AMERICAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION Number 2 Summer 2009 ACA 2009 Toronto, Ontario Bruker AXS HELIOS MX MULTILAYER OPTICS The Ultimate Optic for Protein Crystallography Bruker AXS Inc.‘s HELIOS MX delivers next generation multilayer optics technology that has twice the signal-to-noise ratio of previously available optics. The HELIOS MX optics feature optimized divergence for cell axis up to approximately 150 Å with capability to quickly reduce divergence allowing resolution of large unit cells with axis up to and beyond 450 Å. The HELIOS MX delivers superior data quality from your weakest diffracting samples. • 1-800-234-XRAY •
[email protected] think forward Crystallography American Crystallographic Association ACA HOME PAGE: Table of Contents 2 President’s Column 3 Notes from the Treasurer 4 News from Canada 6 ACA Balance Sheet 7 Awards and Notices 8 Les Lessinger (1943-2009) 8-10 Fred Richards (1925-2009) 10 Robert Newnham (1929-2009) 12 Audrey Rossmann (1928-2009) 14-15 ACA Awards -Who was Peggy Etter 16 Texas Teaching Standards on Evolution 17 News from South America 18 WebCS - Cambridge Online 20-21 PSI-SG Knowledgebase 21-22 6th Annual SER-CAT Symposium 24-25 Book Reviews 26-30 President Obama Speaks at the NAS 30 Galileoscopes 31 ACA Corporate Members 32-40 Candidates for ACA Offices in 2010 42 ACA 2009 - Travel Grantees Contributors to this Issue 43 ACA 2009 - SIG Lecturers - Sponsors - Exhibitors 44 Calendar of Future Meetings Index of Advertisers What’s on the Cover Contributions to ACA RefleXions may be sent to either of the Editors: Please address matters pertaining to advertisements, membership inquiries, or use of the ACA mailing list to: Connie Rajnak .........................................