Issue no.1 April-December 2014 JICA, BTC officials sign Minutes of Meeting for the CCDP-B in 2013

(L-R) Mr Sinichi Masuda, Chief Advisor, JICA-CPO; Mr Naoyuki Ochiai, the Senior Advisor to the Director General of the Economic Infrastructure Department; BTC Chairman ; and Engineer Mohajirin Ali, CCDP-B Project Director. In 2013, following the historic signing of Rec- ords of Discussion for the Comprehensive Capacity Development Project for the (CCDP-B) between Japan International Cooperation Agency In this issue: (JICA) Chief Representative Mr Takahiro Sasaki and JICA supports Development Plan the Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC) for the Bangsamoro………………..p2 Chairman Mohagher Iqbal on July 25, 2013 at Al Nor Convention Center, JICA Headquarters in Tokyo dis- CCDP-B implements 20 Quick patched a Mission headed by Mr Naoyuki Ochiai, the Impact Project in ...... p4 Senior Advisor to the Director General of the Eco- Human Resource Mapping...... p6 nomic Infrastructure Department, to consult the stakeholders on the future Bangsamoro government Institutional Organizational Building for the full implementation of the new project. Cont.p2 conducts Capacity Training- JICA, BTC officials Workshops………………………….p7 JICA, BTC officials... JICA supports Tran- sitional Development Plan for the Bangsamoro

The Development Plan for the Bangsamoro as one of the four components of the CCDP-B has been doing its best to fulfil its mandated task in coordination with the Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), the agency tasked by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front The outcome of the Mission‟s series of consulta- (MILF) to lead the formulation of the Bangsamoro De- tions with BTC officials, Bangsamoro Development velopment Plan (BDP). Agency, Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute, and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Min- The BDP is an initiative of the MILF with support danao were the detailed Work Plan of the Project from Government of the (GPH) and devel- which supports the vital activities in the setting up of opment partners, to define a short, medium and long- institutions, organizations, policies, and plans during term vision and strategy for the recovery, rehabilitation and after the transition period (2014 to 2016) for the and development of the Bangsamoro. establishment of the new Bangsamoro government in The BDP will be implemented in three phases: 2016. · Phase 1 (2015 to mid-2016) – Transitional develop- The Minutes were signed between the JICA and ment plan that will jump-start the “just economy” the BTC for the Comprehensive Capacity Develop- with stabilization and pump-priming programs. ment Project for the Bangsamoro by the Team Leader · Phase 2 (mid-2016 to 2022)-Medium-term strategic of JICA Mission, Mr Naoyuki Ochiai and the Chairman interventions and investments to build a strong of the BTC, Mr Mohagher Iqbal at the Golden Lace foundation for the Bangsamoro. Restaurant on November 28, 2013. · Phase 3 (2022 and beyond) Long-term development The signing were witnessed by the Director of the plan towards a sustained “just economy.” Socio-Economic Office of the BTC Mr Mohajirin T. Ali, It has seven (7) Thematic Areas: MILF Peace Panel members Atty. Michael Mastura and Datu Antonio Kinoc, JICA Philippine Office Senior 1. Economy and Livelihood Advisor for Mindanao Mr Juro Chikaraishi, and the 2. Infrastructure Chief Advisor of the CCDP for Bangsamoro Mr Shin- 3. Social Services ichi Masuda. 4. Environment and Natural Resources 5. Culture and Identity During the event, Mr Ochiai once again expressed 6. Governance and Justice the sincere commitment of the Japanese Government 7. Security and Normalization through JICA of their full support to the BTC‟s signifi-

cant steps towards the establishment of the new politi- The CCDP-B program, JICA in partnership with cal entity. BTC has supported some programs under the themat- BTC Chairman Iqbal extended his gratitude to the ic areas of the BDP. These are (1) Agriculture, Fishery Japanese Government as well as to JICA for their un- and Agro-Industry (2) Infrastructures (3) Natural Re- wavering support to the Bangsamoro people and the sources (4) Power, (5) Water Resources and Disaster peace process. Management. The JICA has also supported the BDA staff for their Geographical Information System (GIS) He assured the Japanese government and its peo- training and made the GIS digital mapping for sectors

ple through the JICA Mission that the Moro Islamic of Agriculture, Fishery, Infrastructures and so on. Liberation Front and the Bangsamoro Transition Com- mission will cooperate for the success of these en- The CCDP-B Project Coordinator for BDP, Mr Anuas deavor. (By Abdullah Cusain, Head BTC Hadjiserad said that there were meetings joined by his

CommGroup) component to fast-track the BDP. Cont.p3 BDP PAGE 2 PAGE (R-L) DBM Secretary Florencio Abad, OPAPP Sec. Teresita Quintos-Deles, MILF Chairman Alhadj Murad Ebrahim, Malaysian Facilitator Tenkgu Dato Ab Ghafar Tengku Mohamed, MILF First Vice Chairman Ghazali Jaafar, and BTC Chairman Mohagher Iqbal.

On August 4-6, 2014, the BDP Core Planning launching of the BDP. Team Meeting was held in , facilitated Mr Noriaki Niwa, Chief Representative of JICA by the World Bank. On August 8, the BDA presented Philippine Office, said “We commend the BDA for pur- the BDP to GPH- MILF peace panels at Water Front suing a long term vision and development strategy for Hotel, . Mindanao. We look forward to the plan‟s sound imple- A GPH-BDP core planning team workshop was mentation to help Mindanao and its people realize the also conducted on August 21-23, held in Davao City. impact of peace and development in their lives.” On October 15-16, 2014 Targeting and programing MILF Chieftain Alhadj Murad Ebrahim, acknowl- technical workshop (Track 1 and Track 2 Alignment) edged that there was indeed a daunting task ahead. was held at Davao City. Chairman Murad, said that with the BDP, the MILF is hopeful that the dreams of the Bangsamoro would be Subsequently, the BDP was launched on Novem- fulfilled. ber 2, 2014 at MILF Camp Darapanan, Simuay, Sul- tan Kudarat, Maguindanao. Department of Budget and Management Secretary Florencio Abad said President Aquino had assured Many partners have attended the launching that the MILF of strong financial support to cover the included Office on the Presidential Adviser on the needs of the implementation of the BDP. Peace Process (OPAPP), United Nations (UN), World Bank, JICA and among others. “The President is deeply committed to this peace process and we have firm instruction from him to en- The international aid donors have recognized that sure that there is adequate and ample financing for the MILF being a distinct only revolutionary group in the BDP,” said Sec. Abad, who also attended the for- the world that has crafted a development plan. mal turnover of the BDP. Ms Luiza Carvalho, UN Resident Coordinator, said On the other hand, the Philippines Development the BDP, which the MILF‟s BDA has turned over to Forum (PDF) on Bangsamoro was held three days the group‟s central committee, was a road map to hu- after the launching of the BDP at Darapanan. The Fo- man and sustainable development for people affected rum was successfully held on November 5-6, 2014 at by decades of conflicts in Mindanao. SMX Convention Center, Davao City. The Malaysian Facilitator Tenkgu Dato Ab Ghafar The event was led by Government of the Philippines,

Tengku Mohamed also attended the turnover and Cont.p5 BDP PAGE 3 PAGE CCDP-B implements 20 Quick Impact Project in the Conflict-Affected Areas in Mindanao

On March 28, 2014, after the signing of the The QIP Project Officer Mr Kasan Usop said that Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro the regional allocation of the project are based on (CAB), President Akihiro Tanaka of Japan Internation- BDA regions such as Central Mindanao, South Minda- al Cooperation agency (JICA) and the Moro Islamic nao, Davao, Lanao, ZamBas, Zamboanga Peninsula, Liberation Front (MILF) Chairman Al-Haj Murad and SulTa. “Another criterion is one barangay from Ebrahim agreed and committed that the peace divi- one municipality inorder to benefit municipalities as dends should be realized swiftly and inclusively to cre- many as possible,” he said. ate confidence and mutual trust among stakeholders Based on the criteria that has been set in this pro- of the peace process. ject, the areas where have qualified are 1. Laak, Com- The discussions between and among the JICA, postela Valley; 2. Lukatan, Taragona, Davao Oriental; MILF, the Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC) 3. Burias, Glan, Sarangani Province; 4. Lupoken, chaired by Mohagher Iqbal and the Bangsamoro De- Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat; 5. Kibleg, North Upi, velopment Agency (BDA) agreed to outline the Quick Maguindanao; 6. Kibengi, Datu Saudi Uy, Maguinda- Impact Project (QIP) under the CCDP-B. nao; 7. Sinsimen, Pigkawayan, North Cotabato; 8. Ta- lagian, Masiu, Lanao del Sur; 9. Kala-Kala, Buadiposo The QIP will provide construction of Community Buntong, Lanao del Sur; 10. Pendulonan, Munai, La- Halls, Renovation and Expansion of School Buildings/ nao del Norte; 11. Beruar, Tangkal, Lanao del Norte; Classrooms and or Livelihood improvement through 12. Pamintayan, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay; 13. Datu construction of warehouses, solar driers. Tumanggong, Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay; 14. Mr Nomaire Mustapha, QIP project coordinator, Masola, Isabela City, Basilan; 15. Bulanza, Lantawan, explained that these projects have targeted some ba- Basilan; 16. Gandasuli, Patikul, Sulu; 17. Paiksa, rangays inside and outside of the Bangsamoro core Panglima Estino, Sulu; 18. Mungit-Mungit, Talipao, territories. Sulu; 19. Baldatal Islam, Sapa-Sapa, Tawi-Tawi; and “The criteria as to who may avail of these projects 20. Pasiagan, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi. are impact of conflict, poverty incidence rate, security Last November 2014, the 20 barangays have un-

and accessibility,” Mustapha said. dergone a community assembly to decide on con-

In July 2014, 86 barangays were recommended by struction facility and possible location of the project. the BDA and BTC, and 20 were short listed for valida- The social preparation for peoples‟ organizations and tion. bidding for contractors are among of the major activi-

ties of this component. (By CCDP-B PSD Component) PAGE 4 PAGE BDP...from p3 with the Department of Finance (DOF) as Secretariat. every family that seeks to be liberated from fear..., PDF is the primary mechanism of the government for and to every child who dreams of a brighter and more facilitating substantive policy dialogue among stake- vibrant future,” said OPAPP Sec. Deles. holders on the country‟s development agenda. Sec. Deles also expressed her gratitude to the The Forum serves as a process for developing MILF and the BDA for their service to the country in consensus and generating commitments among crafting a Plan that is of the Bangsamoro, by the stakeholders toward critical actionable items of the Bangsamoro, and for the Bangsamoro. Government‟s reform agenda. Secretary Arsenio Balisacan of the National Eco- The PDF process involves continuous dialogue on nomic and Development Authority (NEDA) extended thematic areas through working groups, which are ex- his commitment towards the BDP. pected to hold meetings in between the formal PDF “We are proud to have been part of this PDF which meetings to follow up on the issues and agreements provided us the opportunity to discuss in concrete at the last one. The Development Forum has 10 work- terms and ways by which we will build together the ing groups, each focused on one of the following future of the Bangsamoro, Sec. Balisacan said. themes: “As we proceed with the process of establishing 1. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Social and activating the Bangsamoro, may we continue to Progress nurture the spirit of harmony and cooperation that has 2. Growth and Investment Climate brought us to a new beginning for the Bangsamoro, 3. Economic and Fiscal Reforms for Mindanao, ,and for the Philippines,” he added. 4. Governance and Anti-Corruption 5. Decentralization and Local Government Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also graced 6. Sustainable Rural Development the occasion. In his message, he said “It is expected 7. Mindanao that the peace process in Mindanao will serve as a 8. Infrastructure valuable precedent for various peace-building in the 9. Rule of Law world.” “...Japan is making numerous efforts aimed at 10. Climate Change active contribution to the regional and international peace, stability and prosperity more than ever,” Prime Mister Abe expressed. The Forum was the platform among principal repre- sentatives from the MILF, government, development Prime Minister Abe said that the Government of partners, and the private sector to discuss avenues of Japan stands ready to strengthen assistance for com- cooperation for the implementation of the Plan‟s short- prehensive growth in Mindanao. and medium-term programs, which will lead to the The Forum was also attended by representatives sustainable rehabilitation of the Bangsamoro Core from the Embassy of Japan, JICA, World Bank, the Territories. United Nations, the European Union, and Civil Society After years of protracted conflict and deprivation of Organizations (CSOs). opportunities, President Benigno Aquino III said that Since BDP for Phase I was almost completed, the through the BDP, “What we aspire for Mindanao is next task is to formulate the plan of medium term stra- within reach. We can see that the region is on the tegic intervention and investment to build a strong cusp of a profound transformation, from being a land foundation for the Bangsamoro for mid-2016 to 2022. of promise to being a land of promises fulfilled.” JICA has also dispatched the Japanese Consultant Secretary Teresita Quintos-Deles of the Office of Study Team (JST) to the Philippines working under

the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process the CCDP-B Development Plan for the Bangsamoro

(OPAPP) also expressed her confidence on the BDP. component. JST has commenced the preparation of “We are proud of the BDP, not only because it is technical materials useful for regional development born of our common embrace of peace, but because it planning for the jurisdiction of new autonomous gov-

eventually will bring joy to every corner of our land, to ernment. (By CCDP-B BDP Component) PAGE 5 PAGE 5,152 Bangsamoro Professionals register on JICA- BTC Human Resource Mapping Program The Human Resource Mapping (HRM) for the ship and Management Institute (BLMI) were tasked to Bangsamoro Professionals Program under the Human do the information campaign. Resource Development (HRD) Component of Compre- The information campaign of service providers cov- hensive Capacity Development Project for the Bang- ered the areas of Central Mindanao, Northern Minda- samoro has been operating for 7 months since May nao and Western Mindanao that targeted local govern- 2014. ment units, non-government organizations, civil society The program aims to identify available potential hu- groups, Moro Islamic Liberation Front political commit- man resources of the Bangsamoro. Led by the Bang- tees and the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) samoro Transition Commission (BTC), this program is among other groups. Other strategies used were radio a „human resource inventory‟ for the Bangsamoro pro- advertisements and social media. fessionals in the Philippines and those who are living On December 18, 2014, the HRM for Bangsamoro abroad. Professionals interim report was presented to BTC. The registration for Human Resource Mapping for the Bangsamoro Professionals was formally launched in Cotabato City on June 4, 2014. Mr Tu Alid Alfonso, HRD Project Coordinator said “Overall, we have received a total of 5,152 Bangsamo- ro Professionals that have registered, obtained both from datasheet submitted to office and through online registration.”

Registered Professionals in the HRM Result (Figure) Online 3,033 Categorization of Bangsamoro Professionals registered in the HRM Datasheets 2,095 The HRM objectives are to identify professionals CV 24 and other potential human resources who are willing to Categorization of the Bangsamoro Professionals registered in the HRM. Total: 5,152 voluntarily support the Bangsamoro Government and second to sort out various levels of human resources, “The number of those who registered was way be- namely, top-management, middle-level, and front-line low our expectations but it‟s a very good start in further personnel among the identified human resources, and determining the actual strength of Bangsamoro profes- third to equip professionals with the necessary sionals,” said Engineer Mohajirin Ali of the BTC Socio- knowledge. Economic Unit, who supervised the project. Dr. Onofre Corpuz, in his report said that the Bang- Ms. Baisanie Macabuat, HRM Project Officer said samoro Professionals registered in the Human Re- “the Human Resource Mapping Implementation Unit source Mapping, were about 70% or 3,897 Bangsamo- (HRMIU) has distributed more than 10,000 copies of ro Professionals who attended various trainings in their HRM registration forms all over Mindanao.” field of work. Out of the total registered professionals, The leading areas with registered professionals are 30% or 1,686 professionals still needs to be trained the provinces of Maguindanao, City of Cotabato, Lanao with different skills that is useful in managing and run- del Sur, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi, other areas in Mindanao, ning their present work in the government and other Sulu, Marawi City, North Cotabato, Isabela City, Lanao private institutions. del Norte, Luzon, Visayas and from overseas. The Bangsamoro Professionals Mapping is only in- In the information dissemination of the human re- tended to gather and analyze data of the Bangsamoro

source mapping, the HRMIU have engaged in an infor- Professionals with the help of the database manage- mation campaign. The United Youth for Peace and De- ment system. The activities involved do not promote velopment (UNYPAD), Mindanao Action for Peace and recruitment or job hiring for any position. (By CCDP-B

Development (MAPAD) and the Bangsamoro Leader- HRD Component) PAGE 6 PAGE PAGE 7 government. interim the of budget and priorities, structure, posed pro- the determine shall workshops Japan. the of output The in Cabinet Parliamentary (3) and Law, omy (1)PublicAdministrationon LocalinAuton- Japan(2) focused It (GRIPS). Studies Policy for Institute uate activity was heldJapan.Tokyo, in The (BTC). Commission Transition samoro a Liber- Islamic Moro the from come of from four Mindanao, participants seven by attended and facilitated Government Bangsamoro the for intended Program Building Capacity organized has Aiyub Alih Prof. by it make efficient,effective to andtransparent government. order in Government Bangsamoro new and (BTA) Authority Transition Bangsamoro the for structures building in role pivotal very a played CCDPhas the of components four the among are iiat fo te IF Cvl oit Organizations, Society Civil MILF, the from ticipants par- Sixty around by in participated GRIPS/DAP” by Leaders Bangsamoro the for Seminar “Governance BangsamoroStakeholders.” the of Peace‟ for „Capacities Building plementation: (COP) Mindanao for Peace for Consolidation the attended also Aiyub conducts Capacity Training Capacity conducts CCDP t i o hs opnn hs raie a one a organized has component This 23 June On NationalGrad- theby conducted was seminar The 19 June On (IOB) Building organizational and Institutional The n

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- Messages...Messages...

The Bangsamoro Transition Commission Chairman Mohagher Iqbal, and Peace Panel Chief of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)

The Editorial Staff:

Engr. Mohajirin T. Ali……..CCDP-B Project Director Prof. Norodin T. Salam….CCDP-B Project Manager Tu Alid Alfonso…………….HRD Project Coordinator Nomaire P. Mustapha…….PSD Project Coordinator Anuas F. Hadjiserad………BDP Project Coordinator Prof. Alih S. Aiyub………….IOB Project Coordinator Raeesah M. Bantuas……………CCDP-B Secretary Mr Sinichi Masuda………..Chief Advisor, JICA-CPO Mr Shu Nishimaru…………JICA Project Coordinator Mr Sinichi Masuda, Chief Advisor, Japan International Cooperation Ms. Tomoko Yasunaga…..JICA Project Coordinator Agency (JICA) Cotabato Project Office