Les medailles MASSEY Medals


MEDALS1961 ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL Editorial 41 INSTITUTE 1961 Massey Medals for Architecture The Gold Medal and the Nineteen OF CANADA Silver Medal Awards 48 The Report of the Jury 45 JOURNAL Rapport du Jury 46 The Gold Medal Winner MANAGING EDITOR, WALTER B. BOWKER 48 A ~ SISTANT EDITOR, LEONARD WEBSTER Winners of the Silver Medals EDITORIAL ADVISER, ERIC R. ARTHUR (F) 52 REGIONAL ASSISTANT EDITORS MARITIMES, LESTER J. PAGE, Halifax QUEBEC, PAUL 0 . TREPANIER, Granby Pilkington Travelling Scholarship in PRAIRIE PROVINCES, HENRY D . KALEN, Winnipeg WE - T CoAST, CHARLES A. TIERS, Architecture A ward, 1961 ADVERTISING MANAGER, J . F . SULLIVAN ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE, LLOYD SAWYER The Winning Design by Bruno B. Freschi JOURNAL COMMITIEE 72 EARLE C. MoRGAN (F), Chairman, F. BRUCE BROWN (F), R . A. DICK, FORSEY PAGE (F), D . E. KERTLAND (F), R. SCHOFIELD MORRIS (F), The Stainless Steel Design A ward GERARD VENNE (F) , ; Quebec. Committee Competition for a EDITORIAL BOARD Branch Bank and its Furnishings Chairman, R . A. DICK, Toronto Vice Chairman, L. A. OXLEY, Toronto The Winning Designs 75 H. D. R. BucK, Toronto HowARD D. CHAPMAN, Toronto PETER COLLINS, Montreal Canadian Building Digest No. 23 83 HuGH ELLIS, Hamilton Air Leakage in Buildings H. A. DuNN, Edmonton By A . G . Wilson ROB ERT C. FAIRFIELD, Toronto The November Insert from the Division HENRY FL!ESS, Toronto of Building R esearch NRC, D. C. HALDENBY, Toronto J. A. LANGFORD, Regina Departments J. S. MACDONALD, Halifax From the Executive Director's Desk 7 4 H. CLAIRE MoTT (F), Saint John EARLE C . MoRGAN (F), Toronto Book Reviews 87 WM. J . RYAN, St John's L. E. SHORE (F), Toronto Letters to the Editor 87 DENIS TREMBLAY (F), Sherbrooke JOHN G. WASTENEYS, Toronto Institute News 88 G. EVERETT WILSON (F), Toronto DoNALD WooKEY, Winnipeg Provincial News 88

THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Coming Events 90 ROYAL ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF CANADA Product Index 91 EDITORIAL OFFICE, 600 EGLINTON AVENUE EAST, TORONTO 12, TELEPHONE HU 7-4714. Industry 92 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, 1133 LESLIE STREET, , 0NT., 447-5196 Index to Journal Advertisers 116 Subscriptions: Canada, Commonwealth and U.S. (12 issues) $7.00; foreign, $8.00 The Journal and the RAIC do not hold themselves ItitfJ:l Member of the Canadian responsible for opinions expressed by contributors. Circulation Audit Board Incorporated. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Founded 1907 • Patron Her Majesty The Queen


40 Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I -EDITORIAL

THE MASSEY MEDALS We have just seen the faded catalogue of an exhibition in 1834 that was organized by Mr John G. Howard, the donor of High Park to the city of Toronto. We know only by a marginal note of 1878 of a Canadian Institute of Architects, but more clearly of the first meeting of the O.A.A. at the Queen's Hotel in 1889. It is always a matter of wonder to us how these little bits of history are preserved, and how the seemingly insignificant in one century become in1portant in another. The architectural historian writing in the second millennium will undoubtedly be interested in the origin of the Massey Medals. We would suggest to him that all the relevant papers must be safely housed with the RAIC, but we are glad to fill in some details that will not be included in the official records. We first heard of the Medals from Mr Vincent Massey and Mr. Hart Massey at Batterwood, Mr Massey's home near Port Hope, in the summer of 1949. We were naturally enthusiastic about the proposal and confident that it would do much to raise the quality of architecture in Canada. A week or so later, a meeting was held at the York Club, and there with help from Mr A. S. Mathers, a draft of aims and cate­ gories was prepared. Mr Massey was able, even then, to describe the design and size of the medal which was executed later by Mr Eric Aldwinkle. Since the first Massey Medal competition, the standard of design seems to have in­ creased with each succeeding show till a climax, almost, has been reached in 1961. We have always been suspicious of claims for regional architecture in Canada, but even a superficial examination of this year's crop will indicate unmistakable testimony of a French culture, a few buildings that clearly claim the prairies as their home, and a Gold Medal to British Columbia that justifies the Jury comment - "In this building there is evidence of the flowering of modern architecture." It seems to us that only one thing is missing from the Massey Medals competition. We remember very well at those first meetings at Port Hope and the York Club, Mr Massey's frequent references to more beautiful streets, to unity, harmony and the dignity we once had in earlier Canada. The Medals have produced fine buildings in isolation without yet affecting street architecture, the architecture of Ottawa or some of our universities. Last week, we saw some big scale work in the United States, and there it was evident that, while a master plan existed, the individual architects went their merry way in massing, scale, colour and material. We talked to Dr Gropius about it at dinner, and we got the distinct impression that lack of team work on great projects was a national problem. We have seen it in a small way with university architects on contiguous buildings, and the important streets in Ottawa and the provincial capitals are made up of "gems", blissfully or deliberately made unaware of their neighbours on both sides. Unforgivably, we find this sort of thing on two Toronto streets where the same architects have done adjoining buildings. They knew better in London in the 18th Century, and better by far in Cana­ dian towns in the early nineteenth. The Massey Medals have served a great purpose, and their influence is inlmense, but, in their eleventh year is the committee in charge ready to look on the past as stepping stones to the larger vision of the street, the university, large scale housing or somebody's new pasture in Ottawa? One or several architects may be involved, but the necklace rather than the individual jewel will win the prize. If we had anything to do with it, the Gold Medal would be reserved for all time for the building complex, or the block in a city street. Nothing, we feel sure, would so raise the stature of our architecture in the public and the official mind as such a gesture. E.R.A .

Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I 41 -EDITORIAL , LES MEDAILLES MASSEY Un catalogue jauni nous apprend [a tenue en 1834 d'une exposition organisee par le dona­ leur de High Park a Ia ville de Toronto, M. John G. Howard. Une simple note marginale atteste /'existence d'un 1nstitut canadien d'architecture en 1878 mais nous en savons un peu plus sur la premiere assemblee de l'A.A.O. a !'hOtel Queen en 1889. Il est merveilleux de voir comment ces bribes d'histoire sont conservees et qu'elle importance un siecle peut donner a de simples faits divers. L'historien du prochain mil!enaire se demandera sans doute d'ou est venue /'idee des Medailles Massey. Il pourra evidemment trouver tousles documents dans les archives de l'IRAC mais empressons-nous d'ajouter certains details non mentionnes dans les pieces officielles. C'etait pendant tete de 1949 queM. Vincent Massey et M. Hart Massey avait aborde le sujet a Ia residence de M. Massey a. Batterwood, pres de Port Hope. Nous avons accueilli Ia proposition avec enthousiasme y voyant un grand moyen de relever la qualite de !'architecture. Environ une semaine plus tard avait lieu au Club York une reunion au cours de laquelle, avec !'aide de MM. A. S. Mathers, on a ebauche les objets du concours et les classifications. Des cette reunion, M. Massey a pu donner une description du dessin et de Ia grandeur de la medaille qui a ensuite ete realisee par M. Eric Aldwinkle. Depuis le premier concours, Ia qualite des dessins n'a cesse de s'ameliorer, au point de toucher presque un sommet en 1961 . Nous avons toujours eu des doutes sur le caractere regionaliste de !'architecture au Canada. Or un simple coup d'oeil sur les oeuvres de cette annee per met de constater l' existence d'une culture franr;aise; certains batiments ont ete nettement inspires par la nature des Prairies, alors que La medaille d'or va ala Colombie­ Britannique pour une oeuvre qui, selon une declaration du jury, "constitue une preuve de l' epanouissement de 1' architecture moderne". Une seule chose semble manquer ace concours. Durant les premieres reunions a Port Hope et au Club York, M. Massey est maintes fois revenu sur !'amelioration de nos rues et sur !'unite, l'harmonie et Ia dignite qui existaient jadis au Canada. Les medailles ont produit de belles oeuvres isolees mais n'ont pas encore influe sur l'amenagement des rues, sur !'architecture d'Ottawa ni de certaines de nos universites. La semaine derniere, nous avons vu de grands travaux aux Etats-Unis mais il etait manifeste que, malgre un plan d'ensemble, chaque architecte s'etait donne libre cours dans le choix des dispositions, des dimensions, des couleurs et des materiaux. Au cours d'une conversation avec M. Gropius, apres le diner, nous avons eu nettement !'impression que le manque de travail d' equipe dans les grands projets est un probleme national. C'est un peu ce qui arrive pour des bdtiments contigus sur nos terrains d'universites, dans les grandes rues d'Ottawa et de nos capitales provinciales ou ['on voit des "perles" sans aucun rapport avec leur entourage. Malheureusement, la meme chose se trouve dans deux rues de Toronto ou les memes architectes ont construit les edifices voisins. On savait faire mieux a Londres au 18e siecle et dans nos villes canadiennes au debut du 19e. Les Medailles Massey ont deja rendu de grands services; leur influence est immense mais, en cette onzieme annee de leur existence, le comite doit etre pret a s'inspirer des succes passes et a faire porter cette influence sur l' amelioration de nos rues, de nos uni­ versites, des grands projets d'habitations et de certaines nouvelles entreprises a Ottawa. Plusieurs architectes seraient peut-etre en cause mais mieux vaut un beau collier que quelques perles isolees. Si nous avoins un conseil a donner ce serait de reserver la me­ daille d' or aux ensembles de bdtiments ou aux pates de maisons de nos villes. Assure­ men! rien ne saurait autant relever !'architecture dans !'esprit de notre population et de nos gouvernants.- E.R.A.

42 Journal R A I C, November 19 6 1 Presentation of 19 61 Massey Medals for Architecture


At the 1961 Massey Medals Exhibi­ tion., left to right, Mr Harland Steele (F), President RA1C; His Excellency the Governor General, Major-Gen­ eral Georges P. Vanier; Right Hon­ orable Vincent Massey; and Mr C. E. Pratt (F), Vancouver, whose firm, Thompson Berwick and Pratt, won the Gold Medal.

Mr C. E. Pratt (F), left, being pre­ sented with the Gold Medal by His Excellency the Governor General, assisted by Mr Robbins Elliott, RAJC Executive Director.

Journal RAIC, November 1961 43 PRESENTATION OF THE 1961 MASSEY MEDALS for Archi­ architects of vision. We have magnificent natural scenery, tecture by His Excellency the Governor-General, Major a dwindling number of fine old buildings, and all too few General Georges P. Vanier, took place in the National really inspiring modern structures. By the side of these Gallery at Ottawa on Thursday, November 2, in the pre­ assets how many acres of aesthetic distress, how many sence of a distinguished gathering, which included Ma­ miles of ugliness do we not see. Some dyspeptic critics dame Vanier, Mr Harland Steele (F), President RAIC, have even gone so far as to talk of urban jungles and and the Right Honorable Vincent Massey, CH, repre­ suburban wastes covered with toy houses. I should add senting the Massey Foundation. Dr W. S. A. Dale, As­ that this criticism has been volunteered before their sistant Director of the National Gallery, presided. morning coffee, because the si tu ation is not quite as bad Following an address by the President, Mr Steele, in as that. which he referred to the part the Massey Medals had "I count on the members of this Royal Institute not to played in the advancement of architecture in Canada become what Ruskin called "respectable architectural since they were instituted by the Massey Foundation in man-milliners", purveying the latest fashions. On the 1950, His Excellency, assisted by Mr Robbins Elliott, contrary you will, I am sure, give proof that good design Executive Director of the Institute, presented the medals need not be costly design, that good proportions speak and certificates. Present to receive their awards on be­ for themselves, and that harmonious colours are often half of their firms and associates were Messrs C. E. the most telling. Pratt (F) and R. Harrison, Vancouver; Joseph Pettick, "I look upon the works now on display as sign-posts to Regina; G. A. Libling, M.P. Michener, Kenneth Snider cities of the future that shall be worthy of free and and J. M. Ross, Winnipeg; Mr Harland Steele (F), thoughtful men. Gordon S. Adamson (F), Philip R. Brook, Raymond "Je remercie le Conseil d'administration de la Galerie Moriyama, L. E. Shore (F), Toronto; L. M. Huget and Nationale du Canada et les membres de l'Institut Royal Saul Herzog, St Catharines; Jean Michaud and Victor d'Architecture d'avoir bien voulu m'inviter a presenter Prus, Montreal, and Evans St Gelais, J onquiere. les medailles Massey aux gagnants du concours d'archi­ The Governor-General afterwards opened the exhibi­ tecture 1961. tion of the 100 Finalists in the 1961 Competition, which "Cette exposition est due a !'initiative du tres honor­ is to tour Canada after its showing at the National Gal­ able Vincent Massey, mecene des arts et, ce qui est plus lery. Addressing the gathering, His Excellency said: important pour moi, un ami depuis plus de trente ans. "I am pleased indeed to be here this evening to pre­ J'ai eu le plaisir de travailler sous sa direction pendant sent the Massey Medals, for they exist to recognize and plusieurs annees au Haut Commissariat a Londres. encourage the best in architectural design. It is an added ''J'ai la conviction que !'encouragement qu'il temoigne pleasure to perform this task in the presence of the Right aux architectes contribuera a donner un visage plus esthe­ Honourable Vincent Massey. I look on him first and tique a nos villes et a enrichir la qualite de l'urbanisme. foremost as a friend, but a friend to whom we owe to­ "C'est avec plaisir que je declare ouverte !'exposition night a special place of honour. Long a patron of the 'Medailles Massey pour le Concours d'Architecture arts, he was responsible for the creation of these awards. 1961'. "My travels in Canada and abroad convince me that " It is with very great pleasure that I now declare the nowhere else, perhaps, is there such a crying need for exhibition formally open."

The 1961 Massey Med­ als jury, left to right, John Bland (F), Mont­ real; Peter Thornton (F), Vancouver; and Pietro Belluschi,FAIA,Boston.


WE WISH TO RECORD OUR THANKS to the Committee for Winnipeg Hydro-Electric System, Sub-Station No. 21, the arrangements made for both the preliminary and Libling, Michener and Associates final judging of this competition. The use of booklets Research Building for Imperial Oil Limited, Sarnia, for the first stage greatly facilitated the judging of 325 Shore and Moffat entries. The method of hanging the final 100 and the The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Pickering, Ajax, Ont, documentation of this was most appreciated. Gordon S. Adamson and Associates We are of the opinion that open judging is far superior Thompson Municipal Offices, Thompson, Man, to that system previously adopted. We have been able Waisman, Ross and Associates to judge quality without relation to category or building Town of Mount Royal Post Office, Que, type. We unanimously recommend that the system of Jean Michaud and R. T. Affleck of Affleck, Desbarats, judging introduced this year be continued in the future. Dimakopou/os, Lebensold, Michaud, Sise Two entries submitted in the preliminary stage were Chapel St Louis Le Roi, St Boniface, Man, not judged. These entries were excluded, for their in­ Libling, Michener and Associates clusion could have been embarrassing to the Jury. It is Eglise St-Raphael, Jonquiere, Que, recommended that these entries be allowed to enter the St Gelais and Tremblay Foot Bridge for the Niagara Parks Commission, next competition. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont, The Jury, particularly the visiting member, remarked Huget and Secord upon the high standard of the works submitted, and Private Golf Course, Toronto, noted the great breadth of expression of the architecture and Associates of modern society. "These compare well with the best anywhere in the world". The Jury was so impressed Of these Silver Medal winners, the Jury wishes to that it wishes to mention several entries that were of especially commend: very high quality although they have not been awarded Chapel St Louis Le Roi, St Boniface, Man, Archi­ medals. These are: tects, Libling, Michener and Associates'; John Meyer House, West Vancouver, Architects, Research Building for Imperial Oil Limited, Sarnia, Wensley and Rand, North Vancouver. Architects, Shore and Moffatt; Four Seasons Motel, Toronto, Architects, Peter Town of Mount Royal Post Office, Architects, Jean Dickinson and Associates, Toronto. Michaud and R. T. Affleck of Affleck, Desbarats, Dima­ Salle Desjeunesses musicales Du Canada, Mont kopoulos, Lebensold, Michaud, Sise. Orford, Que, Architects, Desgagne and Cote, Chicou­ The Gold Medal was considered to be thoroughly well timi, Que. earned by the Thea Koerner House, University of Willmington Park Community Centre, , British Columbia, Architects, Thompson, Berwick and Ont, Architects, Jack Klein and Henry Sears, Toronto. Pratt, and associate architect Peter Kaffka. This build­ CIBA Building, Dorval, Que, Architect, Percy Booth, ing was considered excellent in plan and section, and Montreal. in its exterior and interior expression. Full advantage of The following nineteen entries were awarded Silver its superb site was taken and the sculpture and land­ Medals. They are listed here in the order in which they scaping enhances the whole. The consistency of this were numbered by the Committee prior to judging: entry is remarkable. The jury was impressed with the Summer Residence, Husavick, Man, sensitive use of materials and the care in detailing. In Waisman , Ross and Associates this building there is evidence of the flowering of modern Lapierre Residence, St Catharines, Ont, architecture. Jam es E. Secord and Saul Herzog It should be noted that the jury was unaware of the Executive House Apartments, Winnipeg, names of the architects during judging. Libling, Michener and Associates Commons Block, University of BC, The Jury wishes to recommend strongly that all Thompson, Berwick and Pratt panels comprising the final judging stage of the com­ High Rise Apartments, Regent Park South, Toronto, petition be included in the exhibition, with the one Page and Steele exception that nine panels only of entry number 26 be Parkwood Terrace, South Burnaby, BC, hung. Further, the Jury recommends that a catalogue Hale, Harrison, Buzzelle of the 100 entries be published and be made available Moose Jaw Civic Centre, in quantity, and that this procedure be repeated each .Joseph Pettick time the competition is held. The value to posterity of Kipling Collegiate Institute, Etobicoke, Ont, such records cannot now be fully appreciated. Gordon Adamson and Associates Richmond Hill Public Library, Richmond Hill, Ont, Respectfully submitted: Philip R. Brook Pietro Belluschi, F AIA, Rockland Shopping Centre, Town of Mount Royal, Que, John Bland, FRAIC, fan Martin and Victor Prus Peter Thornton, FRAIC.


NOUS TENONS TOUT D'ABORD AREMERCIER le Comite des Reseau hydro-electrique de Winnipeg, Sous-station no 21, dispositions qu'il a prises tant pour !'appreciation preli­ Libling, Michener et Associates rninaire que pour !'appreciation definitive des oeuvres Edifice de recherche de l'lmperial Oil Limited, soumises au concours. L'emploi de livrets pour l'etape Sarnia, Ont, initiale a de beaucoup facilite le premier choix parmi les Shore et Moffatt 325 oeuvres presentees. Pour Ie choix definitif, le fait The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, Pickering, Ajax, Ont, que les illustrations et la documentation relatives aux Gordon S. Adamson et Associates cent oeuvres retenues etaient suspendues a ete grande­ Bureaux municipaux de Thompson, Thompson, Man, ment apprecie. Waisman., Ross et Associates Nous sommes d'avis que le libre choix vaut beaucoup Bureau de poste de Ville Mont-Royal, P.Q., rnieux que la methode employee precedemment. Nous Jean Michaud et R. T . Affleck, de Affleck, Desbarats, avons pu nous en tenir a la seule qualite sans nous sou­ Dimakopoulos, Lebensold, Michaud, Sise cier de la classification ni du genre des batiments. Nous Chapelle Saint-Louis le Roi, Saint-Boniface, Man, sommes unanimes a recommander Ie maintien de cette Liblin.g, Michener et Associates methode pour Ies concours futurs. Eglise Saint-Raphael, Jonquiere, P.Q., Deux oeuvres sournises au choix preliminaire ont ete St-Gelais et Tremblay exclues du concours parce que leur admission aurait pu Passerelle pour Ia Commission des pares de Niagara, etre une source d'embarras pour Ie jury. Nous recomman­ N iagara-sur-le-Lac, Ont, dons qu'elles soient acceptees au concours prochain. Huget et Secord Les membres du jury, en particulier le visiteur, ont Terrain prive de golfe, Toronto note Ia haute qualite des oeuvres soumises et note Ia lar­ Raymond Moriyama et Assoc. geur d'expression architecturale dans la societe moderne. Parmi ces oeuvres auxquelles ont ete attribuees des "Ces oeuvres se comparent ce qu'il y a de mieux au a medailles d'argent, le jury desire mentionner de fa<;:on monde." Ils ont ete si favorablement impressionnes qu'ils speciale les tiennent accorder des mentions speciales certaines a a Chapelle Saint-Louis le Roi, Saint-Boniface, Man. oeuvres de grande valeur qui n'ont pas ete primees. Il Architectes: Libling, Michener et Associates; s'agit des Maison John Meyer, Vancouver-Ouest, Architectes: Edifice de recherche de !'Imperial Oil Limited, Samia, Wensley et Rand, Vancouver-Nord. Ont, Architectes: Shore et Moffatt; Four Seasons Motel, Toronto, Architectes: Peter Bureau de poste de Ville Mont-Royal, P.Q. Archi­ Dickinson & Associates, Toronto. tectes; Jean Michaud et R. T. Affleck, de Affleck, Des­ Salle des Jeunesses musicales du Canada, Architectes: barats, Dimakopoulos, Lebensold, Michaud, Sise. Desgagne et Cote, Chicoutimi. La medaille d'or a semble bien meritee par le no 36 Willrnington Park Community Centre, York-Nord, au concours, Ia Maison Thea Koerner, Universite de Ia Architectes: Jack Klein et Henry Sears, Toronto. Colombie-Britannique, oeuvre des Architectes Thomp­ Edifice CIDA, Dorval, Architecte: Percy Booth, son, Berwick et Pratt et de l'architecte associe Peter Montreal. Kaffka. Cette maison a ete jugee excellente des points Les dix-neuf oeuvres enumerees ci-apres ont merite de vue du plan, de la coupe, ainsi que de !'expression des medailles d'argent. Elles sont indiquees ici dans exterieure et interieure. Les architectes ont su tirer tout l'ordre des numeros qui leur avaient ete attribuees par le le parti possible de Ia beaute de l'endroit et !'ensemble Cornite avant le concours: est rehausse par les sculptures et l'amenagement pay­ Residence d'ete, Husavick, Man, sagiste. L'harmonie est veritablement remarquable. Le Waisman., Ross et Associates jury a ete frappe par l'emploi delicat des materiaux et Residence Lapierre, St Catharines, Ont, par le soin des details. Ce batiment est une manifestation James E. Secord et Saul Herzog de l'epanouissement de !'architecture moderne. Executive House Apartments, Winnipeg, Nous tenons a signaler que lors du jugement les noms Libling, Michener et Associates Centre social, Universite de Ia C-B, des architectes etaient inconnus des membres du jury. Thompson, Berwick et Pratt Le jury recommand instamment que tous Ies pan­ High Rise Apartments, Regent Park Sud, Toronto, neaux soumis au choix definitif soient inclus dans !'ex­ Page et Steele position, a une exception toutefois: neuf panneaux Parkwood Terrace, S. Burnaby, C-B, seulement du numero 26 devraient etre exposes. De plus, Hale, Harrison, Buzelle le jury recommande qu'un catalogue des cent oeuvres Centre municipal de Moose-Jaw, soit publie en nombreux exemplaires et que l'on pro­ Joseph Pettick cede ainsi a !'occasion de tous les concours futurs. Ces Kipling Collegiate Institute, Etobicoke, Ont, catalogues auront pour la posterite une valeur qui ne Gordon Adamson et Associates peut etre pleinement appreciee aujourd'hui. Bibliotheque publique de Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill, Ont, Respecturusement sournis, Philip R. Brook Pietro Belluschi, FA/A Centre commercial Rockland, Ville Mont-Royal, P.Q., John Bland, AIRAC Ian Martinet Victor Prus Peter Thornton, AIRAC

46 Journal R A I C, November 19 61 MASSEY THE GOLD MEDAL MEDALS1961


University of British Columbia

Architects: Thompson, Berwick & Pratt Vancouver, British Columbia

Photos by Selwyn Pullan

Partner in charge: C. E. Pratt (F)

Associate Architect: Peter Kaffka

Project Architect: Zoltan S. Kiss

Architectural Adviser to Mr Koerner: E. Stewart Williams AlA

Landscape Design: Dr J. W. Neill

Sculptor: Jack Harman

Engineering Consultants Electrical: Simpson & McGregor Structural: Otto Safir & Company Ltd Mechanical: D. W. Thomson & Company Ltd General Contractor: Anglin-Norcross Western Ltd

"The Gold Medal was considered to be thoroughly well earned by the Thea Koerner House, University of British Columbia ... This building was consi­ dered excellent in plan and section, and in its ex­ terior and interior expression. Full advantage of its superb site was taken and the sculpture and landscaping enhances the whole. The consistency of this entry is remarkable. The jury was impressed with the sensitive use of materials and the care in detailing. In this building there is evidence of the flowering of modern architecture." REPORT OF THE JURY.

Journal RAIC, November 1961 47 MASSEY


P'(ttTIIOUSl f LO Oit Pl AN The Thea Koerner House is a Gra­ duate Students' Social Centre for -.- the seven hundred students taking t.UIDI:N CAI' t postgraduate studies at the Univer­ sity of British Columbia on grants _j_ and scholarships. The donor, Dr L. J. Koerner, in memory of his late wife, Thea Koer­ ner, wanted to provide a meeting place for these students assembled from various parts of the world. Located in a wooded jlrea next to the F aculty Club (a lso donated by Dr Koerner), the main approach is from the south through a tiled plaza with pool and sculpture. The slab of the plaza extends through the build­ ing. This separation of the upper storeys containing formal functions, from the lower recreation areas at the entrance plaza level, allows the beautiful view on the north to be enjoyed from every point. The plaza also hides a service court (in­ herited from the Faculty Club), caretaker's suite and service tunnel.


48 Journal R A I C, November l 9 6 l CltOSS S(C:TION :.J..4..:- f f The penthouse and parts of the lower floor are occupied by Dr Koerner and his staff. ' ' ' i The structure reaches out into the til'...... _,r ' ' surrounding landscape with walls, screens, terraces, and massive plant­ ing boxes, to provide various out­ door areas; wind screened covered places for rainy days, tiled, formal courts, and intimate gardens. To achieve unity with inexpensive materials, concrete and wood only were used on the exterior. The bush­ hammered massive concrete areas at the bases were contrasted with rough cedar sun louvres and fascias. On interior surfaces, besides plaster, r ( ' native hemlock panelling was used. i. \ I i Y', The structure is reinforced concrete \_j with large spans and cantilevers to t allow flexibility for the entirely dif­ ferent function of each floor. l

Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 I 49 MASSEY



50 Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I Journal RAIC, November 1961 51 COMMONS BLOCK

SILVER MEDAL University of British Columbia

Architects: Thompson, Berwick & Pratt Vancouver, British Columbia

Partner in charge: Roy Jessiman

Project Architect: Barry Downs

Engineering Consultants Electrical: Simpson & McGregor Structural: Otto Safir & Co Ltd

Mechanical: D. W. Thomson & Co Ltd General Contractor: Burns & Dutton Concrete & Construction Co Ltd

Photo by Selwyn Pullan

52 Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 P ARKWOOD TERRACE SILVER MEDAL emm South Burnaby, B C mlfSI

Architects: Hale, Harrison, Buzzelle Vancouver, British Columbia

Photo by John Fulker

General Contractor: Biely Construction Co Ltd

Journal RAIC, November 1961 53 )MASSEY



Structural Engineer: J. L. Miller

General Contractor: Piggott Construction Co. MOOSE JAW CIVIC CENTRE Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Architect: Joseph Pettick Regina, Saskatchewan

Photo by Excelo Photo Co Ltd

54 Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 MASSEY CHAPEL ST LOUIS LE ROI

MEDALS1961 SILVER MEDAL St Boniface, Manitoba

Architects: Libling, Michener and Associates Winnipeg, Manitoba

Photo by Henry Kalen

General Contractor: Conito Construction Co Ltd

_j Glo!Otll

t I :ll l.IJil 1 J 1HH l !:1 I l !iJ iH\1 [·, tU l~


Journal RAIC, November 1961 55 MASSEY 1961 EXECUTIVE HOUSE APARTMENTS MEDALS Winnipeg, Manitoba

SILVER MEDAL Architects: Libling, Michener and Associates Winnipeg, Manitoba

General Contractor: Winnipeg Construction Co Ltd

Photo by Henry Kalen

,---- \ \. 0 ' \ 0 o 0 0 l \\ ~- - ~ .. \\ '------· - -·---·----~


Winnipeg, Manitoba

Architects: Libling, M ichener and Associates Winnipeg, M anitoba

General Contractor: Borger Bros. Ltd

P hoto by Henry Kalen



Journal R A I C, N ovembe r l 9 6 l 57 SUMMER RESIDENCE AT HUSAVICK SILVER MEDAL ~ASSEY Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba ~EDALS1961

Architects & Engineers: Waisman Ross & Associ ates Winnipeg, M11nitoba

General Contractor: Peter Svenson Constructi on

I=T9=i==;, . .... ,.: I~ &·,. .·. ' .):• . . Photo by Henry Kalen

.. ,., .,.. t .SITE PL..AN ~ L OOQ P L A N ~

58 Jo urnal RAIC, November 1961 SILVER MEDAL

THOMPSON MUNICIPAL OFFICE BUILDING for the International Nickel Co of Canada Ltd Thompson, Manitoba

Architects & Engineers: Waisman Ross & Associates Winnipeg, Manitoba

General Contractor: Malcom Construction Co Ltd

Photo by Henry Kalen

& I T E P L !>. N

Journal RAIC, November 1961 59 o- 0 ea mtftll



Architects: Gordon S. Adamson & Associates Toronto, Ontario ·------~.n ------:r / I ...... ____ General Contractor: /,( ee e _}\ Varamae Construction Ltd

'-- Photos by Panda 0 ~ ~ ~ 1 "')> '1 rr~~ n z 0 < "'3 o- ~ -.., (), This building was published in the July 196/ issue of the Journal .._ 0 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA !; ::0 e... SILVER MEDAL Pickering-Ajax, Ontario "'l> .0 Architects: z 0 • Gordon S. Adamson & Associates ..< 3 Toronto, Ontario o- ~

()."' General Contractor: Camston Ltd

Photo by Keith Spratley

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nl£ lilU TB.B'HQH( CJ.lfOMNY OF ~ ·/,l'''' f·

:> -l GREENWOOD~ ~ ROAD------~ "


Architect: Philip R. Brook, of Brook & Banz l Toronto, Ontario I

..!-.. --~ Engineering Consultants 'L. '; r-""""'=--.,....~~i---~"""'­ . ,.._, jJ Structural: Reicher & Bradstock

[] Mechanical: ··" Flanagan & Black 0 Furnishings: J. & J. Brook

General Contractor: I u n W. J. Lee Ltd ,.,~ , : : · · ··· :~ ····-· ~ ,). ~ . . ' >1'~.fC'} ~

"····1--·--1 . I-


near Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario on the Niagara Parkway

A rchitects: Hugct & Secord St. Catharines, Ontario

Engineerin g Consu ltants: SILVER MEDAL R. H. Harrison

General Contractor: Barratt & Sons

Photos by McGienister & Brisson

Journal R A I C, November 1961 63 LAPIERRE RESIDENCE St. Catharines, Ontario

t •

.· Architects: James Secord & Saul Herzog St. Catharines, Ontario ·"' .w. .. ~I[' ... \~ ll ·aE~ General Contractor: Will oughby Development

.. Photo by McGlenister & Brisson ' .. • 0





Sarnia, Ontario MEDALS1961 Architects: Shore & Moffat Toronto, Ontario

SILVER MEDAL General Contractor: Curran & Herridge Construction Co Ltd

Photo by Douglas Paisley


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Journal RAIC, November 1961 65 0. 0.

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Architects: Raymond Moriyama & Associates Toronto, Ontario

Landscape Architect: George Tanaka

Engineering Consultants Structural: G. Dowdell & Associates

General Contractor: Owner's maintenance crew (gardeners and carpenters)

Photo by Panda

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"")> () z 0 < () z SILVER MEDAL 0 • "' "'3 c- Architects: Page & Steele ~ Toronto, Ontario '

Engineering Consultants Structural: M.S. Yolles & Associates

Mechanical: G. Granek & Associates

Electrical: Jack Chisvin & Associates General Contractor: Louis Donolo

Photo by Neil Newton


~ '-= 0. '-1 0. co • SILVER MEDAL

Architects: Ian Martin & Victor Prus Westmount, P Q

General Contractor: Industrial Realty Corporation

.... 0 !:; " ~ l . "')> .' j ~ () - ~ z ROCKLAND SHOPPING CENTRE ~ 0 -< !, :

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,. l-.. I ,IJ' TOWN OF MOUNT ROYAL POST OFFICE Town of Mount Royal, P Q I : ___j ,..,..,_ Architects: Affleck, Desbarats, Dimakopoulos, Engineering Consultants ~ " ';~ Lebensold, Michaud, Sise ...... Mechanical: ~ Montreal, P Q Leblanc & Montpetit ~~. ~ I I r . Structural: ,:,: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J.P. Marceau General Contractor: .J Leeds Construction Ltd

<>­ '() • SILVER MEDAL Photo by Panda EGLISE ST-RAPHAEL I Jonquiere, P Q

• Architects: St-Gelais & Tremblay Jonquiere, P Q

SILVER MEDAL Engineering Consultants Structural: Laquerre & Lemieux

General Contractor: Fabrique St-Raphael

Photos by Ellefsen

70 Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I HE J UDG I G OF THE PROJECTS submitted by the Canadian Schools of Architecture, for the Travelling Scholar hip and Tawards in Architecture, given annually by Pilkington Glas Limited was held this year in Quebec City. The object of the jury wa to choose a candidate who could The 1961 pur ue hi studies f mther. The members of the jury wanted to "choose th e man", insofar as it was po sible through his project, Pilkington and not "the best project" submitted. The project chosen first, by majority decision, was "A Village Travelling Scholarship for the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill", submitted by Bruno B. Freschi from the School of Architecture, University of British Columbia. The jury think th at this student knows many facets in Architecture of architecture; he can analyse a plan; he can synthesize; he appreciates th e use of pace. The materials are well chosen for their purpose and in the right context of their environment. His project, a rehabilitation ho pita!, is a place to recuperate and THE JURY give a sense of security. lt is extremely well controlled for a student. The individuality of patients is respected. PAUL-O. TREPA IER, GRA BY This stud ent can go much further. His project is the result Presidem of the Ju ry and Professional Ad.-iser of a tremendous a mount of thinking. The difficulty of the pro­ blem was appreciated by th e jury. The choice of scale was GORDON E DWARDS, MO TREAL discu sed by the jury. The careful choice of the structural detail R epresenting M cGill University contributed to the solution, although the original use of this particular structural system was better handled in its original GERARD VE E (F), QUEBEC form. The model gives a different aspect. T here was a disparity Representing L'Ecole D'A rchitecture de M ontreal of atmosphere between the design and model. The project chosen second, a majority decision, was "Housing ROBERT C. FA IRFIELD, TORONTO Study", submitted by Gordon Gourlay, from the School of R epresenting Architecture, University of Toronto. This student could benefit from a schol arship. He i a mature, serious and sensitive man. D E IS H . CARTER, WINNIPEG He submitted an excell ent written report with the plans. There R epreseming Universit y of Manitoba is a sense of enclosure within the unit, and between the units. There is a sense of li ving "in". The scheme is introverted. He PETER THOR TO (F), VANCOUVER has experience with the arrangement of windows. This is done R epresenting University of British Columbia with taste. T hi s student has benefitted from a previous scholar­ ship. He has uccessfull y solved in detail one type of housing. DR. R. G. HUNTER The project chosen third, by majority decision, was "A Muni­ R epresenting Pilkington Glass Li111ited cipal Art Gallery for Kingston, Jamaica", submitted by Maurice K. Henriques, from the School of Architecture, University of Manitoba. This project denotes a young man, mature and ready to undertake other studies. The masses are extremely well handled. The program was simple to solve. The solution is The 196 1 Winner, Bruno Freschi of th e Un iversity of British sensitive; th e design is good. The interior and exterior space Columbia, seen with the model of his entry "A Village for the Rehabilitation of th e M entally Ill." good. It shows a precise dealing with the problem. The galleries are independent. Access can be direct; that is good. The presenta­ tion is neglected; th e olution is strong. The use of towers balance th e design and emphasize it - it could be the focus of a town. lt appears to be a good town planning concept. The jury thinks that the standard of quality of exhibits is very high. Quality of th e solutions are fairly high, with perhap one or two exceptions. The jury believes that too much expense and energy was put forth in the preparation of photos and models. Students should take time for thinking, drawing, designing, etc. The projects of th e winners of the nine last years show an improvement in architectural quality. A travelling exhibition could be organized and could benefit the students in architecture. Consent of th e architects concerned should be obtained before public showing of th eir projects. The Schools of Architecture should encourage the study of projects th at are less practical, more id ealistic, more intell ectu al th e students should go to th e root of the problems. ~~r~;;.~~~~-IF~====~~==~~~~r:====~~~~~~~ ~

Left to right, D ennis H. Carter, Winnipeg; Robert C. Fairfield, Toronto; Paul-O. Trepanier, Granby (Chairman of the Jury); Gerard Venn e (F), Quebec; Peter Thomton (F), Vanco11v er. Not present, Gordon Edwards, Montreal.

Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I 71 , .. t:·: THE 1961 . :.:;-:::::-=..::.-:-·::::-:_-:··:-:-:-.: · ~:i ___ .... :::-T:~:::·:: I I ' " . . . . ~. . ... ···- .. PILKINGTON -·' TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP IN ARCHITECTURE

A Mechanical- Laundry -Kitchen

B Swimming Pool Building

C Gymnasium

D Swimming Pool Services

E Showers- Washrooms -Lockers

F Mens' Stall Residences

G Womens' Stall Residences

H Occupational Therapy

I Medical Building

J Patients' Residences


1-1,- - 6 n The winning project by Bruno B. Freschi "A Village for the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill" -- ·---· ------

72 Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 ----.:... .{



Journal R A 1C ' November 19 6 1 73 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DESK

FJLLI G A EED SATJSFAIRE LE BESOI S A CANA DI AN COUNCIL ON URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH LE CONSEIL CANADI EN D'U RBANJSM E REPOND A U BESOJ M EMBERS OF TH E INSTITUT E who claim more than just a L ES MEMBR ES DE L'INSTITUT qui ont porte plus qu'une nodding acquaintance with the Report of the Committee attention distraite au Rapport sur les conditions de /'habi­ of Inquiry into the Design of the Residential Environment tation se rappel/ent que, dans Ia derniere de ses 32 recom­ will remember that the last of 32 recommendations - rnandations (paragraphe 201 ), le Comite prie Ia Societe Paragraph 20 I - urged Central Mortgage and Housing centrale d'hy potheques et de /ogem ent "a son titre d'agent Corporation "as the agency with a national mandate in charge d'une tfiche nationale en matiere d'habitation et de housing and planning research, to convene a conference recherche en urbanisme, de convoquer une reunion a la­ on the idea of a permanent Canadian Institute of Urban quelle on etudiera Ia jondation, en permanence, d'un lnstitut Studies. The Corporation need not in so doing commit itself canadien d'urbanisme. Il n'est pas necessaire que Ia Societe in advance to this instrument. It should invite to the dis­ s'engage d'avance a realiser ce projet. Elle devrait in viter a cussion the representatives of those governments, univer­ cette reunion des representants des gouvernem ents, des uni­ sities, national corporations and other research bodies that versites, des societes nationa/es et d'autres organismes de have already made significant contributions in urban studies recherche qui ont deja apporte une contribution appreciable in Canada." cl /'etude de l'urbanisme au Canada". Over the period of 16 months since the RAIC Residen­ Au cours des 16 mois qui on/ sui vi Ia presentation du tial Environment Report was released at Winnipeg to begin Rapport de l'LRAC sur les conditions de !'habitation au the 1960 Assembly, an attempt has been m ade to provoke debut de L'assemb/ee de 1960 d Winnipeg, on s'est efforce implementation of nearly all report recommendations, but de donner suite ii tous les voeux enonces dans le rapport special attention was given to the long-term implications of mais de j(l(;:on particuliere au voeu a longue portee compris paragraph 201. The Journal report of last month recorded dans ce paragraphe. Dans son numero du mois dernier, le the successes or partial successes of the implementation Journal presentait un compte rendu des succes, ou succes program during 1960-1961 , but throughout, special opti­ partie/.1·, remportes par le programme de mise en oeuvre en mism has been held out for the establishment of some form 1960-61. Pendant ce temps, on a surtout garde l'espoir de of urban institute or council. voir s'etablir une forme quelconque d'institut ou de conseil The optimism was nourished during several months of d'urbanisme. careful planning on the part of a steering committee com­ posed of Stewart Bates (Hon. F) CMHC President, Eric Get espoir a ete entretenu pendant plusieurs mois par des Beecroft, Ottawa Bureau Manager of the Canadian Federa­ preparatifs speciaux de Ia part d'un comite de direction tion of Mayors and Municipalities, and Peter Dobush (F). compose de MM. Stewart Bates, president de Ia S.C.H.L., This behind-the-scenes activity culminated in a conference Eric Beecroft, directeur du bureau d'Ottawa de Ia Federa­ at Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in Ottawa tion canadienne des maires et des municipalites, et Peter on October 20 when representatives of professional socie­ Dobush, A IRA C . Leur travail discret a abo utile 20 octobre ties, national organizations, government agencies and the a Ia tenue d'une conference a Ia Societe centrale d'hy po­ universities voted unanimously to establish a Canadian theques et de logement d Ottawa, oii des representants de Council on Urban and Regional Research. The founding societes projessionnelles, d'organismes nationaux, de ser­ conference of the Council will be held at Ottawa next Feb­ vices gouvernementaux et des universites se sont prononces ruary 22-23. a l'unanimite en fav eur de l'etablissem ent d'un Conseil Why is an Institute or Council of Urban Studies or Re­ canadien d'urbanisme. La reunion de fondation aura lieu search necessary? Can its creation be justified? The planners ii Ottawa les 22 et 23 jevrier prochains. of the new organization answer in these words: "At present Pow·quoi un tel organisme? Sa jondation est-elle justifiee? the many complex problems created by these conditions are Les auteurs du projet repondent ainsi a Ia question: "A faced by professional, educational and administrative orga­ /'h eure actuelle, les associations projessionnelles, educatives nizations with insufficient opportunity to benefit from one et administrative.\· doivent faire fa ce aux nombreux prob­ another's experience. Inter-communication between those lem es cornplexes crees par ces conditions individuellem ent, mainl y concerned in the problems of the urban environment sans /'a vantage de pouvoir pro/iter suffis amment de [' experi­ is hampered by an inadequate accumulation of recorded ence acquise par /es au/res. Les conununications entre les experience and by the absence of an organization to pro­ divers organismes specialem ent charges des problem es des mote a continuing exchange of ideas." condition.v de /'habitation dans les vil/es sont entravees par The architectural profession can derive some satisfaction une insuffisance des donnee.1· accumu/ees et par /'absence from the knowledge that the Committee of Inquiry Report d'un organisllle ayant pour fonction de stimu/er en echange wa directly instrumental in creating a research agency constant c/'idees". which, when fully operational, will pl ay a very vital role in N otre profession a lieu de se rejouir du fait que le rapport bringing more direction and purpose to our urban society. du comite d'enquete a ete Ia cause directe de Ia formation The profession, too, must hail the selection of Peter Dobush d'un service de recherche qui, lor.\·qu'il sera en pleine acti­ who will be a key figure in founding the Council as a vite. contribuera au premier chef a assurer une orientation practical reality. et un objet au deve/oppe111 ent de notre societe urbaine. E lle doit se fe/iciter aussi du choix de M . Peter D obush qui deviendra une fil;:ure dominante dans Ia fondation de ce Conseil.


Sponsored by the Stainless Steel Design Award Committee whose members represent Atlas Steels Limited, International Nickel Co. of Canada Limited, and Union Ca rbide Canada Limited. Report of the Jury of Award CATEGORY CATEGORY 1 The jury we re well pleased wi t h t he number of entri es and The Jury the presentation both of drawings an d models where the execution was of a high order. E. R. Arthur (F) Cha irman Competitors took seriously th"e statement in the Co nd it ions of Competition that the requirements of the bank called for a H. Dodgson Toronto high degree of imaginat ion. Th e fact that the site was visi bl e on fou r si des, and that there was "no inferior elevat ion", James E. Sea rle Winnipeg caused a majority of competitors to produce a circular pla n. Th is worked we ll in some cases, but, where wings were added Paul-O. Trepan ier Granby, Qu e to t he central circular form, the res ult was usually force d and unhappy. G. Everett Wi I son (F) Toronto Surprising too, in severa l cases, was t he com petitor's ignorance of Ba nking procedure.·Thi s was pa rticu larly ev ident where t he customer was ob liged to carry his safety deposi t First Prize Chapman and Hurst box up a stair to a gallery. However nice t he view and howeve r Toronto luxurious t he balcony gallery, t he effort wou ld hardly seem j ust ified. Second Prize It may be that t he req uireme nt of " imagi nat ion" put too J. A. Sza rvas A. G. Zimmerman great a strain on some com petitors. It was the opinion of the B. Meredith jury that t he design placed first ach ieve d dignity, a se nse of all of Niagara Falls, Ontario space and not a little dramatic effect with the simpl est mea ns. It was also the submission that most nearly approached ideal Th ird Prize Tie McCarter, Nairne & Partners banki ng condit ions. Vancouver The jury of award fe lt most competitors needed guidance in t he pro per use of stainless steel, and tha t many we re un­ Third Prize Tie Lipson and Dashkin informed in matters relating to ai r-condit ion ing. Toronto The jury took the view that a good solut ion woul d provide usefu l wo rking space for the staff wi t h adequate dayl ight as Honourable Mention well

Journal R A I C, N ovembe r 1 9 6 1 75 CATEGORY 1 FIRST PRIZE Howard D. Chapman, B Arch Len A. Hurst, BArch Chapman and Hurst, Toronto

Design Consultant for the fountain Alex Von Svoboda, Toronto

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76 Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 A strong and simple forrn seemed essential to stand out against a sea of parked cars and the shopping centre buildings be­ yond. A horizontal roof gave the desired silhouette and allowed a plastic modelling of the enclosing walls. The glass walls have been broken up by fins which encase the structural columns and pro­ vide protection from the sun. The generous roof overhang assists as · a sun screen as well as providing cover from rain. The interior of the banking floor is organized into two areas. The tellers are located in the one area ... the manager and other officers in the other area .... The a·rticu­ lation of the banking hall into these two areas with foyer space between creates pleasant public spaces and affords customers seeking loans more privacy from the banking area proper. Basic to this scheme is the placing of the vault in a prominent axial loca­ tion, visible as a symbol of the bank from inside and outside the building.... " From the Architects' statement


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Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 77 CATEGORY 1 SECOND PRIZE J. A. Szarvas, A. G. Zimmerman and B. Meredith all of Niagara Falls, Ontario

... The basic concept has been the creation, in architectural terms, of a jewel-like building sym bol ic of the role of modern banking .. . . The whole of the bank site, with the exception of the bank parking, has been raised so that the bank podium stands on a low terrace- and the site is separated from the sea of surrounding parked cars. Th e decision to glaze completely the exterior wall of the bank required that some containment of the view be sought to retain a sense of human scale. This has been done, first by using a deep colonnade which increases the sense of spaciousness and shields the glazed wall from the su n, and second, by the planting of trees and shru bs. . . . In the bank interior a variety of spatial relationships has been created by balancing circular and curved, solid and transparent forms. The solid forms of the vault and the manager's office are separated to preserve maxi­ mum openness of view and the curved forms arranged to achieve short and direct circulation patterns . ... The concave curving counter unfolds its full length to view of entering customers, and with the manager's office at its far end, encompasses the public area .... A garden court behind the staff area provides a year round touch of cheerful and luxurious greenery. From the Architects' statement


28 QliU9f U . "Ondlt\Q M


Journal R A I C , Novembe r I 9 6 I CATEGORY 1 THIRD PRIZE TIE McCarter, Nairne & Partners, Vancouver, BC R. S. Nai rne W. G. Leithead K. E. R. Kerr J. Blair Macdonald

... The building is conceived as a glass pavilion se t within a "moat" of lab urnum trees. By day the bui lding will be seen through a lacewo rk of foliage- by night the brightly lit interior wi ll silhouette the trees and become its own " neon sign"... . Tra ve rtine faced partitions and fixed furniture "grow" from the trave rtine fl oor forming a strong sculptural foil to the light stainless steel co lumns and ce iling. The vau lt is the tallest an d largest form and the whole pl an radiates from its centre, thus giving the va ult its du e sy mbolic role. From the Arc hitect s' statement

. . . The circular conception arose from the descrip­ tion of the site: "that the bank has no back in the ordinary sense and no inferior elevation." This also led to a powerful symbolic form- the coin. As the design progressed the decorative qualities of the roof structure suggested it s exploitation in the graphics field as a symbol or trademark for the bank; i.e. as a bank crest, letterhead, etcetera. The goal was t o produce an elegant, organized space as an expression of the efficiency and integrity of a contemporary banking establishment. To this end all effort in simpl ifying the visua l expression was concentrated. For example, the vault is expressed as an impregnable fortress of masonry about which the openness of contemporary business revolves. From the Architects' statement CATEGORY 1 THIRD PRIZE TIE Lipson & Dashkin, Don Mi lls, Ontario M. David Lipson Ubby Dashkin Harvey G. Cowan Associate- Ensor Industrial Design Associates

79 Continued from Page 75 Second Prize- J. A. Szarvas, A. G. Zimmerman, B. Meredith all of Niagara Falls, Ontario. Merits 1 This competitor more than any others, showed an imagina­ tive use of stainless steel. 2 Staff facilities we re excellent. 3 Bulges on the plan were skilfully placed beneath a roof overhang, and were better done than other competitors who had similar problems with circular plan. 4 He is to be commended for the way his building is raised on a podium. 5 His model and drawings were of particularly high standing. CATEGORY 1 6 His report was the best submitted. HONOURABLE MENTION Daryl Charles Jorgensen Demerits Vancouver, BC 1 The jury felt that the scale of the design was large for a branch bank. 2 By contrast with the scale, the entrance was small, if not actually forbidding. The canopy and its supports seemed . .. The site, being surrounded on three sides by parking and out of character with the bui lding. The ceiling of the on the fourth by a street, presented the problem of how to vestibule appeared to be 7' 0". approach a building situated on the property. Since an equa l 3 Identification of the bank from the shopping centre seems access from the street and the shopping centre parking lot not to have been considered. seemed desirable, an entrance courtyard which allowed a free 4 The site plan needs further study especially where the directional approach was devised. Two interior sides of the paving module indicated a unit of 5' x 9'. site were used for parking, one for cars from the shopping 5 The best use was not made of the avai !able work space. centre, the other for vehicular traffic from the street. The third interior side of the site was allotted to a screened service yard. 6 Credit is given this competitor for his staff facilities but . .. Th e building was conceived as four solid brick piers on they adjoin a depressed sculpture court which seemed out the corners with glazing between . Above this floated a roof in of bounds to the staff and invisible by the public. four segments, supported on pillars of light. . .. The four brick 7 The manager was unhappily situated out of the working piers seemed to provide the solidity required by the nature space and the customer entrance was poor. of the building and yet not interfere with the transparency that is desirable for light, security and the well-being of those who occupy the building. Often today's Branch Banks possess a Third Prize Tie- McCarter, Nairne & Ptnrs, Vancouver, BC transparency that borders on the flimsy. It is felt that a certain R. S. Nairne, W. G. Leithead, K. E. R. Kerr, J. Blair Macdonald inherent strength of materials and form is of cardinal impor­ Merits tance in any bank. From the Architect's statement 1 A serene classica l solution. 2 Consistently good detailing, especially in interior fitments and sky lights. Demerits 1 Pl an arrangements questionable and interior shapes disturb the seren ity of the outside. 2 Work ing arrange men ts were thought to be inadequate and publ ic space was wasted at both ends. 3 Th e jury could find no argument in favour of the depressed staff area. 4 The identification of the entrance was obscured by labur- . num trees, one of which had to be felled to give the jury and, later, the photographers a glimpse of the interior.

Third Prize Ti~- Lipson and Dashkin, Don Mills, Ontario M. David Lipson, Ubby Dashkin, Harvey G. Cowan, Associate- Ensor Industrial Design Associates. Merits 1 Excellent set of mode l and drawings. 2 The jury commends this co mpetitor for his many ingenious uses of stainless stee l. 3 Character of the internal space was good. He succeeded in ge tting all his accommodat ion within the circle and thus avoided t he bulges of other competitors. 4 Impression on entering was dramatic. Demerits 1 In spite of (3) above, this competitor put his coupon booths on top of the vault, an eyrie most difficult of access for the elderly well-to-do. He was criticized too, for the general planning of the staff area. 2 Th e fascia over his glass circular form was unduly heavy. 3 Park 1ng access from the street was difficult and even obscure and the parking area did not seem to relate to the main entry.

Journal R A I C. November I 9 6 I Honourable Mention- D. C. Jorgenson, Vancouver, BC

Merits 1 Very high standard ac hieved in model, drawings and report. 2 Interesting scale of bank interior, even though exc lusive, perhaps, for a bra nch ban k. 3 Good vault coupon-both. CATEGORY 2 4 Attempt at signs on individual towers. FIRST PRIZE Demerits Lawrie G. Mcintosh 1 The jury was not opposed to the romantic nature of the Mcintosh Design Associate, Toronto scheme as such, but thought it grandiose for a branch bank. 2 It was also impractical with too great a separation between elements in the plan. Respectfully submitted, E. R. Arthur, Chairman. H. Dodgson. James E. Searle. Paul-O. Trepanier. G Everett Wilson

Report of the Jury of Award Category 2 The jury of award noted wi th regret that so few professiona ls competed. This was evident in a majority of submissions whe re it was clear the designer had little knowledge of stainless steel or its potentialities. Seve ral designs were impractical, and, even where they indicated taste of a kind, they would be prohibitively expensive in poundage alone. In the same class were dazzlingly flashy objects that, certainly in a bank, would have benefited by a secondary material to complement and enhance the beauty of stainless steel. The jury would have welcomed stock items of good design, but have to report several very expensive examples that showed no evidence of creativity on the part of the designer. The competition in this category, if it did nothing else, must po int to the need for professional designers in a wide variety of fields. The jury of award takes the liberty of suggesting that a future competition be confined to profession ais. First Prize - Lawrie G. Mcintosh, Mcintosh Design Associate, Toronto Th e jury of award took great pleasure in examining the card file submitted by this competitor. In point of size there was nothing smaller in the competition, but it had outstanding merits. 1 It was an ori gi nal idea well worked out. 2 Stainless steel was em inently suited for the purpose to which it was put. Second Prize - John Ensor, Ensor Industrial Design Associates, Toronto The jury was impressed with the versatility of this designer as indicated by the seemingly limitless uses of his locking joint. He is commended, therefore, for the following: 1 An ambitious attempt to design a sta inless stee l faced component with a locking device which he demonstrates by drawings of roof, ceiling and other areas of a branch bank. 2 The jury commends him for the very ingeniously designed box in which his exhi bit was packed. Third Prize- Dalite Corporation (Canada) Limited, New Toronto, Ontario. Architects - Ross, Fish, Duschenes & Barrett, Montreal. This submission was a spandrel panel made up of sta inless steel pyramids, painted black, with a fattened bright top. The jury expressed doubts about a trend for obscuring so beautiful a material as stain less stee l with co lour of any kind, and found the chief interest in this submission in the economy of material coupled with its obvious stability as a panel. -- -the card file su bm itted by this competitor. In point of Respectfully submitted, size there was nothing sma ller E. R. Arthur, Chai rman. G. Everett Wilson. Joanne Brook. C. G. in the competition --­ Shepherd. From the Report of the Jury

Journal R A I C, November 1 9 6 1 81 CATEGORY 2 SECOND PRIZE John En sor Ensor Industrial Desi gn Associates, To ronto

- - - the see ming ly limitless uses of his lock ing joi nt -- ­ From the Report of the Jury

CATEGORY 2 THIRD PRIZE Dalite Corporation (Canada) Limited, New Toronto, Ontario Architects -Ross, Fish, Duschenes & Barrett, Montreal

---a spandre l panel made up of stainless steel pyramids, pai nted black, with a flattened bright top -- -

From t he Report of t he Jury



Air lea kage has a number of important implica­ to those describing air fl ow through ori fices a nd ti ons in relation to the performa nce of buildings. capilla ri es. Flow through a capillary is directly It occurs through cracks a nd opening in wi ndows, proportional to the pressure drop across it; fl ow doors, wa lls a nd roof. Its extent depend s on the through a n ori ftce is proportiona l to the square root design a nd condition of the buildin g enclosure, the of the pressure drop. The relationship for building qua lity of materi als a nd workma nship a nd the air openings or cracks fa lls between these limits; the pre ure differences acting across the crack a nd fl ow ra te also depends on the effective a rea of the openings. Air leakage into buildings is ca lled infil tra­ openings perpendicul ar to the direction of fl ow. tion a nd leakage outwa rd, ex fi ltra tion. Flow through a single opening of uniform cross­ The rela tive humidity in most heated build ings in section large in relation to its length can be approx­ Ca nada is unco ntrolled a nd depends largely on the imated fr om the relationship for a sha rp-edged over-a ll rate of in fi ltra tion. This subject is discussed ori fice : Q = 2400 A Vh, where Q is the air fl ow in in CBD 1. In buildings wi thout mecha ni cal air cubic feet per minute, A t he area in squa re feet a nd supply systems air infiltration provides the a ir h the pressure difference in inches of wa ter. For cha nges required for ventilation a nd may also be a complex openings such as cracks a round windows source of conta mina nts such as smoke, soot a nd dust. a nd doors or cracks in wa lls air flow relationships As air infiltration in creases the heating load in must be determined by test. Air leakage a round winter a nd the cooling load in summer, a good windows is often given in terms of the length of the estima te of infiltra tion is required for the proper crack a round the perimeter of the sash ; in a masonry sizing of heating a nd cooling equipment. Windows or frame wa ll it may be related to the over-a ll a rea a nd doors a re t he major source of air infiltration in of the wall. Expressin g lea kage in terms of the most buildings a nd will usua ll y determine the im­ equivalent area of a simple squa re-edged orifice portance of air leakage in relation to heating a nd air sometimes provides a useful yardstick for compa r­ conditioning. ing the air leakage characteristics of different com­ ponents of a structure (Ta ble I). One of the most importa nt aspects of a ir leakage in rela ti on to the performa nce of Ca nadia n buildings TABLE I-EQUI VA LENT ORIFICE A RE AS, SQ I N. is the ex tent to which it is responsible for serious 13-inch porous brick wall, no plaster, condensation problems. Unfortuna tely t his is 100 sq ft ...... 3.1 la rgely unrecogni zed in the design a nd construction Wa ll as a bove, 3 coat plaster, of ma ny buildings, a nd even when failures develop 100 sq ft ...... 0 .054 the source of moisture is often incorrec tly identified. Fra me wa ll , wood siding, 3 coat plaster, To a pprecia te this a nd other implica tions of air 100 sq ft. 0 . 33 lea kage, air lea kage characteri stics of cracks, Door, tight fi tting, 3 by 7 ft ...... 7. 6 distribution of pressure across the building enclosure Window, double-hung, loose fitting, 3~ 4 ~...... 4 . 7 a nd the resul ting pa ttern of air fl ow must be under­ Window, double-hung, tight fitting, stood. 3~4 ~ . ··········· 0 . 93 Air L eakage Characteristics. The flow of air Pressure Differences. Differences occur in air pres­ through openings in a structure follows laws similar sure between the in side a nd outside of buildings

NRC DBR OTTAWA NOVEMBER 1961 CBD 23 because of the effects of wind, temperature differ­ The selection of pressure differences across build­ ences between inside and outside, and sometimes as ing walls for calculations involving a ir lea kage is a resu lt of the operation of mechanical ventilation further complicated in tha t the rela tionship be­ and exha ust systems. tween recorded wind and wind a t a building site varies a nd is difficu lt to establish. Maximum instan­ Air flow around a nd over a bui lding causes vari a­ taneous rates of air leakage are usua ll y not im­ tions in pressure a round it. Distribution of pressures portant. Instead, max im um average values tha t over building surfaces depend s on wind speed and prevail over several hours or longer during extremes direction, height a nd shape of the building, and in outside temperature are often what is required. surrounding terrain. In general, pressures a re posi­ Thus wind speeds in excess of 25 mph are usua ll y tive on the windward side resulting in infiltration, not signifi cant in air leakage problems. a nd negative on the leeward side resulting in ex­ filtra tion. Pressures on the remaining sid es may be When the tempera ture in a building differs from negative or positive, depending on the a ngle of the that outsid e, pressure differences occur between wind. They are genera ll y negative over roofs except inside and outside as a result of difference in the on the windward side of steep ones. density of the air. This is called chimney or stack effect, since it is the same mechanism that causes Press ures over the surfaces of buildings are rela ted a draft in a chimney. With inside temperature to the velocity head or stagnation pressures of wind. hi gher tha n tha t outside, chimney effect produces a For air at standard density, the rela ti on between negative inside pressure relative to outside a nd velocity head a nd wind speed can be expressed as infiltration a t lower levels, with a positive pressure 2 p. = 0.000482V , where p. is the velocity head in a nd exfiltration at hi gher levels. The opposite inches of water column and Vis the wind velocity occurs with insid e temperature lower tha n tha t in miles per hour. Values of the stagnation pressure outside. for winds from 5 to 25 mph are given in Table II. When no other press ure forces are acting there TABLE II- STAGNATION PRE SSU RES is a level, sometimes called the neutral zone, a t which inside and outside pressures are equal. T he Wind Speed, mph p ,, in . water difference in pressure between inside and outsid e 5 0 .012 can be ex pressed as 10 0 .048 15 0.104 Pc = 7.6 h ( lc 460 20 0 . 193 ~ 25 0 .301 where p. is the theoretical pressure difference due to chimney effect in in ches of water column, h is the For buildings of simple rectangul ar shape, pres­ distance from the neutra l zo ne or effective chimney sures mi ght vary from plus 0.5 p. to 0.9 p. on the height in feet, a nd lc and I; are outside and insid e windward side and from minus 0.2 p, to minus 0.7 temperatures in °F. Selected va lu es of Pc are give n p, on the leeward side. Pressures on the other sides in Table III ; the valu e of Pc for other heights is in para ll el or at small a ngles to the wind direction may vary from minus 0.1 p. to mi nus 0.9 p •. Pressures TABLE III- PRESSURE DIFFERENCE D uE TO over fl a t or low pitched roofs may range from minus CH IMNEY AC TI ON (EFFECTIV E HEIGHT = 100 FT) 1.0 p. a t leadin g edges to minus 0.2 p. over other Temperature Difference, °F areas. Greater values of suction may occur in small Pc localized areas. 20 0 . 055 40 0 . 115 Insid e buildings pressures due to wind action 60 0. 179 depend on the resistances to fl ow of cracks a nd 80 0.250 openin gs in the building exterior and to their loca­ 100 0 .326 t ion in relation to win d direction. Insid e pressures must adjust so that infl ow eq ua ls outfl ow. With direct proportion. Thus the location of the neutral openings uniformly distributed around the wa lls the zone in a building is important in relation to air insid e pressure might ra nge fr om pl us to minus leakage since it determines the pressure difference 0.2 p.,. If most of the openings occur on the wind­ at all other heights. ward side, insid e pressures will in crease, a pproach­ ing the values on the outside. The converse will If the building has no space separa tions, or if their occur wh en most of the openings are on the lee ward resistance to fl ow is sma ll , air enterin g at lower side. levels can pass verticall y through the building 2 unhindered; the location of the neutra l zone wi ll and si milar practices are now usuall y followed in depend on ly on the resistances and vertical distribu­ constructin g other types of insula ted buildings. tion of openings in the enclosure. If these openings The extent, however, to which moisture can be are uniformly distributed verticall y the neutra l zone transferred as a component of air flowing through wi ll be at mid-height of the building. If the fl oors cracks a nd joints in ma teri als as a result of a ir a re isola ted from one a nother, however, each will pressure differences is not often appreciated. One have a separate chimney effect a nd neutra l zone aspect of this, condensation between pa nes of level with respect to outside, so tha t the dista nce of double windows, is discussed in CBD 5; such con­ a ny opening from the neutra l zone will be less tha n densation is due almost entirely to moisture carried the distance between floors. Pressure differences due with a ir fl owing from in side to outside through to chimney effect will never be very great under cracks around the sash. T his is confirmed by obser­ these conditions. vation of actua l buildings, where severe conden­ sation may occur between pa nes on windows at On the basis of a few measurements made in large upper levels although not at lower levels. Exfiltra­ multi-story buildings, it a ppears that the se para tion tion of air above the neutral zone is the source of between floors is usua ll y not effective in preventing moisture. Similarly, condensa tion between pa nes is air flow vertically through a building a nd that the more excessive on leeward tha n on windward sides pressures across the enclosure are a ffected by the of buildings. chimney action of the building as a whole. In such buildings, neutra l zone levels under winter condi­ Condensation can a lso occur in hidden parts of walls or roofs as a result of air exfiltration through tions are likely to be between ;).-3 and % the height of the building. cracks, openings a nd porous construction. The extent of such condensation in heated buildings Since the neutral zone 111 winter is the level depends primarily on indoor humidity, outdoor tem­ below which infiltration occurs and above which pera ture and on the rate and dura tion of air flow. exfiltration occurs, any openings through which air Exfiltra tion induced by chimney action and by is exha usted will raise the neutral zone level. wind from the prevailing direction is thus partic­ Measurements on houses indicate that the neutra l ularl y significant in this respect. Condensation zone is probably well above mid-height owing to the problems associated with a ir leakage in heated fl ow of air up the chimney a nd into the attic through buildings will be most prevailent in upper floors, partitions, ceiling electri cal fixtures a nd around especia ll y on leeward sides; and will in crease with plumbing stacks. increasin g severity and dura tion of winter weather and with increasin g building relative humidity. The actua l pressure difference across cracks a nd Several cases of severe wall deterioration caused openings and the resulting pa ttern of air leakage by exfiltration in multi-story buildings have recently depends on wind a nd chimney action combined a nd come to the attention of DBR/NRC. With increas­ on the effects of air supply a nd exhaust systems, ing humidification of buildings such problems will where present. Pressure differences are approxi­ increase. Some of these cases have resulted from mately the a lgebraic sum of the separate effects. cracks between window frames a nd the structure, For example, when wind is superimposed on chim­ particul arly at the sill and head, a nd cracks that ney action in a multi-story building, inftltration a t develop between the stru ctural fra me and non­ lower levels is in creased on the windward sides a nd bearing masonry walls, as below spandrel beams decreased on leeward sides. The relative importa nce a nd especially under para pets. A system of caulking of wind or chimney action will depend on the type or jointing to elimina te such cracks should be pro­ of bui lding, local climate a nd on the particular air vided. Severe moisture problems have a lso been leakage problem involved. In most parts of Ca nada traced to a ir leakage through unplastered masonry, chimney action is continuous throughout the heat­ e.g., wa lls of penthouses a nd elevator shafts, and in g season a nd results in a consistent pattern of wall construction hi dden by suspended ceilings. infiltration a nd exfi ltration, whereas wind is usua ll y Table I shows that plastering of masonry walls in termittent and resul ts in a vari able pattern of air greatly increases air-tightness. leakage because of cha nges in direction. Air leakage in to roof arrangements with a n attic Air Leakage and Condensation. Condensation in or air space a bove a n insulated ceiling, as is com­ walls and roof construction from the flow of water mon in houses, can result in serious condensation vapour by diffusion under a vapour pressure differ­ problems. Condensation control in houses is usua ll y ence has received much attention during the past achieved by ventilatin g the attic with outside air. 25 years. It is now com mon practice to provide In large multi-story buildings, however, a ir pressure vapour barriers in house constru ction (see CBD 9), differences from chimney action are much greater 3 a nd na tura l ventila tion of roof spaces more diffi cult, P ressurization suffi cient to overcome pressure thus requiring a different a pproach to roof design. differences from chimney action a t the lower floors of ta ll buildin g requires a tota l outside air supply Chimney acti on between a heated building a nd a much in excess of the infiltra tion tha t will otherwise vertica l air space incorpora ted in wa lls can develop occur, unless the various floors can be effectively in the same way as tha t between the building a nd isolated from one a nother. Pressurization magnifies outsid e. When such a space is connected to the condensation problems that result from exfll tra tion inside of the building by cracks or openings at two of air a nd the practi ce is of doubtful merit in most levels, a ir can fl ow into the space a t the upper level, Ca nadia n clima tes. Instead, more a ttention should deposit most of the moisture it contains a nd fl ow be given to in creasing the air-tightness of the warm back into the building a t the lower level. This ha p­ pens with double windows with tight outside sash, side of buildings. In general, humidified buildings should not be pressurized, a nd provision of a sma ll furred spaces around columns or vertical ri sers in suction in such buildings might be advantageous if outside wa lls. Air-tightne s between such spaces a nd co ndensation problems are a nticipated. the inside of the building is required to prevent condensation. Conclus·ion. Air leakage a ffects building performa nce Signi fica nt a ir pressure differences ca used by in severa l ways a nd each should be considered in chimney action exist across the wa lls of cold storage design a nd construction. Hea ting load a nd building buildin gs in summer or across cold rooms in heated rela ti ve humidity in win ter are affected by over-a ll buildings. Many of the condensation problems in air in fi ltration a nd ventilation rates. Since windows such buildings origin a te with the in filtra ti on of a nd doors usua ll y represent the major source of air surrounding warm humid a ir through cracks in the leakage in buildings, signiftcant reducti on of over­ upper part of the cooled structure; a corresponding all air in fi ltra ti on a re achi eved principa ll y by in­ exfiltra tion occurs through cracks in the lower part. creasin g the air-tightness of these components. The need to preserve air-tightness in such buildings Reduction of the a ir infiltration rate through by a n unbroken vapour a nd a ir barrier completely wi ndows, however, will not reduce exfi ltra tion enveloping the structure cannot be over-empha ­ through other cracks a nd porous constru ction. sized. Effect of Supply and E xhaust Systems. Buildings are T o overcome condensa tion problems resul ting sometimes pressurized by a substantia l excess of from exfiltra tion, cracks a nd porous constru ction supply over exha ust air. The purpose of such pres­ must be eliminated on the warm side of the struc­ surization is to reduce infiltra tion, presumably to ture. It may be desirable, sometimes, to provide overcome drafts and prevent the entry of dust. The venting around the outer cladding so tha t moisture amount of excess air required to achieve a given entering the constructi on from insid e will be more degree of pressurization will depend on the a ir­ readily dissipa ted to the outside. The a ir-tightness tightness of the structure. Any excess a ir beyond the of the inner part of the enclosure must a lways be equivalent of outdoor air required for ventilation ma ny times greater than tha t of the outer cladding. will increase the heating or cooling costs of the This is especia lly importa nt in buildings tha t are buildings. T o achieve significant pressurization, e.g. , humidified. In multi-story buildings a ir flow be­ equa l to the velocity pressure of wind a t 10 or 15 tween floors should be restricted to reduce pressure mph, the building must be unusua lly air-tight. differences resulting from chimney action.

This is one of a series of publications being Produced by the Division of Building Research of the National Research Council. It may be reproduced without amendment if credit acknowledgement is made. The Division has issued many publications descr ibing the work carried out in the several fields of resea rch f or which it is res ponsible. A list of these publicatio11s and additional copies of this Building Digest can be obtained by writing to th e Publications Section, Division of Building Research, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada. 4 " EW J APANESE ARCHITECTURE" an attempt to cover the whole range of BOOK REVIEWS by Dr Udo Kultermann. Published by flowering plants. We find this same The Architectural Press, London. 180 selectivity at work in the choice of the pages, 63 / · material for this book. The result is that "SIMPLIFIED MECHANICS AND fifty houses are described in text and STRENGTH OF MATERIALS", r Kultermann attempts to erase pictures, but not any fifty, rather a fine D the false ideal, the "J aponica", by Harry Parker. John Wiley and Sons bouquet of houses of a similar genus. that the West reads into the new archi­ Inc. 285 pages. There is a sensitive awarness shown tecture of Japan - Zen, studied infor­ "ARCHITECTS' WORKING DETAILS both in the selection of the material and mality and elegant simplicity - and to Volume 8", Edited by D. A. C. A. Boyne, in the design of the book itself. The text show the awakening of an architecture Executive Editor, and Lance Wright, is concise, being made up of an intro­ that is not afraid of mass, thickness and ARIBA, Technical Editor, of The Archi­ duction outlining the reasons for the solidity; not afraid of bold plastic and tects' Journal. 160 pages. 25 s. sculptural forms, not afraid to mate the authors' choices and a clear description most advanced technology with the of each house, though lacking a little "FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT", most hallowed traditional usages. With in technical information. To comple­ by Finis Farr. Charles Scribner's Sons, I 80 photographs, backed by 30 pages ment the text are over three hundred New York. 293 pages. $7.50 of texts and biographies of some two photographs, plans and diagrams of a "AN INTRODUC TION TO MODERN dozen leading architects he succeeds in high calibre, making a handsome pre­ ARCHITECTURE", conveying this general message. sentation of the subject. by J. M. Richards. British Book Service However, this generality is applica­ A somewhat disturbing factor, how­ (Canada) Ltd. (Cassell & Co. Ltd.). 176 ble not only to Japan, but to France, ever, is the clinical nature of both the pages. $5 .25 Tunisia or most other countries. The houses selected and the layout of the "ESTIMATING AND COST CONTROL", material. Everything has such a precise, photographs are not original but ones by James Nisbet, FRICS. British Book rather contrived appearance that it was already published in various interna­ Service (Canada) Ltd . (B. T. Bats ford Ltd.). quite a relief to see on page 97 an in­ tional magazines and books. Dr Kul­ 227 pages. $7 .75 termann contributes very little to a terior with a lumpy looking sofa askew fuller and deeper understanding of the in the corner. Also there were relatively "THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF contemporary architectural scene in few photographs (I counted only four) REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN", Japan. The texts are over simplified and in which people are visible. One won­ by W. H. Elgar, MA, M.Eng. Architec­ shallow for those in the West with any ders about life in such controlled, labo­ tural Press. 112 pages. $4.50 knowledge of Japan. To those who are ratory-like environments. Could they "STANDARD ON ARCHITECTURAL complete strangers to Japan and/ or make do with mere humans? ORA WING PRACTICES" architecture, his references to a great Most architects will lament the lack 33-GP-7, 28 July 1961, Canadian Govern­ list of names, places and dates contri­ of details, and of constructional draw­ ment Specifications Board, National Re­ bute only confusion. Dr Kultermann ings. However, one must remember search Council, Ottawa. 37 pages. $1.00 may be an authority in this field, but that this anthology is for presentation the 30 pages of texts certainly fail to to many different groups of people - give any such indication. He may do architects, builders, clients, home LETTERS TO THE EDITOR well to expand the texts. owners and homemakers, and within The fascination in Japan is the its limits it is quite successful. contemporary causes and effects; the It is an enjoyable and informative Monsieur le Redacteur, doubts; the restless vitality; the dilem­ book which will certainly please those Permettez-moi de protester contre ma; the inner conflict of western tech­ people who are fond of the particular !'attitude impolie et anti-democratique nology and eastern philosophy; the species. des organisateurs du concours national individual man's desire to hold to tra­ pour le "Fathers of Confederation Me­ Ronald Whiteley, MRAJC, Toronto dition and the external influences and morial Building". Leur fa<;on de pro­ economic pressure to cast it aside; the ceder est un affront aux Canadiens­ schizophrenic atmosphere; a country at fran<;ais: the cross roads of a major decision; all NEW BOOKS En effet, contribute to the architecture that is "PHYSICA L URBAN PLAN lNG, (a) Ia formule d'inscription au concours Japanese. est en Anglais seulement Summing up, a one sided view of System of General Concepts and Principal Features", by Sergei N. Grimm, School of (b) les reglements et conditions du con­ new Japanese architecture, a hard cov­ cours soot publies en Anglais seule­ ered pictorial book with a good list of Architecture, Syracuse University, Syra­ cuse, N.Y. 87 pages. $2.00 ment contemporary buildings for those visit­ (c) )'article 17 des reglements du con­ ing Japan. "ARCHITECT A D PATRON", cours, en page 1 2, stipule: Raymond Moriyama, Toronto. by Frank Jenkins. Oxford University 17. REPORT Press. 245 pages. $5.25 "AN ANTHOLOGY OF HOUSES" "Each set of drawings shall be ac­ by Monica Pidgeon and Theo "FAILURE A D REPAIR OF companied by a report which shall be Crosby. Publishers, B. T. Batsford CO CRETE STR CT RES", in ENGLISH, and not more than ..." Ltd, 174 pages, $10.50. by S. Champion. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 199 pages. $6.75 Le Dr E. R. Arthur, aviseur pour Ie THE original meaning of the word concours, m'a ecrit que je pouvais re­ "anthology" in the Greek was "the "THE DESIG OF STRUCTURAL diger mon texte en Fran<;ais: mais sa gathering of flow ers", hence it means MEMBERS, lettre n'etait pas signee. Venant de lui, in modern terms a kind of bouquet. The Part One. With Model Answers to RIBA j'y vois Ia un gesle de prudence, sinon word is very aptly applied in the case of Intermediate Examination Questions," by de "je m'en lave les mains". Cela ne this book, for a bouquet implies a selec­ H. T. Jackson, FRIBA, AMI Struct/ E. change d'ailleurs pas le texte tres ex­ tion of blossoms and not in any sense Architectural Press. 176 pages. $6.00 plicite du reglement.

Jovrnal R A I C, November I 9 6 I 87 Participer aun concour qm me moo propriate planning organization, bear­ Wong, Clifford Ch un Fai, B. rch. existence, en temps que membre de Ia ing in mind new legislation recently McGill University, 5 Hoi Ping Road, nation Canadienne-fran<;aise, ne m'in­ passed in the Territory, and the Terri­ 7th Floor, Hong Kong teresse pas. Mais je crois raisonnable tory's relationship to the new Federa­ de souligner le manque de civisme tion of the West Indies. Prov of Q u ebec Assn of Architects d'une telle attitude, chez les organisa­ The Government of Trinidad and Sept. 5, 1961 teurs du concours. Tobago is engaged in an extensive de­ Lepage, Firmin, DEAM, C.P. 353 - Veuillez agn!er, Monsieur, !'expres­ velopment program which propo es an Rimou ki, P.Q. (Martin and LePage) sion de mes sentiments distingues. expenditure of $220,000,000 in a 5- Fran r; ois Rousseau, Quebec year period for housing, transportation, Mercu re, Andre, DEAM, 2880, rue education, agriculture and industry. Girouard, St-Hyacinthe, P.Q. (Desno­ yers & Brodeur) INSTITUTE NEWS Notices Waisman Ross & Associates have ta­ October 10, 1961. ken new offices at 10 Donald Street Boutin, Maurice, DEAM, 1422 avenue 1962 Reynolds Memorial Award North, Winnipeg 1. Du Buisson, Sillery, P.Q., (Lucien The American Institute of Architects Telephone WH. 2-0981. Main guy, Architect). advises that nominations for the 1962 Neil M. Stewart (F) has been appoint­ Zu kowski, Victor, 126 rue Conrad, R. S. Reynolds Memorial Award will ed by the RAIC to the Advisory Board Laval-des-Rapides, P.Q., (Ministere be accepted until December 18, 1961. of the new School of Architecture at des Travaux Publics) . Nominations should be sent directly the Nova Scotia Technical College. to AlA Headquarters, 1735 New York Gedey, Assad, 2076 ouest, rue Sher­ Avenue, Washington 6, DC. The POSITION VA CANT brook, Montreal, P.Q., (Commission $25,000 annual award is conferred for Wanted for design position- Graduate d'Urbanisme de Ia Cite de Hull). design of "a significant work of archi­ Architect with two or three years ex­ Beau pre, Joseph Lorenzo W ilfrid tecture, in the creation of which alum­ perience for medium sized Toronto Louis, ADBA, 2536 P lace Monceaux, inum has been an important contri­ Architects' office. Phone Mr Meyer, no. 29, Sillery, P.Q. buting factor." In the criteria for the HU. 1-5151 or write Venchiarutti and award, it is explained that "the size or Venchiarutti, 194 Wilson Avenue, To­ Barkham, John Brian, M.Arch, 283 type of structure and the quantity of ronto 10. Gilmour Street, Ottawa, (Schoeler and aluminum used are not of major sig­ Barkham, Architects) . nificance. REGISTRATIONS Competition Ontario Association of Architects PROVINCIAL NEWS September 25, 1961 The University of Liverpool has an­ nounced a competition, open to all Dufresne, Raymond, ADBA Ecole architects on the United Kingdom des Beaux Arts, 1275 Hodge Street, St. Ontario register, including those in Canada, Laurent "Centenary Celebrations" Theme for a group of Students' Residences Edwards, Gordon, B.Arch. McGill of Ottawa Chapter's Meetings and other buildings. The cost of the T he Ottawa Chapter has decided to works is estimated at approximately University, 2290 St. Matthew St., Mont­ real ( Bland, LeMoyne, Edwards) make "Centenary Celebrations" the £I ,500,000. The premiums are £5 ,000; theme of the monthly meetings for this £3 ,000; £1 ,000. Further premiums, to HaU, Douglas McLaren, B.Arch. Uni­ year. At the first meeting on October a total not exceeding £2,000 may be ver ity of Toronto, 19 Bradgate Road, 23rd, attended by 49 members and awarded at the discretion of the Asses­ Don Mills (Marani, Morris & Allan) guests, four architects gave their ideas. sors for other designs of meri t. The Kravis, Janis, B.Arch. University of Sam Gitterman said that Ottawa is Assessors for the competition are Sir built at the junction of two rivers and James Mountford, Vice-Chancellor of Toronto, 83 Forest Heights Blvd., Wil­ a canal, but few facilities exist to appre­ the University; Donald Gibson lowdale (Pentland & Baker) ciate the beauties of a waterfront. He (FRIBA) and Prof. Myles Wright Le Moyne, Roy Emile, B.Arch., Mc­ suggested a development along the Ot­ (FRIBA). Last day for submitting de­ Gill niversity, 2290 St. Matthew St., tawa River from Rockcliffe to Nepean signs is 4th September, 1962, and last Montreal (Bland, LeMoyne, Edwards) Point in which people could walk, sit day for questions is 1st January, 1962. and enjoy themselves. Sites could be Conditions may be obtained on receipt Liff, Joseph, B.Arch. McGill Uni· made available for a concert hall , a of a deposit of £3 from the Registrar, versity, 154 elson St., Ottawa (Ronald theatre, bandshells and restaurants. The University of Liverpool, Liver­ Ogilvie) pool 3. George Berni said that the new union Meredith, Bernard, Dip.Arch., station is being relocated outside the ARIBA, 5 Church Street, Chippawa, UN Appointment centre of the city, freeing a site of 22 Ont. (H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd.) The United Nations Technical As­ acres for development in the heart of sistance Administration has appointed Ram say, Albert, Dip.Arch. (Dundee), the City. The NCC, had made a pro­ Dr H. Peter Oberlander for a short ARIBA, 99 Cartier Street, Ottawa 4 posal for development of this area. Mr term mission to the Government of (Burgess, McLean and McPhaddyen) Berni showed some slides of the South Trinidad and Tobago. Bank Development in London, Eng­ Ross, Alistair Menzies, c/ o Peter Dr Oberlander, Head of the Plan­ land, and showed how thi s had been Dickinson Associates, 48 Rideau St., ning Department at the University of started by using this site for the Festival Ottawa British Columbia, is to advise the of Britain in 1951. Government of Trinidad and Tobago § harp, L ionel Charles, Dip.Arch. Stig Harvor spoke on urban renewal throu\!"h the Town and Regional Plan­ (Northern Polytechnic School of Archi­ generally, and suggested that a scheme nin g Division in the Prime Minister's tecture), ARIBA, 1241 Ontario St., Co­ for renewal of an older part of the office on the establishment of an ap- bourg, Ont. (B. G. Ludlow & Partners) city should be encouraged.

88 Journal R A I C . November 1 9 6 1 The fourth speaker, Rod Robbie, made a plea for the establishment of a cultural educational institution in the capital with particular emphasis on the need for a school of architecture and planning. A discussion conducted by Ross MacLean, author and TV Producer fol­ lowed. Mr Fred Sherwood, an Ottawa developer suggested that architects should encourage the city to change the by-law, so that higher buildings could be constructed . Bill Boss, of the Uni­ versity of Ottawa, and Bert Katz, real­ tor, and Allan Clarke, chairman of the government sponsored Centenary Cele­ brations Committee, who were guests of the Chapter, also spoke briefly. Quebec Plans for the 1962 Annual Assembly of the RAIC to be held at the Bayshore Inn, Du Secretariat de l'AAPQ Vancouver, May 30-June 2, 1962, are now being made by the Host Committee of the Ecrites au son de Ia scie ronde et au Architectural Institute of British Columbia. bruit des coups de marteau, ces !ignes Shown above at a recent meeting of the Host Committee, are (I to r standin g) Frank vous parviennent du plus recent local Russell , reception; Bob Kerr, tours; Wolfgang Gerson, program; Ken Terris, exhibi­ tions; Ch uck Tiers, publicity; John Davies, representing RAIC and Fred Brodie, accom­ d'association profess ionnelle au Cana­ modation ; (I to r seated) Warnett Kennedy, Bill Leithead, chairman, and Mrs Joyce da: le nouveau siege social de !'Asso­ Damsell , secretary. Not present: Fred Hollingsworth, entertai nment; Peter Thornton, ciation des Architectes de Ia Province program; Peter Cotton, Victoria arrangements; Bob Siddall, Ned Pratt, Bob Gibson , de Quebec, au 1825 ouest, boul. Dor­ special events; John Wade, Coll ege of Fellows and R. B. Deacon, registration. chester, Montreal 25, numero de tele­ phone: 937-6168. Autrefois residence du senateur Pour rna part, je n'y vois pas seule­ i.e. avant meme d'entrer a l'universite. Rainville, l'interieur de Ia batisse a subi ment un avantage pour les membres Une fois le diplome obtenu de l'univer­ une complete renovation d'apres les alnes de l'AAPQ, mais j'y vois egale­ site, il en coutait $202.00 pour pouvoir pl ans et sous Ia surveillance de Jean­ ment, et surtout, une occasion magni­ se presenter aux examens du Barreau, Louis Lalonde, MAAPQ. Le local com­ fi.que de nous occuper enfin des "incon­ lesquels incidemment etaient autrement prend un bureau general, les bureaux nus dans la maison", dont je parlais plus compliques et plus longs (une af­ du president et du secretaire admini­ dans mon article du mois dernier, c'est­ faire de deux jours) que le rudimentaire stratif, Ia sall e du Conseil, une biblio­ a-dire les nouveaux admis. Une fois son examen de pratique professionnelle de theque et, ce qui n'est pas le moindre, cheque depose, une lettre de confirma­ trois heures qu'on fait subir au can­ un salon ou club pour les membres, ou tion officielle envoyee a l'effet qu' il est didats-architectes. PI usieurs futurs di s­ consommations et repas seront servis membre en regie de I'AAPQ et Ia re­ ciples de Themis ont alors erie a dans un avenir tres rapproche. On ne mise de son dipl ome au Diner des an­ !'exploitation. Je me demande si les se le cache pas, les services administra­ ciens presidents, le jeune architecte, a as pirants a l'exercice de Ia profession tifs souffraient peniblement de l'exi­ toutes fin s pratiques, disparait dans d'architecte n'entretiennent pas sem­ guite des bureaux anterieurs dans !'Edi­ l'ombre. Quelques-uns ont l'audace, des blables reactions. 11 semble que le fice Birks, sur Ia rue Cathcart; entre le depart, d'ecrire a leur Association montant verse ne constitue qu'une con­ autres, le soussigne pour sa part etouf­ pour protester contre certains etats de dition d'exercice et une simple exi­ fait dans un bureau de 8' x 10' et la choses; d'autres communiquent par te­ geance de la Loi des architectes tandis bibliotheque etait devenue tout simple­ lephone pour se renseigner sur ce qui que, sans le moindre doute, les nou­ ment un e chambre de debarras. II n'y peut nous sembler des notions tout-a­ veaux membres auraient droit a plus a pas de doute qu'une fois les travaux fait elementaires, comme par exemple d'egard et a plus d'attention de la part termines, le personnel du Secretariat Ia redaction d'un certificat de paiement de I'AAPQ. sera plus en mesure de rendre aux ou d'un contrat, !'interpretation de cer­ A l'instar du Jeune Barreau qui membres de !'Association des services tains reglements, et surtout du Tarif groupe les avocats de 10 ans ou moins beaucoup plus adequats auxquels ils que meme les membres plus experimen­ d'exercice, je souhaiterais ardemmen t sont en droit de s'attendre. Mais Ia n'est tes ne semblent pas tous comprendre de Ia formation d'un organisme de jeunes pas le principal but qui a suscite !'ac­ Ia meme fac;on. II nous a ete donne architectes, ou ces nouveaux venus quisition de ces nouveaux quartiers dernierement de constater que les arti­ pourraient discuter des problemes tout generaux. Les autorites de I' Associa­ cles 8 et 12 du Tableau des honoraires neufs qui se presentent a eux lors de tion , et plus particulierement le Comite rec;oivent de Ia part des membres de leur premier contrat, ce qui, j'en suis de Ia propriete sous Ia presidence de !'Association des interpretations qui certain, leur eviterait des fa ux pas et Michael Ellwood, ont juge le moment non se ul ement different, mais sont en­ en definitive servirait a Ia profession venu de creer un endroit de rencontre tierement contradictoires. en ge neral. Le public est intolerant, ou confreres pourraient fraterniser, Qu'il me soit permis ici de vous rap­ qu'on se le rappelle, lorsqu'il note une echanger leurs points de vue, se tenir au peler les impressions ameres, voire erreur de construction ou simplement courant d'une fac;on generale des acti­ meme desagreables, de certains de mes de gout, commise par l'un de nos mem­ vites de leur groupement professionnel confreres avant et au moment de leur bres, et le tout rejaillit sur Ia profession et aider de fac;o n tangible a !'ameliora­ admission au Barreau. On nous a tout tout entiere; mais il oubliera par contre tion des conditions presentes et en de­ d'abord demande le somme de $102.00, les oeuvres qui meritent ses felicita­ finitive au progres de Ia profession. simplement pour !'admission a !'etude, tions. Des matins repetent que Je me-

Journal R A I C, November 7 9 6 7 89 decin a l'avantage d'enterrer ses er­ sur Ia formation des ouvriers specialises to vtstt our new Headquarters. It will reurs, alors que Ia faute de l'architecte en construction. be our great pleas ure to greet and show reste en surface pour !e pointer du Le 8 novembre, un memoire redige them around. doigt. au nom de !'Association par M John Ja cques Tisseur, La maison des architectes de Ia rue Bl and sur le tourisme dans Ia Province Executive Secretary, PQAA Dorchester offre une opportunite toute de Quebec a ete soumis au Conseil choisie pour tenir des seances ou semi­ special charge de recueillir le opinion nars, OLt les jeunes membre pourraient, et suggestions des divers groupes et par­ COM ING EVENTS a !'aide d'un ou de plusieurs aines, qui ticuliers. M Hazen Sise a egalement agiraient comme moniteurs, echanger produit en son nom personnel un me­ leurs probU:mes de novices et y cher­ moire sur Ia question. January 28th to Febr·uary 3rd, 1962 cher des solutions avantageuses et pour En troisieme lieu, le Con eil s'ap­ "Banff ession 62" eux et pour les clients qui ont bien prete a former un comite special qui Sponsored by Alberta Associati on voulu leur faire confiance. S'il se trouve ve rra a preparer un travail a !'attention of Architects un de ces jeunes membres qui s'adonne de Ia Commission royale d'enquete sur December· 14th and 15th, 1961 a lire ces !ignes et qui desire prendre l'enseignement dans Ia Province de Conference on Soil Mechanics and Ia direction d'un tel mouvement, rn a Quebec, qui sera remis aux autorites Foundati ons collaboration tout entiere lui est d'a­ concernees le printemps prochain. The University of Wisconsin vance assuree. Loin de rester dans l'ombre, comme University Extension Division vous le notez, !'Association saisit toutes D eparttnent of Engineering Dans un autre ordre d'idees, nous Madison 6, Wisconsin, USA traversons ces temps-ci une ere de me­ les occasions qui se presentent de faire moires. A tort ou a raison, une foule de entendre sa voix et en meme temps de March 12th to 15th, 1962 commissions font enquete sur tous les faire savoir publiquement qu'elle est 58 th Annual American Concrete sujets imaginables, depuis quelques bien vivante et s'interesse aux questions Institute Convention mois: par exemple, le Comite d'etude capitales qui se discutent ces jours-ci. Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, sur l'enseignement technique et profes­ Jacques Tisseur Colorado, USA sionnel, le Conseil du tourisme de Ia le secretaire administratif March, 1962 Province de Quebec, Ia Commission \Vestern Canada Conference on royale d'enquete sur l'enseignement, The Province of Quebec As ociation School Architecture etc, etc. of Architects is pleased to announce Ban IT School of Fine Arts 11 est bon que les membres de !'As­ that it has moved its offices to a new Auspices of Alberta Association of Architects sociation sachent, que le Conseil n'a locale on Friday, October 27th last. pas laisse passer ces occasions d'ex­ After 14 years in the Birks' Build­ May 30th to June 2nd, 1962 primer des vues et points de vue, qui ing, on Cathcart Street, the Association 55th Annual Assembly ne refletent peut-etre pas !'opinion un a­ now occupies its own property located Royal Architectural Institute of Canada nime de tous les membres, mais qui at 1825 Dorchester Blvd West, Mont­ Bayshore Inn, Vancouver, B.C. sauront sans doute apporter une con­ real 25, with a new telephone number: February 8th to lOth, 1962 tribution profitable aux travaux de ces 937-6168. The interior of the house has Annual Meeting differentes Commissions. Le jour de Ia been entirely renovated after the plans Ontario Association of Architects Toussaint, notre president, M Richard and under the supervision of Jean­ Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario E. Bolton, MM. Guy Desbarats, Peter Louis Lalonde, MPQAA, to include a Dobush, Denis Tremblay et le sous­ general office, the President's and the February 8th to lOth, 1962 signe se sont presentes devant le Comite Executive Secretary's offices, the Coun­ nnual Meeting d'etude sur l'enseignement technique et cil Room, a library, and, last but not Province of Quebec professionnel pour soumettre des me­ least, a lounge. The PQAA is holder Association of Architects moires prepares par MM. Desbarats, of a liquor permit and meals will be Queen E lizabeth Hotel, Montreal, P.Q. Dobush et Tremblay, memoires qui, je served on the premises in the very near }' ebruary 2nd to 4th, 1962 tiens a le preciser, se completaient et future. Annual Meeting contenaient des recommandations a Architects in , coming to or going Alberta As ociation of Architects l'endroit du Gouvernement provincial through Montreal are cordiall y invited Palliser Hotel, Calgary, Alberta

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90 Journal R A I C, November l 9 6 l Cressell Pomeroy limited 30 Blumcraft of Pittsburgh 38 PRODUCT INDEX Hager Hinge Canada limited 94 Electro-Vox Intercom Inc. 112 Russwin-Belleville Lock Division, International Holophane Company Limited, The 3 Hardware Company of Canada limited 35 International Business Machines Company NOVEMBER, 1961 Sargent of Canada limited 104-105 limited 90 Metropole Electric Inc. 103 Products advertised in this issue Northern Electric Company Limited 5-29 listed in accordance with Canadian Steelcase Co., Ltd . 28 Rotaflex of Canada Limited 92 Johl, B. K. , Inc. 34 Wilson, J. A., Lighting & Display Ltd . 13 RAIC-AIA Standard Filing System Royal Metal Manufacturing ltd. 25

Otis Elevator Company limited 22-23

Babcock-Wilcox and Goldie-McCulloch Limited 106 Brunswick of Canada 93 r1: IIII , : miiinliilim!llrlift!i ;; ••::•••'• Ir Canadian Armature Inc . 95 Hunter Douglas ltd. 4 M~';;~; ·· a;;ilders Company Ltd ., The Third Cover Trone Company of Canada Limited Second Cover Westeel Products limited 21 Medicine Hat Brick & Tile Co . Ltd. 113 Murray-Brantford limited 101

Plibrico Il: Ii. li!!rPr§gff:!ii l • l~miPr!.l!!Jfiji . I Murray-Brantford limited 101 :; '1Ji ii ilii1 \Miilifiti' U!Jj~IQ'PittP~t!ln Brick and Tile Institute of Ontario li tl iii•· :'1\ ;: i1ili[i81IU!iii l . ~!liiji Coal Tar Products Division, Dominion Tar & Chemical Company, limited

1m 1~ ::'•:;:•:•• , 1•11if§lf:91!~l ilMlil~J~ :ffi· ··iiiillill ill• Algoma Steel Corporation limited, The Dominion Bridge Company limited Steel Company of Canada, limited, The illl i:•; Mi~_ijlilalt,46'~·: M.Itii lltiii iii Davidson, J. Lorne, Limited ::,!! 11 1i!! P.tnJJnggll illeliJ11itl !i. .t~iii~1!! International Nickel Company of Canada Limited, The 107-8-9-10 :·~§i II+ t; .:, I!.!Pr~~ ~~4iw~ •:@IIIIII! Bilco Company, The Minnesota Mining and Manufaduring of Canada limited Russell, The F. C., Company of Canada Limited i.i l~ ~·;;~. :•i.111tltliltl~ili~J IY.!I~ .Jiji~ :.•• :,•Ii : Dominion Aluminum Fabricating Limited 96 Plibrico Incinerator Du Pont of Canada limited 24 Rosco Metal Products Ltd . 16 Burns Waste For 8 Years Siporex limited 14 Tremco Manufacturing Company (Canada) Without Repairs limited 20 This refractory lined Plibrico incinerator has Truscon Steel Works 32 operated at the rate of 600 lbs. per hour, 9 hours a day, 7 days a week for 8 years with­ :;:: 1111iii!:])i1iii1i1_~Ptt!il : l :! ~!l.~!fi! i! t:Uit: out a single repair says Mr. John Ford, Chief Canadian Gypsum Company, ltd. 11 hospital engineer. Pedlar People Ltd ., The 100 This performance has been achieved because unlike ordinary burners Plibrico incinerators Plibrico incinerators m ay be ta~r;.:;~&••iiii ft~irillW~IJlBb.J$1U~i II I :•1 feature jointless, monolithic refractory linings used indoors or out. Armstrong Cork Canada limited 17 that permit close control of combustion con­ There is a choice of models to Building Products limited 31 fit any space and a choice of ditions, resulting in added years of main­ features to meet your operating Canada Creosoting Company limited 27 tenance-free service. Cyanamid of Canada limited 7-8-9-10 requirements. 0713 m ~J mwt: ~itoli: ili~~~g~'nl l l • m;fii~ti~nm ;;; Osmose Wood Preserving Company of Write for free catalogue Canada Ltd. 114 giving complete data on :g§ :;;@•)i,illi!•iiC1J.3.~1 . ;1~~fii III·•••••··•····••••·; all models. Canadian Pittsburgh 12 Compagnie de Saint-Gobain 97 Duplate Canada Limited 12 PLIBRICO (CANADA) LTD. Glaverbel 117 Dept. 9, Box 10, New Toronto, Ont. les Glaceries De La Sombre, S. A. 112 Pilkington Glass limited 6 Halifax • Montreal • Winnipeg • Edmonton • Vancouver

Journal RAIC, November 1961 91 (Product Index continued) cealed latch allows clean fixture design to eliminate light leak and is easily INDUSTRY adaptable to all lighting fixtures of door Canada Limited 18-19 or troffer design. The simple "push to Stanley Push Release Latch open .. . push to close" action requires only ){6 inch vertical release travel and Canadian Johns-Manville Co. Ltd. 98-99 A new concealed gravity "Push the nylon cam strike is engineered to Release" latch has been introduced by allow the latch to function perfectly the Stanley Hardware Division of the with plus or minus ){6 inch horizontal Stanley Works of Canada Limited. This misalignment. Both these features allow Not Classified functionally designed latch is intended broad assembly tolerances. Anglin Norcross 93 for use with recessed or surface For further information, write : Metro Industries Limited 115 mounted light fixtures. The new con- Taylor Woodrow (Canada) Limited 116 Stanley Works of Canada Limited, Hardware Division, Imperial Street, Hamilton, Ontario. <> Large Sized Waste Container 45 gallon steel drums can now be easily and economically converted in­ stantly into useful waste containers. All that is necessary is to top the empty steel drum with Wood's new #3750-W Drum Top Convertor. This convertor has two independently operating doors that can be used simultaneously for the immediate disposal of used paper towels or other refuse. G. H. Wood states these units are bonderized prior to spraying for greater rust resistance. Designed for safety, having no sharp edges or corners. The finish is of durable baked-on "outdoor­ green" enamel. Further details may be secured from G. H. Wood & Company Limited, Head Office, Toronto - or any G. H . Wood & Company Branch across Canada. <> Westinghouse Air Conditioners Canadian Westinghouse will offer nine "Mobilaire Deluxe" air condi­ tioners this year which are distinct from its domestic air conditioner line. There are six standard "Deluxe" units and three heavy duty models with BTU/ hour capacity ranging from 6500 to 12,500. All units feature pushbutton con­ trols, adjustable thermostat, washable filter, variable ventilation control, and two speed fans. All units are available single phase, 60-cycle. The lowest capacity models in both the deluxe and heavy duty models are rated at 115 volts. All others are rated at 208 and 230 volts. Special transformer accesso­ ry kits convert the 230-volt units to 208 volts. For further information, write to 609 King Street West, Toronto 28, Ont. Telephone No. 366-2727 Canadian Westinghouse Company Limited, Hamilton, Ontario.

92 Journal R A I C, November l 9 6 l Drywall Screw A new Drywall Screw, now available from Canadian Gypsum Company, Ltd, introduces an advanced method of attaching wallboard to wood framing. Made with a Phillips head, the special screw is self-drilling and self-dimpling. It is designed to be power-driven with an electric screw gun, equipped with a positive clutch and ad­ /SChool, , justable depth control. Each screw is driven to an exact pre-set depth, providing . ) a slight depression below the plane of the wallboard without injury to the wall board's surface. These small, uniform de­ equ~pment pressions result in strong, smooth, blemish-free walls, and are easy to cover with joint treatment. Twisted firmly into wood studs or joists, the C.G.C. Dry­ ·- 0 j ··... -··- wall Screw gains a strong hold. The chance of boards work­ ing loose is min imized, and the screw won't "pop". For further information, please write to Dept. DWS, Canad ian Gypsum Company, Ltd, 790 Bay St, Toronto 2, ADVANCED' Ontario. <> DESIGN J

"Modernlite" Horizontal Sliding Windows The F. C. Russell Company announce the introduction of their Modernlite ra nge of horizontal sliding windows. These windows, available in a wide selection of types and sizes, are of ti mber construction with inserts of tubular, hot­ dip galvanized steel, and are finished with a range of 19 BRUNSWICK colours. Screens are of Fiberglas in reinforced steel frames, and fitted weatherstrips are of wool felt, wool pile and vi nyl plast ic. OF CANADA For further information, please contact the F. C. Russell VA NC OUVER, CALGAR Y, WINN IPEG , TORON TO, MONT REAL, QUEB EC CITY Company of Canada Limited, Scarboro, Ontario.


Thompson Berwick & Pratt Architects



Journal R A I C, November I 9 6 I 93 HAGER'S NEW SAFETY STUD

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FOR MEDIUM SECURITY ••• specify set screw in barrel ® reducing easy pin removal. EVERYTHING HINGES ON #op!tf Specify symbol N.R.P.


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94 Journal R A I C , November I 9 6 I