E on Or Pire S Navy
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v-' ,V. V /;■ / y SA';rUtoAT^iXJLT SB. 1 9 # Averasre m ily GIreplatibn f^AGE TWELVE Manchester tiveiting Herald For, the Month of June,' 1945 The W ^ h e r of U. 8. U dather Boreau com in your arms unmapped. Still the ^mfhittee In charge wants a W orkyls Staii^ ' 9 ,1 0 6 Fair tonight and ’Yneeday; no> another local dealer refuaied,tp.han- :ot\ without children. We Doubly Ho Meibber ot the A i^ t Important temperature' chsiigea. dle the . com %t the price 'Mying I’t know why—wo have only Umi are ^ but rather warm la Interior Iirtq- m tTo w n JJeard Along Main Street been told children aren’t wanted M iU that hIS' customers' would only' / Buteao^ of Olroalanons .X-’ dajr afternoon. gripe to him about the price w’hlch Ih the paraona'ge. , K- Mr, aitd Mn. Jwwpli wasn’t really hit fault. Aa w« get It, the committee / ' h^ter^A Ciiy of yUlage^l^ahn And on Some o / M m ihefler’$ Side SlreeU, Too ’ ' ■ ' V a 101 C dar rtre«t, Pj;* W ^ t price eelllngw-r^nd what run Into Mme rather embarrt^ng Work on --the new mill to be \ y X - >• > mta of • 10 pound »pn, born w at. celling prices!' circumstances.. One pjxjspect biHh by, Cheney Brotheni, is now VOL. L X I V ^ O . 254 (ClaaMfled AdvartUfag aa Page •) ITrancla hoapiUJ, Hartford, on Perhaps we/have right to VOaklaiiil-'and Eld ward streets and waa particularly deslrabj^ 'but It MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 30, i»45^ ' , , / ■ V r i o s THREB GEN’n i lUly 25. This la their a e ^ d child, delve into rpatters so delicate aa the North End playgrounds. Among - ^ e hard to explain Was, discovered .that there would undep/wAy. The actual dlggihg Jielr. flrat being a daughter. maternity, but. along With the Crowa are considered the moat ihdrtages^ {» toothpaste. Most' be a child very'soop/lf -he were' startea\6n ’Thursday. ’The plans scarcity of foodstuffs, steaks- and Intelligent of all birds, and. certain people have taken to,tooth powder hired. Another foXHij^ct, equally for tjtie neur structure were drawn / D U R K E © , Mr. and M»-». Arthur E, Mc- othe.r commodities ■; and the ly this one aeema smarter than piey have found It difllcuH desirable, chancaa -to be married by the Ferjphion Company of .Aussie F^ame Thrower Sels J'ap Afire y 3ann, of 160 Benton etreet, leave stepped-up program of hi.creaslnff ever. He la very sociable, perhaps to jfit the paste, pealers Will tell and while theje >vere no 'children .Cleveland, Ohio,, lyho will supety e on .-.SUt ■' '..M io d ^ for a two weelw vacation in the birth rate M. Manchester; more partial to the society of the the reason fpr the shorta« it seemed- qijlte-likeiy. there'would vise^ the construdtldn., Nmaup, thla atate, Mrs. M c- pire s prospective mothers are hard women folks. We hear that he the tack of tubes 'as containenis be iwon. The new mill wiH^be one story home town. Mr. M^CanP *® pressed to aecure piedical atten flies up on the roofs of porch^ Yet you will remember that- once a third candidate was and will be located ne^een Elm the welV-hnown agent of the Pru tion along the way to the ma early in the morning hno^awa-^or on a time you had to turn In an Intervlktved. He was single, street. Hall Court and PlM Street. dential Inauran^^ Company here, ternal stata peeks at bedroom windows to empty tube'to a flned one. whlcli aeemed to answer All .the The permit calls for qji/«xpandi*vj>, Tors a police comnliBsioner and mem iirtt w e n tly ’ a young mother- - arouse the occupants in hip‘desire We have beeh told that ope local ncCMsary requirements. But the ture of $400,000. / ber of the w a l Selective Service to-be•h. arrived in Manchester to re- lecltner for company or fOr some- druggist has a couple of thousand cbmmlttee found out that he Is to The work of re la tin g WhtCr beard. tire from acUve life, awaiting her thing to eat.' ’This c iW seems to of these empty tubes . In his cellar^ bg married- next month. So may- mains, has been ghkig oh for DON WILLIS baby. She la the wife of a sol think a lot of Johli Jeffers and his They have never been collected (tr he can only ocpiipy the^parson^ a week and haAbem dope by or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.'Benaon dier who wss originally stationed son, and hls'favorlte'^port is riding cslled for and he la planning/to age for ,a year at the most, ,in the employ of Cheney Brothers. X g a r a g e x and family of Princeton atreet are on the handle b a ^ of the hoy’s on the West Coast ’There she turn them In for the next tin, drive. w e understand one prominent (^ p le t e Anto Si^Tvicd ' ioaving today for Point O’ Wooda consulted with a post physician bicycle. The/other evening he Where they wijl apend the month of was busy, e a ^ g cookie crumbs Our neighboring town/Of Bolton resident of, Bolton mafic sugges Lostanau-Lacau, *Mys- and When her husband was trans tion to the committee ’ Ujat would tS M a l^ t. TeLSOSS Navy D ee Anguat. fc, while John^-as putting his car in has been experiencing troubleXvith ferred to a camp In the South, she solve the problem. Hhis particu tery Kiun’ of Trial went along and immediately con the imragtv. p ff he flew to John people from Manchester and other A aott waa bom to Mr. and Mra. who extend*^ his arm and the tame towns who take thelf rubbish to lar resident suggested that they Fire Insurdnce Hustled into G>urt‘ ■4' ferred with the post medicalr'offi- change the religious faith of thi* x ; Jamea J. l^aavltt of 80 Benton cer there, after the trying ride bird niched upon it and theiice to the. secluded spots In Bolton and On Ybar FoiirSnakes Shells Blast Big IhduZ- street yeaterday at St. Francia his imoulder as he walked toward just dump it cut. Just the. other required pastor and Capt. Vlnoemt Hines room Short While Aft Armv Planes hoaplthl. Mra. Leavitt la the for his home on Oakland street. day there w'ere local repercussions. problem would be out- . rENDER Heavy Aerial Then'flb« decided to come back Rev. Vincent Jy Hines, assistant er Police Announce In trial City as .Carrier aer Mlaa Margaret Toman. The Anybody ' else got any pet It seems that Bolton folks were FU RN ITU RE/ BODY WOR At Cull Rites maternal. artmdparenta are. Mr. homa to crows 7 • fed. up on being the refuse ie*h Have you heard the new one the pastor of St. James’s church un Planes Rip Up 60 Air baby and here she consulted the Roosevelt haters are passing AnU^^lp/Nibiiai Effects ability to Lbeate HiiD- Strike Japs’ Blows to Be and Mra, *Aomaa J. Toman of 78 third physician. 'Thetf her time for other townsfolk. ’The State po til he eRtereci 'the United States SOLIMENE & FL^0 Fields and Other Mili Benton atreet Jt seems t,o'be theVopsensus of lice had as.sured the authorities around about the death of Hitler'.', We csta protort you for as lot* - - ■ { became short and hpr doctor went they would help if given evidence. Well, if vou were by chance, irny as a. chaplain in Jitoe. 1943,. INC. Paris, July ,30.— (JP)—-Mys- Cry Religious Freedom on vacation and she had to put her the people along the street that aa $4.00 pet^t.OOO' for I yean’ Tel. 0101 tary Installations; Mes Mlaa Caroline Miller. o f Warti- the entire zoning regulation set-.un A iocgl woman was visited the Roosevelt hater jfist ask sonte of haa been ciqubl.v honored. ' Unk& PreMimi $6.00. dS4 Oenter. SL _teriou8 Maj. Jean Loatanau- Violated Follo'ws' In ises Qealt Japan mgtop atreet left yeaterday for case In the hapd^kof a fourth phy In town la being jeopardized,,.,not other day by a State' Police officer. your friends.- NO doubt they - have From the Army Xroiip Com- sage of Steel and Fire sician. / ' . He told her to get the heap pf oa- Let me «UI a/yp|^ bonie aiid Lacau testified at the treason Lahox, Maaa.. In the Berkahlma. Even the'war-tlme/Riothers have by the law' op legulaUona them- heard the story. niandgr' Capt. Hine^. has been giv terruption pf Ritual in She la planning tox attend the selvoa, but by the menribers of the pers ahe had dumped in Bolton out en the Bronze Star. - From, the explain details or tna! of Marshal Petain today BIdW Apart 'IVIidships American Military Lead Supports Allied Ulti their troubles wfth smwtages of within two hours or she would be • that “I ajn horrijied to see a Virginia Hill Country. Tanglewood concert thla evening decent b«by layettes to Sav noth commission, and the appcala board We vjant to Uke the opportii-- Bishop of Verdun his award is the V matum of Surrender., by the Boaton Symphony orchea- and their application or interpreta arrested.' , nity of saying a good word for the Silver Medal With Palm., man o f nearly 100 years of ^ cU o n o f Haruriu, ers Promise Unprece ing of the principal consideration After the officer left the woman Hospital ti« and again Sunday aftamoon.