THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. * •*. A-16 MONDAY, MASCII IMS Ford's Lead Menaced Keene Bids for Boost 93 Washington Duckpin Tearns ByLocke in In Ranking in Fight Given Dates in National Event Jacksonville Finale See how Sunday. March 4. WHh Harris Tonight By Rod Thomas •y It*Associated Prte* Washington area bowlers wll 0 Julian Keene, District light- x «oo .?,? sss JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. Mar. 34. heavyweight fighter who have their big Inning In the Na * Booster, Office Force No. 1, Twenty-eight-year-old Doug figures No. 2. Office Pores year tional Duckpin Congress cham Ford of Harrison, N. Y., led this is the he will advance pionships 2:38 P.M. the toward the top of his division, at New Haven, Conn •’ NDPBC Executives, office Force (mixed Jacksonville Open going into the fitde it April 25, 26 27, during whicl 3 team). takes on a dangerous slugger to- and final 18 holes today, hard-pressed night at week end all but a few of thei r by two golf veter- Turner's Arena when he Walter Fogle, Jr., who does better-known meets Herman (KO) Harris of 93 teams of men and women wfl most of his bowling Frederick, ans, Bobby Locke of Johannes- * at New York in the 10-round feature. shoot. The tournament opens nex c top burg. South Africa and Sam Saturday Md.. took home the $75 prize The Washington boxer, unde- and ends May 4. in the Hyattsvllle Recreation Snead of White Sulphur Springs, tests te Bowling 4 feated for two years, was in the date and times wer e Handicap, IQ7 West Va. announced which attracted “honorable mention” list on the today by ArviHe I b entries last night, a jump of 26 Ford came up to the finals at Mk am Ebersole, secretary. par r *v*jliiSl last National Boxing Association executive over last year. Fogle tallied 762 207, nine strokes under and iiL 1 He Heading the Washington grou] 9 and two /sail ratings. should be in a num- with an 80-pin handicap, having one in front of Locke ML spot numerically will be 34 teams fron ahead of Snead. bered when a new list comes the 1 games of 120, 144, 135, 127 and Bp out- next month and is aiming Government Printing Office > 156. Twenty-one other professionals JS| rounded up by Chilly for a chance at some of the rank- Barnard * Lawrence O’Dwyer was second were below par for the three ing fighters year. for many years recreation directo r 6,608-yard Hyde later this Match- with 65-726 for S4O and K. W. rounds over the maker Gabe Menendez plans at the GPO and a leader in th 6 Park course. But it was a lot has city's bowling Riehl third with 90-723 for $25. for a big Keene fight here in the affairs. Others in the men’s payoff tougher to beat par 36-36—72 With a record entry of 89 yesterday summer providing Keene shows 5 were: Walter Amos, 135-722 than on the first two against STOP teams the championships will b s days due strong wind which well Harris and In one or ($20); Ricky Harrison, 65-721 to a tryouts being up held at the Candee tree-lined, two other lined Bowlin \ ($13.75); Mel Goodwin. 145-721 cut across the narrow for him, Arana. Connecticut set a recon * ($13.75); -Ben Savercoll, 115-719 fairways. for by entering , J§i host States 50: * ($10); Jack Rabbltt, ($9); Locke and Snead have Just HBsßbe Keene Is a fast and skilled pnhting 65-715 teams, topping fighter who doesn’t waste many Virginia's mark o 1 Hardy, ($8); Ray- joined the whiter tour. Locke has W. W. 170-710 punches is 445- in the 1949 event at Norfolk ¦¦ mond Schwartz, 75-705 ($7); been back in this country about and favored over his previous slugging opponent tonight. The over-all mark of 78 9 Julius Friedman, 75-703 ($6.25); two weeks. f Harris year is dangerous hitter, but he THE FUTURE OF teams was set last in Balti * Jim Goodwin, 75-703 ($6.25); Locke Good With Old Fatter. a ean more. be outboxed. Most of the New Francis E. Sisler, 90-697 ($5.50); Thanks to the putter that has rfl W YOUR BUSINESS Lorraine Gulli, who won tb 6 Perkins, high scratch set, his Yorker’s victories have been by singles Paul been in family more than a and early at women’s last year, will b 6 ($4) Burger, high quarter of a century knockouts ones that. WHY Washington’s 658 and John and the same Five of his 15 knockout victories risk being put out of only defending f game. 172 ($4). he has used since 1946, Locke champion. one came in the first round. With six women competing, Al- shot yesterday’s best score of 69. business by the destruction berta Baudu took first prise of Ford, who was the leader after WLJH Wr^ This will be the first fight at of your accounts receivable 1, give Albert Pike No. Albert Pike No. J ;. $lO with 135-682 and Jane Mc- Saturday’s second round, shot a ML, Turner’s in six weeks, and to S—dar. «. Cord was second with 80-674 for 70 yesterday in retaining the lead. the expected big crowd a good and other vital records in a B arranged Albert Pika Na. 3* AR>ert Pike No. 4 l 85. Snead also had a 70 yesterday. show Menendez has a fire? Especially, when you FrMajr, April IS. While putters last a long time supporting card of five bouts, two l# PJL Walter Kramer the at five can have complete protec- aewlandJßectrlc No. t. OPO Office Nt was off on with Locke, Tommy (Thunder) rounds and the others at r aro office no. s. qpo once no. s right foot with high scratch set of on four rounds. tion for Protreauve Printing Op., OPO Alumn; got Balt made short work one as little as $119.00! Capitol CouacU No. 1. OPQ Capitol Coun i: as a field of 50 under way in the ninth green. He missed short Welterweight Charley Bennett, cl No. 2-QPO floral Arcanum No. 1 . the Anacostia Spillway elimina- the old faithful, is in Come in. We’ll be glad to OPO. Royal Arcanum No. 2. OPC putts on both the eighth and one of the Onco Angle Mills !: tion event. Kramer, who against Johnny OPO. Flour-OPO. Roller rolls in ninth hole. Something had to fives Bohak of show you these modern OPO sponsor. Barnes Heating Nt >• fashion with right N. 1-OPO (Women). Barnes Heating No. 2 unorthodox the give, and it was his wood-shaft Raleigh, C„ while the other OPO (woman). Barnes Heating No. 3-OP< > foot forward, fired 646 and added putter. He Syl Temple, Washington Mosler Record Safes —made (women). Barnee Heating No. 4-OP( shattered it across his notches (women). Angle Green Bevator-OPO. 9 a 44 handicap for a gross 690. leg. Under PGA rules he had to featherweight, against Tony Vas- by the builders of the U.S. SatmrOajr, April 2«. 7 p.aa. Three grossed 700 er better, play the rest of the quez of Mexico. Fours are Ronnie ° B. Mackle Corp. - Clyde belying his 18 without Gold Storage Vaults Fort OPO. Mlsflts-OPO, Barnes SpeciaU-GPC Dubbs name a putter and finished in 77 for Siegenthaler against Joe Smith, at Tony Ac Frank-OPO. United with 116-724, Skip American Veterans McGee carding 217, well out of the Randy Brevard against Ray But- They’re values) Wars-OPO. OPO Poet Nos 33 - 76-717 running. Knox. real £S*rlcan Legion. Samuel Jewelers-GPC and BUI 136-700. Frank Caywood, PGA super- ler and Bert Whitehurst against OPO Recregtion Wt. No. 3, OPO Recre Other survivors Roy Div. No. 2. GPO Recreation Olv 1 were: visor, said the referred Kid Saucer. QPOauon Hoover, matter was P05t3874 VFW. OPO No. 2, (women! ’ 48-635; M. Scott, 88-663; to the PGA Tournament Commit- Action starts at 8:45. QPO No. 1, (women). OPO No. 5/(women) . M. Sperry. 64-655; CapareU, QPO No. 4. (womenK OPO No. 3. (women) Nick tee under a rule recently adopted Buck Seymour of St. Thomas tries to keep possession Ronald Bennett of St. Joseph’s Inu Workers ; 108-644; as ?°b«cco(women). Union No. 2 Larry Herzog, 72-623; providing get Tobacco Workers Int. Union No penalty for any player sprawls out of bounds after a vain attempt to the ball in the third quarter of the Catholic -women). George (women). - John McKim, 48-622; H. George. L. s Orill Valle; who abuses etiquette of golf. It Youth Organisation Boys’ Intermediate championship game yesterday at Catholic University. Semifinals to Fur co - A- L . 88-697; Herbie Levin, 88-651; El- Start - has not been determined, Cay- Referee Oilie Dryser is in the background. St. Joseph’s 44-35, in one seven champion- feifir* mer Miller, 44-669; Owen Nickels. won, of _ . 18 r.M. _ ship Port Davis wood said, whether a penalty games. —Vincent Shields Photo. . (women), Orerttone Ea*i , 40-626; W. Turner, 76-634; L. Tip- £vo®oCl. Beam Radio ft TV, (women) would be in strokes, a reprimand In Stanley Cup Play Bladensburg (women), ton, 92-672; Don Shipp, 76-633; (women). Lanes Hi-Sko ¦ fine or some other action. wales Decorators (women) . J. Dix, 80-645; Charley Kramer, or Sy the Auodotad Pmi Subeam Bread (women). Colonial VUlagi Jack Burke Far Back. Center (worn- f 84-632; R. Thompson, 68-678; C. Four It’ll be - and -40 Burke, of CYO Titles Go Tendler Davey Lanes (women). Co - Goodhart, 88-665; B. Mischou, Jack winner the last Believes Chuck in the lonlal Village Masons, Galllher ft Huguely four PGA co-sponsored tourna- Boston- best-of- Pearson s Liquor. Campenella ft Co ; 120-642; E. Swartz, 60-644; John seven Stanley Cup semifinals Typewriter Co Stewart's Came?i ments, also shot 77 to blow him- I; & Sons. Wtocheste | Parke. 48-642; I. Rosenblum, 56- May KO Wednesday starting tomorrow—which doesn’t s?°?'Parksrd.J? Pabst Pepsi self out of a chance to run his ToBlessed Sacrament Williams Bine Ribbons. Cols . 624; P. Porter, 100-660; An- surprise anybody too Electric Co. No. 2. Sou Md G. victory string By th* Associated Inu Davey has record of 30 victories much—but Realty Co.. Clippers (mixed team) ; drews, to five. With 218 Sacrament (he pos- a Hockey League’s Yankee 52-636; Paul Harrison, 44- Blessed is CHICAGO, the National Smdar. April «7. 638; D. Colvin, 112-622; W. he is too far back to catch up. sessor of four championships in Mar. ?4.—Lew and one draw in 31 starts. final night of regular season ac- A. Still holding a good chance to Tendler, now a restaurant own- Restaurant (women), Northeasi Hartman, 72-630; F. Fattorini, Catholic Youth Organization bas- Tendler, great southpaw light- tion really belonged to individ- s grab first prize if the leading er. in Philadelphia, first Saw • Model 1612 CL —New Motler Hayman's ; 48-637; Mack Waldron, ketball. weight a quarter century uals. * .McKee Pontiac. Casl 56-661. of of a Davey fight and of- Record Safe. Interior: Register. Parsons Restaurant. Pabst Blu< The next round three falter are John Barnum, on television Mosienko, 30-year-old 16' high x bb wUI be roUed The school all girls’ Bill vet- • L ?“-, Bachman Glebe Radio i Grand Rapids. Mich.; Bob Toski, won three ago, says he wouldn’t be surprised fered his services after hearing of 12* wide z 12' deep. F.OJB. Saturday night * Jgdlanhead Recreation. 30) [ with squads at 7 titles and the senior boys’ titles if Chuck Davey a eran of 11 seasons with the (Wemen> tout 1 distributed Lew Worsham, former National more to the ’ the Red Wing’s splattered Mon- Open junior girls’ division. Blessed for the scrap which should be his Carleton Mitchell has rune up See Action This Week champion from Oakmont, don’t think he’s forgotten where -1 treal, 7-2. —- Sacrament the toughest test since turning pro, . a record without precedent on the •v 4* Associated Pa., who was tied for the first day won intermediate the chin is.” . . Goalkeeper Terry Press lead girls’ title, 29-27, but high-scoring Sawchuk of mTWs i ¦ mid-winter sail racing circuit in Thirteen of the 17 Southern with a 66, dropped back the Wings wound up with the apgaa a yesterday into a three-way honors went to Peggy Perkins of Trophy ‘ southern, waters. Conference baseball tie for St. points. Vezina and the SI,OOO teams see 21st place with a 74. His total Martin’s with 17 Hockey at a Glance goes with Right Winger 11M ;,mS 4 H action week Norris, Terp Matman, that it. Mitch and his white-hulled this as the 1952 is 215. Blessed Sacrament won the Howe Gordie scored three goals HH¦Mi ¦gB m yawl Caribbee clinched high point diamond season moves into high Leading scores: senior boys’ title with a 45-29 to boost his season output to 47 !| gear. Dout Ford 08-68*70—207 victory, Tim Flynn led the win- point-total they — honors recently when won Bobby Lock* 69-70-89 308 In Last Olympic Tests and his to 86 for the m ne *' with Duke’s Blue Devils go right to «* -£ 1 71-08-71)—209 ners 15 points. ptfllfiL, No. 1 spot, and line-mate Ted the 3L Petersburg-Havana race, Turnes* ——7o-08-72-^3lO Rodney Norris will carry the Providenoe, 6: Cleveland. 1 (Cleveland work to defend their conference Bob Toski _ 67-71-72 210 St. Michael’s won the junior lead* beit-01-5 scries, 2-1). Lindsay scored twice and assisted which annually closes big boat John Barnum 71-6fl-70—210 57-46, EASTERN LEAGUE. championship. The Dukes, with Arl Stewart, Jr 67-72-72—211 boys’ crown, over St. University of Maryland colors into New Haven. 4; Springfield. 0. r in another to finish in the racing in a Joseph’s. Puddy runner-up position 69 the South. He first won veteran team coached by crafty SS.TS&, Home behind the .Olympic wrestling qualifying to 6 wlD< with points. Cat Cay race, then Jack games points, taS* la&a MbY***- fourth-place * Model —New the the Miami- Coombs, have five on KK 'iWJ. Sheehan’s 20 while St. finals April 17-19 at Ames, lowa. At Boston, the 2016 CL Moaler tap this week, Martin’s turned the on (No any leaaoe.) Toronto, 4-2. . Record Safe. Interior: Nassau classic. although their tables surprise tame* In Bruins defeated 20' high x games today with South Blessed Sacrament in the un- Norris is a finalist after • 16' wide x 15' deep. F.OR. When the Annapolis sportsman Carolina * at Columbia, S. C„ was rained out. limited boys’ division, 44-43, with his showing in the ’ preliminaries Mosler store started, out from St. Pete, tradi- Princeton, tion was against him. Up to then, Seven other Southern Division j»*f*°n*Br^i»';;:::::::72-?i-?0—313 Ken Atchison showing the way at N. J. The Southern games ghelijr Msyfleld -73-701-3 1 :i champion pinned skippers just are on the slate this week. C*ry 71 with 18 points. Conference didn’t win all three By WamplerMiddlecoff 71-74-79—214 #nl¥ events; the coming week end Duke will Fred 70-73-71 214 St. Joseph’s won the intermedi- George Feuerbach of Lehigh, have pretty fair ate with a three-time Eastern Intercollegi- 1.) a *lB3. boys’ i idea about how title 44-35 vic- Caribbee’s fine performance * is tory champion id • the Blue Devils are going St. Thomas. Charley ate and winner of the than to do in over certain to convince Mitchell that “outstanding wrestler” award in he try the biggest prize this year’s race. The Dukes play Passero led St. Joseph’s with 14 should for one game this year’s Eastern tournament. of all—the Bermuda Trophy. It other with South Caro- Arizona Slate Seeks points. lina, two with Furman and two By beating Feuerbach Norris ¦ goes to yacht making the the best with last year’s earned the right to represent the corrected time of the fleet in the division winners, Tigers. third district in the 136.5-pound ~ r |M| biennial Newport-Bermuda race. Clemson’s All of the games Siemering Successor Ray Blum, Mary Lynch Top IMiIF are on the road for Duke. •y class in the final tryouts. The event, starts June 21 and al- Activity th* Associated frets Bradley Glass,. NCAA heavy- in the Northern Di- TEMPE, Ariz., ready 32 entries are listed by the vision is light. Maryland Mar. 24.—Ari- Eastern Speed Skating weight champion, beat his Prince- iff sponsor, the Cruising Club of Both zona State College today and George Washington will open began By tb*AiMttotmi trail ton teammate, Jim MacAleer, America. ' , looking for a Thursday against non-conference successor to Larry BROOKLYN. Mar. 24.—Ray while Ed Mahoney of Lehigh upset |B| H The Navy Academy has entered Siemering, head football coach, Emil Rutgers in opponents. Maryland will be host Nutley, N. J„ outsped a Perona of the five yachts—the ketch Vamarle, to Rutgers who has resigned as the result of Blum of 160.5- of pre- and GW will play Con- eligibility division the the yawl Royono which came close necticut State. An scandal. The resig- star-studded field to win the sen- liminaries. Ed Dawkins of Ursi- senior equipment designers | | H was to winning two years ago, the is nation announced over the men’s in the Eastern' upset of Gettys- Clemson host today to Mich- week by ior crown nus Don Woods sloop Highland Light which still end Dr. Grady Gammage, speed-skating champion- burg College 1 igan States Teachers’ in the State. president of the college. holds the course record to Ber- The rest of this week’s ships here last night. , 114.5- class and Dan Gray Wednesday—Duke schedule: The muda, and two of the one-design at Furman Rich- matter came to a head last Blum, a member of the 1948 of Newton (N. J.) High School Sylvania’g expansion in an important new yawls, Fearless. mond Professional Institute at Washing- week when Swift and ton and Lee. Joseph Matesic, now United States Olympic team, took the 125.5-pound division with ¦IB field is providing a number of unusual other bay yachts ..puf**;?— The at Caro- in the Marines, public victory 4216 5 New Mosler While no are lina, l Citadel North made a amassed a of 80 points in a over Dick Field, a Model CL listed, array Duke at Furman; Michican Statew total ¦/¦ opportunities in onr Long Island Record Safe. Interior: 42' high x there is an impressive at South Carolina. notarized statement accusing the four events. A1 Broadhurst of schoolmate. of talent from northern ports— Friday—Duke at Clemson; Wake For- Siemering of suggesting that he Other Third District winners Laboratories for Senior Equipment De- 16* wide x 20' deep. F.OB. est at Norfolk Naval Air Station; North Rosllndale, Mass., was second with Mosler store Henry Taylor’s Baruna, two-time Carolina State at lion; Rutgers at Mary- change his name, first to Joe 60. were Shuford Swift, 31-year-old If8 signers with B.S. degrees in Mechanical of the Trophy; ***£»•* University of Richmond; Mates tryouts, Design winner Bermuda Michigan State at South Carolina; Coo- and later to Andrew Mary Lynch of Newburgh, N. Y„ veteran of two Olympic I Engineering or Equipment and at Bill Moore’s Argyll, winner in 1950, necticut State at George Washington. Matesic, for enrollment purposes. by Ray Vohden of «“ tur T*l* Citadel successfully defended her senior default over 818 least several years' Design experience Nicholas Bolero, TV,?i f*r— at Davidson; Joe and John Brown’s Duke at Clemson; Yale and Michigan Matesic played varsity foot- women’s crown, defeating Pat Rutgers in the 174-pound class; fields: State at North Carolina; Washington and at 111 in one of the following (Interior arrangement* *2Bl.St your fastest yachts. ball Indiana University Barton in to one of the »t Richmond Professional Institute: in 1050 Fitzpatrick of Pittsfield, Mass., and Downs the 147.5-pound need*, extra.) at Norfolk Station. and ineligible Wake Forest Naval Air was to compete at Maureen Millerick New class and Ralph Schmidt of the High Vocuum Equipment The Potomac River Comet Fleet, lempe until year of York. (N. 818 one after trans- Other champions in- Elizabeth J.) YMCA in the second oldest in the United States, ferring tc the crowned heavyweight Automatic Production Equipment Arizona school. Mary class. Swift and RlB IF IT'S MOSLER . . . IT'S SAFI meets April 12 at Columbia Yacht Siemering. a cluded and Komuniecki of Challenged successful coach Pittsfield, Mass., intermediate Downs represent the Armed Forces B(B Hydraulic Equipment Club. Fleet Secretary Marion Mosconi Is at College of the Pacific and be- wrestling squad. Kennedy says National Secretary fore that girls; Bob Nelson of Brooklyn, N. ¦ IB Equipment Components a center on the Boston 1 Joe Fernandes may be hand. Redsxins pro Y„ midget boys; Steve Reese of s on before the team was juvenile Sylvenie’s steady expansion (over 30 Principal business willbe discus- By Strong Cue Field moved to Washington 1937, Brooklyn, N. Y., boys; Five years ago—Utah won ¦ in Lynn Finnegan New York, throughout U.S.A.) can open new sion of the Potomac River Sailing Sy Am said sci his letter of of the National Invitation tour- 818 plants Associated Frees resignation midget girls; Linde, "Mosler Association series which opens that he could prove many of the Shirley Brook- nament championship by de- . sB JB avenues far your engineering talents, BOSTON. Mar. 24,—Willie Mos- lyn, Y„ girls. Kentucky, : N. juvenile feating 49-45. • April 27, a week after the tradi- coni of Philadelphia puts his statements made in the affidavits through the constant encouragement of 8” tional warmup race. The series world pocket billiards champion- were “unfair and untrue.” He creative thinking, pioneering research and point ship will be run off Hains as has -1 oir the line against the added that he was resigning be- stimulating original projects. Enjoy a been the custom for nearly 20 strongest group of challengers cause his usefulness to the college he’s with a company that Safe years. ever faced in a long round robin had been'seriously impaired. ¦CI more certain future 1020 ISHs St. N.W. opening steadily increased its operation. series here tomorrow * old, B|.B has The Cruising Division Commit- night. Your worn, unsafe tires are Washington 5, D C., RE. 2560 tee of the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Mosconi, winner of Great Night-Game Season svlva,,ia advantages: this com- World'* Larrert Builder* of , Association has proposed every Racing i petition year since 1941 During tite 1948 baseball season 11l Safe* and Bank Vault* of product* that the Annapolis spring series be with the exception of 1949, is the Cleveland Indians drew 1,240,- 111 The wide diversity Sylvania pur- worth considered as one event for favored to retain his crown, but 891 fans to 26 night games for an jm 818 including radio tubes, incandescent and PHONE NX. 1540. STOP figuring high point top-notch. OR poses of scores i the field is Each play- average of 47,720. Isl fluorescent lamps, fixtures, radios, tele- IN. MAIL COUPON FOR this The series is slated er meets every other player once, 3i£ mi BOOKLET. TODAY I season I -818 vision sets and electronic devices, assures for May 24-25, and originally each The champion gets play under •••••*•• i greater job stability. 1 of the three races was to be fig- ¦ way against Donald DeCoy of St. urged separately for purposes of Louis in the only opening day’s |B , Work in New York City area. Ample The Mosler B&fe Company the high point trophies. activity. Thereafter there’ll be Mt.Vernon 818 housing. Unexcelled educational, Dept*WS-8 There had been some objection i five matches daily through April 818 recreational, cultural facilities. grounds that the one area 3. except for an off day Sunday, CYCLE uC MIT SHOPS 1020 15th St. N.W. on the t 818 Liberal employee benefit program. And, of the Chesapeake was being l March 30. 933 G St. N.W. 424 9th St. N.W. The price we’llpay will 1 Washington 5, D. C. too many counting Some $6,000 in cash plus a huge 818 Sylvania will contribute to the coat of ___ granted events t 5019 MONEYJH Whacuslz Avenue In the high point series. title trophy and other prizes are go a long way to buy B|B graduate studies. Please ifttd ie catalogue and free \ . at stake, along with about SIO,OOO 8223 Georgia Avne* This ami other important yacht- of ing matters will be taken up April1 a year the title is worth for ex- AVimXT lulllism company records. » biblttan tours. D. C. INTERVIEWS 5 when the Advisory Committee bw JKwJHuAJu 11l WASHINGTON. MAKE of the association hold its spring Four of the field are seeded—- Exchisivt Doalors and Wed. l Mosconi; Irving 818 Tues., meeting at the Annapolis Yachtt Crane of Bing- 26 hamton, N. Y.; George Chenier for tho famous tires 818 Mar. 25 and Club. mimm/iil 10 AM. to 9 P.M. of Toronto and Joe Canton of 818 POSITION The Cruising Club of America a Watervliet, N. Y. our MHHHg§§£|flnM annual rendezvous Julyy l|B PLEASE CALL MR. NELSON GIBSON holds its The rest of the field includes SCHWINN FIRM NAMOC 21 at Stonington, Conn.' From John Fitzpatrick, Washington; 818 Far Further Information and an there the fleet will start on a 10-- Arthur Cranfield. Syracuse, N. Y.; UgWH CREDIT nt Your Convenience - POUerSB# ¦IB Appointment day cruise to Block Island, Cutty- jimmy Mills. San Jose. Calif.: BICYCLES hunk, Martha's Vineyard, Hadley’« s Willie Covington, Milwaukee, and Bjj|lßE Suita Everyone’s all PHONE. EXECUTIVE 5036 ADDRESS. Harbor, Marion and flnall)y James W. Moore, N MODELS Convenience . I Marblehead. Mex. 388 ALL The New Whiteway Tire Available For Delivery K " a*'!# 1 . C1TY...... First ALL SIZES Croker General lire Co. Night Games Popular Started in 1889 7 IlsjmNiAjELEcmic BILL CUMMINGS, President ZONE STATE the past five seasons ain The oldest harness race Is tht ALL COLORS -¦ ... for , V ’ . a average of 3.783,203 baseball tanis Transylvania, a trotting staki 23rd and M Sta> M.W. ME. 6300 | i £ have paid to Watch Aoericaia that has been raced anmially at ¦oi iiniiMNiiSiQ iwiiiwTy League night games. ' Lexington, Ky„ since 1888 0