Two Royal Ceremonies Marking the Official Opening of the Rice-Planting Season (6/5/2016)

The rice-planting season in usually starts in May, with two royal ceremonies held in marking the official opening of the season. The two unique royal ceremonies are the Royal Cultivating Ceremony and the Royal Ploughing Ceremony.

In 2016, the Royal Cultivating Ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, 8 May and the Royal Ploughing Ceremony for Monday, 9 May.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha will represent His Majesty the King in presiding over the Royal Cultivating Ceremony at the Temple of the Emerald Buddha within the at about 4:00 p.m. on 8 May. Rice seeds and agricultural implements to be used in the Royal Ploughing Ceremony are blessed through religious rites.

On the morning of 9 May, His Royal Highness Royal will preside over the Royal Ploughing Ceremony at the ceremonial ground. The ceremony, to be performed as a ritual, is scheduled for 8:29 a.m. - 9:09 a.m. Thailand has conducted the annual Royal Ploughing Ceremony since the Sukhothai period in Thai history, more than 700 years ago.

The organizing of the Royal Cultivating Ceremony and the Royal Ploughing Ceremony was abandoned after 1936, but in 1960, His Majesty the King suggested the re-introduction of the ceremonies to boost the morale of Thai farmers.

In the ceremony, the Lord of the Harvest, who is a high-ranking official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, leads the procession of the \"celestial maidens and a pair of oxen, while circumambulating across the symbolic ground. Walking along the plough are also white-clad blowing conch shells.

The Lord of the Harvest selects one of three pieces of scarlet cloth of varying lengths. His choice predicts the amount of rainfall for the coming planting season. Then the seeds blessed earlier are cast into furrows, from where they are gathered by farmers, who regard them as auspicious and keep them to mix with seeds to be used in cultivating their own fields.

When the ploughing is over, the oxen are presented with seven offerings, namely paddy, hay, corn, sesame, mung bean, water, and liquor. The animals first choices serve as means to predict the harvest of the next season.

In 1966, the Royal Ploughing Day was designated by the Cabinet \"National Farmers Day. Since then, both occasions have been celebrated together to underline the importance of farmers and the rice culture in Thai life. On National Farmers Day, awards are presented to outstanding farmers, farmers organizations, cooperatives, and wise men in the field of agriculture.

Code of Photography Practices for the Royal Ploughing Ceremony

- Thai and foreign photographers wishing to enter the area of the Royal Ploughing Ceremony for the taking of photographs are requested to produce/present their press cards, issued by the Public Relations Department, for camera and equipment inspection by the staff of the Police Special Branch Bureau, between 06.30-07.30 hr, at the designated camera inspection point.

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- Only photographers who have undergone inspection by the Police Special Branch Bureau and who have been granted permission to wear armbands shall be allowed to be stationed at one of the three points designated for photographers.

- Only professional still-photography cameras and video cameras shall be allowed for use.


For men: Jackets and trousers of the same formal color without any patterns printed thereon, i.e. navy blue, black or dark colors. Light-colored shirts worn shall bear no printed patterns. Photographers/cameramen shall have to wear neckties with no patterns printed in any respectful colors (but under no circumstances shall black or navy-blue neckties be worn). Dark-colored socks and leather shoes are to be worn.

For women: Jackets and skirts of the same formal color without any patterns printed thereon, i.e. navy blue, black or dark colors. Skirts shall be of an adequate length, covering the knees. Light-colored blouses shall bear no printed patterns.

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