"Mosler Association Series Which Opens That He Could Prove Many of the Shirley Brook- Nament Championship by De
THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. * •*. A-16 MONDAY, MASCII IMS Ford's Lead Menaced Keene Bids for Boost 93 Washington Duckpin Tearns ByLocke in In Ranking in Fight Given Dates in National Event Jacksonville Finale See how Sunday. March 4. WHh Harris Tonight By Rod Thomas •y It*Associated Prte* Washington area bowlers wll 0 Julian Keene, District light- x «oo .?,? sss JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Mar. 34. heavyweight fighter who have their big Inning In the Na * Booster, Office Force No. 1, Twenty-eight-year-old Doug figures No. 2. Office Pores year tional Duckpin Congress cham Ford of Harrison, N. Y., led this is the he will advance pionships 2:38 P.M. the toward the top of his division, at New Haven, Conn •’ NDPBC Executives, office Force (mixed Jacksonville Open going into the fitde it April 25, 26 27, during whicl 3 team). takes on a dangerous slugger to- and final 18 holes today, hard-pressed night at week end all but a few of thei r by two golf veter- Turner's Arena when he Walter Fogle, Jr., who does better-known meets Herman (KO) Harris of 93 teams of men and women wfl most of his bowling Frederick, ans, Bobby Locke of Johannes- * at New York in the 10-round feature. shoot. The tournament opens nex c top burg. South Africa and Sam Saturday Md.. took home the $75 prize The Washington boxer, unde- and ends May 4. in the Hyattsvllle Recreation Snead of White Sulphur Springs, tests te Bowling 4 feated for two years, was in the date and times wer e Handicap, IQ7 West Va.
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