Tile tflltiJ WEEN/.1 VOL. ,y - NO. 10 WATERLOO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FRIDAY. DEC. 4, 1964 PM To Be .Joined By Senator _MacDonald By Sue Bricco The Prime Minister of Canada and a former Sen­ ate Leader and federal Cabinet member will grace the eampus of Waterloo Lutheran University tomorrow. The Right Honorable Lester B. Pearson and Senator W. Ross MacDonald will be the two not­ A SURVEY ables at the special convocation to install Sen. MacDonald aa Chancellor of WLU. The post has been vacant since the death of W. E. Euler, Canadian the first chancellor, in July, 1961. · Prime Minister Pearson will be awarded an honorary doctor Campuses of laws degree. He will also be the guest speaker at a banquet honouring the new chancellor in the evening in the dining hall. Prior to this, there will be an ·And liquor official reception in the Torque Room. .. ...... ' by Canadian University Press Several hunt!- .:; !;u<.~·~ from Canadian students' attitude· all levels,r:rl government and t-ards university liquor re­ from educational institutions ac­ gulations is generally one of ross Canad.a and the United overt acceptance or "bottle­ States are expected to attend under-the-table" rebellion, a this function. nation • wide survey showed There il, however, a liawt.iiN ... ..afin9 capadty In tfote Theatre The survey indicated most Auditorium and onlv 200 tickets . students show utter indiffer­ are .being reserved for students• ence or contempt for univer­ sity liquor regulations; regula­ police and universitv authorities tions are ignored on almost all · turn a blind eve to · breeches of Canadian campuses; and stu­ universitv liquor rules. dents usually get away with A probe of discinlinary pro­ it. blems associated with university Disciplinary action by campus liquor regulations. the survey or city and provincial police us­ asked the editor of campus Boar's Head Dinner Dec. 10 ually occurs only when drinking newsnapers to assess student at­ is accompanied by rowdy and titudes toward regulations, en­ In the 14th century, a K Club. carrying lighted candles will disorderly public behavior, not­ forcement by campus police, student of Queen's Col(ege The procession which winds . preceed the choir who will be ably at football games. For ex­ fraternity practices toward prov­ Oxford did not know his its way between the tables sea­ . singing the Boar's Head Carol. _ample, a student's court at the incial and camnus liquor regula­ philosophy. Today a celebra~ ting the 650 students and fac­ Dave Irvine, Chairman of the University of Western Ontario tions. and police attitudes to­ tion is held for over 650 ulty in the theatre auditoriam committee representing Circle reGently fined four students $50 ward provincial re_gulations. students and faculty at is led by a jester, a chef carry­ K , has announced that decora­ each for · "conducting unbecom­ A majority of universities re­ Waterloo Lutheran Univer· ing a cleaver, one with a turkey tions and other entertainment _ing students" and illegal drink­ ported a total ban on liquor Oil sity. · and two carrying the boar's features will be bigger and bet­ ing at a football game between ' campus but· onlv one of the dry 1'he student, it seems, was head. Another chef carries a ter than ever. Guest spaker for the McGill Redmen and the universities, Sir George Wil­ somewhat similar to those of · to­ Christmas cake and another a the evening is to be announced Western Mustangs. liams. said rules were fullv ac­ day and had been neglecting Ar­ flaming pudding: Six monks later. Queen's University reported "cepted and respected. Of the istotle's philosophy. As an on­ liquor regulations have been others. three blamed enforced eoming test caused him to· pan­ strongly enforced on campus teatotaling on religious tradi­ ic, he sought the isolation and after a bottle was ·thrown · from tion. inspiration of nature and walk· the football stadium injuring ~ "The university was started ed into the woods accompanied Who Hooked passer-by . on the street la,st by a lot of Presbyterians wh4:t by Aristotle's text to "cram'' for year. had queer ideas about drink and the test. But, in most cases, campus (Continued on page 2) It seems this same student . was charged by a wild boo~r and. The Hawk? lacking_ a weapon, turned to the only thing he could fin!}, namely · . By now. you are probably all ed in last week's Cord and alsG Aristotle's book of philosophy. familiar with the friendly lit· on the Carnival bulletin boarrl. He thus saved his life by thrust­ tie Carnival Hawk which appear- (Note. I said did appear on the ing his book of Aristotle down bulletin board. It seems some­ the throat of the charging wild one just couldn't .resist him. boar. The publicity and decoration The great wild boar choked on committee, who spent consider· Aristotle, the Oxford students able time preparing him for his made a celebration of the occa­ big debut, would sincerely ap­ sion (still carried on today.) and Warning: preciate his return_ to his home . this same ceremony is now a roost). tradition at WUC to be held Thurs., Dec. 10 by the Ctrcle Up until now this dear little Parking fellow has just ·been known as the "Carnival Hawk". But we feel that he should have a more INDEX Administration has asked the influential name. Thus the Wi.n­ co-operation of all WUC stud­ ter Carnival Committee is soon­ At Random .............. .. pg. 5 ents in regard to parking fur B.C. .. .............. .. ·pg. 6 soring a Name Contest f•.lr him. Convocation Day. 1'wo parking All suggestions would be greatly Being Frank pg.·3 lots are being reserved for stu­ Editorial Page pg. 4 appreciated. Put your thinking dents: numbers 8 and !l behind caps on and when your brain London Willison Hall and the Semmary Correspondent pg. 3 wave strikes. rush over tl' Mr. All others will be reserved for Nichols' office on the lo•vE'L· Sports View .............. .. pg. a guests. Any students' cars f,lur.d floor of the SUB building and Startoons ...... , .......... pg. 7 in these areas from 10 a.m. to Miss Musa Lincke, University of British Columbia, M~ ··•.-.:-·-:·· ... 10 p.m. will be towed away. (Continued on page 2) Canadian University Snow Queen, 1964. Page . Two , THE ,CO ltD WEEKLY Friday, December ol, 1964 Ft· LIQUOR Playboys (Continued from Page lJ Beware t:he other good things of life", The University of British Col­ MONTREAL (CUP) - -Academia chided the University of Mani­ umbia said though fraternities seems to be down on playboys toba. Acadia University and Mc­ serve alcohol to minors they "do this year. Master University concurred, not get in trouble with the "One of the basic problems of suggesting Baptist abstention RCMP if they restrict drinking contemporary playboys is their had a hand in banning liquor to the fraterniy house." appreciation of low frequency on campus. "Some fraternity members and high fidelity in sound, and Some universities reported drink a great deal, but frater­ high frequency and low fidelity liquor regulations are strictly nities here are in so precarious in women," an audience at Mc­ enforced and students are at a position that no campus and Gill University's United Theolo­ least careful to obey in the open. few provincial regulations are gical College was told Nov. ,20. The University of Western On­ broken," observed Newfound­ Dr. Andrew Walsh knocked tario reported students "would· land's Memorial University. the "playboy syndrome", saying n't bring a bottle with them" to At McGill University, frater­ the modern man o~ pleasure in university functions, but fre­ nity "rushing" is dry, but part­ his flashy sports car and "cool" quently drink beforehand. Liquor ies at which alcohol is served dress is a pleasure oriented, is sold to students, frequently are held at private homes. Frat­ hedonistic sort, "victimized by minors, at off-campus dances at ernity open houses were recent­ an:xiety and frustration and Newfoundland's Memorial Uni­ ly banned on campus, but tic­ playing at masculinity in the versity. kets are now readily available shadows." The University of Alberta re­ for "closed parties" at which He said the luxurious Playboy ported students bow to univer­ liquor is a vail able. Clubs provide the playboy with sity regulations but often snub In spite of reported dissatis­ an emotional outlet while the their noses at provincial liquor faction with campus liquor reg­ scantily dressed bunnies act as laws. ulations, the survey showed stu­ infantile sex-objects. On the other hand, at the Uni- dents are making little effort to 1'ersity of Guelph, liquor regu­ change existing · rules. lations are reportedly disregard­ Some university newspapers CARNIVAL eo. Bottles are openly bandish· are forbidden by provincial law ed at football games, although or university regulations to ac­ SISA AND IUS POORLY (Continued from page 1) theoretically the penalty for cept liquor advertisements. present him with "'I'he Name:• drinking on campus is expulsion. Queen's University and the Three universities said drinks Slip it under the door if the of­ university of British Columbia fice is unoccupied. The contest are permitted in designated both reported attempts to get a ATTENDED locations on campus, or at of­ will. end next Friday, December pub on campus. "We'll never 11. ficial off-campus university fun­ get a pub but everybody drinks WUC's interest in SISA and ousted the Yugoslavian stu­ ttions. At Bishop's University, both on and off campus any­ IUS demonstrated itself apt­ d e n t delegation without Mr. Nichols will be accepting where students are allowed a way," said UBC.
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