Oct J. he said. Branch weather station said the by Commtttecman J. Crawtod temperature was « degrees at Compton for placing an executive KMT MONNOVIH -Ha light a subdtvit- makes powered flight, A roaster tall of datt risen behind the rocket 7:11 a. m. The eld record was police officer in charge of the ion on a lot on the southwest cor- ship X-15 at it skids to a landing near Edwards AFi, Calif., at and of its first pow- degrees so Sept. U, 1H7. department, over Police Chief Earl N. Hoyer. jeer of South St end Pteckaey Rd. Take heart, through, the ther- so be could move the two aad ered flight. The successful test brought noarar the time whan It will attempt to Chief Hoyer toM The Register one half story Atklas noose to blast o man to the odgo of space. IAP WircphotoJ saemeter will rise to 71 toner* last night that if the plan goes the new lot through, he wiU "fight It all the The proposal ran Into strong way—including court action, at I waa hsM toad aad '" B from Councilman necessary." Its* a. aa. It la etai P. Oakley, Khrushchev to Take Debate L.ive Music I do not want to criUdxa any* IhaAnqraaM arittce chairman. Ha said there one—became we have some ex* be too much disruption of cellent officers in the depart- service and damage to Featured ment," Mr. Compton said yes- trees to issue a permit for mov- terday. "But I do not fed then With U.S. to UN Floor Today Is anyone in the department with NEW YORK (APHTbs great The Soviet Communist boas, af- wiU be the highlight of an- n Red Bank sufficient experience and the typo kt v m all the borough's main business Soviet-American traveling debate ter three full and nigged days of other day of heavy schedule. Ii Three outdoor "live-mutic" at' of experience for the typo posi- The Impound satellite was °« * ^° " *° , „ streets would be needed. moves today to the stage of the touring, lost his gene rally expected he will tion which is being proposed.'' boosted aloft by the last of the pad at Capo Canaveral, Ha. Iain will be featured next week United Nations Assembly, with temper momentarily in public nake some new surprise an- in Red Bank to celebrate Live- The official said be has a candi- Vanguard rockets. The Van- carrying a 265-pound transit Faced with this opposition. Mr. Nikita S. Khrushchev, already last night But he quickly recov- nouncement regarding disarms- Muiic Week, Sept 20-26. date in mind but that the name gumd. once the scapegoat for satellite cane. Satellite was Tomslao withdrew his request showing signs of testiness, re- end bis usual aplomb. meat. Already be has promised Arrangements, made possible cannot be diuloaed at this time. American space failures, thus The Soviet Premier's appear- Soviet proposal on the subject. detigned for experimenting As a result the board wilt con- ported ready to spring a Russian through the American Federation Further I ended ita hard luck history on alder his request to subdivide the surprise, ance before the world organize- Khrushchev has centered much of Musicians, Musicians Perform- • litainphant note. with a global navigation sys-property at 70 Ptackaey Rd. at of his attention in the Commu- ance Truit Funds of Local No. "We must discutt this matter The auccess followed two tem. It was later announced Its Oct 14 meettag. nist-Western debate on the idea 399, will Include an outdoor band thoroughly in conference before too much can be said." ha added. straight American apace . that the satellite did not go The property at 71 Ptaekaey that the Soviet system inevitably concert, folk festival and an eve- Just M hours before, a Thor- Rd. measures lOOxlM. A two end will overwhelm the Western way.ning of dancing. Under the proposal, a man into) orbit. I AP Wlrephotol Scrap One Zoning from outside the township would Abte racket Bzded la ta attempt one-half story house ta located Was in a question-and-aiifwer Working with the musicians to y bo employed. to place a 3a*pound aavigatioa Mr. Tomiino wants to MO discussion of the two systems make this affair possible are tetaUte to orbit On Wednesday. met the stocky, 5-foot-S Russian borough officials, Parks sad Rec- The proposal follows on the HU Getting m LUtU rear portion of the property y, heels of Township Committee dis- a Jupiter miasile carrying mice -which measures Stella oa Soud ddl b hi reation Committee and the Red and trots oa a apace flight ex- Change9AskAnothersuddenly snapped back at his ciplinary procedures ia two re- Crowded Up Then St-to build a new house. audience. Bank Community Chamber of 1 feet above ita launch- -*• NEW SHREWSBURY - Bor- cent police cases, and a depart- However, by cresting soother Threatens to Walk Commerce. mental shake-up. WASHINQTON ((AP) ) -The lot-with a house which would ough Council, at the suggestion of ChrUtmma h Only Khrushchev even threatened to Chief Hoyer was involved indi- The flops came white Soviet thtad ssaaa at sna 1 face on South St-the rear yard Planning Board, last night, walk out of the W«kJorf-Attori» Premier MUta Khrushchev visit- of the boose at T Hackney Rd. scrapped aa amendment to the Featured in the program of rectly ta one of the cases. 98 D*y Avtmy Hotel's grand ballroom, where he In February, after an investiga- ed thta country, basking ta the would be only II feet Mr. Tom- toning ordinance setting op aa was addressing the New York events will be John LuckenbUl. _ j djVaeadBssMa*ai olno tenathrely agreed to remove Aim R-S residential tone ta the aouth- who wiU conduct a 21-piece band tion and bearing, the commit- Of Wmmmjm Economic Club. His audience tee voted no charges against Po- six feet of the house to glva aim pert of the borough. was made up of about 2,000 of in Marine Park Tuesday at 1:30 •trite- a 29-foot setback as required by The amendment was vetoed last p. m. Mr. LuckenbiU and a smal- lice Lt Kenneth Luker add Pa- the country's top industrial and trolman Dominick Furiato. fol- the sonlng code. The house is la by Mayor Karl K. Baron, business leaders. ler bend played concerts in the The aataUss was lbs third put an A-l residential sons. first thne ta the M*tory of pork this summer. lowing the destruction by fire of op ta 11 trice by the V Khrushchev had been answer- a %Ujm vacant house ta Bel- He Indicated that oveatoafly i borough that such action has Ing questions with the same show Stan Mclntoeh end bis Scottish Bag-Pipers will play Wednesday ford, owned by Mr. Compton. he would Kke to . |of )avtau> he bad displayed ear- The house waa destroyed be- Then a guest sight The program will be simi- lar to the one presented during luse of a W-mlnute delay ta al of which' completing a fire alarm through Sovtet-Ameri- the Art fustlial in Red police headquarters. The two lots, two wHt*8ot trott- cae ajmorstandtog, were not the last June. poUcemea had been ea duty at ago, aad one wtm Mast front- Russian people allowed to listen Mr. Mclatosh and the time. age. AD would bo IM Hot propertv adjacent to the to U. S. broadcasts? Why weren't will conduct the folk festival, be- They blamed the delay on tele- Plre Ii those He called the American uewtpapara and peri' ginntag at 1:15 p. m.. ta front of y y i aa Ice cream coat. Mr. Tomatoo said me bouse at odicsls allowed to circulate free- the Monmouth County National phone equipment failure aad Vaafaard m U saade of • _ 7* Pmckasy Rd. now is The council, also ea the advice ly? Why were American news- Bank oa Broad St The street wiU dialed that men had been negli- •eetam aad flbetileae. tt conaMa rocket. bath be blocked off for the occasion. gence. eupied. A small fire ia a Till of the Planning Board, Introduced men's dispatches censored saassmt^smTm^ssm efassasst at a Stock sphere with a JWach rear room ceased slight damage mother amendment changing The acene will return to Marine Khrushchev parried: He and In July, Detective Sgt John H.