::rim SOUTH il'BICAN JEWISH CHRONICLE. 455 OSSEUM PLAZA Odeon Curzon Consolidated Theatres, Ltd.) Union Theatres Ltd. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures. SEA POINT WYNBERC Daily at 2.30 and 8 p.m. Saturdays and Holidays, Pho1w 4.--29 9. Phone 7-5055. 10.0, 2.30, 5.30 and 8.5. ABSOLUTELY BEYOND DES.CRIPTION. Dail.'· at 3 and 8. , aturday 2.30, 6 nn

Municipal Orchestra ROYAL UNION THEATRES LTD. AMBRA COMOUCTOlll AMO MUelCAL Du1•CTell1 Dll. WM, J. ~CK•IULL Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pieturea. SUNDAY, 2nd SEPTEMBER. To-day at 2.30 and . The Three Great B's: Bach, Beethoven, Brahms. rmances To-day and To-morrow: Laurel and Hardy iu t11eir Late:t Comedy Overture in C ...... Bach "NOTHING BUT TROUBLE." • 8abu • Jon Hall - in Universal's Toccata. and Fugue in D Minor ...... Bach Romance: "COBRA WOMAN." (Scored for Orchestra by Wm. J. Pickerill.) MONDAY - "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE." Romance in G, Op. 40, for Violin and onday at 2..30 and 8. Orchestra ...... Beethoven Thrilling Story of Courage and Augustus Levy. Cape Town's Popular Rendezvous! ever Filmed in a British Studio I Overture, "Aca

this top-line British pictur . gnin t a back­ ground of Nazi intrigue in ],urope aml North 72, Adderley Street, Cape Town Ralf. Africa, "Tho Man from foroc o" tells uf the love (Opposite Standard Bank) story b t w en a oung Oz cho lovakian culptor and a twantifnl ,'punish girl of noble birth. piani t, ' ho "ill 01 en her apt with an all-D thov n r cital on h pt('mher, studi d itl 'olomon South African Turf Club.

tbnan. i; h~ hn t urC'd 'witz rlaml CO LOSS Engli. h oloi t \\as fciatured with oi ewitch, Solomon and Clifford 'l lw ki11d of musical that nu; :o populnr in thoven onuta scrie: at the famous ( 'olumhia Pictures' "Cover Git'!' is said to rea<'h RACE MEETING ry concerts in 1941. .. he has just "a towering height of magi cnf'Jrnn m nt' in tho ustralasian tour. At her last ap­ sarn • studio s technicolor prouuction ''To-11ight •• at •. lt'b Town Hall in Sydney, where , he and E,· 1 r.· ,.ight, ' which com s to the olo ·seum the Canadian conductor. Sir ErneRt at tlH• couclusion of "A Song to Remember." Tho va t was tlw audience that to accom­ stor. · of "To-night and Ev r. ' :right ' deals with KENILWORTH all the l'Oncert had to be repC'ated the hProi1• and stoic tenaeity of a group of Engli h Eileen Half's vital personalit~· and show folk who keep their thentre open for tlw ST 1 aracter is cYident in her recent tours h.oys' 1 ntertainment. during the "or t days of the SATURDAY, 1 SEPTEMBER , wher • vf'n a programrn0 of blitz. Rita Hayworth and Janet Rlair arc a pair drew pack d houses. of tho entertainers. us (famed English critic) write!' of SEVEN EVENTS "touched with the spark of genius" :Performance of the Rachmaninov Pre- PLAZA. 'nging back memoriPs of the- grf>at. First Race Starts at 1.50 p.m. ' Thn Plaza would appear to be ahead of London. f n London, October 15th sees a releas~ of the The DOUBLE TOTE (£1 Tickets) will be open successor to "," tbe techni­ color screen version of 's famous on the FIFTH and SIXTH RACES. · al by Ruth Rome·. novel. A successor was a foregone conclusion and so a stor.'· has been specially written, using some Soldiers and Sailors in t:niform only will be appreciative audience from all parts of the well-known Knight characters. This time la gathered at the Savoy, Rose­ we htffe not only "Lassie" but also "Laddie," admitted free on pro


cast of Bri~ish ,stars, headed by k in the leading role, are to be M.K. BAZAARS an from Morocco," which opens at 148, LOOP STREET, CAPE TOWN n Monday. Anton Walbrook has SEA POINT - SALT RIVER - WOODSTOCK tt for leading lady, and they both CLAREMONT - PAARL - STELLENBOSCH t performances. Mary Morris, Handy House, WORCESTER. Peter Sinclair, David Horne anEl all give fine character studies in