The Subterranean Influence of Pragmatism on the Vienna Circle: Peirce, Ramsey, Wittgenstein
JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF ANALYTICAL PHILOSOPHY THE SUBTERRANEAN INflUENCE OF PRAGMATISM ON THE VOLUME 4, NUMBER 5 VIENNA CIRCLE: PEIRCE, RAMSEY, WITTGENSTEIN CHERYL MISAK EDITOR IN CHIEF KEVIN C. KLEMENt, UnIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS An underappreciated fact in the history of analytic philoso- EDITORIAL BOARD phy is that American pragmatism had an early and strong in- GaRY EBBS, INDIANA UnIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON fluence on the Vienna Circle. The path of that influence goes GrEG FROSt-ARNOLD, HOBART AND WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGES from Charles Peirce to Frank Ramsey to Ludwig Wittgenstein to HENRY JACKMAN, YORK UnIVERSITY Moritz Schlick. That path is traced in this paper, and along the SANDRA LaPOINte, MCMASTER UnIVERSITY way some standard understandings of Ramsey and Wittgen- LyDIA PATTON, VIRGINIA TECH stein, especially, are radically altered. MARCUS ROSSBERG, UnIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT MARK TEXTOR, KING’S COLLEGE LonDON AUDREY YAP, UnIVERSITY OF VICTORIA RICHARD ZACH, UnIVERSITY OF CALGARY REVIEW EDITORS JULIET FLOYD, BOSTON UnIVERSITY CHRIS PINCOCK, OHIO STATE UnIVERSITY ASSISTANT REVIEW EDITOR SEAN MORRIS, METROPOLITAN STATE UnIVERSITY OF DenVER DESIGN DaNIEL HARRIS, HUNTER COLLEGE JHAPONLINE.ORG C 2016 CHERYL MISAK THE SUBTERRANEAN INflUENCE OF saving labor, is . true instrumentally. Satisfactorily . means PRAGMATISM ON THE VIENNA CIRCLE: PEIRCE, more satisfactorily to ourselves, and individuals will emphasize their points of satisfaction differently. To a certain degree, there- RAMSEY, WITTGENSTEIN fore, everything here is plastic. (James 1975, 34–35)2 CHERYL MISAK It was Peirce’s more sophisticated pragmatism that influenced Ramsey. C. K. Ogden, inventor of Basic English, publisher of the Tractaus, and co-author of The Meaning of Meaning, was Ram- sey’s mentor from the time he was a schoolboy.
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