Community Redevelopment Agency afthe CITY OF ~.~ eRA/LA ~~ S,,"c'g ,c~~'''cce., w"" ,oh, & ""m9 DATE I September 11, 2007


384 South Soting Street i Si.i:e 800 T 213 977 1600 ¡ F 213 977 1665 Los Arge:es! C8liforri¿i 90013-11'58

CRA File No.: 57§/ CFI No: 07-0600-S1 V Council District City-wide Contact Person: Angela Ovalle (213) 977-1966

Honorable Council of the City of Los Angeles John Ferraro Council Chamber 200 N. Spring Street Room 340, City Hall Los Angeles, CA 90012

Attention: Alan Alietti, Office of the City Clerk

COUNCIL TRANSMITTAL: Transmitted herewith is a Report for review by the Housing, Community, and Economic Development Committee and the City Council in response to a request of the City Council made on August 1, 2007 to


RECOMMENDATION That City Council review, and then receive and file, the report requested by the Housing, Community and Economic Development Committee.

ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The recommended action does not constitute a "project" as defined by the Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA").

FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT There is no fiscal impact to the City's General Fund, as a/Val result of this action. .. C~Executiv:õificer

SEPt 8 2007 HOUSING, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT '2=~' cc: Alan Alietti, Office of the City Clerk (Original & 3 Copies on 3-hole punch) Lisa J. Smith, Office of the CAO Paul Smith, Ivania Sobalvarro, Office of the CLA Andrew Westall, Council District 10 Helmi Hisserich, Office of the Mayor Neil Blumenkopf, Noreen Vincent, Office of the City Attorney REPORT TO HOUSING, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE



On August 1, 2007 the City Council considered the Agency's Fiscal Year 2007-2008 (FY 2008) annual budget As part of the approval of the budget, the Agency was requested to report back on the current status of pipeline Agency-sponsored projects and their expected completion dates.


This quarterly report on the status of priority project provides a description of the current status of the Agency-sponsored projects.

This status report covers the period of April through June 2007 (see Attachment A). It includes project descriptions, a status update, anticipated milestones and next steps, and the development partner for over 100 projects.

The next quarterly status report will cover the period of July through September 2007 and will be issued in late October. The Chief Operating Officer has been working with the Regional Administrators to develop a new format for the quarterly reports. The new format will include photos or renditions of projects, project descriptions, a status of the projects, anticipated milestones in the next quarter, total development costs, community benefits, and job generated. R-f





To report to the Agency Board of Commissioners on the status of Priority Projects approved for the FY2007 Work Program.


In May 2006, a retreat was held with the Agency Board of Commissioners, Regional Administrators and project management staff. Topics discussed included the role of the Board, new Agency policy initiatives, Board priorities for the coming year, performance expectations and methods for measuring performance and the effective use of Agency staff and financial resources. One request of the Commissioners was to have an "Early View" process established so the Commissioners could be kept informed on the status of projects and programs on an ongoing basis. The current approach typically results in final recommendations being presented to the Board that are usually the end result extensive negotiations between staff and a developer or property owner over an extended period of time. By not being kept abreast of the status of major projects, the Board believed that it impeded a more careful and thorough consideration of the staff's recommendations. The Commissioners expressed a desire to be kept informed of the progress on major projects, including any obstacles or impediments that may have been encountered that could result in significant delays. In response to the Commissioners request, a report has been prepared that provides a description of the current status of the Priority Projects as identified in the Agency's Work Program and Budget This status report covers the period of April through June 2007 (see Attachment A).

The Chief Operating Officer has been working with the Regional Administrators to develop a new format for the Quarterly Reports to the board. The new format will include photos or renditions of projects, project descriptions, a status of the projects, anticipated milestones in the next quarter, total development costs, community benefits, and job generated.

Future quarterly reports will be provided at the second Agency Board meeting following the end of the each quarter.

Cecilia V. Estolano Chief Executive Officer By /~i // /I ~I I / // ! // L1 ~~ t ilVl-#L- Gle~n F. Wasserman Chi~f Operating Officer ATTACHMENT A QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE STATUS OF PRIORITY PROJECTS April - June 2007


Palos Verdes Urban VilaCle . Mixed Use Project (851300) Project Description: A five story and one 18 story building to consist of 251 residential units with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom, ranging from 880 to 1,500 s.f., planned for a 1.5-acre site, currently occupied by the C-Worthy Industrial Paint Store. The building formerly operated as a Bank of America branch and its current usage was allowed by the CRA/LA and restricted to commercial uses until 2014. An Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) enabled the project to go forward with a mix of town homes and high-rise condos, plus 582 underground parking spaces. Under the OPA, the developer will set aside 15 units to be affordable to workforce families for 10 years and provide 20 public parking spaces on site, also available for 10 years. Developer: Palos Verdes Street Investments, LLC FY07 Milestones: Approvals of OPA and conceptual design; monitor Tentative Tract map approval process; approve public art, final design and landscape plans; monitor issuance of building permit; start construction. Address: 550 S. Palos Verdes Street Status: On December 7, 2006 the Agency approved entering into an OPA, for the Palos Verdes Urban Village, which was adopted by the on February 8, 2007. On January 24, 2007, a Subdivision Hearing was held for the Project's Tentative Tract Map. The OPA was fully executed on March 30, 2007. Staff has recently learned that this property was sold in July 2007 to Omninet Capital, LLC, a Beverly Hills based private equity, real estate and venture capital firm. Staff has initiated contact with both buyer and seller to determine whether the sale is a "permitted transfer" and what changes, if any, may be proposed.

La Salle Lofts Adaptive Re-Use (851615)

Project Description: This building, formerly housing a 108-unit, single-room-occupancy hotel, will be re-constructed as 26 market rate condominiums ranging in size from 1,040 to 1,800 sq. ft. and will include 8,000 sq. ft. of ground-floor retail space and 52 parking spaces. Also included will be a public art component. Upon completion, the CRA/LA may exercise an option to provide soft-second mortgages to make up to six units affordable to qualified moderate-income home buyers. Developer: TEAM Companies. FY07 Milestones: Agency to monitor payment of prevailing wage during renovation; developer to begin marketing sales of the units. Agency to consider its Option to provide an affordable housing component; developer to complete construction; at Agency's option process up to six soft second mortgages to qualified low and moderate-income buyers. Address: 245, 253-267 West 7'h Street, San Pedro. Status: Asbestos remediation of the building's interior and demolition has been completed. The Building façade is the last standing structure on the site and is currently being rehabilitated as the façade for the new project. Developer has selected artist Siobodan Dimitrov for a tiled mural on the exterior wall of the parking structure, which is a separate building from the La Salle lofts residences. The artwork will feature photographic images of dockworkers, welders and pile drivers, etc. The composition is intended to be a tribute and recognition of labor in the development of the LA Harbor, one of the world's largest international ports. The artwork was reviewed and supported by the Pacific Corridor Advisory Committee in August 2007. Construction is underway and anticipated to be completed in May 2008.

Centre 5treet Lofts Affordable Housinq Proqram (851700) Project Description: The Centre Street Lofts Project will provide 116 condominium units with 6 live/work spaces, (755 to 2,373 sq. ft., and will include 20,000 sq. ft. of ground-floor retail and 312 parking spaces, of which 40 will be available for public use. The CRA/LA will offer deferred "soft second" mortgages to make up to 17 units affordable to qualified moderate-income homebuyers. Developer: Centre Street Lofts, LLC. FY07 Milestones: Developer to begin marketing sales of the units and Agency to establish soft second loan program; developer to complete construction; Agency and LAHD to process and fund 23 soft second mortgages to qualified low and moderate income buyers. Address: 285 W. 6'h Street Status: In October 2006, the Agency and the City Council approved a Soft Second Loan Program to provide up to $198,000 to 17 eligible moderate-income families. Marketing of the units by the Developer and Agency began November 2006. Construction was completed with a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) issued March 6, 2007. Sixty-four units have been sold and 57 families now reside at Centre Street Lofts. In May, 2007, twenty-five (25) families moved into their lofts and were greeted with WELCOME Baskets, courtesy of the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce. The Agency has closed escrows and funded 17 soft second loans to qualified moderate-income buyers LAHD funding for the six low-income first time homebuyers did not materialize. Consequently those units will be marketed to all income levels. All 6 ground floor live/work spaces have been sold, of which three are operating the following types of businesses: theatrical costume shop, a mortgage company and a beauty salon. Starbucks Coffee Company will lease retail space and a Wells Fargo Automated Teller Machine (ATM) will be located on the site. The dedication of MOJO, the motion activated art piece by Christian Mueller, is planned for First Thursday in October 2007.

Port of Los Anqe/es Police Headquarters (853000)

Project Description: The acquired several former maritime industry office buildings and has converted one of them to a charter high school (250 W. 5'h Street) with a first year enrollment of more than 100 students The school offers a curriculum on international trade and maritime commerce. For the balance of the property, 260 W 5'" street and 330 W. Centre Street, the Port is propbsing construction of a new Port Police Headquarters. Because the buildings are restricted to commercial use until 2014, the Port is seeking an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) to allow a minor variation from the Redevelopment Plan to permit the institutional uses. Developer: Port of Los Angeles. FY07 Milestones: Seek Board and Council approval of the OPA; Agency sign off on Final Certificate of Occupancy (subject to an OPAl; project completed. Address: 250 W 5'h Street (Charter High School); 260 W 51h Street and 330 S. Centre Street (formerly the Evergreen Marine Terminal Offices). Status: In March 2007, CRA staff received revised plans and elevations for a new three story, 51,000 sq. ft. Port Police Headquarters with offices for Homeland Security personneL. The proposed project will provide approximately 215 parking spaces in a 35,000 sq. ft parking structure, which includes 65 spaces for police and visitor use; and 50 for Charter high school use. The Project will be a Gold LEED (energy efficient) designed municipal building to include a public art component within its open space areas. A major landscaped civic plaza will be available for use by the public and neighboring high school students Demolition of the Evergreen office building was complete in July 2007. Agency staff is negotiating the terms of the proposed OPA with Port of Los Angeles and anticipates seeking CRA Board consideration in Fall 2007.

Land Lecouvreur Affordable Homes (LA 1020) Project Description: The CRA/LA is assisting the City of Los Angeles and Habitat for Humanity in the sale of vacant surplus, City-owned land for the development of eight single-family homes to be sold to very low-income homebuyers. The property transfer includes resolving complications arising from soil remediation needed to remove toxic contamination from former onsite, oil well operations on the 1.36-acre property. Developer: Habitat for Humanity South Bay/Long Beach Chapter, a non-profit housing developer. FY07 Milestones: City conveys property to developer and records land payment trust deed against the property; at the City's request, Agency to review and approve final design plans for the 8 Habitat homes, assist Habitat with securing entitlements, and confirm construction funds are in place. Habitat commences construction and City or Agency to monitor construction progress; City or Agency to review and approve fair housing marketing plan and "soft second" mortgage selection process. Selected families will provide sweat equity labor during construction; developer to complete construction. City or Agency to ensure soft second mortgage trust deed and affordable housing covenants are recorded, upon sale of each unit. Address: L Street and Lecouvreur Avenue, southeast corner. Status: CRA has completed environmental remediation activities and received the executed quitclaim deed from Warren E and P, thus clearing title and removing this encumbrance on the City property. The City's General Services Department has also physically removed the illegal encroachments from neighboring owners and tenants. Habitat has applied to LAHD for predevelopment loan assistance to acquire the City property from GSD. Before LAHD can process the loan assistance, LAHD has requested CRA to obtain a "No Further Action Notice" from the regulatory agency. CRA staff has requested and is awaiting this (environmental remediation) certification document from LA County Fire Dept. Upon receipt of an LAHD acquisition loan, GSD must seek City Council approval to award sale of L Street and Lecouvreur property to Habitat.

Block 26 Environmental Remediation (LA2500) Project Description: Soils remediation of this site is necessary for the E Street Cold Logistics, formerly Union Ice Company to proceed with its planned expansion The expansion will allow for increased economic activity in the Wilmington Industrial Park. Developer: E Street Cold Logistics LLC (formerly Union Ice Company). FY07 Milestones: Initiate Polanco Act proceedings with oil companies for remediation and or cost recovery effort; prepare or review Remedial Action Plan for State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) approval; conduct remediation; complete remediation. Address: 525 and 529 Sanford Avenue. Status: Polanco letters issued to Warren E & P and Exxon. In Aug. 2006, Exxon/Mobil executed a Cooperation Agreement to pay its share of the remediation expenses. SCS Engineers has completed a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for SWRCB review in February 2007. Remediation of contaminants on the property has commenced and is expected to be complete by September 2007.

Union Ice Company Cold 5toraCle Expansion (LA2600) Project Description: E Street Cold Logistics (formerly the Union Ice Company) may purchase Block 27 from the CRA/LA and expand its business, adding 100 jobs to its current workforce of 100. The CRA/LA will assist with site assembly, relocation of ten businesses, environmental remediation and site clearance. Developer: E Street Cold Logistics. FY07 Milestones: Make offers to purchase and commence business relocation activities; complete relocation activities; initiate Polanco Act authority, prepare and seek SWRCB approval of environmental remediation plan for properties; seek CRA Board and Council approval to enter into an OPA with Union Ice Company; review Design plans and assist with entitlements for Union Ice expansion project Address: East and west of 901 East E Street (Blocks 26 and 27, generally bounded by F Street to the north; Sanford to the east; E Street to the south and McFarland to the west). Status: Contract with CDD fully executed for BEDI/Section 108 funds in September 2006. Agency acquired four properties: DeLuca; Lopez; Rodriguez and Paredes (as of March 2007) totaling 60,000 s.f. One property (26,000 s. f. remains to be acquired. Relocation and property management activities are underway for Block 27. Two businesses have been relocated Negotiations for the relocation of one boatyard (dismantling and salvage) tenant have proven to be quite challenging. This tenant has also refused to pay monthly rent to the Agency, since November 1, 2006. Agency staff will be ordering additional environmental assessments for remediation on Block 27 CRA consultant, Tierra West completed a preliminary financial analysis on the proposed E Street expansion on 3-30-07. CRA staff and E Street have reached conceptual agreement on financing terms and are awaiting the outcome of updated land appraisals Agency staff anticipates seeking CRA Board consideration of a DDA in Fall 2007.

Alameda Landscape and Public Improvements (LA3200) Project Description: Key entryways to the Wilmington Industrial Park (E Street and Eubank Avenue at Alameda Street) will be improved and landscaped to attract development and private investment Improvements will reflect contemporary architectural and urban design principles to project and enhance the image of the Wilmington Industrial Park. Alameda is a heavy truck route to the Port with more than 11,000 vehicles traveling daily on this busy corridor with deteriorated street and poor drainage conditions. Developer: Agency FY07 Milestones: Agency to retain LA Bureau of Engineering (BOE) or consultant to prepare design plans for landscape improvements and signage for the two entry points; consult with Bureau of Engineering, Port of LA and County Flood Control District to resolve poor drainage and flooding problem along Alameda Street between Quay and E Street; prepare cost estimate and scope of work; upon receipt of outside funding, Agency to prepare construction bid documents for landscaped entry points or enter into Cooperation Agreement with BSS; with outside assistance, prepare funding application to correct the poor drainage and flooding problem on Alameda between Quay and E Street; subject to outside funding, Agency or BSS to advertise construction bid contract, award low bid and start construction for landscaped entry points; prepare design plans to correct poor drainage and flooding problem on Alameda between Quay and E Street; Agency or BSS contractor to complete work for landscaped entry points; prepare construction bid documents to correct poor drainage and flooding problem on Alameda between Quay and E Street Address: Alameda Street at E and Eubank Avenues; Alameda and Harry Bridges blvd. between Quay and E Street. Status: Staff is recommending that FY07 carryover funds be allocated to complete design plans for the E Street and Alameda entryway. Staff has received preliminary cost estimates and will assist the WIPAC in preparing a grant application (for landscape improvements, storm drain repair and resurfacing of Alameda Street) to the Port of Los Angeles for Aesthetic Mitigation Improvement funds in May 2007.

The application for Aesthetic Mitigation Improvement funds has been reviewed by the Environmental Sub-committee of the Port community Advisory Committee (*P-CAC) that placed the WIPAC application 7th 8th and 9th. An opportunity for Port funding still exists but is subject to determinations by the State Tidelands Commission.

Gaffev Street Welcome Park (PA3100) Project Description: At the intersection of Gaffey Street and terminus of the 110 Freeway, more than 50,000 vehicles enter San Pedro daily and pass by physically blighted properties and an unkempt pedestrian bridge. The community has identified this area as the ideal location for a Welcome Park that would serve as a cultural landmark. While design work continues and funding options are explored, soil remediation efforts are underway to remove toxic materials. Three underground storage tanks have been removed to date. Developer: City Recreation and Parks and LANI (Bandini Canyon Trail), FY07 Milestones: Monitor remediation efforts by Gaffey Street owner (former gas station site) and Bandini Canyon Trail improvements by LAN!. Address: Gaffey and Sepulveda Streets at the terminus of the 110 Harbor Freeway. Status: Several Port-owned properties on the west site of Gaffey were demolished in July 2006 to make way for the Welcome park site. In December 2006, Harbor Commission approved the sale or exchange of Port owned Gaffey Street ..1"t"l"o.-ioC" utith f"il\l n-:rlrl-:..r1 -:lnn'" i--:rhnr R.1\lri fìn l-:ni i-:r\f 17 ?nn7 rit\l 1' .."".., .,.."" VV,.. i '-I.Y 1-'"'~'1'..''.. ..'VL'l: I...' ....' LJI v... _" ....'i....':i i', ...... , , ....1 Recreation Parks presented design plans for the proposed Gaffey Welcome Park for passive recreational use to be integrated with Bandini Canyon Trail's design. In March 2007, design plans were reviewed by the Pacific Corridor Design Review Advisory Panel (DAP) with recommendations to improve the signage. Construction of the park improvements was started May 15, 2007. Additional comments regarding the park's signage have not yet been resolved, thus no signage is planned at this time.. Acquisition strategies for the 2nd phase expansion (335 N. Gaffey Street) are being developed. Joint Development PlanninCl with Port of Los AnCle/es (PA6200) Project Description: In the area bounded by the Vincent Thomas Bridge from the north to the Angels Gate Breakwater to the south, both the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the CRA/LA oversee operations for their different agencies. To ensure they work more efficiently together, coordination efforts have begun with a $1.5 million investment from the Port for initial joint-planning studies. A consultant team has begun working to identify key development opportunity sites that may include Port property. Developer: SMWM, CRA consultant leading the joint planning effort FY07 Milestones: Coordinate joint planning with POLA and Department of City Planning; Identify development opportunity sites; Prepare and issue Requests for Proposal. Address: Various locations within downtown San Pedro Status: Collaborative planning is proceeding with Department of City Planning, assisted by SMWM planning consultant, on a focused downtown plan update. Future massing and development density scenarios along Pacific Avenue, Harbor Boulevard and downtown sites owned by other municipalities have been prepared for Community input. Four clusters of opportunity sites that would yield a public parking facility to serve the business community and a full service supermarket have been identified and reviewed with the CAC. These amenities would support and reinforce the housing being developed in downtown San Pedro. On April 5, 2007, the L A Department of Planning and the CRA held a Joint Open House to share information and obtain feedback from the community on design concepts and land use changes in Downtown San Pedro. Numerous City Departments were represented at the Open House. Sixty-five surveys were completed commenting on the proposed Community Design Overlay District. Based on these responses, the community is in favor of increased development density and height than what is currently permitted.

In December 2006 Agency staff issued Statements of Interest to Property Owners and tenants along Pacific Avenue between 3" and 7th Streets. An RFP for the Pacific Avenue Opportunity Cluster Site was issued on June 18, 2007. A Pre-Proposal Conference and tour of the properties was held on June 28, 2007 to brief interested parties or potential respondents to the RFP. Developer proposals are due by September 14, 2007.


...... 00~.o~rC' "". nh"nni~ y...,.... llivo.rI .....~.... 11~.o ...... 1t=lJ?.,,,n' I.."...... , Project Description: A catalytic, regional-serving retail development is envisioned on this strategically located 23-acre parceL. Redevelopment of the large parking fields, together with expansion of the landmark Sears Boyle Heights store, with additional commercial and mixed-income residential is viewed as a central component of the project area's revitalization. Developer: To be determined. FY07 Milestones: Continue discussions with property owner on site development program, consistent with objectives of the redevelopment and community plans; process environmental clearance. Address: Olympic Boulevard and Soto Street status: In conjunction with its broker, CBRE, the property owner has completed its marketing of the site and narrowed the list of finalist bidders. A prospective buyer should be selected by the middle of August 2007, and a sale completed by end of the calendar year. Once the property owner selects a buyer, Agency staff will meet with the new development team to discuss the entitlement process and ensure redevelopment objectives are incorporated in the site program.

BioMedTech Park (EA2300) Project Description: Redevelopment of the northeast portion of the Adelante Eastside project area will focus on development of biomed-related research and manufacting uses east of the newly renovated, LAC+USC Medical Center and the USC Health Sciences campus. The economic development project will concentrate leading edge, high tech industries in Boyle Heights and create a range of career-ladder jobs. Also under discussion is adaptive reuse of the historic General HospitaL. The proposed City-County collaboration will be implemented through a joint powers authority that will oversee implementation activities Developer: To be determined. FY07 Milestones: Amend the Redevelopment Plan to merge the Adelante Eastside Project Area with the County's Whiteside Redevelopment Project. Continue consultations with County staff to create collaborative redevelopment efforts Address: Adjacent to the LAC+USC Medical Center and USC Health Science Campus. Status: Agency's proposed Plan Amendment and Merger activities continued. A traffic and environmental consultant was retained and studies initiated in February 2007. Meetings held with County staff on merger activities and with USC to coordinate activities with their proposed biomed incubator project. A planning consultant was retained to develop a visioning study for the area.

Metro Gold Line Eastside LiClht Rail Extension Opportunities (EA2400) Project Description: Numerous development opportunities will be created by construction of the Metro Gold Line's six-mile extension from Union Station through Boyle Heights to East Los Angeles. Three stations will be built within the Adelante Eastside project area. The CRA/LA will work to leverage opportunities in areas near the stations and on other Metro-owned parcels. Developer: First & Boyle/ Station (Polis Builders/JSM Capital, LLC); First & (A Community of Friends); Chavez and Soto Metro-Owned Site (Polis Builders/JSM Capital, LLC). A Community of Friends will also develop the First & Lorena Metro-owned site. FY07 Milestones: Agency staff will seek out appropriate development opportunities and respond to developer inquiries for mixed-use developments. Address: Adjacent to First Street Eastside Light Rail Corridor within the redevelopment project boundaries. Status: Agency staff continues to monitor Metro's negotiations with its selected developers. Agency staff continues its participation in inter-departmental teams aimed at maximizing the capture of State Infrastructure Bond proceeds to enhance ridership within a quarter-mile radius of the 1 "/Boyle and 1 "ISoto rail stations. Agency staff has also convened meetings with Metro and City departments to mitigate construction and post-construction impacts on businesses along the light rail corridor.

Vista Monterev Senior (EA1030) Project Description: The Vista Monterey Senior Apartments, an infill new housing project, will provide 48 units of affordable housing. The development will incorporate state-of-the-art design and amenities, including an onsite medical facility and pharmacy. Developer: New Economics for Women. FY07 Milestones Monitoring of the construction and completion of the senior apartments project. Address: 4651 Huntington Drive North. Status: Project was completed in June and a Certificate of Occupancy was expected by July to facilitate leasing activities. A grand opening is scheduled for September 2007. Agency staff .will complete its closeout activities of the construction phase and issue a Certificate of Completion in the first quarter 2008

Colorado Terrace Senior Apartments (MH1090)

Project Description: Located in Eagle Rock, this 70-unit Mediterranean-style senior housing development incorporates design elements that address environmental and social concerns. Colorado Terrace includes a variety of new public improvements, as well as historic lighting and state-of-the art energy saving technology. Developer: LA Colorado Terrace L.P. FY07 Milestones: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy by October 2006 Address: 2455 Colorado Blvd, Eagle Rock Status: Due to construction delays, City issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy to the project on December 27, 2006. A final Certificate of Occupancy is expected by the end of July. HUD completed its final inspection and certified the project as 100% complete on January 4, 2007. Developer continues to lease units to eligible tenants; the project is approximately 80% leased. Developer reports a pharmacy and dental clinic have leased ground-floor commercial space. Developer has approached Agency for financial assistance with cost overruns due primarily to rain delays. Agency staff has requested and is still awaiting detailed documentation in order to evaluate and respond to the request. Agency staff plans to finalize the construction phase and issue a certificate of completion by September 2007.

Olvmpic Industrial Park Demonstration ProClram (EA3100) Project Description: The CRA/LA, in consultation with business owners and stakeholders, will develop a long range strategy to revitalize this vital job zone, a 120 acre industrial area southeast of the Sears Olympic/Soto development site. The strategy may include organizing the business and property owners into an association, improving the public realm (streets, sidewalks and trees), addressing illegal dumping and graffiti, and financial assistance to expand business activity and Jub cieatiun. Developer: CRA/LA. FY07 Milestones: Staff efforts will continue with an outreach program to gather support for the creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) as well entering into a consultant design contract for the preparation of design and construction bid documents for the installation of the public improvements. Address: Area bounded by Olympic Boulevard on the north, Pico Boulevard on the south, Soto Street on the west and Grande Vista Street on the east (approximately 20 blocks). Status: Utilizing Adelante Eastside funding, the Bureau of Street Services agreed to resurface 11th Street and the General Services Department agreed to reconstruct sidewalks and install handicapped ramps on Dacotah, Orme and Camulos Streets. Work is scheduled to commence the second week of July 2007. Separately, Agency staff negotiated a reimbursement agreement with Dynamic Builders to pay for excess sewer capacity to serve the industrial district Staff continues to keep stakeholders apprised of progress.


West AnCle/es Estates on Broadway (MC1470) Project Description: This last remaining, 2.7-acre portion of a six-acre development consists of 50 units of market rate, single family homes to ensure a diverse income mix. The CRAfLA has already overseen the building of senior housing and multi- family, affordable housing on the site. Developer: The West Angeles South Broadway Estates LLC FY07 Milestones: Enter into a Disposition and Development Agreement with the developer and commence construction The proposed DDA will include the purchase price of $3 Million for the land Since the original site was purchased with Bunker Hill Low & Moderate Income Housing Trust Funds, the $3 million purchase price will be returned to Bunker Hill for that use. Address: Southeast corner of 94'h Street and Broadway Status: The DDA has been signed off by the developer, and is scheduled to be executed by the Agency in August 2007. Next Steps: A ground breaking is anticipated to take place in early Fall 2007.

Marlton SCluare (CR2140) Project Description: This 19-acre, mixed-use housing and commercial development is a multi- phased project that proposes 150 single family housing units and 140 condos, as well as 119,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space. Developer: MS Acquisitions: Capital Vision Equities with Lee Group for single family and condominium housing uses Retail developer to be identified. FY07 Milestones: Enforce Implementation Agreements, monitor property acquisition, and relocation by the developer. Oversee commencement of construction single- family and condominiums Monitor acquisition and relocation activities for the retail properties to be acquired in FY07. Address: 19 acres bounded by Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to the north, Marlton Avenue to the east, Santa Rosalia Drive to the south and Buckingham Road to the west. This excludes the 3-acre site for Buckingham Place Senior Housing in Marlton Square. Status: The Master Developer has been unsuccessful in acquiring the required eight parcels necessary to develop the 119,000 square foot retail center. The Retail Implementation Agreement with LNR Properties expired in September 2006. Therefore, there is currently no retail developer or retail requirement as part of Marlton Square. The Master Developer and CRA are in communication with a local developer to potentially acquire the 19-acre site and bring forth an urbanized development with an increased density with for sale housing, retail and office space. Buckingham Place, which is slated for completion by December 31,2007, is behind schedule. Next Steps: Disburse $1.4 million in HOME funds for the relocation of tenants. Meet with the existing Development team on August 2cd to discuss plans for completing the Project.

University Gateway (H02700) Project Description: To meet the housing demands of USC's growing student population, Urban Partners has been approved to build a mixed-use, transit-oriented student housing and retail complex. The eight-story project will include 421 market- rate, residential units for students with 770 parking spaces and 83,000 square feet of retail services, including a fitness center and restaurant. Developer: Urban Partners, LLC. FY07 Milestones: In July 2006, EIR Certified and Acceptance of Agency Conditions Leiter executed. In June 2006, Urban Partners submitted applications to CRA to initiate demolition of existing structures on the site and to prepare site for construction. Address: Northwest corner of Jefferson Boulevard and Figueroa Street. Status: Pending the outcome of two lawsuits, this project could break ground in late 2007. Exposition Park Improvements (H03000¡ Project Description: This project is part of revitalization efforts within Exposition Park and includes development of recreational facilities and upgrading of infrastructure in the immediate surround area. It also solves traffic and parking problems that could adversely affect the use and promotion of the park, if an NFL football team returns to a renovated Coliseum. The passage of AB2805 by the California state legislature allows use of redevelopment money to upgrade the park to better serve the surrounding residents and make it more attractive to an NFL team. Developer: Various institutions and entities in Exposition Park. FY07 Milestones: Continue support of implementation of Phase Ii of the Exposition Park Master Plan. Address: Exposition Park - Exposition Boulevard (n); King Boulevard (s), Figueroa Street (e), Vermont Avenue (w). Status: There is currently no action on these activities The CRA and City are awaiting the outcome of discussions by NFL owners to determine whether a professional football team locates to Los Angeles and the Coliseum. Funding will be dependent upon the securing a team from outside the State of California.

Vermont/Manchester Retail Development (VM2040)

Project Description: As part of an overall goal to provide more commercial space and revitalization within , a minimum of 40,000 square feet of retail space is planned for a four-acre site which should include restaurants and a grocery store. Developer: Sassonny Development, LLC. FY07 Milestones: Enter into Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). Address: Eastside of Vermont Avenue between 84th Street and Manchester Avenue Status: The Agency terminated further discussions on the Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with the developer on July 19, 2007. .Nøyl ._...~ ~lønc:' -~-..-. .A.gency staff is scheduling a meeting with the Developer to discuss various options for facilitating the development of a retail center at the site.

Vermont Seniors HousinCl Deve/ooment (HE1700J

Project Description: Complete construction of a 140-unit affordable housing development for E¡eniors along Vermont Avenue. The project 90 percent complete. Developer: Community Resources Talent Development, LLC. FY07 Milestones: Continue construction. The CRA Board approved a $1,575,000 increase in CDBG funding for the project, subject to conditions. Address: Vermont Avenue at 39th Street Status: Construction is nearly complete. However, the contractors have stopped working on the job due to lack of payment. On July 31, 2007 Agency staff disbursed payment for Draw #1; approximately $433,000 of the additional $1.575 million. Next Steps: To disburse the remaining funds to the contractor and sub-contractors based on staff's review of documentation. Contractor has indicated that the Project will require an additional $600,000 to $1,000,000 to complete.

Wattstar Theater (WC2120)

Project Description: This project represents a10.year effort by the CRA/LA and the City of Los Angeles, in partnership with the Watts Cinema and Education, Inc. The resulting development will provide a first-run movie theater and a job training center for those seeking film-related careers. Developer: Watts Cinema and Education Center (WCEC). FY07 Milestones: Complete the DDA and transfer the site subject to the Developer's schedule of performance. Address: Adjacent to the historic Watts Train Station. Status: The Option Development Agreement was signed in September 2006. Agency staff has begun implementing the various activities related to site preparation along the Cultural Crescent. CRA and CDD staff commissioned a study by CBRE to analyze the proposed project. The study uncovered several serious challenges to the project with respect to the ability to raise sufficient private and foundation capital, repay government funding, the marketability and effectiveness of a single-screen theater, and the project sponsor's experience in administering a job training program. Next Steps: The Mayor's Office, CDD and CRA staff are meeting with WCEC to determine whether to keep the project at the proposed location, consider alternative locations, and/or other options

Grant AME / Imani Fe HousinCl Development Project Description: This residential project will consist of ninety-two (92) affordable rental units on both sides of Central Avenue with the addition of a restaurant at 103rd Street and Central Avenue Developer: Grant AME HEDC FY07 Milestones: Negotiate a disposition and development agreement and break ground on new construction. Address: 10345 and 10408-10424 South Central Avenue Status: As part of the Board and Council's award of a $2.8 million reprogrammed CDBG loan to Imani Fe, the project will return to the Board for conversion of the loan to Grant AME; the non-profit agency. Next Steps: Agency has issued its Notice to Proceed The Project is expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2009.

Norniandie 5 Streetscape Improvements (N56990) Project Description: Plans call for major streetscape improvements along the historic Adams Boulevard Corridor to include: new street trees, decorative tree street lighting at six bus stops, and illuminated gateway markers Developer: Los Angeles Neighborhood, Initiative. (LANI) will serve as contractor assuming the responsibilities to install the streetscape improvements FY07 Milestones: Secure matching funds totaling $300,000 and commence construction after MTA contract is awarded in August 2007. Address: Adams Boulevard Corridor between Western Avenue and Vermont Avenue. Status: The Board has approved matching funds in the amount of $150,000 for this $1 million project Anticipated to commence in Fall 2007.

Baldwin Hils Crenshaw Plaza (CR2010) Project Description: The owner/developer, Capri Capital Advisors, LLC, purchased the property in January 2006 and has proposed to complete major upgrades to the buildings and infrastructure. It also seeks to add additional commercial space, recruit new and more upscale retailers and re-energize the malL. Developer: Capri Capital Advisors, LLC FY07 Milestones: Secure financing to complete the upgrades. Address: Crenshaw Boulevard between Stocker and Martin Luther King Blvd.. Status: Capri Capital is revising their schematics for a major renovation and expansion of the malL. Next Steps: Agency staff and Capri Capital are investigating various methods of financing the proposed new development.

MorClan Place Senior HousinCl Development (CS1060) Project Description: A senior housing development consisting of 140 rental units for low-income elderly. Developer: LA Community Design Center, Inc FY07 Milestones: Complete financing plan and break ground. Address: Crenshaw Boulevard; 2 blocks south of Florence Avenue Status: A ground breaking ceremony is planned for May 31, 2007 at 1 p.m. Construction expected to take approximately eighteen (18) months.

En Cline House No. 18 (N53400) Project Description: The CRA has owned this historic firehouse for more than twenty years. It has been vacant for the past 4 years since the community arts program was disbanded. Developer: None presently. FY07 Milestones; A Request For Proposal (RFP) was released in April 2007 for either residential or community purpose use. The Agency received three proposals. Address: 2616 S. Hobart Boulevard Status: The selection panel is scheduled to convene to conduct interviews on August 14, 2007 to select the Developer. Next Steps: Select a developer from the finalists to acquire the property for either a residential or community purpose use. The Agency will then enter into an ENA with the selected Developer by the fourth quarter of 2007.

Broadwav Manchester Commercial ShoppinCl Center (MC2100) Project Description: This proposed development site has been in the works since the early 1990's on approximately six (6) acres. Plans call for the development of a commercial with approximately 120,000 square feet consisting of a supermarket, drug store, restaurant, apparel, sundries and a bank. Developer: Infinity Redevelopment, LLC. FY07 Milestones: Complete major entitlement issues including environmental and traffic studies; land acquisition and assemblage Address: Southwest corner of Broadway and Manchester Avenue Status: An Exclusive Negotiations Agreement (ENA) was approved by the Agency Board in December 2006. The first quarterly report was presented to the Board in April 2007. The developer has encountered challenges with acquisition of privately held properties In addition, both Target and the supermarket concept are no longer part of the deaL. The developer is now concentrating on the northern block which consists of approximately three acres. Next Steps: Developer is expected to submit a revised pro forma by August 15,2007 for a scaled back Project which may only consist of 20,000 square feet of GLA. 54th & Crenshaw Boulevard Mixed-Use Deve/o¡:mentICS6990) Project Description: Plans call for approximately 150 market rate and affordable condominiums above approximately 18,000 square feet of ground floor retail space. Developer: West Angeles CDC partnered with CIM Group, Inc. FY07 Milestones: Negotiate an Exclusive Negotiations Agreement (ENA) and Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) while environmental studies and finance plan are completed. Address: Southeast corner of 54th & Crenshaw Boulevard Status: CRA staff advised the Developer to obtain a market study to support the proposed sales prices for the condominium units. The market study was completed in June 2007. The Developer is currently revising the project design and financing plan based on the market data. Next Steps: CRA staff will meet with the Developer to review the revised design program and pro forma in mid-September. The CRA is also pursuing the acquisition of an LADOT lot on 11th Avenue, which is necessary for the development of the project. The revised project will be presented to the Crenshaw Slauson Community Advisory Committee for their input during the fourth quarter of 2007.

Cultural Crescent Project Description: Project includes the Historic Watts. Train Station rehabilitation and the construction of an adjacent 62-space public parking facility along Grandee Avenue. Developer: Both projects are being developed/rehabilitated by the CRA. Both properties are owned by the CRA FY07 Milestones: Finalized approvals for both contractors. Initiate construction on the Train Station March 1, 2007 and follow with construction on the parking facility April 15, 2007. Address: Historic Train Station - 1686 E. 103rd Street Los Angeles, CA 90002 Parking Facility - no street address assigned as yet Status: Construction is underway.

Central Avenue Corridor Study (WC3000 - Watts Corridors Project Area) Project Description: This is a revitalization study that encompasses Central Avenue from 103rd Street to Imperial Highway. The study will serve two purposes. The first is to provide an implementation plan for public improvements, streetscape beautification and transportation enhancements along the corridor This component will also include identifying grant-funding opportunities that staff can strategically target for these enhancements. The second purpose of the study is to identify 4-5 opportunity sites that staff can start working on with the property owners to create specific catalytic redevelopment project sites. On July 19, 2007, a community selection meeting was held. As a result of this process, the consultant team headed by Carrier Johnson was recommended for selection. Staff will finalize negotiations and present to the Agency Board for consideration in September 2007. Developer: Revitalization study, therefore not applicable FY07Milestones: Released RFP and conducted qualifying interviews Address: Central Avenue Corridor from 103rd Street to Imperial Highway Status: Through a community-based selection process, the team headed by Carrier Johnson was recommended This recommendation will go before the Agency Board in September 2007. Activities will commence thereafter. Options Analysis - South Los AnCle/es ReClion (Broadway Manchester. Crenshaw. Crenshaw.. Slauson;. Exposition / University Park, Normandie 5. Vermont Manchester, Western Slauson). Project Description: Conduct an options analysis of the Broadway/Manchester, Crenshaw Amended, Crenshaw Slauson, Exposition/University Park, Normandie 5, Vermont/Manchester, Western/Slauson Redevelopment Project Areas with a complete analysis for potential amendments to the existing Redevelopment Plans. This analysis will include a review of existing physical and economic conditions of the greater South Los Angeles area, stakeholder input, an alternatives analysis, and a blight analysis to explore the potential enlargement and the merging of the existing project areas. Developer: NA FY07 Milestones: Complete Options Analysis work as per contract no. 502984 . Address: Broadway/Manchester, Crenshaw Amended, Crenshaw Slauson, Exposition/University Park, Normandie 5, Vermont/Manchester, Western/Slauson Redevelopment Project Area. Status: Consultant met with Agency staff and the Council Office District 8 staff to review their progress and to evaluate: 1) Merger Options and expansion options 2) Tax increment projections of the various options 3) Selection of additional/potential areas to be included to seven of the nine redevelopment project areas in the SLA region. Next Steps: Finalize scope for phase 2 of the analysis. Complete Phase 2 of the analysis.

Options Analysis - South Los AnCle/es ReClion (Watts & Watts Corridors) Project Description: Conduct an economic and physical blight analysis of the Watts and Watts Corridors Redevelopment Project Areas with a complete analysis for potential amendments to the existing Redevelopment Plans. This analysis will include a review of existing physical and economic conditions of the greater Watts area, stakeholder input, an alternatives analysis, and a blight analysis in order to explore the potential enlargement and/or the merging of the existing project areas. Developer: NA FY07 Milestones: Select consultant; initiate economic and physical blight Analysis work. Establish potential expansion areas to be studied. Address: Watts and Watts Corridors Redevelopment Project Areas Status: Staff prepared and issued contract to Keyers Marston Associates for consultant services. Staff held a kick-off meeting with the consultant for Economic and Physical Blight Analysis and discuss proposed study area boundaries.

Hyde Park Library Multi-Family HousinCl Development (CS1950) Project Description: The Agency to acquire the former library site at 6527 Crenshaw Blvd. and release an RFP for the selection of a developer to demolish the existing facility and develop an affordable housing development Developer: TBD FY07Milestones: Acquire site; and prepare RFP. Address: Crenshaw/Slauson Project Area at 6527 Crenshaw Blvd. Status: Both Agency and Council have approved acquisition from the City's Genera. Services Department The property acquisition has been completed and the RFP drafted Next Steps: Review RFP with Council Office. Present RFP to the Agency Board by the fourth quarter of 2007. Manchester Avenue Bookmobile Homeownership Site (VM1950.H01950, N51990,N56990) Project Description: The Agency will acquire a former bookmobile facility and release an RFP for the selection of a developer to demolish the existing facility and develop between 10-40 units of homeownership opportunities for mixed-income levels. Developer: TBD FY07Milestones: Acquire site and prepare RFP. Address: 1636 W Manchester Avenue Status: Awaiting Council approval of the sale of the site. Staff has also been working with the 77th Division of the Los Angeles Police Department on obtaining crime statistics on all of the parcels east and west of the site in the 1600 block of Manchester Avenue with hopes of acquiring some or all of the parcels. If approved, staff will prepare an RFP for disposition of the library site and other adjacent sites Next Steps: Discuss development opportunity with CAC. Construct a development concept for the site Prepare RFP for disposition of the library site and other adjacent parcels.

Bethanv SCluare Mixed-Use Development (Vermont/Manchester Project Area) Project Description: The Bethany Square, LLC owns approximately 4 acres along Hoover Avenue between 83cd Street and Manchester Avenue. Portions of their land fall within the Vermont Manchester Recovery Redevelopment Project Area. The developer has already completed the environmental review portion of this project and is pursuing entitlements through the City's Planning Department. The project calls for a phased development along several parcels to include: workforce housing for homeownership, senior housing and neighborhood commercial space. Developer: Bethany Square. LLC FY07Milestones: Continue pursuing entitlements for project Address: Vermont/Manchester Recovery Redevelopment Project Area Status: Agency staff is holding regular meetings with the developer and the City Planning Department. Next Steps: Agency review of pro forma and design plans The commercial/retail portion of the Project on Manchester Avenue could break ground in Spring 2008.

FAME Plaza (N52030) Project Description: This development was first proposed as a 34.000 square foot commercial/office site in 2003. After being unable to purchase an adjacent Korean Church, the development was downsized to 25,000 square feet of commercial/office space with 220 parking spaces. Developer: FAME Assistance Corporation Address: Southeast corner of Adams Boulevard and Western Avenue Status: Staff is waiting for revised drawings, pro forma, and firm letters of funding commitment form the Economic Development Administration (EDA), State

Farm, Wachovia Bank, Community Development Department (CD D) and Local Initial Support Corporation (L1SC). Consultant contracts are being reviewed by staff.

Leimert Park VilaCle Principles for DesiCln and Development Project Description: Preparation of Principles for Desiqn and Development for the Leimert Park Village area Process began with preparation for a Master Plan. That process was modified to allow greater community participation, including holding various House Meetings, followed by a community outreach/participation program headed by CORO with LA Commons Developer: TBD FY07Milestones: Completion of the visioning process. Address: Leimert Park Village, between Crenshaw Blvd, 43'd Street, Leimert Blvd and Vernon Ave. Status: Community meetings completed and consultants are preparing to complete the LPV Visioning documentation in early FY08. Next Steps: The Design Guidelines and market feasibility report will be presented to the community in August 2007.

LA DesiCln Center Project Description: Assist with the expansion of the existing LA Design Center furniture showroom development, as well as providing additional manufacturing facilities within the Western Slauson Industrial Area. Developer: Cisco Brothers FY07Milestones: Await the completion of the City's legal review of the use of the former Animal Shelter and 77th Division Police sites for use by the Cisco Bros. furniture operations as a desirable use with the project area. Address: 60th Street and Western Ave, and within the industrial area Status: Agency staff are awaiting City's formal notice from the City Attorney that the former animal shelter site can be conveyed to the Agency. The Developer is revising pro forma Next Steps: Purchase former animal shelter site.

Martin Luther KinCl. Jr. ShoppinCl Center Expansion (WA6990 - Watts Project Area) Project Description: Staff is currently working with the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) in order to expand the MLK Shopping Center eastward by vacating Grandee Avenue from Century Boulevard to 103'd Street. Once completed, this will add approximately one acre of additional land to the shopping center. This will allow both the Agency and the shopping center owner, The Haagen Company, to solicit additional retail tenants. This would include one or more sit down restaurants. The street vacation process will take approximately one year to complete. Developer: CRA and The Haagen Company FY07Milestones: Submitted application to BOE to initiate the street vacation process Address: MLK Shopping Center encompassing Grandee Avenue to the East Status: Currently awaiting BOE to complete its review process. Based on discussions with BOE staff, this will take approximately six months to one year to complete.

Westminster Park Plaza /I Project (CW9990 - Citywide HousinCl) Project Description: This is a 130-unit apartment complex that will undergo a major rehabilitation to all units and the addition of an on-site community center The Agency originally financed the project in 1990 and will receive a partial repayment of approximately $2.6 million These funds will return to the Bunker Housing Trust once the deal is consummated. The remaining $6.43 million in Agency funds will stay in the transaction and serve as part of the funds necessary for the purchase of land and improvements by the new owner/developer. The Agency is also serving as the issuer of tax-exempt housing bonds for the project in an amount of approximately $10 million. Developer: Westminster Plaza II, LP FY07Milestones: Obtained all Agency Board approvals to issue bonds and provide a residual receipts loan Address: 9220-9400 Maie Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90002 Status: Project financing is expected to close on August 14, 2007. Next Steps: Construction is expected to begin by the fourth quarter of 2007.


Reseda Theater (RP2060) Project Description: The 57-year-old Reseda Theater, currently owned by CRA/LA, is slated for substantial rehabilitation and adaptive reuse as a multi-use entertainment venue with adjoining parking. In addition, the project developer has made offers on several other large properties in the vicinity for the purpose of redevelopment as mixed-use projects. Developer: CIM/18447 Sherman Way, LP FY08 Milestones: Commencement of construction by March 2008. Address: 18447 Sherman Way, Reseda 91335 Status: The Reseda Theater Disposition and Development Agreement was executed in July 2006. The developer submitted an application for entitlements in April 2007. A public hearing is expected to be scheduled for late August or early September.

Librarv ACCluisition (RP2070) Project Description: Adaptive reuse of the former Canoga Park Library, a 6,469 square foot building with forty-one (41) onsite parking spaces, would complement streets cape and storefront rehabilitation in the Canoga Park commercial district. Reuse of the library as a restaurant has been determined to be infeasible. An alternative reuse, sale and adaptive reuse of the Library as a child development facility for disabled children is proceeding. Developer: Child Development Institute FY08 Milestones: City Council approval of ENA and subsequent approval of DDA Address: 7260 Owensmouth Avenue, Canoga Park 91303 Status: Board approved ENA on April 5, 2007; City Council approved the ENA on May 23, 2007.

Canoqa Park Streetscape (RP3610) Project Description: Installation of three (3) decorative stamped crosswalks along Sherman Way at De Soto, Canoga and Owensmouth Avenues In addition, the entire intersection of Sherman Way and Owensmouth Avenue will be concrete with a decorative pattern. The project also calls for the insta lIation of street furniture along Sherman Way at De Soto, Canoga and Owensmouth Avenues. Developer: CRA/LA and Federal TEA Funds. FY08 Milestones: Contractor selected, execution of construction contract, and commencing \.UllùlIU..LIVII.,.I"n~tri ,,.fin,, Address: Sherman Way at DeSoto Avenue, Canoga and Owensmouth Avenues Status: Approved by City Council in March 2007. Contract executed and bonds posted. Notice to proceed to be issued in July 07 and construction to begin in August 2007.

Reseda Commercial Façade (RP2900) Project Description: The commercial core of Reseda Boulevard will be improved with store front upgrades along two blocks. Developer: CRA/LA. FY08 Milestones: Pipeline projects to be converted to the Business Attraction and Retention Program (30 storefronts). Address: Reseda Boulevard between Sherman Way and Valerio Street. Status: Completed construction on thirteen (13) storefronts, six (6) under construction.

CanoCla Park Main Street ProClram (RP2610) Project Description: Ongoing technical assistance to the community-based, Canoga Park Main Street Program and financial assistance for the Main Street landscaping/maintenance program in the business district will help revive the Canoga Park commercial district. Support will also be provided for the 2007 Dia de los Muertos festival and the publication of a quarterly newsletter highlighting CRALA program activities, business district news and events. Developer: CRA/LA. FY08 Milestones: Ongoing operation of the Main Street Program per contract requirements; 2007 Dia de los Muertos Festival to be held November 4, 2007. Address: Main Street Program Area. Status: Planning meetings for Dia de los Muertos Festival are currently being held bi- monthly; newsletters published; regular board and committee meetings held.

First Time Homebuvers' ProClram (RP1030) Project Description: Second mortgage assistance provided to eligible low- and moderate- income households in order to promote affordable homeownership opportunities within the project area. Developer: Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services. FY08 Milestones: Silent Second assistance provided to six first time homebuyers. Address: Project Area wide; various addresses to be determined. Status: Placement of three (3) families and individuals in condominiums in Reseda, Canoga Park and Winnetka, bringing the total to twelve (12) households Received Board approval for an additional $1 million in mortgage assistance and creation of a "community pride" program. Received Council approval on January 24,2007. LANHS is now working with CaIHFA, which will purchase the 1st Trust Deeds from California Bank and Trust. In June 2007, the Agency's FTHB Program documents were submitted to CalHFA for their review. On July 5, 2007, CalHFA contacted the Agency to report that their legal counsel would review the documents over the next six to eight weeks. In the meantime, the Agency entered into an Agreement to Subordinate to CalHFA

Business Attraction ProClram (RP2950) Project Description: To attract new businesses to the commercial districts, façade improvements will be undertaken to twelve (12) storefronts in the Darby Shopping Center, located at the corner of Sherman Way and De Soto Avenue, and seven (7) storefronts at NewsMart, a small shopping center on Owensmouth Avenue. Developer: Business and Property Owners. FY08 Milestones: Completion of Darby Shopping Center and NewsMart Shopping Center in Canoga Park (Total = 19 storefronts). Address: Darby Shopping Center (20901-20917 Sherman Way and 7217-7227 De Soto Avenue); NewsMart Shopping Center (7209-7219 Owensmouth Avenue). Status: Completed construction drawings and entered plan check for NewsMart. Anticipate construction to commence March 2007. Dennis P. Zine Community Center- Tierra del Sol Phase 11 (RP3640) Project Description: 12,000 square foot Dennis P. Zine Community Center, which will provide the community with educational, civic, and cultural activities_ This is Phase II of the Tierra del Sol i 19 unit housing project and the NEW Academy LAUSD Charter SchooL. The Agency has committed $3.2 million to the project. Total project cost is $6 milion Developer: New Economics ForWomen FYOB Milestones: Groundbreaking and commencement of construction. Address: 7500 Alabama Avenue (working address) Status: On July 20, 2007, NEW met with LAUSD Board Member Tamar Galatzen, who is supportive of providing the balance of funding and wil report back to NEW within six weeks.

Guadalupe Center Phase iV (RP3630) Project Description: Kitchen renovation and a room addition. The Agency has committed $200,000 to the renovation The total project cost is $325,000. Developer: Guadalupe Center/Catholic Charities. FYOB Milestones: Commencement of construction. Address: 21600 Hart Street Status: Monsignor Cox is exploring additional funding sources to fill the financial gap. If he is unable to obtain additional funding, he wil make a request to Councilmember Zine for additional Agency financing.


Barnsdall Transit Oriented District Public Improvements (EB3000) Project Description: Implementation of streetscape improvements to enhance the pedestrian environment, improve traffic flow, and link together bus and new Metro Red Line rail systems at a particularly problematic and pedestrian-unfriendly intersection referred to as the triangle. Developer: CRA/LA FY07 Milestones: Obtain Council ApprovaL. Issue Notice to Proceed to Contractor. Address: Vermont Avenue between Sunset Blvd on the South and Blvd/Prospect Avenue on the North. Status: The Agency published an invitation for Bids on 5/31/07. Four Bids were received on 7/10/07. Agency Board approved construction contract to Thomsen Landscape, scheduled for August 2,2007.

East Hollvwood Streetscape ProClram (EB3100) Project Description: Implementation of streetscape improvements to enhance the pedestrian environment and create a sense of place that reflects the distinct cultural communities strongly represented along Hollywood Boulevard between Western Ave on the west and Vermont Blvd on the east Developer: CRA/LA FY07 Milestones: Start BID Process, Award Contract. Address: Hollywood Blvd from Western Avenue on the west to Vermont Avenue on the east. Status: Department of Building & Safety requested revisions to construction documents. Consultant working on revision will resubmit for final permit approval.

Vermont Parkina Mixed-Use (EB3200) Project Description: The Vermont Mixed Use Parking Project is a redevelopment and economic development project aimed at improving the parking situation for residents and facilitating commercial activities in Los Feliz Village. This project redevelops a surface parking lot into a project featuring shared-use parking with the Postal Service, 300-350 new parking space, 30-40 units of affordable housing, and approximately 5,000 square feet of street- level retail space. Developer: To Be Determined FY07 Milestones: A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued in 3rd Quarter 2007; Form selection panel and select a developer by Mid 2008. Address: 1824 North Vermont - Los Feliz Village; Vermont Avenue (£ Franklin Avenue Status: Ongoing Negotiations

TrianClle SCluare formerlv Encore Hall (HW1050) Project Description: A development of (102) units of housing for low-income elderly residents on a portion of an LADOT parking lot. Developer: Gay and Lesbian Elder Housing Corp. & McCormack Baron Salazar FY07 Milestones: Address: LA Department of Transportation Parking Lot 702 at Selma and Vine Avenue, adjacent to the Doolitte Theatre and on the Northeast corner of Selma and Ivar Streets. Status: Project completed in March 2007

The Vilas at Gower- Permanent Supportive HousinCl (HW1400) Project Description: In October 2006 CRA/LA acquired the site for the purpose of developing 40- 60 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless families, transitional youths and individuals with special needs. The Agency entered into an ENA with the Developer on 5/25/07 Developer: The Villas at Gower L.P. General partners are: A community of Friends ("ACOF") and People Assisting The Homeless ("PATH") FY07 Milestones: Produce Schematic Design Drawings, continue to work with Gower Advisory Committee. Enter into a cooperation agreement with the Los Angeles Housing Department and the County of Los Angeles. Address: 1720 -1736 N. Gower Street, y" block North of Hollywood Blvd Status: Concept Design; Developer has retained Michael Maltzan Architecture as the architect Preliminary Concept Design presented to Advisory Committee By Architect on July 30,2007. Will be presented to Neighborhood Councils.

Bronson Courts (HW1500) Project Description CRA provided initial financing to enable the development of a 32-unit affordable housing development poised to deliver new affordable apartment units to households earning between 30%-60% of the area median income for Los Angeles County. This highly leveraged project uses 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and multiple other funding sources, and is designed to be energy efficient and provide community space for tenants. Developer: Los Angeles Housing Partnership FY07 Milestones: Continue construction monitoring. Address: 1227-1239 North Bronson Avenue (Bronson Avenue at Fountain Street) Status: Under Construction

Core Industries (HW2310) Project Description: Programs and activities aimed at attraction and retention of the project area's four core industries: Entertainment, Tourism, Health Services and Education. Developer: To Be Determined FY07 Milestones: Developed marketing plan to retain and attract education and theatre businesses and industry Evaluate the art retention RFQs. Address: Various Status: Ongoing discussion with developers and community leaders to develop student housing for the education industry, creative office that supports the entertainment industry, and theatre and art retention. A Request for Proposal to be issued to hire a consultant for an assessment of the educational institutes needs and goals

Hollvwood/HiClhland/Hawthorn "H3" (HW2380) Project Description: H3 focuses on the redevelopment and rehabilitation of both historic and vintage buildings on Hollywood Boulevard located within a corridor of Hollywood Boulevard listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The project also expands the presence of commercial office and retail by replacing surface parking lots with commercial development Developer: CIM Group FY07 Milestones: Begin restoration of the historic structure. Enter into a disposition and development agreement for the balance of the site. Address: The Southwest corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue stretching south to Hawthorn boulevard Status: Phase i to begin construction in Q4 of 2007. Phase II: Responses to request for development proposals via a Statement of Interest process are currently being evaluated.

Hollvwood & Vine (HW2600) Project Description: The Hollywood and Vine project, located adjacent to the Metro Redline portal, is a major catalytic project that will produce very significant future property tax increment, sales tax revenue, and numerous living wage jobs. The project proposes to redevelop a 4.6-acre site to include a four-star W brand hotel, retail and restaurant space, for-sale condominiums, and 375 rental-housing units, of which 78 will be affordable units. Developer(s): Legacy Partners and HEI/Gatehouse Capital FY07 Milestones: Monitor construction and compliance monitoring Address: Southeast corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street. Status: Under construction

AMPAS Museum (HW2850) Project Description: The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences will build a world-class museum of motion picture in the heart of Hollywood that will feature a permeable campus with permanent exhibits, public programs, retrospectives, lectures, and hands-on exhibits The proposed 150,000-200,000 square foot museum will be a Hollywood-based tourist and resident attraction with 60,000-80,000 square feet of exhibition space, a restaurantlcafé, retail stores/kiosks, a theatre, an amphitheater, and commercial office space. Developer: Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences (AMPAS) FY07 Milestones: Complete Acquisitions; Continue the Relocation Process, Owner Participation Agreements, and Environmental Analysis. Address: 1313 North Vine Street (Vine Street at Fountain Avenue) Status: Ongoing Negotiation/ Entitlements and EIR Process

Yucca and ArClvle Block (HW6990¡ Project Description: Identify development opportunities on properties adjacent to Capitol Records and the Pantages Theatre consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. This includes such uses as creative office, mixed-use containing office, retail/restaurant and residential uses, and/or parking uses. Developer: To Be Determined FY07 Milestones: Evaluate Development Responses. Address: Northern half of bloc.k bounded by Hollywood Boulevard, Vine Street, Yucca Street and Argyle Avenue. Status: RFP responses due September 4,2007.

Sunset Gordon (HW6990) Project Description: A proposed high-rise development of 300 units of for-sale condominiums, including 60 units of workforce housing, 40,000 square feet of commercial office space targetE?d at entertainment firms, and approximately 15,000 square feet of retaÎl space. Sunset Gordon will be an environmentally friendly LEEDS Gold Building that will also include historic preservation of the Old Spaghetti Factory façade and a Y, acre public park Developer: Gerdin Edlen FY07 Milestones: Ongoing Negotiations; leveraged resource development Address: Sunset Boulevard (§ Gordon Street Status: Ongoing Negotiations; Entitlement Process

CBS Columbia SCluare (HW6990¡ Project Description: Development of a mixed-use project containing approximately 100,000 square feet of rehabilitated office space, 380,000 square feet of new office space, 400 condominium units, 125-room boutique hotel, 12,000 square feet of retail, and restoration of the historic CBS Studio complex for possible theatre and creative office use. Developer: Molasky Pacific FY07 Milestones: Further Negotiations Address: Block bounded by Sunset Boulevard, Gower Street, Selma Avenue and EI Centro Avenue Status: EIR underway; Entitlements filed.

Vine Street Tower (HW2450) Project Description: CRA has formed a public-private partnership with Pacifica Ventures, a team of seasoned entertainment industry real estate professionals, to develop new Class A office space targeted directly at the entertainment ind ustry and right in the heart of Hollywood. Vine Street Towers will produce more than 100,000 square feet of new commercial office space that will help to shape the commercial office market in Hollywood, retain and attract entertainment firms, and deliver high-paying, career ladder jobs. Vine Street Towers will be a LEEDS-certified building that will provide badly needed office space for entertainment firms considering locating in or relocating to nearby cities. Developer: Pacifica Ventures FY07 Milestones: Address: Vine Street (§ Selma Avenue Status: Ongoing Negotiation

Metropolitan Hotel (HW6990) Project Description: This comprehensive rehabilitation will adaptively reuse and transform a former vice hotel into 55 units of for-rent housing The project will also include approximately 35,000 square feet of commercial office space targeted at entertainment industry firms. The Metropolitan Hotel will redevelop a badly blighted site into the new Sunset Blvd gateway to Hollywood. Developer: D/S Ventures FY07 Milestones: Monitor Progress Address: Sunset Boulevard (§ 101 Freeway Status: Entitlement Process Hollvwood Central Park (HW3410) Project Description: A development of a cap park on top of the US1 01Hollywood Freeway known as the "Hollywood Central Park" located within the US101 between Bronson Avenue and Santa Monica Blvd. The proposed Hollywood Central Park project is an opportunity to provide open space that will improve the qualiy of life for the community. Developer: CRA/LA, Hollywood Central Park Coalition, DOT, MTA FY07 Milestones: Five proposals received. Interviews conducted on 7/20/07. Second round of interviews for the selection of a consultant will be July 31, 2007 with only two firms (EDAW and Wallace Roberts & Todd). Selection of consultants anticipated September 2007. Address: US101 Hollywood Freeway between Bronson Avenue and Santa Monica Blvd. Status: MOU with Hollywood Chamber Central Park Coaliion for the funding of a feasibility study for the development of the proposed Hollywood Freeway Cap Park known as Hollywood Central Park.

Civic Center Development (HW2860) Project Description: Master Plan for development of an eight-block area centered on the city owned Civic Center Firefighters Museum. Developers: To Be Determined FY07 Milestones: Issue Request for Proposals for implementation of Master Plan Address: Wilcox Avenue, Fountain Avenue, Vine Street, DeLong pre Street Status: One RFP response received.

Transportation Plan Ordinance (HW4500) Project Description: Preparation of Mobility Plan to identify transportation and circulation projects and programs to help relieve traffic congestion in major corridors of the Hollywood Project Area Plan Ordinance. Developer: FY07 Milestones: Complete the draft Transportation and Circulation Improvement elements to the Mobility Plan for public review and comment Complete feasibility study for expanding parking facilities. Address: Project wide. Status: One RFP response received. Consultant is on board and has met with community stakeholders and started to gather data to update the Transportation Plan that was implemented in 1992.

Pascual Reves Townhouses (P11050) Project Description: This is phase two of a mixed-use development on Agency owned land containing affordable childcare and rental housing to accommodate large families The development will contain 13 townhouse designed affordable rental units catering to large families of very-low and low-income households. Each unit will provide four bedrooms, 2 Yz bathrooms and an attached two-car garage. Developer: Pico Union Housing Corporation. FY07: Start and monitor construction activities. Address: 1413 West Connecticut Street Status: Construction completed June 07. Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy in process.

Pico Boulevard Streetscape ProClram (P12010) Project Description: Design and construction of streetscape improvements along Pico Boulevard Commercial Corridor. Developer: Agency FY07 Milestones: Monitor construction activities.. Address: Pico Boulevard from the Harbor Freeway to Union Avenue. The program will be implemented in conjunction with the Pico Union 2 Streetscape Program. Status: Project in City Plan check. Project delayed due to inability to obtain permits. Agency staff is working with the City Bureau of Street Services to expedite, and to act as construction contractor per existing Cooperation Agreement. Construction estimated to begin November 07.

MacArthur Park Metro Development (WL 1300) Project Description: Mixed-Use development on MTA owned site to be developed as a transit village containing approximately 199 residential units, 434 space-parking garage and 50,400 square feet of retail space to be developed over two phases. Developer: MacArthur Park Metro LLC. FY07 Milestone: Obtained Agency approval to enter into a Predevelopment Loan Address: 7th & Alvarado above the Red Line Station. Status: Agency approved a $600,000 Letter of Permanent Loan Commitment Funding is contingent upon the project receiving a tax credit allocation and all other necessary funding to complete construction.

Midtown CrossinCl (aka MidtownPlaza) (MD2020) Project Description: Development of approximately 377,000 square feet of retail commercial uses including two anchor tenants, a relocated MTA Bus Terminal, a sit- down restaurant, and ancillary retail shops. The Midtown Crossing project redevelops a blighted and underutilized site and provides badly needed retail services for the Mid-City community. The Developer, CIM Group has signed a lease with Lowe's home improvement store and is negotiating with other larger retail tenants The MTA bus transfer facility is operating now, and the retail tenants adjacent to the facility have already opened (Starbucks, Wells Fargo, Footlocker, and Panda Express). Developer: CIM Group FY07 Milestones: Finalize tenants; Grading expected to start by August 30, 2007. Address: Pico Boulevard on the north, West Boulevard on the east, San Vicente Boulevard on the west and Venice Boulevard on the south Status: Executed Owner Participation Agreement

Crenshaw Transit VilaCle (MD2700) Project Description: Development of the area around the proposed Exposition Line Station at Crenshaw Boulevard via three sections/projects: 1. Crenshaw Gateway: from 10 Freeway to Adams Blvd - CRA owns two parcels; in escrow on two others, working closely with Ward EDC. 2 Crenshaw Corridor: from Adams Blvd to Exposition - working closely with West Angeles CDC. 3. District Square: Charles' Company project at Crenshaw and Rodeo (current site of Ralph's & Rite Aid stores). Developer: Various FY07 Milestones: Selected "Master Planning Team" of economic feasibility consultant (Economic Research Associates) and land-use planning/design consultant (Urban Studio) to create vision for Crenshaw Corridor centered around the future Crenshaw/Expo Metro station. Submitted MTA "Call for Projects" application for a $5 million project to improve the streetscape along Crenshaw Corridor. Address: Crenshaw Boulevard from the 10 Freeway to MLK. Status: Ongoing; working with Ward EDC, West Angeles CDC, MTA, other large property owners, and stakeholders to direct redevelopment activities toward increasing density, decreasing parking, and improving and adding public improvements.

Affordable HousinCllnitiative (WK1400) Project Description: Develop affordable housing projects in the project area by providing funding assistance to housing developers. Developer: Various FY07 Milestones: Committed funding to various affordable housing developers who responded to the June 2006 NOFA 1. The Ardmore (48 units) - 959 S. Ardmore avenue: $1,600,000 2. Mariposa North & South Apartments (43 units) -1017-1021,1047-1055 Y, Mariposa Avenue: $2,434,641 Address: Various Status: Ongoing; Obtain Board and City Council approvals for actual loan agreements.

BeverlvNermont Economic Development StrateClvrwK6000) Project Description: Formulation of strategy to increase job skills for area residents to obtain living wage jobs, retain current businesses, and attract businesses from the green/sustainable industry. Also incorporate land-use strategy to increase affordable housing as well as public infrastructure and amenities. Developer: To Be Determined FY07 Milestones: Met with LAUSD, Council District 13, large landowners, Metro, interested developers, local community groups, and other economic development representatives of Los Angeles Maps of BeverlyNermont area's ownerships and business uses completed. Address: 3rd Street (south), 101 Freeway (north), Vermont (west), Virgil (east) Status: Continuing individual meetings with major landowners and stakeholders, Appraisal requests in. Will possibly issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for economic development consultant to flesh out strategy and implement.


Development of Valle v Plaza ShoppinCl Center (LC2100) Project Description: Redevelopment of an approximately 22-acre regional shopping center including the development of a 771,142 square foot retail and entertainment center incorporating a department store, restaurants, a multi-plex theater and parking. Agency participation may include gap financing and assistance with the assemblage of parcels. Project also includes relocation of the portion of Valley Plaza Park located behind the existing shopping center site, adjacent to the 170 Freeway. Deve!oper: Subject to negotiations, the J.H Snyder Company. FY07 Milestones: Approval of new exclusive right to negotiate. Address: West side of Laurel Canyon Boulevard between Victory Boulevard on the north and Erwin Street on the south. Status: Request for Proposals was issued on November 3, 2006. One proposal received by December 4, 2006 deadline from J.h. Snyder Company. CRALA Board of Commissioners and City Council approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with the Snyder Company on February 15, 2007 and April 3, 2007 respectively. The ENA was executed on April 11, 2007 and is valid for 270 days with the option for two 90 day extensions The DRAFT EIR should be completed by the end of the next quarter. Total development costs are $295Million, however the gap is $93 Million. Commercial Core (NH2030) Project Description: Revitalization of North Hollywood's Commercial Core through new construction, rehabilitation, promotion, streetscape improvements and the provision of public parking. The Agency has expended several million dollars to revitalize the Commercial Core since project inception in 1979 including construction of the former Hewlett Packard Building and the Academy Business and Entertainment complex. In 2001, the Agency executed an Owner Participation Agreement with J.H Snyder Co. for the development of the NoHo Commons, an approximately 16.7-acre site within the Commercial Core. The NoHo Commons project is being built in three phases and includes 95,000 SF of commercial office space, 132,000 SF of retail space, 850 residential units, including 730 rental units (with 143 units affordable to very low, low and moderate income households, and14 live-work units), as well as parking and streetscape improvements. Phase i, 1 438-unit rental project was completed in December 2006; Phase Ii residential, a 292-unit rental project, was completed in December 2006, and the Phase II retail component is due for completion in Spring 2007. The Agency assembled properties not owned by the developers. Phase i and Ii have been conveyed to the developer and are under construction. Negotiations for development of Phase ILL have been initiated. Developer: J.H Snyder Co. FY07 Milestones: Complete construction of NoHo Commons Phase 2 retail component; approve plans for Phase 3 (Subarea C), including completion of a Fourth Implementation Agreement to the OPA. Address: The area bounded by Cumpston Street, Vineland Avenue, Tujunga Street and Magnolia Boulevard. Status: Negotiations continuing with the Developer regarding Phase ill, including a 7- screen Laemmle Theater, a 180,00 SF office building and 1,500 square feet of retail, with required parking. The project will also incorporate the relocation of Phil's Diner, a historic structure. Phase 1 and Phase II residential were completed in December 2006 and the commercial component is likewise completed.

MTA Mixed Use Project (NH2300) Project Description: Development of the MTA portal site and adjacent MTA properties into a new mixed-use development including replacement parking for a minimum of 1,500 commuter vehicles. A developer will be selected in response to an RFP. These sites are prime transit-related mixed-use development opportunities. The ULI recommended in 2004 high-density commercial office, retail and entertainment uses for the Lankershim Boulevard frontage and high density residential for the portion of the Red Line Station site facing Fair Avenue. Developer: To be selected by RFP. FY07 Milestones: Issue RFP/RFQ, select development team(s) and begin negotiations. Address: Lankershim Boulevard and Chandler Boulevard. Status: Responses to the RFQ received by the due date of October 25, 2006 were evaluated. The three finalists were selected: CIM Group, Forest City Enterprises and Lowe Enterprises. A Request for Proposals was issued to these three firms, inviting them to submit a full proposal. One of these firms will be selected as the developer for the mixed-use project that could include up to 2 million square feet of development Selection of the winning proposal is expected in September 2007. North Hollvwood Train Depot (NH3652) Project Description: Design and rehabilitation of the historic North Hollywood train station and its surrounding area. This project is part of the TNI Chandler corridor revitalization program and MTA Call for Projects. The station is located across from the new Metro Rail Station and adjacent to the Commercial Core and provides a link between the historic and modern transportation system upon which North Hollywood was built. MTA funding of $817,000 has been allocated to this objective. Developer: CRA/LA FY07 Milestones: Execute agreement with MTA, transferring project sponsorship to MTA, close funding gap and begin construction. Address: Chandler Boulevard between Lankershim Boulevard and Tujunga Avenue. Status: Agency Board and City Council approved the use of $750,000, which represents 31 % of the total restoration costs. Construction is anticipated to start in the first quarter of FY2008.

Panorama Towers (PC2010) Project Description: Provide development stimulus for revitalizing the 4-acre Panorama Towers site, where a 13-story building remains vacant due to damage caused during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The Agency will work with the current owner of the property on scenarios for a development that may include a County Office Building with housing and a second scenario that will include housing only with a retail component. It is anticipated that the owner/developer will proceed with reuse of the building. Developer: Property Owner has entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement with a private entity for sale and development of the site FY07 Milestones: Complete an owner participation agreement with property owner/developer. Address: 8155 Van Nuys Boulevard, Panorama City. Status: Building is now for sale; agency staff has met with the broker, and owner to discuss reuse of the building.

Pacoima Center - Price Pfister (PC2030) Project Description: Proposed home improvement and retail shopping center on the former Price Pfister Site. The site was purchased by 13500 Paxton, LLC with Primestor as the Master Developer. The site totals 32 acres; 10.7 acres were recently sold to Lowe's, which is building a 130,000 square foot home improvement store. Lowe's is processing their development through the City and is not requesting any Agency assistance. The site will be developed as a regional retail center totaling approximately 450,000 square feet. The Developer will be submitting an application for gap financing from the Agency and the City for the BEDI funds available to this Project ($7.4 million Section 108 loan and a $1.4 million BEDI grant). Developer: Primestor FY07 Milestones: Execute an Owner Participation Agreement. Address: Paxton Street and Sutter Avenue in Pacoima. Status: Developer has submitted a preliminary site plan that includes Loew's and other retail users. The Agency has retained the services of KMA to review financial information and an architect to develop design guidelines for the site. Developer submitted revised site plans and new proformas, which now include a COSTCO, and a Best Buy. Community is negotiating .the Community Benefits Agreement with the developer. Meanwhile, the deal points continue to be refined and staff is tentatively planning to take the item to the Board in December. Additionally, staff continues to work with all regulating agencies on the clean-up of the site. (DTSC and Water Board).

CD7 NeiClhborhood Service Center (PC2300) Project Description: Thissitels located in the heart of the Van Nuys commercial corridor,and the location of a planned Business Improvement District. The proposed 12,530 square foot Neighborhood Services Center includes 990 square feet of space for the Agency, 8,800 square feet of office space for the Council District field offices and a host of other City Departments. The Agency is partnering with various City Departments in an effort to develop the new CD? Neighborhood Service Center. The new development will also include 2,500 square feet of commercial space that will serve as a destination point and include a plaza CZocalo") intended for public events, education and art programs. The project will also include 60 subterranean parking spaces. The facility will not only improve the overall aesthetic quality of Van Nuys Boulevard but it will also provide services to its constituents, stimulate pedestrian traffic, and enhance the quality of life. Developer: City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering; contractor to be selected by public bid. FY07 Milestones: Approval of construction documents and commencement of construction. Address: Van Nuys Boulevard near Amboy Street, Pacoima Town Center. Status: Bid awarded; construction to commence in September 2007, and completed in March 2009.

MontClomerv Ward Site (Panorama Place) (PC2200) Project Description: Development of a mixed-use project on the 8.7 acre former Montgomery Ward site located on Roscoe Boulevard, between Cedros Avenue and Tobias Avenue in Panorama City As proposed, the project would involve the development of approximately 504 condominium units, and approximately 452,400 square feet of retail uses with subterranean and above ground parking in a six-level structure. Developer: Maefield Development. FY07 Milestones: Work with Mayor's Office and Council Office in an effort to finalize development plans for the site and complete a design for development for the site. Address: 14665-14697 W. Roscoe Boulevard, Panorama City Status: Traffic study is underway and EIR is anticipated to be completed during FY07.

Panorama Mall (PC6990) Project Description: Redevelopment of Panorama Mall, including the addition of as much as 200,000 square feet of retail shops and two condominium towers. All plans are in development stage and have not been finalized. Additionally, the project will include the reuse of the vacant old Black Angus restaurant pad. Developer: Macerich Company. FY07 Milestones: Work with owner to (1) redevelop and provide upgrades to the Panorama Mall; (2) attract restaurant to site; and (3) expand Panorama Mall to include residential and retail uses. Address: 8401 Van Nuys Boulevard Status: We have successfully negotiated the attraction of a restaurant on site, and will be submittng a proposal for consideration for funding of the off-site improvements associated with the restaurant pad. Discussions continue with the owner for redesign and redevelopment of the site.


Grand Avenue JPA (BH1050) Project Description: The Grand Avenue mixed-use project will be built in 3 phases under the direction of the Grand Avenue Joint Powers Authority (JPA), using two CRA/LA owned parcels (L & M-2) and two Los Angeles County owned parcels (Q & W-2). Phase 1, on County owned Parcel Q, slated to begin in October 2007, will consist of approximately 290,000 square feet of retail space, 275 room Mandarin Oriental luxury hotel, subterranean parking, a $50 million renovation of the Civic Center Mall and 500 residential units, including 100 affordable rental units and job training program. Subsequent phases will include additional retail and office uses and housing Developer: The Related Companies. FY07 Milestones: Execute development agreement, ground leases, begin construction of Phase 1, convene citizen committee for job training program component, report to Board on status of RFQ for job training program. Address: South side of First Street between Grand Avenue and Hill Street and West side of Grand Avenue between Second and Third Streets. Status: Public Hearing and Approvals: CRA Feb. 1, 2007; City Council and County Board of Supervisors- February 13, 2007; JPA- March 5, 2007; June 12, 2007 Grand Avenue Workforce Development Advisory Committee convened.

Parcel Y-1 Development (BH2050) Project Description: Development of the CRA/LA owned 2.5-acre Parcel Y-1 site, commonly referred to as Angels Knoll, will be sought through a request for proposals (RFP) process. The CRA/LA seeks a mixed-use project with an emphasis on office, hotel and retail uses Developer: To be determined. FY07 Milestones: Preparation and issuance of an RFP depending on market conditions for office demand Address: Site bounded by Olive, 4th, Hill and Angel's Flight. Status: RFP will be issued following consideration of DFD scheduled for EIR public hearing in May and Board consideration in October and preparation of a market study for the potential of an office tower.

Second Street Connection (BH3010) Project Description: Completion of the traffic circulation and pedestrian access for the Bunker Hill nr..i",,.t ..1"0.. \A/ilh tho ..,.nC"ln ,,.ti,.n ,.f IiI'nCr c:ei,.nnrl c:tn::II:;3l hQ,t\AIQ,Qn nli\lp l-lUJ....~ r;r..~ YVIUI ~ii.. ..V'I..U....~lvli .., ..l"l".., ...... ".. ..L'....L ...... ', ..,.... Street and Grand Avenue. The project will link the eastern portion of Bunker Hill and Downtown to the western portion. Developer: Agency FY07 Milestones: Complete the construction bid package, advertise for bids, and start construction Address: Right of way between Upper Grand Avenue and Olive Street. Status: MTA funding extended to June 2008 for the original $2.022 million grant plus an additional $400,000 grant awarded in January 2007; $1.8 million STPL funds awarded. B-permit plans and E-76 authorization to proceed from Cal Trans obtained. Kimley-Horn construction drawings currently being adjusted to match sidewalk grades with those of the adjacent Colburn School expansion project Coordinating with The Related Companies regarding site prepar¡¡tion and construction activities for Parcel Q of the Grand Avenue. project with Upper Second Street. Phase 1 (Construction Adjacent to Colburn School): Construction, which commenced in May, expected to be completed by October 2007. Phase 2: Open construction bidding process, conduct pre- bid meeting; procure a structural engineer/construction manager. Construction expected to commence in December 2007 and be completed in September 2008. Metropolis Project (SP2020) Project Description: A six-acre site, located at the southwest corner of 8th and Francisco Streets in the South Park area, will be developed to contain 2.1 million square feet of residential, retail and commercial space. This project is subject to a Disposition and Development Agreement with the Agency. The developer has initiated their activities with a donation to SRO Trust for the Rainbow Apartment Construction is planned in phases, with the first phase residential tower expected to begin construction in 2007. Developer: IDS FY07 Milestones: Approval of building permits for the first phase of development. Address: Ninth and Francisco Streets. Status: Court ruling requiring additional environmental study. Addendum adopted, litigation is continuing.

South Park Supermarket at Market Lofts on 9th Street (SP2180) Project Description: The South Park Supermarket is a key component of community building in the emergence of a downtown residential community. Construction began in April 2005 during the second phase of a five-phase residential and retail development that includes lofts, condominiums, a 50,000 square foot Ralph's market and additional retail space. Developer: CIM/Market at 9th and Flower and 9th Street Market Lofts. FY07 Milestones: Monitor construction of supermarket; condominiums with associated retail and parking; monitor lease-up of Gas Co. Lofts; monitor sale of condominiums and completion of supermarket Address: The southern half of the City block bounded by 8th, Flower, 9th and Hope Streets. Status: Affordable units in Gas Co. Lofts fully occupied. Construction of condominiums is underway and close to completion and sales are going strong. Market opened July 20, 2007 to amazing reviews Local permanent hiring at market is currently 50%.

Downtown Women's Center (CI1200) Drni.ol'l n.oe,.rintinn" . ."J...... ,...... !n response to the increased need for homeless services for women, and to accommodate growth in the Toy District, the Downtown Women's Center (DWC) will move from its current downtown location on Los Angeles Street to the City-owned Renaissance Building on San Pedro Street. The building in which the Center has been providing services since 1978 also includes a 47- room, single-room occupancy residence. The vacant industrial building on San Pedro Street will undergo renovation prior to the move. Developer: Downtown Women's Center. FY07 Milestones: Enter into an agreement with DWC to dispose Renaissance building and identify developer's responsibilities to provide permanent supportive housing. Work with DWC and architect on design improvements for new facility. Address: 434 San Pedro Street. Status: The Agency Board approved DDA with DWC in Januar. Council approved DDA and disposition of the Renaissance building to CRA in May, 2007. Design for the Renaissance building and funding applications are in process. Economic Development Administration has approved the forgiveness of their grant and release

of their covenants on the Renaissance building and the Agency owned parking parceL. Crown Coach (Brownfields Demonstration Site) (CN3320) Project Description: Originally a railroad engine cleaning and maintenance yard and later slated as a site for a new prison by the State of California, this 20.6-acre parcel is a Brownfields Demonstration site that is now reaching the final stages of environmental cleanup. Pursuant to an agreement with the State, the CRA/LA will purchase the site, oversee the environmental cleanup and seek a development team to complete a model, sustainable industrial development with job-intensive uses. Developer: TBD FY07 Milestones: Installation of final deep-soil remediation system; design or shallow-soil building protective systems or building engineering controls; Address: Status: Toxic remediation continuing with installation of deep soil gas extractions wells anticipated in September and expected to be sufficiently underway in 2007. Agency activities to purchase the site from the State have begun July 26,2007, public meeting convened on toxic remediation plan. June 19, 2007 City Council approval and May 3, 2007 - Board approval to negotiate and execute an acquisition loan agreement for loan agreement. Staff is engaging a consultant to assist in the evaluation of industrial development potentiaL.

Downtown Permanent Supportive HousinCl ProClram (CI1950) Project Description: Housing, job training and placement services will be created under a demonstration, supportive housing project to serve the downtown homeless population and those at risk for becoming homeless. The program will be designed to serve primarily single adults. Multiple projects will be constructed over time to serve the homeless population throughout the City. The CRA/LA funding will be leveraged with other funding sources secured by the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD). The Program will be administered by LAHD and projects will be selected for funding in response to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Developer: Various. FY07 Milestones: Identify CRA/LA funding participation in the amount of $10 Million; assist with the preparation of the NOF A. Address: To be determined. Status: CRA/LA and the City Council have approved the NOFA and funding for the project totaling $50 Million ($10 million from the CRA/LA). Yale Terrace Familv HousinCl (CH1100) Project Description: Yale Terrace Apartments, LP., is developing 55 units of large family, affordable rental housing and 10,000 square feet for an on-site, social services enrichment program. The 37 four-bedroom and 18 three-bedroom single story and townhouse units will surround a landscaped, interior courtyard, featuring shade structures, seating and barbecue areas and a tot lot for social interaction and activities for children and families. Construction is expected to be completed in fall 2007. Developer: Yale Terrace Apartments, LP. FY07 Milestones: Monitor project construction and lease up. Address: 716-734 Yale Street Status: Completed disposition of land; Construction started. Environmental investigation analyzed verified need for additional measures. Mitigation completed. Anticipated opening in November. Next milestone is affirmative marketing and lease up. Blossom Plaza/Cultural and Community Plaza (CH3120) Project Description: The CRA/LA will assist with development of an outdoor cultural performance plaza as part of an inter-modal transportation center comprised of a 617- space underground, public parking garage and a pedestrian link to the Chinatown Gold Line Station. Blossom Plaza will be a multi-story complex that will promote tourism and stimulate business for the project area. It includes 223 residential condominiums above 40,000 square feet of commercial space and a 27,000 square foot, outdoor cultural plaza. Developer: Bond Chinatown Ventures LLC, developer for the mixed-use retail and housing component. FY07 Milestones: Finalize design, ensure funding in place. Develop concept for cultural plaza. Begin construction. Address: 900 North Broadway (former Little Joe's site adjacent to the Gold Line Station). Status: All agreements in place. Working with the developer on funding opportunities Gatewav Chinatown Mixed-use Development (CH1210) Project Description: The proposed mixed-use development will include 280 market rate condominiums, 20,000 square feet of ground floor, retail space and 636 parking spaces. The housing mix will consist of 90 studios, 106 one-bedroom and 84 two-bedroom units. No Agency financial assistance is being req uested. Developer: Equity ResidentiaL FY07 Milestones: Complete design review, develop local hiring program and begin construction

Address: 639 North Broadway. Status: Entitlements have been approved by the City. Discretionary land use action approved by the Board on April 5, 2007. Initial meetings with Chinatown Service Center completed. Finalizing design.

Downtown YWCA (CT1030) Project Description: This master planned project will provide low-income housing and support services to participants in the YWCA's Job Corps program, a school-to-work program that gives low-income youth a fresh start. In addition to academic and skill development, Job Corps program participants receive room and board, medical and dental care, counseling services, job placement assistance, post-graduation support services and child care services. This first phase of new construction will include a seven-story building with new classroom space, childcare center, dining facility and living quarters for students in the program. Developer: YWCA of Greater Los Angeles. FY07 Milestones: Assist with the construction of new housing for program participants; monitor construction Seek Economic Development Administration funding for Phase II of the project. Address: Block bounded by Olympic Boulevard, Broadway, Hill and 11th Streets. Status: Financing in process; OPA executed EPA approved funding for 2 million. Completed renegotiation of Department of Labor leases Finalizing design. Convention Center Hotel (CT2300) Project Description: A crucial component of the downtown core's revitalization, the Convention Center Hotels, including a Marriott and Ritz Carlton, will include 1,000 hotel rooms in a high-rise adjacent to the Convention Center. The new hotel will include ballroom and meeting room space, restaurants, parking and 200 for- sale condominiums. The convention hotel is a major component of the "LA Live!" retail, sports and entertainment district, to be built on sites previously used for surface parking adjacent to the Staples Center Arena. The hotel project conforms to the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment District Specific Plan Developer: Anschutz Entertainment Group. FY07 Milestones: Complete financing and design; initiate construction activities. Address: Olympic Boulevard and Figueroa Street Status: Developer partnership changed. Agreements revised. Design refined. Construction on garage levels underway. Construction of the hotel approved.

Park Fifth (CT250O¡ Project Description: The Park Fifth Project across from Pershing Square is a mixed-use residential project containing 2,000,000 square feet of development, with 1,000 condominiums and 50,000 square feet of retail space. This project was first approved in 1985 and has been revived with new a new design and financing structure. Developer: Park Fifth Associates FY07 Milestones: Complete environmental studies, amend the Owner Participation Agreement and TFAR Plan, approve new design plans and begin construction. Address: Fourth Hill, Fifth and Olive Streets. Status: Reviewing new scope for project. Negotiating amended and restated OPA Anticipate coming to Board with OPE in Fall '07.

8th & Grand (CT 2600) Project Description: A master planned development comprised primarily of market-rate housing that will be constructed in three phases. This multi-phased project will include recreation facilities and transit oriented improvements. It will also contain ground floor retail surrounding a landscaped paseo, creating a mid-block passage and a pedestrian friendly, neighborhood feel with shared space. Deveioper: Astani Enterprises FY07 Milestones: Approve environmental studies, request for additional floor area (density bonus) and project designs; begin and monitor construction activities Address: Grand Avenue and Eighth Street Status: Agreements were approved by Board and CounciL. Payment made to Skid Row Housing Trust Developer seeking funding.

Venice & Hope Communitv Center (CT3030) Project Description: The CRA/LA acquired land to develop a recreation center at the southeast corner of Venice Boulevard and Hope Street The Recreation Center will offer 24,100 square feeUor programming and community use, as well as an outdoor basketball court. The California Hospital Medical Center (CHMC) plans to move its Hope Street Community Center to operate in the new Recreation Center and in partnership with CHMG, the CRA/LA has received $3,000,000 in construction funding from the California State Parks Department and $570,000 in Proposition K funds for the outdoor sports facility. Developer: CHMC and Hope Family Center. FY07 Milestones: Complete design of Recreation Center, obtain construction permits, issue bids, select a contractor and begin construction Address: Venice Boulevard at Hope Street. Status: Agency completed final acquisition activities in July 2006. Agency has executed a Predevelopment Agreement with CHMC to fund a feasibility study and space planning; engineering drawings will begin in August 2007.

Downtown ReClion Commercial Façade ProClrams Project Description: The physical appearance of individual businesses and commercial buildings will be improved using grants, and matching loans in order to retain and expand commercial businesses within project areas and attract targeted retail, cultural and entertainment uses. The Façade Improvement Program offers loans from $25,000 to $125,000 and additional grants for architectural assistance in certain project areas. Building rehabilitation, including expansion of existing structures or new construction, is also offered in some areas. Programs are available in Chinatown, Little Tokyo, Historic Core (City Center) and CD9. Developer: Various property Owners FY07 Milestones: Implement marketing campaign; oversee selection of projects, design and construction. Address: Various properties Status: A total of ten properties have been completed, one is under construction, nine are under contract and 18 are in the design phase.

Central Avenue Townhomes (C91204) Project Description: Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles (CCSCLA) will develop affordable housing to stabilize the CD9 Corridor Project Area's neighborhoods and provide home ownership opportunities for lower income families Central Avenue Townhomes will consist of 29 new, for-sale units with 27 detached, single-family townhomes and one duplex. The townhomes will be built across four sites, totaling 70,120 square feet The units will average 2,067 square feet each, with three bedrooms, a private backyard and a two-car garage. Developer: Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles FY07 Milestones: Complete entitlements and full construction plans. Convert acquisition and predevelopment loan to a construction loan. Oversee construction of townhomes. Address: Four sites located on Central Avenue between 46ih and 53'0 Streets. Status: Developer submitted entitlements in March and April 2007. The Predevelopment Loan term matures in November 2007. Staff is working with the Developer to determine the feasibility of the proposed development

Homeownership Opportunities Sites ProClram (C91300)

Project Description: This Project was developed in FY05 to create new affordable homeownership opportunities and catalytic, new developments along targeted corridors. The Agency will acquire two to four sites for development and select a developer(s) through an RFP process. The Agency will target sites of .75 acres to 1 acre, as well as identified nuisance properties, and anticipates building 15 to 20 new homes per acre. The homes will be developed as detached single family, town homes, or condominiums, but all must be for~sale and affordable to low- and moderate-income families. During FY06, "staff began the acquisition process through appraisals, researching ownership and making offers. The Agency has closed escrow on one site. Developer: Unknown at this time. FY07 Milestones: Complete acquisition of targeted sites, release RFP, select developers and enter into ENA's, pursue planning actions, as needed, to prepare sites for development. Address: Unknown. Status: Staff has sent letters of interest to over twenty properties; is currently requesting one appraisal for a property on Avalon and will continue to pursue properties as they come on the market Slauson/Central Retail Plaza (C92120) Project Description: The Slauson Central Retail Plaza is a proposed 80,000 square-foot, neighborhood commercial center, anchored by a national grocery chain. Additional tenants will include foot outlets; video, sports and clothing retailers; as well as 2,000 square feet for a Job Training Center. The six-acre retail plaza will be the largest of its kind serving this market area of South Los Angeles. Developer: Central Slauson, LLC (Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles and Regency Realty Group, Inc). FY07 Milestones: Complete site acquisition and tenant relocation; oversee completion of environmental contamination investigation and implementation of remediation plan; complete final transactional agreement for land transfer; oversee tenant selection and final design drawings. Address: Southwest corner of Slauson and Central Avenues (Goodyear Industrial Tract). Status: The remaining tenant, Kramer Metals, is in the process of relocating their business and Staff expects them to be off the property by October 2007 at which time demolition and grading can begin. Goodwill Trial is scheduled for August 22, 2007. The Developer is negotiating a lease with the major tenant and construction of Retail Center expected to begin in the second quarter of FY08.

Calko Steel Expansion (Brownfields Project) (C92310)

Project Description: A two-acre, vacant lot in the Goodyear Industrial Tract, currently owned by General Electric, will be redeveloped to help Calko Steel expand their manufacturing and create additional office space. The CRA/LA is working with GE and California state regulatory agencies to clean up the site and transfer it to Calko. The company manufactures ornamental tubing, base plates and other sheet metal products. Redevelopment of this site will help Calka add 165,000 square feet of space for their manufacturing business and 60 new jobs. Developer: Calko Steel, Inc. FY07 Milestones: Continue to support preparation and adoption of a remediation plan for GE site; enter into purchase agreement for the GE site and complete acquisition; enter into a DDA with Calko Steel to transfer ownership of the site, commit Section 108 loan funds, specify conditions for repayment of the loan, and cover any other land use issues or covenants; complete design review of Calko Steel and begin remediation work and construction. Address: 6900 Stanford Avenue. Status: GE has submitted a timeline that will begin formal remediation work in as soon as they receive final approval from DTSC. They expect to be able to transfer the property to the CRA by June 2008. CRA is in negotiations with General Electric over a draft purchase and sale agreement and license agreement for the property, and will couple that with an Owner Participation Agreement and CEQA clearance to complete the conveyance transaction by the second quarter of FY08.

WashinClton Retail Center RFP (C92770)

Project Description: The Agency, working with stakeholders, the Council Office and City Planning, is formulating a strategic plan for redeveloping Washington Boulevard from Figueroa Street to San Pedro Street into a vibrant, high-density, mixed-use and mixed-income environment. The project would include retail, housing, community services, jobs and open space. By investing in a few catalytic projects, the CRA/LA intends to create a thriving economy for a transit- oriented community adjacent to Downtown Developer: To be selected in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP). FY07 Milestones: Receive responses to RFP and select Developer(s); secure authority to enter into ENAs with selected Developer(s); negotiate with the selected Developer(s) and enter into DDA(s). Address: Multiple parcels along Washington Boulevard selected in response to the RFP Status: CRA/LA received 23 submittals for the first round of the Request for Proposals. Notices to those selected to move on to the second round were sent out the week of April 2'"' Final submittals will be received August 20, 2007. Anticipate selecting finalists by the second quarter of FY08

GB Way Mixed Use Project (L T2400) Project Description: The last remaining significant parcel in Little Tokyo, commonly referred to as Block 8, is slated for a privately financed, mixed-use housing and commercial project. A mid-block walkway through the project will link it to the First Street Historic District, the Gold Line Station, the Little Toyko Library, St Vibiana's and the Little Tokyo Recreation Center. The complex includes 750 units of market rate housing, 50,000 square feet of retail space, 40,000 square feet of open space and public parking for 600 automobiles. Developer: The Related Companies FY07 Milestones: Review development proposal; undertake CEQA review; process Plan variations, if needed; enter into developer negotiations and possible development agreement Address: Block bounded by 2'd, San Pedro, 3rd and Los Angeles Streets. Status: Development approach agreed to with Related for Parcels C and D; Hovanian submitting design drawings for Parcel A. Related completed TFRA hearing in February for 40 units of affordable rental on Parcel C. Related has requested that development of Parcel D (high-rise and public parking) be temporarily delayed.

Central Avenue Art Park (LT3110) Project Description: The CRA/LA will work with the City of Los Angeles and the Little Tokyo community through the museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and the Japanese American National Museum (JAMN) to develop the former First Street North site A park, public art projects and public parking is planned for this City-owned site adjacent to the First Street Historic District, MOCA and JANM. Developer: Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering. FY07Milestones: Complete master plan update review and update development plans. Address: Area generally bounded by Temple Street, Alameda Street, First Street Historic District and Judge John Aiso (San Pedro) Street. Status: Master plan update completed and development plans being reviewed by CLA and CD9 for costs analysis and resource allocation. Development is linked to acquisition of a new site along Los Angeles Street, anticipated in Fall 2007, for the Police Parking Facility.