v-' ,V. V /;■ / y SA';rUtoAT^iXJLT SB. 1 9 # Averasre m ily GIreplatibn f^AGE TWELVE Manchester tiveiting Herald For, the Month of June,' 1945 The W ^ h e r of U. 8. U dather Boreau com in your arms unmapped. Still the ^mfhittee In charge wants a W orkyls Staii^ ' 9 ,1 0 6 Fair tonight and ’Yneeday; no> another local dealer refuaied,tp.han- :ot\ without children. We Doubly Ho Meibber ot the A i^ t Important temperature' chsiigea. dle the . com %t the price 'Mying I’t know why—wo have only Umi are ^ but rather warm la Interior Iirtq- m tTo w n JJeard Along Main Street been told children aren’t wanted M iU that hIS' customers' would only' / Buteao^ of Olroalanons .X-’ dajr afternoon. gripe to him about the price w’hlch Ih the paraona'ge. , K- Mr, aitd Mn. Jwwpli wasn’t really hit fault. Aa w« get It, the committee / ' h^ter^A Ciiy of yUlage^l^ahn And on Some o / M m ihefler’$ Side SlreeU, Too ’ ' ■ ' V a 101 C dar rtre«t, Pj;* W ^ t price eelllngw-r^nd what run Into Mme rather embarrt^ng Work on --the new mill to be \ y X - >• > mta of • 10 pound »pn, born w at. celling prices!' circumstances.. One pjxjspect biHh by, Cheney Brotheni, is now VOL. L X I V ^ O . 254 (ClaaMfled AdvartUfag aa Page •) ITrancla hoapiUJ, Hartford, on Perhaps we/have right to VOaklaiiil-'and Eld ward streets and waa particularly deslrabj^ 'but It MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 30, i»45^ ' , , / ■ V r i o s THREB GEN’n i lUly 25. This la their a e ^ d child, delve into rpatters so delicate aa the North End playgrounds. Among - ^ e hard to explain Was, discovered .that there would undep/wAy. The actual dlggihg Jielr. flrat being a daughter. maternity, but. along With the Crowa are considered the moat ihdrtages^ {» toothpaste. Most' be a child very'soop/lf -he were' startea\6n ’Thursday. ’The plans scarcity of foodstuffs, steaks- and Intelligent of all birds, and. certain­ people have taken to,tooth powder hired. Another foXHij^ct, equally for tjtie neur structure were drawn / D U R K E © , Mr. and M»-». Arthur E, Mc- othe.r commodities ■; and the ly this one aeema smarter than piey have found It difllcuH desirable, chancaa -to be married by the Ferjphion Company of .Aussie F^ame Thrower Sels J'ap Afire y 3ann, of 160 Benton etreet, leave stepped-up program of hi.creaslnff ever. He la very sociable, perhaps to jfit the paste, pealers Will tell and while theje >vere no 'children .Cleveland, Ohio,, lyho will supety e on .-.SUt ■' '..M io d ^ for a two weelw vacation in the birth rate M. Manchester; more partial to the society of the the reason fpr the shorta« it seemed- qijlte-likeiy. there'would vise^ the construdtldn., Nmaup, thla atate, Mrs. M c- pire s prospective mothers are hard women folks. We hear that he the tack of tubes 'as containenis be iwon. The new mill wiH^be one story home town. Mr. M^CanP *® pressed to aecure piedical atten­ flies up on the roofs of porch^ Yet you will remember that- once a third candidate was and will be located ne^een Elm the welV-hnown agent of the Pru­ tion along the way to the ma­ early in the morning hno^awa-^or on a time you had to turn In an Intervlktved. He was single, street. Hall Court and PlM Street. dential Inauran^^ Company here, ternal stata peeks at bedroom windows to empty tube'to a flned one. whlcli aeemed to answer All .the The permit calls for qji/«xpandi*vj>, Tors a police comnliBsioner and mem­ iirtt w e n tly ’ a young mother- - arouse the occupants in hip‘desire We have beeh told that ope local ncCMsary requirements. But the ture of $400,000. / ber of the w a l Selective Service to-be•h. arrived in Manchester to re- lecltner for company or fOr some- druggist has a couple of thousand cbmmlttee found out that he Is to The work of re la tin g WhtCr beard. . tire from acUve life, awaiting her thing to eat.' ’This c iW seems to of these empty tubes . In his cellar^ bg married- next month. So may- mains, has been ghkig oh for DON WILLIS baby. She la the wife of a sol­ think a lot of Johli Jeffers and his They have never been collected (tr he can only ocpiipy the^parson^ a week and haAbem dope by or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.'Benaon dier who wss originally stationed son, and hls'favorlte'^port is riding cslled for and he la planning/to age for ,a year at the most, ,in the employ of Cheney Brothers. X g a r a g e x and family of Princeton atreet are on the handle b a ^ of the hoy’s on the West Coast ’There she turn them In for the next tin, drive. w e understand one prominent (^ p le t e Anto Si^Tvicd ' ioaving today for Point O’ Wooda consulted with a post physician bicycle. . The/other evening he Where they wijl apend the month of was busy, e a ^ g cookie crumbs Our neighboring town/Of Bolton resident of, Bolton mafic sugges­ Lostanau-Lacau, *Mys- and When her husband was trans­ tion to the committee ’ Ujat would tS M a l^ t. TeLSOSS Navy D ee Anguat. fc, while John^-as putting his car in has been experiencing troubleXvith ferred to a camp In the South, she solve the problem. Hhis particu­ tery Kiun’ of Trial went along and immediately con­ the imragtv. p ff he flew to John people from Manchester and other A aott waa bom to Mr. and Mra. who extend*^ his arm and the tame towns who take thelf rubbish to lar resident suggested that they Fire Insurdnce Hustled into G>urt‘ ■4' ferred with the post medicalr'offi- change the religious faith of thi* x ; Jamea J. l^aavltt of 80 Benton cer there, after the trying ride bird niched upon it and theiice to the. secluded spots In Bolton and On Ybar FoiirSnakes Shells Blast Big IhduZ- street yeaterday at St. Francia his imoulder as he walked toward just dump it cut. Just the. other required pastor and Capt. Vlnoemt Hines room Short While Aft­ Armv Planes hoaplthl. Mra. Leavitt la the for his home on Oakland street. day there w'ere local repercussions. problem would be out- . rENDER Heavy Aerial Then'flb« decided to come back Rev. Vincent Jy Hines, assistant er Police Announce In­ trial City as .Carrier aer Mlaa Margaret Toman. The Anybody ' else got any pet It seems that Bolton folks were FURNITURE/ BODY WOR At Cull Rites maternal. artmdparenta are. Mr. homa to crows 7 • fed. up on being the refuse ie*h Have you heard the new one the pastor of St. . James’s church un­ Planes Rip Up 60 Air baby and here she consulted the Roosevelt haters are passing AnU^^lp/Nibiiai Effects ability to Lbeate HiiD- Strike Japs’ Blows to Be and Mra, *Aomaa J. Toman of 78 third physician. 'Thetf her time for other townsfolk. ’The State po­ til he eRtereci 'the United States SOLIMENE & FL^0 Fields and Other Mili­ Benton atreet Jt seems t,o'be theVopsensus of lice had as.sured the authorities around about the death of Hitler'.', We csta protort you for as lot* - - ■ { became short and hpr doctor went they would help if given evidence. Well, if vou were by chance, irny as a. chaplain in Jitoe. 1943,. INC. Paris, July ,30.— (JP)—-Mys- Cry Religious Freedom on vacation and she had to put her the people along the street that aa $4.00 pet^t.OOO' for I yean’ Tel. 0101 tary Installations; Mes­ Mlaa Caroline Miller. o f Warti- the entire zoning regulation set-.un A iocgl woman was visited the Roosevelt hater jfist ask sonte of haa been ciqubl.v honored. ' Unk& PreMimi $6.00. dS4 Oenter. SL _teriou8 Maj. Jean Loatanau- Violated Follo'ws' In­ ises Qealt Japan mgtop atreet left yeaterday for case In the hapd^kof a fourth phy­ In town la being jeopardized,,.,not other day by a State' Police officer. your friends.- NO doubt they - have From the Army Xroiip Com- sage of Steel and Fire sician. / ' . He told her to get the heap pf oa- Let me «UI a/yp|^ bonie aiid Lacau testified at the treason Lahox, Maaa.. In the Berkahlma. Even the'war-tlme/Riothers have by the law' op legulaUona them- heard the story. niandgr' Capt. Hine^. has been giv­ terruption pf Ritual in She la planning tox attend the selvoa, but by the menribers of the pers ahe had dumped in Bolton out en the Bronze Star. - From, the explain details or tna! of Marshal Petain today BIdW Apart 'IVIidships American Military Lead­ Supports Allied Ulti­ their troubles wfth smwtages of within two hours or she would be • that “I ajn horrijied to see a Virginia Hill Country. Tanglewood concert thla evening decent b«by layettes to Sav noth­ commission, and the appcala board We vjant to Uke the opportii-- Bishop of Verdun his award is the V matum of Surrender., by the Boaton Symphony orchea- and their application or interpreta­ arrested.' , nity of saying a good word for the Silver Medal With Palm., man o f nearly 100 years of ^ cU o n o f Haruriu, ers Promise Unprece­ ing of the principal consideration After the officer left the woman Hospital ti« and again Sunday aftamoon. ministering physician. tion of the iavv. Moat everyone East* Hartford police department The citation which accompanied Arthur Id age blamed by others for St. Charles, Va.. July 30.—(ff)— Dkmage Aircraft Car­ She will apend next week In agrees that'.the Idea of zoning Is realizeil she w'ap in a predicament. •Tlie Furniture F ln \ dented Dosage Wilt Guam, July 30-::^?P)-i-Man- and particularly Chief >Tim- Kelle- the award made'by the Army their own errors.” The “mys­ A cty that their religious freedonn X/anoK. line, but its appli!e;arion'in many in­ The papers and old magazines had her. There's one department that Gfoiip Command reads as follows: Inaoraaee Man” Expense Plan rier, Other; Warships. Precede Big invasiori'. made destruction nit the -X We recall printing one or two stances has been too hatwh been dumped in Bolton by her son. »Tor Men, Women and tery, man” pf the.' trial was had been violated went up from a crow stories In this column or else­ gives you reasonable and ho.nest "Chaplain Vincent, J. Hines, heart of the Japanese empire Mlaa Eslth Xallow and bar sia- Hundred.s of instances can be Her son had just gone that day to trustworthy treatment. A; call to Chaplain Corps, XJ. S- Office Opea Dally s., Children hustled, into: the cbhrtroom at the hlll-country cult of snake hand ier, Mrs. PhylUa Mason, of where in The Herald last summer. pointed out w’hereby surrounding a camp in New Hampshire for two and Thnrs. Bvealnc 7 to I F.'M. lers today after state troopers Manila, July A 0 — (JP>— U. S. ■Guam, July 30—4A7—Three high again today as the U. S. We have just been-Informed that the department the other day meritorious service Hi connection RAYS FOR; iMiuest of the presiding judge Street are apehdlng a vacation of property has been protected bYthe weeks. She had no idea where the 876 MAIN STREET '■only a short while after police burst into thrtr .rites and killed Army planea blew apart the mid­ Navy sent its bold Third fleet one of the croWs,-or a pear rela- boy had tossed out the bundle of concerning the Brapdt drownfnR‘+ ,I?’ith‘* militarv operations from Slqlmess or aortdent I American military leaders today 10 daya at AUimtic Ctty- They are zoning regulations. ^ Many people ^accident brodght immediate and August 5, 1944 to May 1, 1945 as Telepboae 6440 or 6M8 had announced ;toelr search :■ for four of their reptiles. ship's section of the battleship H.a- in to shell one big industrial stopping at the Hotel Strand, Uve, U hack at hla old haunts on rubbish. when oonOned In aay haepitil ■'What are our sons in the Army promised Japan an unprcdSSen.ted who have long been owners of val­ effi.cient response. All details were Assistant Chaplaiii, Headquarters ■ J anywlMre In the O. 8. A or him had ^en unsuccessful. runa, damaged an aircraft car­ ued pieces of property have seen The police officer had left be­ fighting for anyway” shouted' cult dosage o f'. destruction to be c’lu city and-1,500 American aM fore the woman had considered this available almost ipimediately aft- Special Troops, 12th Army Group. Cnmula. Room and board eX- Materiel Needed Offend rier and prpbably deatrdyed an es­ threats,.to their propertlM defeat­ the drowning was discovered. Exhibiting' tireless , devotion to leaders at yesterday’s Interruption maxed by invasion in overwhelm­ British carrier planes ripped ed through apphcatlon of the angle ab she didn’t know where pensee op to $8.00 per day tor He follow:ed to the' stand of their ritual, propounded as a cort; carrier anS a criilser In up 60 air flelds and other- mB- the papers ,wf re. She was frantic. There were few, If any, facts duty, enthusiastic interest In the first SO days’ eonflnemeat— Sdouard Herrlot, three times ing force. zoning laws. missing-to tbe report. It wasn’t spiritual well-being of the troops, demonstration ' af faith based bn hea-vy strikes Saturday at the itary Installations from Kyushu • She decidetTlo drive to Bolton Mid $8,00 per ffity tor .next 00 daye* premier betweep.^ wars, who said the scriptores. . Rear Admiral. D. C. Ramsey, Blit, there have been applications' ask different people about the caiae. essary to wait for some officer and complete sacrifice of personal 'U n i f o r m s eonfinenient. This plan oiay be Japanese Naval bases of Kure and chief of staff of the .U. S. Fifth to Tokyo itself. of the regulations which seemed that President RopSevelt "placed • PteapherS of the cult at ..the aft- 8asobo,. General MacArthur an­ She went to one home and ask­ file his report hours late. The cohsideratioin he faithfully h n ^ changed and designed t o 8t the Fleet, declared in a broadcast to Triumph FqUowa Triumph beyond reason—such as a business For Gas Rtatioos. Dairies, at our dtspoeol' iraterieJ which we emob(^ong cerpmony dwelt at' nounced today. ed "Would you know where a Ij r investigating officer didn’t gozealously tended to rellgiojjs' need«vot' any bidlvidnal groim needed In the dg^ before the col­ the United ■ States that the inva­ American war power, parading', man being denied the right to park Oarages, Etc. Lettering lengtm upon the comment of an ; The raids by the Okinawa- of papers and ipagazines hm'E back- to his heat after conducting needs of the men. His constant • of Insnred worhera. No medl- lapsed of F^phcefc. When Herrlot sion already had begun in effect, from one l^mentous week/Into his trycka on his own property— his inveSUgatlori; He gave hiS'W-. vigil over the spiritual welfare o f and Emblems of---411. Types. unidentified soldier wearing rib­ based Far East Air forces, which with the ever-tightening blockade been thrown out Ip, Bolton jm A * IiUmedlate Delivery. eal examination; concluded, thie^ state announced It bons and medals who before the another, piled up triumph after, such as denying a doctor the right complaint made abbut it^ ’ 'The perior officer the report' Immedi­ this command contributed im­ Phone, Write or CaD On are, under XSIacAtthur’s overall and eycr-lncrcaaing bombing and to open an oflice in a former resi had finished Us list of witnesses. officers intervened walked up to triumph in , a' message' of ^ steel Bolton woman said -rtie didn’t ately after he had ascertained measurably to the- Wgh morale so command, were on the same day encIUng of the enemy’s home Is­ and fire that the Allied surrender dence located, directly across the Herriot ' accused - Petain of them and asked: that American carrier-based Na­ know. The facts. It sure is a pleasure' to necessary for effipiftit effort." thwarting the government’s effort "What are we .fighting for?- lands. ultimatum meant-what it sal(L~ street from two tilling statlons-X« her story. X- deal with such an efficient 'police Silver MedM C'Hotlon .. - CLEMENT ALLEN & val planes ’also were heavily 'strik­ Maj. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, such aa denying the right to con­ I to escape to North Africa. .This la dictatorship." v ing Kure. quit or be'-destfoyed. The keen-mlnde^Bolton woman chief as Tim Kelleher of the East The citation that given him UNIFORM CO. All'ce M»n | | Suzuki Declares There •The Ameriten Mercury" maga­ SURE mSURANCBI eral de Gatme. Their elubs raised, the officers Building Let coordinated with that of the car­ to Tokyo, bunting Japoneto Sir-' as Edison snd Harvey Firestope? He testified he became a mem­ moved in among the men, women rier .filers at low and medium al planes and alf flelds, railroad In -. zine. the Xurrent Issue of which If they hadn’t^ been allowed the Slnce.it aeems that everybody Is No Change in Funda* appeared''^ the local news-stands has taken a shot at solving the dil Burners ' d ia l SSie — BBS MAIN ST. ber of Petalh’s staff lii 1934 but and youngsters fighting to get to titude.*. Perhaps mortally hit, the comotives . and anything elM Of ' yesteril^, you’ll see « good ex- prlvliege of bsekdoot. downstairs IralSc problem at'Jhe Center, the- was dismissed soon afterwards by the snakes. Open Today old ghost ship finally, waa beached mental Policy ib Con­ military value. ‘^ror Vacation for AH Sfld up-attlc /experim«it where •nd < ' Bdouard .paladier, "who needed a They dragged off a few snake ampkS of that' long srm of coinci­ Office Gagman thinks it Is'within by "Oie Japanese late Saturday tinue Pushing vWar. One returning fighter group dence. The Jeafling article deals. would they have been able to com­ hls'rights to make a stab at thh victim. handlers, made them drop their for Trials afternoon.) roainjKl at will over a "deoMted” plete thelr/great Inventions? "I was .the only French officer •T 1th Wlnstoii Spencer Churchill puzzlbx, himself. Here are. his Furnaces . hbptlies and killed the anakes. ’They^ Only Observation Tow­ Aricroft 'Carrier Hit Tokyo before hammering a hug# Cifiployees defeated as Prime Minister of Now let’s look at Manchester. who protested against the decay took two. to the highway and made Fifth Air Force heavy bombers, San Frariclsco, .July 30r— '(/P) -r- war plant In the southeast section- Christopher Spencer perfected the views: ' , A Few Stm^Availabl/ Englhnd In the returns of Thura- Since the. North Enders firmly, of the French Army.” he said.- them turn loose snakes they had er o f Empire Stale Evfen Some of Supposed ■which .like the Seventh art part Japairi will ignore the Allied sur­ of the capital. It didn’t draw -a - Speheef rifljs fright here in Man­ Herriot; recovered from an IM- concealed undeih their shirts. believe th4y are self-sustaining Building Is Closed* Parlevs Enter of the Far Ea.*t Air Forces, struck render ultimatum, and^riven as the slngle round' of. anti-Sirdraft lira. Monday/July 30 Througli, ttiagszine article must have chester—-In a' -shed:—on Hackma­ RAlikl lFFE OIL CO. Jarvis Offers These neiss, told of events leading to tlie Mfiiuige 'll) .Save TS»'o. Snake* Iron Men W ho 'Bnilt^ . s/ the, unidentified aircraft carrier The ' mighty Super-Fortress tack,street' He also perfected and need nothing from the South Tel. Hertford 1-6I01 . ■ • ' ' _ ■ ; * / land of the Mlkado/rocked from itten some time sgro.to ap­ End, there Is no n^ed for ^ Cross­ armistice and the. assum^ion...nf Four snakes were dead when 'ihe y Military Machine-'Go-ii at kure. Fighter " pilots wHo command announced "excelleat Saturday, ^gust 4 pear In yesterday’s Issue. B u t't la steam^ driven automobile tai th town bus. Surely no pne from 888 Mapte Avenue — Hartford Houses •- How AVeildble dictatorial powers by the aged' Pe­ melee was over but the cviltlsts Bulletin!', Home Stretch raided Sasebo Navy yard, on the thie latest shower/of shell and results” In the boiriblng yesterday strikingly timely. The Very fl« t Same "shed. ■ . . . the South End wants to gp north. tain, accused ■ of Intelligence with managed to-save at least two for a ing to Pieces ' Now. ^ west coast of Honshu Island, re­ bombs. Premier Suzuki declared: of six of the 11 forewarned Japa­ Joshua Hollister had a backdoor the enemy -and plotting against later meeting. They forthwith an­ Neiv York, 89— i/Pi — paragraph r e v e a 1 a that the Residents of the GreVn and East Buslne*a was ifesumed ■ toda.v ported the probably destruction of “ ’There is no change whatsoever nese industrial target' towns, a Churchill family hiotto for ^any woodworking shop on South Main the security of- France. nounced that ■'A new cerembhy the escort carrier and a light in the fundapiental policy of our mission accompliigi^ without tilii... street He was -S, cabinet maker Center street section, "The Upper GLENWOOD STREET— WHITNEY ROAD^ wmild be held next Sunday With on 76 floor* of .the 102-Storjt, Mo n d b r f, Luxembourg, TnimaiiV ' Atilee ami OPEN FOR BUSINE^ generations has been "Faithful -lut Crust," all haVe autos. That elim­ Two Staunch Friend* ' Empire jita te bulidlng, where cruiser, both of which they said government, to continue the prose- UnfOrtuhSte.” How that wak borne of considerable fame during Revo­ inates the Green bus. .As for OPEN 5 and 6 Duplex. Lot 106x 4-Room Shigte with avail­ "France had .two staun.ch friends plenty of snakes. July 30.— —Top Nazis . Stalin Work on Final were shaken by g^'eat explosions .cutlon of the. war.’' (Continuad on Page Six) lutionary war days. He construct able apace tor two additional The leaders went ahead .with .Saturday a B-25 bomi>er crash­ out by the results of Thursday. Hartford buses ir-. there’s nothing $50. Hot alY beat in Churchill and Roosevelt,’’’ Her­ ed'into the 79th floor, killing and even some of the sup­ Altogether, the Par East, Air ■'•TTie 78-ye'ar-old premier- thus MONDAY, AUGUp 6^ /. ------d ed a wardrobe In hlS backdoor yon can Duy in Hartford that You AUGUST 1 rooma. Seml-afr eondltkiBlng rlot said. "We knew Britain would their exerc.i8es, holding flaming Lan^age of Pact. Forces flew more thanYOO sorties put the rejection stamp of his gov- woodwift'king -shop for Martha beaL Laundry In basement. torches to their open mouths—an­ 13 persona'- and Injuring 26 posed iron men who built and f One of this state motof vehicle cannot buy here. Bing, go, thoseN WALKER STREET— fight to Oi« Roosevelt -had other*, ^m e. confusion wo* « */’* • - and listed 18 enemy/Wilps as de­ erritpent on the Potsdam procloma. Inspectora who WM 1® town re-, Washlh'^dn. She congratualted Storm windows, eereena On-: placed at oUr- disposal material other ritual in their faith-healing bossed the German niilitary |- stroyed or probab^ destroyed In tion" in a statement aired to the him upon his flnei-workmanshlp. buses., ELITE STUDIO reported in the lobby, because Potsdam, July 30^/P)— Presi­ cehtly checking automobiles for So there you sre. ladies and gear 6-Room Single. Coal fur^ mge.'^replaee. $ 9 1 M month­ which we needed and.J felt lure creed..They also claim to gulp machine "dre going to'piecesi; 'waters from thx^ipanese home­ United States-by the Tokyo radio, C3nrus Buckland at' a small farnf 986 MAIN STREET nace. Oil hot water heat, FuUy ly after reasonable Jlown pay- down poison as a test of faith. only four of 10 -elevator* serv- dent Truman, Prime Minister Att­ defective ^ulpipent-tells us about tlemen. Yoyr problem is' solved. that the day would come when he Ing.'the 66th to l02hd floor* ihorally and physically as land. to MalayaXnd sbuthern Bor­ recorded by the Federal CktmmunW one of the many odd excuses driv­ shed In Buckland perfected the tnsnlated. Screens , and storm menL would lead the United States Into lee and Premier Stalin worked on cations'Commission. (toita BuUettos ot, tbe UP) Wire) first production-of'firearms No buses; no^-traffic problem. w;ere operating. Otfter eleva­ they wait behind -barbed, wire ers gave, for the equipment iMtng mass —A. Nqn.- wIndowB, Bennttfbny Inndk the war. (OOnttnned Ml Page Two) the flnar language of tentative on Page Sis) He made' the statement a| a cab­ right here in Manchester. He was s u m m it STREET— tors operated at reduced speed. Mafidiesteib Di^ Cleaners in poot condition. One autolst wss senped. „ ... "We had no right •, to betray v:. ■ *’ for thbir war crimes trials. inet press, conference yesterday, StoppM on East Center street. ’The the first man to adopt the Idea of ouch confidence,” '-^. ' Records kept by the- Arffiy since agi^mejit reached in ,11 days of Tokyo reported.- and asserted "so Bnrglare Flout Detectives 4-Rpom single, apace to Bn- New York, -' July 80—(/P)—The Oilcago, July SO—(Al—Burglare 9S WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7^54 Inspector doesn’t remismber wheth­ priiducing parts of firearms In EAST CENTER ST.— tab off tw o m ore iqiatalrs.' Herriot, whb waa In German de­ this Interrogation center was toplfight Jrtlbefatlpns as the Big far aa the Imii'crial government Is large quantities and then' assem Emplr^State 'building- re-tfpens for broke Into the cnsloUloii'a' office of - V y_-_l . ______er It ■was a local motorist or some- Steam beat, copper plimiMnff, tention after being arrested In DeGaulle Gets . Opened May 13 told today, of the Three confpri;nce entered the Japs’ General conceriied, it will take no notice of dne Just driving through town. blbig them toto the finished prod Beaatlfnl 8-Roo« Single, 4 tnsniatlon, screens. Storm win­ Lyon In 1940, said Fortner .Prism-:' business' today, despite the shat­ atrangp effect of fear and, confine­ home stretch today on a keynote iht,proclamation.” : the Detective bureau „on the lev- WANTED 'enth f ^ r pf police heiridqaaiters z: The foot brakes were" found to uct. He did>tnfs ill a shed In hla- bedroonis, large etoeplng porch dow*. Large loL ler Paul' Reynaud aaked-his oplb- tering impact of an eight-ton ment on the survivor.* of'the Ger­ of harmonj^. As' for recent Heavy Allied sea ba defective. The autolst- waa told father’s ba«kyard. WOMEN AND GIRLS and «uiporch. 2-car garage, lon 08 to whether the government Sharp Rebuff Army bomber which struck it man clique that once rulfd Eu­ Observers here believed the har­ Still Problem and air attacks on Japan,juid de-' over the v.evli-eiiil and took cO(|h that he..would have to get them So It wtould seem that the history OVER 14 . YEARS Gf AGE on Imt. Lar^ lot ' ^ OAKLAND STREET— should leave France after the Ger­ Saturday morning, killing 13 per­ rope. . -• monious resumption of the confer­ fensive measures cohteihplated, onff Jewelry valued at- $10,000. Otto Voigt, assistant cuatodlon, fixed report the fact, t* the of Indi^ry.ln this country snd in TO SEW SHADE ORGWN mans took Paris -and shattered ,thp sons aim smashing an ISrfoot wide ence following the defeat of Win­ Suzuki said, in a neat bucic-passing motor vehicle department. ’The this town seems to'have been based 4-Room Single. Hot air beaL French Armies. He’ said-he '.old " Never Recovered From Fear • reported the intruders lingered for TOBACCO MAIN STREET. . Boilt in 1042. Speculation on Resigna­ gap Ih its .north wall. ston Churchill’s .::government by comment: , driver theh said, "Well, mister, on backyard or cellar workshops. Reypaud:. Announcement of the re-open- . TTie'-records showed that: the British Labor party ari^j-cd Yamashita Carrying on "I leave-this with‘absolute^con­ smokes, leaving the flobr littered MANCHESTER-^ 'with some 75 cigarette and match' don’t need.any better brakes. This Why try to stifle that ao'rt of enter­ Truck leaves'‘Post Office at STAFFORD SPRINGS— ‘T prefer to be shot by the Oer-" tion as Referendum Ing came .from Lieut. Gen. Hugh Hermann Goering never has rfr^ well for a aiicceasful conclusion War in Area So High fidence in the .hands ofoiur strate-' oldibua can't go over 20 miles an prise? > '. S-Family Ronse. _ 1st Boor d mans thah hated-by the French." A. Drum,' president of Empire .covered fully from the .abject fear stub*. They.missed $ 2O O ,o0O addi­ the Center at 6:S0 a. m. Stops O-Room Single, 6 and hath There has ,been no noticeable gists.” ' hour." '«i roofna and fireplsim: 2nd ’Boor . The court announced thaL^gr Plans Are Rejected. State,Xnc., who 'Jtddcd that only. df death he showed whep first break In the continuity qj^the dls- He claimed that aircra|t prodiic- tional cosh In m vault safe, he salJ, at East Mlddto Turnpike and on flrat Boor. Asphalt roof, 2- brought here; "--r-;- Clouds Blo(^ Combat. , • • • ^ YODR NEW HOME - An advertisement that has been leaves Bus Station at North End 5 rooms and flreplaoe; 3rd rtlsslons and prospects were for On-several occaalons during the appearing In 'The Herald on used- Boor 4 rooma.; Oil beat car garage. 2 acres of land. (Contlnaed oa Page' SU) (ConMnned on Pag.i TWo) Rdbert Lcy,\onetime. overlord iMust Gut Newsprint Orders at 6:86 a, m. Fireplace. - -Brook throngh K P h ^ , July SO.— pro^r place at the ,end Sorry, we can't -help you out on Annawan Street— bate, the,assembly tu m ^ down- with Japan, there was’ no authori­ dead In the first "27 daysvpf July qulred, WPB sold, because United your choice, "i- ' .. ... XC FOXCROFT DRIVE— Told to Return to by a. vote of 210 to 19 the govern­ ~"gins Drafting Program man; Ships Have Felt . At­ of the line..— ' V this one' "West . .Sider” because BUILDING LOTS 2-Famlly House, 5 and 5 and | Dr. Han$'-Franz, Nazi chieftain tative information ' Whether the testifies td bitterness of th'is con­ S^tes orders for newsprint ex4 Women have practiced this an­ we’d like to get a few pair of 4-Rooitt Single, . available L Hot water beaL Northern Italy Now. ment’s proposal to hold a referen­ To Give to Parliament. Paelflc would be mentioned spe flict. It is chaihcterized by the cf^ded supply by 11,500 tons. Otfl- apace for two npstalra. Oil dum during the October national in Poland, who arrived - at Mon- tacks From Intrepid. clols said that the direction wwiM We have sites avidlable la all parts of town. The noying habit quite frequentty of ahorto ouraalves. AT THE GREEN , dorf wearing only a pace^of ,10ce clflcally In the final statement. terrain, - which Lieut. Gen., Oscar bimL bet water. Screeas and EAST HARTFORD— elections to deterpolne Whether Usually decisions affectiner mill W. Griswold, commander of the '— . ■ *t In no way chong^ the relaxation following Is a pt^ial list of locations submitted for your Into *11*^ ^ aeems that another pet stoFQi windows. Reereatloa Madrid, July .30—W)—The Span- the electorate favorra s' return to London, July 30—OP)—The '.jrob:' panties; vaccilates betwton hys­ Washington, July 3QlX ^ — of the quota amount allowed-pub- trick Is toJect In front of a man We hear alon|r.the street from > ■ ' See . I iah' news agency Cifra said today teria and acbrii, crying out that tary nTTalra. are withheld • unless the 14th corps, termed the most mom. Large loL - Chapel Street— the Third Republic’s . 1875 consti- iem of providing houses for Brit-' the influence exerted bv.their pub Nearly 300 Japanese ships . have Usher* during this third quarter. approval: who usually dpesht care |o comm come of our Bolton vlsitora that iPlaiTe LaViJ had been ordered by ain’4 homeless waa givefl top pri­ T am A criminal.-'' rugged he ever encoimtered. Stub­ ♦ • ♦ a commotion hy-<, telUhg these there la some dimculty In getting < 2-FamUj, 6 and S and tuUon. . .., --v-Hh lication outweighs others cjonsid born enemy resistance la. colored felt the sting of the USS Intrepid, Hot air heat. Slate roof. I the Spanish government to return Adopts CoonW-Proposal ority today on the legislative pro­ Olfloer* Ga. to Ffeeea herself ..bit ojtener than any other "cheatein” oil. * • a pastor for the Bolton Center William jCanehl To Settle An Estate— Immeffiately , to northern Italy, ergons. . ' v by the.,tect'hn unusually" high to­ .Must Agree On War Triala .E££NDER ST. PA^RER ST. The assembly then adopted. gram which Prime Minister Att­ T|te deteiHoration is apparent Ariierican aircraft carrier. . London, July SO.'—Id') -e- Aa au­ E i'- It’s too bad that this situation Cpngregatlonal church. It' seems General Cmtmctor 6-FAMILY BRICK— from where lie flew t<} Spain a|ter lee’s new. Labor cabinet has begun TTie U. S.,’Senate’s ratification tal of 1,543, including 982'"Japan- ~'-v exists, especially -for men and Stanley Streeit— 186 to 45, a left-wing bouqter-pro- even .Ih .{lorne of the general offi­ of the United Nations charter with ese soldiers and 83 Japanese civil­ Elack in action after her fourth thoritative American source sold 519 Center 8U TeL 777S [the coDapee bL^Mrinany. drafting for submission to Parlia­ damaging brush with the enemy today Justice 'Robert H. Jackson CENTER ST. PROCTOR ROAD^ women who wCTk In shops and fac­ Individual steam -heat each 2-Family, 5 and S. 4-«»r| I The dispatch said ^ the former posal, already condemned public­ cers who planned and-helped exe­ ohl,v two op'j^aition votea'^otmed ians, have surrendered this month. apartment and S-faiUily BsL ly by deGaulle, proposing election ment when it convenes Aug. 15, ; cute the moat ruthless war in hls.- in 15 aetjon-fliled months,''the In­ bod told British, Rnsalaa and tories an day long and are prac­ garage. Hot water benL. IVichyjmmler had been told to Opening of the first Parliament the president with a trump card yit won’t be over for us," Grls- EAST CENTER ST. P O I ^ R S T . tically dead tired by the time shop­ oU bnfaer beaL Alee elx of a sovereign unicgmeral Legis­ tory. They accepted defeat on os-the deliberations entered “'the woM said, "until the Jkponese sur­ trepid is after new laurels to-^add French representatives that «■ [leave Barcelon “as soon as possl- ■eaaion in British history.. to be sgirement must be reached this ping is done edi'y to find women Fresh Suited Niits ragea. Oak StreeL near Mala ProM>ect Street— I ble” aboard the German plane lature with representatives of the battlefield, but when the sym­ final stage.' -He now is able to render, are killed, or are driven to her record that already in­ StreeL Very good laveet- France’s colonlea participating. controlled by a clear .Laborite n%-. cludes 80 Japanese ships 8unk,' -30 week on plans for trial of ertra- EARL ST. PRINCE^NST. jumping tai front uf them in line 2-FomlIy, 8 and 5. Hot water I Ivdiich hroqght him to Spain with jority was postponed last night bols of their power—‘their batons tell Russia and Britain that the s5 far Into the hills that they no and pi^ongtng their stay fat the uwaL' beat. 2-eor gorag^ Large loL| lAeveral collaborationist eompan- During the afternoon session —were taken away, they went to United States’ abandonment of longer are a military factor'^"' probably ..sunk arid' 179 damaged. Inals. Jackson Is spedal U. B. FOREST ST. British- deGaulle had told delegates he from Aug. 8 in or,d^ing of dentobiUxa- the Wire, with their 'authority and Justice worild be meted out to war fully organised pocket of Japan- trap the otlnd, the carrier re­ fere the Senate ' JARVIS REALTY CO. BIG PRIZES! M A IN ■ » -SB AUDCAHDBR raO NCS 411tr AND < Washington. "^July 30.—blV -ilia Nevertheless the vote may in-> tion to free men for vital produc­ their fancy bnlforma gone, -they 'criminals. . In addition, it was re­ eae J!Mti(tanc* remaining on Lu­ turned to' Pearl Harbor for rs- cemmlttee.. mXElRAL BOia oaltion of the Treasury July 27: dlcate- the stale of national sentl- W41Y ' WcekBays a ^ Suadays tion. are a 'pretty aorfy lot. TTiey are called Japan would be required td zon. A'h eatimated 10,700 Jaip- palra, oteered with her snginn. admlelstrat^. I Open Thareday Until 9 P. M. I Receipts, $109,426,646.02; ex- meht. Most resistance organiza-^ (21—Reduction pf modification scared to ^eafh. They distrust make reparations and- woul^ be apese are trapped in approximate' [ ' The Truk action took place 146 S.1 Mstn street BUB4P WITH $AI4V1^ FOR SCUUBOm iitures. S4I8:402J06.60; taffi- 411t affid # 7S )VED Admission 25c dosed At 5:90 P. M. i i I $22,579^8.443A1« LCIbs M— i OR t i n T n X lOMttaiie* u Faf« MzJ; ..r'- ■V. .. ■ 1

ilANUHESTEK UVENING HERAI.D. MANrHESTER, 'J( m 5 n D A Y . JU 1!M 5 ■>>;> M A N (^R T E li EVENING HERALD; MAN( JXiA. MONDAY/ /Y 30. i 94i"' > r '' ■ ^— ■ •«« / dence that Jus wife would be ex­ lllp^aftgl of Stamford an ury; paU loly NhwJjriu toj:, Mrs.- onerated in cour£: tur* "of thf period wtH be over-J suicide plaae Jtit. causing, addt- Will Not Itaii /X Bernard Ocretn|mo of Stam ^ i'.l.Tiy . DtSca^* Af Rildgcport; hl.s- tibnl^ casu ^ fiss and gravely 'en-' Uiiite^ Nations May Inh hjii statement, .Stevens' said. . Heads Wombq(s’ AurtUsify torlan, Mrs. L. 'R-rCita Mjirino ■ ol niRht' problem onil bivoiia’O,' the' a in j^ o i^ s B e t ’o n i ^ TsKill Farmers’ he Whs convinced hih;,:wife shot X Oil Burners entire bettalioir; intiudinK Medt-1 dangering Ole c a rrie r., The wonjen’s tuixUiafy clecteil>1 Derbyj/g;uard, Jli-s, F e n c e s Fog- State iung,:Jj;py,aca in the beltfef;that lih, Miss Mlnni^- A. Sauinq of Siami- .lia o T B r l '...... /-*. . . a,ml- - • , cal and Service ^mpanlea. taking Again rapalrad, the. fiiUgpid re­ ^ i i g e P ,w ^ ah intruder In the Milton not! Bridgeport; Jud^e advocate. ' turned to .action with fast, carrier ford presiden^,.4&d cb( these,. Mr8. Anna Penzutlo or HsisUord’: | part. / ' No^Melatives’ AUied D^niand Eour Snakes Of fiee Moves ait .where she wa# .tempOrapily other offiperfl: Senior vice' Goto tic Lieitt. CV)lonel Winiam J. M ax­ T a s k f o r c e , S&^and saw actiqi». in cnthiMed'wlth the .care of the two ^esl^treasiirer, Mrs. Mary Aiphielm. of< FurnOces the /battle. In whigh the ’ carrier •Xi - y dent, hirfi. Madaline 'YaccavQrfhv^f Stamford: secretaryX>frs. GMh-| well. 2nd Batlalfbh ’ t?ommanfler,' Stevens Return t6 Miltolucljlldren. ^cw Hciven MSh C ho8> n H iytford; Jiinlor ';-vlce presldcn A Few SHH AvqJIabla. is ramp commander .for the pejj- Krsmkiln was severely, damaged At Cult Rites one of the Big Five votes against' Coroner'Rtelher, in holding Mrs. crine B'idnoff of^Rtbrnford. an^H No Will Exisis fih .Man Surrender Now Possible tG So Edr Only Four Coun­ Iss Julia Bleemaid of Norwalk jstccs, Mrs. /Ma'fy DcLnca of Companies A»in ^3a. The ,^rd B attalion, Waterb!Jr.v, Jast March. One suicide plane It. If one of the Big Five were an tv YF* leii Furlotigh Stevens ■•' Static (!!o>i]inandur aiming for the Franklin, crashed conductres^ Mr«- Domehica Fla HaHmrd. My!!: Julia Caporat* of X r a u k i .i k V e o i l c a Lieut. Colonel Peter Fox, ,edm- W’hoi. nipri H ere on (Contliioed Fron4 Page One) (Oontlnued from Page One) act Business -at tries Have Joined Or- aggressor tt would be -a cinch to th e . Tel,'Hartford 1-6161 ' II. Battalion for^lO D a^ into the water so near the’Intrepid V. t- vote "No." This Week. Coitivention.^s. gello of New' Haven;, , chaplain. New •Rayem and Mrs. Mary Testa lanfUng. will ^ a i e CainiT Bald-1 that Mra. Angelina Vlega of' Water-' of Noi 898 Maple Avenoa/.*^ HsfWwfi ■ for. the lO'.’days w ith the 2o sentence f' ‘'They shall take up serpents and fq^er members of the First Na­ '' ■ goodbye. X new stpl«''commkn,der of the Ital- Guard. Jollied the 2nd Battalion, -qut. however, and the vessel con- By James Marlow Economic and Social gounctl. A frpilKhla European pabatch'^P Black Mfrfket8 ian-Aiherican WorieV Waf Veter- 194.1, filed in p'robate^'Tourt. this “Shoii’ld this produclicuc quot^ if they dririk any deadly thing It tional Farm Loarr Aasoglation of tlon **aHy^ this month to the side ConneiUtmt State Guard Sunday Deaths mSrning .shows- a value of Jft,- tmued la^ctidn against the ene­ ahall not hurt them. They shall lay- Washington; July 30 — (/P) quiet part-of the organization. It :Ws. having beep, elected a|-^thc my, ui^ll April 16. That day. aa have heed completed Juki a Ml Hartford,-' the Lincoln National will have 18 members sitting ort morning for 10 days Wraining a^r 063;.W. He left nO will and 'as far a.s earlier, we would haye avoided hands on' the'' sick and they . ahaU Here’s an explanation—pow .that of his WJfe''Imogene who is await­ Be Assailed organization's'' two-dqy convention can.be learried no relatives.- .Mr, her plaileq^ were blasting the Jap ­ causing much wbiTy Jro vario«>S ctr recover.” " . Farm Loan Association of Hart­ the cduncIL • ing trial' In thCf Fairfield county which closed here last night. , ' Camp Baldwin. Niahtic. The New Yorli—iohn Pollock. «4 anese. homd-dstands, one of five sui­ ford, and the First National Farm the Senate has approved' oOr Join­ ^Vfrfs.wa.s for many years etpploy-- cles." Bitten on Forefinger Clan StadjKProblems Superior court on 'nliargeB of man­ Others elected were: First'Jun­ ft. locarmilltary units assemfiled^/it I ^ ed a.s's male nurse in Hartford, but cide' craft woke through the He said aircraf^ plants lied gone Toward the end’ of the services, 1/oan Association pf Enfield who ing the United Nations—of what This body can study problems Wahhingion ^ 1 y ,30X(/pr--The ior vice commander, William Dl- ' . . . ■>» on Ibealneal protJileer.^nd a brottr- screen of ack-ac)^and crashed on have obtained leans, through the slaughter in the fatal-vShooting. of tbe SUte. Armory at 7..<10 Sunday ChannlnR Pollock, play- for the past 12 years has made his undergrou""*rrground, pictured ^ m e 'con­ Raymond H*yss of Cumberland, the score is. of reconstruction, education, trade, gpVernment ^ a y .planned an Sesa of Fairfield; . second. Junior home in Manchester. He roomed the flight deck. The bomb tore Ky., ^-active partlcloant. held up Federal Land Bank aY;SprlngfteId. a young submarine sailoKat New ’er-a!l drive/on black market ac­ vice commander, Patsy Alfano of pi’epar'atory to departure ftnU the ^^vright. . • nectede d fay a '‘Considerably, long*,' Mass., can DOW transact much of , The orgapHEatlon probably won’t health, things llke'.thnt. for most of th a t time in a house on through the hangar deck, where undeerground-waten^y, and skip-' his hand and SholH'ea he had been be operatrhg for another year. So But even should it find danger­ Canaan on June 23, will tivities and/thx chlsclers. . Torrington; sergoauit-at - arms, imlta bo.arded atate }ii8hw".v Mo.scow-SerKci Alliliiev. fath er was UTiemployed, its explosion killed nine men and their busHiesa with the bar quest an extension when his H eads^ four big agencies will SalvatQte ‘ DiModica of Middle- I trucks *t 9 a. m. Tlie coiivoy ping to the food prpihlem, promised bitten on the forefinger. He chaJ- through A new association pffic far only the United States, Costa ous or evil spots in a member na­ of ■Prehiler Stalin's second j speeding much, of his time st the wounded 21. ' Increased raUhna.'He said the re­ (lenged anyone to discover any -Rica; El Salvador and Nicaragua tion, It could do nothing direct lough ends scAnetime this pneet/h^"noop to map out 'CTTforcc- town; chaplain, James Pansullo of ^ ”1”- according to an obituary.1 0 Prav- jihraby where he tljd.much reading. Resu'iting flamea destroyed 36 Swelling or other ill effecL locaM 'at 130 Washington street about,l,t. It cannot tell a member family spokesman has assc: ment/plahs. Hai'tford; ..-quartermpster, IIW pany C, Rockville, under com- ■ cent 10 per ctn i slash in rations in Hartford. /have Joined. . Stevens will report foi^uty at da. /V I Kolio^i(ig his death Frank planes, but the fires, were out ip-^ was designed/to '"prepare our­ Magistrate John Keller of Har­ A na'tUin Joins when its go'vern- to mend Its ways. forney General Tom C. Clark thew SanMarco of New Haven; ; grand of C^tain Francis Ciatty; less than an hour, while the In­ ' Xa a means of providing better once when his furloiiglj/ends, the aimoihiped that he. Secretary of ofticer'of the day, Joseph Basso of ■ Company <3f Manchester, under Detroit Sliemlan Kv Weli^^.O^ Cheney.. Jr., wa.s nameit adm'inis- selves for along war.” lan, Ky.. asserted, however, that ment gives formal approval to the It can only make a report to *he for the of hiS estate ali'd the Inven- trepid continued maneuver^iyUh; the deaths of eight- faith healera . and more economical service .-'fb charter—rules and regulations — United Nations on what it has spo)(esman said S'undi the Treasu,ry Vinson, Secretary of 'rorrington; state commltteqman: "IWO-FIAVOR PACK AST command of Captain Frank geiieral manager dstm^Governinetit Backed , these farmers, the three qanbeia- Mrs. Stevens hnskeen at liberty . Agricul tu reNA n dc rson a nd - A cti n g . acWebel and Company H. Ueut. - »t Newcaatle, h he"'has tiled shows that her task force. She took.-aboard J. Houston from, snakebites in recent years' ,whlrh 50 natlons'drew up at ^ h found. It is hoped such exposure Jerome Giavahti. of New Haven, there hArf'been-'tevested in differ­ her own aircraft, but the damage Later'toda'y Radio Tokyo claim­ had been substantiated and aafd tions have consolidated and former to public view will shame a nation In bonds of $15,()p<) since JiilS* 12, OPA Administrator JanpM(C. Rog­ and State Executive copimittce. lltaurlce MUler. \ Francisco. \ / five days aftet/ner husband re­ ent stockA IS.TT.a ^h and bank de­ she'suffered forced her to return ed that a "man in the street’! p<>ll Samiuel'J. Houston, of 73 School there probably had- been nriany a new association taM^n as the Tho.se 50 included the Big Five into .doing right.' ers. Jr., will launch the attack. Sabato Cioffll of New Havep, Mi­ /The convoy, in charge of the .Miami Jacob l^eiiTor «4, to the.Jiunter’a Point, Calif,, dry-, showed t ^ t the Japanese people* Hartford National Fariq'-Loan As­ turned to thla"countiy. Vinson, in a mpmorandum to \ Hcrc are' two "five-.star” tfavdr hits .in one doubly posits of $277.21x T*here is .a lot street, has been appointed district others. / ' ■<—United Stales,. Britain, Russia, taternatlOnal Court of Justice. chael Montagno of Wateroury, Jsnlor officer. CapUiu F r a n k «o? , of the In NewingtorNvalued at $70. His docks for repairs. livere backing up the gqvepitfle.nt sociation. ITie/Hriw office, which is France, China^—and 45 , smaller It’will have 15 Judges, each serv­ Held Cptmlnally Responsible Treasury and Internal Revenue of­ Albert Gioicla of Torrington, delicious coftibinatlon! Genuine S'M/frif Ice Cream and ' Sctk&bel, made fendeattiUs with i M iller'R u b ^ r (,o., Al^on, O. ifi the rejection of tn^ultlm'atum. manager of ^ Hptpoint division occupied toindy with the Farmers ficials, said that 'll want to m'5ke death certiftcateTihows that he \^as flow the Intrepid li hunting for nations. ,, ing nine ■ years; chosen from, out- She was bound over to the Sii- a delightfully "summery" rc periorybourt on June 30 after be­ clear my finh determination that ing that place at 10:30 fpr the'Cator. 74. former president of the anese broadCiista^ acknowledge­ for the New York and New Jersey managed by F rank M. Kearns, aec-,. Before the organization , ;an . Its purpose is to hc_lp. nations ing .Jreld criminaHY^caponsible by the Treasury , department drive ing with lu.scious fruh. Serve this double treat in the ber 14, 1870, and alsp.. states that ■a^inat tax evaders shall be' pros­ cunp at Niantic. The battalion Mixed Court of Ap- j known relatives at the ments of Jth«r'week-end Naval .and area with offices at 570 Lexington g-v 'T' J ■ 5*d»cy-treaiaurer of M farm loan' start operating all five of the Big settle their internationtil disputes- ner Theodore Stejber for the RUBBER Sealtest Pint Package'often these warm summer days. convoy from Colchester to Niantic I P*"'- . . ; time of his death-. B-29 ^tadink-promised mobilizar avenue, New York, it was announc­ Vr p e n A O C lSy t>Moclation ami aecretary-treaaur- peacefully by legal means. of Albert Kovsbs. 19, of ecuted to the utmost.” j Five and a majority of the small­ Clark, who recently alerted Uni- | was in charge of Major \V. W. S.' London Margot Asquith,-. L'nIc.Sa...... relSfJves are located the Heavy Aerial Uon''of Japan's depleted fishing ed today. Mr. Houston will begin 7'-* ' er of the production creditc aasocia- er nations must give formal ap­ No, nation, unless it agrees, to, South Norwalk Into whom, police SHEETING Squire, battalion executive(' offi- Cbuntesa of Oxford and Asquith, will go tb the State of .tlon- :4"renks as a military organlzatidn - his duties on Sepletrtber 1. He has tiOn. Karl Qometz, the assistant has to take its problems to " said, Mrs. Stevens admitre^ fir­ ted States attorneys' throughout | (Uohtlnq^ Pi^m Page One) proval. , ■ , the country, said ip a statement I By the Yard. YOU CAN ALVTAYi DFPESn o s cer.: who knew intimately 11 prime! nscticui. V ' Blows to but missing from the airlanes was' been selling "GB” products for the. secretary-treasurer of'the new'aa- Once It ijtarts up in biSsiness. ♦he court. Once it does, however, iFls ing three shots In the home- a speech Suzuki was scheduled to the past 12 years more resentiy' at sociation. w ill. handle the field expected to abide by the, couyt de­ next door neighbors, Mr. and Mni, that "the black market man -liid | Arthur Drug-Stores Hie local companies will return- ministers including Gladstone, 1 the o l;^ n ’ation toWer of the 1,250- members mjjst agree on the size the income tax dodge are often j 8.45 5liiln Mt. Tel. 3890 to Manchester by truck on Au­ She was 81. have made to the Japanese nation the Brown, 'Thomson and Company work. To furtjier improve service of the armed force each will let cision. Charles Milton. Dealt Japan Saturday on the "coming battle of foot ''"^structure.- would remain to farm'era the - Land Bank has When the organizations In. op­ the same person.” __ gust 7. During the encampment New York -C harles K. Foster,* store in Hartfprd.. closed. He said q thorough inspec­ the organization use when needed Coroner’s bond was originally the units will receive training In 77, a director of the First Nation-- lioiiRiiifl; Given the streets." He is a'*mera'ber of the General placed with the new organization to keep peace. eration, a nation whicjr"n*** notH- set at $50,000 and was retained at Apparently it was not made, but tion had found no structural dam­ the authority -fpr accepting pay­ Ing ‘to do with up the Hqrglars Steal Watchdog close order drill and field prob-, al batik of Chicago. He was a na­ (pooRaueg Yrom Page Owe) Electric Sales Managers’ club, the age. , That probably wUl take a year that figure by. the New-Canaan lema and range practice. The fea- tive of DelrolL >i. Top Priority Tokyo gave no explanation of its Toppers'cluli.,a group of outstand­ ments on Land-'-Bank and LaM^ oj.jnore. Thert! may be a Stormy charter can Join, pedvided the Uni­ town court which ordered ♦he FENDER AND cancellation. An' Army Board of Inquiry Bank 'Commiasioner loans and for ted Nations m’envhers approve. black-tialfed Texan bound over to pra. Jll.—(4P)—Joseph Koc- anese people^mjiBt realize that ing' siUelirnen of "GE” , appliances checked the wreckage of.the 79th fight in Congress over this. It will Domel quoted interviews sup­ throughout the country/ He . has acting on requests for timber per­ Involve sending our forces into the Superior court. s tavern ia in a sechided spot BODY W ORK fuVther reaigtanc^ la se,paeleaa and posedly with an elevated railway floor of the buil(Ufig-7-9l3 feet the outskiiTs of Aurora, so he . (CV>ntlniied from Page Olie) been a floor superintendent for the mits, gravel pe'rinits, partial fo- aption abroad. FouiUl Dead In Bed Defense Attorpey David Go) will only land to tha. cpmplete de-' worker, a teacher, and a barber above Fifth avenue--for causes'of leasea, and on other matters on stein secured a reduction in bond igpt a watchdog;' Yesterday he r- ;wvvv#yvyvvyyvyyv»/vvv.yvvvA'vvYVvvvvn atnictiop' of their induatpiea and Hartford store the . pasL three the spectacular crash. ■S^feeh we must decide how far SOLlMKNK A FLAGG of the Income and exceaa.. profits who had been bombed Out of years. .As spon as he arid Mrs. which farmers have previously "had . { the p'rcsidehlucan go in . telling our to $15,000 from Superio^/G ourt told .police that bpr^tprs broke in­ INC. •/ Ssttomsi D^iry Pr^acti Corpormtiom CALL rs NOW V. " t»jccH to. Ijf.t the burden from, the their, vrrban and induatriarm reas.” everything but his "clippers oi’d- • Army., bfficials made no definite to write to the bank at Sprin^eld. Stanan^' 30— (/P) -^An to the tavern, stole t^O. 10 bot­ Join the fun In the Settiett Vlftene Score, luning Jack Haler. Thursdars, 9:50 P. M., 1 ' Network - fDimsey spoke on the Mutual Houston' can make arfangements representative on the. Security honorably discharged vpteran of Judge William H. Comley'on July, 834 Center 8 t,' Tel. 5101 .. .if your refrigeralor needs servicing. Our refrigera- middle classes and Industry. razor.'! All. said Domei, remained statem,eht regarSThg damage ' to Under this new arrangentent, it council when and where to prorn- 11 apd Mrs.-SteVens ^ )^ t free t le tles of 'whiskey and the Watchdog. ne.tw'ork: LeMay on American they will take up residence in New the building, which General Drum then'C*®nl war Identified by Dr. Uon e.vperta will lOnate {he trouble, make the nexes- 13i —Natlonnlizstlon of basteCh- unshaken w ^ a reSolVc to stand by York City. ' Mra. Hriuaton has been is how possible for farmers to ob­ iso use of our forces. (The Secur­ next day when hev'nusband pro­ aary repairs nr replacensehts. Just telephone. ' Broadcaating Company facititlM. the government’s resistance. at first believed woOld amount Ralph W, Crane, medical exami- ^ ------X— duH tries. a secretary in tjte local offices Of tain service on their Production ity council is .the big club of the ;r, as Bert Halvonsen, 39, was cured a surety bond for her. , William C. ileald — Fire.AND expected to be" c.*tended later to surrender, he said, “it la a harsh Emperor Hlfohito and the Japa­ Orchard strtet,. 'Rockvlle..^^ The had been id^tlfled yeaterdsy, in­ ard'ville. to remem^r about thii United Na- inland transportaHpn, the iron .and nese'ayetem of eipperor worship. cluding the three aboard the B-25 g 'Q r 'i MOBMaHEAT FUEL fate, whiqh the enemy , has chosen. ceremdny waq- '■performed at 4 'tlqhs; ■ Wholesale ateel Industry and banking. In all world history there is no Hirohito. Japan's "commiander- o'clock - ill the S'opth- Methodist two-ei^ned "Billy MitcheU" bomb­ 1. It, will try to settle Interna, AtU.ee'is expected return to moi;e glaring example qf a nation in-chief," lauche^^'upon the present ■ church. The pastor. Rev. W. Ralph er bound for Newark, N. J„ air- Slaughter House lonal disputes peacefully. London for the organimtlonal imposing disaster upon itself. For war to defenjd his people against Ward, Jr., who officiated, used the porU 2. If neceaaiu'y, it will use meeting of the House of Cbmmons these people, the language of "insults" arid misapprehensions, double ^ ring sendee. . Prganlst . The Lhne men were Lt. Col. Wil­ ■United Natl'oiis forces to keep OIL Gasoline on Aug. 1, at which the rawh^rs and his “greatest concerr". today liam F. ^ I t h , Jr., 27, W atertown, Permit Is Asked/ bombs, and guns apparently la the G^rorge’iG. Ashton, played the tra­ will be sworn In and a spea^r peace. . . K .^ * 1 convincing language.” js to restore "blessed peace .and ditional bridal music. The hrjdal Masa., the B-25 pilot; Tech... Bergrt. 3. It will not interfere with a elected. He then will go DIMTK 70^. .1*^He ..r;isaid that Carrier, planes of qulef’/agaln to Japan. attendants were -Mr.- and Mta. Christopher S. Domitrfiviteb, 31, William Bogner of Birch member’s internal affWlrs'.' r - Potsdam if the .talks are unfin- Tpir broadraat continued that "it Granite'City, 111.,., plane engineer, Uin road la planning an addition MORIARTY BROTHERS ished tha^AmeriCan 'Third fleet and the Thomas Gamer of Rockville, Here’s what the United Nations “ba the Lever* At Center, aad bmad Btieets Brimh- Pacific task force had wj*Z you (America t who changed The bride who was given In mar­ and Aviation Machinist Mfte Al­ to his slaughter bouse .which la to Is supposed to do and how. Open All Day and All Night. Call 8800-. The new prime minister has still ^ nuttine the finishing touches /^® course. All of a sudden you riage by her father, wore a pow­ bert G. Perns, 19, Brooklyn*;, who be located in the rear cy D lt pres­ ' Fmir Main Branches' - • tV-name aevaral more ministers »o^®" ^hecsfne JeaJealous of our progress. had'hitched a ride on the plani. ent building. He hadin' petiUon complete his caibinet. It _ I on' the .Job of rendering inopera" der blue suit with -white accea-' ” It has four main branches: The o •a gen tiorral practically ■/• every mqjftr In every way, both big and small, .sories. and corsage of white or­ . Identification DiffkcuM^ before the Zoning ^azd of ^Ap^ Ceneral assembly: thh Security \ erally believed h*i,,.:W'ill call on 1 I you tried to check us. You did younger men to ^arik the ala nar-.lf®P“"®*® "Wp” and/that chids. Her matron of honor wore Most of the remaining victims peals at their meeUng last week council, the Economic and Social not like us becau.se, oflr -people a gold 'suit with white were . womem stenographers em­ but it was nO fagt^ upon because ty 'veterans already appointed. ' ftesides the dottbling of the ;8up«r- weiT too industrious. You hated council, and the International ______I Fortress forces, “large fiwces of and^coF-sage of red roses" and |0 ’P- ployed in the. 79th floor offices of a secqnd peti^n that he filed Court of Justice. 1 / \ us because we happened- to manu­ sophila. . —r—- the National CJatholic. Welfare epn- was t c ^ a t e Jm be given a hearing bombers of other typea-'fijso will facture articles which' the lower- <3eneral Assembly. Every na­ be on hand to destroy'targets in ■The ceremony -was,.followed by ftrence, caught bef^ath falling of­ a t th a t tion has one vote In this body. Carri€*r Agaiii income group wanted. You tried n. reception in the church par'ors fice partitions when,, the heavy Mr. Bjiffder is operating Us I Japan." ; 7 ~ to m^ke us meek and humble, bilt Ally rhember can get up and talk which were decorated with gladioli. wreckage Of-the plane ( hurtled slaughm hoi^ on a irmlted par- on anythin)? within the charter’s \.y, ; vX Implies Use of W arnings .Again we rcfu.sed” The couple leff for a wedding through the building. .^Flaming ?p Bauk ill F i^ l Blit, the speaker . concluded, mit. /The fact ^^^t the bouae scope." This kind of open dis-. . I/eMay, dlsciissing his- advance-, trip of undisclosed destination. gasoline flooded the 79th' and ad­ w h ^ he now InMqds to build la eussl'on la Intended to line up pub­ She’s dteidtd to call it ’♦Ex-Lax.” Itfs to nice and gentle. iitnotice.4 V4LC System.- ojf II i»: lareferred avaa vvi vvs to "inaug/- -s."even in • this ...... hour of — darkness, — we . Sergeant Kloter returned recently joining floors, burning the victims to/coat him ao much monay be la iirating this/program.'’ implying >a' e not Inst our sense pf balance lic opinion against wrongdoing Like New (Continued From Pags One) after ten months in the European' and making identificatidn difficult. fSaking that in hla hew permit ■ nations. There's a youngster who knows too, because it’s so dependable — I that it wptild be used again. Al- and good humo£^ Even in despair, area, apd upon completion of nis The pilot had been in radio com- th at he be g;iven on an uiillmltad But no matter'how mad the her £x-Lax I Its gentleness and its so effective. Not too strong, not too 2-Piece Living Room years to the day after the original ready hlA bombers have set fire to! “c® laughing.' furlough udll report to camp Dev- municatlon wilh,L« Guanlia basis. He has expressed bim s^ aa Assembly members get. they Can­ swell chocolate taste have made it mild, Ex-Lax' is the "Happy Me­ $ wi Intrepid gained lasting Navy six rif;the 11 cities that he warn­ ens for re-assignment. a' few minutea before the a favorite among children all ovei;. dium** laxative. As a precaution 39 being, of the opinion that to eri<% not order the United Nations the land.. Mothers approve Ex-Lax, use only as directed.. 10< and ^54, Suites—In Basic Cover EASY TERMS! fame bv sailing into Tripoli har­ ed. / ' and was told by the control a building for the purpose that be , armed forces into action. ' Only ■r bor to sink the raptured IISR "fifiaatz. in hi.s hciet , discu.ssion Parleys Enter that it. could not "see the has in mind unless it .wa* of per-'I "i^hc.Security council Can dp that. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' Philadelphia. •!. pY the B-29 program, said, "the Empire' State building." manent, nature It wwild 'be too Security (7oiincll. It has- 11 I'greater the force you can throw TohaucO Workers Damage Repaired at Sea / Home Stretch continued southward along Fifth costly to go ahead with. cmhe'rt'J The Bi'g Five as.nerm a- / Large Selection of Fabrics — Prompt Delivery! The carrier caught It again last against them (the- Japanese) the ayende, hitting the huge building He lives in the last bouse ' In netot members and six smaller nar Oct.,29 when one of the eariy Jap­ quicker they are liable to call tt Enjoy Program squarely Just Mfotg'Jf) a, m. Sat­ Manchester on the Blreh Moun­ tlons\ch6sen fpr two-year terms We Carry Ouf Own Accounts anese suicide planea hit her^lght quits.*'', (fisntinoed From Pago Ooe) urday. " tain road, a location that in ao far each twsJthe ■ General Assembly. RECORDS— deck as she was maneiive^mg off Casualties fcalin. the crash. In­ removed from othfir houses and PeneefrtI hleans, ' Luzon. Ten gunners w ^ killed, stripped of the ability t|L-<;OTake The group of about 75 teen-age cluding 28 li^ r e d of whom twio girls who arrived at th* Y.M.C.A. from a 'settled community that be . ’The Seciii^y council and '-the but damage from ' fir^and the w ar again. are Still iii critical condition, would is now of the opinion that he Gwieral anselpbly both will try PiibUe Records Meanwhile, President 'Truman July^ 9 from the Keystone state, to have been/larger. It Was believed If MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO. Judy's hit wan repair,ed at sea. work on the tobacco plantations should have a permanent permit by. neacefiil mehns—such as sug­ On Nov. 25, while the Intrepid disclosed some of his views regardf the accident had occurred on a gestions—to keepXnations, from 983 MAIN STREET HARTlh)RD TEL. 2-4127 ing Amgrioan soldiers to a Stars hereabouts, were treated, to .b business day, when the building was hiCTpIng softwv enemy resist- Warrantee Deeds variety show Saturday night at An orthographic projection In I warring on one another. ence in the Pl^pp.lnes., another 'M aiisn F. end B arbara M. Miril- and Strilhea correspondent. hou^ about ten times as many map-making shows half the globe | Specie] Attention Given Out-of-Tpwn Customers the ’ Whiton , Memorial assembly 'Sons as the 1,500 who were M*hen such- method^fail to stop Japanese pianri, a Zeke. hit her kens to Emma S. Swanson, prop­ He said Ijg did not favor bringing at centered on any deatred point a threat of peace, the \Securltv American Aoldiera' uvivea and fam­ hall nearby. there-Saturdav. -■ flight deck^tilling 35 men. While erty located on Middle turnpike, Miss Doris Fjrato of. this -town council can call on the United Na­ fires were.,?Tieing fought, another west."*"' ilies overseas because he'did not Four In Critical Condition was dire,ctor and Robert Hut8o)r -s Of eight injured persona still in tions members to provide armed COLUMBIA — DECCA — VICTOR — CAPITOL Sterling Corporation to Laura. want Amoricans to,"settle.in Eu­ forces to crush aggression. ' rope." The problem of- soldiers 8erved'.M maslef of ceremonies. He hoapUala, four were listed as crit­ D. Hill and Mary E. Nadeau; prop­ opened the progf&m with severel ■These srjmed forces. ..however, CAPITOL MOTORS PAYS erty located on Foster street. >. separated from tbelr famlUea can ical. These included Betty Oliver, CJin hti called into action only when be solved be.st by getting the men humorous stories and Jokea / • 20, and Joseph Fountain, who the , “SKV HIGH PRICES” FOR USED CAIfe George W; Griffin and Lawrerico 'ITie first numter was Xa one of all of the Big Five and two of the POTTERTON'S A. (Converse, Jr., to Sarah W right home.'he said. hospital said were in the elevatpr smaller nations' on the Security At The Cinitcr ______No Individual or-Dcaler Can Fay INirire Wanted To Get Home the farmerettes. Sue Giijespie, who that fell 80 floors after the craah; 599-Ml Street property lasted on Lilac street. qahg "Summer Tinw/' and "My council agree. . • O p ^ Tfinrsday UatU f P. M. .Uloaed SatonU y At 8 : ^ ¥' wL We Buy All Makes, Models and Type.s of Cars Sarah Wright to the ,Allen Real­ . He confessed that when he was Safety deviceai on Jhe ~ elevator — (■NOW PLAYING---- Armed force cannot be used if and Trucks Regard!^ of Year or Conditiiin ty Company, property-located on a soldier m the last war he wanted Hero,’’ Other girls the farm slowed Its fall Sufficiently to pr«^ to' get hom'ri as soon as possible, labor camp at th^-Y who partici­ vent loss of life. ' Lilac street. NEW T H iiu ii IN n o f f i e w o t V. 4-dr. Sedaqa ■ 1987 1938 11939^ . J i94940d~T~i^»J 1942 Kdwin D. Frink to Joseph W. and he told the Interviewer that pated in the entertainmefit, besidea PLYMOUTH S.8M Ai70"'Ts.570Tnsi6El.1~'’^*89*()Ts.570 1 Sf605 Newark property located on '.East GI's in Europe ...would be returned Miss Gillespie, Were EmUy Shagi- 81085' naw, Doloreg Tudley, Pat Burley I FORD ^ I asAuickly as possible. , ' Hospital Notes SSU $445 ■ 8570 ' STIO $900 siosqj Center street. - „ and LuellaY hur^.^. GuegUi were SON Of : GMEVROLEf $365 $470' Gertrude B. Frink to Edwin D. The President said Xf. S. forces ■.8380 871.5" $10.8(T| ’ should. not be removed so quickly boys from' fh^ camp at Buckland ' ■ ■■ ^.*'1 ■ (M nhfrtlUIPETER uuvronUIWI Frink, property located on East . Admitted Saturday: Raymond! , PACKARD $.535 $670 .8820 J|102.'^ .81785 $19S0~} Cepter. street. that the peace might be and a few of the townspeople. Af­ •MMSCIBP J your Bliss, 24 Proctor road.. 1 Ca d il l a c $615 ' $6ko T $ l | 40 S27S0 ized- but th at low-point men should ter the Show the boys and ^rls en­ 8J74V ()ult Claim joyed ..dancing at. the. Y.M.C.A; . Admitted Sunday; Mrs. Sarah! X, ! c fm tS L E R «10Jji67jr^S8?5' Alexander Jarvis to Town Cf be brought overaea a aa quickly a» •il^V $1495 I $18«0‘r Ah amusing feature of the pro­ O’Cbnnell, 13 -Ford street',' MfS- Plus "BENTHOUSB KHTTHM” $.585 ' »7?5 $855 Ma-nchester, property located . -n possible to replace those with high ■ fclfitw~~ "siisoj; _$IS71» $M»0J .Hollister street. point scores. — gram was the . act by_lhe so-called Ehieeh Massey, 21 Avon Street; hlDSM OBILE $470 8625 S7«0 >1010 .SJ^220" ■*1,485" "Andrew Sisters," Whojn fact are Adolph Schlack, - S t.- Sum m er v e r y , y e a r in peacetime hundreds of thou­ they were jo/d, on New" England ... sold by those who Devtee The Interview wak pubUahCd by WED. - TllUIlS. . FRL - SAT. Myowsdlta Ms DODGE $395~ $54!^ 8635^ _87'7.5" ~$i 6.50" E state c f F. Ernest Watkins to Stars and Stripes aa a personal boys, With George M-rosek ih the street? Mrs. Viola Apel, flO'BlsseU ■8r245^‘l rote of Biiig Clrosby. street. - sands of summer visitors !;i^n the rejy railroads which connect with the CAPITOL MOTORS, Inc. he waa -sold by the Washington Sharp Rebuff girls in the group,- and aeveral Auburn road;. Dolores Halm, $ th ro o eh . ■ England’s recreational business is limited only by how . Dodge-Plymduth DiatribuftiY '' Senators to the Red Sox In the others sang solos. Pioneer circle; Patricia Jean New Haven through New York. -winter of 1943, yesterday became Miss FlrSlo was ably aasisted by Waugh, Bolton; Mrs. Soimie Ya- attractive we all make it for oiiT,.guests. ^ 168 Main St., Hartford ...Open Evening* ’Til 8 P. M. f l o w e r m is t (ClaBttBaed Frem Pag* Om ) the 80th player to Join ‘the exclu­ Miss Esther Paoclera, and by Misa roma, 47 Cottage atradt. I : f i l l Two and k half million vacationists came to New Telephone 7-8144 sive 2,000 hit club. Shirley Wadsworth and Jamea Mii- Dlacbarged yesterday; William Use H ihvishly oiler evety. Uona and left-wing parties claim Kay, pianlsta, who gave generous­ The New Haven will be ready with service and equip* ' The part Ch'erokee Indian bang­ to represent a majority of the 2ikua; 64 Birch street; Mra. Lyola NOW PLAYING *«• « « « • England in the last peacetime year and left $500,000,000 ed. four hits—two of them doubles ly of thielr time and talent In pre­ Brannlck 14 Delmont street; Mrs. ‘ rrient such as your vacationist never knew heforie . .. shower — after every electorate when they oppoae de- paration for- the program. in New England’s pockets. ■and walked In five trips to the GatUle'a' referendum ptxmosal. Millie Aloisid, New England ho­ both to stay flower-fresh plate.. This boosted his batting tel; < Donald Golas, 133 Blaaell and w i^ a sales,campaign unequalled in our railroad’s average for this season to .305 and Under deOauUe's plan d the Seventh Army WIna ADVENTURE s-throughout the day. electorate favored a new coostitu- street; Mrs., . Julia Pagan! and Why did they choose New Engl aild? history. ENTRY BLANK brougl}t his runs batted. In mark to tion. It Would decide whether It daughter, 17$ Cooper street; Wit- Nuernberg, Germany, July 80 — son Woodhead, Rockville. ANDMOTINV wanted the ASMmbly to have UP)—*nie Seventh Army today held Because of New England's attractions ... and because ' ROTARY CLUB’S 1945 SOAPBOX DERBY complete aoverelgpty while draft­ Dlacbarged today: Mra*'Betty ON THE Will you be ready, too? the European Theater of . Opera­ Thomaa and daughter East Hart­ ing the document. Or preferred -to tions swimnDdhg championship, the Open «» aU bdyb hr Maacbeater, 10 t«.)8 years of age. Incimilve. b^e the power divided between ford; Albert MiUer,' 344 Middle H I G H S ^ ! first of a aeries of title tourna­ Turnpike, (east; Charles Treat,. 13 Baeera must be home made. Wagons cannot he entered, Derby itu i 0*A$$ riow ig MIST Peraonal Notfoca H>e htglalative and execuUva ments the Army is ataging on the //F wtD be held around, bat not on, Labor Day. branchea continent in almost ^ery major JacKiWn s tre e t 'Torture Ship' 1.50,2,50 4 50 The propoeal had stirred taft- sport this siiihmer. Death Sunday: Mta Adella Au­ With LYLE TALBOT and • f.iti tBi«6 I b M em oriiUB g u s t Iti Qolway street NAME ...... ' ■ In* lovlns mtmory of our non and wing oppoWtioo when it was Sub­ Tlie Seventh collected 84J. points JACQUELINE WELLS mitted to the assembly for gtudy. to win ths team trophy yesterday Death today; William Craw­ THE brother. Leonard Oaorge B*4rltt who ford, 35 Hamlin street ------L P L U S - ADDRESS ...... passed away July tO. 1M6. DeOaulle has . opposed a aoverUgn while individual honors went to 'S k E E T Tims Biay haal the brokan-bilarted. asaembly which he aatd srould ex- Pvt Andrew Dimant of Paw­ *Th« Invisible Kmcr* Tears may .make )hs vo.^d jets poae tha nation to grava contu- tucket. R. L, and Pfc. David Brock- CBalo ScheOule .. With Graes B n ^y ily aga aa Se^. S will he -years. WELDON . OOP#» Tuesday—Tonsil and adanold fit But -It caBBot flU tha longlDg aton and might tsopartl tha antlrs way of Marahalltovhi, la. Dimant, ALSO DRUG COMPANY For the loved one lone before. democratic procssa In France. competing for the second place Air l a - ■ Parcata Stgnature ------Who ebell eey the grief U leeeened. Forcer aquadi won the 400-meter Wedneadfiy—^WeU baby confer­ One Hr. nf Short Sabjeets! -Prescription Pharmacists Thontb the (mile may hide the The coal used for power 'and and 1,506-meter free style litles, ence a t the Y.M.C.A. from 2-4 p. ‘’Unnsual OccupattonS^ 1 Man or leave EaUy Blank al The Herald. tears: heating comes from sunlight bot­ m. “Popeyc” and Many Otharj M l MAIN TEL. ft32I RMasriss keep the wound aUU open, 'While. BroeUwsy captured both the OaSBtts tbs paaslac sf tbs ysora. tled up by plants thouaanda of the low hlghheard diving Friday—Well baby 'oonfarence Favoritcal • ■ V ■ '______- Motbar, Dad. m m f mad.arethw. fit the hospital clinic from 3-4. \ ■ : r y . ■y" N. EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY; J[CLt r PAf.E FOim MAXCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ^NCHE;STER. CUNN.. MtJN;i)AV, JLLY :iO.-lI)+5 PAGE rms '.v/-' , , . .... (iiiil^rithlHjable, hut falftl. .itiffjful- mors'than'they feared our- an S '■ Manchester ty in that, the rewltl^g rn'Ies, he predicts a thjrd wbrld Ralioningj Dm Sees R e li ^ ).var, yith ■ Ri^sia, .the menace this economy in housing 'coh»);rucllon.i ' h e y i y ^ e n Pumfsbed j by ' j / ' ' - * • ■ ■ Evening Herald might .een»ationa)ty increwe th^ t^me.. Thair !• o.ne consolation, Forujn Year OSloe As a ■ > y ' , PUBUSHED Bl TJ amount of.sMi;h construfcUon pos­ however/'^in receiving new Lind­ /• / »t*»»*t-** printing c». m u CommumchUona for pabllcations in the Open Forum WtU no^ ^ Price AdmiiiBtr»U«B ■ 5s.' / ' IS Sliiell Stre«t sible for America, so tha^ tS^ net bergh 'predictions. It Is to r»- be ^uaranUedspvihhcationideation If they contain more than 300 wh ^ RegloiMU'tejMftaent oP a "' : x : U«neli«ster, Conn. racrtiber the complete error^ of InformiafeB THOHA3 PERGUSO- result ^ight.;¥e at leas^As many , The ftcrald pcM «kthe Iright to decline to publish anw Daugt^rs of Scotia Many sder as J. x,,^ General Minever / job.s, ,or perhaps mor^Jobs, and ■those other |$redictwns he onee .^at may be libeleddw w whl^li IS in Dad taste. Frce,.e^ressifl S5 Tremont Street, *||OBton, \ ' Pounded O.etobef aired by contributions o^this charact OJ»iwrvance o f Mesasebusetts *' Burd V iD**. ' ^ a r d A' ''Vs a ted more, hromen^,^' a.sked his -fellow countrymen to 1,/of political viewjB is ' ’but letters which- are amatory , or abuiilvf^^ili be reject^ Published/ Brara "IWnlDr . I ■ The_ latest. yoKreSs-foi biddirig accept as aiitho,ritati^e guide.s f o ^ ersary Satunlay Night Sa Serin* Puhdeys end Solldsys. enters/ it the . 5leatH, t'afs. Etc. / ‘ Post 0 « e e St Usnehester. demand, of '.•'such a / nature* has their own ..policy. Second cu es Melt Matter. Another Tavpa.Ver obeyed, -rheae durniis y r , Davidsop 'Lodge, No. 99. 'Borik Four ' Red Stampa!, ;K2 'One of the mpat serious prob-^ /■ come from the Brotherhood o f . eding places for a varlety.'of : • <. . „,-r. ” / ^ . through P2 good through July 3t;- •/ V- .V 80B8i;iMPTION RAT To the Editor: - . pc.4s which do not „s,ii«j>%ny Paughlers of s 6o\ia, Celebrated Its leni&' we faee in religion is keeping S EOU 'Loconfolive Engineers and the i Q2 through U2 good through Aug; ' Obt fear by^feli - My congratulations do CiMuOs PublusHealth program, 'I 25th anniye'fsary g.t thg Masonic 31; V2 through Z2 good thiwigh the reiigiori-^f Jesus which was an * Per month r>y 'Bell .76 4r<)therhood of« FUailroad Train­ r ,\yjjkh ap- . $ .Oil Taxpayer for the letter Regarding, ;lie CattHdic’ Book ; Temple ' Saturday evening with Sept. 30; A l -through El.'''’ good unmisttdriible boon to living from Single NjCopy ...... « men.. Sandwiched in' between fw'aredNn Friday nights issue of Shelf, I ptiNmially knrtCv that this j abo^t-200 in. kttcndance^ Delleersd^One Tear . $ 9.IXi through Oct. 31;, ET thremgh K1 beconUrig a burden,” said Rev. W. A. . Western ^ t e s and . Il?.f their present demands for wage The Hei-atd. i.*l,a i-v,j..vproject v vi^lichyfias. been su<- Harry Fla'vell aerVed' aa masiec good from Aug.-l through Nov. 30. RalpliWard. Jr. in the final aeriapri. X' I am a tAxp^yer and I am still ,-<^.sfully w bfko^ out in va nou.s Of ceremonies and introduced Mrs. increases there ^ e also demands Processed Fo6dS ■ at/^utlj Methodist . church |Wa A iksMBER U, wondering why’ there was so mugh parts of this Alattv-Thc project' Rachel -Miinsie who gave a brief fmmer. Mr. .Ward was preM^lng THE ASSOCIA'TEI?'Shan the railroads to limit sStoregi Book Four Blus"^ Stamj)* T2 •iaciuBlreiy i rna^ me discuasiM'over l»h«^,8now removal ha,j all the eginnark.s ?>l.«uccc»!i iiiin history of the institutiori of the through X2 goo^Hlhrough" July 3 1 / ' Religion 'Not woi aa' Lpad ^rBut a entitled to the ds« of /ehubucetlon-ul j the length of tl/e trailifts th oper- at Town Meeting afid'In' spite pur public^mptary. WhyS»;asn't itIt lodge July 20, 1920. by Mrs. Mun- imiiB-h'ni trnAA Lift,’ to the uriiled congrOgationa all newe dlsD«tche.i era«itedrt1, ------. "-^-.Lfact that a substantial amount an (iXplaTtafton. presented with a beautiful corsage Sunday arid cpntlnuiri^hrougb tba^ _ feet .ur/TO car leSe same tbihgii have irked pm the members of the Lodge. Nl gopdf through Oct. 31; PI All rlghu of republicalioh o.*'l»pecial^- 3,000 s.\TheX P>'O v'T onifflll l.<* I 'ir s l repaid by past recipienTs thrjoiijgh T1 good fro'm Aug, 1 mrst Sunday of yi^ptembfr tj»w dispstebea bepeli relief, the 22 mil .jax rode rig.ht fie. Curious ij^xpayer. and it 15 .Jso' preM^ were Grand Re- services will be.' held iji Cpriter 1^1 serrice' clTen? Of N^’rT S ^ lc, j P"Se tha I no/ passenger through. through Nov. 30. : be longer than 1.200 feet Now Srhetliilf^ V To Be consoling ^"Im ow that there arc rordrha S ecr^ ry Jinet Ruther­ church with the Rev. CUBom' O. ■ Inc. T.iu^dea of the swimming w»6l ers edually^disturbed. i ford arid^ Grand Deputy JeanF „ , ?«g»r. ^ Ths cars. They Would also - {irol^t|tt Book Four stamp 36'""^ gSod. Simpson pMching. / I Open . Ffitlay '' N ig h ts . at the North End was an exc^ent A Fellow Taxpayer. Wales Of Kjten Dou,q,Iaa Lodge pf'' "In the ^sermon Mr. Ward said, 4 . I S'S.^iJ ’llus Mathewa SiMciar Agency—NeW ' jpuble-heading of locomotives one but a .91,400 fizzle diie/lo lex Hartford, .botfe^pf whom made 'fn- for five poundk throughyAug. 31. Next stamp vilid Sept 'i. "Too ipany people kriow religion l-A ^ T o r a . Chicago. Detroit and Boalon. ' ij-ains'-of pver w •to Cara, a provision ROgkville, Jidy .30, iSiieciaJi.— bii.siness mi^ods la not ine most:• Tks. Mrs. Ruth'’r- only ^ a burden, tliey accept re­ igrtt IS the final Monday night tasty morsel rjad.i:slated that tljere were 161 ■ Ishoeb ■ 1 ita M MEMBER AtTDITAUDIT BUREAL OF ‘ uld, , on many routes. •' Herald: Book Three! Airplane stamps t. ligion but their.acceptence Is full, ClRCULATlONarTBimi A*rtriM.Q ,______v»giit.ii \ the awailpw.' • / One of your- correspondehts ask­ lodges throughout \the United of complalnt/TOey think of re-..^ pr€v;ent formation, of ^^ong-i stftriing Augimt 1 theV.Will States with a meraberim*P mpre 2 and 3 gooji Indefinitely. OPA Tbs Bersld Rrlntlng Company. In^, ^ The dumps oiO^immer street ed in the-vOpen Fonim" last wTk says ijo plans jCP cancel any. ^Air­ ligion. onlyAs services they mjidt Bssumaa no llnsnclal rsapnns'bil'ty fpi liain.s. I he opeitsonIcNpne n^ght a week. Fri- i ami Hartford rosui .should t'oftain- about the Catholic Bopk Shelf ip than 20.000, attend, services which have ah in- Entertainment followed \ s n d plane stamp i 4 valid Aug. 1 apd Drpogibpblcal errors appearing In ad- The Abject o f,. the umions. of . day. H ^ e v ^ the Friday -open-|, 4v be cleaned/(ip. Th^-Board of the Mary Cheney Library, cpntatri- convejrimt way of interter|ni: with ' atrtlaemants iir^nsi.WttS'^ /x'm'fwCVvb w w'lo' io the Ladies of ColumbuA There lodge sang several songs whic porislder religion as a restraint present jobs' by forcing' the rail- j • The .schedule^ or'HJie new horns | woiilcL^t pav a,oke frankly they i“ America First” ; atoreji'close at 6 p. ^^>^\V^n;.F''iH..i-i<«idays. j'a U- bitv iwasmiieh as the dumpinK '» shelf was restored to its place Hynds, Scotch comedian, kept the, X r u g i OH and misaionarlee, are so much" ex­ A year ago, SIX . mo atoi'Cfl clpse.at 9 p. m. . iiTckjC { now done under.'covec of darkness. eori'cMondcnt asked for informa­ audience entertained with his Period Oni/Jhrough. Five cou­ cess bagWgc, an unnecessary over- ago, it wouliT have seemed a l-, rallroad.s, in .the past 25 half holidav-s are j If-’-fhe Board of Heilth'isaw fit to tion ifixthe 'maUeri usual selection of -songs and stp-t pons good tnrovigh. Aug. 31. Last head'straadled upon the backs of^ ries. year's peHbn -Foup/and Five cou­ m ost unbelieVablB th at th is ftation 1 have spent billions of dol- Wednesday afternoon with i-post the place, they- should -check - William E. Buckle.v. already burdened people, ana the'^ ception of .necemher. t periodically and insist their or- For.^hg. Library Directors. ' One of the most interesting fea­ pons also expire Aujfv 31. Period — and parUculariy its aometitnes ,„ch efficiency, ioorier Mich luxiQries are cadt over­ ■*v .Siiftimll Si'li'edoled- ..'’"H ! tures of the. evening was the drum­ One coupops.for. 1945>4^6 seasok board' the better off everyone will, m oribund Senate— could at an^ Jrbey have gone In for heavier The Lions Cluli,. Ihrotigh V-Crnoiv ming of little Dickie StevenSon. now valid. be. . / tim e in the near future exeiJutc/stronger bridges, and heav- ■C. Welsh, president, "has jrtcepted son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sto- But adimtting the triak -pf King­ f « the challenge of tl)C'.E)k;»r'l.sgHed by verison Phelps road. Dickie Is Followini are the-hours a t ’t|ie »\clean choice for’ Int^atlonal ‘ locom otives, all with the sfle Cii>ntrol Hold Reunion dom building and the load'' which Harry C, JWwdlfig, fdr a softball' five ydara’^/old but. hi8.,djummlng Local Waf Price and.-ftationini everyone muet.cprty aa a partxbf res^nsibility and co^eration. j object of increasing their operal- game .tp. decide the .city's fralerrial exhibition was a marvel’ for on ^ Office: iriri But that clegn clDdice w as exe -1 j^g efficiency ao that eepnO m y .of title arid the game will be placed n Favored After 37 Years 1 io young. His father ia a member Monday:' lO'a.' ra.'to 4:30 p. ra. 'T the^ cuted on Saturday, July 28th, Friday night at-6. o’clock a-t the of the Manchester Pipe Band and Tueadayi: Cloafiji to the public. / persoriain the cpngi-egation to con­ transportation cbiiid be achieved. Recreation Field. Bernard Giio- played the tenor drim along with Wednesiteya: 2 p. m. to 4:15 p. m. when tba Senate voted, SB-'-tp 2, ,A'nd som e of-th e econ'ffm y. w hich sider religion as Jesus, expressed gan. manager of the Palnc>-thpa- -Mead ; CoiH^litiee '^Sees i Graduates^ o f H i«h I Dickie. Edward Dow«f played the Thursdays'; )0 a. m. tb 4:15 p. m. it, as a b o ^ t o living, os radiancy * to Talify the San Francisco Ilpit- has resulted has gone Into ''’‘the ter. will be thif’’- umpire and ilohn j bagpipe. Fridays! 10 a. m. to 4:15 p,.in. and strength . Nations Charter. paym ent of higher w ages to the Dailey, Jr., will pitch for-khe Elks, Lilies oV\ Aiifhorily School in 1908 Galher The Manchester Pipe •'Band •Saturdays': 10 a .m. to 12 noon. 'Real religion''^ said is friend­ The game will he des.oribcd over a e.scorted the Chief Daughter of Qf^tie telephone 5189. r'.,- ^ It may never be Celebrated in m em bers of these-unties. ship. It ts'Teople'in love with one K- loud speaker and other apccial fea­ Being GonfiiWl Now. At Bolton Lake. Helen Davidson Lijdge arid the other—sympafhlslng^wltb one an­ such a way,, and United Nations Now the unions would atop t.he. tures are being planned.. A collec­ Grand Lodge officers to the plat­ form. "fhey -jiiso played several other—standing together in thick Day, when It ia celehrMad, may cloc'k' "bn , ,the Neff as be.st man and Mi;s. Eller.v Xlndef th,e Tresent set-up, the a talented musician. found i^uilty of - attempting tp the Lnduatrial revolution, wrecked Of the aurvjying 16, 12 gathered steal gasoline from parked can, der Matthews; and following th< vrhpls wortdj For however imper-' Kington as matron of honor with committee said in Its annual re­ y a 20-mi|e wide stretch of tpw- sermon "Spuft of .the Rlghteoua machines because they also de­ Miss Alice Bedard'.as bridesmaid. port. the OWMR has “functioned at the reuniiw,'.; ’ Mrs. Harriet about 1116 Sunday morning oh feet, the new syatemr fojp keeping ng- mountains between Higlt- three different streets' by Judge by T. Tertiiia Noble. stroyed jobs. Ifet, when the ma­ Lieutenant Joseph', McCusker, mainly aa an over-all policy body Blackman MacMillan, now at the w t ^ 4 and 11. north of a line be-' the peace may’■-he, our participa­ headquarters, of the Salvation Raymond R. Bowers in town chines had won their victofj', they Richard Bedard and MedfOrd Be­ and referee rather than an operat­ tweMK Serilprsip and Kiangan., tion alone it enough to give it the dard were ushers. ing agency.” A’rmy in Ne .feet and clouds and the wrong effect oq others in- “prosperity and standard of Uv tfhe to what, in other Isolationist think of the; possibility that some goings to Hilliardville where she aion w'ith actual operating func- tall trees arid with a fine view of rain often obscure, visibility, forc­ elined- to commit a similar act. never before conaidered possible debates, they have chosen to‘‘' cali of these eoni 'would rather be copdilcted a store. Besides her ttons.” the lake, W’as a perfect setting for ing auapenalon of fire by'"frontline trio admitted three - at­ lies imme<|jateiy ahead for th| RegardlcM of how limited the ahipid^ts of Wstki^g Fine Furniture, we believe |l’» good^ toelr sacred principles, ducked for sdn 'shelfleaves a brother. Loiils of In that connection, the report the gathering. Some of thoae pres­ troops. tempts to take gasoline from cars nation « i d the wortd." transport pilots. That, of course, stressed a need to "got a’ move ent had not seen each othef since p a rk ^ on Haynes street in front cover this time arid cast votes f will be what will happen.' /ftOckvljle. Fugitives., would be dependent He advocated “more and pi>nnmn'’'Uptbr Sales, Go., 285 try “ must be permitted to go foi^ on man)T o f such pieces and m ot^ m jd to your hh^MNwhile they^re still fresh and new. Home. Rev. Karl Otto Klette, Saying" the country might, nm After an excellent" dinner a de­ Ignored Suryender Offer choice a clean choice was the fact be a new profession which will pastor of the First Lutheran Yamashtta once was given a Main street'Tbey were heard by ward unhampered.” Mb ■**’ ' • •*'*’' '' 'X lntO-“ real trouble," especially if the lightful evening xvas spent in rem­ a resident o f Al^ne street trying Many of the "barriers bat 8 4 '= ° that President Truman announced more than make up for the loss .of church officiated. ' Burial was in w'pr against Japan should come iniscences, and accounts of expe­ Chance to surrender, -but Ignored Today over four hundred items a t^ ^ in s are reducedP^.fiWiture, bedding jind floor cov- Grove Hill cemetery. ' it.- The offer was made by Amer­ to get Ifasoline from a par parked management and labor, be add to the Senate, before it took Its railroad jobs. But try and . tell sud.denly to an end,” the "commit­ riences since the" class parted com­ oppiMito ths informant's house "will dissolva when the chance 1| , Outing Tuesda.v tee added that "there will be aeilr pany In 1908. The most-(Hccittng icans-in an'attempt to save per­ Healgned from a fins old Chip­ vote,T^that the matter of-tmple- the railroad unions' .anything like Ma'rgarptha Lodge No. ■ '18, haps. 2,0P0 Japanese civlUans. and he palled the police. Officer given." eriiigs. ; la^ps, mirrors and deeprative actrssories. . Needless^ *ay, most all afe liiuited , oua .unemployment” If private In- df, these was giveri by Mrs."" Jennie Raymond' Griffin triUted the -car pendale original with atrstchaf --mentlng ArnSrlea’i membership In that!, . - ODUs . wlfj hold an outing on ' mostly woinen and children. All '”’ 4 diistry , and the gdyemment are Rdgera. Best, who lix’ed in London- the trio were riding ib and ap­ •o ooo-of•adund. baae, thi* chair eftmes Ul'a abfL the United Nations by the contri­ Tuesday, July- 3i at the cottage not. ready to absorb workers re­ dbrtng the first three years of tb*-. evidence Indicates that many rose tapestry. Full-.pro* of Mrs. 'Ida Weber of Tollafid troo{)s and most ctrlllans want to prehended them at Mairi.^ street bution arid assignment of armed leased whep victory shuts down present war: and saw piqst of the and Middle turnpike. ' war spring eonstruetton. Still Predicting avenue W'tth a aalad supper being war production. great German - air attacks on the surrender, but are ungble to dp so fprees wbuld be.,.handled through _. ,. ^ / served at six o'clock. The con? while Ysiinaahlta continues alive ftoseeutor Raymond A. " John­ Miss Gertrude Hemuuin x/ 10 Exprc.saing belief that "pur in­ city. "When '.the apartirient house son stated. that the trio had /• le^slatlbri_ Submitted to both The Other day. whet/some one i„ charge inisiides Mrs.. terests in foreign copntflea ire pot in which, she lived wgs. rendered as both a symbol of fruitless re PIANO INSTRUCTION 00 happened to be discussing the tained a small amount of gasi Usually ^1198.06 Houses of Congress,*; for a simple ■Ma.r.ths Fleischer, Mrs. Gertrude .yet receiving sufficiently fcpncen- Jinhabitable by a bomb .explosion, sistance and as head of a com' from a car parked at another l Register Early 1 6 9 majority vote. This was fair ad­ pre.5ent WHereaboute of Undbergh, Noack, Mrs. Dora Rauschenbach trated attention,” Jhe ripmmtttce she had te find a residence outside mand enforcing\rigorous dlaci- TeU 7882, Call Betweea and Mrs. Bertha Pet.xchke. :cation. vance notice to the isolationists we expressed th^hope' that some recommended that civilian agen­ '’London. Besides seeing the bomb­ pline. ■ > Frederick Malin. 16, of 29 Ard­ ■r . 1:00 and 2:00 P. M. The Lawson sofa with Ita divided three-part back Souvenlrn on Exhibit --r— cies dealing vylth fbreign govern­ ing of the Eriti’ b capital, she wit­ Yamashita. Inherited neglected in the Senate thaj? they were not wayld t a k / the young gentle­ more road, charged with operat­ ‘and trim, tailored lines haa proven one of our most-' A-number of souvenirs -sent ments and peoples “be integrated nessed the great raid on Coventry, and Inadequate defenses riililH) he popular lounging models, ' This one is covered Iff a going to aiicceed in their schemer^'*" arope and.ghow him home by First LieuL Milton M. ing a motor vehicle, without a li­ Under the secretary of state.” ' ‘ near which city she was ilsitlng assumed command of the cense on July 28, wss'found guil­ royal blue texture cover, useable with either Eight­ of casting a pious 'vote- for the TSermafiy he onciT proclaimed Ackeritian, brother of Attorney On, the queatldn of- hianpower, at the time of its,destruction. pines from' playboy Lieut. Oeri. eenth Century or maple. Full apilng conetructlon. Bernard J. Ackerman of this city ty and fined $10- He was arrested Charter how and then seeking; and particularly invin- the report apoka of the Army as Letters were .read from the mem­ Kuroda, said a captured war cor­ *"''*"'^*^**1 are On dispay at theM’tndow of the' being "very slow’ ’ in rediicinTg Its respondent ,Jor the Tokyo news by Officer WtUlam Scully after bers of the class Who were unable Mglin: had become involved^ in a 'to defeat bur- sjjpP*’i't of the Iair and to any air. at- Connecticut l ight 'A Power .Com­ manpower pool anil asked' "care­ to ateend the dinner, and also from paper Asahl. . ; Bring ybiir car or truck toj Charter ■ through later' ieserVa-{ based bn the British Isles, pany being sent home from Ger- ful coriaideratipn" for release of “a* slight'accident" and coiild not pro­ Harry C. Folaorft ' of Gr«nw1Ch. The correspondent,. Shlzuo 6u- duce a Jlcense. tions.‘NThia was, in other words, .y"'* remembered that ohe of •many«-*/s , : limited number of men whose ser.-. \Jho was principal of Manchester glura, said Yamashita openly com- . Lieutengrtt A«kcrinan has 're­ vices are easentlal to early-recon­ the last shot the isolationists ■ were ' ,y9'mg man‘a~irtippb8edly im- High school during "the first three pliUned of the infidequaby and or­ cently been—awarded the Silver' version of industry-" yeaix of the school, career of the' dered a formidable series of caves Nazi Casualties S e r r i c f f *td get atsthe Charter’^Vi'hile arguments back in ; the Star -for meritorioua;,service and .. Industries Niejlng Workerp class of 1908. Each, of the guests and tunnels constructed in the Ipa Were 'benefited by the two-thirds I when he was publicly aerv braX'e^ "bliyond the lirie' of- duty Specifically mentioned aa indus­ also spbke briefly. and Wawa dam sectors In Novem­ H eadquarteri vote rule. AVhen; despite ■ this} ‘”8 isolationist -xiause, was while serving with a Corps of En­ tries necdjng such workers vwere The members of tjie class pres­ ber, 1944,. after the American''in­ Total 4,064.438 gineers'in. the Hurtgen Forest, lumbering, * transpqrtation.coal wabnlng,''rfey still guccumbed and I the' ,reaaonB.i Germany ent were Mrs. Daisy- Thompson vasion of Leyte. Germany. It was stated that Lieu­ mining: cotton textiles and "To a Jones of New Britain. Mia. Char­ Sugiiira also -said that Lieut voted for the Chartel”, that meahf couldn’t be defeated was that no tenant Ackerma,n constnicted ■ a liniited but important extent, Berlin, July , 30.—i/P)—The lotte Johnson Gould of East Hart­ Gen. Kanjl Tominaga, commander fo r the Tour bedroom ha.i a "dressed their defeat was final. effective bombing of GermMy treadway bridge 'Over an anti-tank steel.” Nazis' unsuccesifui 'old**'for world’ ford, Mrs. Agnes Finnegan Cleve­ of the Fourth Air Army, -assured .domination cost the German up’-' pppcaiance the minute you America has made its ,,tBoice-, could be accomplished from Brtt- ditch 50 yards from the enemy The,pommlttee wlU open a hear-' land of Bridgeport. Miss Mildred Yamashita after American pre­ lipea, and was under enemy fire at in^ tom?irrovv into thp coal rritniri'g Army, Navy and Air Force' near­ use .1 gay cretonne c’nei'c.d bou­ and it haa made it Without reaer- iah iiaaes. That was presumably Apderson, now dean of women in invasion raids had destroyed l.SOO kind o f ^ doir chair. Tufted seat and. . the time. aituatiori. Secretary of the Inter­ a junior coIlege-in suburban CMca- ly two million dead frod^'the start ^ vallons. And A'inerica is the first a,; technical opinion, baaed on his Softball Results ; Japanese pVinea that .he would get of the war until Nov. 30, 1044, ac­ back;,rose print. Usually $49.75 ior Ickes will be the first'witness. go; Mias Ethel Goalee of East replacements sufficient to repel "•^nation to ratify. The slogan, scientifib.-sij*'dy’ Df'geography and ^ Three softball games.^vvere^pay- Th* hearing -ia expected to re­ Orange,. Harold Skinner of Weth cording to figures from Gerfnan •'* volve largely about the question of any landing attei^pte on Luzon documents. - w ork ■'3.; .. "America First,’*- once jto dis­ weather, as whil ' as- upon ifls ad­ ed at the Recreation, center on ersfleld, and Mrs, Mary Crockett Instead! the eprrits^ndent related. Usually .S19.7.'l 4 4 - 5 0 Sunday. In the fipst the -Central getting more manpower. Ickes has . The documents were seized i reputable a. slogan ^of narrowness miration, 'we 'luppose, of the Ger­ Dannaher. Mrs. Lulu E ^ ar Lan- Tominaga flew from Manila, as , gC softball team was defeated by urged release of coal miners 'rom tenbach, Mrs. Jennie Rogers Best,- from the Berlin home o f . Gen. | \—T’- arid blindness and aelfishness, has man air force.-/ . the'Army, ' - _ ■ * American troops approached, to Hermann Reineke,- described" as > theTiartford Trojans in'a score of Mrs. Anna Vleteh Nel.son. Ray­ Echague in the Caygayan valley, that come full cycle, Into a clean, Well, even while wW ■ made It, 1 to 0. In the second game the The Army, however, bas-:taken mond C^oslee and William E. propaganda chief for the German' 1 2 “ a general stand against release of and took the first plane for Tokyo Army, and listed 1,911.300 as kill-i Smart da»h of color for any BIgbU healthy, vibrant meaning. our wish Was being made "true. Central AC defeated the Mayberry Buckley, all olTMancheater. leaving his command in confusion eenth Century living room! Fanback ^ Village team of-Eaat Hartford by soldiers by vocations. It contends The committee which made the ed or fatally wounded in the three! Liridbisrgh'was in Europe, inspect­ this would interfere with -opera­ ...... rvlces, including 1,419,000 on , S a v e s ____ _ chair - in' 'yellow cretonne with gag. a score of 4 to 2 and In the third arrange'menta for the dinner , con \ floral design in natural eolora. . A Stopping: The Clock ing the results of the bombing at game the Central AC defeated the tion of ^ e point system for dis­ alsted of Mrs. Dannaher, Raymond K. of C. Outing e Russian front I tack he said could never be made. Mayberry team 7 to 0. charges Md damage Army morale. Goalee and William Buckley. aTotal German casualties since Nim PiecM, Usually $275.00.. • The most incurable—and The commlttCfr’ Iast week con­ the start of the war totaled V and ^ I -A-nd, he was , at least honest cluded an inquiry into transporta­ Usuklly $79.00.-A •teort pernicious of all demands in'enough to admU that "aeiaom in Soviet Songwriter Dies Tickets Ready 064,438, the document showed. tion problems arising out of ^he West Defeats East Negro Air-!Stars This figure, according to.Relneke's the repertoire of organized labor | hi.tory has a nation been de/eat- Moscow’. July 30^0P)—Gabriel Army’s redeployment program. La­ raoords. Included those killed, 2 3 9 “ U that Which asks that the clock ed a* coiripletely a. Germany.” ter Snyder wrrote Mead that a Chicago, July 3(1.;^ (Aft — The Tickets for the annilal .summinr ______S a t is tia i Arkadievich Ureklyan, 46, who o u t in g o f Campbell council. wounded so severely that they of progress be stopped, or even But this. gracious admission of wrote the words to the Soviet Na­ working agreement among the Of­ Negro American baseball league ware unabla to return to service, 3 9 fice of Defense Transportation, Uie all-tars, representing the west yes- Knights of Columbus, which will -s turned back, on the theory that tional anthem, died today after a misMng, prisoners and those dis­ WE SERVICE A U . MAXI a fact he could not deny does not long illness Ureklyan. who vyroie Association of American Railroads terilsy defeated the eaat's Negro be held at Garden Grove, Sun charged because of pergsarient Picture thu Eighteenth Century dining room adding new dignltv and rich- Dm p . loungy Quean Anne Club chair at progreaa threatens the number of represent any Lindbergh cure. and the. War department "will go National League all-stara, 9-6, in day, Aug. 12, wlU be dlstrtbutod neis to your home. Credenu buffet^nd cabinet base china with their an amazing reduction. Full pre-war under the name of El Regiitari, a long! way -to solve” the problems. dlsabmuea. Jobs available to an existing craft. Symbolically enough, bla first wgs one of the ^nation’s best the 13th annual eaat-vs-west base­ to members of the Summer Outing wealth of storai^ space; Duncan Phyfe-extension table and a set of decora­ spring conatiuctlpn, too! Button-trimmed In fields close t9^ the average -known war correspondents _ and ball game before 31,714 fans .at committee tonight. In the, ab­ back; cabrlola feet. public p ^ f 'Of call following hia ArrestMl. for Painting on Kiinday Comtskey' park.' The westerners sence of James F. ‘nsmey, ch ai/ tive Snepaten chairs ;(arm and 5 sides). Beautif'Utly grained mahogany conaiimer, such iabpr'ToUey fighta .was fated an authority on. central C a r t a r plywood and solid glim wood. return from Europe was to- the 'Asia.' piled Iip an 9-0 lead in the early ip- man of the committee,' Grand FOR SALE! truly modeniized " methods ‘ of offices of Um Chicago Tribune, Ocean City, N. — -Artist rilngs and then squelched a ninUr Knight Comellus It. Foley will 'housing 'c^atmctlon. on the the­ WjLUism Damort^was artested yes­ inning rally by the National preside at the committee meeting r i / M a^uikeiie^ which still ijegarfla Britain and Tires, on freight wagons which HERALD ROUTE C h avrelM Ce^ ory that theM modernized meth^ terday as he waiiv (ftilnting a 'por­ lyaguers after five runs had been which Will folltnsr the oouncii sea Ruaxia as our greatest enemies. formerly made trips to the far trait The reason, said Mayor scored. Vprdel Mathis, little pitch­ Sion. 126 CustomerR ~ oda aroittd take cooatruction work- As Is the 'fsahion' with those west were from four to six Inches Ctodye Strxible; A. city ’ ordinance ing star of the Memphis Red'Sox. Several matters of impertanpe 191 Center St. Pheae 681 wide, and a half bt«h thick. Each TELEPBOnIe 5868 eC tiiair IriUMc **«■ who glways dlstrusUd aur allies forbids "urtncceiMary busincu” on pitched the first throe frames and art due to be laltiatfii) at the tire waUrh6|l,M0 oeoads ar moi«i wa6 ei«dlted with the victory. eating ^ the council Uisl|t>t Is / turned aeaward hftpr'"an our o f widow of M. Rogers of 77 mpire Heart Inceaaant .firing” th a t^ ft Import;^ I^ame oitJfetain Chestnut atree^^ed this morning O fficials Close Gain Posts ant target* "burning^fleroely " / 'suddenly at Gunt’s Neck, East S ^ S S . Today’s Radio B r o w t t Bottleneck Ball Route - Lyme, Conn. kastonWwtliM 3rd Fleet;. Objectii)e* ‘ iMiuded vaht/ ralK / For.Pw h Eri^ors Mrs.. Rogera was bute in Man- Scouts’ Camp I n E ^ t i o i i iSheater, the daughter or^he late S t r i k e road ahopa, Jtwo ,blg Wl/bridgea, i ' 1:00—WDRC — Music off th* R*c/f>7 16—WDRC Hadda Hopper Navy Called Dead aircraft proipeHor pjantA and 'a Horrifies Major Jarri^; and Annie Hobbs A ^ e n . ord; W THT — Sereno Oammeli; HoUyVrpod; WHTD — R a j^ n d Naval amenal. lMn>at8U and. ita She Ibayes two daughters.Xifi Voluntary Acti^"^ FoU w*nc — A Woman of America. wing: WTHT —HartfOiA Two Locfl Members of ■ ---- I briinttniied from of a alngle plane, *rtd prom- alona would be curtailed becau: Death Takes tile Paralysis Cases. I:80X-WDRC — New*; Music off T^onored at Sesniion. O ld Tinier Nfiie ^-^Again there wa* no oppoaitlon. the 88-year-old' mar*haS..wna *rff- Aitken, of Philadelphia and four tke Record; WTHT — Musicrin Yanks; WHTD — Lone Ranger; Play 4t O val Thm ngh Grasiiidio^ to continue Ita pre-announced ella began atriktng. the rall- the' Mederti Mood; War Garden) WTHT —Melody Lane; WTIC— ■'.X'' neo. Numeroua email craft of the lalgn Of devaatatlon. fering from a throat 'allmeiv grandchildren-X/ ^ Tw o' Manchester Marines were lugger type alao ■were hit. ad hub ahortly befpre m ^ e was a member of the South East . mpton, July SO.—(/IV- W nC—Pepper Youiig Famtl Chemical Test* In Drunken Driv­ To Benefit ,1m , Before Herriot took theysfan^ 1,450 Plane* Attack / from the Amerifcan battleahlp Geo. H . Allen 1:45—W n C —Right* to Happtnes*. ing. / elected to. the eecond and third Honorably Discharged^ TbOBt^d^H. Browfc o€ Roo«e- Bomb Four Airdrome* tiefense Attorney Jean/emalr^.v Methodist church. Sunset Rebekah Camp""^ uggus, operated at ranking pdSte in the Department Fast Moving T ille d C i t y The J^aneae Dome! new;* ag^ .VtaaHachiwetta f\hd heavy crulaer lodged Manchester Grange, the Or­ t;00—WDRC — Houee/Party; 7:46—WTIC — EmilgCtote Ole? .mit Btreet, todi^ dopipl«^ »r- On Japan, the Far Baat Air asserted that the n ew / service ‘ Lake Pocoto^fiMt’ bere by the of Connecti^l Marine Corps Vets of W orld Wap II ey. eatlmated that 1,250 pTanea^at- Quincy, and the Brltla'h battleship der of the Eastern Star and'' the New*: WHTD — nm ^ lew * the aub. - S ta t is t ic s I n d ic a t e N B ’ s aervlce Statl^.ten .remains Nine Faces XjFaltering mij'cniuits for th# pttrch»fte of Force*' boipbed. four alrdromea, tacked Japim from daWn tp ^ td - ForntPT Local Business Central. CqnnectfPut Council of League at the'"4th annuail"'State King George .V and light cruiser WlnkleXwas director/waa -rused by | Amaranth, New*; —yiTTHT -/ J e w *; Glr- 8:00— WDRC —' Vox Pop; WHTt> A > n . I > 1 W be seen, and will uhdbubtedly he • Play in Benefit.'; tbo building'' on ' BlMell deatroyed or damaged U|p enemy aftemoon. The. main ^Welcpt of the Convention held to New Britain A n d - P ic k o f t h e L o o p ; oroved in Tuesday n lW ‘a game. ‘ East Hartford /Team* Newfoundland. Alao with the the Germaii*.lri 19^ and 1937 t o ; M a tt S u C C IIIllU S a t t h e Boy Scouts, has clbqed vohmtari-. and’* Music H s llx 'w n c —Back­ . --Pick and Pat; WTHT — Cecil ^ ■ ■ N -jtTMt owned by y the- car­ era Abbot and Hale,--add poaaibly l;15-rWHTD / Johnny Thomp­ Medal of Honor. Kingsbury of 60 J a i ^ Road was Are Liveniy tsaiancen , ban pitching o t McGuire aim oiea- Next Sunday afternoon at the The red hot„ Willimantle Flier*' emy plane* roae to rheet them. Six ITnited States. ^Winkler testified H a r t fO r r t r l o s p y a l . kin* Fiinerai Home. Rev. Dr. lowing the discovery of elected senior vie* commander of through the agency of George Li. rier plane*. DOmelN&ld. Flrat e»- other unit*. fantile' paralysis cases, son; W T K ^ Stella Dallas. 8:16—WHTD — News of Tomor­ West Side Oval, Mahehester’* Old with the old 'red head himself, American plane* were loat. tlmatea aald^OO f)iartga were par-; for'"^the ..state ^turday., f '' :—— ~ > W. Ralph V^arfi, Jr„ will officiate row; WTHT/r-rKay-0-Qul*. the Department find Richard Veen ^-Tor Gam e .o f Season.; JSStTtoe^towtorp^^ Red Barber, w ill t o In town to:- Oraaiadio. , - , While air raid alarm* sounded Recalled t/the stand, he denied George H. Allen, former coaLand and burial- wtll' be in the Elast which (kroved fatal, among t;80-TH^HC — Jimmie Fldler; Timer* of the early 1920’s, will be The garUge building is at prea- On^ Friday «0-odd Liberator*, of tlclpatlng/ro^' ^ iberNwas boo*t-;i0,„„p after hour m Tokyo, survlv- W i n i / — Report from Abroad; 8:30—WDRC — Meriy Ufe of of 82 . Washington street was "I Annlello hits the, fast balls / o r night to battle th^faltering Ham­ the aame force* aet huge flrea In a1l charge.s/lncluding others that lumber,dealer here, died ea’rly yes- cemetery." Friends rtiay call at mdi'c than 70 boy campers. In’.action against the- It^lllght ant houaed by 90 Jamatcana now tHen to L250. /'/ in the six cities blasted by the Lorenzo Jones. Mary Christmas; News: WHTD named vibe Commandant of Dla- The Nlchols-Brlstol softball team .455 compared with .421 for tl(e ilton Prop.* in fc itotllght League the 'Yoahima Irop work*, 'diatrlct ed to t > ^ , and i the fufieral home after seven A t the council headquarters League veterans. The latter team employ^ on tobacco farma in thla Quoting a cornmsirilque\i8*oed I y^st Super-Fortress fieet began he frequented th* German en/p.^rda.y-Tnorning at the Hartford —Blind Date; WTH’l’ — U. 8. 'trlct 1,.Hartford and.Tolland coun­ who by winning both the first and slow ones. Jack Hijl is conal^ game at the West Side O'val at of Kagoahimk. on iouthem KyU- ba.say, waa aaaociated with, Nazi ipital" after a brief Illness.' He o’clock tomorrow evening. Meriden, it was said that healtn -WttRC-^ Ad Urier; WHTD will be composed, of , Twilight aiclnlty. Thh property .Includea in jointly by the Kanto' A rm j/An dj pj^aring-away charred ruins Coast Guard 165th Anniversary; ties, Thomas Wall of Clinton 6:15..' , \ ahu. while 150 Thunderbolt* atruck propaganda and bore arms had'lived at 28 Chapin avenue. authorities ■ were not opposed to -MusIm I Roundup: .^|Wnc — wafi elected State Commandant. second round gained the riglit to | average of> .455 '^ague players that have served addition to the ^ atory brick Ifokohama Naval statlonX h e^ - jpjt by the "conflagrationa” and the carrip continuing to operate ■'Wldder Brown,’’ n w n C —Howard Barlow’;e Or­ •to,World War n and are now dis­ The ,■Fliers are currently riding U garage,/two anialler Iwo-car and bridge*, tunnel* and power plkota against Frftnte In the first World Uocky'Hin; this sUite, for the past ^tVIlIbun J. Crawford chestra. .Two members of the FYank J. play the All-Stare tomorrow night , iiabl^ HoSf BreSnirpiaste^^^^ ^ e the wa'vKto a three game win- . around Kjimamoto, wcat centi^" "quarters, Domel ag6met claimed Japanese "air /w ajlm a on Shikoku. '' All Armagh, Ireland, he came with nls -^-Telephone Hour. . . Lena Hill of 47 Edward street was show* that. Frank ^Hence to an­ half out first/ace. Since the tactics while, the armistice was came to' Connecticut In <880. He 8;i6—WDRC (aih Street Hart- elected Chaplain and Mrs. Ruth than they do against alow • ball formidable lineup that Will include occupancy by Mr. Brovro Vj . i.- . ^ units” went into action, "Inter- re / ved blunt warning* fpOm parents directly to Manchester Dwight, N. Demersi/^Xson of 9;IS^W TH T — Real Stories from other -onf t ^ t Just seems^to adore Eddie Mimson. 'Sam Massey, Brack addition of BarbefX the Flier# being slgntfi; ! was employed by the, late^:C,llnton when about three years p f age, and Mr. and .Mrs; Nelson/^mer* of ■\ford; WHTD Dlck Tracy: ■Real Life. Darling dfi 8 (jhurch street. was artists, figures disclose. They have ahortly after November 1: H e d ^ 4,477 AfldltlOtfm ^ 'peptlngl' and "gaining war re- [i,e 20thNAlr Force only 24 jidur* W THT — Superifian; W ’n c — the fast ones In hls average of Wilson, Bill Schleldge, Sam Hy­ have taken on a new teue of H(e- '• aecured______t ai_-the i~ncMe*lAaa>I>1gymmil^h'Chry81er-P)ymoul ' / . “ Gply lucreased Confusion" ' \V. Cowles, who conducted a hotel had lived here 71 years. He was Middletown, who' ha/been at- the 9:30—WDRC — Usteff to a Story electfid to the board of trustees "aulta”—a claim ...^aiib'atantlated j p^fore thaKthey were next on the Portia FacesI Ufe. bfsten Pop Gleason twice this sea­ .455 compared with .324. Jack man. Tommy Sipples, Herman The old zip and pepper to * t made automobile agency for thi* town. Jap Bodien J^ounted and livery IniSiness at the north employed for many as a weaver by Pamp several wceim acting as ' a ol the Sear WHTD— Pan-Amer­ Manchester’s Frank J. Mans­ son by the, gcore of 9 to 8 in the Prlpr, first baseman t ^ the Nich- the Thread City tong. .tough by American and British aifmen. | ”T' learned afterwards • that end, Mr. Allen-and his brother. 1:80—WDRC —War■ Cohynentary; Bronkie and'^hd^t, of othel fav­ Manila. JulyXlO—W —Japanese Dome! later reported that lwo-'T OppoaltlpiiKOnly Normal there had- been meeting* with Cheney Brothers, and retired a few clerk in the offl/^ died in the iao\ ican* ttoion Bummer Concert; field Detachment placed thirteen first game, when they collected ten okT, Bristol team loves to face the team to beat last' year, tias 'prae • Swoon or Croon; W1 ' Jack delegateg’lh the State Convention orite* during toe boom day* ’ of casualties t/the....Pl>«lpplncr rose bksed Mustang P-»il. fighter planes - significantly, ^ a p ite . the ad Pierre Lavkl arid others iiml it ye.ant ago. He was a member of lation ward of/a Hartford hospi­ Coronet Story Teller; WTHT hits off him. IThls game was broken fafit one* and hi* batting average baseball mow tn?n 20 years sgo dominated the' Fliers’ last f#w St Malw’a fipiscopal Xburch and tal last week, and Edwin Gold­ Armstrong; W THT — shall Bands; WTIC — Rise Sunday aft'ernobn, and fi resolution today aa/Genen/MacAi^ur an- attacked the south-central Hon­ vance notice of thV. firebomb raids was decided W would k® prevent­ Scores: Music; WTIC ust up when Bud Kehler hit a four- riiows that against a fast one he in Manchester. \ - games and. with the team hittifi^N- Nazis Cracking of King David Lodge of-Odd Fel­ berg, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ Stevens Show. prepared by ‘Judge Advocate bagger in the last Inning. The sec- League game at the North End to­ well, It appears that the Flier* nounred^thst additional en­ shu, area, bombing and strafing air by seven big task foroea of possi­ ed from leaving,” Herriot said. Plain Bill. : poles them^'fdr a very good aver­ ' Veterans Strong morrow night as scheduled last emy bodies bad been counted rtur- bases,' warships- and military es- Earlier, Se said: "Petain had told lows. , '" i - - / ry Goldberg of Wallingford, Is a 10:00—WDRC —Screen Star Play; -James T.' King, Sr., of 16 Foster ona time out against (Jleason, the age of .666 compared with .429 The: , Veterans are' expected to arc not go'ing to 'lose but -this^ bly 600 planes,:opposltlqn waa only fi:48—'WDRC —"'■Tennessee Jed; WHTD—Tokyo Calling: WTHT street, and sponsored by the local week. The game will be played at a Awaiting Trials injfrroe week apd 587 capture* had. tabllahmenta in the vicinity of lae normal." Interception ^ s “ nil to us he wanted us to leave and that Mr. Crawford leave* liisXwIfe. patient, at-a New Haven hospital, leaders unleashed a ' barrage , of against the slower, pitches.. But field A team that will find Buck' lye.'vr. I Mrs. Mary (Lewie) Crawford;. also- suffering from infantile WHTD — Singing Lady: W THT Connecticut Forum of the Air: detachment. wa»r voted by the as­ eighteen hits, to win going away later date. ' • , ■en AJede. bay and Osaka, alight,” and an ti-aircraft/e "nil he would even help Sqme of Us to —Tom Mix; WTKC—Front Page it stHl all adds up to the fa d that Byeholski,', Pat Murdook, Swede Pla.voff Berths Open He'aald American casualties for Bitny Talmlating Rraiilta go. If he changed hl*\mlnd. he t)iree children, Mr*. Richard Cher- paralysis. :C—Contented Program. sembly-. . It provided for an ap­ 12 to 3.. The first game against the winner of this classic will still Salmonson.'Walter Forde, Stan (Conttnoed From Page One) , to mssRP*" crewmen Farrell. . , 10;30-/^R C — Stuart Erwin peal to the: Navy department for The Twilight League champion­ ! The four qualifying playoff tb^ week were 34 killed and 73 Admiral Nlmltz’ headquarters, should have let us knowXHe only ringtpn. of Brooklyn. N. Y.. Mrs. Scout Executive Harry S, Han^ Mac'McGuire and his windmill probably be the team that gets the Kullck, Johnny Mack, Leo DadaJt. berths .are wide open.. The itoips,- s ' ~ /' aaid. Al.'lO struck was th e/ h l- 6:00—News on all stations. Show; y^HTD —- Reunion. U. S. the enactment of regulations pro­ ship playoffs will not get under wounded. ■;■ meanwhile, waa busy tabulating motus oil refinery 40 miles aoi Increased the confusion.” | jjr ISdwa"rt Schumann Of Staten son of. Meriden', camp director, windup puzzled the NB’s and they breaks. Ales Lesneski and others:-All h.ivc losors of- their last three' staito, each other. They try to pak*^ the Islandi N. Y., Russell L-'^rawford and his eight-year-old son, Harry, 6:16—WDRC — Jimmy — Tom Hussey Speak; W T te — Dr. I. Q. and expert Combst Infantryman’s and were beaten 3 to 2, but in . the been honorably discharged. at the slightest thing.” / On Luzon, patrole of the 37th The rampaging fleet since July- high ekplostves. jt!) a smile, brought hla voice to 'll 10:45—WTHT-2*^entlde Echoes. the Warren and Jarvis team' and poned games to he made up at thla contest. The East Hartford team Infantry dlvlaion now- are probing 10 has cost Japan 1,076 planes and aNhbiit a* h^^^told of the collapse » He also leaves two sisters and a cases and are under medical ob­ Journal: Oroheeteal Interlude; badges to Marlnei/and acbom' second game against Mac they The purpos'c ■ of the game is to Seyaa-Inquart FlrsK Ipromee . "We khew all .about the new brother, Mrs. Fraqces Dougan and - W THT — H o n o r 'll!: Concert 11:00—News on alLitationa. pan^ng'and retroaHIve pay, for Ken Gaytoii, manager of the writing;' had ode of those nights, when into - w;lld mountains eastward 915 ahips aria small craft de- Idea of calling ,0ur shots— telling of / a n c e ’: servation at the home of a rela­ bounced back to score a 12 to 11 Rockville tearn who wfire both raise funds to take care of any everything goes wrong lost Fri­ Bock *»ld Arthur Sejr*t-inq\«rt. Mrs. William McCabe of Manches­ tive in Middletown, but are not ill. Interlude: 'WTHT -XHonor Roll: 11:15--WDRC — Night Owl Show; thes'e decorations dating back to win over the aircrafters and hit injuries suffered by players while oneUme Nazi m^Wpr of culture from the Cagayan valley where a troyed or damaged, according to tb'e Japa what cities we were go­ military leaders wanted tied, at* the end of toe second day rttglit against Rockville and total of 7.600 Japanese are be­ ter, and Andrew-Crawford of Falls the council headquarters In Meri­ " Concert Hour; W TIC — Profea- WHTD —Jam S ea s«^ W T H T — January 1, 1944. similar to the ac­ McGuire hard fdr twelve hits. ' • in -a Twi League game. At present and overlord o^The Netherlands, ''[■ra'box score Issuefi this afternoon ing to d estro/ but - it seemed to surftader. We told them theyj. .. tor Andre Schenker. Baseball Scores; Itte Dance round, for the runner up spot of with- that game" out of their sys- • lieved apllt into femnapta. i I by,. Admiral Nlmltz'.headquarters, Viliage, Conn. den rejMJrted. tion of the Army. Gteaaon A Onusin the fund is small and it has al­ was the first, !|Tiee. ■ He waa in weird to be headed into our tar­ were th/ludges of the military i 6:30-7-XVDR(/-^ George B. Arm- •nme; W ’n c — Harkheas of second place will share the man­ tern they may be able to give th# Another 2,200 Japanese, Inclui I "Thla la it: this la the end of, Fiiqpral service.* for Mr. Craw­ Most of. the bbys'at the camp The local delega.^lon Was led 'at ways beep the' custom’ o f' the on May IS.'.; • get and keep hearing our radio situation and vfhether m illtvy ford Will be held Wednesday\.after- ' stead; WHTD ■.;— Answer Man; Washington. The team as a whole have a agement assignment for the all Fliers'* battle. Ing at least two general officers the Jap navy surrender necessary. They came from VVallihglord, Merldon. the conventlap by Commandant stars. , league to play at least one game a arrived May 20. He 'station calling out "tfie naVnea of noon at 2 o’clock at his home, 36 | Southington •WnC — Bob Steele. >• 11:S04^WHTD — Music; Richard Veen 'of the local detach better, average against these two season to maintain a sizeab'e ' Tonight Mike Marco or Lou Ucisfi' will aro estlm-ateJ to be In Central Lu* I was the quiet conclusion "the .cities one by One, over and I ha.d no right t/d'emand a general men than they do'against the other For an added attraction before probab1y"start on the slab for the came l « tite back end of a weapons- zon, principally in the mountain* Third fleet officer aboard Hamlin street. Rev. Ellison F. j x 6:45—WDRC — News: WHTD ■ Dance Orchestra: w n C — Ci ment. ' ' amount. In other years, the local Hamilton vs. Fliers, 6:1 5 -West sky-blue uniform dusty ■over again.” related - Flight En- armipticOo armistice» tnvolv'tng tnvolvHjP all France, (Tharlle Chan; WTIC — Lowell Clalloway's Orcheatrau three pitchers In the league who the game Jack Hlll of the Nich- Props /With Ray Dciautela doing behind the Wawa dam aecter, Admiral John S.--;’ McCain’s MaK'ln wilt officiate and burial will i Following la the list of Depart­ league All Stars would face the .Side Oval, dlahieelled. With him was a ginger Tech-Sergt. Eariari H Huse, We Intended to d ^ n d the: repub be in the Ea.st cemeterj'. ‘ | ■ ThOmae . 12:00r- WH’ID — News: Music have nothing but a prayer oil the .ols, Bristol team will race against East Hartford League stars In a tile hurling fbr the Fliers. Desau- where the 38th Intently | carrier flagship, after studying lie. We still had aXfleet and an ment officers of the League and Plant J vs; Nichols, Bristol, 6;.10 ^nk-cheek^ valet-'- , The valet contteuca the slow Job of rediKing K deyastaUpn Eau- Claire, Wia. The body wilt he at hls' home , Walker St- Job 7:00—WDRC — On Your Mark; , W n C News; St. Louis Serenade. Auxiliary‘for 1945-46: ball. The average against Gleason Oscar Phillips of the 'Warren and home and home series and all pro- Norjh End field. tCls hurled one of hls best games was Immediately ordered to hard MaJ. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay. 20th empire." after 4 o’clock tomorrow after­ WHTD — Headline Edition; 12:30—w n C — .Five Moods fo'r The Officers and McClulr? is .395 while against Jarvis ten .to settle all differences ce'edaT would be turned over to the Tueaday, July .SI Inst week in,, stopping the Men’* their position,*.: _ I wrought Saturdav at Kure. n - labor. ^ . Air Force . commander, ■ Indica't^d Herriot said that tw>s, of Uie noon.-'fo; W T H T — Fred Morrison: WTIC Mohday. the other three teams In the league in the matter of just who is the league treasurer. Club cold. the Associated PreSs Corre V Nearly C.oniplet< Leagu/offlcers. Commandant. It is dropped to .386. These figures fastest runner on the bases. Both All Star Softball League game When Ooering was searched, he ftt 3eW)0t Is bcli6V6Q to DC on inc j oi in a radio' broadcast' after the FrcnWr-politiciaris wh —Supper Cfiub." 12:45—W TIC—Lee Sims. Thomas F/Wall,'„ Clinton; senior 'The game will be played in p.iace 6;30-' North End field.' All Stars The Filers with Barber. Leo “Was found to have a vial of poison LbuTari islands north bf Aparri. [ spondent Richard O Malley. strike that the program of warn-l-ijianaged to leave the Sirs. Charles Auaiist - are just in league competition and will circle the base paths and will of the game originally scheduled vs.'Nichols, Bristol. Dadalt "Danny • O’Rourke and Halsey’s blazing answer to Jap- vice commanfiMt, Origin J. Kings­ do no.t include the outside games concealed In a can of soluble coffee. ing- enemy cities would be con-; foi; Algiers aboard the line Mrs': Ardeila Marcella August, ‘ • .. .. bury, of Manchtoter; dlstrict-idce be clocked by Peter Wlgren of the between the Pratt and Whitney Wednesday, Aug. 1 Johnny Plzzo all hitting the cover 444 Japs Killed DaJI^ on’a rejection of the Allied peace tlnued. George H. Allen that the leaders have played. local high school track team. On the vial was the word, ."Gift.” sllia w'ere later ass; wife of Charles August, of 19 GoL 'Tire sidewalk and curbing con- commanders, 1,/lchard Veen --of Men’s Club and the Plant J Majors AI reraft vs. Rockville, 6:15 — (fir the bail since the -team start­ which Is Germair for poison. Throughout July, an average of ultimatum ctf,riyixed three week* way street, died at the Memorial .sttuction job on W^alhcp .street \Defeat 6^ Conservatives The selections of the players on ^ ^ To Take a iOolleiotlon •The latter game has been moved ed their belated pennant driv* 444 Japanese' have been klllpd’ unprecedented dpntnictlon that \ ^ ^ term eT co lo \ C ^ W. Alten, bought the bus- Manchester; 2, McHot Mandell of West Side Oval. Goehring did not explain why he. hospital yesterday after a brief ; which has been under f o r / e Middletown: 3,' Viefro Kurth of the All-Star team seemed to have Nichols, Bristol have consented up to a later date In the. sessoji. Lee’s vs. Stolle AvGamble, 6:30 Will be much stronger than to* like former Minister Joachim von dally, contpared with a 763 dally pogt tht enemy all her major war- r Of > Mr.. Cowles- and the illness. . I past six weeks. Is rapidly nearinjg; mal Minister ^G eo r^ Mandel. Of Stamford: 4, Samuel Gbuet, New their differences as far as this to tutuTsh all the equipment for -North End field. ^ . team that whipped the Hamilton* Rlbhenfrop. who also w'as carrying average during the bloody cam- ghfpg Born in Lithuania Mrs. Augu.st i completion. The contract for this Removes Radio H^adfiher writer and the fans that' watch by a 2 to 1 score In thair first paign for central Luzon and Ma- M'Hte Off Six Ottle* i Murdered ' i.J J ^ H e'rT h e livery business. He London; judge advocate,"Kenneth the'game so that a collection can Thilrijiday, Aug. 2 poison when captured, had failed was a resident of this town for 22 work wns-by Aceto & Sylvester, lo- the leflgue games goes. Several be taken up at this game. This meeting. nila. B-29 crewmen meanwhile, wlth- later/igaged in the harne.is and cal concrete arid masonry contracf I E! Ludlngton, West Hayem In­ United Aircraft v*. Majors. ^:15 . to use It. ' ‘‘He was n /m ost vehement pov years, coming her? from ' New spector general. Edward J. FVawr players names who d'd not appear to the only game this year that West. Side Oval. The usual attendance prise will ' Bock said that Goering was so The proportion of enemy surren- los*."wrote off six of 11 fore- carriage bii.slness with a store In tors,, The new walks and curhlngj New York, July 30.—(8^—EHec-: Attlee, is not nearly so well known on the team caused much conver­ Local Sport be awarded. iltlcal adversary.. For that very the Spon/r block on Depot .Square: Britain.. Besides her husband she ley. New Britain; chapla this will be done, so that the fins Friday, Aug. 8 nervous on his arrival that he had dera have Increased and nmy one ,| ^gmed ensmy industrial centers reason. l/ i*ls t on saying that he leaves five children, Heleri, Evelyn now eiftend from' East -Centerl |toraI defeat of Winston Church-, oi) this side ot the Atlantic, al- sation, It was a total surprl.se to be put In care' of Field M-ar- man capitulataa for every seven Later hfev entered the-- coal "and street to a point where aid'ewalkl [lll's Conservative .party, taking though he has been bn the air at (TharleaVxtXoLs aVX^U Richman,'- &1IC6II f ■ a Hartford; alfil LX \/l U f ad^ sarfisAn kfsA W a 661m JV— a a tee a wa can Show their appreciation at P A ’S vs. Hamilton. 6:1fi— West that they ha>l placed publicly on ^ was admirable and extraordl and Alice August. George and this irame by being generous when Side Oval. ' . ■hal Albert Keasehing. kUled'. The ratio in central their death list: and General Mac- D octor lumber business, selling it to C. W. had been laid by Alexander Jan’ts.l reis from the premierahip of .Great various times. Hla most recent talk jutant paymaster, Rolknd Turoer. of the^player* Who sre j narjr . atriot. Hft was murdered” Howard: a brother, Joseph Wai- the.collection box to passed. All Chatter Kaceys vs. Warten A Jarvis. , "He kept aaylng.T think you are Luzon and Manila ^aa 41 Japanese ArtWir’s Far East. Air Forcea i I-Cing, who in\urn sold it to W. developer of the large troct be-1 [Britain, also haF-^iad the effect of was on CBS May 12 when he spoke Waterbuiy; aergeant-at-arms. Wil- t/topresent the league in this ,en Herriot ended' hls direct chen of this tt,wn: also two sisters. mer Oreenmore, Bristol: chief of proceeds from this game will be 6:30 - North End field: Softball League going to kill me-fpmorrow'." Bock killed to each surre'rider. added-700 sorties of their own tot George Glenneyi. During hls re­ tween Ftanklin street and Middle] 1 removing, within a short time, an- from San Francisco as a member annual classic, ,IL .was revealed The Hill Blnies again occupy stlmony, a jurc^*asked. , tirement he spenVhls winters In Mrs. Nellie Rhodes of Hartford, .fitaff, Frank McGoverfi., New Ha­ put aside for any player that may Siuiday, Aug. 5 . . 'related. • - X ' - On Mindanao Island 24th arid Saturday’s parade of bombs acros.* "Is It youp opinion that Feta In and Mrs. Sylvia Songailo -ed in the air. 66; destroyed omitted. .Turner, of Manchester, and Mrs. [ works, most of the time by short rell and Sally Moore: 7:30 Ameri­ hitting the ball fpr a nice average Gamble, • Warren and .Jarvis, ...The Nazi foreign mlhlater and aware of'the poeslbllity.qf appen­ ■"tore off my own detoratTdn.'” ' A Emriria Wahder, oif Hartford; one week at 'Oescent Beach, Nlantic. wave rel*!^ from London, he got a Trop, N. Yr Utica 6. Hartford 1 (2nd, rain), Kaceys, Lee’s and . the Plant Banfikok Station " agroiinfi,/98; damaged aground ■ „ V ------' , , can Melody: 9:30 Doctor Fights The convention voted to send fi of .48'l,’''rhe lead In the shortstop Wilkes-Barre 10, 8; Williams­ author of Germany"* foreign policy dicitis when they have se.imre pifr- few weeks later he was arrested. stepson. Harry F. CTark, J r/ tivo I listener rating any sponsor- might Aircraft have • been banded to­ Gay Alexander, daughter of Mr . . ABC—12:30 Farm and Home; letter of congratulation to Mver position again goes to the Stars port 0, 1. aaid he'had known nothing of Hit­ Calcutte, July 30.—(/PV-Libera- Locomotives destroyed,, 126 lo- sistent abdominal' pain.' 'The other He said he went to the Office of grandchildren; and several nieces [like to duplicate.' with Morrissey clubbing .380 and gether for-this game of the year. the War MinistiY bP the night of Herald Linolyper Marjorie M. Alexander of Hart] 2:30 The' Fitzgerald*r fi:46'^arUe Schwolsky, administrator of the Elmira 8, 0; Scranton 6. 1. ler’s plan* to occupy Austria and tora of the Eastern Air Command comotlvea damaged, 6.5. warning—do not take' a cathartic, and.nSphews., ' I Probably Churchiy’s largest (Than: 8:30 Alan Ybung comedy; 10 Frank Hence of tlie NB's .324. Juno 17, 1940, and found no one ’ Fimeral servlcea Will be hel ford Road, .and'Ruth Prior, daughj Newington Veterans ’ Hospitsl Albany 8, l; Binghamton ,8;' 6. was stunned "When presented'with bombed the principal railway ata- Halsey’s planes, aided by land- laxative, or purgative when you Iradio.aqdie.ntie'ln this country cstoie George Olsen music . . / M ^ Oscar Phillips Tops Thfc: biggest crowd fif toe season the accomplished fact: have-, pain in the stomach—has there "on that night when the fate tomorrow afternoon- at Watknw ter of Mr. and MrT Henry P. Priof Newingdon. complllnenting the American tlon of ,jparigkok, Thailand’s ca'pl-1 bajed. Arriiy, Navy, and Marine Taken by Death 1 early In the 'war when his address 1:30 Paul*. Stone from Hqllywood; staff for- the. excellent work being Is expected to take In the contest ...tThe greatest diplomatic success tal, ywiterday, derailing rolling Utrmro. destroyed or damaged 657 sa-Ved udditlopal lives. of France was being decided.” Funeral home, 142 EaSt Center Sf. Wells street, left Saturday fo i f to .a. Joint aeaalon of (tongresa waa The third, base .advantage is dif­ Boston 8, Washington 4. between these two teams. The Trifrjnajor’a name has flitted In ^ORday House, the Girls’ FriendW 2:30 Queen for a Day;.A:l5 John­ done by that Institutlrip for the ferently all for the All Stars In St.- Louis 4, 0; Cleveland 0. 3, you ever, had was foisting German stock and destroying sections o f Japanese craft and 689 planes in When the appendixx is Inflamed, street, at, the convenience of the ^broadcast. son Family; 8 :15--NcKv It Can Be NB’s won both the first aiid sec­ champagne off on the-French,” the .side ia sore apd tender. The and ouLoI the’ testlmony since . he William J. Fortin, of 16 Hem­ fam ily.. Burial will be in the East SoctetY vacation place at Cana 'P n the other hand, the voice of veterans. \ . both Oscar Philllpil'of Warrpn..A "-New York 2, 1 1 ; Phiradelphia 1, ond-rounds in the circuit and de­ track. Southeast Xsia Jleadqiiar- ^be moat recent series of carrier Told drama: 10;16’Sidney Moseley Jarvis and Koey Ray of the -Plgnt said Dr. Bohnsl*tv_Ecer, chief of muscle* in the abdominal ■ wall start of the iriiU. He has be'jn lock street, a linotype operator, on Cemetery. The funeral horn*, will CkJtoL/. ' [the new prime minister, (Element spite, two reverses In the past ters said today. -/ strike* beginning n't Kure last mentioned frequently by witnesses, comment.' / “■ Police Captain Dies J .team, who were both elected for Detroit 4. Chicago .2. the Czechslovak War Crime* coro- Spitfires. supporting STound ppy^aday. Included were 45 yter- over the apiiendlx go into spasm this paper for 22 years, died Sat­ be 'open after 7 o’clock this eve­ week, still maintain a slender mar­ ' mission. X , ■ " 'X to-protect the Inflamed parL -If some of whom have described him urday at the Veterans’ Hospital In ning. '/■ T h e re ^ 1 be * special commnl the position on the teain, who are National forces In mopping up 4,000 JaP*- ghlris—40 surface Ship* and five TBridgeporL July ,30—(to—Capt. both hitting .480 coqj^red" witn gin in the championship race. ' JUbbentrop, a former, champagne the appendix lies back in the ab­ as a leader of theXCagoularda” — Newington, where he had been nicatlon of/Manchester Lodge the re-fonnlng of the party, was Chicago 4, S; Cincinnati 1, 2. neae troops In the; Stttang river g„j,maplriM- a right wing group'of Faaciat ien- I Communists Pi<*k John' B. Barton, 66. a -inc.mber of Yutoh Cowles manfiger of Jie salesman, 'shrugged and said: "I area, bombed and strafed gun ^ 1- Japan In most cases didn’t—or domen, it may not be tender on patient fof '/about two weeks.' Maaona tom^risiw night at.7;3i3| tantamount to repudiation of Brooklyn 8; 15; Boston 2, 4. If conditioning noeans anything, denclea. banned by the popular Mr. Fortlrt; Who was 52 years The Fellowcraft, degree will be ex Brewder’s policies:' the Bridge PoHce department'since Nichols. Bristol fisam who I* hit­ know it t* a joke, but Germaq, tionk and slit trenches and destroy- back. Not a single the ■ surface _ but only upon deep Pltteb'H’flh 9. ftt' Louis 6. 6, Manchester High should have,, a champagpie was really very good.” front government—while othera F u n e r a l s emplifled. Foster. Chainiian Browder, ■Who headed tii^ Com­ 1910 and In hls preseqt rank sln-re ting .385: The outfielders com- New York at Philadelphia ( ‘2— •'’J ''? ..c u. Allied warship ha* been reported examination-' Xs the inflamma­ have called him a prewar liaison 1938. died Sunday at St' Vincent’s .pared two for the All Stars and better than fair football team this Gen. ‘Walter Warllmont, recently tion of the appendix becomes munist party presldentlal"ttck*t in rain). Br^ain s two-month,old Jc,jjht- damaged since the fleet went In- agent between Petaln, former chief Marcel Donte andNWalter Rundl hospital followlng'~an illness of two for the league leaders In Frrd Tall. . Captain Bob Cllfiord and queationed by, Soviet Army offi­ n g'pvelfth ’’ Army, which hM. t„ ^^tlon July 10. more marked, tenderness in- Mr*. Mary K. Swartx.... p>a*t elections, was not chosen for Biid Weiss are working at cers, Once spent considerable tl^e of the Vichy French atete. and left yesterday morning for a tw f -New York, July 30—(to—Wil- the party’s 11-member- national five weeks. He was a v e te i^ ot Norton hitting the hipest of all Standings killed or captured more than 6.000 ^ oppe«ltlon Mentioned c'reaaes.. Your physician can tell Pierre Laval. Officially hfcVaa a The funeral of Mra, Mary K. the Spanish-American war, Sur- the entire league for .826 com­ Wood’s/ ‘ Loren Anrtreo is a letter in Texap^as an ariltlery observei?.' Swartz, 31 Green Hill street, wife w'eeks’ vacation to Hamp lljam Z. Foster, today heads the re- board or Its National committee Eastern enemy troops in the lasf week, con- Thb Tokyo "radio, acknowledg- a great deal aboqt what He* up' meml^r of Petain’a entourage her ] constituted Communist party, op- v i v ^ include hls widow, a son, a pared with Bud Kelsey who will be carrier, Spinach Vincek Is. on a He told Sergt. Bock the girt* of tlnu^ toArack down remnants of both the carrier strike bn To- deneSth a tender spot In the ab^ of John F. Swartz, , waa held this shin. of 65 me,/ _ - stay in Madrid as French ambas­ Will Asimus of Th'e H e i/ l J constitution which has. not yet will be held Wednesday morning Albany • . . . 47 41 in soufDom Burma and sought to / .ua m*ntinn > »nv pressure, which brings'- out the for the family at the home at i :45 The spokesman said that Brow­ from the Barton home and from -Hook Brennan leads Tickle Jarvis .534' 5H grid call in September. MlndtCTiangcd on Jews rprevent their escape Into Thailand, i^ d sS, sador in 1939-40. p.ra.. followed by. a service at the spending ..this week renewing ]been made public^ der would retain -hls^party me.m- Hartford .. • • • 44 39 .530 6 Today’s communique said "great-1 opposition / Ite first extent of the spasm in the muscle During Saturday’s aeaalon of the qualntances in Liberty, N. Y. ] Announcement df Foaterir elec- St. Patrick’s.church. In the short fielder’s position hy Sergt. Bock said Streicher had Prevent CompUentionB Enuuiuel Lutheran church, at 2:30 bershlp. . Wilkes-Barre . 46 42 .523 ■fhere ia-one ground rule at the told him he-had changed his mind ter resistance” was shown by the f noancement. It Mid J70-, Wiled trlal,''a note waa. handed Defense ]tien a* chaizman of the party’* ' ‘ ! ■ - —"" 56-.percentage points in his ayer- - Appendicitis may be ^confused p.m.; the • Rev. Theodore E. ­ Retired Optometrist Die* ilge .468 compared • to Jarvis’s of Scranton ,. > • . 4(1 43 .488 914 West- Slde Oval that is in effect at completely about’ Jews and, now enemy in several village strong- P^*^**' Attorney je w " Lamalrt. Aftw ]National committee and of adop- Elmira .. . . 'With other inflampiatioM. in the reading re4i?1i»«ttd,up from his mer, pastor ot the church,-\offlclr 4pn of tile constitution was made .412. Again the leaders seem to . . . 38 46 .452 12U all Twilig-ht Leagi'ie games that Is was convinced they deserved to be points. I points Jn the Kanto arid Kinki dla- ating. The bearers were August Priest Given Purse Williamsport 39 48 .448 13 \ 4fnll* Repulse Suicide Attack* tricts of'-the Tokyo area to; the abdomen. Any orgui in. this vi' seat and informed, the court that Engagi^men ts er the close of the national con>' New-Britain, July 30--(to-—Dr. have the hitting advantage in all wet. The rule is that a batted allowed to live, just "the same a* Caaperson, Oscar Johnson, Gus- Binghamton 36 49 .424 15 ball that goes over the road in fair . members of ' any other grbu'p Units of the British Eait Indies first two waves of the continuing clnlty may*. become inflamed, and “ Major Jean LostahaUrLacau has I'ven’tipn of the Communist PoUtl- Henry-F. Reddell, 66, an optome­ Jack Hill over ten Yost ,as Hill’s the condition" can resemble ap- U ve Flroin, John Olson, John Par­ average is :465 compared wltfi National territory in rightficld and. then- people: , >, fieet operating on the apfirpuches 1 aasftult, spd reported a third wave just returned from a German conr ]cal swoclati) u formei headed' Willlmantic. July SO—(to—Pa­ trist'fi'ere for 26 years, died yes­ ‘'peridicitis.' An inflamed "appendix son and George Banirille. G,.- Al­ ] by Elan. Browder. terday at his home, 39 Hamilton Yost at .424, The right field posi­ Chioago ... 58 32 .644 lands 'foul Is called a foul Ijall pro­ Stretcher to)d Bock that when to Singapore between July 24 and [follj^wlng. . , - ■ ' centratton camp, where he was a bert- Pearson sang, “ Jag ar sa rishioners of SL Joseph’s church either,gets well or spreads or per Mlltlcal deportee, and demands to lAoni(o-B«rzcn.ski Fost*i/elec}lon, combined with street - a few weeks after retiring tion again Is slightly higher for Sf. Loiiis • . * 54 39 .581 *14 viding that the plate umpire ac­ he wa* captured he was' knocked 29 successfuily beat off a Japanese 1 ‘The enemy' broadcast* dld-Te- glad” and "Rock of Ages” accom-’ Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz J^reens honored thlt Rev. Victor E. ptos^ Brooklyn ,. . * • 53 39 .576 6 tually sees the spot where the hall down and klcjtbd In the face and. a *uiclde-:plane attack on the air-[port, however, that Japanese forates. The story of previous 9* heard by the court.” from the practice "'of his profes- -the all stars In Hank Skoog who attack* is helpful in. locating the panying himself on the church or­ of 58 Bisseil street, announce KoWski, their retirlpg qsslsu ^ Sion. A native of Plymouth. R. I Is hitting .333 compared with Pittsburgh s * • 49 "46 .516 1-1H lands. Negro spat .in hls mouth.' • jcraft;'carrier Ameer, the Southieast . planes had struck Okinawa air DtOienHy QuleUng Vpromr gan., disease in the appendix. A pa­ Judge Paul Mongebeaux had dif­ engagement of their daugbt pastor, at a te*Umonll|iT"recepllon he ivas proiriineqt m the Masonic Tommjl'- Tomlinson of the N.B.’s New York . 49 46 .516 1114 . ■ '"Then one day. ’ I changed -Asia Naval command amnbunced | fields Saturday night and Sunday Thb buiifil was "In the family- Mia* Charlotte Berzenskl to Fell Sunday night and presented him onler. He was a pMt president of who's average is .320. " • Cincinnati . 40 ■ It is a ridiculous rule-when you camps,” Bock quoted Streicher. ” I today. for the second time.In two day*. tient With appendicitis usually ficulty quieting the immediate up­ PRESCRIPTION 47 .460 1614 plot in East cemetery. Longo, of Glastonbury. ? No. da| with a check for more than $1,000. the Optometrist* Society of Co,i- NB’s Uke Fast Balia , . Boston . 41 .51- stop, to think. There Isn’t a hall was placed In a clean room. An TTie'fleet, which consisted, , of starttng fire* at three air field* tells hts' physician that he has roar, but. flnaiiy succeeded in dir­ • • • .446 18 had other attacks like the present ecting that the major appear at has been *et for the wedding. M l PHARMACISTS Father Piaskowskyhaa been ap­ neeticht Fimeral service* will be Just how impressive both Glea­ Philadelphia 36 70 .271 35 park In the country that has a rule American came In with 'a pitcher "heavy units, the aircraft carrier and sinking at least t i ^ surface ' Albert L. Crowell - pointed adminlstn^r of the St. one, but in the interval he has felt today's aession. Berzenskl Is a graduate of Ms Always Oa Onty! held tomorrow afternoon. son and McGuire will be.jover the' American In effect to th*t nature. There are of cocoa and some crackers. He sat and escorts,” supported British I craft. Thire' waa no. confirmation, Funeral services for ‘ Albert L. Joseph'* parish at Brookfield. 'iTie many hOme nina tn the majors that them down on the little table and perfectly well. ^ Loatanau-Lacau returned to chesteP Nigh fiqhool to the cl Detroit 50 36 .581 — minesweepers ’ operating off the I MacArthur’s airmen, wha.; .Jaln- Crowell were held at four o'clock of 1941A. She is employed Arthur Drug StoKs Rev. James E. Farrell, awlstarit leave the park In fair territory and stepped back arid saldv^;—'T^is Is west esast of the Malay Isthmus, to I ed the Kure attack Saturday and ’The main resson for hurraing France with Petaln when the aged SW Blala Bt. Maaebeatar New York . 46 40 .535 ■ 4' ■ yesterday ‘'aftemoon at hla late the Pioneer Parachute plant her pastor a fS t. Joseph's church, was 46 41 .523 5 then curve foul after denring the . from toe to you, Mr. Streicher^ I the north of the Malacca straiL ‘ I blasted the battered Haruna with operation in apj^lendicitt* is to marshal was brought back from home, 720 , Spring "iltreet. Mr. master of ceremonies. ' WashlngtpP ^ am a Jew.’ prevent complications. M°*t at Spain in May. 1940, to enter Prem- WlUlam J. Fortin Mr. Longo W, engaged in Boston ///.. *„• • 46 42 .523 5 fento- Certainly none of these are One British minesweeper— the 1 four ope-^ton bombs, also hit an Crow'ell died Thursday night at Softball League^ Gaining called foul. .. . -- - - " I broka down and cried. Th at H. M. S. Squirrel—was lost when I aircraft.eprrier in the aame atrlke, tacks p'f appendicitis subside elr Paul Rejmaud’a government farming business. Chicago . > * * 44- 44 .500 7 old. Was a veteran of Wwrld War the Manchester Memorial hospital 42 was the most severe punishment she stntck a mine. | and probably sank .an escort car­ without''any difficulty. I f we Only Soon after the government reach­ after a lona-lHneas. Rev. I>r. W. S t Louis .. • • • 48 .494 I, and was wounded' In Frsmee in 43 44 .494 Thi" play happened the- other I have eVer received. I am wrong. I rier and a light crulaer at the Sa- knew In advance which ones ed Vichy the major waa on hand Ralph Wart^, Jr., officiated and Cleveland . 714 would do thla it would ' be in Petain’e entourage. the Meuse-Argonne battle. He Yale** Odell Selected Wide: Popularity Locally PhlladeTphia 30 56 .349 20 night The batter, hit a ball over have alwaya aaid there were no burial was In the Eteat cemeteiy. •-w — A - ’ toe bench In rightfield tn fair ter­ — good Jews." blit that boy proved to Chine., Dflre Toward simple matter to- , recommend After a short time at Vichy he was a ton of the latg^ Joseph A. ON YOUR RADIO TONIGHT AT 9:00 and Mary JFortln of Hartfort. He The bearers were Fred (Carpen­ Chicago. July 30—(to--How* ritory and when It curved foul, the me that I am wrong." Nimltz reports abowed 283'Jap­ waiting in every case. As we dropped from the limelight, but Eastern Hunan Province Border evidently Incurred th displeasure leaves hls "wife, Mrs. Jane (Mur- ter, Robert Gordon and Sidney Odell. Yale footbalL coach, has The Manchester Sof^all League,# EUmlnatlon Payoffs umpire waved the batter back to anese planes, and 196 ships or ■cannot tell, ifi advance what the Strickland of this town. AvlaUon cepled appointment as the Ba*^ Hartford • af H 0 N E HOUR," WnC-WEAF League,: ha* nevertheless captured _. .w argument and it was a good one, as .torious Chinese troops are driving jm rday alone, by forces under ation if the disease is seen early. to Germany. Elmira at Scranton (2). Town Stands High : toward the Hunan provtoM border Hewitt of M l^ Beach, Florida; Chester Oowell of ’ Springfield. staff of the e o l l ^ AU-Stars the hsart* of follower* of the pport * ^wl League there wa.s'^g legitimate beef. I ha^m m and. Of the surface crafL It is good policy to call a phv- Mass., and Lieut. F. Gay Hastings,' will meet the Green Bay Packer] that 1s gradually coming into its °"Iy ^***1 thtoe teams will com- Williamsport at Wilkes-Barre. today from the area of b; siclan as soon a* you.develop Miaa Barbara ForUn of thla town; 178 vessels. Including 100 small USNR. R. L. Maldn, of West National Football League own as one of America's top out­ pete for the honors. The top three ■ American • There ia no rule in the official In Paper Salvage Kweilin. In KWangsl. their next. credited tn RriU*h persistent abdominal pain. Go Police-.,Seize« ^ Sergeant Walter Fortfci, who ha* No games scheduled.---. qbjecUve a p p ^ n tly Uie former \ «> been overseas for more than a Hartford and John Salin of New ions here Aug. 30. .Odell, JOSEFJHOFMANN door, sports. teams at the end at thetogulation Twi rule* or regulations on the to bed, and take nothing by mouth plaved with Pittsburgh In Ifl' The league ha* developed jnto Natinoal play but wherever the move origi­ Amerlcan Ur base' at .Ungltog. until your physician advises you year, and returned last Tuesday York. schedule will automatically qual­ To find their prey, the Ameri- More Poultry from Southern Italy, where he undsr'Jock Sutherland, joins Jl| PROGRAM a nip and to"k race with Nichfils, ify. The team that finlehe# third Cincinnati at S t Louin (night). nated, it should be revised so that According to Uu oBieial figures Chinese columns, pursuing Japa- what to do. If the condition ——’-----*------(Only..]game scheduled.)-. fit ths July Issue of “Connecticut can and British pilots swept has been engaged to communica­ Lockabaugh of Oklahoma A. A Bristol leading the pack by one will play the team'-that finished any fair ball hit out of the play­ nese who abandoned the three-air not appcndtcltla, no harm has re­ Aastfiaa Boy Ught-FIngered Waltz ...... Arensky lalvag*” th* monthly publication field base at^weillin Friday, reach­ 400-mile arc ,fi;om northeastern tions work; and 'William J. Fortin, 'who, will represent th* southv fUlL game . qver ths second place second a Une^game sudden death ing field Is a bit and not a foul ball, Kyushu th'rougri the Inland aiea sulted. I f the dlsesiae is append! Hartford. July 30.—ne series for Twilight League Yesterday afternoon’s Twilight laid aiege to the to-wdi Another practice of trying to get rid of to hoapitala and other tnatltutiona such i^bewltchlng way about him sn4 cHies reporting In the'state force bypassed tbe'atrongpolnt on kyo. nieces and three nephew Plant J Aircraft rests in fourth the town softhill championship, LCagiM game between'the Polish--' abdominal pain by taking aome- under the power* for the emergen­ that American ora'^couldn’t resist .BpringfleM Coatraetor Dies BnU Scene... .‘'Hellinesbergor place, three games behind „the Marichesterla tied for 10th place th* Hunan-K-wa^gai railroad iuid Today's.. targets alto were wide­ cy food act, h r in ^ g the total Mr. Fortin was a member of 3 t . The race li wide opeii and with Standing Americans an)] the Aircraft waa ,.with Canton in the percentage ot ly separated; Hiimamataii la 120 thlng is fast diaappeailng. James's church, and of Anderson- the temptation to bounce him on NB’s. Lee's Etoso, the dark horse a full month of play left" all teams postponed due to inclement drov* another nine miles, reaching aeized airice June 6 to ' 76,07B their knees. But one husky Ameri­ Springfield, Masa., July 30.-- 18 Concerto No. 2 la F Minor. ... ,v.-.'.Clioplq. team, hoasting a three-gam* win­ quota for the period Jan. 1 to June Tajungkiang, Sfi miles aouthwest miles south of Tokyo,, ynd three pounds of poultry, live weight, or Shea Poet, Veterans of Foreign Slow Movement are anxious tp gain a playoff berth weather. War*. M s funeral, with military can truck-driver, after playing — Ekiward Jenks Pinney, . 7| ning btreak -fiN in fifth place only League games are 'played every W. L, Pct.GRL. 1 of this year. This percentage is at Ltogling th* high command aaid. miles Inland. Baldwin Taktag Vaention Crnlee Ifi truck load*. _ 196. Only 8 other, cities and towns . "Groat fires .lining tbs fog honors, :WU1 be held tomorrow with tbs nine-year-old child for Springfield contractor, whose fir three and one-half game* out of -Mpnday, Wednesday and Friday PA’s...... 8 S .727 — Pagani’a. Clippers oppose the lingilng, former Flying Tiger*’ Last night’a aelzuro waa a 3,4fi0- awhile, discovered hla pen. pencU built many of the city's scho ' mr* ahead df^lfaBchester and in ____, waa______abandoned by th*__ IT. 8. shrouded shoro. and visible for Hartford, July SO.—OP)—Gover­ pound load of poultry purehaaed In morning at 8:30 at the Hollonn first Lee’s have a mathemaUca]| evenings at the North End dia G rill...... ,8 4 .667 H Hartford AU-Stars tomorrow night tkl*this group ar*’'are th#)^arg^ thS) large rttiescities ln-’|Min- ai jur For?* last Sept. T, to miles at sea” proved th^ mark»; Funeral Home. 178 Center street, and watrih were gone. Military po­ and other public buildings, d/' chance of gaining on* of the play- mond with the etartlng time set Flier* ...;. . 6 4 .600 at ths West Side Oval at 6:i6. The nor Baldwin is-spending a week’; Killlngly, seized In New London, lice picked up tht^boy, and a search off berths,by capturing all their ^udto^ Hartf^,/Bridgeport” " and '^Xapane** sweeping down through manshlp of the British afid Amer- and at 8 o’clock at S t James’s yesterday. A '; contractor aini at 6:80. For a swell night of en­ Hamilton . 6 6 JI65 (^ppera are comjpoeed of young­ vacation on a. cruise of th* Con. and originally eonalgned to a of bis pocket* uncovsred «igbt 18<1T, he directed the bolldtog remaining games. The hot an.d cold Hunan a k og Oantoo-Hahkow loaa Naval gtbtoan poinding, ^ - the ..neetlcut s'eastinrs aa n ftMat ot Brooklyn. N. T,» ©onostii. tb* Cor- church. Burial will he to Soldiers' tertainment drop over, t o ' th* Men’* (Tliib . 6 5 .556 sters and several discharged aerv- railway oenter Field, East cematoty. other pen*, aiz pencU*. tw « Bemitagton college. The firm *1 Knight* of Columbo* are-..(M)- North Ekui eome evening and M a ^ s . 4 7 .364 icemen. rallw ^. Ha reeaptuie by the Chi- industrial I ]Tre4erick U. Conard. vies pr4ri- nect p ^ t r y market watcheL three biltfolda and a hoard treached tn ths cellar, five game* "Vb* Norwegian lem m tf aaka* heee would open OtS way for d plaata at Hamatau, A*«>ciat4Kll dent and wrote manager of the bnilt addition* to Smith and H watch some of the local softballsrs Rockville .. . 4 8 ASS Setaure waa made on order of of other loot lifted from the un- Holyoke college* and Bndfo* bfofc- j . ■ Ic during drive on tbs Importfiat railway Preae Correapondent Jamaa Unde-1 Underwood company. Mr*. Bald SUte Food Admtoiatrator i^enry ia aetioa. . 1 8 . A a Tharo srffl Mip#CtiAC Jtatfir eettsni l& lf a d s i V ■1^ . V - • X m An c h KOTE^^^ h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONlljl.. MONDAY,/mLT 30.1945 >AGE NINBI N; MANCH^^riKK KVKNlNG Hl^KALU. MAM 2STKK, U O N N ^ '-M U N U A i; JlJlA'ONTAINE FOB Businem Serrtcea Offerpd^ Help Wanted—^^Feipale 35 Household Goods 1 at and Found X Wanted Ajito»»— F. _____ • ----- WOMEN WANtKD for'StltchinB ttENSON'S LTNCING 'room suites FOR RENT—ROOM in Y.r’V*I®, Sense and Nonsense ? a n " T m g o n n a h a v ^ t h e y a ,t 6 o ! Motorcycles 12 p l u m b e r .'Sleamfltter. house. Suitable /drIr 2_ „girls — or Yes f o u n d —SMAt L 8um ''(^ rn&npy. ."I chanlc.’ CafK Nygreny^5 ^'utl Apply-Ka-Klar aplh Toy Com are poptHar ,lrtv-M“"t'^**ter’ be­ HERDER / M O R R ^ O N E Y f o r your car cause /n ic y ,afe made right,'up- couple, kltchart privileges,\OaJV Odear. JKfc - Taaidier—^Unselflsflneaa means may have aa)nfc^y'l?'''’ ''*"K Btreet, Tel. 6497 ,'pany, Cheney Building,Idlnr ' ;Fores 2-0876. H \ ' , / X ■ y ' i- A property and pnyinfS^for xadv than ira iXcorth right now. Brun­ to-the-mlnvite. a ty l^ and beat of. T I Here Is a list o f towns with odd going without something you need’; street: \ 3 - AdvertiseirLiiits Phone.4615. . ner's. SoXbafeland street. Tel. 5791. RAI?j6 r e p a i r i n g rtek-yp' all pi/ces are lower Hhan ydu' names which, with the state in­ voluntarily. Can you g«'6 me an Open 7 V m, to 'lt) p. m., ^lao rALESLADV WA^’TEP t«t work would exftect to pav. • Budget eye s|ie Is shrewdly Cb.servin " MR. ARCHER; (sternly) Cor­ cluded, make interestingscombina- example of tliat. Junior? A^atisepenb< serVtqe. K a d t^ ' check ed/at IhV R^i3M ,F'6r \ RENT - Gentleman F o f'R e iil F oi Sale Chapter x x v 'Sundays, \ bdthe. Store/open all d/ty Man- 5-9 p. tn., 3 days a week. Retail tefiVs 'at Benson'Se 7l3 Main street. • others. f s, liss, be quiet. Just because you tion8": Junior — : YessUm, Soipetiroes 1 L bS T All'jTOMOBIliE reRl.stra- ■ prefefred.TM Center chestei RAuio Service,/ 73 Birch snlesroom, Manchester ' Knitting f t u y T o^ Sell BXT. PpRCH CL08EUP—DEX'i'ER ahd Dexter are actually married Ash, Kan. go -without a, ^ t h when I nei tion plate, P, T, 16’3. Call 7749. FOR SALE ELECTRIC Refriger- one. ' X . V F or Rent street J^ephone 2-08^0. '■Mills', Manchester Green. Phone WANTED- A HOUSE for rent in IThe Frahklins are Jtuit ente rthk This Is also just a/"P lash' and does not alter the fact that CarpeL Tex. • Kusiness Services ^(Tered 13 2-120'. . r X ajpir. also 'sniall parlor stove. In- ' vicinity of Manchester, or adjs- through the screen door from t h e ^ :,ows Dexter witlyMis. jaw hang- you’ve both behaved like a couple Mount, Wash. T o ^ Sell |ulfe 2.51 North Main street, tele- RA-.'J>IE HtJRNEKS and power .ceint town. Call 2-07po. z garden at the same moment thqt-1 ing-.<>Ren, blinking pwifshly as he xpf'crazy little idiots. , '’Oga. Ga- , Vlsttra What a glorious -haint- V WALSTIR .‘?Ojnn/rZ, «2H^Krc.>w Announcements nerfc of all makets and kinds ihone 2-1341.''-'“ , Corliss comes tearing down the { tries/te .rigtlrejilre jetut what. Corliss is CORLISS; BUt./Daddy— Odear, • Me. Ing! I-wiah I ^’qqqld U l d take,...... those glo­ strCctXa • at t rlidi hg—.Stitt tf X jia p l Help W aptfd—Male 3fi FOR RENT iFURNISHED light rious colors hothe with-ime. Pleaned and ad1)i«te home for Pers­ cam p,’ 'ty ill reaume ■,J)iialhe«s housekeeping, room, suitable for 2 agely 4n the direction of Dexter, CLOSE SIMJT—ON GROUP bei: is heard il'ihging, and now Shoo,. Fla. Artikt—Yo’u wiiK; yoii’i*. sitting ian rat. 2 years old Phone 2- -Allgil.Ht R experience'; Pel 2-1731, Main WANTED 5 ''•■energetli; young Coal (>r wood. Suitable for/ottagi?. 1 . adults. . 109 Fewter street,or 6388. INTED TO RE/JT 'v - A 6-ropm Mra, Archer tries to head Corilsq ■ MR.. FRANKLIN: (completely Louise appears in the doorway to Kay, O. . on my paint box. / y ■ and Found ____ .lt>34. ■ ' ■ \ - ~ \ afreet. - men. Full time. Mmiel FniR Phone 3759. - Houdy, .Mias. R.El*‘Rl’(lKRA'nf)N sei\V<-.^en Shop, i)97 Main street. _____ j houke)uke or flat, unfurnished.unfurnlsl Srnall off. , at sea) He’s vourwhat? < , the hall. with- i OWWHAULI.Vt: "iH^d 're'pairing'of FOR SA L E ~T H 1^E piece fuiped child in family of three. Call MRS. ARCHER: Corliss, a ^ y in \jKs. FRANKLIN: What d(»i Fiven, Tenn. / " Beggar—Lady, do you have A' ANi flA kitten. Crnl Electric; cfHiiiow. Ot^slcy, Apitrtmer.1,8— Flats— LOUISBc!; Excuse me, but that ___lii mlKjtlngs. Former • tvpetvriters and adding mai’hlne.s. MII.L HELP, GRAIN MH.L. Gdod oak dining set, btiffet. china closet, W’lndsor Locks, 608 Collect. Ref­ room. o mean 7 \ was jhe front door. Should 1— pipe organ I could tune for "you? Automobhei-, for Ssilev 4 Frtgldaitl. and all otli^^m ahcs. Tencraents 63 • It was the youn)f man’ji _firat Lady of the HoUse-^We do not oatmar'pleaae clam> or new home Work .^^.piarantccd. .Vlotfor repairs. Telephildy 6925, wages and working ^ondit/ma. table Jaoohieafi style, chlfforier, erences, ■ ^ R L I S S : But, ^ u m — MRS. - ARCHER: , k Mrs. MRS. AR(5h ER: We’re , not' at "Steady employment the ./year birreau, . bpds,^ chairs, pictures, ^ e x t e r is still in the grip of Franklm i It’s true. M a rX train ,.rids. The conductor came have a pipe organ. be oiffe:^. Call 2 -0 ^ . ^ . NEEi' A qoOl USED car? See Call 4:t94 B * U.yRefirlKeratlon --- . ■ ' "v X~"^------^ ^ FOR RENT - 3-|ii60M tenement, home to anyone, Lo&lae.' '• '■------—^ around. Central ConnyctlciA Co­ Kal.arpAKfb' range combination WOULD Lik e country, home .or Irkte father. MR. 7 ARCHER«» (to Mr. Frtmk- thi(}ugh calling: ’’Tickets!’! Beggar-Feeing as how I haven*V Service Rotitinft^-iRepairing 17-A upstairs, with 2 extra rooms in at-- apartment. Will help owner If LOUISE: That’s What T thought. a chance to earn a'nything, how lO S T PASS BOOK 505 Brunner open i a. m. "'.Ill 10 P operative ' Farmer's Assoyiation g^s tind oil with coal grate, other pteXTBR: (protesting) lln/^indulgently) I m a g 1 nV— She bustles out into ,the hall .to The boy gave up hig ticket. ro.' every day Phone 5191. tic at 54 Birch stVe^t, adults.'iTel. needed part.linae. Write Bbx • M, /whiz, 1-— those crazy . .kids. , ' A little later the train’s candy about giving mc':a bite to'eat? \ Notice U hereby given tha HAY C tcTTliff. and' removal- Of K.XI’KHT ItE rA lits of ahinglea. InC^ 10 Apcl Place, phone/2-0432. ■aftlcles. Stenotype machine com­ HnrUofl 9-0636. \ answer the bell whlclT is ringing plete, flat hand knitting machine herald. MR. FRANKLIN: riu H^ep exter looks frantically at Cor- again. . S' ’.Cher Carrie through. '• Book No; 60502 leaued by 1M8 DODGE SEDAN, heater, /trees alsy^hay for sale. Aimc slate, compo.sttlon ifnd tin roofs. hear/one Savings Bank of Manchester |jntullpn,r 758 Vf roon s‘ reet.,Tel WANTED EXPERIENCRD 236''Cenfa^8trect. FOR R E N T -“3 ROOM tfenement. 'quiet! I don’t want /tlss hoping for a cue. His father 'Chocolate and chewing gum!’’ X radio; 193S f*hrysler . 6 sedan, Rebuilding and rejJHjring of painter. Abplv Rogers Corp. Mill W'ANTED TO RENT-^Shore cot­ word out of you! wheals upon him. CLOSE, SHOT called. been lost or destroyed, and'writ- R. V„ No heat. Otherwise attractive aM HOLD EVERYTHING eater, ra'dio; 1936 Old.smo^e ■ P(n~ ^ eblmnev.s^aml',, fiiishingsx^ and Oakland street, M/ncheatCr. tage at Crescent Beach,, White Mr s . FRANKLIN; Now, MR. FRANKLIN; Is this. trdeT, Archer atride^-qver .^wards Dex-, Boy (snapping) —No you .don’t. ten application haa been made to rbqyertlblc coupe, heater: ,Mw5. .■.roiighlin.x.'{9() Woodland convfnlerlt. Phone 7075. / Sands, Point O’- Woods, or that vi­ RAXtlK AND FU,,Ei. o'!!. Genera, FOR S A L E - WHITEHEAD, auto don't be-unfair tcr*him: .Are you married, to her 1 -ter.- I gave my tici^t to the conductor, said bank by the person in'whose Cht^olet coupe, heater. ijhone 7707 WA.NTED, MAN work' in cinity, August 6-Aug. 19. , Call MR. \ARCHER:'x (scathingly) ■name such book was l.ssued. for IjmicljlnK. Jame.s -A, Woods,. 2! matic gas heater: Call 2-0059. MR. FRA.NKLIN: (h Corliss looks up and holding a but i ’ll be hanged' if you’re going MotoiX Ut" 4164. -X modern dairy. Baye^ ' Milk. 68 George Pazlanos, 17 Pearl/Xtreet. And may I Inquire lipw you pro­ to get my candy bar. payment of the amount of deposit Pearl steet. Telephone' 6.566. r o o f i n g , ASBE.STGS sidewalls, Summer Romes Unfair? handkerchief to her eyes daintily Oaton street, Hartford., FOft SALE — sTUDIO couch, Telephone 3p68. ' ' H« leU go of, Dexter, who almost pose to support a wlfe.and fam- I represented by said book, or for 1930 MODED A Ford, eavesiroi gh conductors, Nu- For Rent 67 affects to be wiping away tears. w a s h e k v a c u u m s Erectrfc living-room'cKaira and odd pieces convulsj^ly "reels against the CORLISS: Go. op. Dexter, you / 'iiyT . . ■ , . ' “The green pea," according to the issuance of a duplicate book sedan. CallX^ore 2 p.' m. •vood ceilings and Interior walls. w a n t e d LATHE . operator, motors, etc., repaired All parts , of furniture. Also a browfi suit FOR I RENT—COTTAGE at Lake screeB can tell them now. / De x t e r : (groping painfully a garden item. “ Is sensitive.” therefor. * v, . ' Thomas Drived sVldlabl.e 24-hotir sendee Charg-. »Wood shingling. genersU repair­ M ant^ster Tool ahd Engineering sixe 18. 2 spring coats size 15-16. Houses for Sale 72 FRANKLfN; He oiiRht to for a plau.sibie an.sWer) Well, That must be right, for we’ve of­ C o m ity , 60 Hilliard street. Mattanacopk, Maine, $20 per DEXTER; (he ha.sn’t quite e e ^ ' O D. Mani^ester 2-14.39 ing Free e.'rttniate. Time p®y^ fTdil pieces of clothing.. 36 Seaman week. W. J. Webster. Andover. . r on his k n ^ thanking God, hi.s hearings yet) Huh? Youi x ; sir,,..Mr, Archer, I—I figured w* ten noticed how peas,, when ex­ 1937 PACKARD sedan, >940 Pon­ ments Louts Lavlgne. Manches­ FOR SALE— 6 ROOM house and tiac coach, 1940 Bulc^oiipe. 1939 mornings or evenjhgs 3 : Circle. I haven’t got a horse whip! ' / ’em. , ■> could live With you. (handsome­ posed on a knife, tremble and dive ter 'tooling. Call 2-1428. garage;. Inquire 480,North Main / Gldsmohile sednn^>940 Prvntiac street after. 5 p. m. „ DEXTER; , (to Ar.cher—appeal­ Now, all eyes arc on Corliss, who ly ),! mean, holy cow, I wouldn’t' off. to hide in th'e diner’ s lap. a s h e s a n d Rl/BBISH Vemo.veiV>, Help. VVanied— Male or LIVING ROOM RUG. iron bed and Wanted to Rent 68 ingly) Holy cow, Mr. Archer, mind a bit. . torpedo, sedan, ^4lo6 .Reo sedan. ^|00,F'M SPPiCIALIZTNO In .spring, daybeil and 2 hoses. 116 seems to be enjpylng h e ^ I f thor­ 1941 Dodge .^edan, fltii ------— variition with pay. Salary seat and back. Also companion Am.ston Lake for week of Aug. 18 mirror about 3x6, heavy plate to 26. Tel. 6222 between 10 a. m. Tel. 2-0276. Corliss realizes that it is impera­ her mother—ahd then tentative- Social Situdiiofis row as ‘'that beardless youth,” Fun or Part Time. Gara-Rfs— Service— cording to ability. Apply DieU> tive that Dexter be apprised - of ■ Ivi And so docs Mum: At length Darrow.'capturing the Sandor.s and Poli.ahers. ^ 'Movinfr-^Trucking-;^ tlon, Manchester-^Memorial Hos­ and gilt frame., Phone 7743. and 2 p. m ., Apply ' SloraR c 10 FOR SALE—BUILDING lot, cor­ tifeir supposed new status. MR. FRANKLIN: I must Con­ attention of court and" spectators, S lora g^ x 20 pital, . . ner of South Main and Hackma­ COALISS: (Virtuously) I think 'The situation: You are planning rejoined: \ / McGltl.-rONVERRE! INC. fess^ it’s somewhat o f a relief- the setting of a table for a wedding HIGH 5»FHD0L .student to work in lihuh tfjnerv Tools .52 Legal Notices tack. Inquire 29 Cottage street, you're all terrible. You shouldn’t to " me. (to Dzxter—yelling) "My.opponent seems to condemn Colonial Board OARAGE FOR RPJ4J on Foster 64.5 Main St. ^ fel. 6837' AUSTIN A CTHAMBt/BS Com­ talk to him like that.,After all, breakfast; me for not having a beard. IjeVme pany. Trailer van service. Local local shoe/store the remainder of Why didn’t you tell u.s—y6ii afreet. Telephone 2-'It|;98- REFRIGERATOR SERVU7E We HAY CARRIERS; Aiilklng, ma­ .A T A COURT OK PROBATE held he is mv husband. dope ? Wrong Way: , Have candles on reply with a little story. ■The''Xing moving,^ packing anc storage. vacation, lo cobtinue part at. Majjchp^tpr. wlthtn and for 7 * ^ , Companv repair and rebuild any. typi of chines, used disc harrows, bale , MR. FRANKLIN: tin full MRS. FRANKLIN; (Instantly) the table. of Spain once diap^^tched a you ^ - - Dial 5187. time while, attending sehool. G. R. District of ManchPstpr. on the 28th refrigeration eoulpraeht ■ We ex­ hay wire. Ford.son parts. Dublin ilay ojf July, A.D., 194^. Two Natibns Seen • stride). He's a disgrace to— la Now, Bill, stop yelliag at him. RigM Way; Do not Include ful nobleman ^ th>, court of » 's, 615 Parker Street Wanttfd Autos— Kinney Co., Inc.; 903 Main street. big take) What did you say? “ Sbrryr wC haven't your ziza^ change sealed i nits, with factory NORTH AMERICA Van Lines' Tractor Complany, Wllllmantlc.^ Pre«>nt. WILLIAM^S. HTDB. E«q. If they’re married—- candles , in your plan for redec­ neighboring king, who received Motorcycles 12 Jxiiifee. Corliss hastily capitalizes upon- the Corliss Is looking wistfully toward orating. the table, since candles the visitor with th^'"outraged'com­ \ - sir!” WrNaatM 8yn4f'at«. Ine. guarantee Sclentlflc Refrigera­ Inc Coast to Coast movtrr* serv­ Estate of Clarenc#* Horace Wickham, As ‘Junior A^xis’ obvious sensation, which ' she. haa tion Co.37 Oak street. Phone ^ive Slock—Vehicles 42 the 'telephone. , are not properly used at noon, plaint: - ‘Does the" King of Spain WA7VTED—WE NEED used carj^ ice Dial 5187 W a n te d 3 T d 58 late' of Manchreter. tn said Dietrich. created; She affects to be deeply CORLISS: Mum, do -you suppose lack men, that; he spuds mp a 2-'226. ' tUH'eaeetl. “ 7 Unless a room'Is so dark they are and pay top prtcet Cash talks ItEGlkTERED GlJERNkEY cow, On /notion' of Hartford ' National moved; I could phone the Pringles to needed fof. light. beardless b jw l’ To which tile Not a Chance and we have It Stop and get our WANTED "ra BUY h. p. Wfishington, - July 30—I/Pl—De­ CORLISS: I said that after all ■y/hJIhg ambassador rejoined, "Sire, BOOTS. AND HGR BUDDIES BY EDGAR MARTIN nUAIJANTEED RADIO Service. h^OR LOCAL t r u c k in g and Jii.st fresh with bull calf. 5 years- Hank and T.niet Company, co-exeru- scribing Spain and \Argentlna aa find out if Mildred’s home yet? ______•’rMTii ■8 offer Cola Motor#— 4164. old' flOoXvyiiiiam'Nowsch, V.er- electric drill. In goodod cOndItion. lur. • ,, • . ' . he is my lawful,'legal husband, if m'y king had supposed you im- C(>mplete rleafiing- and check-up moving. Telephone 6718> the “ Junior Axis," Senators Ball MRS. ARCHER: (firmly) No, 09A,V-|\*W .HOaty/'YOU \G ■ VOV4M, ^OC^-b.yoo’vJY. ■ribn, RorkvHfe 1566-7 2. Call 5050. A>UDEKED: That six iiionthii from ; and I think It’s simply terrible Corliss, you cannot. Perhaps you have' noticed that puted/(5'tsdom to a beard he would of yoti)';;nullo $3.00. All '.makes th(* 28th day of July, A.D., 194S. be (R „ Minn.) and Magnuson (D., -V—r - / 1 YIKHA VXXiSt ' 60\ TO the way everybody’s picking on CORLISS: (desperately) But, the man who is easily led is always have sent you a gdat.’’ • radios repaired' Expert service. A GOOD FAMILY Guernsey cow;, Tknd tUp same afe limited and allowed Wash.) say economic pressure 1^>0 tP'DLN-AvS’ RVS. VtWYiV) "VO Military tratrithg Phone 4.553. PaintlnR-T'-Paperlng 21 ftVv the creditors within which to ■ him. Mum, I've simply got to. 1 mean, led in the'^wrong direction. arrow won the'.ca.se.' Woman to lieam to 2 't years' old. Very free milker. Riioms 'VVithiHil Board '5P might' feijtore "legitimate demo­ She subsides into a chair, appar­ L _ _ otsnA iT b r i ^ In their claims afcalnst said es* cratic government” to the two golly, ahe’s my beat friend and I.IGHT TRUCKING, ashes and CONSULT KEVa-EOfLE Decora­ Call 2-7 390. tate, and The executors are dtrpf^ted, to ently shaken by aoba, and buries — (^ is is in the nature of a \ J. H. LEE ROOFING € 0 - r o RENT— FURNISHED room’, pVve public notice to the creditors to countries. .. operate a/ linotype ruhhisfi removed reiisonabte Tel. tors'on that painting ahd paper­ sViitnble for 2 people, 125 Autumn her face on her arm. The Frank­ trial balloon)—and lit many ing problem. Call 6322 after 6 p. FjpR SALE'-BLObD-tested .ler- bring 1q their claims within said The senators voiced their views lins stare at one anothe.r dumb­ SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Rdoflng —^^epalring .2661. sey cow. Call at 156 HllLstown street. time allowpit by po^tln^ a copy of this tn s radio program - Saturday ways I feel practically almost machine. Knfiwledge m. or Hartford 8-11510. iVrder* on the' public id^npost nearest founded. ' -Kke a Bister to her, ^ SpeciaiizinR th Sktle WANTED ALL KINDS ..f SleC- Road. Phona-2-0971. to the plad<* where the deceas«^d Iasi night. PAINriNG AND PaperKanglng Ball said a slx-mpnths embargo CL08ECP—CORLISS MRK. ARCHERr-ffirmly) No. of operating a ,tyl»^ trlc wiring and repairing Any i^gal Notices .ilwelt withliV said town and by pub* This la just.a Flash to show that CORUSS: But, Mum, I feel it's X X/TEI.EPHONE 7770 - and wallpaper .lotw, P Sullivan. FOR SA LE--Thoroughbred Jersey Tishina the same- in some newspaper on Argentine trade would lead to | size lob given ()rompt?tMifntlon cow and calf. Inquire Sam Dunlop, she is faking this torrent of emo­ my duty to let her Imowrzbout writer helpful." Steady . Call 2975 before 7 p nof Phone 4260 - \ I.iql'OK FKBMIT having a circulation In said probate collapse of the PeronTtovemment ' Bolton, phone .4717. -hOTH'K OF ArPI.ICATION itlstrlct, within lim ilays from the He also called for ,a halt to the tion. Out ^ the comer of one thia. After all she.Is—, Apply KK’'K\J. Tl'KnNEY. of 2S. Grl»wold to this court of the notice given. records '*ept weekly Balanced Repaini'g -23 WILLIAM S. HYPE. Judfs., shipped to Spain each month from Poultry and Supplies 4* street. Maiicheater. have, tiled an apr the llhited States. FUNNY BUSINES^x in person. R ^ t tfiSTATE LIS1INGS vtnonthly for income tax purposes, AND, repairing; plication dated-27 July. 1945. with the confidential notary' ouhltc ^ h on e IpiANO ru N K i FOR SA L E -E X T R A large pul­ Liquor Control Coinnilsslon ' for a AT A COUHT pF PROBATE held Magnuson proposed severing | Ol An Types Wanted! ^ayer piano specialty John tavern iieriiiit. for'the sale of alcoholic at’ Manchenter. within and for the diplomatic ties until the two coun­ ^ ■ 5® I Oaab Available. ■ 3627 days or evenings: X Bigelow street. lets, 3*.j mon’ths old, $2;25 each. liquor on the ''’ pn-mtses. 76 Cooper District of Manchester, oh the>28th •iBiyfi.JirSij Cockerham. 2fc Webster's Road Stand. Andover. ttaV. of July. A.D.. 1945. tries rid themselves of goverii- street. .Vtanclie.striw The hustiiess ts ments both he and Ball termed | Herald Office OLD FLOORS SANDED' Tel 4219 owned by KEN’NBTH W. COTTON, Present. WII.LIAM S. HYDE. Ei JARVIS HEALTV CO. Ijiylng and finishing. Ra RRED ROCK pulletS“ for sale, Judge. "clearly Fascist.’' , / AI.LEY OOP WllLWonmuf’s Plan Workt BY V,T.HAMLIN, Ofllre 4112 Besidenre 1216 10 Earl street. •Manchester, anil MIL- EMute of M. Clark Terrill, late of BidMlI S t r e y f/ ^ ' : F- Jen.sen, 14 week (fild. Call after 5:30 at TUN F. WAC.NER. of 13? Cainpthtid Maneheater. In said District. dec;rased. i - Weekdays and Sundays rel. Winimantlc 9928 evenlnga. Private Instructions 28 273 Adams street, Bu(?kland Hoad Manchester, afid will he./enn- ducted by r.‘ THICK J. TIERNEY, of Thc^exccut.u/ having exhibited Its ELOCtmON Developing’'•4bc admlnistraiioir account with said es­ HOPiNG'ffO GAIM SUP­ EXPERIENtED RADIO" service. FOR SALE BARRED rock pul­ 2S Griswold sfreet. .Manehedter, a» tate to'this Court for allowance.-Ml ts B-H2 Bomber Ptit PORT FOR, HIS PUAN natural rcsonani^ of your voice. lets. April batch. H. I. Barnes, permittee. ORDERED? That the 4Ur d ^ of .TO OGSTROV THE TIME* Promt and efftetent All work Speech diff'icuUirt corrected. r.VTRICK .1. TIERNEY guaranteed Phone 4607 Nrfrth Coventry, Telephone 8081. August. A.D.. 1945. at..9 o'etoak, (w.l.) I»VACHIU£,DR. \M0MMU6 TUTORING; ■ Re.adlng, mathema­ Dated 27 July. 1945. .fort*n«n»ii, at the Probate'Office. . In In Yank Air Fb*et| HKS FRIENDS • Plan Your New Home tics. The W'hite Studio (Johnson AT A'COUUT o r PUOBATP held said- Manchester, be and the same Is 8Aqk.<^E 25 HELP SHEET METAL WORK hot air Block). 709 Main street, Phone 14 WEEKS OLD pullets and cock- at Manchp^ler. w t^ln and fo r /^he a^slgryed for a hearing oh the allow­ CENTURIES INTO A ance jol said administration account Washington, July 30— Th-' uittlE k n Oi^ historic furnace repairing New hot air . 2-1392. crals. Call at 214 Gardner streeL. District of Manchester.- on the 28th 'With Jarvis dav of July. A,Ij.. 194fi. with >ald estate, and. this Court di- new B-32 heavy bomber Is In '■bet ERA- AND ITS A ' WANTED and air conditioning furnaces In IVesent. WILLIAM S. HY'DE, recls\the execuUir lo give public , no­ growing air fleet which Qen_| RUGGED. STOT^ If w« don’t have what you stalled Eaves' trough and ' con­ udpe. tice tti\|ill persons Interested therein George C.. Kenney’s Far East Alrf 'llclp W nted—Femaly 35 /ilrticles for Sale 45 E.staie ttf Annie fb’ ll. Jate of Man­ to append thereon -by publishing a want* we are in a position 20 Carpenters ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, copy of this order In some newspaper Force Is sending against Japah. I ______'V 8966 chester, in said District. decease«i. to build it for you. Our. WOAi'AN w a n t e d FOR easentii' FOR SALE—ONE SET of golf On motion of May Bell Srhondel of having a circulation In said District., Although smaller than the B-2PsJ NOW WITH AN ALMOST 20 Laborers FURNACE REPAIRINb andsOll work. 8 to 5—No Satutday work clubs and bag. In exCellfnt condi­ said Mant^liester administratrix, with five .days before said day of hearlrifC used by the 20th Air Force, the I SAV4GE CJELIGHT, THE drafting department will burner service. Ask about our New .System Laundry,,-xIIarrisoi tion. Oue pair of -rubber hip will, anjtexed. . and riplurn make to this Court, and by B-32s are the biggest bqmBcrt.. 4n| INVENTOR FOULOWS THE)R 5 Bricklayers UP'KUED; That six months from mailing In a registered lettier. on or UNHAPPY ADVENTURES hsl riv* y*>® prompt service on ■ ' firing cleaning For full Informa­ street. hooLs size 7. Call after 7 at 34H l>efore July 30. 1945. a copy of this Kenney’s force which includes | they2 H th day of July. A.D.. 1945. be flyin g Fortresses and Liberators. THE MACHINE'S VIEW-PLATI the exact home of your 2 Stone Masmis - tion call Van .Camp Bros 15 Garden Drive. nn/f‘'jthe same are. limited and allowed order to Hartford Katlor^al .^nk and WANTED^-SEl machine bp« Trust Company. Trustee ulw of M. S Built by Consolidated Yultee.l chii^ce. Locations in all sec- years' experience! Tel 5244 Free ( k r the creditors . within-'-which to ! 1 Painter ,, Inspections' eratof; 'Kage- ' npany. Cheney NEW REFRIGERATORS, electric hrloRMn theTr rOairns apalnst said efl;_ Clark /Terrill. -Hartford. Conn.: Edna Rie,.bomber la described ofllcianyl z r tioha of town available. For Building; Whiter coolers "and frozen foot! tate. and Th«* ^Id administratrix c.t.a. C. ‘Terrill. 141 Llnd«^n strec\ New -as capable of high altitude andl is directed lo klve" public notice to the Haven. Conn. ; Robert C. Terj-lU, For* f r e c k l e s a n d h is f r ie n d s He^s No Sucker BY MERRILL BLOSSBR fun particulars call. Apply cnbineta/i4b priority. 251 Nor/b seely..House Slldillebury College, Wtld- very long range. The B-32 can Uftl Main street,_Ehone 2-1341 / cretlilors to brlnit In their claims dlebur>-. Vermont: Arthur M. ColUns, the equivalent of Its own weight—I WOMANS W’^ T E D bicmorlal within said time allowed by posting « S-^Y, MISTER ,(Wl(EB5 WOULD o u r THERE YUP, MIS EVBSIGMr ME LIKES ID KEEP POSTED i WITH MEAT coi>y of this order .on the public sign­ «guarm surance‘'Co.,. HartfoW. Conn. Its four engines develop 2,2001 LAKE THE FINE PRINT ON Maacheater. Conn. 6 Dover Road 4-RbO'1 SINdl.F. — (,’ofnplele V / CHRLSTMAS CARJ? ' and by publishing the same Id/ahpne WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Judge. X SALESPEOPLE Products / horsepower each, giving a apeedi V > - o-prA- instruction 4112 ur 1276 with llreiihi.ep,. sereipns and newspaper having a circulation lit' gald In excess Of 300 .-miles an hour.l \ SHEETS/ GET THIS BJG SELLING .LINE probate district. wllhti>‘ days fr^m AT A COURT OK PROBATE held " Phone 4112 or 727.U „FOR SALE .S_$tai^ding . ..grass, at Manche«ter, within and for the t t Weekdayt and Sundays '' ^ .^oriu uindoivs.' .\vullnble space M ak/ easiest profits with 'finest.’ the date of .This order, and return Armameht- details are secret. Itsl i»M BY atzstiiwct. iwe. . w. ma. u. a >« erf. Week Daya and Sundays timothy and red\7to /top . Conrad make to this court of thRjK»tlce given. Dl»trlct of Mancli*«ter, on the JSth 135-foOt wlngsfan is about stx| fob^hvo u|i‘lnlrs. Oarage. 'selertto'n Christmasi.Gard.s. Show Merz. Phoenix st/ect, Vernon. Judge. dav of July. A.D.. 194.5. “Look, mother! John andj can go ahead and niake plans ^ulld with Jarvis for Bocurlty** WILLIAM HYDE, Preserit; WILLIAM. 8. HYDE, Eaq.. feet. Jess than that of the B-29, but ‘My buddy thought he saw a Jap 'warship again!* X X Cost'xSSH.Tin 'pet -month ' after Superb New "Prize" 21-Card $1 2.5 longer than the B-24 Uberator.| .for our marriage now as soon as he. earns his points;—I Box. Pax? you up to 50c profit. Judgp. rcasunable d'livn payment. .4h- E»tate-of Anna H .W ade, late of actually was able to buy an electric irdni” Everybody buys. Other newest Hf'Usehold Goods 51 Slipcot^ts! Manchester. In »ald District, deq^ed. exrepllonar \ iflliel Popular Assortments — - Gift The Mancheater Trust Xlompanylvad; Junior Basque Samples on apjproVal. ' FIREPLACE SCREEN'and grate, mlnlstrator, having exhibited Its ' Jarvis^Realty Wraps. Religious, Humorous, ets. Bucket-A-Day hot water heater ministration' account #lth m said a cHsivestate WASH TUBBS Subtle Clew BY LESLIE t u r n e r CHILTON GREETINGS CO.,' and Thor washing machine. 66 to this Court for allowance,e. fIt FHflNES 11I2DR;1'J75 West Middle Turnpike after 6 p ORDERED: That the 4th4tH day of COIONEL eAUS! 160K CAM YOU THINK V W8V, vest AND, Bv THE BLAZES! THIS 147 F.ssex street. Dept. 444, August, A.D.. at'» o'clofk" , fore- . «r THIS PACA6SAFH OF ANY INAY LAST INEEK OUR WAY. HE LWED MAY BE THt MALE HELP WANTED Week Days: and Sim ula Boston I m. All day Saturday. Sunday. noon, .at the prhbate Office/" In said Manchester, be and the swae Is as: raOM KISIN6 SUHSHIMR'S eOUUOKMOWTHE RAPtO REPORTEP IN JAPAN TEARS, LEAD WE*VE signed for a hearing on the allowance IBOAPCAST FOR TOnAYi NAME OF ANY man I MAJOR VUNTOM'S ASO! BEEM looking >, eew>.i»45wr.iB*ttiivitt.me. r.m.mu.a WT.flff., FOR PERMANENT JOBS WITH- ■ of said admlnlstratlon/account with IM QU9 P6YCH0' DTATIOM... HE -V EORi^EIOt) BSld estatk. and this Court directs the 1061CAL KIARFABE WAS tOEMTiFtEP LATER,COLONEL! administrator to gty# public notice to BRAMCH?.. VMTH RWB MIV HUD RYDER HY FRED HAUMAN ’ <;R0^TNG CONCERN all .-pereons Interewed therein- to ap- THAT STORY 7-^ INDIAN.' GREAT SCOTT-' TDj'RE YSU’RE'STEA'VN' -O 7 m ■ ‘ uM thereoft by pub­ Pink. CLOUD-CHIEF 1 lishing a copy /Of this order In some HllNISRS. WHITt LIKE’ nisS P Machine operating experlenee heljiful bat The s e u e r AN' C?(?£AT SPIRIT- NO EXPERIENfF. .NF.f’ F.SS.^ItV on thoHe . newspaper haying a circulation In aald ESCORT OF TrI’ LDS.T District, nve/days before said day of ,RED e«m-\vhlle-yoH-leam i»«Kltlnn» with secure'' -AlenXnd women to hclp-in"4fte production of war hearing and return, make to this Ryder,. future. Check these fenliires. Johnson Mch; m ater^ needed to compile^e the job of defeating Court", ai)d by mailing In a reglatered Onje. .7^ letter, oh or before Jijly 30, 1945, a K.AYER i\V' I. Good regular pay 5. Weekly sliTc. hene- Japan. , X copy of this order to Charlea Wa^e, AND • - >4 ‘ Indlriaually -and as. guardian ,ad litem O'! VE-S-x flfs ' . : : \ C o . for/Prlscllls Wade. «7 School street, at'-LER 2. 6 paid holidays' ' ' ' M'e can use; ncheiter. Coiih. 'TO ' 6. lloaiiltali'/Ation In­ Manchester. Conn. WILLIAM'S. HYDE. Judge. ■ cluding .depemientn LoomlKfers,.— Men -THSIR. " ■* ' 'v ' 8 r i*'»fo; VLLACie. S. Vacation with' pay 4SS -m e 1. No Sunday proAtn’- . NEEDS Weavers— Men and Women 4. ■Life Insurance tlon work ' iD= T^Cleveland Antmnatlc Sewing Maeijipe Operators — Women lehearisals H eld LOST Year-round, st<^d.y emp'ioyme4i4, All hiring dt*ne In BASi-Nf Screw Machine Setup Spindle Machln^Qwrators — Women SffY.duDOY -SOii took E)t.aCU.Y UKE~ YG«H » WNPT T mrt A < accordance with .Area StahUtzaflOti Plan. At Liice H om e A KHUCKLEHERD PEC I .USTR KNOW Sian WITH THE OIL t=0UHTH EXCEIT FOR COlNCtOeMCE General Help — and Women H A i i i 1 USTR PRL RROiJNO WITH. A r" 7-*.* 1— Cleveland .'Viitoniatk TH«T POT BELLV tt ms NRN« STUPID PRlVlKTE THRT WUZ. TH all work except Greenwich, July 30—(fP)— Bo- \MUT Tom fink- 0!i:.'’(>EtPiN6 tom*. SPtTTlM’ IMAGE OF ^ ONW HE Rogers products are In every home—‘the.lr usCs are many. Screw "Machine Oper­ Trainees tvill be accepted for loomfixiRg. hearsals started t o ^ y at the home viuzNTT MEKOf 0,U Continuous research program develops new products which ator of U. S. Rep. Clare Boothe Luce OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOfJSE" M.AJOR HUOPLB reach great demand. Y'^on Help the war effort now—and for next week’s slimmer theater Post-War Program production. of George Bernard Have a aonnd fuDire— when you Join the Rogers, production Assured. CHENE^ BROTHERS AND ^ Shaw’s "Candida” in which the YOU DREW TWO I'VE GOT-TO DO YOU THINK' You UfWEN'T BEEK) vIvaat’s THe f'PARDOM N\e.' X’M. r a ic s , s o y o u OUtT COMING 1 HAVE NO BANlbiNG TWe CWMBAUS \ HEYT ,AERA|OYOU‘Y6 staff. Act today.! ■glamoroua congreaswoman will !fr DITCH THAI FOUR HERE OR HE’LL WORRIES?' a b o u t YOUE. a o n tv a e ^MlSfAVCEN ME ^.\pply 9 M. to 5 P. M. PIONEER PARACHUTE COMPANIES play the title role. CLUBS AN’ HAVE MY KIDS LOOK AT THOSE The enOre cast. Director Rob­ YOU DRAWONIY INVENTION l a t e l y ^ ROLLEE FOR ANOTM^ ^ Daily. Apply At GJusney Brother* EmpIo3nnent Office ..RUINED—HE'S , LEGS IN THE / PARTY/'*— IT ROGERS'CORPOR ATION « ert Robs and his assistanL Mary a ... ONE CARD t e a c h i n g t h e m WINDOW— — H AYE YOU T06SE O ^TOVOEL ? NOvJ ,52 MAIN STREET Welch, plan to work today and to­ TO PLAY POKER,' ?>EOPLE WILL, ■' THE 4DCA BACK. ABOOTT A h a p p e n s X SOLD All hiring In accordance wtth Area Stabilization morrow at the home of Mrs. Luce, 1S 7 -Tkews MICE OfUta-THtsoi; tWHKT'S 1 AM A AtNfT AND HOW.* M'IH:RtME , MANCHESTER. CONN. All hiring' done la accordance., STORE BOUGHT TEETH THINK A PACK' ON "flAE PtL& .MA&NETIC tvlth area manpower controls Plan. -- who has written Broadway hits mVRTE HRSHMRRK i SER RATE, V OF LUNATICS 'Wrm THE REST, \ Y K-EYNOLE DETECTOR A A GOT THERE^feUOOY- WRIT AM TOlO me MATE? CORPORA.’ but never has appeiiNd behind the ^LIVE HERE.' OE YOUR SLANKl ) ( EARLY | PAN(0/ FIGURE?-^ footlights. On Wednesday they HOWl 00 YH KEEP'EM THE KINDA , GOOD e v e n in g , By Mrs. Anne Qnbot ' 8901 FROM CLHCKINT T HORSE GLUE CARTRIT56ES ? / / TWORNilNe If you are getting ready for will transfer their activities to 'he i i - i i y . pgiyteLEKS f MY DEAR. th ea ter^ nearby Stamford where HE USED i LANK LBONAKD allpcover Job on your chairs In the FRIENDS/ BUCKBY FINN New Plans early autumn you may want to use the pla Topens a week from to n the ve^ popular •■“two'coldr” de­ night TShe theater management first By Sue Burentt i' WHY CXDESN'T IT? I'M STILL Vi/MAT ABOUT SHERIFF J WE LL FORGET signs. The chintz and plain color A glamorous date frock for-Ju LISTBN.MAISIB.' cover Illustrated at top allows you atoroached Mrs. Luce with the fM NOT KICX)INS,\ WHY SHOULD A a t t r a c t iv e -AND LIKE A LOT OF FINN-AND THAT CLUB J THEM BOTH • idea of producing "The Happy iors with cool sleeves, ybuthfu w e WERE GOINS TO \ WE'LL BE ABLE TO to cdmblne short lengths of har­ neckline and pencil-tllm waisfl VCMSlE CHUCK-AU.X HA'VE\ GUV LIKE CrtHER RICH OLD SAPS, MB MAS Marriage," her latest play, and HAVE HIM PROTHCT 7 AFFORD TO, DEAR monizing materlalz." The bedroom Perfect for aU your fesUvitle| 06VNB TO DO IS SAY THE SUDDENLY DISCChfEBED THAT chair has a short cover ahd Ir the suggestion that qhe play Can­ FOR USi» imagine I'LL HAVE dida came after it was discovered these summer, nl^ta. HAS WORD-AND rM h e 's l o n e s o m e '? it h a p p e n s trimmed with contrasting rilltle Pattern No. 8901 is designed fo l CX/FPV DAV » MY OWN CHECKINS ■< lower Chair ts_ done In quilted ma that the theater could not accom­ SO LONG, FALLEN MBS. Mn4TM0*e' modate the sets required for "Thre+rizes 11, 12, J3. 14. 16 and 18. Blz| YeaH-NEYT timeIME GUESS UtOT.ARKy— I JUS’ terial and seams are finished wth r GRAN’PA- \H .LBRt^^ BUMPED INTO H CHINA BUDDY OF FOR Happy Marriage.” , 12/requlres 3 yards of 39-lnch VU-SCE YH tMNTMOO!^ cotton fringe..' riikl. AROUND MINE - GOOD OC ‘ PEtPtNG TOM’ FtNK-J tli I'.') To obtain Complete Instructlani For this patUm, gend 20 cent HC ,MN*T CIUMaEO VCiLCD on- how' to measure your own Clarti Arrives In Verona MMT OF in ceins, your name, address, sizl a w r i Chzirs. ciitUng, pinning, sewing desired, and the pattern numbe| HOWHFSI and finishing instructions for the Bnn*. Austria, Juy'SO—(A^—Q ^ . Mark W. Clark, commanding gen­ to Sue ^ m e t L Yhe MancAtesti -AMO Two-Color and Bedroom Chair Herald, 1150 4Uath avenue, NO M *01 HABO.* Slipcovers (Pattern No. 6018)'send eral of tli# United States forces in Austria, arrived In VeronA It­ York It, N. Y. 15 cents in coin, plus 1 cent port- Sand today for your copy »ge. your name, addrqss and rte aly, by plane today fz*ni Brazil. USFA headquarters announced. "Fashion" — it’s full of ideas fo pattern number to Anne Cabot summer wardrobe planning. IJ Thein. Manchester«ancne«rr Herald. ____ 1150No details were given as to -vhen r coHi. 1*45 tn THt tYzTHtaiitca j i m b Tve^^JiTNew Xorp 19. N .T^ ha would rrioU. his «wsaia|i4 km*. eaata. |KtT4i»qTc»B;Hm«a*Kt.i / MM A '* Vi-