CALENDAR LISTINGGUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,send an email or press release to pasa@sfnewmexican .com or
[email protected]. •Send materialnolater than twoweeks prior to thedesired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as space allows.Thereisnocharge forlistings. •Return of photos and other materials cannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reservesthe righttopublish received information and photographs on TheNew Mexican's website. •Toadd your eventtoTheNew Mexican online calendar,visit ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR andclick on the Calendar tab. •For further information contactPamelaBeach:
[email protected], November 2-8, 2018 202 E. MarcySt.,Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH &PATRICIA LENIHAN FRIDAY 11/2 Galleryand Museum Openings Andrea Fisher Fine Pottery 100 W. SanFranciscoSt.,505-986-1234 Dayofthe Dead,sgraffito potterybyHector Javier Martinez; reception and demonstrations 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Back PewGallery First Presbyterian Church of SantaFe, 108 GrantAve., 505-982-8544 Wings,group show of mixed-media works; reception 6:30-7:30 p.m.; through November. Eye on the Mountain ArtGallery 614 Agua Fría St., 928-308-0319 Dayofthe Dead group showand community pot-luck meal; 5-9 p.m.; through November. Georgia O'KeeffeMuseum 217 Johnson St., 505-946-1000 Echoes,photographic installation by Jo Whaley; throughFeb.24, 2019 (see story, Page 28); TheCandidCamera,photographsfromthe museum's collection; throughApril 22,2019; reception 5-7 p.m. Manitou Galleries 123 W.