Church Services October 2014 Church of the Epiphany Tockwith A member Church of the Parish of Marston Moor

Reading Reader 5th 10.00am United Parish Service Tockwith Blessing of Animals Genesis 1 vv 1-3 and 24-31a Rachel Kelly John 10 vv 11-16 Deryck Wilson 4.00pm Messy Church Fun Church for Children and Parents

Sides person: Susan & John Mckernan 12th 11.00am Matthew 22 v 1-14 Sarah Mcbride Holy Communion With Baptism Sides person: Bev & Charles Greaves 19th 6.00pm Exodus 33 vv 12-23 Imogen Woods Holy Communion Matthew 22vv 15-22 Janet Marriner (1662) Sides person: Deryck Wilson 26th 11.00am Matthew 24 30-35 Barbara Harris Family Harvest Festival Sides person: Joanna Worth 2nd 10.00am United Parish Service at Nov Rufforth


5th 12th 19th 26th 2nd Nov 10.00am 6pm Rufforth Sides person Susan & John Bev & Charles Deryck Wilson Joanna Worth n/a Mckernan Greaves Coffee Audrey Gough Margaret McBride n/a Karen Stobert n/a Julia Plowman Diane Wakelin Jenn Waller Chalice Don Hale Neil Stobert Don Hale n/a n/a

Church Deryck Wilson Neil Stobert Joanna Worth Bev & Charles Jenn Waller Opening Greaves Intercessions Mary Shaw Deryck Wilson n/a Angela Jenkins n/a Grass Stuart Wakelin Deryck Wilson Andy Bird Peter Harris Neil Stobert Cutting Norman Waller Rob Wilson Phil Bird Keith Simmonds Peter Brecknock

The Marston Moor Parish Prayer God our father help us to  Live for you  Love each other  Light the way ahead So that all our villages, and the world at large, may know you In Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The Revd. Roy Shaw writes......

I recently found this Prayer- more a set of aspirations- of Mother Teresa of Calcutta; it’s said to have been written on the wall in the home for children she and her Missionaries of Charity ran in the city. It’s based on some leadership principles worked out in the late 60s for student leaders.

As a manifesto for life, it can’t be bettered; it certainly kicks ‘Eat, drink and be merry’ into touch! It took my breath away when I first read it. I leave it with you as something to ponder on, and for us all to aspire to;-

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self- centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

Your vicar, Roy 01423 359003/ [email protected].


The launch of Messy Church last month saw 27 young people enter the church. With accompanying adults there were nearly 50 people enjoying the fun and lively afternoon of crafts, stories and singing about Jesus.

Children are an integral part of the congregation and are both models of discipleship and disciples themselves, as are the adults who play the same dual roles. At Messy Church you will see an experienced Christian learning from a less experienced one and vice versa; a child teaching an adult; sometimes one family learns from another en masse; sometimes the Christian community demonstrates how to live for Jesus to those who don't yet know him; sometimes a parent teaches a child something. lf discipleship needs a mixture of formal learning, informal learning and social learning, Messy Church has elements of all three as it (formally) explores the Bible through activities and storytelling, provides opportunities for informal conversation and observation, and encourages different levels of social learning both at the gathered Messy Church and in encouragement to take that learned faith back into the home during the rest of the month.

At Tockwith Church we recognise that there are a large number of young people in the village that deserve time and commitment. The church has therefore decided to appoint a paid youth worker to work within the Tockwith community part time to help spread the Christian ethos within our church community and school. This is something that Tockwith Church is paying for but is looking for money donations to make this sustainable. If you can help, please contact either Angela Jenkins or Peter Harris.

The last time we held a Pet Service at Tockwith Church it was extremely popular. I will long remember one pet was called the name of the owner and vice versa. I don‟t think the owner liked being called Napoleon. At 10am on Sunday 5th October, Tockwith will be hosting the United Parish Service which will be in the form of a Parish blessing of the animals. Come along with your well behaved pets it is sure to be an experience!

We are trying out a new fund raising venue on Saturday 18th October when we will be holding a coffee morning in Wetherby Town Hall. Once again we are asking for cakes and buns and help on the day. Contact Angela if you can help.

Once again the Church is linking up with the Wetherby Festival to provide an evening of entertainment featuring the Brass Quintet on Saturday 18th October. This is a very talented group of musicians who play a wide range of music from classical to jazz. If you heard them at Tockwith Show you will know already how good they are. The Quintet was formed in 2007 and made up of professional musicians who work in the industry full time as performers and educators. They are in high demand undertaking a large number of engagements including events at the Royal Armouries for the Yorkshire Television Awards, Races and the recent Yorkshire Day Celebrations in Bradford. A great opportunity to hear music played at its best. See the ad later in the magazine for details on how you can obtain tickets.

If you have taken a walk round to the back church yard you will no doubt have noticed that several pieces of stone have been moved from the South Transept wall. These stones have become so eroded that water is seeping into the church and needed repairing before more serious damage was caused. In keeping with all old buildings Tockwith Church does cost a tremendous amount of money to maintain literally running into thousands of pounds which far exceeds what it receives from church collections and grants so this is the reason why we need to continually fund raise. This work is costing in the region of £6,000.

This piece has been written prior to the Comedy and Curry Night on 27th September so there will be a report in the November Magazine. nrw

Do you need a lift or can you provide a lift to the United Parish Service at Rufforth 10.00am Sunday 2nd November Meet at the church gates at 9.30am

Fantastic Acts! Here is the story of the Book of Acts, but not like you‟ve seen it before. Fantastic Acts! is the Riding Lights Theatre Company‟s new show, currently on tour across the UK. Fun, vitality and inspiration abound in this vividly told story of the remarkable lives of the men and women who formed the first churches. For full tour schedule see

Youth Work from Scratch: Where do you even start?

The Church of does recognize the importance of Youth Ministry and by co- incidence as we start to do more work ourselves within Tockwith, Youth ministry expert Martin Saunders wrote passionately recently about the need for churches to re-embrace work with young people.

If we‟re going to see the statistics about young people and church start to change, we simply need more churches to invest themselves in a ministry to youth. This might sound terrifying, but it‟s actually exciting; launching a youth ministry in your church is not simply a way to import „new blood‟ into your pews, but a means by which you can reinvigorate your entire congregation.

There is one question however that stumps many who would love to see more young people in their church: where do I start? Immediately, problems rush in to block our path: concerns about resources, venue, finding enough volunteers, and of course the worry that no young people will want to engage with us. All these things can be overcome, but they‟re not the first issue to attend to.

Instead, good youth ministry starts with listening. Before we start worrying about logistics; before we rush ahead with the grand plan we‟ve been brewing to transform the landscape for teenagers in our town, it‟s vital that we first spend some time listening, and in several directions:

1) Listen to God: It‟s easy in the rush of excitement around something new to forget that we desperately need the divine spark of God‟s creativity and power. It‟s too easy to forget that it‟s not our mission – but in fact we‟re called to join in with what He is already doing in our community. So we begin by listening to him, asking him what He wants us to do for local young people.

2) Listen to your community: Who are the teenagers in my community? Where do they congregate already, and what do they need? If a town has a great skate park, we shouldn‟t attempt to rival it! But if that town has no open youth clubs, perhaps the church could provide one?

3) Listen to your congregation: Finally, we find others who are passionate about youth, and ask them what they think our youth ministry should be like. Their ideas may surprise and inspire us, and we may end up recruiting volunteers this way!

Listening may not come naturally, but it‟s the right answer to the „where do I start‟ question. If you‟re stirred to start something from scratch for young people in your church, then begin by opening your ears.

Ed. This item certainly gives food for thought and we ask for all your support in our ministry with young people.


Baptisms take place within our normal services – usually a service which will be a Holy Communion plus Baptism. This is because Baptism signifies a welcome into the church, and the beginning of a Christian journey. It only makes sense therefore, if this sacrament takes place within the worshipping community, who along with the family, welcome the child into God‟s great family.

Baptism can only take place when a priest is present at a service, and if you are thinking of having your child baptized, you need to give a long „lead time‟ to the clergy. It may not be possible for a priest to be available on the Sunday you have in mind, and you may need to be flexible over the date, although every effort will be made to meet your wishes. In the first instance, please contact one of the Wardens to arrange a date.

Please note:

Allocated Baptism dates for 2014 - 12th October Allocated Baptism dates for 2015 - 11th January, 12th April, 12th July and 11th October

The Marston Moor Youth Club Tockwith Church Every Friday – during term time 7.00pm – 8.30pm Year 6 to Year 9 Have Fun Make Friends Get Involved

Stand Up Be Counted, a place where 16-25 year olds can speak out and debate the issues that matter.

Tockwith C of E Primary School

The School has a new and exciting web site

We have only been back at school for a few weeks and it has been very busy already!

We would like to welcome all the children new to the school as well as our new Year 2 teacher, Mr Richard Skidmore. We would also like to thank all the parents for making the „Meet the Teacher‟ evenings such a success. On Thursday 2 October the children will be going to church at 2pm for the Harvest Festival service.

The following week, Year 6 will be going on their week long residential trip to Humphrey Head and will be doing an assembly for the rest of the school on Friday 17 October at 2.45pm.

Also, on Friday 17 October the children will be having their photographs taken at school, and the pre-school children and siblings will have an opportunity to join them before the school day starts.

The school will be holding an „Open Evening‟ on Wednesday 22 October and we look forward to seeing so many of you there. More details of this will follow. We break up for the half-term on Friday 24 October and return on Monday 3 November.

St Crux York

Thursday 4th September Thank you all for all your help Over £1100 was raised


Sunday 5 Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) (Green) Exodus 20.1-4, 7-9, 12-20; Psalm: 19; Philippians 3.4b-14; Matthew 21.33-46

Sunday 12 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Exodus 32.1-14; Psalm: 106.1-6, 19-23; Philippians 4.1-9; Matthew 22.1-14

Sunday 19 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Exodus 33.12-23; Psalm: 99; 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10; Matthew 22.15-22

Sunday 26 Bible Sunday (Green) Nehemiah 8.1-4a, 8-12; Psalm: 119.9-16; Colossians 3.12-17; Matthew 24.30-35

Harvest Deuteronomy 8.7-18; Psalm 65; 2 Corinthians 9.6-15; Luke 12.16-30

Wow what a great first Messy session! 30 Children and adults joined in to hear about the "man who wanted bigger barns"

We made some fantastic biscuit barns, had a game of harvest bingo, and 'produced' a vegetable painting! not forgetting the delicious fruit skewers.

Only one complaint, we need to be more messy, now there's a challenge.

The next Messy Church is on Sunday 5th October at 4pm-5:30pm, so come along and get Messy!

Karen Stobert

The Village Entertainment Evening Saturday 13th September

‘A great ‘Evening of Entertainment’ was had by all’.

Sunday Night at the London Palladium had nothing on Tockwith Village Hall on Saturday 13th September. Our village hall was transformed into a cabaret style theatre and its audience thoroughly entertained with over three hours of marvellous local musical and comedic talent. The evening was split into 4 sessions of about 40 minutes each with bar breaks in between.

David Rose, compering for the first time, and backing singers opened the show with a rousing rendition of „Let me Entertain you‟, setting the standard for the rest of the night. James Gray, Hannah Harrison and Helen Algar then sang a selection of solo and duet love songs and songs from musicals. Then, onto the stage to much applause walked „John Lennon‟ in his Magical Mystery Tour costume, to sing two songs including „With a little help from my friends‟. „John‟ sang to vocal backing made entirely from his own voice – very effective. Who the mystery singer could be was solved when he removed his wig and tinted spectacles to reveal Dr Dave Whittle.

Josh Dykes, a witty 17 year old of geordie origin, opened the second session by asking his greatest fan on the planet, his Mum, to refrain from flash photography during his performance. He then went on to play a lovely classical piece and two very accomplished jazz pieces. Sue Corbett and Audrey Unsworth brought us down to earth with their very funny sketch „She didn‟t‟. As always they were dressed for the part, even down to the tattoo on Sue‟s thigh … oohh, la, la! Well done ladies. The concluding performance in session 2 was the lovely baritone voice of Mark Wharfedale accompanied by John Bradbury on piano. Once again they managed to deliver a varied selection of arias from classical to old music hall to an entranced audience.

The audience, refreshed after a break and eager for more, laughed as Sue Corbett delivered her „director‟s critique‟ to members of the audience who were her imaginary cast during rehearsal for a local amateur dramatics play. Later in this session Sue was joined by Dave Hardman, Audrey Unsworth and Emma Brook in an hilarious spoof Victorian comedy entitled „Murder at the Old Red Barn‟. This was real „tongue in cheek‟ „hammed up‟ acting. Thanks to Margaret Dalgleish for the sound effects – perfect timing. There were musical contributions to this session too. Dave Hardman sang his heart out as always, David Rose and Helen Algar took the parts of the landlord and landlady respectively in their saucy rendition of Master of the House from Les Miserables. This session was brought to a climax by the very glamorous and talented Rachel Skelton who sang songs ranging from Lady Ga Ga to Italian opera. Wow.

The final session of the evening kicked off with Dr Dave Whittle on guitar singing one of his own creations. And very good it was too. Three freckled little maids from St. Trinians School then mounted the stage. Mark Wharfedale, Lucy Hargreaves and Fiona Steed in matching schoolgirl outfits, boaters and hockey sticks, lipstick and freckles sang the famous song from Mikado accompanied by John Bradbury on piano. Hilarious. „

Bringing the evening to a conclusion the Tockwith Pop Choir sang a selection of songs from World Wars l and ll to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of WWl. Being well known songs the audience were quick to join in. The finale, Land of Hope and Glory, brought to evening to a suitably patriotic end.

The Village Hall Committee would like to thank the Tockwith Players for supporting this fund-raising event, especially for putting up and taking down the stage and for the sound and lighting. This event would not have happened without them. Thanks, also, to our audience for spending your evening with us. See you again next year.

By Fiona Steed Vice Chairperson of the management Committee, Tockwith Village Hall

Calling all Bridge Players. Do you enjoy playing Bridge? Would you like to learn how to play? Would you like to meet other players once a month to enjoy the game in a social atmosphere? Then contact John Pagdin on tel: 358634

Do you know anyone that has just moved into the village? Our aim is to make contact with them as soon as possible and tell them what we have to offer as a Church family. Our introduction is by way of delivering a Village and Parish News free of charge. Contact any member of the Church Council if you think someone may not have been seen.

Thought4Tomorrow Personal reflections by Henry Woods

The Harvest

Now that autumn is here we can think about Harvest and what it should mean for Christians. As was Our Lord‟s teaching method, he asked people to think more deeply below the surface of appearances, and to use the observed facts to realise how God wants us to bring about his Kingdom and help the souls of men and women to attain everlasting bliss in heaven.

The famous parable about the sower who went forth to sow is also about the knowledge of the love of God and how we react to it, drawn from the annual agricultural cycle, as familiar to the farming community today as it was to the 1st century farmers to whom he was talking. Today we need to reinterpret the Parable to take account of pesticides in the fields and urbanised communities to whom the annual agricultural cycle is unfamiliar.

Moreover we need to think more deeply and avoid complacency for we are all Sinners. Perhaps the number of those sprouting good wheat is very small. The wheat mixed with tares (weeds) is likely to be a more realistic way in which we react to the Love of God. We should also emphasise tolerance however bad the sinner. The scandal of what went on in Rotherham calls out for forgiveness but in parallel to the acceptance of guilt by those responsible. Despite some nasty behaviour and vulgar expressions, the outcome of the Scottish Referendum calls for large „reconciliation‟ again with a parallel contrition that we English may have given the Scots an impression that we do not sufficiently value them.

The love of God may come in all manner of ways, and we have to not only earn it for ourselves, but also strive to bring others – the tares – to understand, to reconcile and to forgive. This is the challenge of Harvest.


From the Church of Epiphany Parish Register

Tockwith Church on the web

Let us know the things you would like on the site. Email [email protected] or telephone 01423 358588



We have a scheme that allows families to donate a Bible to the Church dedicated to their children to recognize the date of their Baptisms.

We would like to extend the scheme to anyone who might wish to donate a Bible and dedicate it in memory of a loved one.

If anyone would like to dedicate a Bible they are £15 each and we put the name inside the Bible cover. Please contact Angela Jenkins on 01423 358067.

A presentation by the RSPB Birds of Yorkshire 7.45pm Friday 3rd October 2014 Tockwith Village Hall All welcome Admission £2

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE  Give me a sense of humour, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humour out of life, and pass it on to other folk

What would Jesus Do? While waiting in line to check out at a Christian bookstore, a man in front of me asked the clerk about a display of hats with the letters WWJD on them. The clerk explained that WWJD stands for "What would Jesus do?" and that the idea is to get people to consider this question when making decisions. The man pondered a moment, then replied, "I don't think he'd pay £17.95 for that hat."

Don’t mention it As part of his talk at a banquet, our minister told some jokes and a few funny stories. Since he planned to use the same anecdotes at a meeting the next day, he asked reporters covering the event not to include them in their articles.

Reading the paper the following morning, he noticed that one well-meaning cub reporter had ended his story on the banquet with the observation "The minister told a number of stories that cannot be published."

Noise The wheel of my grocery cart was making a horrible scraping sound as I rolled it through the supermarket. Nevertheless, when I finished my shopping and saw a cartless woman, I offered it up, explaining, "It makes an awful noise, but it works." "That's okay," she said cheerfully, taking it. "I have a husband at home like that."

Salt The Sunday School teacher was describing how when Lot's wife looked back at Sodom, she turned into a pillar of salt. Young James nodded with understanding. "My mummy looked back once while she was driving," he announced, "and she turned into a telephone pole."

Now hear this? My wife says I never listen, or something like that...

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Love in deed is love indeed

Do you have information or a concern about something or someone that you think the police should know about then contact us on [email protected] alternatively call 101. For those callers who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, the service can be accessed via text phone on 18001 101.

The Parish Council has a permanent agenda item for Police Matters at every Parish Council meeting so if you have any matters to raise with the police you can also contact a Parish Councillor. Their contact details are on Parish Noticeboards.

Trading Standards are receiving a number of complaints from farms in the area concerning a company W.W Highways Ltd. This company is targeting farms claiming to have excess tarmac from recent contract work in the area and offering to resurface driveways etc. The work done is generally expensive and sub-standard. Trading Standards have an interest in this company and would be pleased to hear from anyone who is approached by W.W Highways Ltd or has had work done by them. If you have any information please call 03454 04 05 06

Crime in Marston Moor Ward July and August

220714 – 12140121774 – BurgOth – Cable Stolen - Marston Moor Bus Park 300714 – 12140127620 – BurgOth – Tools stolen – The Bungalow – Rudgate 040814 – Burglary Other – tools, cash, golf equipment stolen – Marston Moor Business Park 060814 – Theft from Unattended Motor Vehicle – sunglasses stolen – Marston Moor Business Park 290814 – Stolen Motor Vehicle - moped – Wighill 300814 – Theft of wheel nuts – Marston Moor Business Park

Scams are schemes to con you out of your money. They can arrive by post, phone call, text message or email, or from someone coming to your home. – here are two to watch out for.

Car matching - You place an advert to sell your car and get a call to say an immediate buyer has been found. You are asked to pay an upfront fee which you are told is refundable if the car isn’t sold. The car isn’t sold and you aren’t refunded.

Doorstep electricity meter credit - If you use a pre-payment meter you are offered cut-price electricity,. For example, £50 of electricity is offered if you pay just £25.

Criminals then use cloned keys to top up energy credit illegally. Electricity companies don’t get paid for energy used, and you end up paying for the energy twice – first to the fraudsters and then to the company at the correct rate.

Never buy electricity from someone who knocks at the door. Electricity is not sold in this way by companies. TOCKWITH WITH WILSTROP PARISH COUNCIL

Parish Council meetings are, as a rule, held on the third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are not normally held in August or December. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings and they start at 7.30pm and are held in Tockwith Church. The minutes of previous Parish Council meetings can be found on its own web site at

Two Parish Councillor positions are vacant for Cowthorpe. The most recent vacancy due to the resignation of Councillor Hatfield has to be formally advertised. If there is no be no election then the Parish Council can co-opt someone on to the council. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor representing the interests of Cowthorpe then please contact the Clerk Helen Algar.

The Parish Council hope to have much of the new web site up and running by November.It is happy to provide links to local organisations, clubs or charitable bodies so that they can share information to the wider community. Please contact the Clerk Helen Algar if you would like a link. It would be a good time to update your contact telephone numbers and give details of your meeting times etc.

The Parish Council have delivered a leaflet to all householders within Tockwith and Cowthorpe asking for people to volunteer as Community First Responders. These people will be trained by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) in the use of an automated external defibrillator. To have a number of volunteers trained to use basic life support skills, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator is the most effective way of ensuring that the is local first aid cover within out community. If you could not make the registration event in the Village Hall on the 24th September and feel that you would like to volunteer as a Community First Responder (CFR) than please telephone 0845 120 3155 for further information.

The call for CFR‟s is supported by our local surgery Springbank Health. Living in a rural community we can no longer rely that there will be an ambulance nearby and time is of the essence.

When a 999 call is received by YAS an ambulance response is dispatched. At the same time a Community First Responder, on call in the area, can be alerted and asked to assist to ensure help reaches the patient as quickly as possible.

Volunteers are asked to respond to selected emergency calls, typically to critically ill patients who have breathing, heart or other medical problems. They are not sent to dangerous situations and receive full support from YAS.

In order to be able to fully operate in our community volunteers are needed, You could do it and you‟d be serving your community as well.

You do not need medical training, just a willingness to volunteer to be on call for just a few hours a month. You must be over the age of 18 years old, and have a full driving licence. Make that telephone call today and volunteer.

North Yorkshire Highways have had a fair amount of criticism from the Parish Council but sometimes they have also to be given credit where credit is due. All the pot holes along Southfield Lane have been repaired. We will monitor this road more keenly once Connexions start to use their new depot.

The footpath between Prince Rupert Drive and Southfield Lane has been given a substantial surface covering by NYCC which means that all the muddy areas have now gone and families going either to the school or the sports field should find their journey a much more pleasant experience.

Despite there being notices that it is a foot path it is disappointing to hear that horse riders have irresponsibly been using this path. If you see anyone riding a horse on this path please advise them of the error of their ways or point them to the notice on display.

In last month‟s magazine there was an appeal for people with building skills to offer their services in order to help prepare the ground work for the planned memorial to commemorate those that were killed as a result of the horrific plane crash in the village main street in the early hours of Tuesday 9th October 1945. It would be a shame having commissioned the actual memorial that the whole project could fail if we can‟t get the ground works done. The important thing is being able to give a little bit of time and skill. The plane crash had a very big impact on the village and it would be a fitting tribute to those who so tragically lost their lives on that fateful night. If you can help please give Norman Waller a call on 01423 358588.

The Parish Council have been able to acquire a few hundred daffodil bulbs for planting at the village gateways and village hall garden. A planting session has been organised for Saturday 1st November at 10.00am, meet at the village hall car park with your spade or dibber and we will give you the bulbs to plant. nrw

Tockwith Village Hall OCTOBER 2014


For details and queries about any of our facilities contact

Audrey on 01423 359 378 Email [email protected]

We have Wednesday and Friday evenings and of course weekends free for parties, events, or club bookings just contact Audrey for details.


The village fought really hard to acquire the Village Hall for community use. There is plenty of scope to increase its usage but we need the public‟s ideas and help – are you up for it? Contact Audrey.


AINSTY CHURCHES CHOIR Singing services & occasions in North Ainsty & Rural Ainsty For more information contact: Fiona Kingscott 01904 700476 [email protected]

Tockwith Walking Club

Little Ouseburn 5 miles approx

Eleven of us parked up at Little Ouseburn Village Hall car park and were just about to set off on our stroll when the playgroup leader came out and very politely asked us to park somewhere else. OK . So 5 minutes later we set off on our stroll.

Going through a “ kneecap trap” we walked down the back of the houses, crossed a field then nipped over the Road to gain the lane which climbs steadily over a mile to Lylands Farm at a height of 60 metres above sea level. The weather was absolutely lovely and, apart from a slight haze, views were extensive . We could see the White Horse set magnificently on the flank of the Hambleton Hills, the full extent of them from Swainby to Ampleforth being clear. All of us voiced our feeling of good luck to be living in such a beautiful part of the world. At last we left the tarmac behind to walk northwards over rolling fields to gain Moor Lane then turned east to walk easily back down to the road again. Here we passed “Nuzzlets” therapeutic petting farm with its collection of small animals, magnificently horned goats and Shetland ponies. On the other side of the road is Campbell and Penty’s seed store. This forbidding looking edifice was once Workhouse. It was built in 1857 to replace a condemned building and closed in the 30’s. Apparently it is little changed inside. Google it and you will find a fascinating history with photos and Census references.

From this point we were forced to follow the main road for 200 metres back towards Little Ouseburn. This is the ancient Roman Road Dere Street. Unfortunately it is a whole lot busier and probably more dangerous than it was in ancient times, but drivers hurtling towards us were considerate and always veered off just in time. Soon we were back on the grass and following a path which entered a mysterious wood called the Dale. This is indeed a small valley with mature broadleaved trees and a little beck in its bottom. We heard a buzzard overhead and saw evidence of animal diggings as well as a collection of boulders. The public right of way has been extended out of the back of the wood (older maps do not show this) so we were able to carry on back to Lylands Lane. But not before a couple of the more boyish spirits had had a go on an old “tarzan” rope suspended over the stream! We were soon back at our starting point after a total of 2 hours 40 minutes walking. The Walking Group’s luck is still holding with the weather! The next walk will be on 13th October (the second Monday of the month). Meet at the Spotted Ox at 2.00pm. All welcome. Please come. Pete Pozman 01423 359731 07854313112.

We are now well under way with our panto which this year will be Jack and the Beanstalk.

Every Thursday and Sunday we have been having fun singing, dancing and setting scenes.

Our chorus of children are already dazzling us with their skill. Don‟t forget to reserve the dates in your diary Tuesday 28th October to Saturday 1st November and watch out for more details nearer the time.

If you ever had a yearning to tread the boards or work backstage why not join us and find out more.

You will find us in the Village Hall every Thursday night from 8.00pm to 10.00pm or contact Sue 01423 359254 or [email protected]



5th ______10.00am BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS & PARISH COMMUNION AT TOCKWITH (RS)______16th Sunday after Trinity 4.00pm 4.00pm Harvest Festival Messy Church (LT)

12th 9.00am 9.00am 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am 17th Sunday Morning Praise Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion Holy Communion after Trinity (CE) (RS) (LT) (SB) (RS)

19th 10.00am 9.00am 11.00am 11.00am 6.00pm 18th Sunday Family Praise Holy Communion Holy Communion & Family Worship Holy Communion after Trinity (LT) (RS) Baptism (USM) 1662 (RS) (RM) (RS)

26th 9.00am 10.00am 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am Last Sunday Holy Communion Praise Service Service of the Word Holy Communion Family after Trinity (RS) (LT) (CE) (RS) Harvest Praise (Bible Sunday) (LT)

RS The Revd Roy Shaw SB The Revd Stephen Brown RM Mrs Rita Milne CE Mr Chris Elliott

LT Local Team

Springbank Health

Flu Clinics at Springbank Surgery TOCKWITH  Open Mic night every first Wednesday of the Fri 3rd October - 9 to 12 noon Fri 17th October – 9 to 11.30am month – come and listen or bring a musical instrument and join in. GREEN HAMMERTON  Quiz Nights 1st Monday th Monday 29 Sept – 5.30 to 7pm of the month – 8.30pm Weds 8th October – 11am to 12.30 Mon 13th October – 5.30 to 7pm Cash prizes

No appointments need to be made, just turn up,

Daffodil Planting

The Parish Council have acquired a few hundred daffodil bulbs for planting at various locations in the village.

There will be a planting session on Saturday 1st November CAN YOU HELP? Meet outside Tockwith Village Hall 10.00am You will need a trowel or similar and gloves and High Visibility Jacket if you have one

Lois-z-Art Watercolour Workshops Beginner's Thursday 1:00- 3:00 Improver's Thursday's 10:00 - 12:00 For further details see http:/ or ring 01423 358264

Given up eating for the summer?

Please can we continue to support the York Food Bank. Since May the amount left for collection has dropped off significantly, but the demands placed on the Food Bank have not.

When you are shopping please remember to add something for those who are relying on the food bank for support. The Church is open every Sunday afternoon when you can pick up a book to read at the same time as leaving whatever your donation.

Over the past month the Pop Choir have been having fun singing some new Songs. We are also currently building a repertoire for performance and challenging ourselves with singing using scores. We recently made an appearance at the Village Hall Entertainment Evening. Why not come along and join our happy band We meet every Tuesday in Tockwith Church from September onwards. 7.45pm till 9.30pm No experience of choir singing necessary!

Come along and join in the fun and meet some friends along the way!

October 2014 – Autumn

Registered charity no: 1115563 Adventure Photography Visit

Who’s Who: We‟re excited to announce that we have Adventure th Photography joining us on Saturday 4 October 2014. Chairman The sessions last for about 10 minutes and everyone is Hatty Wood welcome, from babies to grandparents. Have as many or as 07515944438 few people in the shot as you like. The photo session is Secretary free; you only pay for the prints you want. Sue Cook Please contact Nina on 07813 190827 to book a slot!


Emily Penn

Fundraisers Kathryn Bye Claire Sharp Craft Sessions Welcome Back Party

Playgroup Leader Our craft sessions for this Nina Copely month are: We had a lovely welcome back party th 7 - Autumn Pictures for our first day back after school 14th - Junk Modelling holidays – thanks to everyone that Opening Times st 21 - Halloween Decoration joined us. We meet once a th 28 - Closed for Half Term week on Tuesday mornings 09.30- Committee Members 11.30 Welcome to Emily, who has just joined us as our new Prices Treasurer. If you think you‟d Babies Birth -1 year like to join our friendly team, £1.50 just find us at toddler group Toddlers 1-5 £3 (the and we‟ll give you all the £3 covers details. families/carers multiple children) Tockwith Children’s Partnership First visit is free! Your community working together: Tockwith Under 5s, TickTock Daycare and Tockwith School

Do you enjoy painting or drawing? Perhaps you like the idea, but have never got round to trying it. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced you will be most welcome at TOCKWITH ART GROUP.

We are a small diverse group with a common interest in producing pictures. Some paint in oils, watercolours or acrylics, others prefer pastels or collage. Whatever your preferred medium, you are sure to fit in.

We also host occasional demonstrations and workshops by professional artists.So why not join us for 2 free 'taster' sessions

We meet on Monday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at TOCKWITH VILLAGE HALL

(Annual subscription from September is £65.00 for 40 sessions)

For more information contact: Janet 01423 358253 or Dorothy 01423 358642 Or just call in Monday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Tockwith Village Hall


Ainsty Conservation Society

The society continues to have work days on the second and fourth Tuesday mornings of most months at which all comers are welcome.

A dedicated band of volunteers also check local footpaths and assist in keeping them clear.

ACS is a local organisation dedicated to nature conservation and is a registered charity No 1000038



It seems quite some time now since the show but a lot has been happening. Our Show President Sam Blacker and Secretry completed the Coast to Coast walk in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.

The Coast 2 Coast Walk. Some facts. 14 days 196 miles (a couple of diversions and one wrong turn!) 3 national parks longest day – 24 miles in 8hr 52 mins highest point – Kidsty Pike 780m total time walking – 88hrs total ascent – 26244 feet calories burnt – 14000 4 packs of Compeed Bottles of Merlot – 28 (between us) The most important point is that over £2,000 has been raised by each for each individual charity. Sam and Steve were joined in the walk at various sections of the walk by friends and family and they were very pleased that happened as it bolstered their dertermination to complete the walk.

The pictures show Sam and Steve at the start of the walk at St Bees and at the finish at Robin Hoods Bay, just it case you thought it was plain sailing and glourious weather throughout the walk then take a look at the next page.

Sam in the rain It is hard to believe that Tockwith Show was only held two months ago and we are now starting to make plans for next years Show. It will be a significant year in the history of the Show at it will mark the 70th Show. It has grown tremendously in the last 20 years and in 2004 it took the major decision to buy its own 24 acre show field. This has proved a fantastic assett.

As we make the plans for next year we would like to hear from anyone interested in joining the Committee, no are skills necessary all you need to have is a common interest in the development of Tockwith and District Show. We would particularly like someone interested in horses. Interested then contact the Chariman Lisa Chasney 01423 339957.

Cowthorpe Treasure Hunt On Sunday August 24th, twenty residents and friends, in six teams, competed for the Jimmy Reddall (1908-2002) Memorial Trophy in the 2014 Cowthorpe Treasure Hunt, set by last year‟s winners, Judith & Ralph Cornfield. Starting from the Market Place, teams strolled along an interesting route meandering through parts of , which many competitors had never visited, finishing at the railway station.

In addition to 35 clues requiring observation, imagination and ingenuity to solve, contestants had the additional task of spotting, in the correct order, a series of mostly yellow “Grand Départ” bicycles located along the route.

All team members, plus more than a dozen non-competing residents, met at Churchfield Cottage on Sunday evening to enjoy a garden party hosted by Judith & Ralph. The winners, by a clear margin of 5 points, was Team Geemars, pictured here holding the Jimmy Reddall trophy.

Jimmy Reddall Trophy winners: Roger Marsden Christine Gee Jacqui Marsden & Mick Gee

TOCKWITH & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY LTD Registered Charity 1105149 Wednesday 5th November

Come and enjoy our SIXTH ANNUAL BONFIRE AND FIREWORK DISPLAY to raise funds towards the staging of the 2015 Show. Held at the Show field CATTAL MOOR LANE


gate opens at 6pm, bonfire lit at 6.30pm, fireworks from 7pm. Refreshments available – local sausage and hot pork sandwiches, homemade soup and cakes, drinks etc. ADMISSION :-Adults £4.00

children under 12 FREE.


Please note NO personal fireworks or sparklers will be allowed on the show field For more information please contact Sally Anne 01423 359248. Everyone welcome.

Marston Moor Probus Club

At their meeting on 26th August 2014 Mr Gerald Mills welcomed back Mr Ken Humphries to give another talk, this time entitled, “The Music of Irving Berlin”. Irving was born in May 1888 in an Eastern part of the Russian Empire and the whole of his family were expelled in 1892 by the Tsar and they found their way to New York. His first successful composition was “Alexander‟s Rag Time Band” published in 1911 which was a worldwide success and made him $50000, a considerable sum for anyone let alone a poor immigrant.

In 1912 he married Dorothy Goetz who died later the same year of typhoid. He wrote for Broadway shows from 1914 and in 1919 he had his own publishing house which allowed him to control his copy write. He was married again in 1925 to Ellin Mackay with whom he had four children and they were together until she died in 1988. In the 1930‟s, with talking pictures, the focus moved from New York to California and the big musical pictures. He published in the region of 1500 songs many of which are very well known such as “Cheek to cheek”, “White Christmas”, “Always”, “Let‟s face the music and dance” and many more and his musicals include “Annie Get Your Gun” and “Call Me Madam” amongst others. Irving Berlin died in September 1989 at the age of 101. Ken played examples of Berlin‟s music to illustrate this enjoyable talk.

The Club meets on the morning of the last Tuesday of the month in Long Marston Village Hall which has a good car park. New members and guests are welcome, contact the Secretary Mr Bob Ellis on 01423 358 393.


A series of articles concerning some of the older properties in the village is going to start shortly. If you have any information about the history of a house where you live I would love to hear about. Any interesting facts about previous occupants, or any former uses of the building which you are happy to share would be very much appreciated. Please give me a call on 01423 358588 or email me [email protected]. Ed


Send your recipes to the editor or email him on [email protected]

Through the kitchen door

With the upcoming fund raiser at Wetherby Town Hall on Saturday 18th October you might like to get your baking hands into play by making some scones using a recipe provided by Angela Jenkins, she writes

Scones – as sold at church fairs and St Crux!!

Joan Jenkins (who passed away last year) had a secret ingredient

8oz/225g SR flour Pinch of salt 2oz/50g cheap butter 1oz/25g caster sugar 2oz/50g raisins/sultanas 1 egg beaten – add milk to make 150ml


Mix flour, salt and baking powder. Rub in butter Stir in fruit and sugar Add egg and milk – reserving some for brushing the tops Knead lightly on a floured surface and roll out. Do not roll too thin Cut out Place on either a greased tray or one lined with greaseproof paper. Brush tops with residual egg & milk Bake in hot oven – 220C/gas mark 7 – for approx. 10 minutes

Wheatland’s Community Woodland


SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER 2014 At the woodland 2PM


Mary Larner – expert Mid – Yorkshire Fungus Group will be our leader

 Wild Mushrooms – To take Home? To be wary off?

 A colourful time of the year – enjoy the last of the wildflowers, see autumn tints, local food, natures larder- berries, fruits and fungi.

 Enjoy an educational walk, use the Wildlife Discovery Trail, test Autumn children‟s I-Spy quiz, have fun, - see what you can find

 Have fun – bring you own fungi for identification

Meet friends and conservation groups – we can work together – open all year round and its free

Bring your mac and brolly if the weather is inclement

How to find us - Access is off A59 into Northfield Lane, Upper Poppleton behind Wyevale Garden Centre - SAT NAV ref YO26 6QF Contact 01904 705490.

The Craft Club – Tockwith Village Hall The craft club meets in the village hall every Monday afternoon during school term between 1pm and 3pm. We enjoy a wide range of crafting activites (while having a good natter) learning new skills the time in a friendly atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, and you don‟t need to be an experienced crafter to join. Come and have a go! Just £2 per week including tea/coffee and biscuits. Our programme of make-activities for the autumn term is:

29th September Doorstop 6th October Mug rugs 20th October Ornamental hedgehog 3rd November Fabric book covers 10th November Greetings cards 17th and 24th November Christmas goods 1st and 8th December Love heart wall decoration For more information telephone Fiona 01423 358808


Are you a not for profit organisation in the Tockwith Area ? Would you like a link to the brand new Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council website - contact the Parish Clerk Helen Algar. 01423 359737 or [email protected].

Bibles removed from Travelodge

The nationwide hotel chain Travelodge has removed Bibles from all of its rooms, in a move criticised by the Church of England. Bibles provided free by the Gideons have been taken away to avoid „discriminating‟ against any other religion, as Travelodge explains it. The removals reportedly took place after refurbishment work across the hotel chain, which replaced the drawers where Bibles were being kept.

In response, a spokesman for the Church of England said: “It seems both tragic and bizarre that hotels would remove the word of God for the sake of ergonomic design” or “economic incentive”.

Writing on the Telegraph website, commentator Tim Stanley described Travelodge‟s decision as “an act of cultural vandalism upon a tradition that goes back 126 years”. In an official statement Travelodge said: “Travelodge made the decision to move copies of the Bible from its hotel rooms and place them at reception for customers to borrow in 2007. “This decision was based on customer research and the fact that we live in a multicultural society. Therefore in order not to discriminate against any religion, customers who would like a Bible can pick a copy from any one of Travelodge‟s 500 hotel reception desks across the country, whilst staying at the hotel”.

Travelodge is the only hotel chain in the country to have removed the Bibles, despite having never received a complaint from a guest. Both Premier Inn and InterContinental Hotels, who own the Holiday Inn chain, say that Bibles are being retained in their hotels.

You Can! John Wesley said: Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.

SALOMĖ and WILDE SALOMĖ Stephen Brown prefers the documentary to the feature film

Beheadings, unfortunately, aren’t a thing of to assess what all the fuss is about. More the past. Timely, therefore, that Al Pacino’s importantly, though, the reduced movie Salomé (Cert.15) is on release. Oscar projection speed allows a straight-to - Wilde’s play, on which it’s based with a camera female gaze to supersede ours. little help from Isaiah, Joel, the Song of Jessica Chastain in the eponymous role Songs and Revelation, inverts the Gospel leaves no doubt whose will is going to narrative. Mathew 14.1-12 mentions an prevail. Well, we already know the story.... unnamed daughter, under mother’s or do we? Pacino links the narrative to the instructions, demanding John the Baptist’s lunar cycle. First, it is pale, reflecting the head. Wilde’s 1891 drama, drawing on cool force with which Salomé uses her post-biblical sources, names her Salomé, virginity as a weapon. It fails to annihilate stepdaughter of Herod Antipas, tetrarch of John’s equally powerful purity. When the Galilee and Perea. No pawn of her mother moon turns blood-red Herod, compromised Herodias in this scenario, Salomé uses by his oath, reluctantly sanctions a gory sexual attraction to meet the incarcerated execution. Finally, the dark side of the prophet. When he repels the princess she moon presages the tetrarch’s fear of John’s charms Herod into offering her anything prediction that an even mightier one is to she asks before, not after, dancing. And come. Wilde’s final twist is here as it is in Richard The film’s weakness, despite bravura Strauss’s opera and many other portrayals performances, lies in Salomé’s unexplained of Salomé. insistence on the Baptist’s fate. Nor does The film originated in a theatre production the wheedling, bribing, bellowing king ever with Pacino as Herod. Whilst minimalist ask why a beheading is her chosen reward sets reflect the stage version, costumes (if for dancing. Instead we have a film where not language) are decidedly modern. The desires are to be punished but little is told main change comes, however, in the as to why. Fortunately, also released unique look which cinema can convey. simultaneously, we have Wilde Salomé Laura Mulvey, an influential film theorist, (Cert.15), an intriguing documentary in famously claimed that Hollywood movies which the likes of Tom Stoppard, Gore Vidal overwhelmingly place audiences in the et al throw light on the subject. If pushed to position of masculine spectators who choose the feature film or the multi- control women by turning them into stranded documentary I’d go for the latter’s objects to be looked at. Pacino via his thoughtful rendition. Even so, of the many cinematographer Benoit Delhomme seeks Salomé films, none I’ve seen, including this to break with this. The male gaze of palace one, is as explosive as Carlos Saura’s 2002 guards and, supremely, Herod is seen flamenco ballet. More gets explained through Salomé’s eyes. Film’s unique through dance alone than in Pacino’s artistic tools assist the process. At her overwrought interpretation of Wilde’s much-heralded entrance slow motion words. footage does inevitably give audiences time


On Dying Well

Earlier this summer the House of Lords most – to live. “As the dreadful effects of debated a Bill which would allow a chemo took their toll and I became more terminally ill patient to ask for help to and more distressed at seeing her in such hasten their own death. This is a sensitive pain and discomfort, how tempting it subject about which there is profound would have been for me, if assisted dying disagreement but there is a task for us and had been legal, to have suggested that it for the whole church to continue to bring would be „for the best‟ for her to end it all into the foreground what society so often there and then. wants to dodge. As The Archbishop of York put it in the debate, “Human freedom is “Many argue that this would have been won only by becoming reconciled with the compassionate and caring thing to do.” need to die, and by affirming the human relations we have with other people. Shortly before she died, Denise herself Accepting the approach of death is not the wrote, “Contemplating mortality is not attitude of passivity that we may think it about being prepared to die, it is about to be. Dying well is the positive being prepared to live. And that is what I achievement of a task that belongs with am doing now, more freely and more fully our humanity. It is unlike all other tasks than I have since childhood. The cancer given to us in life, but it expresses the has not made life more precious – that value we set on life.” would make it seem like something fragile to lock away in the cupboard. No, it has And facing the reality of decay and death made it more delicious.” is a matter not just for the individual but for the community. We are in this But Denise’s words were very very together: those who suffer, and all those painfully wrought and the determination who they need to trust: carers, doctors, of both Denise and John Inge hard won. legislators, administrators of the law. The And the Christian community has a needs of the individual are set within this responsibility to do its own hard and wider web. determined theological and pastoral work in bringing hope to birth in the face of The Bishop of Worcester, John Inge, wrote ghastly decay and of death, which Saint recently about his wife Denise who died of Paul describes as the last enemy. a sarcoma on Easter Day. “How easy it would have been to succumb to despair The Very Revd Vivienne Faull, Dean when the diagnosis was given. It looked as of York though she had only days – or weeks at


Covering the villages of Askham Richard, Bilbrough, Long Marston, Rufforth and Tockwith.


The PARISH OFFICE is usually open on Tuesday from 12.15pm to 4.15pm and on Thursday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The telephone number is 01904 738262 (only during opening hours please) and the email is [email protected]

The United Parish services are every first Sunday and, when there is one, every fifth Sunday at 10.00am. These services are an ideal opportunity for the parishes to get to know one another and to worship together in a larger congregation.

I do enjoy a cuppa! Yes, he really does!

This is our opportunity to meet each other, and for me to hear about you and yours! I’d like to come and meet you, so why not invite me round for a cuppa? I’m setting aside Wednesdays from 4 till 5, and hope you’ll phone me and fix a date- 01423 359003

Roy (the vicar)

Tickets for York Minster The parish has an allocated number of free passes to York Minster for the use of parishioners. They may be borrowed for a day, and then returned to your local church. Details from the church secretary, or one of the churchwardens.


Fellowship meet on alternate weeks. We would love to have some new people joining us for informal bible study and prayer followed by a cup of tea.

The Fellowship group are meeting every fortnight during the winter months and would be pleased to see any new people who would like to come along.

We have Bible reading, prayers and tea and cakes.

For further details please contact Jenny Tham on 01423 358794

Kirk Hammerton Methodist Church Serving the villages from Great Ouseburn to Tockwith Minister Rev Gail Hunt - Tel 01423 863298 Worship every Sunday at 10am

Sunday 5th October - Mrs Sue Langley Sunday 12th October - Rev Michael Wearing Service to include Holy Communion. Sunday 1 19th October - Mr Matthew Lunn Sunday 26th October – “ Harvest” United service with St John‟s Rev Gail Hunt and Rev Paul Spurgeon

Tockwith Fellowship group - Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month in various homes Thursday 2nd October 2:30pm – Mr Les Hornby “A day at the Palace “

Please telephone Revd Gail Hunt - 01423 863298 for venue and further details of this group.

Tockwith AFC Fixtures

Does anyone from the club want to send any reports regarding any of the matches? Or any pictures then send them to the editor.

Date KO Opponents

27th Sept 14.30 1st Team v Dringhouses Away

14.30 2nd Team v Cliffe Res Home

4th Oct 14.30 1st Team v Total Sports United Away

14.30 2nd Team v Selby Olympia Res Home

11th Oct 14.30 1st Team v Cliffe Home

18th Oct 14.30 1st Team v Hamilton Panthers Away

14.30 2nd Team v F1 Racing Res Home

25th Oct 14.30 2nd Team v Bishop Wilton Res Home

The Village Diary Are you planning an event? Then why not use this page to give advance notice of it. All that is required is the name of the organisation, date and time and type of event and contact number for more information. Please forward your information to the editor by email [email protected], telephone 01423 358588 or write to him at Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens, Tockwith, York. Don’t forget you can also supply more details of your event nearer to the time. Location Contact SEPTEMBER 2014 Saturday 27th Comedy & Curry Night – Tockwith Angela 01423 358067 September 7.30pm Church – Tickets £12 with supper OCTOBER 2014 Friday 3rd 7.45pm Tockwith Village Hall Keith Pope 358603 Talk by the RSPB Saturday 18th Tockwith Church Fund Raiser Angela 01423 358067 8am – 1pm Wetherby Town hall Saturday 18th “Five Live” - a concert by 7.30pm The Yorkshire Brass Quintet – Angela 01423 358067 Tockwith Church – part of the Wetherby Festival – tickets £10 inc. Refreshments Tuesday 28th Oct to Tockwith Players Production of Sue Corbett Saturday 1st Jack and the Beanstalk 01423 359254 November NOVEMBER 2014 5th November Tockwith Show Annual Firework Display and Bonfire DECEMBER 2014 Sunday 7th 2-4pm Traditional Christmas Fair – Tockwith Stallholders telephone Village Hall 01423 359 378 To reserve a table (£10)

Sunday 7th 6.00pm Annual Village Carol Service Tockwith Church – All welcome Sunday 14th Cyclist’s Christmas Service Tockwith 12.45pm Church JANUARY 2015 Sunday 25th 7.30pm Interactive Quiz Telephone Fiona Tickets (including light super) £7 adult 01423 358 808 / child £3.50

FEBRUARY 2015 Saturday 14th Valentines Disco – Tockwith Village Details to be notified

Hall Friday 27th Tockwith Show Committee and Details to be notified Friends Annual Dinner MAY 2015 Monday 4th Provisional – Bank Holiday Food, Details to be confrimed Flower and Fun Day – Tockwith Showfield. Saturday 16th Provisional Date for Tockwith Festival Saturday 23rd to Three day Event in aid of The Stuart and Pam Coggrave Monday 25th Macmillan Nurses – Open Gardens, 01423 358351 Tea and Plant Stall. Church Farm Westfield Road Tockwith JUNE 2015 Sunday 14th Family Games and Barbeque Details to be notified Afternoon – Tockwith Village Hall JULY 2015 Friday 3rd July Sealed Knot Society – Family Event Details to be notified Tockwith Village Hall AUGUST 2015 Sunday 2nd Tockwith & District Show

A reminder if you are planning events to notify me as soon as possible so that it can be included in the Village Diary this will hopefully prevent duplication of events which benefits no-one……..Ed 

Jottings from the Methodist Manse …… From the Methodist Minister Gail Hunt

We have not long been back from our annual visit to our son and his family in America. We were a little later going this year arriving towards the end of August, rather than our usual time in May/ June. Chris and his family live in the “Blue ridge mountains of Virginia” – Yes I can hear you all singing! – and although it wasn‟t quite the season of “ The fall ” (Autumn ) a few of the trees were beginning to change. What surprised us however is the way this season is celebrated in its own right.

In the shops there were special “Fall” sections, selling tablecloths and runners decorated with golden leaves, serviettes with biblical verses on giving thanks for the harvest. There were also other decorations for the home made with vibrant autumn colours. Here in England our shops seem to go from summer to Christmas with only Churches celebrating “Harvest” and that will be on just one Sunday. The window of my study looks out over some very large horse chestnut trees, the colour of the leaves are changing quickly and the children after school can be seen busily looking for conkers that have fallen onto the ground. So having brought back some things from America David and I have decided to mark the turn of this time of year in a positive way, to celebrate autumn as a season to be enjoyed, because it‟s so easy to think negatively focusing only on the nights getting longer and the weather colder.

The Bible reminds us that “To everything there is a season,” and the natural rhythm of life I believe helps us see God in every moment. So as today turns to tomorrow, I encourage you not to look towards the next season too quickly, but to enjoy the one we are in now.

Every blessing Gail


Vicar Revd Roy Shaw 01423 359003 [email protected] Roy blogs at

http:/ As far as possible, Roy keeps Friday as his day off.

Church of the Epiphany, Tockwith Village Church Council Members (VCC)

Church Warden Angela Jenkins - 358067 Deryck Wilson - 358364 VCC Secretary Marion Hainsworth VCC Treasurer Peter Harris - 358416 VCC Members Don Hale / Rachel Kelly / Susan McKernan / Neil Stobert / Jenn Waller/ Major General Henry Woods / Imogen Woods /Joanna Worth

Tockwith Church Groups

Weddings and Baptisms Angela Jenkins / or 358067 Deryck Wilson 358364 Funerals Deryck Wilson 358364 Church Flowers Angela Gastrell 358256 Gift/Aid Donations Peter Harris 358416 Companions Drama Group Don Hale 358251 Breakfast Club for Children Karen Stobert 358979 Church Music Group Angela Jenkins 358067 Children and Youth Leader Karen Stobert 358979 Remembrance Book Angela Jenkins 358067

Parish and Village News

Magazine Editor: contact Norman Waller 358588 – [email protected] Parish News Advertising at very reasonable rates: contact Susan McKernan – 358831 or [email protected]

Distribution Lists All magazines are distributed by a team of eager volunteers, who are located around the parishes, appropriately.

Please find a list of current distributors to whom you may contact with regards your Subscription, but also to “drop off” your copy and advertisement requirements!

Tockwith Janet Marriner, 212 Prince Rupert Drive Audrey Gough, Bluecoats, Fleet Lane Angela Gastrell, Folly Cottage Westfield Lane Diane Wakelin, 50 Prince Rupert Drive Susan McKernan, 32 Kendal Gardens Chris Leggott 8 Farfax Crescent Jean Birchill 7 Fairfax Crescent John Wardle, School Bungalow, Southfield Lane Bev Greaves Fleet Lane Tockwith (delivers Kirk Lane) Sue Bird 36 Westfield Road

Bickerton & Bilton Julie Davies – 9 Westlands Bilton-in-Ainsty

This magazine is NOT just for Church News. We want to include information about events and

organisations within our community, so if you want any news put in next months Parish and Village News then

forward it to the editor Norman Waller Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens

Tockwith Tel 01423 358588 before 17th October or email [email protected].

Tockwith Church Notice Board

Comedy and Curry Night – Saturday 27th September 7.30pm

Wetherby Town Hall Fundraiser – Saturday 18th October 8am-1pm

The Yorkshire Brass Quintet – Saturday 18th October 7.30pm

Book swop – Books are available in the entrance to Church to swop or buy for 50p.

'Don't forget the Food Bank', FOOD BANK DONATIONS can also be left in the entrance of the Church Tockwith Church is open every Sunday between 12 Noon – 4pm

Yorkshire Brass Quintet