Middle East Journal of Applied Science & Technology (MEJAST) (Peer Reviewed International Journal) Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 23-32, January-March 2020 Assessment and Prioritization of Major Camel Diseases in Selected Areas of Afar Regional State, Samara, Ethiopia Wossene Negash1*, Nuru Seid1 & Fikru Gizaw1 1College of Veterinary Medicine, Samara University, P.O. Box, 132, Samara, Ethiopia. 1*Email:
[email protected] Article Received: 11 December 2019 Article Accepted: 07 February 2020 Article Published: 17 March 2020 ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was carried out from January to July 2014 GC in an attempt to assess and prioritize major camel diseases and identify risk factors in the selected areas of Afar region. Camel owners’ interview and retrospective data analysis were the study methods employed. Relevant collected data were organized, filtered and fed into Microsoft Excel sheet and further analyzed using SPSS statistical tools at P< 0.05. Descriptive statistics was carried to determine frequencies of camel diseases camel. Based on descriptive statistics, the study identified and prioritized 16 camel diseases. Chi-Square analysis was computed to measure the degree of association between disease occurrence and risk factors (age, sex, study area and season). Binomial and multinomial logistic regression analyzes were computed at P<0.05 to measure the significance of associated risk factors on disease occurrence. Statistically significant variations (P<0.05) were observed for sex, seasons, age, and study sites on the occurrence of disease with exception kebeles (P>0.05). Though the study duly has revealed numerous diseases of the camel, the actual existence (laboratory based confirmation) and epidemiology of each disease still demands further investigative studies.