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Dec. 45

"JtPape? hrtflt aGonstietue? VOLUME XXXIV, No. 5

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(By Rev. A. O. McN-?ll) •**•->•*•:* THREE CABINET MINISTERS AFFIRM SUPPLY EXISTS IN WESTERN "It is more blessed to give than t. CRAIGMYLE AND Canadian Legion Xmas receive." ..Party in Hall Friday Night ALBERTA GOVERNMENT'S SUPPORT Hanna Local U.F.A. Annual Meeting Gets Information on Generosity is the Spirit of Christ­ Seed Oats Situation—Resolution From Hanna Has mas. Ood gave His Son. The Son DIST. MOURN LOSS gave to men. rest. Matt 11:28; living Under the auspices of the Canadian Effect on Wheat Board Policy water, John 4_14; eternal life, John Legion, B.S.E.L. and Ladies Auxiliary OF RED DEER DIVERSION SCHEME 10:28; peace, John 14:27. EARLY SETTLER a Christmas party has been arrang­ The Hanna Local U.P.A. held its an­ ed for ail servicemen's families which Tliese are things that only Jesus can Throngs Attend Annual Meeting of East Central Irrigation nual meeting in the Community Room wlll be held hi thc Memorial HaU on give. How badly we need them today, above the Hanna Co-operative store Mrs. W. R. Stephens Passes in Friday evening, Dec. 21st commenc­ Association Held in Hanna—Red Deer Project ~" MAKES APPEAL lt is at Christmas time when we see on Saturday, December 15th with Pres­ ing at 8 o'clock. Santa Claus will be again the birth of our Lord that we Chilliwack—Came High on Reconstruction Program ident J. W. Faupel ln the chair. present to distribute a gift and sack realize how precious ls the gift of God West in '15 of candy to every child and a. pro­ Discussion took place with regard to ON BEHALF OF to man. It is at Christmas time when "Irrigation in East Central Alberta gram of entertainment has also been the scarcity of seed oats as very little we Journey again to Bethlehem and CRAIGMYLE, net. 18—This comm­ is not far off", was the general opinion arranged. All service men together oats was grown in the area this year with the Wise Men lay our gifts at the unity regrets tlie loss by death of an of some five hundred farmers, ranch­ with tbelr families are cordially in­ POOL DELEGATES A report was received that the Wheat WOOFS HOME cradle of the infant Jesus that we catch oldtimer, Mrs. W. R. Stevens at Chilli­ ers and business men, representing vited to attend. Pool grain buyer Mr. Sinclair, coula a vision of God's great love, and .a wack, B.C., December 9th, at the home practically every part of the east cent­ get a carload U80O bushels i of good Byemoor Lady Urges More we bow there in adoration and rever­ of her only daughter Mrs. Don Mc­ **+***+***************+*** DECIDE TO MAKE ral portion of Alberto, when they at­ seed oats germination 85 per cent from ence something enters our soul, and Lean (Verna). tended the annual meeting of the East the Peace River. It was decided that Support for Orphan we know that we have come very near Mrs. Stevens was born in Ontario in Central Irrigation Association held In the president and secretary be a com­ Institution to Ood. Some how we feel ourselves to 1871, living at St. Mary's until her mar­ THE SPIRIT DISPOSITIONS the Capitol theatre here last Wednes­ mittee to have orders taken inside of be ln a divine presence and wc go back riage in 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens day afternoon. Originally scheduled to ten days or up until Dec. 25 for tills home with a new song on our Ups and lived at Dauphin and Vancouver be­ lake place iu the Memorial Hall it was load of seed winch must be taken off Editor, Hanna Herald: a new hope in our hearts. We know fore coming to Craigmyle in 1915. In Past Two Years' Earnings— soon evident tliat another larger build­ the car at a price of 70c. Later the Recently I received the annual reporl that we have been with Jesus. 1941, after the death of her husband OF CHRISTMAS Balance Undecided ing was necessary to accommodate the president and secretary decided to have of the work done at Woods' Christian Mrs. Stevens made her home with Ver­ gathering. Mayor I. F. Shacker kindly some one on each phone line call up Home, Calgary, and the appeal of the The world has passed through diffi­ As Yet offered tlie theatre which at that, was na at Chilliwack. Two sisters, and (By Captain Grace Burkett) all the members on each lino and in­ trustees for funds to carry on that cult times. Terrible things have hap­ filled to capacity. three brothers also survive. One bro­ I fancy, today our varied tasks find­ form them of this. We urge everyone worthwhile institution. pened to us and ln us because of man- Tilt* .umual meet in;; of the Alberta Highlight of the meeting was when ther W Vernon, within the month, ing us in many different atmospheres of our members who are in need oi Last year, largely through the gener­ inhumanity. This Christmas we need Wheat Pool del." ates which concluded three provincial cabinet ministers in left Craigmyle, to live in Chilliwack. of life. There are busy days and nights seed oats to order their requirements osity of the local branch of the Vet- to realize the 'rest' Jesus came to give on December :>tn d* cided to make dis­ the persons of Hon. N. E. Tanner, Hon. Mrs Stevens was an ardent church ot house-cleaning and baking; there from Mr. Sinclair at once as seed oats erns' Legion, I had the joy of being and that only He can give. We need positions ot the pu.\t two years' earn­ Dr. w. W. Cross and C. E. Gerhart and community worker. 8hc will be are nerve-wracking shopping tours; are very scarce in western Canada thi- able to send the sum of twenty-three to drink of the living water", He alone ings as follows; voiced their utmost support of the Bed missed by a host of friends. Our deep­ there is the remembrance of many year. dollars to the treasurer. This year due offers to mankind. Only thus can we Purchase approximately $1,000,000 Deer River Dvierslon scheme, the lat­ est sympathy is extended to Verna and friends, the old fandliar Christmas Reports were received of the action to many causse, I have only a small know His peace, and look expectantly worth ol reserves rateaUy. est development hi Irrigation for this for the fulfillment of His promise when the family. Cards; there ls the excitement of the of the Federal Government with regard subscription ready, so have decided to Distribute approximately $1,000,000 part of the province, and which accord­ Mrs. K. Gordon and son have spent children, Christmas Concerts, Santa to the resolutions passed by the Local use my pen to make a wider appeal for us the darkness of dt.ath has settl­ worth oi reserves so purchased in the ing to E. L. Gray, director of water the last ten days with her mother and Claus, holidays and lots of good things last summer dealing with the matters through the medium of your newspaper ed over us. form ol patronage dividends to memb­ development P.F.R.A. is now before the father Mr. and Mrs. L. Branum. to eat; there ls the hearty handshake of holding grain in the drought area which is always at the srevlce of those The world has passed through many er patrons during the 1943-44 and 1944- post war reconstruction committee at Mr. C. Bell was a Drumheller visitor and the cheery "Merry Christmas and and also control of cattle marketing. who desire to do anything for the ben­ difficult times since God's gift to man 4- crop years Ottawa. on Friday. Happy New Year". The world is full An analysis of the working out of the efit of others. was revealed in the Manger of Bethle­ Leave the balance of approximately Among the recent land sales ln this of merriment and excitement. Antic­ Mr. Gray said that along with the system-lease rentals Vas received from hem. Always those difficult times have $1,000,000 unallocated until the Pool in­ In that way my own inability to do district have been the farms of Wm. ipation runs high for days of happi­ St. Mary's River project which had to Hon. Dr. Cross. Farmers of this whole come tax question is finally settled, as much as I wish may be the means come because men have lost the vision Raugust and Art Browning, also J. Bor­ ness and Joy. But wait—nearly tw.j be completed as soon as possible in urea are indebted to the Hanna Local which il not taxed will be paid out to of a larger gift and an aroused inter­ and spirit of Christmas. The vision is el. thousand years ago anticipation ran order for the Dominion to retain its for the Wheat Board policy ef retain­ of a little Babe born in a Manger, and member patrons of Alberta Pool Elev­ est ln the splendid work done hi these Cecil Thompson of Calgary is spend­ high in the world also. The great-Ro­ share of water rights, the Red Deer ing grain in the elevators in this area at whose birth the Angels of God sang ators either in cash or in reserves as homes. ing a lew days at his parental home. man Empire was at its peak; the coun­ Diversion project headed the list of the as tliis Local was the first organization for Joy because a Saviour was born patronage dividends for deliveries dur­ Many difficulties have faced the Mrs. A. Read returned on Saturday try was being developed and thoughts P.FJX.A.'s water development schemes to take the matter up which was late, into the world; and the Wise Men were ing the two crop years above mention­ management during the war and fresh from Calgary where she had been were centered towards a Meetiah who for reconstruction. pressed for by the U.F.A. executive and ed. difficulties now confront them as many guided by a heavenly light across the spending two weeks. was coming with great pomp and glory. The Dominion Government announc­ afterwards the Canadian Federation of desert, coming finally into the pres­ In the 1943-44 crop year the Alberta homes are being broken. Children are Mr. and Mrs. "Bruce Eaton of Calgary A bright star shone one night o'er low­ ed this week that work would comm­ Agriculture. * Wheat Pool had a surplus of $1,351,- still being placed in the care of the ence of the King. The spirit is a spirit spent a few hours in the village Sat­ ly Bethlehem stable for a babe was ence on the St. Mary's irrigation dam B08.76. The delegates at the 1944 con­ In the matter of proposed amalgama­ Homes who are the innocent victims of of generosity. All the gifts we may urday afternoon. born in a manger. Angels appeared at Spring Coulee, Alta. in the spring vention passed a resolution directing tion of farm organizations, ln Alberta war, and the trustees feel a great resp­ give are Insignificant when compared Mr. R Paulson of Calgary is a guest In the sky that night singing "Glory of 1946. The $3,500,000 project has that a patronage dividend be paid ln It was decided to leave the decision to onsibility towards them. with the great gift of ourselves in lov­ of Mr. and Mrs Ray Branum. to Ood in the Highest and on earth long been urged by the Southern Al­ cash or reserves or partly in cash and the judgement of the local delegates ing service lo Him, who, at God's bidd­ J. Armstrong returned from Calgary Peace and Oood-Wlll towards men." berta Water Conservation Council, At present almost one hundred boys ing came to earth to t_ach us the wa- partly in reserves to utilize the full to the annual convention. and girls are being cared for, brothers on Sunday. This Babe was the Son of God, the the Calgary and Lethbridge Boards of love and peace and brotherhood. amount of thc .surplus. Because there of Trade farm organizations arid oth­ The following resolutions were pass­ and sisters being kept together until Mr. Sidney Brook is spending a few author and Giver of Peace yet there j was some doubt of Ihe tax liability as ed for consideration of the convention: they are fitted to take their place In Let that thought fill our hearts and days in Calgary. was "No Room for Him ln the Inn", j er groups interested in the agricul­ it affected this money it was decided tural development of Southern Al­ WHEREAS the Federal Government the world's work. our minds at this season of festivity; John Bell and Jack Derry are spend­ The men and women of that day re­ that there should be no distribution un­ ing a few days in Calgary. berta. has announced a floor price of one dol­ Rev. George and Mrs. Wood, whom let us catch that vision again in all it- fused to have anything to do with that til the tax Question had been settled. purity of loveliness; let us worship and Babe and thirty-three years later cried lar a bushel for wheat basis No. 1 Nor­ I knew and admired, were two of Scot­ In the 1944-45 crop year th.* Alberta In voicing his approval of the pro­ bow down to Him, the Kin? of King-; "Away with Him. crucify Him, we don't thern Lake terminals land's and God's best gifts to Alberta. Wheat Pool had a .surplus of $753,956.97. ject and extending the wholehearted let us hear again the angels song; let want This Man to reign over us." He AND WHEREAS the cost of growing Their- works follow them, and their Tlie delegates at thc**recent convention support and co-operation of tbe pro­ us follow the Wise Men to His Manger came to bring Life and Peace and they wheat has increased steadily during children arise up and call them bless­ NO HERALD NEXT WEEK passed a resolution in the same terms vincial government, Hon. N. E. Tanner ln Bethlehem; and then let us go out spurned Him. the war and wc are told by industrial- ed. Al this birthday of the Christ child as at the 1943-44 convention except said, "I'm from the south, I know the a ln the strength of that experience, Amidst the thronging crowds of to- that the rate at which the patronage benefits of Irrigation. I am 100 percent J __»J__lU4.__fe__L.^i!^_^__-l_----i____ * T-f-MOlKi-nvc that w©. too are the BOTue of Owing to thp tact that Christ' "'"TWfW^r Tinn nnvr to'miy *j**n\"'eOBt moir*** "•pt-CTrtiT fo "Him trjf '#_"*" ot l*hew~ft-*pfi \ day how often men, women and young dividend was to be paid was Just half for it." Ho.n Dr. Cross added: "Since God, in whom He has placed a great In the future aned or neglected children. Perhaps a mas falls on Tuesday and The people, by their words, and actions the amount fixed at the 1943-44 con­ I came here in 1914 this countrp has and sacred trust. We can so catch the THEREFORE be lt reoslved that this young man or woman reading this crucify again this "Giver of Peace'. vention. had enough rain to produce a crop in meeting go on record as endorsing the spirit of Christmas; we can so worship Herald's Publishing Date is Times have not altered. There is still only one of every five years. Irriga­ would be responsbile for collecting say in His presence and be filled with a After the tax question was discussed stand taken by the Alberta Federation Wednesday, Boxing Day, no "No room for Him." tion will give us crops these pther four SOc from each home ln their own dist­ mighty urge to be to the children of at the meeting it became apparent of Agriculture in asking that the floor years." Hon. C. E. Gerhart, who form­ rict, and will send the money direct men what he was to them,, thereby Herald will be published next I read once a little story which said that some time must elapse before lt price for wheat be at least one dollar, erly lived ax Coronation said: "This to the secretary-treasurer Mr. D. B. helping them to hold Inviolate thc pur­ that ln the very heart of the ocean is settled a.s the government has yet a bushel basis No. 1 Northern local de­ week. The following week covers my constituency. We need the Robertson at P.O. Box 69, Calgary, Al­ ity and Innocence which is their right­ there is a spot which ls undisturbed by to legislation Implementing tho livery point with the time period re­ berta. Do not send any money to me the billows and storms which lash a- McDougall Conunission's report. Nev­ water. I'm joining you to get it. The ful heritage. the Herald will appear as provincial cabinet is beliind irrigation maining at 5 years. as that would cause much unnecessary round lt. That ls the picture of the ertheless, it appeared that even if all for the whole province. You have our AND FURTHER RESOLVED that delay, our mail only coming twice week­ May this Christmas be to one and all, Usual Peace which Jseus came to bring. Do of the surpluses are fully taxed there support. Even If nothing is done by ly. a Chirstmas wherein Christ was not you know lt? The New Year ls grac­ Continued on Page Fivej tliis resolution be presented and press­ *********•**•*******>+**+**** the senior government, we will do what only born into the world, but that He iously veiled from our sight. May wa WHEAT POOL ed for by the Canadian Federation of With all good wishes to Editor and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fielding Jr. of we can." Agriculture. readers, I am, has been born ln our hearts, and be­ Acadia Valley were visitors ln Hanna start lt with our hand clasped firmly Tlie Red Deer Diversion project as Yours sincerely, cause He has been born in our hearts a few days this week at the home of in that of the Giver of Peace and no Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathe have as WHEREAS, thz achievements of sci­ now planned calls for the construc­ Lillian A. Meyers we will be more Christmaslike, more the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. matter how rough the storms of life their guests their daughter Mrs. S. ence in methods of destroying human tion of a dam across the Red Dear life in modern warfare, such as, the Byemoor, Alberta, kindly better Christians. K. Fielding. may be we wil^not be disturbed. Kuse and children Gary and Margot. Dec. 17th, 1945 River near Content Bridge (see map) release of atomic energy, radio and ra­ west of Stettler and forty miles east of dar directed projectiles, long range Red Deer. Building this dam would bombing equipment, bacteriological Debunking the Fairies raise the water from 2460 feet above warfare, etc., have rendered obsolete all sea level to about 2630 feet. A canal post human endeavors to limit or pro­ and Santa Claus would then take the water eight miles hibit the carrying on of any particular north eastward to Buffalo Lake, which kind of warfare. (By Lewis Milligan) would have some value as a storage AND WHEREAS, treaties, agree­ Charles Dickens was a keen student basin, but would be of greater import­ ments, alliances, balance of power and of human nature, and while some of ance as a power development plan lat­ national governments are all Impotent his characters may have been over­ er on. The main irrigation canal would In the face of these methods af destruc­ drawn in certain features, they are branch off the large lake canal just tion, which can be carried on by a mostly true to life. The characters south of Buffalo Lake and would run comparatively small group ln a mini­ he depicted were, of course, typical in a south-easterly direction to Coron­ mum of time destroying whole cities of the times in which he lived and it ation. and even nations may be said that they were the pro­ Two reservoirs would be utilized at AND WHEREAS, in view of the a- duct of the social conditions prevailing this point. One, Mudlake, about tbe bove facts mankind must come to und­ in England, particularly in London, same altitude as Buffalo Lake, would erstanding of some type of world gov­ in the early part of ihe nineteenth cen­ water some 270,000 acres commencing ernment in wheih all nations shall sur­ tury. But although times and condi­ immediately east of Hanna and extend­ render all such sovereignity as ls nec­ tions may change, human nature ls ing 70 miles south ta the Red Deer essary to build up a central world gov­ fundamentally the same ln all genera­ River. The other reservoir, Hamilton ernment with the necessary delegated tions. Lake, 2,530 feet elevation, would water authority and power to prevent all wars We have our Pickwicks, Micawbres, another 200,000 acres east and south­ in the future, Dombeys, Bumbles, Faglns, Gradgrlnds east of Coronation to Sounding Creek '- AND WHEREAS, this will have to and the rest of the Dickensian species and possibly beyond tbat to Acadia be done at the earliest possible moment with us today under different* gusies Valley. Mr. Gray pointed out that so as new and more deadly means of de­ and circumstances. Outstanding among far little had been done beyond tbo struction are being perfected with every these in this age of science and real­ two reservoirs. passing hour, ism are the Gradgrlnds. They may All officers were re-elected and In­ AND WHEREAS, this objective will not be very numerous, and our Grad­ clude Jas. Cameron, Youngstown, presi­ require a most intensive and efficient grlnds may not be quite as outspoken dent; A. L. Harvey, L. E. Helmer and effort In education, publicity and in­ tta their original; tbey are usually more I. F. Shacker, Hanna vice presidents; itiative subtle and scientific. But occasionally and C. A. Coughlin, secretary and W. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED one of these realists blurts out his sup­ O. Turner, treasurer. Membership bl that the Constitution of the United pressed contempt for anything and ev­ thc Association now totals 600 and Farmers of Alberta be so amended as erything that is not strictly ln con­ during the meeting 67 new members to include among the objectives of the formity with "Facts". The realm of were signed. organization Uie support of all educa­ Imagination is outside of their mental A resolution was passed unanimously tional and. Other efforts in the inter­ orbit, and as for poetry and fantasy, at the meeting which urged the federal ests of bringing such a world author­ they are so tone-deaf and color-blind government to immediately make prep­ ity into being and into actual opera­ to tbe things of the spirit that tbey arations towards starting work on tbe tion. impatiently dismiss them as non-ex­ project early la 1946. The resolution AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, istent, or as perversions of "Fact". Is as follows: that in the event of the U.F.A. amal­ Ibe latest of these modern Grad­ (Continued on Page Eight) gamating with or federating Into any grlnds to reveal himself ie MaJ.-Gen. other body that the above objective Brock Chisholm, Deputy Health Min­ Irrigation be carried on into"the new body to the ister at Ottawa. In a speech at Wash­ end that this viewpoint be endrosed by ington recently he derided the theol­ aad become one ol the objectives of ogy and moral teachings of tbe Christ­ the Canadian Federation, of Agricul­ ian churches, and he followed this up HOCKEY I ture. later by cruelly exposing the myth of The Oyen Junior Hockey Club wm The officers for the coming year are Santa Claus. In est address at the visit Hanna en Friday night where a John. Faupel. president; vice president, Women's Forum of tbe Young Wom­ game ls scheduled to be played a- Frank Simpson; 8ec.-Treas., Mrs. X. J. en's Christian Association at Ottawa, rainst the Haftna Juniors. Starting the Genearl said that children should time Is eight o'clock. Sutherland; Directors. Paul Billwiller, Some confuison has been prevalent marked "appraised irrigatable land" proximately 2528 feet. The following Benton 2406 ft., Alsask 2302 ft., Acadia be told "the literal truth about every­ Horace Payne, E. Blain, Jas. Meehan, as to just what area the proposed Red shows the 270,000 Odd acres already points are below that elevation: Con­ Valley 2330 ft., Scotfield 2408 ft., Com­ thing." He said that "no child can Mr. Rennie Harley, field mw~ tor Jack Sutherland. Mr. Bd BeU was pro­ Deer River Diversion Project takes in. checked and appraised by the P-FRA. sort, 2371 ft- Monitor 2220 ft., Little peer 2366 ft., Kirriemuir 2384 ft., and Continued on Piige Five) Ducks. Unlimited (Canada) accompan­ posed as a new member, voted on and Some idea may be obtained by a study engineers .as suitable tor Irrigation. Gem 260. ft., Naco 2503 ft., Esther Youngstown (north) Darnley 25X4 ft DEBUNKING SANTA CLAUS ef tbt above map. Tbe shaded portion The elevation of Hamilton late to ap­ 2236 ft., Cereal 3611 ft., Oyen, 2931 ft., ied by his wife, was a business, visitor In Hanna last week. •*—.-** •m.^e r*

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T-ffl HAMKA-UB»A_-D. HAWWA, ALBERT A,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 184B PAtJE THREE B_-t_-M -_-_-----»--_---«--____-__-S--i-^ i i--i--__--__---_-j__-»ag__i sm -the money as an added service to-those seeking, view by address-as their letters to In sunny lands, your angels spnad, hospitalization. In the case of stretcher patients cate wt Ate newspaper. Midst Ihleves and selfish-May Such UarvesU rare and Liv_nr*res_l HR«BWi«G-_MI_i* the elevator will be of great advantage, and as LION OF THE Tft-BUTE OF -TTOIH! Our cup at Joy o'erflows. A strictly independent Weekly Newspaper pubkihsd fitly the X-Ray room is on the ground floor, thf mov­ Upon your loving ones you send Thursday lh the Herald Building, Main Btrftt ing pf patients from the top stories will be greatly Tee gave you* Me tor -each at as, The spirit's annotating oU. Hanna, Alberta, Canada but by yoyw death, won glory; O Lord, we cannot comprehend. Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper* facilitated, and in no way will it cause the pa­ And still fou are In reach of us, We pilgrims-of the soil. Association tient any suffering or discomfort. A. C Trusler's Balanced Anwftfiv^^ In aB your heavenly glory. A CANADIAN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FEAfOftt You ttsiAh at along God's way, There Is no secret thought, mr sin, '_e& THE McCREA PUBLISHING COMPANY Coupled with other modern hospital equip­ Of righteousness so fair. That any man ean Mde. * -~-e __+ a _ a ei SUBSCRIPTION RATES ment, the elevator makes the Hanna Municipal Oh 8?n ot Ood forever stay '•. • Voa 'see us all, without, within. This ls a Christmas mes * •';•'., And bear Mir earnest psayer. Oh Lord be thou our guide. Three Months in Canada _. Hospital one of the most modern hospitals of its f .50 3age. .*..'.' Christ taught thi* law—figuratively, Teach us the Laws of Ood and Thee, Six Months in Canada .. (do kind in the province. Service to the ratepayers literally, and hy both • precept and ex­ Chorus;*''""'*'" y*',*--•••'•'"--;,. -.-.. _• Not earthly wealth, we crave; One Year ln Canada. .,.. 2.00 of the district'has been foremost in the minds of He that will lose his lift Vou11 W? «0 sXtfte. all •terms at eea Expose the cant of Pharisee One Year in United States __ a so ample, He lived lt among- His fellows. all board members, and we commend them on In the service of other-- , --(though He was- always "Poor", • He For ytHj are Lord and King/. - - Oh save ee from their grave. shall surely find it. . .was never hi any- real ''ifeeaT, tot His To thee, the world shall bend the knee ilunna, Alberta, Thursday, December 20,1945 making this forward step towards better hospital­ To thee, their.homage bring. You've freed us from the Law of Death, Ke that will give all tha objectives—His Real Needi-Hme ban That dark mysterious night, ization. he hath shall be filled to overflowing. yond the material Though Stem* still rage, on land . • • • never confined to We fear not death, nor fleeting breath, IRRIGATION PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT V __ thtt world. and sea, Tis darkness, thence to light. Last Wednesday's meeting of the East Cent- Everything ln Ood's Law, everything Physically, and ih the Holy Land. Your Might aiid Light give cheer. With You to Mansions tor the blest, that Christ taught, ls both practical He lived only 33 years—but, spiritually, Oh Lord o'er us thy presence be nil litigation Association without question sound­ and true—we can rely upon lt. With angles Of our Ood. He dwells everywhere In the universe, We pray that you stay near . We there shall find both joy and rest, ed the brightest note m the future of East Cent- But with* none of lt should we ex­ forever and ever. Oive us not foaming seas nor tides, nil Alberta that has ever been heard in the hist­ pect to be guaranteed at any mom­ Forever more, praise Ood. ent, to purchase either a mess of pot­ But Living Waters pure. ory of this province. In some quarters of tbe pro­ Christmas, is Chirst's Birthday. Oeo. Colwell, Wallaceburg, Ont. tage or a house on a hill. On tills day, men in all nations open Our souls, refreshed, our faith abides; vince and the Dominion the "dry area" had be­ The rewards of right thinking and their spirits, letting themselves out and Through prayers our sick, you cure. •ay: I tern Taar ta Sm Tba right living are physical as well as spir­ come almost a forgotten part of Alberta. But "There must be mutual trust and confidence Christ tn. those residing within its boundaries have kept itual, but the former is not nearly as At Christmas time, men become most in the man beside you when you are fighting, and important nor always as positively cer­ •like Cnrist—giving most freely *of faith in the one solution to the drouth problem. if we were to make distinction between the men tain as the latter. themselves and of what-they have— They never lost faith in that some time there • • * and this is the basic meaning of the eAt\ who have volunteered and the men who have been ( would be irrigation in this area, and sooner or Ood provided a Law, not by which Christmas Celebration. sent over under the NRMA, it would be a pretty mortal man would become suff^ient later life-giving water would flow over the parch­ In return, it is this basic fact that poor policy to follow."—Hon. Douglas Abbott. unto ihmself, but by which, in his ut­ creates the incomparable goodwill and w ed land. Their hopes were not in vain. Some five • » # ter insufficiency, He might become im­ happiness of Christmas. hundred of them from all parts of the affected mortal. • • •• "Canada was well fed during the war and is This immortality is not made of tem­ area were given assurance at Wednesday's meet­ Christmas giving, more than all oth­ still well fed, meat rationing not-withstanding." poral knowledge, power, abundance, or er giving throughout the year, has come ing that irrigation was "not far off". ease, but of the spirit of Increasing and to be done with the least thought of -. X wamay oo_n-»nd to all Canadians tha —-Professor J. F. Fraser. Improving their permanent benefits, No one, unless they have lived under drouth * * * getting something back in return. Christmas Seal Campaign at th* Ca radian Tuberculosis and sharing them with others. But this is not our idea. It is Christ's conditions eau fully realize the meaning of these Hence the Law to lose one's life and "Now that victory has been won and thou­ idea. He lived for it, and He died for Association. - • words. Resettlement, rural electrification, .assur­ win it—to become filled by surrender­ it. .,, '.. sands, of our. gallant servicemen have returned to ing all. ance of better living conditions are only a few Canada, the demand for the services of social a- We do not create or recreate His Tha battle agaiaat tubsroulosls la being items that are linked with irrigation. Idea, on the. Anniversary bf -His -Birth gencies is very great. Readjustment to family life —we- only* remember it,-and adopt It. : waged with mora determination than trsr bsfort, SM ~ When the Red Deer Diversion scheme will be the difficulties occasioned by the housing short­ The joy of His Idea is the proof of started, rests with the Federal Government. The age and many other problems make new demands its downright spiritual value—and we success aohleved la Meant years In ooobattlng thia Alberta government has given assurance that it is could do with more of it, between one on the community welfare agencies."—A. R. fti&fci Christmas and another. ., dread disease affords the best of rassifcs for a y one hundred percent behind the project, M4 Mr. Mosher. • - •,* • • • re-doubling of the effort to achieve final vietory1 E. L. Gray superintendent of wiater development, • • » Often then our spirits, our hearts, and P.F.R.A. stated that plans for the project bad al­ our houses, and let Christ in, in aU "Sin is an old word as well as a modern hab­ His Glory. over this subtle and far-reaohlng menaoe to human ready been laid before the government at Ottawa it."— Lt.-Col.-Rev. Dr. Norman Coll. Open our purses too—and our hands' * as a reconstruction project. to h&p all. ---, eae Peel the Light and the Love come in, health,and! happiness. \ The building of the Red Deer Diversion pro­ "We have seen in our own time those coun­ even as we pour .pur affection and re­ ject naturally calls for the employment of many gard for others outwardly. .'•. Our gratitude for the victory vouchsafed tries where religion was persecuted and God ig­ f" • • '• men. Under present labor plans it is the policy nored while other gods were worshipped, and we •to the oause of civilization In war, oould find few of the department of labor, Ottawa, to give priv­ On Christmas day, and long after, lie; see'today that terrible harvest of sorrow and that will lose his life ln the service oi ate industry and business first chance at all avail­ if any nor* fitting expressions than a determination death and a whole World in agony."—Rev. Rob­ others shall of all men surely alone able labor, it is still too early to determine what ert Good. XMAS hid it. ..y. ito fight mora resolutely than ever in the war against" the employment situation will be in the next year He that will give all that he h_ttt dleaaa*. V or so. However, if unemployment prevails in Can­ We extend the heartiest will surely be tilled. In the Faith that alone can overcome PgaraS... ada, to any large extent, and we venture to say Christmas wsihes to one the devastations and the .grief of the T^p that it will, we are of the opinion that such schem­ and all. of pur friends and days that we'have lived, lie -shall' • w •* Forward 'to THUS iCtagdojJK**.'.'".' -:.. •, ^ undertaken. In fact we have had that impression And a bright, happy Christmas r from Ottawa in recent weeks. GMlMffl'S MKQR an?v - _**~*~Z*T ; $lviS-»*;*"ig« Whether the undertaking will comnienoe in Editor's Note—Our; ss^ac-ibers the spring or whether it will be some ti_oe y«Jt, de­ IT MDKT WORK OUT commuiiieaie Ajth tt«>ttod Table- Rei pends upon general conditions to a large pjtPWt. Organized labor's experience with sick ben­ The feasibility of the scheme has been proven, the efits provided by unions for their members gives ability of the area to produce, is a known fj»ct. scant encouragement to President Truman's pro­ _____ All we can do now is hope that the project will posal of a national, governmental system of com­ get under way in the very near future. pulsory sickness insurance. —V Officials of the Tobacco Workers' Internation­ MERRY CHRISTMAS al Union were recently compelled to campaign for Christmas 1945 has a special significance in an amendment to the union's constitution elimin- that it is the first Christmas in five years to be inating sick benefits. Payment of these benefits The Management and Staff of the celebrated without the roar of guns, the drone of had proved so costly that it left the union in fin­ war planes and the sacrificing of human ljves. ancial difficulty. This was bronght about in many This Christmas will be marked by that calm and instances by workers accepting sick benefits when peaee of mind that was experienced during other they should have been on the job. In addition, Mationd Hotel .*%•*.;»-. C'hristmases before the war. The birtfji ftf lite it was found that when there were periods of un­ At this season of Yuletide Cheer, may every one Saviour which we observe on December 25tb J945, employment due to lack of business, many work­ carries with it our hopes and prayers that hence­ ers resorted to the sick benefits for relief. By an of your fondestwishesbe realized^ncl may the New and also that of the National Hotel Coffee Shop forth there will be "Peace On Earth, Goodwill overwhelming referendum vote, the International Year bring ybu an increased measure bf Health, Hap joins in wishing you and yours a very Toward Men" for ever more. Union struck from its constitution the sick benefit piness and Prosperity. Meny Christmas At this Christmas season, as in those loqg provision. __• %-. c|4 since passed, The Herald and staff pause for a During the past year Daniel J. Tobin, general moment to reflect upon the wonderful goodwill president of the Teamsters' International, has that has been accorded us by our subscribers and written two articles advising against the union's business associates, it is sometimes said that the embarking on sickness insurance. CENTRAL MEAT ;.*J)irit of goodwill so prevalent at Christmas time The drawbacks whieh labor unions have en­ only lasts for a short,while. To some degree, countered in their own sickness-insurance plans this is true, but in the case of The Herald an4 $e. have operated on a very much broader scale in many people with whom we have done business the Government sickness insurance of European for the past thirty-three years we find t marked countries. With little study of these handicaps, difference. With us it seems, this goodwill has the C.LO. and the A.F. of L. have givu compul­ been received throughout the twleve months of sory sickness insurance their endorsement. Doubt­ the year. less their pressure had much to do with President Words are scarcely adequate to express our Truman's becoming a quick convert. But a num­ • appreciation to our subscribers, friends and bus­ ber of influential labor leaders remain skeptical iness associates, who through their steadfast loy­ They have good reason.—Christian Science Mon­ fl Merry XfWis alty, confidence and goodwill, have mad* eup ef­ itor. ."^1 **-*>:: forts at least seem worthwhile. At this gladsome $m W^T'W^?- season we extend the hand of friendship togeth­ WORLD LEADERSHIP NEEDED er With our sineerest wishes for a Menar Christ­ WE EXTEND ^^^lARTY CHRISTMAS mas to all, and once more with that sple$j|tf jujjp- The Federal minister of agriculture, Hon. port and goodwill we have received for M many J. G. Gardiner, made it very plain in a speech dee- GRfeNdS.%^|APPlNESS AND years, determine to expend our best efforts in ttte livered to the Dominion-Provincial Agricultural JOY HE YQ^ilftoUGHOUT interest and advancement of all those who reside conference in Ottawa last week, that the time is withinn the scope of this newspaper. approaching when restrictions should be removed lg|||fiE FESTIVE SEAION ANDf • Again we say '.'Meny Christmas and Peace on the hindrances to trade in agricultural pro­ on Earth, Goodwill Toward All Men!" ducts on the; North American continent. ;V Right now Canadian farmers cannot ship cat­ HOSPITAL IMPROVEMEHT tle, hogs, or coarse grains to the United States. >•> :-.*1if*^ "•rfS-iilS';* 'itmt'tim- • ~ In pursuance with its policy of "keeping up Wheat shipments for milling are limited to a> quo­ with' the times1', the Board of the Hanna Muni­ ta of less than a million bushels. cipal Hospital announces the installation of gp If the United States is going to assume world ••'*•. elevator, work on Which was completed last wedk. leadership it must set an example to the world- Servicing the three floors of the building, it is an Wider and freer international trade is badly need­ addition.that has long been needed in the insti­ ed if there is to be general prosperity and pro­ tution. The cost pf the new equipment is ewA<*- gress around the world. The example should be .?:...>&; I erable, but tite Board feels justified in spending l«t In North America.—Brooks Bulletin.


_gf_B£4r. L___^__--____---;.--_„_,,_ _'r:r Sfcm_s^ii--Ewfi-_- • -Wfie-^--


prove it so that lt may be fully useful 1 the world needed ao desperately what LOST NOTIC ? OF IMPOUNDMENT Friday, 8 p.m.—Christmas program.! to those who come after. Sunday, 10.30 a.m.—Sunday Scohol. we can produce or been so utterly ADVERTISING RATES ONE TIRE TUBE AND R. \f~>'- —•- X ' Me Animals (Unorganised He, whose birth we now celebrate, 7.30 p.m.—Christmas Service. dependent on us lor their very exist­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING: 20, on road north west < Territory) Act said that He came that we might have Everyone welcome. ence. We mu-t give them food or they Two eta per ward, flnt insertion, and IH ets. pi ply Stan Larson, DeUa. sreby gvlen under Part II, life and have It more abundantly. May Rev. J. H. Harder, Pastor starve Main will starve regardless ol insertion. Figures in groups of five or less, dollar narks, dgns, .,.•.._. -.• • -pjjg Domestic Animals what we cun d- biH we may lessen thc we l-eslove at this Christmas time to sta, each count as one word, -iinlami.i prlee flrst lnssrUon, te Ma* LOST ...— -^gt Territory) Act that a ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH number. contributes the part we can to the ab­ •ffftwimiim prlee subsequent Uisertion, *. sta. Engraved brands » sta BLACK OALF—7 months old. No vis­ Bay Mare, blazed face, 4 white socks, undant life of those who live now and , cup milk *AGlC 2 tbs. melled shortening 8 / FOR SALE Urease skillet lightly. Make 6 large thin pancake* about 5 Inches across. When brown on both sides, 4KING heap In centers a filling made of IH cups of chopped cooked pork moistened with 1 cup gravy P or white sauce. Roll up, place on hot platter and 600 Watt Delco, comp­ pour remaining sauce over rolls. 0WDEH V^S letely overhauled. New MADE IN CANADA 5"»«* 190 Ampre Hour Batt­ Xi eries, 7 year guarantee.

We wish to acknowledge the favors we have re­ Price $300.00 ceived in the past and hope that we may continue L P. SCHUMACHER to serve you in the future. Dorothy — Alberta Best ujishes Hanna Sales & Supplies To all our many patrons, young and old alike—we wish the season's greetings, with the hope that our friendships increase throughout the coming year. Warwick's Ladies Wear Ml.1% % At this glad Season we like to % * feel that you are one of our IN***' 1 ^* partners and that our success is but a reflection of yours. We wish you all the joys of _WB__if______\ the Season and sincerely hope that the coming months will We wish that we might personally extendi to you bring you a large measure­ Here's to a full measuref the Christmas Cheer we feel. That being impossible of Christmas Joy. Here's we take this opportunity of wishing you a holiday cheer that never ment of prosperity and happiness. *% Merry Christmas ends. f s A. A. Hutton & Sons Bartman's Farmer's! Exchange Machine Art Weich. Proprietor | Shop CANADIAN UTILITIES ON EARTH... PEACE lilMITED L GOODWILL TO MEN 'MwWw^^&m*tlw^&&i w. - With the advent of Christmas this year, these *_ .__•• Yuletide Greetings and best wishes! words hold for us an added significance extended to aU our valued kh "PEACE ON EARTH—GOO&WILL TO ME&T We extend to our Members and Friends AU Best friends who have made the past year '41 Wishes for the Christmas Season. a pleasant memory of business rela­ Christmas is a season for bringing out andRe­ tions and friendly associations. viving the time-honoured ideal of Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Megs ^ pi*; u > Wwvtfiih Permit us therefore, to wish yon and <»• May it's implications be fulfilled in the world yours a very Merry Christmas. tf-: ire during the coming year and may a Permanent A ~ Pleasant Relations of the Past Inspire the Christmas be established—a world in which the Sincere Wish for a Merry Christmas spirit ofjChritsmas becomes the guiding beacon of | and a Happy New Year Southern Alberta Dairy rtiaal-fl-ipPnot only for a few days in December, but • ,'«•*. tsw •*UM jiroughout every iky of the year. 3* >*•***< Mohl and McDonald :-.-:1_Pool.:•/ ; ALBERTA UVESTOCK COOPERATIVE Lt Service Garage Calgary 1*45 &*»••## J. Kapler, Manager


li_-4 ',S| ^••w^y-r^^y--y •*••.••••-•;»•*_••••-• i ijiu'ijjpii i-f-i-Mi'HPfcll _J* •Hfe

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THE; HANNA HERALD, HANNA, ALBH^TA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 194B FAOE FIVE -f-a-*j*j.--_.r,.!-.. , L-.JJ _ *• IH'"' i< -_ _-j_-Mtt.".P'i' -rn— i» i ••< •,•.-*-•• r-ipi, JS vt —Tscsm—mmmaeAmtimmmxstt-t-m" •_"*•••• .•_•, r • ... i _L___UI ____• SOIL DRIFTING 19 CRIMINAL I Rtpeu.teu.) it has b&sn explained WHEAT FOOL Wheat Pool but diverted by the patron cannot, without explanation/enter into Embree's orchestra wiU supply Ute mu­ visit, to Portland. Oregon. NEGLIGENCE I that this winter drifting can be stop- (Continued From page Two) to terminals other than Alberta Wheat the fun and enjoy the mental stimu­ sic for tlie dance following tbe concert Word has been received that Mra. (Lethbridge Experimc-nui S.aion | ped easily wnen Uie ground Is frozen will still be a substantial amount left Pool terminate or disposed at by the lation of Fairyland. To the normal j Mr. and Mrs. S. Tort* left for * trip Verone Anderson has been confined to in the hands of the Pool but ot earn- tbe Qeneral hsopltal in Calgary. Weekly L'-iU-i i | :..y .idem, tin: fields with a lister made member patron in such a way that lt chUd-rnlnd the world Into which he to Seattle. They planned to go through .,',3 for these two yeara. This amount Tlie predictions of V.u- p.s.;lbl]|il.*; I i^y mijyvin« all out every' fourth or did not go through terminal elevators has Just entered Is itself a wonderland. Mr. Matt O'Reilly has been oonfined will be something in excess of a million Calgary with a stepew at Vancouver of serious soil dnKim; lii.t lin.-, *• -Ut* -r, I nn.: (Jl-.e ot a oneway. Ti takes about operated by or for the Alberta Wheat "Heaven lies about ua in our Infancy." to the Hanna hospital, .litter Alice I jn tioia to convert a oneway Into a dollars. It was decided by resolution Pool. said Wordsworth, "shades ef the pris­ and return via Edmonton with a short made in previous letters rue ii >*.v ij l:,.' and Bamey paid him a visit recently. that this money should be used to pur­ stay ln that city. verified. Many Uriels in ;•...i ie-i -i -\l j ,i_'.ei und the work can be done at a Tbe schedule of partial payments out on-house begin to close upon the grow­ chase from reserve holdera IS per cent '*.*** eae ******* berta have started to <_L13r, .,,, ...,. ..,-. ovuit ... c.i.'.s per acie. Everyone has of the reserves acquired on deliveries ing boy" soon enough; but when the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heck left for a Bay: 1 ; of Ure original reserves. These Include tern Ywstt tm In Tbe BsraM. uatlon ls alarming. In l.. ' ri -.-:>•.•' pleniy of arm- now to do tire work, so ln the 1944-46 crojp year is as foUows: "vision splendid" fades into "the light ail those taken by way of deductions ent Indifference ol uhn.' ••*. .ui" i ;in-!e si-t-ii.s to oe absolutely no excuse One cent per bushel on wheat and of common day", the realms of fancy : under the first and second series con­ appaling if not .r'nrn.d. '.V - .-.L- i ,i rln: oinulrial ne_Ug-'nce. There are flax delivered by member patrons to and imagination, poetry and religion, r..i:.;. p! ulnl. m._ in our agriculture tliat tracts plus the amount added to elev­ th* country elevators operated by Al­ remain. That man ls to be pitied who tlrig by and letting MI; i.e.- .,, _.i nit kno-.v huw to meet but win- ator reserves arising out of 1928 final berta Wheat Pool and not diverted or is shut out from those romantic and re­ way when a little ellor v..•••>. i ri .:1 •','ifriiii- is not one of them. We payment. Not Included are those re­ otherwise disposed of by the member: freshing regions of the mind. If child­ them. ,.. ..,. • lining with n oneway disc set ves subsequently issued by the One-half cent per bushel on oats, ren are to be told "the Uteral truth a>- ! ; ; „nl -lop tin- drifting. Wheat Pool in payment of patronage barley and rye delivered by member bout everything," then they must be »•'...•:*. ..-.- i.-i-W- the seriousness of dividends, nor will lt Include any hold­ patrons to country elevators operated taught that music is merely a combin­ er where the efie_t fo the payment ation of air-waves impinging upon the FLIES-HEARS AGAIN . II.:: i. f- - J * to Plow away. Not only by Alberta Wheat Pool and 'not div­ .,..• A* i • i.,.i..,i-; tin- pnst-iit valuf ol would be to reduce his holdings below erted or Otherwise disposed of by the tympanum, that poetry is an arrange­ ...... :..: . iiiciii, our ehunee lor $'). Ihlsrnoney then wlll go out ln member; ment of words, syllables and rhymes cash to th_ reserve holders when the , : • • :, : •.•..*, '..0' - !,•• l.tims al e Three-eighths cents per bushel on and that the emotions stirred up by Alberta legislature lias amended the i i: Min ojf .o. t iinr-s to euine wheat and flax Wliich did not go these arts are unreal and deceptive. act so as to permit the Pool to buy -..•ho let:, larms blow away is through a Pool country elevator buL Qeneral Chisholm would probably a- back these reserves. i •..!. •.. ..11 oi tlie future g n- was shipped by the member to the gree with some modern psychologists , A • j..y . .m_,oni. who will sit who teU us that poetry und religion Wh-n the Pool has acquired these terminal facilities oparated by or for i. ' ;.,.*..: in Ui in -'lould be a- are the products of hyperacidity. reseives it is going to distribute them Alberta Wheat Pool; i. i,,. i. i , ..!•. e hi.; children or the on the basis ol sub-Joined schedules on One-quarter cent per bushel on We live in an age of economic and .. •', . i I';,., eonntrs who mtis't suffer account ol the patronage dividend de­ wheat, flax, barley, oats and rye de­mechanical realism, but yet -the child :.:•' ii. 1,;.. ciiininal negiect. clared but withheld for 1943-44- deliv­ livered to a country elevator operated is father of the man," and we are .L-r iiuv i. , l.rtri: tliat can be that hall of the amount of the patron­ berta Wheat Pool terminals or dispos­ Those shadowy recollections, i • • , -. i , the conditions age dividends authorized last year and ed of by the member patron in such Which, be they what they may, ,', . i ; ,i.ii! in Alberta must, wake tins year will be paid before the tax a way that it did not go through term­ Are yet the fountain-light of all our ,i . •. ' absolute ia c- :• ly of doing question is settled, but wiU be paid in inal elevators operated by or for Al­ day, .'...• v. i.o i «..rk on ine.-.e lands II rest rv is to the extent of about half of berta Wheat Pool. •. ••• i. , i,\:-.- 'o sive them. Every field Are yet the master-light of aU our see­ the total per bushel authorized by res­ ing." , • ., : :".o. ii.: „t all now will drift e- olutions. What further distirbution can DEBUNKING SANTA CLAUS • •. ,• • • ,i , :. b •• -liit- 1 a '• and be made on tlie amounts authorized (Continued From Page Two) SPONDIN, D.C. 19—Here's wishing tab. v i : i-.- and tl e\ by (.lies- resolutions will depend on the believe in Santa Claus and not be af­ the Herald staff and readers a Joyou-. : I j b io hoki outcome of the tax issue. The manner raid—because Santa Claus was then a Xmas and a Prosperous New Year. i .'••,•,: ' .;.,',!• ]:'•: rod next yeai ; cf its payment, whether in cash or . c: i:: ae; e, si ,])]> d now. ghost—unless he (the child) was a "TWO fine old wishes, and most sin­ MRS. J. C. BARDETT reserves, will be drtermined by the di­ cere, A Merry Xmas and a Happy New i... r. • .ill bib to t-xaend the moron or an imbecile." He was sure who, at the age of 8.1, took Ir rectors when the tax question has been Year." • : t: -"- i ir -a s .ur to runse t lied. that everyone present, including him­ trip by airplane, travelli self, would have been afraid during his Everyone is preparing for the Xmas Vancouver to Toronto Willi 'J':-:. e.-,--. : i •! :-',••. v, b ii i is- ' nt'w.iy. Tois concert in the Spondin hall tonight Canada Air Lines. Mrs. Iiiirn ,,..:.-•.:. i .. . ioa ---.:•• n.i.s act now In tlie meantime a partial payment 'teens to sleep on a grave ln a cemetery. nlll:. in the way of reserves on deliveries The reason was that magic and ghosts and fine weather is prevailing. Timber-rich Canada ls lumber-short. taining discharges to work in the been hard of hearing for a i ll ib |e ;.., sir. lioulbe ill liie 0110- of years, but due to some un in the 1943-44 crop year is as follows: were believed ln and thinking was dis­ Mr. and Mrs. Gus Adolf returned Lack of labour, in lumber camps is woods, but officials state the demand plained phenomena, Uie Hi -lu •,',.i\ Is ir lo operate successfully, call Two cents per bushel on wheat and torted. He went on to say that if home after a holiday at Castor and hamstringing reconstruction and hous­ for lumbermen Is as unrgent as tho salted ln her completely re -uin • our iJistne! i\-_ m tillunst or the Exfla-x delivered by member patrons to mothers would make sure children un­ Killam. ing programs. Servciemen who value increasing demand for building mater­ her sense of hearing. Plucking turkeys and other fowl has ials and pulpwood. loll. the country elevators operated by Al­derstood that fairy stories and Santa comradeship and good health are ob­ berta Wheat Pool and not diverted or Claus were a pretence and only "for been the past time around Spondin the otherwise disposed of by the member. fun", the distorted thinking would van­ last week. One cent per bushel on oats, barley ish as a result and would increase tire Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen and family j and rye delivered by membr patrons to chances of the human race surviving spent last week end at Ponoka. • country elevators operated by Alberta for 1 OOyears by 75 per cent. i Wheat Pool and not diverted or other- SUNNYNOOK, Dec. 18— Word has Yuletide The Qeneral himself seems to be en­ been received that a daughter was i wise disposed of by the rpember; tering into the realm of fantasy when born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ringdahl Three-quarter cents per bushel on he talks about a child sleeping on a of Taber. Ralph who was born and wheat and flax which did not go grave in a cemetery, and claims that through a Pool country elevator but human Ufe would be extended to 100 educated in this dlstrirt assumed the was shipped bf the member to the ter­ ye'ars lf children were told that Santa duties of school principal at VauxhaU, minal facilities operated by or for Al­ Claus and fairy stories were only for Sunnynook school children are gett­ berta Wheat Pool; fun. No chUd, unless he were a moron ing ready for their Christmas concert One-half cent per bushel on wheat, or an imbecUe, would ever think of which will be held in the Community $Je wish that we might personally extend to you flax, barley, oats and rye delivered to sleeping in a graveyard, and there is HaU here on Friday, December 2lst. a country elevator operated by Alberta something deficient in the child who the Christmas Cheer we fed. That being impossible we take this opportunity of wishing you A Merry Christmas t' —-V x^-t Merry JIMMIE'S SERVICE STATION i \ _... ,^*-W- ••'/ tni,.*"-**'- Christmas v., -..-',! cr.: of thc bert informed airy v. ben yo-i red The -Christian In extending greetings of rnce Mom: ..i.v. .'ou v. Ill lind fresb, ne-.v viewpoints, fuller, rkhti iiib.isuibi-o o* wo-M .o.>.••-, . . tru'lifuh .ccurate, the season may we also biased news. Wra. tor ji::.:;vle topic, loday, or lend ior one. lAiMlimt.ii •^ Yuletide Greetings J/ month trial sub;.. .,.•.on. rrTwA GREETING: thank you for a year of very

X- _.Ib ~e_ ( jf.l —. -—----——-——-w'/M pleasant patronage. One. Nurv : To all our friends and Please accept this, oar very sincere wish for eh ioa] s.Saop- I . I f—I Please send tree [« a c:-e- Sf.t.ce Monitor I I—I Chtlstlrn tslirco • Happiness and Health at Christmas I copy ol your WttKly ,.cli I en.ii»5 II • patrons we wish the most I and a more Prosperous Year • ADDRESS Star Meat Market joyous Christmas poss­ to come

"?»*n?H--r"7Dtf»U-?!>.v>"i<'n'.< r- .• -•> /;'?i!'»r':*iV*i..-?»_t?^,^o,_f.i._'.r-r'3.^J)^J!«?«^S ible. May it bring you ev­ ery good thing and may IDEAL GROCERS & DRY GOODS LTD. its happy cheer continue H.Lund long after the holiday is ?A^ past. A. W. Stubbs

The Management and Staff of Most cherished among the gifts bestowed by the passing years is the memory of pleasant relations with those whom we have had the ^With Sincere Good Wishes privilege to serve. ft Seymour Hotel for all the Joys.. of a Happy HoUday Season wish to extend to their many friends and patrons The Wylie's best wishes for a- Merry Christmas Ideal Tailors RexaU Drug Store D. Dong, Proprietor M^^^^^^^^c^'^^^____^____^ W'msWmt^.iMg. GREETINGS! Good wishes to you this Christmas Season XCEf. and may happiness be , yours throughout the Greetings! coming year. Hearty Good jWishes go out today to the Friends H We trust that every material thins you wish this and customers who have made business a H Christmas will be yours and in addition the bless­ pleasure in the past year. May you find ings of health, happiness and success. the Season abundant in Happiness and Prosperity Hanna Co-operative Assoc. S. H. Smith r CHARLIE : Limited . and Staff THE MEN'S MAN- BOYS'TOO •?:* and Staff

TO&** ww- ,\ _Hn\-

fes-*- M ,[i> *_tf-*iW-B-_-.-£ -i T*_-iil*iifcfrfv qY m i mr i Mm '- "'fr-'-'- " ft.ii*"-'-"

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PAMSIX THE HANNA HERALD, HANNA, ALBERTA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1348 !_£ i.nri aaa TwItTi living standards at very sim­ tions be closed. Carried.' ..r..._^.._.~ Moved by Mr. Wolfe seconded by Mr. ilar levels, talking the same language, HGHT CURUNG ttUBS ON GOOSE McCrea that each club within the area "going places'"and "dplpjj,things'.' pret elect a representative within a week ty 'wel lon. a. jjarj what hope Is there among the re$i of the nations, with to act as an executive and -notify Mr. their vaiyiiiK living standard,-;? LAKE IM FORM ASSOCIATION Peers at Acadia Valley the name of person chosen. Carried. Tlie assertion that "high Canadian tarifs hit. the prairie provlnc.s the Following is a list of the blubs in hardest" reminded raj ol the testimony FOR CALEDONIAN MEMBERSHIP this area: Hanna, Youngstown, Chin­ delivered some jenrs ago, dealing with ook, Cereal, Excel, Oyen, New Brig­ CurHng Activities Meet Witk Great Revival at Meeting Held this proW'-m, by the lat-,* Prof. Norm­ den, Acadia Valley. in Chioook Bonspicl-Dates Set-—Gates Cup an Rogers, bel'oie a Tax Inquiry Com­ Moved by Mr. Bishop seconded by mission in Nuva Scotia. Facts and Again Up lor Competition Mr. Holmes, commencing with the sec­ figures presented by the witness, ond week ln January and excluding the come members of the Royal Caledon­ indicating that the three pariri. prov­ Interest in the winter sport of curl­ fourth week in January that a Bon­ inces paid an aggregate toll of upwards ian Society. The following are the ing, reminiscent of the early days oi spiel be held each week until each club of $73,000,000 annualy, on the tariff- minutes of the meeting as submitted settlement In But Central Alberta, has has participated in same. protected goods pin chased from Can­ to The Herald by Mr. Peers: •fain been revived this year. Meeting (Continued on Page Eight) adian fhms i.e., $73,000,000 more than In Chinook on December 8, represent­ Mr. W. McCool of Youngstown and would have been required for the same atives from Hanna, Chinook, Youngs­ Mr. B. Morrison of Chinook had asked Chinook Meeting tonnage of goods, minus I lie incidence town, Acadia VaUey, Oyen, Excel, Cer­ all curling clubs from Hanna to the of our protective tat iff. A Western RE-PAINTING OF ROAD eal and New Brigden discussed forming Saskatchewan border to send repre­ economist, dealing- with these data, ex­ a new sone including rinks from these sentatives to Chinook with an object oi SIGNS IB STRESSED pressed the conviction il the highways. It was stated that many beans rice, sugar, indigo, abutilon, he­ the possibility of including these eight Mr. Doran that Mr. Peers be appoint­ were badly in need of repainting. mp, jute, ramie, flax and Canda's na­ clubs in a new zone. All club repre­ ed secretary. Moved by Mr. Bishop and In the interests of safety, it was sug - tural resources and industries. sentatives expressed their desire to be­ seconded by Mr. Willison tbat nomina- gested that the provincial authorities shoudl be asked to carry out necessary 1- painting as early as possible when wea­ SENATOR JOHN T. HAIG. K.C. ther conditions permit. HON. THANE A. CAMPBELL CHRISTMAS IS COMING China Proper ls one of the best wat­ principle of taking the tariff obstacl­ Christmas & New i***ft*******tt*********** es from the path of international trade Remember Your Sajt 1 Saw tear At In Th* Herald ered country of the world. —but there the matter has ended! j************************* Mail Bag It is up to us in North America, it Contribution to; Opinions of Hanna Herald reader! seems to this reader, to do a little WOOD'S trail-blazing in this matter of lowering Year's Greetings on subject* of public interest 'trade restrictions' at the Invisible (!) CHRISTIAN ! From Editor, Hanna Herald:— border line. If the thing is consider­ HOMES' I would like to say that I heartily ed unfeasible among the 152 millions of "BIG FAMILY" concur in the Herald's views on "Trade people In the United States and Can- Restrictions", duly credited to your con­ temporary, the Brooks Bulletin; also, that "there seems to be no inclina­ rL UMITED Not in the sense of custom, but with a genuine ap- tion on the part of governments to cut tariffs and encourage a broader world MERRY CHRISTMAS preciation of our pleasant associations during the trade". Most cherished among the gifts bestowed by the past year we extend to you our best wishes for an We, i.e., the United Nations, have been paying lip compliments to the passing years is the memory of pleasant relations old fashioned Merry Christinas CALGARY, ALBERTA ,^^^€*£?£*§*€*€*«y with those whom we have had the privilege to serve. To Ottr Patrons and Many Friends Central Coffee Shop So it is most sincerely that we wish you a Merry- Christmas and a Happy New Year. Franklin's Tin Shop I. C. Franklin Best Wishes |^E?«??'3ZJ«5g* ^twXJfty (mhtmi C/m/ii0 To all our friends and patrons we wish the most joyous Christmas possible. May it bring you every good thing and may it happy cheer continue long We are hoping that everyone of you enjoy the hap­ after the holiday is past. Good wishes to you this piness of Christmas and the Holiday Season. Christmas season and CENTRAL may happiness be yours Ho Berke, Jeweller GARAGE throughout the coming Mrs. Nancy Stubbs year.

ft is our pleasure indeed, at this time of the year to gratefully acknowledge *$*@€*£**gass** the favors we have re­ ceived and to extend to vou our compliments and best wishes for a Merry Christmas & Prosperous &&WHBM We lake pleasure at this time of die year to ex­ New Year tend to the trade our sinceer appreciation of their business throughout the past yoar together with our BLUE 'BIRD BEAUTY May tfie joy of achievement and the best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Happiness of contentment be yours at this Gladsome JenU&n's Holiday Season i § Limited Warwick's Hardware

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THS HAftNA HJBRAIi), HAHNA, ALMBT-A, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1945 f-tfft-Mrm-if •mm* -_-M--- •ii Wiu a sinful race, He could still be sinless by that man would have a human body Plans Completed For as Ions a* not a drop ot blood of this derived from Adam, but not a drop of a v CHRISTMAS sinful race entered His veins. Ood must Adam's sinful blood. Right here ls the 'iHIH!*!M Free Dow* Dec 28th find t way Whereby Jesus could be per­ scientific, biological reason for the ii fectly human according to the flesh "iiilc-sness of the "Man Christ Jesus". The December meeting of tbe Acadia 5EEDTIM MESSAGE and f*X h»v* the blood of sinful hum­ Some have tried to answer the ques­ Chapter I.O.D.E. was held tt the home (gifttX anity. ''Thtt was the problem of the tion: "How oould He be sinless and yet rouncl lown of Mrs. Ralph Shacker. Pinal arrange­ (By Rev. J: H. Harder) Virgin BJrijh-" be born of woman," by making Mary ments for the dance to be held for all HARVEST The Virgin Birth—Is It necessary? - 2 Qrlftn of the blood. tha "Immaculate Virgin". That how­ returned service men and women on By Dec. 28th were completed. Members of DR. X. W. NEATBY Scripture Matth. 1:18-20, 32-23. Medical science does now definitely ever, does not answer the question how The Red Cross Work Rooms will be Miss Marion Mathe and Lieut. Carol Jesus was sinless since lt is through the various forces are requested to call Di—etor Ood's inspired Book "The Bible" know, that the blood which flows ln an closed on December 22nd and Dec. 29. Mathe of Calgary will arrive Monday Line Elevators Farm Set-vie* clearly teaches us that Jesus was con- the male that the blood Une runs. • • • evening to spend Xmas with their par­ at WyUe's Drug Store tar their invit- Winnipeg, Manitoba unborn babe's arteries and veins is not tions as soon as possible. The Chapt­ cleved in the womb of a virgin Jewish derived from the mother, and I quote 4. Divine Blood Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Helmer had as ents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathe. er has presented a portable grama- 'Good Hulrtnn Men Rejoice" mothe rby a supernatural insemination from Or. M. R. Dethan—but is produc Conception of the Holy Ghost then their guest last week their daughter • • • • of the Holy Ghost, wholly and apart was tiie only way the Virgin Birth phone to the Hanna school. A, box of The end ot tbe war, in 1018, was I ed within the body of the foetus itself Mrs. Norma Summerbell or Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grummitt have as apples was given to a needy family. from any generation by a human fa­ only after the introduction of the male could bo accomplished. Mary contrib­ their guests for Christmas their daugh­ greeted with great rejoicing. ! To r* • • The Chapter has also pruchased 12 most of us another war was untlrihk- •! ther. This the Bible teaches so plainly, sperm. An unfertilized ovum can nevir uted the body of Jesus and He became ter Mrs. H. Whetstone and Mr. Whet­ that to the believer, there can be no Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Thrift of Edson new uniforms for the Girl Guides and able, so we didn't think about it; develop blood since the female egg does the "seed of David according to th.* stone oi Stony Plain. Alta. doubt. The rceord cannot be mistaken have been recent visitors at the home six for the Brownies. One new appU- but it happened. Now,, twenty- not by Itself contain the elements ess­ flesh." The Holy Spirit contributed • » • * by the enligthened honest student of of the latter's mother Mrs R. Millard. cant was welcomed and admitted to seven yea re later, we rejoice again-, 1 ential for the production of tills blood. the blood of Jesus. It was sinless blood the Word. It was Divine blood. It Is Precious blood • » • Sgt. Jack Morrison recently returned membership. but with more restraint and with It ls only after the male element ha>. for there lias never been any other Uke Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kelm of the na at the home of his parents Mr. and less confidence that our victory will This ls seen clearly ln the fact that bring "Peace on Earth, Goodwill entered the ovum that blood can de­ lt. It is also Innocent blood. Hand Hills district left recently to take from overseas and Is at present in Han- Ood speaking of his Son declares Him: velop. Mos-s says in Lev. 17.11. For the up residence at Botha, Alta. Mrs. J. Morrison. Salvation Army Home Toward Ifen." Why? 5. "I liave betrayed Innocent blood.'' _. Jesus to be sinless n Cor. 5:21. life of the flesh ls in the blood, and • • • We know that fighting continues While all men from Adam to this day Judas confesses in Matthew 27:4. Oui Front Appeal Successful again in Lev. 17:14 For it is the life oi Mr. and Mrs. John- Vasman and fam­ Miss J. M: Cook will leave Friday even now: that many millions will are born with Adam's sinful nature and Lord was Innocent. He became Uke spend Christmas in eold and all flesh; the blood of it is for the life ily were visitors last week at the home for Calgary from which point she wlll therefore are subject to the curse and unto us in all things—Sin only except­ Captain Grace Burkett of the Sal­ hunger; that shortages in our own thereof—so that, no mother's blood was of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kelm of Botha. leave by plane for Vancouver where eternal death the Man Jesus was with­ ed. Instead of having a "human Fa­ vation Army announces that Hanna and other countries are aggravated necessary, to be given to the develop­ ther", He had a "Divine Father." He . . • . she wlll spend the Xmas vacation. and district went over their objective out, sin and deathless till He took the ing of embryo ln the womb of the mo­ by strikes, justifiable or otherwise; had "Divine Blood and because this - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams leave • • • j of $1,000 by securing a total of $1,035.92 that atomic energy may not be sin of the world upon Himself and died ther. Such ls the case according to their death. blood was sinless it is Incorruptibl- Friday morning for Edmonton where Cpl. Tom MUler returned from over- i ln the Salvation Army Home Front Ap- exploited for good only; that on* science. From tlie time of conception Biood. they will spend Christmas. seas on Saturday night and ls at pies- j peal. Says Mlss Burkett: "We only other great depression is possible}--* Though Jesus was of Adam's race to the time of birth of the infant, not 6 Sin made human blood corrup­ ent at the home of his parents Mr. and did this through the hearty co-opera- and so on. .<• (according to the flesh) yet He did not one single drop of blood ever passe.- • * • tible. Soon after death, decay sets in, Wren Mary Bartman of Gait, Ont. Mrs Tom MiUer. ' tion of each and every one of the citi­ What a gloomy Christmas mes­ inherit Adam's nature. This alone will from the mother to child. All the blood zens of this community. To each I say and it begins In the blood. David says is spending Christmas leave at he: sage! But is it? Perchance the prove that sin ls not transmitted which is in that child ls produced with­ "that Jesus' body should see no corrup­ a hearty thank you, especiaUy those very realization of present and through the flesh. It is transmitted in the child Itself as a result of the in­ home ln Hanna. Mr. M. Viste and daughter Carol of tion." Acts 2:27, and Psal 16:10. the Dowling Lake district left Decem­ who helped in any way with the can­ future dangers may be much safer through the blood and not through the troduction of the male sperm. The than the blind confidence following , Though He was dead three days and • • • ber 20th for Ada, Minn, where they vassing. Thc Salvation Army is in your flesh, and even though Jesus was of mother contributes no blood at all. End World War I. This in itself can three nights, His body did not corrupt. Distirct Court was held in Hanna on will spend a month visiting relatives community to be of service. If you are the "seed of David" according to the of quote. i justify rejoieing if we all seek Because He was sinless they could not Tuesday of this week, with Judge E. B. and friends. in need or know of any one in need flesh this could not make Him a sin­ 3. God's wonderful provision. put Him to death, but instead He "laid Feir presiding. don't be afraid to contact ua." peace and goodwill and shun greed, • * • selfishness and prejudice. Inter­ ner. God hath made of one blood all Since Adam was the federal head o: down His Ufe voluntarily, that He • • • • The W.M.S. of First United Church national peace is impossible without nations of the earth. Sinful heredity tha race, it ls his blood that transmit­ might take it up again." John 10:17. THE SALVATION ARMY _T transmitted through the blood and ted Adam's sin. In order to produce Mr. Mac Sinclair, star goalie of the will meet in the church parlors this national peace -and the tatter witt Sinner, have you received this* Sav­ Sunday—AU day Special Christmas not through the flesh. Even thougii a sinless man and yet be the son of Hanna hockey team received a tryout afternoon Dec. 20th at 2.30 o'clock. The not be found without seeking, or iour, and have you been washed ln Hi- Services. kept without cherishing. So let's Jesus received His flesh, His body from Adam, God must provide a way where- last Sunday with the Drumheller Jun­ meeting will take the form of a candle Precious Blood? If not you are still ior Miners. In a game against Cam- Sght service and all members of the 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Service be confident and let's be merry I JS, under the curse apd the awful sent­ rose, Mac saw action in the last two congregation are invited to attend. 3:00 b.m.—Sunday School Warmest greetings and best ence of death. periods, allowing one goal as the Min­ • • * • 7:30 p.m.—Salvation Meeting wishes from line Elevators Farm Much more then, being now justified ers trimmed the northern club 4-2. Curling Meeting— Monday, Dec. 31st Service. by His Blood, we shall be saved from A general meeting of the members of 11:15—Watch night Service. wrath through Him! Rom. 5:8. Oh re­ BYEMOOR the Hanna Curling Club has been caU­ ceive His offer Now. ed for Friday. December 21, commenc­ Itlwtf Christmas (From Our Own Oorreepondent) ing at 9 p.m. This meeting ls of im­ OBITUARY BYEMOOR, Dec. 19—The Byemoor portance to all curlers, and they are community has lost one of its most asked to make a determined effort to We most, cordially extend to you and those associ­ MISS MABEL GORDON prominent old time residents. The late attend. ated with you Greetings of the Season CRAIGMYLE—Word has been re­ Mr. M. D. Kieth, passed away Decem­ * % « Wtm Christmas ceived here of the death at ChUUwack, ber 15th, foUowing a lengthy illness. Shower for Bride-Elect— B.C., of Miss Mabel Gordon, resident Mr. Kleth was the Byemoor postmaster A misceUaneous shower was held at of this district from the pioneer days for nearly twenty years. He retired the home of Miss Lois Thatcher Tues­ We trust that every material thing you wish this tiU 1935 when she went to ChUUwack from this position two years ago owing day, December llth, for Miss Betty Christmas will be yours and in addition the bless­ with her sister and brother-in-law, Col. to ill health. The entire community Fielding whose marriage to Mr. Gordon and Mrs. R. B. Eaton. Besides Mrs. mourns the loss of a great citizen. He Faye of Drumheller, will take place on ings of health, happiness and success. Eaton she ls survived by two brothers leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and Monday, December 24th. The highlight Major Beaumont Gordon, Toronto, and one son Clinton, and a grandchild all of of the evening was a mock wedding Arthur Gordon of Delia. The funeral Byemoor. wblcb was enjoyed by all. Many use­ took place at ClUUiwack.—Calgary Al­ Mr. C. McMillan arrived home yester­ ful gifts were received by the youny Mrs. 1. B. Laughlin bertan, Dec. 6. day from the Hanna hospital. He will bride-to-be. be unable to work for some time al­ POOL—C RUIK.SH ANK though he Is getting along weU after AAA_t_t-tA-t-li-fc-ti-_,iiJ..t..tA.r._L.L*l1A-_i-LA On Dec.'4, 1945, in Chown Memorial his accident with the tram. Sajr: I Saw Your Ad In The Herald Church, by Rev. E. F. Church, Glendon Mr. and Mrs. Nick Velker and son Walter Poole, younger son of Mr. and are moving to Beiseker to make their «§fc& Mrs. W. H. Poole, 2435 York St., Van­ home, where Mr. Velker wUl operate a couver, to Doris Eleanor Cruikshank, machine shop. Mr. Velker was form­ younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. erly agent for the .Alberta Wheat Pool •%*.• -Cruikshank of Hanna, Alta.—Van­here, . H. J. couver Province. Mrs. ToUver our high school teacher • • • is also leaving due to the fact her hus­ Groceries and Dry Goods Miss Jean Kuzyk wiU leave Friday band ls returning from overseas. Mr. for her home in Holden where she will Tuttle will replace her after the Xmas spend the Christmas hoUdays. hoUday. Best Wishes Now the glad Christmas We have found that friendship in Business counts Season is here again once for mucs and we are grateful for yours. IA iJ-W-l.r-S We desire to convey the Season's Best Wishes for a With Sincere Good Wishes more to wish you the Merry Christmas for all the Joys goooj1, old, plain— of a Happy Holiday Season Beaver [Alta.] Lumber Co. Red & White Store Merry Christmas S. B. Robinson, Manager 0.

When there's a bam to be raised a man's neighbors . . . sometime* a whole com. munity ... often pitch in and help Un do. the heavy end of tbe work. And as for the money needed foe materials, (hat. too . . . although few people stop to think about it. .. often comes from co-operation, too. Four million or mors Canadian "neighbors" pool a part A* this Yuletide season we extend to you of their savings in Life Insurance. Their premiums add up and yours the familiar and MENT to a huge sum, part of which is available for farm and town mortgages, so Aat when a fanner, for instance, wants to friendly greeting build, or enlarge, or renovate, be caa Miss ths money A MERRY CHRISTMAS readily. r Roto Made The Life Insurance v 'iri"i is strictly a "neighborly- Georges Shoe Repair business ... a grsat co-operative enterprise which aims si George Visca, Proprietor M Stokers the protection of ths people by the people. A portion of •very dollar invested bf Ihe liie Insurance companies help* to finance Standard self fanners afid town dwellers who oec*v sionally njsed mortgage loans to realise their ambitions aad get shall. Ike !••.tfjy cleaning, and malnder is invested Is government aet municipal bonds and other securities Merry Xmas to you all under government regulations. Every maa whe owns life Insurance does Bin Feed ^ more • than safeguard the future oi his To all our friends and patrons we wish the most loved oaee ... he also shares is Canada's progress. joyous Christmas possible. May it bring you every Models gp ~W?- 3__M_#*#-J tarn good thing and may its happy cheer continue long after the holiday is past. v Fred J| Green good citizenship f IFF to y E. R. Shilleto, Dmggistm Phone 113 Hanna INSURANCE A Message from tte Hfe Insur­ ance Companies in Canada.

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Qristiw ip4j

THIS is a special kind of Christmas—the first sons who sacrified their lives that we might in seven years without the darkness of war. know the joy. of Christmas again. At last wc are free to celebrate the season in' In their honour and to their glory we worship the old-time way. — at home and shrine. And in our hearts shall Our loved ones are home. The candles will we resolve to do those things which keep us gleam brighter now, thc balsam boughs will strong and in the right—the best way of all to breathe a more pungent fragrance, and more banish war forever. sweetly than ever will carols ring ... as if in In this, we shall be men who think of to­ answer to a world's prayers for peace. morrow—men of good will, malrijpg sure of But none will forget—now or ever—those fallen even better Chris tmases to come. '$• It . %-&•• THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM
