4. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The Brown Act restricts the ARC from taking formal action on matters not scheduled on the agenda.


5.a. Approval Of Minutes Minutes of the October 19, 2015 meeting. Documents: Draft Minutes 10.19.15.pdf

6. PROJECTS: Members of the public may speak on any of the following items when recognized by the Chair.

6.a. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013; DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR 22 NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES IN TRACT 3048 (HEIGHTS AT VISTA DEL MAR); LOCATION – TURMINUS OF CASTILLO DEL MAR; APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE– JASON BLANKENSHIP Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) consider the proposed Design Guidelines for the Heights at Vista Del Mar (HVDM) and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. Documents: 6.a. Architectural Review 15-013 Tract 3048.pdf

6.b. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PANEL Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee appoint one Committee member and one alternate to serve as a representative on the Community Service Grant panel. Documents: 6.b. ARC Appointment to the Community Service Grant Panel.pdf


8. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the Architectural Review Committee.

9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence/Comments as presented by staff. Introduction of City Manager Dianne Thompson


All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the Architectural Review Committee within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Community Development Department, 300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability- related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. The Agenda can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website at If you would like to subscribe to receive email or text message notifications when agendas are posted, you can sign up online through our Notify Me feature. AGENDA SUMMARY ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2015 2:30 P.M. CITY HALL 2ND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 300 E. BRANCH STREET, ARROYO GRANDE




4. COMMUNITY COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: This public comment period is an invitation to members of the community to present issues, thoughts, or suggestions. Comments should be limited to those matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). The Brown Act restricts the ARC from taking formal action on matters not scheduled on the agenda.


5.a. Approval Of Minutes Minutes of the October 19, 2015 meeting. Documents: Draft Minutes 10.19.15.pdf

6. PROJECTS: Members of the public may speak on any of the following items when recognized by the Chair.

6.a. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013; DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR 22 NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES IN TRACT 3048 (HEIGHTS AT VISTA DEL MAR); LOCATION – TURMINUS OF CASTILLO DEL MAR; APPLICANT/REPRESENTATIVE– JASON BLANKENSHIP Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) consider the proposed Design Guidelines for the Heights at Vista Del Mar (HVDM) and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director. Documents: 6.a. Architectural Review 15-013 Tract 3048.pdf

6.b. CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PANEL Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee appoint one Committee member and one alternate to serve as a representative on the Community Service Grant panel. Documents: 6.b. ARC Appointment to the Community Service Grant Panel.pdf


8. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS: Correspondence/Comments as presented by the Architectural Review Committee.

9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence/Comments as presented by staff. Introduction of City Manager Dianne Thompson


All staff reports or other written documentation, including any supplemental material distributed to a majority of the Architectural Review Committee within 72 hours of a regular meeting, relating to each item of business on the agenda are available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Community Development Department, 300 East Branch Street, Arroyo Grande. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. To make a request for disability- related modification or accommodation, contact the Legislative and Information Services Department at 805-473-5414 as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the meeting date. ************************* This agenda was prepared and posted pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2. The Agenda can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website at If you would like to subscribe to receive email or text message notifications when agendas are posted, you can sign up online through our Notify Me feature. DRAFT



1. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair Peachey called the Regular Architectural Review Committee meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.

2. ROLL CALL ARC Members: Committee Members Bruce Berlin, Michael Peachey, Mary Hertel, and John Rubatzky were present. Chair Warren Hoag was absent.

City Staff Present: Associate Planner Matthew Downing and Planning Secretary Debbie Weichinger were present.

3. FLAG SALUTE John Rubatzky led the Flag Salute.


5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mary Hertel made a motion, seconded by Bruce Berlin, to approve the minutes of October 5, 2015 as modified: PAGE 3, first sentence should read … “rebuilt with new curb and fencing,”... The motion passed on a 4-0-1 voice vote.



Associate Planner Downing presented the staff report and responded to questions from the Committee.

Bill Hunter, sign contractor, presented his project and responded to questions from the Committee.

The Committee spoke in support for the project.

John Rubatzky made a motion, seconded by Bruce Berlin, to recommend approval of the project to the Community Development Director as submitted. The motion carried on a 4-0-1 voice vote.

Minutes: ARC PAGE 2 Monday, October 19, 2015


8. COMMITTEE COMMUNICATIONS Mike Peachey said he is having trouble with people finding his business at 330 South Halcyon Road, due to the road speed and building location. Associate Planner Downing said that staff will be reviewing the sign ordinance at a future date.

9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS In response to Associate Planner Downing’s question, the Committee stated they all plan on attending the November 2, 2015 Committee meeting.

10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm to a meeting on November 2, 2015 at 2:30 pm.


(Approved at ARC Mtg ______) MEMORANDUM




RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) consider the proposed Design Guidelines for the Heights at Vista Del Mar (HVDM) and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director.


The project site is located just south of the Vista Del Mar residential development and is 48.74 acres in size. The County of San Luis Obispo considered several development proposals for this property over the past twenty-four years, and ultimately approved Tract 3048 on December 12, 2013. On March 25, 2014, the City Council amended the City's Land Use Map to designate the subject property as Low Density (LD) Residential. On April 8, 2014, the City prezoned the property to Residential Hillside (RH) and approved the initiation of proceedings for annexation of the property. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the annexation on August 21,4014.

The approved project includes twenty-two (22) residential lots of approximately 1.0 to 2.15 acres in size, one 14.9-acre common open space parcel (non-buildable), and one 0.85-acre common lot (detention basin). Building envelopes are delineated for each residential lot, ranging in size from approximately 0.24 to 1.3 acres. The single-family residential lots will either be sold to individual owners and developed independently or constructed by a development company and sold as-built.

The developer is in the process of installing public improvements for the project in order to final the subdivision map.

ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The Conditions of Approval for Tract 3048 require that prior to issuance of grading permit, "the applicant shall submit design guidelines for review and approval by the Architectural Review Committee. The guidelines shall include architectural, site planning and landscaping concepts. The design guidelines shall be used in the City's plan review process to review compliance with water conservation and stormwater requirements and to encourage the highest level of design quality while providing flexibility necessary to encourage creativity on the parf of the project designer."

HVDM Design Guidelines: The proposed design guidelines for the project include site development standards, architectural design standards, landscape design standards, information about the design review process (for the Homeowners Association, not the City), an appendix with design details and example forms. The proposed design guidelines are included as Attachment 1 and the Draft HVDM CC&Rs are included as Attachment 2. Staff has noted many typographical errors, but the focus of this review is on the adequacy of the document to satisfy the condition stated above. The Committee might also consider how these homes might look from a distance (public viewshed) and whether stricter design requirements on certain lots would be warranted (e.g. only earth tone colors and specific architectural designs for lots seen from U.S. Highway 101).

Architectural Review Committee Per the guidelines, an Architectural Review Committee (HOA ARC) will be formed from volunteer citizens residing in the development who will review project plans for individual homes and any changes to the exterior of units. Note that the guidelines do not include City ARC review of individual homes. However, the condition stated above requires the design guidelines to be used in the City's "plan review process" for ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013 HVDM DESIGN GUIDELINES NOVEMBER 2,2015 PAGE 3 compliance with water' conservation, stormwater and design related requirements. Staff interprets this condition to mean that all new individual residential development and landscape plans must be reviewed by the ARC through the City's Architectural Review process, and therefore the Design Guidelines should be amended accordingly.

Site Development Standards This section of the Design Guidelines is divided into the following subsections: Site Preparation Topography & Drainage * Retaining & Foundation Walls * Building Setbacks Building Height, Mass & Scale 0 Privacy, Views, Light and Air Parking and Access Game Courts Duplicate Building Plans

Staff has the following comments for this section: 0 Additional subsections regarding water conservation, stormwater management and energy efficiency should be included. o Water conservation - include discussion on water efficient plumbing fixtures, smart irrigation controllers, plumbing for grey water, instant water heaters, etc. o Stormwater management - include discussion of stormwater best management practices (BMPs), such as detention basins, bioretention planter boxes, rain barrels, rain gardens, dry wells, disconnected downspouts, etc. o Energy efficiency - include discussion on passive solar design, installing solar panels, high-efficiency windows, solar water heaters, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) for outdoor lighting, efficient HVAC systems, etc.

0 After the first paragraph under Site Development Standards and before discussion of Site Preparation (p. 7), add the following: o "For Lots 3-10, no development (except fences) or uses are allowed within the open space easement. No buildings, structures, grading, filling or other improvements shall occur within this area. Owners shall not cut, injure or remove any vegetation from this area except for fire protection, elimination of diseased growth and similar health and safety protective measures as approved by the City." (This language is from the approved Open Space Agreement). o Also include a clarification that the above means "all accessory structures, including gazebos, decks, etc., are not allowed in the open space easement. " Under Topography & Drainage (p. 7): o Replace "San Luis Obispo" with "City of Arroyo Grande". o Delete reference to the County of San Luis Obispo ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013 HVDM DESIGN GUIDELINES NOVEMBER 2,201 5 PAGE 4

e Under Building Height, Mass & Scale (p. 9): o Concern that the minimum floor area of all residences, not including the garage, is 3,500 square feet. It is staff's opinion that there should be an opportunity for smaller homes to be built in this subdivision. o The maximum height of any structure is 30', not 35'. o The second graphic is not legible. Under Game Courts (p. 11): o Fence height for game courts cannot exceed 6' without either a City approved Minor Exception or Variance. Delete reference to 16' maximum.

Architectural Design Standards This section is divided into the following subsections: e Architectural Character-Design Examples e Building Forms and Massing

8 General Design Requirements e Exterior Elevations Roof Design Requirements e Gutters, Downspouts, Vents and Flashing Materials of Construction (exterior siding; awnings; patio covers and arbors; roof materials; doors and windows; exterior colors; lighting; mechanical equipment, utilities, trash containers and signs)

Staff has the following comments for this section: 8 Under Architectural Character-Design Examples (p. 12-26): o The Design Guidelines specify many architectural design examples, including California Mission, Chateauesque, Spanish Colonial, Contemporary, Modern Craftsman, French Country, Georgian, TuscanIMediterranean, ltalianate, New American, Norman, Ranch, Southwest or Pueblo, Spanish, Tudor, and Victorian. Staff requests that the ARC consider these examples and determine if all of them are acceptable. o It appears that some of the design examples conflict with the images on p. 27 regarding building form and architectural detailing. Under Materials of Construction: o In the lighting discussion (p. 32), add 'br onto adjacent properties" at the end of the last sentence.

Landscape Design Standards This section is divided into the following subsections: e Planting Material e Hardscape Landscape Structures e Fencing and Garden Walls ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013 HVDM DESIGN GUIDELINES NOVEMBER 2,201 5 PAGE 5

Staff has the following comments for this section: m In the second paragraph before discussion of the subsections (p. 33), it should read "Drought resistant shall be used for all landscaping improvements, and the use of turf grass is highly discouraged. All landscaping shall comply with State and City requirements for water efficient landscaping." Under Planting Material (p. 34): o The fifth paragraph should read "All turf areas are not to exceed 25% of the total landscape area or 500 square feet, whichever is more restrictive. All landscapes shall meet the requirements of the City's Municipal Code Chapter 16.84 (as contained in the California Code of regulations Title 23 Waters, Division 2, Department of Water Resources, Chapter 2.7 Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, Sections 490 et. seq.)" Under Fencing and Garden Walls: o The last sentence of the fifth paragraph (p. 36) should be deleted and replaced with 'Xny combined retaining wall with fencing on top cannot exceed six feet (67 in height without an approved City permit, A property owner can apply for a Minor Exception for a wall/fence height up to eight feet (83. An approved Variance is required for any wall/fence height exceeding eight feef (87." o The last paragraph refers to an exhibit that is not provided (p. 37).

The Desiqn Review Process This section is divided into the following subsections: Overview Plan Preparation e Pre-Application Meeting Design Submittal - Review and Procedures o Notification Required o Architectural Review Procedures o Design Application Materials Required o Construction Documents Submittal o Landscape Plan Review o Project Completion

Staff has the following comments for this section: In the first sentence of the first paragraph (p. 37): o Delete "Planning and, and replace "Department" with "Division". o At the end of the first paragraph, add a sentence that states "The City requires an Architectural Review Permit for any proposed new residence, fo be reviewed by the City's Architectural Review Committee and approved by the Community Development Direcfor." Under Plan Preparation (p. 37): o In the last paragraph, replace "Planning & Building" with "Community Development". o Include the correct phone number: "(805) 473-5420". ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW NO. 15-013 HVDM DESIGN GUIDELINES NOVEMBER 2,201 5 PAGE 6

Under Architectural Review Procedures (p. 38): o In the last paragraph after Design Submittal, insert %nd the City has approved the Architectural Review Application". Under Design Application Materials Required (p. 38): o In the fourth paragraph (filing fee discussion), delete "or the County of San Luis 0bispo"and add "and Architectural Review" after the word "building". o At the bottom of p. 38 under Site Plan, add as the last sentence "Any proposed removal requires an approved tree removal permit from the City. " a Under Construction Documents Submittal (p. 39): o In the first paragraph, second to last sentence, delete "Department of Planning & Building" and replace with "Community Development Department". * Under Landscape Plan Review (p. 39): o At the end of the first sentence, add the sentence "However, the City requires that a landscape plan be submitted as part of the Architectural Review permit process. " o Replace the last paragraph on p. 39 with "Lawn areas are not to exceed 25% of the total landscape area or 500 square feet, whichever is more restrictive. All landscape areas must comply with City Municipal Code Chapter 16.84."

Appendix - Exhibit 3 (Landscape Materials & Palette): Staff has the following comments: a Palms are listed as prohibited, yet there are several palm tree species listed as acceptable. Several have an asterisk next to the botanical name, but there is nothing provided to explain what the asterisk means. All of the plant species specified should be drought tolerant. Several of the tree, shrub, vine, and groundcover species require average (not low) water application. a The Chinese Tallow is listed as an invasive species and should be removed from the list. a Native California plants should be emphasized and noted as such (see Attachment 3 for example lists of California native plants).

Attachments: 1. Proposed HVDM Design Guidelines (under separate cover) 2. Draft HVDM CC&Rs 3. Example Lists of California Native Plants ATTACHMENT 2

Declaration Cover Sheet

If this document coilbins any restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, fmiliai status, marital stat11.s, disabiliv, genetic information, national origin, source of income as defined in stlbdi\risiolz (pi of Section 12955, or anceay, that restriction violates state and fedel-a1 tkir housing laws and is void, and may be removed pursumt to Section 12956.2 of the Govern~ne~~tCode. Lawhi reskictions under state and federal law oil the age of occupants in sei~ior l~ousingor l~ousingfor older prsons shall not be consmed as restrictions based on familial sta~us. Recording Rei~tre,sted13.1;:

When Recorded Mail la:



TI-IIS DSiC:LAT<.4770N, made on lire dttic Bei-ehlai'ier set forth, by 'rhe Heights at Visia Dei Mar Gsoiip, 1I.C:, a Caliiitrnia iirnite,d liability crrmpa.ny, 1lereina.fterrcferi~d to as "l:>eclarain.'. is made \?-itiireference to tile biiowing kc&:

A. Ilccimnc is rile obw~ei.ofce11:ii11 irl~xilocated in d~eCity of Arroyo C?rmsle, Couiny o:'Sait Luis Ohispo, State ofC:iliic~rr.iia,described as Tract No. 3048, i~cordeel .".-- - in f3mk "",.]'age tfhjiaps, it1 (he oiiice of thc San I..uis Obispo Counry il,ecordcr.Said prrqnin.lJ1 is ircrrinaftrr called ihe .' .+

R. Declarani intends tir impruvc rile %cri?jeciProperty by carrstrucring thereon twenty-two (12)detacheel siilgie family residcr~eeson separate Iii~ts,and Cnmlnoii Ams and eleinen~tsas iicreinafie: definr-dl ;md intends io esvabii.;i%a pitan proviciia: iirr sqyamte titie to ~A>ES1 through 32 wiihiir the Projecti and ownersi~ipof Lois 23 aaci 24 [privilie dr~ljnagobusir; lot and open space loti vikiieh ax committed to ihe iSrqjecr. in a liomm>\+%ersassociation for the conlmnn beiteijr of the Lot I?wnt,~i.s,bvhiclz arc herein deiinuri and descfihed as the ""C'omi?il -Area.'

C. ileoltiailr inicnnds b? this documeiit to impose itpail thc S~il7jcctProperty mutudil> bcnefkial cobcum~ts,coi~iiiiions mxl mstnctions under n general plan oCimpro\cmaat For the heticfit ofail oftlie Lor Ov,i~i~s.

.E'NEEFOIE. Drciar:~nideclares that rile Subject f'rope~iybe heid, cr>nveyed. mortgaged, encurnhrred, lased. rented, ased. occupied. sold md imprtlved, subjecr to the f~~llowit~gdeclarations. iimkations, covenants, ccmdifions. resuictions and easeinenti;. all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting ihe value and atlrae~ivenmsoftile Subject Properry and the Project. and every pzt ofib in accordance with the plan for the iniproveru~enfof the: Sohject Property and its division iim Lots and Co~ivnonAreas. All of the iimiiatioiis. covenmts3conditions, resrrictions and e~emcriwshall be binding upon i3eclarant and its succsssars ;rod assigns. and ali parties ilzwiilg or qiiiring my right. title; or iniercsr in or to any pan of tile Subject Property oftile i'rrtiject. and to nu1 with the lar~dthereof

1. "Addltionai hilap Sheets" means rhosc addr$innai sheets attaciieii to the fmd Map as pages - through "-. ~~hicllprovide [may not be appiicablc]

2 "Xrch~!ectnial Coi~~mrrret"rirail mcim and refel. to the ccornmlltc?e el' persons actii~g pcrsuazit to Sui>secrion\'11(2) entlriixi "&PPOlNrMErSS OF ARC'IIUEC itJRA1 COMMI7TEE."

4. "Asssscss,scirc~tT"sl?all mean that pcirtion oi rhe cus! of main~t~nrng.inipn>\zL?g, rewiring, operaring and managing the C'clrnn~onArea in the project and oilrer hssoci,,lion expenses whrch are to be pard b? eirch Lot O\+.ncrits by the hssnclsuon. 3s fuflher described m Arf~eleIV

5. ",Associatioi>" sllaii i~reanand 12ii.rto The 14eiyhts at Vista Dei. Mar i-ion~ei)\wuricrs Associalion. a C:tiifi>rnia munial bei~eliicorporation.

6, "Bonrr or "itoesd of Direciors" shaii merui ilnd refer ti, the governing body of the Asociation as prescribed by the Byia%w.

7. "Byla~rs"sllail nlcari iurd rokr to lile ByIaw?jof the Association cis an~cniicdfroin time to time.

8 "Ciil" sliail tilean diid refer to tlzc Clr) of nirroyo Graniic, Stare oCC'dIiiifomia.

9. '-6txm1on ~Arca-shall mean and refer m Laos23 and 7.1 oi the Rojrcr. Title to the Comnroii kca shall br: transfeneci ihc Asuocinuotr prior to or coiricldonr ~iththe first transfer or conveyance of a Lot 'The Cori~mon4rea sirail inciude, aithoul limitation: dratnagc bana~d facilities (inelriding basin pipes. inlets. ouiiet sstriictums, fe~icuigmd 1;uldsuping): undergcou~ld uulnier. cnmmcr17 l.mds(rjlpc featrrrcs. aalk&ays. lrgllring in the Coinnlon Aiea, entry monummts. and such other improvements const~xcredas the Common Aim

10 -'Common kxpenses" means atid incii~desthe acroai and estinlated cxpevrses of operating and mainlalnlng the Comrrloi1.4rea ar2d facacrtiires. an). resnnahie rcsem for such piirposes as found and deienni~~edh? the Board. and all $urn designated for other common expenses by or piirsuiint to ihis Deeiarador~

I i T"unty" $hall mean the County of San Luis Ohispo. Sratc of Calr~omrs 12. '.Doclarant" shall meail and refer to ihe Decliiratrt hereinahole nzin?ed

13 -'Oceiaraeion' shall unean riii5 Declamuoil. and an) amendment to it .. 14. "Ii?sirituiional tender shall nwan any bank, savings and Iom :assoeiation, insurance coiapany, or other linaiicini institutirriiholding a recorded Firit, mortgage on any Lot.

I. .'Lot" shaii ~riemanil\, numbered pior of lwd yon the izcoriied si~bdi\lsioi~map of thc Subject Propert? upoil uhich (here is con3ruczrd a liviilg iinn.

16. "Map" shali mean and rcfw to the fiitai recorded 'Iracr ,Map far 'l'ract No. 3048

17. "h4ciuber" means an Ut&~ilwofa Lot wlm becomes a member of nix Associatioi; upon purciiase of suck L,oi wit11 its associared iei~rutts-iri-com<>oo\.mersi~ip of the Assncktion ar~diiicri. Coin~noilArcliis, as fiiiqher defmed in Ariicle 111, Section 1 of this Uecl~~tion,entitied 'Membersllip ii~tile Association."

18. '%Merel~;mtBuilder'2haJI inex211 and refer to any person or a11trty ai~ichhas or wl! acquire iium Declarani a portion ofthe real piopeit) \hrthm the overail llevclnpmenr for the puqow aT irz~provu~gsucii propcny [[Or sale or lemc to the publrc.

19. "'M~irtp~ge"dsilai! iacl~idea deed oi^l.rust as ~veljis a mor-igage.

20 '"Mortgayc'" shall iiiciude a bencficiar) or d htrider ofa deed of vun as %ell as n mortgagee

21. "Open Space Ease~nei~t?'means titat easeinen[ established in ihvor ofthe C:it)l of Arroyo Graaiie, County of Sali Luis Obirpo, crcraieci through tlie Opei? Space Easemeizt Agreernenf.

22. "Open Space EasemenI Agcenlent" 'means lirat Open Spare Agxeiiieut Cinnting mi Open Space FAS~!KLE~~Cto tlie City of iktoyo recurded on -..,, as Docni?3cnt Na iil the OfEce ofthe C:ourriy Recorder. establishing the Open Space Eascrncnr.

23. '*Open Space Lot'' meas Lot 24, the apprrtxiniaxely 14.9 acre Open Space area ~Iuchis Go~~~onArea owled by the Associarion. idenrrfied on the Map. ul~~eh.;hail remain sui>jecrtn the terins irnd condifions of rile Open Space F~semeniA~iscment and mantaiiicd or trailsfed pursuant to tile tenns of such ageernent in pcrpeturtq

24. '"Owner" or "Otvilers" rlrzrii 2ne.m and refzr ti?the reeord holdci or holders oi title. if nlorc than one. ot'a Lot in rlxe Project 'This shall include in) person luving a heneficial i'ee ~r~npietitle to ruiy Lot. but shall evciude persons or entiires lia>~ngany interest merely as a secanry ibr the peribnnarice of aiy ohixgaeion

25. "Prc?ject'*shall mean and refm to the mire Subject I%opert-y above described including ail structures and improvetilenTs erected or to be erected thereon. as developed. The singular shall include the plural and ihc iiva?cui~neshall ii~ciitdothe ferrrirune whenever thc context herein so requirt&.


1. Desctiption of Psoiect. The Project uti,s~s~softhe real property lrereinaho%edescribed a the Subjen Property, together uiUl all inlprovemcnts themn.

2. I)wners' EasemeD3d Rielt& oZ'Xns~essand Emcss. Every Owner shall hz%vea nori- exclusive right a~deaseiiieni of ingress and e.gress; a~duse and mjoymon,t h1 and to the Con~~non.Aim. and such easement shail be qpwionmt to snd sbail pass with title lo every Lot in the Project. Tile righii and eascnients ofi~se~md eiQoqmenr crated hereby shall he sirbjed to tile. following:

A. I"hc right of the /\ssociation. sub~ectio ;I fwo-thirds (213)vote of Mmhen other thml Deciaranc, io borrow inoncr fix the pnrposo of n~aitliainingaxid improving tile Common Afiia ai?d itc iiicihries aild to secure any SUCII lonil by mortgage or deed of trusf on Litc Clinmon Areas: provided. however, tlrar the lien of the moripge or hencficiary iindor s~rcbloan shall be s&clrdinatrd to this Declaration.

8. Ihe right ofdxe Asmciraricm to rdc slicli sicps ru me reasonabl) necessary to protect tite Comrrion Arca agninsr ii>recloswe

C 141e rrghi ofrhc Association. a provided in this Decimatiori. to suspend the voting rights orany Mci'nbci for tmq period during cvhrch any SsSeSSrnenK against hts or ilcr 1.01 rcmaiils unpaid and deiinyuensnt, and for an) reahonable period for any inf~actionof ds pablrs!ld rules and mgui;%tioils, die^ eompihce with iircicie W,Secriori 1 I, of this hcizuaLiori,

U Tiif nghi oi'rlte Assoc~&onto dedicaie or tilu~srcra11 or any part of the Common Area to ,any public agency. aulhorrry. or uirirty for snch purposes and subject to such condltrons as may bL) agreed 10 hj the nilemkrs. pro%idedthat 110 such dedication or msfer sl~ailbe e1Ective unl~sapprot.ed by the wrte or w-rrrreo consent of btembers entitied to exercise not iess rbm tke~fousrhs134) ofdw voting pwcr of the .~SSOCIB~I)IIand an tnnstsument in vwiting is rccorded and signed by rile: secrerary of thc ,%socration c~xt~fyingthat such dedicatmn or transfer his heen apprnwd b) rbe required vote.

E. The right of the Assocxarion to eslablish uniform ruies and rcguiatjo~~spcrtaintng to the use of d~ Conmon Area and tl~cf'aciiiries ti~ermn.

The common iilierest appL&enanl to cach Loi is declafiid to be permanent in character and cannot be allered uiitilout the coilsent oTai1 the Lot Owners drected. and the iirst morigdgees of snch Lot Omners. as expressed man amended Dclclwaiion. Suc11 coimon inrerest cannor be reparated froin the I of to which it is appitrtemf. Each Lot Ouner may irse the Cornilloil Areas in LICCCST~UIU:wilji tbe purposes


1. F\fe~l?bershiaiil tlrc Assctcialion. Each Owrler (induding Declarant tis to any tznsold or =titined I.,ots) shall autoinaticaliy, upn becoming an Owner ofrecoi.d ofa L,ot, become a blemher of the Associarion and shil remain a Mcmbtrr rlicreuf itniil he ur she silali cease to be 81Quunerof ncord. No ceriifrcate of membership, stock certiiicaie or other cbcuirient mti6ienciiig membership in the hssociatios~need or sllzlii be issued.

2. 'rratisfer of Membersluu, 'The membership of cacll Owner of' record in the i\ssriciarioi? is appurtenant to and insepitr:xb!e fiom the ownersflip orhis or her L,a; and si~allhe ati~omaiiwlly transferred upon any trailsfer or. conveyaxlee cirl~isix her llat to my tritx~sfereor g-raiitee. and shIl otherulise be lion-ti.;msferabIc; whetha- by gilt. bequest. devise, assignment or olI?emisc.

3. WfAvfemkers and Vozrxre The Assonarion shall kavc the following 1%~clmses of Members:

A. Qass_+ bfember*. i'lnss Memkcs shag be all 0svners ~4ththe escep~,iua of Ueclarxi~,E8c-h Ckrss A Mcmhcr she11 be eofilied to cone ji} wore for each La&owr~ed by him or her. Whe~nmore than oivc: person holds :in iniexesr in nny I.,oi, ail snc11 j>eai%ssilirll be Members and the single. votc for each Lot silali be exercised as they aplririx rlrcmseives agree, bui in no cvennl shall morc drain one vote be eas with respect to anyone Let.

U. Class 13 Mmbcrshi~.The Ciass I3 Member shall 1% ilecl.ciiimnl, who slidl bc e~~tilledto thee (3) ares For each 1 of a\med h> it, I'he (:lass B mcmbenhip hail cease and slidl be converted in Class A meml?ersllip with respect lo tach Lor hen owned hy Ilrcciam~lton tile occurrence OF tile earlies to occur of Ule follo\.~ing:

(1) When ihe mtd \oriirp paxvei. oursrmdir~gxpl the ClmA Members equals or esceecis the total t~~mmherof votes oursunding in the Class Ii Members; (2) 011 tile four01 (4"')aalmzvem~ &on) the ongsnal aissnance of the subdivision public report of th~California Bureau clCReal Estate appiicahle ttr the l'roject

Except for prctvisioi~son enforeer~ientof bonded obii@ions, whenever a prese,rihed mqjority ofthe voting power of Members a f the Asst>cialionother than Declarant is required by the terms uf titis Declamiion. the Bylaws or Anicles of lneolporaijon for my purpose. the vote of written assem of a prescribed inajority of CksB sntiag power; as well a8 that of a prescribed majority of Class A votillp power, shail he requiml for action; after conversion of Class 13 to Class A shares, the VOLC or writmi assent ofa prescribed majority of he total voting powcr afthe AssociaLion as well as that of a prescribed nmajority ofvotes of Members other lllan Decimmi is cerluired. So long as a majority of titi: wring powzr ofthe Associalion resides in Declarani, or 30 long ns there are two cjiisses of membership. at least twenty percent QO!,b) of rht: Board slxtil be eleeted solely by vote.: of Ouners oriler thm Declaranf. in seeordance wth tho procedure sct forth in Articie V. Section 2, of the 13yia\vs.

All voting rtg11t.s shall vest at such time as asscssnxmts agarnst those iijterests have been levied by the Association. Whae mj pcovlsion ol'dle Oeclma~on,Articles or Bylaws requlrc the vote or wriaen assent ofeach class ofmembashlp for any action 6) the Xssociatton. any requnren1crli tilerein tfiai the cote of tbe wekdrant be excluded in my such deiermiuaiion shall not be applieablc as ioirg a twct-cims structure is in eKect, except to prnvisions relating to Uxe cnforcernenr of bonded indebtedness.

4. m.Except as hemin provided, all matters relating to membership and voting right m thc Association, ai~dopcratxcin of the Rssocmion. shali br: as provided in the Byiaxrs.

1. C~xuionofthe 1,ren and Personal Obligarion of Asscr;sm Thc Dmla~anr,ior each Lot owned witlzii~the Pmjeci. hereby covenar~ts,andeach Owner of my Lot by accep~aneeof a deed for it, whctho or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed ro covenant and agree, to pay to the Ashociatalion: (a) Annual &ssessmentsor chargen (Annilel Assesiment), and (b) spea~11assessmenis jt&cial Asscssmcni). 'Rsese i"is&xineni% shall l,i. cstd~lishedattd collected as p~ovrdedin Chis Deciiira~ioa.1h Annual md S13tciliI ASS~SS~LSII~S,togethcs with interest, cosis. and reasoii&ie aitomeys" fees. iszcurrcd in any collcedon effort, shall he a clinrga tin the Lot and sha!\ be a cor?\inuin,p,liaz upon the Lot agaiixst whicii each such Asse.rsmenr is made ihe lien siiilii hemecffeeiive itpon reeordsllron of s Notice of??isessmentas herein provrdcd.

Fach such Assess~ncn~ropc%$xcr wrh ilwuesi. rusts. zind wasonable arton~eys'fees, incurred in any collec~ioi?effort, shall also be the persorai obligation ofthe I'er?;on who was the Owner ofsuclt Lot at the onie when the Assessment fefi due. No Owner of a Lot may exempt himself or iiet%se\ffiom 1itbiiit-yfur his our hacanuiburion io~vaxdsthe cmllmun expenses by waiver ofthe use or enjoyment of any of the Com13ien Area or by tile akadonmcnt of his or her Lot or otherwise,

2. -Purpose of Asscssmena. The AssssmenLq ievied by the Assaciatioii sllali bc used e\clusiveiy to promote the recreation. health. sdety, a~dwelfare of all of the resdeats in the rntrre Project, ibr the improvemexit and maintcnanw oiihc Conman Ataa for the common good of rile Prr)ject, and to carry out the obligritions of the Assocration as stated 1n Cliis Dcclaraticion.

3. &nnual Assessmenl. Until Janua~1 of the yew imme&atciy fuliowmg the conveyance of the first Lot to an Ownel, $he nqonthiy asscssn~entshall be $ per Lot. Thereafter, ?he Board ~I~alldetermine the Annwd Asscssn~e~~tsdue. As pafl ofthe regular hnusi Asscssnlents for nxaxntenanw: autliorixed above, tilo Board of Directions shall annually fix lizc arnount to be placed in reserve funds for the purpose of future recons~ction,repair, or replacement ofimprovernents. tnciudrng fixtures and posonai propert? related thereof (m -Fund). Such detem-iiilarion shall bc made lrlier consideration ofthe need for addiiianak funds and of the .&bociatiut~'scapin1 positio1-i. 411 Rexrve Fuads sl.raI1 be designated md accounted for a5 capital contributions to tile Association. The Rowd uzlllall maintain sue11 funds ir, a separate tmsl accouni to be used only for the purposes provided for in the paragraph; pmvided, iher the Board ma) temporarily uailsfer Reserve Fimds to the opranng account to meet short-term requirements and expenses, but such funds shall be rcatorored to the reserve account wi~hinthree (3) yeas of the transfer.

N~nountsrece~vcsi by the iissuciatroil as conir~hutions.Assessmerits or dues from the Owners shall be lieid ir; account as follom.

h kcserve isust account. to pq for the hare repair or rcpiacement of, or atldjtions to. the Cornmon Area ifi~pro\pemcn&which the Associacton is ~quircdto maintain.

B Opalion accuuilt, for current expenses.

4 Spee~aiAssessnlents Every Special Assasmenf $shall be levid upon the same bas15 8.4: that prescribed Stir the levy orreguiw assemmcnts except whmc the Specid hssp;ssme~tlis ii termedv utilized tit ueinimbursr: tile Assnci;at~unfor costs incumed in bring- in^- the Mcmber nrto compiiiu~cewid1 this Ileclaraii~~n,$lou;ever, a monetary penair) imposed by the Associat~onas a disciplinarv mcasure fix finlure of a Member :so eonl~fv. . cvith this Deciwatioiz. or cls a mems of reimbursing the Assnciatiori for cosis incurred in the rcparr of damage to tl~eG)mmon Area for ~vhic1-1the Evfember was allegedly responsrblr; or in bringmg ti= tvlemhm and 1x1s or hef Irrolinto compiimce wirh tixis Declaration. siroil not be :ui mseswent which mdy kcotlte a Iien agmnst their Lilt enforconblc by a sale chcnofi>erCivil Code Section 2924 ct seq. Said exception shr~llr not apply to charges imposed %anst an O~aer late pnyment penalties ibr delinq~renr Assessments and/crr charge%LO rcirnbnrse the Assoctacioii for loss of interest and fir atnome)$' Fee? or coss rmonabi? ~ncurredin effort3 ro coiiect deliiqiient Assessnrenrs.

5. As.%ssmen~Increases. The Board my r~of. impose a regirlnr asscssznent that is nmre tlmn twenly pace111(20%) greater tSlm ihc reguli- assessment for the Assacraz~o~l'rpreceding fiscal year or impose Special Assessmeilts uiiell in the aggrcgdle five peremc (5%) of the budgeieci gross esj~ei~ser;of the Association fur illat f~ca1year cmthour the approval of Owners, constiiuting a qunruni, casting a rnajorir) of the votes at a meeQng cw elmiinn of tile As"\ssocialicln. kor the puipose of this seetian. quorum means more khan fifty percent (50%) oftile Owners of Assodatioil. Tl-ris .;e.LrJimdoors ncx lltnlt Asessri~cnrmeceases tiecesssary i'or emcrgcncy situarioiu. For purposes ofthis %=tion, 311 eutcrgeney situation is anyone ofthe i?oliow~ng:

(a) An ex~raordidifiaryexpense iequired by order of a Csun ) An) exhuordinaq cxpettses ncccssix). to reparr or lnliinlain rhc Coim~on Area or utiiei improvements for wllich the Ilissoeiatioi~is responsibie wilere a keat io personal safei) on the Subject Psopet~yrs discovered (cl An extrrtordiliary expense necessary to reparr or ma~naintile Proja or any part ofit for which thc Associalion IS revponsibie that could not have been reasonabiy f~?rercseci~by tile Board in prepwing and distnbullng tile pro foma operating buiigei. IEobkevcr. pilor to thc imposiiioii or collcciioo of an As~sessrnenlunder this section, the Board shall pass a resoluuoii containing miten findings as to the neeesslt? ofthe extmrdiilary expense rnvoived md why the expense %asnot or could not haw been reasozlably forest\eu in the budgeting process, and the resoiution shall be distrihured to tile Members with the Notice of Assessment.

The Association shall provide rzotice by firs-class inad ro each Member of any iiicrease m Annual or Spec~aJAssessrrrci?ts, not less than thny (30) nor more than sixv (60)days pnor to the increased Assessments becoming due.

6. Reserve Funds 'She Board shaii not exceed funds designated sus Keservc Funds fox any purpose other than for:

'1 '1 fjie repatr, restoration, rcpiawrneni, or rrr;ljntcnmce of Common Area ~mpmvcmeatsfor whrch the iissuc~auonu obligated and for *irich the Rcscrrve Fimcl was established. or (b) Lixigti~nixv01viag G"1e purposes set foi-fh irt (a) abotje.

Nr)twtfl1sia1ding the provisions of (a) and ib) &bole.thc Rat&

it} h?iaj authorize rile te~r.rtrgorril.yirasl@r ofmoncy from the reserve accouiit to the Association's opernling account to illem siiorr term cash fiow requiiremcnls or other cxpeixses. ifci~eBo>arul rnilkes a writtea flndmg. recorded in the minutes, explaning the reasons that tlie transfer is needed, atid dcqcribing whe11 and Lndow the ft~ndswill be repaid to the rcservc eceolu~t: (bj Slid1 caise the tra~rsfenedfurids to be ~storerlto the rcserve account withrn one (I l yrar of the date rrf Lhc illit~ajtn~?xfec: hcl~~cver, the goz2:mmg hod1 111uy. upon making a docu:r.cenied iindrng tiiat a ccmporar52 dela) cif re.;torulion of the fimds to d~creserve aecaunr would be III ihe hest interests of the dc~~eiapmeni,delay the re.estorlriian untxi wcir trme rt reasonably dotemiis to be nmessary: je) Sllaii exercise prudent fiscal mandgeu?enl in delayii~grcsli?ranon ofthe tm2sfened fuijds to \he reserve ;ioco~in$and shalL ~frrecess~q,levy a Special As$esrrment 1.0 recover ihe full amount of the expensed funds witiiin the time limrls ipcrciiicd in (b) above. Any such Special Assessmer7ts &dlnot he subject b the iimiin&ons otherwise sprciiieci III thrs Article.

a Ai last irnec a year. cause e ssudy to be conducxed of the reserve account requirements, if rhc cimi~trepIacen~ent value of the Common Area improvemenis whrch tile Ass<)cintioi~is obligated lo repax. repkacc, restore or ntalnlarn 1s equal to or greate~than one-balf of thc gross b~idgct(exciudn~g the Association's resenvcaccount for that period) Jb) A~~nilali)rcvic\r, ille resene account %udy and shall cor~siderand implement necessary djustnrm& ro its analyxis of tlic ieserw account requirements: as a result of that review. (c) Cause tihe reserve account study lo include at a minimlrnx: (1) ldentiiication of the Cnlnmon Area improvements which the Assoelarton is ohiigated to repair, replace, restore or ni&t;xin which, as of the detc of the study, have a remaini~lguseful life of less than th~rty130) years. (2) Ideniifcatron ofthe probable remaitling usef111 life oflhc improveme~~tsideni~ficd in (1) above as of tile dale of the n~~riy (3) An cstiliniate nfihe cost of rcparr. replacemeni. restomion or mainre~lanceof each Con~moiiArea rmprovemcnr idernified in (I j above durlilg and a1 the end of its useful lire. (4) An estimate ofthe total annmt~lcon~bution necessary ro defray the cost to repait-. replace. restore or tuainian~each Cummon Area in~prouemenlduring and zt the end of its useful life, niter subtractmg ~tzalReserve Furrds as of the date of the study. For purposes oft& bc:sirbsectlon (cj, the term "resenre account r~quuemcnts"mcans tile estimntcd funk wk~ictrihe Board has deterillined are reqilired to he? available at a speciiicd point in rinle to repair, replace or rC$TOre tl~oseConlirlon Arm iit>procemenis~hich tho Associairon is cibiigatcd to matamin.

7. Notice 311dC)ugi1n1 for unv .+\ctioi~4othonzed 1:nder hrtrcle IV. Sections 3. 4 and 5. Any action autilolized tmdm this Article wfxieh requires a cote ol'the memhershtp shali be taken at a meeting called for ikr: putpose. wnttei~trotice of which shall be personally delivered or mailed. postage prepaid. to aiJ Members not less tthm ten (10) nor more illan aincty 1901 days iir advarzce trf the meeting specifying the place, day md how ofthe meeting, and m ri~ccaso oTa special nleefing. the nature of the hrisiness to be undattlhen. /\nq otirer proper nlaner :nay be presrrnted at tilo rnceli~~gii3r action. If u. cjuoriinl~spresent and the proposed ucrir)~~is favoirabic by a majority vote of tile Members p~sentat such meeting, hut siieh vote is less than tile requisite nialorily of?ifembms, Memherb who tvezc nor present io person or by proxy rr?;1j give their assent in wiling, provided lire sm1e rs obia2ni.d h~ tlre appropniile offices,

8, I>jvisron of Ass~~menls.Ali Assessmenu, axtnuai and special, shall he fixed at a unifornl rate for all Lot Owners evcept for a Special Assessn~e~~inlevled by the Board agtunst a hkmber to rei~t.bursctlpe Associaiioz~for costs incurred in bringlog tile Member md b~sor her Lot irdo compliance with the govemirrg insiruma~tsofihis subdivlsitrn, as provided in Article IV, Section 4 of this Deckintian.

9. 13at oi'Cornmeikccn?er~r*>f Anr~uai Aqsmsnleilts. 'Ihe rebwiar wsessments piwvided for herem shall corrlnlence as to ali Lo& covered by this Decimation on the first day orthe n~ooilih fa'ollotving the first conveyance oi'a Lor to an indi\*idual Owner. The first Atmual Asscsmeni shall be adjusted according to the number ofmonnrhs remaining in tkr calendar year. Subject to tlrt provlsians of Scctiun 3 ofthis Article, tilo Board of D%~ee%ors&hail de*mmc a1d iix %he amount orthe Annual Assessment against each L3t and send written ooticc tiweofto every Owner at least axty ((601 days in advar~ceof each Amud Assessment period. The due dates shali be established by the Board of Directors.

10 Late i'avment of Assessments. An) Assessmmt not paid wililin thirty (30) days aKer the due date shall be subject lo a ten percell1 (1 WiG) lac paymenr charge. I I. Transfer of tot hv Sale or Fareclosure Sale or transfer Lot shall not &C~I the Assessment lie11. However. liens hs Annual and Spectd AssessmetlL.tlLsshall h-2 s~ibordinateto the lien of any first mortgage or deed of Lrusl against that Lot. and the sale or txanslfer of any i.otas the result of the exercise of a power of sale or judtciai foreclosure involving default under such first mafigage shli estinguish tile lien of such assessments as to paylrents which became due prior to $itch saie or transfer. No saie or imnsftr sshail reiie.te such Lot from tiability For any Asscssrncnt lirereaiter becan~lngdue oi from the lien for U?ose iissessmen2s.

in a voiunky mveyancc ofa I-oL lhe panfee of the same shall be jointly and severally I~ablewith the grantor for ail unpaid Assessmerib b?. the Associaliori again% the latter for hfs or her share of the coinnxun expenses up to the linir: of the gmt or conveqaaee, withoat prejudice to the grantee's righr to reco%erfrom the grantor the amounts pard by the grantee therefor lion-ever. an) srich grantee sliaii be emifled la a statenieill fronr tile Association, setting forth the mount ofil~eunpaid Assessments agaoist the pintor due rile Association, ,md such grantee shall not bc llabie fix, nor shall rile J,ol conveyed be sulqeet to a lien fur any uarpafd Asscssrrlenl made by the Associnttoa aglnst tile grantr)r in csce~sof Lllc an?atunl set fixth itt rile staeoxmt; pm+ided, lioweves. tllc pniec shall he liable for a11y such i\ssessment becoming due after the dale of any such sldtemcnr.

11 orie:fcei~n No aet~o~isltaii be brought to foz*cciosethe 1rez1 or to proceed under rile power o-t'sale less than tixi@ 3301 dqsafter the &a& a Notice of Assessment executed by a duiy audlol.ited re13rmentstive of ilie Assocai~on,is record& wtth the San Luis CYbisp~ County Recorder, This notice si~eilstate the iulxoum ciamed jwhrch may include iirtacsi md costs of coliectiorr. including rasonahle atom~ysYees).a iegial descrqiion of the Lo1 being assessxi, the t~lnn~tof Lltc record owner of mpuicd owner tlsereof and the name a17d addrcss of the Association as claimant. R copy orsaid notice of claim sbuil be deposit& m axe lin~tedStates mail, certified or regiacred with postaije thereon fully prepaid, to the O\n~erofthe Lot

When a Notice of Asses%nm11has been recorded in the iec~~rdsof the S,m E,UIS Oh~spo County Recorder's onice, such Assessment shall conaiturc a lien on ech respective Lot prior md supexiclr to dl other liens except (81 atl taxes. bonds, asscssnlenls arid other leties whick by law, would be superior iherml and (b) tbe lion or charge of any first mort@ge or deed oC trust then of record made in good faith and for ,due.

Sue11 lien, when delinquent, my be enforced by sale by the Association, attorney or other pelson authoii~edto nuke the sale. hlure of tile Owner ir, pay such Assessn~mtin accordance wirh iis ierrns. rkq such sale sirail be conducted in ~iicco~dancewith the provisions of Sccfion 1-924 of tlic Califorilia Chi1 Code, applicable ro the exercise ofpnwrs of salc in mortgase and deeds of rrusi, or in any other n~a~tncrpermifed by Law,

The Associaiion, acting in its own beiialt shaii have tile power to bid for the Lot at a foreclosure dc. Knd to acquire an&hold, imse, morrgage and convey the sirme. lluring the per~ctda Lor is owod by the Association following foreclosure:

A. No riglit to vote shnii be exercised on behalf of the Lot; B No Assess%ne~itshall he assessed or hied on tile 1 at: md

C Each other hishdi be chrrrged, in addition to rts usual Assessmml. its proportionate slyare ofthe Assessmel~ttlwt ~x50uidllave bem~charged to such Lot had it not been aecju~~dby the .4ssociation as rcsuir of foreclosure.

.\ficr acquinng title to tile Jaoi at roreclosurc sale foilowing oorrcc and pubiicatro~~,the :\ssociatii>n inaj execute. aekno\\lcdge and record a dred conveyrug title to the Lor uE1tch deed siiall be brnding tipon ihe Owncs. successors, and all o&hcllr parties

13. Suspension of Votma Riel-its The Rourd mtly tempowily suspend the >oting n&rs 01a hlcmbcr who is in defiaulr in payittent oituiy Ksscssmcnt, aftel rlotice and iicariny as ptcscrihed m Corpora~onsCode Sect~oi~7341 in any such aetron the Metnber shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days prior wntIen notice of lire suspen~lonand [he reasons tiie~cfbii,r:and, in addil~tlan,murr he given an oppnl?mity to be heard jc~tt.rrroraiiy or rn wnting) w~thrmpect to the alle~ed violation not less than five (5) iiays before the irt/ectlve date of the aeuoil.


1. -Duties in nddition to ii?e duties enamcri3kl.d 111 its Bjlaws, or eisewherc prov~dcdfor m this Deciaraiion and without limiting ihc gencr~l~tytilereof. tlw Associar~onsilaii pwlbm Lhe folioahing duties:

A WP2 A~~YwAiccpt deiively and take possession of ail encultbered real md permnai propert) in the C<>rrrmon,%lea subject to irs nghu and duties as cuc~&lnedilrreso.

a, The Assoc;;ltion sldi install, malniam, repair. replace, restore. operate alnd mwage a11 of the cc?m~nonArcs (as &fitxed iii 4rticie 1, SecC~a~r01, improvcmcrils, driunagc facilities (ir~cciuliiiig$tom water basin irnd pipcl~ncsl.szeet hgittinti, and lartdscaptng thereon. inciuding s?jrreet trees wiihirz the public rigiir of way. and aii property thai ma) be aequlred by Ciie Associatioa except for ulilitics wh~charc a~arnata~daiui operated by a public utility company. bq heCily~, or b) lar~dscapmgdistrict whiclz assumes legal reqponstbilrty For the mainknance of certain ir~lpro~lenlenES, DL Amr .. b lhe Assoeiatian shall hc responsible fur tile maiuie~?mcearid repalr of the Easements, including private acccss rttacis and Jocal streets within the Prt~jecllmlil any lirrure date such sueew are accepted by the City as City-masn4&1ncdstrecis after completion by Decimmi. Ail privalc access roads shall be mairttruned by the Associatior! m perpetuity The access roads and streets a~dtheir msntenal1ce me nlo1e paizieularly depicted on tlre Map. Except as olhemse provided. n~&nirmmcecosts shall be shred equallj by the Loti.

c. Par~icuiarattenrion shall bc provided to mainuiIl tire sionn water basin located on Lot 23 i'he :\ssociation sh~liobca^in a registered civil engineer to mspxr the bmn annually itnd prepare a report Any deficiencies reported timr affect die reliahiiit) or function of the ham shall he corrected, with maintenance activities conducted in compiiancc with tixi: Courlly Code and ail other required pemms illtd regttialioils. The Association sliail mainmin the storni wairr basin fencing in perpemiry.

d. The Association shall mainran any Ope~iSpace Lots in permanent opcn spxo and implement a fttel nlitigatiun progrim (weed ,md bruslr c~~~ztroland abatemenrj, ftlr Open Space I-ots. cotisistent %ill%tlie City ofiirmyo GrdeFirc Deputment requiremen~s.The As8ociation shall be ~sponsiblefor nlainraining and insurlilg tile Open Space Lot. as set forth 1n the Open Syace Easeinent Agreement. Ongoing mainic~anccof ihc Open Space Lot tncludes the Bunel~grassResoratio11 areas, pumua~lrto tile approved Runchgms Mahim$ Revegetadon Maintenance :end h?onitoni~gI'lan as npproved by the County Dcpartnlerlt of Plar~r~ingand Building, atiaclted hereto as Exhibit .urliess such responsibility and/or a~

e. 'he Assc3cr;ltion sl-~ailinstall a crash gate at the knninus of Coast View Drive, wbieh shdi he reviewed and approved by CAL FIKI: zmd the i'ounty Envirorrmeiriai Coordinator upon inwsilatii>n.

171e respomibiiliy ofthe Associmion fi~rmuinienturce and repair shaii not extend to repairs crr n.pI~%cemcnisarrsing out of or caused by 1he willCul cr negligent act or nc~ieetof an Osmer. or Iris or her guests. teniu~lsor invicees. the cocr of which is ixn covcreii by insurance.

C. ipa~sncg Thc Association shall 111;iixlrain such poiicy or policies rrT iiisuraszee as ace rcquimd by Article Vil, Strctian 6 oTthls i)ecizmtion,

rrsponsiblc brthe existence of the hen. after notice and hearing under Carpcrrafions Code 7341.

E. hssessincnls. The Assoeia~ionsizilil Ex. 1%~). coUect md enforce Asxssnlents as set forth in Articic IV oi his Declamtion.

17, Favtnenf (of Ex~enses The hssocratiorr si1d1 pa) all expenses arrd obiigatiuns ineuncd by tile Assoei&tionin ihe conduct of 11s business inelt~ding.wiwilnt iiinilatio~~,dali licenses, iaxes or governmen~lci~arges le~ied or rn~psedagainst tke Subject Propmy ofthe Assaeialion.

G. Financial Strilernenls. The Assoc~arionz-ilall cause FinmciaX statements for tile Associaticm to be prepared and copies shall he distribufitd ro O\mcrs as prescribed in the Bgiaws,

. Enforcement The Assoeiaran. shali enforce tixis Declaraiion 2. addition to the powers enumerated in its Arrleies of Incovoration and Bylaws. or elsewhere provided fox herein, axd witho~rtlimiting the generality thereof. the Assuciatioo shdl have the foilnvving powers: A. Easements. The Association shall hake thc atl~orityta grmt easenlents wi~exe neeessmy for utilities ova the Corninon Arm 70 serve the Gonunon Areas and Open Space I.,ots md the tots.

B. Pfmawr The Associatian shall have the a~tthoriiyto employ a manager or other persons and contract with indepnxdcmi conimlors tx mamigvng qe11ts to prfonn all or any profzhe duties and responslbri~tiesof the Association. provided that any contract w%tha firm or person appointed as a manager or maltaging agent shall no? exceed a one (1) yem tern. sM1 provide for the righr of rRc Associatioi~lo Lermir~lcthe same at&e first amuai mwlrng of the Members of the Associalion. aid to terminate the same for cause oil five (5)days' written notice.

C. ildontion of Rules. The Association may adopt reastmable rules 1x01, incolrsiste~~i uiih dus Declaratton rc?iat~xngti) ills irsc ofthe Conimon Area and all fac~lit~estl~creon, and the condiict of Omen :1nd their tenants and g~iestswith respect to tile Subject Propcrt) and olhcr Owem.

D a,For the pulpuse ofperibming tile mmrenance authorized iterrto or for any other purpose reaionabiy related to the perfornlme by the Association or rile Board ofv Directors of their rcspc*ruvc responi;ibilr~ies.the Assoau~ion'sagents or eniployeei; sldl haw! the rrgi~t.after rcuson&Ie notice to ihe Owner thereof, to enter any Lor or to enter ~unqportion of the Common Area at rctasomble hours. E. Asess%lzmr~_&ieniiand m. 31c Asscrt.htroo sidl bvc lbe power to levy and collec~Ass~?,ssiuen& m acc~trdancewrih tim pmvisions oi'.ki-ricie IV ofthis Declrtralrun, l'he Association :may impose fiixea or tairc diseiplir~aryae11o11 agarnsz any O\aner for fkiiun;. to pay Assesmer~tsor for violation of my provis~c~noflhis Declaation. Pcndlies may iocludc, but arc not iim~tedto. iTnes. limiparary suspensrorr of voting rights or other appropriate discipime. provided that tile RCCLIS~CI Member 1s grveil notice Lind the o~rtuniryto be heard with respect to tile alleged vroiations in :~ccordaneewith tlxe ttoricc and hearmg pmkisions of Secrrun 7 of Article 1V hereof.

F. Zilforcenlent. The Asociaiion slvli ]>atethe auihority io eizinrce tll~sDeclmtion as per Allicic VII, Section 1 hereoC

Ci. Acriuis~nirnof Pmnenv. The Asocialion %hailIme the power to acquire (by gift. purchase or oki~envise),owm, hold. Improve, build upon, opera@,metntaiu, cotwe), sell, lease, transfer. dcdicm for public use or otherwise dispase of rcrd or personal property in comeelion with the aEaairs ofthe Associatian. Any h-a~~si'erofpropeny shall be subject to a h6-2/3% vote of Owners other thn Declarailt.

N. b.'Re Aasoc~a~ionshall have tile power to borrow money, and only with the assent (by vote or %atten consent) of rwo-thirds ofihe voting power of the Association residi~rgin Members other than Ileclarant. to 111or(gage, piedge. deed in tnist. or hypothecate any or a11 of its real or personai properi). as security for rnonej bohovruwed or debts lncuned, I. Qedi&~~.The Association shall hale the power to dedicate. sell or 'transfer dl or any part of the Conlmon Area to any public agency. auti~oilt>,or util~tyfor such purposes and subjecf to such conditions as may be agreed to bq file Monrhcrs. No such dedicaaon or transfer shall he elTective unless ail irw?i'un%enthas been signed by two-thlrds 1Y3) of the voting powes of the As.weiation residing in Mrmbers other than Declaanr, agreeing to such dedication, saie or transfer and recorded in the records of the San I,u~sObispo County t2ccordcr's office. Approval by the City as lo consistenc? \wih the Conditions of Approval sh;%Jl he necesssy prior an\ dedication, saie or rransfer of any par? of the Corrrnlon Area to nr~jpubfie agency. authority. or titilily

J. Association shall iiavc tIie power ro cai~rracr.for goods andlor services fol- the Common Area, facilities and inieI=ds of tlre ~Z~S~~LJCLVII.subjca to liinitanons elsewtiere set forth in ihrs necimntiorz or in the Byls\vs

K. Bcic~ation. The Assocralion shall have tIrle pvrvrer to delegate its autliorrry and powcrs to mminitrees. officers. or employees of the ,\ssuciation.

L. Officers. Elect ol%icmspre?scrihed in ti?e Ifyfaw.

M. Bomd Vacancm. Fig1 vacancies on the Board. except fix a vncaricy creaied hy tlrc removal ofa go~erningBoard member.

The power?: and duties of tiie As.rueracion shall he es limted tinder Aaieie Vll, Section 3. ofrile E)yla\vs.

in addition to trll of the covenan& contairred lierein, md thC Vista Dei Mdr Estateilea Design Ouidellnes, attacdied herem ss E\rt~ibit .ti= use and occupmcy ofthe Subject PropeQ md e~ehresidci~rial Lot (1,ots I tixraud~2) tbrre~n is subject ti, tile firllu~~ng.

1, --Lot iJx. Witli tile exception oSLots 73 a~d24, ilo Lot shdili be occupied or usmi except far single Farnil.) residential purposes by the Owners, their tenants. ilnd social guesls. and nu trade or htisincss silail be conducted therein. No tent, shack, trailer. garagc. oritbuilding or structure of a temporary character siiail he used at mi time as a residence, crther te~npor&iy,or permanent. Notwilhsra71dir1$ d3e foregoing. Dedarmt. its successors or assigns. nxty use any unsold 1,of or Lots in the Project as n saies office during eo~~struction-iilcluding s temporary building, and until the last Lot is sold. Deckmint's use of the Cotxlmon Arca and cnnlmon facilities shall not interfere wiflr the use by the Associarzon or individual Lot Owners Such right to use the Common Area and faciiities slmir lapse or expire Fimr (4)years from the date of tile first side ofa Lo1 to a member of tlic public, or until all Lots irave been soid, wilicbevcr first umm 2 Onen Saaces aiid Coinmon Arm. Thc Open Space Lots and Common Areas shall he used only for the purposes for uhich they are mrriallj constructed or unproved, and fiuiiler rcstrrcted as per the appro\ ed Open Space Efirsalienl Agreement submitled to the City of Arroyo Cirande.

-3. &Tree Mvlitircatio&Ax- The Propeq designated Oak Tree Mitigation areas located on porliolls of Lars ,as designated an llle Oak Tree ivlitigatir)n and bfomronng Plan. m required by the Coirnty Conditions of Approval adiisess~ngO& on page -of the Addiuor~dhilap $beers, and ~hrchOak Trcc Mltigat~onmd Mor~i'rormgPian is amcl~ed hereto as Eshibit The designared Oak Tree Mir~gatmnareas only ~~ceomn~odakfor road

County. liimpticts or sicmo>aisare con~e~nplated.the Lor (I\+ller shall first ohwit; Courity appiavai and shall he sold) responsible ibr ali mtligation and maintenalice, incltidrng planting, repiantriiy. watcsing, irrigation. protcc!li,n. dralnagc. arid rctarting qu;diiied persons to provrdc veriiication 10 the Com~ty,111 cmp1i;muee md~and subject to County rrquiremen& in esrstetxce ac the lime Impact IS ideiliiired

A. blaintenancc of Oaks The Owner of mch Lor upon which Oak trees i~~vebeen replanted shall also be resqxinsibie for li7e can ofihe piarttrngs of such Ddic bees incitidig~g %vwdingto a three (3) fool mciius and necessary pes conSol. Plant and tree cme \ha11 be moni~omdas medcd by rile Rssociation to ensure Owners of the aiyecied inm are enn~plying with responsibiiiucr; iiis per County C'onditlcns of Approval as set forth on the ,%dditian.alMap Sheets at pugs ------and/or state regulk~toqagencies) until such trrne as the ihrcc (3) or seven 17) yews of morritored required care IYC crl?~lzd,

B Inspeiriions. AII ins~etrons!loil be conducted annually and a repofl subrnittcd hat evaluates iiie health and success of Tne planted trees, atzd rnci~rdesremedial meastires to mect rcstoratioii gads. This it~spcctrorzshall occur for =ven (7)yet begi~~ilg approximaiei} cm (I) year from the time of the initial verifimGot1 loner The Asxmation shall muss the O%mersofthe Lots upon wiiich {he pl;m'ii~~gsare located to complere any necessary remedia1 measures ~dentiiiedin the reports tv~liunthirty (30) days to maintain tila popuiaiitiirn of initially planted vegetauon.

4. Uunch~~ra5s.Native g~iassscsshall i3e pkmted wilhin La1 24 contiguous with existtng naxive grassland patches, as required by tile County Conditions of Apjwovui addressmg Bunci~gms arem on pagc ofrile Addillonai Map Sheets, and which Bunellgrass Erab~talRevegefation Maintenance ar~dMimitoring Plan is &ached hereto as Exhibit .

A. Madenancc ofBunchgras. The Associatton shfi be cesponsible fix the care of ihc plsndrigs of such Bunchgrsirs mas, including wed renlovd and eon2rol for a period ofii~see (3) years. Upon initrat plantirzgs, a qualified individual shail conduct qt~arterl~inspcerioas of the resronrion arcas for a pen'od of no Icss cilm fiivc (5) years io emure establishment and idcntlficd grmsiand resToi-auon areas. Inspecxion reports silaii he pmvtded to the Department of Planning and Buildkg on a quarterly basis 5 Maintenance. All Lots and structures, including private yards, fencing, and landscaping not otlleiwise maintained by the Association, shall at all times be maintained by the Owner or occupant in good condition and repair, and In a clean, neat and orderly condrtion. Each Owner is required to maintain their home in a clean and attractive manner and will cause to have all repairs, including, but not limited to painting, crack filling, tile replacing, water stan removal. and w~ndowcleanlng withm 90 days of ilot~fication,and the immediate rcmoval of any graffit~.

In addition to other remedies m the Declaratlon and at law, prov~dedto the Associahon, in the event an Owner of any Lot fails to maintan his or her Lot and the improvements thereon as required in thls subsection, the Association's agents may, after nodce and hearing as provided in the Declarat~onand the Articles of the Association, enter the Lot and perform the necessary mainienaace. The cost of such mamtenance shall ~mmcdiatelybe paid to the Association by the Owner of such Lot, together with interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annun1 &on1the date costs were incurred by the Association until thc daic the cost rs paid by the Owner

6 Landscaping. New landscaping visible from public areas must be reviewed by the Architectural Committee. No gravel, rock. or hard scrape, combined. may coinpnse more than 50% ofthe front yard landscaping.

Landscaping shall provide for, among other features, lawns, shrubs, trees and flowers that are low water demanding, drought tolerant with a water conserving irrigation systcm

Furthermore, each Owner shall water. plant, cut remove, and otheswise care for the landscaping located on his or her Lot. Lawn grass is not to be allowed to grow to a height that will develop seed and under no circumstances to exceed a height of four illches (4"), the exception being clumping grasses whose natural state does not anticipate cutting. No grass shall overhang public or private walkways Landscape trimming sl~allbc in1mcdiatelv removed to trash co&ners, or ;f of such magilitude that containers will not hold same, then out of the Developmeilt Ko dead or dying foliage- or plants infected with disease or harboring- noxious insects br weeds shall be brougi~t,grown ol'maintained within the individual Lds. Existis~gtrees on the Lots shall be maintained by each Lot Owner in a healthy condition, and inay not be removed without being replaced inunediately with a like tree by the Lot Owner. No weeds or bafe ground spots map fill areas more than ten percent (1 0%) or any twenty-five (25) square feet or area meant to be landscaped witbin the fiont yards, rear yards, or Common Areas within the Development. Common Area easements and extreme slopes in rear yards adjacent lo Conmon Areas may be lefi in a natural state. Nothing in the Declaration withstanding, the above referenced Owners shall masntain the landscaping on his or her Lor in a safe. neat and orderly manner.

A Water Efficient Landscape Requirements Each Owner shall abide by the Water Efficient Landscape Requirements set forth at Chapter 16.84 of the Arroyo @rande Code of Ordinances, or any future superseding ordinance.

7. No Mineral Exrrloration. No property shall be used in any manner to explore for or to remove any water, oil or other hydrocarbons. m~neralsof any kind, gravel, earth or any earth substance or other mineral of any kind to a depth of five hundred feet (500'). This provision shall not prevent dnllfng of waim wells by n public water agency on an) designated easement in the Common Area. No machmery or equipment of any kind shaii be placed, operated or maii~fajncd upon any Lot except suclr machine3 or equipment as is usual and customary in comection wrth the use and mimena~ceof a Lot.

8. Nuisances. No noxious. illegal or offensi~eactivities shall be carried on upat1 any Lot or in any part of i11e Subject i'roperty. nor si~ailmyth~ng be done tiiereon which may be or may becoine an annoyance or a nuisance or wh~chmay in any interfere with the quiet enjoyment of each of tile OWI~P~Sofliis or her respective Lot. or uhich shall in myBay inermse the rate of insurmce for {kc Project. clr cause d11y insurana policy to be canceled or to cause a relirsai io renew Ll~esame. or which will iinpair the sauctnml integrity of any building. Any activity winch resuits in uweasoaabte IevcIs ofnoisc. dust, or ansighfly cnnditk,ns considermg the resideniral character of ehe Project shdl be deemed to be a nursance Yo vehictc repairs shall be performed in any Lot are3 which is visible from acQo~n~iyprope~xies. oilier dxan miilor etnergency repairs.

9 Veh~cleParkir~rr and G;tra~eRastrictians

A No urt~ier,camper. inobile honie. coniniercinl vebicls. conimercial equipment. recrciltioraal vehicle, dune buggy. incrpcrabie ahdomobile, b;%tor similar equipixxerii shail be parked or permitted tc) remain on any porrion uf an Owner's Lot thas IS visible &)rmthe street or another Lor, ot11er than temporarily as delcnnined bj Rvard policy. uiliess parked c\.~tI-iir,an enclosed garage.

B. Ail dritewi%yysanct garages shall be mainland in a neai and orditfly condiiron, and ail garage doors sl~ailremain ciosed mrcepl a.i 1s rictcesar) to pcimit rngress and egress ai' velucies or foi ti= purpose of clcuning or working 111 the garage or tJie qurroallding urea. Ailp garage sl~allbe used [or the pirktng of@iea?aiit two (7) vehtcics oniy and shall nut be conve~~ed iijr iisiag. business or recrmctonal activilies if dotrlg so woutd preciude the parking of two (3) d~icicsin same. All garage douzs sixall be of a roU-up design and slrail remain ciosed iui di times except when bcing itsed to mtcs or exit the wage.

C. 41a motor vehicle shall be cctasuuct&, n?eui?r;truc~dor repaired tvtthin the Developmerit and no displaced or inopembie veizicle. rncluding vehicles cvilitoui wheel(sj or an engine, sixdl be srored in tlre DcveJopmeni. proiided, however*that rhc pnivibii>nuflhis secrrosr &all not apply to enrergency vel~icierepairs. 011 shins are not ~mittcdoil drrvcways longer than two (2) hours.

D in addition and in complzance tvitlz rhe Vehicle Code 112658 2 xhe Association may cause the removal of my setlicle v~rongfull>parked in the Comni<>nArea pmperty, including a vehrcie owned tq an occupant. Ifthe idcnt~ryof the vehicle owner is know or readilj asceminahie, the Pressdent of the iissne~alionshail, wtrhin a reasonable time. noriG titc owner by first elms dlof said rerno~ai.If the identit) of tile owner is not known or ascertainable, the .kqsociarion must semi a k~~rtenrepor;, of the removal hy mail to the Califomla Deparunen? of Justlee in Saem?ento, provided the liekicie has not been retiirned :do the owner witl~inone hundred twenty (120) hours. Immedialeij aiier tile vehicle has been removed, €be Associaxion nlust nolif>~tile local traEc law cnforcmnenr agenc3 of said removal. The rrotice must include a descripiton of tile vehicle, the iiccnw plate number. and the address from where tilc %chiclewas removed. However. the vchtclc may be removed without notice ~f rt IS parked in a marked Fire lane. will~lrrfifteen (15) feet ol'a fire hydrmt. or if it interfered \wth an entrance oi ex11 of Lhe Development

10. a.No signs sllall bc displayed tn !he pitbirc \leu on any Lot or on an)^ pofliotl of tile Subject Property except such signs and in such Ioeamn as aie appmveri b!' the Board. Piacemeni of signs advert~singthe Lot for sde or rent, shdl be ofn.ann&le dimemioils Reclaiml is specifically cxcepted 60m ille srgrwge lim~tations.

I I. Garbam and Refuse Disaosai. Trash. gari~ageand od~erwaste shall he kept in sa~rirary containers All equipment Tor tiic storage or dispoi;ai of such tnaterids shall be kept in a cieiui and sanitary condition. AII equipmat, garbage cans. moodpiles. or storage piles .;hall be kept screened ar1d conealcd from view of otller l,ots, street%and Con~~noniircn Dumpsters and containers w~tb !~~d~\idualcapacit) of 1 15 cubic yiads (40.5 cirblc feet) or mom shail no1 he stored in buildings placed within 5 fket trfcomi~ustiblewalls. openings or combusiibie mof cave lines.

12 Rmdad '~elrrvls&~&Antem~as.Satellite lclevisiori receivers noc exccc-"iIiogthirty-six inchcs (36") in diameter ma?; be i~isiaiiedin any side or rear prd area. as long a5

13. Roof Monnicd Enuiamail. All rol"rnomied air conditionbng or heating eqwpmail, bents md ducts si~allbe screened fiom pabiic vier?,.

14 R~giztto Irasc. l%e respective Lots shall not he rcmed b3 tile Owne~sd~escof for transtent purposes. which sirdl bc defined a (1) renral fbr any period less tlian Chtrty (30) days. or (2) any renedl ITtire occnpaiJs ofthe Lot arc, prtrvrdt-d servxces such as maid sefi1c-e or fuumislied lanildt-j and linen. S~ih~eclLa U?e foregoing restrictions, the Owners of tile respective Lars shall iuve absoi~rteright m lease anie provided Chat the lwse is made subject to tile coverants, conditions. resrncilons. limalations aduses conpalned in flus Detclmahnn and the Articles aid Bylaws.

15 kbilitv of Otxiners ibr Dma-neto Common Am. The O\n~crof each Lot shdl be liable to the as so cia ti or^ for dl dafllag& trt iix C'omn~onArea or improvetncxits thereon caused by such Owner or any occup'uzr of his or lieu Lot or guest except fur that portion of the damage, if any, which is Culiy covered bl insurance.

15, Fences and Partvm. ih) fence or party wall. miiich is placed on an) dividing line between any of the Lois shall cons~itufca partit wall. and to the extcnt consistent with thts RecIaratmn the gcnaai ruies of law re~adin:,put? walls and iiabii~tyibr propfly damage due to negligence or willful acts or otniss~onsshall apply thereto. Thc cost of reasonable repair and maintenance of aparty wall shall be shared equally by the Owners who make use thereof. Colors of fences shall be limired to those colors used m the orxginal construcnon. Colors of walls shall be limited to those colors used m the orxg~nalconstruction Colors shall not have a reflective value greater than 40%. No walls of any nature shall be erected or maintained on or around any portion of any lot except those that are installed 111 accordance with the original construcrion of the Development, the~rreplacement, or those authorized dnd approved by the City and the Association of thc Architeciurd Col'nmittee.

No fences or oniameiltal screens of any nature shall be erected or nidintained on or around any portion of any Lot except those that are installed m accordance with the original constructxon of the Development, tile11 replacement, or those authorized aid approved by the City and the Association or the Architectural Committee.

17. Architectural Controls

A No building, fence, wall, obstruction. balco~~y,screen. patio cover, tent, awning, carpoti cover, clothesline, improvement, or structure of any kind which is visible from outside any Lot shall be commenced, erected. painted or maintained upon any Lot, nor shall any alterat~onor improvement of any kind, or change in exterior color he made to existing impro-oements,unt11 the same has been approved in writing by the Board. Plans and specifications show~igthenature, kind, shape, color. slze. matenals and location of such ~mprovements,alteratsons, etc., shall be subm~ttedto the Board for approval as to the quality of' woslmanship, design and Slarmony or external dcsign with existing structures; and as to location in relation to surrounding structures, topography, and iin~shgrade eie$atlon; and compliance with the approved Vista Del Mar Desi~nGuidelines.

B. Notwithstanding any provision of this Paragraph, all Lots shall bc entdled to construction on or upon the exterior thereof solar energy devices for the purpose of fuinishing heal and/or energy to a structure on that Lot witl~outpnor approval from tile Association, as long as the same is designed, coizstructed and installed in accordance with accepted architectural and engineering principles.

C. No landscaping of yards visible from the street or from the Common Area not involving the use of natural plants, grass, trees or shrubs, or synihetic materials ordinarily used hrlandscaping purposes, shall be undertaken by any owner until plans and specifications showing the name, kind. shape, and lucaiion of the materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Board

18. Liabilitv of Owners for Damage to Common Area. The Owner of each Lot shall be liable to the Association for all damages to tile Common Area or improvements thereon caused by such Owner or any occupant of his or her Lot or guest except for that portion oftl~edamage. if any. which is fully covercd by ~~~surance.

19. Animals. No mn~als.reptiles, rodents, brrds, fish, livestock. or poultry shall be kept on any Lot or elsewhere within the Development except that domestic dogs, cats, fish and birds (inside bird cages), which are allowad in City limits pursuant to zot~ing,provided tiley me not kepi, bred. or raised err commercial purposes or in u~montthlequantilics as to be determined by the Association. The Assoeratioil may prcsilibtt the keeping of any amrnal tliat in the sole and exclusive opmion of the Association constitr~ksnuisance to any other Owner by interfering wid1 the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of tlterr property. Each person bringing or keeping a pet upon the Deveiopment shall he liable to other Ouiizezs. Their hniiij: mcmbers. $pests. invitcm, tensants, and contract purchixsers, and their respective fnlil~mmbers. gucsrs, and invrkes inr any damage lo persons or pi-op~~typnlxrmateiy eaused by any pet brouglit upon or kept upon tile Deveiopment by the person or by hfmnbers of h~sor her family. his c-rr her guests, or mnvltces.

29, -In of Lots. None ofthe l,ars shall bc divrded by subdivision snnap. parcel map, paitition or olhcrw?se.

21. &>nj-ved Home Goloo. All homes .;hall be of subtle. i+ann, earilly torla, sue11 as tans, browtxs, grays and dark greens \with complin~enm)arcmints compatible with a tranquil. rustic a~~ospherc.tlonCcoiors shall be of brown, sbtc. gecn, block, tans. creme, and siarr: greys. No asphair or wood tpc roo& are pey1nirtccf. No reflective wiriciows. rooti ui wail mareriais are permitied. except for copper roofdet&ls. Any a&itionai mindtrw clmmges nmsr be consistent with home wiildn\ws hcing front or Cornman Areas and shdi have recessed feafirrcs or bimds.

22 F&&r of St~uctures,No strilcrures .ihalI be corzfi&uc;?cdeonsisrmg of~z~arrtiran two (2) stones. Structures sirall be lnnitnd to a n3axiinum height oT3O' n~casui.~.dfroin the higlxest poltrl of tire roof to ihe laghest point of rhr siu: grade

73. House hznnbcrs, ?\!Ihouse nnriinhrrix ticwabie from rhc sired which posses in ficmt cii'the rcsldcilce siiali be visible from the center line ol's~dslreet and mounted on a cnntsclsring backgrauizd.

patterns shall he penni&d without the prior witten approval ofthe City. For thc purpose hereof, established drainage pattenls ure deSirred as thc drainage pattern existing at the time the wtding of said property \*as coinpiered in confilrmiqc. w$th the grading aoci drriln~sgeplan heretofore appruvcd by said Cit?.

25. Gas or 1,iuuid S~oraee.No ia& fo1. the storage ofgas or liquid may be installed on or in tile Dr\elopmenl unless such inslailarion is done b) Deelaranf or has been appmved by the Associalion or the Arcl~itccturalOommiI:e. .tTany.

26 Setbaclt and Location of Sticture and Additma. A11 setbacks Tor residence gar.age$ patios. pafio covers, gmehos or otiier pennilnenr suircturcs nzrlst meet cwKnt iiictPi buifdnlg codes mtd ,coning requirements. They must he cons~stcntwith cuiors orhorn%

77 Deiaclrcd Structure\, >\Ji structures ivhicl~are detached from the residence must be approved by the CiLy Building Ilepamenr and i2rchitecturai Cornminee prior in their construdioa. 28. &ulon~aticFire Snrinklers. Automatic Ere spnnklerp,compliant iuith NFPA I3D shall be inscalled in all rcsidenlial structures as may be rqbired b> Ole Cir? of Arroyo Grande Fire Depment.

29. Compliance with Law. Nothlng shali be done or kept in my Lot or in thc Conmo~~Area that migilt increase the rate of: or cause the caricelliliion of. insnfitnec Tor the Delieiopmct?r. without riie pnor wnlteti ccrnsent of the Associarion. KO Owner shall permit anything io be do= or kept in his or her Lot that vroiates any lax. ordmmcc. statue. rt~ie.or- regrrlabon of any local. county, st& or federal body No Owner shall allow his or her fumbure. fum~si~!ng$.or other persol& property to remain witb~nany portion of the Gumlon Area except as may othemise be penyliaed by the Association.

30. Ii~den?niiicat~oa.Ed& Owner silaii hc iiahic ta the rema~ningO'ivners for my dmage to tile Co~moaArea or 10 .&ssociation oiviled property that may be 3ustasned by reason ofthe negligence ofth& O~vner,thai Owner's Cinrlt) n?embers. earitract pwehasers. tenants. guests, or invileas, but oniy to the exlent tj7al 311) sue11 damas ts not covirred hy casualuy insurarrce in favor of llle Assoei;iizon. Each Ov*ncr, by accepance ofhis or itei deed. agrees. personi~liyand for family meulbel%,eontract purchirsers, tenanis, guescs, and inviteus. to ~ndemnifyeach md every other Owners. and ro hold i?h or her ilamless from and

3 1 IIegtdi Ke~~~ediesTor Dwr>g~N~oninliunce.

A 'I-11e fa11us.cof miy 01vncr to comply with any pn~visio~asof rhis Declamimn shall -qive rise to a ~aitscof ~CI~UIZin a) ag~v~evedihner for the recovery of damages, for injunctrve reiref, or hoxll.

B. Beforc instituting ailj judicial acttun. arbitration or other ploceed~ngarising out of any Owler's or resident5 Filiire or alleged failure to coilzply wiih any of the provisions ofthls,except for tllc: enforromcnt and collec~~onof assessnlents. tile Comtnittee or Owner who desires io initiate such action. bereinafrer .referred io as the -'Compldiinn~Pa-," must make a good faith attcntpf tn mediate the d~spu~cpui'smnt to this subsee%ion.l%e Cornpiairring Party shall send to ilro other part), hereindxer referred to as the ""Resa~ndmrPoriu," written notice of the nature of file dispute, Liz fats giving rise tis elaim and its desire to nrcdiate, herema&eter refem-d lo as tflc '-waiicm Norlee 'Thould either party commence a~iidicialaction. arbitrarion or oiher proceeding withour sending a Mediation Noiiee. the Responding Party shall be entiiled to stay the action and request a Mediation Notice fmm the Compi~ningPmy. The Mediation Ndce shall namc a mediator. Tile Cornplaning Pat3 slyall bc ahligated in pa? any fee to ~nitiaie mediation; however, tlie cosr of mediation. including any attorneys' fees. simii uitimateiy be borne a? dctcnni~iedhy the paitles if the n~ediationresults m a seniing ill'the dispute If the Responding Pariy does nor agree w~ihthe Complaintny I2&yiy'~ci~oiu of rr mediator, rhr: parties shall ask htthe American MltrEltion Assoeralien pick a med:diator h~nih panel within ten 110) dap front riic Respondmng Party's receipt oE the Mediation Notice. Wititin thi&y (30) days alter the rned~aioris chosen, the parties shali scl~eduleand attend a mediation session and make a good faith effort to resolve their dispute. If the n~ediaiionsession does not resolve the dispute, or if the Respor~dingParty refuses to anend. the d~spizte&all be submilled io. and conclusiveIy detrnnmed by binding arbibirnrion in accordme wit11 this subsection, prowded. hawveset, thut the provisions of this Suhsecr_ionsflati not preclurie rmq paty fmm seeking injunebre. other pro\.aionaI or quiiablc. relief in order ro presene the stafus quo of the parties pending resoJut~on of the dispute and. xhc filing of an action seeking mujunclive or other provisional reliefshaI1 nut be eonstaxted w a waiver oStizat party'r arbitmion rights.

C. ?be arbitrators shall be sckcied and tile arbitrahon conducted m aceorher with tile Comme~cialArbitration Kuies of the Ammican &biIsdt~onAssi-iciation.

D. Tllc asbiuatofs shaii be selected by ihc parties from individuds afiliaked wth the Judicia! Arbitration and Mediation Servtces. Xnc. The ahitraiors shaii be condueled m San LUL? Obispo County. CaEiFumia.

E. l'he shail submit to arhiw&ioiiail Mnitieii. docunxenwry, or otfler evideilce and orai testimony as is rcasonabl:, nocesm for the proper reso1ut1on ofti?e dwpuie. Copies (of' all writteo snbmittalals shdl he provided to the arbitratctr(s) .and thc parties on cacil side. The arhiWtt>r(s)slid1 conducr SLIC~Ihmringb as slr&/iSley cons~dernecebsary. may require the submissioi3 of hricfs or points and aulhoriues; admay subrngt wineu qu=tiorzs to tile parties. 7'1~pa~ies silall resparxi to such queqtrons in writing. flu quesrion is addrased to less than all of the pnrrics, copics of the quesxion and answer theseto shall he served otl the other parties.

F At !be hewrag any relevant evidence iuuy be presented by mlairules oi'evidexxx appl~cdbibieto judicial pmceedit~gshi1 not govcrn. Evidence shali hs admind ot mcludd nr tltc sctle discretion of the arhrrrarorjs).

C;. Ehcepr as provided ahove. lize arbilraiioi~px~wd~ire set forth in tile CdlXomia iirhitration Act Stafntes. CW Seexioil 1282-1294.2. shall iipply to rhr: arbrtmtion

. Tile arbkrrrriori skdil procad with due dispatch nr~da decision firali he rendered w&in sixty (601 days after wc%infmenlof rhe arbinatoris). The arbitrafoi.(s). decmon si1a1I be in mrittng iuxd rn a fomz sufficient for entry ~Tajudgmeiuii~ any court of wmpetmt junsdictloi~in tile State of California.

I. Any dedjlon of the arbilfafoi'js) didail pertain. &mdshall be limrted to, the gruntmg of damages not lo exceed day party's actual out-of-wcker expenses and the coss of undetiaklng any repairs, mainienanee or constructroo relaling to the dispute and ward af any injunction or other equitable relief. In no event shall the arbiirator(s)award include any component for purritivc or mempiary damages. Costs of the nrbrtm~ionproceeding shall be borne as deierrnilled by the asbipataris}.

32 Notihearion of,?dditionai .Man Sheel. '%e Map, as i~cnrdetl,mcludes Addilionat Map Slleets. The reslr!ctions. condifxolrs and standards set forth m rire d%d&tlonaIMap Sheets shall apply to hbre deveiopn~entof tile Property and all Oxmen of the Property are subject to the additional covenants and resir~crions,and are hereby noticed tlucough this Declmtion. it ia the responsibility of any prospective purcl~aserof a Lot to read the information contained on the Additionai Map Sheet.


improvements of any k~ndshall be coymeneed. erected or maintkned within the propeities. nor shall any cxtcujor addition la or chs~geor alteration be made in or to ant re%idenceuntii rhc plan and spcclficaticm shotvtng the nature. color, hd,shape, liefghi., iji~iud~ngko111, side, md rear elevations. materials ruld location of smerhali be submitted to ;u?d approved in wung by the Associatiol~'~Arcl?rteetusai Con~miitrrcas to conplimc viitki tbc appoved Vista Dei Mar Desipy Cvudl~linesand the qualify of tvurkmmship and rnatenals. hrritnorry ofexten3aI deslgn. and lur~xtionin reIadon to surrounding structures. corjsrsiencj bvrzll approved kioaiie coior. setback Lines. topogrzipl>yad finish gi%deel@vatioi~s. Tfnis Committee mag, at the Board oSFirector'~ requust. be responsibie kzr revicwrng proposals reganiing Open Space, landscapes, drives, walk. ztruclwes. aiid repl(u:emcni and maanreaance hereof. .A11 noted public works iinprovemenrs shdl be designated at coosiniete~fin the siandmds ofclu' <:it! of Arroyo Grandc or in tile absence rl~ereo: to tire s~mditrdaoftire County of San LUISObzspn

2. Apmi t?t~neiitof&cl~rlcc~ural C"ominittee The Arekr~celi~raiCommittee c.hail corrsist of' nut less than fhree (3) and iror more than fi\e (5)Members. l>eclwsnt may appoint ttlI of li~c originizf i~xcmbcmoSil~e Commiitec aid uli rcpixemenrs luitii tile fktmmivemry ofthe issun~ieeof the original final public report for the Project Oilier orla (1 ) year tronr d~cdate nfthe issuance ol the original pttblic report for tile Piuject the O~nerssM1 have the power to appoiiii one (I) nlenlher to the Committee unlii ninety percent (90'90) of all rlli: subdivision interest un the Prqjcct have been sold or until tire firth (5"') jlnniversary date of the orrg~naltsstmlce of cire find public report Fw ilie Project. U~~CIICVC~ occur^ fillit ??jereaAer. tile Oxmers $hail bme the power to uppoini ail members to the Conln~igec.Comlnrffee membei%appointed to tl1e Commrtiec by tile i)wncrs shall be Owncrc;. C'omiiitm iricmkn uppain$& to the Con?miixcz by the T)eeiarmL need not be Ownm. A majont~.of tile Conrmi~%eema> des~paiea repr~ci%rotia.eto acr ibr it. Conm~itteelnm1bers sizall erve ior a ienn of one (1) year, in the cvcni of death or i-signatioii of any tzien~bcrof tile Committee. ihe successor shd1 be appnmnted by the person. enat). or group which alspointed such member until Declaraa no longer has tire ng17t lo appoini mq member to the Coi~~mltteeand ther&r he Owners sl~allappoint such successor. Neither tlrc Members. nor the Conmirree. itor iis designateci 1.rpresenldves shali be entitled fomy coinpewtion for sen-ices pesfonned pursuant hereto.

3. Subinission of Plans: Actions bv Committee. Plans and speciEcatron shall be deiivered to the Areh~tecruralCommirlee by personal ciriivery or eefiiiied mail io the secretuq of the Association or the chairman oTtixe Archiie~tnmIComniiltee. &I the even: the Committee tkils to approve or disapprove such design and loeatioil wjlbin Ibiry-five (45) days afier said plans and specification hate hem sub~inuedto lit. rile requcst shall bc deemed to have been approved. Apvoval ofthe Committee can conkun conifirlon'i or requests for modification of particalat aspects of the hxler's plan and speeificatians,

4. Architecmral Rules. The Archrteciuriii Cornznittee niay, siibjecl to review by the Board of Directors, from tin% to rlnxe adopt amend mid repat$rules and feguhtions, to he kkromu as '"Architectural Ru~.''Said Arcli~rec~uralRuleb slrall inrerpret and implement rile provisions of this Dcciaration by sening ford1 !he standads ar~dproccdiwes for [he revre- and approval of proposed imprcre,emei~erand giitirdeiines for archirecrurat des~gn.piacenrent of any work of improvmenls or color schemes. estc&or iiinshed and mteri;ils, wd srmilur features which are m-ecotnmmded for use within the propaties, provided thtlC said rules shall no1 be: in deroghon of the ininimuin skudariis retquirrd by this 13eclaration. in the evem of my conflict between the Architeelmi Rules and this DeciarLmtion. the Declmat~onshall prevail.

.C Vmiinices. ll~eArcli~tecliiral Coinmii~ee $half be ent~lledto dlow reasonable vancmee& with respect LO this suhsecuon of tlx Dcciaratioi%or an) n.stricfic?ns specified in this Meteof the DeeIan$li~nirr order to overcome prxt~caidifficultres. word uoneccwir). expense or prevent unnecessav turdships, provided titat the fiiilowing cn~lditionsare met:

A. Ifii~cr@qtiesfrdvurimee will necessitare devidon from. or nrodification oi: s pmpes3y use restriction ihai wor~ldatlxmse crppl) under tlus Declamrirm. the C'omm~tteemxist canducr a hwring on the proposed variance a&crgiving at !cat ten (10) days prior wittell nodcr to the Rocl~riiu~d to aJi Owrteis of residences \within one lxundred (1001 reel of the property fix which the variance t~ppl~cdhe C)\&ness rewving nolrce oflile proposed variance shall have thirty (30) days in wi~ichto inbnzrt w the Boiuiri or Com~ilitleeu.rittcn comrnenLs or ohjcctioi~s with respect to the vnrkancc No decision shali be made \iith respec? lo the pmpoed varrmec u:~ti! tho thirty (30) day C~~~XX~CII~period has exp~rcd.

B. Tho C*rf%~miaeomast nlakc a good ij~ihdeiemztriadon that:

I RI~requested ~~miaricedoes 1x11consttn~te a materid deviation FIonl rhc oierall plan and ~cherneoTde\clopmeni w&in tire Project. or from my restrict~onconlafiled herein, or that the pmlx>saiallow the ob,jectiveq oFkviolated re~uire;mcnis(s)to be subst&iniiy achieteci despite nonco~xpllsnce,or

9-. rbe cariance reiares ro a requll-enlent here~islderthat is isnnecessaq or burdensome under the circumstancesr or

1. Tile \~mimce,if &mnt&d.\%dl ilut rc*5uitin a material detriment, or create an unreasonahltt nubmcc, with respect io any other residence, Common Area, or Owner within the Project.

6. Estoppel Certificare. Witi~ir~ihiny (30) days &er written demand is delivered ro the Board of Dirrctors or the Archrtemd Cornmirtee by an3 Owner, and upon payment to tile Association of a rwonablc fm. as fixed from time to lime by the Board. the Board or the Comrnlttee shall execute a11 estoppei cerrificate. e~ccutedby any two 13) of its mcrnbers, certifying*with respect to any reside~iceowned by the applicant owner, that as ofthe date thereof. either

A. All in~provemenlsmade atrd other mark cornpieled by said Owner coinply with the Archrreclur;aI Rules ofthe ,4ssocialion; or

B. 'Illat such iniprovernenb or work do rrot so comply. in which event the certificate shall also identify the noncomplying impmven~cntsor work and set forth ~~ithpmicuiarity tile basis of such noiicomplisnce Any piirchaser &om the Ovmers, or 'myone deriving any interest in said residence fivou@ lSle Ovmer, shall be elltitied ro rely an said certifiatl~with rebpct Lo ihe masen tl~ere~nset foifh, such rnatxers hang civnciusl\ e as bctwecn the Assoeiarion, all 0.zinei-s and ztnq person derivzng any roterest through them.

1. Ennfnrw111ent: The Assoeiatiou, or any O~vi~cr,shall hm tllc right tn mforce, hq any &~rocrcding;It law or in cquity , all rcstrrcfions condi~ioiis,coven:,i~ts. rmervations. lie=. and charges now or hcreai2er imposed by tile provisioii of ibis Declaration, and in such action be enti2led to recover reasonable attorneys' &s as urr ordered by the Court Failure by the Association or by 3113 otiler to mhrce any covenant or ravicrion contained in tius Dcciamilon shall in no event he clecmeii a waiver of lllr right to do so thercsifier

ICun Owner fails to nxat~~vainthe exterior ofikor her Lor andor resldeil~ein a elcan, neat arid orderly cnfldition us reyuircd h) Article Vi. Seerion C. of i&DecS~atioa the bard may notify the Omivller of clre work rcqu~rcdaud direct ~1~1it be done within sixty (60)days from the giviiig of such notlee. In [he event, thnt the ilwa~erfails to carry out such mainicnance within such pcriod, the Board mi\> hi. tile hetxefit of lhe Corninon Area or the Omem in common enter upon that (Jwr~er'stot (ibllowing ilotice and hearing xis requ~redper Article IV, Section 11 ), cause such work to bc done. and assess the cost thereof te the Ouner as a Special Assossmerul.

2. i~~validltvoi'zpv l'r(>~rision Should my pmvrsion or portion t~ereofbe dcelmed ~nvaild or in conilict with any iaw ofthe jurisdiction vvhcrc ih~sproject is sitaated. ?be vaii&ty of all other pmv~sionsmd portions her@ofsliiiilremain uni~ffectedand in full force and effect.

3. Encrti;lchment Easen~m,Each Lot wirhin the i%ojccr is iri~reirydeclared to have an ease~nisntover all arijoiiiing Lots and the Cammon Area for tL~epurpose of ;~~con~n~c>datitxgany encroacim~enldue ir, olginecrrr~gerrorr. enors in onyinal consmction setxlement or shifting of the building, and roofoverl~a~lgsas lloilg as they shall exist, and the right and obligation of Owners sl1d1 not be altered in any way by the cncraachmei~t.setxianent or shining; prowded, bowevcr. that in no event shall a valid casement for encroachment be created in fi~vorof a17 Owncs or Owners if the coeroachmeni occurrod due to the willful miscondncr of an Clmer or Ow~~ers.In tile even? a smclure is partially or totally destmyed, ;id then repalred or l-ehuiit, the Owners of each Lot agjee the1 mjrior encmac~ni~entsover adjoiialt~Lots or Commori Area shall be permitted aid that therc shall be vaiid easelnents for the maintmmce of these encrmchn~ents so long as they shall exist. 4 Mortrratic Protection ProYisions. No breach of any of the co%eniii~zs.cond~iinns and restrictions lrereln contained, nor the enforcemtmt of alj lien provision herein, shd1 rendtr invalid the lien of any moagge or deed of trust on any I nt made in good faith and for due; ail these covmarits, conditions and restrictions shall be binding tipon and cRative agaiair~stany Owners whose title is derived through TorecIosure or irustee's sale. or o&crwrse.

Exccpt tipon the prior witten appmm-aiof at Least fifty-one percent (51%) of dl fils1 mortgagees in existence on the Lots baed on one (1) vote for cae1l mortgagee, neither the Associatiom nor the Members shall be entitled to amci~da material proviwon of this Declaratjon, or the 83-labs or Antcies. For purposes of determini% what provisions are maimid in the Declafatioiz, arrd in tllc Bylaziis or Articles, suell terns shall include piovlsions ~rlatingto: (a) voting rights, (b) as6asments. assaslnent lie~ls.or .iuhordina~onoCasessment licns, (c) reserves Tor mnamlenmce, repair ;n~drqlaccmcnt of Commott Area. (d) ~sponsibiliiyfor mainicwance and repairs. (cl ilititrcst m and right8 to us* Commoa kca. Ct? I ,oC boctndaries, {g) annexation or witbdiai~dof p~opcnyro or &on1 Project. (h) Insurance or fidelity bonds. (i) leasing ofunits. 6) restrictions on m Owner's nght to seii or trinisfer Lots, {k) dec~sionby the Association to convert fix)rn professional managcinent to scl f-fl~magen?cni. (i restoratxon or repair of Common Area, (in) action to Lc:rrninirte iegal Llistatusof Project. and (n) pmwswns wiuch express1y benelit morlgagc bolder. insurers or guaranlurs.

'Ille Corrrinon Alea may not be shiindoned, pxiiliilned. mid. dicmicd, suhdiv~ded. rclc:*sed. wmferrd, hyporhcca:alerior obi~e~~vlseatle~imhercd, wifho~it rile prior approval of sixty- ?even pcrccnz (6746) of first mctngageses: provided, i~owevcr,the granting of asmenis for public utilities ard oCiwr public purposes consistent \vilii tlie iolztded use of tin: Comrnnn Area shall no! rcquirc such approval.

Any fist mortgage cln a114 T,or or the Common Arm, upoir witten request in the Association. is entifled to:

A. Inspect tile booii; aild rt%ords of [he Assocla~ondurrng normal business hoiirs;

B. Receive ttze annuill audited financial staieme~irsoS&e Associtliion ninety (90) days following the end of the Associauon's fiscal year; arid

C. Rcccivr, \wittea notice of dl Annual and Special Meelings of the Member or of the Board. First mortgagees shall Further be entiiled ro clesignate a representative to atteiid dl such meetings in order lo. mong other things. dras arienbiirl to vlola6on of iltis Declamtion ~41iehhave not been corrected. or made the subject of remetiit1 aetzon b) tile Assoeiaticin; po>pided, however. nothing coniained in this seelion shall give a Firs nloirgagee the right to cail a meeting of t11e Board or ofthe Members for any purpose or to vote al any such meczing.

Any first mortgagee on any Lot &ail be entilled to wiLte11notification from tile Association of an) default in the perfom?ance of the ohligatio~lr,imposed by this Deelaaiion bq ihc O\npner whose Lot is errcunbered by such n~ortgqee'smortgage, which default has ilot bem cured within sixty (60)days of a request therelor by the Association: provided. howe\ser, the Association silall onl) be obligated ro ptovicic such notice to fin^ mortgagees uiho iiave previously requesred such nowe in writing,

In lire event of my confllct between any of the provisions of tlns Article and any of the other pro\-~sitmsofthis Decimation. the pm\*isionsoftlus Article shall co~ttroi.

If the Comn?on Arm or any portrnn tilereof rs siibqtantialb) damaged or is made the ~libjcctof an) condem~it~onproccedji~g m cinineilt domain or 1s otilerwise sought to be acquired by a condernnir~gautho~izy. lile Board shall promptly notify an! first moagagee affected by such destruction, tzk~ngor tlrwened taicitt~.As used herein. ~"substan~iallydamzed" shaii mean dwnagc exceeding Ten Thousand Rolissii (%I 0.000) If requested in wnttng by a first moitgagcc, the Associauon rhall evidence its obiigatrons under the secuon ma wrmttea agrttcmei?t in favor of suc1.t fir%%martgagce.

In iiie event of a pn~poscdaciion b) the Association reqiilrlng a prescribed totc iitr approval by first mongagca, if any first maclgagce ddoes not rzspond lo a proposal %.itbin thirly (313) days from the date ofmailmg of t~o~iccof such proposal *at first mowagce's vote sldl he cntmted as a "'yes" vote.

5. 1:n;nlw for Repairs. The Board or its agents ma) emer any Lot or btiilditlg when necessar) in conneGtioi>with any m&iirite~iancc. imdscaping or cotlswciion Fur wliich ilie hsmciutioi~is ~cspnnsiblcor lzds acted to ande~t~ikein tl@~ordnncc w11/1 tins E>ecimatioii. Such en@ shall he inado with as litfie inconvenience m mile Owner as praeucabic md ;my damage caused thereby $hall he repaired by the Eluard at the eypepensc of tlte Assoeinticm. Exccpt m tile ease of a11 eincrgency. 48 iio~h~lzcebhail bc giten to the 0wne1 or ocabpant.

6, 1nsuran.ce~Qama~eor De~~mction. 'In the event oi'dan~agcto, or desrmction of my building or aiy part ihereof. the Clwner silail reconstact tile same as soon :ts reasonably praciicabie, and substanrraily in iiccor~z~ccwltb the origfnai plans and specificrrtjo~ztlicrefoi. including such modiiication thereof as may be adopted iron? the to time

The Associalion shall obtain dnd continue in ei?ect. a master policy offire and liability insurmce coverage for the Mi irrsurabie wine uCaI1 of the CumrrtonR~atmprobeYnonL? within the Project and personal propertg u%?ied by the ksociaiion, with eovei:tgc as deten~~illedby the Association, which shaii rnclude piihiic Ilabiliry and propmtq damage imuranm for Eke Commtin Area and any act of the Association m affecting ils duiies, and a fidelity bond covering any oficers mid employees, satisfactory to tile Associadon. The policies shall insure the Bodand the Members of the Association

lnsucancc aremimms fur the master aolici. si~alIbe a wmmon exueuse meluded in the Assessments levieb by the Association. and the pcsrtiori of such paymenis neeessark fur the insurance t?ren3inms sh11 be llrld in a separate aecour

T Condemnation. Any condnnu&ion award a1Tecrjng all or a part of the Con~monArea or any of its elements paid to tlre Association sh41 bc distributed equally ~mloegtile Lot Ownen and their mortgagees.

8. Limitation ofRestrictioos on Dcclmiil- Deciarant is tmrietiak~ngthe worh of conslructiolr ofthe res~dcrrtlaldu~ellj11qs and incidental iniorovenen& uoon the Subject Prooefiy, 7 . . The rapid eompidion of that worh and the ralc. retltai. rmd ofher disposal of ihese Lots ts essential to thc cstablishmezrl and welfare of ti?c Project as a residenttrii comlnunxly. Nothing in iris Decianrion dial! be understood or constiwed to:

A. Prcvcnr Decidraiit, its ccrntractorr, or subconnxctors from daing on the Subject Properly, or any tor whatever is reasonably ilccesmry or advisable in conn~%tionw~th tile ea~m!t?tionof the work: or - - mainr~n~ngon any pm or parts uf d~eSubject Properly nich structures ss may bc reasonsble md necessary for thc conduct of its business of cor~m!ctinrr- lire work, essmbiisiliiie- thc: Stlb~ecr Pmpe~~yis a rcsidcnkd community. atrd disposing oI"lhc snrrie in pareeis by sale, lease or olherwrse: or

C Prcvcnr Declawnt from conduchng on any pat7 of ffie Subject Propcny ils business oTcornpleti~ytile \\.ark.or esabIishii.rg a plan ofuwncrship aitd of disposing of ihe Subjccr Propert) in Pinnnd Dcvclopment iinits bg ssic Lease or oiherwise: or

D. Pirvent Dcclarant from msinbinjng such sign or signs 013 any of tl~c Subject Property rs may be ilaessay Toi dle Ae, lease, or dkpo>sitznnthereoe however, signs may not be posted 174" Deciamix upon any L,oi ilor. ot\.ned by i)ecixanr unless the conseiri of the Lot Owner is first ohtalned. The Eoregoing right of Dedarani wit:Lz respect to use oi'lhe Commr>.ii Aree md colm>oofnciidies shall remimte upon sdc of DeclararrCs entire interest in llre i'roject or four (4) yms after the firsf sale afa Lot lo a member of the ptihiic- i.i-1~1clxeveroccurs first.

Nolhiilg in lhls section shall be deemed fo aulhonze L3eclardn1 to unreasonahiy rnierfere with 0thOw~~ers' rights and enjoymen1 in clie Common Area

9. Tenninatian ofk~vRespooi;ibiiitv oi'Declarant. in event Declm~sh4i convey all ofits right, trtlc a11d mierest in and to tbc Subleci Property lo any pnrn~crsliip.individual, or individuals, corporation or corporations. Deeiurzwt shall he relieved of the performance of any furlher duty or obligation hcreuder, and such partnership. individuals, corporation or cozpomtians. shall be obligated to perform A1 sucii duties and obligations of d~cDeciarant.

10 Owners' Can~~liimce.Each Owner. lenmt. or occupant of a Lor silali comply wth thc pvisioz~soflh~s Decimation. and tct the extent they are not in conflict with the Deelmailon, the Articles, Bylaws, decisions and resolurions of the 4ssociation or its duly authorized representative. as lawfbily amended from time to time. Failiire to cornply wit11 my such provrsioirs. decisions or resnlutioos shail be grounds for action to recover sums duc. fnr damages andor for injunaive relief.

1 I Any notice permrned or required hy the Declaration, hrticics or Bylaws may he delivered either personaliy or by mail. If delivery is by ~naii,it shall be deemed to have ken delivered sevorly-iwo (72) hours &er a copy of the smchas been dcpos~iedIn tile thiLed Slates iililil. postage prepaid, addressed to each person ai the ciimnt address given by such pemn to the Secretary of are Board. ad&essed to the Lot of such pemn, ifno address ha been given to tile Sccretmy.

12. Fair Housing. No O~vncrshall. eitlles direct!? or indveetiy. forbrd or restrict the conveymce. encunobmce. icasing, mongaging. or occupancy ofhu crr hcr idatto any person of a specltfied rscc, color, rei~gion.ancestrl. or rutioc~3irrrigin.

13. Enforcement irnd Nonwaiver

A. RiLll~tof khrwmei~t.EXC~I as c>ther\.vise pro.r.idcd herein.. the Association ancVor any Owr~erof any Lot .&ill haw the n&t to eenlbrce any or all ofthe prt>visrot~sof thts Beclwarion lrpon any property ~4lh1nille i>rc!?jecl and rhe &ncrs thereof:

B. =ns Nuu- Ei cry act or ilmission wl~evebyany gn)~isiotlof this Deei;tratiun is v~olnzedin wlioie or m pan is hereb?, declareii ttr be a nuisance and may he e~~joiitedor abaied, whether or not the reiief sougix is for ncg~hveor afirnlative actio~lby Declaranl or the lissoci;rlion or any Owners of i,ois.

(3. Vioiat~onoFLa\n, An) biolatian of imy state. uiunrcipal or Locd law. oidinaimz or regtiiazion pertainiizp ro tile o\vnersilip. acc:cupation. or we of any propcrty withm the 13rojeciis ilcreby dcciwed to be a \tolation of thcrse reslriciionr and su$ec! to ail)" or all of the mforcemenr proceci~~resset fen11 in these ceslfictions.

D. No ForfciLi~reod'Ri~11S. There si~allhe no paww in the Assacialion to cause fbrfelture or abndbmunnr of an Owner's right to the full use and en.ioymcrri of his ~ndividuaily owned suhdiv~jiiirmrnterest on account of a failurc bq the Ovvncr in comply with, provistons of the governing iut&nmm~sor ofduiy enacted i-ciies of operation for Con~munA~isr and facillries, except where rhe Ioss or forfeiture is the rcsulr of the judmear of a Cowl. a decision wising otii of sibitration or en account of a foreclosure or sale under a power of =le for failure of tile Omer to piy assessments levied by the Associttrion

E. Canhons Aii caplmns sod titics used in this Declaratio~~are intendcd soiciy tbr convenience or reference and shall not &eet that wlvch is set forth in any of the provision hereof. F No Rislri Given to the Public. Nothing contamed in this Deciararion shall be deemed to be a giR or dedication of any poriion ol' the Projccr to the gmcmi public or for any ptiblic use or purpose

ti. Igterureration. The ~irovisioi~sof this Deciarabon shall be libeniiy construed to effectuate tlrerr purpose of crating a uniform plan for the dweiopment and operitlcm or ilre Psojccli. This Declarat~onsilall bc coostrueti and governed under the laws of the State of Caiifomia

1. Arbitration. Any disputes betmen the iissuc~aLiionand ally Omers sheii be settled by abitration purs~3111to tile fziles of tile An~eriranArhitiution Association.

1 ilrt~cediire.Ahel the sate of Liie fir% Lot. tilis Declarution map be mended by the vote or written consent of axt?-six. acrcent (66Vai"ib)of ihe vonilo-. ootver of the Association and at leas a nlnjority of Mcmben ither than the Declurani: or. if a two-class voting s%ucti!m 1s still in effect. sixty-six percent (66%)oftltc voting power of mch class of Memkm. The percentage of voting power necessarg 10 animld a specific clause shstl not be Less than the prescnbcd percenlage of aiEmatit-c votes required for action to be taken under the eiflubc. The Assocr&ion shail firs1 reecke prior wllten eonsmt ofthe Reat Estate Con~mis~i<>ncrreqt~ircd by Sect~onI 1018.7 of Citi~lbnnaRusrncss and Px3lessmns Code Notx~rt~%irdtngs~ytltmg cmtaind to the coneary, no such onle~lctn~nrrshall he efkcuve li>r any purpose t~nlcssturd until tire same has heen reduced to writing, srgned by h2h.o off?cers crf li~eAssociaricti~ wllo shall ccrti6 that aid anterxcinlent was rnadc in compliance with diis Aniclc, and recorded 113 the oriice ofthe County &corder of Smi Luis Ohispn County. Callri,mia.

.3 A~l~elldmentbv Decin~an?:. Prior to the sale of the first /,~bl,Deciaranl sliall iis~ve&c right to urnend lliis DeciaraXion a1 any time by recording a copy of sue11 ameniIi?ieut in the oiiice oCt1ie Courity ltecorder of San Lrtis Obispo C'ounr): CdilbnliiL provided thar any pnor ~~icrniconsent of tile Red Essaie Commissiox~errequtrui by Section 1 101 8.7 of the Caiiforr~iaBusines:ss and Prol'essir)ns Code is first obtained.

3. Prior .4nnrovdi L3u Cits o_FAnovo Crande, No%v.u.ld~siandingany other provisions of this Declasa8ioik no ar~lendment,change, modification. or temin;rtion of the conditions, covenanrs arid reqtrictions oftlus LEL.claralion regarding rhe foilowmg pmvisivn shall he cfYcctive for any purpose untri approved in writing hy ihc Director of Community Developmmt ofthe City of Arroyo Grande. Ca!ifornia. (a) Regulation of land use: (bl Mai~lxenmceoflnndscllping and Common Area: and (c) Dis6olurmn of thc Association. n\i WTNESS WEREOF. the undersign& hadha.; e3xec~itecI&is Deciarnrio~~rbis

day of .zO-


TIic Heigh~sar Vista Re1 Mar Group, LLC a C'aiilirmizr linliied liabiliz) companj

L~Y: -- S. Drell U%it.illier-Its Mdimging Member Exhibits Oak Tree Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Bunchgass Hahitat Revegetation Ma~nienanceand Monitoring Plan Vista Del Mar Estates Design Guidel~nes The Heights at Vista Del Mar Graup, UC 332 Cmkview Way Arroyo kde,bEfoda 93420

-- .".. , ...... _.. Mr. Elldmhip:

f re~ncjngto your request (File No. SF[,-2014-00729) dated Ocmber 28,2014, for ciarEcalion dethm a Dep-eni; offbe Amy Pedfis required for The Sewsat Vista Del pmjjecr, Im&d wi&n the city of&oyo Wde, San Luis Obispo Go-, CA.

The Carps' evalua~onprocess for debminiog if you need a pennit is badon whoaxer or nol: the proposul project is located wititin or mnrGns a water of& tinit& Statss3md wihe&er or not ihe proposed project incinhs an ilctivily ptentinliy mgu1aM tder Sdon 10 ofthe River and Earbor A& or Sedan 404 of the Ciean Wafer Act. If both cod~wsare met, a pcnnii would be teq&~&

Based an the we&d deiiadon &ta sheets dated Aumt 22.2013. wEch were movided to this od'iice as well as areview of available towpEcma; and kisorhl mi5111 ph-oiographr, it appears The Heighrs at Vim Del Mar project site does not cantain warms oflhe U&ed States

- ~ he regulakd under obPederat, We, and lac2 tam.

If you have any queslions,please contact me at 805-585-21 45 or via emmi%at Edu.M.Bsarion@us~ce~my~mi1.Th& you br pmticirticip& in Lbe Regiilatoiy Prow Please h2rp:i/ would help me to evaluate aad improve the regulato~yexpeeerne fur omm,

Erin M. Won Rmdmry Project Mmgea No& Coast Branch GE Carl &m, U.S. Fish nnd Wildlife Service, 2493 Poftala Wad, Suits B, Vmwq CA 9JW3 Bryant Chemy, H&onal M&ae Fkheries Swice, 501 Wet Boulevard, Sujte 4200, hug Beach, CA 90802 Jasan Bmh, Chief, Wetlands Secilon rJy"iR-8],75 Haderne St, Sm Fmisco, CA 941 05 Dr. JeEey R. Smgfe, Cslifotnia Dep-mt of Fish and PlildiiEe, 1234 E. Shw Avenue Frme, CA 93710 Tamara Anderson, Centrid &ast 1Zeyionn1 Water Qusiity Cm&01 badBY5 Amo*t&PLace, - Suite 101, San Ltds Obispo, GA 93401 _-- * - "------

10/28/2015 List of California native plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List of California native plants ATTACHMENT 3 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ful-they information; List offlora ofthe Mojave Desert and Flora ofthe Sierra Nevada aalpirze zone

C'aliiornia na1ii.c plants ar2 plants that e\lst2il in C'alili~lniaprior to tllc :~rri\;II 01'I;LI~,I~~:III csplorcrs :1nc1 colonist> 111 1112 ]:it: 18111 centur) .I '1 (:alit;)lnia incluilc; p;irts of at least three pI~!to:htrria. The ihe C'~~Iiiol-ni:ll:loris~i~ P~O\,IIILY. :I ~~0~~~~~1~~~~ :I~C;I tll;it co\,crs moyt oi('alifornia. portions ot'n~ighboringOregon. Sc\;~~la.~tntl 13;!i;1 C'alil;,r~li;~.;111,1 is r2~ardc.J.IS :I "\\.orlcl 11or.ipc1t"of l'"il l>~o~livcr;it~.- ..

Native wildflower blazing star Contents (Mmtzelia il7zdkyi)

= 1 Introduction m 2 Selected trees = 2.1 Coniferous trees 2.1.1 Sequoias and redwoods a 2.1.2 Pine trees m 2.1.3 Other conifers 2.2 Oak trees = 2.3 Riparian trees = 2.4 Other trees and tree-like shr~~bs

9 3 Selected shrubs Gentiana algida in Sierra Nevada = 4 Selected desert plants = 5 Selected perennials s 5.1 Sunny habitats m 5.2 Shady habitats = 5.3 Ferns m 6 Selected bulbs a 7 Selected annuals and wildflowers s 8 Selected vines 9 Selected grasses m 10 Selected succulents 11 Environmental challenges 12 See also 13 References = 14 Further reading m 14.1 Books: flora 14.2 Books: gardeningllandscaping = 15 External links


hitpsllen wlklpedla orgiw~k~li~stof Callfornla native plants 119 lOI2812015 List of California native plants - Wikipdia, the free encyclopedia In 1993 The Jepson Manual estimated that California was home to 4,693 native species and 1,169 native subspecies or varieties, including 1,416 endemic species. A 2001 study by the California Native Plant Society estimated 6,300 native plants. These estimates continue to change over tim~.[~l

Of California's total plant population, 2,153 spccies, subspecies, and varieties are endemic and native to California alone, according to the 1993 Jepson Manual study.[4]This botanical diversity stems not only from the size of the state, but also its diverse topographies, climates, and soils (e.g. serpentine outcrops). Numerous plant groupings exist in California, and botanists work to structure them into identifiable ecoregions, plant coinnlunities, vegetation types, and habitats, and taxonomies. S41[51

California native plants include some that have widespread horticultural use. Sometimes the appreciation began outside of California-lupines, California fuchsias, and California poppies were first cultivated in British and European gardens for over a century.[6] Selected trees

Coniferous trees

Sequoias and redwoods

Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) - in the fog-shrouded coast ranges. Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron gigante~tm)- in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Pine trees

Bishop pine (Pinus muricata) - coastal species - gardens. Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri) Gray pine - digger pine (Pirzus sabiniana) Coast redwood (Sequoia Knobcone pine (Pinus attenuafa) senzpe~vireizs) Ponderosa iine (~inus~onderosh)- well known in mountains Lodgepole pine (Pinus- contorts) - use for early construction of buildings and other structures Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) - naturally limited endemic - widely planted horticulturally around the world. Limber pine (Pinus,fle.xilis) Jeffrey pine (Pinusjefieyi) Pany pinyon (Pinzo quadrfofa) Shore pine (Pi~zuscontoria) Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana) Westeril white pine (Pinus moniicola) Single-leaf pinyon pine (Pinus nzonophylla) Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) - the 'Methuselal~'- 4,700 years old. = Foxtail pine (Pinus balfozlriana) - Califonlian endemic; 2,000-year-old specimens.

Other conifers https:/Ien.wikiwdia,orqiwikiNstof California wbve dants 10!28/2015 List of California native plants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopsdia Santa Lucia fir (Abies bracteata) and seven other native Abies species. = Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Bigcone Douglas-fir (Pseudotszga macroca7~a)- Central Coast and Santa Susana Mountains. California nutmeg (Torreya californica) Incense cedar (Calocedrus decuwens) I Port Orford cedar-Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) White fir (Abies coizcolor) - at high elevations Mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) Red fir (Abies magnifica)

Oak trees Pirzuspo~rderosa,Kings California is home, often in oalc woodlands, to many deciduous and Canyon National Park evergreen oaks: ......

Valley oalc (Quercus lobata) - the giant. Leather oak (Quercus durata) - the slmbby one Blue oalc (Querczs donglasii) - in the Central Valley footl~ills and Coast Ranges California black oak (Que~*cuskelloggii) - in the higher hills mountains = Canyon live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) - in the higher hills = Interior live oak (Quercus wislizenii) in the Central Valley region. Island oak (Quercus tomentella) - endemic with distinctive Valley oak near Mount Diablo. large evergreen leaves. Engelmann oak (Quercus engelnzanni) - shade giving with a cool blue-gray cast to the foliage. Coast live oak (Quercus agrifblia) is found in the Coast Ranges:, Transverse Ranges, Peninsular Ranges, and along the coast's hills and adjacent interior valleys, and many other habitats and garden^.[^][^]

Riparian trees

In riparian areas (streamside and moist habitats) some of the trees include:

California sycamore (Platanus racenzosa) White alder (Alnus rhot~zbifolia) = Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) Fremont cottoilwood (Populus~ernontzi) Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa). Arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepi~).[~l

Other trees and tree-like shrubs

Tanoak (Lithocarpus densijlorus) I California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 10128!2015 List oiCalifornia native plants - Wikipedia. the free encyclopedia Madrone (A~*butusmenziesii) m Toyon (Hetesonzeles a7,bzllifolia) = Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllurn) I Western blue elderberry (Sambz~cusme-ricana) is found throughout the state, an important host for birds, butterflies, pollinators, and beneficial insects (integrated pest management). California Buckeye (Aesctllus calfor~zica) Western redbud (Gel-cis occide~italis) I California black walnut (Juglans californica) I California hazelnut (Co~yluscornuta) Selected shrubs

Chamise or "crreasewood (Adenostonza fasciculatum) m Service-beny (Amela~zchieralnifolia) Manzanita (Arctoslaphylos spp.) I Coyote brush (Bacclzaris pilularis) California lilacs (Ceanothzls spp.) = Flannelbush (Fremontodendron spp.) Creosote bush (Larrea tridelztata) Lupines (Ltrpinus spp.) m Snowbeny (Sympho7,icaupos mollis & spp.),

I Hucklebeny (Vacci~ziunzovatum & spp.) Coffeeberry (Rhamnus spp.) Lemonade beny (Rhus integrifolia) = Sugarbush (Rlzus ovala) Gooseberries aiid currailts (Ribes spp.) = Sages (Salvza spp.)[lOl[lll Selected desert plants Quak~ngape11 [Popul~cs tren~ulozdes)111 Lee Vln~ng Canyon See also: Category:Flora of the Calzfornia desert regions...... - . .- ......

Califoillia fail palm (Waslzi~zgtoniafilifera) Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) I Californiajuniper (Juniperus calfornica) I Blue palo verde (Parkilzsonia,florida) I Yellow foothill palo verde (Parakinsonia nzzcrophylla) m Single-leaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla) = Fremont cottonwood (Populus,fi.emontii) Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) D Creosote bush (Lavrea tl*iderztata) Indian mallow (Abznlilonpalmeri) Brittlebush (Encelia,farinosa) Fvemon~ode~?dvoncalrfoniicum = Desert agave (Agave d'eserti) (California flannelbush) = California ban-el cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus) = Banana yucca (Yucca baccata) I Mojave yucca (Yucca schidigera) Rush milkweed (Asclepias subulata) I Purple desert sand-verbena (Abronia villosa) hUps:!/en.wikipedia.wqiwiki!Ust oi California native oiants 419 1012812015 List of California native plants - Wikipedia, ttefree encyclopedia Sacred datura (Datur*a wriglztii) Selected perennials

Sunny habitats

I California poppy (Eschsclzolzia cal$ornica) are found in drier places. California poppies are also an annual in many places. a Douglas iris (Iris douglasiana) and 'Pacific Coast' hybrids Monkey flower e.g.: Minzulus aurantiacus, Minzulus guttatus, Mimulus cardinalis and cultivars. Colunlbine (Aquilegia spp.) Coyote mint (Monardella spp.) Buclmheats (Euiogont~nz,fusciculatunz),(Eriogonum giganteurn.), (Eriogouu~zumbellatum)

Shady habitats

Western wild ginger (Asarunt caudatunz) Pacific bleeding-heart (Dicentra formosn) Island coral bells (Heucher-a nzaxima) Canyon coral bells (Heuchera hirsutzssznza) Hairy purple bells (Heuchera villosa) A Joshua tree in Josl~uaTree National Heucherella Park. Tlveeleaf foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata) Redwood sorrel (Oxalis oregana)[12]


1 Polypody ferns (Polypodium), e.g.: Polypodium californicunz = Native sword ferns (Polystichunz), e.g.: Polystichum fnunitum 0 Giant chain fern ( Woodwardia fimbriata) Goldback fel~ls(Pteridium spp.) 1 Wood ferns (Dryopteris spp.), e.g.: Dryopleris ai.guta Maidenhair ferns (Adiantuin spp.) e.g.: Adiantuin jordanii Creosote bush (Lar-yea t~~irlerclata) Selected bulbs

Ithuriel's spear (Triteleia spp.) = Meadow onion (Allium monticola) Goldenstars (Blooineria crocea) Brodiaeas (Bi*odiaea spp.) Blue dicks-ookow (Dichelosten~macapifalum): one of the most common native bulb species throughout California; found in grassland and dry meadow habitats m Mariposa lilies (Calochortus spp.): available from reputable horticultural sources; taking from the wild is illegal and is resulting in significant declines of some species from over collecting.

htips:l/en.wikipedia.wqiwikillist of California native piants 519 101281201 5 List of California native plants - Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia Selected annuals and wildflowers

Baby blue eyes (Nemoplzila rnenziesii) Blazing star (Mentzelia lindleyi) a California poppy (Eschscholzia calfonniica) Chinese houses (Collinsia heterophylla) Elega~itclarlcia (Clarlzia unguiculata) m Farewell-to-spring (Clarkia amoerza) I Meadowfoam (Limnanthes ddoglasii) a Miner's lettuce (Claj/loniaperfoliata) Eriogonum,fa.~ciculatum(California Tarweed (Madia elegarls) buckwheat) = Wind poppy (Stylomecorz heterophylla)[13] ...... , ...... Selected vines

Dutchman's pipe vine (Aristoloclzia spp.) Morning glory (Calysfegiaspp.) a Chaparral clematis (Clenzatis lasiantha) Western virgin's bower (Clernatis ligusticijolia) Calabazilla (Cucurbita,foetidissima) Wild cucumber-ma~~root(Marah jubaceus) Cucamonga manroot-bigroot (Marah nzacvocarpus) California wild grape (b'itis califorriica) Desert wild grape (Vitis givdiana) Selected grasses

Pumle three-awn (Aristida .uuruureai Blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) B~aodiaeaco~onaria (California California fescue (Festz~cacalzfor~zica) hyacinth) Idaho fescue (Festuca iduhoensis) .. ... Red fescue (Festuca rubra) Junegrass (Koeleria macvantha) Giant wildrye (Lej:mus condensatus) California melic (Melica calzfornicu) Deer grass (M~hle~bergiarigerzs) Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulclzra): The state grass of California = Indian ricegrass (Ovyzopsis hymenoides) Pine bluegrass (Poa securzda)

0 Sedges - (Carex spp.) (taller 'bunch grass' specimens and lower meadow spreaders) Rushes - (Juncus spp.) m Westeln blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinckiz~mbellum) and yellow-eyed-grass (Sis.vr.ilzchium culgornicum)

h~s://en.wikioedia.ordwiki/List of California native oiants 619 1012812015 List of California native plants - Wikipedia, the free encyciopedia Selected succulents

Chalk lettuce (Dudleya pulveruleizta) - garden-plant = Coast dudleya (Dudleya caespitosa) - [CA endemic] Canyon live-forever (Dudleya cymosa) - garden-plant Fingertips (Dudleya edulis) - garden-plant = Giant chalk dudleya, Britton's dudleya (Dudleya brittonii) - garden- plant Lanceleaf liveforever (Dudleya lanceolata) - garden-plant

Avistolochia caiifofounica Broadleaf stonecrop (Sedunz spathulijbliuiiz) - Sail Biuno elfin butterfly host plant. = Coast sedum (Sedzlin oregunurn) Feather River stonecrop (Seduin albonzarginatunz) - [CA endemic, Sierras] r Red Mountain stonecrop (Sedum eastwoodiae) - [CA endemic, Mendocino] Roseflower stonecrop (Sedum laxunz) = Sierra stonecrop (Seduilz obtusatum) Environmental challenges

Some California native plants are in rapid decline in their native habitat due to urban sprawl, agriculture, overgrazing, recreational impacts, pollution, and invasive non-native species (invasive exotics) colonization pressures (animals and other kingdoms of life, as well as plants).[16]

California also has 1,023 species of non-native plants, some now problematic invasive species such as yellow starthistle, that were introduced during the Spanish colonization, the California Gold Rush, and subsequent immigratioils and import trading of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. See also

California Native Plant Society Theodore Payne Foundation References Coast dudleya (Dzidleyu 1. "What is a native plant?". California Native Plant Society. Retrieved caespitosa) 2009-06-02...... - 2. Orndilff, Robert; Faber, Phyllis M.; Keeler-Wolf, Todd (2003). Illfroduction to California Plant Life. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-23704-9.Retrieved 28 January 2013. California native olants 719 10/2812015 List of California native plants - Wikiwia, the freeencyclopedia 3. "California Floristic Province". Biodir~e~~it),HotLrpots. Conservation International. Rchicved 2009-06-02. 4. Hickman, J.C., ed. (1993). "Appendix I". The Jepson Manual, Higher Plants of Cal[fornia.University of Califonlia Press. p. 1315. 5. MLUU,Philip Alexander; ICeck, David Daniels (1 June 1973). A California Flora. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-02405-2. Retrieved 28 January 2013. 6. Bornstein, Carol; Fross, David; O'Brien, Bart (1 December 2005). Cal@rnia nativeplantsfor the garden. Cachuma Press. ISBN 978-0-9628505-8-5. Retrieved 28 January 2013. 7. Pavlik, Bruce M.; Muick, Pamela; Johnson, Sharon (1993). Oakr qfCal~oruia.Cachuma Press. ISBN 978- 0962850516. 8. Jepson Manual Qne~*cusn~[folia ( 9. Jepsoil Manual Salix lasiolepsis (l1ttp:i/ 10. Keator, Glenn (1 March 1994). Conzplete Garden Guide lo the Native SIzrubs of Calffornia. Chronicle Books. ISBN 978-0-81 18-0402-8. Retrieved 28 Ja~wary2013. I I. Fross, David; Wilken, Dieter (1 February 2006). Ceanotlzus. Timber Press. lSBN 978-0-88192-762-7. Retrieved 28 January 2013. 12. Keator, Glenn (1990). Complete Garde~iGuide to the Native Perennials of California. Ch-onicle Books. ISBN 978-0-87701-699-1. Retrieved 28 January 2013. 13. "Theodore Payile Foundation for Wildflowers and Native Plmts". 14. "Califori~iaNative Grasslands Association". Retrieved 9 June 2010. 15. Crampton, Beecher (1974). Grasses iii Calzfornia. University of Califorilia Press. ISBN 978-0-520-02507-3. Retrieved 28 January 2013. 16. Alden, Peter; Heath, Fred (26 May 1998). Field Guide to Calfornia. Knopf. ISBN 978-0-679-44678-1. Retrieved 28 January 201 3. Further reading

Books: flora

A Calzfornia Flora and Szpplement, Philip A. Munz and David D. Keck, UC Press = Grasses in Cali$ornia, Beecher Crampton, UC Press The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, James C. Hickman (Editor), UC Press = The Jepson Desert Manual: Vascular Plants oJ'Southea.stem CaliJbrnia, Bruce Baldwin (Editor), UC Press Oaks of California, Bruce M. Pavlik, Pamela Muick, Sharon Johnsoti, Cacliuma Press Plants of the Sarz Fvan,cisco Bay Region: Meizdocino to Monterey, Linda Beidleman, Eugene Kozloff, UC Press

Books: gardeningllandscaping

Landscape Plants,for California Gardens, Bob Perry, Land Design Publishing = Call'fbrnia Native Plants,for the Garden, Carol Bornstein, David Fross, and Bart O'Brien, Cachuma Press Calfo1,nia Native Trees and Sh~ubs,Lee W.Lenz, Rancho Sallta Ana Ceanothus, David Fross and Dieter Wilken, Timber Press Complete Guide to Native Per*erznials of California, Glelln Iceator, Chroliicle Books Conzplele Guide to Native Shrubs af ~aliforiia,Glelln Iceator, Chronicle Books Designing California Native Gardens: The Plant Community Appr-ouch to Artful. Ecological Gardens, Glenn Iceator and Alrie Middlebrook, UC Press Growiizg Calzfofor*niaNative Plants, Marjorie Schmidt, UC Press Native Landscaping F~*oin.El Paso to L.A., Sally Wasowski and Andy Wasowski, McGraw-Hill

hltn+-/lanihiikirndienmhhtikiil ist nf Cniifninia nnI#v~ininnt+ RiQ 1012812015 List oi Caliiornia native plants - Wikipedia, the tree encyclopedia Native Plants,for California Gardens, Lee W. Lenz, Day Printing Corp. Native Treasures: ~aidenilz~with the Plants qf California, M. Nevin Smith, UC Press External links

Wik~medlaCommons has 3 medxa related to Flora of California (cateeory)

CNPS--California Native Plant Society website ( CalFlora Database ( - extensive searchable database of Califonlia native plants. Jepson Manual 'Flora Interchai~ge'(http:l/ - extensive database of Califor~iianative plants U.C. CalPhotos: Flora homepage (http://calphotos.berl

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Categories: Lists of flora of California Plants by habitat Plants of Mediterranean climate Endemic flora of California

This page was last modified on 27 October 2015, at 19:45. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional teims may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. WiltipediaB is a registered trademark of the Wikiinedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. 1012812015 -All plants In Arroyo Grande. CA, where they grow, plant maps. plant photos. piant descriptions

~io,iii:,,i rr: .',rroya &rar;t: "2 Search for California native plants

Ail plants native to: Enter a Californii3 address to See plants native to that local ion Arroyo Grande, CA

Number of plants : 286 WP-,~ Show Ail Planis 1- ~'rwmoxoorr


Fremont COttonwwd popuius frernontil

Creek Blue Dogwwd Elderberty 9 Cornus sericea 10 Sarnbucus ssp seiicca nigra ssp. caerulea

Farewell To Gumweed Spring Grindelia 13 Ciaikia 14 Mcta var amoena piatyphylia

Big Leaf Maple Acer macrophyilum

Yerba Mansa Anmopsis califomica

Buck Brush Creek Dogwd eanothus 2s uneatus 26 Cornus sericea

Bush Poppy Dendromecon 30 rigida 3

Purple Sage Salvia 34 ieucophylia 3

4 Silene iaciniata

4 :om -All plants in Arroyo Giande. CAwhere they grow, plant maps, plant photos , plant descriptions

Seep California Monkey Four O'clock Flower 52 Mirabilis laevis Mimubs var crassifolia guttatus

Purple Baby Blue Chinese Houses Eves 53 Nemophila tollinsia menziesii heterophylla

Scarlet Stinging Bugler Lupine 59 Penstemon 60 Lupinus centranthifolius hii~utisimus

Menzies' Clustered Goldenbush Field Sedge 61 Isocoma 64 Carex menriesli praegracilis

imlor Gilia ilia tricolor 67

Hooker's Evening Primmse 69 Oenotheia eiata

piny Rush uncus acutus

Eastern Mojave Buckwheat 82 Enogonum fasciculatum var folioiosum Island Morning Glory Pseudognaphaiium 8 Calystegia macrostqia

" .--“~Sunflawer Sand Mesa Manzanita rc'i i.i .or c<. 0 '.'I ..i r 1: -!r;,'~! . ., . .* -. Wells' Blue Wildrye Manzanita 93 ~rct~st~~h~i~~94 9 Eiymus glaucus piiosula 1012812015 -All plants In Arroyo Grande, CA, where they grow, plant maps, plant photos, plant descriptions '&. Beach Telegraph Prairie Rush California Strawberry Weed i Prckly Phlox b?,"< .<"3--i..5 rpcerotri:r 1 '3-1- .s ci2w iols Ct '2 . : .F

Dedicated to the Preservation of California Native Flora California Native Plant Society 2707 K Street, Suite 1S€Q Sacramento, CA 95816-5113 (916) 447-2677 SEQ fax (916) 447-2727 SE$ [email protected] Copyright O 1999-2014 California Native Plant Society. All rights resewed. 101281201 5 Tree List / Trees appropriate for a California Landscape I Caiifornia Gardens

Tree List - Trees Appropriate for a California Landscape

Home Plant List Palm Ts. Drs~MisrLer-awnl

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Our California Tree List includes many of the trees that have been successful in our own landscapes

Trees are a thought to the future, but not always for as long as one might think. There are Acacias that have a predictable lifespan of 10-15 years, more and then you are living on borrowed time. Coast Live Oaks, while they may live for a hundred or more years do the majority of their growing in the first 30, treat them well in their youth. hlto:/ 417 10128/2015 Tree List I Trees appropriate for a California Landscape I California Gardens

It's gone. iicc:~

'.Inbnt was '~Sr~orQwltir tl,,s ad?

i Irreaievanl ,,' i

Trees can do so much to change the physical comfort of the local environment. The temperature under a tree is often several degrees lower due to the evaporation of the transpired water vapor that they release. Trees dictate the plantings that we use by the amount of sun they block out, the space their roots take up, and the water they require, or don't. In short, time should be taken for thought about what effect this tree will have on the garden before it is planted.

A great deal of consideration should take place before planting a tree. I have seen great trees planted too close to structures, or each other, far too frequently. Too often this leads to their untimely demise. Trees that have invasive roots are regularly used as street trees. Trees that drop copious amounts of debris are planted where they overhang lawns, pools, and parking areas. And then there is the ever expanding shade issue. It is difficult to plan plantings for the growth of a young tree knowing how rapidly this can change, in the first year there is no shade to speak of but by year three or later there can be a lot. Plants that can tolerate, much less thrive, in both sun and shade are a rare commodity.

So enjoy our California Tree List and plant a few of the beauties here. Your garden will thank you.

It's gone. Lb&

What ,.was wro~iy3u~tI: !i,s :in'> ~.> >. Irmlcvani < oil,:: nnopiopiralc

Common Names ------Planis by their Lr?tin?..&a_mm lifter DarkJ3pvermint Tree * Agonis flexuosa After Dark timericon Gun_ * Liquidamber styraciflua Angels Trum~etTree * Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi A~)ple,Anna Awle. Anricot- Blenheim Roval A~ricoi Asian Pear 2Qth Centurv A~istraiianFranai~ani * Hymenosporum flavum A~istraliaiiVllillow * Geijera parviflora Banana Bush * Michelia figo

Bearss~ Lime * Citrus x latifolia Biuleaf Made 'Acer macrophyllum Biii Cone Pine " Pinus coulteri Bird of Paradise Tr(?s* Caesalpina gilliesii B!ack Purnle Robe * Robinia pseudoacacia Purple Robe Bienheim Royal AUI-icot * Prunus armeniaca --Blue Oak * Quercus douglassii Rraaford Pear * Pyrus calleryana

Brazilian-. Coral Tree * Erythrina falcata Brariiiaii Rosewood " Jacaranda mimosifolia Buddhist Orchid Tree * Bauhinia variegata candida

.i;ahbaeadm. * Cordyline Sunrise Caiiiornia Ash * Fraxinus dipetala Caiifornia Black-. Oak ' Quercus kelloggii California Box Elda- ' Acer negundo californicum Caliiornia Wainiit * Juglans californica Caribhr?ati Comer- Plant. * Euphorbia cotinifolia

hitnihniinanr rslifnrnisnarrionri rnmil ieieriran li~ihtm Tree List / Trees appropriate for a California Landscape / California Gardens Catalirla Cheiyy " Prunus ilicifolia lyonii Catalina lroriwoi?j * Lyonothamnus floribudus Chaste Tree * Vitex agnus castus --Chinese Winrinut ' Pterocarya stenoptera -Chil&a -- Pink D:iwi? Coasi Live O& " Quercus agrifoiia

.-Cockspd&r?.!* Erythrina crista-galli Coral Bean Tree * Erythrina bidwiiiii Coiai G~im* Eucaiyptus torquata

..Cottonwood . . * Populus Frernontii Coulier Pine * Pinus coulteri Cram Mvrtle ' Lagerstroemia indica

.L?esert Bird of Paradise * Caesalpina giliiesii --Desert Willow * Chilopsis linearis Eastern Redbiid * Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy Firewheel Tree " sinuatus Floss Silk Tree * Chorisia speciosa Forest Pansv Redbud * Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy F;-emont Cottomn/ood * Populus fremontii Gairv Oak * Quercus garryana -Giant Bird of mg.* Strelitzia nicolai Gold A~~q&IrurnoetTree * Brugmansia Charles Grimaldi Golder~Trurnoei Tree * Tabebuia chtysotricha Granite Honev Mvrile * Melaieuca eiiiptica Hu Leaf Cherrhd* Prunus ilicifolia Hona Kona OrchidI~ee* Bauhinia blakeana

.Jacaranda-- ... * Jacaranda mimosifoiia Kaffir Coral Tree * Erythrina caffra ---iilv ivlaqn~h* Magnoiia soulangiana Brozzonii Maiderthair Tree * Ginkgo biioba b1avie?isTree * Maytenus boaria Mexican Elderberrv- * Sambucus mexicana -Ellirnosz Tree * Albizia julibrissin Moi!ntain Do(~'wood* Cornus nuttailii --WiunAee Viiattle 'Acacia spectabiiis &naa* Eucalyptus sideroxylon Naked Cora! Tree * Erythrina coraiioides Natchez Crape lUi~i?ie* Lagerstroemia Natchez Naiive Fraiggaaj" Hymenosporum flavum -Neciariine Panarnila * Prunus persica nucipersica Qranae Boils * Tecorna X srnithii -n:eai>rt Oak * Quercus garryana Ovens Wattle 'Acacia pravissima --Pal~'Jerde * Parkinsonia Deseri Museum Pearl Acacia *Acacia podaiarifoiia Pei7uerrnint Tree * Agonis fiexuosa

....Persimmon * Diosporos virginiana -Pineai>ie uuava * Feijoa sellowiana. Acca seliowiana

L*".,, ...... --,:<".">""".A-"- --..., 3 :-,-r.--z:-'%..- Tree List 1 Trees appropriate for a Caliiornia Landscape / Caliiornia Gardens Pii3,K Star Mame& * Magnolia stellata rosea

-.PinmPh ' Pinus monophylla Pikrm Eieunant Heart * Prunus salacina Pomeorana~eWoriderfui * Punica granatum

Pkiroie Pe~g2ri"ilnl_Tme.. .- * Agonis flexuosa After Dark -Purple Robe Black.Lo&i!S; * Robinia pseudoacacia Purple Robe --Burole irumaet Tr~eTabebuia impetiginosa O~ieenslandFranaoay! " Hymenosporum flavum -Red Fiovierino GI~' Eucalyptus ficifolia Red lror~back' Eucalyptus sideroxylon Red Orcliid Busti * Bauhinia galpinii River Ssnkisa * seminuda Fver Wkattlc? * Acacia cognata Saucer Macl-ioiia * Magnolia soulangiana Scrub Oak * Quercus berberidifolia Silk Tree * Albizia julibrissin S&Q& * robusta SiPver Maole " Acer saccharinum Sjr;ule Leaf Pinnioii Pig13 * Pinus monophylla Smoke Tree * Cotinus coggyria -Star Maonolis * Magnolia stellata Strawbw -Cree * Arbutus unedo Sweet Olive * Osmanthus fragrans

.-SweeUiade * Hymenosporum flavum SSame* Platanus racemosa Taiwan Fiowerica Cherry * Prunus campanuiata l~arnbeckieThorn " Erythrina acanthocarpa

---I hornless Paio 'i;:i.r&* Parkinsonia Deseri Museum Tom' Heteromeles arbutifolia Tree Dahlia * Dahlia imperials Tres Mailow * Lavatera assurgentiflora I.rurn!e!J~~e * Brugmansia candida \ia!igQ&k * Quercus lobata Water Gum * Tristaniopsis laurina West~!-VIRedbiic: ' Cercis occidentalis

White Brc9id.I:cex.. * Bauhinia variegata candida --Wtiiie Trar?ii)etTree * Brugmansia Betty Marshal ---\i'elicw Elder * Tecoma stans

it's gone.

Latin Names

ma_cs>' River Wattle ,Acacia aodaiariifoiia * Pearl Acacia

A~ac~aD~~V~ICII~ * Ovens Wattle Acacia s~ecta.bjh* Mudgee Wattle

L.. .., :>...: ...... -.. ,< ..~--~~~ ,.~.,~. Tree List / Trees appropriate for a California Landscape I California Gardens Acca seiio~~* Pineapple Guava Acer !nacrooi~y.U_ury!" Bigleaf Maple Acer neaundo caliiornbm * California Box Eider, Boxelder Acer sacchai-;r:um * Siiver Maple &oilis flexi.~s~" Peppermint Tree &cAr_ilexuosa After Dark ' Purple Peppermint Tree Aihizia iulibrisa- * Mimosa Tree, Silk Tree &@ii -.Anna Aoole &&LE&&eim Royal Apric.ot Arbutus unedo * Strawberry Tree -Bail.k:+ia seminuda * River Banksia Bauhinga blakea:i% * Hong Kong Orchid Tree --Bauhinia qami ' Red Orchid Bush Bauhinia varieaata candida * Buddhist Orchid Tree --Briiatnansia Beii~Marshail *White Trumpet Tree Bruqrnansia x ~:ail&& * Datura or Trumpet Tree Bruumansit>,Charles Grirnaidi * Gold Angel's Trumpet Tree CaesaIaini&Hiiksi; * Desert Bird of Paradise Caiiisierrion. Cane's Hvbrid *Cane's Bottlebrush Callisiernor~viminalis * Weeping Bottlebrush Cercis canaciensis Forest Pam! * Eastern Redbud Ccrcis occidentaiis 'Western Redbud Chiiopsis-- linear^ ' Desert Willow Chiioosis iinearis Purr?ie.~!le~"Desert Willow

.Chiialpa.. - .. . 'Pink Dawn'- Ctiorisia sm*Floss Silk Tree

..Citrus x laiifolia ' Bearss Lime Coravline Sunr& Corrrus ni~itallii* Mountain Dogwood Coiinus coo- * Smoke Tree Dahlia inmerialis * Tree Dahlia Deciduous Fruit Trees !.isti --D~osuoros virainiana * American Persimmon mnaacanthocarE * Tambookie Thorn Ervihrina bidwillii " Coral Bean Tree Ervthrina caffra * Kamr Coral Ervthrina coraiioidgs" Naked Coral Tree

Mnacrista-a& " Cockspur Coral Ervthrina faicaia * Brazilian Coral Tree Eucal\mtus ficifolia * Red Flowering Gum E~rcalvoiussideroxvion * Red lronbark Eucal~&s torauata * Coral Gum -Euphorbia cotinifoiia ' Caribbean Copper Plant Fieioa seioiana * Pineapple Guava -Fraxinus dips&% ' California Ash Geimuarviflijra * Australian willow akobiloba * Maidenhair Tree --Grevillia rohusta * Silky Oak Hetcromeles- ac~ma. * Toyon

,, :-L--.-- Tree List / Trees appropriate for a California Landscape / California Gardens

tivrnenos3oiurn fiavuin~ * Sweet Shade Jacararida rnirnosifoiia *Jacaranda --Juqlans caMorniq3. ' California Walnut -Laqerstroerilia irrdica " Crape Myrtle -Laaerstroe~nia Natchpz * Natchez Crape Myrtle i.avatera assilrqentilicm* Tree Mallow -- -- Liouidarnb~racifl~ia* American Gum L~c:ioinarnnu.s fioribiliidus. * Catalina Ironwood IMaqnalia dm' Micheiia yunanensis Maunoiia Fiao * Banana Bush Maanciiia giiia_&y woim~-t~' * Lily Magnolia Maunrrlia soulanqiana * Saucer Magnolia -Maanoiia soi~ianoiana'brozzonii' * Lily Magnolia boliasiellaia * Star Magnolia Maat~oliasteliata 'rosea: * Pink Star Magnolia

.Mavienus ..boaria * Maytens Tree mla_leiica eiliica * Granite Honey Myrtle MIche!iaa * Banana Bush Michelie viinniinensis * Magnolia dianica --Osriianii- us frauians * Sweet Oiive

.- .- Nectarine Panarninl Palin Tree List Parkinsoriia aciileaii? Desert.. .- -LMuseui!i.- - * Thornless Palo Verde

..Persimmon .. -. --Piiius coulieri * Coulter Pine, Big Cone Pine Pirius monoulivlla * Single Leaf Pinyon Pine Fistacia chkgnsis * Chinese Pistache --Platanus raceimosa * Sycamore Pluin - Eieolhani_kari

Ponulus fremorltii. * Fremont Cottonwood Piunus carri~)a11t~lata* Taiwan Flowering Cherry Prunus iik;ifoiia * Holly Leafed Cherry Prunus ilicifoiia SSD. lvonii * Catalina Cherry Pter~car~ienopXa.' Chinese Wingnut Punice oranaturn * Pomegranate 'Wonderful'

Pvrus.-. 'asiaafi~r:var '20th century' Fsrus callervana * Bradford Pear .Quercus aarifolia * Coast Live Oak Q~lercusberberidifolia * Scrub Oak Quoicus ao~~aasii* Blue Oak Otierciis dunlrrsa * Scrub Oak Ciuerctis aarrvana ' Oregon Oak Quercus keiloncd " California Black Oak Quercus lobaia *Valley Oak Robe * Purple Robe Black Locust Sambucus niexicana ' Mexican Eiderberry Si~:no::arli~rss~i-nuaigs * Firewheel Tree h+,".,, ,.,,.,,., "-,;'-.-;",.".A,."" ""-.,, ;"*"r."",G"* La-. Tree List / Trees appropriate for a California Landscape / California Gardens

--Strelitzia nicoiaj ' Giant Bird of Paradise - : abebuia chrvsoiricha * Golden Trumpet Tree Tabebuia irnueiianm * Purple Trumpet Tree Te?coi-nzX Srnitliir Orange Bells .- -t econia stans *Yellow Elder Tristar~iopsislaurina *Water Gum Vi!ez&gnui; [:asiirs * Chaste Tree

It's gone. !J#&

, . Inajlpropnam

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--Home Gardon Questions or corr~rnetit~about this website- .. - Copyright O 1999 California Gardens Last modified: August 14, 2015 MEMORANDUM





RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Architectural Review Committee appoint one Committee Member and one alternate to serve as a representative on the Community Service Grant Panel.

IMPACT ON FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL RESOURCES: The City Council approved $20,000 in the FY 2015-16 Annual Budget for community service grants. There will be some increased staffing requirements in order to administer the program.

BACKGROUND: During consideration of the 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding recommendations, the City Council directed staff to make changes to the program in the future. The City has historically funded social service agencies through CDBG funds. In addition, the City has funded ADA access barrier removal projects from both CDBG funds and Local Sales Tax funds. However, CDBG funding has been gradually decreased, which has made the process cumbersome for small social service agency grants. As a result, it was decided to utilize the full amount of CDBG funds to pay for ADA access barrier removal projects in the future. City funds previously used to pay for ADA access barrier removal projects were then shifted to pay for social service requests. This will make it easier to fund smaller grants, as well as expand the eligibility for other community service related type of agencies and programs.

ANALYSIS OF ISSUES: The primary objectives of creating the process are to establish appropriate criteria and an effective and impartial selection process. The City Council approved a process by which applications will be distributed in late October with a deadline for ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PANEL NOVEMBER 2,2015 PAGE 2 submittal in early December. Staff would then prepare the materials to be considered by a review panel in January and presented to the City Council for consideration in February or March. Grants are recommended to be in amounts of not less than $250.

Under the recommended criteria, in order to apply an organization must:

Operate as a non-profit 501c3; Serve the Arroyo Grande community; Use funds provided to directly provide a social service, educational, cultural, beautification or recreation program or project to Arroyo Grande residents and/or businesses; Not restrict participants based upon race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, or age; and Not use grant monies specifically for religious activities.

On September 23, 2014, the Council established the criteria for the Community Service Grant Review Panel. The panel will review all applications and develop recommendations for consideration by the City Council. In order to designate a panel knowledgeable in community needs and to avoid the need to establish a separate committee, it is recommended that each City commission and committee with functions serving the entire community designate one member to serve on the Community Service Grant Review Panel. As a result, the panel would consist of:

One member of the Planning Commission e One member of the Historical Resources Committee e One member of the Parks and Recreation Commission e One member of the Traffic Commission e One member of the Architectural Review Committee

A copy of the proposed program description and application is attached. The application will be provided on the City's website for applicants to complete online.

ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are presented for consideration: Appoint one Committee Member and an alternate; or - Provide staff other direction.

ADVANTAGES: Participat~onon the panel will help ensure an impartial and effective process to award grants to community service organizations in order to address unmet needs in the community. The overall objective of the program is to help fund efforts of ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT TO COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PANEL NOVEMBER 2,2015 PAGE 3 organizations that can address these needs more effectively than developing programs offered by the federal government (i.e. CDBG).

DISADVANTAGES: No disadvantages have been identified

ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: No environmental review is required for this item

PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND COMMENTS: The agenda was posted in front of the City Hall and on the City's website on Thursday, October 29, 2015.

Attachment: 1. 2016 Community Service Grant Program Description and Application ATTACHMENT 1


DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM: The City's 2015-16 Community Service Grant Program is intended to provide monetary grants to eligible community non-profit organizations. The City recognizes the vaiue of such groups that provide specialized social service, educational, cultural, beautification and recreation programs and projects benefitting its citizens. Grants awarded will be in minimum amounts of not less than $250. Funding is limited to $20,000 for Grant Year 2015-16.

ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS: To be eligible to apply for grant monies under the City's 2025-26 Community Service Grant Program, a community organization must satisfy the following standards:

1. operate as a non-profit 501(c)(3); 2. serve the Arroyo Grande community; 3. use funds provided to directly provide a social service, educational, cultural, beautification or recreation program or project to Arroyo Grande residents and/or businesses; 4. not restrict pariicipants based upon race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition or age; and 5. not use grant monies for specifically religious activities.

"Directly provide" means that the community non-profit organization conducts the social service(s) or cultural program(s) itself rather than through a separate entity to which it sub-awards grant monies.


I. Completion of Application Form

All interested non-profit organizations must complete the attached application form (an online copy of the form can be accessed at the City's website at, including:

Name and address of the non-profit organization (applicant is required to list the local branch if it represents a national or statewide organization). Description of community services provided. Relationship of non-profit organization to the community. Current membership figures and approximate number of City of Arroyo Grande residents served by the non-profit organization. Amount of funds requested. Proposed project and budget plan for the use of the grant funds. Proof of 501 (c)(3) status with a copy of the letter from the IRS. Past two years financial statements including the current year with balance sheets, profit/loss statements and indicating the percentage of revenue that is used for administration, salaries and program costs (Please denote what salaries are directly related to administration and/or program costs). Applicants are requested to provide information on their annual sources of revenue received. Any applicant who received grant funds from the City in the past is to indicate when the funds were received, the amount of funds received and document how the funds were utilized. In addition to the original application, please submit eleven (II) additional copies: double-sided, 3-hole punched and paper clipped.

Completed application forms along with supplemental documents must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., Friday, December 11, 2015addressed to:

City of Arroyo Grande Community Development Department Attention: Kelly Heffernon, Associate Planner 300 E. Branch Street Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Ill. Evaluation of Applications and Selection Process

Following the application deadline, the City Council's appointed Community Service Grant Committee will review and consider proposals from community groups. All proposals will be evaluated to ascertain which non-profit organizations best meet the needs that the City seeks to satisfy. Factors to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following: A. The non-profit organization's responsiveness in clearly stating the benefits to be derived by the resident of the City of Arroyo Grande, if grant funds are awarded;

B. The number of City of Arroyo Grande residents by age group served by the non-profit organization; geographic area(s) and total number of clients served by the non-profit organization;

C. The non-profit organization's history of providing community services to the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande; and

D. The non-profit organization's financial need for grant funds to service the City of Arroyo Grande residents.

IV. Award of Funds

Following the Community Service Grant Committee's screening process, the Committee will present its recommendations to the City Council. The C~ty Council will review the Committee's report and consider award of funds to selected non-profit organizations. In all cases, the City Council retains sole and absolute discretion in administering this program, including which applicants will be awarded funds and the total level of funding in each instance.

V. Execution of Agreement

Non-profit organizations selected to receive funds will be reuired to sign and execute an agreement with the City of Arroyo Grande. NOTE: If award of funds is made, a recipient non-profit organization will be required to expend grant monies prior to the close of the 201 6 calendar year.

VI. For more information, contact Kelly Heffernon at 473-5420. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION FORM 2015-16 Please complete the following sections: (use additional sheets as necessary)

AND ADDRESS OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION: (must be the local branch).

NAME, ADDRESS AND I TELOPHONE NUMBER: (must be the Executive Director or their designated representative).


IV. LIST AREA(S) SERVED BY NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION: (include a brief description of the relationship of your non-profit organization to the residents of the City of Arroyo Grande). V. NUMBER OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE RESIDENTS SERVED BY NON- / PROFIT ORGANIZATION: (broken down by age groups if available), i


VII. PROPOSED USE AND BUDGET PLAN FOR GRANT FUNDS: (indicate if any of the grant funds will be used for any other purpose than those designated such as overhead, national office, administrative salaries). 1 I

VIII. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION: (if you have received funds in the past, I please indicate the amount of funds received (indicate what year) and how i the funds were utilized).


C] Past two (2) years financial statements, including the current year with the balance sheets and the profitlloss statements.

Information indicating the percentage of revenue received that is used for 1 administration, salaries, and program costs. i Breakdown and description of non-profit organization's sources of revenue. 1 C] Proof of 501(c)(3)status with a copy of the letter from the IRS. I C] Copy of the non-profit organizations Board of Directors, Off~cersand an organization chart. ! X. CERTIFICATION:

I certify on behalf of non-profit organization, that I have read, understand and agree that the aforesaid information is accurate, factual and current. I understand that an award of funds, if granted, will be for the sole use as reflected in this application form. I further certify that as a condition of receiving funds, an agreement with the City of Arroyo Grande, in a form and content provided by [he City of Arroyo Grande, will be signed and executed by a duly authorized ?epresentativeof said non-profit organization.

I am aware of and certify that our non-profit organization will adhere to all City regulations regarding the 2016 Community Service Grant Program including, but not limited to, maintaining non-discriminatory policies, practices and intent. I also, on behalf 3f our non-profit organization, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Arroyo Grande relative to any and all liability that may arise as a result of the use of the City of Arroyo Grande Community Service Grant Fund monies.

Date: Signature: Executive Director or Designee

Board of Director or Officer