Future green space in Crofton Park - your views

Do you think the scout hut and surrounding woodland green space would be beneficial to the community?

Number of responses: 400

Yes 399 (99.75%)

No 0 (0%)

Maybe 2 (0.50%)

Not sure 0 (0%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Times Chosen Which of the following would you use the site for?

Number of responses: 400

Walking 313 (78.25%)

Relaxing 275 (68.75%)

Social interaction 284 (71%)

Exercise 262 (65.50%)

Hire of hall ie. scouts, play group, pensioners … 270 (67.50%)

Accessing family based 'green' activities 292 (73%)

Accessing children's activities 236 (59%)

Outdoor play 269 (67.25%)

School projects 200 (50%)

Community classes ie.yoga 249 (62.25%)

Community meetings 210 (52.50%)

Fetes 191 (47.75%)

Theraputic benefits of green space/trees 301 (75.25%)

Woodland education ie.walks, talks and cours… 295 (73.75%)

Volunteering 168 (42%)

Other 8 (2%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Times Chosen

"Other" text answers:

Story telling


Public access

Community hub for everyone

Community Facility

for propagqting woods-person skills such as hedge-laying, including leading public courses is such skills.

Stargazing, night wildlife

Participation in local events eg BrockleyMax arts, etc

Do you have any comments? Number of responses: 84

Text answers:

It is a shame to walk past this every day knowing it’s past and that the young people cannot enjoy it anymore. It is a shame that such a site can be wasted.

Keep the woodland as much as possible

Sounds wonderful - we need more green community spaces

This would be an excellent community space and much needed with very little woodland near by.

Importance of green space and conservation

I remember my sons used to go here for Beavers but then it was closed and we had to go elsewhere. I remember being told it was because the site was going to be developed. 20 yrs on and such a wasted space/opportunity.

This space has been wasted for the entire time we have lived in Park. Over 15 yesrs. Spaces like this with trees and woodland are too precious to waste. Let's turn it into something the local community can use.

This is a fantastic idea.

SE London is so built up we cannot afford to waste any space and the greener the better

This would be a great resource for local community

It’s an incredibly important space for the community

An excellent proposal for the "newnirmal" post pandemic

All of these things would be amazing. It's an eyesore currently and needs protecting and using by a community who cares and who wants to benefit from it. Green space in our urban city is vital. A chance to spot nature and give children the freedom to explore would be great.

Any loss or waste of community outdoor spaces is detrimental to whole community. Would be ideal for all age groups in myriad of ways.

This is a useful resource for the community and should not be turned into more buildings These are rare wild spaces of particular value and very special in the community and ought not to be developed or have heavy usage from people.

The wilder the space the better for the environment and biodiversity as well as the therapeutic effects

Such a shame such a lovely space has been left to rot

These spaces are vital for communities

Although my children are now adults, I have good memories of my son attending scouts at this venue

This us a great proposal for a site I pass on a daily basis. Ideal for kids as in a cul de sac. A nature reserve would also benefit locals living right around the site.

Seems like a perfect location for community facility with allotment gardens for schools & nursery & community. Hire out facility for community.

Would be wonderful to see this green space become a nature reserve.

It’s such a shame that this important green space has become a dumping ground for rubbish

Its an eye-sore at the moment. Its seems criminal for someone to leave it to ruin. To think what a wonderful addition and benefit this site could be to the community.

Great set of ideas.

This space has amazing potential - I would love to see it accessible.

I would love to see this site regenerated & used for the community. It is an eyesore currently. Using it for scouts or nature reserve would be a real asset as it’s on such a quiet corner of Courtrai Road. Preserving it is so important. Look at success of Buckthorne and Garthorne and Devonshire Rd reserves.

It shouldn't go to waste

I think since the council have shut down so many community centres this one should be kept especially since it is apart of a nature conservation. I am Chair of the Ewart Community hall and could help with bringing projects that would benefit and would bring in schools to do nature projects.

Scouting and local and affordable facilities for these activities is extremely important. If it’s lost it won’t come back again. Great idea!

I have walked by this many times and imagined all of its potential cultural and ecological possibilities! Please don’t turn it into flats. It would make an excellent eco hub for Borough of culture 2022.

Lack of fitness/exercise/gym facilities in the area

It would be really good to have another green space in crofton park for children to play with maybe a small playground (maybe made of wood so it's more fitting with the woodland). We currently have no playgrounds right by crofton park.

This would be a fantastic addition to the local community green spaces and convert the building back to their original use.

No flats please

Would love this to be used as a green space. Happy to be involved if needed

This is a community space. In an area with so few spaces for people to use - and especially spaces with outdoor areas attached to them - this is a vital amenity that must be preserved. As housing it offers a low grade option with limited ability to benefit the residents.

We have limited green space locally that is 'wooded'. We need these spaces in the community for many reasons - both for the benefit of people including education for children, health reasons and the environmental benefit of trees in counteracting and absorbing pollution.

Would be great to restore the hut to its former glory

This is a valuable green site in a densely populated area. It is vital that the trees and natural habitat are saved to be enjoyed by the local community. I would strongly oppose this site for housing.

My sons were members of the Cubs and so it troops which used this hut. The area is full of wild life including owls and there were bats. The ground was totally neglected by British Rail leaving the scout troops adults to maintain it.

This site is neglected, disgusting and frankly embarrassing to have in the neighbourhood. It’s full of dumped trash, foxes and is a wasted green space that with funding and planning could be a great addition to the community

It’s a great idea and I’d love to be involved This wood be an asset to the community and I believe people old and young would really benefit!

It would be a wonderful community hub and could interact with St Hildas due to its close proximity. A multi use building for local people of all ages plus gardens and a wild conservation area would be brilliant. Raising some funding to make it a green building too with water capture and solar would be a good idea.

We would greatly benefit from this green space if it is open for communal use.

Please protect our local green spaces. We need them!!!

Yes - Setting up a community space which utilizes the theme and benefits of the woodland area. there would a very good idea, and an enhancement, if the plan compliments the facilities at St Hilda's and adds a range of activities which cannot be supported there. Setting up a space with new facilities which would compete for the kinds of activities sponsored by St Hilda's especially as the income from these activities support the maintenance two of the three listed buildings of Crofton Park would seem to be detrimental to the current situation, and to for the long term wellbeing of community sector provision in Crofton park. It would demonstrate a lack of joined up thinking in the third sector in the area.

My kids’ grandad went to scouts there. It would be wonderful to see it back in use! There are so few big spaces for kids activities round here. I feel sad seeing them all squashed into small rooms trying to learn to dance/act or attend cubs.

Really need to retain and develop Cant remember who owns the land

Please manage this space effectively for wildlife and the community. My only concerns would be parking and noise, particularly if this became a venue to be hired out; both residents and wildlife would be negatively affected by both

I think the location would a great space for a more local forest school that all children of the community could access not just local school children or those who can pay. It would be lovely to have an outdoor, more wooded green space for children (preferably not dogs) to explore without a playground. The community garden in Crofton park is very well used so there is obviously a need for something safe and local for families used but it isn’t very big, isn’t a wooded area and sits between a training and road.

We need our green space more than ever!

Thanks for your hard work in making these disused buildings and inaccessible land useful, beautiful and accessible again.

This has just been a site for fly tipping for years, bringing this land under the stewardship of the local company in line with other developments in the area will only serve to enhance the local community. I didn’t take all those boxes for the sake of it I genuinely believe this green space could work for all of those things. Spaces like this are few and far between in the capital let’s make the most of it!

This is very near us so likely to us regularly for a variety of things

The woodland space should be a managed nature reserve; open to the public at pre-arranged times. It should not be a 'park' type area open at all times to anyone.

Would be great to make it facilities - food and drinks and toilets and make the wider space a community area with things for all ages

This area is badly in need of a community space. I under the hut is listed as an asset of community value but the current owner does not allow or encourage any engagement whatsoever. The British Legion used to serve the community but that has also been closed down.

This tiny remnant of ancient woodland was once part of The Great North Wood. There are Owls, hedgehogs, sloeworms and many other wildlife species that still live here. It would be a tragedy if this small, precious woodland was not protected, treasured and kept safe for the benefit of nature and the local community.

I used to go to Scouts there. It should remain a part of the community

It would be lovely for the building to be used as a scout hut again as the 3rd Crofton park scouts at st hildas have to use the church hall which is a nursery so they can’t have displays up etc

It would be fantastic to see this space back in use for the local community.

Spaces like this are always in demand for hire. Please bring it back into communal use and let us get the benefits of the hut and the amazing space around it.

Huge potential fir community space given the active community groups in the area.

It would be great if this space was returned to the community, so that we could all benefit from it. It’s in a dense and poor area of Lewisham where more green spaces to share would be beneficial to the mental physical and emotional health of the local folk.

Supporting children and young people with autism in the community. There a few groups for young people.

Green space and community space is vitally important for the well being of the community

This would be such a huge asset to the community, we haven't got lots of community spaces in this area, let alone ones surrounded by greenery, I'd love to be able to send my son to scouts but it's so over subscribed here, that would be amazing if they could give it back! And this is a climate emergency, we can't risk endangered species and destroy mature trees, things have moved on in the 20 years since that decision was made, let's over turn it.

We need more green space round here. The parks are amazing but the more the better. Another community space would widen options for everyone.

There is a strong community in the area who would be willing to use and maintain this site for community use (of potentially many forms)

This site has been an eyesore for years, with rubbish dumped regularly. The location is close to such a good number of residents, I’d be amazed if it wasn’t used constantly by the community- once renovated

This rare area of potentially open green space would be hugely beneficial to the local area. It contains mature woodland and a refuge for wildlife that needs protecting not building on - that would be the lazy option. To have this as a communal area would provide space for the local community to interact in peace away from cars.

I live almost opposite the site and would welcome it being used rather than the eyesore it has become. I love the trees and birdsong. My only concern would be any increase in traffic/parking at the dead end part of Courtrai rd

I have long failed to understand why the property is derelict. Delighted to see consultation on opening up use.

My son goes to Reed Robbins and uses this space weekly, when not in lockdown, he gets so much from being in a wild space weekly and really discovering and getting to know it, by choosing a tree, using tools, building dens, finding out about nature etc. It is his favourite thing to do, every week.

I think the Old Scout Hut site could be a wonderful resource for local residents. There is not much open green space in Crofton Park or many community buildings and this would be a valuable addition for the local community. There are many children in the area who could benefit from the use of this facility and green space. The pandemic has also shown how much we need this kind of space in our community.

This space has long been an area we felt sad was neglected and felt it a shame we couldn't access. Living nearby we heard wildlife like woodpeckers from afar, but it could be so much better if managed for nature (a resource we all lack and need in London).

- lots of potential to use the green space for something good, even just a field would be better than it is now - many children live close by so it would get use

I love all these ideas. Currently they are all unavailable or of limited availability and I believe the community would be very receptive to more green space and a variety of ways to access it. I suggest also outdoor pop up eating and drinking to allow beleaguered local hospitality business to recover from covid setbacks. Important that elderly people have accessible green spaces with seating - we can’t travel far on foot and don’t want to depend on others to drive us - our independence is important.

If you care for children under 16 years, which age groups do you care for?

Number of responses: 262

0-3 years 83 (31.68%)

4-11 years 197 (75.19%)

12-16 years 75 (28.63%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Times Chosen If you care for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Which ages do you care for?

Number of responses: 31

0-3 years 0 (0%)

4-11 years 20 (64.52%)

12-16 years 11 (35.48%)

16-25 years 6 (19.35%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Times Chosen

Do you care for any adults ie. elder, people with learning disabilities or mental health support needs?

Number of responses: 269

Yes 22 (8.18%)

No 211 (78.44%)

Non-applicable 36 (13.38%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Times Chosen

Please add comments Number of responses: 8

Text answers:

I am 75 years old.

THe foregoing questions are not applicable to me

Aside from an understandable owner wanting a return on their investment, I can see no other reason to leave this site the way it has been left. In its present state is signals to the neglect in our institutions and the waste of a fantastic potential resource we so badly need.


I do not care for anyone, but I do have umpteen grandchildren.

I work in a Lewisham special school and these kinds of spaces would be great for safe forest school type activities with our children. Also my children are adopted and this space wld be great for adoptive families to meet and play

I am a pensioner but still look after my daughter who has learning disabilities.

My elderly mum can't walk to the local green spaces as she is 90 and too far. This would be perfect. If you already use a community space do you think it has adequate outdoor green space?

Number of responses: 376

Yes 30 (7.98%)

No 157 (41.76%)

Not sure 37 (9.84%)

I don't use a community space but would like 156 (41.49%) to

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Times Chosen


Number of responses: 23

Text answers:

The parks are too far for me to walk too. This site is a short walk for me

More open spaces are needed to allow people to feel like they can breathe and not feel confined

Not many (any I can think of) have access to a green space as well as good indoor facilities

I use local parks and they have lots of space, though not for all the activities listed above

Eagerly await progress

There's always a benefit in increasing green space

I use a hilly Fields all the time but the recent decision to mow the fields on the side that used to be left wild is devastating. It’s all mown grass which is so soggy it’s unusable in winter. The environment and the condition of th ground would be vastly improved by turning sections of the grass spaces into meadows with patches of bushes/trees. I think it would increase usage of areas which are otherwise left unused because the activity is focused on the playground and the hill facing the playing fields. Children love climbing trees and playing in bushes and it’s so much better for them than the playground.

It would be good to have a space more locally to home. With the state the environment is in we should be maximising any potential green spaces.

St Hilda’s. Limited outdoor space.

Not enough ‘wild’ green space that is readily available.

There are not enough green spaces in London so do think that any green space available should be conserved.

We need more green spaces and to preserve those we can.

Sydenham Garden is fantastic. Another space like that would be wonderful.

As mentioned above, while we have parks there are minimal with public access that could be considered wooded. It would be wonderful to have this sort of green space within walking distance.

The pandemic has highlighted how vital green spaces are for people. So many people in this area have no access to gardens so additional areas would assist in the general well-being of children and adults.

I pass by all the time and wondered what the story was...

I have used the Crofton Park library in the past but it has been closed for quite some time now and has no green space.

The beavers/ scouts/ Cubs at st hildas don’t have adequate outdoor space for activities

I would need access to a quiet space as my child cannot manage busy noisy spaces.

I use Crofton park library but it has no outdoor space

All green space that isn’t a graveyard is at least 15 minutes walking distance.

Gardening and community gardening is very popular I think

None close to home During the pandemic do you feel there was adequate green space for your interests?

Number of responses: 395

Yes 92 (23.29%)

No 245 (62.03%)

Not sure 60 (15.19%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Times Chosen


Number of responses: 70

Text answers:

I have been unable to access any green space all year.

Honor oak Park entrance gates closed.

we need more for sure - as so many people all wanting to be outside

Green spaces, understandably, got a lot more crowded so it was harder to be peaceful in nature in London

More would be bette

As social distance should be maintained, the green spaces we are fortunate enough to have nearby frequently become overcrowded, particularly when the weather is mild or at weekends

We have lots of lovely green spaces but twice as many people now using them more often. All green spaces should be open and accessible to meet this increased demand. They are essential in maintaining ones mental health. More free space needed for all to access.

There is limited green space which also has indoor space.

But the space is now quite over run and many do not care about abusing it by leaving litter and using it as a toilet

Yes, we are lucky with the parks in SE4/SE23, but they get incredibly busy and another option than playgrounds would be great.

We could do with more variety

Even though I have access to hilly fields and fields they were crammed with people which was tricky but also points to how desperately people need it and how much we all could benefit from more outdoor space.

We are fortunate to live within easy reach of parks and woodland, but any further choice would be welcome

I would love more green spaces to take the children to

This is surrounded by many homes. People such as my elderly parents who cannot walk far to access some of our green spaces would benefit.

But there can always be more!

But it gets quite boring going to the same places every day

More access to nature & birdsong without dogs & runners (even tho I run too, having spaces without constant “action” are important). Spaces for reflection & calm. Greenery & trees.

A place to sit and chat while socially distanced would be nice.

A lot of the parks have been extremely busy, and the cemeteries closed at various times

Lots of parks which is great but I would of liked to visit somewhere like a nature reserve

All local green spaces were very full

There are never enough The outside green spaces have become very crowded.

often we'd make a short drive to access larger green spaces (i.e. oxleas woods)

It takes me 20 minutes to walk to my nearest green space. They were very busy-we need more not less space.

Too crowded to access with a small child

Limited access for places to walk - parks are not suitable in the same way.

As above

With everyone taking advantage of parks and green spaces being the only available public leisure facility, there is clearly not enough space for everyone in London

There are lots of green spaces around here, but also a lot of people.

More wild green space would be beneficial

The forest school has been a huge loss during lock down. When seeing playgrounds full of children mixing it seems shameful a small group of children have not been able to enjoy outdoor activities. My daughter absolutely loves her time outdoors and not attending has had an impact on her mental health.

But more green space is always welcome!

We have a lot of parks but we need even more as children / adults needs variety!!!

That Southwark closed the crematorium to the public was a really dreadful low point in the pandemic.

I cycle which enables me to reach green space without my bike I would feel restricted in this very urban area.

The parks are so popular for walking - and people stick to the paths - that there actually isn't enough green space for us all to use. We need to use any un-used or sidelined space for the purpose of community. Green space is vital for our health and that of the environment.

An area without a playground but with more trees would be brilliant

During the first lockdown there seemed to be plenty of space, but now all the local spaces are so busy, especially as the days are so short. No as we are so many of us needing to go out, they become overused, with too many people. We need many more!

Need closer to home

There are lots but no reason why more are not needed / that unused sites are left as such

In order to avoid crowds, i’ve been taking exercise in the cemetery!

The green spaces we have are super busy; a huge uptake of people accessing nature and space for health, play, exercise and work ie walking/phone meetings.

Always welcome other new options

The parks nearby were so crowded I did not feel safe. Somewhere quiet where you can process what is happening at the moment would be welcome.

Most of the available green spaces nearby were often very busy and difficult to socially distance in.

Lots of recreational space (parks etc). But not with educational value/activities. The community garden at frendsbury gardens is a great example

All green space has been oversubscribed, we can’t have enough!

As the park is so busy we can only access walking in the street.

Everywhere is busier an extra pocket of green for community use would be vital

The parks are full so we need

Good parks but not community interaction space (covid rules permitting)

Parks were very busy so although local area has some green space more always needed in city due to population density and lack of personal green space

I have found that all green space locally has been used to the point of being too crowded recently, to have additional space is very necessary.

There is green space but post pandemic green space with use of a building will be an asset to the community It has emphasised the huge need for local green spaces. I tried to go every day and went to Hilly Fields and Blythe Hill and Peckham Rye and although they were a life-line they were often too busy and I often didn't have time to walk there

While we are well served where I live with green spaces, most is parks rather than wild - as we don't have a car, more local wild green space, so beneficial for children's play, would be a real bonus.

This area would benefit from more outdoor community space

During the first lockdown, the closest place to go with my two young children was the playing fields at the back of Honor Oak Park. It would have been great to have the option of a wooded area too, since there is more to interest young children in a wood than in an open field.

Yes, outside of Crofton Park, but I would certainly have welcomed smaller break-away green spaces such as the Crofton Park Railway Garden.

We have a garden so have been lucky to use that in addition to parks etc.

All green space that isn’t a graveyard is at least 15 minutes walking distance.

They were mostly very crowded

Park is very full and my son who is 19 found this annoying

Too far

I'm particularly disappointed by Lewisham's closure of cemeteries

There is a lot of green space around, but more would be great and repurposing this site to be of use to the community rather than an eyesore would be fantastic During the pandemic do you feel there was adequate green space to meet the needs of those you care for?

Number of responses: 384

Yes 67 (17.45%)

No 203 (52.86%)

Not sure 47 (12.24%)

Non-applicable 68 (17.71%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Times Chosen


Number of responses: 31

Text answers:

It is hard to keep space and distance - we need more spaces

Parks are too crowded.

We have a lot of parks but can always do with play space near where we live since kids can’t play outside on the roads.

We need more of them

Sites were very busy, as above.

We got very bored of going to the same places every dau

Again never enough It took me 40 minutes to travel to my nearest green space race day which is a large chunk out of home schooling time

The parks are packed with people making it feel unsafe.Cemetries were closed for public use meaning that more people used the parks.

Children need space to run around, explore. There are not many green spaces that allow ‘natural play’, where they can let their imagination run, create huts from bits of wood as I used to... children need to have wild spaces. And so do we!

See previous comment

As parks have become busier, been trying to access different green spaces. Woods are too muddy in winter. A new space would be appreciated.

Often very busy in local parks

I could not take my children to the local play park as it was extremely crowded. Ironically all the large nature reserves were closed in compliance with guidelines but tiny playgrounds with lots of shared surfaces were allowed to remain open. It mades no sense at all.

Green and natural spaces are essential for good mental health.

Just about, but see comment about being busy.

Parks are too busy.

We need more safe space for children to play

Difficult for kids in the winter

As above. There have been many times where we have had to walk in the streets because parks have been too busy.

Blyth Hill. Peckham Park, hilly fields and ladywell fields. All got busy (as you'd expect)

The park behind our house has been inundated and during the first lockdown the decision to close the playgrounds was very difficult for our (then) 3 year old

The more variety the better See above = more wild and local green space please!

We would have liked to have more green space nearby.

All green space that isn’t a graveyard is at least 15 minutes walking distance.

I would have liked more local 'wild' green space for my young daughter, shared with fewer people as they crowding poses an infection risk.

As before. My older 19 year old son found crowding in parks annoying

Too far for us to get too

Parks are very crowded since stay at open order. They seem to be the busiest they've ever been and social distancing is difficult at times is difficult.

Play park was rammed with kids while this space sat empty

Do you feel there are enough opportunities locally for children to access woodland and wildlife activities?

Number of responses: 398

Yes 14 (3.52%)

No 340 (85.43%)

Not sure 34 (8.54%)

Non-applicable 11 (2.76%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Times Chosen

Comment Number of responses: 42

Text answers:

Children need to be out in real natural spaces not playing fields and parks.

We definitely need more - its so wonderful for children

There is far too much dreary, amenity grass which is useless for wildlife and for the sort of play that encourages children to engage with nature.. wild areas are often unmanaged and full of bramble. I spend a lot of time at hilly fields but there is no community building to run nature activities in

Yes but could always do with more!

It’s difficult for city children to have the green space and freedom of rural childhoods; green access is beneficial to mental

Access to woodland is too limited and often related to cemeteries.

There are lovely spaces around the area but the more, the merrier, especially if they were to feature some sort of toilet facilities/ nappy change

As mentioned previously children should be taught to value nature and our parks. We as adults are responsible for their education and should take it very seriously - schools should get much more involved too

Not in the sense of access to wooded areas.

The reserve that I know best, Garthorne Road, has several schools that access it, but there is more demand than is good for the reserve. We need more spaces!

The nature reserves are great but they’re never - or rarely - open which I don’t get.

Many of them have limited opening hours

There are some but more and greater variety would be much better

The nature’s reserves are only open at weekends (not at all during the pandemic). I have to get in a car to get to woodland.

Lots of places but more children than outdoors opportunities There are parks in the area, but not much local woodland unless we drive somewhere like Sydenham woods etc

There are quite a lot but not enough

As above

Until every child has the option to access this for no cost there is not enough access

There should be as many open spaces for kids to explore, escape and use there imagination as possible.

I don’t have kids but again more dedicated space for children to learn about nature would be really beneficial

I think children need as much nature as we can possibly find them.

Devonshire road nature reserve is so rarely accessible to kids (unless you are part of the “in gang”)

Would be great to have this locally

Forest schools are active (eg Hillyfields), but having closer additional access - if genuinely minimising impact on wildlife- would be great

Definitely not!

There are some and we take full advantage of them but there could be more

Local spaces run by volunteers who don’t have enough resource to maintain spaces. Some areas are used by alcohol and substance users which make it tricky.

We have used the woodland school at Devonshire nature reserve and would love another option

There are nature reserves and forest clubs but the reserves only open once a month. The forest clubs all have long waiting lists, which clearly demonstrates a great demand for environments where children can connect with nature.

I feel it is really important for children to play in woodland spaces, interacting and learning about nature. To protect the environment as adults we have to grow up with a strong connection with nature as children.

Not in an organised way. Would love there to be more wildlife activities that we could take part in. Frendsbury gardens is great for 'garden' style activities but more woodland style would be fantastic

My kids love to be in nature but cannot access public transport so local provision is very important to us.

I grew up in the countryside so I believe that loads more green space should be available to kids of all ages!

Aside from the Buckthorne Nature Reserve (which is private) we have to travel to Beckenham to access woodland

The only woodland that I can reach without a car easily is one tree hill. Other wild spaces are either not publicly accessible or are too far away, and at the moment we are not using public transport.

Reed Robins provides after-school woodland activities in the Buckthorne Cutting Nature Reserve but I believe there is a waiting list to join.

But more would be lovely and valued.

There is some but needs to be more.

Not with the closure of green spaces like cemeteries

There is a forest club however have been on waiting list for a year Do you feel there are enough opportunities for children and adults with additional needs to access woodland activities?

Number of responses: 391

Yes 6 (1.53%)

No 272 (69.57%)

Not sure 72 (18.41%)

Non-applicable 44 (11.25%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Times Chosen


Number of responses: 19

Text answers:

Local autism group need venue to meet for various age groups, volunteering opportunities for the teens

My children are still too young to walk to Sydenham woods and back and One Tree Hill gets v busy and can be a bit inaccessible.

As above.

I was listening to radio programme/podcast on Sounds app about lonely older people connecting with nature in woodland doing activities together. They all benefited. It was so powerful! Imagine being able to do that here. So many older folk around.

Access routes are inadequate for those less able.

Accessibility would be an issue for people with mobility needs at the old scout hut, without extensive adaptations to the existing steps. That in itself would disturb both residents and wildlife. Needs careful thought and planning Sydenham woods are overcrowded... and ... one tree hill as well. And damaged bectof over crowding. We need many more!

I think many lack accessibility (One Tree Hill)

See previous comment

If you can travel yea but not locally and not enough things to unite community, when u did a market on the bridge it was great

Nature reserves are not ideal for wheelchair users. There are no community buildings set within woodland anywhere near here. The suggestion to give this area back to the community is fantastic, why haven’t the council considered this before?

Probably not.

I have a child with additional needs and there are no resources to access woodland areas and have supported activities sagely locally.

The forest school is really oversubscribed we're on a waiting list but can't get in.

Through speaking to friends with children with additional needs, there is a need for an enclosed space, allowing safe exploration

See above

Research has proved how beneficial these are to health - more than being in a playground, for example, and also lead to non-directed creative, imaginative play.

Always space for more I think

Playgrounds can exclude children with needs - too busy, noisy. A woodland, quiet place is better. During the pandemic has your need to access outdoor green space increased?

Number of responses: 399

Yes, a lot 314 (78.70%)

Yes, a little 71 (17.79%)

No, not at all 16 (4.01%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Times Chosen


Number of responses: 19

Text answers:

I feel a bigger need for outdoor peaceful places since the virus.

Yes, because we’re all trapped in our local area

As wider trips are not permitted local greenspaces have gained importance.

Too few spaces too many people!

Green spaces are important for my mental health

I live in a flat and do not have a garden.

I have to go out every day now or I go mad cooped up!

With toilets closed in earlier lockdowns, my green spaces visits was limited as I travel everywhere on foot or by public transport. With avoiding transport I was very limited on where I could walk to. We have always used them, but clearly we really need them at the moment.

Now that no one is travelling further afield we are all trying to share the same parks etc all the time

We have always been weekend walkers but we have noticed a lot of people whose shiny white shoes suggest they are new to walking and I presume any of them will continue it after the pandemic.

Getting out more in green space and seeing this with my clients too, who feel the need to get out of their home, work and work from home space.

Outdoor green space is essential for everyones mental health.

Not being able to travel further afield and having children out of nursery/school has means greatly increased need

Parks too busy we do not drive

With no other activities open during Covid outdoor space has been critical particularly for those with kids

It's our only leisure activity outside home

We’ve been isolating and our need to be outdoors hasn’t been considered at all.

It has become vital especially with the ruling about the girl dying from high pollution levels in What benefits would the return of the Scout Hut and green space at Courtrai Road bring to you?

Number of responses: 398

Improved mental health and well being 294 (73.87%)

Easier access to green space 297 (74.62%)

Social interaction 233 (58.54%)

More opportunities for children to experience… 324 (81.41%)

More opportunities to be involved in nature … 319 (80.15%)

Space availability for community events 269 (67.59%)

More opportunities for you to access nature b… 249 (62.56%)

A green space nearer home 267 (67.09%)

Protection for wildlife 312 (78.39%)

Access educational opportunities 182 (45.73%)

Other 5 (1.26%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Times Chosen

"Other" text answers:

Improved sense of community

Renovating the scout hall will remove the unsightly stain on our local area. It's current derelict state is an eyesore, covered in fly-tipped rubbish, and is frankly dangerous to the community.

better and more space for scouts / cubs

Community projects, a new space for coaching clients



Number of responses: 6

Text answers:

We need this facility - don’t waste an opportunity

I think it could be a real asset to the community. Too many groups might actually endanger wildlife. It should only be opened at specific times of year as otherwise the environment might be disturbed.

All of the above suggestions are so vital to this community. The land is not being used, the community is not being served.

My children would love it

Think you have pretty much covered it!

What is your age?

Number of responses: 399

Under 13 1 (0.25%)

13-17 years 2 (0.50%)

18-24 years 5 (1.25%)

25-44 years 203 (50.88%)

45-64 years 161 (40.35%)

65+ 27 (6.77%)

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 Times Chosen

What is your postcode?

Number of responses: 388

Text answers:

Se26 4ab

SE23 1PJ

Se4 1rh Do you have your own garden?

Number of responses: 396


357 (90.15%)

300 n e s o h C

200 s e m i T


39 (9.85%)

0 Yes No

Are you a parent/carer?

Number of responses: 396


307 (77.53%) 300

250 n e

s 200 o h C

s e

m 150 i T

100 89 (22.47%)


0 Yes No Which of the following apply?

Number of responses: 399

I live in Lewisham 382 (95.74%)

I work in Lewisham 98 (24.56%)

I visit Lewisham 35 (8.77%)

I volunteer in Lewisham 56 (14.04%)

I go to college in Lewisham 1 (0.25%)

I go to school in Lewisham 7 (1.75%)

Other 11 (2.76%)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Times Chosen

"Other" text answers:

Attend local Adult Learning Centre

Involved in nature reserves

I grew up in Lewisham

Children go to school in Honor Oak. We used to live around the corner from the scout hut.

I did live in Lewisham and plan to return to the property I own there.


Petts Wood

We live in Southwark, but close to the border with Lewisham.

I live on the border. My children's nursery is in lewisham

Just over the border in Southwark! My children go to school in Lewisham

Do you have any further comments?

Number of responses: 38

Text answers:

Don’t destroy beautiful spaces like this when there is no need.


Scout hut is an eyesore and action should be taken to restore it to the community

Something should really happen with this site. It has such great potential for the local community.

Please do it! Happy to help where i can and know lots of other people that feel the same. It’s such a wasted space there.

Let’s get Lewisham sorted - it has so many spaces that could be used - let’s get communities involved in clearing up the place and get rid of all the litter

Await progress with interest.

Allowing these green spaces to continue is essential to meet our carbon neutral targets.

This is very important work. Please support it.

I would love to have access to the woods around the old scout hut. It is the nearest green space to our house and an important part of the green corridor along the railway. It should be protected for nature, not built on. I have lots of experience of woodland conservation and would love to be able to put it to good use so close to home.

This could be amazing resource if it’s open a lot, like a park, like One Tree Hill And not a “closed off” nature reserve. Make it for the community. But limit dogs/runners. A calm space!

Keep the space I can help Dominique 07824318440 No

It would be great to have a playgroup locally such as the one in telegraph hill in the park. As well as a small playground as mentioned and more green space in general

A safe space for SEN children to access with nature and outside facilities is priceless

This space should be maintained for community use

This would be a great benefit to the community. Thank you

Excited to see the plans for this new venture! And hopefully get involved in someway :)


This is Fr Bates. I would have appreciated you coming to discuss this with me in advance.

I am retired

Please ensure wildlife is protected in this area as any plans move forward. There is a tension between increasing access to green spaces for human welfare and well-being and its immediate impact on existing wildlife and ecosystems, which, at this proposed site, have been up disturbed for many years.

We need that space to come back to the community. Animals and humans need it. I have lived here 15 years and for 15 years I have been wondering what we could do with this space. I belong to the BXAG and have worked on the common for 10 years now and I have seen how much this green space has improved the local area. So that one will do even more for children, animals and adults. Thank you

Too much green land is being used for new homes. We need more green space that gives us opportunity to live learn and relax.

Rather than a need I think the point is why is the space going unused. If others can make use and it is an improvement on what is currently there then it should be cultivated.

Thanks for doing this

Councillors, please support this campaign and give something vital and valuable back to this community.

I used to live on Courtrai Road and hated that space was going to waste. It’s really important for everyone that we all have access to more green spaces otherwise we all go a bit doo- lally. I think that’s been scientifically proven, though not necessarily in that precise language. The use of the space will evolve over time, to meet the local community needs, but if it isn’t there, needs just don’t get met. In this locality not everyone (ie hardly anyone) has access to a car or access to time and transport to go to park or , so local green spaces are essential.

I pass this space regularly on runs and always think it’s a wasted opportunity. It’s been a joy to see initiatives such as a Buckthorne nature reserve and I hope something similar might be possible here.

I just want to say this is a golden opportunity to change a terrible decision and give this vital space back to the community, what an opportunity for Lewisham council to show that they are taking action.

There are nature reserves along the railway and it forms an important corridor that should remain continuous. This venue is in easy reach for flat-dwellers in Turnham Rd It could be an important outdoor resource and the building should give full disabled access The experience of the Wild Cat Wilderness in Catford and Sydenham Garden (wellbeing centre) are useful models

Have forwarded this survey to my sister who lives on courtrai v near the site.

Good luck with the

The pandemic has shown us how vital our green spaces are. Mental wellbeing, kids ability to enjoy running around and people social interactions

This is an exciting proposal. Any opportunity to increase green space and foster a greater respect and love for nature and the outdoors, for improved mental well-being and social interaction, a greater sense of community and neighbourliness, is a fantastic thing!

Please make use of the local space to match the needs of the new normal, which includes green spaces and opportunities to meet local people.

This green site would be fantastic to have back in the community-will support any efforts to get it back!

It is imperative that Lewisham's remaining green space be preserved as much as possible to allow for the capture and sequestration of CO2 and the mitigation of extreme weather and air pollution. These are all problems that will worsen in future to which nature-based solutions are the most effective..