Travel Plan for your school 1 School details Name of school Chetwynde School DfES school reference no. 9096025 Type of school Independent School Number on roll 436 Number of staff 45 (it is highly recommended that a supplementary Travel Plan for staff and other school users is developed) Age range of pupils 3 – 18 years School contact details Head teacher Mrs I Nixon Address Rating Lane Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Postcode LA13 0NY Telephone number 01229 824210 Fax 01229 871440 Email address
[email protected] Website Working group contact Name Mr M Boyd Address (if different to above) Telephone number Email address School situation and use Description of school locality/ Chetwynde is an Independent School based in Barrow, it has a catchment area catchement area of Barrow Town itself, surrounding villages, Dalton Town, Ulverston Town, the Lake District and West Coast of Cumbria Facilities (e.g. playground, car park, 2 Playgrounds, Sports Hall, Playing Fields sports hall, community centre) Number of entrances, 2 Vehicular, 3 Pedestrian vehicle/pedestrian Core school times 8.40 am to 3.30 pm – Primary, 8.40 am to 3.55 pm Senior & 6 th Form Other uses (e.g. extra After School Clubs: Cricket, Football, Netball, Drama Academy curricular/community access) Travel Plan for your school Aims This Travel Plan specifically aims at reducing car journeys to and from school, and reducing/preventing casualties on these journeys. • To improve pupils’ health and fitness. • To improve road and personal safety awareness. • To contribute to pupils’ health and personal development by encouraging increased levels of walking and cycling.