Ann V. Murphy Fordham University Department of Philosophy Office: 718-817-3321 441 East Fordham Road Fax: 718-817-3300 Bronx, New York 10458
[email protected] APPOINTMENTS • 2012-present. Associate Professor of Philosophy (with tenure). Fordham University • 2006- Present. Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Fordham University. • 2003-2006. New South Global Postdoctoral Fellow. School of Philosophy. University of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. • 2002-2003. Visiting Assistant Professor. Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA. EDUCATION • Ph.D. Philosophy. University of Memphis. Memphis, TN. 2002. • B.A. Philosophy. Grinnell College. Grinnell, IA. 1996. AREAS OF RESEARCH Areas of Specialization: Feminist Theory, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy (especially philosophies of violence and non-violence) Areas of Competence: Phenomenology, Ethics, Philosophy of Race PUBLICATIONS Book Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary. SUNY Series in Gender Theory. (2012) Journal Articles & Book Chapters 1. “Corporeal Vulnerability and the New Humanism” in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. Special Issue on the Ethics of Embodiment. Eds. Debra Bergoffen and Gail Weiss. Volume 26, No.3. 2011. 2. “’Violence is Not an Evil:’ Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir’s Early Philosophical Writings” in philoSOPHIA: a journal of continental feminism. Volume 1, no.1. 2010. 3. “’All Things Considered:’ Sensibility and Ethics in the Later Merleau-Ponty and Derrida” in Continental Philosophy Review. Volume 42. No. 4. 2010. 4. “The Remainder: Between Symbolic and Material Violence” in Philosophy and the Return of Violence: Studies from this Widening Gyre. Eds. Christopher Yates and Nathan Eckstrand. Continuum Press. 2011. 5. “Ambiguity and Precarious Life: Tracing Beauvoir’s Legacy in the Work of Judith Butler” in Simone de Beauvoir Engages The Philosophers: Essays on Beauvoir's Dialogue with Western Thought.