HD Power APMG Comments
Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, DC 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Digital Audio Broadcasting Systems ) MM Docket No. 99-325 and Their Impact on the Terrestrial Radio ) Broadcast Service ) To: The Commission COMMENTS OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC MEDIA GROUP including MINNESOTA PUBLIC RADIO AMERICAN PUBLIC MEDIA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC RADIO CLASSICAL SOUTH FLORIDA AMERICAN PUBLIC MEDIA GROUP Pursuant to Section 1.415 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.415, Minnesota Public Radio (“MPR”), American Public Media (“APM”), Southern California Public Radio (“SCPR”), Classical South Florida (“CSF”), and American Public Media Group (collectively, the “APM Group” ), all public broadcasters, jointly submit the following Comments in response to the Commission's Public Notice regarding a joint request for an FM digital power increase.1 1 Public Notice: Comment Sought on Joint Parties Request for FM Digital Power Increase and Associated Technical Studies, MM Docket 99-325, rel. May 22, 2009 [hereinafter "Public Notice"]. I. Introduction Minnesota Public Radio is one of the nation's premier public radio organizations. A member-supported nonprofit broadcaster with headquarters in downtown Saint Paul. MPR operates a regional network of 38 stations, covering Minnesota and parts of Wisconsin, the Dakotas, Michigan, Iowa and Idaho. MPR stations attract 850,000 listeners each week. For its national program production and distribution activities, MPR operates under the trade name American Public Media. APM is a premier producer and provider of public radio programming (including A Prairie Home Companion and Marketplace), which it distributes to hundreds of public radio stations nationally. It is the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
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