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Daily Iowan: Archive PItODUCERS ......- New Library Hours ~ til' Weather Forecast n I.ccident onel The SUI Library will remain open unti' 10:00 Considtrabl. cloudintlS today. Scattered Ii,ht ~",. g .. 7 p.m. Saturdays through the re$t of February. 800ks should be checked out at the guard desk $nOW O¥tr central e"d east today. Colder over III ••• since the cir,ulation desk will be clOMd after state today_ Highs today !Os north to lower lOs IEHCY? S p.m. south_ Partly cloudy toni,hI, colder southe.st. The reserve de5k will be open from 7 to 10;00 a 'l ow·an Outlook .... Thursday - chalKe of $nOW, little .lIing A I H pori.ti",. Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City tomperature ch.nge. Find out .bout tIol p.m. II-Surgicil covor· ror thl i.di.idu.1 Established in 186:: Associated Press Leased Wire And \VlI'ephoto - Herald TribUDe News Service Leased Wire Iowa City, Iowa, Wedne.cday, February 17. 1960 ond Group COV ..19" if desired Delaying Fails... In Civil, Rig.hts -, Debate - ' - Postal Raise Congress Opposes Ike's Request- Senate Vote, Proposed By Foreign Aid 'Too Much' 61 to 28, Stops WASHINGTON lA'I - President nations assuming their hare of ma. last year by a spacial ,reI- Administration Ei enhower's nearly $4 2 billion th burden? idential committH headed by Demo Motion new (oreign aid rcqu I w Ilt to an "CClntlress wanted these Ihings William H. Drapar, former am- election year Congre s Tuesday. done; thi. message luglltsts th.t bassador to NATO and former as- Morse Takes Stand New Stamp Revenues As expected, it ran immediat Iy little if anything has been d_ si.tant MCretary of Ihe Army_ Would Give Treasury into a cry o( "too much money, to bring about the necessary EI enhower aid military aid in For Committee Action too little change in administration." chan,n." rec nl year hod run at an annual On Voting Right Bills Estimated $544 Million In his 5,OOO-word specinl mes­ fn outlining his request and urg- level of about 2'. billion dollars ing Congr ss not to cut the fund , but with more recent cutbacks - By ROWlAND EVANS JR. WASHINGTON IA'I - The Ei en· sag ,Eisenhower aid th mutual Eisenhower mentioned his 11·nn· Congress sIs hed ofC SOO million Reralel Trlb.ne News fJryle-e hower Administration proposed security program is essential to peace and to world progress to­ tion tour in December to Asia, the dollars last year - will (all bock Tuesday to rai e the co t or mail­ Middle East and Europe. LO $1.8 billioll or II'S this year WASHINGTON - The £irst test ing a letter to five c nt . It now ward freedom in the face of the vote in the Senate's civil rights " normous pow r bloc of Commu­ My rec n1 travels, h said, im- Anything I s than the two bi!- cosls four. pre sed upon me even mor strong- 110n dollars in th fi cal year start­ debate Tuesday smashed a south­ nist imperialism." ern Demoeratic delaying tactic by Il also a ked thot the po tag Iy the fact that free men every- ing n xl July J, he aid, "pre­ on po t cards be ral ed to lour "C01lective security Is not only Il betler than two-thirds majority. sensible - it is ess ntlal," he said. where look to us. eludes essential modernization and cents. from the present three, and Eisenhow.r said the two-billion- improvement of forces and limits The Senate voted 61 to 28 against on air mail letters be boosted to The request for new fund. was doll.r military assl,t.nce request us to a bare maintenance pro· a motion by Sen. Richard B. Rus­ eight cents, from the pr('sent divided into two billion dollars Is In line wllh recOMmendations gram." sell. (D-Ga.) the southern leader. Quad Resolution Presented even. for arms aid to America', Allie. --------:..- ------ to put ore the debate for another President Ei nhow('r and Po t­ and n.arly $2.2 billion for econ­ w k. Twenty-four Democrats, all Bill King, A3, Des Moines, is shown presenting passed by the SUI Stud,"t Council at their Tues­ master General Arthur E. Sum­ omic and technical assistance but four of them from the old con­ the Quadrangle proposal for the Interfraternity day night meeting in the River Room of the Iowa merfield gave the e and other de­ for the fiscal year starting next City Coun"cil Accepts Report federacy, Ilnd four Republicans and Panhellenk Councils to outline an accept· Memorial Union. The me.ting was attended by tail to the w kly White I10u e July 1_ w r on the losing side. Votin, able program of eliminating discriminatory more than 100 stud.nts.-Dally Iowan photo by meeting of the President and Re­ The total Is almost one billion against the south w re Sen. Lyndon ,Iauses in fraternity bylaws. The proposal was Joann Spevacek publican congres ional leaders. dollar more than Congres voted B. John on, lhe Democratic lead­ The Senate GOP leader, S n. afl r a hot debate last year. For Adopting Vote Machines r, and his Texas colleague, Sen. Ralph Yarborough. Ever tl M. Dirk en of lllinoi • and The fir volley in perhaps even his House counterparl, Rep. a tiffer fight this year was fired By BEN BLACKSTOCK poMCI accepting bids for • three­ The six. of the Russell de"at 1 Charles A. Halleck of Indiana, de­ by Scn. Mike Mansrield of Mon­ Staff Writer quarter ton truck with a pickUp was a clear harbinger of things Student Council OK's Quad clined to predict what Congress tana, the assistant Senate Demo­ body and a three-quarter ton to tome. The senate next voted The Clty Council of 10wa City truck with a dump body_ down Sen_ Weyne Mo ...., (D. would do about rai ing the rat . cralic leader. He made the re­ Tuesday night accepted a commjt­ Ore.) who lurprlsingly iolned A imilar request la 1 y ar mark about too much money and A I' solutlon comm nding City lee report recommending the- city the southerner, in Tuesday', failed. Mail rates were previou Iy too little change in administration Manager Pl.'ter F. Roan and work Is to adopt voting maehines by th vote_ Morse prefers to get at the rai ed Aug. I, 1958, and Congre and said: "Wh re lhe joint for­ crews employed by the city for Discriminatory Resolution eign aid effort, with the other free June primary. their wift aetion In clearing the Issue of ciyiI rl,ht. via a dis­ would not be ag r to rai them Tile queSlion of increasing the recent heavy snaw from Iowa charge patillon_ He has intro­ By KAY LUND at the first Student Council meet­ bt done through joint session s. aiain thi oon. duced patltions to force votln,,­ The anticipation of larger postal number of precinct in Iowa City City's st.re l., was also passed by ing in March, J960. Ronald Brockman, A3, West. from to 15 was po tponro un­ rights bills from both th. Sf,,­ : , Staff Writer r venues figured in Eisenhower's Dean of Medicine pine the COllOcli. Bill King, A3, Des MOines, in g.te, presIdent of Quadrangl. til the Council' next rQ(Ular meet­ at. Judiciary Committee end ttle hopes (or a big budget urplu In olh r action the Council made Over 100 person crowded into presentini the Quadrangle propo­ and author of the resolution, said ing March IS, as wa final a non Sen.te Rules (ommlttH_ He \ nexl year - around $4~ bIllion Has Heart Attack; final ordinances toblishing v­ the River Room of tho Union to . aI, said, "The issue can'l bypass h. b.lieves "this is the btst on adopting voting machines. Yoted with Ru.sell Tuesday he The proposed inereas~ wou)d eral streets in Lowa Ci ty as through witness the SUI Student Council lh Council (his session. 'rhe Uni­ channel of .pprOac;h. How.v .... City (lel1l Walker D_ 1M11edy said, becaustl he refuse4 to bring in an estimated $544 million In Good, Condition streets and prohibited parking on out meeting Tuesday night to hear the versity i. accepling discrimina­ we mean a strong progra", wilh "wash the whole commlttH in, additional revenue. The poIit­ said about 32 voting machine. other streets. Thcs ineluded: procedure of the Senate." QuadrangJ' resolution fOr remov­ tion by accepting organizations a beginning and an end." Dr. Norman B. Nelson, dean of would bt nHded at a cost of 'MulCIUne Avenul" from Wa8htn«ion al deficit is runni ng at the rate Slrtel to the ea t efly Hmlt "xoepl at ing fraternal discriminatory claus­ WiUl these clauses." 11 said Quadrangle think the the SUI College or Medicine, has $1,'*1 each_ At p..... nt the VOlH The 'lote on Morse's discharge of about $600 million a year. experienced a "very mild" heart Burllnlton Slr.... l. Subje.t 10 IInal ap­ motion was 68 to 4. He was joined 1 So." pubuque es pa sed by a 14-9 vote. "We are asking for an acceptable program nred. a d inite date to are countM manually by 90 proval. ar,,: Park Road belw~ Rocky Dirk en $Sid the admini tration attack in CalJfornia, University of­ Shore Drlvo and Dubuque Sireet; only by Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr_ Open Monday Night A second proposal containing a eliminate the clau .
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