CHANGELINGS: HIGH SCHOOL PERFORMANCE EDITION Written by Reina Hardy 312-330-3031 For whatsoever from one place doth fall, Is with the tide unto another brought: For there is nothing lost, that may be found, if sought. -The Fairy Queen, Edmond Spenser Forget about the baby. -Labyrinth, David Bowie Note: This version of the script takes place in Austin, TX, but could be adapted to any city with at least one university. ii. Casting Information Humans, in order of appearance The Young Mother- female Luther Powers- male, early 20s. Has a habit of holding eye contact with others for entirely too long. Megan Powers- His sister. Female, early 20s. Knows she is pretty. Timothy Stamp- Her fiance. Male, early 20s. Magus Kemp- any gender, but male is preferred. A grandiose and talkative wizard. Angus Powers- male, 30s-40s. A less than ideal father from the Elizabethan era. Fairies, in order of appearance (note, with the exception of the Wicked Child and Pandora, the gender casting for fairies is quite flexible. Adjust pronouns as needed.) The Wicked Child/Elizabeth- female, appears around 13. A whimsical, dangerous fairy princess with a habit of stealing babies. The Whiteling- any gender, sort of a mother of pearl gargoyle thing. The Mysterious Figure/Pandora- female. An immensely powerful and scary fairy queen. The Luck Angel- any gender. A very kind and pretty fairy. Luwis- any gender. A fairy janitor. Grunts. Bantam Beth- a little girl who is also a fierce fighter. Bantam- the same person as Bantam Beth, but a large burly dude.
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